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July 24, 2020 www.tiryimyim.in Regd. No. RNI. NAGAAO/ 2004 / 13113. Postal-NE/RN-717. e-mail : [email protected] TAPAK 10 TAPAK 7 Halep-i WTA Prague asayamung Ayodhya nung Ram tekülem ki atema nung shilem agitsü PM Modi-i lung azüngtsütsü VOL. XVII NO. 267 (ADOK 267) DIMAPUR ROGONÜ (FRIDAY) CHITENI (JULY) 24, 2020 ` 5.00 GM NST aser Railway Parcel Section office tem shibanger Kohima rangben shibangtsü, Timtem arema anidaktsü mepishir Dimapur, Chiteni/July 23, 2020 meratem agitsü nükjidong nung Kohima, July 23 (TYO) : Covid- ayimsünga maodang tashidak mapang ya tashidak aketertem (TYO): COVID-19 tashidak wara iba osang sangdongba anogo 19 tashidak agi shirangertem tali aketertem shitak puteta melamelaa puteta tesem balaka prokba azüoktsü asoshi tapet nungi tenzüka osang tejangja ka tali putetyonga aoba ngua, iba wara anepalutettsü aser nübortem nung yur anepalutettsü aser meratem agitsü nükjidong nung, magütsü tashi Railway Parcel mopongji nokdangtsü atema rongnung menatepa moudaktsütsü tashidak menatepa oa alinunga iba osang sangdongba anogo Section Office, Railway Union Kohima aser Dimapur na prongla asoshi anogo ishikabo, timtemaka, melamelaa bushiteta nokdangtettsü nungi tenzüka tarutsü nung osang Employees Colony aser General hopta kaka nisungtem akhi alu shibangtsüsa akümer, anungji ta paisa metetdaktsü.” tejangja ka magütsü tashi, NST Railway Police DS Flat mapa meinyakdaktsüsa shibangtsü nübortemi timtem arema tashidak July 30, 2020 nü tatar senden Dimapur, General Manager indang shibangtsü, ta metetdaktsü. telemtetba agiogo. memenatsü atema tetuyubalen (assembly) ayongzüka lir Office shibangtsü, ta Deputy Item tetuyuba dak sendakba Tanü Yangtepnü (Thursday) shitak anidakdaktsüner,” ta asünungji, koma asütsü ? ta Commissioner, Dimapur aser nung kari danga aibelenra, IPC anogo nung Kohima District Task Kohima District Covid-19 Task metetnüa asüngdang, “ sendenjibo Chairman, DDMA, Anoop indang Section 188 aser Disaster Force purtem senden ka lia, Force nung Minister Incharge, alitsü, anungji tatartem den senden Khinchi-i tetuyuba ka agütsüogo. Management Act 2005 indang Kohima Municipal Area ajunga July Wb.Tongpang Ozükümi maparen nung shilem agitsü Maneni paisa danga Section 51-60 nung melaba ama 25 nungi 31, 2020 tashi metetdaktsü. purtembo senzütsü melatsü,” ta sangdong ka ajanga, COVID-19 temerenshi agütsütsü, ta DC-isa shishilembadak kecha melapoktsü “Iba amai nisung ajak timtem Housing & Mechanical Minister wara prokba azüoktsü atema tapet metetdaktsü. aser nisungtema akhi alu mapalen agia yimti ajak shibanger mongaka, aser Kohima Incharge mejajatsüsa kenyongi rangben iba kisüng yagi tashidak wara ya Wb.Tongpang Ozükümisa Medical Superintendent-i tetuyuba agütsü shibangadoktsü (total lockdown) nokdangtettsü ta masü saka iba metetdaktsü. Dimapur, Chiteni/July 23 agitsü, ta metetdaktsüogo. telemtetba agiogo. (TYO): Taoba mapang tetuyuba Paisa, tashidak keta mali ta Iba shibangba mapang, Kohima Dimapur nung jangotsü dokan dang lapoktsü agütsür aliba nung temelenshi tera jangjaba sülena-ang government nung shirangertem atema senzüba Dimapur,July 23 (TYO) : melentepa senzüdaktsütsü ta bener arua Medical servant/person tem pei tata tesemi dak alaka gari kata mesenzütsü aser Dimapur nunga Covid 19 kasa senden nung lemtetba osang Superintendent, COVID-19 oa mapa inyaktettsü. Kasa mozü ayokba dokan dak alaka tashidak aketertem tesem aika ka Dimapur Deputy Hospital Dimapur, Dr. Z. Kheshito mapang nung tashidak nung tanga dokantema kata melapoktsü. nung putetyonga aoba den kasa Commissioner, Anoop Khinchi-i Zhimo-i, District sample kümzüka alitsü asoshi mask Iba mapang tekülem septep, tashidak agi nisunga asü tenzükba metetdaktsüogo collection centre atongba sülen asemtsüba, teka mapang shia lokti senden aser kiyimba benjong ajanga ano yimti nung akhi ali Ano kasa sangdong nungsa Government Servant/person temi merektsüba aser lokti nung malitsü aser asüpila sentep sentong mapatem khen shibangtsü ashiba agi, July 26 nungi August anidaktsü asoshi tetuyuba agütsür tetsüngda ita inyaksangshitsü nunga nisung 20 dak tali adentsü telemtetba agiogo saka jangotsü 2 tashi Dimapur shibangba aliba dak sendakba nung Home asoshi tetuyuba agütsür aliba sülen memelatsü. aser mozü ayokba dokantembo mapang nung, auto aser taxi Department SOP dak ajemdaker, ajaki tashi angaa anidaktsüla. Kasa Tanga state, district aser tanga amai anepdang 9:00 nungi nung nisung (passenger) kaka government servant/person tem mapang nung government yimtsüngtem nungi shirangertem nikongtsütsü 2:00 ako tashi dang mener senzütsü melatsü shirnok sorkar mapa nung servant/person dak tashidak aser nübortem asoshi rongdak lapoktsü. aser jangotsü alitsüba nüngdak senzüer, parnok True-nat amshia putetra pa/la COVID facility tapet nüngdak mapatem atema Tanü Dimapur District Task atema senzürtem dak alaka angati agi tashidak tendangtsü, ka bushia anir aotsü aser iba sülen senzürtema tashidak memenatsüsa Force purtem senden nung nisungtem kima yimdong nung ajisüaka tangartem dangbo tinyaktsü maparentem ajak kümdanga senzütsüla ta tanü Dimapur aser temeket nung senzütsü memelatsü. tashidak tendangba shia sen 1500 tenzüka inyaktsü, ta metetdaktsü. Kohima Deputy Commissioner, Covid-19 tashidak ayimsünga Iba dak alaka administration, Gregory Thejawelie-i metetdaktsü. aotsü tenzükba tensa tia indang sepaitem, mozü kidang Kohima ama anogo shia Mkg nungi covid-19 positive patient ka anepogo asadanga jembir külen, July 26 inyakertem, Treasury, Fire & nübortem atema telemtetba agidak, nungi August 2, 2020 tashiji Emergency Services, Home Mokokchung, July 23 (TYO): Tangji Mokokchung nung ano, hopta junga shibangba jagi jangotsü aser mozü ayokba Guards & Civil Defence, Prisons, Mokokchung Chief Medical Covid-19 jenjang yamai lir: takoksaang aika ajurutsü masü na dokantem dak alaka tanga PHED, Power, NIC, Food & Officer nungi osang aruba nung Sl. No Status Remark (?) ta iba osangbeneri ajemdaker Mokokchung Covid 1 Positive 09 asüngdangdang, “ hau timtem shishilembadak ajak shibangtsü Civil Supplies, Social Welfare, IT Care Centre nungi positive 2 Active 05 takoksa jenti ajurutsü, saka tangbo telemtetba agiogo. & C, Municipal, Telecom, LPG patient ka anepogo, ta 3 Recovered 04 joko quarantine center nung dang Aonsutsütema pei pei kiyong aser Bank nung inyakertem den Mokokchung Deputy Active case par pungu masü saka anogo shia tesem aika nung dang ayoktsü melatsü aser osangbenertembo senzütsü Commissioner, Limawabang prongla asymptomatic dang nung covid-19 tashidak aketertem garitema tang amai odd aser even melatsü ta Dimapur D.C-isa Jamiri July 23, 2020 nü osang asünung, ajak junga lir, ta osang putetba agi, tashidak wara number na anogo balala nung metetdaktsüogo. ka ajanga metetdaktsü. ajangasa metetdaktsü. Kohima nung kenüyongi nisung 61 dak Covid putet Brehostibarnü Nagaland nung nisung 90 dak COVID-19 putet Kohima, Chiteni/July 23 amongertem), Armed Forces Kohima, Chiteni/July 23 (TYO): ajunger, kong active cases 688 aser nung ka alitsü. (TYO): Brihostibarnü Nagaland balala nungi 20, QC nung Brehostibarnü Nagaland nung taneptsü ngur alir nisung 486 lir. Active cases alirtem rongnung yimtiba, Kohima nung nisung 61 amonger ka aser Lower COVID-19 cases timtiba jangjatet, Tanü positive case 90 Dimapur nung arishi küm 82 tain dak coronavirus tashidak putetba Chandmari, Upper PR Hill, kong nisung 90 dak iba virus aliba jangjatetba nungi Dimapur aser ka ventilator nung lir aser ka dak sülen Kohima nung Covid case Forest Colony shia nungi nisung puteta liasü. Kohima nung aliba Armed Forces iba tashidak aliba tera sayur ajak agi 278 kümogo, ta kaka lir. State nung anogo ka nung iba tem nungi nisung 42, quarantine (moderate symptoms) aser ketdangsertem osang ka ajanga Armed forces nungi Chedema tashidak timtiba putetba ya July 13 centre telungzük nungi saka yangji Dimapur aser Peren district shia metetdaktsü. BSF camp nung tang mezüng nü liasü, kong nisung 71 dak iba telidak masür technical worker nungi nisung ka-ka dak iba Health department osang nisung trok dak coronavirus tashidak jangjateta liasü. Nagaland nisung 42 aser frontline worker ka, tashidak aliba sümia sayur (mild ajanga ashiba agi, Brihostibarnü puteter, Zakhama army camp, nung coronavirus tashidak mezüng aser nisung tsüngsü pua aoba symptoms). Tanüngba nisung 640 Kohima nung coronavirus Jakhama village nung tang tashi putetba ya Chennai nungi meyipa nungi pezü liasü, ta health dak iba tashidak agi kangshiba tashidak putetba nisung 61 nung sepai 95 aser Chieswema shilanger nisung asem dak May 25, department ketdangsertemi ashi. yimya kecha mali (asymptomatic), nungjagi state adener technical 24 Assam Rifles nung nisung 2020 nü jangjatet aser iba sülen District telemsa nung iba ta health ketdangsertemi ashi. mapa inyaker nisung 37 (sorkar asem dak iba tashidak putetogo. positive cases tem maneni timba tashidak jangjateta aliba yamai State kübok district 11 nungi facilities balala nung (Maneni tapak 2 nung...) akümer aser anogo 57 nung (July alitsü: Dimapur nungi nisung 458, tanü tashi coronavirus tashidak agi 20) iba tashidak agi meneper nisung Peren nungi 252, Kohima nungi 278, meneper kata maliba district ji 1000 dak tema aküm. Mon nungi 99, Tuensang nungi 44, Kiphire dang alitsü. COVID-19 ATEMA TENLABAJI NA ATEMA ! "Sample 237 tendangba nungi Phek nungi 18, Zunheboto nungi 12, Iba tashidak agi shiranga alir Dimapur Covid-Hospital nung inyakertem asoshi PPE nüngdaker, sample 90 dak COVID-19 jangjatet Mokokchung nungi 9, Longleng nisung 44 - Peren nungi 35, Kohima anungji Plastic apron, plastic shoe covers aser Surgical Caps ama -
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