pharmaceutics Review Review TheThe PhospholipidPhospholipid ResearchResearch Center:Center: CurrentCurrent ResearchResearch inin PhospholipidsPhospholipids andand TheirTheir UseUse inin DrugDrug DeliveryDelivery SimonSimon DrescherDrescher ** andand Peter Peter van van Hoogevest Hoogevest PhospholipidPhospholipid ResearchResearch Center,Center, ImIm NeuenheimerNeuenheimerFeld Feld 515, 515, 69120 69120 Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany; Germany;
[email protected] [email protected] * Correspondence:
[email protected]; Tel.: +49-06221-588-83-60 * Correspondence:
[email protected]; Tel.: +49-06221-588-83-60 Received:Received: 24 November 2020;2020; Accepted:Accepted: 14 December 2020; Published: 18 December 2020 Abstract:Abstract: ThisThis reviewreview summarizessummarizes thethe researchresearch onon phospholipidsphospholipids andand theirtheir useuse forfor drugdrug deliverydelivery relatedrelated toto thethe PhospholipidPhospholipid ResearchResearch CenterCenter HeidelbergHeidelberg (PRC).(PRC). TheThe focusfocus isis onon projectsprojects thatthat havehave beenbeen approvedapproved by by the the PRC PRC since since 2017 2017 and areand currently are currently still ongoing still ongoing or have recentlyor have been recently completed. been Thecompleted. different The projects different cover projects all facets cover of all phospholipid facets of phospholipid research, fromresearch, basic from to applied basic to research, applied includingresearch, including the