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5-3-1951 The oW oster Voice (Wooster, OH), 1951-05-03 Wooster Voice Editors

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Published by the Students of the College of Wooster LXV 'olume WOOSTER, OHIO, THURSDAY, MAY 3, 1951 No. 20 SNYDER, WEIHE NEW EDITORS Marge Kunarl King To Be Voice Associate Editor; Named Manager Arbus Is New Business Manager can Snyder and Whit Weihe have been chosen to share the responsibility for next year's major campus publications-- --Jean Of WCW Staff new Voice editor and Whit as Index editor. Selection of Marge Kunart as Supporting Jean, who will succeed Tom Felt next fall, will station manager lor WCW next be Howard King as associate editor. 15 ill Arbus has been chosen Stu- vear was approved by the business manager, Dick Duke sports dent Senate Monday evening. editor, Phyllis Belling circulation four Present station olfiecrs named Five Girls' Clubs manager and George Bender auditor. others to top positions for approval Earl Hughes will be the new staff bv the Senate. They are: Jim Andrcss. photographer. Williams, prog- chief engineer: Kent Choose Officers Whit's tentative staff list includes director: Joan Winter, secretary, ram Five Girls' social clubs have Don Orr as business manager and ami l'hllis Kails, director of public elected their officers for the new Dick Shepard as advertising manager. relations. Others are Marilu Darone copy editor, year as of this week. These in- on I lie station since its format- Active Peanuts, Keys, Echoes, Mark Allen activities editor, Bill served as program director clude the ion. Marge Spuds, and Trumps. Gardner classes, Ivan Preston sports this vear. Coming from Parma. Ohio, and Chuck Brown photography editor. of Peanuts vear will in The crop next she is majoring here speech, with is have Lou Stoll as their president, as- At present Jean a junior history emphasis on radio. sisted by Barbara Haskell as vice-presiden- t. major on the Washington Semester Because control of the radio station Photo by John Atkinson The other ollicers include plan. She has been a news and feature rests with the speech department and Pictured above are Jean Snyder, Mary Elliott as secretary, and Mollie writer for the Voice since her fresh- the Senate, the Senate ratifies appoint- Saturday's Model UN Assembly new Voice Editor, and Whit Weihe, Webster, treasurer. Lou is a junior man vear, and served as managing ments to lop positions. next year's Index Editor. from Princeton, N. J. editor during the first semester of this con- Other business at the meeting China-Kore- a year. The "Hoot Mini" issue of the social To Debate Crisis "Ihe Keys newly elected executives cerned Color Day, plans for the Scot Key, in 1 949-50- , was are Emily Cookingham, president; Jean's coming vear. and approval of the con- Final listing of the delegates News Convention project. Last fall she represented the vice-presiden- t; De-Arnien- l; Nancy Rowley, Carol stitution for the Student Volunteer SSR, Bentley Duncan; China, Dan China-Kore- a Voice at the Ohio College Newspaper scheduled to debate the At Kent Draws Grimm, secretary; and Virginia Moore, Men ement. Columbia. Jean Banghani; Association conference in Cincinnati. crisis Saturday in Woos-tcr'- s treasurer. Pete Williams, as business manager Cuba, Reed Ccigcr, Czechoslovakia, Trumps social club can claim Jean, Mock Voice Delegate Echoes will for Color Dav. told how higher cheesec- Fourth Annual U.N. Bob Hardy; Denmark, Joanne Fergu- "Ihe louder next year Tom Fell will represent the Voice as can Phi Alpha Thcta, the history and Assembly have been announced son; Dominican Republic, Bob John- be heard from Jo Ann McConibs as loth prices the increase in the at the 25th Ohio College Newspaper honorary and the bards of Pembroke. -- ston; Egypt, Betty Hanna; Fiance, the president of that club. Other number of Mavpole dancers from IS by the International Relations Association Convention at Kent Stale Her home is in Ada, Ohio. L'nlike the Diantha White. officers include Maxine Schnitzel' as to 61 will put the cost of cheesec- Club. University this weekend. rest of the staff, who will take over vice-presiden- t; Sara Lille, secretary; loth at S75. After considering such Greece, George Buckbee; India, Delegates from 30 Ohio colleges and the issues of May 10 and 17, Jean will The local Model Assembly is a and Pal McClelland, treasurer. possibilities as buying durable mat- Larry Weiss; Indonesia, John Talbot; universities will participate in the not assume her new job until Sep- sequel to the lour College Assembly Marian Van Gorder has been erial for use other years or the cheap- Iran. Frank Gurncy; Iraq. Marge Gil- round table discussions and business tember because of her studies in Wash- held in Oberlin last month. Mr. Vik elected bv her sister Spuds as their er white cheesecloth and dyeing it. lespie; Lebanon. John Calo; Mexico, sessions planned for the exchange of ington, D. C. Ronningcn. of the History Depart- president for next vear. Her associates the senators approved the purchase of Karl Hughes; Netherlands. Marty ideas and information on management, This spring, Whit has spent his In- vice-presiden- ment, and faculty advisor to the will include Patricia Lengel as t, as much cheesecloth as is needed. Holmes; New Zealand. Jon Waltz; coverage and policies. Felt will serve extra time l mining for the track team ternational Relations Club which is Marjorie Eakin, secretary; Six members of the incoming Senate Philippine Islands, Roger Erickson; on a panel of discussion leaders on and finishing his work as activities sponsoring the Assembly, will deliver and Mildred Loch I in as treasurer. attended the session to gain ideas on Poland, Dick Column. editorial writing and policy. editor of this year's Index. A member the kevnote address on the subject their social program for next car. Highlights of the will The other club, the Trumps, chose of Second section, Whit also belongs '" Saudi Arabia, Pat McC.lellan; South convention Part of the discussion centered on The Future of the U. N." Jean Snyder as their president. FIcr to Congressional Club, where he is Africa. Pat Fester; Sweden, include a trip through the Akron Joanne Sergcant-at-a- i hospitality toward chaperons at small w Beacon-Journa- cabinet consists of Barbara Mortenson ins. In addition to his Carol Ross ill act as Parliamentarian Syria, Thailand, l plant and the banquet llelwig; John Gump; vice-presiden- dances. Among the suggestions made chairman for the sessions, Phyllis as t, Gerry Hoskins, secre- new job, he will be a freshman and Man Lou Carmer; Turkey, Gene Cox; Saturday evening at which the annual was one of revision of the chaperon Belting and Margaret Hcrold will per- OCN A awaids are made. Guest speak- tary; and Ann Dickason, treasurer. counselor in Douglass next year. Whit Ukranian SSR, Chris Camp; United science-philosoph- requirements to allow more seniors to form the functions of the Secretarial. will be is taking a combined political y Kingdom, Porter Kcllcy; USSR, Bob er at the banquet Murray be chaperons for small dances. As the The Model Assembly will meet in Powers, managing editor of the major. His home is in Ferguson; , Tim Mackay; Fairmont, West Virginia. requirements now stand, senior senat- l wo sessions, the lust starling al 9 a.m. Beacon-Journal- . Seniors Form Group and J ugoslavia. Martha Orahood. ors may be chaperons for small and closing at 11:30, and the second At last year's convention, held at Next year's associate editor, Howard is co-auth- or co-direct- or dances. will begin at 1:1." p.m., with the final the University of Cincinnati, the To Consider Class Gift King, and of A It was vice-preside- the Color Day Pageant. member of brought out that the present adjournment scheduled for 5 p.m. Voice was elected nt of Although it has not yet been de- social Section, projects consist of only movies Both sessions are open to the public. Pays the organization, and rated the third cided what the class of '51 will leave First he has worked on the Corporation Voice staff as aim uances and that more variety is best paper in its class in Ohio. At the to Wooster, class president Waller managing editor this Almost forty countries will be repre- semester, and desired. Square dances and basket same time, a change was made in the Grosjean has appointed a committee has also given much sented bv student delegations. The Stock Dividends time a resi- socials were suggested. classification of schools, which places to consider the question. Chairman to radio duties on WCW. following is the list of countries and dent of Wooster, is Approving two minor changes, the the Voice this year in competition of the committee is Web Lewis. He he Wavne County their delegation chairmen: For First Time for Re- body recognizes the constitution of the with all weekly papers in colleges will be assisted by Carol Mobarry, correspondent the Canton lime since its establish- pository and writes news Student Volunteer Movement. This Afghanistan. Sadie Ronsheim; Aus- For the fust having an enrollment from 1.000 to George Tomer, Jan Wise, and Jon sports for 1912, Corporation is the Wooster Daily Record. organization will work in conjunction tralia, Jean Howard; Bolivia. Joseph ment in THE 5,000. Waltz. on the stock held duties of circulation with Pre-ministcri- dividends The manager Clericus and al in Oliver; Brazil, Richard Wachiel; paving

n bv 78 decision to are not unfamiliar to Phyllis emphasizing missionary work. Burma, Jack Dorricott; Byelo-Russia- its members. The Belting pay dividends of 2()c per share of Leave, Off who worked under the same title in voting stock was made at the stock- Prois Take Take her sophomore year. She is a member GIRLS GET GOVERNMENT holders' meeting last night. of the Dominoes club, the Interna- tional Relations Council, and the Y'W. Each voting member of TF1E Cor- Parmelees, Peyton, PhyTs home is in Gabon, Ohio. Her Women Elect 15 To Posts poration invests SI and receives a Fill Schreiber, Kieffer major is school music. regular slock certificate, expiring after At the meeting confirming the On one year. All students arc eligible for To WSGA Ad Boards And Bower Return nominations of the editors, the Pub- Judicial, membership in ihc club, although it - Leaves of absence have been granted lications also to ask Last weeks Committee voted elections placed fifteen is chiellv intended for economics to six more members of the College women on the German club. Diantha White is IO- the trustees for an increase in the the W.S.G.A. Administrative majors, in order to provide a belter faculty for the coming academic year. activities fee of two dollars, to be and Judicial boards for next year. in Dominoes. understanding of modern business in the Dr. William Kieffer of the chemistry divided between the Voice and Index n Pris Gallingcr participates the Mar-g'Tit- I reason for capitalizing Administrative Board, e methods. he to be a research Ruth Peterson comes department expects for next year's operations. An esti- Anderson Shark club. TFIE in THE Corporation is that and Fleur Kinney participant at the Oak Ridge National mate of costs for the coming year in- will from Washington, D. C. and Yivicnnc Tosllcbe, be the senior members; these letters represent Mr. I. Norma is Ohio. Laboratories after August dicate that neither publication will Kramer, Smith's home address Akron, Mr. Ebeiharl, who ? I'at McClelland, Sally Keycs. Mr. Hosteller and Mr. Myron Peyton of the Spanish Aberncthy will act as president be able to survive easily without some and Betty Yaw, Jane were responsible for the original or- junior representatives; board and department has been granted leave additional funds from this source if Barbara of the Administrative of the group. Bourns, Dorothy Rvlandcr, ganization bv the College to continue a research the expected drop in enrollment of and Beverly West will serve as Judicial Kalherine Myers seventeenth-centur- y drama. will represent were elected Among the high points of this project on 150 comes as predicted. lne sophomores. board president. Both year's program have been ihe Akron He plans to spend the year in France Voice business manager Paul Chal-fan- t March L'O in the spring elections. The Rub- his family. six members of the Havers-town- , of ihc Goodyear Fire and and Spain with estimates a deficit of approxi- Judicial Jane is a junior major from tour Board are: Diantha tp Company and the Quaker Oats After teaching at the Wooster sum- .? 1 mately 425 dollars Whi senior' Pa. She worked as correspond- ber next year under Jane Parker William I. Schreiber m I'riscilla Yir- - talks by representatives of mer session. Dr. the conditions expected, and Index Gallineer. ing secretary of the Student Senate Company, g'nia Marker, and German will leave juniors Ruth Peterson last January the Curtis Publishing Company of the department business manager Bruce Kaufman pre- until her term expired ' ' and Yivivienne Smith, C.I.O., and a career panel on for Germany, where he expects to f i dicted a loss of 775 dollars on the sophomores. and also served on the SFRC. the Two have at least a semester's study at the .'' freshmen retailing opportunities. ! yearbook next year unless more money will be elected in A native of Euclid. Ohio. Beverly September University of Bonn. . V is forthcoming. to serve Adminis-''anv- e She is k on the is president of Holdcn Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Parmelee of Board and one will be elected also president of Orchesis, the mod- for the the music department have also been Judicial Board. dance group, a member of Pyra- Schoolers em Top Hi granted leaves of absence. Their plans, Douglass Counsellor Maigui ite major. Anderson and Fleur Kin- mids, and a history a DR. WILLIAM KIEFFER ney still indefinite, include month or are both members social To Tests Here Made of Sphinx Take two in New York. Appointments "" .Norma Kramer is chemistry; Mr. Grape, economics; Miss music Nine bundled high school students Mr. Jack Bower of the philosophy Appointments were announced for najor while Pat Renzeina. mathematics; Mr. Lanman McClelland interests WCW Airs Ball Scores live neighboring counties will be department will spend the year doing next year's counsellor positions in lle m debate. from psychology; Mr. Ronsheim, history; Saturday attending ihe study at Columbia Uni- Douglass Flail by Dean Ralph A. The on campus graduate Mr. Shunian, other two members Ad- - and geology. of the Nightly Ai Eleven North Central Ohio High School Con- versity. Young this week. The counsellors, all ""nistrativc board combine near Leaving alter tticir term ot service the As a feature on WCW, These students have all taken Continuing on leave of absence will juniors but one, were selected by Mr. dnu the special ference. far home towns. Sally an- are Miss Rollet, French; Mr. Smith, who is be Kent Williams gives daily two previous scholarship tests and be Dr. Roland Waters and Dr. Alvin Joe Bindlev. to Douglass' eves writes home m Wrsirrvillp physics; Miss Greeley, political science; nouncements of the results received the highest scores on them in Tosllcbe. Dr. Reginald Stephenson headrcsident next vear. 01io, but V; Betty Yaws home is Sitka, National, and twelfth grades. Dr. Stuart Adams will probably Mr. Escobar, Spanish; and Mr. nine chosen arc as follows: Alaska. in the Kenarden, the ninth through and Ihc air- tests by hinger, German. W'ally Wolf, Whit Weihe, Clark, lK( American leagues. Faking the They will be given further be away also. Jack language club members will will Becker, waves II each evening. Kent will faculty here Saturday. The following members of the Dr. Grady return to the College Ron Bornhuetter, Bruce Tom )c together at the on the Judicial board iscasiing until faculty will leave to do graduate in the fall; Mr. McKee will also be Oaklev, Boyd Cook, Mark Allen, and whcn continue this spoi The students represent the high Jane Parker and Virginia Marker Miss Williamson, back to resume the job of Director Lee Shaffer. Each is representing one the end of the semester under the of Wayne, Ashland. Richland, work next year: Corfer. lane i. c schools j l,liiv.niij;., L,j lilt .IIJUIIIMI biology department; Miss Gibbins, of Public Relations. of the nine sections. club title "Bird's Eye Blink." Tuscarawas and Holmes counties. and Virginia is a member of Page Two Thursday, May 3, 1951 THE WOOSTER VOICE The Vain Quest, As Others Say It As Ve Say It - by Jon Waltz Or, Adventures A Fair Deal? The Hysterical Ones The end has come more quickly than we anticipated. It seems thai is I the student body wilh this column I close the books on "Feature Thai!" It with some SUBMIT THIS question lo n . . . ( (' II It IMI f .1 II f L ..... view in to ll'ff fill fl"t 01 A Student that I lav down ihe pen and reach for the gown and the cap with order to clarify my point of regard the new he is regret speaker says, the audience thinks light. tassel; writing this column has been fun for me, if for breakfast schedule. As I work for my board in Kenarden an by W. V. K. the obstreperous Indeed, they are always in sympathy with is a final column, I intend I believe that my views are typical of the student con-CL'i- il no one else. And now thai it time lo pound oul em. when is noth- A vcrv determined, spartan emotional speaker even there is a to be able lo spray opinions ployccs in general. i':ition enveloped the furrowed to say a public goodbye. It true privilege ing in what he says: and that is why many I in every direction but I want all to understand thai in this space have features of ;ni independent study serf MAY I MAkF. clear (he conditions under an orator tries to stun the audience with aside, then, while FIRST which 1 8- - always onlv mv own somewhat soggy mind. Stand as he perused an olnmc spoken I first, sound and fury." belatedly have been working. Before April we were noi Metabolism. I go oul in one last blaze of personal judgments. Aristotle, Rhetoric, c. .'520 15. C. set on Medieval The allowed lo lake fourth hour classes if we wished to earn was silence of .he library broken only Everyone must admit, even though one be as our board. Now, if we wish lo retain our board jobs bv mulllcd giggles of a fun-lovin- g there are on this campus people to THE ABILITY lo exploit the emotional po- the cvnical as I. thai for the coming year we will be obliged to take no firs tential ol people has been demonstrated many librarian who was reading a dubious be remembered; each of us will long bear the in- or fourth hours. inside a cover entitled. times by Communists and by other extremists, tonic concealed fluences of particular members of this school's faculty I a is Here are some of the people I RF.AI.I.F. THAT when student trying to work both ol the left and the right. Vishinsky's hysteri- 'I'he Pelofionesian Wars. and administration. his wav through college he has to make some sacrifices cal perorations are said to be one of the attrac- Suddenly the student leaped out of shall long recall as a result of valued contact wilh years. Many students on this and give up certain prerogatives which olher students tions to visitors of the United Nations. His col- his chair, a shrill cackle escaping his ihem in the past four enjoy. For example he may have to forego his favotiie I ink. . with some of these remarks, league, Andrei Gromyko, for over two months lips. He galloped wildly to the door hill will. ill agree sport or cut clown on the number of credit-hour- s he has kept up a marathon string of abuse at the and. handicapped by writer's cramp in even (hough I speak for myself. takes; but, is it necessary that we sacrifice one-hal- t ol current conference. Recently the diatribe both hands, kicked it open and ran I shall remember President I.owry for his friendly the most important class hours of the morning as an reached a new peak of intensity when he said shrieking out into the night. and generous spirit. long shall I recall Dean Tacusch additional demand on already tight schedules? the intentions of the West would "make Cleo- because he savs what he thinks and looks vou in the our It was onlv after 1 had fallen down Davics eve 1 like (hat I Mr. South wick for he's unique: patra blush"; and when he called Ernest kind of person. won't forget THIS DF.MAND would be bearable if our schedules a "cannibal- a full flight of stone steps, which had a friendly, interested, registrar. British representative at Paris and helpful could be worked out so that the necessary courses of policies. Gromyko suddenly appeared directly in front istic advocate" Churchill Z. could be fit in. This would be possible if courses of the library door, that I decided to More than any other professor, I shall remember Mary Johnson for then called Churchill "a criminal." were offered at more than one hour. However give my perforated nerve endings a the qualities she imparts to those around her. She has been termed a at himself a master at producing CHURCHILL, "square-shooter,- " and with that quality are associated bioadmincledness and Wooster certain required courses for the major field are use of words and rest. emotional effects through the the fact that hypocrisy is unknown to her. A teacher who obviously loves taught al only one period and often during first and s Guided bv the benevolent Out- who had urged the weapon-les- British to "fight to teach, she teaches more than one lesson. fourth hours. Must we be deprived of these courses? on the beaches, etc." in 1910 was engaged in reach Commission I finally reached the

lion-hearte- all-embraci- ng an earlier date, he would S calling the opposition cabinet "a cluster of d safely of the Student Had we studied under Dr. Warren Spencer at I. FT I LOOK at the other side of the picture. The limpets," pursuing a policy of "drift and I'nion. Alack, the I'nion was featur- doubtless have inspired us to become a biologist, and thai would have been new breakfast schedule "has gained favorable approval miss razor-shar- p bump and flop." ing action so slow that I thought thev a tragic blow to an honorable held of endeavor. I'll the from all quarters." Proof of this is found in the in- Conservative politicians in this country are were running the reel backward. I sense of humor that makes the placodcrm and the angiosperm fascinating creased number of students coming to breakfast at even lo I'll also remember Mary R. Thayer, a teacher So twenty-eigh- also not altogether blind to the emotional effect managed to reel backward into a the political scientist. kenarden. far the average increase has been t of skilfully used language, particularly the hys- booth and gave invself a shot of without equal; Dr. F.bcrharl, another of the same; Dr. Kielfer, who belongs per morning. My desire is not to deprive these terical fringe on the far right. One might men- adrenalin lo keep my own system up in ihe "great guv" class; Joe Bindley, who can be the friend of students and students of their breakfast; all I want is a fair deal.

n" ihe same time advise them well and teach a solid course. face us tion the calculated malevolence of the "get-Acheso- to its placid and ponderous pace. at Then there's In of the restrictions placed on by the new break- as an of used Mr. Smith in Religion who makes the taking of a required course rewarding; fast schedule and in face of the limited advantages example words d campaign As I sal there reading a list of ages-ol- is Rev. Bales, who stands up and says what he thinks and in return earns gained, I ask "is it necessary?" almost totally without reference to fact. One titles on the juke box and listen- for of deep respect; Mr. Moore, who can turn pebbles into rubies and make Richard Holrovd appalled, example, at the words Senator ing to a recent hot number by is in of a diamonds sparkle for the blind man these will I remember. Jenner: 'This country today the hands Madame Melba, l noticed a cool, is by secret inner coterie which directed agents damp sensation on the back of mv Mr. Craig gets the Nobel Prize; he taught me how to avoid falling of the Soviet Union." Perhaps most people have C hand that recalled niv masonrv ex- apart in front of a hapel audience. Paul Itarrett has been a man worth ceased to be surprised by anything Joe periment in the Catacombs accompa- imitating; Coach Munson has taught that men even freshmen have a. spine The Thing McCarthy says, but recently he claimed that the nied by a simpering buffoon and a and need to stiffen it in this world. The value of his teachings will doubtl- President is surrounded by a treasonable clique ' I is cask of Amontillado. Thinking per- ess be brought home to many of us. I also say goodbye to the librarians and spring, they say, so let us define the term that is which plies him with "bourbon and benedic-tine"- ; in haps some obsequious autograph col- to "Shortic" Ogdcn, who gave me the job that kept me here. foremost the minds of most: LOVE. and that "most of the tragic things are' lector might possiblv be licking mv "Love is an ocean of emotions, entirely surrounded bv done at 1:30 and 2 o'clock in the morning when These and others I'll remember. But there arc some, it must be said, hand. I turned and came face lo expenses." Lord Dewar. they've had time to get the President cheerful." who will be remembered long with a most intense dislike. That's human. face with what appeared lo be a "Love a grave menial disease." Plato. is Above all others, however. I shall mv fellow-students- , I feel it unnecessary to spell out the moral rather senile St. Bernard. A keg, lied remember even B. the Democrats among them. All "One loves more the first time, better the second." in black and white. D. around its neck, bore the inscription. thoughts of Kenardcn Lodge, Kauke Hall, the Rock. Chapel, the and Rochepedrc. Scotch Delight. I'nion Vintage. lit'). I'nion the stadium will call up memories of good friends we knew there I "Four be the things I'd been better without: V. Warning: contains no Scotch. The once long, long ago. With sincerity sav: may we. all of us, go forth and bring honor Love, Dorothy dog snarled, so I proffered a fin and to our school, our nation, and to curiosity, freckles, and doubt." Parker. Comes The Time . . . ourselves. Most of the people I have told him he could keep the change known here have the stuff it will requite. "Love is not altogether a delirium, yet it has manv NOW COMES THE editorial we have been until I could sec mv wav clear lo I wish the new Voice staff good fortune. points in common therewith." Carlvle. for a apply a full nelson. As I drank the expecting to have to write long time. Now pardon me while I just fade awav. Goodbye. FOR NOW IT has become clear that unless mixture. I noticed no ill effects save the Voice and the Index can get increases in their an etching of the storming of the Bastille engraved upon my tongue. share of the Senate activities fee, neither publi- Nuggets Oi Knowledge On STATION 540 KC 1 Hymns W(CW cation will be able to get to first base in the com- fought mv wav through the scedv ing financial year. canebrake of intellectuals at the By One Who Knows The THE VOICE WILL make it all right this counter and gave my order lo the Scoop year, but only by the skin of its teeth. By pinch- wailress. It must have gone in one by Dorque, jr. The Classical Hour: 11 o'clock ing pennies on engraving costs and leaning of her heads and out the other, for should not be sung unless they're every night a scant two hours later a lackev Some of its would rather enjoy heavily on the good graces of the Daily Record very old friends. I hat mav explain Thursday, May 3 the hymns at chapel-time- ; some for the of our by lurched out of the kitchen and asked why some gel stuck where they are. great majority pictures, making ol ns would like just to forget 10:0(1 Wits and Halfwits, Bill Hendrickson and Winkie a back me lo repeat it. I obligingly branded hundred hikes and forth between the In his speech about the Mass, Pro- Buchanan it in brilliant neon on his forehead them; some of us think that at office and the printers lo save cab fare, by spend- fessor times they are incongruous, if Moore included a digression to 10:30 Listening Time, Barbara Bill McGraw ing money out of our own pockets for the ACP and. giving him a pal in the small of Ward and not sacrilegious; but none of us the effect that "if we continue to and OCNA conventions, and by publishing a the back wilh the slender end of a ever say anything about them. 'throw out Ihe life-lin- e' and 'bring Friday, May 4 record low number of issues this year, we can stiletto, sent him wobbling back into in the sheaves,' we shall lose our 10:00 Scene, Hornadav expect to hobble into home phi te still financially the cuisine. As the MSG. A. Gestapo Those venerable volumes in the Ja.i Jim ability to appreciate any other kind solvent. closed in. I parted wilh Sweet Sorrow chapel have been insulted bv the 10:30 Listening with Louie, Lou Wollenberg of music." When Shaw arrived later, BUT IT CANNOT and should not be done a naive coed whom I was taking acquisition of a lot of scribbled litera- is, he expressed the same idea. When Mr. Sunday, May 6 150 on a guided lour. ture that to say the least, secular; again. If the expected drop of in enrollment Moore learned of 33!1 a more interesting desecration has the hvinns 10:00 Classics comes year, the Voice, look 1 next can forward to Taking the form of a steinbok, that hadn't echoed between an- been daily perpetrated bv a Wooster the 11:00 The Classical a deficit of over 400 dollars unless a bee-lin- e Hour more money made hurried for ihe Shack, tique chapel walls lor at least four from those is forth- inmate named simply "," who (like students remaining here a leal which required hacking mv wav years, he said he thought it coming. old "1 ().", North Tower," kept fettered rather a Monday, May 7 through some mysterious wire fences pity. "It seems to me that the by Dickens in a Paris garret, ham- chapel 10:00 Sports Cast, Lou Wollenberg PRINTING COSTS canot be expected to go that threatened to cul me in iwo. where our group meets so often, and mering a lady's shoe) has been kept 10:1") Student Recital, Dan DeArment down, nor can engraving or any other costs. And After caroming oil a slilf line of dig- where they learn to sing in the upper chambers of Sixth Sec- together certainly no editor is going to cut expenses any nitaries at the President's home, I would be 10:30 Kent's Korncr, Kent Williams tion, where he has devoted four years a good place to learn new more than has been done. Not unless he (she) finally expired, as has mv subscription hymns." to making a record of the hymns sung Ma.y 8 were willing to turn the Voice into a two-pag- e lo Fsqiiire, into a booth. Tuesday, in chapel. "10.")" regained his wits, All this does news letter, anyway. The Index's engraving bill not mean that we 10:00 Grovcr's Groovings, G rover Haines A light knot of I physics students and a recent illness has restored sing bad hvinns. for we don't. The arriving just alter it began to look as if the "." 10:1.") Chcm Club never have known a physics all-lim- e yearbook were student to sanity: he has left oil his labors favorite on the hvmnal hit going to break even came to 10:30 who wasn't in a light knot were and turned 1!) No Bach, No Bop, Howie King nearly 500 dollars more than the budget had the precious book over to parade, wilh performances, ac- taking notes on the advanced mechan- called lor. The Voice has not been in a position inc. cording lo Z's records, is No. (i (Praise isms lo be found in the juke box, Wednesday, May 9 lo get caught as badly as this, since our engrav- A few statistics, like nuggets of ye Ihe Lout, ilie Almighty), which, as the needle ground the records 10:00 Westminster Fellowship ing bills are paid in small amounts over the en- knowledge from the Pierean spring, according lo ihe most rigorous musical down to the thickness of anemic tissue 10:1.--) 33 Skidoo, tire year, but we have found that we canot get came soaring forth, first, although standard on campus ( the initials of Chuck Ardery paper. Ihe volume was turned up a good engraving as fast as we need it for less we've sung 171 different hymns in which are loo well known lo bear 10:30 Show Tunes. John Kirk and Jack Wakely just loud enough so that the vibration than 5 dollars. the last four years, we've left 339 of repealing) , is "very good music." kept my coffee stirred and vet was THE POINT of all this crying on ihe them absolutely untouched. This fact Next in popularity (let's sav "fre- public not tpiile loud enough to crack the shoulder is that we it might indicate a lot of things. quency"), with 17 singings are two want understood by the cup. student body why we more equally reputable hvinns, Im- are asking (through the You have to be careful when talking CATERING SERVICE Publications Committee) for a A group from the most notorious mortal. Invisible and Our Ood Our two dollars vear about hymns, though: talk about a more from the activities fee. section on the hill was clinging lo llelfi in Agis Past. Furthermore, some man's wife, his face, his politics, but BOX LUNCHES the counler with one foot higher ol the worst (and unfortunately WE WISH ALL THE best to the incoming never insinuate that he has bail taste staff, than ihe other reminiscent of a popular) hymns in the book are but we would not advise them against re- in his favorite hymns. 1 remember SANDWICHES col- newly-wo- n salon on bowman Avenue, and a never sung; and there is a surprisingly signing from their position's if they once carrying on a righteous tirade do succeed in lege athlete (string-change- r on the close agreement on just which arc HOT DINNERS not getting the monev thev need. against Ihe dear old song of mv Sunday- yoyo team), was stoically sipping one these hymns. 'Filings arc probably a T. F. -school days, "Life is LIKF a of Gus's peanut-butte- r milk shakes lot worse in a lot of churches. DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR mountain RAII.way and we MUSI' through a section of half-inc- h pipe. 1-- A (if we won't II.) Keep our 1 1 AND I.el's close this chatter wilh an Any time from 3:00 P.M. to 12:00 A.M. A student was hawking copies of 101 WOOSTER VOICE upon the FIIROTtle and our FYF. exposition of the philosophy of the The WOOSTER VOICE, official .tudent publication of the College Ceremonies for limning liulefiendenl ill upon the RAIL!" (The guy who usually plays the hvinns Wooster. is published at Woojter. Ohio, weekly during the school allegorical We Also year except holidays, examination and Study Papers, sequel lo After Ihe Serve Banquets vacation periods. Subscription significance of ellusion should be ex- around here, R. 1. Gore. "We come price is $2.00 a year. Editorial offices are located in room 15. Kauke Hall, phone 89S-R- . Member of the Associated Collegiate Press and the Deadline. What! plosively apparent.) One of my older to college for an education. But then and Stag Parties Ohio Collect N wapaper Association and printed by the Oollicr 1(1 Print As the o'clock light flickcrings re- and wiser we say. "Why we ing Company. Represented for national advertising by National Adver- friends slopped me bv say- don't sing the old tising Service, Inc., 420 Madison Ave., New York, N. Y. Entered as minded ihe freshmen girls that the ing, "When I was in I Mexico, saw familiar hymns?' L second class matter 3t the post office of Wooacer. Ohio, under Act of There mav be noth- CALL 1845-- or 957-- R August 24. 1912. house mothers the peasants bringing paper flowers arc just as warm and ing wrong with 'the old familiar or come on for one lo on out of our TOM FELT ... friendly as the next put the altar; it was all they - Editor person unless hymns,' but why not seek some new BUDGET had." Well, she meant of course thai SAVING MEALS PAUL CHALFANT Business Manager Ihe next person happens lo be a boy- " some people can offer nothing better experiences;-- Well, there are 33!) JON WALTZ Feature Editor friend I wended my wav homeward than paper imitations of real hvinns, new experiences in those beat-u- p Do-Dro- p BOB CLARK ...... in a zig-za- g Sports Editor pattern lo avoid ihe because it's ihe best they have. chapel hymnals, as untouched and Shank's Inn BOB HARDY News Editor merciless pelting and possible sulfoca-tio- n un-louchc- W. An attitude at Wooster (and prac- virgin as well, anything that's d Liberty at Larwill HOWARD .- KING - Managing Editor from falling cliches. tically everywhere else) is that hymns and virgin. WOOSTER VOICE SPORTS Three 1 nmsu;iy, .May .'5, l)r,l P.ige albion SCOT SUN NEKS The Dob Sled im by Bob Clark Second, Tracksters Receive First Loss; biggest disappointment to the fans who Third Lead Loop IVrhaps the follow the Woosler carefully over the past season has been the lack ol enthusiasm for mrts scene 3-- contests. In previous years. Kenanlen League ball in Both 1 Meet Oberlin, O.V.U. This Week iiuraimital every Boast l,c Records brand and competition was keen ,1 was of a pretty gl to the point of Intramural Albion College thinclads captured the mile relay the final event of I was soltball has finally some instances. hen too. the Senior Loop rivaled v gotten under way this past biltcnu'ss in lor popu-uil- ihe day and gained enough seconds and thirds to overcome Wooster's - ''y-- s arc in for 1)8-6- and high interest :'ln,(f participating 3, by strong competition ihc Trolley league, with T"'V'ml the eleven teams. first places, thereby handing the Scots their lirst defeat, at Albion, I lie Kenarden League again had eight teams sections setting forth at times, three teams in competition. representing the first last Saturday. " iinc eight sections. Due Not so has it been thus far to the lack of enough teams to form a this year. Football and trolley Scots' league, the three sections The Jack Havward. however, 1. haskcthall started out with a great deal of interest that also have second teams will com- Shot put Havward (W); 2. Haas stole the show as 1 1 pete m 1 1 he recorded three them, before the kenarden League to form an circuit. (A); 3. Amos (A). Distance!.!' 12". behind but the season was over, forfeits squad firsts, l including winning the javelin (N'ew Woosler record). y the and postponeinents-indefinitel- were end of the lirsi week of all too common. throw, which has been discontinued as Discus I. Havward (W); 2. Haas situation is a dcploraJrle competition, it is a very close race (A); 3. McCaug'hey Distance This rather one, for Woostcr a track in (W). with every event Ohio. 138' (New' long has prided itself in the fact that any of its stud- learn having been defeated Goiters Edge OW, 9i2". Woosler record). at least once. Havward established two new rec- ents has the opportunity to engage in competitive Leading ihe league at the present lime are Second ords for Woosler as he put the shot : ;' athletics on a level that suits his ability. Much is and Third Swamp Ashland, . '. to 1 Home; Seel ions I") feet 1 12 inches and the discus, Racketeers be learned from such contests, and, since it is who arc tied, since each has part of 138 feet 3 won 3 while 1. 9i2 inches. 'Ibis broke his a truly liberal education, we should not let - dropping; Third Face Wesleyan the pro- Denison own Meet fife 1 1 lost 10-- shot put record set earlier this im".jii hv file w:ivviitf their lirst game by a 2 score With a victory in what is considered year and bested teammate Bob Mc-Caughey- 's This, of course, is to lake nothing awav from against Fourth Section. When Second For First Local Tilt the their toughest match, the golfers re- 13(i section's met Third ii was a long battle discus record of feet winners of the league. Third team has not been beaten in using Going into today's encounter with 10 turn home tonight after playing 9 inches, which was made in the competition for three years, and that is an enviable record. In volley- up innings before Third finally Ohio Wesleyan the 1951 version of the lcaue Mount I'nion this afternoon to face Ohio Conference meet in 1919. was able to win the title by playing won out by a 7 to (i score. It was a Scots' by Dick ball, however. Fifth only three matches. Denison here tomorrow. team, captained 6 to 5 in The Scots meet two of the stronger Granted that they had the finest team in the league and would have won in contest favor of the losers Bird, had a record of two victories It was nip and luck all the way Ohio Conference track teams here in going into the set-bac- k lull schedule easily, hut the lack of interest on the part of the oilier squads last half of the seventh, and one in inierscholasiic a locals the next week: Oberlin on Saturday but Third tied it (i 6 at Wesleyan Monday when the made it necessary for them to win only three. up at to and competition. This was the first op- 'J-- then won on the last hole, 7. Behind 3 and Ohio Wesleyan Wednesday. Both Part of the responsibility for this lack of interest must rest right on this went on to win in the 10th portunity for Wooster tennis en- on by points at the end of the first nine teams have shown considerable power for throughout the year, the Voice has tended to neglect intramurals inning a long drive Larry thusiasts to see the Scots at home. page, in while staying undefeated so far this Belles which Bob because all but Dave Augsburger were lieu of the varsity activities. With better Voice coverage of the games, intra- scored Kurlh with Tuesday the tennis team traveled the tally. iindcrsiroked, the team shaved five year. murals should once again take on the spirit and prestige that they enjoyed winning to defeat Muskingum seven to two strokes oil their composite score in Dave Allison continued his winning years past. by taking five singles matches and in Seventh, Fifth Tie for 3rd the second nine. ways as he crossed the finish line first two doubles. In the singles Bird de- Close behind the leaders are Seventh in both the mile and two mile runs. 6-- 6-- Dick Paige was again low man for 2, 1, This is the last opportunity that readers of the Voice will have an opport- feated I.arscn Williams de- and Fifth, both tied for third place Dick May and Bob Anderson also re- 6-- 6-- the day, but the burden fell upon 4, 2, de- unity to their chuckles from the bhinderous clloits recorded in this corner 1 feated McMinn Yoslecn gel with a 2 and record. Fourth is mained unbeaten in their specialties, 6-- 6-- Dave Dowel as he approached the last 3, 2, of the page under the heading of 'the Bob Sled." Henceforth, the title will feated Kalm Kenney defeated also close behind with 2 wins and the half mile and the 410 yard dash 6-- 6-- or some green. If he tied or lost ihe hole, 2, 1, Meengs defeated probablv be "the Dick Sled" other inappropriate misnomer, for the 2 losses, so ii has been a close live Jackson and 9-- 7. respectively. 6-- 6-- will Wesleyan would win This was Beaber 2, 1. Muskies picked issues following this find the sports page under the editorship of Dick team race min ihc lirst few days of The on Morlev Russell won the broad jump And. although it is impossible for lead type to either die or fade awav, the hole which he had gone two ii) a point when Flolmes defeated fluke. competition. for ihc third straight lime and placed 6-- 6-- over in first round, 2, 4. would like to take this to thank all those who have so kindly par the but he Anderson In the doubles Bird I opportunity second in both the 220 dash and Tomorrow, it by a two-foo- t yard n the second teams, sinking offered their assistance-i- making coverage of the Woostcr sports scene paired put and Kenney bested Larsen and Kahn possible. low hurdles. Jerry Talkinglon account- 6-- 6-- eluding Rabbis, Phi's, to bole two 2, 1. good wishes to next year's stall, and hopes that Dick will have ihc Kapp and capture the and the points Williams and Yoslecn clowned Manv readers ed for ihc other Woosler first by tying 6-- 6-- the Dells, their needed to win. 1, 3, outside the realm of his relatives. Thcla begin play. McMinn and Beaber but F.ggleslon of Albion in ihe pole vault. The league will be operated on a 2 Although Coach Phil Shipc admits Meengs and Anderson were beaten by

3-- cycle system with each team playing that, "This year's team will RESULTS Jackson and Holmes in three sels 6,

17 KM) 6-- 6-- approximately games. The winner probably be the best in the history yd. dash 1. Sharp (A); 2. Proutv 3, 4. Baseball Team Splits On Road; 3. 10..') sec. will be determined by the final com- of ihe school provided they continue (W): Grcv (A). 'l ime On April 24 the tennis scpiad open- 220 yd. dash 1. (A); 2. Rus- piled record, and there will be no Sharp to plav as they have been," both he sell (W); 3. Proutv (W). "lime 23.1 ed the season when il traveled to Beats Muskingum, Drops To Albion individual round winners. and ihe squad are quick to spike any Oberlin. Oberlin won live singles and 440 yd. dash 1. Anderson (W); 2. Next week, games will be divided rumors of being undefeated. Take two doubles matches in running up its Playing two baseball games on strange fields in the past week, Bolvin (W); 3. Schcnefclt (A). Time them one at a time is their philosophy. thirtv-fourt- h straight victory. Yosteen booster's diamond squad split even, winning their game on Tuesd- into two sections, with half being 52.3 sec. Mr. Shipc points out the difficulty 880 vd. I. Mav 2. and Williams won a doubles match 3-- 2, in as (W); Holmes ay at Muskingum, after losing to Albion on Saturday, 8-- 6. plaved the afternoon has been run the case up until now, and the rest in living to predict even golf results (A): 3. Keehn (A). l ime 2:0(i.8. and Yoslecn won his singles match to Bob Bush, diminutive third sacker. 1. Haga-son- e 2-- 0. Mile run Allison (W); 2. until a home team rally in the will begin at 0:15 in the evening. bv telling of the way the season has account for the Woosler points. was the (A); 3. Holmes (A). Time 1:34."). batting hero of the game at so and his However, it was a dillcrent fifth produced three runs and brought inn far. He golfers agreed 1. story run-scorin- g Two mile run Allison (W): 2. New Concord, gelling a I. F.AC. F STANDNGS Tom McCtilcheon in to finish the I with manv others that Kent Slate has Hagasone (A); 3. YanGordcr (W). Time two davs later when Kent Slate was single which W L clinched the 6-- 2. contest game. Again. I.ehr three singles the finest team in the conference, but 10:1 1.0. defeated by the score of In the got 1 after eleven Second - 3 long innings. His hit for Woosler. Carl Fleming's home run Weslcvan beat Kent and Woosler beat 120 yd. high hurdles 1. Allen (A); singles events Kcmcnir of Kent de- followed I 3 1 2. Lorcnz (A); 3. Kcitt (W). Time a walk 6-- to Wallv bin! 6-- 3, 5-- 7, Mein-hard- t, Joachim both Weslcwan and Kent. Bird 4 and was another of the Scots' eight hits. lli.l sec. feated and bv 1 singles Crile and Malin. 2 d Jesse Albion had a home run and live Scvenlh Following tomorrow's encounter with 220 yd. low hurdles 1. Allen (A); 2. Kent's fourth-seede- player, de- lead-of- As f g 7-- 5, 5-- 7, 6-- man. Bush also opened I will face Flcidcl-bcr- 4. doubles, while each team added two Fifth - - 2 Denison, ihe clubbers Russell (W); 3. Louch (W). Time feated Kenney All other the first inning bv smashing a home on its course Monday and will 2.").(i sec. events were won bv the Scots. errors. lointh 2 2 Mile relay Won bv Albion (Moore, run. Singles by Christv and I.ehr, with journey to Kenyon Wednesday. Williams bested Newman in two Games ibis week will be played 1 1 Sixth - Nebel, Schcnefclt, Sharp). Time an 6-- error between, 6-- 0, 0, scored Wooster's with Oberlin at Severance Stadium Woostcr Out In Tot. Pts. 3:31.0. quick sels Yoslecn defeated 1 - 3 other run in First - 37 7fi 3 1. Voel-kc- 6-- 2 the eighth. (continued on page 4) D. Paige 39 High jump Ball (A); 2. tic, l Uradshaw in two sets. Ackcrly beat 40 39 79 2 6 4 (A). ft. 6-0- 6-- Dowd (W) and Sharp Hi. , 1, The Scots got 11 hits to Mus- Figliih .... 0 Hinlon and Meengs edged B. Paige 40 38 78 3 Broad jump 1. Russell (W); 2. 7-- 5, 6-- 4. kingum's 1 doubles Wil- seven. Lehr chipped in with Augusbiirgcr 40 40 80 Young (A): 3. Sharp (A). 22 ft. 2 in. Beers In the three singles, while vault 1. l ie, Talkinglon (W) liams and Yoslecn downed Newman Joachim collected Wesleyan Out In Tot. Pts. Pole 6-- 1, 6-- 3 two 1 and Fggleston (A); 3. Monson (A). Ht. Ackerly doubles and Bush got a homer WOOSTER .... 38 40 78 and Bradshaw and Huddnult 10 ft. 6 in. and single. 38 39 77 2 and Meengs won over Hinlon and Woosler exhibited its Garrison 1. 2. 1 Javelin Havward (W); Christ 1 80 6-- 1, 6-- brother homas 38 42 0. battery of Jesse and Eddie THEATER (A); 3. Balculus (A). Distance 1 70' 1". Beers WITH Swetland 42 37 79 3 Malin again, and the pitcher turned """v - in his best game of the season, scatt- LIDL JQ ; THURS. - FRI. - SAT. ering seven hits 11 over innings. i-- L4 3 DAYS U SN! Three line-u- p changes were in ev i- eunc Dni dence as Coach Swigart shifted his "THE THING" charges in order to get more hitting Taylor & Hosmer Added Attraction power. Carl Fleming, who hit a pinch-hi- t Your Safest Shoe Store home run "SHORT GRASS" on Saturday, was put in NE SIDE OF SQUARE right field in place of Baab. On Saturd- ay, Wehr had been moved to first SUN. and MON. base and Wes Crile entered the line-U- P You've Tried the Rest ALAN LADD at WHY NOT TRY second. Wendy Franu was in benched. Weigel's Barber Shop Keith Shearer turned in a five-"tnin- g 1906 Cleveland Rd. "APPOINTMENT - crow,- louch A Hallmark card's the .; losing effort as Jack Davis Ralph Wells on Saturday DANGER" To moke Warren Weigel FOR to warm mom's heart. Albion 8-- won easily, 3. Woosler led, " Mother's Day truly memc: !e TUES. - WED. - THURS. thoose from our new selection. "I'D CLIMB THE Come in today. HIGHEST MUSKOFF DRUGS MOUNTAIN" Wooster Hotel Bldg.

Colby College ' tX( With love M

Thirsting compliments. for choose frovi our gracious In Waterville, Maine, there is always Take advantage of our complete line of collection of . a friendly gathering of students at the Colby Spa. Q4tasrAa&7,? shirts, pajamas, JEWELRY And, as in college campus haunts neckwear, sportshirts, handkerchiefs; LINGERIE everywhere, ice-col- d Coca-Col- a

helps make these get-togethe- rs Cftaucq and basque shirts. HOSIERY underwzar something to remember. As a re- Eisenberg Cologne Beautifully freshing pause from the study grind, Gift Wrapped or when the gang gathers around NICK coke belongs. AMSTER BEULAH BECHTEL Ask for it either way . . . both trade-mar- ks mean the same thing. PUBLIC SQUARE THE COCA-COL- A COMPANY BY "Fashions of Distinction" BOTTLED UNDER AUTHORITY OF THE COCA-COL- A BOTTLING COMPANY OF WOOSTER, O. Thursday, May 3, 1951 Page Four WOOSTER VOICE ON When Third Copped Last Year's Trophy MORE Independent Study Idea Spreads Flic independent study idea is ing of miscellaneous semester Baseball spreading. Recently adopted by a col- credits . . For the first two years, (continued from page 3) lege to the north, it is also being ". C advocated in a university to the south. there be a general education program on Friday, and with Allegheny at Remembering that higher education on Saturday. Next Thurs- financial self-educatio- Meadville "Better education at lower n, is fundamentally have day the Muskingum team will be here expense" claims Dr. Raymond Walters, upper-clas- s students do more work on even ihfir series Cincin- in Wooster to try to president of the I'niversily of their own. with the Scots. nati, would result from a revamping "Except for freshmen, who probably Wooster 3 Muskingum 2 of the machinery of American higher need twelve hours a week of Woosic Ab R II O A F. education. In a recent speech, Dr. scheduled

1 classes, there be a in 1 '1 let decrease the Bush. .'SI - 0 'i Walters recommended that, forgetting " F. Malin. - i 11 traditional departmental programs, number of required class meetings ( 1 0 0 Christy. If 12 "each faculty draw imp the college weekly. When lirst introduced, ihis I 0 3 9 1 0 i II) . - -- class l I . I eh.. - in light of today and decrease in attendance and J i Fleming, if 0 0 0 objectives the 12 supcr ision might result in heavier Joachim, if 3 12 10 0 tomorrow and seek their attainment 1 Oil". 2b -- 10 13 2 student mortality. Hut students who ") 0 1 with fewer text book assignments, less ss 3 0 0 edtica-tio- Kanai. are earnest and merit higher n 1 0 0 0 0 0 class at- Baab rigidity and frequency of would. I believe, rise to the Docco, ss 0-10- 1 -10 less challenge and would like it." ;- tendance, and academic bookkeep J. Malin. p 0 10 3 0 lota Is .... I.". 3 II 33 13 1

M uskingum Ab R II () A F. Steve, c - 3 0 0 12 3 0 Geycr. 2b -- 1 0 " 1112 1 Chopich, if .... 0 0 10 ll, 1 B'-ownwc- ss ") 12 0 5 Moth Day ") i o er's l o Met a lie, p . o r (J ll-- n. 0 0 (I 0 ' 5 -- 3b - f : : . I Mr-- 1 - . e."l"iJ! i 1 -- I 0 I 15 0 0 j ji 1.I1J--. . Taylor, lb .. r IM1 .1 W. Taylor, if 4 0 0 s, 1101 Photo by John Atkinson M-uhrw- If 3 0 3 0 0 Gifts Shown above is last year's victor, Totals 37 2 7 33 15 2 WE WILL PACK AND MAIL Sections Vie For flew Trophy Third Section, singing their encore, Wooster 100 000 010 013 "Dc Animals Are Coniin'." They Muskingum (100 002 000 002 GIFTS FOR YOU In Annual Spring Serenade Contest were led to their third straight Culminating many weeks of practice by the men's sections, victory by Bob Lawthcr. the M.S.G.A. presents its annual Spring Serenade Contest Friday in the chapel at 7:j0. With Mr. W. W. Bower as Master of Cere- monies and Mr. Frederick W. Moore, Miss Eve. R. Richmond, sfiiui'irosi1 Mr. Richard Sccoril, and Mrs. Marjory S. Colder as judges, each section will Fourth Section Leader, George MOTHER'S DAY aracer & present three selections. Brcakwcll. W00STI, OHIO Since Third Section won the con- The Band, GIFTS test for the third time last year, a Wade in the Water, new trophy will be presented for this All the Things You Are. SINCE 1906 ON THE SQUARE performance. I he plaque must he Fifth Section Leader, Dick Bird. at won three times before it becomes the Yours Is My Heart Alone, OLIN & MARGARET PRITCHARD, Owners property of any one section. This Battle Hvmn of the Republic, year's winner will keep it for one When Day Is Done. n n m r w wp year and then turn it over to next Eighth Leader, Larry J 3 year's winner. Section ALL I Weiss. Just about M.S.G.A.'s only money-makin- g All the Things You Arc,

A-Moveri- project, the serenade contest The Old Ark's n', was begun in 1U43, discontinued until The Halls of Ivy. 1 19-17- , and has been held each spring Mc-Clai- Third Section Leader. Chuck n. QUALITY DAIRY Modern in design and con- will be since then. The contest judged PRODUCTS struction, these cameras make as to how well the group sings to- Liberal Education, MILK - CREAM - BUTTER it easy to get good pictures gether, the intonation of pitch, the Carpathian Folk Song, ICE CREAM in full color and black-and-whit- e. diction, the selections used, and the ... Long Ago and Far Away. Priced from $2.75, vocal quality. Last spring the contest including Federal Tax. was won by Third Section, with Ninth Section Leader, I'aul Gros-berg- . For Home Delivery Fourth taking second, and Seventh Call 319 At left: Miss Irene winning a special prize for originality. Brush I'p On Your Shakes- SNYDER'S Sikentanz, 3323 peare, Cleveland Avenue, CAMERA SHOP IIP Port Huron, Mich.

A-Rovin- The order of the program and the g, IDEAL DAIRY Liberty at Bever selections to be offered are: Never Been Kissed. 133 N. Bever St. Sixth Section Leader, Dick Carter. At right: Miss Second Section Leader, Jim Hughes. Elaine Krupzak, Tempest, 5082 Lapeer Road. $ The Blue Tail I'ly, The Dry Bones, Port Huron, Mich Holiday for Strings, , 3 By the Light of the Silvery Lzekicl Saw de Wheel. S Moon. FREED LANDER' This is typical of thousands of First Section Leader, Dan Billings. re- Tickets for the contest will be on letters telling how HADACOL In the Still of the Night, Year-roun- lieves the real and basic cause of sale at the door and are now on sale d headquarters for fashions seen in 11 T he Beta Love Song, deficiency distresses. For HADA- in the dormitories by representatives. There is Nothing Like a MADEMOISELLE COL provides more than the min- Dame. imum daily requirement of Vita- mins Bi, B;, Niacin and Iron, plus The quality magazine for smart young women Seventh Section Leader, Guy Siller. George Lahm liiiiliiili; r helpful quantities of Phosphorus Never Been Kissed, and Calcium. It builds up the Jeweler blood Let Me In, hemoglobin content of the 221 E. Liberty St. Wooster, O. Hadacol May Relieve Cause of Troubles (when Iron is needed) to send I Ain't Gonna Take It Sitting When Due to a Lack of Vitamins Phone 1035-- W Bi, these precious Vitamins and Min- B2, Niacin and Iron, that Interfere with Down. to of the Fun and Studies! erals surging every part The marvelous benefits of HADA- We Have a Store Full of Wonderful OURS COL, today's great nutritional GIFTS AND CARDS FOR MOTHER'S DAY formula, are equally helpful to ALONE! young and old alike who are suffer- The Corner Gift Shop ing from a lack of Vitamins B,, B:, Man-Tailore- d Boy Shorts Iron and Niacin. Here's what these two pretty Make Merry While To coeds, who may have been suffer- The Sun Shines ing from such deficiencies, have to NOT A IcSALE BUT say: "We are two college students writing you this letter. Before tak- ing HADACOL we were nervous, 98 restless and unable to sleep at night. We found we were foggy all day and ached all over. Now after taking only 3 bottles of HAD- body and to every body organ. "A ACOL we are different persons. Why not find out today why Shore and neat . . . with top-notc- h jfjf We are full of life and energy and thousands say, "Only HADACOL man-tailorin- g. Heavy our aches have completely disap- gives you that Wondertil Hadncol Trial TUSSY bar-tacke- peared. Thank you for your won- Feeling." At your druggist: cotton gabardine with d derful discovery of that remarkable size only $1.25; large family size, deep pock- CREAM DEODORANT cuffs, side product, HADACOL." only $3.50. ets, finely finished seams. Keeps you dainty and sweet at once! Banishes odor, Trim-fittin- g curtain band perspiration SENATOR DUDLEY J. LE BLANC checks perspiration moisture. Gives waist. Self belt and loops. longer lasting protection . . . extra Side zipper. In navy, white, The Best Friend You Ever Had gentle to skin and clothing. 1 4 red, black, or aqua. Sizes 10 Senator LeBlanc has been in to 20. (Above available in public life since he was quite a young women's sizes 38 to 44.) man and has always advocated the cause of the op- pressed and downtrodden. It was he who introduced sNv v the law -- -- o- .rfcTV in Louisiana that gives every II deserving man and woman in Louisiana a pension of $50.00. 1 TUSSY CREAM DEODORANT It was he who introduced the law creating office of the Service Senator Dudley J. LeBlanc Commissioner, the duties of III. "VUMINU" which office is to see that every the laboring man. deserving ex-sold- ier and veter- You can place your confidence an receives his just reward from in a man who has by his past the Federal and State Govern- activities demonstrated to you ment. It was he who has con- that he is your friend. If yeu sistently fought the battle of are suffering from deficiencies the school teachers in the halls of Vitamins B Bj, Niacin and GRAY'S DRUG of the legislature. lie worked Iron, don't hesitate, don't delay, STORE untiringly for the farmers and buy HADACOL today.