G reat Playing palities arr studying a joint sew age di«-1 bu,inM* Th* »*ency’. first to the public and no admiasion .I , t • • i » • • budget totaled 338 « million do!- ticket ia required. Commercial leader poM l .y.trill. Irym g il alone the muniei- lilr, lXwo yMr, ,,ter it h,d Clasaea at the Hackensack. Congratulations to llir h. \r lnll pa lilies. including Rum -on. Little Silver, most tripled. Our committee i« Ridgewood and Rutherford AND Till: SOI TH BEBGBN REVIEW lcam« of North Arlington an.l \\ .».puprr mouth Beach. Sr. Bright and Un* M K T £ t T i L f i S ing schedule. faun have seen in some time, ll wa- Il ranch, have m anaged lo pollute beauti-jyear. On thia the largeat single Rutherford—Wednesday af­ LYNDHURST HOME OF CHAMPIONS played at Lvn i.i- fill Shrrwsburv R iver to ihr point w lirrr | “mourt billion dollar.. .» ter noons at 1 30 o’clock. March nasium Iasi Thursday niphl am i wit- wan i • * i i « * i *or manned space flight 14. S t. SB. A p r il 4. iN M lthrd every Thursday by Tlir Commercial leader Printing Company it i- becoming a health menac H o /n e S e rv ic e C e n te r. 184 hy W ood-Hid*. ,vl lo S2, Kor w inner a III I I Responsibility for authoririm ■t 2r» 1 Ridge Road. l.y ndhtir-l. Y J. I elephone GEnrv 8-8:00-8701 * W orking together th m unicipalities expenditure of such huge sums Park Avenue low r th rrr wa* plenty to hr praise.I. Hoi1 ran fvoKt* an non-expensive di-po-al does not rest lightly Certainly Horn# Service Adviser Miss it makes it imperative for ua Florence .m p a tram* played hard. Both plavrd well, ll plant which will gi\e them hack their F d i t o r JOHN SAVINO on the committee to do our Ridgfvood Tuesday eve­ i* » Dan lle.for.1, wrtainly one of ItiL - in e M i t . K r n e s t J D a h l l i e t t IcvtfP best to eliminate waste nings at 8 00 o'clock. March ihr l»cst players to roine around ihr l.rnd und needless duplication. But it 13. 20. 27. A p ril 3 m d t l.e po-tage paid .il K 11111#-r f«»r«l, Ni. J . Jin m any a moon. w a. elim inated l.v fouls is no! merely a matter of dol­ Home Service Center 11W E Let s Back Them lars Even more important ovei Ridgewood Avenue Subscription $2..”»0 IVr ^ • i*r Ten Cent. Per Copy!""'1', /" f -.Ml, quarter. 1 hr five- the long run is our responsibil­ Home ‘Service Adviser. Miss ------,_r J poinI lead of llir m oment for North Arl­ One of our scouts who watched the ity ti* assure the most effective Alice Strickler I \ n«ilinr-i. Y J . tl.irch 8 . 1 % 2 uae of our basic resources—of HacftMMack — Tueaday eve- ington then fadrd. In three quarters Urn- North Arlington junior class* play la*t man and brain power, of sci nings a f^ M o'clock. March tl. — ford scored il points. H i. all-high school I riday night wa- enthusiastic oxer the entific, technical and industrial 13. 20. t t Z [scoring record wa» 1..10I. perform ances of ihe youngster. ta le n t Horn# Serx'ice Center: 235 1 Consolidation Again Real cool kids, was his comment. . In the calendar year 1962 we Main Sfrwt Home Service Adviser M iss Thc Republican Maxor- \--m lalimi l\ : Itrrgen's Til nnini. ipalities have niadr Regionalization Goes On The acting iwax | of high * grade theme -tag-stag-1 ^tory to mstruments\ >olar on the M ary listened the oilier n iid ilb o th -ide- ol I n>r of it and arr making niorr usr .... nolcli. Itetler than average high moon, to launch a probe of the argument mi -mi-olnlaiiuu llergen »f it ll i- a form of regionalization which | I liere i-, .«f coilr-e. nothing new in the —-^school fare.” Venus, to Inunch a meteor log i- ^ H i .u ^ h p " |w. | | i ,'cal satellite preatly advanced Rom an's (>uibl To Hold {'otinty*- Til mu tu* ip.ilit n Mi* maxnr- .- boll, practicable and workable. The^l[Vn,T|,., , regionalized gover ul. However. he added. the crowd over exuding satellites and to canie around It. tin- not n in \. |»« ted coil- nnU iroAldr i- it has not yrt Im-.-ii w o r k e d ...... 'I'" vari- could nave been Iwller.” .launch an active communica- Annual I>enten Komi Sale elusion lln-x lik« r*4n« - ..... Thrv c r r r hold their annual Lenten Clam individual coninmiuln - ami w.i- lor «ourl-. jail, piilihc no-pializatmn. no a grt at job: m ore of the older folks * believe that most Americans Chowder rale on March 21st In Monmouth ( o u n l x -exen umiiici- t h a t . I bank- lo ihe liergen ( ounty Sewer ought to turn out to watch them do it that li ,s worlh the ef‘ fro m 11:31) a m to 2 p m a t I fo rt. the church Those wta> buy are Ij is unfortunate Ib*- propouenl- \utborilx inany of the eastern tier eom- requested to bring their own of ron-nlidalnm bax* m• t « miir around m unilie- are handling sewage on a joint will provide for private ownei-[_ _ containers Further information ba-i- and that list i- growing rapidly *o *hip and operation of the P . S C laS S P S may be secured through Mrs to a inm h more inl» -ic-ling .ind efTcclixe Senator United States portion of a glo-l - Herbert Muller. 528 Page Ave­ solution of lln* problem : u.iunlx. region- I bill il may -non extend as far south a- Clifford P. Case bal system, that will provide A r6 O pC flinC I nue. WE 0-3185. who will also alizatioii. llutberford. K. led ions are dire<*ted by the for participation, ownership as take advance orders. cmiijly except in m unicipal affairs— and* reports to you well as use. by foreign nations.j Horn,' Service Centers ot Mmes Bernard Blohm, Wil- that will assure equitable ac- Public Service Electric and liam Purchase and William T. One of lb«- mo-l • 11111« 1111 h a n d l e •I* lin n, couiilx-owned \oting machine* are cess bv all authorized commu- Gas Company will conduct a Johnson w'ere named a nomin* ffeed by large citie- i- k< « pin^ d« m oer.u x - l l- e d . rotations carriers in the Unit**a series of free Spring Homemak- ating committee at their meet- at work through keeping tli. inlere-l of - tdtes and effective competition mg Classes during March ard ing held on Tuesday evening I h e r e a r e a r e a - here the countvl - ^ , .. the publir at lar*!«- in tli< ir »i»\» rniiM iit • In 1886 Sir Newt.. , i)ie;.Uons system, in suPPlymg goods and ser\ - April at various commercial of- at the chutch. , macbinerx could Ii G iant .Nch ^ ork n l\ b.i- lony rei«>-iii/« ,t W ill Ik* pi^sible cornoratinn ih 'V kT anv All classei will be held un- be hostesses tor the sociafhour d e n t - a r e *»iifli« n n tlv i n h r« -l< <1 iii l l n ir In the minds of many the Bergen six yeai s J.,tei Colonel Jonn to 1 .... . fxiralion ihat may be set up.!d„ |he djreftjon of company to fo|,ow ,h, nireOn* on tht fI Gleiin became the first A inc. -;.i irm t tion**to fh'r J>art,^ular atte*-- ^ome .service advisers at each evening of March 20. at the government. imnlx police departm ent could be built a rtiu n d tion tc the relationship between - i . . . ! :nin to orbit th* earth with tli •. li th e 'te llite s n I h n ______.. localtion M The classes are open church up lo Ihe point where it would be takuig wholo world listening in' Th- pi a1t the government, especially such| As a result tlier i- ii i N ew ^ o r k ;i ieir agencies as the De partment of oxer niauy of the traffic control duties man and his feat have stirred definite aim on tin p.irt of phinm-i* to m oihit maintained in State, and the corporation xxbicb occupy the local deparlments. ,m|,cm;,l'on ;«'>d capture: I !y s* it tone r> position. regionalize the rit\. I onli*:iioit~ area- . . . . ; . the heart' tti people every w hei *nl> -<■ could provide world *oon as we fmiah with IM edixe work, which requires clo-er And undcntandahfy m ». fo. i thal ha \e coiiiiiioii pur|io-«' ibr ni^b geo­ xvidf <>\ t-rage 24 hours a day ,hw legislation, our committee cooperation with departm ent- of other h** bearings anb* Uh‘ v isite d last w e e k e n d sever The effort to regionalize in New ^ ork consistently points to the p.-., Tl - importance of the devel- “A maJ°r *nstallations on thi Savings Placed by March 10th I ii the m atter of tax assessment a re­ -ligious scientific and tcrhnu..i opn practical Commun- W est c o ast ia one rea-on for the ^rowlb of wj effort that rt ade possible hi- KARN FROM M \R( II 1-t gional -et-up that would elim inate thos< iatellite system is ha*d From the establishment of weekl> area i i c m - paper*. new»pjper- ..... , . . . flight Even the briefest glimpse timate According U. NASA in 1958. it has been ap • mi llie local level would lie economical t»f Cap** Canaveral bung' ih. which tr\ not to -er\e the interest- of \p t opinion. existing over- parent that the exploration of and milch more eipiitahle. Uact home dn-matually it i^ 1 i i icilaies. undersea cabl pace is a mighty expensive! the entire cit\ but ol .ire.i- -neb a- v a fantastic- plan . like steppie^, iid 'i'gli frocaiency radio, will Creenw ieh \ illage. the Ka-t Side. l(ro<»k- Ihe big item ill wllirh great savings— into another world Yet w hen «»t .* ;ible t< meet future de There's still time, if you Chiropractic effectively treatse a t i j 4 ^ c lyn He.jibt- and tin like. and better results could be produced -isr ^ ,hv*rt> ,"1 ,h<1 ' n .1 Is for overseas commum- hurry Take advantage of the . . . * come it wi:s a-- on a piexioie • ti n^ The American Tele the following conditions bonus days . . It means extra AnllrlpaiHl iu tlie scliool*. I visit, the Astronaut*, then-s. lve Annual In Bergen C'onntv we eventnalH wWl h * ie and Telegraph Comp«tny earnings for you. I M» idrnd . . . ] that most Impressed me * r.ates. for example, that it Nervous Ihtorderi have over iJHHUMHt re-nl. nl-. Ii i* ea-\ Me now liaxe a county superintend- Our Astronauts, who include »>* called upon to hand'c* 14's time. too. to think about money storage' Tor the future H e n d o r h r t to sa\ that if cnil-olidated tile l.tMHMMHI ent of -4-bools. Hill while he is a bird Commander Walter S< i ly or ie nundred million ov a special trip, a new home, or some special aim that New Jersey, are requires ready cash! Save for them now! coiibbl govern tliem -el\e. m ore eeimomie- with ;i ne-t, lie has m^ flight course. W hat m ar kal.n* as phone calls by 1980 H n r k a i h + t men. individually ami a I i. thcr. a ..atellite system can ally, (.hart- can be de\i-ed to -bow jliat N e i s r i t i t be accom pli-bes is a mystery to the eoun- group One i struck bx i p vide services such as the One M’h<»-teui ill-lead of (»*). o n e tx and. so far as anybody ran see, of no quiet confidence, in the ilinussit.n of television and R u rtilu and in each other, and tht police deparlnu nt in-|ead «»f <»*>. one (ire Xiilue to the -tate. Like the appendix, ll i-speed data, which are net unmistakable competence Thi possible on an overseas Digestive Disorders departm ent instead of <>*/ could function happen- t«» be there and there he stays. sence of humor is mai ked 1 m ore inexpen-i\el\. Gle^n demonstrated uhci ! tun a national point ol! \ regional educational program, that Dr. L. Ackerman smilingly complained to th s. development ol the sys-l Chiropractor At the -aille tillM- eyperieliee ba- -how II would tiol pile udinini-lralixe expense joint session of Congress and ten oficrs us an unprecedented $a4>in^a7td££tH m O & & 6ciaft*n asembled notables that he had 244 Ridge Road that a city of I.IHNI.INNt i- b— likely to upon already -lauding adm inistrative ex- opportunity to demonstrate onr not even had a banana pellet • ie ire that space be used foi Rutherford. N. J. In Lyndhurst aatisfy the need- of il- people com ­ pcUses, but which would m ake it possible on his flight S3 P a r k A v e n u a pe ceful purposes to benefit all House Calls Made in Rutherford m unities of -m ailer population-. Tin* bifi It* obtain -elimil executives of greater (Colonel Glenn now has some mankind. Space communications lAMOcUt* oak*) By Appointment only (Main offlc*) CIS Rid*e Road cities ha\e a tend« ue\ to lo-e lln ir -mil-. -tatur** would be a most laudable im- banana pellets. I can report piomise to make direct com­ peleU made in Summit New munication possible on an eco­ Phone: GEneva 8 2404 “Where You Save Does Make a DifferenceI** Their hearts become macadamized. I he p r u x e m e i i t . Jersay, for non-oommeret.< I use. nomic basis with the newlx rapport l»etween public ofln ial and the Indeed, tht package I sent nin en • rging nations and smalle* It lias not struck us lhat the New Jer- public become- -trained and alino-t non­ included an assortment ot fl countries of the world The for­ sey K.dueational Association has con- vors - - maple walnut and or eign policy implications are ob­ e x i s t e n t . -itlered to tin fule-t the potential bene­ ange in addition to banana > vious. The bi^ ipn-tion i- l^.w tin -mall In short, from olmost everv PAUL’S Hobby & Sport Shop fit- of a regional approach to the school Colonel Glenn. Commander eommunity can retain it- identity >et Shepard and Captain Grisson point of view it is urgently in p r o b l e m . were deservedly the center of th' n»tionai «nterest to be first share in the benefit- of pooled effort. attraction all week I cannot Wl,h this Poetical application 'Ihese are some of the areas in which FALL & WINTER SPORTING GOODS It aeeins ipiile rea-onable to -iiyge-t help but regiet. however, thpt ol "Pa<>e technology, ihe county could move with profit to the thoae who initiated the Mcr The National Aeronautics ard that the an-w er lie- in I In- county po\**rn- Get Ready For 1962 taxpayer. Ihe county does more am! tury program, in particulaSpace Administration, the De ment. New Jer-ey fortiiiiateK has re­ t , . . , . former President Eisenhower partment of Defense and sex- Pre-Season Sales m ore o| the planning for all the county : and Dr Keith Glennan. the **r;d private companies are al tained the counts form. New York <.it\ it has a fine garbage collection progran first Administrator of NASA, ready actively working on the has eliminated ii in -uh-laiice if not in tinder way. were not included in the offic- many difficult and complicated 1 ial ceremonies It would have technical problems involved ».nj BOATMAN name. ( oniieclii ul threw out the countv been concrete evidence of the both the low and high altitude O ur planners of the future should be government -\-lem -mne year- ago. national character of the pro systems. The need for Congres ! seeking out the areas into which the gram and the unity of the com sional action arises, however.j Boating Supplies Hut New J* r-e\ ba- retained the conn- county can fortuitously interest itself. I try l>emnd it from the fact that as far as we Marin* Hardware A hearing w ,th the Astronauts ('an now see. only one commer I was ihe highlight of a busy t,al space communications sys- Paints - Rope i week lor our Senate Space t<,m f°r world will be tech i Otu boards Here To Stay True Words jCommittec Before and aftcrl mcajly and ecorrf)mically fea.’. , we were working on legislation ,bl* How ,he system is set up i There i- nothing like failure to inspire M rs. t^eraldm e I hom pson. one of the to establish national policy con preunt* therefore very special a political party, the -aying goes. Any* state's outstanding Republicans, has ju-t cern‘n^ our na,|on's participa- problems. GOLFER way, the Hergen I ounlx Dem ocratic -or* passed lirr 90th birthday. T hr woman Utm i" lh'“. t'-tahhshm,-r'> and What our committee is stnv , . . ^ . . . operation of^a commercial space ing to work out is a bill that] gaitization. wliicb lia-n I won an «*b*ctii|n whose good works are many, had this Clubs - Bag* - Carts In year-, i-. nexerllu K^-. about to in\cst statement to make: Sale on Golf Balls - in Mum* real e-tale. I In- party plans to Draperies B e d s p r e a d s * T h whole world is changing and Reg. ( 12 doz. - buy headquarter- at Stale Street, we’ve got to m ake it go in the right direc­ Heady Made lit .nix M.i.l, H a c k e n - i u k I Iii- - I n n i ld b e )>iifli«’i e i i t Now $5.95 doi. tio n .* * . i \ Warning to the Republican- that ihe Gloves, etc. Mr-. Thum p-on would lie the first to < ii-lmn Made ( ii-lmn 'I.ole JDetnoerats. \ictorxle-h 'or not. are here deny that the direction desired is hack* § U y . ward as some members of her party ABES unfortunately indicate. End Of Season SALE In New York F A C T O R Y o u t l e t , I N C ^ Well, Why Not? Linos - Nets Loures I H igh School ud\i*.»r' \.lii. did not m akr >,~ t Ca.sai. Avenue. F,a-i Newark. \ I on A LL ski equipment Rods - Reels || m andator> for llirir I neli.h claim stu­ The report lhat a woman. Mrs. Clairr Fr*%h & Salt W ater dent* to hir thriii.i Kr. |u York lo (Kxeept fair trade items) 11. I'oncio. Bogota lax eollector, ha. hern Hil l I’ \ |; KIN<. E q u i p m e n t y if—aa (1- al lra-l one priM lmiion of llir circled president of the Bergen County OlU Vie Company al tlir Cilv ( rn lrr (21 Municipal Receivers. Collectors and \ HU 2 5533 4 ■n 'emtremrly interrsting “ I hr M rn hanl I reasurrn Association, should occasion Hobby and of V enirr" off Broa.lw ay (3 ( onr of tlir D no -urprise. I 'Ml \ ard- |b atddent m atiner. al thr M rtropolilan Ncul lo the federal governm ent, arrn't \ . PAUL O pera had belter w-akr up. T im e thing, women the lies! collector* e v e r ? Sport Shop are well worth thr uludrnt'a time and lira! X'ife Preaident Theodore Lipin- ...... > .ii.i- ,.1 m oney. South Bergen i» partieularK for- ski of North Arlington ami Secretary l< • Inm in sin, |v 306 UNION AVE. GE 8-0192 RUTHERFORD l> i« g ! > i-> (»<••“ » "O ' !■' " *•» N w Y o r l ’j ' I o'tis C -o.’i o f V vn.ll"—s'. |Mith htl«- Flour*: M onday Thru Saturday { • ( r - r i k i l u i i < t i l t e a l ‘C I. knew juit bow it it, «t. m en? Slipcovara^l^iobrics by ^ard -I M r * ' rnrRsnw . march n. i %2 TTTF COMMERCIAL IFADFR AND ‘-OT'TTT RKRCFN REVTFV rar.F FIFTEEN


:*afeterlr» to lie prenent tothor M .m rd i f f < •«*n»i>.l^in«Mi»T. rOR RENT MALE — FKMALB MALE AND FEMALE Muslii|i <>f I.l nilliu row n ig h t a t 8--00 I' M ir a n j • lil M* EAST NuthERFOftD I N R.v MAL time Saturday f:ftern>nn. •r*lin»in-*- w <- ciu l Ava , J rooms mrfth bath, haat md ACCOUNTANf ay a to fft.OOC L tC R A T i v C part tima work -n 1N>mki« March IS ar Apm i.j ACCOUNT dag 1 yr. asp %b.7iA *"own ©rgamaat.on is Na i m it* offer M;iss .ind ' lend the men <•»»* If ACCT dag no aim. Is.i-O^ «'«1 Ouai antsad ni'ima < t‘ip choo I- M ,.i uliU I. modern apartment, 2nd floor Heat, COST analyst to *7,S00 'elephone ATlas 8 3402 •p.m. i ^ * Carpenters Floor Coverings TV Service hot water aupgliod. Three adults "■CLECTRftAL “ itAL en engmaar. degree P m ONLY eat»’tei in B<‘ -un to hnvo you preferred Available Apr.l 1 . W V 1 to noUh head c 1 p r o d S1&.90C ■ Ro^aiy with you. It* m i l l o f . 1 1.MMISM1*) 3ft*ft a f t e r ft R» M 3 • tNOIMCR wr.I.r «|.i> |l »X INSTRUCTION Kindly pjirk yuur .mtor <»t»* 1. COMPLETE SERVICE TECH writer* alec to’M.OOC ------r ^ ~ m m , V T T E S T * NORTH ARLINGTON - Three LIBRARIAN taihn cal $7.?00 FREE eipart Instruction on an type M)mp place < ther than Ihr tHKri II T»l l! A L U M A K E S A. Turiello & Son CARPET tig h t, m iry raama anp bath Heat, GOVT Pfep- ASRR M.S00 of knitting and crocheting Also *■ oarninn lot in ' Ti»w rt»h !• * Ir r k Color and Black and W hitt DRAFTSMAN eler mech Open prrt a'taration* on wamen-* cloth P‘,rK,nii lo* »ni« f « (U rd e r1 d . l r . l M i I. ' omplete Rmnuleling II ork j Tapa Recorders. Racord Riayar* DRAFTSMAN power diatnb M 200 ng Call GE S-4201. t 1 u s to a sse m b leIe thther< er< pi LINOLEUM fttarao and Hi-Pi bats, DRAFTSMAN arch, tamp HOC up AlttrutnH«5 and Rffniirn I Hama and Auto Rad ot FOUR 000 M bunoalow, supply AN g ra p h entering the Church Th JR d r a f t s m a n REAL ESTATE Town*h p of Lyndhurst WALL fOVKMNU o*>n heat MO Couple only. Vacant CHEMIST '‘•groe Rd O uko avoid tyiriK up t*'»* C a ll W C 1 3004 J IS r- BLIC NOTICE Attle* * Dormer* (ieragei CHEMIST degree no aap »*c For Sale Or Rent inn area for p.ii ishmf c b y th e LAB asst cham. eng O p e n ------„ ...... BOARD O^ ADJUSTMENT Porfhfi - Additions Finished WE USE Tuac* TWO ROOM basement apartment Tiles LAB asst mechanical to *'0C f OA S A L E O R R E N T K-ndinK du in^ \h < ' IN’ VnrlM.K • ii(it>ll< Mtiun "f ,tn«lr« » ■tents - Aluminum Siding f u r n is h e d a ll u t i litie s s u p p lie d . $S5 CLERK TVPC *70 $76 bloch building 2S«40 show window fast Mlrtpllaii " t< r pr*-ntl». « tn " « n .te Adult* Call OC t 0*11. I ts ind Roofing Aluminum < uni OFPICC ho'y H & grad »v m_ lir.H _ w_ ___ door op.ning: Oood fa <0 i. | T(,,. a„ cr.tlon .,{ lilt - 1 l^ .t l r itbM k !«: • n •». SHIPP.NO clerk binatlnn Windows and Doom LYNDHURST FLOOR |« 0 M 1. 1 ight manufacturing Mam thor. I > mjliiir^ii unit Map T V RENTALS TH U II ROOM apartment NCond INSPECTOR radio print* ougMare C ali G C *-50il. t*, Sacred Heari i- direct ii • \|i|«r>.«ol .if u'nntt rrafn- ti* fin -• Di» W M onth floor, all utilities. clean. MO Adults 114 F o re st A ve. K v n d h u rs t COVERING CLCCTN mstid. industry eap $100 A d u lt S< h»*ti p , \rtl. Nil p tall An/time Call Oa I 0611. 3 15 2 nd shift to S2 3Q h r rl,\L ESTATE FOR SALE . t,.l.-«l, ..f «!>*• XtmliiK • irdu • CiFncva R-36f>? we hands, lathe apers . rad>a *«•»..*«*> * [inning March 13th thri.u I .\p l«-m.If the* .-ration ..f » tv»-.. »:i F|> St'DOI. S.* RIIHil: RI) THRU ROOM apartment. gat pectors welders. (all type. — ------. nl iHth W|th c t a i r '. f s I .1 - . II.-in tu .. II /.MU.’ . i, ., FRISTIK & DEGERDON ela'*ne, haat supplied Near trans b< n*i »et men. shear ope’s PUTMERrORO T wo I- i IV \ I,.'' I.—« th in >• f. t f . K 8 - 0 2 11 C a t 1*4* partat ar MS Call WC 9 2*1* after r r e ss ds, general plant help *ou>e J and * room apartments, j Tuesday and Wednesci.i v .A*, ill. r r r j« n i..| l.> It-, / ...r iii- 2ftft R id g a R d . N A r lin g to n N ew piny Local. Interviewing »-'• baths. 3rd floer Insulated n,n;, .(t ~ -jq flneem Two gir*ges. n r W Y 1-4369 WANTED TO RFNT F t HALE I ven.ent to everything. Call WE 9-.*IX week courses (two t m Music Instruction ACCOUNTANT O o ^ ' u '* 3 ‘ evening» will Ih- K»ven by t i* '• \ . i i ,! . . m .|. ii . -iii. I- «.i ^agptiny* w alls floor*, parti­ K IANSBURQ 9 lummir cabins ASSISTANT bttkpri. i.i i r •-!!.* 1 > i p r t iniiH s kli"w ti an I .«il $100 •'lAMSBURQ t summer cahms LoUI5 h M t f l l l t t a n d H*‘V tion^ front porchee, jjurape* • nd 1 all year around. 4 rooms. ban< B K K P R S . full charge tn.« k • ->n thi- |».' " 't »«eni A» STATEWIDE TV and hat »«Ur, haat High and dry NCR d comptfometsr opei *to |«0 2 " ? ’ a " y«-*r * rooms, bath pAj* ar,| j H a i d u k T h r titlt- 4 l«l M-»»iit«-nt M ip. 1'» black* to beach off Carr Ava. P A Y R O L L c le rh |gr "Ot water h«*t High and dry I 1 t . V t»|T' nl ..r Mftln* n -'rt M*'- i«| o v ** r Ii a n p i i i g rfm Piano - Organ and Radio Repair Service tt.900. Call WC • 0SS3 tf CXf.C secretary fee pd $140 it bearh, off Carr Ave th e on Tin m i * * * I Kearnv Ave. Kearny Rent »Tg $7S WY « S3M 3 S SEC Tv Nutiey ••all*. aUo contract­ Enjoy your lesson* with »»0- Twy ° F A M IL Y h o u s e o r o n e troduction. Explanation ind Honest A Dependable Service STENOGRAPHERS, many to M^ family m tone for two. Lyndhurst T, i> • ing. Millwright & R i^'n^ AIT. WANTED CLERKS typists, many to MC r , . o,;y nr.vat* party Laii WE Discussion of Certain llook- r Sunday and hoc ms North Arlington. Lyndhu'S DICTAPHONE eperator Open SI KSERY SCHOOL u _ FRANGIPANE or vicinity. WY I-2SM LIBRARIAN asst science deg H a ry M o ra l P ro b le m s " -r- 1 30 INSPECTORS, radio prints $2,OS hr Harry Cornerman LE BRETON Nursery School 8 30 P.M and ’ Study Night Calls F O R S A L B SWITCHBOARD < pert raco $74 v a / V i a a > i i i i a p a a a I Th<*<»rv 1 ni 1 ud« <1 KEYPUNCH eap 4 trainees Open certified pe-iod Ch.ldren two to sia. On T h Teaching' Of Tlie Cat1' OPEN TUES Tit 7PM Planned p-ogram, Hot Lunches. Halt . . .. W Y 1-4492 - HU 2-5899 j C o m p o ser and Arian*er fo r th e ( 1 0 weekv>_« 30 Our Specialty TWO BIRDSEYE maple dressers Open Tues til 7 P .M . day S all day sessions. Transporta OllC CnUICIl Century . S»-hubcrth and with mirrors. Make offer Call GE Sat 9.30 to 12 tion Telephone NOrth 7 M l'. 2S9 10 00 p M Heritage Music Co of • 22*0 3 * IS Orient Wav WEbster 1-9416 N“"*' N. J tl Used TV Bought & Sold AtteltdinK one «>t th* c c!as«- T IS S IK H i: New York Citv ------1 WROUGHT IRON Contractors «.<• bi«.! KITIIERKORD <=•»«":■« weekly - diuiiiK...... Lcnl wi.ulil .*<• ■ r. t pr> INSTRt MFNTS Don't M l« That Late. Late ; m*rb,« design with cared fo. all day ages ? , yr*. and . „ Emplnvmrnt A t.nry ur h*t lurtches individual care No be an cxceller.t mean- f m an Show—Call L's—He Welcome eiienft condition. f/S also 2 p e c s Krnted and Sold modern sectional living room, good' — charge If not satisfied. Call WC 4 ifeetinR, in an prs t l rs P l i i m l i i n ^ Aii kinds ot iviasonr; VELTRE T-V REPAIRS PUNCH press. e*p SITt'ATlON WANTED man to enroll in at least »ne Levson* at Tour llirme or B A B Y C R IB $ ’ .70 , Tubes Tested Free P L A P P E N BOILER makers layout of the courses tu Ijeeotae .n WELOERS. Hal,arc W ork. E«ten1ions and In My Studio 10 BF.RUFN AVENt'K H I-C H A fR I i * .Tv. ' i N“ ..?^ 7 " m ^ t i ^ Ie..ea>t- 267 Kidd- Road « e a $; 000 *'®n» Foi that personal" touch, call OH. IU R\FRS*Fl EL OIL ELECTRIC OUITAR V ^ DRAFTSMEN, begmneri Alice I. Becklund GE •-•3«7 tf Thi' pr'pintm A A lirrt- Lyndhurst. V i. old Can GE 8 427J or 657 ioth St Complete Automatic Oil I y n d h u r s t ito wi;*he< tn thank ;• 1! :i. - S ENGINF ERS V F E ( H £ w a n t t d ' t o ' b i y Crating Installation* SALES Estin ator. 0d tm n - f«.i th e n Kin«l ese OFFICE G M A, SI2S Kearny Metaf. 17 Stovar avenue, Ridge h a . g a m s — the month of CLERKS M^G Kearnv WY 041? Reupholstering March Mice Bros *4* Kea ' ny -ve jR ACCT event »upv Kearny wv 1-0200 1 1 1 f C V A L l NEWSPAPERS wa Upholstery Co. — ------1 N C R A p rm e * . m u s t be c l< d-y Paintina Misc FOR SALE Dl 'O, LEGAL Secret bundled 50o pe^ ’ 00 lbs Slip Covers popular demand we are r e p e .t m g q i ET i T 'A N BS l A L Wn.te Metal. 577 New Vorl this rjreat sale Factor 47 Rtdce Rd.. No. ArlinKton CLERK Typ.sts. .ni gvi A ve L y n d h u r s t 3-1 matresses $1S, $20 $25, regularly. EXEC Serreta.y Decorating. (Vilin^e ami W \ man 1-1767 $49 $59 $69 Mice B^oi 498 NOTICE TO JOB APPLICANTS Drapes Ave . Kearny WY ’ 0300 e" «! C O M P T O p e r a t e s n I loor I ile Inf illed. W all­ 3 ‘ 1 T V P i S T S ele c A m a n Iif I..- .(.r d.. m, \KEYPUNCH A N i-ij ;,d . h u rnoLsih RiM; ood )Ny Cont n K t pi. papering. < arpeiitry. (tree 07 J8 All Work Done On ' S T E N O S . m I j u if s lip a n l r s i-n l tnloJir l > t i m a l e I. ( a ll W I! <>-2c>8« . FOR SAI.E ciearint U r t,'" 1'*,."'"0"0" '’ ptr'nlwr 3. |i« |.' I'.i Our Premises By tf sofas 17 club chairs, 8 bedntom' c,*rk‘ lit lnti-i>t!»f.* c * \ . - DR4PLRILS | A S S T p r o - I sets, to make room for our new •in h Master Upholsterers Sofa & (.hair Bottom* sprini stock Watch our v»iow| I I t h e h e * t - I r tl i o U u.I n. t It- th in | Plumbing a t l.-M -t tl m d R e p a i r e d , windows for these bargains o f I a l in lx ■ vorkenl , ter fto j I M .u during the month of M.irrh. linlHSX M.-nlly j — WY 1 -6185-6 !■ Of NORTH Alii.INC. ION A1 \ \ Ni i m THI. 373 ItHM .i: HOAD MISC. FOR SALE Due to • ’it i<< n i|ulrrd until Ti »\\ NSIII >-K I.NM-lll IlST. Plumbing Heating AMBASSADOR A METRO r*W. If you nr* offend < o | \TV • *1 I ' i:' i \ \NI< D E A L E R r.-d •*tii|.|n>er«. ..r if »r*U STATK'H- M ;\\ II KSI Y M n.i-r EMPLOYMENT. AGENCY i- oniiriitnp tin* law KI' HY THI. I ' I: i ■ • I ii* \| Parts. Sales A Service -t i\ it I#-- o f t tie l \ S. I M ISSK i .\ l i l t s • • N v r i : 11 ' ' Electrical Supplies 1960 PLYMOUTH ? d sedan $ *S5 second matresses 515, $20. $25, 232 Belle> ille Pike «.f«> r. < a || o r w r ite T it. 15.. .r .l < . s ' Electricians 19SC PLYMOUTH 4 dr. rerularly $19, $59. $69 Mace U’Yman I-‘>080 •derai Mui|• >ll.t r» t<. tti«. 70ft Pennsylvania Ave , Lyndhuret. OFFICC Se.v.ce Supv 237 Stnyvesant Ave. Aloo, w* balance front whlel*. W‘$5s N a m e S iK iety in v ite ; t-\ Ilonrd .f \ .1 in have his furnace fix e d -e v e n Auto and body work. Complete mo - (near Ridge road) !■• OFFICE Boy LymRiurM. N. J. East Rutherford ***“* ** d* ready for in- — ~ ------OFFICE Mor A tn $11,000 cry man w ho .1 p a ri 1: m t'r with winter coming . _ .tolia* in Hydro- PART TIME WORK full time PROD Develrpment I matlc unit*. ay. 3 evenings a week, a" day » R0D Coordinate tr $’0 000 ^jcrcc* Iteart Chureh t«« ft Mturdoy car necessary Call WE SALES Beverage Sav* $<00 on osocutivo drlv*n sta­ J $ioo+ t^nd the Annuil Comnainion W f wm -n't «iirpri«ed when lEneva 8 4505 Suppl> c«"P«y tion wagon*. > -______SALCS Management t »’sf Break last r r.Hit is |> Bo- 30* 3-lI TAB 0 ,.r,t„ r WYman 8-7311 INDUSTRIAL g $ O ep )^ and will lie in Vour hands be- ______m .itu i .i - f if* n l'"iler b\ NIGHT SHIFT. S to t. eaper.rncgd AM PM , 10 • M. Retired Ma $1.50 fore Sundas A m . r u n n M. iim I.i i H It'* i l«»an. Refinishing BUSINESS SCHOOL operators only Lyn Ma d Lingerie, cH E M Ocorator Trade Where SATISFACTION 5« Outh.,1 e i. 1-yndhurM OE •- b r O s m i S o m " $2 so' ^ L* Brrakfa^t Conimitt' e un b e a t s f;tv t a m i r n * t« !••»« I h a n IS GLARANTEEI) VAL C. COLOMBO TRAIN for a good position a* a ^ ______CARPENTER $2"s7: der the .ible dirpction of Vici Franc is ilm uifht ltef.»re tho oocrotary, typist, clerical worker, or Dominick Celia, er w e a t h e r *;*-tn w o r s e , r a i l u s fo r ttm rlinl Contrartor Fiirnilurr K.'finighing and comptometer operator at low coat orr.RATOKS WANTED. Ap ro 'n f **706! ^ rcs,^cnl Krsitlentisl * Industrial Yiinng and in the shortest possible time ply Lyn-Matt Lingerie. 5 4 8 h e lp e r Mol pects over five hundred men Bergen Typewriter a free estim ate Mavlie vour Aiiti.|ii.' K.''I..ration. at RUTHCRFORD SCCRET ARI AL i*4i Ex-Prcs Paul Ciroux will bej f u r n a c e i t boiler jtiftt needs l2fl A rlincton B l v d . t'.uthlel PI.. Lyndhnrst, or (iE- m a c h i n j s V T u ' S C H O O L — 2 Franklin Plac*. Ruth- n p a i r t n K - N o rth Arlington. N. J. erford. Phono WC 9-7147. t» 8 3800. 3.§^AINTIN^CC $4 ooo loBstmaster _ . I Service Plum.-: WY 8-3397 ______MILL Hand trnee $i 46 Gtiest Speaker is C h a rle s WYman 1-5579 BUSINESS SERVICE Ml«OR Mamt Man ►O O R R T T V T Pi R ^ Maske. ;■ former U S counter 233 M ain St., Ilurkensack COMPTOMETER ROWCR or Punch Pre»> trnee f'.ftf* SDV and major in the Army r n tr m u iin c estimate SAWS — TOOLS SHH » . Clerk. M S ||nu M ...... Diamond 2-5340 Refrigerator OPERATORS SL- » | v — * ion Mtdg nite $100 Typewriteis - Addin* Machine, i'i >our _ — _ _ LAWN MOWERS t aA ft. _ I m oi V*$i 7S, Koresn^ur"'« ^‘>rldMWaru11 Wai Mr Maske has a __ *1 T R UICy l Drive. ne^agf* th at concerns one thing Dapheators - < heck writers Myles Electric Service 0 STENOGRAPHERS STOCCM E n ggrpver r a v e trnee 01.29 F K M A L E dear to u.s a ll. oui country A ll Makes • New & U s e d ofc igjtiOfl L IC E N S E D A R; Oram NCR 3200 - tU l Z o llo a n d n . c l - President Louis the r r,»er M l I.let*I *S*SBS0te» DEL SKIDMORE TYPISTS PC ON ALL MAKES BKK_ Type iS wk*. vac ) •J8 officers cordially invite a n y ,r o | Easr Poymvnt Sales W tlur Repairs C L E W T y p is t assist Hlgti School Graduates 0« who can in .sett»nj;-uo the; Renletl & Repaired tS3 Srhu?ter Aee., K em i. NJ DETA Clerk-no type experience necessary i x c t , (teno-lerty . ______F A C T l V r r I - I 6 7 6 F O R R E N T CALL OR APPLY • PBY9 e-e^- SI 15 M at. JEAN WILCZYNSKi r A C T t it . 1 . ] |1 .< S T. J. Naulty MONDAY THROUGH FRIOAV KCVP i H Al^rti i ITC C LACKAWANNA H O U S I k i v f l i f .j P T. .n-V B-y - t^O 242 R .d g e Road.■d. Lyndhursiiurat, N. J. ft A M T O 4 P M DON’T DISCARD YOUR OLD MAHRESS MR'^eM 2 7700 Cut 2379 i ^ LMre°n P lu m b in ; 268 Park Avenue Wo Paaorve a Pino SelectionSetec of rjM liyiM lit Office STCNi Modern Furnished Rooms for lil Central Ave. STC ► il Rebuilt Equal To New Only $12.95 Businessmen and Viaitmg Guests South Kearny. N J. BELLOS R utherford, N. J. All Mod*rn Improvement* Including A>r Conditioning VCRY RCASONABLC RATES * ADDITIONAL CHARGE IF NEW COVEH DEEDED Electric Service deal location for all transportation Western Phone: WF.buter 4-6922 f H . ■ - We also convert hair, cotton and wool matresses into S‘i ROOM apartment near all bu* Complete Home Wiring nos. Adults preferred. |S5 Call I weelust i Electrk comfortable innersprings. All work guaranteed Alteration* and Rrp»ir» ✓ E 9 4 k n or WC J S060 ^ tf MANUPACTUWlNC UNIT O ^ Television THC BCLL TCLfPHONC SVST*I T, VlVC ROOMS and clo*od pdrch In!- . U’e S]^ciali»e In Ruth*rford. Adults preferred CaU BRAVERMAN'S BEDDING CENTER W C • 4777 between S and I p.m. 100 Amp. Service r »-t* MALE JOHN'S 6 Banta Place 244 Broad Avenue NCW 4 ROOM apartment fully H e a t i n g Call Anytime For air conditioned. Heat and hot water, nmg Radio TV Service available immediately Second flour. * »ur*t Newe Service. OC • OlS. Emploxment A, Hackensack Palisade Park FREE ESTIMATE No. Arlington 340 Ridge Road GE 8-9120 ------MAINTINANCI MAN f a c to r y r Diamond 2-3666 Windsor 4-7577 L V V N O H U R S T . ft ro o m * . + • * + -o«poelowgf . All benefit*, y ro u n d I H ' JOHN BONANNO and hut* w.ttei nuppliod Call MU *■ tverlime Kearny lorrttion WY 1 8-7000 L> ndhuiit • GE 8-7600 NO 7-0919 30f> ( base Aveuue L> udburst A jI j a j lu o u l i l 7. M Open FraUr T PM. TM.r rnnnm r m r c o m m i-r c ia t : r .r v n n t a n d sortn nnRr.rv r e v t f w

«*r |||«« any i w v wp ,mhi"* "l'"r tn outdo, .... private property. r r t r iiU c li'n dtil; • oth.wlted and pro- !•*■.«TH*M 14 oW ftlM t 1t» MAIN* vldrd by llir Tu■* n»li11>. u u i Ito fia e il T A IN I'H K M IH K k K H K K * m T IJT-I J T - f-rt> a^-tl Proclamation Town«hip dumping r t m i , p r m t d .1 vt all time* molt tn in t*r premia** :re# of litter; irovlded. bowrvrr. W W AVVW W BW W M W W W W W W W W W W W W •hull be md# in thr manner »»*d that thia Kect |.>a ahall not prohibit to th # e x t e n t o th e rw tw* |------•**—* 1— “*a -tor-g# of Httor la auth«n«..l U'M FRrtC u lrrk to 1 M 2 will mirk I half cmtury of -ther <>rdl»*n< »« or Htat# U' V*t* . .... for^ collection It„ WHLnEAS Mart n 12. IV**, wui rnai« - States ^'TtoN ' ri - t'TMKNT or -HallX be «l^ £ neivice lo Am erican youth by O irl Scout* of the United Stale. MTT>:R ,N hk« k» ta« » m >* > . wa»m.— •'-'■WIMM o r c r e u p a n t a o f «fof America;Arrv#r ir*• andarvl „ ... *T>> I’KKVKVT Hi *ATTKRINO. |. r. any prlprivate property to pta<* any pla*da< p r i v a t e r rau irurH In front of *uch private pm- girl* have shared in the profoundly important spiritual, eduta- 1. v , *».,* • j p*rty on th* 4av or roll* t xn of * r > i r \ i no • and ‘ r "nd ,l‘ ***' h ""»*i»*n.iautalnrra «a winwill |» » tand nd rr-fiiM,, f„e# «tat narfe anoh nr»ipremia#* tional. and social experiences of Girl Scouting, an .re vent it frcm hem* . «med n» hkitio.n i s . I j TTT k o v VA* WHEREAS dtfring these years four and half million m?n d»po*ited i.» th# eien.-nta upon ant «'a.vt 1-otw Na p*r*on *h*u throw .nd women hav. b«n devoted volunteer, in the G.rl Scout r-nSTpv.‘?.%,XJ%t,T.* Z movement: .nd KTS 2T * WHEREAS the current strength of Girl Scouts or tne unit .,#r*«.i» ah*n »».qi into ..r d*t«'*--t j hi- t io n i i fi.KARiNo OF 1JT- Stales i.l America is three and a half million girls and adult*.; «c»tf^r atr...t .r othoi i...i. rr.H km«.u ecu s PKiVATr* |*i p >- % ^ ”e°e" ,,“v ,n« To fu.OII the,, Pr„m..«e to do their duly An) > tu G»d and country, to help olher people at all times, and lo huiMtn* . r \m ., fr«.»M «n> pui..i it»*irtw iH i.y th* iwp*rtm*-nt i.v e.y th.- Girl S.‘out laws of loyalty, honesty. courU,y. iheer -1 JvnK!.*!:. ..lljT” r1^ ."»,.*.«*>»!■ Ua« “™r’!T Z . M E S J f u l n e s s usi’fulness kindni*ss. and helpfulness to others. r^rtv ahaii krr.. ih^ •M*«*ikn r*»-|^»»«l rmpowwH i«> notify th# owner NOW THKKEFOHE. I John C Garde, by virtue ot the .'ilVre:.*'?;- ? k *. S JfiTrr'S T t e d . n m e a , ^ Ma:, h 11-1* of this year 1962 a.> Girl Stout Weca M M M ann i- -w#rpin. „f i,.WVf, tntn th* *tr**t fwwnrr> property wnitti la aana*ro«a •. • < Golden Anniversary of the founding of Girl Scouting in *riiii» ihr p*n -i- • ffl< uii> ais-''« puWk .raith. aaf*t> u r w oifara. “ * . . . . ' , „ n , -..r, oil oiv*. nr Hnnoun.r«1 r.v fir I ►».[,« rt - [Murh imtlr# hr b> prrw.nal th t t mled States of America I call upon all citizen* to givt m*ni of lui.ii. w.ik* a*« p»rltxi> fcr'^rvo-o. >/r i.> rr«iat#r*o niolLaS* th r G irl. S to u ts the (ulle«t cooperation and k | *<-t IT.n i i u n s n s m i t - *nls M .i benefit from the splendid program of training in '•ITT.K,t N" ,I-r-'ij ■ » - ^k -t >»-!i*ijan *.>: i jn..i th» failure, aaglaM^ I* • II o r rrfU M tl o f an> ownrr or a«ont ( ,!!ren.viiip which thc Girl Scout organization offers Wrop >tiio or 4r|*.«Mt In »ny futtv. fKtltlrd, to properly or w rlfarr within trn il'r provided for in nuh-aeotloa o r d rl « o«Hln* or »h . (h, M|„.xe or within fifteen tl&lf Wrri. th- ,!„)« aftrr tlw- datr of auch nrtU*a| ORDINANCE NO 12*2 * ld r w .llk - Itra n .- w a lk a . j * r M tn g thr rvent thr nm r l« rr turned AN •’K l’tNANO: I-ROIIIIIITINO lot« .i ml pit ru mu ' rrn« In front • r to ihr T»«nf lt» Inability to HI KST THK THRI'W IV; OR UK- N'othliiK hrrrin resit rd ah.ill prevent m»hr drl»\rr> thereof, provided ttaej Clearance Priced l*i *SIT I N'«; t»K I J T T L ’R IN I M I I I J f th** KW -#epln* '.f im \ r * In'o tl.f | nenir waa pr«>|>rrl) addrri^rd to tne Kt«A<». KKOMIRITINO THK!*’ U"r th. iM-rt.wl* ..fTi< i.»ll. |a»t known addrran of au«h «Wfior,l M i i XKMIIVT i iKK «V»|>|KRt’lAI. dralanated intioun- »il l.v thr |*r ,,| agm t. tfir enforrinK ofHcrr la l*ltKMIl4K8 OK X llolTIV .; « ARTS portrnnit . iblii- Worha aa pertoda hereby luthorlard and emi»-wn.d I’K N TtlM N i: Ti l SA11 * I'RKMWEH r‘,r *»ir **ollr«tirn of ► lr* iv m o r d e r Ita d i» p o e a l h y th<- T o w n * l l*H<»mi«ITlNO THK AIIANla»N-l » » T |o \ 7 I.IT1 Kll THROWN Nhl|. M KNT • »K CKRSONAL l’R« »I*KRTY | ** ' I KIlSnVS IS \ fill* IfS . IfA RH ^ IN» M t'l **'J * IV T A X SALE IN 1*1 lilji PUAt'KH A NI» «'ON - I l*er»on. w h:|.- a «lr.\rr or pap-eiurt , |-| wtwn tl.r Townahip h«a ef- T R o l .M N O A.NJ» R t t I t'I .A T I N * J J * y i 'hi* Ir «hall throw or d#fM>n fr.-ird i rrtnrvnl «>f au«h d»n»er- Tlli; Itl.COSlTINf] OK UTTER Mttrr ii|>on j.n\ »tr.^t or othrr put.- .,Ua litter or hah p*‘d for Ita re- AM ' THK AbA!tTO>'MKNT Ol *'• H,. r within thr Toansl.ip •r'.„.,vel Ihr actual .-.Hit thereof, ptua PKRS*»NAL KROPMRTY I'RI “P"" pri\at* proM*rtv. a.-«ru.d Intermt at the rat# of aii SPECIAL VATK 1‘RKMISIiS, ANI* PRK- ^M"II«»V » Till'fK M>Af»*» |(#r ,-ent t*rr» p#r >nnum from the A r| W HAMBLlR CLASS M<' R1111 ; rKNAI-TIKH KOR TH K ^A I Sl\«; I.ITTKR N prraon -hall ,L,t# of the . t ru. k or oth«ri|f not paid b> auch owner l*r»or OITSTANDING. Henry Weflng (rt(ht) receives the 1§62 St. Peter's C oilece Alumni Recognition Award as the most out­ DISCOUNT PRICES lie it ordained hy the Itoaid of vehi. I# within the Townahip nnlea*- thereto, ahaU he «har*»d to the standing senior, from Rev. Matthew Rooney, 8J., alumni meder ator In center are Rev Edward F. Clark, SJ.. rollece president, U* h V • i i i ' Ir |h im. - of ih t ru* te d owner of au<-h property 'n th* neat: loaded a« to j.revent any load, con­ regular tav hill forward*d to auch anal alumnus Edwin Rausrher. chairman of “Senior Night" when the class of '#2 was w elcm rd into thr alumni r.inkv, Mr. Weflng, t t t tent* or litter from being blown -r -»wn#r by th# Townhlp and aald 1959 RAMBLER dep>.»ited up*.n any wtreet. .tlle> «r who lives at 27 Hamilton Are.. Arlington, is presidrnt ul the student council editoi m-thief of the rollece newspaper captain 4 DOOR SEDAN HaaMr and HHrriOS l RIIORT TITI-K. Tlila - barge# ahall b* du* and payab*c ordiiiMti.-# »hall Im* known and nji> Other public r by said ownar al thr 11m* of pay of the tenni* and aoccer teams; ia listel in Who's Who among American College and t niversity student* member of the Eaecu- Dcfroatc Standard Tranamn- .HWTKIN * I.ITTKR IN ITRLlt' non, ? Too Blue. t»r i tted an th# ' A nti-l.ltter Ordi­ ment of auch bill th'e Board of the N. J. Collegiate Pre* Association. He has won a 3 year scholarship to Notre ll.tme Cniversity in amount of nary# of the Townahip of L.y»d- PLATKrt No peraon -.hull thn w or| .d• RW 'oltbKI' MTATUMENT hur«t d. | litter In an> puldl. pb.-e < > i\MTI T f TKH URN Wh*r* the $1,295 ■JW'THIV I*fm.NITk»NH K*.r within the Townahip evept to mak.- full anwiunt du# th# Townahip th# purpo^ea of t^ii* Art!* I#, llu drponita In i.ubb- r* - epta. I#* to the n* t paid by auch owner within foiWwmK terma, |diraaea. word*, and e*tent and In the iii»|n<-r i>#rriiitt.-d ihirtv tSwi daye after the diapoaal ahopping farta in a cnapi. uou. mitted to c.tminue ahall . ..natitule fnin 1957 D O D G E their d#rivaliona aluUI have th# by MectK n Three nm r >#s ll..n Kourjof au.-b litter, aa provided for In manner the name of the ..wn-rla >epa«ate offence and al.all I- *.•«*• »M \IIKSP i.NI KM n<#aiiliia flvrn h#r* iu. W hen not In abov. W here publi- re eptach-a arr aub-ae« tion tal and tb» above, than, thereof and *Im»II likewlae pla--e anif »i>um«h« t.le na an-h her#und#i f . . . I-OOH PKI»A.N Hluo * HUfk. not provided, all auch Utter ahall be I and In that c»ae, the rnfordng of- u Maintain their ou in au.-h conapl. u- H !>5fT lo N i?t SKI‘A It A III IJTV rr . Autom ata Trmn*inlai>i<.ii. Itadlo, con»iat#nt with the contoat. word* uae.l tn th# pr#nr*it tenae in* lude carried away from th* publi. place j fl. *r ahall («ua* to he filed In the oua manner a further not Ice r. ad- any ae« tion. aubae, tion a. men. e r \| Heator. Whit# Wall T irn. the future worda uaed In th* plural by thr i-araon rraponaibl* for ita ta* cotle. tor'e office of th* Townahip ing na follow* Therem tval -.f thi* - Uuae phraae or p. rtb.n of • i .- number In. lude the alnfuler num prraen- e and pr«.j»*rly dlspoaed of a aworn atat*n»#nt >tiowlng th* ceat cart from th*a* prfml*#* la pio-1* *rdlnan< * ia for anv reaaon bel.l :• • I tier, and w..rda uaed jfl th* elnfftttar ele#wherr aa provided her#ln .*nd emp.n** Incurred f.»r th* work. lilbited by law tOrdlnauee .N.. mval.d *.r un. onMUuti.n .l l.v 1957 P LYM O U TH nuinl>er In- luda th# idural n tun ber KW Tl'iN in i.l TT F: ll INith* datr the work waa don* and tha » " |court of competent Juriadi. liAi, »u- h « I m »OR HAHI» TOP. Automatic The word aiiall" la alWeya nianda- MTKHAM8 ANI* l-i i f NTAINS No liN-atlon *f th* prop#rty on which «b* No per*on ahall uah or P*»rtbm ahall be deemed a aepi.r .t. Tmnamlaalon, IN wrr Str«-rtu*. tory and n* t merely dl rec to O' !>ere* n ahull throw or de|M ' I.ltUT" la Kartiaa* . refuae and In any fountain, atr.-am o r any m k h aworn atat#m*nt ahall conatl- and bearliiK the nanv f a n o t h e r and auch holding ahall not , a fl. r a n d ^ T l i t r riUthleli a a d.flnrd herein and .‘II o t h e r l***d> of w ater in a public tut* * lien on the property, and peraon or ywner upon y a tr e e t the validity of the remaining i - FRFE - f.nrge Bey - FREE rther waate materlol which, if place or el*, where within t.’ie Town - i a tall remain in full force and effect aid.-watk or <.ther pub p la . * -i tion hereof $695 thrown or d#p-^lt*d a* l^reiti ■H*.__ . f*»r the amount due in principal and proi>. rty ot.ier th. i th e SKfTION 1*0 ORIM.VAN. I!S RK prohibited, tenda to errata « BBTTION It 1'I.Ai'INV fOM I intereat. plua ccata of court. If any. premiaea of the owner .Oarhaff*" ia putreaelble an'- No i>eraon ahall throw or de|M>ait i pen*#* ahall ba cone>-t*d In th# man- of bu*ln#*Hii w hlch aupplle* hla aliop- W illi l*.ireba^«- I * f \ny Drt.tiuu.-r H.iv Pr.M lurts 9 PASSENGER STATION WAG­ rnal and ve**taJ»l* w »t*« reault- any • oniiiien ial or non-m^Mnercial ner fixed by law for the collection of ping carta for the uae of hla « uato- ** B tT ION 21 Thia urdlnano# aha 11 ON Automatic Tranamiaaion. ina fn^m the handling, preparntion. handbill in • -r upon *'-> vehi. I- ’Taxea and further, *hall b.- *ubje. i tait# eff*. t after Ita final publl. at;o ttwra or patron* ahall keep the *tde- aa provided by law Power BraKea Radio and Haat- <-ookinc and t oneuinptlon cf food > ided. hiwever that it ahall not t.. a delinquent penalty of eight w a ik . p iirk ii g l<»ta a n d p a r k in g a r e a * • r . B lu e (r) ' Refuae la all putrewclbl# and unlawful In ,in> public plnu*inea* NOTICE Pretzels Potato Chips - Popcorn noa-putrea. ibl* aolld waatea (#«- a peraon t-. hand - a or dlatril--| not im«id In full cn or before the- h o p p in g I ’f I I I . I f N o T l f K la h e r e l.v k i v en $795 c e p t bod> w a a te a ) , ln< lu d ln g a a h e a , without i liariti- to f lie receiver | date the t«a bill upon which aaid -m g t ei ro m th a t a t a r e g u la r m .e t r i K --f th e atreet <-leaninca. -Nad anlntala. thereof, a nou-< oinmercial bandbill h*rge apear* b.-. om*a delln*iu*nt ahopping left tl of fomtnlaelonera oi tl. Free Home Delivery - Low Pricet abandoned automobllea, other to any < with the pmvlalona hare- ' w h l.‘ l e ld o n M o n d a y . M a n h ... t *..- 1955 B U IC K w.lld market and Induatrlal waate- SW TIoN 12. liKl'OMITINC C O M - "hall Ik- prim* facia evident e that! place of hi iichm i. o ia m alMive ordinance waa intr>M|n. .-d Phon* Lercy Elkin, Dish — WE 9-6665 SPECIAL 4 DOOR SEOAN. Au­ i d I RuMrtah" ia non-p«trea<-lble MKI'.I'IAI. A.N|> Nl *N n )M MKR- ,‘11 •♦K*1 wWOtMtlea hav# been .« « - in M aulta at. in te rf.-i t*aa*ed on flr*t r#admg and f a t «a! i tomatic Tranamiaaion. R»«.o I aolld waate a . oiutlaUbs oi boUi » l\l. HANl'HIIJ.S ON f NINIIAItl !pll*d with -‘nd that the work baa with the Inne.n n ,d evrea* of . UH-!"r‘linan* * Will b- taken „„ and Heater. White WeNe. Pew. 1 I nmtiiiatIM* and now• rombuaUMa “^*.t» tirn. VACAk'r ik w m ih k .k N end aatlafav-1 tolner* >* t»^ foot er Steering 2 Tone Gray and ] wa»te». >u> h i lrmlam, leaflets ler.aoti *h;« II i t.-w ..r depoalt anv t«-rm , and ana” h# Ttlll notice to* automoMle« ,4 pl.-n o r d e r ly White Good Family Car, j pn/fiphlt ta. wranper**. hnndl>i|l»i, .Mtin.rr. ial *-r n..n - oiritner* .al hand ,' w r> l>*raon conc*m*d that the I. oil*. 11. • i -h o p iiin g neH>|-aperx . nd all aud any other ill ixi it up. n unysj-r ivute premia.-* l,IH,,|nj *>C th# *tat*m#nt, plua In- No per* a lio p p in $495 printed *.r n«,n-i»Hnie*l paper nU- which are ternporarTH *»r *>ontlnu- j •••r*at. ...n atltu tr* n eharge aaalnat nhajl I. teriiil -igar. tie*. ■ ardl»M.fd tin ialv uninhabited ..r v.oim t p***perty deaignnted or daacHhed ’ n h * vi»n| . lipping t* leavea, wood S\ 'j T P »N l l 1.1 I'T IIR i *N o f f I*- I Oi the ,-tat. m#ut und that the aame . w ner .• nd other ^iinilar tnateriala. I 'I K i* I -111 V A I 1 litoi'lJlTN No fv due and .ndlectable aa pn»\ Idt-.i o-.t*.d. 1955 D O D G E • e> AulhorlSetl pHvat# r*t-epta<-|* • peraon ahall lhr..w ..r d e|Miait littei •’> la w . j NAI.TIKS •i/s m i B iem m C U S T O M R O V A L L A N C E R 4- for and aabea ia a aultabl* • c u p i .d p r i v a t . p r ..,i e r t \ | S I-N 'T lo N IT R E f J I ’I .A T l N'«: A N I • 11 >V' DOOR SEDAN Automatic m*tal or plaatl. r*c*pt«(-l* cyltn- , V o f th e h# T .. w nahl i>. w bet her ■»>>NTRO|«IJN< 5 TIIK A l'TlloR " \n a h a ll U- Tranamiaaion. Power Steering. d r l - a l in >th.«|>e a n d n o t lea« th a n an .T i |..ra..ti or not. #x - l / . K I * Nil *N KM K N T O R AH AN '|a»\ ...... Power Seat. Radio and Heater two « ubh feet and not more tha*. lt> i j a i n laden tea nor and the own.-r or peraon in i MKNT <»F HIlOPPINO t’ARTS. I upon i.t ion tiien^if ahall i.c 2 Tone White with Red Top A three and * tie-half cubir fr>-t o n tr o l f i at v a te pnperty may! * water tight Standard Tranamiaaion with "Authorii*d private r.« #p Ov*rdri*« Power Steering. V-E. ta* I*" for litter oth*r than garlum.- Radio and Heater Beige and or aahea ahall lie . ardhowrd bt»x#e Brown Real Sharp car. Low or rnrtona or wc«id h«.«#a Did you know that Mileage Well kept i(l 'Townahip ia the Townahip of I.yndhurat $4-? 5 •|,urk |a a park. re*ervati< playgrouiKl. heiu-h. r#*,r*ntlon .« ter *»r anv other public aren in I tlie face of N ew Jersey 1954 C H R Y S L E R Tl wpahlp owned or uaed by I WINDSOR 4 DOOR SEDAN. Townahip and devoted to active Automatic Tranam.aeien, Pow pMaeive re. reation. er Steering. Radio and Heater. ill "I'ubllc pla<«" ia any and all is changing? Blue and White. at rente, Mdewalha. boulevarda. parking lota open to thr public, $295 parking arena open to th« public, a I lev a er other puhN<- wava, and An exciting, dramatic any and all public parka. a. aaeoclanon. corpora­ all around you! Aa blighted tion. company or organlaatlon of a n y k in d and run down areas are torn (kl "iTIvate premia**" ia any K SALES dw*|ling. ho os*, building, or oth*r down in many communities, new atructur*. dealjrned or uaed either More than 90 yean at w h o lly o r In p a r t f o r p r i v a t e re»-i skyline* are being put in their dent tal pupr##a or for cominarclal •uaea. whether Inhabited or tern place There’s construction everywhere, 248 HACKENSACK ST. porarily or c«*ntinuo«aly aninhubt and a lot of it in part of far reaching, well Corner of Cnion Ave. te d o r \a*-«int. a p d a h a ll in< lm le any yar»l grounda. walk, driveway, planned urban renewal project*. EAST Rl THERFORD pofch. et*pa, v*atibul* or mailbox GEneva 8-4646 b*longing to or appurtenant etirh dwelling houee. building Hy eliminating blighted areas and building new. other structure O pen T i l 9 P.M . - K101'TION .1. KITTUR IN PI RLIf I modern housing, industrial plants, commercial Except Wed. - TU • TM. P l a A ^ r s X n peraon srtall throw or centers and civic facilities, urban renewal is trans­ depoait Utter In or ui>cn any atreet. forming more than forty New Jersey communities into bright, new places to live and work— places with a solid, secure future.

These urban renewal program* are helping to Viola Brothers, Inc make a stronger, better New Jersey. Public NEWSPAPER ARRIVES Service is pleased to offer its aupport of these 180 WASHINGTON AVENUE. NUTLEY. N. J. efforts by advertising in national magazines and newspapers, to attract the interest of FOLLOW the LEADER Phone NOrth 7-7000 potential investors and sponsors of Mew Jersey urban renewal. It's another way we have chosen to publicly rec­ ognize our faith in the future of this EVERY WEEK great state . .. COMPLETE LINE OF* Because Your Leader carrie* more local news BUILDING MATERIALS and in more detail than any other newspaper Insulation WOOL and BOARD distributed here. Even if you bought all other I*- newspapers, you could not read as much SHEET ROCK - ROCK LATH about your community, your friends and your • neighbors as in the columns of your LEADER each week. A Flintkote Asphalt Roof Shingles ■ r • J V Agriculture Liao - Driveway Stoao COMMERCIAL LEADER Mtatioa TUo Board S * ffi NORTH ARLINGTON LEADER PUBLIC SERVICE ELECTRIC AND GAS COMPANY LEADER-FREE PRESS T tX M tlM t tCHVAHT O f A 0*CAT STATS N i»l THURSDAY. MARCH B. l% 2 THF COMMERCIAL LEADER ANTI SOUTH REROEN REVIEW PACK THIRTEEN

Final Scores For Basketball 74. Dan Marrone, Angela S vestigaUons’*. tacone, Victor Maturo, James Naspinski sre unetpirm en 75. Eddie Rizsuto. Angels I — _ . . . J Movies By Board The film wa* produced by Gibbons. Frederick Blum, Leon 76 Frank De Lillis, Rams 1 ihe public information depart ard La Forgia, Louis Loti to and J o h n q u l r e t n . Srtnr o f M r an<| Scoring twenty four polnu in the filial game of ili«- Of Freeholders 77 tddlr Koiinl. Ilawks • .1 ment of the Board of Freehold Peter De Carlo, at whose home Mrs Fred Quirein of 415 Fifth »MHMI rewarded Mike Carroll with thf individual n o r 7H l oin Pur\ in, \n*cK (ers >f which Robert H Gam Ave. fradiman lodent at the ■ Tlie Board of Freeholdei the next meeting will be held . . hie is director. George Bryan. University of Tolfdi, Ohio, has iiij: chani|iiou»hi|i of tin* Recreation Junior lia^kethall 79 Rav Raoul. Raiders 1 announced today the coniplc „J * rv announcer Is the narrator made the Dean'ai Iftst for the 80. Pat Restaino. Raiders tio n o f a 20 minute motion pn Mis Charles Geihel of Rooae ICarroll |m 'r f o r 11M*iI with tin* Angel* in the eight- i'hotoiirfiphy is by Sam De Fall term. He is graduate of 11. Bobby Rlsso, Banshees •„ I lure depicting ihe role <>/ th«* >/elt A v e n u e e n te r ta in e d last a May Lyndhurst High S snd is tcam cage circuit NpoiMored by the D epartm ent of Park* 82. Ed Sorienski. Banshees , ______• I Bergen County Police Depart Tuesday evening for Mmes Al- This marks the sixth motion and Public* ProjMTiy. The program , for boy* in the 13-16 (It other players participated but failed rnent in the field of law eri V rt Zarnowski. Dominick Souoa o Physidst major I uctui * pn*duced by the Free­ foreemcnt and public safety md Charles Dauler of Lynd apt* bracket, com pleted it* initial M*a*on two week* ago, holders lor thc purpose of in- shows in the States His bet Freeholder Edmund E Field tu rs t Mr and Mrs riband Doucette ">rrnwg the public about the under tiir direction of Coijitiiis*ioncr Peter V. C u r c i o Jimmy Kelly Get* tcr-known portraits have m Jr.* cnairman of the publu ot » Webster a venae. . Kearny, •|>eratiors of various phases of atnl *ii|»rr\ i*ed hy Frank D* Ruggiero. eluded Count Von Galen. Car committee, said that the Match 30 is the date set for son-in law and &*tfatt i t e r o f hordham Scholarship County Government 0 Carroll s Anal night output, in a 42 to 31 triumph for thc dinal and Archbishop of Muer film w ill 1 tv made available at he Parish Card Party of St Mrs Patsy Rucci.of Cosirt Ave., Freeholder Director Anthony Angela over the Hawki. enabled him to puu idle Johnny Rowe ster, Dr. Grober. the Arch­ te r March 7 at no com w, Michael’s R C ('hureh. to be I'epe said that Bergen is the are the parents I daughter, bishop of Freiburg. King Otto schools, civic groups. leld in the church hall Mrs in the final standing*. The 24 point perloimance gave Carroll a first County in New Jersey and Yvonne, born at Haikensack total of 193 points on 73 Held goals and 47 fouls Rowe, of the Von Hapsburg. Princess Regina organizations, clubs and oih«i Victor De Marco and Mrs John one of the few in the' United H o sp ita l V on Sachzen. Ambassador interested groups. Indian*, had a 192 total im 72 field goal* and 48 foul tosses, but Slates which uses motion pic­ was .sidelined on the final night Kemper and Archbishop Bo ‘This him is ut full (oi<.i lan d o f N e w a rk . H is m u ra l is. ture'. io explain the operation ■ r r — Taking Uufd elate in the scoring race was Jim Zelinsky of and sound", said Freehold* i of government. the Banshees wittt 164 Following was the Giants’ Jim Wittorff the Gettysbuig Hall of Presi­ F ield "It is a n e x c ellen t po» 1------with 101 markers while Joe Roselli of the Banshees linked the dents bears a portrait of for Iryal of the County Polio [>< fifth p o sitio n w ith 154 p o in ts mer President Dwight Eisen partm ent in net ion It show> th.- Club Fifteen met on Wednes­ Plumbing & Heating The Giants with a 10-4 record captured the league champion­ b o w e r. rigorous training pcii<*r f<<; day at the home of Mrs Anth­ ship followed by the DeeGees who were 8 an d 6 The Angels. Mr. Jubaros has had his first rookie patrolmen. the n.ary ony Celia of Sixth Avenue Hawks and Raiders tied for the Third spot with 7-7 records while book published. “Histoi ical Mu varied activities of the di-p.m Plans were made for a Mother's GO GAS HEAT the Banshees and Ram* deadlocked for the sixth position with James V Kelly, grandson of rals of Maplewood”. This book ment including criminal mw* Day dinner in May with Mrs. Mr and Mrs J. B Carroll oi fl-ii marks while the Indians were last with a .‘>-9 margin contains illustrations in color tigations. underwater recovery William J Vavrik. president, in Sec our display of U. S. N ational RFCKFATION JtM O K K ASK I THAI.| LEAGUE 214 Court Avenue, has been a- o f th e m ural.* p a in te d by M, and rescue apprehension <.| ,,n haige of arrangements Others INDIVIDUAL SCORING FOR 1962 SEASON warded a scholarship to Ford- Juharos foi the Maplewood Mu armed bandit and acndcni in l-iesent were Mmes Louis Fan- Flayer and Team G oals F o u ls T o ta l harr. University. nicipal Building. Histoi ians of Gas Boilers and Water Heaters I. Mike ( srroll, Ancels 71— — 47 193 James, who is the son of Mr Maplewood had gone through 12. John Rowe. Indians 72 48 192 and Mrs H V Kelly of Brook hundreds of papers to choose I 'r e /H ir e \ o m / o r \ e x i U ittlerl*, ^ 3. Jim Zelinsky. Banshees 87 . W _ 184 lyn, will be graduated in Jure the historical events depictin' Specializing In 4. J* t» Wittorff, Giants 87 27 181 from Cathedral High School in the growth and develop men* oi (.all For Frre UnUing Surm y. J 5. Jo e R om>Hi . B an sh ees — 85 . 24 IM B ro o k ly n the ‘community and this ha-, 6. Larry Tlrone, Banshees 65 I f 1481 been the theme of the murals Tax Returns For r 7. Paul Scott. Raiders 59 . 26 144 The works of Mr Juharos t»ii' l« I lean Kconoiniral 8. Anthony Borgia. Raiders 57 2 8 ..... 142 are presently featured in a one 9. R ay R e k u i. R ants Small Businesses 58 23 139 man show at the Newman Cor Stop See or t all 1®. Rob Benedict. Ranw> 55 11 . ... 121 temporary Art Gallery in Phil II Jim (ells, DeeGees 54 12 120 adelphia. This exhibit will run It. Mark Doyle. Giants 48 2«_ — 118 until Merch 31st. J. Louis Lem pert 13. D enni* l> a n rs r. G ia n ts E d ito r 50 .._14 114 The meeting will begin at I.i W e-l ertur \\enue. Itullierforil R. Wilson WY 1 - 5969 14. Jim Vuono. Dee<*ees 48 17__ — 113 Commercial Leader 3:15 pm followed by Mr Ju 15 Tom Di Maggio, Ra tiers 43 1 9 __ 105 D e a r S ir: haras demonstration Vi.sitois I lf> I ti il g e H o .u l North Arlington li>. Tom Gash. Angels 40 23 103 To read that thc voters of are cordially invited » attend G E n e v a 8-5082 17. F a u l G a tt ionc. R ants _ 47___ r . 183 Lyndhurst have turned the this demonstration 18. M an n y R in u to . In d ia n s 43 _ 17 103 school budget twice is sad news 19 J o h n R a b in e tti. H aw k* 41 15 97 It stands as a black mark upon 29. Pal t aracie. (iiants 35 21 91 a community which is prosper­ 21. R a lp h l>e Xfctco, In d ia n s 37 i.,12 86 ous and seems destined to an 22. Marty Huffy. Deetiees 37 . 10 84 optimistic future HoW can the citizens of Lyndhurst argue 23. Steve Lem bo. DeeGees 38 83 with a pei pupil expenditure 24. Frank Ruggiero, Hawks 31 - 18 80 o f $353 17. a v e ry , v e ry low 25. Mike Marrone. Hawks 33 12 78 figure Lyndhurst spends less 2*. Vince Intindola, Ancels 29 7 65 for education on each boy and 2*. Warren Bogle, Hawks 30 3. 63 girl than all the neighboring 28. Augie Oe Rosa, Angels 28 • 60 How big-must a com pany be communities How can those 29 Joe Giaquinto. Hawks 25 9 59 633 "no” voters justify their 39 Rill Dicky, Railers 22 _ I f __ 54 "no” vote? Should this coir 31 Tom V en d o la. I> ee(.ees 3 24 mumty seek to attract, respon 32. Richie Martino. Banshees 55 0 , ‘ i __ 22 f juble "li\e paying" citizens a 33 Walter C'asr. Inlians 18 f 42 must be able to present a strong, 34. Billy Forbes. Angels 13 _ 14 .1 good - quality school systen. 35. B«»bb> (iia n g e ru s o . B a n s h e e s 17__ 4 38 You don't get it with selfish to have a Savings Bond Plan 36 Wayne I .a Russo. Raiders 14 9 37 short sightedness or timidity 37 Joe Masrhio. (iiants 15 ...... 4 34! Respectfully Yours 38. ( barley Nelson. Rams 14 4 32 Charles W Hular 39. John Redner. Rams 15 2 32 40 Bruce Calderaro. (iiants 13 2 28 Dear Editor 41. John Brtgnola. Raiders 11 2 2«i My sincere and heartfelt) 42. Ton Bilotta. Giants 10 3 23 thanks to all the people of 4X Barry f^elner. Indians . 8 5 21 Lyndhurst whc have given me for its em ployees? i i Dm i s h R c Swatnev, Banshees 8 5 21 their vote and >uppoi t in th e U. Ed St bolts. R am s _ 9 2 20- past Board of Education elec 46. Hynes. Hawks 9 1 . 19 tio n 47. J a m e s G a sh . R am s 8 2 18 ! Many thanks to The Commer­ 18. J o h n D ’A gostlB e. In d ia n s 7 1 15 cial Leader and their stafT for 49. Robht Kui-s«4«r. Hawks — 6 2 14 their cooperation and coverage We know of one man with 3 •mployop* who recently extuK- 50 Paul /.irpmi. Raiders 6 1 13 ir. the Board of Education lished for them a Payroll Saving* Plan for U.S. Savmgi 51. Rk hie Srhembcr, Rams 5 2 12 c a m p a ig n B o n d a . 52 Boh stand I DeeGees 3 5 11 Congratulations are extended, 53. Russ (ileeson. Indians 4 2 10 to Mrs Fram es Olkowski. Mrs. [ That's an extreme example, of course. But U.S. Treasury 54. Al Paterno. Banshees 3 4 Hi Edna M Christ, and Mr Mario files list thousands of companies with less than 100 em­ 55. Sam Sammarone. Rams 4 1 9 Rizzo ployee* which have aet up this convenient way— many on 56. Bob |>e Fresstae. (iiants 2 „... 3 7 Yours Sincerely. their own initiative— for their people to save for the future. 57. Dtug Sinopoli. Giant* 3 1 Daniels 58. Tom Di Chara, Angels 3 0 6 Security ia for all men 59. Fred Mountran. Raiders 3 0 6 HO Pat Paolim, ^awks 3 0 6 People are people wherever they work, with much the sam« 61. Phil' Ferello, Angels 3 0 6 Demonstration needs and desire* for education, new homes, travel, a com­ 62. Joe Kreher, Indians 0 5 _5j fortable retirement— and a strong America. 63. Joe DA more. Banshees 2 0 4 For A rt Club 64. Boh Jiosi. Angels 2 0 W hether you're a stenographer in a billion dollar corpora­ 4 Th** A rt A sso c ia tio n of R u th tion or a clerk in the corner drugstore, the Payroll Savings 85. Fret Kurtz, (iiants 2 0 4 erford v ill present Mi Ste­ Plan is the world's easiest way to save for these needs. You 66. Ten Martens, Indians 1 2 4 phen Jfuharos of New. York 87. Dave Bartollozi. Indians 1 1 3 City, in-a palette knife demon­ simply tell your payroll office once how m uch to set aside 68. Al Rumioncllo. DeeGees 1 _ 1 3 stration meeting at its next. each payday. The rest is autom atic. 89. Richie Dicfcasa. Banshees . 1 0 2 Workshop meeting. as an­ 70 Tom leklan. Raiders 1 0 nounced by Mrs William O'­ Guaranteed safety—guaranteed growth 71. Ronnie Ktst. Ilawks I . o Hara. president of the AAR U S. Savings Bonds are an absolutely riskless investment. 72. Richie (ioral. Haw ks 1 0 The meeting, to be held Fri­ The Government guarantees $4 for every $3 you invest 73. Tom Grillo, Rams 1 0 day ni^ht. March 16 at the when you hold your Bonds to m aturity. You can get your Rutherford Recreation Center on Sylvan Street, will first money, with interest, whenever you need it. And if your call for the election of officers Bonds are lost or destroyed, they will be replaced at no cost. for thc 1962-63 season Mem- W hy not ask your employer to sign you up today? (P.S. to l>ers have been notified by mail employers: If you don’t have the Payroll Savings Plan, a of the proDosed panel of offi­ cers selected hy the nomina*- letter to the U.S. Savings Bonds Division, W ashington 25, NOW! ing committee A vote will be D C., will bring a prompt reply with materials and easy taken that night Following instruction*.) this, Mr Juharos will begin *s demonstration You don't have to wait a year at Born in Budapest. Mr Juhf- ros attended the Royal Hun­ - B i g Mhievementa oome garian State University of Fine In small paokagee* South Bergen Savings to earn. . . and Industrial Arts where he was awarded a scholarship ol mv* Cartlmitd 4, Sia*ar. PrttiH+nt. C J Si h—r Ime.. Si Paul. Mi nit., a year's study in Rome, as the a V i t a Chatrman. National Small Buimraa outstanding student of his grad Advisory Council. uation class. Howevei. at this Small corn pan i m acrount for a large time, war was sweeping Eu p«rr«nUjr* of tha 8 million Payroll rope and Mr Juharos instead Savers who buv a million dollars’ served in the Hungarian Army worth of U S Savin** Buoda •vary until the Russians seized it.1 hour of •very working dav Wa ara He managed to esc ape with his proud to help our amplovaoa save far ••cunty—proud o t our part in helping wife, and for a year they sub lo keep Ameru • strong and free. sisted in Rome on the prize money he had won He reached the United States in 1945 and became a citizen in 1950. Your savings earn full dividends at South Bergen Savings Mr. Juharos has been a very successful portrait painter both from the first of every month when placed by the 10th of abroad and in this country He that month — 120 extra dividend days every year. has exhibited in Cuxhaven. Oldenburg. Westfalen. Braun­ You save more than m oney with And. at South Bergen Savings your fund* schweig and Freiburg, and hrs had over fifteen one-man are protected by the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, a permanent Symptoms of Dlstrsts Arising from agency of the U. S. Government. STOMACH ULCERS **W here You Save Does Make A D ifferenceP to EXCESS ACID ! QUICK REUEF OR NO COST ILSLSavings Bonda And. that difference is at . . • A i l i A b o u t 15 D a y Tr u l O f f e r


••• «*»!**«• *•» en • w ^nn wm r* v J. Far. IP vaar. AawHrv’a nan w uw •u*r..*a* Sattmta hnmdt adl al ae «■«•< •• t w * ' » Open Monday Evenings 7:30 lu 8:30 P.M. WEb»le< 9-3400 t prop!*** PHARMACY ' tWOK TWEl.VE THK COMMERCIAL I.EADKR AND SOUTH IIKRKEN REVIEW T in USD A V. MARCH 8. m 2

Councilman Melillo Of Newark Getald Aulenbach. son of Mr bert Hunter, Gya Sellen. Johr» and Mrs (tester Aulenbach of Haviland. Thomas Gibaon, and Gets Badge From Lyndhurst s 400 Kut hei ford Avenue »® on Sidney Walker ( the Dean's Liit for the Fall Newark Councilman Joseph ors, local public official*, term at Bloomfield College, Mn Harry Linicya of T\>m ! V. Melillo. the first blind per ju d g e s and attorney generals where he it a junior. A venue is back from a week « non to be elected to office in who were blind Anyone, blnni rtay at the home of her daugh Newark, wax presented w ith a or sig h te d who wishes to en Mrs Samuel Slimm of 333 ter and ton-in-law, Mr and gold deputy ihertlf't bad ye bv ter politics, must be active iifj Second Ave*. had as guesU on Mrs puryan Cameron of Sf) : Bergen County Cndei she: iff civic, chantable affairs and be- Wednesday evening Mmes Al­ d ie B ro o ^ . Joseph M elillo ot L y n d h u rst at lung to ogantzations. he stated Friday's Light Bi igade meet 1 nr,. The 1>I irA ttt or nev stat'xl I» Inintritducing the counci1 that when B firs t ra n in 19V4 * m ar the undeishenff stated lot a olace iro the Newark C ity '* J * that it was a ,, diffn ult thin - Cuunnl he lost by 71 v o te s for a sighted person to earn Kon years latei he w as e le c t - a law d e c r e e and pas> me tia ed and he is seeking lee lection QUALITY COAL thi' year. h« announced At ui k co u ncilm an lo have<»r.' first people wtre skeptical that plished this was a ureal fete a bl.nd person could represent ' ' M t NONE BETTER In hi* talk al St Tdom. ■ the people, he stated, but in th-? Episcopal Church’** paudi »i.*’ pie-ent campaign the Question' Councilman Melillo said lhat • if %ight 'a ill not i»e an issue Satisfaction Guaranteed \in ra , played hy Linda Po ,h<* H**ate*l obstacle a blind since he has proven this er­ m lase. stands behind Aunt Ml.*. ,a*>e' niust overcome i- skep roneous Each candidate must PRICE PER TON portraved by Jackie U |an. a> ,,cwm ,,r tht g»*i eral p u ‘ i:c II* now stand on his own merits they rehearse (or th** iiornm staled that people often It el•I he added Nln«lr Ton Two Ton in* school show “Oklahoma"’ , *u,t ’***■*» use a blind pe >«*nn Melillo » .id that he had be Four Ton which will be presented nt ^ nu* '*** th ink : come blino when he was 12 an O rd e r O rd e r l vndhurst llich School Marti* analyze T h e y fe.*l that he « ..n a result ot . n accident. He had Order i* non.* through th. Newark pub- l« and 17 at K p m Tickets arr nof r «*nder *uli>favto\v service Stove or Nut C oal $22 00 $21 50 i>r perform .is w ill ;f' a if It 1 lie «ch>»ol.v received his degree* * 20.95 law yer from Hutie s Newark College P e a C oal 19 50 1900 MeHIo ‘fated thul a bln 1 of Ai*s ana Sciences and Rut 18.45 pei a>n who intend to bet nr gets Law- School Me told hov Federation Buckwheat or Rice Coal 18 00 17 50 a la w v e r m ust Ix- of highei i heft he wa.* first practicing A C' ASE FOR AiTRONAlTTS. Senator Clifford PC w e, who i* derpl> interested in the coun 15.95 Sunday A t EMBC telli^enc'* thuii a si£ht«*d pe and fees wer* mall he recetv son entering ih< field hecaus* ed chvk made out to J o ­ on their recent visit to Washington The implications of Glenn's orbital flight arc discussed in Sund iy n ining March lltn. of ,h<‘ difficulties encounteied *eph Melillo foi several bun* Senator Cane's column in today’s l eader. For Prompt Service Call 0 15 o'clock at the K u tiie i !-)i 1 l»ecause . r l i v I*TA car'd party held on thi.t crymans PiM« Class uf Hum rks are not avail The ci «s for the Lynd- ley of th« Evening Department Nicholas Lapel la was general W E.3 -5 3 70 Ho honor to be given to H* able in hrailU and had to take hurst man o f th e Woman's Club and M.s >ert O 'H ara ro lled the chairman. h ig 1 •st score. 151, at tthe L ig h t ererd Aai» Van limiter. le.-I oial tests oi type them Wood-Kidge Councilmen Robert Olsen and Mrs B ‘*n, Ri i ade bowling on Monday er of the Bible Class who i He si-id lhat when a blind Francis X Rieger and Alfred diet Marinello of the J u n io r afsn Chaplain of the N.itiomi lawyer establishes p-aetice his Fuh: vict president in charge Woman’s Club evening Richard Prichard was Fedej .tion of Men'*. Bible Ci. s fu«t clients are his relatives of manufacturing for the Les- ______econd w ith 131. and A u d re y r» The Van llouten family n and his friends and that h* lie Company in Lyndhurst. Mr. and Mrs. John Monaco Cosennna was next with 97 fact, will shart in the ’irr*ur« mud render them, the -x-st pos- were euests ai the meeting of Valley Brook AVenue er.*e» Advance plans w e re m ade to and h.u .• been asked to p«iiti Slhl ervice Then, gi .dually Mrs William Bell, co-chan tamed on Monday evening ir. ha* «• n pe«»plewill ty to be held at the high school birthday Guests included b* adelphia. Pa . June 7th through Thr tall. haid-orne eneigc ,. reek him out through recoir- cafe*e; la on May 1 reported parents. Mr and Mrs Frank 10th Men.bers of the Lions Aait Van Houten is pastor I mendation of sitisfied client- that the cards had l»een pun Monaco, with Mr and Mrs P .- Club w ho were present to help o v e r s he the morning «n«i evening serv- added ted at m> ennrge and that man;- ter Shellhamer ar.d Mi and the bowlers were Pat Scalera. •unu.tyb at his Toto- Melillo said that theie w;> companies which had been < on Mrs Warren Bogle of Lynd Sal Pollara. Dr Ralph Weiss JCjHem'U i.d Church visits tht JL.P,acf In Politics for tbe blind tacted by mail are donating hurst. Mr. md Mrs. Char- and Ray Freed •n<^#ee*l.\ of his p arish en- That there are two bljnd United prizes foi ;he affeir. les Tiago. Mr and Mrs E m a n ------3 PCS.-SOFA & 2 CHAIRS ci»*e> in a business enterprise States senators, many A.dmt the Brigade «t the uH Ferraro. Mr and Mrs. Co,»- Despdc the inclement weath- in Pater-ion .luring weekdays- mer. .date legislators, a blind meet me with transportation «nd stant-ne Tiago ind Mr and er on last Wednesday e* enm and journeys down, eaily. ic|Kovernor. many state legislat servicing cf refreshments were Mrs. Anthony Tiago of Lodi, -the attendance at the Lincoln CLOSEOUTS! ’the Rutherford bible class loi f the Sunday sessions at; t!gg«||feh' school. He has l>een “ttldfllier among men' at Ev I Bible Class. Im sev GROUP 1 e r ? vears GET ON THE RIGHTTRACK! Regular $139. to $159. Everyman Orchestia w ill lead off with National Em­ Closina out limited patterns blem Ma rch ( 5>ousa). w ill ond colors of W averly Bonded play a ‘election from The Bc- F a b r ic s . nemian Girl” dining the offer­ ing, an d accompany in plav |Q£ to r *he hymn-singing In «>tm wvicc will ba John r la ir rtnd A n tro n v V e*hagen of GROUP 2 Norih Arlington and BellevilU R e g . $ 1 5 9 . . c*speetively. Everyman's Bible Classes and N J F«*deration Hi«kt«n4er by Famous "R i » c r 4 a I e *»f Men’s Bible Classes song Fok'ica" Scc*cKyw«rd leaders, both -ICO Cotton - WasKobl* E H arold Scott, president of - Presb - unk thc Rutherford Bible CJas*. with his cheery “Gid John Kadleigh. secretary ■jf N J Fed e ratio n o f M en's Bib (Masses, to introduce membeis nf Reverend Van Hooten'i UNUMITED fam ily After, ‘.hi' Doxology. Miss F.l CHOICf OF !en Van Houten (Aart's daugh­ ter) will ler.d in the Lord PAn«NS I COLORS Prayer Scripture Reading with Prayer will be performed by the giM*t chaplain Bryson Yawge*- (Aart’s son-in-law ) M rs M artha V a w g e r and Mi*w I^e<’ Van Houten (Aart's daugh- i^rs) will fine two selections- GROUP “I Walked Ti day Where Jesu ) Designer collection — all .omout moke *ob- Walked" and It's Ir. My Heart’ rict — juorontced washable nnd Scotchguard -with Alfied Herrmann at the finished fo repel water and oil stains. Resists piano and James Hammond soil — choice unlimited prints — solids __ W’lth violin obligato, accon textures — tweeds. Completely coordinated p anim en’ s g r o u p s . Edward Eicke chaplain N»-\ Jersev Federation of Men's Bi THE BEST PLACE hie C la r e s , and a m em ber o FITTED ARM & HEAD PIECES •» MADE FREE OF CHARGE Everyman s Bible fClass o North Arlington, will presen FOR YOUR SAVINGS the Rutherford Bible Clas AI L COVERS PINNED & CUT TO YOUR leader and chi plain of the Nr. FURNITURE, ZIFPERED & OVERLOCKED tional Federation of Men s Hi IS EQUITY Me Classes. Reverend Aart Van Houten. who w ill Address the flpHtherford assemblage of M arch Tlth st Everyman’s Bible Class • Top Dividends *% ith J u s topic: “These For'y Yno r< T h e UM d T h y G>e necessary ropo.r .work . ■ i i*l- 0 a formei pres We do, «U » w B.w filling and ] MAh” Federation tigM anthefro" rluphol,t.r.d Ntwi fjrin .e Classes THE EQUITY WAY! £ £ • «»■ T h e Washington I»TA w ill have a Parent E d u ca tio n m-»e*- o f fa b r ic s ! ing next Wednesday afte-nr>on tt illi No .Strinji* Atturhod with Mrs Jonn B. Sorzio in c h a rg e . T iie C h r i> to p h e r Re< o r d s ” wH! »>e e x p la in e d by M rs P R. Madigan. school nurs® Tax Returns Prepared EQUITY Personal and or Business SAVINGS By Appointment A. Siclari, AND LOAN ASSOCIATION 575 RIDGE RD., NO. ARLINGTON Accountant Sc A u d ito r III K m ray AfMw (Conor MUM An.) Kmn,. Now JarM. ‘ HOURS; Deity • • • » ! ; Tkmrtdtft - IP . M. WY o O C C IJ • F t I r »»N J’ .K M tS F S • p r M,t i v . u k ^ ^ #k. A TTTURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1962 TIIE COMMERCIAL I.F.VDER AM» SOVTH BERGEN REVIEW PACE ELEVEN

The Rev Cyril Jenkins of rr percentage* of the total pop 7 p i r Presbyterian Church in Cart- ulatien. These are primarily the A delegation will attend c Dinners At stadt will preach at theSefW ifc' persona who will utilize rent­ New York and New J«ney Westminster on the Nth. Lyndhurst: Hs Future al housing. convention committee moetin*. b ‘Lyndhurst is favorably lo­ at Portcheatei N. Y. on April Thc Annual Lenten Dinner cated in relation to major em­ 1st. spoH'Oied b y th** AVc^tfflinstei FRANKLIN PTA Parking - Article 8 About 100 persons attended ployment centers, chopping cen- The auditing committee have WHEREAS, the A m eit.n National Red C ro ss by C o n g re* ; ? T^ !,yI??,aTjL ChU7'lh. *urgVl” *1 he card and cootie party given ter* and high upeed. high ca­ aaudited the books of the trea sional charter is required to n ’*»;. Ic welfare services to members .ur ' ’ 1 . ‘ '1* , ‘ ni ' a*t week by the Franklin PTA ll I tt ■ * ■______Ipacitjr highway* surer and found them correct of the Armed Forces and their families at home and overseas.) d- ' ‘ , r. W** n L. . . . _ _ . . r>,__* j . .. , , i I nounccd that Dinnei* will r« ifl the ift&h |School cafeteria. Uevciopmmit ol thr Mg true! of property north of c. Certain sections of Lyr>d ■ Mr* Salvatore Pollara re m aintain a program of Diaa>t« • Preparedness and Relief during served from fi.30 d 7 30 in Ftl l.\ mlliiir-1 Station «tn Svroiyt an.l Staysr«ant Av«-nuf« »■ hurrt indicate « nrcd tor in- ceived the convention. t award , hurncanfa, floodt, tomadoe», fireAOi epidemic;, and VfrJ TTjwimas Reilly »od her low'ship Hall of the Church on and Mrs Bmily Ripp the at- . A ommittee are happy with the * '* •>“ ; . - wpd-tlon. in ^ImV".’ tendance award. WHEREAS, the American Red C'rOs* <»fTer«< vital services in Ridge Ticket may Ik P*rki"1 UI,,<’n'1 7 -tuccesa of the event siH»t«*r I luu. Iieiiring^ upon *liirli - 00n will be held. Ian appropriate.ippr-»pnatt residential re­ Mrs Jack Di Blasi. retiring the fields of First Aid and W iter s .teiy, Hojjie Nur*ing, You th p u i t h s m .» iih tr ♦ th e ’ <'«k.i in a d lie os* ion of parking for use of land in view of the high president, read a message dur- Training Programs, providing giving bl*.od and as*t*tance to or on tl.-' V tit .lv IMu'n \ v e.d l ing the meeting, from Supreme v«tert|» and their families. . f m g E l. H »rr v Q u in /e r WK ?.luy* y * Av*"u* 1 hunt tn old S,„„ of d«l«rlor»- cost of land. d. Generally the tax Presidfnt. Mrs Graziano. writ-j WHEREAS, the A m e n ■ l{, Crons is on the 11-4*141 Dr. I. Donsky Th,* pi mnin** n ' fcr?'i''on arc already beginning to P .irtu IT*. 1 *,;' in received from multi family ten for all Emblem Climbs. job to meet human needs v t • i. * i «Vi ever they occur 1 , f f ;• »i eir * ‘2 * - , ,hjs •' •‘how A, th. i*.. S t Mrs Di Rlasi thanked alb and f.M M,E - J i - M' *e th*. W v wt I nt n t,r<,Pu!“*I* for Pr°- m e.<■*.»« ih* problem of main- dwellings cxceedx the co'tts of Optometrist serv ices th u s p ro v id in g a sour*** who helped to make her ye n u ll A - . . . , t«-rr 1!-,. M •• an(<; WHEREAS, the Atncn. long provided the of ratables to the Township a* president a successful C h ili S o pm .i III'!' .i, . Y. i . i m.!r'h::n 0,;» p‘-n *» r,md.i.on »m •>». 1 volunte**rs and funds to car nr. Eye* Examined Lyndhurst. being an urban very 'i«ppy one A .lu ll J-'.-ll.i '.t t.iip ,‘.d.PU’r ‘.T'1" ? . "" ‘h» ~ u,l‘ CT,-„V. It „ ,ccomW nd«l th.,t continue to make tin•. great areA ^ith c p<.pulation of ovei ' ( t.ii| unuiM no*' • ntuumum homing ttandarui Opposite Towa Hall ^0,000 should provide a diver- Anthony De Donato, prcsi Churth '1 i ■ ! 1 >■ h\ nil. ‘ , . . ordinance be prepared. a d o p tf d THEREFORE. I. John < ' v»11 ..f the Township sity of housing dent of the Dwight Morrow of Lyndhurst. do proelnin • I Mar« h to U* IU .I D innt'i '••'.mu ■ nr. vT. m 1' 14 mittod ^ a0H *4V*' *U a |HJ Vnforced. It is furthr strong- The Land Use Plan proposes: Republican Club, announces a C ro ss M o n th a m i til'K- all < iiuc their line iccord . i .i .. ... U A ;.: l : t * 405 KEARNY AVE. nl „ . . . . . ly recommended that ihe ncinh . • M. P>;«lb.hty of , parking lot ,„„h,KKl lnvmmmrn( pru. two densities of multi-fami'y! meeting to be held tomorrow in “uppt-rt of the Red Cro?^.i. Uival b l Oialv. Tt.* ti.i-h\*. Ml I KEARNY W c fk ' S« • . !- f 111!.'! t g.‘ ' ood merchants alrn <1 (tngside Lyndhurst ry on(j Township officials these The Lyndhurst Emblem Club Station. It was pointed out. is low density areas can continue met on Monday evening at the in e< a* a park However, tli* to provide above adequate TOP QUALITY REGULAR STYLE township has planted flowers housln8 for many rs Rjki Club in Park Avenue, and Itrnss on the land It had .. when ofiicers and committee chairmen gave their annual re-| h*en landscaped Hut. as the re S 'H, ►. p o r ts searchers found ,t has ftever * ^ * ,y * v , m , been-used is a park 'ed "L 1 york Metropol.- F in a l p lank w e r e m ade for The plan make, it apparent. Un *" V " " ' their installation of officer* on however, that most ..t Lynd ™ r'2fd by he following Iron the evening of March 14th. hurst land must be devoud tollh'. ' A s s o c ' ^ n when...... then Supreme President residential use This was dis . the Rigion as a whole. Mt„ John cranano of this] cussed as follows: | the construction of multi fam-| Club win h, lhe lnstal|,ng A major portion of the de-!l'y h,*“I’ln,i has grown iteadily! [lcer Reservations are to he in[ veloped section of Lyndhurst ™ k fr w, 7i by M“ ch 10 installation at Englewood, dent within a satisfactory liv in li#60 This trend of an ir.- meeting at the club at 7 pm ; mg environment creasing percentage of mulii- March lOtlS. seven will go to b Preserve and protect the ^am’*y unit* to total units show Yonkers. N. Y ; March 12th, existing stable residential areas no s,Kn slackening and will seven will go to Woodbridge c Rehabilitate and/or rede Pro*'a,,,y increase leavi.ig from the Club at 6 43i \ *-lop deteriorating areas and addition to the above] ; March 13th, seven to gj «ounteract the causes of deten- ,ren<* several other factors sug . to Perth Amboy will leave the ..ration ,he appropriateness of cju^ ttt 6 M p m ; March 15th.| d Provide adequate and well |” ““}"fWmly Lynd‘! S..S» k>cated sites for multi-family i leaving at fi:30 p.m.; and M arch1 d w e llin g s a The younger and older[ 16th, eight will go to Berger, age groups are becoming g re a t field, leaving from the Club at Low Density Residence The low density resident is “ " ™" areas are presently predomin f l o u m d e s S ' antly devoted to one and two- family dwellings The Land Use proposes that these areas Boystown Good As New Shop LOIN LAMB CHOPS RIB LA.MB CHOPS continue to be devoted to one and two-family dwellings and W ill be open one day a week. COPriLET * Q rtt I SHOULDER CHOPS LAMS COMBINATION that the residential neighbor­ hoods be protected from intru- m t T .1 soit * *ton of incompatible uses. This Every Friday from 10 to 5 P.M. ‘ SLICED BACON B0u/’ D KAM J o can be accomplished through a fish STICKS • 2 9 * well enforced zoning ordinance HADDOCK — * • V |. SWCKtf) TOWCUfS > \ p o m ~v v /M rir Very few vacant parcels ot Many useful Items for your S u m m e r Home. land remain in these areas. Pop­ P E R C H M FLORIDA VALENCIA JUICE ulation increase may result from the conversion uf one Please visit our Shop and see family homes into two-family homes. however, tho-re increase-; are not expected to be great TREMENDOUS BUYS. KnCHCN CAIMN ORANGES As pointed cut earlier in thu BABY LIMAS 1 3 9 report, the housWg in'*Lynd- UASSOOS fASMl ^ MIXED VECITABLES SUNK 1ST IMPORTED CRISP TENDER SiASSOOK f A IMS SPINACH FRESH LEMONS HONEYDTW MELONS ESCAROLE LARct y S Q 1 1 1 ^ 3 9 * u n e r ucm 2 . 2 9 * MICHIGAN PEAT - 100, 'Cor^i!'3/'0n FERTILIZER °*AZ2 T tN 50, X:~'~4r' r EXTRA STAMPS with purchase ot 4 T0MAT0IS EXTRA STAMPS with p utthou- ol YOU DON’T HAVE TO GO TO V1QUID . METRICAL w *fi»v THE MOON FOR ‘OUT OF THIS WORLD’ EXTRA STAMPS wuh p u rch o x ol C A R N A T I O N S S x i PRIORITY IICHT CHUNK MUlUfcR S |W r b oa to* *< i »uwi«« CjtAN I SA V IN G S a a a EXTRA ST AMP$ with purchoM of TUNA FISH FAMliY Sl7f 39 i 2 43‘ KIELBASI B.C. or B.D. DRINKS 2 69 BRILL0 SOAP PADS 2 39 EXTRA STAMPS . .t h p ru ch o u -o ( •UN- W .HIKE *• CHOCOLATE CHIP , , 29‘ KARN TUB All INSTANT COFFEE KRISPY CRACKERS 31 ORAND UNION EXTRA STAMPS with pofihaw ol PINEAPPLE C H.)pHl D. A 49 RED HEART DOC 1 0 0 0 7 jr FRANKS ; AJAX CLEANSER 2 27 F10BIENT > 77


Treat yrur wyod furniture |* fo sonic furniture dosnietic Two Are Fined •nd you'll be .surprised ta| mv YOUR DOUAR IS how much it« iippe c o n couit costs on a charge of fail ducted by Mt«s Gena Thames, • ire to pay the 2. cent toll in r»n extension hom e fui ni*hii Brandywine leaders' i open • «- lo c a l 11 >’ 111 h e re o n J u n i o r Mi'shrooms is v dim -: 1<» rondiu-t .1 . .■ -1 ■' 22. l l,«»2 Sfrni I P , cn workshop in lit <•«».* t . . l»:»i* \ Stat* I ’"lit i patrolling tht 1 2 ot • The training meeting v. ill I - r. rk ’A.-v 11 ■ atle thc arrest on a 37* t«o 17s M J K T g P f held m thc Adm ini't,. ■ 1 v * M.pli int enrrj’ing that thc v;- Budding. ll.ickensiuk ,i!itin; d listp'l in tiu- Slate Police re- th e / r e c c l . .«•*«.- o ff« *ri-d t - jm> t ;is truck di i\ 1 r fin# Bread ti»r» B'otd county residei.ts a.s puit of tin Tlie cornpl.itit alleged no*.- S i r l f i l n Porterhouse T o p R o u n d educa .tonal program ihu ct *d p a v ' e n t o ' t <• t o ll 2 35c 33c by Mrs llelh Thoma honu T >11 e\ afifr* are subjec■! by ;gen’ The Bcrg*-n C' nended or revoked ib. W omen v.h< enroll an- a*skeo 8 5 f 8 9 Ralph A Carullo. age 22. of • SVj 01. C.p n Jglta s Quick*Fro:eR t<» bring •• pn*ce <»f fm nitun 151 L iv in g .s t o n Ave, Lyndhurst 53c lo tlv cia - - a piece tha’. h a s Ijeen hne«< $20 and $5 court, fh- needs nm« restoration. Imt not costs on a ch; rye of failing to TOP or R0JT0M — Boneless Fish Slicks "C. 3 i:: $l M 1 * *fm i.» h i» v pay the 2.r> cent toll in an auto­ Golesna U’h I r i ' v. iK b a r n t*» r e m o v e Fancy Codfish Tiliel 3$: matic collectioi\ lane on th. l"nporf#d P .r n .^ i No Fa*. c dullnc - caiiNr-l l>> ard Garden State Parkway, lid 1 Grated Cheese *- 39. grease ln»'\ I 1 w interi/c" s id e Added II. lumbo Shrimp '" ° Z ‘ 1-19 v\o »k' tu : niton- to withstand R»d, Mi. FU w .d 7 9 T h e m o t 01 u-t was flut'd bvj io a s t thc di\ .'tm<- phcie of heate*i mmm Fancy Halibut Steaks 59' Magis*rati W illi.^o DiBimuio in Bread Crumbs m 25' ronn>s .‘•nd »•> slow ch«*ckii?g local court here on DecendxT TOP SIRLOIN or Fancv Whiting ...... 25= of tbe finish M iss T h a m e * 21 lfH il oi w i l l aJ.-« t i* * m o iis t ia lt b o w t< State Ptdicc patrolling the Sweetheart Soap c 16 Flounder Fillet 2 pki)t. I ” 99 make minor repairs, such as Parkway made the arrest onj Boneless «ftC removing white rings and sma ! a complaint charging that tbe Iwy J #♦ MQwlo' P'lc* . . . lb R U M P R O A S T Fried Codfish Cakes p»e w s e r a i -h**s c h i it G*t llo. Ic 8 5 v iolation occured on D Homemakers may register it' Cap n Jokn i 10 oi 69' 1h?i 7. 19< 1 at the Paikway’s Supvr AHfeod Breadad Shrimp advance foi this meeting by I Z l iFroian pij Union TtUI Area «33= 4 w I o Brand 7 e writing to the Extension Sei-| Cubed Sfeok 99c Sliced Bacon 55s Cap'n John Fried Scallops pk9 43' vice off' e or by calling D!-| I Sau J amond 2-2200 Democratic \ti\\ ' Pa'molive Soap Flunk Steaks ’ 99c Ground Round Steak 89f Shrimp Cocktail Saa * 98 pled Neu Offi«-«*r- f »» botVi Failed History, , The K.i t End Democratic Soup Beef ^:: 35' s - 49 ! Breast of Lamb ? £ £ 1 Frozen-Food Buys! ^ rofwlar ' Chil A uxiliary elect.'<1 oflleer* 31 ‘ * «#» Now Making It 1* their meeting held on Thurs­ Swanson’s Brand— TV With Chetse 12 \ j oi day e\emng •»* thcii clubhouse A young man who faded an New Jersey Egg Month Value! M acaroni Dinner pl9, 97c in Milton Avenue 3 A m e r i c a n h i s t o r y c o u i s c a t ?W*i , o ; . M e Mrs. Dom inick Sacco w ill sue- gen County Vocational and Oyster Stew c„ , c'»« ««» * Chlnw, /.union ...&LB tMtt wa M i •i 2 p t9*. •He was a rtr o iu h t A -tu ’ " <•>»»• » ’«'ln ™PX*T w a s Zucchini Squash L ■>"» 2 Oo 35c den* m ill facets of electronic, .s<’ived with Mi Peter t.iisafi c v ib ttv peanut 12 »... oz. 1 0 L P^9‘ " and clectionic theory but he- *io ehamnan Mr. Clean w l l l l ■ 3 Creamy or Chunky jar 4 0 in these subjects w; so mtens. that he spent very W I N S O l 1 / All purpot* liquid c!««n*r Peanut Week Values! little tim e o n hbtory and e n g I A l t Brand— V'r|ioi»— Vacuum Packed lish ". said Hairy Stephan, di 1 Mrs Raymond (Rose) H is lo p • 39= :: 69c Salted Peamts 4 99 r e c to r 01 thc school It Is o f M 5 K in g s la n d avenue was a LIBBY SWEET PEAS 2 -39 quite a coincidence that a yourtf w inner -o n th e TV quiz show, m an w h o I lu n k ed A m e r i c a n his- " M a k e A F a c e ”, la s t T h u r s d a y Salted Peanuts £ , 27' 49' tory * now’ he’pmg tt> record ir.d Friday She won a m o t o r )oy fo r posterity one of the great*. Scooter, tt sail boat, th re e b ic y c - Peanut C l u s t e r s S r c ^ ': 35 est c h ' p t i r s 111 our histoiy ’’ j les, midget auto, and an c^fydo- Liquid Detergent LIB B Y 'S CORN a 3 - 4 9 Peanut Brittle ^ '1°: 37' M. Stephan said that M..goc- PC(,lil Hearts Deliglit si while a student worked STie has In i children and won With Che«s« 69' something foi each of them, bt i?oi oje COc Peanut Butter the af’ernoon.s and evenings r*v pl«.tic V" pUttic chief engineer foi the W estm in­ .s.des some* cash Kraft Dinner 2 r 3 i c Apricot Nectar 2 69° ster Tape Recording Com pain k t P Brand All Green A4P Brand— M alvtt Doiry Center Values! of New Yoik Cily A.-> a clas Dash Detergent Wisconsin— Well A{ed project he constructed a vol­ J \ MI S \. I.\KM V 69c ume limfting amplifier f-.i Asparagus c ,,‘ p’ 2 « 47c Bartlett Pears 2 fof •utom#tiC WCiKori Sharp lk 65 c sound reproduction which later PIBLK ACCOl'N’TANT Nab i d Cram* Sandw ch Lihby's Brand Oli*a Pi«nanto 5 oi i was instriled in the laboratorv W j g , 11 01 Kraft Cheese Spread O’ P>manlo 'Z 29c at tht.* W estminster company 349 3rd S t., l.y n d h u rs t plq 77c can* Oreo Cookies 47c Peas & Carrots 3 49c AAP Brand He also planned and built from Mozzarella Slices (PartSk'im) (>lq t;: '33 an original design a complete 27c Burry Cookies H; 35= Dole's Pineapple Juice CM Al^B*and 6 oi M«*reo an phfier Thr part- W I 3-7* m , . , j g ; Provolone Slices D«*r»a*»ic pkg involved lecalibration and re Tim a Fkh cmickin of thi sea >o..4|e Colgate’s Fab I und I l o l l WKit*—Solid Pack can 1 1 Dole's Sliced Pineapple A4^Bra»*H I oi jiC c design of meter phasing u'/i c Muenster Slices Domostir pkq ® Tax Ketiirn** !*n |»arc*c! Fnr laundry *rd duK** ««23 “A’lex was a genius in tin Star-Kist Tuna *^;;'J6C Dole's Pineapple Tid-Bits ean M A4f Brand C oj 0 0 C electronic field', s a id M wav. 7t Natural Swiss Slices Dont.tlic pkq * li\ \|>|M»intnieii| nil l«b*l 70* River Brand Brown Rice Yuban Coffee * .£ £ E L can,,k 77' ■ ■ Stephan "Wc .ne pr’»ud that i l * Romano Wedge ASP Brand T'/j oi C l C he. a oih of oin gradu *te •. 1 Spaghetti Sauce ,s; r 39c 69' Orange Marmalade H* '» ‘ I J . , J | e Dom«s*ic pkq Sharp Cheddar Bars AAP B.and lo r J C j Green Beans 2 ,,.1 “ 37‘ Quaker Hominy Grits "•£!:; JPV,'2IC Wisconsin pkq U** Colgate's Ad Mild Cheddar Bars A |P Brand I Ol 33' Florient Aerosol Deodorant sl°' 77* Borden's Biscuits 3 29c W isconsin pkq Marcal White Napkins 2 ^ 21c pl() 77' Stripe Toothpaste ’llV. 53 JA N t PARKtR HOT (' J Photos For ______Garden Frash Fruits and Vegetables ’ Trwid CROSS All Occasions For di»K.» and fin* fabric* FRESH MUSHROOMS % 49 ' - " V i B«qd«d toq*«K*r • pk«t * * BUNS Bv \\ inning Photographer IDAHO POTATOES " ‘ i ” 69‘ More Jana Parker Values! A r t R o b e r t s Ajax Cleanser Tangy, Flavor— Famous Wifli chlor n# bl««ch FLORIDA ORANGES SR 4 J, 35 Lemon Pie T^T 49e ^ l4o» 6 Creamy Smooth— With Pmeapole Tidbits ■* tin t ^" can Firm, laryo String Beans ‘ 19* Pascal Celery Crisp italk 19e Cheese Cake 49e Laddie Boy large PWa—Utl lets Spinach I'.: 19* ”', 37* Avocado Pears »iia 1 9 c , Dog Food Rad Doliciou* Raisin Bread w 29c Lemons “ 23* i" 45* Apples Prom Wattarn Form* "19e Supplimtnt I. Law • Calorii Did ir m l ? l5"- 33« m can* * * Glamour Bread 25c — Prices .ffoctiv. thru Sir , March 10»h in Super Markets and Sett-S.nice storer. For your shopping convenience HOME DELIVERY SERVICE now available at your A&P Super Market 475 RIDCE ROAD, NORTH ARLINCTON, N. J. " Open Tue«. 'and Thurs. Till 9 p.m. Friday TIH iO pjm. i«rge free f«rirm«| Area THURSDAY, M ARcn 8. l%2 TIIF. rO M M F R H U I.EADF.R \M » SOI TII BERGEN REVll W PAGE NINK

i m

OVER 7 , 0 0 0 SUBSCRIBERS To The Commercial Leader Ahd North Arlington Leader

Shop A t Jauncey Avenue

North Arlington's Great Handy Shopping Center I u II I ! ★ A & P Supermarket ★ Ridge Fabric Center n •% ★ Major Cleaners ir Edlin’s Prescription Pharmacy I! ★ Grand Union Super Market ★ Beneficial Loan i! I!

★ Otto’s Furniture ★ Minit Man Car Wash i t ★ Ben Franklin's 5 & 10 Cent Store ★ Kiddi Haven Children’s Wear ★ Thom McAn’s Shoe Center -> Fahey’s Bottle Shop ★ Robert Hall Clothing ★ Rosaria’s Bridal Shoppe . ★ Country Style Do - Nuts ★ Foresta's Card & Gift Shop


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Excellent Food and Service The Place With That Extra Touch Facilities for Private Parties

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The Voice O f Stuyvesant Avenue M erchants ...... W edding* Si Birtlulny Cake* Plumbing Supplim —■ Pipe (ful To Siar WEbdtrr 9-1076-7 Prescriptions

• B a b y N r H - The Bogle Aqency Inc. JERRY’S BAKE SHOP • C m m teU n Plumbing Reid Heating • S u n d rie s 242 Stuyvenanl Avrnur Showroom Yard REAI. I S T M E — IN 'I R A N G E Complete line of Sickroom SuppMt. 121 Stuyveaant Ave. 1.16 Park Avr. GE 8-1684 !«■#* A ll It a y s" — FREE DELIVERY — GE 8-7898 m STI’YVESANT AVENUE Oprn 9 Till 9 3 0 0 Sluymanl \ \ r . I \ n

F a s t KODAK Dealer ANGELO’S PIZZERIA South Bergen's Leading Jeweler Authorized QQLOR Service 225 Sluyveoant Avrnur Lyndhnrit, N. J. TUXEDOS S. POLLINA, JEWELER Eat Ilr r r «r Tiikr Out SAME DAY HI M III \ II opi\C Hamillon - Grurn - Bulova Watches Spaghrtti . Ravioli - I.;i»u^nr - Vral IV|>|it*rn E X C K I’ I s m i i ; i m > Jewels By Trifari and Coro PHOTOSTATS Clum Chowdrr IE F O R E V:.tO 111 \I»■> l :in p M FOR HIRE Full (.rraui Rirottu - Mozsarrlla BUDGET and TIME PAYMENT PLAN \\ Ini*- \ oii w.nt EXPERT REPAIRS DONE ON PREMISES CAMERA HOUSE PI77A • * Dai|y LYNDHURST MEN'S SHOP 21.1 Stm \«'-;inl \ \ r . 238 Stuyvraant Avrnur Lyndhurit V U I . s h r Ire*- Delivery Call VI F. 9-<»l22 298 Stuyvesant Avenue Lyndhurst GE 8 9421


Ctirnrr Stuyvraant and Srrond Avrntira ^ ' WINES • B E E I ^ NEW MENUS '-u' ' 4lavdy{jn Mun<4 ft i, r: . r ' i \ : n h » n l> STEAKS and CHOPS OUR SPECIALTY r i / O M v , ‘ D U i V t K Y y |W Ee-.'c«^*0l2 I J New Dining Koom — Air Conditioned . 1 WE 3-4422 t0 T + _ *T < . F •.* SAFARS A. CHASAR & SON PARK CLEANING COMPANY Same Day Dry Cleaning Service Y I I < I Ith I \N S (INCLUDING SATURDAY) Air ( !<»m1itioiiing Flom** «n»l t InMimerrial W iring 215 Stuyvraant Avrnur, Lyndhurat, N. J. ! 1*110* u i n i A |»pI l.t rirr*« X WE DO OUR OWN CLEANING j 237 Stuyvraant A\rmi (iTnrva 8-tf>0.r> SAN CARLO RESTAURANT ! FACILITIES FOR BANQUETS EDNA MAE SHOPPE UUHKS' AND CHILDREN'S Since its founding. M arcli 1.V17.1919, T lie A m erican AJSD PARTIES WEAR Legion lias earned the respect anti confidence of the Featuring Sizzling Steak* N ation. E stablished on a firm foundation of 1 \ .T A m ericanism . C hild W elfare. N ational Security, and 300 Copeland Avr. (cor of Stuyvraant) WF. 9-9083 VISIT Ol’R NEW MODERN STORE R ehabilitation, the Legion has w ritten a record of MISS SWANK — LUXITK - BAKBIZON F O R T U N A com m unity service w hich is second to none. Official Girl Scouts Headquarter* tti Stuyvesant Avenue GEneva S 7714 SPINAS FLORIST Vi e salute T he A m erican L egion on its 43rd Itirthday Fretk Cut Flower* \ It's a Pleasure to and wish it continued success in its m any w orthy Potted Plant* \ endeavors dedicated to com m unity, state, and Funeral Design Our Specialty

N a t i i u i ! wear clcthcs cleaned at 221 Stuyveaant Avenu. GEneva 8-124 STUYVESANT AVENUE RELIGIOUS GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS FELDMAN CLEANERS M E R C H A N T S Plant and M.iin Slorr at lilMI StiiYvesant Avrnue ASSOCIATION in cooperation with F o o ts te p s BARRINGER WALKER Post No. 139 Support The Merchants l i t t b U S E S H O E S ✓ ✓ Z a a M ill DIM N THE AMERICAN LEGION i n n m i h s

. , t n N s f l M A P A Designed to Keep LYNDHURST, NEW JERSEY On This Page ^ Little t ret Normal

304 Valley Brook Men & Women WF. 9-5300 Ave., Bogle Rldg N PAI.AZZO Doctor’* Prescription* Eilled LYNDHURST SPORTS SHOP STUYVESANT LAUNDRY DRIVE IN AND «•««*■ Complete Line O f Driving Thru Lyndhurst? 219 Stuyvesant Avrnue Lyndhurat SAVE 2 0 % Rental Tools For Watch For Our Children! „ my s „:LL . « ™ u .. CASH ft CARRY Hour Service on Requetl The Handy-Man Keep Your Eyes On The Road At All Times m o t o r s —w e b u y a s e l l u s e d g u n s 163 Stuyveaant Ave. * GE 8-0879 mwmi name. HARRY S HARDWARE 230 Stuyvesant Avrnur. GE 8-9870 LEA S SPECIALTY SHOP WILLIAMS' DEPT. STORE • A V I . . . S ■OUSE OP IM1 ITEMS « . ACCESSORIES * JE W E I.R Y wNk a L a i i o t B a M t a a a t low COft Cards • Decorations • Toys V> . SPORTSWEAR • I.INC.ERIE A U T O L O A N And Wrappings In Town ^ Drive Carefully EXCLUSIVE AGENCY FOR NORCROSS CARDS O B U N I LAY AWAY PLANS WELCOME


Basketball Team Was Short Ender Of 13-7 Rfsutt Of forties Grammar Basketball Loop Kooaevelt U.r> Linrolu lil^- ZJ Final stali-ii.- ,|,„ w that llie 1961-62 l>u-k< tliiill|kv<>llhursl 73 Keemy 54 Hooks and Jabs Lincoln Blues 51 W j/. 'a’MwTf Won By Roosevelt Sehcol K*M»sfvelt H!i J c i f e n o n iff ' o i I . r . l l | | g | , I would have 1..-Itrr*d I ’ ? i - By Joey F.alo Mathews was not exactly Boost veil 4't L in co ln !4i tK 27 Iic . m ill I.l o \m ill rnVir.l If tin- Irani .IihmI li.-ulltiy. In I'auaic 45 l.yndhursl 37 ' __ 4[ Roosevelt School which open u 3D l< Jo Inu'nphftom Wasli-j< o in fl<-.l. 55 Je ffe rv ta i l'< Youni lighter. ln B 44 Lincoln K 27 Im* lir*l four game* of lli« »*a«on., I.ym lhurst nun three, W) L y n d h uu rst 24 . potential aie being turned t>« Knocking over plenty of noth W ools’ Be* feet ball Tournament the Fr nl. i ; i A t ro n g : w i r I llh t»ra»fe iMvhivti iiui l«i»l one l*\ a |»«»iik * **“■J* ‘ m Hutherford 48 euu-e they <,re rushedI to tho ButBu( „ Hurley started a# CW|. Con- ,n tne,ho Eighth Divlsio.Division qusitciquaile. m which tl* > mitsco' . MM. 5fc Ur 3.1 in ovrrtiroe, i« IW th! L™dh.ur,.t. S t h o o l W l i*c;r top much too fniit and neve, KIt.s,,orvilI investigation o( [h.l with a resounding 85 lo 27 vie- ed th - 14 to ♦- plaved a; \rlin (C t« » n . H i m m tIm* .",2 to l.'i t r i u m p h o v r r G a r f i e l d . L y n d h u r s t *i\ C e n tra l 48~ L in co ln B Iu c j 2 0 1 IKK, become the Great* they are o ternational Boxing Clubs to _ get ,o ry over o v e r lh thc e y Lincoln i a p | ^ Blu** Blu' m major a jo r p a it in th» J e f f s ’ w in Rfw.sevelt ^ 2 OlO^O which follom .l win* oxer LJdi und K earny, ilu* (ioldeu! J “rfwsld 45 Lyndhust 39 saoHfici...... is noble It has » been , Mathews au fl..fight” * w»th ... Rocky aJ L r°ntini»ed it* heavy barrage Iasi »ver Wmhingt «n In u...t gan Jrfferson n»*jl< 3 Tin r. a r* • lo.. . f ilar J,„. I’irrro will, , hairline tr.rtu r, ! f & ^ 4 7 ll 7 "*!? L^'sto ry.® M arcian o Th e maater of oally- wrrk Th* R - u c h Aider*" w en D«.n I’r-my jlu-rd i c-.nK bad.b id . Everybodyr _ v .n t x .d v m ake* *»er> ,______, _____ . _ . . . . Wa.shingtc.n/ 1 33? it* a n k l e . T ho° P*»y«d a farce so well that i on rampafe again as they i lor 21 o o n ts for thc v. mrt*T - P a s sa ic 78 L y n d h u r s t 28 f»ce». of soit#. Jeff^rsrtn Blue s 0 ('fl ■ t i.i even the press could get fasvi walloped Jeff^son 19 to 20 ar.f! whii« Dom Dorn BBta»noeore H W:1 0 Pierro’s injury was follows hoot mg wo' «uperb a* lie L o d i 'J4 L y n c 1. 63 (overtime) days it is «lmu*t as bad as uil. F <-ik'in 0 000 y .« rush of sickness and in I Z 7*^'”, '*■ 1,w* " “ •"?,«** "“ *T *“* " . i chances«hatM». lo watch Mathe«-» inldUposed of ‘ the Uncoln Seih'hwh '..r theIhe l-ie<«l.-,.t. fwrn made* » , Z floor l.yndhur»t 35 E. Rutherford «? m* numal. live* to plea*.- thr lramin(, Rock took « to 27. In other Bihtfibrade! Peonev i.«ounl«xl ,.»• • Lm i <•’n G .-ld 0 im‘*s and tlu- only regular tf. and c? i m r H out of 29 Charity tm w i b ^ ld e 73 Lyndhurn 49 jood. n the anctont «">■'’ out ,n iwo round*. Tho «>ly ^ti«n. Lincoln Blue*'recovercli point* in ihr .J. |f^■ 4«-i« R " y l t Ol I ay the ontite schedule w as A itooicvelt 0 Jefferson Red* 14 . a team Lyndhurst aver Central M Lyndhurst SC Blame It on what you will. It m w who , h h pub from it, initial low to whip1whip quest ot ■ Kr.nklin Th.' .mnei .•plum La j Carlascio Cartas- 1 .in If IMIII <>nl In finlrl niaMI.vruihnr* -III f !-.rfinl>l Kl! nwialol m ih.. amJ il mt nf “ ...... * Lincol'i B r,4 Washington 6 aged 38 tr p en ent In fie ld g ia! | L y n d h u rs t 40 G a rfie ld 56 c x is tc J in the good d a y s of W ashm gton 51 to 31) a n d d e w e re »!.«•. o topped the individual scor 'h«K>!i. *g ar they n n d e ^75 ou1, C lifto n 73 Lyndhurst 53 leffr ,un R*-'43 points The ran 'hey conveittd 27; out of 43>* : * 43 Lincoln Gold w Opponents Scored 1,098 Points the television era But one fc»i the v t«*nfei had n g roczynski I r v Cohen luccesaful fight' Take lhe case of Floyd Pat- Madison Square Garden Fu 'evclt lubdurd the Lincoln Gold< they trampled i t ithe P i.-rr . w r o sparkplngge . Fourteen player? saw v a n it y { prom otor preaentod anothci; terson. Not a superman He can sari Irw.l. . . . i ! ,s l" 9 and Washington was a- The Lincoln qu.n pt h< . .. n ii.ii'.iu , Duck B ro w n actu n u u n n g the 1901-82 je a - , cood sari took exactly one round to ? .n Nnvy List food boxing show Monday hit and be hit Jacques Royci 42-3 and .**1-5 Ie: 1- Hluc anti i,.ild m the early son Five of the playera cjm ni?ht wheii"*he end the Foster myth, and Char- . .. ■■j t*n d riv e had G il D iw a fair middleweight h a d hir.i ley was not what one would ov«r ihc Jefferson Blues fore clo sing ui l.i I W roczynski, en- forced to snjplcted their scholastic cag ej p<' ^ro1'>f' ,ound ,h* Ro°' cond class. USN, a low Ih- play, nan.ely Carlascio, Pie flash, tangle once again with Ra.lcrnachcr and Roy Harris kl|lod |n an aulo acc,dent un .evclt School's gymnasium t, Lead i ni’. the f.ire rationing lc action in the P k Wroezynski r»», o| int». J'm M elillo and Vince Tony Foitunato. But with return game v ith Lodi Pla> ------* • „ . ---- »... -u t . And ot course Ingemar Johanr dfr no( j() conditions'hU ,ikin« »"■ hc Pumped 5D were JonnnvJonnny i)a i st L y n d h u r s t, to Caiapanclla. Junio s returning, new twist. Instant battle or a wn xnocKea mm oui ana nao j^ortly ,:.g( lust half ihc season Ptein son knocked him out and hail ,h^rils. ..fterward points through Ihc rims in Ihe Denny English with 2 1 L i trd ’ he tank land- next season w ill include Georg * novel do it yourself war. Th*»- him ■ ou tho floor again ia two; ilooM;velu'HoonevelU* 80*20- wtn over the-PoUara with V7 #hv4 h~- M .^verar»*d 15 7 m ilk e r pel T o sa crifice is * nm hanr County, Fakhardt. V;c • Tamaro. Jim last time out Diaz got lhe nod subsequent fights. But today err. is hu-' Jeffs Others scoring high were w ith 12 ,.. 11-. as h.. tjliA i 1T.7 p.,mu Blown, Anthony Banu. Paul man. hut there hould l»e 1 1 Atlantic Fleet after a real slam bang affair Patterson is a seasoned, polish Ronnie Kist with 21 and Richie Roo.-e*. elt whipped ti,*' .11 ul Roals :i:, f„ul, Pier- Scoti and Anthany Suntangelo law Certainly, there should Ik ? V hcadquart- This time Fortunato received «?d fighter He is the b e s t ... Danieli with 14 Theti«- jt-nsJeffs werewrit- coin Go! tl 43 to 9 A fte i , i • .itleii'pU'd 1)7 \hoft. fron. three .ophoinores saw limited Ik. V a . w h ich the top honor and no sooner the world, barring poaalblyj’"1™ ^ ce L.othrr lhan only ,n the conttst for the first f ir s t qu i.tei the winnci 'itli anniversary I.e f It kj i i.n(i had t»0 ioui seivice ’he pas* season, Leon the State Athletic Commission did Johnny Add. announce th** Sonny Ludon. and no kid with quarter when they '‘held" thr ahead 21 i-5 it the h a lf 41 , Mint e AU*. Joe B o sell lo nothing aUiut it. and Richi-j decision ihen St. Nick’s top o u t a flin g a t better opposition * ll! Hough R id e rs to a ,r>-4 count M a key S >lMtS who was ir 'Seme*, will stop the mass mas­ end of three q u a rte rs l< on F e ‘. 20. 1942. b lo w ol f For twenty minutes should be thrown into the den a After that jit was 24-9 at thc s e tt I in / fo r a 2-2 d cad io tl 11 til in tli 44 t«» 32 lo.v. tt) L ndhur* t H igh Sc’hool sacre of youngsters long before (I every major Al- this reporter witnessed, when regardless of motive. RacW half and S7-I4 at end of three the final stanza J in. 1 .iter oil F . t de. J. ltd Wi*.* B a sk e tb a ll Hccoru their time Just for money Pign; ih u • landin g in he wasn’t trying to hide, one macher got the fight purely for quarters. k, Wlth iint| L.., \ S t'.re v l o u t ol the remauiing 19G1-62 Season they never receive Nor ar 'l Europe during <

| o t the most tumultous, wild the money Pete might have c t* Roosevelt jumped off to a with lli featured* (or t leve-n g.tu.t s. h al n 12 7 nver-' North th. ’V. i il 50 L y n d h u rst riot scenes he ever had thc been a good fighter had hej ~ * 17-2 qu,truer lead in Its 49 27 ners. .iM* w ith 1-1 |M*mts on 4» S'! (ovei tu n e) misfortune to Ih* present at been given time to develop;L.66gile Results triumph ovler the Lincoln Red ir ly 17 000 men as- » » a l. ar;d -- fouls S p i n o J L y n d h u is t 72 L- hI i (i0 A fin al* th Gr.ule eneoun! •hips and support- The Diaz supporters didn't’even at his advanced age. Hi Local Ldne The winners led 27-13 at the saw Jeffer- Blu s forfen like the decision at all Chairs wn> Olympic champion and half and were k* up the force INDIVIDUAL SC()R|N(. front 37*19 Washington to 0 Tlie lo . flew, pop bottlc> carromed off had the i.a«ic background. Har-i going into the final canto Kist with the Atlantic P la ye r G EG 1 T A vg. In Lyndhurst’s Community failed appear w ith u fi the ringside like hand gran-'ns. the Cut and Shoot heavv ■ Fore** to p r w id e C a rla srlo 28 KU 83 213 12.1 League Man. gei A A Granito featured for the victors with 21 team : io u s .trikinj; ca- I 'ir rr o IU til 35 ades Screaming, hollering, ges weignt, had a big buildup end point* BothVrejJ Mountmn and 157 15.1 reports the following result.*. The -'nuiial cage tfiurnana r : iht nation Com- It-k h a rd t l l 51 to tula tions, ranting, raving and no experience With patience Ronnie Sahlcski had nine poinu' 1 IK 7.8 Jo Jo Pizzeria two games.i is und r tne '•upervisitin of Mi .it ■ i ange the At S pino 9 tfc other mayhem mgrediaqts was and teaching he might have each for ihe losers 22 114 12.7 Maschio one Brookdale three! Frank I) hiH'gicrt) of the PI v i Arctic and Ant M elillo 19 the pressing order of thc mo- been a fair heavyweight, even Ed N e v ille ta llie d 24 points 37 17 4 91 18 games, Ricci’s none. Polito A Primeiano Builders three Presidents took a 8-6 quartei 15 13 43 3.3 School W L Pf of the . Atlantic S co tt ___ Everything was all riot! The a complete unknown in his1 lead but thc “Honest Abes ’ 5 13 7 33 8.8 game.i. Lyndhurd Lancs none. Roosevelt \ :t 0 1 fti i j caroonung crowds bulged to lirst pro fight. Anyone inlere^’ forged to Ihe lro n t to lead 23- t a personal anm- ( amp inellti lu 1 5 9.5 Esposito's Nursery two game., Lincoln Bi n ward the exit and cascaded on- ed in the lads future a:' 13 at the h a lf and 37-21 at end 2 1 age to tho m en c» S a n ta n g e lo 2 U 2 2 1.9 Kelly s none L in c .ln Reelli 1 0 0 a very derisive fashion. a gym for at least a year 1 Mr and Mrs George Loevsky a 0 0 with 14 point:, Jefferson il i A i W ein ot L y n d h u is t. ourse. this modern age nusdon H o w e ve r an t’.-4 th ird Ltd Sam just returned from AN (IPI.N l.tTTEK T(» (OAllai wheie h« md a feature length Since I. Novcmbci 27. the date of the ingltirious caucas of L a u i el A VC- ha left foi the decision Kenny with ? travelog .ype of movie about Bjlly Fox had a slung of K< meeting of tlu Board of Education, it has l>«H!n very difficult for Long R« ach. ( ai whsre thev ; trouble Billv spent w m a months there last rik ” * ^ l?e ,OWnfh*P- of whlch y o u p le n ty , stuck it out fo r some pei4Ce and quiot f couldn't fight Ous Lesncvlch Marciano and Saltieski had 5 R E L i N E D ' »I the W' PIlHend. hopinghill I no tht h a .l t tKnthe ISAI..I.Inewly organized Cnkr^vlSchool fBoard 1.. - . J would .. . . . 1 .1 vear and lil ed it. so a fte r a points apiece for the losers. : eta in you as the G o ld e n liears' football coach Thisis Saturday night the usual '^ ^ "'iL ‘m °,,u' ut ol,e, r"'»ld visit to t!;c: home here they Action in t^e 7th Grade Di Garden spot will be taken ovei len spot will he taken ovei F "‘ck 1Di‘v'>' , ,hC w ent thei • vision saw Jetferson Reds take I ord H tvcs-vei it did not wo: k out that w ay l^ast F rid a y evening by th? hockey matches so the olaie jjl imui boy. was built With Bonded ••it Ik-aitl a^ain had one of those secret meetings'a mystery if . into welterweight chanr- t u b-. figh’ scheduled for that aiena Ki , . , the:.* ever v, ,iv one as school officials notified the press of the th Kid Gavuan P lv in. will be staged at St. Nicholas.I J?. P. f n , , . "Raybes+os" neeting. evvn th<>uKh it wasn't open to the public , It s history that Gavilan slau'fh- p er vc heel The mam go will feature the'tered Mr Davcy. But th The fir*.t order of business we have learned, was to re- ite SPORT-WISE Heavy Duty other I S cars popluar spoiler Yamma Ba- was good a i. Turner pi'ti the discussion of asking you to resign After discussion, a wa an- 'lama and Farid Salim South othrr 5iicr,fic0 thi C u h a i. 55.95 vtVc w as taken , and th e score .sheet was repo rted to read 6-1-1 Like we taid. there is no delinquent like an adult delinquent American welter champ. It ••Keed” w a* a n in c. Linings none h ig h e r lot i ene you! grid coaching contract. A breakdown on the should Ik - a d illy Take the case of the quarterback coveted by Iowa and low a beaten fighter w ho might vote had Mrs Alphonse* Olkowski voting for you and Mrs . ______State The all-stater looked happily upon overtures from Iowa gone or. indefinitely Bu the i harles c hiist abstaining while Mis Dorothy Sctzzio was absent K.t eventually settled upon Iowa State. H a w k of C u b a cut 1.;- art All Prices Inc. Lining & Labor due to a Florida vacation The tcmaming mx nu*ml>ers. President Girl Scouts Then an Iowa alumnus (age unknown) persuaded the quar­ j o u t and flattened him T Moir..-. Settembrino. William Wackwitz, Peter Curcio. W illia m wen* on fighting but he tet hack to see the Iowa freshman coach who just hapi>ened t< i>elU>. Mario Bi/zo and Patsy Kestaino. \t>ti*el to net a new coach be having lunch at a nearby drive-m. Planning Camps never the same Many folks m Lyndhui>t believed and still believe that the The quarterback and the coach w ere exchanging pleasantne- The Girl Scout Leaders Club’ ineyThey threwtnrew young po’.tpotet als BRAKES ADJUSTED s119 Board > action was cut and dried lo move you out in order to m ake o: the day w h en the* Io w a State pe*ople charge*d up and snatchee met on Wednesday e v e n in g at liK e Tony Anthony and Aldo one of your assiKtants tht head man It has been said that a total the quarterback from the entanglements of the hated Iow.kns j the Scout House and set the;Wn«ldi of Italy, to Archie oi twi nt} applications have been received far th head coaching lmie for t^eir p ay Camps. T h e Moore Anthony had Now it has been ruled that the Coach was not illegally en- position, a pair coming from far away plat e\ei\ • g yaged in trying to proselyte the quarterback and that all he w While Angeles and r>ay Camp for Brownies will style, speed, punch trenier. uus ...... Guaranteed - II - Wait mg was asking whether the quarterback liked violets in thi t hicago It is Kaid that at F rid a y 's caU' suggestion was made U. hcld the wcek of June , 5th boxing skill Moore toved 1th . nos°8;*>s he purchased for his mother at Eastertide. D elcc to elim inate* the outside* ap plicatio ns and tt> t onccntratt* on local fhrough the 29th and for G irl him. talked to him all thi o U r B ic re t a n be no sU o ng ei indu tm«»nt of the •"PV-Tfcations but this w as qufctfly tabooed Scouts thc week of July 9th Tile fight and knocked Tun Ye a r H e a v y D u fy T h ro u g h the* y v a rs since 1947 w hen ym i came to Lyndhurst, through 13th at will. Anthony was jus collegiate football climate than the above story. What must the quarterback think erf the tldults who were trving to flim-flam an a si tant eoaeh to C’o.u h J<*e Kania wt have had an amic- The annual Girl Scout Asso-iot^er They are* £ ! : : : k s Q « • l ie friendship Not the tv jh - reporter to get vehement in order ciation dinner will be held on ^>ro*4en ^ spirit. Rinaldi lad earh olhtT to Sen ure the so-called "inside stuff'' has probatyy helped our March 14th no business fighting Moore The* questfon i> will all the playing on the gridiron j>cr- M l suade the young man that life is real, life is earnest and a wm- ° r Installed free friendship But after fhe reaction t„ the Boards meeting of Qne new leader was enroll-!*1 made to r an Internal 25,000 miles ning football team i^ tc» be treasured above all other.goals? Nn1 her 27. inside us. we. were hoping you would leave Lynd- ( Mrs j oiin Martinell of1 m?tch and the promot Reg. $12 95 ^ I Will the player's charac ter he really1 shaped by such film- Murst. not o n ly as ; coath, hut as a Icachci...... w e ll" television liked thc pro Tn»op 13 j flammery? A the Little I'rofe.-or at LHS where you have lurnedj G ir l Scout displays w ill b e , Moore was an easy winner ( A ^ And what are our adult loing to our youth? ■ut in a remarkable record one may say that we are blatant in | piaeoo in store windows The *»crifiee play in U mg! IN I . Y N D IIt’R S T w ishing such a thing to happen as we mentioned above. We] throughout town and in the back. Ernie Sch.i In South Bergen thi re has been an example of unbridle*d ve through our writing career been called a sentimentalist at Public Library commemorating very promising heavy wt ;ght February political flim flammt r v It is not clear that fhe ousting of Ed We sure now, in surveying the local picture, that the 50th anniversary of Girl was fed to ponderous P imo| Zak as head football coath was a piece of political opportunism people who calle*d me such, were correct. Scounting in thc United States Camera. Schaaf died 'There was nothing against Zak The only thing is the big-mouths- Before the Out to get you ' move slarte*d we know you had' This Sunday. March suit of the fight Tire Sale of the community had persuaded some of the members of the •fTers from other schools. You icfused because of your love for! ing G irl Scout Sunday, arrange- Hopes like Charley N i kus, ■ ^ Board of Education that the tune to swipe Zak's job was at hand great' ‘ k‘ id ‘ s have here in Lyndhurst. We know what has ment> have ...... been...... made...... so that Bernie Reynolds, Jackie ■ ppened to ><»u now will never change your feelings* *for the------all Girl Scouts and Brownies ford and Bex Layne. wei all' t^atf baldly, us the sum and substance of that whole dl1 sm e lly operation local youth For this reason alone* we knew this w'ould hurt you can go to Church. I brought to the top too .-oon.| What is ntd known is this; the chief sufferer of the affair Biggest & Best • penally w hen a special group of townspeople would be cold At Sacred Heart R. C. Church; L*yne, in particular might have was an innocent and dedicated 5chool-teachcr who was anxiou? towards you and cause embarrassing times ! they will go to thb 9 a.m 1 made it but long before he was We can imagine, that back w hen you were an assistant and Mass. and will meet previously! ready hc was in there with the !"/'!„ ‘ " t0 L > nd1hu,t!f W«ten> so that he could move back to local group presented the head coach with a new automobile, a t 8 t o in Sacred Heart School;* likes of Marciano, Charle. and £ * ^ ?c h#d 'P,pllK,,'”r a Job Unfarlunately, Buys Around what must have passed through you. You must have th o u g h t you fo r S t. Michael's R C. Church Wolcott.I Hc did upset Wolcott1 h,i lo U ' 0 men,bcl of lhc Board of Education, were in the right spot, especially, so. when you were named to they will meet in front of the! but that, was a mistake and a ,. , ,hc ,e^ h<;' qBakl-v wilhJr<'"' h‘s application in tho fear 1' place the resigned head coach Whatever your feelings are now church at 6:40 a.m. for the » bad night for Jersey Joe- i, that there m i(fh t be some relationship between the flnng of Z ak Close Out Sale On All Sizes toward the town we know you will always remember the even- a m. Mass. | led both Layne and manager and th* Job mU of December 2. 1961 The scene Was the Booster Club’s Protestant Girl Scouts and Jenson to reach for the moon.) . . , "V f® COLLEGIATE NONSENSE ••anquet at San Carlo's Restaurant and the acclamation you re­ Brownies are asked to attend Jersey Joe almost spoiled the* ,n Arkansas P h i Lamda Chi fraternity of Arkansas A h M FR E E Wheel Alignment CTieck FREE service at St. Matthew's Evan- career of the present light College has p r o b a b ly startled the Russians right from under ceived from the student body present was a commendation from Don t delay. Come in and have your front end their hearts. , i gelical Lutheran Church. They heavyweight champ Harold their fur Pieces Th« doughty sons of old Ark are resting now checked on our Beam Visualincr—State Inspection I f a n d w h e n you depart from Lyndhurst a n d mention of meet downstairs at 10:15 Johnson. Johnson had w n 29 from hav>ng staged last week-end a, 50-m ile dribble derby out of 30 when they tossed him W h y swallow live goldfish or And out how many can! vour years «t LH S is made, we will not disagree w ith you if you a m - to attend the service at S e r v ic e . in w ith th e Camden Cutey squeeze their way into a telephone booth? " hake your head in disgust When you joined us h e re in 194V ; 10:30 a.m. >ou w e re part of a staff coming in to rebuild a f t e r five~s tr a ig h t Girlr af the Jewish Commu ! Wolcott stiffened him in three . Dribble a basketball 50 m ile s and show folks how really, |(>sing football seasons Since ypur. association here, th e B lu e a n d nity Center will meet at 8 50 There was no brighter fu bnght the ton®K‘at?s of America are KRMS TO SUIT TCI) CN ALL TIRES AND SERVICE Gold have engaged in 132 games, of w h ich 93 w e r e w o n , 34 lost p .m . On March 16th to attend: ture in boxing than that which THE NEW PARK and 5 tied. In the entire fifteen seasons of your connection here a 9 p.m service. I belonged to Tony Janiro He e m,dst of the tiripg news about delinquent adults let's! service you con tr u s t savings yo\t con (.cunt ;n The Holy Hour service wiM could box and punch and could annouiKe Rood deed—the opening of thc new State Park at Lyndhurst teams have h a d thirteen winning seasons as against . L I J . . 1 d . . . C >. nrli. U....I. only two losing campaigns What m ore can anyone a s k ’ be held at thc Sussex Avenu-- have been the welterweight Sandy Hook. Armory :n Newark for the en-1 champ. But they matched him; Thls ls a r<‘al boon to South Bcrgenites. W ithin thc ho ur one In closing, we know thst any decision you make will be' tire Archdiocese of Newark with Jake LaMotta Jake ruin- ! t a n *huck the cares of local living and find solace in o n e o f th e JU ' none better in this practice Hook, gambol on the beaches, fish, bird-watch, commune with Reason w ill be h cld on Saturday. March 10 at 9.00 a m in the evening. March 18th to be foi than Jack Hurley Jack find a n atu re at it* finest. Kt. 17 & I nion Ave.. II-asl asl Ru.'Hu.* jrluril,*rlnrd Plume IIP 1-570U u2T"»hC^!?*” ^ STh Wh? ,

Th» exhibit will open each thr a a m M u m in th e p a ris h H all. 26 Artists To day at 11 00 a.m . closing Tues­ days and Saturdays at C:90 Our Communion B rrak(art||)icn|gu W cJT eS Girl Scout News p m . ond Monday* Wedneodav*. Chairman, Matty Korieniewski ,,l r 7 * Thursdays and Fridays at 9.30 has tome important speaker.) ,.Thl, (,„jrkf af jfc* rin v nolr Hatariay. March; Troop 11 - Wr had fla g ce ra -! p m O n Sunday the 18th i t and a terrific breakfast lu-ran* from Rlltht.rford ,nd ,hc sur 1*. Is (o o k i* Drllrrrr title m ony Flatfbearers were Donna Mi'vch. the hour* will be from p le a s e rom e le thr Sceat Hoiw Spagnuolo and Jane Peiiolla for ua^ Tickets can be ,(1LJ-lf4,r,^ communities have 1 no to t tM» p m The final da> purchased by contacting any »f| b(W ^.present the ■I (hr timr i«irim l t» ranrjColorguards were Marilyn H aw - of the -how ts Saturday, March the of fleet; of our society | Ar, AMOctotion. „( Rutherford troop »f* a.a». Sec at Hiw^ kins and Denise Kubimch M r* .| ! Make your reservations now ljn ,ho Fourth M„„ ,ndo< 24th B ro o nlr Troot« >nJ Jefferson Botticelli told us about the G irl; S strom.'. Mrs. Sally Bari lay. :tn exclmnge jury of thr*^ fohneil lb*rnuell. Mrs Emily John J. Mahoney members of tne Hackensack A> I j Re. t Mrs Eleanor Boy an, Toa- G a il D'Ariy.A“ • Carol AnnA n n WZ j no i pt^ o p al t b u n b '™ l ! ? *,'k , Heads For Intrepid Association on Friday Febr.u I hio Hir. ta. Clayton Hoaglan.l. Fraakl,a SrhZI t~wa 11 K/'hy Onodhearl. Caller was a r y 23i ( Mis Man,o Lothiop. Mrs. S;»l- ...... |G a b r ie l I th e .V a il in the M i l 5>hoppirf {Iv M G r-or. Miss Nancy Me C e n te r, I’uiamu-. 'ill opei , Cann, Mr? Jane O’Hara. Mrs. T. oi.p 1 7 r e girls who took T ro o p 20 - The Foxes were { with u reception provided b\ j kcllc Olsou.O lson. and Mi part if, > j emnii exercises were in charge o 1 Hag ceremony with ! th e Mall Association on Sun Gladys Taylor The following J,.,. Gent hi.. RosWnary C arrig . call *r Ruth Ann Mitchell Color- | d a y afternoon. March 11. fiom neighbt»rin« towns are repre Nelson. 1 a \ Atw ■•!!. Sharlene Harbeck guaids were Debra I thre*' to six o'clock Through i by William Muhs of an, K .n I)e!l wi ihe callet Kristine Meyer und Barbara M rs William O’Hara, president Carl ladj. Knt/ Oldenburg and W r u.iKe.i ai*out going to ser-,Henning. W ^ m a d e gifts for our of the AAR. an mvitation i Stanley "ilh'Hlef «»f Clifton. Mrr \ K e> vn Girl Scout Sunday W e m o th ers Leaders. Mrs C. C o lie extended »o nieml>er.< ol th»- Kned.i Huy ot East.Rutherford. v.»iked on our badges Leader. ;*nd Mr* J Caterbon# R e p o r t- AAR. their families and friends Roy Ferham of Hasbrouck Mis' K M cIVnmll Reporters -jer - Debra N elson K^-to attend this 4o p e n i r e c e p Heights. Mrs Martha Harris P i end.i Kum a r ;ih » a n d EIK*n nnd \iisj- Mildu*d Montillo of T ro o p 21 - Our troop discussed i tk>n k The promise of tUiacs to come is shown in this recent photograph of the progress being male De Holy Saturday and Girl Scout | The Guild anticipates abo-,t ^ynJhurat. Mw Gertrud, f North. Arlington; in the enlargement and ntcde-nization of lloiling Sprints Sat ints and Loan \wsociatk>n. Bu»i- . 300 p ain tin gs w ill Ih* show n.»>n T roop 2 - W r h, d our regular Sunday which occurs this week ness roes un as usual in the former lobby of the assoclatloa now sepjra^J from the new by ' •4-repreiw*ntmc tne seven mntnr'Tifid Mr Ann** Deckei of W »od- meetmt and the parents were We woiked on ourou. »^badges a« and , thr |hin p|>MO<* nail. The srafoWing in Ihe barkg*i~ 4irates wherr workmen have , art d u b s in no rth Ber gen A> ni

  • e in \ *r l to d m the Vermont discussed plan, concernmg Ihe niaVrd ,lld jria r.llon with the ne^*'. Grand opening of com- I is it* custom, ihe Mall will pur­ tr .| ! t-ade: M. E Lindsay.1 Holy Hour. Leaden, Mrs K pleted structure is srht iuled for March 31st. chase one painting foi its per­ Rer»>:tei - ..the ine ^nms Moller, Mr* R Chalenski. and Mrs E Lawson. Reporter Re manent-eolloet ion Troop 5 We carted our s,na Gorman Thursday Evening, J*Jn ^ Mahoney Aviation J.------the op«-ning exer- mertmg 130 Attend ! March* Jth.. rur society w i l | M*chlnut Mate 3rd daa^ son [ cise> A ftei ui leader made a T ro o p 22 - W’e had investiture St. Michael's 'hold their monthly meeting In ®f Mr,s of 4 ’° Po" Unsurpassed Comfort lew arUK-untitcrnents w went to for new Brownies. They were Pack 96 Dinner |the tchool cafeteria at » P M |^vt. Lyndhurst, t, now station ', badges We are Kathleen Carbone. Delia Ann 1.1 | Thii will be a very important *• lh e U S. Naval Receivini for the R U PTU RED ! ri Adv. nturer" and. Mack in. Suranne Ellen Harris Cub p.|rk which meets r t Holy Name woikitig < I meeting, sc let's have a large! 8*»tion lor transfer to the S. “O utdoor Cook The people and Barbara Urgolo We played Satm l Heart School, held theiri L ast Saturday Evening. turnout. lUfioshmenU will be1 In*r«P'd- CVA U w orking on o “Outdoor Cook are games L e a d e r Miss Joan Ron- Rlut. and Gokl Dinner on S u n March 3rd . our society held served after ifie meeting. ITh,s 'l*lllon commanded b; gw » g:ve a fashion show , to w ith s e n io r aide Arlene j ay a/n.mcon with 130 persons a dance in St. Michael's' Hall I Capt. V A Blandin. USN, i» L« Miss E Lindsay. Re- Morrhouse. Reporter - Paula jn attendance The meal, pre called “The Roaring Twenties.''I This Sunday March 11th, the on intermediate Navy activi'y M ary Re^an C o n so li. pared by Chai les Halk and his Everyone who attended the af^- first Sunday of Lent and Holy which te m p o r a lly re e e iv - LOOK SMOOTH’ Nov You Can Have VNW ANTED s e rv e d thc lair had a wonderful tim e If Name Sunday all the men oi iheltrrs. and provides for p«r C «N *s Cr* T ro o p I - Wi opened with th e T r o o p 13 • W e opened „,,r school cafeteria c-tetei you misseo this one for a re«-;th* .parish are invited to at- ?onnel reporting in for transie: IIAIK REMOVED. horseshoe. The color guards were meeting with the Brownie pray- TRUSS It w a s also Charter Presen son. be sure to make our next (tend the B A M Mass m the to ships or shore stations tn a l l 1 instantly . Saf*l)T • P«rman*»«tly C.»r«*1 Z elna. Mur«*en Smith, er W»* playe»*i commissioner. Qur dunce < C o m m u n io n Lasl n\onth we aratior at the end t*f then R .id in m at it Klet tro ly sla ski and callet was Barbara Jane DiBlasi taught us a song h a d j v e ry rut turnout and lismcnt p r e s e n te d the ...... (hartei .s...... for^the Korzeniewski.r\(,r/eniew sk i. tne the wnimmrv committee-| . ' . .. by (ilna of Pasehhurg We learned two new W'e are making plans for a trip Iro m y / e c o m in g yeea. to Benjamin Cav our prMlden, and the of- "*,*7 ,.h. TREE CONSULTATION Camron and Mr- W Ju std s Re-,night Brownies *., Leader. M rs. ho m turn presented it parishoners, non - parishoners |th^ “1 “"^ f inHa lo Cubmaster James A. McNa an(| their friends who attend-! Fourteenth Annual Corn- 195 * Gina's Klectrolysia porter - Barbara Paschburg. W Cirone. Reporter - U n A * mar. ed and participated in the. mun.on Breakfast, will be held Mahoney is on* of an average C a ru llo . N a v y m en w ho pass I Louis Eberjpeacher, Scout dance and costume contests jon April 1st this year. Tickets o '• PHARMACV. INC VI \ m an 1-1.108 T ro o p 13 - T w o new g irls the receiving station in our troop. Troop 19 - We discussed Girl Executive of Tamarack Coun-, Due to your fine cooperation $2 00 per p e rso n . T h e t rom ; 299 STUYVESANT AVE. 1W Midland Av* Arlington. N.J. cam e to re g is te r OE 8 ’076 We talked about Hikie sale We Scout Sunday and also the Holy cil. spoke to the boys and their the affair was a great success, breakfast will take place after eac had flag ceremony and present- Hour. We did quite a bit of parents Al?o present were Da- They also thank the various ed Idalya Murstaido with her badge work leaders, Mrs J A vid Scannell and Clifford Spat committees for donating their Brownie pin We plaved "Snob” Stawicki. Mrs F Bulkowski and cher. m em b ers of thf pack time in decorating, and serv The girls had a lot of fun. Mrs. Mrs J Girgenti RepoM^ - committee, and the Rev Lour* ing the fine food and bever- Martmell and Mairy Jo Marti-1Denice Stawicki. I Mennitt, spiritual advisor ol^ages Thank? again, ness went to Mayor Garde's of-! ------; *he pack flee to take pictures (or the The Mothers Club of Cub* Cubmaster M c N a m a ra pre- newspaper We closed with the Pack 8# held a meeting last sented achievement aw a rd s to b irthd ay song to Joyce Sala and week at the home of Mrs Les boys of the pack Joseph l.a k - Susan Wallace Then we had ter Aulenbach of Rutherford is. a cub. Received the d o o r Tap»” aod the Browmeptayet. Av%nue. PUtts were made {or.prue _ . Leader*;. Mrs R Mitchell and a Chinese auction to be held' Bov Scouts of th e O r d e r M rs J Martmell Reporter - on March 2 9 th at the Amvets the Arrcw entertained with Joyce Sala H a ll M i s Joh n K o u b e k is j some of their dances president Boys of Iht pack have T ro o p 15 - C olor guaids w 'te ------j studying the presidents of the Carol Tre/za. Susan Vend lea,' Kalliken fogell has been United Stat,e* arid theie w Debra LaMoite and c a lle r w as j chaser, by the Kateris of Sa profile picture^ of them m evi Joan Pferffer W e had a little cred Heart R C . Church to be dence all around There al-to party We played games. L ead- th e C Y O candidate in the c< were miniature models of the er, Mrs. W Tappenbeck Senior' tillian dance to be held in the White House, tlie I S C a p ito A ide. L e a Nolan Reporter - Lodi Armory on Saturday, and C a p e Canavaral on display Caro l T re zz a March 17th. from 8 p.m. to m id- 1-...... I.'...... S night. Local persons are asked : Troop lb - Valerie Testone was to buy (heir 1lckets from Miss!: Right from the start. caller for the flag ceremony and Fogell, WE 9-8153 colorguards were Judy Wolff. . - _ Patty Largey and Susan Jacobs Mr and Mrs Joseph, Ti*a.£ We worked on our sewing just back from their honey-,: baskets. We sang songs Angelo moon in the Poconos, left on Scalpello got her pin from Mrs Monday for Daytona Beach. : Maturo and became a Brownie Fla., whore Mr Tita will go!; Leader^, Mrs V Maturo. and into Spring training with the Mrs F Bulger Reporter Val- Kansas City Athletics, for ; erie Testone i whom he is a pitcher.

    you have a


    I . . . t h a t

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    S eco n d , there is the way Cadillacs are engineered. lor your tatruly’s security A Cadillac »t curbaide has a way with pawem-by. and peace ot mind. The car's performance is always a lengthy step 4x7 s318 And a Cadillac anywhere liaa the equally rare ahead of it* contemporaries, and so continue* to gift of keeping ita winning charm* aa the year* and deliver a full m easure of driving pleasure. P e r S b e r l th* mil** ride by. T h ir d , there ia the way Cadillacs are built. Crafts­ Let us shoulder this responsibility ln fact, Cadillac* of almost a decade's vintage m anship i» so painstaking that the car *tay* sound for you all through life. Make us atill command open reaped and admiration where- and safe and dependable over an unusual spun 4x8 S4M your PARTNER IN SECURITY. ever they appear. o f tim e . The reason* for this remarkable circumstance are A n d lo u rth , there ia the fact that a Cadillac, re­ Per Sheet as sound as they are numerous gardless of age or previous service, ia still a Cadillac. And it ia, by definition, a magnificent motor car. J F ir tt, there is the way Cadillacs are styled. The The significance aho'tid be obvious. For value America Fore Cadillac look is the look of leadership —and the car when you buy—and for Value when you sell — lo y a lty Group remains young and vital in appearance fur beyond nothing can take tlie place of the "car of cars". COOPER LUMBER CO. WSU*A«Ct j any normal expectations a tF -T S ? Hwv. 17 A Union \vr. Katl Rutherford VISIT YOl H LOCAL AlTH ORllLO CADILLAC UEALLR WEbster 9-1432 0 SAVINO AGENCY DeMASSI MOTOR CAR CO.. INC. Park 8l Riv<*r«ide Avenues, LyndkwU, IH* I* o»fCrnniMinu.T^ 2S1 Ridge Ri•i-»d, Lyodhui i FOR SIXTY YEARS THE STANDARD OF THE WORLD ItlMHIMIIMIIIHIIIllli L- ' 1


    for stifTer penalties for narcotics ings and this record follows the Their nominating committee over 1,000 pounds of paperper in Masonic News •onvic tio n s pupi* all through school has t>eon appointed Mmes Wil their recent scrap drive, "We feel that jail sentences of The school Dental Clinic a i liam StVtlM NM Thomas ward Hendela, Gary Skytat»“• ancti“J c* « ? T W » * M t i r * to b e m o r (CarfHlfliASM[iitijtdSIW FPa, W ftfe I) mrnthr^j aitjkvting each meet ufllctent duration to make dope Roosevelt School is open each Icklan and Ai«x Leroy Nolan lien «t | inf ol Ihe Mtsonic Club m >eddling a really hazardous oc- Thursday Ten to 12 pupils can The Parent Education meet ed in the drive were Rudolph migkt be a 0 r i k 0 r % . y o u . y o u upation is the only answef I.yndhurst as wan in evidence ^ !>e taken tareyd on one day ing which was to have been Skyta, Stephen Warwickr s and s L eGlon Parade would prefer to call one of the when the President, Brothei Ml. F r a n k J D alesso. d . leg a te Odd grade classes 3rd. Sth oeld ia«i evening, but was can Edgar Miller. othei committee members to of­ C h a r le s H e n c h o p e n e d IdM ju New Jersey PBA Local 9f> 7th, «th. and 11th receive tests celled on e ttc o d tk o f th e illness Mrs Henry Jacques present­ fer your service* They are Mrs. meet in* o! the cHih on Wed »nd member of the North Arl in vision also new pupils Re of the speaker, is now sched ed six pairs of scissors to eedt Charles W Christ, assistant nesday. February 28th Brother ington Police Department, said medial reading pupils are gi\ • uled for March 21*t with An den mother, gifts from the At tbe Bergen County Amcr says he can use more help U Crusade chairman. Mss Arthur Mart in Wolherg. Chaplain of-l The narcotics trade is a ro tte n , •n the vision Jest every year thony Meyer of the ABC %s Mothers Club. lean Lafion meeting, recant ly. I assist VA patients playing bin Taylor, secretary. Mrs Rusaell fered the opening prayer; wtuchj lespkable business and a proh­ Hearing testk also are givei. speaker on “Lawa Concerning The next project for the Lyndhurst was again named as, «o Kere*tes. treasurer. Mrs Philip wa* followed by the pledge ol em that w ill r e m a in w ith us. to punils in \he odd grade Drinking*', boys will be to make houses for the host poet for the annual Paul, education chairmen, and Department Executive Com Allen ia nee by the Member* intensifying w ith time, unless classes, to new pupils and re , - t - — - f*fic birds county Flag Day observance on Mrs Joseph Stavucki. publicity iction is taken T h e se p u rveyo rs mittmsn Bill Guthries 23rd The Membership Committe* I medial pupils, by ^audio meyer ' C POUT -The meeting was followed by June 14th The Americanism , ha., m an, j j j j f mi«*ery w ill not Im- d e te r re d ailed tne Sweet 'Test term expires this year and Bill had--no report as there had been a party, arranged hy the Moth- committee will now swing into| >y present laws " has derided to retire Jerrv no applications received during Immediate First Aid is given ’p eers Club celebrating the 22nd action planning details Cub Pock 85 S tn n e . of Hillsdale, has Itctmj Mis John Adams ofl Fern the last l»o meetings As for ohscendy the po!irc. for illness and in ju r i anniversary of the pack j A huRe hltrh(1ay cakc wlth| e n d >rsed to succeed him \venue entertained funch- Brothei Louis E Luddfekc. ■ re asking I<>r rleai cut defu cho.,1 Fupih who h»»* had Cuh g5 h»M , well-.! ! nt ion of ju st v^ltat it cc»n.sti Preceding the meeting therel 43 candles w ill be a feature Chairman of tht Entertainment t-omfnumcfcblt di«c.te. mu»t „ ndfd mortin(t <*, F r id a y e v e T*ie M; rch 20th post meet inf Kiur Lfva r»tR^fuTst, Mrs. ute- W hat is «>hse.-ne ih our was a fifteen minute question!0f the American Legion’s 43rd C o m m itte e repoVMed t h a t th e in . doctor'. orrtif.c.'e, m „ rrankUn Sch„,, wlthj will have as guest speaker H uber t J u r g e n s a n d M r t l K e n ount> is considered r t oi and answei period for parents Anniversary at post headquar advertising ano booster ie '! *h ' - n ' m ,K ' th»" 5 <*»y* Cuhm«irt*r JoMph in tf the boys in the pack. hers Saturday March 17 In R o b ctt C K rc n n who w ill talk neth Walker of _Rutherford, turns for the Annual Pig Boas* iterature" in another Polire. vaccinatior is required charge A display of handcraft items honor of St. Patrick's Day the on the Master Plan of L y n d Mrs William PollocTc of West are coming in as well as ran an xio u s to m ove against peri Parents are notified of phy- «, made hy the boy* added to thc menu will include a corned hu rst H i has b een obtained Paterson. Mrs Sh«Vwnod M un­ llers of poi.nogiaphy. are seri .k.I defect*. .,nd ther* ta tel- ^ , ho>™ W’7 ‘ T " " v “ be expected ami that th. interest of the evening It is beef and cabbage dinner Thc ih rough the good off uses of son of Mountain View, and whole Committee is hard at ii'iv h.*mj^*rc‘d and M ill con- lo w -u p hy th e Kch.K.1 h u r s r * W e h e lo . d e n , s te p h . n K ro n e...... \ . , Hocoo Alb»ni«e. Gary Skyta planned to have such a display evening will conclude with Comrade Ralph Polito Mrs Jacob Schmeh! nf Wayne work to make it good joh i.f inue to l>e so until a clear rut j i * talk wa* ^ol': and Leroy Notan. Ther pins at every meeting. dancing until closing the Dinner l»u announce. 1 ’eflmtion of obscenity is prom lowed by a question and ^nsw er: wrrc g,vrn ,a lheir parent, 45th INTERNATIONAL that ticket' aie now available, ulgated on a state level S q u id ro r . 139, S o n s of the! : who presented them to their The Junior Legion Auxiliary and can be had by rnntactmi American legion, meet on the The Jefferson PTA will hold . M. Ninch. secretary, Celia Glad to see Brothers Bob and Mrr Anna Na/are of 3‘. 1 and other points of interest in Smith and Chat les Smith are Ddrrell Wooster Achievement awards were Regan, historian Ann Barry, M a n h a tta n Copeland axe. Lyndhurst. N J ihaplain. and Peggy Russell, recover«*d from their accidents i* serving ab«>.trd the radar It Aboard LST *""‘""'2 10 M,C1U“ 1 w‘“nl*k Martin Kemps. William Spen sergeant-at-arms. There will be Past Commander Art Fed a n d h a v e »>e«*n to s«*e u s at th e pic ket esr« rt vessel l ?S S C am p, toint installation w ith the Sons ringer will hold Post 139's club Hear Otto Raye- is jim which returned to her home Darrel J Wooster seaman Stephen Krone Joseph of the Legion on March 25th monthly ward party on March waiting for some nut weather port it Nc a port K 1 Feb I.S. t ’SN . son of Mr a n d M rs Har f>>idieski and Charles Sidle* Th e g irls continued their work 26th The group leaves at H 3J to get down to the club W«* •ilt« i a three m onth cru ise in' old C Wooster of 14S F e rn s^y on pot holders P M and are bark at 9 30 Art are waiting to hear you cai* North Eur .pe n waters ave. Lvndhurst. is serving a- Three boys each collected "Just got time for one* gan.e Du» ing, the tour of duty, the Iwkard the tank landing ship * ’ “ who’s ready** That would sound Camp rondurted patrols alone; I SS Henry County a unit of real good Otto Welcome aU<» the Greenland Ireland I’m th e P a c ific Fle«*t A m p h ib o u s to D oc E in tr*d Kingdom harrier and vis Fo rce . hradquartet(*d at San Hear that our Gnll Chau - ited port* in Scotland and Den Diego. Calif . which celebrates man. Brother Fred Hyland at m ark its 20th anniversary Feb. 20 the next meeting will have a Th** «hip j* scheduled to re E s ta b lish e d on F e b 20, 1942. ru t p ris e co m in g fro m th e ki* main it Newport until Ma ch t h r force spearheaded such- chen Well we'll l>c waiting for 1 when she wilt head for the W oi Id W ar 11 amphibious cam­ it F re d Boston Naval Shipyaid ..t Bos­ paigns as Guadalcanal. Leyt^*. Thank* a lot to Brothei Jnhrt ton. Mas* for a three-m»»nth Iwo Jima and Okinawa- Bilinsky -nd ns Orrhestra 1 rl overhaul period T in ta v. a p p ro x im a te ly 20.0*K»| the surprise pleasant evenir*. men assigned to some 70 sh?t>s la?t SaUi clay night Sure ma-V and suprvjrting units m a k e u p e v e ry o .ie t * t r c feel in g«*wt Mrs. Madiqan the force, commanded by Vice h u m o r Adm H o w a rd A Yeager The C >ngratu>ations to Brothei In Health Talk Pacific a.nphibs are capable of Bill and Eleanor Feldheu»en ti.msportinir and landing com-, who celebrated their 30th wed The Jcflerson ITA had a Pa­ bat - rea d y M arines and the»r! ding anniversary on la*t Sat rent Education meeting on equipment across the beaches of u rd a y Wednesday in the school audi­ 4 6 ox 1 to rium at 1 30 p m any trouble spot in the Pacific, the F a r East or Southeast Asia Del M onte Drink W a n t Laws To Mr» A ngela M tdigun. sch«n»l nurse, told the group about Crack Down On" Public School Health Serv Teacher's Lunch C o f f e e Ehlers I Ib can 6 5 C Ideal l-lb can 5 9 c Dope, Pornography ices ” Vor H. S. PTA She said that a ll ch ild re n ur Prompt action hv the State dergo a meaical examination Ti e High School I’TA exec­ Iegislatuie to sharpen law e n ­ >v 'he school physician. Dr utive board met on Wednesday In s ta n t C offee AT; 7 9e 6 ift 6 9 * forcement against the narcotic's Vincent Costabile and the evening at the ychool when ft trade, oharenity In literatuie. school dentist *Dr A Le v in e . nal plans were made for tl.el and pornography in general is A parent i? ir vited to be pres­ Teachers luncheon to be serv-I Hi-Ho Coffee ^49c , ;;49* heing asked by the New Jersey ent at thus e xam in atio n ed on March 22nd with Mrs I ^at/ylm en s Bonevjnlenet A record is kept of tht find­ Burton Davis as chairman Association Green Giant Corn 6 :: 89« The task of law enforcement FREE! SAVE! officers in thq narcotics flcld is White Rose Ideal Brand hampered at present by too BETTER DRIVEWAYS lenient penalties and in the case T u n a W h ite U3 c a° m si ■ Chunlt Light 4 1” 8 9 . of obscenity by the “inconclu­ 2 0 0 M—\ * 1 . 0 0 WITH CCKjPON MtOW ▼ WITH CO UPON M lO W sive and vague mterpi etations Asphalt Blacktop of what constitutes obscenity Heinz Ketchup Z:: 29c 5 ',X*1 under the law ” Legislative a< - PARKING LOTS. CURBS & CEMENT WORK O ld R ed W ill tion to remedy both defects in Proper Planning. Correct Foundation and All Materials the present statutes is being Plus Efficient and Trained Men, Result In a Perfect Drive. Hunt's Tom ato Juice asked by the PBA DINNERWARE The narcotics traffic is pros­ WE TRY TO MAKE THEM BETTER THAN THE pering and expanding, says the BEST AND DIFFERENT FROM THE REST Hunt's Tom ato Paste 9 6 9 5 ' PBA because present penalties CEMENT MIXERS FOR HIRE Lancaster Brand Oven Ready Tom are not severe enough to dis­ courage those who profit by it NOrth 7-8977 - 8842 TURKEYS 16 to 24 lbs. 2 9 . Tomato Sauce 1 0 : 9 9 = Already several bills have been introduced both in the Senate VIOLA CONTRACTING CO. Lancaster Brand Oven Ready and in the Assembly which call Cake Mixes 3 ^ * 1 R ib R o a s t 1ft ^uts Slightly Higher 6 3 < Lancaster Brand Essex Peanuts 2 tr. 49* Legs ofLamb° 49« Mazola M argarine «° ^ 3 9 c Turkeys . - 37c Hen Turkey ^ - 35‘ S a r d in e s King Oscar Bristling Chuck Lamb * 2SC Cross Rib Roast * 85c ^ 7 9 * Breast of Lamb 19c Chuck Roast 43c Italian Salad W ishbone Dressing 8 o/ bottle & 41P Lambs liver ^ 39< Chuck Steaks 49c Lamb Choos *• 59^ •* »> 69^ • - »> 89c Green Split Peas Rabbit 2 2 1 <

    FRUIT5 & VCGCT ABLIS Glenside Catsup 14 o z bottle 15< Solid Rtpa Estro Large S«*»dl^si Tomatoes 2 ”,T29C Grapefruit 3 'or 25c Hudson Tissues Facial ^ pkgs 8 5 . Tend«r Western Lorg« Juicy Sunkist Laddie Boy Chunk Horsemeat or Beef 4 « n * 8 9 c Carrots 2 b°9* 19C Lemons 6 ,w 19c D o g F o o d V e ryfin e DAIRY VALUES FROZEN FOODS Apple Sauce 1 0 si Ihchlond Butter Wid p™' ,b 63c Ravioli 2 79c Farmdale Peas 8 r « i flub Paclters Lahel Manicotti 7 9 c Cheese Spread 2 69< T o m a t o e s I O 1,™ *! 1, • "•Milt ta » o l — Pro»»lo<*» P SHo-p SIk «W Cavatelli 4 X ’ 9 9 ' Louelta Cheese 3 X 89« Evaporated M ilk " 8 UL »1 Calonno — l*olion tnemtta* G-oted Ideal Brand - 3 - n ' l Lasagna 2 89< q u a rt far Cheese — 33« M a y o n n a i s e 10c O ff Label 4 9 . BAKERY Pizza Salad Dressing^om ^ ...... 3 7 . P*Ocfe. A p pU . The 4 t h a t goes around acting like a V -8 ... T a m p a s t ! AN odvortikod prkot W*d through So* , M o- 7 to Mor PIES 2 '*••‘ 1.00 Macaroni • W * w w n w tfeo rifK l *o l*n»i* quon*a«#« N o w toW to

    U a o d to 6 * thMt people swore by V-8's end V-B s s/one. And then along c a m e T e m p e s t's F*li too S*H O r..n Stamps M i l IO o 'ST m " ______spunky 4 to steal their thunder. The hottest version* of this 4 (169 hp) puts out more horse - FREEI 1 0 0 SAM G r e e n S ta m p s m Cl >0 S4H G r„n Itatttp, SAVE 50c with thi. Cm SAVI 50c wt* t*iit ,___ w a s p v rtk s M o« ony m ltM M . pow er than alfy other production 4 in the world. More torque, too. And every version, standard «*f»i pwrcKat* OW i* d Mill D.nn«t witb purcKot* Otd IW SUN Dinner war* M«k«4in« riw id a n d C*e«roH*t Funfc A WofsoM Iwcyi^psdia ■ 4-Pc. PLACE SETTING COMH1TU sn ^ v : 110 hp on up. Is smooth and silent and effortless. About the only thing Tempest doesn't With $10 Purchase ar Mere share with tfys+ig boys is its appetite for gasoline and spare parts. Try a drive in e T e m p e s t t l* f $1.49 4 soon. h%*r?'rou might as well save while you're swinging! P o n tta c T e m p e a t L*m J O ‘ V « ' •< #«*«• MW *4 «►, Wiffc Coupon i t ^5cm 6 ! •- t«»« 1 C ...__ SLL YOUR LOCAL AiiTHOMIZCO PONTIAC DEALER FOR N £* ACTING USCD CARS. TOO Po* SK fw m & f WW. n o M e n UpW* Sat Mor W hfcftO N rdtei* («pr*t Sot , Mo

    .. DeMASSI MOTOR CAR CO., INC. I v - J ,—P. rk A Y.ilt* \ HriMiL \%riin«*s. I viutlutnd. 2H8 - CO Stuyvcsant Avenue Lyndhurs ’i't'M O tFO IR • » THK COMMERCIAL . LEADER AND SOUTH1 BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, MARCH 8. 1%2 Movies Are Greater Than Ever - - - See One This Weekefid

    Where To Go — What To Do — W hat To See In South Bergen /

    facilities for air traffic with pany for 25 years He ami At The Lincoln Theatre Now Playing ,» i the “ All New” Rivoli those in effect in the 1920* his wif«, Christine, and their jBil Gotham Turn» The Next Wednesday's topic will twin daughters, Marie <»nd Ik? Weather and Navigation - Christine, reside at 3«3 Fern ■ presented by an Air Forte Avenue in Lyndhurst. w eather team from McGuire Air Force Base The lecture will P. S. OUTPUT UP Spotlight on Your Stars !*• s u p p le m e n te d by a c u rr e n t ,. v»- \ i report on the TIROS meteorol Output of electricity by Pub logical satellite system - • from lie Service Electric and Gas the National Aetonautics and Company for the week ended NEW YOHK— It IS aXIOIDUtlt AT THE THEARE Space Administration. Wash­ March 1, 1062, was 300.228.400 amen*? the city s long-suffe mu After obtaining the details of ington. D. C. kilowatt-hours compared with roportci* that if you want the dinner, the reportorial squad The Workshop is comprised 267.091,200 kilow att-hours in the get anywhere put away thc_ headed south to "How To Sue of twelve lecture and discussion corresponding week a year ago liaditional m e* card bearing jn uu«,n#** Without F\er. sessions. It is sponsored by an increase of 33.137.200. or 12 4 it idfPtifie» tne rep<»: ter And Trying" It was that show whicr* the Bergen County Education p e r c en t. kfct A Wcm to take par- j^e Glenn party was to see Association and the U.S Air in harrying ihr Jjhns|()n wh# P,,. Force, through the New Jersey Thk Seven Seas Stamo Ex- Wing. Civil Air Patrol and the * 1 dent Kennedy and his* visit to chknge has e le c te d tw o new of It n^ppem 1 again at th“ show, had already seen Air Force Reserve ficers. R occo Cutro a s p ublicity w hojo-tc» foi Ll. C ol Jehn n einp out .ost •• The Pontiac Motor Division| rlm v iv d 11on p illa r to p'»st a h , w To Su cceed" lu k .- t . of General Motors Corporation, Uim looking young man t«>ok are among the hardest to o.i honored Louis M De M assi of i ; HI® ou tne reception st.^nd la i|) an Broadw ay Scalp*- * pel De Massi Motor Car Company, Now Thru Tuesday «t v. ity Hall just before the a y»une foitune for ticket* Hut Inc. of 295 Park Avenue Lynd-j Evenings Oaly - Sun All l)it %ev n nsti »nauts arrived Like , dozen photographer* pie »n, Walt Disney's Methoduit Church w U l b enefit military chaplains; to provide thud session this week of the astronaut.^ (rom entries ruhmilled t*y puK “P1NOCCHIO" w«M5j>trt>Juc-«d. the Jtranfei n , aIld pjl0ci1iol hiKh schools through oltermgs received Ap­ a Christian center where mil-'Beruen County Aerospace Time Schedule ■ilO-Kt un to take a how. The werp Joseph A Ma k, vice Three Linemen ril 1 when congregations oh- itary personnel can meet na Workshop - - at the Westbrook >ervf One Great Hour of Shar tivw Christians in a wholesome Junior High School, in Param- W eekdays 7 10 - 10:00 j j i 0()t w.s ms undoing The president. New Je rsey Banket 9 \A/an A lA/rrrH c Saturday and Sunday «&<■*. aler ted at la«t. AsvmaUon Jultus Bernstem M W C ' 05 ir,H atfnospheie . ... to encourage us Mr Wayne Hendershot. 1 00 - 3:50 - 7:00 - 9:50 him off the stand principal, Livingston High This is th, second ye.r Meth n,,l,ta,y personnel to become- regional deputy .distant admin- T h i • New Jersey Bel; Tele 4flhlAis a city o f n«Ks—and School; and Hoy Zimrnermar, ralusb have joined with 11 oth »cqu„nted w. h. support and i.tralor of the Federal Avia Special Early Bird Matinees ■ TP mt* . .. ,, ' . phone iiihjih.- v-fCo iiiitrini-ii linemen nave have wonwuii . . . , ., iuto ii\M assist the local, indigenous tion Agency, compared modern T .J f '"Xwhere ,f you retired Bergen County super- ntatKms (or their res eJ .-WnomihliuM «l ^nductmi; ^ w „f j30 000 ,s Saturday and Sunday l^ tT e ir a preaS pas, mtendent of sch.K.I, )f w(:mun ,nd 5even ,h„. a app^i hTOukh ^ ,h„ from Doors open 12:39 The judges are to make then . f One r.r*u»Great Hft.irHour. Rifi««.»«. r*»- ^ . ,, »” * om a bunung house in ^ ^ p|aC#d in , the Apul offering 1st showing “Pinorchio" 1:09 FtJWCTION 1 relections by March 30 f" Je rs e y 2nd H it bstionauts on Thursday * on ' ,cortimoiv fund but are expend- »n fiscal yeaye a r 1961-62. the FOXTROT * WALTZ Only mtmbers of this year . jcoftimoiv fund but are expend "SECRET OF e\ ciiirig w e re d in n e r guest.-. »f graduating - senior class were T"** New Jersey B e ll ed b y the denomination re- Methodist Committee for Over JITTERBUG plove citations have been teiviritf them Relief is concentrating el- ^ MONTE CRI8TO" , , • V" Methodist.' full partlCTpatmn *#♦ *« IbJtowm* «.«« .1 CHA-CHA - MAMBO S ta r ts W ed., M a rc h 14 — ^ Music Hall ii., .subject. The Value of Ku|, of Id Mina Dr. Jersey C.t»v ^ 0rwt H|)U, ^ vld„ n«.l:Ko,ea where ass.stanre TANGO - MERENGUE (O n e W eek ) Savmo of Lyndhnrsi( Service Bunk., J M.r report*r» The three care The first awaid winner wib top lloors of the four-story t«»n- tional ministry to servicemen v‘n*e Uttar Pradesh; Africa, set now! Free China and Tuily hid thfir prers eards and he presented with a $200 bank ement After pulling a near- overseas. .where tlu; Congo Polytechnic Stainless Steel to all I ju Iv made, ihvir way to the 44tl\ account at ’ht Association's by lire alarm, they entered . , - . r 'Institute, which trains African P atrons Mon. & Tues. Eves. C ld b ^ lf e o t the dinner dinner - meeting next month the building to alert its occu- ' i . . . y * . teache s, nurses, doctors and DP IV I ' I N t Ht AT I* RIVIERA <6Titnc-Liie. like other publi- Second award will l>e a $10 B.,nts sade Scholarship projram has lechnk:taiw is -apported; and cations, is probably less recep accouat and third a $50 ac On the second floor, they en- P'?.'’ Refugee Resettlement, now and fully screened students from jor the. iorseeable future MC t^ l ^^'eportecf thr.n America.^ count The faculty advisor of countered a panic-stricken wo Roller Skating ... *• . ■ „ . g j * u overseas and minority groups Listings wsnted! If you wsat to sail, let as multiple orgaui/ations which hav inslaw a.d winner will re man who refused to oper.her m ,ht. Uni(ed jj,,, (u r , h cr . ------no connection with the pi O p en list your home. Expose your property to the grestest num ceive a $50 US Savings Bond. door. Th< linemen forced it - education When his P I DELTA presents 7:30pm •Let a repeitet try to get some and the advirors of the next open and helped the 64-yea*--.. . . , . r F rid a y , ber of buyers. A quick sale is the inevitable result. t / . _____ . : , . ,, . . , training is completed, each Cru- S u n d a y t o |morm*'-i out of the auicust two winners will each receive old woman and her seven s#tje ^hdlar returns to his N ight publisher office and he is turn $25 U S S avin g s Bond ndchildren through the S a tu rd a y homeland to be a missionary lo DANCES I 11 pm ^n fasU r than if his naim s m o k » the — at — , K S"r,a *>'• own people. 422 3Sth St. Matinee 2 -5 p.m. FOR SALE athrushshev *Vhen one of the children ran . UMION C IT Y So the repo,tonal party Oratorio Society hysterically hack into the Offerings tn is year will al- b*t. Hurtion Blvd.l SATURDAY, SVNDAY VFW It will pay you to check the following listings One of house. one of the telenhone so P»'«vide $25,000 each toward and Btrgcrilin* Av I Beginners Rink gv< (*ay to thc 44th fioor in Planning Moiart them could very well be your future home, each has many 'The EPICS ORCHESTRA Special RATES to Groups tHgr and stealth Onoe there. employes pursued her and car- purchase of a Latin Ame.'- m erits. DANCING _ ■ to 12 10 701 WASHINGTON AVE JrJhnWonTnWnt took off ht* emit, t > A Mdtart program w*i!l he ried her hack tc the st eet ,cftn “» Corpus Christi, Adm 99c Ample. Parkin (irf.h4s^>«st lo look like a guest presen’ed as the last conceit The linemen helped firemen Tom apartm ent on the first floor and 2' = room rnbm. Society ot New Jersey on May been evacuated from the flarr ^25.000 toward rebuilding, apartment on the second floor One car garage Offered st *A-» ni!gnt l»e expected, he 13th. A full orchestra and inc building Their efforts won Harris Memorial Church ir $22,900 ;,W * JRiven a w arm re^-eptioiii soloists will join the chorus for the commendation ot William Honolulu. shown every c'ourtesyN(,. | M oitrt’s Vesperae Solemnisa De F Peiers. director of the Jer- Ministry ai \ It developed tha,J'*ls will he held w eekly at St the telephone company empolv- Churches. According to the that you are desirous of selling, please contact uS -H* ffc in to see about' the ^f-j Luke’s Epifcopal Church. South es undoubtedly saved ihe Rev G*orSe H. Huber. Meth- NEW TWO FAMILY HOUSE, with 3 bedrooms on each -f%|. aa. John WingerterJ o h n ; Fullerton Avenue. Montclair a' young children from a teriiblei i^ tli* husband of the former 8 P M Active membership death" Compact Car Buyers... floor Modern to the last detail. Ask us about this one Breslin. Grayre vasl open to ait who would en- Jost has been employed hy A u t o m a t i c 'iiink >t#Vd etc.. t*» go| j°y iinging with thc group New Jersey Bell tor six years, O ils THREE FAMILY HOUSE in good residential section 7.500 sq ft lot. Two car garage Automatic oil heat. First tu dinner ana a performance joy singing with the group McGovern for four and Murphy ith John Audition* will be held March for five D e l i v e r y floor has two bedrooms Rented at $100 a month. Second tp g y'n 'V "! *W|1 floor has a 3 room apartment rented at $75 a month Third ^ ts e G ta y c e arand Guy. upon, We’ll keep your fuel tank filled, floor has a three room apartment rented at $60 a month lecognitiorv fell into ach oth-11 figured on tht "Degree Day” system Total rent - $235 per month Terrific deal at $21,900 “ s’s artiiy the* troubles of the! You’ll have no more worries. fj Apo^tcr ; stefv over Social note the reason Grayce BUY the BEST and SAVE TWO FAMILY - 4 room apartment on ftrst floor 3 2liad j«nn a^i up fiom Spun j room apartment on the second floor Two car garage Oil f*>r w theatre party wa i T o n T o n 2-1 Ur. Oil Burner Service heating system Completely insulated New roof, new siding Priced for s quick sale. Convenient to everything. Husband John' s birthday Nut or Stove $22.00 Buckwheat $17.50 Beside* selling Oil — we also Service Oil Burnera Here, iiso. we believe in doing the job right. We render along with Marly au mil­ SEE this lovely two fsmily house Four rooms and bath 'J r lion othar rarwful drivava aenrice around the clock (Sundays and holidays includ­ Pea Coal $19.00 Stoker Rice $16.50 wbo mak« Scat* Pans tha on the first floor, consisting of. two bedrooms, gorgeous wocld'a largaat car maurar. e d ) tile kitchen and tile bath Two beautiful rooms on the Income Tax Our trucks arriva st vour home equipped to service second floor already framed out Other apartment is four GUARANTEED SATISFACTION hundreds of m skes and models of oil burnera. rooms rented at $40 a mo**. Th***,* terrific deal for A 8Saeoad,moi you aava again Prepared i whan wb~ you buy your com­ someone. Convenient!^ locatad. Ask about it today. mm p a c t through tha Qtatn G Fans Bank Plan tor auto MORRIS DEMEL FOR RENT - Four room apvtment, ultra-modern. *■ financing—anjay lowae Complete Service Contract* Private heat. Availsble Februsry 1st f J3M L \ , | *11 E st. 1913 M These contrscts cover Repairs and Replacement* as "^K t^as Annual Cleaning . . . all at one low. low price F in a lly , Btata Farm ghraa Three room apartment. Heat and hot water supplied. • ' W E 9-3734 615 ESSEX ST. HU 3-2132 HARRISON 3 an axtra 10% aaving on $75.00 Available now. 1 tha oM t oi inauranoa foe If you’va Brand new one-room apartment. Private bath. Avail- { a n W0 baiara you buy. able now, $65 * Dr. Howard S. He have all the kmmn brands of Isiqiutrs, U ines GENE SIEDLECKI KELLER Come in and look over our picture gallery ol Ovar qna. W a tte r and beers. U e sen e hot lunches. Ladies Invited. L j r n d h a n t hundred choice homes in the South Bergen Area. • W t t a t a r »-tM» ENGINEERING CO. r Chiropractor Double Barrel's Tavern LARRY OBENHUBER Fuel Oil — Oil Burner* — Heating SAVINO AGENCY I m . Rutherford 251 Rids* Road, Lyndhunt, N .J.. i V *» t«*rny Are. B r t Soap and *U kind, ot CoM Cuts. Sudw lrhea Lyndhurst, Naw Jersey WBkatar I tltt ' - * r r Dy, N. J. plaa an ktafe of Bcvcraf««. Caffcc and Cake. ' GEneva 84121 JOB DOBROWOL8KI, Prop, firms? Calls Made w a m m m m p r z r i WEbster, 9-0060 WEbater 9-9881 aaaarnr 1 1 k Distributor*- —General Motors f)rln> Heat Inha Ravine • Dick Tsranttna W Y. 8-2454 ’■ 415 I.EWASnoWSKI STREET, l.YNDRl'RST, N. J.

    :...... :r a r ; T ...... * . - r


    Bill Feldhusens Are Honored Miss Petrillo to n . Miss Carole Marie Muskin Is Marriage Vows Are Exchanged Mrs. Tarin attended Fair- On Their 30+h Anniversary Married To Dopald W. Jacobson Makes PSC List leigh Dickinson University. Her By Miss Janowski, Wayne Tarin husband is a graduate of R u t ­ Mlw Carole Marie ^ u s k in , gers University and attends the M arriage vows were exchang-*wlth appllqucr of A im con lace, School •# . H C daughter of Mr and Mrs Wat-j ed on Saturday by Miss Bar re-embroidered with seedpearls ‘M 5 ter Muskin of 20 Pea Mod y Ave* lumhia University. b n ra M a ry Janowski daughtei Her fingertip v e il e d g e d w ith i s : I | nuc. became the bride of Don­ of Mr. and Mrs Walter Ja'>-. two inch Alencon lace fell from I ald W Jacobson, nephew of owskt ol 367 Maple Avenue, a crown of orange blossoms M r and Mrs. Armand Toron | Mr and Mis Donald G .M u l- Lyndhurst. and D Wayne Ta- She carried w h ite o rc h id s and o l Tontine Avenue entertained ihern of 103 Overlook T e rra ce . rin. son of Mi and Mrs. Adam stephanotis at a family dinner on Thursday ! Bloomfield, on Saturday Tarir ol Brook Hill Place. Lit-1 .. . , _ nt N a n in a ’s in Belleville, in ! The ceremony was perform­ tie Falls matron of honor wore celebration of the birthday of ed at a Nuptial Mass ul 10 a.m. Tht* ceremony was perform-l “ •*v« ,der »'•* ow nm rtre„ their tw'in daughters. Mrs. Ro­ i at Sacred Heert R C Church ed at •♦:.(» pm. at St Mi-1w,th -r"un,J n,'ckl,rlc bert Leyh and Mrs Joseph j A reception w as h e ld at the sleeves and accordion pleated ch ae l’s R C C h u rch A recep ­ Letcher Others p r e s e n t w e re I Royal Hawaiian Palms skirt, with satin trimming She’ tion followed at the Coronet in Mr. Letcher, of Lyndhurst and ! Miss Maureen Peterson of | wore put pie accessories and Irvin g to n Mr and Mrs Armand Torof^ j Rutherford wa.*. maid of honor arried orchids Mrs John Amhrosio, was hei Jr . of Ruthe-rford j The Misses Ruth Jacobson. su- cousin's matron of honoi Tne* The flower girl wore a pale (ter of the gloom, of Bloomfield. [•bride's sister Marcia, was flow- f,rcbtu ‘ ilk organza dress with I Donna Walsh of Clifton ami I er gii I satin collar She wore a purple . Elizabeth Kozumphk ol Ruth- Julius Sliapuo served as headdress a n d carrie d a basket I erford. were bridesmaids. I best man ’r,f orchid and purple flowers William Otter be in ot Afest I Th- bride wore a gown of; 1 ,u' hide's mothei wnr,' a Caldwell served a? best man. I peau de note with round neck- ‘heuth of silk organ/a over sat- Ushets were Vincent Carbons ______line long sleeves pointed at tlwj m w,*h a bouffant turoc and and George Schoettlm of Miss Marianne Petrillo/ rin„oH.«r t *i ^ w A wru,t :,nd 11 scalloped lace- matching accessories Ihe Bloomfield and John McLirath j aunt wore melon chiffon, gold laughter ol Mr and Mia. An over skirt fimi,hed in aI groom's mother wore turquoise of Caldwell * )l>e»aded. w ith matching acce* thony Pe.rilit 40.) Tbomas cathedrnj ,ram al, tnmmed with matching accessories They The bndc wore ar gown »• f **»* M>s Avenue, is «in the* Deans List ------j wore orchid corsages. p e a u d e soie a n d T-ienson la v.1 The couple are spending the at Paterson State* College fori Thc couple are spending fashioned with a lace bo 1 tee, honeymoon at Elbow Beat h the hall term Marianne, grad-i their honeyn.oon in San Juan uate of Holy Famjly High with long sleeves and a l a r f v Bermuda, milking thll t r i p Puerto Rteo and on Thomm bow in the back H er hell-shar plane T h e y wlM live at .V* Sch(M»l in Union C ity , is a jur. Island Th« y w ill live in Cli - ed s k ir t was finished in a cath- Freeman Street. Lynihur? t i >r at the college and a Speech itchen e d ral tra in Her b o u ffa n t veil*Both are graduates of F a a rM g h Theiapy n.ajoi K •wise fell from a cro w n of seedpeai K D ickinso n University. Mr. Ja and aurora crystals She ca: ! cob.wn. so n of th e late M r. a n d by LYDIA PlttlNS Saturday evening w as the O r d e r o! the A m a ra n th a rd nen> of North Arlington Miss Joanne C Feldhusen am1 fat,n- beaded. with matching ac' M iss Y e se n ko is w-ith t the* Stir in I Tbtp cream per eqq. and Shampoo F ir e Department as Smoky ., o n e grandchild. William H i and a corsage of cym-, i W e ste rn Electric Company in Vi t*p. (or more) Lea 4 P en lcs Worcestershire sauce p#r eq«j is manager ol Fred Stock. Inc .I Wild. bidium orchids The groom s I K e a rn y . Mi Lapadula is witii Creme Rinse Newark He has been with the Then two daughters and th e Lapadulu and Viliam Heyvs Scramble as usual. comp inv foi the p ast 28 years son-in-law James H Wild; I Djes Trucking Cor|H»i:dion Biool. Bic.led Mushrooms Set He is a p ast president of th ewere hod and hostesses for th e i * o • _i i n • ly n . N Y Pee! and remove the stalks fiom Masonic Club of Lyndhurst nnd I evening Other guests were A t Brid al Show er large mushroom*, and mai.aatc '.hem Tiieri!;»y, W nine i],t\ ant] l litir-djv O nly the Fez" and is a men Itfi o* Mi and Mis George C lirar.d and M J epl. tor about one hour ia olive oil. aalt N o rth A rlin g to n Iv« un hot battervd toa«t 271, F 4 A M and Salaam Tem-lof Noit* Arlington. Mrs How- nue Wi*s I’1'**** of honor at a Ann. of Kiil^.sland OR Hais« mushroom cape I le, A.AO N M S. Newark ard Cassidy and Mr and Mrs I tul P" 'v br»dal shower given cn tertallied on Tuesday Mis Feldhusen the former Edward Bern of Deiiville; Saturday evening, given at the ly. dry them. Butter them. unpe«l»d. Touche D'or i M i O o g u n ' b io M ias E le a n o i C L u d w ig , is a Mr and M rs Lawrence P W ild ^ome Mt ■ Joseph Waskie- und tr.: th« hollow ■id* with a chunk John Puri « ll of w ic r. ,»f N orth A rlin g to n >4 butler, toil and pepper Place rnetnUr of Fiatermty Chapter! of Lyndhurst. Miss Linda L i ielcbiation oC Ins under the broiler untU tender vabout No. 129. Order of the Eastern! Hanf of Nutley. and William H Hostesses were Mmes Rob­ 6 minutes'. Beauty Salon O tlie r gucvsts w e re i Star. Adw.uram Court. No 27'Brown ■>! Rutherford ert Messing James Meek and Mrs. Clark and children. _ i Edw-ard Stelmack. Scrambled eggs may he cooked A wishing well was the cen Joseph. Mary and Colecn. Mrs.' in the top of a double boiler. Melt 866 Kearny Ave*. - Corner of Belleville Pike Hermann Marks Miss Mesinoft I ter of the decorative scheme in Arthur Brown. Jam.'s Brown, a generous dab of butter in the pink, aqua and white and M;- L-iU'C Brown of pan. pour in the beaten r*ggs. and Ask for Mr. P*-ter and Mr. Robert 5 t h Anniversary cook slowly over gently simmer­ Is Renominated Guests included Miss FJsie Lyndhui*. and Miss Vivian Kemen.'ky of Plainfield. ing w ater. W Ym an 1-9811 Herl>ert C Hermann, assist­ Nominees for offices for thc ^r‘,K**or Nutley. the Mi«ses ant manager and assistant sec comm* year in Roosevelt PTA Field and f’hylhr, Was- Miss Jui ith Giaqmnto. d a u c retary >f South Berger. Sav- have oe*en announce*d Mrs Ja- kiewicz and Mmes Gerhardt T ter of Mr r nd M r'. S a m i ings and Loan Association will cob M -suu^f has l>een nomin- Ries. Melvin Field. Clarencr Giaqmnto of ?0! Park Avenu celebratc his fifth nnniversa»y aten* to succeed herself as pres Smith. Sidney Walker. Albert ,s on the Dean s Li't at Pali with the injtitution on Monday ident Hunter, and Joseph Bottieri <>. son State Col'eeo u here she Lyndhurst and Mrs E Wa',! a sophomore .nil a Mathem A graduate of Rutherford O th e r nominees are Mrs Emeiy, of I’arsippany tKs major Jud'th i> a tiadi. H ig h School. Hermann aiu*nd- Prank Voli. first president, Others who irnl irifta. thou«h i o/ J.viMlhursl liiffh tkiio >-t ed Rutgets Univemitv a n d M rs. John Intindola. seennd1 . , . Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, and ^ce president: Mrs Ben Link ^n ,P to attend. ineMude*d M i ipient of I. It PTA i holurship at her I radu- the American Savings and l«a«lrer Mrs F r a n k S te fa r * ' or>-

    ‘TenX'rUor "L‘'B^rdnlof f M' CMton Mrs cYarence I>"Sd ,"l tiover no. s o< Northern Jers^ ' 4,1,1 <^y. cor respond, n,; Cranford: and Mmes Kodg* i Chapter. II ot the latter school -ecu iaiy. and Mrs Marie Car w> Hawn, r red Gundersen ar.d roll historian i William Steeger of Lyndhursl He. maun, who lives m W.»od- The nominating committee M,ss R,es Wl11 become the Rid&e with his wife and iw o Mmei Andrew, .br'l‘*‘ of, R,ch#rd Me>,rs < daughters, is a meml>er of the are L in d e n at ua v«*„iwn c*eremony to bem- N»w .lersey Society of Savin*r Paul Kovacjofsky and Frank ^rform ^d on AprtVT«h at the and Loan Controllers ______Volt Methodist C h u rc h . Lyndhurst


    Wc M«wfcict»re 3 Track - Tilt for Ovri WomUws 9 Aluminum Storm SCREEN - ROOMS Windows & Screens JALOUSIE PORCH ENCLOSURES K ? * /e ^ V ' s . VESTIBULES Confidence is something you can tell in a little boy’s eyes, see in a mother’s expression, find in a father’s attitude. Confidence is also Member uf State of New Jersey Dept, of Ranking and Insurance, License No. 5049 L E T Y O U R F I N G E R S the something you can count on at National Community — like insured DO THE WALKING Member Chamber of Commerce savings, mfe deposit boxes, expert loan guidance, and the carefully man­ You’ll find som eone for every sort of job listed in the Yellow aged matters that our experienced Trunt Department can provide to g u a r d Pages Like tree trimming Window washing Well dig u s gmg. Chimney sweeping the future security of your family. Whatever your need, bring it to Hundreds more Just read ia . . w ith complete confidence. the edt, learn the tacts, p u t your finger on tlie answer DANALUME INC. — m the.handy Yettew Page* NATIONAL COMMUNITY BANK 3MHMbhnfla • Im O mMSU • WT VJ»Sl Mrmh.t > 0*w.U Ikw,.


    I.VMHII KST wgprds, our doctoi L Black, ti'pi METHODIST CHI'RCH of/iceift ard membora of the The Rev. kM lier H. Hawn •S n c te * II(*ori {Upary Socictx. M O M JSctos'S ? M in iste r I I ta lia n A m erican W o m e n V 307 Tontine Avenue A s s n . Com panion F o r e ste r* c l SACIirn Hr ART R C. F r i* .v . » G e n e v a X (•!>_■» A m e ric a ' an d to th e s ta f f of ('lit K< II « ■<" I’M - Ft'llow -hip C S u n !<*y. M arch 11 , Sven Hanson, the N a z a n M em orial H o rre .l Ridge Rd A New Jersev Ave. me*e!in/? a l the home of M< 9 43 a.m C h u rc h School w ith Msitr Bernard Moore. Pastor and Mrs Arthm Mayes. 55 fo r t h e ir kin d and sympathetic I cJas*c< f"i all ages. including Here 14 Years M asses 6:30, 7 3#. 9:09. 1J:0« aohn Aldan PliVe. Clifton. N J service*.*- adults. 11 0J am l\ihfic wo. llr f g , in rhurrh Saturday. March 1» S v e n A Hanlon. 2J3 Cou * Bceavrd Husband 12:00 hp with rormon h> the mir- la school. 10 0 ) A M Y o u th C h n r IK Avenue, died on Tuesday at th and Pauehte.s i tv» on F a ith A So u cc <>• Clara Maa.-* Hospital in Belle* | ------__ MOCWT. CARMEL fllAm , M .rel u J o j ' 7 00 p.m Youth Fellow ville. after a long illness. * * CARD <>!• THANKS thifij meet. Copeland Avenue, Lyndhurst h 0‘) P M H0..1 of T . He w*.s 57. wa« horn in Den- Deeming i impossible to Sunday Masses 8 00. 9:00. 10:30 M .i la . M a ith ll? ,e*et I mark, cfttne to the United Stales »*>ank a ll in person w e la k e 3 j i.. -Youth Choir r* T u t 1 M atch 13 *0 ye ar- ago, living first, m) »h*s me< n el t x pressing ou FIRST CHI'RCH OF CHRIST nears il .00 pm.-Cm It 7 ->i 4 00 P M Conm um Je rs e y C ity an ti fo r th e pa.*', s in c e r e anei In ..itfelt thunks t> SCIENTIST the A’SCS meet.* with Mis J u ­ Clfls 14 years- had been a resident1 ■>ur relative friends, and f. Pirrrepont A l.inndn Avcs. st ph Jkittieri. 31J Livingston nf Lyndhurst. coming Lomj neithbora m i th eir comforting! 8 n> p M R u th N u ho Mi Rutherford N J Avenue- Je rse y C ity . ' word.-, and acts, the b e a u tifu l M onary Sc.< *"y n ifi l'tm: #r»nch of **»• C *"rt* T*>» T u e id a y . Ma ri h 13 He was a cable splicer fo. floral tribute- and the many firm C*ur«* o» Chr.»t Sci«nt »t. of We*dnesday M i n h 14 ••tion. Man pm Teachers and Offi v»... u«n «■»-»—>-___ «niriiual b*-u uets offered ut 8 00 P M - Prayer Mec!inc ‘‘‘ / t h e N ew J r r tc y Bell Tnlephoru- *pi'ilual Sunday l«r«iCM at 11:00 AM i e rr if tin Church School Company, by w’hom he had fu n e ra l ol o u r beloved bus-, 11 00 ‘A M tuntf iy k>.n .. Thursday. M«.nh l5. W*cJn»»«*(»)r Iv in ng M in n g •» nett ai tht church F ilm t*een m p lo y e d for the post :ti< ’*a«d and father Thomas G,j • IS oMocK at '* 1100 A M W o m e n s ,M >tiip "MaKing Ihe Mold o f the years, working out o l th e Je i W alsh CHnatian •**•»(• h t-’ ng *r« givrrt Mona:v Socict> ineetuir Himn and As the Twig 1 M«atf>nw Aecm •» ft S**ttc" «nu»r* sey C»ty Garage Special t tank the clvruy Mnn#l» Ihroujh Frl4»y *1 Heiu". w ill Ik ‘■how n M r H anson w as a member o ! •**- Mic» •* 1 s K C Church. 4 Rl lo J »"< on S/.d jy »VI ST. THtiMAS* .V»*tln -m! M atch 14 n-nq from /jJO to 9 30 o'clock Clc* Highland Lodge. No Kaily Morning und Kveilag lovtshu will meet for and in World War II he was sists of Ser-e.inl John Annuiuiato of Newark, Sp 5 Fran*'is of North ri.tinlirld, Sp I ti foUnv.'ed )jy a 100 “Know ye th a t the- l^ird Praver at H00 AM. and 7;30 up|Mi with Ihe inactive Coast Guard Westminster Way nr Miller of Llviaeatea and. in driver's comoinpartmentJfcp partm ent^!) 4 iieurgeG M»dir id I Kingston. he i*> Go Thursday - J r I 'm on l a nt* n ‘se rv ice u t tl»e will seive the March 211 L Burk Funeral Home .‘>2 Hidge and 1 daughter, Mrs Harry (Chris ihcep of b.s iKisture.' ( h a ir, ti la p.m . S r. C h o ir, S « t in i n . t « i Presbyterian cnten supiK’i nd Circles 3 and I Mrs. Summers | Ibftid, wlici. the Rev Edward tina) Spies of Vernon, N J Congratulations to Warren 4 the April 4 supper Geoi .e. pastor of the Heed Onr* of the citatio n s to *hw r oo p.m . (Continued from P a g e 1» two sisters. Mis. A g n e s L a r H e rita g e , who has aided the World Day of Prayer Service iMemoual lJmted Piesbyterian read fiori ‘Science and H ealtiijl.PJF. - Fverj Sunday at 7 p m A w'-lcume aw iits you at lh e past Councilor of the Daughters *en of Kearny, and Miss Mary pastor the past several w e e k s in »t Grace Episcopal Church. I C h u n h. ill eoncTuct a lum r.d w ith K ey to th e Scripture*'' by (Jr. Y.P.F, * F.very Saturday at church on tht corner o f T o n ­ Hanson of Copenhagen. Den- greeting the t -ngregotion. o n h is | if Liberty in Jersey City. Hutherford. at 2 pm Friday ..t 2 pm tomorrow Mary Hiker Eddy State-: 7:00 p.m . tine ..rid Stuyveaant Avenues. S h e was currently president m a rk , and two grandchildren. :K>th birthd‘i\ on March 5 ’will be attended by many of Interim i.t will lx* in .W5): M ortals must uravi-|_. , .. Masonic services w e re h e ld On Su*d..v thr Evangelism if the Golden A^e Club of ta te God'Aard. their affectiorsj 7'^ . r. T H E IMTARIAN CHI R( II our church women la-. .11 M i n o ila l p,*ik. i 00 A.M. - Holy CommuMMii »n Frid; y at 8 p in. ut the|and Monilx. .up Coni nis*ion of | Lyluihur.’il a n d a m em lw r o l ine and aims Kro* spiritual.—they OF RlTHEKIORP Friday. March 9 John L Burk Funeral H o m e, the Session w ill ah-Uicate a com « (Womans Club of Lyndhuist m u it near the broader inter •% Free and Modern Faith” World I>ay of P ra y e i »2 Hidge Hoad, where the Kev nittee to > i it that afternoon K O S Q T IQ IIS serving as their Birthday Bank pretations of being, and Kain ■0 home Ave^ opp. Ames Ave S a tu rd a y , M arch 10 Rol»ert Kirk of Blaiistow;i he multipa dwelling in down h airm an . jiome p ro p e r senre of the m fi Rutherford, N. J. 7.00 P.M Holy Penanc* 6 Methodist Church c o n d u c te d or a relign us censu S lie It axes h e r husband n ite .— in order that *in and Rev. Ilein* Rettig, .Minister Have Meeting Absolution. funeral service at 10 30 a m on Th • Youth Fellowship is meet ■ Chai leU B Summers; three suns, v * r m o rta lity m ay l»e p u t f»ff " i Sunday. M uch 11 LATTER PAY SAINTS Satu day Interment w a s in tht ng this weekend to plan a re- The Rostry Society f Sj Harold of North Caldwell. Don- 7 30 A M Holy Communion OF JESUS MIREST Waiwick Cemetery. Warwick le a t w ith students at Moravian1 ered Hei.rt H C Church met uld of Kan wood, and Kenr.Mh RKU» MEMORIAL 9 00 A M H oly Com m union A . F. Starks, Pastor N Y ■ n Thursday evening with Mis of Lyndhurst. two sister*. Mis V’N IT E P P R E S B Y T E R IA N 'ollege in Bethlehem. Pa . for - Family Ser vie C bu 'ervices Every Sunday at the Frederick Blum, president, in Christian (Laura) Outer4 of C H I ’R C H oine time m the near future. School Adonirajn Masonic Temple •harge The- JU v .John A Mui - Morn. town, and Mis Fi.ui. i plum bing <5r heating Stuyveaant near Valley Hrook O tto K. Kahlstrom M rs A n t-ii Hen/.. M rs A rth u r 321 Second Ave.. I.yndhurst phy offered the opening prav- (June) Wheeler <»f Lake M-. A v e n u e 11 00 A M I ’l .r%i Vessell and Mr. and Mrs John C h u rc h S ch o o l, 10 a.m . er in the absence of the Ht hawk, and three grand,-hil.lien I yiiilliiir.-l. N. J. P.ev. Edward I. (ieorge and Sernan Otto K Kahlstrom. 222 ,’ameron cha| . roned an excui - P re a c h in g S e r v b e , 11 a.m . Hex M.s;;r Beri ard F Moore.' Hitualrdic services will be Phones: Chun h - GE 8 7b87 Tuesday March 13 Avenue, ditd on Monday nighl ion last Sunday of the Junior w i ; *>-71 1 :» who is vacationing in Florida iheld loeiav at 3 pm at the John P a rs o n ..;* - <;»; 8-1451 10 00 A M - H oly Coi KI TIIFRI okli BAPTIST at the Tu-County Hospital in ligh fello\* hip Thv? Rev Mui phy also gave i • Sunday.-March 11 10.3') A M Study Newark, after being a paticn Lenten Com numcants Class C H I R C H a taHC on L e n t" sayin g thatj 9:41 A M - Bible School cl;**-- Wednesday. March 14 Kn fJ IV. Passaic Ave.. Rutherford there for reveral days elves. a tune to thank G .d INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE CORP. 11 00 A M M orning W- . 10 00 A M. - H oly Com m 19 Woodward Ave P la n s Kulhrrford )u (h[, rn „ ^ sutCi m 188„ I for all his benefits and a time * V sh ip Service Topic "Until the Thui'sd^y, March la Phone: GEneva 8 ti793 cntcn i on.munity Church to grow spiritually B re a k of D ay T e x t G e n e ­ 7:00 A M I It • ly Com n llion living first in The Bronx. N iervice to hc h -Id in Wtslmin- Mrs Peter De Luise spok­ sis 12 24 4 00 P Ni C h ild en': S t . L Y N P H V R S T Y . and fo r 'h e past 45 y e a :a ter on S unlay. M arch 18. at industrial \yas\e Removal en * Day of Recollectie»n. 7.00 P.M *- Young People* \ ice HEBREW (ENTER was j resident of Lyndhurst. i p m Su- -ceding Su nd ay eve Women uett asked to volun Group - Alfred W Gllmc^e. 8 00 P.M. Evening Piayei Rabbi Abraham II. Album He* re turned in 1939 at the lirtgs wjll ne held in the other teer to serve the Holv Nar..e lea d e r Litany cod Sei mon The !<• 333 Valley Brook Avenue age b l 74. a fte r p riv a te 1 hutches ,luring the Lenten Communion Breakfast on 218 WASHINGTON AVENUE Thursday. March 8 Al>jert Fros’t. Curate of Tn P h o n e* : secretary to tht principal o' eason M arch 11th 8 00 P.M. - Ctvutf Study: GEneva 8-9.182 Franklin Preparatory School n i Mi unccd lor liw NUTLEY, N. J. Home- Wfr.bster S-S531 n o fh ? Mrtrtfllnr. showed ta il- puris|, Car(i party u , |,e |10i,| He leaves a daughter, Mi- j if ii I color ST MICHAEL’S R. C Ellen M Kahlstrom. wit hi , <*n Mav 10th. The next Rosarv a here they spent the summer SINCERITY DIGNITY REVERENCE C III Rt II whom ne lived His wile Mrs ' Society meeting will Ih* held • NOrth 7-8080 ast visiting relative* of M.„.ch 29lh Rev. Ladislaus"J. IVdc/cwski Charlette Boetcher Kahlstrom. Mis. Mey'er Many t)cauliful and P a s to r died in 10J2. Hostesses for the social hour KcmJrrcd f*t A Homelike Alniot>|»herr »ld ch udhes with huge spires. •tidge Road and Page Avenue Tho Rev. George F Mulle which tallowed the mcetuv, ;m d carped outer doors, und w#rf, .Mmes. William Bradv. Masses are at 7. 8, 9, 10 and parlor o' St Matthew's Luth , " " .-.'“ l wen ...... 11:30 a.m . eran Chi reh v ,11 conduct a ,,,1 ''^ - ..I clocks «c. ,ho« n Lm- Michael Carpwo, Nicholas l'e WALDO J. IPPOLITO ner i.l :.t I pm today <*« »l»» «*htbiUd a huge collec- Con.illo a..«l Salvatore Bufis i Cold Beer Wine & Liquors ST MA1THE1VS Thursday, at the Sleeve,■ Fu ton ol d^ls m native costumes. EVANGELICAL LITHERAN neral Home. 253 Stuyvesant and o1 »# “ “ *• The Woman s M r M rs Jo hn V. Bogan C H U R C H Ave Interment w ill be in th e AaaOciation sponsored this pro- of Fein Avenue have had as orner Valley Brook Ave., and FUNERAL HOME L u th e r; r Cemetery at Middle! 'ram s,t whkh about 40 w o 'nen th e ir gut* : for the weekend Free Delivery Travers Place, Lyndhurst V,illatf'». Long Island. w e r e p re s e n t. C irc le 3 A?i v eil a s their son. John F Bo gan , J r 425 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. J. Rev. Ge-irge Muller, Pastor ’ ; >he hostess Circle. Circles 1 a n d of Phoenix. Anz. !95 Travers Place, Lyndhurst Complete Catering Service GEneva 8-4664 M Ebster 9-2114 CARP OF TIIANKS S e rin o — IV e m m B it im possi Parking Facilities On Premises WESTMINSTER de to thank all in person we1 WEDDINGS — BANQUETS PRESRYTER1AN C III RCH wish fo take this means of ex ECONOMICAL WAY TO THE CENTER AIR CONDITIONED YEAR ROCND Rrv. R. J. Engelke pressing our most sincere a n d i PARTIES — ETC. l l Ridge Road Lyndhurst heartfelt thanks to all our rei* Phone W Ebster 9-7920 atives. fri<*ndr. and ncighlxjis' ® \ -unday. March 11 for their consoling words, beau-i H O M E M A D E Sunday Schoed for all ages at tiful tributes, and many spiri- Burk Funeral Home l !t0 a m Serm o n at 11. N u rse ry tual bouquets at the fu n e ra l o il t C ole Slaw Baked Beans upcrviad hy Cirele 5. Youth our Itelovrd wife and mothenJ Directors ::roup a* I and 7 pm \ Nancv Seiino. Potato Salad All nre cordially invited fo' We especially wish to fhanl Clam Chowder John L. Burk Paul Konaoki ind a cl.ur h home at West- th^\clerpy of Sacred Heart It ! nnnstei C Cnurch te>r their comforting! S2 I?ul^e Kouel, l.vm lluir't W I l»>te t ‘1(1100 C RITZ CRACKERS ( I a»r. 111 \ v e . ) O V E R ;;0 Y E A R S OK S A T IS F IE D 4'1’S T O M I.R S De CAMP BUS LINES Av<1.. J* r*c\ I ilv - O lalfiaM 9-l.*iT8 /T SUNDAY Burk Service - Since 1896 I t s u s d a w s 8 A. M. to 1 P. M.

    y .c / r t hasf thr joyful .round a & e u V ; Jesus saits! Jesus w es! . j - ^ Spread lhe tidings all around' Perm it us to GARDEN Jesu.r .fairs' Jesus sai'esf egutSbn you against 0 m t thc “fly-by-day” salesman. T h is specie^ o p e ra te s in Delicatessen h y n i i ) $ 3 < 7 * broad daylight, A I A.MII.V DKCISIoN Miss Priscilla Owen* wrote thc words but he moves op to new territory 418 PAGE AVE. (Cor. Chase) to this hvmn for a Baltimore Sunday vrtth amazing rpeed School to ling in celebration o ia nus He’s the door-to-door fellow who peddle* LYNDHURST, N. J. I’cr-onal family |iri'firtiiii> . sionarv anniversarv. The nicloiv was ‘■therapeutic'’ bargains. His ofTcrings written b%’ William ]. Kirkpatrick, a ami i-pecial |>er»onal 'si-ltc-. a Pennsylvania composer who also wrote might range from all-purpose vitamins several of the stirring inarching songs to highly touted cure-alls. W E 9 -2 9 5 0 (oiiforiiu.l to til.- bo»t of our al»ilit\ used by soldiers in tlie Civil War. Fantastic claims pour from him in torrent*. ■ "lesm Saves” is a favorite toda^ in ^ He is interested in a quick commission sale, *hvangelistk- services, mission meet­ not in your health. ings. and Sunday School gatherings 11 you think you need medical help, consult a \ A /■ A 11 E physician. Rely upon us to All your prcacription*. Louis Viola Co. ME.UOill \L HOME Ine. 218 WASHINCTON AVE. HUTLEY, .! JOSEJ’H A. CAGGIANO, M gr H 403 RIDGE ROAO - LYMDHURST. N J Fhon. Ctneva 8-7272 Hard and Soft Goal Cinders Air < onaitlonra tor lou r lam lorl L e v y ' s PHARMACY, INC. Coll'ns M«mor)al W Eb atar e 3 0 0 0 lvuohuwt, “ * NOrth 7 W8n -1 299 STUYVESANT AVE. 6E 8.1026 \YNDHURS7 UIB xVARY J VAL»UQT BHOQr: AVE. .Y N D H U R S i . N J Mlnnte-etf

    Lenten devotions began in South Bergen church** yesterday The clergy hu* been enei getically urging paruih- loner* to renew their faith by attending thene services 1 0 There reassuring glimpses of the fact that as crisis succeens crisis in these alarming days more folk* have I \ I •« > W 1 I k returned to the church til Thi* indicate* that our churches (Horn me tr ia l Iffe a fo r continue to their important role in our democracy. It in just one more argument for supporting our churche* •nd SOUTH BKROEN REV1FW better, physically, spiritually — and financially. Vol. 42 No. IA M llll KST. N. I M ARCH K. I<,62 ••coDd-ilut v- m 'A f at Ruth*rf»rd. N. I . New B'nai B rith Chapter School Board Is Is To Be Organized Tuesday Township Residential Taxes Will | On Tuesday night March 13, Flatim. Mrs Hurton Levin Mr... an official petitioning - for Jack Cliber. Mrs. Roy Zdl Mr* charter meeting will be held by Charles Ziff. Mr*. Benjamin a local group forming a new Kig. Mrs Irving Levin Mis Adamant Against Chapter ol B'nai B’rith Wo- Nat Garmansky and M» Kllen Rise An Average Of 30 % In 1962 men in the South Bergen are.. Ve«.senmeyer: Irom Lyndhurs*. The meeting. ‘scheduled for H PJ Mis Carl Srhle*s»ngei Mrs. I \ inlliiir«t*M a\erupt* tax PM . will take place in tin Perry Goi don. Mrs. Michael Rif - hill *ill hr iiierea*etl m arU Jewish Center at I Gaston St kin. Mis. Al Wtin. Mrs Uariy Coach Eddie Zak Garfield . j |,a Book. Mrs George Diug- • iintlrr ihr term* of the Principle speaker for the e\ asch Mrs Jo; eph Rossio Mi > lieu htitlprl atlopled I a-t B e rn a rd CJ.iick M r*. EiW'.i K iv ▼ ■ Thr Hoard of I.duration refilled lu*l neck lo rr- ening is Mrs Albert Baziod • 1 ueek Its tin* Hoard of (loin- presioe- M is F d w a rd F re e m an ari to $80 \ t # l e r - h Iih utmtt*lakal»ly in ihr la«t rlrrtion that cil and Mrs Nat Miller ol I ;< lrom (J.inu ld Mrs Da\ -I (la. ran hr r\|»erted in thr avrr- lliry wunl Zuk rru|#|Miint«*«l.------».___ ;______saic. new organizations cha-i 1 >er Mi > K .iK F n ed m at Miv< Mge residence. Avoiding lo information r e ­ m an . as w e ll as M rs B u i to Ann. Kl ledman. Mr*. Howard Thi* m-Justi u*s of the mm- ceiv ed by this newspaper after S to n e of Clutter, vice -preside? Mm v\ 1'/ M s Jo h n M arru s muruty. however, will l>rnefit u five .hmI o n e h alf hour m a ra - of Council, all are expected. 1 Mi ^ Samuel G«»ldberg Mrs t<» the tune ol ahout Si 15.000 Hum «.es,ion. the hoard d e rid e d a tte n d i lari v Cold.sfnn. Mr*. Martin to >1J0.(HK) ugain-d the t ^appointm ent of O n th e agenda of the « >i ,1 KIcim .n M rs I » u B e h .i. M' Z uk by a v o te of s ix votes to t e r petition meet 1 n j’ w ill *. Dotti.- CioUfstcin and Mrs Her The average tax bill i»» one one metnlwr did not vote.'j e le c tio n of o ffice rs tin . • m ,.n Ai / t fiom Hark, n sack. Lyndhuist's 4 r»iHi residences is Mi- Alphonse Olkowski. who tio n 01 a name foi the ?» Mis Tivlor and Mis alnnit It will I k* aiKxit i< n on a platform to reappoint Chapter and the detei n u n ..i i< i Iii ■ . I’ikoff from Ridyefieici S.ITfj when tht budget takes ef­ Z. k an ti was elected, w a* th e o f a tim e and Dlace lot hoi 1 Mi. Iheodoie Weinsten, from fect lime niemlwr to stund up for •ng regulai meeting* T« • • !**" • • llutl erford Mr*. Bernard Sint v- preliminary tav toll* Z..k a ry officers have heen M ■ t oi n* Irtim Saddle BrtH*k. h ave . heady t>e**n s»*nt out the \l ■ Charles Christ, who wa* Jules Fr^d o f H u th e ilo i \1: s Sidoev KleinljeTit lull weight ol ttie m< tease will i.on toiiuiiilal on the Zak i**ue c h a ir m a n pro tern. Mi > 1 l>e fount! in the tax hills of thi dimiu: tlie election campaign, F la u m of Ha'hiout k If« i> h A MOST HAPPY >etx*nd halt T h e y a ie now in ah tuitied from voting secretary pro letn M pi epar at ion Hut preMdent Morris Settem* William Taylot of liackeir.u k CORRECTION! Al the puhlic iieai mg on the I t mo. vice and truste«*s William treasurer pro lrm M H 1. t budget last w»n*k c iilu is m was ■ n> I m dv who got tjii im J I! -Ilo, Wdlftim Wdi kwitz. h a s been activr in B'n.n It ii'h expressed of thc fact tlu tvm- I: or o u r Stor y . la d Puli n*eoid hapj tior» is in ■.u le r The lx>ard was in v o lv e d once lioard d« cideti to assess indus­ in« secretary and Ga/ettt ' At ".4 II in C h ie l K r;ink again in a peculiar dem onstra­ trial personalty at only 17 and tion of |*>sition Settembrino E D D IE ZAK arti*t in I'^tK) pubhedv than Bn-r 1 'k i hide ond • a t'.y Mayor John < Garde, signing thr pnn-tarnation for Cilrl Scout Week. March 11 through 17. and one hall percent of true value garnered the presidency by de- "" m an arid membership chan man and li\« •s in Michigan Ith a March 12th as the (.olden Anniversary ot thr founding ol Girl Scouting in thr I nitrd States. in ly»K)-19til. installation chair dau> hU- 1 O ld tim e rs v ill r r Thi industries had already re Giri* lo»kin« on are Hroume Marv Jo Martinell of Troop 13 an d G ir l Sco ut I aria Me O ca ceivwd reductions in realty un — man in I‘H>1 and currently .• tnentlM r lln m iir s k i’s Sai • n on of TrtMip Photo by Tom Anthony 'Xa* al,,. nvf mem Cancer Drive tier the terms of the township vice - president of the Passaic New ar k A v n u e For revaluation ^”,dl'n,7pr',v' h,m ,,,r ,h*' Raises Query C h ap te r y e a i s t w .i' a nath en n For the first time in 25 veai s But Settembrino promptly ^ llr U a n r4 ( Mrs Fried r* a group worker fo r loru I political figure Anti-Litter Ordinance Is Drawn Up After rhosf thi- man turned down by n C M I on th * staff Ol the Passaic YM the increases in township mu­ the l*»aid for the important CWHA .md advisor to the KlUi nicipal appropriations exceed Washboard Is Found Clogging Sewer Lines Is Lyndhurst sympathetic ed those ol the Board of Kd­ post »»f athletic committee chair so ro rity She is a lor me 1 Mrs. Voss Spealrer man ' iVwas as chairman oV that wh»" " " d' * " bcr ol the Ruthe. ford Chapt ucation I hut ditl it! \ lar^y. old f.i-liioncil w .islil.oard which , Te'erbur" Anpoif for jet pow- For thc first lime in many c.inunittee lhat Bello led to uis S v d e ll of 152 R iv e r- »*h W om tn and annu al fashit lelations l 1 part- relatively modest reported h\ IV lrr J. Ku»*t». Bello * plan at the time was!,ld* “'enue is asking show co-chairman s . w Jers. Bell ( Iillllllisrioner of Slreeln. at I period Roger Bernier of 761 However. Parks and Public t« appoint Joseph Cipolla. a*- Mrs Sydell. although a new- A listing of charter mem i pa ny , N- w a rk . Moiitlux >* ( om nii'-ioii m rrli Ilf:. led to the for- Un,on Avenue complained of South Bergen Property Commissioner Peter . ..., ... Ihe inconvenience caused by the ■uiant toarh. to the position., turner to our comn^unity. has blprs in the new %er at t*n assrm b- illation oi L\ntJhnr>t'' lule« Bui the board wxm btri w ho. a g re e d i a ae«*pl th« c4uuxnu*p ( Ch*pU?r ul ii,mu | nU. W u 1 t*r w v m ili irrtfi , C o ifHi jeaponiijbi* l u i a i I aiili-litlcr .itfM m mKt artn.aon off-.* M M moear violations arr fines not to e\ Detective Leo Reilly of Lynd> indigna’ior. pver the c a re le ss However. Curcio hacked Bello a victim of this dread disease ‘•••orouck Heights Miss C• i C u rcio . o l course, w as not a- ceed $100 or ten days imprison hu tD g '.ectivi Bureau was ness of garbage collectors w h o for the presidency against Set- i t* n . t* lone in the spending spree He ment. or both and has received the services of M’* Davld tommended in a letter to the throw garbagt can covers o n temhrino , „ had plenty of help from the the American Cancer Society Mrs ti win A d le r. M rs Tovt i rogra 11. Detail:- will Ih* set forth in Board for his completion of a the streets He said he has b e e n Al the session it was learned Sh, slronglv , nw l to rest o f the board full in legal i.dvei t isement and course in Juvenile Control and, complaining to Commissioner there are 20 candidates (or the r,.pJV hy glvmg hfr time and a p u b lic hearing w ill Ix* held Crin Prevention at the Ber Polito about this for two y e a rs .oachinx spot They come from R.s make poss.hle this Mrs. Summers Dies, Was Original Republicans tin this r-idinance at the next gen County Police Academy and nothing has been d o n e to i.s far away as Chu-ago. »»„„ aid for others Unfortun- Commission meeting in th» Charles Lo Presti. Bergen remedy the situation H e a lso Council Chambei on Monday. County Chief of Police, and complained about Pickey's, a T w ii Ick al men are candidates ately. to date. Mrs Sydell has Member Of Legion Ladies' Auxiliary Plan Dinner March 19 at y> P M On * is Cipolla The other is mct with little response in her li: en rol ot the Academy, sen; trucking concern at 852 R iv e r- A' the «anu time a pub'ii the letter along with the cer side Avenue. Polito said h e Dtmne Divine search for workers Final plans lor the Lynd hearing is sthtduled on ar, »i tsluate i w.irded to Reilly thought the new anti-litter o r- hurst Republican Club Victory, Principal John Mat-Lean is j j Pr executive committee (all dinance to amend the /onirv Thi* Commissioners were in- dinanc- would relieve some o f nndei sI ikm I to have recom mend- . Dinner are laid for Saturday mcin!*eis last yean are urging o rd in an ce " w h ich dates bat i. i’ed 11\ Mi.yoi Gerald E Mon the conditions which a n n o y e d U e vening. A p ril 14 at the St* e»l that Ihe Utard consider the ;)(.r make one last appeal to 1<»38 A provision of > .tghan -if Kidgt field Park to a Falco. w hos»* parting remark ciety Hall, Orient Way and two L\ndhur«t men He was hrough The Commercial Leader ordinance raises the fee Im " <'mi; which will he hehl was. It someone gets hurt f a II- Pennsylvania Avenue, it w ill be >rt\r*n 'h n n th r if t befort forming an opinion flpplftMTU>n Toi a vaM ism v rr.-'" “Tticro cither on March 29 oi, mg >v\*r these covers the to w n a bufiet affair, with all hoino B ut w hat tne M»ard w ill do Won't you please help the $25 to $75 IU. .ti the convenience t*f the would l>e sued " made fotni. music and dancing, for a new coa« h is not kntiw n commi!let* prove to Frances Sy- Joseph Polito local n*a,'ot MMioipy. tor the purpose cd, The cb*i k was authorized to for an enjoyablt evening tlei 1 that Lyndhurst is full of asked the Boa i'd the reason M forming an Inter municipal Com negotiate- with the N a tio n a l Tickets may be obtained people willing to help when holding up In pplu-at!'••! ;..i mittee to register opposition Community Pank lot a Rond through membeis of the com they know how urgent is the a building pernin. ,1b- ■ > ' I Aith the FAA to the use of Antu-ipatton nett • > 1 $120,000. mittet,. Pat Melillo is chairman u «*d ' We are sure you all agree. DAD S NIGHT Mrs Francis Bianchi, secretary i h; nct-i is one of our worst ■fe' 1 of the Club This is the one nemifs and without sufficient AT LINCOLN gala fund taising affair of the Religious Census By Westminster Presbyterian funds lesearch cannot advance Club for the year, so the large The Lintoln 1*TA observed nnr help l>e given Please call committee is working hard foi \ l*eligii»n- I t-ii'ii- iii I viidliur't will Im* t u k n i h \ Kalhet s Night on Thursdav wKI.stei 9 3538 and offer your a hangup attendance e v e n in g at their meeting at the ,t.rv„,., M,s sydell tor the I hr \\ i ‘tnu infer l*r e-|.v ti ri.m I hurt'll thi* Sim du). On March 15 the regulai KITE FLYING schix)I, with •v e r 1 WO p e rso n s \ lneM , ,.n earn er Sade held St D w ig ht M orrow R ep ub K o a tl ( htirrli in .in t iforl lo leurn more about thr Kepu. ON SATURDAY I rrhaps. since Mrs Sydell The program was a demon ican Club headquarters on ion** 111.i k «-111• t»l llie neighborhood Print iput t.irg«*t for rh between the Mration of work done in Phy (C*ontinued on page 5i Irving Place. Freeholder Albert ihr tlav - .it li.\ ilirw will Im- llie iuiilti|df-uuit dwellings l and interest- •icoI Education Miss Margaret Moskin. former mayor of En cl in ttie >ld .. nioned Ameri- i u I ,y n d 11 u i Pons directed the 5th and 6th glewood. will be the gueM an pastime k ite -flyin g *’ O ne of the h* grade girls in dance* *uch Heart Campaign speaker. The public is cor md to ite them mb* tie welconn-d to take part in embarking on this Cernu-. tn. the Polka, ihe se v e n th grade in LJa|*a ^ lin d flV dially invited to attend tht* .uogram and life of the re the Junior \\, ’ in'> Club 8th Church announced, wa «t.iti- square dances and th e Virginia c JlillUM y -pet t iv e C h in ch e s in then Com District Kite Derby on S a t u r ­ reel, nnd eighth g r a d e g irls in tics. Fifty percent o| .ill Amei R u ssell J Kerestes. chairman Gerry Aulenbach m unity d a y M arc h 10 in cast* of r a in - calisthenics, set to m ust* icans nave moved in the past The C'-nsus is under the gui f the a n n u a l H eart Fund Sund iv M .id' 11 > at 1 tHJ p m.. On Dean's List - ten years Four out of everv dance ot the Pastor and the F ra n k Kuggiero had 23 boys Drive in Lyndhurst announced at Hudson Counts Park. Bay- ten Church Meml>ers have mov­ St -sum s Committee on Evan e xe m p lify what is needed ir today that a house-to-house so- Gerald ^ulenbach. son of M r ed far enough to require a nev. gel ism «.nd M em bership E ld e rs the physical fitness tests, did. Iicitation would be carried out a n d M rs. y\ Lester Aulenbach Ttn< K te Dei by is p la n n e d Church Home. Edwin Lent and M'irtin Erick some tumbling, f o rw a rd and on Sunday March 11 of 400 Rutherford Avenue. When a Church Member aas part t t the statewide Y o n lll son are the lea Jers in this ef C o o o e .it .ti I k m am of a ll th « backward stunts a n d finally all Volunteer workers from the W LyndhurslJ is on the Dean's m oves hi Membership should for( „ 1S OXI)ected ,hat some 23 boys ttaik part in the for ! High School will participate in I* List a< Bloom field College foi Ne\> J n •e> Ju n ior W o m a n ” s m ove w ith him In m any -cases forty people v ill be working ir> m ation o l a pyramid. | the campaign. C lub s the first semester, it was an­ d this is not done the Member this Religious Census _ 4, J Mr Kerestes stated that! nounced by Dean R alp h N C a i who has moved inevitab'y P i i/.rs I be o ffered t o r t h e For the women present then heart and circulatory diseases kins. drifts away from the Church Most O r i, • i en hei h o m e m a d e was an extra event-an Eastei , . r r t h ,. | eadinil c a u s e „ f d e a th A u le n b a c h is a member of the It is ihe purpose of the Cen or tx.ughl. .mil for the sale Each woman had^,n th„ United Slates They Frank Bello Junior Class. He is a H isto ry m is to^seek those of that num­ in the air—three prizes in WlLs been asked u, bring in a fun. | cause ore out of eveiy two major and a member ol the ber who have moved to Lynd Aboard Wasp category One othei person,^In n.v h a t a n d M iss C h a r lo tte Sa- deaths—more th a n (100,000 in Bloomfield College Choir. hurst before they ar* lost com addition lo the pcirtici| v ino, school principal, donated each /ear. pletely to the Church and its F r a n k M Bello, chief avia­ child, may l>e permitted ^ 3 » new s p rin g hat. All were in theFund.1 Umted raised s,a,es in the annual program sist. enher another child or a n tion machinist's mate. U SN brown bags on a tabic and you Mr*. Henry Jaques Heart Fund drive are use*' **>r It was also learned b y the son of Mrs. Erminia Bello oi adult c o u ld have your choice of bag Mrs. Ida Rose Travers ^um- She was a past adjutant of community services and edv . |j Club Ho$te$$ Lyndhurst Church that o n ly Green ave, Lyndhurst, is For further information a* by paying a quarter. tional projects throughout elmers. 220 Page Avenue, djed Weehawken Post. No 18. A m eri- f ifty percent of our Country's serving with Air Anti-Subma bout this Kite Derby ar ifct- country, and to help sup* on Tuesday at her home, after can Legion; a past commander The Mothers Club of Cub Mrs Helen La Prctta was population is associated w ith line Squadron 28. aboard the rections on how lo ***&.& ig. the nationwide research into a short illness. She was 75. was of the Women's Post. No. 208 Pack 85 met last Monday eve the one who got the bag with any Church and that many of aircraft carrier USS Wasp, op park, call Mrs. J. A. Ga the causes, diagnosis, treatment, born in the Township of Union. >f Hackensack the first Wo ning a*, the home of Mrs Hen­ the new hat Woman alao mod­ those people are on the “in­ erating in Eastern Atlantic wa W E b ste r 3 05#3 and prevention of heart, and now Union City, later lived in men's Post in New Jersey, and ry Jacques of Weart Avenue elled thc hati They were Mr* active list”. Twenty-five mil­ te rs. circulatory diseases. West New York, and moved she was one of the organizers One new member wa* en­ J De Ujcca, Mrs James Ma­ lio n o f A m e ric a ’s youth arei During the tour of du^y a- Mrs Gsorge Lunior of 440 from there to Lyndhurst 3t> M rs. S iim m *rs w as a p ast rolled. Mrs. Edkar Miller rion, Kathy Carino. Dotty Ni- The Heart Association. Mr g ro w in g up without any Reli-j board the earner, squadron Hazel Street, was hostess to years ago. ' | Matron of Fraternity C h a p te r. Plans were made for a candy cla. Mr«. Bose Qaccionc. Mrs Kerestes stated, relies entirely pious training such as wouldi members will participate in ex- 20 persons at a Lloyd's of Lin­ ______S h e w as a v e te r a n o f W ar Id No. 129. O rd er of the E a s te rn sale to be held by the mothers Albert Tewei. Mrs John Pel­ on voluntary contributions to be given in a Church School, tensive air anti-submarine war den plastic denumstration un in t«e neer future with Mrs letier, Mrs. Beneduce and Mrs carry forward this lifesavingj War I, a Yeoman 2 /c, U S N . 3 rd star. Lyndhurst. and se rv e d a s The Cerjtus hopes to discove: fare exercises, Tuesday evening for the bene­ Madeline Devine as chairman A G McMahon. in all corners of the tfaval District, with three years treasurer for 25 years. S h e w as these people who live in Lynd-! _ fit of the Missionary Servants United States nnd he urged all of service, working in the pay- a past R o y a l M atron of A d o n n A t |M b meeting the club The cruise will take the of the Most Holy Trinity, Holy Retrnhmenta were Lyndhurst residents to support roll department; first woman ram Court. No. 22. Order of the made their plans for the party squadron to England. Norway. Family Unit. The demuaatr*. concluding a fine evening for the work of this worthwhile Legionnaire in the United Amaranth. Lyndhurst; and given at the meeting of the tion was by Mrs. Edkar Kerr ali who at land c l association. (Continued on Page 2* p a c k on F r id a y evening. ROS ALI E-CALL MARYlSTZT' rr“ ” ’ 8c°“‘nd of Roselle.