Richard D. Daugherty
DEPARTMENTOF ANTHROPOLOGY SPRING1991 RichardD. Daugherty:A Faculty Biography A few sayit's all luck, but But that was to be delayed someof us know better. for a few years. Richard Daugherty is In 1946-47, the Columbia one of thoserare individu- River Basin surveys were als who have an uncanny being organizedin the cen- ability to choosethe best tral Washingtonplateau, and placesto look for the best archaeologicalsurveys were archaeologicalsites and the being funded for areasto be bestplacesto dig inthe sites impactedby dam construc- they have chosen.He fol- tion and by the proposed lows a simple, seemingly Columbia Basin irrigation unrealistic philosophy to project. A handful of Uni- ". surroundyourselfwith versity of Washington good people,and let them graduate students-includ- Richard Daugherty shows ofl his new tee shirt (il the 1990 Society.fbr do their thing." Somehow, American ArchtLeoktgymeeting in Lus Vegus,Nevado. Flunking him ure ing Dick-were "drafted" to he makesit work. "daughters" ( r.) Ruth Ann Knudson, StephanieRodefler, Le,sLie conduct most of the initial grew in Aber- Wildesen,Lorraine Heurtfield, und Jutet Frietlmtm. See "Alumni News," surveys. Dick up poge 5. deen, Washington, at the To sive someideaof what easternend of GraysHarbor on the Olympic Peninsulahe archaeologywas like in those days, three graduate lovesso well. Theareaisbeautiful, withitsruggedcoastline, studentssurveyed the entireMcNary Dam region.In a the rain forest,and the majesticOlympic Mountainsin the secondsurvey, Dick andone other student were respon- distance.During World War II, Dick pilotedblimps ofTthe sible for surveying l4 reservoirsites in Washington, Washingtoncoast, searching for enemyships and subma- Idaho, and Montana. In Dick's words, these surveys rines.Hoveringlazily in the sky day after day must have were basedon "little knowledge,almost no time, and given him a uniqueperspective on the Olympic Peninsula they were extremely inadequate."Inadequate as they and the peoplewho lived there.
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