Working Paper 003 Forest Resources Management and Conservation in Ancient India: A Historical Review Umesh Babu M.S. and Sunil Nautiyal September 2012 Mr. M.S. Umesh Babu is pursuing his Ph.D. in Environmental Science from Kuvempu University India with dissertation focusing on Climate Change: Carbon Sequestration and Vulnerability Assessment Level in Tungabhadra River Basin. Mr. Umesh Babu is a member of interdisciplinary research team at CEENR, ISEC and worked on the issues related to water management in rural and urban landscapes. Currently he is working on the issues related to natural resource management, climate change-adaptation and mitigation, land use land cover change. Currently working as senior research fellow at the Centre for Ecological Economics and Natural Resources (CEENR), Institute for Social and Economic Change (ISEC), Bangalore. email:
[email protected] Sunil Nautiyal has carried out his PhD work in G.B. Pant Institute of Himalayan Environment and Development, (An Autonomous Institute of Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India) and obtained his Ph.D. Degree (Ecology) from the Department of Botany, HNB Garhwal University Srinagar, Uttarakhand in 1999. His area of interests includes: Socio-economic and ecological approaches for sustainable livelihood development; Natural Resource Management and Conservation; Production System Analysis – Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Cultivation (use and ethnobotany); Land use cover change analysis; Protected area management; GIS and Remote Sensing in Landscape Research, Ecological Modeling and Climate Change-adaptation and mitigation at micro level. He is an expert reviewer for several national and International Journals. Dr. Nautiyal is on the editorial board of several International Journals.