Milica Radanovi , Bojana Boki , Boris Radak, Milica Rat, Goran Ana kov 103

International Symposium: Current Trends in Protection UDK: 582.998.1-19(497.113) Proceedings


MILICA RADANOVI , BOJANA BOKI , BORIS RADAK , MILICA RAT , GORAN ANA KOV University of , Faculty of Sciences, Department of biology and ecology e mail: [email protected]

The subject of our study was Iva xanthifolia Nutt. 1818, an invasive plant species native to . In this paper, we tried to determine the current state of populations of this species in , their geographical distribution in anthropogenic habitats and the model for secondary transition to natural and semi-natural habitats. The study of species I. xanthifolia was carried out in in the area north of the and Sava rivers (Vojvodina), except the southeastern part. It was found that the roads and railways are primary routes for expansion in Vojvodina. After transition from primary dispersion sites to secondary, which are dikes of rivers and their flood areas, this species increases its populations, which now represent the zones for further expansion to natural ecosystems.

Key words : invasive species, Iva xanthifolia , Vojvodina, a model of secondary spread


Invasive species, regardless of the origin and genesis, are considered to be alien organisms in a particular geographic region. They may be native for other part of the country in which are invasive, for nearby or distant regions of the same state or another continent (Weber, 1997). Negative impact of invasive is reflected in their high competitive capabilities in the fight for resources with native species, as well as their ability to modify habitat conditions which in increasing of their dominance and withdraw of native plant species. These plants in relatively short period of time can dramatically increase their range (Davies et al., 2009). Most often they are related to semi-autonomous and no autonomous ecosystems and mainly occur in large amount in such places. However, invasive species are weak competitors for the native species in natural habitats and in these occur only in the case of habitat degradation (Jari, 2009). In Vojvodina region were registered 144 invasive plants species (Boža, 2011). Among them in the largest percentage are represented species native to the New World, primarily from North America, from where is Iva xanthifolia Nutt. 1818. Species I. xanthifolia is an annual herbaceous plant (Gaji , 1975), which flowers from July to October (, 2006). This species is native to North American prairies, where inhabits abandoned fields, alluvial rivers plains, floodplains and stream 104 Model for the secondary spreading area of invasive species,... banks (Cyclachaena, 2006). First data for Europe is from 1858th (Potsdam) and in the Carpathian Basin appeared after World War II (Hegi, 1966). The first record of this species for Serbia was in 1966 year, close to Novi Sad, from where it quickly spread to 20 new sites. This species was introduced by accident (Boža, 2011) and it’s consider to entered Serbia from southern region, most likely by roads and railway traffic (Koljadžinski and Šajinovi , 1973). This species is related to the recently formed ruderal habitats such as layers of soil and construction waste, dumps, warehouse surrounding and alongside transport hubs. On places like this I. xanthifolia reaches the optimum conditions for survival, development and further expansion, achieving maximum growth and dense ground cover, suppressing the emergence of competing species. It also occurs in the wider area around the abandoned channels, mounds of loose earth and residues after harvest of and sunflower (Koljadžinski and Šajinovi , 1973) and spreads by transport. The massive presence of dense populations living on existing sites in our country, which abundantly fruiting, confirm that they had found a fertile soil, so we can predict that this species will relatively quickly expand its range. Reduced competition in phytocoenosis of ruderal habitats, favorable microclimate conditions for seed germination and vicinity to transportation networks affect the expanding speed of this species (Šajinovi and Koljadzinski, 1978). Considering that the knowledge and informations about current status of the invasive range of each of the invasive species is of particular concern for Vojvodina, the aim of this paper is to present the current status of populations I. xanthifolia in Vojvodina, their geographical distribution in anthropogenic habitats and the model for secondary transition to natural and semi-natural habitats.


The study of a species I. xanthifolia was carried out in Serbia in the area north of the Danube and Sava rivers (Vojvodina), which geographically covers the southern part of the . Due to the lack of literature data, which would serve as a basis for further analysis, this paper not covered the southeastern part of the study area. Based on available literature, we collected data on the distribution of this species from the moment of entrance in this region. On field trips we verify old literature and recorded some new field data. Importing data on a map and creation of distribution map was performed using OziExplorer and Diva Gis programs. To determine penetration of this species in natural habitat, we used the map of protected natural areas in Vojvodina and guide "Habitats in Serbia" (Blažen i et al., 2005).


Synthetic distribution database of species I. xanthifolia in Vojvodina include data from the literature, herbarium collections and field studies (Table 1). Table 1 represents locations and types of habitats where each of population had been recorded. Primary distribution map of species I. xanthifolia in Vojvodina is based on of the mentioned base (Figure 1).

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Table 1 . Distribution of species I. xanthifolia in Vojvodina Type of Type of Region Locality Coordinates Region Locality Coordinates habitat habitat Banatsko 45 .590042 45 .318937 e16 Ba ka Ka - road e16 Kara or evo 20 .556063 19 .930126 45 .620664 45 .319895 Banat Be ej e16 Ba ka Ka - field i15 20 .035304 19 .921353 45 .563633 46 .062573 Banat estereg e16 Ba ka Kanjiža e16 20 .532304 20 .052116 45 .448352 45 .769430 Banat Jaša Tomi e16 Ba ka Kljaji evo e16 20 .855316 19 .278266 45 .808263 45 .538730 Banat e16 Ba ka j42 20 .433174 19 .611740 Magli - road 45 .668409 45 .374470 Banat e16 Ba ka Ba ki Petrovac- j42 20 .605035 19 .536080 Silbaš 45 .243140 Novi Sad- Novo 45 .257325 Banat j41 Ba ka e16 20 .582791 Naselje 19 .798982 Road Bašaid- 45 .604443 Novi Sad- Slana 45 .286996 Banat j42 Ba ka e16 20 .394295 bara 19 .811349 Road Bašaid- 45 .666583 Novi Sad- 45 .305255 Banat j42 Ba ka e16 Kikinda 20 .421450 Internacionalni put 19 .850034 Road 45 .455665 Road Ba ko 45 .728946 Banat Melenci- j42 Ba ka j42 20 .352816 Petrovo Selo- Ada 20 .103245 Road 45 .730240 Road - 45 .310240 Banat Kikinda- j42 Ba ka e16 20 .419453 Kisa 19 .741770 Bašaid 45 .365764 45 .928108 Banat Se anj j41 Ba ka e16 20 .772461 20 .075413 45 .269796 45 .701859 Banat Tomaševac j41 Ba ka Sivac e16 20 .621682 19 .381490 45 .380876 45 .935193 Banat Zrenjanin e16 Ba ka Staniši e16 20 .349202 19 .165731 45 .485150 46 .029425 Banat Žitište e16 Ba ka e16 20 .550457 19 .661083 45 .671692 45 .272385 Ba ka e16 Ba ka Šajkaš e16 18 .981019 20 .088905 Ba ko 45 .530626 45 .205063 Ba ka e16 Ba ka e16 Gradište 20 .023352 20 .298944 45 .842765 45 .008225 Ba ka Bezdan e16 Ba ka Velebit e62 18 .940911 19 .948263 45 .849000 45 .564370 Ba ka Bezdan j41 Ba ka Vrbas e16 18 .925732 19 .642460 45 .658595 45 .347529 Ba ka Crvenka e16 Žabalj e16 19 .456334 Ba ka 20 .036925 45 .449970 44 .905828 Ba ka j42 Srem Batajnica e16 19 .516730 20 .275203 45 .454770 Fruška - 45 .157081 Ba ka Despotovo j43 Srem g17 19 .503730 Crveni ot 19 .718174 45 .919608 44 .944086 Ba ka e16 Srem Nova Pazova e16 20 .017897 20 .218711 46 .152810 Road Šid- 45 .102294 Ba ka Horgoš e16 Srem j42 19 .965602 Adaševci 19 .220938 Between 45 .645195 45 .008104 Ba ka Apatinski rit j41 Srem e16 18 .975108 19 .816423 and Apatin 45 .312719 44 .985002 Ba ka Ka e16 Srem e16 19 .926299 20 .162332 Legend: e1.6 Subnitrophilous annual grassland e6.2 Continental inland salt steppes g1.7 Thermophilous deciduous woodland i1.5 Bare tilled, fallow or recently abandoned arable land j4.1 Disused road, rail and other constructed hardsurfaced areas j4.2 Road networks j4.3 Rail networks 106 Model for the secondary spreading area of invasive species,...

Figure 1 . Distribution of species I. xanthifolia in Vojvodina

Legend: 1. flood areas of Danube river in the region of Special Nature Reserve ’’Gornje ’’ 2. saline near Velebit village 3. embankment along the Tamiš river 4. edge of the forest on Fruška Gora mountain highways

The most number of sites that represent the most vital I. xanthifolia populations are often monodominant and correspond to anthropogenic habitats such as ruderal places alongside roads and settlements periphery. A few populations deviate from that rule - west end points are located in flood areas in the Danube region, in the Special Nature Reserve ’’Gornje Podunavlje’’ (1), then saline around Velebit village (2), bank along the river Tamiš (3) and forest edges on the Fruška Gora mountain (4). In all cases except saline, these are a seminatural-ecosystems, i.e. anthropogenic formations, which are in the phase of returning to its original condition due to lack of human maintenance (Table 2).

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Table 2 . Percent of certain types of habitats in relation to level of degradation Type of habitat Habitat mark Percentage of prevalence % e1.6 65.38 i1.5 1.92 Anthropogenic habitat j4.2 17.31 j4.3 1.92 g1.7* 1.92 Seminatural habitat j4.1 9.62 Natural habitat e6.2 1.92 Legend: e1.6 Subnitrophilous annual grassland e6.2 Continental inland salt steppes g1.7 Thermophilous deciduous woodland i1.5 Bare tilled, fallow or recently abandoned arable land j4.1 Disused road, rail and other constructed hardsurfaced areas j4.2 Road networks j4.3 Rail networks * habitat conditionally taken as the seminatural, because population of I. xanthifolia was found at the edge of thermophilous deciduous forest

Species I. xanthifolia spread into Vojvodina from south Hungary by transport network (Koljadžinski and Šajinovi , 1973). This type of entrance is typical for most invasive species with similar habit, which are, like iva, usually spread by transport and agricultural products, seeds and agricultural techniques, considering that they are terophits who have propagules which does not require a large space or special conditions for survival. Presence of mainly degraded habitats alongside roads and railways makes this model of spreading of invasive species dominant. This type of entrance and the significant presence of degraded habitats in the study area, reflect the current distribution of the investigated species in Vojvodina. Species I. xanthifolia primarily, after entering a new area, inhabits ruderal habitats near human settlements and factory facilities. The largest amount of registered individuals are located along the main roads in Vojvodina. These populations are visible on the main roads from Novi Sad to , Subotica, and Zrenjanin. Strong anthropogenic influence on these habitats and lack of predators in the allochthonous area help this species to suppress native species and expanded its distribution area. These types of habitats are the primary source for further spread of investigated species in semi-natural and natural habitats. On several sites iva had been recorded in flood zones along the bank of the Danube and Tamiš river (Figure 1, points 1 and 3). Such habitats are in many cases under the lower human impact in relation to the transport network and some of them are capable in restoring primary natural characteristics. As a species that prefer increased humidity in its native area (Cyclachaena, 2006), iva found here a place to expand and increase its populations. Primary routes for expansion in Vojvodina are roads and railways, but on such places iva does not appear in very large populations, but vary depending on seasonal climatic conditions and anthropogenic impacts (road maintenance, mowing, agricultural activities). After transition from primary dispersion sites to secondary, like rivers banks and their flood areas, this species increases its population, which now represents zones for further expansion to natural ecosystems. The occurrence of this species on saline near village Velebit (Figure 1, point 2) seems to deviate from this model, because of presence on a habitat that is not characteristic for this species. However, detailed analysis of this area shows a large number 108 Model for the secondary spreading area of invasive species,... of water bodies - ponds, backwaters and regulated system of canal waterways makes this area very wet and therefore close to its native habitat. According to the results of the analysis of distribution area of invasive species Iva xanthifolia in Pannonian region of Serbia, can be concluded that this species is successfully adapted to the increased rate of climate aridity. Progressive area that these species shows in contact zone between anthropogenically-dependent and natural habitats indicates its large invasive capacity. This is reflected in fact that the species showed a high degree of tolerance to physical drought, and successfully populate saline habitats. On the other hand, its primary need for high degree of substrate moisture and preference to mesophilic habitats points to another potential expansion direction, like azonal wet meadows near wetlands and marshes that are specific for Vojvodina and are immeasurable for its total biodiversity.


This article was done under the project 173030 funded by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Serbia.


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