In Attendance Apologies Absent Cllr. J Jones  Cllr. A Ferguson  Cllr. M Fisher  Cllr. B Dodd  Cllr. Mrs. M Gazzard  Mrs K Ross- Clerk 

Also In attendance: PC Reid, Borough Councillor Golding (8.10pm) and 4 members of the public

160301 To receive and accept apologies for absence There were no apologies for absence received

160302 To receive and note any declarations of pecuniary interest relevant to the agenda Cllr Ferguson declared a pecuniary interest in 160312.04 16/00486/FUL Land At Dummer Down Farm Duxford Lane Erection of a new light industrial building following demolition of existing barn for B2+B8 Use Class for production/brewing beer

160303 The Chairman to sign as a correct record the minutes of the Dummer Parish Council meeting held on 18th January 2016 and 21st February 2016 The Chairman signed the minutes of the Dummer Parish Council meeting held on 18th January 2016 and 21st February 2016 as a correct record

160304 To open the meeting to members of the public There were 4 members in attendance Rose Cottage: Residents attended to express concerns over this development. It was agreed that the Parish Council would contact the Enforcement officer and Borough Councillor Golding. Speeding: It was confirmed that the speed limit of 20mph was enforceable by the Police. It was agreed that the Parish Council would ask PC Reid to carry out speed checks. Chairman to chase Kit Malthouse on national policy information. Pond: There was a concern that the pond was not in a good state.

160305 To receive a report from Borough Councillor Rob Golding PC Reid

Borough Councillor Rob Golding • The new Bus service is up and running • The CIL grant scheme has been amended to incorporate other schemes • Hounsome Fields is progressing

PC Reid PC Reid’s verbal report was NOTED

160306 To receive an update on Matters arising Audit: After discussion of the SAAA arrangements. It was RESOLVED That the Parish Council would not opt out. Proposed by Cllr Jones and seconded by Cllr Fisher. All members voted unanimously to accept this resolution.

160307 To consider requests for Payments The payments as listed in the table below were approved for payment To For Amount Inv No Chq No Karen Ross Salary 237.23 Feb E-payment PC SLCC membership 18.00 E-payment BT Phone line 80.83 QO19 TD E-payment Village Hall Room hire 119.00 Jan 2016 E-payment Vic Lee Maintenance 45.00 0679 E-payment CPRE Membership 36.00 E-payment Viking Printer cartridges 54.24 780651 E-payment BT Broadband £120.00 Q008 EQ E-payment Vic Lee Maintenance 45.00 696 E-payment Vic lee Maintenance 360.00 697 E-payment

Karen Ross Salary 237.23 March E-payment

160308 To accept the Asset Register The Asset register was accepted

160309 To note the current financial situation and to sign the bank Statements The current financial situation was NOTED and the bank statements were Reconciled and signed. The monthly sheet can be found as Appendix A

160310 To discuss the Annual Parish meeting agreeing the date and the content It was agreed that the APM would be held on 16th May 2016 It was agreed that the Plunkett Foundation would be asked to attend

160311 To discuss matters relating to the Tennis Courts It was agreed that Cllr Ferguson would liaise with the Clerk to look at trying solve the issue of people playing without playing their membership.

160312 To consider planning matters 160312.01 To note Tree enquiry at Chapel Close It was agreed to remove the dead tree at Chapel Close as it is dangerous

160312.02 To note response to application for the amendment of condition 4 (vehicle movements). Condition 14 (landscape) and condition 15 (site layout) to planning permissions BDB/75034 at AD Facility LTD, Kennel Farm, Dummer The response was NOTED and can be found as Appendix B

160312.03 16/00312/HSE The Old Dairy, Kennel Farm Erection of a single storey rear extension forming boot room and office/family room It was confirmed that the application had been approved by Borough Council.

160312.04 16/00486/FUL Land At Dummer Down Farm Duxford Lane Erection of a new light industrial building following demolition of existing barn for B2+B8 Use Class for production/brewing beer Cllr Ferguson left the room The Parish Council has no objection to the application but feel there should be adequate provision for drainage for sewage and cleaning solution for the Brewery

160312.05 T/00028/16/TCA Paddock Lodge Farleigh Lane Dummer T1 Cypress tree - fell and remove tree. T2 Wild Cherry - fell and remove tree The Parish Council has no objection to the application

160312.06 15/04544/ENSC Inwood Copse, Farleigh Road, Farleigh Wallop Request for scoping opinion for development of 55 holiday lodges and reception / facilities building, new and improved access tracks, landscape works / planting, seasonal use as camping upon part of the site, and delivery of woodland ecology management plan The Parish Council would like to see a greater traffic and flooding impact assessments.

160313 16/00266/PREMN Farleigh house, Farleigh wallop, Notification of New Premises Licence The Parish Council has a concern over the additional traffic this application will generate.

160314 To note response to Planning applications The application as listed below was NOTED

160314.01 T/00048/16/TCA South view , up street, dummer Ilex aquifolium (holly) - crown reduce by 50%,. Current height is five metres, reduce to no less than 2.5m above ground level. Works due to excessive shading of conservatory and patio. At South View , Up street, Dummer BDBC: No Objection

160315 To discuss the name of Trenchards Lane The Parish Council confirmed that it has been using this road name for some time since it appeared on several BDBC planning applications. It does not know the history origins of this name. Action: Clerk to respond to Overton Parish Council

160316 To discuss Highways Road Closures: Farleigh Lane will be subject to a closure during the month following 4 April 2016 to replace a telegraph pole. Potholes: Potholes have been reported in Up Street and Farleigh Lane

160317 To discuss the new stagecoach bus service The introduction of new stagecoach route 16 bus service was NOTED

160318 To confirm the date of the next meeting as 18th April 2016 The date for the next meeting was confirmed as 18th April 2016

Appendix A Monthly Sheet- February 2016

Appendix B Dummer Parish Council response to PLAN/BA 170 Planning Application 16 /00322/CMA by Tamar Renewable Power Basingstoke for amendment to Conditions 4, 14 and 15

The application form requesting amendment to the planning conditions has been completed incorrectly: The site is visible from two rights of way: Dummer footpath 10, from Farleigh Lane to House Old Coach House Dummer BOAT 11, from Dummer Clump to Nutley via Windmill Hill

Note to the applicant following the original planning conditions In addition the applicant has failed to be a good neighbour by following the final note following the planning conditions.

Notes to Applicant 4. The applicant shall take measures to look at changing the postcode of the site to avoid misleading directions.

This has resulted in vehicles intended for the plan arriving at the residential properties at Kennel Farm. The post code RG23 7LW is still shared by: Tamar Energy, Basingstoke A D Facility, Dummer, and the residential properties: Kennel Farm, Kennel Farm House, Kennel Farm Cottage, Barley House, Gunavie Cottage, The Old Dairy, and Woodside Cottage.

It is essential that the applicant applies for a new unique post code to prevent the loss of amenity to residents caused by AD Plant vehicles entering and turning at the old Kennel Farm yard.

This must not be permitted to continue.

Learning Experience This Anaerobic Digester Installation has proved a learning experience for the applicant, The Environment Agency (EA), HCC officers, The Minerals and Waste Committee, the operator and the local community. Few of the claims made at the time of the original application have proved correct. • The local area has not been able to provide the volume of waste required • The digestate has proved unsuitable for pasture land • It has not been possible to spread digestate 12 month of the year leading to large peaks of activity in August and September • The site has created odour either from the waste or from gas vented from the generator • Vehicle movements have been higher than anticipated due to the need to ship digestate to other areas • The bund and lagoon area have had to be increased after the EA requirements were modified after the Harper Adams University Anaerobic Digester leak in February 2013

It is unlikely that the application would have been approved in this location had all the facts been known.

Dummer Parish Council OBJECTS to the amendment to Condition 4 to allow greater number of vehicle movements. An increase from 22 to 38.

1. Condition 4 limits the number of HGV movements to 22 per day. Tamar’s own records show that this Condition has been breached in multiple months since the site has been operating. The applicants have shown themselves incapable of sticking to any condition on vehicle access to this site. Until they can demonstrate that they can consistently operate the site with the current restrictions they should not be allowed an increase in vehicle movements.

2. The original planning application stated that the 30,000 tonnes of food waste used annually would be from local sources e.g. hospitals, hotels and supermarkets. Our understanding is that waste is coming from sources a long distance from the site including the Isle of Wight. This negates the green objectives of the installation.

3. The planning application for the site was granted on the applicant’s assurance that all the digestate produced by the site would be used on Portsmouth Estate land throughout the year and be transported by “farm vehicles”. However experience has proved that due to bad weather, the state of arable crops and the fact that digestate cannot be used on pasture used for grazing that this is not possible. Because there is inadequate storage and digestate cannot be spread on the land it has been necessary to ship large amounts of it out of the site through since the site commenced operation.

4. Hours of working – conditions 2, hours of operation, and 3, limits during school term times, restrict hours when vehicles are permitted to enter or leave the site. This is to protect the amenity of residents and the safety of children attending nearby schools. In practice HGVs have been recording using Woodbury Road and Long Cross Lane during these hours and waiting on adjacent roads to enter the site when allowed.

5. This application proposes to increase the permitted number of HGV movements from 22 to 38 per day - averaged over a month – a 73% increase. The fact that this is an average over the month allows for significantly higher peaks for short periods. Experience since the plan opened is that these peaks occur during August and September, immediately after harvest when spreading of digestate can go ahead using very large tankers. This is a time when school children are on holiday and in the streets of Hatch Warren as they travel to Beggarwood Park and the playing fields or events at Hatch Warren Community Centre. An increase in volume of traffic and in a corresponding danger to children during the school holidays would be a perverse result of the amendment to Condition 4.

6. The application claims that the increased number of 38 HGVs per day will be processing the same volume - 30,000 tonnes annually - and that it will be delivered in smaller HGVs. However there is nothing in the planning consent or application that requires them to use smaller lorries. The proposed increase in lorry movements is highly likely to be used simply to increase the amount of waste input, and correspondingly the amount of digestate that has to be transported from the site.

The amendment of Condition 4 should be REFUSED.

Dummer Parish Council OBJECT to the revised Condition 14 to amend approved landscaping layout.

7. The application does not take account of the fact that the site is visible from Dummer footpath 10, and Dummer BOAT 11, Nutley Lane and does not provide sufficient screening to preserve the views from these footpaths. The bund and planting should be increased to preserve the amenity of the public rights of way.

8. The width of the planting to the north of the sites great as was proposed in the original application due to the increase in the area of the lagoon. A greater depth of screening should be provided to the north and west of the site to preserve the amenity of residents of residential properties at Kennel Farm.

Dummer Parish Council COMMENTS on Condition 15 to amend approved site layout to incorporate lagoon that has been constructed to Environment Agency requirements.

Dummer Parish Council welcomes the increase in the area of the lagoon to implement new EA requirements since it will prevent flooding and pollution of the surrounding fields and mitigate the impact of any spillage on the occupants of residential properties at Kennel Farm.

Finally, the Parish Council notes that the site has still not achieved the required standard of operation required to meet the British PAS110 Standard.

Dummer Parish Council urges HCC to refuse the amendment to Condition 4 and to enhance the planting required by Condition 14.