Morehead Independent
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■i ms fiF.feo TO tmtun prrf*r, • TSA=li!G OR yR-’L* - ^ :r • I ■.....VO . PuijuC :... ■ S«* K>. I U. •! w. Morehead Independent “ONE OF KENTUCKY^ GREATER WEEKLIES” VOLUME XI MOREHEAD, I TUCKY, THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST lOl 1944 NUMBER THHtTY-TWO Charles Hushes To OothiBg Safe WiU Red Cross To Have ADie Holbrook County Agent' Be HeU Satariay. Aag. 12 Rowland Auction Run Cannery During Meeting Fri, Aug. 11 George McCnlloagh Is Home After Absence of Mrs. Rice The ChristlaD Crusaders at the Makes Su^estions Church of God will q»n» ToSellSHoiBes, The Rowan County Chapter of Reported Killed clothing sale Saturday. August 12. Hr. ChwlM Hufba. Vocaiionil; the American Red Croas will bold Two Years In Army at HcBrayer ’t PHirnitare Store. its monthly meeting Friday at Agriculture teacher. wiU supervise Regarding TobaccoPrices will range from twenty-five Lots Here Saturday7:30 pta. August 11 in room 105 the Bowan Coun^ Camlet y for the InSoothPacific a^mrna PilaC cants to one dollar, and it is re Science Buildfiig at the college. It Tl-Rimimc At More bod two and one-half week period that Farmer* Report They ported that the sale wiU also in Mra. W. H. Rice is in Lezingbn First Sdfe Starts At is hoped that all board of direc .»of Morehead Coopfe Are Bobjc Priming clude shoes and clothes for both Two O'ehKk At tors will find it convenient U attending the summer school WasPifelhk^25 ■ ASUe Holbrook, resident .. Tobacco Now school children and adulU. The 338 WifeoB Aveaae tend. course in Current Problems in _0 Morcbesd up until two years ago Hems for sale have bem donated Mietime ago a meeting Home Economioi Edueatioa. Bir. A number of farmers have re and are in good conditian. whoi he enlisted in the army. U M Rowland Auciion Company held in which a vote was taken ta Hughes will be assisted by several ported to the county agent ’s office Un»:-ttoarge McCullough, age back home Main. He' arrived Sun Only clothing ta the beta condi of Winchesta ’, Kentucky, has been the setoction of a board of direc experienced cannert in order tast that they ^re busy priming tobac tion will be for sale, and aU per- 21, was killed in Baimehera in the day. August «. tKBD the aepara- authorized to aell three bouses and tors. The method of election was families may receive help with co. They report that they have SOBS interested are asked to come South Pacific July 22 while pilot tion center at Fort SherkUn. m.. lots in Morehead at absolute slightly changed as some were their canning. The charge for caught up with most of their work in and look over the items. The ing a B-25. This was his fifteenth with an honorable discharge under rtion on Saturday. August 12. elected for one. two. and three- this famUy help is twenty-five and thattettom leaves have turned sale WiU lipcn at 8:00 am., Satur mission. < • Wartlaa 10 of the Amy regula- The sale will start at 2:00 o ’clock year terms. This prevenU all go an hour. The day by day yeltow m'they are breaking them day. August 12. His parenu. Mr. and Mrs. Boyd tloos. “Section 10.“ Holbrook at 338 Wilson Avenue and each ing out at one time and leaving market will be conthmed and the off and stringing them on a stick. McCullough, received first word staled, “means at the cpnveniedce bouse will be sold.on the premises the chapter without a board mem wOl be toought to oLhis death on August 4. and then of tfte anny.“ That la, (t ia the Priming, if done the right way. is B Gifte SfcMU according to number. bership familiar with the many the cannery for caning during the answer to the question often received a letter TueKiay of this aame kind of dischwge that the B« MaiM By Octo ber 15, The first of the three pieces of duties and services now demanded this period: appica. grapes, toma- asked '^vhat can be done tf- the week from Cton. Douglas MacAr- boys wlU get at the end of the toea, benns and com. Any tamlly property is known as the Tippett due to the war. thur informing them that thrir son war." He was in the Qnt outfit bottorn leaves are burning badly, The Postoffice Department sug wishing to sign up lor any of these property on Wilson Avenue, owned At this meettag on August 11 released tinder Section 10 and ia if the rest of the plant ia still im- gested this week; foods for canning, call Mr. Hughes by Mrs. Lena Craig. The tot is 50 the Board of Directors will elect among approximately 3,000 men mature?" If. instemi of cutting at 1. Christmas shop now for either at 34 or 121. feet on WOson Avenue, 79 feet on a chairman for the coming year. m the country whd have been this time, they would go tfarmigh Tippett Avenue, and is 140 feet Henry C. Haggan has served ta ridge Training School and it. be serving ertfh tte War Training the field and pick off two to five 2. Wrap secure, address plain deep. The house has nine rooms, this capacity for the past three' lieved to be file first graduate tram Service.^ Under this ruling, the bottom leaves per ^ant ttiay can ly, and mail between SeptoBtber two baths, and a large front and and one-half years. there to be killed la this war. Re men wen given a cfaoiee of iseeiv- EFcrettLHamm tacre a ee the yield per' acre 300 to IS and October IS. bock porch, ta addition to a cellar attended Kor^iead State Teochm ing honorable diacbargei or t*> 400 pounds l^ priming. Fanners Poatmaatcr General Fraiik under part of the houae. College tor two yean prior to hia malniag in the regular amy. or. with less than three acres of to Walker cautioned that no gifts tor No. 2 is a ten-room duples aa in HoOmTa caoe. going to Secs “Abandoned” bacco will fmd that their time is military personnel overseas may Ught Vote Cast FnllMmcnt into the Air Carpa on Bittqent. located at'32S-l»-Sqpi^ April 13. 164Z While at M.STr ‘ Be stated that M worth at least tMO per hour. Street The pro perty of Mrs. Han be waa a member at the college get the gnatoat anher of leaves after October IS untass written l^hPlort nah EUtagton. each apartment has In Rowan Primary band and the BhM aiM CMd evdt- Fen Sheridan is one of five in the best poesBita eondltkm they request from the intended receiv- five rooms and a hath, front porch eatra. While attending Bredrin- army poats In the United Stata taouM be pvtamd before they are on each floor with private front ridge Training School, he waa m Which ia aerving as a aeparstlsa Mnwltakd GkBMr Mb badly burned. Cured or 'partly Bradley Ifefegte HateUftton 1 rear mtrance. The tot is about honor student, a diarter raoaher mrtar. Holbrook eraa aaaigned ta cured leaves atta^ed to the grow greater pains be token ta packag- la JBdBM*Ki« by 190 feet wifii a double ga- of the Beta Chib, and mano^ of Fort Sharldaa from Trua* Fiald. ing plant or lytag on the ground tag and addfmstac. _s. Several pieces of furniture the 1939-40 baakelban team. Madtaon. Wteonalii, where he imd darken rapWy and may be en In Rowan County ’s primary held Seaman Finn Class Everett I. «ai also be sold. Ust Saturday, Auguif 5. a small The death of Lieut ICeCuI- just fa mg ilaiiil a B wocka coimw tire lota ta tfaiae to four days if Hamm, son of Mrs. Ida Ramm of The third and final piece vote was cast with Cply s total Imigh marks the first ttaae fiiat a in ra«o mfchaniea the weetber is orarm and ratay: B Morebeed, recently retuned to the pmperty is a bouse and lot owned of 1.230 votes cast. /There were son of a World War I veteran in Ofigtaamr. he was a member of the bettcan leaves are ycUow pete- Navy's Aimed Guard Center at tag may be dane anytime ta ^ Bill Bailey, located ac 121 Sun 866 Republican votes cast and 364 Rowan County has been reported the Ovfltan Pilot Training pn>- Hew Orleans with a story about Democratic votes cast killed. His father ia DOW disiiinan gram mi received his primary the day. It hawew. the h tt. The houae has six rooma, a merchant ship, which he and a baOi, large sun porch, and hard of the local rattantag board, and imiidiig here at Morehead after are partly curad Oto work most be urdayTlt^U. ■The County Judge's race crew of seven others had aha^on- done when the bottan leaves at* wood floors. The tot is largq and on employee of General Befrac- his wilWwiiil ta Jnly. 1P<2. Dur- want to ftaok alla my friends and the unexpired term left upon the iag the eaity days of ow pracw cd ter lota, tumad up at a North ■ac to prevent shattering, ___ who go loyally stood a garden is included. death of Dan Parker was dose torlea Co, of The young pilot -received his the mcB in CP.T. taok a£^s^ tay mooer fiiaa be ally ta the early momieg or on a with Luther Bradley €i#Ffe«iiny «Bd. nmmilnn at Chandler FleU. ckwdy day.