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Part I - Introduction • Lucis Trust Online The Esoteric Meaning of Lucifer - https:// - Descent and Sacrifice [of the “Fallen Angels”] - - Support of the United Nations - - United Nations Charter & Lucis Trust - | Here is an article on Francis telling Catholics that it is their “duty to obey” the United Nations. • JSTOR Online The Ouroboros as an Auroral Phenomenon - https:// - An excellent article on tracing the symbol of the Ouroboros from the Ancient Egyptian world, to Hellenistic culture, to Hermetic alchemy. You can sign up for free and read 6 articles every 3 months for no cost.


Part II - Gnosticism, New Testament Battles, Philo, Paul, Alexandrian Mystery Schools & Hypatia Alexandrian “Gnosis” & Jewish Gnosticism

• Khiok-Khng Yeo Rhetorical Interaction in 1Corinthains 8 & 10 (Brill) - - pp. 125-141 - This section demonstrates various scholarly viewpoints that relate to Jewish Gnosticism, rebellion, the myths of Sophia and Ialdabaoth, and also the influence of Philo of Alexandria ; there is also an element of elitism in regards to their ‘Gnosis’ and viewing the Cosmos as a “miscarriage” and being disillusioned under Roman rule. It also expands upon the idea of Paul in Corinthians using Gnostic language to speak to people falling prey to it’s ideas, rather than being a Gnostic himself. The argument made is that Paul is trying to reconcile the Corinthians back to (Catholicism) and to turn them away from the Philo-influenced Gnosticism in which they were succumbing to. This idea is echoed in other scholarly texts on the topic in these references, in particular the Theological Dictionary citations. | pp. 142-155 - This section deals with the “weak” vs. the “strong” in regards to Paul dealing with dietary restrictions tied to philosophical / theological beliefs. It also mentions the oddities where there is certainly overlap with Philo’s ideas, yet not entirely in regards to particular issues. There are also debates over “freedom” among these Gnostics, but the views seem to be almost entirely subjective in contradistinction to the Apostle Paul’s views ; this is also in conjunction with more issues with elitist mindsets in relationship to said ‘Gnosis.’ • Elaine Pagels The Gnostic Gospels pp. 36-38 - Ms. Pagel’s provides us with insights as to what the early Gnostics believed about the “Demiurge” as merely being an “image” or a “veil” of the true “higher powers” ; i.e. the “God of Israel” is a false authority, and that the Gnostic initiate, in his pseudo-baptismal “sacrament” of initiation, “declares his independence” from the “sphere of authority” of this false-God and cannot be judged by them [i.e. lawlessness]. • Paul Foster Case The Tarot pp. 161-165 - Mr. Case, the creator of the BOTA Tarot deck, gives us insights into what The Devil card represents in Occultism ; the typical Enlightenment ‘buzz words’ with Gnostic roots are attributed: Ignorance, Saturn, black, bondage, a veil, ridiculous figure, made up by man’s false conceptions– –i.e. Roman Catholicism and the God of Israel contains all of those attributes and is “The Devil” of Occultism. • Eliphas Levi Transcendental Magic: Its Doctrine and Ritual pp. 194-195, 379, 398, 404-405 - Eliphas Levi, the popularizer of the Baphomet and influence on Albert Pike, H.P. Blavatsky and Aleister Crowley, gives us the following insights: 1) Hellenism is the “savior” of the world, and is the esoteric meaning of Jesus Christ. 2) The Kabbalah Jews knew this, and Philo of Alexandria has the keys of ‘gnosis’ to unlock the Tarot system of Occultism. 3) This Occult Science will bind the “ignorance of the Middle Ages” of which built “the empire of superstition and idiotic credulity” and will “emancipate” the altars of the Church. 4) Only when “science...enchains” this “spectre of Satan” (i.e. Roman Catholicism) will we become “awake” after our sleeping during the “Middle Ages.” 5) The Gnostics and Manicheans preserved this wisdom during these Dark Ages, and they had the true “meaning of the divine Apocalypse.” • Carl Sagan Pale Blue Dot pp. 314 - - Sagan’s quote on man becoming gods, Gnosticism, Hinduism, the Talmud and ‘alternative’ accounts / interpretations of Genesis’ creation story and the garden ; here is the Cornell University article on Sagan’s Sphinx Head home. • Gnosis Online The Thunder, Perfect Mind - thunder.html - The duality of the “virgin” as the ‘holy spirit’ akin to being a ‘prostitute’ in the Gnostic schema which influenced the Simon Magus tradition. | On the Origin of the World - http:// - The Gnostic’s version of ‘Genesis’ where the ‘virgin’ Sophia has a bizarre form of an ‘immaculate abortion.’ • Johannes Van Oort Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica. Collected Essays of Gilles Quispel (Brill) - - pp. 39-41 - Palestinian “Law-abiding” Jews vs. Liberal Jewish culture in Alexandria ; the Gnostic Sophia originating from liberal Jews mixing with Egyptian religion in Alexandria that had an affinity for “sexual…freedom” related to their gods, androgyny and also reincarnation. Cosmology was also tied to the “great Archon” and his “cosmic egg” formed in “chaos” (likely lending to the ‘miscarriage of the Cosmos’ viewpoints of early Jewish Gnostics) which is very akin to Big Bang cosmology theories on the ‘Cosmic Egg’ and the ‘chaos’ of the universe being created. There are also comments about Jews in Alexandria forming a sort of primitive “B’nai Brith” in conjunction with a “sort of Masonic Lodge” which was a mixture of Jews and Greeks/Copts alike. | pp. 113 - The Gnostic inverted ‘sacrament’ of marriage is transformed into being an allegory for finding your inner ‘Gnosis’ and spark of the divine and androgynous union within the consciousness of an “initiate” or “higher-self.” Much of this is related to union with a “guardian angel” ; this is very much a proto-type of Aleister Crowley’s views on union with the “Holy Guardian Angel” which he styles Lucifer, source: Aleister Crowley Magick in Theory and Practice pp. 193, 274-278. | pp. 141-147 - Connections are made to the Cathars and some ‘Enlightenment’ mystics such as Gottfried Arnold, a follower of Jakob Böhme, who was very sympathetic to Church heretics throughout the ages and in particular the early Gnostics as the ‘good guys’ and the ones who were righteous and “innocent lambs and true Christians.” This all lays the foundations for the rise of Masonry and the Illuminati in Prussian territories. | pp. 156 - A very good definition of Gnosticism, “Today Gnosticism is defined as a religion in its own right, whose myths state that the Unknown God is not the creator (demiurge, YHVH); that the world is an error, the consequence of a fall and split within the deity; and that man, spiritual man, is alien to the natural world and related to the deity and becomes conscious of his deepest Self when he hears the word of revelation. Not sin or guilt, but unconsciousness, is the cause of evil.” There are also relevant comments on how early Gnosticism was known almost exclusively by its “opponents” (being Irenaeus, Hippolytus, Epiphanius) and as to why the Nag Hammadi discoveries in Egypt in 1945 are so ‘great’ since they are the texts without the polemics. UNESCO was directly responsible for funding the translation projects which allow them to be freely available via the online archive. The distinctions are mentioned that certain texts aren’t ‘technically’ Gnostic such as The Gospel of Thomas (Encratite), Thunder, Perfect Mind (said to be Jewish), whereas something like the Apocryphon of John is one of the works most closely related to early Gnostic ideas in Alexandria. | pp. 184 - Implications of The Gospel of Thomas in regards to Our Blessed Mother, “But [the Gospel of] Thomas is the only one to transmit that (only) the [male] followers of Jesus can be saved (i.e. can enter the kingdom of God), which implies that the Mother of God is not in heaven.” | pp. 196-225 - Exegesis on The Gospel of Thomas and some of its ‘Judaizing’ views in regards to the Mosaic Sabbath, the Pharisees “keys of gnosis” and them not being regarded as “hypocrites” in Thomas like in the NT Gospels ; there are mentions of possible overlap (which is Quispel’s theory, not without its problems via his own admission) with a text called the Gospel of the Egyptians. What is most relevant about Thomas is the utter disdain for women and marriage (i.e. procreation) that parallels many views on the Cathars and the obvious problems that presents for the Catholic Dogmas on Our Blessed Mother. | pp. 343-344 - More overlap with the Gospel of the Egyptians which apparently suggests that Our Lord, Jesus Christ, was teaching some form of Buddhism (e.g. how to attain “Nirvana”) and was deemed to be androgynous. The connections are made to Plato’s Timæus (influence on Philo), reincarnation and Encratite views found in The Gospel of Thomas ; this overlaps with Philo’s views on androgyny despite his distinctions that polemicize against bodily transgenderism (as opposed to a ‘consciousness’ or an ‘incorporeal idea’ that will be foundational to the development of the ideas regarding Adam Kadmon in 13th century Kabbalah). | pp. 461-474 - More on primitive Kabalistic ideas in Jewish circles, and Philo’s strange polemicizing particular speculations on a “heavenly” androgyny among Alexandrian Jews, while elsewhere in his writings adopting the idea of an incorporeal androgyny of a primitive man. | pp. 494-515 - Roots of pagan goddesses like Isis or Ishtar/Astarte influencing the dualism, androgyny and “prostitute” elements found in Bronté or The Thunder, Perfect Mind that are perhaps influential on the Gnostic cults related to Simon Magus. This also delves into territory about the “ever-virgin daughter” in esotericism that is in direct opposition to Catholic Dogmas on Our Blessed Mother, “ever- Virgin.” | pp. 522-527 - More on the Gnostic “Demiurge” of Jehovah/ Yahweh as Ialdabaoth or Saklas (the “fool”) in the Apocryphon of John and his so-called “ignorance” of believing himself to be the one true God ; Quispel traces this to Babylonian influence upon these Jewish Gnostics rejecting their creator and depicting him as the ‘abomination’ Ialdabaoth, the lion-serpent, who “knows neither First nor Last.” One of the distinguishing attributes of Judaism, also identified by the Jewish Kabalist Gershom Sholem, is the Jewish name “Ariel” which means “the lion of God” and being connected to the alleged lion-faced creator God of Judaism from the views of these rebel Gnostics ; again this is related to overlap with Simon Magus and his Gnostic sect. | pp. 539-547 - More on Philo’s influence upon Jewish “Gnosis.” Quispel asserts Philo must have been drawing upon an already existing tradition of Jews in the Diaspora in formulating his allegories and ideas, and in particular his relationship to early Christianity. More is revealed on his views regarding androgyny, archetypes in the Bible, alternative interpretations of Ezekiel’s vision (very common in Freemasonry), etc. | pp. 559-565, 654-656 - Quispel now gets into Manes (or Mani) and his Jewish revolt into Gnostic Dualism and developing the Manichean tradition which will be enormously influential and relevant to the Cathars and then later esoteric Freemasonry and the Bavarian Illuminati doctrines revealed in Barruel’s Memoirs. This all overlaps with the texts Hypostasis of the Archons [e.g. Catholicism’s views on Hypostasis would be of these “Archons”] On the Origin of the World (e.g. origin of “Chaos” being Ialdabaoth, etc. ; perhaps what you see Paul combatting in Corinthians and the alleged “God of confusion”). One of the most profound statements here is the fallen notion of Sophia representing the Jews in the Diaspora, and “matter and history” being a result of dialectics [like Marx’s dialectical materialism?] with Spirit being in flux moving through history in this manner [Sophia trapped and repressed by the “Archons” of the and OT Laws / Commandments of the Creator] ; this is related to Philo as not being a Gnostic, but a “reactionary opportunist” drawing upon Gnostic ideas while at the same time opposing them [speculation, but could this be to form an attack on early Christianity?]. Another scholar, Nils Dahl, Quispel says “convincingly” expands upon this idea of the Diaspora revolt against the OT Creator, and views this as the Jews rejecting the “vain claim of the arrogant demiurge” and the “deficient Law of a tribal god.” The revolt is not targeting the world / creation, but simply the Creator of it [i.e. “the world” is greater than the Creator; thus it is the Creator who is lacking and deficient, and thus mankind would be better off without Him and His Commandments, etc.] ; this is seen as “only understandable as a protest within Judaism.” Finally, it is revealed that these elements of Jews in the Diaspora in the formulation of early Gnostic thoughts and ideas have “nothing to do with the Christian Saviour.” | pp. 724-732 - The Gnostic text On the Origin of the World projecting Pagan conceptions of cosmology (e.g. Cosmic / Orphic Egg, etc.) and chaotic gods in Greek culture onto the Creator of Catholicism / God of Israel [this is essentially what H.P. Blavatsky’s Theosophy does]. This all ties into a debate on “love” and the words Eros vs. Agape in Pagan Greek culture / interpretation vs. Catholic / Christian. The difference is the “Greek Cosmic Love” of which Philo calls the visible Cosmos “the unique and beloved sensible Son of God” vs. God in the flesh and the Catholic understanding of John’s Christian Love and Logos. Quispel conflates these two and seems to insinuate that John is influenced by Hellenistic-Gnostic thinking; however, Quispel also includes a “furious” refutation of his position in the following work available on JSTOR: Cornelia de Vogel Greek Cosmic Love and the Christian Love of God - • Richard A. Baer, Jr. Philo’s Use of the Categories Male and Female (Brill) pp. 35-53 - Read through all of Philo’s strangeness in this section in regards to androgyny, the primordial man, and also his overtly anti-women rhetoric. Though it is specified at times when the ‘corrupted’ female nature is distinctly allegorical, in other areas it is certainly carrying over into the biological roles / attributes of women in society. Philo’s ideas on virginity have more to do with a masculinizing and purging the feminine attributes, especially in relationship to pro-creation ; in fact when a women is too old for pro-creation she can return to a ‘virginal’ state that is more pure (implying that bearing children makes you less ‘godly’) • Gerhard Kittel Theological Dictionary of the New Testament Vol. VII - - pp. 121-122 - Philo on sin and the woman’s guilt. | pp. 135 - Paul on flesh not being bad when combined with spirit (lest he be accused of being a Gnostic himself like many do). | pp. 434 - Philo being of the “illumination” school, Platonism and fusing Greek and OT concepts. | pp. 498-514 - Sophia or ‘Wisdom’ in Catholicism vs. Jewish Gnostic illuminist schools of thought and Philo, etc. | pp. 519-522 - Paul uses the Gnostic language and terminology of his opponents in NT writings in order to re-order them back to Christ’s resurrection and Christianity ; i.e. he isn’t afraid of using Gnostic terms (e.g. powers, principalities, aeons, archons, etc.) for good purposes as long as Christ’s resurrection is at the (sacred) heart of the teaching. • Martin Scott Sophia and the Johannine Jesus pp. 58-60 - https:// - Philo’s relationship to Sophia, Gnosticism and androgyny. • Albert Mackey Mackey’s Revised Encyclopedia of Freemasonry Vol. I & II pp. 51 “Alexandria, School Of” - Gnosticism and Cabala are derived from this school, and laid the foundations of Masonic philosophy ; all of this is very highly praised, especially the secrecy and elitism in regards for the ‘Adepts’ having the true meanings reserved only for themselves, of which Masonry still holds to. | pp. 772 “Philo Judaeus” - As per Philo and his allegorization of Scripture, “Early inventors of the advanced degrees, philosophical degrees of Freemasonry...made frequent use of the esoteric philosophy of Philo in the construction of their Masonic system.” • Early Christian Writings Online Gospel of Thomas Saying 114 - - The mic-drop found at the very end of the text, “Simon Peter says to them: ‘Let Mary go out from our midst, for women are not worthy of life!’ Jesus says: ‘See, I will draw her so as to make her male so that she also may become a living spirit like you males. For every woman who has become male will enter the Kingdom of heaven.’” | Here is an interesting article trying to defend the "misogynist" Thomasian Gospel, as it "is understood" by "conservatives" because their are "far too simplistic" in their interpretation of the passage that "women are not worthy of life" etc. because they haven’t consulted "experts" [e.g. Elaine Pagels] who understand it as "allegory" [same as Philo and Freemasonry]. • JSTOR Online The Jewish Background of the Gnostic Sophia Myth - - Valentinus and the Gnostikoi - - A few additional articles to further prove the point of Jewish Gnosticism and its rebellion against the God of Israel. • The Jerusalem Post Online Alexandria: Forgotten Jewry, Forgotten Revolt - - Information on Philo and Alexandria, "The greatest figure to emerge from the elite of the Jews of Alexandria was philosopher and political activist Philo (c. 25-c. 50 CE). The scion of a wealthy banking family with ties to the monarchy in Judea, Philo read the Torah as both law and philosophy. While he did read the Torah from a literal standpoint and was a pious Jew, Philo added a layer of philosophical allegory on to the text that understood anew the meaning of the text. He reconciled the Torah with the philosophy of Plato. Philo was first great Jewish philosopher and, although he is a harbinger of Saadia Gaon and Maimonides, his writings – in Greek – were embraced by a Church that skewed Philo by focusing solely on his use of allegory. Philo never meant for Jews to abandon the Torah and ritual; he merely took the ideas of the day and recalibrated them for Judaism." This seems to be fairly typical of Philo where most modern Jews don’t view him as heretical and deem him to be “a pious Jew.” If this be the case, then there is reason for suspicion as to his involvement in formulating Jewish Gnosticism as a potential attack on early Christianity; however conscious or unconscious he may have been of this, that is not for me to judge. • Bruce Gore Lecture YouTube 17 Philo of Alexandria - https:// or - Excellent lecture on Philo, reactions to his ideas in the NT, and how many Jews fell into the ‘snare’ of Gnosticism despite it not being the original intention of Philo (it would seem), this does help support the postulation of Gilles Quispel of Philo being a “reactionary opportunist” (both politically and theologically) as cited in the previous citations from Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica ; here is Professor Gore’s website.

Alexandrian “Gnosis” & Hypatia + Cosmos Propaganda

• UMass Lowell Online The Life of Hypatia - y45573ur - Excellent paper giving you the three main historical accounts from 1) Damascius the ‘last Neo-Platonist’ (as he’s called) claims Cyril plotted to murder Hypatia out of jealousy ; he also claims she “remained always a virgin” ; compare this with Carl Sagan who says she had “many suitors.” 2) Socrates Scholasticus, a Christian, who has by far the most balanced take ; he also made an account of the incident with the Jews who were stirring up problems in the other account we mentioned (see next citation). It is interesting that the most balanced account appears to be the least represented in our Modern “Rational” times. 3) John, of Nikiu, who essentially calls Hypatia a ‘witch-handler’ of Orestes and exonerates Peter the Reader from his attack on Hypatia and deems it as a righteous act. Despite this more ‘extreme’ account, it's interesting to note that John of Nikiu had positive things to say about a former prostitute who was married to Emperor Justinian, Theodora. Despite some of her not-so-great theological influence on Justinian (apparently she enabled protection of some heretics via her influence over her husband), she did a lot to stop sex- trafficking, which Nikiu favorably noted. Considering John of Nikiu had a penchant for polemicizing against 'occult-witch-handlers' who were said to be influencing Christian rulers (which some accused Theodora of being as I understand), it seems interesting that he has a favorable view of Theodora (see his historical accounts here). This perhaps shows that he wasn't a biased as some might think? If so, it could be speculated that Hypatia might have actually been a ‘Yoko Ono’ type influence over Orestes, who according to Scholasticus’ account claimed he was a baptized Christian, but was perhaps enamored with Pagan Neoplatonic circles. The reality of the situation? Who knows, but there’s no evidence to suggest that Cyril roused up rebellion to murder her, nor that the liberal Jews in Alexandria were completely innocent of ‘shenanigans.’ • Socrates Scholasticus The Ecclesiastical History (Revised w/Notes by Rev. A.C. Zenos D.D.) Chapters XIII-XVI - yd6plare - Read chapters XIII through XVI [keyword search “Hypatia” to find these chapters easier] for the accounts of Cyril, Orestes and Hypatia, and the Jews being a bit rowdy and perhaps ‘liberal’ in their behavior as per the Commandments. It is important to note these points, when comparing to Graetz’s account: 1) The desert were a bit rowdy, but Graetz implies that a Christian desire for the “crown of martyrdom” is what “transformed” them like unto “wild beasts” ; there is zero indication this was their reason for going to confront Orestes, and Scholasticus’ demonstrates this. Graetz also neglects that the Jews aren’t exactly acting so ‘kosher’ themselves in terms of their ‘beast’ behavior. 2) Orestes is attacked unfairly by a Christian from Nitria named Ammonius. But then Ammonius was tortured and ended up dying (implied as an unintended consequence) ; Graetz only mentions Orestes being attacked and says he almost died due to it, where as the attacker was tortured and actually died. Cyril does try to make it into a martyrdom for Christ, but then stops promoting this later because he knew it wasn’t true (“obliterated by silence”). 3) Hypatia got mixed up in the politics, and that is the main reason she became a target, not because she was a learned woman who made Cyril, let alone anyone else, jealous. 4) Chapter XIII and XVI shows some of the shenanigans of the Jews during that time. While Graetz would have you believe that Cyril unjustly trumped up charges against them, and that Orestes was “very concerned at the barbaric treatment” of them, according to Scholasticus Orestes was more jealous of the power of the than any Christian or man of Hypatia’s intellect. There’s also an account of a Christian ‘spy’ being encouraged to be punished by the Jews, and Orestes tortured him in public to show a display of power over the Bishop. Read the accounts for yourself and decide where the scales of balance tip in terms of who is acting more honorable and also who has the more dishonorable behavior by comparison (each group has things you can criticize, but there’s still a more objective ordering / understanding to be had). • Heinrich Graetz History of the Jews Vol. II pp. 618-619 - https:// - (CORRECTION: The text I read live during the discussion was one that sourced Graetz’s citation and called Hypatia a male ; they must have mistranslated Graetz, as he does call Hypatia a female ; however, the rest of the verbatim text I read had the integrity of the quote intact ; read it for yourself at the link provided.) Mr. Graetz essentially uses the Freemasonic version of history, expanding upon Damascius’ account, to claim the “fanaticism” of Cyril “incited” Christians from Nitra whose “thirst for the crown of martyrdom” had made them like “wild animals” that almost killed Orestes for not “sanctioning the expulsion of the Jews” ; they then “tore to pieces” Hypatia who “charmed the world with her profound science...eloquence and...purity.” It is odd how how Sagan says she had “many suitors” in his Cosmos episode, which would not exactly “purity” in Graetz’s eyes, yet Sagan the same story as Graetz here in regards to the other Masonic / Neoplatonic account. Please see the Amarium Magnum Blog citation below by Tim O’Neill, who provides excellent citations as to the more accurate accounts on Hypatia of Alexandria. • Carl Sagan’s Cosmos - Who Speaks for the Earth ? [17:50 mark - Sagan’s Masonic-Liberal propaganda speech prepping for his trip down memory lane to the “Paradise Lost” of Alexandria at the 24:40 mark for Aristotle and Ancient Greece + Hypatia] The whole episode basically says the “seeds of the Modern World,” and being a “Citizen of the Cosmos,” came from Alexandria’s cosmopolitan paradise, and that this was all lost, or led to humanity “slumbering” [need to be WOKE !] for 1,000 years of the “Dark Ages” of Church rule thanks to St. Cyril of Alexandria. Here is a link to the transcript for the episode and you can keyword search to save video search time. • Armarium Magnum Blog “Agora” and Hypatia - Hollywood Strikes Again - - An Atheist amateur historian (Tim O’Neill) blog that provides sources to ‘critique’ (putting it nicely) the movie Agora, which depicted Hypatia (played by Rachel Weiss, a Jewish-Liberal actress, who also starred in the Mummy movies about the glories of Egypt ; she also dated Darren Aronofsky, a Liberal Jewish film-maker of Noah [“alternative” flood story], Pi [Kabbalah themed], Black Swan [Luciferian perfection], etc.) as the sweet “virgin” goddess of the Mysteries as per the Manly Palmer Hall narrative, Graetz and Carl Sagan. Mr. O’Neill (the blog owner) provides useful citations and analysis of Hypatia and the Great Library in the ancient world in comparison to the Hollywood mythos of Hypatia. • Albert Pike Morals and Dogma pp. 730-733 - Hypatia, the Alexandrian school of Neoplatonism and the religious persecution of them that led to the so-called “Dark Ages.” • Manly Palmer Hall The Secret Teachings of All Ages pp. 611-613 - Hall calls her the “immortal” Hypatia, the “virgin” philosopher of the Mysteries [i.e. replacement for Our Blessed Mother] in comparison to the “fanatical” Cyril of Alexandria, who was full of “hatred,” and was even made into a Saint [i.e. the Catholic Church makes murderers into Saints]. Compare Hall’s take on Hypatia with that of Carl Sagan’s in the 13th Episode of Cosmos segment on Hypatia of Alexandria and it is almost as if they based the segment on Manly Palmer Hall’s narrative. • Jonathan Theodore The Modern Cultural Myth of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire pp. 177-184 - Historical critique of the movie Agora starring Rachel Weiss. • Ronald L. Numbers - Galileo Goes to Jail And Other Myths About Science and Religion Myth 1 pp. 8-27 - The myth of the death of Hypatia and destruction of Alexandria leading to the “Dark Ages“ of Catholic Christianity. | Myth 7 pg. 59-67 - The myth of Giordano Bruno being a martyr for science. • Variety Online ‘Walking Dead’ Q&A: Tovah Feldshuh on Playing Alexandria Leader Deanna Monroe and Rick’s Big Shave - https:// - A Jewish-Liberal actress Tovah Feldshuh talks about playing the role of Deanna Monroe, leader of Alexandria, in the Walking Dead is based on Hillary Clinton. • Sharon Tate - Crisis Magazine Online Rosemary’s Baby: A Warning to the Curious - - Sharon Tate born into a Catholic family and the tragedy of her life. | Den of Geek Sharon Tate Was an Icon of Youth for the Decade of Youth - https:// - The accounts given on her involvement in “Alexandrian Wicca” are given ; these claims come from a witch from that sect who says Tate was involved in the practices with her during the 1960’s ; considering the strangeness surrounding the Tate Murders and Polanski’s Gnostic-Occult movies and the 1960’s in general, this story is not surprising at all if this woman is telling the truth. • Agora (2009) - Movie on IMDB • Discover Magazine Online Did Cosmos Pick the Wrong Hero? - https:// - Defending Giordano Bruno: A Response from the Co-Writer of “Cosmos” - - One of Scientism’s own, Corey Powell, dares to question the ‘Cosmos gods’ and their pick of Giordano Bruno to be their martyr for science. These articles are the critique itself and Powell’s response to the response to the critique. • Carter A. Wilson Racism: From Slavery to Advanced Capitalism pg. 38 - Aristotle’s version of Nationalism (not racist). • Howard J. Curzer Aristotle and the Virtues Ch. 17 pg. 367-411 - Aristotle’s version of slavery (not racist or chattel––also consider context of other nations during that time and see how bad their slavery was in comparison).


Part III - Paul & Apostles vs. Gnosticism, Manicheanism, East / West Infighting, Fourth Crusade, Albigensian Crusade, Spiritual & Egalitarian Alchemists

Early Church vs. Early Gnosticism & Manicheanism

• Scott Hahn, Curtis Mitch Ignatius Catholic Study Bible: New Testament - - One of the best resources for Catholic interpretations and exegesis on the New Testament in my opinion. At the beginning of each book there is a synopsis that deliberates who the Gospel or Apostolic writer is most likely writing for/to or against ; often times it is assumed that many of the opponents are promoting some form of primitive Gnosticism that would later develop alongside the early Catholic Church (similar to Rabbinical Judaism but perhaps in a more dialectical fashion). • Johannes Van Oort Gnostica, Judaica, Catholica. Collected Essays of Gilles Quispel (Brill) - - pp. 556- 565, 653-656 - Manicheanism, Manes, Jewish Gnosticism, Philo overlap, and the “Manichean Canon” that likely had influence on the Cathars from the Messalians, Bogomils etc. This ‘alternative’ canon replaced the NT Gospels with Thomas ; they replaced Acts with the apocryphal Acts of Thomas, Peter, Andrew, and Paul ; they then added the main Epistles of St. Paul, some of them re-ordered and without the “pastoral” ones of Timothy and Titus. • Bennie H. Reynolds III, Armin Lange, Eric M. Meyers & Randall Styers Light Against Darkness - Dualism in Ancient Mediterranean Religion and the Contemporary World pp. 234, 241-248, 259-265 - https:// - Relationship of Gnosticism and Manichean Dualism to the Book of Enoch, the Watchers, Book of Giants, Nephilim as “abortions” according to Manes, the Zohar, and Jewish legends and myths; on pp. 234 is where you can read about the Cathars and the archonic “abortions” that are tied to Manes’ teachings from Enoch and the Watchers unholy union; remember that from the Gnostic standpoint, these “abortions” or “archons” are representative of the Catholic Church and its version of Christ and the Creator of the OT; thus promoting the story of Nephilim hybrids as being wicked and evil is actually calling the Christian God wicked and evil – by default – from the Gnostic perspective. There is overlap with this in the Appendix: The Manichean Myth, beginning on pp. 241, which has an exegesis very similar to the Gnostic Sophia, the creation of Adam and the “archons” that come from Ialdabaoth, “Because of unbridled intercourse in the Realm of Darkness from eternity, the daughters of Darkness were already pregnant, and after seeing the forms of the Third Messenger they aborted their fetuses, which fell down upon the earth and started eating the shoots of the trees. The abortions remembered the form they had seen and wondered where it had gone.” Thus, “aborting” your child, like these “daughters of Darkness,” would be akin to “aborting” the “evil” Demiurge Creator of the Old Testament. A statement by Ephrem Syrus, on pp. 255 helps to illustrate this, “In fact Manichaeans and their Chaldean dualist brethren were infamous for their uncompromising rejection of the canonical form of the Hebrew Bible. Barely a century after the death of Mani, Ephrem Syrus reports that “they (the Manichaeans) revile our Old Testament just as the Jews revile the New Testament.” This helps show the continuity of the “archons” as “abortions” being linked to the Nephilim + Watcher angels (e.g. views that connect Genesis 6 + Enoch) as having the same fundamental issue: The God of Israel = the “abortions” or “dark” offspring (e.g. Ridley Scott’s Prometheus movie) ; thus promoting the idea of Nephilim or Watchers as ‘evil’ in Christianity is actually calling the God of Israel evil – by default – according to this Manichean-Gnostic schema. Perhaps this is an ‘inside joke’ of the actual Fallen Angels influencing man via ‘subjective gnosis’ outside of the Catholic Church ; and what has become its go-to interpretation of the Sethite view via Augustin + Thomas Aquinas (and Dr. Brant Pitre in our modern day) that helps prevent leading to these types of Gnostic ideas that developed out of the school of Manes. • J.J.T. Doedens The Sons of God in Genesis 6:1-4: Analysis and History of Exegesis pp. 85, 106-117 - - A great book to explain the wide variety of viewpoints and uses of the Sons of God in Genesis 6 including: Philo’s allegorizing of the angelic view, Rabbinical development, Christian development and use in Peter and Jude. • Albertus Frederik Johannes Klijn Seth: In Jewish, Christian and Gnostic Literature pp. 74-86 - - (try this link if certain pages aren’t available in the previous one) - Saints and in Christianity combatting Gnosticism and Manichean Dualism related to the Sons of God being interpreted as angels and not Sethites, including: The Watcher angels in Enoch, the Nephilim of Genesis 6, Ham’s continuation of the corrupted Nephilim line, the Sethite Gnostics (not to be confused with the Sethite view of Genesis 6 coming from Augustin, Aquinas, Pitre), etc. • Arthur Segal & Frank Dunne, Jr. A Spiritual and Ethical Compendium to the Torah and Talmud pp. 46-54 - - The story of Genesis 6, Noah, Ham’s sinfulness, and the Noahide Laws / Tikkun Olam from the viewpoint of the Talmud and Zohar- Kabbalah views. • Pheme Perkins Gnosticism and the New Testament pp. 22-25 - https:// - Gnosticism, Enoch, Alexandrian Judaism, Assumption of Moses, Book of Giants, Manichean Dualism, Watcher angels, Nephilim, Apocryphon of John, Jubilees, etc.

Byzantium’s Great Divorce & Charlemagne Controversies

• Podcast Lecture - Some lectures via podcast that are part of my own paid content; however, I’ll give links to listen for free (so long as you don’t share them or distribute their files), for those who’ve watched the Christ vs. Occult series and might find them useful ; especially when considering Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholicism. • Peter H. Wilson The Holy Roman Empire: A Thousand Years of Europe's History pp. 19-33 - - A great book used for the discussion on early Christianity, Byzantium, Charlemagne and the Two Swords model of Christendom in the first chapter. • Catholic Diocese of Palm Beach What Do Catholics and Eastern Orthodox Disagree About Anyway? - - The issues of Councils, along with other East vs. West problems. • Rosamond McKitterick The Frankish Kingdoms Under the Carolingians 751-987 - - Adalgis’ refuge in Byzantium and his conspiring against Charlemagne with Greek aristocracy. • Y. Hen Roman Barbarians: The Royal Court and Culture in the Early Medieval West pp. 170-172 - - Empress Irene’s Council and the Charlemagne & Frankish snub ; Irene & Charlemagne marriage negotiations ; Constantine VI’s blinding, etc. • J.B. Bury A History of the Roman Empire pp. 34 - https:// - Divorce of Constantine VI, the of Constantinople, and the excommunications involved with Irene. • Anscar J. Chupungco Handbook for Liturgical Studies, Volume IV: Sacraments and Sacramentals pp. 268 - - Constantine’s divorce from Mary of Paphlagonia and remarriage to Theodota, and the Studite Monks controversy. • George Finlay History of the Byzantine Empire, Volume 1 pp. 96-97 - - Constantine VI’s divorce, remarriage to Theodota, Patriarch of Constantinople Tarasios and the Studite rebellion against him for sanctioning the marriage ; Irene takes advantage of the situation. • Pierre Hegy, Joseph Martos Catholic Divorce: The Deception of Annulments pp. 116 - - Byzantine divorce issues and Constantine VI and the Council of Florence. • Leslie Brubaker, Julia M. H. Smith Gender in the Early Medieval World: East and West, 300-900 pp. 113-115 - y3se2jnf - Constantine VI’s failed arrange marriage, Irene calls it off and arranges marriage with Maria ; Constantine’s divorce from Maria and marriage to Theodota. • Michael Frassetto The Early Medieval World: From the Fall of to the Time of Charlemagne pp. 327-330 - - Irene and Charlemagne’s marriage proposals, children marriage proposals, Irene’s exile and then brought back and blinds her son, Byzantine throne vacancy, Charlemagne fights Paganism and expands Christianity to Saxony area. • New Advent Council of Frankfort - 06236a.htm - Charlemagne’s little synod as a response to the Second Council of Nicaea ; this appears to be mainly an impulsive re-action to French bishops being snubbed; it also appears that there was a lot of ‘lost in translation’ issues that could lend towards the West not understanding the distinctions regarding icons, yet could hold the same fundamental views while thinking each other ‘heretics.’ • De Imperatoribus Romanis Online Encyclopedia of Roman Emperors Constantine VI (780-797 A.D.) and Irene (797-802 A.D.) Lynda Garland - - Irene breaks of marriage, loses , etc. • Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America The Seventh - - Irene calls council to deal with Iconoclasts. • Irene of Athens General Info Irene of Athens Irene of Athens - - Irene’s Icon policies. | Irene of Athens - - Basic bio along with Constantine VI. | This Day in History - - Irene the “Emperor.” | Britannica Irene - yye5bjj3 - Britannica entry on Irene. • Deeds of God 496 A.D.: The Day King Clovis Was Baptized - https:// - The recorded miracle of Clovis’ baptism.

The Fourth Crusade Debacle

• Podcast Lecture - Some lectures via podcast that are part of my own paid content; however, I’ll give links to listen for free (so long as you don’t share them or distribute their files), for those who’ve watched the Christ vs. Occult series and might find them useful ; especially when considering Eastern Orthodox or Roman Catholicism. • Donald M. Nicol Byzantium and Venice, A Study in Diplomatic and Cultural Relations pp. 106-108 - - The passages we references on the Massacre of the , Andronikos Komnenos and the Venetians vs. Genoise and Pisans situation. • Thomas Madden Enrico Dandolo and the Rise of Venice pp. 133-154 - - Excellent book that deals with the Fourth Crusade (among other topics of Byzantine history). The pages cited begin with its origins, its diversion to Zara, along with the in-fighting amongst the Venetians and Dandolo vs. the Frankish clergy / Crusaders (e.g. Simon de Montfort who went on to the Cathar Crusade) and Pope Innocent III; these pages take you all the way up through the Fourth Crusade and Sack of Constantinople. • Donald E. Queller Medieval and Renaissance Venice pp. 96-108 - - Interesting relationship between Andronikos Komnenos (led the Massacre of the Latins) and Enrico Dandolo (a “”), and the aftermath of the Massacre as it related to the Venetians ; the most relevant reading is on pages 103-104. • Donald E. Queller, Thomas Madden The Fourth Crusade: The Conquest of Constantinople pp. 84 - - Reading on the misconceptions of Dandolo’s intentions in taking the Crusaders to Constantinople, and not being as black and white as saying he “simply hated Byzantines” ; also, more info on Andronikos I releasing Venetians after the Massacre of the Latins, benefitting them, and their lack of being impacted by the Massacre. • Laura K. Morreale, Nicholas L. Paul The French of Outremer: Communities and Communications in the Crusading Mediterranean Ch. “Western Eyes on the Latin East” by Massimiliano Gaggero - https:// - (unfortunately the Google preview does not provide the page numbers, but scroll up until you see the chapter title listed) The relationship of Andronikos Komnenos and his rule to the Massacre of the Latins leading to the Fourth Crusade debacle ; in particular the sub-chapter called “On the Background to the Fourth Crusade” is rather interesting and shows just how much the Fourth Crusade interests in heading to Constantinople were indeed related to the reign of Andronikos Komnenos and Byzantine Emperor usurpation plots and coups.

The Albigensian Crusade, Cathars, Jews & Kabbalah

• Malcolm Barber The Cathars, Dualist Heretics in Languedoc in the High Middle Ages - - The main academic work used for information on the Cathars. • Norman F. Cantor In the Wake of the Plague pp. 207-208 - Here is the relevant quote on the Kabbalah + Cathar overlap: “The rabbinical and capitalist elite in the Jewish communities, about 5 percent of the Jewish families, had furthermore come to abandon the Aristotelian rationalism of Maimonides, and instead embrace an esoteric theosophy called Kabbalah, which originated in the Hellenistic eastern Mediterranean in the first century A.D. The Kabbalah intensified its mystical and astrological contents over time, its masters generating an air of mystery about themselves. Ordinary Jews were excluded from study of the Kabbalah. Only rabbinical families intermarried with the mercantile and banking elite were given access to it. Christians might well suspect that among the hermeneutic secrets of the Kabbalah were arcane recipes for magic, and poisons, and spells, that the Kabbalah constituted a kind of Black Magic. The mid – fourteenth century was the beginning of the age of the witchcraft delusion that consumed Western Europe for another four hundred years. It was easy to somehow associate the Kabbalah and witchcraft and at the margin there may occasionally have been an actual connection. There is no doubt that there was a doctrinal overlap between the Kabbalah and the dualist Christian Catharist heresy in southern France, which so frightened and horrified church leaders in the early thirteenth century until the Cathars were suppressed by papal-authorized force.” It is interesting to note that the elite 5% tied to Capitalism only had knowledge of the Kabbalah, which he mentions came from Hellenistic cultures on the fringes of the empire (just as Gilles Quispel and Yeo had identified) ; this ties in directly to Daniel Jütte Age of Secrecy book (Part IV’s discussion) where Christians and Jews would work together to bring about deep state secrets, primitive Capitalism, and elitist attitudes via ‘Gnosis.’ • E. Michael Jones The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History pp. 103-113 - Relevant passages on the Cathars relationship to Judaism. Lest one be upset for quoting E. Michael Jones, here are some of the more revelatory passages where Dr. Jones uses source quotes that are taken purely from Jewish scholars themselves: “If the truth were known...probably it would be found that the learned Jews in Provence were in large part responsible for this free-thinking sect [Cathars]. The doctrines that the Jews had been spreading throughout the land for years could not but have helped to undermine the Church's power." Lewis Browne Stranger Than Fiction pp. 222 - | “[It is] indubitable [that the Albigensian heresies] were largely the result of friendly intercourse between Christians and Jews.” Israel Abrahams Jewish Life in the Middle Ages pp. 402 - https:// ] | “The Jews were not entirely innocent victims within the religious structure of southern France, nor was the inquisitorial ' attack on them idiosyncratic and fortuitous.” Norman A. Cantor The Sacred Chain: The History of the Jews pp. 178 | “The Albigenses in southern France, who were branded as heretics. and who were the most resolute opponents of the papacy, had imbibed their hostility from intercourse with educated Jews.” | Heinrich Graetz History of the Jews Vol. III pp. 501 - https:// | These should suffice, but Dr. Jones provides more examples, coming from Jewish historians themselves, in this chapter entitled “Rome Discovers the Talmud.” • Ben-Sasson A History of the Jewish People pp. 484-486 - https:// - The Jews in the 13th century, Albigensian Crusade, Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateral Council, anti-Jewish measures, Talmud, Tartar hordes, etc. | pp. 542-545 - The burning of the Talmud and Maimonides controversy vs. Kabalistic interpretations gaining traction using allegory and metaphor as explanations for the Hebrew scriptures. • Ministry Magazine Online The Ancient Waldenses: Did the Reformation Predate Luther? - - An article discussing the Waldensian’s influence and roots of the Protestant Revolt. Here’s another interesting paper written as an academic Thesis in 2014 on the more ‘inclusive’ role of women in the Waldensian movement despite not quite having full “equality” (but hey, at least it was ‘progress’).

“Alternative” Novus Ordo Spirit of Francis Communist Cult

• Kenyon College Online Joachimites, Spiritual Franciscans, or Fraticelli - - Summary from an academic article on Kenyon College’s website that gives useful citation links (to articles that also provide the necessary citations––the one on Olivi is revelatory) for the various documents and information surrounding the “New Age” egalitarian “Spiritual Franciscans.” The Notre Dame University link for St. Bonaventure is broken on this page, but I found the correct one here which talks about Bonaventure not allowing for other ‘alternative’ interpretations of St. Francis that would lead to weird heretical and Communist ideas. • Matthias Riedl A Companion to Joachim of Fiore Chapter 7, pp. 275-285, 290-297, 301-304 - - Purchase Chapter 7 PDF - All the necessary source reading citations for an ‘alternative’ “Novus Ordo” under a “charismatic, Jesus-like wandering preacher followed by an egalitarian community” named “Francis” which creates a “globalized... political revolution” to bring about a “universal government” that “rejects private property” and the catalyst for the final stages comes from a “great restorer” (i.e. a ‘great reset’?) that overthrows the “Clericalist” Church of the Middle Ages [i.e. traditional Catholicism]. This vision was most articulated by the Franciscan Alchemist Rupescissa (along with others contributing to this ‘Novus Ordo’ vision), and also being the major source of inspiration for modern Marxist and Communists in the 19th and 20th century. • San José State University Online - The Festival of the Holy Spirit in Azorean Portuguese Communities - watkins/holyspirit.htm - An academic article connecting Franciscans in the Joachim of Fiore ‘radical’ tradition, and their influence on this island. “Joachim's idea of a utopia on Earth captured the minds of many, notably many monks in the Franciscan Order...some of the followers took the ideology of the Era of God the Holy Spirit a step further. They reasoned that the Catholic Church was an institution of the Era of the Son and should therefore disappear in the Age of the Holy Spirit. This was too much for the Catholic hierarchy and the Church commenced a program to suppress the ideology of Joachim and his followers. In 1256 Pope Alexander IV condemned as heresy all writings promoting the ideology of the Joachim. Subsequently the movement concerning the Era of the Holy Spirit was wiped almost everywhere in Europe. Groups of Franciscan monks resisted the condemnation of the concept of an Era of the Holy Spirit as did the Order of the Knights Templar...There were also Portuguese Sephardic Jewish families who had been forced to convert to Christianity who migrated to the Azores to escape the surveillance of the .” • Maria Santa Montez The Imperio in the Azores. The Five Senses in Rituals to the Holy Spirit - - A “New Pentecost” dedicated to the spirit of “Mother Earth” as the “Holy Ghost.” This particular (Luciferian?) spirit was ‘in exile’ from the Portuguese Inquisition. As per the Spiritual Franciscans plan to do away with the Age of the Father and the Son to bring a new interpretation of the OT / NT, we find a curious parallel in a ‘spirit-cooking’ festival: “The most important element is the meal served to the entire population and the sacred meaning surrounding it; in worship dedicated not to god the Father, not to god the son, but to the holy spirit, an abstract element connected with the naďve and pure soul, as well as the impact of power and wisdom.” The article itself presupposes this connection. There is also a sort of ‘Judaized’ version of an animal sacrifice, “these festivities are the object of various sacred and profane rituals involving the sacrifice of an animal, usually a calf or an ox, which is slaughtered to provide meat to be served at the banquet for the entire population. Foreign guests are invited to partake as well.” Apparently, in , the Luciferian ‘virgin’ spirit will always be preserved, on the only other ‘autonomous’ island archipelago other than Madeira; where Emperor Karl I of Austria had, perhaps, the Holy Spirit of Christendom in exile. Interestingly enough, there is a sort of mocking ritual involving the Emperor, “nowadays the emperor is a boy under eleven that is crowned in great pomp and circumstance during the festivities.“ Is this perhaps, akin to Herod mocking Christ as a king with “great pomp” in Luke’s Gospel account of Herod and Pilate? All the more interesting considering the Emperor Karl I of Austria connection to the only other ‘autonomous’ island archipelago in Portugal (i.e. which ‘free’ Spirit is residing on which island? the Gnostic spirit on the Azores? or the Roman Catholic Spirit of Christendom on Madeira?). • Stanley D. Pikaart Waldensians and Franciscans: A Comparative Study of Two Reform Movements in the Late Twelfth and Early Thirteenth Centuries (Graduate Thesis) - - A really excellent comparison of the real and his followers vs. Peter Waldo and his Waldensian followers. The Spiritual Franciscans are really more of a mixture of the two it would seem, and that this evolved into pseudo-Gnostic and Hermetic Alchemical ideas mixture with the prophetic visions of Joachim of Fiore (my own personal assessment based upon the reading I’ve been able to do on these topics). • America Magazine Online A New Pentecost: The Council Revealed John XXII’s Hope for Dialogue - 5153/article/new-pentecost - An article talking about the “New Pentecost” spirit of the 2nd Vatican Council under Pope John XXIII. • Marie-Theresa Hernandez The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Conversos: Uncovering Hidden Influences from to Mexico - https:// - A very interesting book that gives citations and accounts of the influence of Kabbalah, Cathars, and Spiritual Franciscan / Fraticelli overlap in Latin America. They ‘transformed’ Our Lady of Guadalupe into crushing the serpent of the Inquisition and pegged Rome as the Beast / Antichrist etc. The Inquisition in Mexico interacted with these issues and there’s a whole lot more that is relevant that we may be able to touch on a bit in the next episode.


Part IV - Petrarch’s “Dark Ages”, Converso & Alumbrado Controversies, Guadalupe, the Jesuits & Renaissance Era Racial Thinking

Spiritual Franciscan & Avignon Papacy Controversies

• Norman A. Cantor In the Wake of the Plague: The Black Death and the World It Made pp. 103, 112, 114-115, 196, 197 - ya47vfpo - (also see the citation for this same book in Part III for the Kabbalah & esoteric Theosophy being tied to an elite 5% of Capitalist-banking and mercantile Jews who abandoned Aristotelean rationalism) Mr. Cantor talks about the relationship of the Avignon Papacy to the 3rd Republic of France ; he illustrates how the anti- clerical Masonic regime desecrated the Avignon Papacy grounds (hint, it involved horses urinating). He also talks about Franciscans influencing early “Reformation” thinkers such as William of Occam; an important example he uses is Roger Bacon, a Franciscan alchemist whom Manly Palmer Hall (Freemasonic author) highly praises. Cantor appears to blame the Catholic Church for not developing science and medicine during the 13th century, and focusing on (i.e. a more modern / materialist interpretation). Nevertheless, the value here is that he shows a distinct dichotomy between Catholicism & Aquinas vs. the Oxford school being influenced by these radical Franciscans, whom the Avignon Papacy persecuted, that are obviously connected to the Spiritual Franciscans who ran with Joachim of Fiore’s prophetic visions. • Sophia Menache Clement V pp. 293-305 - - These pages contain the relevant reading that involves the Spiritual Franciscans controversies, and trying to deal with a schism within the order between the Conventionals who were persecuting the Spirituals as being defiant / heretical ; Clement tried to take a more moderate approach, but apparently the conflict was too deeply engrained. This all appears to be going on during the times of the Templar trials in the early 14th century. This book helps to demonstrate that Pope Clement V was not simply a cartoonish buffoon that was merely a tool of the King of France (Philip IV). I’d like to do more studies into this time period and see if the Modern + Masonic history’s malefic depiction of ‘Philip the Fair’ is actually ‘fair’ ; at this time, in my personal opinion (which is certainly subject to change with more information) it appears to be exaggerated at times, but the criticisms of Philip IV also appear to be justified as well. • Augustin Barruel Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism Part II, The Antimonarchical Conspiracy, Ch. 11-13, pp. 325-365 - - Barruel goes through the esoteric Masonic writings on the Knights Templar (which was fomenting hatred against the current Bourbon regime) and gives his 2-cents on the debacle involving the Temple Order, Clement V and Philip the Fair. • David Burr The Spiritual Franciscans, From Protest to Persecution in the Century After Saint Francis Ch. 9, pp. 191-212 - https:// - Excellent chapter dealing with the Spiritual Franciscan situation within the Avignon Papacy and perhaps Albigensian ‘echoes’ in Southern France. • Joseph R. Strayer The Reign of Philip the Fair pp. 260-261, 276, 297-299 - - These pages cover Philip IV’s controversies with Pope Boniface VIII, who was not well liked, and who “would rather be a dog than a Frenchman, and a dog has no soul, while even the most miserable Frenchman has one.” [lol––ouch] Regardless of the types of comedic relief we can find in 14th century insults used in Christendom, the book provides good insights into Philip the Fair’s dedication to the Inquisition cleansing out problems in Southern France, and even “wanting to be sure that those who were punished were heretics and that the punishments were not excessive.” This, at least on the surface, doesn’t quite fit the narrative of a demonic despot who trumps up heresy charges to gain wealth without any regard for religious integrity. There’s a fine line between pure pragmatism and pragmatism with religious ethical considerations being in the minds of Kings during these “Dark Ages.” These pages also touch upon the Spiritual Franciscan controversies and Albigensian ‘echoes’ in Southern France during the time, as they related to the Avignon Papacy and Philip IV. One important distinction is that there appears to be a pseudo-alliance – for a time – of Philip IV and the Spiritual Franciscans as it relates strictly to the opposition to Pope Boniface VIII. However, Philip did not give them any concessions other than ‘basic’ reforms which remained within the bounds of traditional Roman Catholic orthodoxy ; the Franciscans were apparently disappointed. Lastly, it is worth noting that these Spiritual Franciscan ‘radicals’ were against the institution of the Inquisition, which made Philip’s brief alliance with them all the more awkward, and, perhaps, all the more telling as to their true agenda? • Malcolm Barber The Trial of the Templars pp. 287-289 - https:// - Barber, who authored the book on the Cathars that we sourced from in Part III, summarizes his thoughts on the Templars in this concluding chapter; he has no love for Philip IV and gives a more reserved version of the standard polemics of Modern-Whig history, esoteric Masonry, and Hollywood movies like the Da Vinci Code against him; this doesn’t necessitate that Barber’s view is inaccurate of course, and we don’t want to make assumptions due to ‘guilt by association’. However, he makes some interesting statements about the Spiritual Franciscans and the bitter battle between them and the Conventionals. This was raging during the entire Templar trial and included the burning of four Fraticelli at the stake in 1318 and then leading to Pope John XXII declaring the idea of Apostolic poverty heretical. Barber also imparts motives onto Philip IV that conflates his confiscation or property and expulsion of the Jews in 1306 with the same for the Templars. Again, this could be well warranted criticism, and is the standard narrative on the situation. That being said, it is interesting that some of the issues with the Jews – during this time – were their connections to the Albigensian heresies. Jewish scholars admit this themselves, and if they were indeed succumbing to temptations to go into ‘Gnostic lawlessness’ then perhaps these issues surrounding Philip IV aren’t as dualistic (no pun intended) as they are presented in Modern history, making Philip out to be the all- encompassing bad guy and master manipulator in this situation. Could he have been? Sure, but again, I’d need to do more investigation into these matters before I can give any more insights other than these ; or offer anything other than asking these basic questions of which I don’t have the answers to. • Theodore E. Mommsen Petrarch’s Conception of the ‘Dark Ages’ Vol. 17, No. 2 (1942) pp. 226-242, JSTOR - 2856364 - Excellent article on Petrarch, living during the ‘Babylonian Captivity’ in Avignon, as being the primitive source of the ‘Dark Ages’ polemic and an important source of pre-Renaissance thinking. What is most important here is that this is specifically related to an attack on Frankish culture and Charlemagne during this Avignon ‘abomination’ in order to prop up pre-Christian Roman Republics, via his own nationalist fervor, as being an amazing source of guidance and wisdom that was lost under these horrible ‘Dark Ages’ after the Fall of Rome in the 5th century. • Marjorie O’Rourke Boyle Petrarch’s Genius: Pentimento and Prophecy pp. 73-74, 81 - - More on Petrarch, viewing himself as an “Ezekiel revived,” developing his “Babylonian Captivity” theory of the Avignon Papacy and its relationship to Fiore’s prophecies. • Albert Russell Ascoli & Unn Falkeid The Cambridge Companion to Petrarch pp. 1, 4, 113-116, 118, 173-176, 237 - 3radjzwe - An excellent source to demonstrate Petrarch as also being the primitive ‘Founding Father’ of the pejorative epithet of a “Babylonian Captivity” of the Church being made synonymous with the Avignon Papacy. Other interesting points to note are that Petrarch’s tactics are more about ‘will to power’ via ‘impassioned speech’ vs. objective reasoning (i.e. a ‘Founding Father’ of propaganda against Catholic France + ‘Middle Ages’ Catholicism). It is relatively easy to see a connection to Petrarch’s rhetoric to being very similar to the ‘Founding Fathers’ of America and a primitive form of ‘Enlightenment’ era Freemasonry. There is also information on Petrach’s ‘beef’ with French cleric Jean de Hesdin (see JSTOR article below for more on him). Here is a article further demonstrating the point. • Beryl Smalley Jean de Hesdin O. Hosp. S. Ioh. Recherches de Théologie Ancienne et Médiévale Vol. 28, (1961), pp. 283-330 JSTOR - - Good information on the ‘beef’ with Petrarch. You can decide for yourself how either side of the debate weighs in the scales of balance as per each’s own accountability in fomenting conflict or being justified in defense as being in accordance with Catholic teaching & ethics. • Dominic Legge Reasonable Belief: The Contribution of Aquinas and his Dominican Followers on the Act of Faith and its Reasonableness Angelicum Vol. 93, No. 2, The Influences of the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages (2016), pp. 315-330 JSTOR - stable/26392559 - Information on debates of the Dominicans & Aquinas vs. the Franciscans & Scotus on the nature of Faith & Reason. • Walter Farquhar Hook Reformation Period, New Series Vol. 1-6 pp. 50-53 - The debates surrounding Aquinas and Scholasticism vs. the more mystical minded and those in the Ockham camp, leading to early ‘Reformation’ thought. IMO, you should have a healthy blend of both, but the latter (Mysticism) without the former (Scholasticism) is a recipe for disaster. The importance of dialectics is emphasized here, coming from the Aquinas school. • Sir Charles Edward Mallet A History of the University of Oxford Vol. 1 pp. 78-82 - - More on Aquinas vs. Franciscans ‘beef’: Aquinas having “no place in Oxford history” due to his “Dominican...authority the Oxford Franciscans were by no means ready to accept.” His views on the incorporeal nature of angels apparently caused a stir (amongst other things), and “by his principle of individuation Aquinas endangered the whole system of the celestial hierarchy so dear to mediaeval belief.” On his “Unity of Form” ideas, it was “even suspected that [Aquinas] embarrassed himself.” Then “critics saw their opportunity” and Roger Bacon was one of them, the Patcham with “strong Franciscan sympathies” denounced them as “profane novelties.” Even a Dominican, Archbishop Kilwardby denounced them. But Aquinas’ views triumphed, until “the critical days of the Renaissance held the field.” • Philip Smith The History of the Christian Church During the Middle Ages with a Summary of the Reformation, Centuries XI to XVI pp. 520-524 - - More on Aquinas vs. Franciscans ‘beef’: Here it talks about how John , Beatified many years later by Pope John Paul II, was raised to the same level of Aquinas (for the Dominicans) as the champion of the Franciscan school of thinking. His influence on Ockham is cited (which doesn’t take away from credits to Scotus, just that Ockham ran with things in a radical direction and rejected the Avignon Papacy, and ended up in Germany and an influence on Luther later), and the article alludes the notion that Roger Bacon had trained Scotus himself (not sure if there’s any validity to that claim or not). Regardless, it’s still important to recognize distinctions here, despite the Spiritual Franciscan radicals being such a malignant influence, that the Franciscan school developed what would become the Dogma of the , while Aquinas was not in favor of such ideas. However, the question remains, if Aquinas had been alive at the time of the dogmatization of the Immaculate Conception, would he have accepted it? If I were a betting man, which I’m not, I’d place a substantial amount of money that he would have indeed accepted it, with little (if any) ‘protestations’, as a Catholic truth. There are also interesting notes about Thomas Aquinas’ relationship to as it pertains to the 1st Vatican Council, and claims / controversies over this as it relates to the Donation of Constantine (pp. 520-521). • Terence Irwin Ethics Through History: An Introduction pp. 85 - - Summarization on the Greek & Latin philosophers influencing Aquinas & the Dominicans + Scotus & the Franciscans. The point was to expand upon “earlier Christian writers who both argue with Pagan Greek and Latin philosophers and use them to construct their own philosophical and theological views.” Both groups were using Aristotle as a reference point, and it would seem that the fundamental factor here is who ended up ‘protesting’ the Papacy, also influencing early ‘Reformers’, and who ended up staying the course. As Christ said to the Pharisees in Matthew 12, on ‘Satan casting out Satan’, “therefore they shall be your judges.” [i.e. the next generations of each’s influence might give a good indicator as to who was more ‘Godly’ vs. who was sowing division (e.g. Protestants)] • Robert Henry Murray Erasmus & Luther: Their Attitudes to Toleration pp. 430 - - Useful info showing the connections of Joachim of Fiore to Roger Bacon, a ‘Franciscan radical’, and how Joachim was viewed more favorably by Dante than Aquinas as being “one of the few matters” they disagreed on. It also explains some of Roger Bacon’s views on astrology, which seem oddly fatalistic, as it was “the guide to be employed in the choice of a religion.” The “choice” of religion? Is this a primitive view of religious indifferentism coming from Bacon? Also consider that St. Thomas’ views on astrology allowed for its legitimacy in certain contexts and under various restrictions (e.g. freewill was fundamental) ; here is an excellent article from Fish Eaters on St. Thomas in walking the ‘tight-rope’ on matters related to astrological thinking in Roman Catholicism (despite many Catholics being unaware that it is not ‘ipso facto’ forbidden). Nonetheless, maybe each faction / individual battling it out during these times had some aspects of truth the others did not, but I’d wager that St. Thomas had a lot more than others in comparison, especially in regards to Roger Bacon and the ‘radical’ Franciscans.

Alumbrados, Conversos, Spanish Inquisition, Jesuits & Guadalupe

• Henry Kamen The Spanish Inquisition, A Historical Revision pp. 86-91 - - Kamen demonstrates the Alumbrado (Illuminist) influence on the Conversos and its predominance among the Inquisition trials. This culminated around the 1520’s as mixture of Lutheran, “radical” Erasmian views, and mystical influences of the Alumbrados were the most common heresies found by the Inquisitors; even more strange was “the fact that nearly every person implicated in the groups of these years was a converso.” It is mentioned that these Alumbrado strains came from Spiritual Franciscan “Adepts,” such as “Franciscan Francisco de Osuna,” who were “emphasizing the passive union of the soul with God...adepts were called...Alumbrados. Mystical movements and the search for a purer interior religion were common coin in Europe at this time.” This even included patronage by powerful nobility during these times [very similar to the Cathars and their influence among the aristocracy]. There’s an interesting case of “the converso Alfonso Fernandez Samuel, who in his will had requested that when laid out in his coffin, he should have the cross placed at his feet, the Koran at his breast, and the Torah, ‘his life and light’, at his head.” This sounds like a primitive version of Freemasonry [where you can swear oaths using holy books of Christianity, Judaism or Islam ; funny how the one at his feet is the Cross – – like he’s stomping it?]. Kamen also makes an important observation (on pp. 88) that “many conversos, indeed, were ironically condemned for beliefs that orthodox Judaism would have regarded as heretical, such as denying the immortality of the soul. Spiritual dissent among the conversos did not, therefore, necessarily imply any drift towards Judaism. There was nothing remotely Jewish about the beliefs of the Alumbrados: the root influence was Franciscan spirituality, the environment was the comfortable patronage afforded by Old Christian nobility” This is rather telling, it was “Franciscan spirituality” that was the primary issues among these ‘Judaizing’ Alumbrados [i.e. Jewish Gnosticism rebelling against the God of Israel and His Commandments]. This puts in in a similar situation to St. Cyril of Alexandria, why aren’t Orthodox Jews, who believe in the God of Israel and objective Law, praising the Spanish Inquisition for cracking down on these Alumbrados who were heretical to Orthodox Judaism? Finally, it is very interesting to note that Kamen mentions a modern scholar, Marcel Bataillon (1895-1977), “has show how the Protestant stream which sprang from illuminism between 1535 and 1555 adapted Erasmianism to its own purposes and moved towards the Lutheran doctrine of ‘justification by faith alone’ without ever formally rejecting Catholic dogma.” This gave rise to Inquisitional concerns over “crypto-Protestants” and a “vigilance against radical Erasmianism.” This helps provide us with more evidence and continuity for Gnosticism, coming from the East, being a primary foundation for the Spiritual Franciscans, ‘Judaizing’ mystics / Alumbrado conversos, and Protestant heretics (e.g. Luther) and their pre-Reformation influences. • Edward Peters Inquisition pp. 86-89, 95-97 - yc3k5yay - Another source that demonstrates the rise of the Erasmian, Lutheran + Alumbrado problems in the late 15th century and into the early 16th century. Contrary to over-exaggerated polemics and ‘Black Legend’ mythos against the Spanish Inquisition it is noted that, “recent research has suggested two important features that distinguish the Spanish Inquisition from other courts that tried comparable offenses: the first is that the Spanish Inquisition, in spite of wildly inflated estimates of the numbers of its victims, acted with considerable restraint in inflicting the death penalty, far more restraint than was demonstrated in secular tribunals elsewhere in Europe that deal with the same kinds of offenses. The best estimate is that around 3,000 death sentences were carried out in Spain by Inquisitional verdict between 1550 and 1800, a far smaller number than that in comparable secular courts. The second is that the Spanish and Roman were concerned to a far greater degree than other courts with the mind and will of the accused. Inquisitors, like confessors, were trained to examine the mind and soul, and they appear to have understood their victims far better than their counter-parts in secular courts. Such understanding may lead to leniency as often as to harshness.” I.e. they took great efforts to understand the perspective and viewpoint of the accused. So it was like Criminal Minds on CBS, but for the Social Kingship of Christ, and over the course of 250 years only executed 12 people per year! The Renaissance was not rejected by Spain, but they were cautious and careful about the books being printed and what was being taught in universities, and the Inquisition was a bulwark against heretical ideas taking over, and for good reason if many of these issues came from Franciscan Spirituals who were the primitive “spiritual” Fathers of Modern Communist utopias. • Ben-Sasson A History of the Jewish People Ch. 41 pp. 691-723 - - This is an excellent chapter on the development of Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism among the Sephardim in Spain / Southern France areas. Isaac Luria is an important figure in the roots of this movement, which had a bizarre culmination later in Ashkenazi territories with Sabbatai Zevi being accepted as the Jewish Messiah ; these dreams were then crushed by his forced conversion to Islam in the ominous year of 1666 [though some continued to LARP and defend his conversion in order to keep his messianic status intact]. It also shows how the Ashkenazi blamed the Sephardic ‘Liberalism’ on Christianity, rather than its Gnostic roots which are against Christianity / Catholicism. One very helpful insight is the feminizing spirit of the Shekhina (Sophia in exile) in Jewish Kabbalah, which gets associated with the ‘Holy Spirit’ in the Masonic attempts at synchronizing Roman Catholicism. Again, this shows the continuity with early Gnostic Judaism that viewed itself in ‘exile’ in the Diaspora while being vehemently against Roman rule ; thus imposing that onto the Roman Catholic Church as being one and the same ‘beast’ or ‘adversary’ which they pragmatically assigned to various motifs in the New Testament as a way to invert their meaning and make Catholicism out to be their ‘Adversary.’ The chapter also does an excellent job of tracing these Gnostic strains from Portugal / Spain into Germanic territories where they conflicted with the Ashkenazi Rabbinical circles; this is also akin to Naturalists like Baruch Spinoza who rejected Rabbinical Orthodoxy in the Lowlands ; Spinoza is a very exalted figure in Madame Blavatsky’s Theosophy, Freemasonry in general ; also by Carl Sagan himself, who believed in “the god of Spinoza” according to his son Dorian Sagan. It important to remember that the Kabbalah, according to Cantor, was among the elites (5%) ; when we see the Sephardim spreading to the Ottoman Empire, Lowlands, Venice, etc., you find that when they intermingle with the Christian aristocracy they are almost always bankers and merchants. There are instances of poor souls in the ghettos practicing more stereotypical forms of Occultism (gypsies with palm readings, etc.), but the real movers and shakers have international influence and tend to be very wealthy and well-connected. • Marie-Theresa Hernandez The Virgin of Guadalupe and the Conversos, Uncovering Hidden Influences from Spain to Mexico - https:// - A very interesting book documenting ‘Judaizing’ converso influence in the New World in relationship to Our Lady of Guadalupe. I would add a few disclaimers: 1) The author appears (in my humble opinion) to overly ‘synchronize’ particular figures in attempts to conflate them as being crypto-Alumbrados. One such figure is Miguel Sánchez, the author who originally documented the Our Lady of Guadalupe story and appearance to Juan Diego in 1648. She tries to take his commentary that uses Psalms and OT imagery and apply them in a very speculative manner as to impart a secret ‘Judaizing’ to him, whereas the much more obvious surface interpretation makes more sense. I certainly understand that there is a reality to the tactics of using hidden symbolism and allegory to invert Catholic symbols for Masonic-Kabalistic subjectivity; however, in some of Ms. Hernandez’ analysis, I find her attempts to do just this to be reaching at best, and unfounded at worst. This isn’t a knock on her person, but rather perhaps a lack of understanding of Catholic teaching, whilst also succumbing to ‘Modernism’ by imparting her reading of biblical text by using only contemporary ‘glasses’ (if you will). 2) Pretty much all of the ‘Judaizing’ motifs that I’ve found thus far in the book (read through a decent chunk at this current point in time) appear to be in line with the more Mystic, Kabalistic and Alumbrado strands of Sephardic Jewry that relate to the Shekhinah and ‘divine feminine’ version of a ‘spirit in exile.’ Thus the Jewish symbols and culture are being applied in a more Theosophical / Gnostic manner of exegesis and interpretation– –not Orthodox Judaism. Nevertheless, it has been an excellent resource to document how these Mystics were among the ranks of the Catholic Church in the New World and in Mexico in particular, and that the Inquisition was looking out for them, and that they ‘transmuted’ Our Lady’s crushing of the Serpent into the ‘Shekhinah spouse of god’ crushing the ‘dragon’ of evil Rome and its Inquisitional law (applied, obviously to Catholic Spain/Portugal and its Inquisition during these times). It seems that the height of the persecution of this ‘alternative’ vision of Guadalupe for Alumbrado mysticism was during the 17th century. Other important points: 1) The Hieronymites (after St. ) had a ‘Judaizing’ issue in their orders akin to the Franciscans having the ‘Spirituals’ ; this is interesting because the book also connects this Alumbrado spirit and its persecution to those very same Spiritual Franciscans. 2) There are Dutch connections that relate to Millennialism that was going around in the 17th century, which also relates to Menasseh Ben Israel’s followers [see E. Michael Jones’ chapter on Ben Israel in the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit], who was born on the island of Madeira (where Emperor Karl of Austria died in exile) but fled because of the Inquisition. Dutch + British Capitalism was certainly anti-Catholic and had its own battles over the Jesuits and New World conquest in Latin America. 3) There are also some strange battles over Guadalupe in Spain, the original shrine, that relate to the Avignon Papacy and ‘Judaizing’ Hieronoymite monks ; this ‘Babylonian’ Papacy apparently saw much spiritual value in Guadalupe in Spain around 1326 ; the book makes the note that this Papacy ‘in Captivity’ was hunting down Spiritual Franciscans which were the foundations of the Alumbrados and its ‘Judaizing’ Hieronymites. I think an important passage in scripture to always remember that applies to these ‘sticky situations’ with infiltration is found in the Parable of the Wheat and Tares growing together until the Harvest in Matthew 13. 4) There are interesting associations to the ‘Black Madonna’ and there appears to be an effort to transmute this Marian devotion to some sort of Shekhinah Kabbalah interpretation ; this is relevant to Gnostic-Hermetic Alchemy which seeks to turn the ‘Black Lead’ of ‘Dark Ages’ Christendom into egalitarian utopia, so thus Mary, as per Catholic Dogmas and tradition, would be part of this ‘black’ Catholicism needing to be transmuting into a conception of Pagan Goddess worship [e.g. Isis, the ‘Divine Feminine’ etc.]. • Gretchen D. Starr-LeBeau In the Shadow of the Virgin: Inquisitors, Friars, and Conversos in Guadalupe, Spain pp. 16-23 - https:// - Another source on the 1326 Avignon connection to the Shrine of Guadalupe being an active pilgrimage site, and elaborating on the Jeronimite controversy. • Robert Aleksander Maryks The Jesuit Order as a Synagogue of Jews - - (this PDF is available for free in the Brill link provided) This book does a lot to show the early controversies in the Jesuit Order as it relates to the Conversos, Erasmian influence, and Alumbrados. It also helps demonstrate the balanced nature of St. Ignatius of Loyola on these issues where he is ‘sitting with the sinners’ (it would seem) and indeed connected to Converso & Alumbrado circles; however, at the same time, he was allowing for the Inquisition to operate, distributed even the more harsher of Papal decrees in regards to dealing with Jewish relations, and being more “circumspect” with New Christians in the Jesuit Order. The two extremes were the Old Christians who wanted harsh “limpieza de sangre” (purity of blood) laws to prevent Conversos from joining the order, vs. groups like the Memorialistas who represented a Converso majority faction that wanted to be autonomous and except from Inquisition investigations. These Memorialistas were vehemently attacking the Jesuits who were suspicious of them (particularly the Jesuits in Rome), and vice versa ; very akin to the Franciscan Spirituals vs. Conventionals hundreds of years . Nevertheless, the controversy ends with roughly a decade long period of not allowing any Conversos into the Order (and purging many of them if I recall correctly). This then led to a more balanced approach, in the early 1600’s, where Conversos were accepted, but their lineage could be reviewed for up to multiple generations, and this could be grounds for rejection depending on the factors involved. This was the general Jesuit policy all the way up until the 1940’s where it was abolished altogether. If nothing else be taken away from this book, it should be that St. Ignatius of Loyola is an excellent model to imitate as it pertains to the delicate balance of dealing with Catholic-Jewish relations.

WASP Supremacy & “White Legend” vs. “Black Legend” Controversies

• Margaret R. Greer, Walter D. Mignolo & Maureen Quilligan Rereading the Black Legend - The Discourses of Religious and Racial Difference in the Renaissance Empires pp. 1-24, 76-82, Ch. 5, 88-98 - https:// - These pages are the best resources for demonstrating the WASP attack on Spain by conflating the Moors and even the Orient with Spanish culture as being ‘tainted’ with Moor/ African blood, which allegedly lent to their inherent ‘backwards’ nature. For clarity’s sake, this was their view– – –NOT mine (should go without saying, but since it is such a delicate topic people often get ‘triggered’ and don’t understand the objective logic of what is being demonstrated). Ironically, this seems to be a giant projection where Spain is accused of ‘purity of blood’ racism against the Jews, whereas many scholars claim this is an Anglo- American scholarship blunder that doesn’t understand the context of what is meant by words such as ‘stock’ or ‘race’ as it pertains to how the Spanish culture defines those terms during the context of the times. I.e. ‘Modern’ world’s views on ‘race’ are being unfairly imposed onto Renaissance era Spain, while, ironically, the people who are defending Spain’s alleged ‘racism’ against this Anglo- American scholarship are being vindicated by this particular work that demonstrates the real racism actually comes from the WASP regime as an attack on Catholic Spain ! Thus they are simply projecting everything that their heritage has done themselves onto their enemies. Even more ironic: Modern Liberal-Left SJW’s who call everything ‘evil racist colonialism’ at the drop of hat – as it relates to Catholic Spain’s New World ventures – are ironically repeating the very same racist Black Legend propaganda that came from a predominantly ‘White European’ establishment ; in order to conflate & degrade both Spaniards and Africans and conjure up a monstrous image of ‘barbarity’ and ‘savagery’ and inherent ‘cruelty’ that is allegedly tied to their biological make-up. Generally speaking it was primarily the English and Dutch who used these conflation attacks on Spain. France was another culprit, but its propaganda appears to be far more mitigated than then ‘open borders’ propaganda of the British-Dutch alliance against Catholic Spain in both the Old and New World Christendom. Here are some significant passages to help demonstrate: pp. 93 - “First, there seems to have been no particular emphasis, at least in the instances I am describing here, on the bodily difference of the other. When Spaniards represent Moorishness, they do so in their own bodies, as a typical cultural practice, with no exaggeration or deformation.” - I.e. Spain depicted the Moors without any biological differences in comparison to how they depicted themselves in physical appearance ; they distance themselves from the Moors via religious culture, NOT biological differences. The book gives examples of “Moor” customs that are purely cultural (e.g. style of sitting) that Spanish Catholics did as well (i.e. no religious importance attached, thus they had the same cultural practice in a more neutral sense). | pp. 94 - “Spain’s enemies abroad ruthlessly exploited the connections between Spain and the Moors to construct that nation as a racial and religious other. Paradoxically, even in the sixteenth century the westernmost reaches of what is geographically Europe remained, at least for some observers, part of the Orient or Africa, and thus similarly savage, cruel, or tyrannical.” - I.e. To separate Spain from Europe [16th century], the campaign to conflate them with the Moors took on racial characteristics as well. - ”Particularly in anti-Spanish propaganda—the leyenda negra that this volume examines—Spain is consistently associated with Islam, with Africa, with dark peoples. It is important to recover the essentializing “blackness” of this cultural mythology: critics typically read it metaphorically, as a figure for Spain’s cruelty and greed in the New World, yet it often refers in unambiguous terms to Spain’s racial difference, its essential Moorishness. - I.e. The ‘metaphor’ of being ‘black’ starts to materialize into a biological ‘taint’ or ‘blackness’ via the WASP powers during the 16th century and beyond. - “...this usage...pointedly conflates the metaphorical with a literal sense, in an attempt to render Spain visibly, biologically black.” - I.e. The metaphoric word ‘black’ becomes ‘flesh’ to attack Catholic Spain. - “This effort is particularly striking for its deliberate misrepresentation of the racialization of difference within Spain. Although a racism based on physical appearance did exist, and blacks were singled out for their color, Moors were not reliably identifiable in this way.” - The important point to note here is that ‘blacks’ of Africa (which could sometimes be slaves under Moors) were conflated with Moors (“savage” culture of North Africa despite biological skin color) to be conflated with Spaniards (one of the most powerful Catholic nations at the time) as a means for propaganda and materializing ‘black’ (known to WASP culture as the nature of ‘sin’––devoid of a racial connotation) into embodying the Spanish biological race (i.e. to foment WASP supremacy). | pp. 95 - “Limpieza de sangre (blood purity) was defined as the absence of Jewish or Moorish forebears for a particular person or family, yet there was a widespread consensus within Spain—amply reflected in satirical texts—that it was almost impossible to determine in any authentic fashion whether anyone was free of the Semitic taint.” - Hence why the ‘Jews’ (perhaps more accurately Alumbrados in many cases) were sometimes require to wear arm-bands (lamentable now associated with the Nazis tactics that WAS biologically driven and entirely different from Spain’s motivations). - “While the temporal dynamics of the leyenda’s construction of a black, African Spain, and Spain’s response in its official self-presentation as Defender of the Faith, are undoubtedly complex, I am struck by the exacerbation of anti-Moorish rhetoric in Spain precisely as the Black Legend reaches a feverish pitch under Philip II. The animosity against the moriscos, despite their supposed inclusion as New Christians, peaks in the early seventeenth century, when they are summarily expelled from Spain despite their conversion.” - I.e. despite the WASP propaganda to conflate Spain with the Moors (becoming ever more biologically charged), Spain was expelling the Moriscos who converted to Catholicism (Muslim converts) and were trying to distance themselves; of which often had no biologically distinctions between themselves! - “The evidence is certainly intriguing: critics have recently begun to trace the deliberate English construction of Spain as a racialized, essentialized other in the later decades of the sixteenth century.” - pp. 96 “Conflating “Moors” and “Negroes” in this way is a powerful rhetorical gesture. Not only does it construct Spain’s difference as essential and easily identifiable but it substitutes the peoples of sub-Saharan Africa for the encroaching powers of North Africa and the Levant. As Nabil Matar usefully reminds us, English (and European) relations with these two groups were very different: “England’s relations with sub-Saharan Africans were relations of power, domination, and slavery, while relations with the Muslims of North Africa and the Levant were of anxious equality and grudging emulation.” Here, then, the specific substitution of “Negro” for Moor seems not merely a question of misunderstanding, but a deliberate rhetorical ploy in an attempt to diminish Spain.” - This is a rather profound statement on Britain’s ‘full knowledge and consent’ to conflate Africans, whom they were enslaving, with Moorish slave traders in North Africa, whom they were emulating, with Catholic Spain as a synthesis of both ; i.e. Britain was projecting everything they were themselves doing onto Spain in order to degrade it as ‘alien’ to Northern European identity. Lamentably, this is hardly surprising since they had no problem blaming Spain for being ‘greedy gold diggers annihilating indigenous peoples’ while Britain was pirating that same gold as a ‘virtue’ and genociding Natives in America to varying degrees of severity. See the book cited here by Nabil Matar, for more on this. | I.e. thank you Britain for introducing the weaponization of biological race propaganda into Western Civilization. This book mentions an influence of this same rhetoric in Dutch and French propaganda as well, but the latter should be taken in context of the Huguenot rebellions in France (Wars of Religion in the late 16th century) that were backed by Britain (primarily under Elizabeth I) and against the Catholic League in France which was in alliance with Philip II of Spain, the Pope, and various other factions on either side of the conflict. Perhaps, not surprisingly, all of the Huguenot Lutheran/Calvin influence was predominantly in Southern France. • Philip Wayne Powell Tree of Hate - Propaganda and Prejudices Affecting United States Relations with the Hispanic World pp. 14-18, Ch. 3, 39-59 - - The first set of pages references show the contrast between the images conjured up about a ‘liberty-loving Protestant progress’ vs. a ‘barbaric, backward and cruel Catholic ignorance’ in WASP propaganda fomenting the Black Legend. The Spanish New World was filled with a worldly lust for gold and genocide while British privateers stole this same ‘blood- gold’ and called it ‘virtuous’ whilst perpetuating their own genocides against Native Americans. Chapter 3 shows the various other European nations (apart from Britain) and their propaganda against Spain including: Italy, Germany, France along with both Dutch and Jewish polemics. What is notable here is that Germany conflates Spain with Italians, Moors and Jews. There’s a number of ironic contradictions that can be pointed out, but the most strange one being that particular WASP nations, such as the Dutch and Germans, conflated Spanish ‘backwardness’ as the result of being mixed with Jews & Moors in Spain (and sometimes conflating them all with Italians too, in particular in the Germany propaganda during the time of Luther), while Jews who ended up fleeing the Spanish Inquisition or the 1492 Explosion who ended up in these countries ended up adopting the Black Legend propaganda that was already present, which had previously been degrading them in that same propaganda! More importantly, you see the roots of Germanic nationalism and Nazi propaganda that is anti-Catholic, anti-Italian- Spanish-Jewish, as to prop up German Protestant peoples as to these ‘Latin’ or ‘Mediterranean’ cultures. • Robert C. Davis Christian Slaves, Muslim Masters - White Slavery in the Mediterranean, the Barbary Coast, and Italy, 1500-1800 pp. 3, 55-61, 95, 101-102, 125-127, 177-179 - - These pages are the most relevant source reading for the Turkish elites ‘Greek pederasty’ culture that used Christians from Europe as breeding stock for their elite class, and all sorts of strange sordidness in their LGBT & religious ‘tolerance’ culture (that made exceptions to not tolerate Christianity as the one exclusion); this makes it quite ironic that the Left constantly blames a so-called ‘white Christian Europe’ for modern chattel slavery, when it actually came from Turks/Moors and African elites who wanted to use ‘European stock’ to create an über-elite caste that had no qualms with LGBT ‘open borders’ tolerance. The Christians who succumbed to these influences are the ones who engaged in the Transatlantic Slave Trade in the New World (i.e. ‘mixing with the nations’ and embracing ‘Egyptian bondage’). • Carl Jung Mysterium Coniunctionis Vol. 14 of the Collected Works Of pp. 229, 281, 326-327, 335, 355, 405-406, 452, 493, 469, 508-521 - In this volume Carl Jung goes through the beliefs of a wide array of Medieval Alchemists and others in the Hermetic tradition. It gets into some rather bizarre stuff, but for our purposes some topics of interest that are covered are: 1) Jung’s psychology taking “dogmatic images” of “Christian dogma” and purged them of theology, and apply “empirical” and “material” analysis [i.e. subjective ‘Reason alone’], and ‘transmute’ them for archetypical use in psychology [which again, is inherently subjective]. An example he gives is the Coronation of the Virgin as to make a “re-born” understanding that saves us from the “dominion of death”, which is, of course, in Jung’s mind, Catholic Christendom as ‘death’ and thus what needs to be “re-born” is an entirely new way of looking at Christian symbols without its “Dogma” attached. Then he relates the “Black Shulamite” to the nature of the “Old Adam” [i.e. Catholic Mary and the Adam of Genesis as per Catholic teaching] as the “chaos” of the “prima materia” [matter / lead of Saturn, which is created by the God of Israel or “Ialdabaoth” to the Gnostics] that needs to be transformed into ‘gold’ of which he relates to the Adam Kadmon of Kabbalah. 2) Marian Dogmas of Catholicism, according to Jung, aren’t even taught by the early Church Fathers and are an innovation that violates Scripture ; oddly enough Jung is still thinking like a Protestant, and he grew up in an environment of extreme anti-Jesuit sentiments with his father ; ironically this is probably an unconscious part of his psyche that makes him want to reject Catholicism and transform it subjectively by using all of this Gnostic-Hermetic literature as a vehicle to weave into his version of psycho-analysis. His theory is that the myth and archetype of a ‘divine mother’ is so strong that the Catholic Church violated its own criteria to bring it into existence as a ‘Dogma’––albeit an unsubstantiated form according to Jung ; perhaps we could just turn that same criteria around on Mr. Jung as to the legitimacy of his own claims on Our Lady. 3) The “Black Osiris” is related to Saturn, the “Lead” of Christendom or the “Old King” ; as is the “Black Shulamite” ; i.e. these are representative of Our Lord and Our Blessed Mother in Alchemy. In turn, to the Alchemist, what they embody both spiritually (Church) and physically (State) need to be purged of it’s “sin” [i.e. getting rid of Objective ‘Dogmatic’ truth, Commandments of Catholicism, etc.] ; then they would be brought to a subjective ‘gnosis’ of freedom [to ‘do what thou wilt’ and a Masonic Church + State]. In addition to this, Jung’s work provides examples that bring in the WASP racist attack on Catholicism and Spain via the ‘Black Legend.’ You find in this alchemy an association with this “Black Osiris” (this alluding to a duality of Osiris / Set) with the “Moor or Ethiopian” as the “black sinful man.” [i.e. Catholic Spain as the “Lead” of the “Old King” and “Black Osiris” (in archetype) are being conflated with the Moors/Africans] Often times the more ‘zealous’ Protestant polemicizes will accuse the ‘IHS’ Christogram used by the Jesuits as erroneously being “Isis Horus Set” ; yet another instance where they are promoting Occult-Gnostic principles unawares, while also promoting WASP racism, while often accusing the Church + Jesuits of being a ‘secret pagan cult’. Some will lamentably even accuse the Jesuits of creating the Freemasons and Nazis. 4) In addition to the previous points, most of the texts that Jung draws from are from the Renaissance or post-Renaissance era, which helps illustrate that the ‘Black Legend’ of the WASP regime attacks in the secular or governmental world is mimicked by the Occult underground world.


Part V - John Dee & “Angelic” Conversations, Kabbalah + Cabala Unite in the “Deep State” of Christendom

Renaissance, Kabbalah, Magic & Secrecy in Christendom

• Edwarde Barton & Edwin Pears The Spanish Armada and the Ottoman Porte The English Historical Review, Vol. 8, No. 31, July 1893, pp. 439-466 - - This article shows the correspondence of Elizabeth I reaching out to the Ottoman Empire requesting an alliance against Philip II and Spain. She appeals to defending against “idolatry” and that these Muslims have a common cause in this [i.e. Catholicism is worse and more idolatrous than Islam to her religious views]. This is relevant because there is a Sephardic merchant in Constantinople who is connected to Elizabeth’s court, as a spy, by Jütte’s Age of Secrecy book ; figures like Salomon Abenaes are examples of these types of connections. • Robert Schwickerath Jesuit Education; its History and Principles Viewed in the Light of Modern Educational Problems pp. 44-57 - - The learned Jesuit described the differences between Catholic Renaissance “Humanism” and its intrinsic connection to the ‘Middle Ages’ vs. Pagan ‘Naturalism’ that are more akin to Masonic, Enlightenment or secular “Humanism.” • Jason Louv John Dee and the Empire of Angels, Enochian Magick and the Occult Roots of Empire - - The main book used for the information discussing John Dee, his relationship with Holy Roman Emperor Rudolph II, Queen Elizabeth I, and of course those infamous Jesuits on the look out for all things heretical to the Roman Catholic Church. Dr. E. Michael Jones also has an extensive chapter in Jewish Revolutionary Spirit on John Dee. • E. Michael Jones The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and its Impact on World History Ch. 7, 10, 11 - These are excellent complimentary chapters on these topics including: Reuchlin (Christian ‘Cabala’ advocate) vs. Pfefferkorn (Catholic convert from Judaism), John Dee + England’s shenanigans, and Menasseh Ben Israel and Millennialism woes tying Sephardic Jews, Kabbalah and Dutch mercantilism. • Daniel Jütte The Age of Secrecy: Jews, Christians, and the Economy of Secrets, 1400 – 1800 - - The best academic book thus far that I’ve found on this topic of Kabbalah and typically wealthy mercantile/banking Jews and their collaboration with the Christian aristocracy on all things Occult and Mystic. Please remember that the point here is to demonstrate that both the Christians and Jews were intermingling with this Gnostic-Occult literature, and thus it is two-way street on Old and New Israel falling into the ‘bondage of Egypt’ (if you will) while both attacking the Social Kingship of Christ (however conscious they may or may not be in this regard) as per the traditional Catholic teaching. 1/3 of the book is just sources and citations from Mr. Jütte, so it is extremely well documented. • Kathleen P. Long Gender and Scientific Discourse in Early Modern Culture pp. 46 - The “Venetian Virgin” also called “Mother Johanna” being Guillaume Postel’s ‘muse’ and his alleged incarnation of the Zohar’s “Shekhinah” and Venice chosen as a “New Jerusalem” according to his schema. • Steven J. Harris & T. Frank Kennedy The Jesuits I: Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts, 1540-1773 pp. 442-446 - ybkh3256 - Anti-Machiavellian rhetoric of the Jesuits, despite some borrowing certain ideas from him. | The Jesuits II: Cultures, Sciences, and the Arts, 1540-1773 pp. 55 - ybkqrxrh - The Jesuits accused of secrecy of the state tied to “arcana imperii” in regards to Poland. • Cristiano Casalini Jesuit Philosophy on the Eve of Modernity pp. 224-244 - Information on the Jesuits forming their anti-Machiavelli schema, despite being often blamed for ‘ends justify the means’ type doctrines, and their attempts to adopt and transform this revival of the “arcana imperii” being espoused at the time, in order to make a Catholic version of the “reason of the state” being built upon virtue; that virtue can never be inherently an amoral ‘pragmatism’ as then it ceases to be virtue. If one is only feigning virtue to get something / accomplish an objective is is not virtue at all. Later Freemasons like Helvetius would argue that virtue can only be self-serving and pragmatic, and no other kind can exist. • Bryan Cheyette The Ghetto: A Very Short Introduction pp. 43-65 - More on the ‘Ghetto Fabulous’ Kabbalah community as a bulwark to Catholic conversion, and the transition to ‘open borders’ into the Enlightenment’s new ‘Universal Religion’ that is still a bulwark to Catholic conversion. • Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Online Days of the Messiah, Michael Laitman - - Appendix 3 of the Zohar’s “Days of the Messiah” according the Dr. Laitman’s book, Unlocking the Zohar. This gives some insights into the Zohar prophecies and Kabbalah tradition that still holds Rome as “evil” in their end times schema. The most relevant passages are verses 204-205 and 480-481. By default, this would obviously apply to the destruction of the Roman Catholic Church, thus demonstrating an intrinsic hostility ; one that might help explain the fierce opposition to the ‘Dark Ages’ Church over centuries by those involved in Kabalistic studies, Jewish, Christian or otherwise. A reminder, this is about objective data and continuity, rather than a judgment on all the reasons each individual subjectively gets involved with or becomes enamored with Kabalistic ideologies of this nature.

Millennialism, Guadalupe, the 5th Empire, Dutch-Sephardic Jews + Kabbalah & the Capitalist/Mercantile ‘Gospel’ of Radical Jesuits

• Claude B. Stuczynski The Jesuit António Vieira on Paul’s Judeo- Gentile Universalism and Jewish Resiliency Journal of Jesuit Studies Vo. 8 pp. 250-275 - - This chapter demonstrates the rather strange views of the Millennialist and Joachimite Jesuit António Vieira involving the Jews, mercantilism, Menasseh Ben Israel (Kabalist), Dutch-Sephardic Converso connections and promoting the ‘Capitalist gospel’ under a 5th Empire with the Braganza line spearheading this ‘divine mission’ [think I said “Branzaga” by accident, my ‘dyslexia’ kicking in]. His schema also uses very alchemical concepts of spirit through matter as pertaining to the spreading of ‘evil aspects’ to be purified and transmuted later. The most relevant pages on this are 255, 258 and 268-269. • James E. Force & Richard H. Popkin Millenarianism and Messianism in Early Modern European Culture, Volume I: Jewish Messianism in the Early Modern World pp. 55-56 - - “Vieira came to the Netherlands in 1646, and against in 1647...He attempted to interest the Portuguese Jews of Amsterdam in this scheme, which he apparently saw as a step in the Portuguese millenarian future. He carried on long discussions with Rabbi Menasseh ben Israel...he was prepared in exchange to offer the Jews an opportunity to return to Portugal unmolested by the Inquisition! Vieira expected that the Amsterdam Jews would play a special role in the coming events because they were both Portuguese and (former) conversos. He defended New Christians against the Inquisition, and tried to find common ground with Menasseh between his millenarian Catholicism and Menasseh’s messianic Judaism. He expected that the form conversos’ peaceful return to Portugal would be followed by their re-conversion to Catholicism with [King] João’s messianic manifestation, a key event in the unfolding of the ‘Fifth Empire.’” The story described after this (pp. 56), on Michael Servetus, is also rather interesting. • Richard E. Greenleaf The Great Visitas of the Mexican Holy Office 1645-1669 The Americas Vol. 44, No. 4, April 1988, pp. 399-420 - - A rather crazy tale of Blessed Juan de Palafox y Mendoza, Bishop of Puebla, and his attempt to ‘clean house’ of Alumbrado-type activity in New Mexico, only to find a much darker connection to Inquisitional corruption. It’s a very complicated story, however, it is rather telling that a “large crypto-Jewish merchant class in Mexico City” was linked to an influence on the area and is also found in the Holy Office itself. This appears the be most influential on the notary Eugenio Saravia who was “a protégé of the kinfolk of Mexico’s wealthiest crypto- Jewish family, that of Simon Vaez de Sivilla.” Mr. Saravia is also mentioned as having an affair with Rafaela Henriquez, who is found (in other documents / citations relevant to these trials) to be a relative to Vaez [i.e. the ‘libido dominandi’ effect to control the Inquisition?]. Palafox is trying to base his reforms on the Council of Trent, and the Holy Office comes under investigation when some confiscated funds by his initial purge of the ‘cryptos’ is taking place. Once he begins his investigation he encounters massive resistance from a wide variety of groups (including the Jesuits in the area). These resistance groups have no problem silencing his supporters or jailing them. Later, once an auditor is finally allowed to examine this Inquisitional Office, they find a horrible mess of paperwork which includes: blank pages inserted to appear like paperwork, strange anomalies involving some missing Jews (who appear to have been let out of prison, perhaps connected to Vaez?), but also groups of both Jews ‘gentiles’ who appear to have been incarcerated without due process (could these have been resisters or Palafox supporters in the town? or non-connected Jews getting their property syphoned off by this corrupt Inquisition?). There are many questions that remain, but there’s a few Inquisitors that appear more honest, as there is an internal battle between this Office. Nevertheless, once the dust is settled, things appear to be put back in order and the literature of Miguel Sanchez helps Our Lady of Guadalupe’s popularity and devotions rise to a whole new level.

Luther’s ‘Tower’ Illumination Experience & Tarot

• Mark U. Edwards Luther’s Last Battles: Politics and Polemics 1531-56 pp. 190-198 - The pages showing the Cranach cartoons that Luther commissioned and provided commentary for, showing the amazing, forward thinking and tolerant ‘Protestant spirit’ in full effect. • The Reformation Online Luther’s Tower Experience: Martin Luther Discovers the True Meaning of Righteousness by Faith - https:// - A very ‘illuminating’ article, but perhaps not for the reasons intended by the author. • The Economist Group Online Our History - 4yss246p - Timeline with relevant Rothschild entries in 1972 and 2017. | Ownership - - “The ‘A’ special shares” involving the Rothschild family amongst others. The Economist magazine published the Trump Tarot cards to make ‘predictions’ for the beginning of his 2017 presidency, including one invoking Luther’s ‘Tower’ illumination experience. The BOTA Tower is the image that was used in the discussion for comparison. • Tarot Heritage Online The Fifteenth-Century Charles VI Deck Recreated by Marco Benedetti 1.28.21 - - Provides information on the Rothschild Sheets, “The Rothschild Sheets, from early sixteenth-century Italy, share imagery with the Florentine pattern and Bolognese decks. Two sheets with six trump cards each are divided between the Rothschild Collection at the Louvre and the Museum of the Beaux Arts School in Paris.” • Edmond De Rothschild Foundations Online Collection at the Louvre - - Information on Edmond being the child of James in Paris. • The Tarot Wheel Online The 16th Century - A Transition Period - - Best images for the Rothschild Sheets and their similarities to other decks from the Renaissance era. • Tilde Cameron & Tina Fiorda A Book of Insight, Wisdom From the Other Side pp. 186 - Obviously I’m not recommending this book for any “insights” other than to show how channeled information (via a Ouija board– –if you believe it to indeed be legitimately demonic spirits in communion with these poor girls) ‘magically’ syncs up with Liberal agendas and propaganda, along with U.N. Theosophical associations akin to Lucis Trust. What is most telling is how the ‘spirits’ want to reveal to us that the Spanish Inquisition is an exemplary case of “heinous religion” gone bad whilst simultaneously trying to convince you that the “laws of church and state” created “the illusion of a judgmental God” which is predicated on the fear of hell. I.e. why do the ‘spirits’ agree with WASP/Masonic/Jewish ‘Black Legend’ propaganda against the Spanish Inquisition? More importantly, if one is Jewish or Protestant and believes in the God of Israel & His Laws (which the spirits here call an ‘illusion’), whilst simultaneously maintaining that the Spanish Inquisition was horrible, awful and ‘ungodly’, and also believing that channelling spirits is demonic and against God’s Laws, and that you will be deceived with lies by them, then why are you in a wholehearted agreement with Ouija board demons that the Spanish Inquisition was a “heinous” institution? This brings rather strange bedfellows when considering the massive propaganda to foment the ‘Black Legend’ in both the earthly and, at indicated here, the spiritual realms. The same point can be made about the “Angels” Dee and Kelley conjured up that told them to swap wives and helping them to avoid the Jesuits who are almost synonymous with the Inquisition according to WASP/ Masonic propaganda.
