TO: Judge Timothy Tymkovich: CC: SCOTUS, Merrick Garland, Jason Brent, FJA, ABA: CC: George Bush, Ashley Kavanaugh, , Beth Wilkinson: CC: , DNC, Me Too, Maria Archila & Gallagher, et al: CC: , Kjirsten Nielsen, Don McGahn via Leonard Leo, GOP: CC: Senators and Senate Judiciary Committee: CC: Steve Denning, Alana Abramson, Tucker Higgins, Young Turks, Chris Hayes. CC: FSB: Gen Bortnikov & NSA: Gen Paul Nakasone: CC: Pres Vladimir Putin, Stan McChrystal & Dalio Pittard Frank Seagal * 30 Oct: EoP Re: 10th Circuit Court: John Roberts v Brett Kavanaugh & US v Tim McVeigh1. » 31 Oct: Correction: “As of 2002, the US Embassy in Pretoria have not recognized me as a legal US resident, a former legal US resident, or individual married to a legal US resident” corrected as follows: “As of April 2003, the US Embassy in Pretoria have not recognized me as a legal US resident, a former legal US resident, or individual married to a legal US citizen.”

From: [email protected] * Date: 2018-10-30 14:05 Subject: EoP Re: 10th Circuit Court: John Roberts v Brett Kavanaugh & US v Tim McVeigh To: "Judge Timothy Tymkovich via US Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit: Clerk of Court" Cc: George W & GHW Bush via Donald Rumsfeld , Michael Hayden & Michael Chertoff via Chertoff Group , Brett Kavanaugh , Beth Wilkinson , US Supreme Court Judges via Electronic Filing Support Clerk , Merrick Garland via Patricia Millet , Elizabeth Paret , Jason Brent , Federal Judges Association , ABA American Bar Assoc , "Judicial Division: Amanda Banninga" , "Donald Trump Counsel: Rudolph Giuliani via Giuliani Partners" , JoAnn Zafonte , Kirstjen Nielsen , "Don McGahn via Leonard Leo via Fed Soc: Gianna Burkhardt" , Sarah Landeene , Judicial Crisis Network , Carrie Severino , Patrick Ryan , Danny Defenbaugh , Timothy McVeigh Counsel Stephen Jones , Richard Burr , Counsel Michael Tigar , "Chris Emery: Noble Lie: Free Mind Films" , "Buffalo News: Lou Michel" , Dan Herbeck , "Outpost of Freedom: Gary Hunt" , Jesse Trentadue , "Famous Trials: Douglas Lindner" , "FSB: Gen Bortnikov" , "Russian Defence Ministry: Igor Konashenkov" , "NSA: Gen Nakasone" , "US Navy JAG: VADM James W. Crawford III" , President Vladimir Putin via Kremlin Press Office , "Amb Anatoly Antonov: Embassy of Russian Federation in Washington DC: Press office" , Stan McChrystal , "Bridge Water Associates: Ray Dalio" , Bridgewater Corporate Counsel , "Connecticut Attorney General: George Jepsen" , Maj Gen Dana Pittard , Frank Serpico , Steven Seagal * Date: 2018-10-30 14:16 Subject: EoP Re: 10th Circuit Court: John Roberts v Brett Kavanaugh & US v Tim McVeigh

1 To: "Christine Blasey: Counsel: Katz Marshall Banks: Debra Katz" , Kelly Dolphin , "Palo Alto Psych Colleague: Larry Beutler" , "Leland Ingham Keyser: Counsel: Howard Walsh" , "TSD Communications: Ricki Seidman" , "Bromwich Group: Michael Bromwich & Melissa Schwartz" , "Debra Ramirez: Brownstein Hyatt Farber Schreck: Stan Garnett" , Lara Day , "Julie Swetnick: Counsel: Michael Avenatti" , DNC Press , George Soros , Me Too Movement , Press , Women’s March , Linda Sarsour , Nanine McCool , Rose McGowan , Mona Eltahawy , Anna-Maria Archila via Center for Popular Democracy , Benjamin Linsley , D Adams , Carrie Gleason , Rhea Martin , "Working Families Party: Anne Songcayauon" , "Maria Gallagher via Make the Road Action: Sara Cullinane" , Daniel Altschuler , Adanjesus Marin , Jak Allen , Maura Quint , Christopher Browning , Matthew Yglesias , Richard Epstein , Randy Barnett , David Faris , Sean Illing , Alaska Federation of Natives * Date: 2018-10-30 14:17 Subject: EoP Re: 10th Circuit Court: John Roberts v Brett Kavanaugh & US v Tim McVeigh To: "Philip F. Anschutz via Anschutz Exploration Corp: David Smith" , Republican National Committee , "CRC PR: Greg Mueller" , "Mark Judge: Barbara Biz Van Gelder" , Danielle Luque * Date: 2018-10-30 14:18 Subject: EoP Re: 10th Circuit Court: John Roberts v Brett Kavanaugh & US v Tim McVeigh To: "KY: Mitch McConnell: Robert Steurer" , "OR: Jeff Merkley: Martina McClennan" , "WVA: Joe Manchin: Bryer Davis" , "ME: Susan Collins: Darci Greenacre" , Carol Woodcock , "AK: Lisa Murkowski: Karina Petersen" , Ephraim Froehlich , "ND: Heidi Heitkamp: Abigail McDonough" , "Senate Judiciary Committee: IA: Chuck Grassley: James Rice" , Josie Wagler , "AZ: Jeff Flake: Adam Kazda" , Jason Samuels , Colin Timmerman , Press , Elizabeth Jones , "CA: Dianne Feinstein: Jennifer Duck" , Roscoe Jones , Eric Oginsky , "CA: Kamala Harris" , Cortney Bright , Isaac Irby , Nathan Barankin , Shaeda Ahmadi , "CT: Richard Blumenthal: Maria McElwain" , Joel Kelsey , "DE: Chris Coons: Sean Coit" , Brendan Mackie * Date: 2018-10-30 14:19 Subject: EoP Re: 10th Circuit Court: John Roberts v Brett Kavanaugh & US v Tim McVeigh To: "HI: Mazie Hirono: Anthony Lopez" , Will Dempster , "IL: Dick Durbin: Brad Middleton" , Max Kanner , "LA: John Kennedy: Michelle Millhollon" , "MN: Amy Klobuchar: Press" , "NE: Ben Sasse: Eric Green" , Raven Shirley , Chris Barkley , Derrick Morgan , Patrick Lehman , Alyene Senger , "NJ: Cory Booker: Kristin Lynch" , Zach McCue , Chris Slevin , "RI: Sheldon Whitehouse: David Caruolo" , Richard Davidson , Jen Deangelis , Katie Tsimikas , "SC: Lindsay Graham: Meghan Dorn" , Alice James , Nick Myers , "TX: John Cornyn: Drew Brandewie" , Claire Sanderson , Beth Jafari , "TX: Ted Cruz: Joel Heimbach" , "UT: Orrin Hatch: Matt Whitlock" , Lauren Paulos , "UT: Mike Lee: Heath Hansen" , "VT: Patrick Leahy: Kathryn Toomajian" , John Goodrow * Date: 2018-10-30 14:19 Subject: EoP Re: 10th Circuit Court: John Roberts v Brett Kavanaugh & US v Tim McVeigh To: "Forbes: Steve Denning" , "Time: Alana Abramson" , "CNBC: Tucker Higgins" , The Young Turks , Peter Axtman , Legal , "MSNBC: Chris Hayes"

Sent Separately: TO: Judge Timothy Tymkovich: CC: SCOTUS, Merrick Garland, Jason Brent, FJA, ABA: CC: George Bush, Ashley Kavanaugh, Brett Kavanaugh, Beth Wilkinson: CC: Christine Blasey Ford, DNC, Me Too, Maria Archila & Gallagher, et al: CC: Donald Trump, Kjirsten Nielsen, Don McGahn via Leonard Leo, GOP: CC: Senators and Senate Judiciary Committee: CC: Steve Denning, Alana Abramson, Tucker Higgins, Young Turks, Chris Hayes. CC: FSB: Gen Bortnikov & NSA: Gen Paul Nakasone: CC: Pres Vladimir Putin, Stan McChrystal & Dalio Pittard Frank Seagal Re: US Court of Appeals: District of Columbia Circuit Court: Chief Justice John Roberts & Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson: Re Complaints Filed Against Judge Kavanaugh referred to Judge Timothy Tymkovich2; Time: Supreme Court Chief Justice Refers Judicial Misconduct Complaints Against Brett Kavanaugh to Colorado Circuit Court3; Forbes: Chief Justice Roberts Requests Tenth Circuit To Investigate Kavanaugh Ethics Questions4; CNBC: Ethics complaints against Brett Kavanaugh have not been resolved yet5; The Young Turks: Judge Orders New Investigation

2 +Letter+from+Chief+Justice+Roberts+Transferring+Judicial+Misconduct+Complaints+Filed+Against+ Former+Circuit+Judge+Brett+Kavanaugh+to+the+Tenth+Circuit/$FILE/Ltr%20to%20Chief%20Judge %20Ty 3 4 investigate-kavanaugh-ethics-questions/#3d5cf7ab1877 5 yet.html Into Kavanaugh6; C-SPAN: Senator Jeff Flake on Justice Kavanaugh Confirmation Process7; C- SPAN: Sen Harris (D-CA) asks FBI Dir Wray about FBI Kavanaugh Investigation8.

Judge Tymkovich:

EoP Re: 10th Circuit Court: John Roberts v Brett Kavanaugh & US v Tim McVeigh.

Now, Chief Justice Roberts has requested Judge Timothy M. Tymkovich, the chief circuit judge of the Denver-based Tenth Circuit, to review the complaints against Kavanaugh and "any pending or new complaints related to the same subject matter." Judge Tymkovich has the option of handling the complaints himself, dismissing them or appointing a special committee to examine them. – US Court of Appeals: District of Columbia Circuit Court: Chief Justice John Roberts & Judge Karen LeCraft Henderson: Re Complaints Filed Against Judge KavanaughIbid via CNBC: Ethics complaints against Brett Kavanaugh have not been resolved yetIbid; Time: Supreme Court Chief Justice Refers Judicial Misconduct Complaints Against Brett Kavanaugh to Colorado Circuit CourtIbid; Forbes: Chief Justice Roberts Requests Tenth Circuit To Investigate Kavanaugh Ethics QuestionsIbid; The Young Turks: Judge Orders New Investigation Into KavanaughIbid; MSNBC: All In: President Donald Trump Nominates 13 Male Judges After Brett Kavanaugh ConfirmationIbid.

EoP MILED Clerk multi-tasking – on behalf of Dalio Pittard [] and EoP Applicants [] whose preferences are available at Ego/Eco Literacy [ego-] – EoP TRC to End Abel and Kane Cold War [eoptrc-] to implement EoP Scientific and Cultural law [] as international law negotiations correspondence; to enable responsible freedom [responsible-] orderly and humane prisoner release [] land reform [] denuclearization [] de- industrialization and depopulation [].

Summary: * Brett Kavanaugh & 10th Circuit: EoP or WiP 2% legal elite: * Summary of EoP Applications to US Courts / Legislators: » Earth First Residency and/or Citizenship: * Request for EoP & WiP or WiP Only Judges/Court Information: » Judge Tymkovich: EoP and WiP or WiP Only?: » If Judge Tymkovich: EoP and WiP: » If Judge Tymkovich: WiP Only Judge: Tenth Circuit: EoP and WiP; or WiP Only? » If any Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals: EoP and WiP. » If Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals: WiP Only:

Brett Kavanaugh & 10th Circuit: EoP or WiP 2% legal elite:

This is a precautionary EoP TRC application related to EoP v Brett Kavanaugh [eop-v-]; US v Tim McVeigh [] and EoP v Beth Wilkinson [eop-v-] which include EoP TRC recommendations depending on whether Brett Kavanaugh and 10th circuit court judges decide to be EoP or WiP 2% legal elite judges. EoP MILED

6 7 8 Clerk would have no objections to providing any judge – EoP and WiP or WiP Only – with with the information in this correspondence in the format of a ‘signed under EoP Oath [PDF9]’ affidavit.

If there are sufficient EoP cooperating 2% elite; then NSA and FSB officials can continue to engage in eliminating obstructing WiP 2% elite replacing them with cooperating 2% elite; until they can confidently recommend to EoP Axis [] nations presidents – and/or if required; their replacements – that there is sufficient 2% elite support for them to embark on official EoP TRC to End Abel and Kane Cold War negotiations to implement EoP Scientific and Cultural law.

If there are insufficient EoP cooperating 2% elite; then it does not matter how many NSA and FSB officials eliminate; because they don’t have sufficient voluntary cooperators to replace them with to confidently recommend to EoP Axis [] nations presidents – and/or if required; their replacements – that there is sufficient 2% elite support for them to embark on official EoP TRC to End Abel and Kane Cold War negotiations to implement EoP Scientific and Cultural law.

If or when it is determined by FSB Gen Bortnikov and NSA: Gen Nakasone that there are insufficient EoP cooperating 2% elite: EoP Applicants consent to Gen Nakasone to release Tim McVeigh [] to travel to South Africa and to Russia with EoP MILED Clerk for their joint assisted suicide in Siberia. » EoP Leg Sub: 22 Oct: EoP Int: FSB NSA Khashoggi Q for EoP MILED Clerk & EoP Applicants10.

If or when there are sufficient EoP cooperating 2% elite to enable NSA and FSB officials to recommend to EoP Axis [] nations presidents that there is sufficient 2% elite support for them to embark on official EoP TRC to End Abel and Kane Cold War [eoptrc-] negotiations to implement EoP Scientific and Cultural law [eop-] as international law; then Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols and all other prisoners worldwide can be pardoned; in accordance to EoP TRC prison pardon [prisoner-] policy.

In there are insufficient EoP cooperating 2% elite to enable NSA and FSB officials to recommend to EoP Axis [] nations presidents that there are sufficient 2% elite support for them to embark on official EoP TRC to End Abel and Kane Cold War negotiations to implement EoP Scientific and Cultural law; then NSA: Gen Paul Nakasone and/or Timothy McVeigh’s NSA superior can authorize the release of Timothy McVeigh to travel to South Africa and to Russia with EoP MILED Clerk for their joint assisted suicide in Siberia.

Summary of EoP Applications to US Courts / Legislators:

As of date EoP MILED Clerk has not been able to get a US court [] to formally accept an EoP culture formal application for juridical arbitration by its judges – sometimes the decision was made by a clerk and other times by Judges – where the EoP applications individual – as a primary party application and/or third party Amicus applicant – has been a South African resident.

9 10 South Carolina state legislators did cooperate to draft – cultural exemption from mainstream state legislation applied to all other citizens – legislation [] on behalf of US citizen Eustace Conway and his Turtle Island Preserve. I don’t know to what extent – if any – the EoP Amicus submitted on behalf of Eustace and Turtle Island Preserve, factored into the South Carolina legislators decision-making.

Earth First Residency and/or Citizenship:

So if these –– Alliance for World Scientists11 [MG Copy12] & Near Term Extinction abrupt climate change scientists13 [SQ Copy14] warnings15 that there is a very small window of opportunity16 – 2018, latest 2020 – to implement Ecology of Peace Scientific and Cultural law as international law, to enable orderly and humane deindustrialization and depopulation, and enable the Genghis Khan reforestation effect17 to mitigate18 [PNG19] exponential growth20 climate change21 and ecological collapse –– scientists are correct; then even if you and your family are allowed political asylum and/or to emigrate to Europe; and there is no EoP SciCult international law, to enable orderly and humane deindustrialization and depopulation; and stop NTE climate change; they will be as NTE fucked in the planet climate change oven as everyone else. » EoP Leg Sub: 23 Jul: Why did Farmlands not include EoP TRC campaign info?22.

Disclosure: I, Lara Johnson married US citizen, Demian Emile Johnson [] on 11 October 1997 at Folsom Prison where he was a prisoner. I did not then, and do not now, want to become a US citizen and/or ‘rattle snake’ passport holder. During apartheid the South African passport was referred to by South Africans as ‘The Green Mamba’; a highly venomous snake found in Sub Saharan Africa. I consented to my husband’s request to apply for temporary legal US resident status: INS # A77 177 281, to enable me to legally remain in the US as a US resident, pending his release from prison. I was deported by the INS in March 2002, for reasons unknown. I was arrested in the San Francisco INS offices after I had a verbal disagreement with an African American lady INS official, where I made reference to my lack of surprise for Osbama Bin Laden et al referring to America as a shithole country. The arrest occurred approximately a week after I had telephoned the San Francisco FBI and District Attorney’s office; on behalf of US Special Forces Native American – Seminole tribe – soldier Michael Martin – while he was at the time physically in my presence at a yacht club in Berkeley – to inform them that he was Oklahoma City bombing suspect John Doe #2, and that I was calling to inform the FBI / San Francisco DA that he had information he was willing to share with them about his role as John Doe #2, in the Oklahoma City Bombing. Michael Martin is not his real name, which I do not know and did not ask him to disclose. Presumably the San Francisco FBI and District Attorney did not want Michael Martins John Doe #2 OKC bombing information, because they put down the phone terminating the conversation. I also telephoned the White House National Security Office, to briefly inform them of the

11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 information. They did not ask any questions, but did not put down the phone. A few minutes after calling the White House National Security Office, someone from some Diplomatic office called, I don’t recall the exact name, but it had ‘Diplomatic’ in it, presumably the Diplomatic Affairs Division at the Dept of State, called with a few questions, none of which included Michael Martin. I had been in touch with Michael Martin for a few months, we originally met in a Flying J Truckers Parking lot in Phoenix Arizona, sometime on 07 Oct or between 6 and 17 Dec 2001: Our initial meeting occurred during media reports about the bombing of Tora Bora in Afghanistan. We travelled together for two days spent the night at the Geronimo Motel in Flagstaff, discussing among others the OKC bombing, then returned to Phoenix the next day. We then agreed that Michael would go back to Washington DC to speak with his Pentagon superiors to ascertain their level of interest if any for the disclosure of Oklahoma City bombing events via Truth and Reconciliation proceedings, and I would return to the Bay Area. A few weeks later Michael Martin returned to the Bay Area from DC, where I picked him up at the San Francico bus station, where I got a parking ticket waiting for his bus to arrive. He stated his Pentagon superiors did not object to his enquiry whether the OKC bombing events could be disclosed via Truth and Reconciliation proceedings, but they did say that it would open a can of worms that went directly back to the John F Kennedy Assassination, and they did not know whether American citizens really want to know the truth about what is done for them in their name. As of April 2003, the US Embassy in Pretoria have not recognized me as a legal US resident, a former legal US resident, or individual married to a legal US citizen. Allegedly the INS refused to provide the US Embassy in Pretoria with my INS file, to enable them to resolve the issues. All EoP TRC to End Abel and Kane Cold War negotiations legal applications and correspondence since 2003 has been an effort to cooperate with US Pentagon officials to ascertain the level of American and international support for such Ecology of Peace Truth and Reconciliation end to the Cold War.

Request for EoP & WiP or WiP Only Judges/Court Information:

The EoP Pro Se Amicus submitted – with consent from Justices [PDF23] – to the South African Constitutional Court in CCT 23-10: The Citizen v Robert McBride [] argued that South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission was negligent and/or a fraud, denying both sides – Apartheid and Anti-Apartheid – an honest enquiry into the root — right to breed / consume above ecological carrying capacity limits clauses of international law — causes of all planetary racial, religious and class resource conflict. » IG: 17-06-02_eoptrc-citizenv-mcbride24; EoP Leg Sub: 12 Jun: IAEA & UNODA: DRAFT: Consent to Ecology of Peace CVID – weapons & power – Denuclearization Definition25.

Corrections to 2001 letter to President G W Bush and Timothy McVeigh: My current working hypothesis conclusion is that all that is absolutely necessary is for such an alternative venue would be (a) The ‘Justice Quartus de Wet & Jury Percy Yutar mercy’ guarantee prior to the start of proceedings; that if the Judge or Jury finds us guilty; the Judge shall agree to our EoP cultural mercy preference not to waste taxpayers funds as prisoners; but the opportunity for us to be granted a two year exile to live together somewhere quietly in a village in the Siberian or similar wilderness; before the Red Army execute us by firing squad and bury us together in unmarked graves in the Siberian wilderness; (b) The judge and jury’s commitment to the evidence; the whole evidence and nothing but the evidence; so that both Ecology of Peace and Masonic War is Peace parties could submit their evidence; for the Judge and/or Jury’s consideration; (c) Once the Judge or Jury have considered all the Ecology of Peace and Masonic War is Peace evidence; if they determine that your Ecology of Peace actions were

23 24 25 objectively and/or subjectively legally (i) justified, to acquit you; or (ii) unjustified: to convict you and sentence you and me – as your EoP Bram Fischer expert witness to the subjective reasonableness of your military necessity actions — to death in Siberia; as per ‘Justice Quartus de Wet & Jury Percy Yutar mercy’ guarantee. » EoP Leg Sub: 06 Nov 2015: Timothy J McVeigh: Formal Apology: Re: Fraud of Radical Honesty Cult26.

Judge Tymkovich: EoP and WiP or WiP Only?:

[A] Is Judge Tymkovich an EoP and WiP conflict of cultures court of appeals judge; or a WiP cultures Only judge. Put differently: Do you accept legal applications from individuals who are members of Ecology of Peace culture?

EoP refers to Ecology of Peace. WiP refers to Masonic War is Peace. EoP court and/or judge refers to a court with clear scientific [] based legal definitions for objective [] and subjective reality focussed resource conflict problem solving strategic intelligence [] path to sustainable peace in language so simple that a child can understand. WiP court refers to a court and/or judge where peace and honesty legal definitions are not scientifically based but consciously or unconsciously vague and ambiguous, which nobody except conscious or unconscious ‘innocence indulgences for sale’ lawyers, prosecutors and judges can understand; whose strategic intentions are presumably to enable such conscious and/or unconscious innocence indulgences for sale WiP legal religious priests to profiteer off resource conflict misery their WiP laws have fuck all intentions of resolving.

A ‘Conflict of Cultures’ court or arbitrator would consider culturally based evidence from any individual whatever their culture; even if none of the courts judges or arbitrators were members of one or both of the parties cultures; in order to reach a win-win conflict of EoP v WiP cultural laws compromise. A Monoculture court will consider only culturally based evidence from a particular EoP or WiP culture; which could be racial, religious, class or ideological. In this case an EoP and WiP court or arbitrator would consider both EoP and WiP cultural evidence; even if none of the courts judges or arbitrators were members of one or both of the parties cultures. A WiP only court would consider only WiP cultural evidence – although it may provide conflict of cultures arbitration if parties are members of different racial, religious, class or gender WiP sub-cultures – denying access to the court’s arbitration proceedings, from individuals who are not members of a WiP culture. » EoP Leg Sub: 27 Oct: J Gauntlet: Req for Info: ADR & Conflict of Cultures27; 01 Oct: EoP Re: Rachel Mitchell Memo: Re: Analysis of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford's Allegations28; 02 Oct: EoP Re: Charles Luddington v Brett Kavanaugh: SCOTUS EoP or WiP honesty standard29.


EoP RH FR: EoP Radical Honoursty Functional Interpretation of Objective Reality Transforming the World Constraints for Sincere Peaceniks / Honourable Warriors:

Ecology of Peace Radical Honoursty Factual Reality30 [] and EoP Scientific and Cultural Law31 [] are EoP culture’s functional group shared

26 27 28 29 30 system of thought and action frame of orientation and object of inter-species relating devotion interpretation of reality for individuals whose object of devotion/values include: (i) honest – race, religious, gender and cultural – relationships; (ii) an ecological carrying capacity based perspective of observable factual social contract reality; and (iii) non-violent cooperative root cause problem solving.

[1] Earth is not flat. [2] Resources are finite. [3] When humans breed or consume above ecological carrying capacity limits, it results in ecological overshoot, resource depletion and resource conflict. [4] Some of the socio-cultural and psycho-political consequences of overpopulation & consumption collision with declining resources include: poverty, slavery, unemployment, food shortages, food inflation, cost of living increases, urban sprawl, traffic jams, toxic waste, pollution, peak oil, peak water, peak food, peak population, species extinction, loss of biodiversity, peak resources, racial, religious, class, gender resource war conflict, militarized police, psycho-social and cultural conformity pressures on free speech, etc; inter-cultural conflict; legal, political and corporate corruption, etc. [5] The root cause of humans breeding and consuming above ecological carrying capacity limits is the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses of the Masonic War is Peace international law social contract. [6] If individuals, families, tribes, races, religions, political parties, corporations and/or nations sincerely – aka egological literacy [ego-eco-] – want to (a) sustainably protect natural resources for future generations; and/or (b) reduce class, racial and/or religious local, national and international resource war conflict; and/or (c) enable honourable, transparent and humane international cooperative de- industrialization and depopulation of the planet to return to living in accordance to ecological carrying capacity limits; they should (d) cooperate [] to nullify the ‘right to breed and consume with total disregard for ecological carrying capacity limits’ clauses and replace them with Ecology of Peace clauses that restricts all the worlds citizens to breed and consume below ecological carrying capacity limits; or be humanely eliminated from the planetary genepool. » EoP Leg Sub: 07 Mar: CRL Rights Comm: Re: EoP TRC to End Abel & Kane Cold War ideas for regulating churches32: Draft: Referral to Mediation: State of EoP TRC to End the Kane & Abel Cold War Negotiations33; Statement of Claim: State of EoP TRC to End the Kane & Abel Cold War Negotiations34; 30 Apr: Daniel Richman: EoP Re: Comey Ethics US-RU Moral Equivalence; DJ Trump Fair Arbiter35.

If Judge Tymkovich: EoP and WiP:

[B] EoP Global War on Legal Terror Metrics Question submitted to Judge Brett Kavanaugh:

Please find herewith EoP version of Donald Rumsfeld’s Global War on Terror metrics [dhr-gwot-] question submitted to Joint Chiefs of Staff on 16 Oct 2013; submitted to Judge Brett Kavanaugh [] on 05 Sep 2018:

Judge Kavanaugh: “If (a) Beirut Barracks, Oklahoma City Bombing, World Trade Center, etc terror attacks – whether motivated by race, religious, class ideologies – are the direct and indirect resource conflict consequences of legal statutory clauses of national and international law enabling procreation and consumption above ecological carrying capacity limits; and (b) US

31 32 33 34 35 36 legislators, Presidents and Supreme Court Justices do nothing whatsoever to cooperate to abolish national and international statory clauses enabling procreation and consumption above ecological carrying capacity limits causes of all racial religious, class national and international terror attacks, wars and genocides resource conflict; (c) are you consciously and/or unconsciously lying – aka committing perjury – by pretending that you thought deeply about your legal advice to a President to enable him to make the recommended – eliminate the clauses of national and international law enabling procreation and consumption above ecological carrying capacity limits – to prevent the root overpopulation and consumption causes of all terror attacks resource conflict. » EoP Leg Sub: 05 Sep: EoP Q for Bannon & Kavanaugh: EoP RH FR Ethics Control of GWOT Metrics?37.

The Ecology of Peace legal ‘sustainability’ – aka sustainable procreation and consumption footprint [] – definition was submitted to among others International Criminal Court Judges, US Secretary of State and Intnl Court of Justice: Permanent Court of Arbitration Environmental Disputes Experts – 29 Dec 2015: ICC: Judge Silvia Fernandez de Gurmendi: Re: EoP ICC Private Pros: EoP PoW’s -v- Nobel Committee and Peace Laureates et al38; 03 Sep 2017: US Sec State: EoP suggested Amendment of ‘terrorist’ org definition in S. 219 Immigration & Nationality Act (INA)39; 03 Jun 2018: PCA: Hugo Siblesz: EoP Re: Judge JBrent: SustDev academic fraudsters should be executed40. » EoP Leg Sub: 02 Oct: EoP Re: Charles Luddington v Brett Kavanaugh: SCOTUS EoP or WiP honesty standard41.

EoP TRC to End Abel and Kane Cold War [] negotiations correspondence to among others: international military [], US Political Parties []; Trump Oligarchs [], The Giving Pledge Oligarchs []; Alt Right []; Antifa []; Black Lives Matter []; Me Too Movement [eop-v-]; military industrial corporations [].

[C] EoP US v Tim McVeigh Question submitted to Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s Counsel: US v Tim McVeigh Prosecutor:

Request Justice Kavanaugh to enquire from his SCOTUS nomination legal counsel: Beth Wilkinson, who was also one of the primary Prosecutors in US v Timothy McVeigh No. 97-1287, whether McVeigh DoJ prosecutors would prefer [C.1] an EoP v WiP conflict of cultures re-trial for McVeigh; or if not [C.2] whether US v McVeigh prosecutors have any objections to NSA: Gen Paul Nakasone and/or Timothy McVeigh’s NSA superior; to authorize the release of Timothy McVeigh to travel to South Africa and to Russia with EoP MILED Clerk for their joint assisted suicide in Siberia.

If [C.1] Request Justice Kavanaugh to request Beth Wilkinson to request [C.1.a] President George W Bush to confirm his statement to Governor Gray Davis regarding his knowledge of the faked execution of Timothy McVeigh; and/or [C.1.b] Governor Gray Davis to confirm Pres George W Bush’s statement to him regarding his knowledge of the faked execution of Timothy McVeigh.

37 38 39 40 41 [C.1.c] Request US v Tim McVeigh prosecutors and Tenth Circuit Court Judges consent to the following conviction and/or sentence and/or suspension of proceedings agreement:

If such US v Tim McVeigh EoP v WiP retrial proceedings result in a judicial and/or jury finding of [C.1.c.i] innocence; McVeigh conviction and sentence is overturned; [C.1.c.ii] guilt; Timothy McVeigh’s – cooperation with NSA and FSB officials on EoP TRC to End Abel and Kane Cold war negotiations – mitigation of sentence shall authorize NSA: Gen Paul Nakasone and/or Timothy McVeigh’s NSA superior to release of Timothy McVeigh to travel to South Africa and to Russia with EoP MILED Clerk for their joint assisted suicide in Siberia.

[C.1.c.iii] If such US v Tim McVeigh EoP v WiP retrial proceedings result in FSB and NSA conclusion that there are sufficient 2% elite support to officially recommend to EoP Axis [eop-] nations presidents that there are sufficient 2% elite support for them to embark on official EoP TRC to End Abel and Kane Cold War [] negotiations to implement EoP Scientific and Cultural law [] as international law; then any and/or all parties can suspend the US v Tim McVeigh retrial proceedings; Judges, Prosecutors and Lawyers can focus their attention on cooperating to reform the legal system in accordance with EoP Scientific and Cultural law international law requirements; and Timothy McVeigh and Terry Nichols and all other prisoners worldwide can focus on getting their pardons in accordance to EoP SciCult international law prisoner pardon [] policy.

If Judge Tymkovich: WiP Only Judge: Tenth Circuit: EoP and WiP; or WiP Only?:

[D] If Judge Tymkovich is a WiP Only judge, would you be willing to enquire from your fellow Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Judges whether any of them are EoP and WiP conflict of cultures multiculture judge’s?

If any Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals: EoP and WiP:

If any Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Judge is an EoP and WiP Judge:

[E] Please see Questions [B] & [C].

If Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals: WiP Only:

[F] Would it be fair for Justice John Roberts to reasonably conclude that if Timothy McVeigh counsel Stephen Jones had made an EoP culture military necessity [] application on behalf of his client; before any or all WiP Only Tenth Circuit Court judge/s – US v Timothy McVeigh No. 97-1287 – the EoP application would not then have received – and will not now receive – a fair and impartial EoP v WiP conflict of cultures juridical enquiry?

Saying pretrial publicity and jury misconduct kept him from getting a fair trial, Timothy McVeigh asked the U.S. Supreme Court on Wednesday to review his convictions in the Oklahoma City bombing case. McVeigh, who faces execution, is also asking the court to review whether he deserves a resentencing. He argues his attorneys should have been allowed to ask jurors during the selection process whether they would automatically choose death for those most responsible for the bombing. Federal prosecutors have until Feb. 5 to respond to McVeigh's arguments, which were rejected last year by the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. McVeigh, 30, filed his Supreme Court appeal as a pauper, an option for indigent prisoners who can't pay the filing fee. The man convicted of the worst act of terrorism on U.S. soil is in federal prison in Florence, Colo. The U.S. Supreme Court accepts only a small percentage of the cases it is asked to review. It will likely be several weeks before justices vote privately on whether to accept McVeigh's appeal. Attorney Rob Nigh Jr. urged the justices to take the case to send a message to the country that all defendants will get a fair trial no matter how heinous the crime in which they are accused. Nigh, of Tulsa, made the plea while criticizing the 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for upholding McVeigh's convictions even though U.S. District Judge Richard Matsch didn't investigate alleged jury misconduct. "The Oklahoma City bombing case and the trial of Timothy McVeigh were of critical importance to the nation," Nigh wrote. "The country looked to this case as the means by which faith in the criminal justice system might be restored after media fiascoes in other high profile criminal cases had engendered profound disillusionment in the processes of criminal law. "The Tenth Circuit's decision to uphold the district court's refusal to recognize the prejudice from premature decision when 'ordinarily' an investigation should be conducted sends an unmistakable message to the citizens and courts of the . The message is that the rules of law may be applied on a sliding scale when the crime is unspeakable and public outrage is great. "This court should grant... (review) so that a different message is sent." – News OK: Supreme Court Asked to Review McVeigh Convictions42 [ELS Copy43].

[G] If Tenth Circuit Court WiP Judges think any other US Court of Appeals Circuit Court and/or the US Supreme Court may have an EoP and WiP Judge: questions [B] and [C] can be referred to such Circuit Court and/or Supreme Court Judge or Judges.

[H] If Tenth Circuit Court WiP Judges think all other US Court of Appeals Circuit Courts and the US Supreme Court only have WiP Judges: Do Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals Judges on behalf of all US Circuit Court of Appeals Judges and the US Supreme Court; have any objections to NSA: Gen Paul Nakasone and/or Timothy McVeigh’s NSA superior; to authorize the release of Timothy McVeigh to travel to South Africa and to Russia with EoP MILED Clerk for their joint assisted suicide in Siberia.

A copy of this correspondence is documented at EoP Legal Submissions [].


Lara Johnson, aka Andrea Muhrrteyn [EoP Oath PDF44] Former MILED Clerk & Acting Clerk

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