Charlotte E. Gill

Department of Criminology, Law and Society | Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy 4400 University Drive, MS 6D12, Fairfax, VA 22030 USA

 (703) 993-6085 / (703) 996-9403 |  [email protected] |  gill_char |  Google Scholar

Research Interests

Community-based crime prevention, place-based criminology, policing, youth and crime, program evalua- tion, mixed-methods research, research synthesis

Professional Experience

Current Appointments Associate Professor 2019–present Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University

Director, Master of Science in Criminal Justice Program 2019–present Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University

Deputy Director 2013–present Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University

Past Appointments Assistant Professor 2014–2019 Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University

Research Assistant Professor 2013–2014 Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University

Postdoctoral Fellow/Senior Research Associate/Adjunct Faculty 2010–2013 Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University

Jerry Lee Research Fellow 2006–2009 Jerry Lee Center of Criminology, University of Pennsylvania

Research Associate 2004–2006 Justice Research Consortium, London, UK

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PhD, Criminology 2010 University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA Committee: John MacDonald (Chair), Lawrence W. Sherman, Paul Allison Dissertation: The effects of sanction intensity on criminal conduct: A randomized low- intensity probation experiment

MPhil, Criminology 2004 Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, UK

MA (Cantab.), Law 2003 Trinity Hall, University of Cambridge, UK BA (Hons.) awarded 2003; MA (Cantab.) awarded 2007

Honors and Awards

Fellow 2019 Academy of

Outstanding Faculty Award: “Rising Star” 2019 State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV)

Mentoring Excellence Award 2018 George Mason University Office of Student Scholarship, Creative Activities, and Research (OSCAR)

Andrew Carnegie Fellowship 2017–2019 Carnegie Corporation of New York

Division Commander’s Award Special Acknowledgement 2017 Principles of Government Service Awards Arlington County Police Department

Young Experimental Scholar Award 2012 Academy of Experimental Criminology

Benjamin Franklin Dissertation Fellowship 2009–2010 School of Arts and Sciences, University of Pennsylvania

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* denotes a student co-author ** denotes a practitioner co-author

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles 20. Weisburd, David, Charlotte Gill, Alese Wooditch, **William Barritt, and **Jody Murphy. (2020). Building collective action at crime hot spots: Findings from a randomized field experiment. Jour- nal of Experimental Criminology. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-019-09401-1.

19. Gill, Charlotte, Julie Hibdon, Cynthia Lum, Devon Johnson, Linda Merola, David Weisburd, Breanne Cave, and *Jaspreet Chahal. (2019) “Translational criminology” in action: A national survey of TSA’sPlaybook implementation at U.S. airports. Security Journal. DOI: 10.1057/s41284- 019-00225-2.

18. Taniguchi, Travis A. and Charlotte Gill. (2019). The mobilization of computerized crime map- ping: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 15(2), 213-225. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-018-9328-4.

17. Yang, Sue-Ming, Charlotte Gill, *L. Caitlin Kanewske, and *Paige Thompson. (2018). Exploring police response to mental health calls in a non-urban area: A case study of Roanoke County, Virginia. Victims & Offenders, (8),13 1132-1152.

16. Gill, Charlotte, *Rachel Jensen, and Breanne Cave. (2018). Exploring physical force and subject resistance in police encounters with people with behavioral health issues. Victims & Offenders, 13(8), 1106-1131.

15. Newbury-Birch, Dorothy, *Jennifer Ferguson, Sarah Landale, Emma Giles, Grant McGeechan, Charlotte Gill, Kelly Stockdale, and Aisha Holloway. (2018). A systematic review of the efficacy of alcohol interventions for incarcerated people. Alcohol and Alcoholism, 53(4), 412-425. DOI: 10.1093/alcalc/agy032.

14. Gill, Charlotte, David Weisburd, Zoe Vitter, **Claudia Gross Shader, **Tari Nelson-Zagar, and **Linda Spain. (2018). Collaborative problem-solving at youth crime hot spots: A pilot study. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies and Management, 41(3), 325-338. DOI: 10.1108/PIJPSM-12-2017-0152

13. Gill, Charlotte, *Alese Wooditch, and David Weisburd. (2017). Testing the “law of crime con- centration at place” in a suburban setting: Implications for research and practice. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 33(3), 519-545. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-016-9304-y.

12. Weisburd, David, David Farrington, and Charlotte Gill, with Mimi Ajzenstadt, Trevor Bennett, Kate Bowers, Michael S. Caudy, Katy Holloway, Shane Johnson, Friedrich Lösel, Jacqueline Mal- lender, Amanda Perry, Lienshang Tang, Faye Taxman, Cody Telep, Rory Tierney, Maria M. Ttofi, *Carolyn Watson, David B. Wilson, and *Alese Wooditch. (2017). What works in crime preven- tion and rehabilitation: An assessment of systematic reviews. Criminology & Public Policy, 16(2), 415-449. DOI: 10.1111/1745-9133.12298.

11. Gill, Charlotte and David B. Wilson. (2017). Improving the success of reentry programs: Iden- tifying the impact of service–need fit on recidivism. Criminal Justice & Behavior, 44(3), 336-359. DOI: 10.1177/0093854816682048.

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10. Gill, Charlotte, Denise Gottfredson, and *Kirsten Hutzell. (2016). Can school policing be trauma-informed? Lessons from Seattle. Policing: An International Journal of Police Strategies & Management, 39(3), 551-565. DOI: 10.1108/PIJPSM-02-2016-0020.

9. Wilson, David B., Ajima Olaghere, and Charlotte Gill. (2016). Juvenile curfew effects on crim- inal behavior and victimization: A Campbell Collaboration systematic review. Journal of Exper- imental Criminology, 12(2), 167-186. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-016-9258-y.

8. Weisburd, David, **Michael Davis, and Charlotte Gill. (2015). Increasing collective efficacy and social capital at crime hot spots: New crime control tools for police. Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 9(3), 265-274. DOI: 10.1093/police/pav019.

7. Gill, Charlotte, David Weisburd, Cody W.Telep, *Zoe Vitter, and Trevor Bennett. (2014). Com- munity - oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder and fear and increase satisfaction and legiti- macy among citizens: A systematic review. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 10(4), 399-428. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-014-9210-y.

6. Telep, Cody W., David Weisburd, Charlotte E. Gill, *Zoe Vitter, and Doron Teichman. (2014). Displacement of crime and diffusion of crime control benefits in large-scale geographic areas: A systematic review. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 10(4), 515-548. DOI: 10.1007/s11292- 014-9208-5.

5. Weisburd, David and Charlotte Gill. (2014). Block randomized trials at places: Rethinking the limitations of small-N experiments. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 30(1), 97-112. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-013-9196-z.

4. MacDonald, John M., John R. Hipp, and Charlotte Gill. (2013). The effects of immigrant con- centration on changes in neighborhood crime rates. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 29(2): 191-215. DOI: 10.1007/s10940-012-9176-8.

3. Gill, Charlotte E. (2011). Missing links: How descriptive validity impacts the policy relevance of randomized controlled trials in criminology. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 7(3): 201- 224. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-011-9122-z.

2. Barnes, Geoffrey, Lindsay Ahlman, Charlotte Gill, Lawrence W. Sherman, **Ellen Kurtz, and **Robert Malvestuto. (2010). Low-intensity community supervision for low-risk offenders: A randomized, controlled trial. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 6(2): 159-189. DOI: 10.1007/ s11292-010-9094-4.

1. Doyle, Jodie, Elizabeth Waters, Eamonn Noonan, Nick Royle, Krystyna Kowalski, Charlotte Gill, and David B. Wilson. (2010). Working with the Campbell Collaboration to produce reviews of relevance to public health across the education, justice and social welfare sectors. Journal of Public Health, 32(1): 138-140. DOI: 10.1093/pubmed/fdp130.

Authored Books 1. Weisburd, David, John E. Eck, Anthony A. Braga, Cody W. Telep. *Breanne Cave, Kate Bowers, Gerben Bruinsma, Charlotte Gill, Elizabeth Groff, Julie Hibdon, Joshua C. Hinkle, Shane D. Johnson, Brian Lawton, Cynthia Lum, Jerry Ratcliffe, George Rengert, Travis Taniguchi, and Sue-Ming Yang. (2016). Place matters: Criminology for the 21st century. Cambridge University Press. [peer reviewed; authors listed in alphabetical order from Bowers.]

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Edited Books 2. Stokes, Robert J., and Charlotte Gill (Eds.). (2020). Innovations in community-based crime pre- vention: Case studies and lessons learned. Springer.

1. Weisburd, David, David Farrington, and Charlotte Gill (eds.). (2016). What works in crime prevention and rehabilitation: Lessons from systematic reviews. Springer.

Book Chapters 12. Gill, Charlotte. (In press, 2021). Randomized controlled trial. In J. C. Barnes and D. R. Forde (eds.). Encyclopedia of research methods in criminology and criminal justice. Wiley.

11. Weisburd, David and Charlotte Gill. (In press, 2021). Assessing crime outcomes in communtiy policing: The importance of crime reporting inflation. In A. Ruch and T. Singelnstein, Festschrift für Thomas Feltes zum 70. geburtstag [Essays in honor of Thomas Feltes on his 70th birthday]. Duncker & Humblot.

10. Gill, Charlotte and **Claudia Gross Shader. (2020). Building a “Beautiful Safe Place for Youth:” The story of an effective community-research-practice partnership in Rainier Beach, Seattle. In R.J. Stokes and C. Gill (Eds.), Innovations in community-based crime prevention: Case studies and lessons learned. Springer.

9. **Meglen, Jenna and Charlotte Gill. (2020). “Harmony in the hills:” Peaks and valleys in the Berea, KY rural BCJI program. In R.J. Stokes and C. Gill (Eds.), Innovations in community-based crime prevention: Case studies and lessons learned. Springer.

8. Stokes, Robert J. and Charlotte Gill. (2020). In support of innovative partnerships for crime prevention: The Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Program. In R.J. Stokes and C. Gill (Eds.), Innovations in community-based crime prevention: Case studies and lessons learned. Springer.

7. Gill, Charlotte. (2017). Community-oriented policing: Implications for officer wellbeing. In R. Burke (ed.), Stress in policing: Sources, consequences and interventions. Gower.

6. Gill, Charlotte, David Weisburd, and Cody Telep. (2016). Community policing. In T.G.Blomberg, J.M. Brancale, K. Beaver, and W. Bales (eds.). Advancing criminology and criminal justice policy. Routledge.

5. Gill, Charlotte. (2016). Community interventions. In D. Weisburd, D. Farrington, and C. Gill (eds.). What works in crime prevention and rehabilitation: Lessons from systematic reviews. Springer.

4. Gill, Charlotte E. and David Weisburd. (2013). Increasing equivalence in small sample place- based experiments: Taking advantage of block randomization methods. In B.C. Welsh, A.A. Braga, and G.J.N. Bruinsma (eds.). Experimental criminology: Prospects for advancing science and public policy. Cambridge University Press.

3. Gill, Charlotte. (2013). Intensive probation and parole. In G. Bruinsma and D. Weisburd (eds.). Encyclopedia of criminology and criminal justice. Springer.

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2. Lum, Cynthia, Charlotte Gill, *Breanne Cave, *Julie Hibdon, and David Weisburd. (2011). Translational criminology: The evidence-base for evaluating TSA’sComprehensive Security Strat- egy at U.S. airports. In C. Lum and L.W.Kennedy (eds.). Evidence-based counterterrorism policy. Springer. 1. Farrington, David P., David L. Weisburd, and Charlotte E. Gill. (2011). The Campbell Collabo- ration Crime and Justice Group: A decade of progress. In C.J. Smith, S.X. Zhang, and R. Barberet (eds.). Routledge handbook of international criminology. Routledge.

Reports Peer-Reviewed 12. Gill, Charlotte, *Rachel Jensen, and Heather Vovak. (2019). RADAR: Response Awareness, De- Escalation, and Referral. Final Evaluation Report. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy. 11. Yang, Sue-Ming, Charlotte Gill, *L. Cait Kanewske, *Yi-Fang Lu, *Muneeba Azam, *Paige S. Thompson, **Howard Hall, and **James Chapman. (2019). Improving police response to mental health crisis in a rural area: Final report. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society. 10. Gill, Charlotte, David Weisburd, Zoe Vitter, **Claudia Gross Shader, **Tari Nelson-Zagar, and **Linda Spain. (2018). When innovation is not enough: Implementing and evaluating community policing in hot spots of juvenile offending. Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy, Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University. 9. Gill, Charlotte, David Weisburd, Cody Telep, Zoe Vitter, and Trevor Bennett. (2017). Community- oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder, and fear and improve legitimacy and satisfaction with police: A systematic review (Protocol). Campbell Systematic Reviews. 8. Wilson, David B., Charlotte Gill, Ajima Olaghere, and Dave McClure. (2016). Juvenile cur- few effects on criminal behavior and victimization: A systematic review. Campbell Systematic Reviews, 12(3). 7. Gill, Charlotte, and David B. Wilson. (2015). Improving the success of reentry programs: Identi- fying the impact of service–need fit on recidivism. National Institute of Justice. 6. Gill, Charlotte, *Zoe Vitter, and David Weisburd. (2015). Identifying hot spots of juvenile of- fending: A guide for crime analysts. U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services. 5. Kinner, Stuart A., Belinda J. Burford, Kate van Dooren, and Charlotte Gill. (2013). Service brokerage for improving health outcomes in ex-prisoners (Protocol). Cochrane Database of Sys- tematic Reviews, 2013(2). 4. Taniguchi, Travis A., and Charlotte Gill. (2013). The mobilization of crime mapping and intel- ligence gathering: Evaluating smartphone deployment and custom app development in a mid-size law enforcement agency. Police Foundation. 3. Weisburd, David, *Cody Telep, Doron Teichman, Charlotte Gill, and *Zoe Vitter. (2011). Dis- placement of crime and diffusion of crime control benefits in large-scale geographic areas (Pro- tocol). Campbell Systematic Reviews.

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2. Wilson, David B., *David W. McClure, and Charlotte E. Gill. (2011). Juvenile curfew policies’ effect on criminal behavior, victimization, and public safety (Protocol). Campbell Systematic Reviews.

1. Gill, Charlotte E., *Jordan Hyatt, and Lawrence W.Sherman. (2010). Probation intensity effects on criminal conduct (Protocol). Campbell Systematic Reviews.

Other Grant and Technical Reports 20. Gill, Charlotte and *Heather Prince. (2020). Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. 2020 Evaluation Update. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

19. Gill, Charlotte and *Heather Prince. (2020). Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. 2019 Evaluation Update. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

18. Gill, Charlotte, *Rachel Jensen, and *Heather Prince. (2018). Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. 2018 Evaluation Update. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

17. Weisburd, David, Charlotte Gill, Alese Wooditch, **William Barritt, and **Jody Murphy. (2018). Assets Coming Together (ACT) at crime hot spots: An experimental evaluation in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Report to the Bureau of Justice Assistance. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

16. Gill, Charlotte and *the students of CRIM 320. (2018). Responding to crime and disorder at Green Line metro stations. Report to the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority Police Department. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

15. Gill, Charlotte and Zoe Vitter. (2017). Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. 2017 Evaluation Update. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Cen- ter for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

14. Gill, Charlotte, *Dennis Almaraz, *Muneeba Azam, *Matthew Carter, *Carrie Johns, *Jessica Kim, and *Kaitlyn Ries [Mason undergraduate students]. (2017). Reducing alcohol-related crime and disorder in Clarendon. Report to the Arlington County Police Department. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

13. Gill, Charlotte, Zoe Vitter, and David Weisburd. (2016). Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. Final evaluation report. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

12. Lum, Cynthia, Christopher S. Koper, Charlotte Gill, Julie Hibdon, Cody Telep, and Laurie Robinson. (2016). An evidence-assessment of the recommendations of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing: Implementation and research priorities. International Association of Chiefs of Police.

11. Gill, Charlotte and *the students of CRIM 320. (2016). Preventing crime at the Fashion Centre at Pentagon City. Report to the Arlington County Police Department 2nd District Community

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Policing Team. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law & Society, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy. NOT FOR PUBLIC DISSEMINATION.

10. Gill, Charlotte, Denise Gottfredson, and *Kirsten Hutzell. (2015). Process evaluation of the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative’s School Emphasis Officer program. City of Seattle Office of City Auditor.

9. Lum, Cynthia, and Charlotte Gill. (2015). The Transportation Security Administration’s Playbook Strategy for Security at U.S. Airports: Final report. Department of Homeland Security. NOT FOR PUBLIC DISSEMINATION.

8. Wilson, David B., *Ajima Olaghere, Charlotte Gill, and *S. Catherine Kimbrell. (2014). Pew- MacArthur Results First Initiative: Meta-analysis effect size estimates for drug substitution pro- grams. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law and Society.

7. Wilson, David B., *Ajima Olaghere, Charlotte Gill, and *S. Catherine Kimbrell. (2014). Pew- MacArthur Results First Initiative: Meta-analysis effect size estimates for self-control interventions for young children. George Mason University, Department of Criminology, Law and Society.

6. Lum, Cynthia, Devon Johnson, Charlotte Gill, *Heather Vovak, *Jaspreet Chahal, and Linda Merola. (2013). Playbook implementation at ten U.S. airports. Phase III Technical Report. De- partment of Homeland Security. NOT FOR PUBLIC DISSEMINATION.

5. Gill, Charlotte, with Cynthia Lum, *Breanne Cave, *Lisa Dario, *Cody Telep, *Zoe Vitter, and David Weisburd. (2012). Evidence-based assessment of the City of Seattle’s crime prevention pro- grams. City of Seattle Office of City Auditor.

4. Hibdon, Julie, Cynthia Lum, Charlotte Gill, *Breanne Cave, *Jaspreet Chahal, and *Heather Vovak. (2012). TSA’s Comprehensive Strategy to Security at U.S. airports: An analysis of security- related incidents at airports. Department of Homeland Security. NOT FOR PUBLIC DISSEMI- NATION.

3. Gill, Charlotte, Julie Hibdon, Cynthia Lum, Devon Johnson, Linda Merola, David Weisburd, *Breanne Cave, and *Jaspreet Chahal. (2012). TSA’s Comprehensive Strategy to Security at U.S. airports: Results of a national survey of Playbook and security implementation at Category X, I, and II airports. Phase II Technical Report. Department of Homeland Security.

2. Lum, Cynthia, Charlotte Gill, *Breanne Cave, *Julie Hibdon, and David Weisburd. (2011). TSA’s Comprehensive Strategy to Security at U.S. airports: Assessing the evidence-base of the “Playbook”. Phase I Technical Report. Department of Homeland Security.

1. Sherman, Lawrence, and Heather Strang, with Geoffrey Barnes, Sarah Bennett, Caroline Angel, Dorothy Newbury-Birch, Daniel Woods, and Charlotte Gill. (2007). Restorative justice: The evidence. The Smith Institute.

Book Reviews 1. Juvenile justice reform and restorative justice: Building theory and policy from practice (2005, Willan Publishing) by Gordon Bazemore and Mara Schiff. Australian and New Zealand Jour- nal of Criminology, 39(1), 2006.

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News Media and other Special Features 8. Weisburd, David, and Charlotte Gill. (2020). Rethinking the conclusion that community polic- ing does not reduce crime: Experimental evidence of crime reporting inflation. Translational Criminology, 18 (Spring 2020). George Mason University, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

7. **The ABSPY Core Team (writing led by Charlotte Gill). (2019). Building a Beautiful Safe Place for Youth in Rainier Beach, Seattle. Translational Criminology, 17 (Fall 2019). George Mason University, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

6. Gill, Charlotte, David Weisburd, Zoe Vitter, **Claudia Gross Shader, **Tari Nelson-Zagar, and **Linda Spain. (2016). When is innovation not enough? The importance of organizational context in community policing. Translational Criminology, 11 (Fall 2016). George Mason Uni- versity, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

5. **Modzeleski, William, Charlotte Gill, and Anthony Petrosino. (2015). School safety research: Where do we go from here? Translational Criminology, 9 (Fall 2015). George Mason University, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

4. Gill, Charlotte, David B. Wilson, **Rachel Tuffin, and David Weisburd. (2014). Foreword to the special issue: NPIA systematic reviews in policing. Journal of Experimental Criminology, 10(4): 367-369. DOI: 10.1007/s11292-014-9218-3.

3. **Gross-Shader, Claudia, and Charlotte Gill. (2013). Beyond the police: Building “translation communities” for evidence-based policing in Seattle. Translational Criminology, 4 (Spring 2013). George Mason University, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

2. Konnerup, Merete, and Charlotte Gill. (2012). The Campbell Collaboration and evidence-based crime prevention. Translational Criminology, 3 (Fall 2012). George Mason University, Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy.

1. Strang, Heather, Charlotte Gill, and Lawrence Sherman. (2005, August 1). Confronting the perpetrators. Joined-up criminal justice: Can it work? New Statesman special supplement.

Funded Projects

Total Funding (Current and Complete) as PI or co-PI: $8,188,573


Principal Investigator Jan 2021–Dec 2021 Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth data reporting and community survey 2021. City of Seattle Department of Neighborhoods. Total funding: $59,884.

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Principal Investigator Jan 2020–Sep 2021 Translating crime reduction best and emerging practices for small and rural agencies Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Total funding: $400,000 to International Association of Chiefs of Police GMU funded amount: $100,803.

Principal Investigator with Peter Neyroud (PI), David B. Wilson (PI), and Nov 2018–Aug 2023 Lorraine Mazerolle (Co-PI) What works in preventing terrorism and countering violent extremism: Campbell Crime and Justice Group Systematic Reviews Department of Homeland Security Contract # 140D0418C0011 Total funding (to Campbell Collaboration): $1,638,855.

Principal Investigator Jan 2017–Dec 2020 Rainier Beach Campus Safety Continuum: A comprehensive place-based approach. National Institute of Justice 2016-CK-BX-0005. Total funding: $3,834,667.


Principal Investigator Jan 2020–Dec 2020 Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. Community survey and data report- ing, 2020. City of Seattle Human Services Department. Total funding: $58,100.

Principal Investigator Jan 2019–Dec 2019 Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. Community survey and data report- ing, 2019. City of Seattle Human Services Department. Total funding: $57,222.

Principal Investigator Sep 2017–Dec 2019 The meaning of community safety in Appalachian Kentucky. Carnegie Corporation of New York (Andrew Carnegie Fellowship). Total funding: $200,000.

Principal Investigator with Heather Vovak (PI, Police Foundation) Oct 2015–Dec 2019 Response Awareness, De-escalation, And Referral (RADAR): A subject-specific information-sharing approach to increase public safety in first responder crisis man- agement. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Smart Policing Initiative) 2015-WY-BX-0005. Total funding: $631,380 to Shoreline (WA) Police Department. GMU funded amount: $109,000.

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Co-Principal Investigator with Sue-Ming Yang (PI) Oct 2015–Dec 2019 Improving police response to mental health crisis in a rural area. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Smart Policing Initiative) 2015-WY-BX-0007. Total funding: $627,482 to Roanoke County (VA) Police Department. GMU funded amount: $250,000.

Principal Investigator Jan 2018–Jun 2019 Training and Technical Assistance for CBCR (formerly BCJI) Program: Data Frame- work Local Initiatives Support Corporation (LISC) via Bureau of Justice Assistance 2015-AJ-BX-K047 Total funding: $38,000.

Principal Investigator Jan 2018–Dec 2018 Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. Community survey and data report- ing, 2018. City of Seattle Human Services Department. Total funding: $55,000.

Principal Investigator Oct 2015–Dec 2018 Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Promise Zone: BCJI Implementation. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BCJI Program) 2015-AJ-BX-0007. Total funding: $999,999 to Partners for Education at Berea College (PI: Dreama Gentry). GMU funded amount: $218,700.

Principal Investigator with Zoe Vitter (Co-PI) Jan 2017–Dec 2017 Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. Community survey and data report- ing, 2017. City of Seattle Human Services Department. Total funding: $55,000.

Co-Principal Investigator with David Weisburd (PI) Oct 2013–Oct 2017 Increasing collective efficacy at crime hot spots: A patrol force approach in Brooklyn Park, Minnesota. Bureau of Justice Assistance (Smart Policing Initiative) 2013-DB-BX-0030. Total funding: $700,000 to Brooklyn Park Police Department. GMU funded amount: $317,921.

Principal Investigator with Clair White (Co-PI) Jan 2016–Dec 2016 Rainier Beach: A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth. Community survey and data report- ing. City of Seattle Human Services Department. Total funding: $55,000.

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Co-Principal Investigator with David Weisburd (PI) Jan 2013–Sep 2016 A place-based community-oriented approach to youth violence prevention in Seattle. Bureau of Justice Assistance (BCJI Program) 2012-AJ-BX-0006. Total funding: $978,461 to Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative (PI: Mariko Lockhart). GMU funded amount: $255,728.

Principal Investigator Jan 2016–Aug 2016 SYVPI Data Tracking for Youth Violence Activity (continuation from 2015). City of Seattle Human Services Department. Total funding: $10,000.

Co-Principal Investigator with Cynthia Lum (PI) & Christopher Koper (PI) Jan 2016–Aug 2016 Creating a blueprint document to guide implementation of the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing Report. Laura and John Arnold Foundation. Total funding: $224,545 to International Association of Chiefs of Police. GMU funded amount: $168,821.

Principal Investigator with Denise Gottfredson Oct 2013–Aug 2016 Process evaluation of the Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative’s School Emphasis Officer program. City of Seattle Office of City Auditor. Total funding: $100,000.

Co-Principal Investigator with David Weisburd (PI) Aug 2012–Mar 2016 Implementing and evaluating community policing strategies in juvenile crime hot spots. Office of Community Oriented Policing Services 2012-CK-WX-K026. Total funding: $249,067.

Principal Investigator Feb 2015–Dec 2015 Seattle Youth Violence Prevention Initiative (SYVPI) Youth Violence Data Tracking. City of Seattle Department of Education and Early Learning. Total funding: $39,180.

Co-Principal Investigator with David Wilson (PI) Jun 2014–Feb 2015 Pew-MacArthur Results First Initiative. Pew Charitable Trusts. Total funding: $62,751.

Principal Investigator with David Wilson (Co-PI) Jan 2013–Jan 2015 Improving the success of reentry programs: Identifying the impact of service-need fit on recidivism. National Institute of Justice (Data Resources Program) 2012-IJ-CX-0013. Total funding: $39,379.

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Co-Principal Investigator with David Weisburd (PI) Dec 2011–Dec 2013 Facilitation and coordination for a Police Practices Research Consortium convened by the Seattle Police Department. City of Seattle Office of City Auditor. Total funding: $41,998.

Principal Investigator Oct 2011–Dec 2012 Evidence-based assessment of the City of Seattle’s crime prevention programs. City of Seattle Office of City Auditor. Total funding: $16,439.

Principal Investigator Sep 2011–Dec 2012 Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group managing editorship. Norwegian Knowledge Center for the Health Sciences. Total funding: $24,286.

Co-Principal Investigator with David Weisburd (PI) Jan 2011–Jun 2013 Developing an iPhone-based crime mapping application to assist law enforcement of- ficers with understanding spatial and temporal crime patterns. National Institute of Justice 2010-DE-BX-K006. Total funding: $473,161 to Redlands (CA) Police Department (PI: Travis Taniguchi). GMU funded amount: $123,829.

Project Director with David Weisburd (PI) and Cynthia Lum (PI) Oct 2010–Sep 2014 Evaluation of the Transportation Security Administration’s Comprehensive Strategy to Security in U.S. airports. Department of Homeland Security 2010-ST-108-LR0005. Total funding: $1,000,000.

Co-Principal Investigator with David Wilson (PI) May 2010–Dec 2010 Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group editorship. Norwegian Knowledge Center for the Health Sciences. Total funding: $8,943.

Project Director with David Weisburd (PI) and David Wilson (Co-PI) May 2009–Oct 2012 Campbell systematic reviews in policing. National Policing Improvement Agency (UK). Total funding: $563,173.

Project Director with Lawrence Sherman (PI) and David Weisburd (Co-PI) Dec 2008–Nov 2009 What works in crime prevention: Reviews of the Campbell Crime and Justice Group. National Institute of Justice 2007-IJ-CX-0045 (continuation). Total funding: $49,841.

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Project Director with Lawrence Sherman (PI) and David Weisburd (Co-PI) Sep 2007–Aug 2008 The Campbell Crime and Justice Group–What works in crime prevention: Answers from systematic reviews. National Institute of Justice 2007-IJ-CX-0045. Total funding: $84,979.

Presentations and Talks Invited Talks

Using data to inform collaborative community problem-solving Apr 2020 Partners for Education at Berea College Learning Exchange [virtual due to COVID-19]

Building a “Beautiful Safe Place for Youth” through community problem-solving Mar 2020 European Crime Analysis Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark

RADAR: From theory to practice Sep 2019 with Rachel Jensen and Heather Vovak RADAR Symposium, Lynnwood, WA

The impact of proactive policing on community outcomes Jun 2019 Drapkin Symposium, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,

Making sense of the research on community policing: Evidence-based policing and systematic May 2019 reviews American Society of Evidence-Based Policing, Cincinnati, OH

The value of systematic reviews for policing Oct 2018 and New Zealand Society for Evidence-Based Policing, Manly, Australia

Police-community research: Gathering and using survey data for authentic community engage- Jun 2018 ment International Summer School for Policing Scholarship, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

Tools for student success: Understanding youth crime and community safety May 2018 Rural College Access & Education Summit, Lexington, KY

Building community safety in Appalachia: Poverty, hopelessness, and the opioid crisis Mar 2018 Encore Learning Program, Arlington Central Library, Arlington, VA

Perceptions of drug use and crime in Appalachian Kentucky Oct 2017 “The Illicit Business Behind the Opioid Epidemic: What Can We Do About It?” Terrorism, Transnational Crime and Corruption Center, Schar School of Policy and Government, George Mason University, Arlington, VA

Increasing collective efficacy at crime hot spots: A patrol force approach in Brooklyn Park, Min- Jul 2017 nesota NCJA National Forum on Criminal Justice, Long Beach, CA

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What works in crime prevention and rehabilitation: Lessons from systematic reviews Sep 2016 US Department of Justice Violence Reduction Network Fall Summit, Little Rock, AR

Building successful researcher-practitioner partnerships Sep 2016 Bureau of Justice Assistance Smart Suite Summit, Arlington, VA

Increasing collective efficacy at crime hot spots: A patrol force approach in Brooklyn Park, Min- Feb 2016 nesota Bureau of Justice Assistance Smart Suite Fellows’ Academy, Washington, DC

Community-oriented policing: Research evidence and future directions Jan 2016 Keynote presentation, U.S. Department of State International Visitor Leadership Program, “Law Enforcement: Community Policing,” Mississippi Consortium for International Devel- opment, Washington, DC

Community policing: Challenges and prospects Feb 2015 Symposium on Evidence-Based Policing, Zhejiang Police College, Hangzhou, China

What have we learned from systematic reviews of community interventions? May 2012 “What has been learned from systematic reviews in criminology” workshop Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel

Community-oriented policing: Effects on crime and disorder, legitimacy, and citizen satisfaction Apr 2012 with David Weisburd, Trevor Bennett, Cody Telep, and Zoe Vitter Jerry Lee Symposium on Crime Prevention, Washington, DC

Community-oriented policing: Effects on crime and disorder, legitimacy, and citizen satisfaction Apr 2012 with David Weisburd, Trevor Bennett, Cody Telep, and Zoe Vitter National Policing Improvement Agency, “What Works in Policing” Masterclass, London, UK

Community-oriented policing: Effects on crime and disorder, legitimacy, and citizen satisfaction Feb 2012 with David Weisburd, Trevor Bennett, Cody Telep, and Zoe Vitter U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services, Washington, DC

Conference Presentations (as Lead/Co-Presenter)

Improving police response to mental health crisis in a rural area Mar 2021 with Sue-Ming Yang and Asst. Chief James Chapman (Roanoke County Police Department) Sixth International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health [virtual due to COVID-19]

Proactive Alliance: Combining policing and counseling psychology to build relationships and Mar 2021 community engagement with Molly Mastoras Sixth International Conference on Law Enforcement and Public Health [virtual due to COVID-19]

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Preventing terrorism and radicalisation: An overview of the Campbell Crime and Justice 5RD Oct 2020 programme of systematic reviews with Peter Neyroud What Works Global Summit [virtual due to COVID-19]

First Generation Faculty Forum: Supporting first-generation faculty and students Sep 2020 with Laurence Bray, Melissa Broeckelman-Post, Shannon Davis, Heidi Lawrence, Milagros Rivera, and Courtney Wooten [alphabetical order] Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA [virtual due to COVID-19]

Building “A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth:” Updated findings from Seattle Jun 2020 Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Symposium [CANCELLED due to COVID-19]

Proactive Alliance: Combining policing and counseling psychology to build relationships and Jun 2020 community engagement with Molly Mastoras American Society of Evidence-Based Policing [virtual due to COVID-19]

Risk Awareness, De-escalation, and Referral (RADAR): A police-mental health collaboration Nov 2019 with Rachel Jensen and Heather Vovak American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA

Collective efficacy and community safety in Appalachian Kentucky Nov 2018 with L. Caitlin Kanewske American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA

Community-oriented policing effects on crime and citizen perceptions: A systematic review Oct 2018 with David Weisburd, Cody Telep, Zoe Vitter, and Trevor Bennett Global Evidence and Implementation Summit, Melbourne, Australia

Building “A Beautiful Safe Place for Youth” through problem-oriented community organizing Jun 2018 with Zoe Vitter, David Weisburd, and Claudia Gross-Shader Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Symposium, Arlington, VA

Behavioral health and police use of force in a suburban agency Nov 2017 With Rachel Jensen, Breanne Cave, Sue-Ming Yang, and Caitlin Kanewske American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA

Finding time to reflect and write: Faculty write-ins and retreats at Mason [poster presentation] Sep 2017 Innovations in Teaching and Learning Conference, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA

What works in community crime prevention? Jun 2017 Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Symposium, Arlington, VA

Building “a beautiful safe place for youth:” An evaluation of a community-led crime prevention Nov 2016 process in Seattle American Society of Criminology, New Orleans, LA

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Testing the “law of crime concentration at place” in a suburban setting: Implications for research Nov 2015 and practice with David Weisburd and Alese Wooditch American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC

Testing the “law of crime concentration at place” in suburbia: Implications for research and prac- Aug 2015 tice with David Weisburd and Alese Wooditch Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy–Police Foundation Symposium, Arlington, VA

Policing hot spots: A pilot experiment in Seattle Nov 2014 with David Weisburd and Zoe Vitter American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA

Policing hot spots: An overview of strategies and research Oct 2014 with Capt. Jim Dermody (Seattle Police Department) International Association of Chiefs of Police Conference, Orlando, FL.

Research-practice-community partnerships for crime prevention: Lessons from Seattle Oct 2014 with Claudia Gross-Shader Scottish Institute for Policing Research Symposium, Tulliallan, Scotland

Research-practice-community partnerships to reduce crime and increase collective efficacy: Jun 2014 Lessons from Seattle with Claudia Gross-Shader Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy–IDB Symposium, Arlington, VA

Community-oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder, and fear and increase satisfaction and Jun 2014 legitimacy: A systematic review with David Weisburd, Cody Telep, Zoe Vitter, and Trevor Bennett Campbell Collaboration Colloquium, Belfast, Northern Ireland

Improving the success of reentry programs: Identifying the impact of service-need fit on recidivism Jun 2014 with David Wilson Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Sweden

Community-oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder, and fear and increase satisfaction and Jun 2014 legitimacy: A systematic review with David Weisburd, Cody Telep, Zoe Vitter, and Trevor Bennett Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Sweden

Improving the success of reentry programs: Identifying the impact of service-need fit on recidivism Nov 2013 with David Wilson American Society of Criminology, Atlanta, GA

What have we learned from systematic reviews of community interventions? Jun 2013 Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Sweden

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Community-oriented policing: Effects on crime and disorder, legitimacy, and citizen satisfaction May 2013 with David Weisburd, Trevor Bennett, Cody Telep, and Zoe Vitter Campbell Collaboration Colloquium, Chicago, IL

Engaging community partners at juvenile crime hot spots in Seattle Apr 2013 with Claudia Gross-Shader and Mariko Lockhart Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy-Scottish Institute for Policing Research Joint Sym- posium, Fairfax, VA

The intersection of race and place in police discretion to divert juveniles Nov 2012 American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL

Assessing TSA’s comprehensive security strategy at airports, aka “The Playbook” Nov 2012 with Cynthia Lum, Devon Johnson, David Weisburd, Linda Merola, Jaspreet Chahal, Heather Vovak and Breanne Cave American Society of Criminology, Chicago, IL

Community-oriented policing: Effects on crime and disorder, legitimacy, and citizen satisfaction Jun 2012 with David Weisburd, Trevor Bennett, Cody Telep, and Zoe Vitter Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Sweden

Is there hope for intensive probation? May 2012 with Jordan Hyatt Campbell Collaboration Colloquium, Copenhagen, Denmark

Community-oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder, and fear and increase legitimacy in Nov 2011 neighborhoods with David Weisburd, Trevor Bennett, Cody Telep, and Zoe Vitter American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC

Translational criminology: The evidence-base for evaluating TSA’s comprehensive security strat- Nov 2011 egy at airports with Cynthia Lum, Breanne Cave, Julie Hibdon, and David Weisburd American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC

Displacement of crime and diffusion of benefits in large-scale geographic areas: A systematic Nov 2011 review with Cody Telep, David Weisburd, Doron Teichman, and Zoe Vitter American Society of Criminology, Washington, DC

Community-oriented policing to reduce crime, disorder, and fear and increase legitimacy in Aug 2011 neighborhoods with David Weisburd, Trevor Bennett, Cody Telep, and Zoe Vitter Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy-Campbell Collaboration Joint Symposium on Evidence-Based Policy, Fairfax, VA

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Missing links: How descriptive validity impacts the policy relevance of randomized controlled Nov 2010 trials American Society of Criminology, San Francisco, CA

Proposing and conducting a Campbell systematic review on intensive probation Aug 2010 Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Annual Symposium, Fairfax, VA

Probation intensity effects on probationers’ criminal conduct Jun 2010 with Jordan Hyatt Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Sweden

Probation intensity effects on probationers’ criminal conduct: Preliminary findings from a sys- Nov 2009 tematic review American Society of Criminology, Philadelphia, PA

Immigrant succession, neighborhood composition, and the crime drop in Los Angeles Nov 2008 with John MacDonald and John Hipp American Society of Criminology, St Louis, MO

Exploring victimisation of victims and offenders, and restorative justice Jun 2006 with Sarah Bennett Stockholm Criminology Symposium, Sweden

Academic and Professional Teaching Experience

Courses Developed and Taught Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University CRIM 210 Introduction to Criminology CRIM 320 Crime and Place CRIM 491/492 Honors Seminar “Bar Crawls and Drunken Brawls:” Police-Community Partnerships to Reduce Alcohol-Related Crime (2016-17) CRIM 511 Evidence-Based Crime and Justice Policy CRIM 516 Evaluation of Crime and Justice Policies and Practices CRIM 517 Research Practicum in Justice Policy and Practice CRIM 767 Graduate Professionalization Seminar Research Ethics (2015-present) CRIM 781 Justice Program Evaluation CRIM 795 Criminological Theory (Special Topics)

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Graduate Student Committees Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology, Law & Society, George Mason University Zachary Drake (Chair) In progress Rachel Jensen (Chair) In progress L. Caitlin Kanewske (Chair) In progress Heather Prince (Member) In progress LaToshia Butler (Member) In progress Emily Smedley (Member) In progress Kate Doyle Feingold (Member) Graduated 2020 Sang Jun Park (Member) Graduated 2019 Denise Nazaire (Chair) Graduated 2018 Alese Wooditch (Member) Graduated 2016

Master of Arts in Criminology, Law & Society, George Mason University Taryn Zastrow (Member) Graduated 2021 Muneeba Azam (Chair) Graduated 2020 Pallie Koehn (Member) Graduated 2020 Jennifer Kamorowski (Member) Graduated 2018 Zachary Drake (Chair) Graduated 2017 Rachel Jensen (Member) Graduated 2017 Nicole (Watkins) Johnson (Chair) Graduated 2015 Emily Smedley (Member) Graduated 2015 Josh Conroy (Member) Graduated 2013

External Laura Mahan (Doctor of Philosophy, In progress Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter School for Peace and Conflict Resolution, George Mason University) Claudia Gross-Shader (Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology, Graduated 2021 Hebrew University of Jerusalem) Jared Campbell (Master of Science in Geoinformatics and Geospatial Intelligence, Graduated 2019 George Mason University) Tatiana Mateo-Dotson (Master of Forensic Science, Graduated 2016 George Mason University; faculty advisor)

Major Area Paper Supervisor Doctor of Philosophy in Criminology, Law & Society, George Mason University Carl (C.J.) Appleton In progress Muneeba Azam In progress Sydney Ingel In progress L. Caitlin Kanewske Passed 2019 Rachel Jensen Passed 2019

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Workshops and Guest Lectures

Guest speaker Oct 2020 CRIM 523 & 723 Law and Social Control (Instructor: James Willis) Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University

Collective efficacy and community policing Oct 2020 F654 Contemporary Issues in Criminology (Main instructor: Cynthia Lum) Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), George Mason University

Specialist doctoral course on systematic reviews Jun-Jul 2019 Guest lecturer Department of Criminology, Criminal Law and Social Law, Ghent University, Belgium

Planning and writing successful research grant proposals: Getting started Feb 2019 Panelist, PROV 701 Preparing for Careers in the Academy (Instructor: Ali Weinstein) Office of the Provost, George Mason University

Systematic review workshop Oct 2018 Open workshop with Angela Higginson, Elizabeth Eggins, and Lorraine Mazerolle Life Course Centre, University of Queensland, Australia

Communities and crime prevention Oct 2017 F654 Contemporary Criminology and Public Safety (Main instructor: Cynthia Lum) Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), George Mason University

Community policing and community crime prevention Apr 2017 L659 Evidence-Based Policing (Main instructor: Cynthia Lum) Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), George Mason University

Communities and crime prevention Oct 2015 F654 Contemporary Issues in Criminology (Main instructor: Cynthia Lum) Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI), George Mason University

Crime and place Sep 2014 Guest lecture, GGS 795 Seminar in Regional Analysis (Instructor: Timothy Leslie) Department of Geography and GeoInformation Science, George Mason University

So you want to do a systematic review? Introduction to systematic reviews and meta-analysis Aug 2012 Open workshop with David B. Wilson Center for Evidence-Based Crime Policy Symposium, George Mason University

Assessing TSA’s comprehensive security strategy at airports, AKA “The Playbook.” Apr 2012 Guest lecture, CRIM 230 Introduction to Homeland Security (Instructor: Ehsan Zaffar) Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University

Experimental methods Nov 2010 Guest lecture, CRIM 780 Research Methods (Instructor: David B. Wilson)

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Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University

Introduction to data analysis using SPSS. Graduate student workshop with Daniel Woods 2008–2009 Department of Criminology, University of Pennsylvania

Teaching Assistantships Department of Criminology, University of Pennsylvania CRIM 634 Evidence-Based Crime Prevention (Instructor: Lawrence Sherman) Spring 2009 CRIM 600 Pro-Seminar in Criminology (Instructor: Paul Rock) Fall 2007

Professional Service Department of Criminology, Law and Society, George Mason University Elected Member, Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure committee 2021 Member, Promotion committee (Norris) 2021-22 Member, Term Faculty search committee 2020-21 Member, Third Year Renewal committee (Norris) 2020-21 Member, Graduate Studies committee 2020–present Member, Department of Criminology, Law and Society leadership team 2019–present Director, Master of Science in Criminal Justice program 2019–present Member, Recruitment committee 2019–2020 Member, Department Chair search committee 2019 Chair, Graduate Awards committee 2016–2017; 2018-19 Member, Assistant Professor search committee 2018 Member, Graduate Awards committee 2017–2018 Member, Graduate Recruitment committee 2016–2017 Member, Crime and Crime Policy comprehensive exam committee 2014–2017 Member, Undergraduate Curriculum committee 2014–2017 Member, Undergraduate Awards committee 2014–2015

College of Humanities & Social Sciences, George Mason University Guest speaker, CHSS Postdoctoral Program on grant and fellowship writing Oct 2020 Member, Student Policies and Appeals Committee 2019–present Faculty Judge, College of Humanities & Social Sciences Undergraduate April 2015 Research Symposium & April 2017

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University Service, George Mason University Co-chair, Institutional Review Board 2020–present Selection Committee, State Council for Higher Education of Virginia 2019–present Outstanding Faculty Awards Member, Institutional Review Board 2017–present Member, Robinson Hall classroom design working group June 2017 Faculty Writing Fellow 2016–2020 Writing Across the Curriculum/Stearns Center for Teaching and Faculty Excellence Facilitator, Faculty Write-Ins 2015–present Office of the Provost, Stearns Center for Teaching and Faculty Excellence, and the Writing Across the Curriculum program

Service to the Field

Editorial board member, Journal of Quantitative Criminology 2021-25 Invited participant, Reimagining Police Stops Workshop Oct 2020 The Lab @ DC, Howard University, & Georgetown Law Advisory Board Member, American Society of Evidence-Based Policing 2020–present Applied Criminology and Data Management course development (NIJ-funded) Program Co-Chair, American Society of Criminology Annual Meeting 2021 2019–2021 Gene Carte Student Paper Award selection committee, American Society of Criminology 2020 Advances in Evaluation Research Sub-Area Chair, American Society of Criminology 2020 Review Committee, State Council for Higher Education of Virginia 2019–present Outstanding Faculty (Rising Star) Award Advisory Board Member, The motivations for police proactivity at the street-level: 2018-present A meta-synthesis. PI: Dr. Ajima Olaghere, Temple University Panelist, National Association of Counties Researcher-Practitioner Partnership roundtable Nov 2018 Member, Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group Steering Committee 2014–present Certified reviewer, 2018–present Panelist, OJJDP listening session on youth and law enforcement Oct 2017 Executive Counselor, Division of Experimental Criminology, 2015–2017 American Society of Criminology Discussant, Bureau of Justice Assistance/Council of State Governments Dec 2015 Law Enforcement-Mental Health focus group, Washington DC Subject Matter Expert (research partnerships), Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation 2014–present Program, U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Assistance/LISC Co-Editor, Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group 2014–2018 Secretary-Treasurer, Division of Experimental Criminology, 2014–2015 American Society of Criminology Crime Prevention Sub-Area Chair, American Society of Criminology 2014 Mentor, American Society of Criminology 2011–present Annual Colloquium Planning Committee, Campbell Collaboration 2011–2013 Outreach/Newsletter Committee, Division of Experimental Criminology, 2011–2013 American Society of Criminology Managing Editor, Campbell Collaboration Crime and Justice Group 2006–2014

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Service to the Community Speaker, Braver Angels Fairfax County Alliance panel on police reform July 2020 Invited participant, Fairfax County Police Department Community Inclusion Committee 2020 Mental Health First Aid® certification Aug 2016 Seminar speaker, Legal and Forensic Career Seminars, National Youth Leadership Forum: 2016-2017 Law & CSI conference Participant, Rainier Beach “Bridge to Bay” Community Clean-Up Apr 2015

Peer Reviews & Editorships Editorial Guest editor, special issue on NPIA systematic reviews in policing 2014 Journal of Experimental Criminology, 10(4)

Area editor, Probation and Parole 2011 Springer Encyclopedia of Criminology and Criminal Justice (Gerben Bruinsma and David Weisburd, eds.)

Peer Reviewer

American Journal of Criminal Justice Office of Community Oriented Policing Services Asian Journal of Criminology Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Bureau of Justice Assistance Police Practice and Research Cambridge University Press Police Quarterly Canadian Journal of Criminology & Criminal Justice Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice Crime and Delinquency Policing: An International Journal Criminal Justice and Behavior Political Studies Criminal Justice Policy Review RAND Criminal Justice Review Regulation & Governance Criminology and Criminal Justice Research Council of Canada Criminology and Public Policy Social Science Research European Journal of Criminology Springer Evaluation Review Swiss National Science Foundation Journal of Community Psychology Temple University Press Journal of Criminal Justice The Policy Press Journal of Experimental Criminology United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime Journal of Quantitative Criminology Victims & Offenders Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency What Works Centre for Crime Reduction, Journal of Research on Adolescence UK College of Policing Journal of the Society for Social Work and Research WT Grant Foundation Justice Quarterly Youth Democracy, Rights and Governance National Science Foundation Project, Counterpart International

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Professional Memberships

Division of Rural Criminology, American Society of Criminology 2019–present Division of Communities and Place, American Society of Criminology 2017–present Division on Policing, American Society of Criminology 2014–present Division of Experimental Criminology, American Society of Criminology 2010–present Academy of Experimental Criminology 2007–2010 American Society of Criminology 2006–present

Last Update: April 1, 2021