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DOCUMENT RESUME ED 341 881 CG 023 976 AUTHOR Heppner, P. Paul, Ed. TITLE Pioneers in COunseling & Development: Personal and Professional Perspectives. INSTITUTION American AssociatIon for Counseling and Development, Alexandria, VA. REPORT NO ISBN-1-55620-078-1 PUB DATE 90 NOTE 343p. AVAILABLE FROM AACD Order Services, 5999 Stevenson Ave., Alexandria, VA 22304 (Order #72016: $32.95). PUB mYPE Historical Materials (060) -- Collected Works - General (020) EDRS PRICE MF01 Plus Postage. PC Not Available from EDRS. DESCRIPTORS Biographies; *Counselors; *Interviews; Professional Development; *Trend Analysis ABSTRACT This book presents 46 articles reprinted from the Journal of Counseling and Development (formerly The Personnel and Guidance Journal) from two series: "Pioneers in Guidance" and "Life Lines: Interviews with Pioneers in Counseling and Development." The stated purpose of the book is to document the personal and professional lives of early pioneers whose work has shaped the counseling profession, whose writings have affected the thinking of others, and whose histories reflect the development of the profession. The book is organized into eight sections. The first six sections consist of individual interviews with pioneers, grouped into six themes: career planning, measurement, theorists, scholars and practitioners, women and minorities, and administrators. The seventh section highlights four educational programs that have played a major role in pioneering the training of counselors and counseling psychologists. In the eighth section the articles and themes that appear among some of the interviews are examined, especially in regard to significant events that influenced the pioneers' development, and the pioneers' comments and observations about training. 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"-...;t ,:; ...AI ,,'" , '14 fz. ;,',1., , ;17 N'r 3 .tVf ,I .1 U S DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS _ Othcc of Educations; Research and Improvement MATERIALINMICROFICHE ONLY EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES INFORMATION HAS BEEN GRANTED FY CENTER (ERIC) Trus document has been reproduced as received from the person or organization " originating it r Mfflorchanges have Peen made to impiove reproduction Quality Roads of view or opinionsslatedin this docu TO THE EDUCATIONAL RESOURCES mOnt do not neCessardy represent official OE RI position or policy INFORMATION CENTER (ERIC) I I"' 4s., ,, vg."1 ) ST.-4V*, BEST COPY M1114E_ - ,: r ;,C,.a Pioneers in Counseling & Devel pment: Personal and Professional Perspectives Edited by P. Paul Heppner, PhD 1111 American Association for Counseling and Development 5999 Stevenson Avenue, Alexandria, VA 22304 :i , Publisher's Note The text of most articles has been reprinted from theJournal of Counseling & Development(formerlyThe Personnel and Guidance Journal).Because this spans nearly two decades, the reader may notice slight stylistic differences among the interviews, due to editorial changes over the years. All articles have been reprinted into the page format currently used in JCD. Affilia iuns of those conducting each interview are valid for the year of that article, and do not necessarily reflect the interviewer's current affiliation. Copyright © 1990 by the American Association for Counseling and Development All rights reserved American Association for Counseling and Development 5999 Stevenson Avenue Alexandria, VA 22304 Cover Design by Sarah Jane Valdez Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Pioneers in counseling and development : personal and professional perspectives / P. Paul Heppner, editor. p. cm. ISBN 1-55620-078-1 1. CounselorsBiography. 2. PsychologistsBiography. 3. Counseling. 4. Developmental psychology.I. Heppner, P. Paul. BF637.C6P55 1990 158'.3'0922dc20 IB1 90-43337 CIP Printed in the United States of America Pictured on cover, clockwise from upper left corner: John Rothney, Carolyn Attneave, Anne Roe, Carl Rogers, Harold Pepinsky, Albert Ellis, Laura Perls, Beatrice Wright Dedication This book is dedicated to Michael Jacobs, an undergraduate friend, who first planted the seed that some day I would produce a book, to David N. Dixon, my graduate advisor, who figured prominently in showing me the way, and to Rodney K. Goodyear, who played a major role in making it happen. Contents Editor viii Contributors ix Preface xi I. Career Planning Pioneers Our Beginnings in Career Counseling: Understanding Our Professional Roots and Goals Deborah M. Wright and P. Paul Heppner 1 From Seeker to Seer: The Odyssey of Robert Hoppock Robert K. Conyne and Donald J. Cochran 4 A Reminiscence: Half a Hundred Years in GuidanceLeonard Miller Daniel Siiiick 9 Donald Super James P. Pappas 12 David V. Tiedeman: Statistician, Scholar, and Sage Sandra K. Olson and Valerie F. Roberts 19 II.Measurement Pioneers On the Influence of the Vocational Guidance and Psychometric Movements on Counseling Walter Cal Johnson, Jr., and P. Paul Heppner 27 Edward Kellog Strong, Jr.: First Author of the Strong Interest Inventory Jo-Ida C. Hansen 29 Preferences: Frederic Kuder's Contributions to the Counseling Profession Donald G. Zytowski and Kathryn S. Holmberg 36 Have Hexagon Will Travel: An Interview With John Holland Stephen G. Weinrach 43 III.Early Theorists Counseling Theorists: Reflections in a Mirror Dennis M. Kivlighan, Jr. 51 Carl Rogers: Reflections on His Life P. Paul Heppner, Mark E. Rogers, and Lucienne A. Lee 54 Unconventional Therapist: Albert Ellis Stephen G. Weinrach 60 Albert Ellis: An Efficient and Passionate Life Windy Dniden 67 Laura Perls: From Ground to Figure Janine M. Bernard 72 A Dialogue With Everett Shostrom: Gloria Revisited S Then G. Weinrach 78 Art. air Chickering: Bridging Theory and Practice in Student Development Nancy J. Garfield and Laurence B. David 81 t; Contents Nevitt Sanford: Gentle Prophet, Jeffersonian Rebel Harry J. Canon 88 Rollo May: A Man of Meaning and Myth Fredric E. Rabinowitz, Glenn Good, and Liza Cozad 94 IV. Early Scholars and Practitioners Scholars and Practitioners: The Trailblazers in Counselor Education and Training Helen 1. Roehlke 99 Direct From MinnesotaE. G. Willian ison Dorlesa Barmettler Ewing 104 The Changing World of Gilbert Wrenn Dale Wachowiak ahd Roger F. Aubrey 112 C. H. Patterson: The Counselor's Counselor Rodney K. Goodyear and C. Edward Watkins, Jr. 120 Reflections on Bill Kell: The Legend and His Legacy Nancy E. Downing and Maggie M. Hayes 126 Harold P. Pepinsky: A Life of Science and Practice Charles D. Claiborn 131 Leo Goldman: Serendipitous Maverick Wayne Anderson 138 Frank M. Fletcher: A Curious Career Naomi M. Meara 144 The Leadership of Merle Ohlsen Arthur M. Horne 151 John Watson Murray Rothney: Emiitent Practitioner, Educator, and Researcher Dennis W. Engels 157 Jerome Frank: Persuader and Exemplar Christine E. Meinecke 165 E. Joseph Shoben, Jr.: Synthesizer in an Age of Specialization Martin Heesacker and Barbara J. Gilbert 172 V.Women and Minority Pioneers Minority Voices in Counseling: Themes and Counterthemes Hope I. Hills and Patricia A. Frazier 179 Mountain Iron Woman: A Case of AndrogynyLeona Elizabeth Tyler Susan K. Gilmore, Margaret Ewell Nichols, and Sandra P. Chernoff 182 The Voyage of Esther Lloyd-Jones: Travels With a Pioneer Margaret Ruth Smith 189 The Evolution of Anne Roe Robert L. Wrenn 196 Kate Hevner Mueller: Woman for a Changing World Michael D. Coomes, Elizabeth J. Whitt, and George D. Kull 203 Elizabeth Adele Greenleaf: Having Some Fun Getting the Job Done Deborah Ellen Hunter and George D. Kuh 211 Beatrice A. Wright: Broad Lens, Sharp Focus David Keith Hollingsworth, Walter Cal Johnson, Jr., and Stephen W. Cook 218 Keeper of the Fire: A Profile of Carolyn Attneave Teresa D. LaFromboise and Candace Fleming 225 In Memory: Rene A. Ruiz Dan Romero, Susan Miller Silva, and Patricia Stevens Romero 232 7 Contents VI. Early Administrators Pioneer Administrators: Leadership Through Action Mary I. Heppner and P. Paul Heppner 239 Making Ideas Work: Ralph Bedell and the NDEA Institutes Bonnie Bourne 241 John G. Darley: The Minnesota Man P. Paul Heppner and Ernie Ness 248 Robert H. Shaffer: The Quintessential "Do-Gooder" George D. Kuh and Michael D. Coomes 255 Robert 0. Stripling: A Man Dedicated to Standards and Accreditation in Counselor Education Donald A. Haight 263 Robert Collis: Developer of people and Builder of Programs Richard M. Greer 271 Thomas M. Magoon: Innovation, Renewal, Making a Difference James M. O'Neil and I. Lisa McCann 277 VII. Early Training Institutions Institutional Perspectives: Players, Tasks, Environments, and Social Contexts Eric T. Hillerbrand and P. Paul Heppner 287 Counseling Psychology in the Minnesota Tradition Henry Borow 290 Teachers College and Counseling Psychology: