Dossier of Information of a false allegation of Tamil Genocide:

1. Letter of Protest against BILL 104 presented in the Ontario Legislative Assembly by Sri Lankans 2. Prabakeran should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70,0000 people in – V Anandasagaree (Father of MP Gary Anandasagaree) 3. What is Transnational Government of (TGTE) doing in Toronto? 4. Genocide Claims, number games and margin of error – Dr. Chandre Dharmawardana 5. Blatant lies about Tamil Genocide as per Sri Lankan Stats – Dr. Dhammika Herath 6. “Two of us fled. 75 other women killed themselves with grenades”, says Tamil Tiger 7. Plea of a former Tigress for peace in Sri Lanka 8. UNHCR 25th February 2019- A/HRC/40/NGO/110 – OISL Report 30/1, more precisely, A/HRC/30/61, is seriously flawed. There was no UNLAWFUL KILLINGS 9. UNHCR 25th February 2019- A/HRC/40/NGO/111 – OISL Report 30/1, more precisely, A/HRC/30/61, is seriously flawed. There was no UNLAWFUL KILLINGS 10. UNHCR 25th February 2019- A/HRC/40/NGO/112 – OISL Report 30/1, more precisely, A/HRC/30/61, is seriously flawed. There was no UNLAWFUL KILLINGS 11. UNHCR 25th February 2019- A/HRC/40/NGO/230 – On Fairness to All Parties: An Appeal from Sri Lanka 12. When to refer to a situation as “Genocide” as per UNHCR 13. Sri lanka – Questions for short debate by Lord Naseby 14. LTTE Atrocities presentation A Letter of Protest against the BILL 104 presented to the Ontario Legislative Assembly

As Immigrant Canadians we are very conscious that immigrant communities must not import into Canada their divisive and hateful political and ethnic battles of their home countries.

Therefore we respectfully submit our objections to the proposed Bill 104 on the following grounds.

1. Issue of Jurisdiction of Provincial Government to declare Genocide occurred in Sri Lanka

Although Bill 104 does not expressly call for a finding of genocide committed by Sri Lankan Government against Tamil people, its premise is based upon the foundation that genocide in Sri Lanka is a pre-determined factor. Therefore’ we respectfully submit that Bill 104 is fundamentally flawed in its attempt to establish a certain process based on facts that are not established. We further submit the Bill comprises of an attempt to persuade Provincial Government to bestow implied recognition that Genocide occurred in Sri Lanka.

For purposes of establishing the crime of genocide committed by a sovereign nation, Genocide Convention is the accepted authority providing parameters and guidelines to establish genocide. Genocide Convention clearly provides that determining culpability for alleged genocide committed by another country clearly falls within the parameters of international law and therefore jurisdiction lies with International Court of Justice (ICJ).

• “ Use of the term “genocide”: The legal definition of genocide is precise and includes an element that is often hard to prove, the element of “intent”. The determination as to whether a situation constitutes genocide is thus factually and legally complex and should only be made following a careful and detailed examination of the facts against relevant legislation. This examination is carried out for the purpose of establishing State responsibility or individual criminal responsibility for the crime of genocide and must be done by a competent international or national court of law with the jurisdiction to try such cases, after an investigation that meets appropriate due process standards. According to Article IX of the Genocide Convention, disputes related to its interpretation, application and fulfilment, including State responsibility, should be addressed to the ICJ. With regards to individual criminal responsibility, Article VI determines that persons charged with genocide shall be tried by a competent national court in the territory where the act was committed or by a competent international penal tribunal whose jurisdiction is accepted by the State Parties.”

United Nations Office on Genocide prevention and responsibility to prevent: When to refer to a situation as Genocide: Guidance Note1 (full article attached; Attachment #1)

• If a provincial recognition of genocide is to take place, a UN declaration of genocide and a breach of the Genocide Convention, or conviction “ by a competent tribunal of the State in the territory of which the act was committed, or by such international penal tribunal as may have jurisdiction with respect to those Contracting Parties which shall have accepted its jurisdiction” is required.

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• We submit in this matter neither of the above findings has taken place, and therefore Provincial legislature has no jurisdiction to recognize or establish a finding of genocide without adhering to the recognized procedures put in place with consent of member nations by the UN in which Canada is a member that ratified the Genocide Convention .

2. Preamble of the /bill provides incorrect and/or embellished information as facts.

(i) “ Acts of genocide against the Tamils started in 1948 after Sri Lanka”

The population of Ceylon Tamils in Sri Lanka which was 732,000 according to the 1946 census has grown to 2,443,000 according to the 2012 census, even after the emigration of nearly a million Tamils, showing that the ethnic Tamil population has grown by a factor of 3.3 and prospered like the Sinhalese population which had grown by a factor of 3.3 but suffered little emigration.

According to the table 1 below, it is evident that thrived in all the Sinhala dominating provinces both before war (1911-1981) and during the war (1981-2012). Sources: Census of Ceylon, 1911 and Census, Sri Lanka 1981 and 2012 See table Attached. (Attachment #2)

• We respectfully submit that:

• The growth of Tamil population can be compared between the relatively peaceful periods (1911-1981) in the North and East provinces and in the outside of North and the East where the majority (about 90%) are Sinhalese. • The fact that Tamil population indicate a growth 2.7% in Sinhalese dominated areas contradicts the assertion that genocide occurred in Sri Lanka since 1948 as opposed 1.44% per annum in Tamil dominant areas . During the Civil war in Sri Lanka (1981 to 2009), the Sri Lankan Tamil population increased in almost all the Sinhala dominating areas. The growth is particularly dominant in the Western province where about 60% of the national GDP is generated, the Tamil population grew by 1.32% per annum from 228,516 to 339,370 while the Majority population grew at a lower rate -1.30% per annum. • The response to the allegation that genocide has occurred when the alleged victimized population has grown seven-fold is quite simply self explanatory.

(ii) “The United Nations Organization estimates that in May 2009 alone about 40,000 to 75,000 Tamil civilians were killed ”

• There is ample evidence that several International administrators, experts and organizations have declared as to the number of deaths that occurred in Sri Lanka during the period in question. For instance: o The UN resident representative in reporting a total of 7721 killings between end of August 2008 and May 13, 2009. o The report submitted to the British Parliament in 2019 by Lord Naseby outlines with supportive evidence the actual civilian casualties during the last month of civil War in Sri Lanka .

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o Although it was true that there were several resolutions presented to UN agencies, meticulously drafted by LTTE supporters but none of them has been accepted or proven legally.

o The Maxwell Paranagama Commission on missing persons in Sri Lanka was assisted by a team of international legal and military experts. They include Right Honourable Sir Desmond de (UK)Professor Geoffrey Nice (UK), Professor David Crane (USA), Mr. Rodney Dixon, QC, (UK/South Africa), William Fenrick (Canada), Professor Nina Jorgensen of Harvard University and Sir John Holmes (UK). They all concluded that the Sri Lankan forces had not violate international HR or committed war crimes.

We attach the following reports for your review in support of the fact that inflation of the number of deaths were orchestrated by external considerations other than a need to establish the actual number of casualties.

o Written statements to UN (Attachment #3)

o Report by Lord Naseby (Attachment #4)

At this juncture, it is logical for us to spell out certain atrocities inflicted upon civilians by the LTTE during the 30 years in question. The LTTE killed so many unarmed civilians in 107 villages bordering to their rebel control areas. They bombed the Central Bank of Sri Lanka in 1996 and killed innocent office workers in that huge building in Colombo. They attacked the Colombo international Airport and destroyed six big commercial aircrafts and killed foreign nationals. They attacked Petroleum Storage Facilities. They attacked the two of the most sacred Buddhist temples and a Muslim mosque killing more than 300 devotees while in prayer (much like the Easter bombings that took place in Sri Lanka).

The political leaders who were assassinated by the LTTE included Sri Lankan president and prime minister and several Cabinet Ministers, Prime Minister of and many prominent Tamil Political leaders who were vocal in their criticism of the Proscribed Terrorist Group. We attach herewith detailed list of atrocities committed by the proscribed terrorist group against Sri Lankan Citizens indiscriminately massacring thousands and thousands of civilians. (Attachment #5)

• The forgotten or willfully overlooked aspect of the issue is the fact that there were 295,873 civilians who were kept by the LTTE as human shields and later rescued by the Sri Lankan army. Nearly 12,000 LTTE fighting carders who surrendered to the Sri Lankan military were treated well and rehabilitated with trade skills released to the society. None of them were prosecuted because they were misguided and brainwashed.

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• In 2002, the government of the day entered into a Ceasefire Agreement (CFA) with the LTTE appointing the Nordic countries to monitor the situation. Norway took the chairmanship in this endeavor. According to them, the LTTE had violated the CFA over 7000 instances including the killing of more than 400 military personnel, compared to the 450 violations by Sri Lankan military forces.

• We submit that the actual oppressors of the Tamil people were LTTE although the fact remains little known or willfully overlooked to suit the needs of the factions waging a propaganda war.

Memoirs of a former LTTE Cadre (Attachment #6) Newspaper article: The Guardian (Attachment #7)

(iii) “Sri Lankan state has systematically disenfranchised the Tamil population of their right to vote and to maintain their language, religion and culture”.

Voting rights were granted to all Sri Lankan Citizens in 1931.There was no discrimination based on gender or ethnicity. The only time the Tamil population was prevented from voting was when LTTE prevented Tamil civilians from voting in the North and East during the Civil War . Towards the latter stages of the war, even LTTE affiliated members were allowed to seek nominations in the elections and contest.

Sri Lanka in 1991 by its section 18 of the Constitution adopted Sinhalese and Tamil as equal official languages of the land, The has been introduced as a mandatory subject in all schools in Sri Lanka since 2005.

Sri Lanka, a multi-ethnic country with 70% Sinhalese, 12% Sri Lankan Tamils gained independence from the British in 1948 and appointed a cabinet with 22% Tamil speakers and an even larger representation of Tamil speakers in the public service, local government bodies and universities etc.

Sri Lanka is a multi-ethnic country consist of Sinhalese (74.9%), Sri Lankan Tamil (11.2%) Sri Lankan Moors (9.3%), Indian Tamils (4.1&) Sri Lankan Malays (0.2%), Burghers and Europeans(0.2%) and other groups(o.1%). Sri Lanka has been a member of Commonwealth organization. Being a democratic country, elections have been held to elect political representatives on various level bodies including Parliament. The specific feature of the Cabinet that all successive governments ensured was the appointing of Tamil and Muslim democratic representatives to high cabinet portfolios. Further, substantial percentage of ethnic representation was ensured at the public service, local governments universities and in many other areas.

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(iv) “It is important for many reasons to acknowledge publicly that the killings and all aspects of the genocide constitute a heinous act. Not only does this acknowledgement honour the lives that were lost, but it gives a sense of hope to those who have suffered.”

We respectfully submit that the prime significance of May in the issue is the fact that it signifies the end of Civil War and the complete defeat of LTTE, an organization FBI has classified as the most ruthless terrorist organization to have existed.

To commemorate this event as genocide is to memorialize a proscribed terrorist group under the cloak of legality. Any ratification of such an attempt by the provincial government will alienate an entire group of Sri Lankans (Sinhalese, Muslims, Malay and Burghers alike) who have been victimized for decades by the LTTE and subjected to repeated suicide attacks and massacres killing thousands of their loved ones indiscriminately as it is inseparably linked to the atrocities committed by the LTTE against Sri Lankans that resulted in a massive loss of life; men, women and children alike.

Canada is a multi-cultural country that fosters on its diversity. The proposed Bill is extremely divisive with the inevitable consequence of fostering strife among the Canadian Sri Lankans based on unsubstantiated allegations.

We respectfully remind the Government, being government of “people for the people” should have accountability in their actions whether an action is irrespective of it being carried out by executive or legislative branch.

We respectfully submit that a decision to enact legislation based on unsubstantiated facts on an issue such as Genocide while ultra vires from a legal point of view; it is fundamentally wrong on a moral and ethical level which you as a responsible government should not condone. Such a move will alienate a considerable voter base as well as a massive loss of faith in the Government.

Dated this 14 th day of May 2019

On behalf of Sri Lankans of Ontario

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29/07/2019 Prabakaran should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 people in Sri Lanka - V.Anandasangaree | Asian Tribune

Asian Tribune is published by World Institute For Asian Studies|Powered by WIAS Vol. 12 No. 2654

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Prabakaran should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 people in Sri Lanka - V.Anandasangaree

Tue, 2007-06-26 04:13 — admin

Colombo, 26 June, ( In a open letter, V.Anandasangaree, the Leader of Tamil United Liberation Front has alleged the V.Prabakaran, the reclusive leader of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70 thousand people of all faiths, of all age groups, of both sexes of all communities in Sri Lanka not only at the battle front but also in land and claymore mine attacks, hand grenade and bomb attacks and also massacres of innocent ones in buses, and trains.

V.Anandasangaree: V.Anandasangaree : "I wonder whether even you knew as to why you gunned down Mr. Alfred Duraiappah, a popular political figure, while he was praying before Lord Vishnu at the Ponnalai Varadarajah Perumal Temple"

In a scathing attack Anandasangaree has pointed out “One of your most cruel actions was the assassination of the Ex-Prime Minister of India the Late Hon. with which you lost the support of all Indians. Those who still support you in India are only pretenders. The next thoughtless step was your decision to eradicate all the other Tamil groups without realizing that rightly or wrongly they came forward to fight for a cause like you and your cadre.”

Anandasangaree a veteran Tamil politician has said that it was not his intention to ridicule or to expose Prabakaran. He added that he wants Prabakaran to improve and mend his way.

He advised Prabakaran“You know fully well that Tamil Eelam is not achievable or feasible. Neither the International Community nor India will ever allow it. It is not possible without their concurrence. Hence forget about it.”

The Full text of the letter to Velupillai Prabakaran by V. Anandasangaree is given below:

Mr. V.Prabaharan, Leader – LTTE, .

22-06-2007 1/7 29/07/2019 Prabakaran should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 people in Sri Lanka - V.Anandasangaree | Asian Tribune My Dear Thamby

The Only Way Open

It is very unfortunate that you had not replied to any of my letters sent to you during the past three to four years. I do not expect a reply for this letter either, but I will be satisfied if you would kindly take the trouble to read it carefully, although it may appear to be bitter. Please understand my concerns, for the Tamil Speaking people in particular and of all Sri Lankans in general. Since things seem to be going out of control, please take suitable remedial measures to bring back peace and tranquility to a suffering nation, with-out any further delay.

Some of the matters I am referring to here were not brought to your attention in any of my previous letters. The time has now come for you to take full responsibility for the present precarious condition in which our people live. Although unpalatable, please act with responsibility and caution, forgetting all what had happened in the past and work for a prosperous future of all the people of Sri Lanka. Like some others who project the LTTE as the sole representatives of the Tamil people, I will not do so, because you are not considered by the Tamil people as such, mainly due to your ruthlessness. You know very well that you have earned the name as the most ruthless person in the world. Are you not aware that you are fast losing your credibility day by day, by causing terror and tension to the people? By your reign of terror you have silenced every Tamil voice except a few of which I am one. If you are not going to help to find a solution for the ethnic problem during my life time, you will never find one. Please give up your demand for separation and accept a federal solution within a United Sri Lanka, which will receive very wide support, surprisingly even from un- expected quarters.

Please permit me to bring back to your memory some incidents of the bitter past, not with a view to insult or embarrass you, but to help to open the eyes of some who still think that the Tamils can be treated as second class citizens. This is contrary to the thinking of a large majority of the Sinhalese, who are very fair and reasonable and want to live as equals with all the others.

People are changing day by day. Some come out with fantastic ideas and new theories. History is getting distorted. Some say that Portuguese brought Tamils to to plant tobacco. Some even say that this land of ours belongs only to the Sinhalese and only Sinhalese can live here. I am not going to stoop low to meet these arguments. It is enough for one to know that only 20 miles of Palk Strait separate Sri Lanka from Tamil Nadu in India, where 60 million Tamils live. There are many who had swam across from Tamil Nadu to Jaffna and from Jaffna to Tamil Nadu and some of my classmates used to tell me that their brothers and close relatives got across to India after an early dinner in a country boat and returned before dawn after seeing an M.G.R. film. Further more the five Easwaran Temples Vishnu Devala in Devinuware and Lord Murugan at Kataragama are a few ancient temples existing from pre-historic times. I always look at our problem as a patriotic citizen of Sri Lanka and never as one who belongs to a particular community or group. That is patriotism! By making any irresponsible statement, I don’t want to provoke or insult any moderate Sinhalese and thereby aggravate the situation at a time when calm and patience is needed most to solve our problem.

Taking the passage of the Sinhala Only Act as the Starting Point, the ethnic problem is now 50 years old. There was absolutely no need for that new Law because all schools in Jaffna that had classes up to Senior, present day G.C.E(O/L) had graduates in their academic to teach Sinhala for Tamil students. You were either not born then or must have been a toddler. At that time the Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims and many other small groups lived in absolute peace and harmony with mutual love and respect for each other. Except over one minor incident relating to a temple festival in the South, that too long ago, communal riots was unheard of in our peaceful country. I don’t want even to mention as to who and who clashed at the time.

It is only the passage of the Sinhala Only Act that brought ruin to our country, where all communities lived peacefully. That too could have been saved if the remedial measures taken were not disrupted by some chauvinist forces which you find at least in small numbers in almost every group all over the world. Left alone, under the renowned non-violent leader-ship of the Late Hon.S.J.V.Chelvanayagam Q.C., the newly formed alliance the T.U.L.F. would have sorted out the Tamil problem peacefully but it is you who aggravated the situation by taking drastic steps, never heard of in the history of Jaffna till that time.

Things took a violent turn with your introduction of gun culture by gunning down the Late Hon. Mr. Alfred Duraiappah, Ex-Mayor of Jaffna who became the M.P. for Jaffna by defeating the nominees of the two major political parties the All Ceylon Tamil Congress and the Federal Party led by two prominent Queen’s Councils the Late Hon. G.G.Ponnambalam and the Late Hon. S.J.V.Chelvanayagam. The only known crime Mr.Duraiappah committed was defeating the nominees of both the Leading Tamil parties in Jaffna. I wonder whether even you knew as to why you gunned down Mr. Alfred Duraiappah, a popular political figure, while he was praying before Lord Vishnu at the Ponnalai Varadarajah Perumal Temple, another name for Lord Vishnu. People believe that the high toll of death and loss of properties among the Tamils were inflicted as retribution for assassinating Mr. Alfred Duraiappah right in front of the deity Lord Vishnu and for driving away the Muslims from the North, depriving them of all their possession and preventing them from taking 2/7 29/07/2019 Prabakaran should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 people in Sri Lanka - V.Anandasangaree | Asian Tribune even the ear-studs of Muslim kids. You should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70 thousand people of all faiths, of all age groups, of both sexes of all communities in Sri Lanka not only at the battle front but also in land and claymore mine attacks, hand grenade and bomb attacks and also massacres of innocent ones in buses, trains, etc. The Kepitigolawa and Aranthalawa massacres, attempt to sink the ship carrying 700 service personnel in mid-sea, the killing of the hundred odd personnel going on leave and returning for duty and many other massacres in the Mosques etc. cannot be justified. What harm did the 31 innocent Buddhist Priests you slaughtered at Aranthalawa did to you? Can you cite one single incident of this nature in which a Sinhalese civilian got involved. Further more please take it for granted that up to now not one Tamil life was taken by any one of those so called Buddhist Sinhala Chauvinist although some talk irresponsibly. I am not unaware of the “Kumuduni” Ferry massacre, the Velanai, Suruvil and Mankumban incidents, and the mass burial of Tamils at Navatkuli by the forces. The Sinhalese civilians had never been implicated in any one incident of this nature but as far as the civilian killings are concerned your hands are bloody. The curse of the victims will not spare anyone responsible for these heinous crimes. That is why I say, “Let us now forget everything and turn over to a new leaf and earn the admiration of all Sri Lankans and the International Community, all of whom are yearning for peace”.

One of your most cruel actions was the assassination of the Ex-Prime Minister of India the Late Hon. Rajiv Gandhi with which you lost the support of all Indians. Those who still support you in India are only pretenders. The next thoughtless step was your decision to eradicate all the other Tamil groups without realizing that rightly or wrongly they came forward to fight for a cause like you and your cadre. You by being so selfish and greedy brought only ruin for yourself by hunting for them and thereby lost the public support that you had, if any. By your latest action you have made things worse. Please do not expect any government to help you or to supply you with equipment for aerial attacks. As far as I am concerned your attack can only be taken as an air-display and not as a serious aerial attack. You are only tightening your noose by engaging in such activities and also earning the wrath of the International Community, which will never give any support to strengthen you.

I now wish you to cry halt to everything and look-back at your achievements. Please assess for yourself the damage you and your cadre had caused to your own people and to the country as a whole in various ways. I will deal only with a few matters, may be just a fraction and leave the rest for your guess. The following list, with my comments, should open not only your eyes but also the eyes of those who want to keep the issue dragging without finding a reasonable and immediate solution, whether they are from the Government or the opposition side. As for the ordinary people they all want peace at any price.

I have a special purpose in writing this lengthy letter to you. I do not imagine that the average Sinhalese, having come to know the shabby and the degrading manner in which your cadre had been treating the Tamils and the Muslims for almost quarter of a century, will expect them to be satisfied with a half baked solution which will never bring permanent peace for them and instead leave it open for further agitation in the future too. I am sure the Sinhalese will struggle hard to solve the problem once and for all, to the satisfaction of the minorities, under a Federal System within a United Sri Lanka, since no relief had been found for over fifty years in a Unitary Constitution.

1. Education

I was present in Parliament in 1970 when the tragic decision to standardize marks for the admission of students to the Universities was taken, which prevented a large number of qualified Tamil students from getting admitted to the prestigious courses like Medicine and Engineering. The charge was that entry of large number of Tamil students would be out of proportion to their ethnic composition. This being an unjustifiable move, it precipitated a lot of heartburn among the Tamil students that ultimately turned out to be the immediate cause for all the evils of today. However the next Government in 1977 successfully introduced a new scheme to the satisfaction of students of all ethnic groups but it was too late. This was between 1970 and 1972.

What is happening today?. Are Tamil children allowed to attend school regularly by your cadre? Last year during the 1st term the children lost about 27 school days why?. They are being used off and on for demonstrations, hartals, and to antagonize the forces by defying them, casting insulting remarks, throwing stones at them etc. We should realize that we do not have Gandhis in our forces to observe non-violence. Much more can be said but I leave it at that and conclude by saying that admission of Jaffna students to Universities on merit basis have reduced considerably and it is a shame that some batches of students take ten years to complete their course due to the compulsions they had to cut classes and attend demonstrations and hartals. Where do the Tamils stand in Education after 35 years of constant struggle. Are you not aware that over 200 school going children had been handed over to the H.R.C. for safe keeping in Jaffna today to save them from being recruited as child-soldiers.

2. Intellectuals, academics government agents and government servants of all ranks, engineers, doctors heads of schools, teachers etc. 3/7 29/07/2019 Prabakaran should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 people in Sri Lanka - V.Anandasangaree | Asian Tribune In the history of the ethnic issue of fifty years can you give one instance in which any one person of the above category was ever killed by the Government forces or by any Sinhalese or Muslims. Contrary to that such killings were by your own cadre. To mention a few, a Medical College Lecturer Mrs.Rajani Theranagama, Principal Jaffna St.John’s College Mr.Anandarajah, Principal Central College Mr.Rajadurai, Government Agents Mr.Mcbool, Mr.Panchalingam and Mr.Gnanachandran and hundreds of others. Why did you allow them to be killed?.

3. Building materials K.K.S. . cement factory

All the building materials required were available at our door-step in Jaffna. Cement Factory at K.K.S. produced cement much more than required to meet the local requirements and a large quantity was sent regularly to the south and to other parts of the country. How many thousands of lives depended on it for their survival?. What happened to the Factory?. The employees have become paupers and their families suffered a lot. When hundreds of thousands of Tamils were working in the south amongst the Sinhalese you go and gun down the Sinhalese Production Manager Mr.Bogolagama which resulted in the closing down of the factory. A bag of cement that cost less than 100 rupees then now cost about Rs.1000.00. How many crores of rupees will be needed now to rebuild a factory like that?.

4. Asbestos cement industries of Punnalaikadduvan

This factory had been producing asbestos roofing sheets and could have met the local requirements. Where is it now?. What is the difference in price between now and then. How much will be needed to re-establish a factory like that?. What did you gain by destroying that factory?.

5. Sand.

An important requirement for building construction is sand, available in large quantities sufficient to last for several generations at Kudathanai, Amban, Manalkadu, Nagar Kovil etc. It is entirely in the Government’s cleared areas. Are you not aware that one University student who loaded his Tractor trailer with sand for his personal use was burnt alive with his trailer by your cadre which incident his university colleagues pretended to be not knowing anything about it. Why?. Because they don’t dare to demonstrate against you. If you allow normalcy to return to the North the cost of building a house will be much less than 20% of what it now costs.

6. Industrial Estate.

There were 36 units at the Atchuvely Industrial Estate, producing varieties of items including materials required for buildings, etc. You removed the Lathe Machines, Motors and also cut and removed all parts of the 36 Units. Not one was spared. How much will be needed to re-establish another Industrial Estate?. How many people were employed in these factories then?.

7. Paranthan Chemicals Corporation.

This Factory in Paranthan gave employment to over 1000 people and several thousand mouths were fed. Today it is difficult to trace even the site in which it was located. More than 100 officer’s quarters are in ruins. How many crores of rupees are needed to put up a factory like that now?. Why din’t you prevent its destruction?.

8. Tile factory at Oddisudan and Ilmenite factory at Pulmoddai.

What happen to these factories and their employees?.

9. Saltern at .

This Saltern could produce the entire requirements of the country. With the extension work that was in progress we would have been exporting salt. Now every-thing had been abandoned with all the infra-structure washed off. How much money will be required to re-start the three salterns at Elephant Pass, Navatkuli and Kallunda. How many employees were thrown out of employment, you may not know.

10. The economy of Jaffna was completely destabilized by you and your cadre.

From my house at Kilinochchi on the A.9 road I used to count 60 to 70 lorries speeding to Colombo with their loads of fish, vegetables, grapes, plantains etc every night and a similar number to Jaffna with varieties of goods from Colombo. Your keeping the A.9 closed to traffic completely destabilized the economy of Jaffna. Sea foods and vegetables did not fetch good price. The people of Jaffna were virtually starving. The C.F.A. brought some relief for them which too has now stopped. Your illegal taxes increased the cost of production and imported goods were much cheaper in the Market than those produced in Jaffna. They hardly get any income these days, because they were compelled to stop production.

11.Train Service. 4/7 29/07/2019 Prabakaran should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 people in Sri Lanka - V.Anandasangaree | Asian Tribune Everyday we had five trains to Colombo and five from Colombo of which three were express trains and one was the mail train. On Saturdays we had an extra air conditioned coach. ‘Sleeperettes’ and berths were available in every train and journey to Jaffna took only seven to eight hours. Today there are no trains to Jaffna and journey to Jaffna takes more than one full day by ship. Your cadre had completely removed the rails, sleepers and metal on the main line to a distance of 160 Km and about fifty km on the Thalaimanar track. The Indian Government was generous enough to re-lay these lines by air-lifting the materials required but today once again nothing is left on the tracks. Letters that reached their destination within 24 hours are today rotting in the mail room in Vavuniya for months. This is what you have done to the people. Every-thing was removed from the rail tracks for the construction of bunkers for your cadre.

12. Suspension of ferry service to India.

You must take full responsibility for the suspension of the ferry service to India which I am sure will never be re-installed again. A trip to Chennai which cost less than 300 rupees then, now cost you 20,000 rupees. Thanks to your cadre.

13. Plane service to Trichirapally in India.

We had regular flights from Colombo to Palay and from Palaly to Trichirapally in India. By this time Palaly would have become an International Airport. Thanks to your cadre for disrupting this service which I am sure we will never enjoy again.

14. Electricity.

Almost 80% of Jaffna including Kilinochchi, Mullaitheevu and Mankulam had electricity. You did not spare a single electricity post all of which were removed broken and the reinforcements used for the construction of bunkers. Telegraph posts also met with the same fate. For several years you deprived the people and the farmers of their electricity and allowed them to suffer. Please tell me whether you ever lived without electricity even in your bunkers and how much inconvenience you caused to the people.

At least now realize the amount of harassments, embarrassments, mental-tortures and humiliations you caused to the people whom you say that you represent. Apart from the loss of lives and damage to property you had caused to the people for over quarter of a centaury, what good have you done to your people. They faced only misery.


I as Member of Parliament for the Kilinochchi Electorate got the entire electorate carved out from the Jaffna District to form the District of Kilinochchi. I lived and grew with the people of Kilinochchi. I developed their education. It is due to my untiring efforts you find Doctors, Engineers and Graduates in large numbers in Kilinochchi from where not one student entered the University till it was made a separate District. I had my own plans for its development. I was their Village Council Chairman and later become Chairman of the Kilinochchi Town Council and finally as their Member of Parliament. I taught at Poonakari Maha Vidyalayam. I knew most of the people by their names. I knew each and every nook and corner of the Kilinochchi Electorate and knew the location of each school. What have you done for the people of Kilinochchi?.

You deprived them of their voting rights, deprived them of a good Member of Parliament and a social worker for whom Kilinochchi was his life. You have sown landmines all over Kilinochchi and made thousands lose their lives and limbs. You gave me only 187 votes in the electorate which I won with a majority of over 11,000 votes defeating a Minister.

We had in Kilinocchchi bi- weekly fair where products from all parts of Jaffna were brought for sale. Sinhala Traders from all parts of Sri Lanka came in their thousands with their products to sell. The people of Kilinochchi were flourishing. What is now left there are ruins and land mines planted all over? You have given them a rule behind the iron curtain. They had been deprived of their fundamental rights and democratic rights. Their human rights had been very seriously eroded. You are treating them as slaves.

You have detention camps, and darkroom chambers where people are tortured for even trivial offences. What right you or your cadre have to torture them?. Who gave you permission to do so?. It is with the power of guns you are ruling them. Many people had been killed during your torture. You have sent your children abroad for higher education, while children of poor parents are compelled to send their children to join your fighting cadre.

The people will never pardon the countries that had given facilities for the children of the LTTE leaders to study abroad. The whole world talks about human rights violations in Sri Lanka. If there are such allegations against the Government or against any group, it is their business to clear their name. But I would like to know why the International Community is not taking any notice of the conscriptions, abductions, killings and such other human rights violations that are taking place in abundance, under your subjugation, about which I had been repeatedly complaining during the last few years. 5/7 29/07/2019 Prabakaran should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 people in Sri Lanka - V.Anandasangaree | Asian Tribune You have some paid agents or agents who enjoy many benefits through you for lobbying among the British Parliamentarian and of the European Union. Why did it not strike them that they should visit not only Kilinochchi and Mullaitheevu but also many other areas under the control of the LTTE in the North and the East to see for themselves as to what is happening there and how people are being treated. There had been a number of instances in which parents who had taken serious objection to their children getting recruited by the LTTE, assaulted and killed. Some had even committed suicide protesting against conscription. Most children are living in hiding and such children had been hunted for by your cadre and taken away by force during nights. If the International Community cannot have access to your areas can’t they at least bring pressure on you to open your gates to let the people, dissatisfied with you, to escape. Ask your foreign agents in Europe, Nordic countries and from Canada and America to return to your Head Quarters without misleading the International Community.

The people whom you have under your subjugation want to be free. They want their children to see the outside world. Their children had not even seen or travelled by train. They had not seen a Sinhalese or a Muslim person. They do not have any entertainment. Why should you keep them under your subjugation denying them all their rights?. You are imposing restrictions on their travels, on their marriages, on their education, and on their way of living.

You have a set of proxy Members of Parliament whose only duty is to glorify you and to speak only on your behalf. Most of the Tamil Media both print and electronic, not only in Sri Lanka and in India but all over the world also, glorify you and your cadre. No one dares to write or say one word against you. They hardly write the truth and mostly engage in demeaning writings against those who do not support you or your cadre.

It is not my intention to ridicule you or to expose you. I want you to improve and mend your ways. You know fully well that Tamil Eelam is not achievable or feasible. Neither the International Community nor India will ever allow it. It is not possible without their concurrence. Hence forget about it. You can’t make the people believe that Tamil Eelam is achievable. Those who are acting as your agents and claiming to be promoting your cause are not genuine persons. They do it as a business for personal gains.

They give the best of education for their children and are leading lavish lives abroad. It is the same with the Tamil Nadu politicians who support you. The few British Parliamentarian who support you don’t do so out of conviction but only with selfish intentions of getting Tamil votes. They must learn from their colleagues who have a better knowledge of the happenings in Sri Lanka.

Scope for employment in both the Public and the Private Sectors is becoming more and more limited for the Minorities. After 50 years of non-violent agitation and about 25 years of armed struggle we are now back to square one. The economy of the Tamils and the Muslims is in shambles. Lack of transport facilities and excessive taxation on the A.9 road by you brought agriculture and fisheries to a grinding halt. Disruption of electricity supply and destruction of factories and the Industrial Estate also brought industry to an end, leaving the people at the mercy of the Government’s Social assistance. Without much recruitment of Minorities to the Public Service, it is being run mostly with retired officers on extension. You have also successfully prevented recruitment of Tamil Officers for the Army, Navy, Air Force and the Police by your threats. In a situation like this what do you expect the Tamil speaking people to do?.

Knowing fully well that Tamil Eelam is only a day-dream why are you unnecessarily causing the death of more and more people and creating more and more widows, and orphans whether they are Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims or people of other ethnic groups and causing destruction to private and public property. Considering all what I had said why don’t you agree to accept a Federal Solution within a United Sri Lanka by declaring to give up the demand for separation. If you do so I am sure that a large majority of the Sinhalese and many others will fully support you.

The Indians too will back you and the International Community will pressurize the Government to agree for a Federal Solution. I know the thinking of the Sinhalese people. If you agree for such a solution even those who now oppose a Federal Solution will certainly reconsider their position.

Please sit down peacefully for a short while and total up the financial losses you have caused to both the people and the Government by your destructive activities. You will be shocked to know that the value of the destruction you caused is sufficient enough to re-construct the infra-structure the country needs, the high- ways and motor-ways, schools, factories and many other activities and also to provide employment for all the unemployed in the country. Aids from various countries will flow in. We will have a fully contended society with every-one loving and respecting each other in a newly found paradise. Further-more you will certainly be given a proper share in the Administration so that you can fulfill your dreams the way you want by peaceful means within a United Sri Lanka. Above all our people scattered all over the world will come back with the wealth they have acquired to help to build a new nation.

The intention of writing this letter to you is also to open the eyes of the Sinhalese brothers who do not understand the real hardships the Tamils underwent these many years apart from the immense loss of life and property they sustained. 6/7 29/07/2019 Prabakaran should be held responsible for the deaths of over 70,000 people in Sri Lanka - V.Anandasangaree | Asian Tribune Thanking You,

Yours Sincerely,

V.Anandasangaree, President – TULF.

- Asian Tribune - /

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Subject: FW: Bill C-104 : Mr. V. Thanigasalam's blatant lies about genocide

Dear Hon. Prime Minister,

In introducing Bill C-104, Mr. V. Thanigasalam claims: ------Tamil-Ontarians have families still suffering in their homeland in the north and east of the island of Sri Lanka. They have lost their loved ones and have been physically or mentally traumatized by the genocide that the Sri Lankan state perpetrated against the Tamils during the civil war which lasted from 1983 to 2009, and especially so in May of 2009. Genocide is the deliberate and organized killing of a group or groups of people, with the intention of destroying their identity as an ethnic, cultural or religious group. Acts of genocide against the Tamils started in 1948 after Sri Lanka gained its independence and were perpetrated through Sinhala-Buddhist centric government policies, pogroms, land grabs and ethnic cleansing. The United Nations Organization estimates that in May 2009 alone about 40,000 to 75,000 Tamil civilians were killed. Other estimates place the death toll at 146,679 civilians. These figures only reflect the death toll in 2009 leading up to May 18, the day on which the civil war ended. The loss of Tamil civilian lives during the genocide, which continued for decades in Sri Lanka, is much higher. ------Now can you please ask Mr. Thanigasalam to answer following questions by looking at the two Tables below about Sri Lankan Tamils in Sri Lanka (no Indian Tamils counted here):

1. If, as Mr. Thanigasalam claimed, the " Acts of genocide against the Tamils started in 1948 after Sri Lanka gained its independence and were perpetrated through Sinhala-Buddhist centric government policies, pogroms, land grabs and ethnic cleansing ": how come Sri Lankan Tamils thrived in all the Sinhala dominating provinces (all the provinces except North and East where Tamils are the majority) both before the war (1911 to 1981) and during the war (1981 to 2012)?

For Mr. Thanigalasalam to see the relevant facts for my question, he could compare Tamil population GROWTH in relatively peaceful time (1911 to 1981) in the North and East provinces and in the outside of North and East where the majority (about 90%) are Sinhalese (Table 1). If genocide happened since 1948, how come Tamil population GREW in Sinhala dominating areas (2.72% per year) which is ALMOST DOUBLE their growth in their so called Northern homeland (1.44% per year). The total number of Tamils in these Sinhala dominating areas grew from 79,100 in 1911 to 530, 138 by 1981 or MORE THAN SEVEN FOLD! Where in this world an ethnic group expanded by 7 fold, if they have faced genocide?

Even during the 30 years of LTTE brutalities from 1981 to 2009, Sri Lankan Tamil population GREW in almost all the Sinhala dominating provinces (Table 2). Particularly in the Western province where about 60 percent of the country's GDP is generated, the Tamils grew by 1.32% per year from 228, 516 to 339, 370 where the majority Sinhalese grew at a lower rate of 1.30% per year. Western province is the heart of Sri Lanka and the so called " Sinhala-Buddhist centric government policies pogroms, land grabs and ethnic cleansing" could have compltely wiped out Tamils in the Western province. Lo and behold, in Western Province, Tamil population increased by 48.5% from 1981 to 2012 where as the Sinhalese (so called perpetrator) increased ONLY by 47.6% during the same time .

Mr. Prime Minister please ask from Mr. Thanigalasalam why 28.4% of his kith and kin live outside of their so called homeland in North and East among the Sinhalease majority (2nd Table). This was in 1981, and even better in 2012 ! This share has increase to 29.6% by 2012. If genocide happen why MORE tamils living among the Sinhala majority at the end of war (in 2012) than at the begining of it (1981)?

1 Mr. Thanigalasalam PLEASE DO NOT LIE. Don't deceive Ontarins with lies. NO GENOCIDE HAPPEN IN SRI LANKA Period

Thank you very much.

Dhammika Herath

Growth of Tamils and Sinhalease population in the pre-war

Province 1911 1981 Average 1911 1981 Average Sri Lankan Growth rate % Sinhalease Growth rate % Tamils Western 29511 228516 2.92 895993 3321830 1.87 Central 19128 149819 2.94 338907 1318530 1.94 Southern 1779 14454 2.99 595486 1789914 1.57 North-Western 14702 47202 1.67 1044204 1532979 0.55 North- Central 5617 13293 1.23 65803 774799 3.52 Uva 3614 42866 3.53 133672 696596 2.36 Sabaragamuwa 4743 34168 2.82 303721 1266091 2.04 Sub Total 1 79094 530318 2.72 3377786 10700739 1.65 North 349689 957247 1.44 2912 35128 3.56 Eastern 100292 399299 1.97 6908 243701 5.09 Sub Total 2 449981 1356546 1.58 9820 278829 4.78 Grand Total (1+2) 529075 1886864 1.82 3387606 10979568 1.68

Growth of Tamils and Sinhalease population in the post-war

Province 1981 2012 Average 1981 2012 Average Sri Lankan Tamil Growth Rate % Sinhalease Growth Rate % Western 228516 339370 1.32 3321830 4905425 1.30 Central 149819 126052 -0.58 1318530 1687199 0.82 Southern 14454 24830 1.80 1789914 2340693 0.89 North-Western 47202 66382 1.14 1532979 2030370 0.94 North- Central 13293 12029 -0.33 774799 1143607 1.30 Uva 42866 30086 -1.18 696596 1017092 1.26 Sabaragamuwa 34168 72298 2.50 1266091 1657967 0.90 Sub Total 1 530318 671047 0.78 10700739 14782353 1.08 North 957247 987692 0.10 35128 32331 -0.28 Eastern 399299 609584 1.41 243701 359136 1.29 Sub Total 2 1356546 1597276 0.54 278829 391467 1.13 Grand Total (1+2) 1886864 2268323 0.61 10979568 15173820 1.08

Sources: Census of Ceylon, 1911 and Census, Sri Lanka 1981 and 2012


This article is more than 10 years old Sri Lanka conflict: 'Two of us fled. 75 other women killed themselves with grenades,' says Tamil Tiger As the Sri Lankan army intensifies its campaign against the last remnants of the Tamil Tigers, Gethin Chamberlain hears the harrowing stories of the captured female fighters who chose not to carry out suicide orders Gethin Chamberlain Sun 12 Apr 2009 00.01 BST

By the time Arulmathy and her fellow Tamil Tigers realised they were surrounded, it was too late. They had fallen asleep and now Sri Lankan soldiers were swarming into their bunker. Arulmathy watched aghast as 75 women she had fought beside for so many months reached for their hand grenades, pulled the pins and blew themselves to pieces, as they had been ordered to do.

But Arulmathy had had enough of the Tigers' war. She had no wish to die for a cause in which she no longer believed. As the grenades detonated, she slipped into a supply trench and ran for her life. In January, as the Sri Lankan army intensified its campaign against the dwindling rebel force, she surrendered.

Trapped inside a tiny coastal strip no larger than 20 sq km, the last fighters of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) are almost out of time. Since the start of the year, the Sri Lankan military has stepped up its campaign. Outgunned, they have fallen back to an area designated a "no-fire zone", where civilians were told to gather to escape the fighting. In the past week, more than 500 rebel fighters were reported killed.

Alongside the LTTE fighters are tens of thousands of civilians, unwilling or unable to leave. The Sri Lankan government says they are being used as human shields, and independent humanitarian workers say there is no doubt that many who tried to escape have been shot by the Tigers. One UN worker described how a five-year-old boy was shot in the head as he tried to flee. Yesterday Sri Lankan forces claimed to have made further advances, killing 28 rebel fighters in fresh fighting on the edge of the no-fire zone. The military said 606 civilians managed to escape from the zone on Friday and the operation was continuing.

Doctors working in the no-fire zone say that over the past week they have treated hundreds of civilians, accusing the Sri Lankan government of shelling the zone; one claimed that about 50 civilians are dying every day. The government denies these charges and there is no way of proving the claims because independent media are barred from entering the area. The military says that, even when surrounded, many Tigers refused to surrender. Asked to explain how more than 500 Tigers had been killed in the most recent fighting, against an official military death toll of just 11, Udaya Nanayakkara, the military spokesman, said the rebels had been cut off and were unable to get fresh supplies: "They were pretty much out of ammunition, but they were determined to fight to the end. It was hand-to-hand fighting."

With many of their leaders dead, some Tigers, like Arulmathy, have chosen to surrender. She was taken to what the Sri Lankan Ministry of Justice describes as a "rehabilitation centre", built on a hillside amid dense jungle outside the town of Ambepusse, about an hour-and-a-half's drive from the capital, Colombo. Others among the 22 female inmates held behind barbed wire confirmed that they had received orders from the LTTE to use hand grenades to commit suicide rather than be taken alive. The instruction was simple: hold the grenade against your head or stomach and detonate it.

The women at Ambepusse have been told they must spend a year undergoing what Piyumanthi Peries, the assistant commissioner-general of rehabilitation, called "psycho-social rehabilitation" - a mixture of psychiatry, therapy, medical treatment and vocational training. The Ministry of Justice says the women are there for protection from LTTE reprisals and to be trained to find jobs on release. The women say they are well treated and have rejected the Tigers.

Arulmathy was 19 when she entered the LTTE training camp in 2003. In her purple-and-white check shirt and long purple skirt, she does not look much like a guerrilla. But she had signed up voluntarily, angered by a video she had watched. "It showed some fighting and cruel things done by the Sinhalese army, so I joined for the adventure," she says. "I joined for the Tamil nation." She trained for seven months. In 2006, she was injured by shrapnel. By the time her unit was surrounded the following year, she had already resolved to get out.

"We were careless and we had fallen asleep," she says. "The army were only 10 metres away when we saw them. They started to jump into the bunker. We couldn't do anything. Seventy-five committed suicide with their grenades. There were parts of them spread on all sides. I can never forget that scene. Only two of us escaped. This war has been useless." Arulmathy tried to get away, but was recaptured by the Tigers and beaten. She made two more unsuccessful attempts before making it to safety. She surrendered in January this year, as the Sri Lankan army swept north.

Suba, 26, was also a willing volunteer when she joined up in 2002. She, too, was happy to accept the Tigers' line: "The LTTE said we must fight for freedom for the area." She fought in two major operations. "It was very cruel, a very big jungle with no food or water. We had to walk long distances and it was very painful."

Suba was with 40 other young women when they ran into a stronger army force. "They surrounded us and we could not escape, so we fought them," she says. "Most of the girls were killed and three or four of us escaped, but the others committed suicide by grenade ... But I didn't want to kill myself."

What appears to have turned some former supporters against the LTTE was its decision in 2007 to start conscripting fighters to fill their depleted ranks. Niraiesai, 26, says she was given no choice but to fight. She had just finished teacher training when the Tigers turned up at her home in 2007. Every family had to send one member to fight, they were told. "Many people didn't like it, but they compelled us so we had to join."

She was sent to an orphanage to teach before being transferred to a as a computer operator, but, as the war intensified in August last year she was sent to the front. "Many cadres had been killed or injured ... so the administration staff were sent to the front line. The first time I had to fight, I was frightened. We came up on them hiding behind some trees and we shot at them, but no one was killed. I prayed to god that I didn't kill anyone. I closed my eyes and fired my gun." In November she and the six other women in her unit were surrounded. "We couldn't escape. Two of the girls went outside to get help and the army shot them and they were killed. After that, there were five of us in the bunker. I thought that day I would be killed. At first we fought, but we ran out of rounds and so we surrendered." But two women, 18-year-old Nallisai and Mathuvanthy, 22, stayed behind. "They removed the clips from their hand grenades and put them on their stomachs and committed suicide. We begged them not to, but they were afraid of what the army would do to them. They were very young."

Niraiesai was held in a military camp for two months, then sent to Ambepusse. She says the Tigers stole her youth. "For 25 years, we were ruled by the LTTE and we believed them. But after 2007 people hated them because they compelled the children to fight. We were brainwashed that the Sinhalese were bad and we believed them," she says. "But now I think we can live together."

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Topics Sri Lanka The Observer Tamil Tigers South and Central Asia news Monday May 13th 2019


NAVIGATE : Home » » Thamilini’s ‘Under the Shade of a Sharp Sword’ Breaking News

Thamilini’s ‘Under the Shade of a Sharp Sword’ Await Breaking News Plea of a former Tigress for peace in Sri Lanka Last Updated May 12 2019 | 09:46 pm October 19, 2016, 8:39 pm ...

The late Thamilini Jeyakumaran, born in Paranthan, was Featured News the leader of the LTTE’s political wing. She joined the LTTE on 29th July 1991 and surrendered to the

on 16th May 2009 when the LTTE was defeated. She wrote her memoirs (now published in Sinhala as Thiunu Aspitha Yata) while she was undergoing treatment for cancer. Her last wish was to donate part of the proceedings of her book to the children’s ward of the Cancer Hospital. In the aftermath of a Thamilini says she wanted her people to know the truth dreadful... and hence decided to write this book. She laments that 2019-05-12

though she was a part of the struggle as a member of the LTTE for nearly 20 years, the LTTE failed to keep the promises made to her people. She makes the plea: "There should never be bloodshed again in this country. No mother in Sri Lanka should weep in front of the coffin of her child ever again. We should use our brains and knowledge instead, to conquer the world." She adds that ‘Wake Up’ call from... by bearing arms or by taking revenge, nothing good will 2019-05-12 come to her society, to Sri Lanka, or to the world and that Read More

experience as a fighter had taught her that and she embraces peace.

These words of wisdom from a former LTTE member should be heeded by all; especially the so-called democratic politicians who try to gain political mileage by fanning the flames of communal hatred in our small Cardinal Malcolm island. Ranjit: a true... 2019-05-12

I empathized with Thamilini while reading her book. It was a sad story and what stood out was that she too was a human being; a being with feelings, aspirations and hope.

There is so much Thamilini reveals in her book and let me try and share some with you. According to her, Colombo was playing politics after the assassination of the great while the LTTE celebrated his killing. She recalls how terrorist leader Prabakaran boasted the day after the assassination: "See what we did. We finished him off for continuing to pinch us." The LTTE had also Ten strong mums in assassinated Mr. Kadirgamar to show how they could operate inside the high security zone in fiction who... 2019-05-12 Colombo.

Thamilini also reveals how the ‘smiling assassin,’ Thamil Chelvam known as Dinesh, led battles and how he was in the good books of Prabhakaran. It is him the international community at the time considered as a Peace Dove and a darling. Even the so called political wing members of the LTTE fought the Sri Lanka Army and carried weapons.

Army In her book, Thamilini reveals ordinary Sri Lankan Tamils living in the Wanni hated the LTTE for taxing calls for... them and other cruelties. She also tells the readers of the arrogance of Prabakaran’s son, 2019-05-12

Anthony, and how senior LTTE cadres became helpless and disheartened because of his modus operandi. She says on several occasions he insulted them. She also commends the role played by Sri

Lanka Army’s Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol or the deep penetration team, which instilled fear in ARCHIVES RELATED LINKS Prabakaran and the LTTE. She says the LTTE failed to counter them or curtail their actions. Monday, 13th May 2019 [Current Issue]

Thamilini writes of an issue politicians of Sri Lanka should take serious note of. According to Sunday, 12th May 2019 Prabahakran, words she says: "Women should come out with problems related to them. It’s Saturday, 11th May 2019 regrettable that more men talk of women’s rights rather than women. However, men aren't capable of understanding the problems of women." Despite these remarks, however, Thamilini suggests he Friday, 10th May 2019 failed to protect his female fighters: "The state of the female LTTE cadres was tragic during the last Thursday, 9th May 2019 few days in Mullavaikkal. They had no alternative Wednesday, 8th May 2019 but to commit suicide there. Some female sea Tuesday, 7th May 2019 tiger cadres wore armour filled with bullets, were asked to stay inside vehicles full of gunpowder More Archives and other explosive items, until they received orders from . Several injured female cadres swallowed cyanide and committed suicide inside their bunkers. Other female fighters were confused not knowing what would happen next. They never received any information. I didn't know if female cadres were included our leader’s and other rebel leader’s exit plan."

She is saddened by the futility of war and at one point writes that children of poor parents of Sri Lanka sacrificed their lives for an unwanted war. She questions as to how a liberation struggle to liberate the people could bring so much misery to the people. Thamilini says: "I detested the armed struggle. There was a time that the whole nation could have become non-existent because of the foolish decisions made by the LTTE leadership. During these thirty years of struggle we have lost lakhs of lives, destroyed property worth over millions of rupees. Over lakhs of people’s future have been destroyed. Who is this struggle for when our people are destroyed? I can see in front of my eyes that this struggle is hopeless."

Thamilini describes how ordinary Sri Lankan Tamil citizens openly insulted the LTTE on several occasions and took away their children; she talks often of her dearest mother and how she slept like a little girl next to her after they met at a camp at the end of the conflict.

Thamilini lived in the jungles for nearly twenty years as an LTTE fighter. She was rehabilitated and released after the war ended.

There is much sadness in her book and it’s not only soul searching for her but thought provoking for us. In a way it ridicules the naive peace makers at times. I wished she lived and entered politics in Sri Lanka to make a real difference; unlike ex-LTTE members Karuna and others who got lost in the colours and lights in Colombo, having entered politics.

However, she has left this world with a strong message to all Sri Lankans. Her book must be read by all peace loving citizens of the world.

Rest in Peace Thamilini!

The book is available in Tamil and has been translated into Sinhala by Saminathan Wimal; Published by Dharmasiri Bandaranayake (Dharmasiri, you have done nothing wrong by publishing this book. Thank you.)

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Solution by Lankacom.

United Nations A/HRC/40/NGO/110

General Assembly Distr.: General 19 February 2019

English only

Human Rights Council Fortieth session 25 February–22 March 2019 Agenda item 2 Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General

Written statement* submitted by African Green Foundation International, non-governmental organization in special consultative status

The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31. [11 February 2019]

* Issued as received, in the language(s) of submission only.

GE.19-02665(E)  A/HRC/40/NGO/110

OISL report 30/1, more precisely A/HRC/30/61, is seriously flawed. There was no Shelling of Hospitals

Does the SLA committed the OISL charges (para 731) shelling of hospitals during the last phase of the war? Some of the hospitals that the Panel says were shelled are: PTK, Mullivaikkal, Udayakaardi, Putumattalan.


On 23rd March 2017, GSLF sponsored and handed over comprehensive report called “A Factual Appraisal of the OISL Report: A Rebuttal to the Allegations Against the Armed Forces” (the “Rebuttal”) to the Human Rights Officer, Asia-Pacific Section, Mr. Thomas Hunecke at the 34th Human Rights Council session negating all above allegations. However, there is no any response from the UNHRC, especially from the outgoing UNHRHC, relating to our first submission (the “Rebuttal”) to clear the Sri Lankans from the alleged War Crimes.

Therefore, We the GSLF, take with thank this opportunity to just brief you why and how we deny the allegations and established the truth referring to the Rebuttal and various exculpatory evidence.

How? “OISL received no information to indicate that Government-run or other hospitals and ambulances were used by the LTTE for military purposes. …the information gathered by OISL indicates that there are reasonable grounds to believe that the LTTE launched attacks from the close proximity of hospitals... the LTTE constructed military fortifications (mostly earthen bunds and trenches) and positioned artillery and other weaponry close to, and sometimes adjacent to hospitals and the surrounding densely populated civilian areas, marked by a heavy presence of makeshift tents or shelters belonging to IDPs. In doing so, the LTTE failed to comply with its obligation to take all feasible precautionary measures to protect the civilian population from attacks.” OISL report, para 771, 774, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 113. “From February 2009 onwards, the LTTE started point-blank shooting of civilians who attempted to escape from the conflict zone, significantly adding to the death toll in the final stages of the war. It also fired artillery in proximity to large groups of internally displaced persons (IDP‘s) and fired from, or stored military equipment near, IDP‘s or civilian installations such as hospitals.” Darusman report, p iii; Rebuttal to OISL report, para 120. “A nursing officer who was attached to the General Hospital stated with regard to the Vallipunam makeshift hospital that on 21st January 2009, after 7 pm, shells had fallen in the vehicle park at the hospital and a few patients had suffered minor injuries. When questioned further he stated that he did not know from where the shells came.” LLRC report, p 76, para 4.119, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 124 “A nursing officer who served at the Anandapuram makeshift hospital stated that the facility had functioned for about 20 days in February 2009. There had been a large armoury located near the hospital and there had been a Kfir attack on the armoury which had destroyed it. He added that two days later there had been a similar attack on the makeshift hospital but by then the patients had been moved as the Medical Superintendent had decided to shift the hospital after the attack on the armoury.” LLRC report, p 76, para 4.121, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 124

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“…the location of LTTE military positions, occasionally in the vicinity of hospitals and United Nations premises, and used at times to fire from near hospitals calls into question the LTTE‘s own respect for their obligations to take all feasible precautions to protect the civilian population and civilian objects against the effects of attacks.” OISL report, para 792, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 127. “On 1st February afternoon between 3.00 and 4.00 PM Puthukkudiyiruppu Hospital was struck by two shells, according to ICRC statements, hitting first the kitchen and then the church. Two persons were killed… ICRC reported that a few hours later at 10.20 PM the same day a ward with women and children was hit. In all, nine persons were killed and twenty injured on that day. On 2nd February at 6.40 PM the hospital was hit again and a nurse was injured… the shelling was that the Army‘s 59th Division… was trying to fight its way and take Puthukkudiyiruppu… The LTTE had gun mounted vehicles which were used to fire at Kfir bombers coming in support of the Army… A senior educator familiar with the hospital told us that the LTTE largely disregarded the ICRC‘s request not to drive or park its vehicles in front of the hospital, as these could be spotted by the UAV‘s leading to shell attacks.” UTHR (Jaffna) Special Report No. 34, 13th December 2009, paragraph 2.6, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 128. “I had at various points in the conflict remonstrated with LTTE about munitions being placed near to hospital buildings. Sometimes they were sensitive to the need to remove these munitions and at other times my objections were ignored. During the last two weeks of the fighting there was a breakdown in the command structure of the LTTE and no request that I made to move munitions away from the hospital were listened to.” Corrupted Journalism: Channel 4 and Sri Lanka, 2013, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 130. “I reject the claim by Gorden Weise, the former UN spokesperson in Sri Lanka, that hospital in the Wanni were shelled 65 times during the last stages of the battle between the LTTE and the Sri Lankan Governments Forties. I witnessed only 04 such instances in which hospitals were shelled with a shell each falling within the hospital complexes of Vallipuram, Mullaivalikkal and Vellamullivalikkal and with two shells falling into the Puthukurudiyiruppu Hospital. One of these shells damaged the roof of the hospital.” Dr. Veerakathipillai Shanmugarajah, MO, Teaching Hospital, Jaffna stated in his affidavit, Corrupted Journalism: Channel 4 and Sri Lanka, 2013 As per the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 8 War crimes, sub article 2 (e) (ii) it will be a war crime if “Intentionally directing attacks against buildings, material, medical units and transport…” only. As per the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 8 War crimes, sub article 3; “Nothing in paragraph 2 (c) and (e) shall affect the responsibility of a Government to maintain or re-establish law and order in the State or to defend the unity and territorial integrity of the State, by all legitimate means.” As per the above quotes, there is no any proof that SLA has shelled hospitals intentionally, on behalf of GOSL; SLA has exercised its rights to protect territorial integrity and re- establish law and order.

Global Srilankan Forum exco NGO(s) without consultative status, also share the views expressed in this statement.


United Nations A/HRC/40/NGO/111

General Assembly Distr.: General 19 February 2019

English only

Human Rights Council Fortieth session 25 February–22 March 2019 Agenda item 2 Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General

Written statement* submitted by African Green Foundation International, non-governmental organization in special consultative status

The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31. [11 February 2019]

* Issued as received, in the language(s) of submission only.

GE.19-02666(E)  A/HRC/40/NGO/111

OISL report 30/1, more precisely A/HRC/30/61, is seriously flawed. There was no Denial of humanitarian assistance to civilians in the conflict-zone

Does the denial of humanitarian assistance to civilians in the conflict-zone is correct?


On 23rd March 2017, GSLF sponsored and handed over comprehensive report called “A Factual Appraisal of the OISL Report: A Rebuttal to the Allegations Against the Armed Forces” (the “Rebuttal”) to the Human Rights Officer, Asia-Pacific Section, Mr. Thomas Hunecke at the 34th Human Rights Council session negating all above allegations. However, there is no any response from the UNHRC, especially from the outgoing UNHRHC, relating to our first submission (the “Rebuttal”) to clear the Sri Lankans from the alleged War Crimes.

Therefore, We the GSLF, take with thank this opportunity to just brief you why and how we deny the allegations and established the truth referring to the Rebuttal and various exculpatory evidence.

How? “…October 2008 to January 2009 the average shipment of food had been 3,639 metric tons per month… shipments between February and May 2009… only provided 105 MT for the whole five-month-period” OISL report para 987, 988; Rebuttal to OISL report, para 134.

Denial of humanitarian assistance to civilians in the conflict-zone is another hoodwink and humbug!!!

“The Panel completely ignores highly reliable witnesses including Neil Buhne, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sri Lanka at the relevant period, and also U.S Ambassador Robert Blake, Ms. Ann Marie Imelda Sukumar, District Secretary, Mullaitivu, S. B. Divaratne, Commissioner General of Essential Services, or Amin Awad was the UNHCR representative in Sri Lanka who had first-hand knowledge of exactly how much food and medicine was transported to the conflict-zone, as well as the quantities of food and medicine that may have been kept as buffer stocks in towns close to the conflict-zone… There is no indication anywhere in the OISL report that the Panel interviewed any of the international who had participated in the CCHA meetings to ask them whether in their judgment the GOSL pursued a policy of depriving civilians in the conflict zone of humanitarian assistance.” Rebuttal to OISL report, para 137, 150, 155

WFP had informed that there is a stock for 2009 which can be distributed” CCHA Minutes 16th October 2008, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 137.

The Consultative Committee on Humanitarian Assistance (CCHA) was started in mid- 2006, and continued until May 2009… throughout the duration of CCHA the United States of America, the European Commission along with all of the relevant UN agencies operating in Sri Lanka were represented at the CCHA… therefore the international community had access to the highest GOSL officials responsible for providing humanitarian assistance to

2 A/HRC/40/NGO/111 civilians in the conflict zone… Therefore the international attendees at the CCHA meetings would have been the best source of evidence for the Panel to find out whether the government pursued a deliberate policy of depriving civilians in the conflict zone of humanitarian assistance. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 138, 140, 141, 142, 144.

“Mr. Neil Buhne, the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Sri Lanka, provided an update of the Joint UN Rapid Needs Assessment Mission which went in with the 9th food convoy carrying 815 MT of food to Kilinochchi and Mullaitvu… and applauded the good work done through the Government Agent structures in delivery relief and assistance to IDPs in such circumnutates and noted that they should be given a gold medal for the work done.” CCHA Minutes for 30th January 2009, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 148.

“A shipment of food and other items is to leave tonight or on 01 April since the last shipment on 21st March” Mr. Neil Buhne, The UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator, CCHA Minutes for 30th March 2009, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 148.

It quite clear that the Government has dispatched the requisite quantities of foodstuffs but if there was a shortage that was due to LTTE appropriating the food and preventing it being distributed amongst the civilians. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 154.

“…it quite clear that there were buffer stocks under the World Food Programme to last for three months… one month‘s buffer stocks was available at all times… I had written instructions from Commissioner General of Essential Services to maintain food stocks for one month at all times… you can check as to how many lorry loads of paddy we recovered after the war… they sold for millions… the distribution of food was done through the Multi-Purpose Cooperative Societies… the ruses adopted by the LTTE in siphoning the food stocks from the Multi-Purpose Cooperative Societies. ” Ms. Ann Marie Imelda Sukumar, District Secretary, Mullaitivu; Rebuttal to OISL report, para 154. “Sri Lanka was a role model to the rest of the world, in the manner in which the had handled the humanitarian crisis caused by the LTTE using civilians as a human shield in the theatre of war, by ensuring that uninterrupted provision of food and medical supplies reached the people.” Mr. Amin Awad, Representative/UNHCR, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 154.

So, once again OISL has failed to establish at a standard of “reasonable grounds to believe” that the GOSL pursued a deliberate policy of denying humanitarian assistance to the civilians in the conflict zone during the period in question.

Global Srilankan Forum exco NGO(s) without consultative status, also share the views expressed in this statement.


United Nations A/HRC/40/NGO/112

General Assembly Distr.: General 19 February 2019

English only

Human Rights Council Fortieth session 25 February–22 March 2019 Agenda item 2 Annual report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and reports of the Office of the High Commissioner and the Secretary-General

Written statement* submitted by African Green Foundation International, non-governmental organization in special consultative status

The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31. [11 February 2019]

* Issued as received, in the language(s) of submission only.

GE.19-02667(E)  A/HRC/40/NGO/112

OISL report 30/1, more precisely A/HRC/30/61, is seriously flawed. There was no Unlawful Killings

Nadesan, Pulidevan, Nadesons’s wife (the so-called “white flag” incident), Ramesh, Balachandran Prabhakaran (Piriharan’s son) and Isipriya (OISL report para 300, 301, 303, 304, 305, 307, 309, 311, 313, 314, 316)


On 23rd March 2017, GSLF sponsored and handed over comprehensive report called “A Factual Appraisal of the OISL Report: A Rebuttal to the Allegations Against the Armed Forces” (the “Rebuttal”) to the Human Rights Officer, Asia-Pacific Section, Mr. Thomas Hunecke at the 34th Human Rights Council session negating all above allegations. However, there is no any response from the UNHRC, especially from the outgoing UNHRHC, relating to our first submission (the “Rebuttal”) to clear the Sri Lankans from the alleged War Crimes.

Therefore, We the GSLF, take with thank this opportunity to just brief you why and how we deny the allegations and established the truth referring to the Rebuttal and various exculpatory evidence.

How?  OISL said that they don’t know as to who was responsible for those incidents!!!  So-called LTTE leaders wanted to surrender to spare them and their family members’ lives while they forced thousands of LTTE carders to commit suicide by swallowing cyanide instead of surrender or by blowing themselves as a human bomb?  Purported killing of Nadesan, Pulidevan and Vineetha (the so-called “white flag” incident) o OISL says it has testimony from several witnesses who say they saw the group carrying a white flag and surrendering to persons wearing SLA uniforms. OISL report para 300, 301 o OISL is in possession of high resolution electronic photos of a group of dead bodies, among them clearly identifiable are Pulidevan, Nadesan and Vineetha Nadesan… However, further investigation is required to determine the full facts as to what happened and who was responsible for the killings. OISL report 304, 305 o Is it reasonable to conclude that they were executed‖ by the SLA? No. Because: o …the Panel says that further investigation is required to determine the full facts as to what happened and who was responsible for the killings. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 163; o …it is impossible for an independent evaluator to say whether the forensic pathologist in question drew the conclusions that the Panel says he drew. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 167;

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o …alternative interpretation is: in the darkness of the predawn hours Nadesan‘s group approached the FDL saying they wanted to surrender, but when they neared the troops there was a miscommunication or someone in the group made a wrong move or the surrender was in fact a ruse and an attempt was made to attack the troops. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 169. o “…Malathi said that “the people are going to the SLA because there is nothing left to do. The Organization has ordered that people so leaving be shot below the knee.” My God…” Thamilini Jeyakkumaran, former head of the Women‘s Wing of the LTTE‘s Political Office, Under the Shade of a Sharp-Edged Sword, Rebuttal to OISL report, para 73 c. o “…the government did not execute surrendering LTTE cadres, including senior leaders, but took them into custody” Thamilini‘s memoir, Under the Shade of a Sharp-edged Sword, p 212; Rebuttal to OISL report, para 171. o So it is obvious that SLA has not deliberately killed them, either it may be by LTTE carders itself according to the Thamilini’s memoir, or due consequence of ruse attempt to attack to the troops.  Purported killing of Col. Ramesh o “…OISL received several witness testimonies describing LTTE Commander Thambirasa Thurairajasingham alias Col. Ramesh wearing civilian clothing and unarmed on the road on the north side of the Vadduvakal bridge and walking across the bridge with a small child in his arms… accompanied by a group of his relatives… he was identified and approached by Tamil military intelligence officers… he was extra-judicially executed” OISL report para 307, 311; Rebuttal to OISL report, para 173. o “…photographic and video information indicate that after Col. Ramesh, dressed in civilian clothes… at some stage made to change his clothing. In some images Col. Ramesh is wearing a green army uniform, in others he is in LTTE camouflage trousers…” OISL report para 309; Rebuttal to OISL report, para 173. o Based on the evidence presented by OISL, can one reasonably conclude that Col. Ramesh was executed by troops belonging to the SLA? o …the Panel says that Col. Ramesh was apprehended by Tamil military intelligence officers working for the security forces… A consideration of the above matters leads one to suspect that Col. Ramesh may have been killed by LTTE turned informers… it is impossible based on the evidence cited by the Panel to impute Ramesh‘s death to SLA soldiers. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 175, 179, 180.  Purported killing of “Balachandran Prabhakaran o The allegation is that Balachandran Prabhakaran (Velupillei Prabhakaran‘s son) was captured alive by SLA troops, and later killed. OISL report, para 313. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 182. o Eye-witness to the Balachandran incident says he did not see the boy being killed. Panel says that the GOSL has said that Balachandran died in crossfire. OISL report, para 313, 314. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 186, 187. o Panel says that it has photographic and video evidence that show Balachandran sitting in a bunker alive and in the custody of Sri Lanka troops.

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The Panel does not say whether the bunker in question is a SLA bunker or a captured LTTE bunker. OISL report, para 313. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 188. o …it is likely the very bunker in which Balachandran had been hiding until the last is a bunker situated in the last patch of ground in Nandikandal controlled by the LTTE. It is possible that, even if SLA troops had stormed the bunker and taken it, there were hard-core LTTE fighters still lurking nearby. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 190. o Under the circumstances it is plausible that the SLA had had the boy in their custody for a short time, but LTTE fighters nearby attacked the bunker either to rescue the boy, or to kill him so that he will not become a trophy for the SLA, and in the crossfire he was indeed killed. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 191. o Therefore, the Panel outright conclusion that the SLA troops executed Balachandran is untenable.  Purported killing of . Is it a War Crime against the Government or a crime by a specific troops? o The allegation is that Shobana Dharmaraja alias Isaipriya an LTTE news- presenter was taken into custody by Sri Lanka security forces and later killed. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 192. o If Isaipriya was captured alive by troops and later turned up dead, a reasonable inference can be drawn that she died in the custody of SLA troops and there‘s no question that the particular troops in whose custody she was at the time died can be held accountable for her death. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 193. o The pertinent question for present purposes, is whether, this indicates a general pattern or style of conduct on the part of the army as a whole, that ties the offence to the chain of command and ultimately to the Government, or whether it is an individual case that could be brought criminal charge against a specific troops who may have killed Isaipriya while in their custody? Rebuttal to OISL report, para 195, 196, 200.

o “The troops who fished Isaipriya out of the lagoon were behaving respectfully towards her, giving her a cloth with which to cover herself.” OISL report, para 316 o If the chain of command has endorsed a policy of wanton rape and murder of female captives, then how is it that the troops who fished Isaipriya out of the lagoon were behaving respectfully towards her, going to the extent of giving her a cloth with which to cover herself? cloth with which to cover herself? Rebuttal to OISL report, para 197. o “…captured LTTE cadres say they were treated kindly captured LTTE cadres say they were treated kindly by SLA troops by SLA troops… on a number of occasions troops had saved wounded LTTE cadres on the brink of death by treating them on the battlefield itself, and transporting them to safety behind Government lines transporting them to safety behind Government lines…” LLRC report, para 4.99; Humanitarian Operation Factual Analysis July 2006 – May 2009 Humanitarian Operation Factual Analysis July 2006 – May 2009, pg 69; Rebuttal to OISL report, para 198.

4 A/HRC/40/NGO/112

o OISL should have consulted some of these testimonials, available in public sources, before coming to its conclusion on the likelihood of the chain of command endorsing a policy of wanton rape and murder of female captives. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 199 o So, all that the OISL‘s evidence shows is that no responsibility can possibly be attributed to the GOSL in respect of such incident. Rebuttal to OISL report, para 200.

Global Srilankan Forum exco NGO(s) without consultative status, also share the views expressed in this statement.


United Nations A/HRC/40/NGO/230

General Assembly Distr.: General 22 February 2019

English only

Human Rights Council Fortieth session 25 February–22 March 2019 Agenda item 3 Promotion and protection of all human rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, including the right to development

Written statement* submitted by African Green Foundation International, non-governmental organization in special consultative status

The Secretary-General has received the following written statement which is circulated in accordance with Economic and Social Council resolution 1996/31. [12 February 2019]

* Issued as received, in the language(s) of submission only.

GE.19-03059(E)  A/HRC/40/NGO/230

On Fairness to all Parties: An Appeal from Sri Lanka

We Sri Lankans are a modern community that believes in the rule of law, where the law is right and is fair, balanced and equitable to all parties. Our complaint, not new, over the years has been that the UNHRC is not acting in accordance with the principles of fairness but more by passions, vested interests and emotionally biased statements concocted by interested parties, who claim to be victims, often backed up by powerful state parties. In this short paper a few comments are made to substantiate my claim. I will draw your attention to a few episodes in your activities in the human rights area. It is emphasized right at the outset the UNHRC has outlived its original purpose. The UN outfit is no longer a forum where human rights are championed and measures adopted in an equitable manner to make this world a better place. Its members are driven by strategic interests and not any concern for human rights. Those who are dependent on the United States of America and other western nations do the bidding of the latter when issues are debated. The interests of the anti-western power bloc influence others. Sri Lankans, like the third world powerless states are cringed between the warring power blocs. The West does not hesitate even to take on the UNHRC chiefs when its interests are threatened. In Geneva, the US and its allies, backed by human rights groups they fund, condemn the nations perceived to be hostile to the West while shielding notorious human rights violators who happen to be their allies. What came of Jamal Khashoggi's death, or even the recent arrest of the footballer Hakeem al-Araibi, a refugee arrested at the Bangkok airport by the Thais, despite the UNHRC laws against the refoulement of refugees. The U.N. human rights expert leading an independent inquiry into the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi said that Saudi Arabia had “seriously curtailed and undermined” Turkey’s attempts to investigate Khashoggi’s killing in the Saudi Consulate in October. The expert, Agnes Callamard, shows evidence for a prime facie case that Mr. Khashoggi was the victim of a brutal and premeditated killing, planned and perpetrated by officials of the State of Saudi Arabia,” The comments by Callamard, your own special rapporteur on extrajudicial, summary or arbitrary executions, added weight to Turkey’s repeated assertions that Saudi Arabia had thwarted the work of Turkish investigators by limiting their access to Saudi diplomatic facilities and refusing to reveal the location of Khashoggi’s remains. Nothing mattered. Where are the Human rights defenders now?

Lack of Neutrality

The UNHRC has behaved as an inveterate enemy of Sri Lanka from the time of the LTTE terrorism, duplicitously labelled, from their point of view, a liberation group. A small nation unable to be divided for a multitude of reasons will not convince the UNHRC because Europeans who manipulate the UN are not interested in the long term prospects of any country which is non western. These officials are merely mouthpieces of the funders and it was proven that terror groups like the LTTE were even funding human rights organizations such as Amnesty International. UNHRC does not hold adversarial proceedings based on principles of fairness for the state party to defend itself. They have no real independent experts who are acceptable to non-western state parties. Naturally therefore the states do not take seriously the UNHRC. The UN lacks a professional approach to the issue of terrorism in our country. It should recognize that devoting special attention to strategy is absolutely vital to establish stable and lasting peace between various communities. Our rights are in peril when professional organizations and human rights groups, associations that function as guardian deities on violations of justice, keep mum, on complex issues, especially after persons in such organizations accept political office that brings many a plum to their pockets. Outgoing UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Ra’ad Al Hussein, presenting his last global update, in 2018, sought to ridicule the critics of the UNHRC. He demanded to know why they did not withdraw or ‘stream toward the exits’ if they did not believe in the values the UNHRC upheld. No sooner had he said so than the US pulled out of the UNHRC.

2 A/HRC/40/NGO/230

(Interestingly, the US pullout from the UNHRC has come within months of its withdrawal from the Paris climate pact.) This has been America’s reaction to the 2018 UNHRC vote for setting up a probe into killings by in Gaza. US ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley condemned the UNHRC as a cesspool of political bias. Commissioner Hussein, who has been in charge of the cesspool say, fell silent? You might remember the Commissioner in 2017 stated that there have been increasing attacks on the notion of universal human rights and attempts to brand it as a musing picked from Western imagination. He has sought to tar all critics of the UNHRC with the same brush. This kind of generalization is considered a fallacy in logic. Not all critics of the UNHRC rubbish human rights as a western concept. Most of them flay the UN human rights body because it acts selectively when dealing with human rights violators; it adopts different yardsticks and is swayed by powerful countries. The US is often accused of a bias pro Israel. But for poor nations like Sri Lanka the UNHRC and its emissaries launch witch- hunts at the behest of global powers backed up by erstwhile terror groups domiciled in the West.

Interference in Domestic Affairs

In 2018 the UNHRC rapporteur Mr Emerson's press conferences on Colombo were given wide publicity in the international media to the effect that the violence, torture and rape are endemic in the security arms. One wonders why Mr Emerson was not circumspect as to call them unproven allegations and not proven facts given that he him was subjected to embarrassment over unproven sexual harassment allegations. The UN has a habit of taking the human rights law as an excuse to cover all manner of things and poor countries are unable to halt the barrage. Now we have other UN envoys and Western diplomatic missions, talking about constitutional matters, purely domestic, quite outside their mandated remit and apparently flouting all Vienna conventions. To ordinary people these appear as monstrous perversions of justice, which will only be justified by the NGO crowd who are all out to scratch festering wounds for their dollar value.

Allegations of Genocide and war crimes

That fellow human beings can be slaughtered for any reason is a crime of immense proportion that demeans the humanity that inheres in us all. And none should be allowed to conceal them from public debate. No one denies that these should go unpunished. Neither should they be concealed by state action or academic debate regardless of the time at which they have been committed. But such allegations should not be levelled without evidence to tarnish the reputation of ethnic groups or nations. Nor should it be allowed to destroy smaller nations who find it difficult to protect them from the slander and innuendo hurled at them by lawyers from Western countries who believe in their superiority to deliver on the agendas set by super powers as punishment for countries such as Sri Lanka. As a matter of international law, a state is responsible to act when terror outfits commit genocide, with the intention of destroying in whole or in part a national, ethnic, racial or religious group, kill or cause serious mental or bodily harm to or inflict destructive conditions of life. It was such a group, the LTTE that the state destroyed.

Chequebook driven agendas

There are also those fronts which appear for human rights, like Amnesty International, Human rights Watch and other NGO teams who have built their anti Sri Lanka allegations on material submitted to them by parties with a stake in carving out a separate state in Sri Lanka. Creating separate states in the guise of self-determination claims in small countries is to wreak havoc in nations where diverse people have lived together for years in reasonable harmony. The UNHRC is blind to the history of small nations. Inimical plans mooted in far away places is the surest way to increase sales for the military industrial

3 A/HRC/40/NGO/230

complexes in gun power producing countries and they will dearly love the thought of ethnic wars outside their lands. Multicultural and multilingual societies in poor countries can fray at a momentary lapse but Sri Lanka has avoided mass killings by remaining as one unitary state. The time has come to put an end to this incessant dollar driven propaganda that is sapping the energy of a developing nation. An open and frank dialogue between the communities can stop the surreptitious campaign conducted by the Tamil political parties at the behest of groups, which are resident in other countries. The current debate about a new constitution for Sri Lanka is an ideal opportunity to lay the ghost of separatism to rest by all concerned. The legal solutions cannot be to create further structural fault lines in the body politic. A country, which treats all as equals in all fronts with no particular provisions to discriminate ethnic or religious groups, creating provisions to foster division of the body politic can only create further dissension. One law for everyone will only invite further trouble.


There is one incontrovertible fact that cannot be disbelieved and that is, the human rights claims and counter claims are not without biases. Any semblance of truth has to be squeezed out from the propaganda mass. The name United Nations is mostly a sham when it comes to due process matters. Its methods of investigation, marshalling of evidence, embargoes on victim statements and identities make a mockery of justice. The charges cannot be disproven because the hands of the alleged perpetrators are tied behind their back. If this is not an outrageous decline in reason, then what is it?

Global Srilankan Forum Exco NGO(s) without consultative status, also share the views expressed in this statement.





The question is sometimes asked as to whether specific events, past or present, can be referred to as “genocide.” It is important to adhere to the correct usage of the term, for several reasons; (i) the term is frequently misused in reference to large scale, grave crimes committed against particular populations; (ii) the emotive nature of the term and political sensitivity surrounding its use; and (iii) the potential legal implications associated with a determination of genocide. This note aims to provide guidance on the use of the term “genocide,” based primarily on legal rather than historical or factual considerations.


Origin of the concept: The term “genocide” was first coined by Polish lawyer Raphäel Lemkin in 1944 in his book Axis Rule in Occupied Europe by combining geno, from the Greek word for race or tribe, with -cide, derived from the Latin word for killing. Lemkin developed the concept of genocide partly in response to the Holocaust, but also in response to previous instances in which he considered entire nations, and ethnic and religious groups, had been destroyed such as “the destruction of Carthage; that of religious groups in the wars of Islam and the Crusades; the massacres of the Albigenses and the Waldenses; and more recently, the massacre of the Armenians.”i

Criminalisation of genocide: The indictments and the Nuremberg Trials that followed World War II made reference to “genocide” in the context of crimes against humanity, particularly in relation to the crime of persecution and murder. However, at that time genocide was not listed as a separate crime in the Charter of the International Military Tribunal (Nuremberg Charter) and was used as a descriptive rather than a legal term. The first time that genocide was codified as an independent crime under international law was in the 1948 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (hereinafter, the Genocide Convention).ii According to Article I of the Convention, “The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.” The Genocide Convention entered into force on 12 January 1951.

Genocide is also defined as an international crime in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC) (Article 6), the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) (Article 2/2), and the Statute of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) (Article 4/2). The International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals, continuing the ICTY and ICTR’s jurisdiction, and the Law on the Establishment of the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (Article 4), a UN-assisted tribunal, also have jurisdiction over genocide as defined in the Convention. Many States have also criminalized genocide in their domestic law; others have yet to do so.

Applicability of the Genocide Convention: Article 28 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties prohibits the retroactive application of treaties “unless a different intention appears from the treaty or is otherwise established”, which is not the case in the Genocide Convention. In addition, in line with the principle of legality, there should be no crime or punishment without a law establishing the crime and authorizing the punishment (nullum crimen sine lege and nulla poena sine lege, respectively). In line with the text of the Genocide Convention and its travaux


préparatoires, the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has confirmed that “the substantive provisions of the Convention do not impose upon a State obligations in relation to acts said to have occurred before that State became bound by the Convention.”iii In conclusion, States are only bound by the Genocide Convention from the date on which it entered into force for the States in question.

The Genocide Convention and customary international law: The ICJ has repeatedly stated that the Convention embodies principles that are part of general customary international law.iv This means that whether or not States have ratified the Genocide Convention, they are bound as a matter of law by the principle that genocide is a crime under international law and that they thus have an obligation to prevent and punish it. In a recent judgment, the ICJ also expressly noted “the fact that the Convention was intended to confirm obligations that already existed in customary international law”.v However, international courts have not yet had occasion to pronounce on when these obligations of customary law crystallised.

“Historical” cases of genocide: The preamble to the Genocide Convention recognizes that “… at all periods of history genocide has inflicted great losses on humanity…” The travaux préparatoires of the Convention also contain numerous references to genocide as an historical fact. Resolution 96(I) (11 December 1946) of the United Nations General Assembly, authorizing the drafting of the Genocide Convention, which was adopted unanimously, states that "many instances of such crimes of genocide have occurred when racial, religious, and other groups have been destroyed, entirely, or in part." Thus, it can be concluded that the Convention recognises that genocide is not a new phenomenon and that events that occurred before the Genocide Convention was adopted may have fit the definition of genocide as set out in the Convention.

Use of the term “genocide”: The legal definition of genocide is precise and includes an element that is often hard to prove, the element of “intent”.vi The determination as to whether a situation constitutes genocide is thus factually and legally complex and should only be made following a careful and detailed examination of the facts against relevant legislation. This examination is carried out for the purpose of establishing State responsibility or individual criminal responsibility for the crime of genocide and must be done by a competent international or national court of law with the jurisdiction to try such cases, after an investigation that meets appropriate due process standards. According to Article IX of the Genocide Convention, disputes related to its interpretation, application and fulfilment, including State responsibility, should be addressed to the ICJ. With regards to individual criminal responsibility, Article VI determines that persons charged with genocide shall be tried by a competent national court in the territory where the act was committed or by a competent international penal tribunal whose jurisdiction is accepted by the State Parties.

To date, only a few events have been determined by competent judicial bodies to constitute genocide. At the international level, the ICTR determined the 1994 killings of Tutsi and moderate Hutus in Rwanda to be genocide. The ICTY has determined that the events of 1995 in Srebrenica (Bosnia & Herzegovina) were genocide. The ICJ also qualified the events of Srebrenica as genocide. In other instances, charges of genocide have been brought against specific individuals, but the trial or final decision in the cases in question are still pending and therefore genocide has not yet been established. Such charges have been brought, for example, by the International Criminal Court in the case of Darfur (Sudan); and by the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia. At the national level, a few domestic courts have ruled that particular events constituted genocide. When considering these cases, it is important to compare the definition of the crime of genocide in the national legal framework with the international definition.

National legislative and executive authorities have sometimes characterised certain incidents or periods of violence as genocide, following processes that include political assessments alongside legal considerations. These characterisations cannot be treated as authoritative or determinative, at least beyond the States concerned.

Other terminology: Where there has not been a legal determination of genocide under the Genocide Convention by an appropriate court of law, different terms have been used to refer to events that have been particularly traumatic and devastating for populations and that have involved serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law which, in certain cases, could constitute genocide. For instance, the attempted extermination of the Jews, Roma and other populations of Europe by the Nazi regime is often referred to as the “Holocaust”. The


expression “Killing fields” is often used in relation to the mass killings by the Khmer Rouge regime in Cambodia in the 1970s.

Other international crimes: Events that do not meet the definition of genocide may constitute war crimes or crimes against humanity, which are separate crimes under international law. Although genocide has been labelled “the crime of crimes”, it must be stressed that there is no established “hierarchy of gravity” of international crimes. Crimes against humanity or the most severe war crimes can assume equally shocking and heinous proportions.


As established, responsibility for a breach of the Genocide Convention can only be applied to events that have occurred after the entry into force of the Convention for the States in question. Consequently, under the Convention, a State cannot bring a complaint for events that took place before its entry into force for that State. This does not prevent the application of customary international law or general principles of international law to a situation that predates the Convention, nor prevents the term “genocide” from being used as an historical reference in relation to events that occurred prior to that date.

The political organs of the United Nations play an important role in supporting the implementation of the Convention,vii but not in making a legal determination as to whether a situation constitutes genocide under the Genocide Convention or under international criminal law. Only a mandated judicial body can make a legal determination as to whether genocide did indeed occur, and who was responsible. Where there has been a legal determination of genocide in relation to specific events, use of the term may become less politically contested, though not necessarily free of controversy. Where such a determination has not been made, use of the term is likely to be vigorously contested by affected communities and can result in political tensions.

Notwithstanding, discussions about the nature of events that may constitute genocide and other atrocity crimes, past or present, should not be avoided. This means acknowledging serious violations of international human rights and humanitarian law that may have been committed in the past or are ongoing, including where there has not yet been a legal determination of the type of international crime that may have been committed. It may also involve making an assessment based on reliable information of whether there is risk of genocide in a particular situation, or whether genocide may be on-going or may have taken place.viii Based on that assessment, different actors, including the United Nations, can and should advocate for action to prevent, investigate, halt and/or punish such “alleged” or “possible” crimes.”

i Raphäel Lemkin, Genocide, «American Scholar», vol. 15, no. 2, April 1946, pp. 227-230. ii Raphäel Lemkin led the campaign to have genocide recognised and codified as an international crime. However, the original definition proposed by Raphäel Lemkin and the notion finally agreed to by the international community in the Genocide Convention are not identical, though similar, particularly in relation to the types of groups targeted. iii Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2015, p. 46, para. 100. iv Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia and Montenegro), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2007 (I), pp. 110-111, para. 161. v Application of the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Croatia v. Serbia), Judgment, I.C.J. Reports 2015, p. 45, para. 95. vi Article II of the Genocide Convention defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.” viii The United Nations Office on Genocide Prevention and the Responsibility to Protect has developed a Framework of Analysis for Atrocity Crimes to support the assessment of the risk of genocide, crimes against humanity and war crimes. This tool is available at


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‰ Originating in the mid-1970s, the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE), is a mono-ethnic, fascist, terrorist organisation operating in Sri Lanka that seeks to carve out a separate state in an area that comprises 1/3 of Sri Lanka’s land mass and 2/3 of its coastline.

‰ Its trail of atrocities has resulted in the killing of some 60,000 persons and destruction of public and private properties.

‰ Among its victims are former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi of India, President of Sri Lanka as well as two generations of Tamil politicians and academics of Sri Lanka, including Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar and TULF leaders A.Amirthalingam and Dr. Neelan Thiruchelvam.

‰ The LTTE’s global network of propaganda, fundraising, procurement and shipping has been in existence since the early 1980s.

‰ The LTTE is a proscribed terrorist organisation in India, US, UK, EU and Canada. Suicide Bombing

‰ Since its first in 1987, the LTTE has successfully used the art of suicide bombing to achieve the elimination of political leaders, including moderate Tamil leaders who were part of the democratic political mainstream.

‰ The LTTE has carried out around 1/3 of all suicide attacks in the world.

‰ The use of the cyanide capsule is a standard method of the LTTE suicide bombers to evade arrest. Even its leader proudly displays a cyanide capsule around his neck and has made it mandatory for all LTTE cadres to carry one, to reflect the spirit of sacrifice and martyrdom expected of an LTTE suicide bomber.

‰ The LTTE has taken its suicide technology into the maritime perimeter by attacking civilian shipping with explosive laden boats. The cargo carrying ‘MV Liverpool’ was attacked off Point Pedro in January 2007.

‰ Analysts have noted the similarity of the LTTE suicide bombing technology and that used in other parts of the world. Suicide kits LTTE cadre wearing a LTTE cadre wearing a Suicide Bomb Jacket Cyanide Capsule ATTACKS ON CIVILIANS Attack on the Dollar Farm & Kent Farm – Welioya

On 30 November 1984, LTTE terrorists attacked civilian settlements at Dollar Farm and Kent Farm killing 62 unarmed civilians including women and children.

Child combatants are regularly used in attacks on civilians to “blood” them. Attack in the Sacred City of Anuradhapura

On 14 May 1985, LTTE terrorists shot and killed 120 devotees, including children and wounded 85 others in the sacred Buddhist city of Anuradhapura. Kithuluthuwa Bus Attack

On 17 April 1987, LTTE terrorists shot dead 122 civilians including women and children and injured 44 others on the Habarana- highway.

On 2 June 1987, LTTE terrorists massacred and brutally mutilated 33 young monks and their mentor Chief Priest Ven. Hegoda Indrasara at Aranthalawa in Ampara. Kattankudy Muslim Mosque Massacre

On Friday, 4 August 1990, LTTE terrorists opened fire and killed 103 Muslims and injured 70 others while they were praying at the Meera Jumma Mosque in Kattankudy. Dehiwela Train Massacre

On 24 July 1996, LTTE terrorists detonated multiple bombs on several carriages of the Colombo-Aluthgama train in Dehiwela killing 56 civilians who were returning home in the evening after work. Barbaric Attacks On Civilians

Attacks on Irrigation Workers in Welikanda

On 29 May 2006, LTTE terrorists killed 12 workers and injured 2 others in Welikanda. Kebitigollawa Bus Massacre

On 15 June 2006, LTTE terrorists detonated a claymore mine in Kebitigollawa killing 64 civilians, including children and Buddhist monks, and injured 39 others. Nittambuwa Bus Blast

On 5 January 2007, LTTE terrorists exploded a powerful bomb killing 6 civilians and injuring 63 others in the Nittambuwa town. Seenigama Bus Blast

On 6 January 2007, LTTE terrorists exploded a powerful bomb inside a civilian bus in Seenigama, killing 15 civilians and injuring 40 others. Cheddikulam Bus Blast

On 23 April 2007, LTTE terrorists detonated a claymore mine on the Mannar - Medawachchiya road, killing 7 civilians and injuring 37 others. Ratmalana Bomb Blast

On 28 May 2007, LTTE terrorists detonated a claymore mine on Galle Road in Ratmalana, killing 8 civilians and injuring 36 others. ASSASSINATIONS OF PROMINENT SRI LANKANS Assassination of leader of the Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) and former Opposition Leader A. Amirthalingam

Date : 13 July 1989 Location : Bullers Lane, Colombo Type of Attack : Shot inside his home Assassination of Former Foreign Minister and State Minister for Defence

Date : 2 March 1991 Location : Havelock Town, Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Suicide Vehicle Casualties : 25 killed, 70 injured

S T F Assassination of Navy Commander Vice Clancy Fernando

Date : 16 November 1992 Location : Galle Face Road, Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Male suicide bomber Casualties : 4 Naval personnel killed

S T F Assassination of President R. Premadasa

Date : 1 May 1993 Location : Armour Street, Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Male suicide bomber Casualties : 15 killed, 33 injured Assassination of Presidential Candidate & Opposition Leader

Date : 24 October 1994 Type of Explosive : High Explosive Location : Thotalanga, Colombo Device : Female suicide bomber Casualties : 56 killed including prominent politicians. 70 injured

S T F Assassination of eminent Tamil intellectual and constitutional expert Dr. Neelan Thiruchelvam

Date : 29 July 1999 Location : Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Male suicide bomber Assassination of Minister C. V. Gooneratne

Date : 7 June 2000 Location : Ratmalana Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Male suicide bomber Casualties : 29 killed, 65 injured Assassination of Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar

Date : 12 August 2005 Location : At his home, Colombo Type of Attack : Shot by a gunman Assassination of Army Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. Parami Kulatunge

Date : 26 June 2006 Location : Pannipitiya Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Male suicide bomber Casualties : 4 killed, 7 injured

S T F Assassination of Deputy Secretary General of the Government Peace Secretariat Kethesh Loganathan

Date : 12 August 2006 Location : At his home, Dehiwala Type of Attack : LTTE Pistol Group LIST OF TAMIL POLITICIANS ASSASSINATED BY THE LTTE

• 27.07.75 Alfred Duraiappah Mayor/SLFP organizer in Jaffna • 25.05.81 A Thiagarajah MP for Vadukkodai • 29.04.83 S J Muttaiah UNP Candidate for Chavakachcheri • 29.04.83 S Rajarathnam UNP Organizer Velvettithurai • 29.04.83 K B Rathnasinghem UNP Organizer Point Pedro • 12.08.83 A R Rajasooriyar UNP Organizer Jaffna • 18.09 .84 S Gopalapillai UNP Organizer Thambuluvil Ampara • 03.09.85 V Dharmalingam MP for Manipay • 03.09.85 K Alalasunderam MP for Kopai • 06.05.86 Sri Sabarathnam TELO Leader • 08.03.88 S Vijayanandan District Secretary of Ceylon Communist Party • 20.03.88 V Master TULF Organizer Kalmunai • 07.03.89 S Sabarathnamoorthy TULF Ex-DDC Chairman • 13.07.89 A Amirthalingam TULF Leader • 13.07.89 V Yogeswaran Ex-TULF MP for Jaffna • 07.05.90 Sam Thambimuththu EPRLF MP for Batticaloa • 19.06.90 K Pathmanabha EPRLF Leader • 19.06.90 W K Yogasangarie EPRLF MP for Jaffna • 19.06.90 P Kirubakaran Ex-Finance Minister for NEPC • 28.06.90 T Ganeshalingam Provincial Minister for North & East • 13.09.94 T Jeyarajah Chairman Chenkaladi Pradeshiya Sabha • 31.12.94 K Kandasamy Deputy Chairman DPLF • 28.04.95 K Vinthan Former SLFP Organizer Jaffna • 26.10.95 Thomas Anton Deputy Mayor of Batticaloa MC (TELO) • 16.04.96 N Rajadurai Chairman Poraitivu Pradeshiya Sabha (TELO) • 29.09.96 K Amirthalingam Vice Chairman Vakarai Pradeshiya Sabha • 05.07.97 A Thangathurai TULF MP for Trincomalee • 03.10.97 S T Tharmalingam SLFP Organizer Jaffna • 17.05.98 Sarojini Yogeswaran Mayor of Jaffna MC • 24.06.98 S A Oswald SLFP Secretary Jaffna • 15.07.98 S Shanmuganadan PLOTE MP Vavuniya • 11.09.98 P Sivapalan Mayor of Jaffna MC • 11.01.99 Peter Member of Velvettithurai Pradeshiya Sabha • 14.02.99 P Kandasamy Member of Pradeshiya Sabha Kopai South • 05.05.99 V Gunarathnam Member of Pradeshiya Sabha Pachchlapai • 13.05.99 M Balasingham Member of Pradeshiya Sabha Valikamam East • 29.05.99 M Ganesakumar Leader of Razeek Group • 31.09.99 T Rajkumar Member of Pradeshiya Sabha Nallur • 29.07.99 Dr Neelan Thiruchelvam TULF MP • 02.09.99 N Manikkarajan Deputy Leader of PLOTE • 05.01.00 Leader of the Tamil Congress • 07.02.00 K Kethishwaran Former EPDP Member • 10.09.00 R J Peripenayagam PA Candidate for Batticaloa District • 07.11.00 A N Sundaranayagam TULF MP Batticaloa District • 1711.01 Tambiraja Jayakumar UNP Candidate for Batticaloa District • 18.04.03 M Rajalingam Member of EPDP • 14.06.03 T S Robbet Member of EPRLF (Vardhan group) • 28.02.04 S Sundarampillai UNP Candidate Batticaloa. • 30.03.04 R Sathyamurthi TNA Candidate Batticaloa • 19.10.04 K Rajananagam Former MP of TNA • 12.08.05 Lakshman Kadirgamar MP / Minister of Foreign Affairs • 25.12.05 J Pararajasingham TNA MP • 10.11.06 TNA MP ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATIONS IN SRI LANKA Attempted Assassination of Minister Nimal Siripala De Silva

Date : 04 July 1996 Location : Stanley Road, Jaffna Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Suicide bomber Casualties : 21 killed, 64 injured Attempted Assassination of President Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga

Date : 18 December 1999 Location : Town Hall, Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Female suicide bomber Casualties : 21 killed, 100 injured Attempted Assassination of Minister

Date : 07 July 2004 Location : Kollupitiya, Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Female suicide bomber Casualties : 4 killed, 9 injured Attempted Assassination of Army Commander Lt. Gen.

Date : 25 April 2006 Location : Army Headquarters, Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Female suicide bomber Casualties : 9 killed, 12 injured Attempted Assassination of Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa

Date : 1 December 2006 Location : Kollupitiya, Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Male suicide bomber Casualties : 2 killed, 12 injured ATTACKS ON FOREIGN DIGNITARIES Assassination of Former Prime Minister of India Rajiv Gandhi

Date : 21 May 1991 Location : Sri Perumpuddur, India Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Female suicide bomber Casualties : 17 killed, 32 injured Attempted Assassination of High Commissioner Bashir Wali Mohamed

Date : 14 August 2006 Location : Kollupitiya, Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Remote controlled suicide device fixed to a three-wheel vehicle Casualties : 7 killed, 8 injured Attack on a group of Diplomats in Batticaloa

Date : 27 March 2007 Location : Webber Stadium, Batticaloa Type of incident: Mortar and Artillery attack ATTACKS ON PROMINENT PLACES AND COMMERCIAL INSTALLATIONS Attack on Oil Installations

Date : 20 October 1995 Location : Kolonnawa, Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Mortar attacks Casualties : 17 killed, 35 injured Attack on Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Date : 31 January 1996 Location : Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Suicide cadre and explosives laden vehicle Casualties : 86 killed, 1338 injured

Attack on Colombo World Trade Centre and Galadari Hotel

Date : 15 October 1997 Location : Colombo Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Suicide bombers and explosive laden lorry Casualties : 12 killed, 113 injured Attack on the Sacred Relic – The Sri Dalada Maligawa

Date : 25 January 1998 Location : Kandy Type of Explosive : High Explosive Device : Suicide cadres and explosives laden truck Casualties : 12 killed, 13 injured Attack on the Bandaranaike International Air Port, Katunayake

Date : 24 July 2001 Location : Katunayake Casualties : 07 killed, 12 injured Damages : 2 A320’s, 2 A330’s and 1 A340 Attack on Oil storage at Kolonnawa & Gas storage facilities at Muthurajawela

Date : 28 April 2007 Location : Kolonnawa and Muthurajawela Damages : Minor damages Mode : LTTE light aircraft SEA PIRACY Attack on ‘MV Cordiality’

Date : September 1997 Location : Near the port of Trincomalee Incident : The LTTE hijacked and killed all 5 Chinese crew members on board Attack on ‘Fu-Yuan’

Date : 20 March 2003 Location : Off Trincomalee Incident : The LTTE captured and exploded the Chinese Fishing trawler ‘Fu-Yuan’ killing 20 of its crew members Attack on ‘MV Farah III’

Date : 23 December 2006 Location : Off Mulaithivu Incident : Hijacking and looting of Jordanian owned cargo vessel, including 14, 000 tons of rice Attack on ‘MV Liverpool’

Date : 21 January 2007 Location : Off Point Pedro Incident : 15 - 20 LTTE vessels attempted to attack and destroy the cargo vessel transporting essential food supplies to the . Hijacking of Indian fishing trawler ‘Sri Krishna’ for arms smuggling

Date : 16 May 2007 Location: Maldivian territorial waters Incident : LTTE hijacked an Indian fishing trawler and used it for arms smuggling. The destroyed the vessel which was carrying a large consignment of shells. An Indian national and 4 LTTE cadres were arrested by the Maldivian authorities. LTTE SEA PIRACY

‰ In October 1994 LTTE destroyed the MV Ocean Trader off Vettilaikerni

‰ In June 1995 LTTE destroyed the MV Sea Dancer off Kankesanturai

‰ In August 1995 LTTE attacked the MV Lanka Muditha off Kankesanturai

‰ In August 1995, the LTTE hijacked and looted the MV Irish Mona off Mulaithivu.

‰ In April 1996, the LTTE staged an abortive attack on the and damaged three foreign owned vessels.

‰ In August 1996, the LTTE blasted the Philippine registered MV Princess Wave with underwater explosives while it was loading mineral sands at Pulmoddai. The cargo was for a Japanese consignee. 15 soldiers were killed. ‰ In May 1997, the LTTE blasted MV Athena, a Greek registered bulk carrier while in anchor in Trincomalee.

‰ In July 1997, the LTTE set fire to a 500 seat passenger ferry MV Mission, an Indonesian flagged vessel, transporting Tamil civilians from Mannar to Jaffna.

‰ In July 1997, the LTTE captured the North Korean registered, flagged, and crewed MV Morang Bong, a 3000 ton general cargo vessel, which was anchored off Point Pedro. It had delivered a consignment of food to the Jaffna peninsula.

‰ In September 1997, the LTTE captured a Panama-registered, Chinese owned MV Cordiality, a bulk carrier, which was transporting essential food cargo. 5 Chinese crew members were killed. ‰ In August 1998, the LTTE hijacked the Indian owned MV Princess Kash off Mullaittivu. The 6000 ton ship, chartered from Dubai based Goodwill company was transporting cement, dry food rations and vehicles for civilian use in Jaffna.

‰ In July 1999, LTTE destroyed the MV Newco Endurance at Trincomalee Harbour

‰ In September 1999, LTTE attacked the MV Julia off North of Mullativu

‰ In June 2000, LTTE destroyed the MV Mercs Uhana off Point Pedro

‰ In September 2001, LTTE attacked the MV Pride off Point Pedro

‰ In October 2001, LTTE attacked the MT Dunhinda off Point Pedro ‰ In March 2003, a Chinese fishing trawler named Fu-Yuan was captured and was exploded by the LTTE, killing 20 of its crew members.

‰ In December 2006, the LTTE attacked the Jordanian vessel MV Farah III and looted the ship.

‰ In January 2007, MV Liverpool delivering relief supplies to Jaffna was attacked off Point Pedro. LIST OF LTTE ARMS SHIPMENTS/EQUIPMENT DETECTED

‰ In December 1990, MV Sun Bird was detained by Malaysian authority in Penan, Malaysia

‰ In November 1991, MV Tongnova was detained by off Karailkal

‰ In January 1993, MV Ahat was scuttled by LTTE off Bay of Bengal

‰ In February 1996, MV Horizon was destroyed by SLN off Mullaithivu

‰ In November 1997, MV Fratzescom was destroyed by SLN off Mullaithivu

‰ In March 1998, MV Mariamma was scuttled by LTTE off west of Nicobar Island

‰ In May 1999, MV Showamaru was detected off West of Nicobar Island ‰ In April 2000, Thai authorities discovered half built mini submarine in Phuket

‰ In September 2006, destroyed unnamed vessel off Kalmunai

‰ In February 2007, Sri Lanka Navy destroyed unnamed vessel off South of Dondra

‰ In March 2007, Sri Lanka Navy destroyed unnamed vessel off South East of Arugam Bay

‰ In May 2007, Indian fishing trawler Sri Krishna was sunk by Maldivian National Defense Force while it was transporting ammunition to LTTE in Maldivian territorial waters. Published by :

Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Sri Lanka (June 2007)

Acknowledgements • Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process • Phoenix Advertising (Pvt) Ltd. • Media Centre for National Security • Sri Lanka Army • Sri Lanka Navy • Department of Government Information • AFP • Reuters • AP • ANCL • Wijeya Group • Upali Newspapers