[email protected] Università di Pavia Philology of the Italian Opera between Text and Event Abstract The paper discusses the guidelines Operatic editions should account on which current critical editions for this temporal dimension, and of operatic music are based, with at the same time offer a text that particular reference to the nine- can be used in today’s theatri- teenth-century Italian opera. The cal practice; lacking this require- basic principle, gradually acquired ment, the economic sustainability by decades of experimentation, is of such editorial enterprises will that the sources, rather than docu- fail. These criteria are illustrated menting the transmission of a text with the example of the edition, in given once and for all, record the progress but already employed for traces of a series of performative performance, of the fi rst opera of events that have occurred in the Vincenzo Bellini, Adelson e Salvini historical life of the work, even (1825). beyond the will of the authors. La musicologia si è posta problemi di critica testuale a partire dalla metà del XIX secolo, quando furono avviate le prime grandi serie di opera omnia.1 Solo all’inizio del Novecento ha però cominciato ad ap- plicare ai testi musicali metodologie scientifi camente fondate; era perciò inevitabile che la neonata fi lologia musicale mutuasse dalle consorelle di tradizione secolare, la classica e la romanza, concetti e metodi fon- damentali, in particolare quelli di ‘intenzione dell’autore’ e di ‘versione d’ultima mano’.2 1 Per un profi lo storico della fi lologia musicale vd.