Title Items-In-Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Holy See
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UN Secretariat Item Scan - Barcode - Record Title Page 185 Date 15/06/2006 Time 4:59:31 PM S-0907-0012-13-00001 Expanded Number S-0907-0012-13-00001 Title items-in-Representatives and Observers to the United Nations Holy See Date Created 14/01/1981 Record Type Archival Item Container S-0907-0012: Correspondence with heads-of-state 1965-1981 Print Wame of Person Submit Image Signature of Person Submit MJS/atk cc: SG xRef; Holy See — bf: RA/MKP/LCC/GMM/AKU 29 December 1981 Your Excellency,, I should like to thank you for the greetings you so kindly sent to me on the occasion of my birthday. I am indeed grateful for your good wishes and warmly appreciated your thoughtful gesture. May I in turn send you my very best wishes for every success and happiness in t&e coming year. With warm personal regards, Yours sincerely, Kurt Waldheim His Excellency Archbishop Giovanni Cheli,J.C.D,,D.D. Apostolic Nuncio Permanent ^epeisver of the Holy See to the United Nations New York I/. PERMANENT OBSERVER MISSION OF THE HOLY SEE TO THE UNITED NATIONS \ ^." i3f * New York, December 21, 1981 X JY* Excellency, We would like to join your many friends who wish you a very happy birthday. We congratulate you, once more, on the use you have made of God's most precious gift, life, and we wish you continued success, good health, and much happiness for many years to come. All the members of our Mission join me in send- ing you and your fine family our prayers and our greetings on this happy occasion. Cordially, •V Archbishop Giovanni Cheli Apostolic Nuncio Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations His Excellency Mr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary General of the United Nations United Nations New York, MY 10017 M.JS/ET File: $ Kv&O ' g> \ Cu*"'/ 7 / Iref:] Holy See // ( i 8 ^K Your Excellency/ I should like to thank you for your letter of 4 December 1981 and for the very kind words which you addressed to rae. As you know, your consistent and sincere support has long been a source of strength and encouragement to me in ray endeavours. I deeply appreciate the prayers and good wishes you graciously extended to me, my family and my colleagues in the world Organization. Your reminder of the profound meaning of Christmas is most fitting, as the message of "peace on aarth" is of particular significance at this time of tension and anxiety in the international community. It is indeed necessary thfet we rededicata ourselves to the ideals of peace, justice and understanding among the peoples of the world, which are the fundamental objectives of the United nations. May I take this opportunity to send you, in turn, my warmest good wishes for a joyous Christmas and for every happiness in the coming year. With kind personal regards, Yours sincerely, Kurt Waldheixn The Most Reverend Archbishop Giovanni Cheli JCD, DD Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Hations Hew York o RECEIVED DEC 71981 PERMANENT OBSERVER MISSION OF THE HOLY SEE TO THE UNITED NATIONS New York, 4 December 193| Your Excellency, The call of our Lord Jesus Christ to prepare again lor His coming echoes in a new way this year because the human family appears to be undergoing unanticipated stresses in the rapid, if familiar, transitions. Advent, giving us the opportunity to seek the eternal in the transitory, is refreshment, and the bright star beckons us, if we are wise, to take up our journey toward Christ. Your Excellency, your dedication to "peace on earth", the message of Christinas, is a gift to people all over the world which you bring with constancy and genero- sity. May this peace continue to fill your heart so that your words and works touching individuals and government leaders in every community of the human family reveal this special gift you possess. May the bright star guide you during Advent this year on your journey to the Christ-Child, and may Christmas taring every happiness to you, to your wonderful family, and your, fine associates and staff. Please accept my warmest personal greeting for Christmas and my highest appreciation for your wonderful leadership and example, and with this, my wishes and prayers for your good health and happiness in 1982. Archbishop Giovanni Cheli Apostolic Nuncio Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations H.E. Mr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary General of the United Nations United Nations New York, NY 10017 -2CZO SC073 ., "LteS'SSf: tflA XTT SXC5S7 xX EUROPE flN fP HELD I« TK GE BY I.I PUP'1.«G THE m 'PUBLIC rOttfPftl ASST^BLV ES ?0 YOU TIS W^5* A*'?? V ZCZC DALOS21 NAL1565 RML0428 DD NYK FILE NO. .ROME (DPI) 4 1830 D ACTION COMPLETED LTF INITIALS UN AT IONS Wyrn to Rwte IfrrM *w. w 2074_. NEWYORK (USA) NY342 FOR ROHAN EOSG COPY NAKACHI DPI FROM PAGNANELLI. PERSUANT TO YODR LETTER OF 12 OCTOBER AND TO PREVIOUS CONVERSATIONS, THIS DIRECTOR DELIVERED SECGEN MESSAGE AT OPENING INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIM COMMON ROOTS EUROPEAN NATIONS HELD YESTERDAY NOVEMBER 7 AT 17.30 LT. MESSAGE BY SECGEN GREATLY APPRECIATED. REGARDS. COMNIPRESS FOODAGRI ROME) COL CKD = 11041804 = 1 1041806 NNNN M.7S/ET cc: SG/^lssion VD/f : 22 October 1981 Dear Reverend Levi, On Behalf and in the absence of the Secretary- General on official business overseas, I should like to thank you for your letter of 15 October 1981 enclosing a copy of the programme of the International Colloquium'to be held in Rome from 3 to 7 November. The Secretary-General indeed appreciated your kindness in sending him this document and asked me to convey to you his best wishes for a most successful and fruitful meeting.' Yours sincerely, Georg Mautner-Markhof Special Assistant to the Secretary-General The Reverend Virgilio Levi Secretary General of the Colloquium Rome " MJS/ET cc: SG b/f: RA/AR/MKP/LCC/AKU/AF File: Holy See Xref: 22 October 1981 Monsignore, I would be most grateful if you could kindly forward the enclosed letter to the Reverend Virgilio Levi. Secretary General of the International Colloquium to be held in Rome from 3 to 7 Noverfifoer 1981. A copy is attached for your information. Please acceptf Monsignore, the assurances of my highest consideration. Georg Mautner-Markhof Special Assistant to the Secretary-General Msgr. Alain Lebeaapin DCL Counsellor The Holy See Observer Mission to the United Ka.tions New York RECEIVED OCT 2 C1381 COLLOQUIUM INTERNATIONALE DE COMMUNIBUS RADICIBUS CHRISTIANIS NATIONUM EUROPJEARUM ROMffi, IN CIVITATE VATICANA, 3-7 NOV. 1981 KA- Rome, 15 October 1981 Your Excellency, I take the pleasure of sending to Your Excellency the program of the International Colloquium in response to the appeal of Pope John Paul II at Gniezno on 3 June 1979, which will take place in Rome under the auspices of the Pontifical Lateran University and the Catholic University of Lublin from 3 to 7 November 1981. I avail myself of this opportunity to express the deep satisfaction on the part of all the participants for having decided to .,send a representative to this event which will be a memorable one. Don Vilrgilio Lev! Secretary General of the Colloquium His Excellency Mr. Kurt Waldheim Secretary General of the United Nations New York PONTIFICIA UNIVERSITAS LATERANENSIS - CIVITAS VATICANA CATHOLICA UNIVERSITAS LUBLINENSIS - POLONIA L VmMVMUJIUUMM^l^ff^r^Jf^^ljtflsJ^^f^fSSfW^V^S^ PERMANENT OBSERVER MISSION OF THE HOLY SEE TO THE UNITED NATIONS His Beatitude, Antoine Peter KHORAICHE, the Maronite Patriarch of Antioch and all the East is visiting the United States next week. His Eminence Terence Cardinal Gooke, Archbishop of New York, would be very grateful if His Excellency the Secretary General of the United Nations would receive the Patriarch on September 18, possibly in the morning. The Patriarch would be accompanied by his Auxiliary Bishop, Msgr. Roland ABOU-JAOUDE, Bishop Francis M. ZAYEK, of the Diocese of Saint Maron (Brooklyn, New York), Cardinal Terence Gooke and Archbishop G-iovanni Cheli. New York, September 5, 1981 \L- ^* *•, ^>f\ •'* V NNMN ZCZC DAL3621 NAL8152 RML2174 DD NYK DPI .ROME COPI) 20 1300 LTF OMNI PR ESS UNATIONS NEW YORK (USA) NY326 FOR ROHAN EOSG FROM PAGNANELLI. RECEIVED TEXT SECGEN'S MESSAGE ON COMMON ROOTS. ON THE BASIS OF YOUR INSTRUCTIONS AND IN AGREEMENT WITH SECGEW INTERNATIONAL COLLOQUIM REV LEVI, MESSAGE WILL BE READ BY THIS DIRECTOR ON 3 NOVEMBER AT OPENING CEREMONY. REGARDS (OMNIPRESS ROME) COL CKD = 10201308 AKU/os , cc: SG File: XRef: L^ b/f 12 October 1981 Mon sign-ore, With reference to your letter of 31 July 1981 concerning the International Colloquium on the Common Christian Roots of the European Nationsj I would be grateful^ if the attached letter could be forwarded to Reverend Levi, Secretary-General of the Colloquium. A copy of this letter is attached for your information, Accept, Monsignore, the assurances of my highest consideration. Albert Rohan Director Msgr. Alain Lebeaupi$i,E>CIr Counsellor The Holy See Observer Mission to the United Nations New York ,-*f AK0/OS . CGJ BG File: XRefs Holy See RA/AR/GMM ., October Dear With ref-s,t4ne@ to your telex of 31 July IS'Sl and further to my latter of 3 Aisgust, I wish to inform you that Uie Secretary-General has asked Mr. Giorgio Pagaaas Direeter of tfe© Suited J-kvtioas Inforiaation Centre in Rosra to attend the opening of the International Colloquium on the Common Christiiaii Soots of the E-arcpean Mations and to Deliver 'a messafs to tlisj partloipsats on his behalf, With best wishes for & sisscerelv Rohaa .Wirgilio Lev! ^s Chief of UNITED NATIONS W9 NATIONS UNIES 1 T10NS.