STATUS GLAVNIH GRADOVA 5 Special Status of Budapest, the Capital of Hungary István Temesi* UDK 352.071(439.151) Pregledni znanstveni rad / review scientific paper Primljeno / received: 28. 6. 2011. Prihvaćeno / accepted: 9. 2. 2012. Hungarian capital, Budapest, has always had a special legal status within the system of self-government, except between 1949 and 1990. It is organised in two-tiers: it functions as a single local self-government unit (the City of Budapest); while at the same time, its 23 districts en- joy their self-government powers. The paper analyses the history of organisation of Budapest as well as the current system of local self-government in Hungary, in order to identify historical and current institutional framework of today’s special status of Budapest. Special rules on func- tions, internal structure and decision-making, elections, and certain other issues are analysed to confirm the basic hypothesis about this special status. It is assessed that two- tier self-government undermines the potentially strong po- sition of the capital city within Hungarian political system. Just as the capital city serves as potential political counter- weight to the central government, city districts serve as real counterweight to the city government. * István Temesi, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Public Administration, Cor- vinus University of Budapest (izvanredni profesor Fakulteta za javnu upravu, Sveučilište Corvinus, Budimpešta, Mađarska, e-mail:
[email protected]) PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION AND COMPARATIVE CROATIAN István Temesi: Special Status of Budapest, the Capital of Hungary HKJU – CCPA, god. 12. (2012.), br. 1., str. 5–39 6 Key words: special status of capital city – Budapest, Hungarian system of local self-government, institutional and legal analysis 1.