Official Guide to the Kew Museums
OFFICIAL GUIDE 56K4d3GO TO 1871 THE KEW MUSEUMS. A HANDBOOK TO THE MUSEUMS OF ECONOMIC BOTANY 0%THE ROYAL GARDENS, KEW. )i .- BY DANIEL OLIVER. F.R.S.,F.L.S., XBBPEB OF IER HBUBABIUX OH. PEB BOYAE GIBnEJ6, ASD PBOPg8BOP OF BOIAUY IU VUnBBEITX COLLPGI, LOKDOA. l?Ifl!l'E EDITIOX, With (iCbbItfnns unb Cnnerttom, BY JOBX R. JACKSON, A.L.S., CCRATOB OF THE MCBBUM.8. -- REEVE & CO., MUTdEUMS OF ECOKOJIIC BOTANY OF THE - ? / ROYAL GARDEKS, KEV. /I: ~TLL( '1'"' + LOEDOS : REET'E 5: CO., HENRIETTA STREET, COVEST GARDEN. 1871. I x I ,: PBlXTED BY TAYLOR AXD co., LIIIIE qrEn SI~EZT, uxcom'a ISB TIELDS. .*......: *.a GUIDE TO TUB 3IUSEUJlS OF ECONOMIC BOTANY. THEcollections occupy three distinct buildings within the Royal Botanic Gardens. 3Ir.snx So. I. overlooks the ornameiital water, andis directly opposite to tlie Palm-Stove. ~~CsEV31So. 11. is three minutes’ walk from No. I. Its directioii is shonn by a finger-post standing by the entrance to the latter. ~\IUS~XIISo. HI., devoted chieflyto specimens of Timber an& large articles unsuited for eshibition in the cabinets of the other Museums, occupies the huilding known as the Orangery,” at the north estremity of the Broad Walk, leading to the Orna mental Kater and Palm-Store. THE OBJFCTOF THE MUSEU~IS is to shos the practical applications of Botanical Science. They teach us to appreciate the general relations of the Vege table World to man. TVe learn from them the sources of tlie innumerable products furnished by the Vegetable Kingdom for OUY use aid conrenieuce, nhether as articles of food, of con struction and application in the arts, of medicine, or curiosity.
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