From Seed to Tree,

by way of

THE Master’s Degree

Using Spiritual Geometry for Practical Application to assist in Seeking First The Kingdom of and His Righteousness

Matthew 10:8 Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse those who have leprosy, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give.

Revelations received and recorded by Marion H. Jackson Jr.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace



I, Marion H. Jackson Jr, bear witness to the fact that this assertation has been compiled and presented here as a result of: 1. Understanding that you are either seeking to make it in the World or the Kingdom of God. Seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and the ensuing journey that resulted is articulated 2. Receiving, translating and recording the Truths/Revelations given to me as a result of being led by The Holy Spirit 3. Understanding the details of my life, and those around my life with the information in the bible as related to the practice of the spiritual lectures of The Holy Spirit 4. The comparison of Kingdom of God Truths in relation to the study of world history, religion, government and culture 5. The resulting knowledge of God received to this point

In world-based institutions of higher learning, a candidate for a master‘s degree or a doctoral degree must submit a dissertation to show the level of understanding gained throughout the education process. Dissertation – A formal treatise/discourse on a particular subject o Dis – apart, away from, opposite (as a world-based word, this is opposite of God) o Sert – to arrange words o Ate – state, condition, function of o Ion – power or energy of o Dissertation – the power or energy of the function of being apart/away/opposite of arranging words from God’s perspective Treatise – a formal and systematic written discourse on a subject focused with investigating or exposing the principles of a particular subject o Treat – action of discussing terms o ise – the English spelling of the Greek suffix, ize, which means cause o treatise – to cause the action of discussing terms Discourse – The totality of codified linguistic usages attached to a given type of social practice (spiritual in this case) o Dis- apart, away from, opposite o Course – the process of understanding , reasoning and thought regarding (spiritual practice); Onward movement in a particular direction; flow from a river . Discourse – opposite of God‘s course Revelations 22:1 Then the angel showed me the river of the water of life, as clear as crystal, flowing from the throne of God and of the Lamb.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


In the ‗University’ of the Kingdom of God based system of teaching, this candidate has been led by ‗Professor’ Holy Spirit, to present an ASSERTATION to show the level of understanding gained throughout the process. Assert – to positively proclaim, clarify o as – prefix meaning towards, in addition to o sert – indicated movement o assert – positive movement . Clarify – to make clear; to glorify Clear – light, bright, shining . Proclaim – pro: positive/forward; claim: to describe Assertation – the state or condition of positive movement of the arranged words of God, achieved by shining a bright light

Habakkuk 2:2 And the LORD answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tables, that he may run that readeth it.

An assertation is a formal treatise/course regarding the Kingdom of God given by a witness to the process. . Witness – wit: mental capacity for knowledge, wisdom understanding; ness: suffix meaning the state of being

All information contained herein is the result of the Omniscience of God and the resulting leadership of the Holy Spirit. The ‗home schooling‘ experience of the Holy Spirit consisted of, but was/is not limited to: an in-depth study of the Bible, as well as research and review of some very interesting scriptural material found outside of the bible: (The Lost Books of the Bible, the Forgotten Books of Eden, specifically the story of Adam and Eve[after leaving the Garden], the Books of Enoch and the Book of Nicodemus [the latter part of this book details the descent of Jesus into Hell and His subsequent defeat of Death and Hell]), some very interesting internet websites, an introduction into the origin of modern-day words, as well as the ways they can be formed. I also had the privilege of visiting a group of Hebrew temples within America, as well as Christian churches in Africa. All of these experiences combined to shine light on the understanding which God was/is bringing me to: husband, parent, brother, Man.

A life lived, questions asked, answers given, answers practiced and results are shown in this assertation. As a young man, who grew up from humble and low income beginnings in the south suburbs of Chicago, I was a product of a single parent upbringing (mother, no father) and I lived a life with little satisfying direction. Attending a Christian church and being a mediocre student throughout my teenage years produced more questions in my life than answers. With no sense of direction and low self-esteem, I set off to join the United States Air Force where I spent 14 years traveling the world, learning military leadership skills and earning a Masters of Business Administration degree. Along the way, I looked to many different people and organizations for direction and guidance and eventually become a member of two influential fraternal networks in the hopes of finding what I was

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace

4 looking for. While stationed at a military base in Japan, I became a member of the Prince Hall Free and Accepted Freemasons and after I separated from military service and had moved back to the suburbs of Chicago, I joined a college fraternity named Omega Psi Phi. Despite the years of collective history and the allure of principles for manhood, I never personally found what I was looking for to fill the gaping void that existed in my desire to be what I never was taught to be: a husband and a father. Upon leaving the military and living a new life, I was able to find relative success in the business world by applying military understanding and discipline in the civilian workplace as an entrepreneur, but that relative success only served to drive me further into the void that was consuming me. One day, I had enough of the pain and cried out to God in an attempt to know that there HAD to be something better, because the life that I was living was painfully unsatisfying…filled with the quest for personal desires and various indiscretions, all covered in a bravado of false self-confidence underneath a layer of supposed spirituality. Despite attending a Christian church that presented a new-to-me teaching on something called the Kingdom, I was still struggling to maintain integrity along with this new information. Interestingly enough, this occurred while I was traveling through my ‘valley’ experience, and as God had ordained it, the name of the church I attended was called Valley Kingdom Ministries International. During my military time, I had studied many different religions (Islam/Nation of Islam, Buddhism and various other Eastern religions, as well as the different sects of Christianity…and eventually would include a sect of Hebrew Judaism); they all had common threads but each failed to satisfy in its own way. After crying out to God to save me and for not my will to be done but for THY WILL be done in my life, things began to change. First, a fellow fraternity brother of mine passed along a DVD to me called THE SECRET. This was supposedly the information that the great leaders of the world used to achieve and maintain power but choose not to reveal to the ‗common man‘. This was a revolutionary introduction of information into my life as this video revealed an aspect of thinking that I had never heard of in that your thoughts controlled your life. The basic premise of THE SECRET is the more positive you thought, the more positive things would come into your life; the more you focused positively on what you wanted, the more those things would come into your life. Given the state of my mind, I was quickly drawn to its teachings as I had never paid attention to what I consciously focused my mind on. Being the way I was, naturally I began to focus on more money, thinking that would solve all my problems. Needless to say, such thinking did not result in any fruit. Nevertheless, I was beginning to be more positive about my life even if I wasn‘t sure of what to do about it. Nonetheless, I was drawn to specific teachings of a particular commentator on THE SECRET by the name of Abraham Hicks. Instead of continued focus on the gain of material things, Abraham Hicks focused on aligning with the higher self, that was itself attached to something called Source Energy. Various YouTube videos I found (prior to 2008-9 timeframe) presented information regarding the focus on gratitude and appreciation and invincibility, as well as allowing all the good in the World to flow positively downstream in your life, rather than fighting upstream of the good by focusing

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5 on negativity. After a few months of intensive study on aspects of THE SECRET, another amazing thing happened. While working very hard one Sunday at one of my businesses, I was unable to attend church services; however, my mother supplied me with a dvd of that day‘s church service. It contained the teaching of a then-unknown-to-me minister from the Bahamas named (Dr.) Myles Munroe. Due to the previous nature of the ruling government of the Bahamas (a colony of England), Dr. Munroe was able to present the teachings of the Kingdom of Heaven from a physical perspective as a former citizen from a colony, similar in nature to what the Earth is (a colony) to Heaven (the Home Country). By drawing physical parallels of what a King, Lord, Kingdom and Colony are on Earth, Dr. Munroe provided greater insight into what these terms meant to someone without a colonial background. Western democracy provides very little to no understanding of Kingdom living; thereby, almost ensuring an improper understanding of the Bible. I began an equally and eventually more expansive research and study effort into these teachings and online videos for myself and began the process of calling Jesus TRULY my Lord. Based on the knowledge I was gaining regarding the teachings of Myles Munroe, combined with positive thinking practice I gained from THE SECRET, I began to notice that I was gaining a greater spiritual insight independently, in comparison to what I was receiving from the church I attended. While the understanding I gained at Valley Kingdom Ministries served me well up to that point, it became clear that it was time for me to cease looking to the church for guidance and begin following the teachings of the Holy Spirit. As a result, I became the High Priest of my home and provided the spiritual teachings that my family would need. What resulted, from the beginning of those homeschooling studies to now is detailed in this assertation. This experience took me away from the familiar structures and traditions of world-based physical education, and religion…there was no need for a physical teacher, as the Holy Spirit was/is my teacher and there was no need to attend church and listen to a pastor, as my wife, children and I became the church in which God revealed what was needed in order for us to get closer to Him. The journey replaced my understanding of the worldly definition of family, parenting, marriage, life, spirituality, etc. With no one physical on Earth for assistance and only the lessons that God was bringing me through by the guidance of the Holy Spirit, my mind and spirit began to take a new form and shape, one that would put me at odds with various family members, friends, etc., but one that also brought about a peace and understanding that is unsurpassed by the totality of the wisdom of the world. What I present here is not my opinion, but facts presented to me by revelation through the Holy Spirit. It is my prayer that the brief summary of my background, combined with the information contained herein is helpful to anyone looking to find peace and satisfaction of spirit and soul. By trusting in the Words of God, the teachings of Jesus and the example of His death and resurrection, it is my profound pleasure and honor, all to the Glory and Praise of The Father (Our Father) of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, to present this assertation as a testimony to the Power of Our Father.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


. Etymology and Word dissection presented was found at etymologyonline.com (Online Etymology Dictionary) and prefixsuffix.com . All definitions beyond etymology was found at dictionary.reference.com . Bible verses were found at http://www.biblegateway.com/, www.bible.cc . Many references were found at Wikipedia.com . All references were ultimately given to me by The Holy Spirit

Assertation Philippians 4:9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

The Holy Bible, written by 40 authors, from many different languages, spanning hundreds and hundreds of years; consisting of two testaments (Old and New), translated into English from Hebrew (Old) and Greek (New) and initially released for public viewing by King James of England on April 22, 1611, in The King’s English, is ultimately the result of the Infinite Wisdom of Our Heavenly Father. Despite the many claims regarding: the inclusion/exclusion of the books that make up the bible, the way the books of the Bible were ultimately organized, as well as the proper or improper translation of various words, to name a few, …the Holy Bible is God‘s Word to His Children and as such, is Perfect.

A decent amount of research on thebiblewheel.com reveals the absolute perfection of the Bible. This website shows that when the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (known as the aleph-bet; hebrew4christians.com) are wrapped around the 66 books of the Bible a notable and repeating trend emerges. This trend displays itself with mirror images of words, phrases and themes across specific spokes within the Bible Wheel. Due to this purposeful mathematical precision, one shouldn‘t reduce the Bible to merely the result of human endeavors; rather, one may quickly understand that a much Higher being is at work.

It is from this position of intended perfection and mathematical precision that I begin my assertion. As it stands, many approach the Bible as a book that details the journey from the very beginning‘s of Earth, the first Sin, Man‘s attempt to be redeemed, and Man‘s eventual reclamation back into the Kingdom of Heaven.

On the surface, this approach gives Man a baseline understanding of HOW we arrived at the apparent present condition of life as well as a future hope to look to in the face of the absence of Heavenly promises. While understanding HOW we arrived at this point in time and life, the quest for WHY has not adequately been approached. Based on the information that God has allowed to be revealed to me, I will pass along such assertions as I have received, highlighted and further explained by and through the use of the accompanying spiritual grid.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


I have been blessed to receive biblical scripture to back up virtually all that is written; however, only through the guidance of the Holy Spirit have I been able to make the many connections that I present. All praise and glory belong to Our Heavenly Father.

The Holy Bible is about many things; however, I will condense its purpose into three, interrelated aspects (things being divided into 3 will become a recurring theme throughout): A King, His Kingdom, His Children and how His Children receive the training needed to receive and maintain their inheritance (the Colony of the Kingdom, Earth) Seeds, the process of how a seed is inserted into a shell (and why that is important) and how that seed grows to become a tree How the Children of God begin with a Bachelor‘s degree (a seed) and begins the journey to The Master‘s degree (a tree)

Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

The very first time in the Bible we are introduced to Our Heavenly Father, He is introduced as GOD. In the original Hebrew text, the word GOD is actually the word . The Hebrew word ELOHIM is a singular plural word and means ‗The One, who is Many; The Power over powers‘. As a completely contained singular being, who is manifested into many aspects, this is one of the most solid fundamental understandings that must be stated.

While the generic name God is the most simplest one used to refer to the All-Knowing, All-Powerful, All Present Creator, there are numerous and generally are used to display certain aspects of God‘s nature and abilities, for instance: - Jireh: The Lord Who Provides; The Lord Who Sees, or The Lord Who Will See To It. o Genesis 22:12-14 Jehovah - Rapha: The Lord Who Heals o Exodus 15:25 Jehovah Nissi: The Lord Our Banner o Exodus 17:8-15 http://smilegodlovesyou.org/names.html ADONAI – Lord/Owner; the ‗higher‘ spiritual self in regards to each individual physical aspect of ELOHIM. o Psalms 82:6 I said, 'You are ""; you are all sons of the Most High. . Adonai is the individualized spiritual aspect of the fullness of God, and guiding the corresponding physical aspect of Man on Earth

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All the names of God apply to WHO God is and the nature of Him; however, for this purpose, the focus is on Elohim. The name of God /Jehovah is a derivative of the Unpronounceable Hebrew name of God Yod Hey Vav Hey. This name reflects the Unknowable aspects of God; however, through the name Elohim, the Unknowable makes itself known.

The most basic example given to understand this foundational element of a singular plural entity can be found in the structure of a family. A basic family is a singular unit; however, it consists of a Father, Mother and children. While each individual of the family unit has a different name and different function, together, their individual plurality combines to form the singularity of a family. As a family, each aspect supports the other and without one, the unit is incomplete.

Biblically speaking, the initial formation of the God-head (typically known as the Trinity) used in Genesis 1:1 consisted of (the male aspect of God), God the Holy Spirit (the female aspect of God) and God the Son (the offspring of the combination). Contained within the God the Son aspect of Yahweh, Elohim exists as the physical aspects of all mankind that would come to live on Earth, beings who would ultimately reflect the plurality of the singularity that IS Elohim; consequently, producing the family of God.

It is from the knowable aspect of Elohim that we can begin the origin and purpose for Man. As the Unknowable aspect of Yahweh made its complete Self known through the Male and Female aspect to produce The Son in the spiritual realm, The Son contained within itself the eventual offspring that would come to populate the colony of Earth, reflecting perfectly in the physical realm nature and abilities of the spiritual realm.

Therefore, WE ALL are a form of the ELOHIM, and as such, are all brother‘s and sister‘s in the Oneness of God. Everyone, born of a woman, is an individual aspect of Elohim; albeit, an immature version. As a purposefully manifested aspect of God, sent from Heaven and given life on Earth, each one of us has a COMPLETED story that was written for us and about us BEFORE we got here.

To quote something powerful I heard from Dr. Munroe, God does not HAVE Grace, He IS Grace, God does not HAVE Peace, He IS Peace, God does not HAVE Love, He IS Love! Consequently, we are perfect spiritual beings in God, physically sent to Earth to learn how to gain access to the spiritual nature and abilities of God so that we can properly reflect the will of God in the Kingdom of God here in the colony of the Kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

An understanding of GOD The name GOD is a general term that is used to note the name/description of Our Heavenly Father. The term God, clearly does not fully explain WHO or WHAT God is; however, a few other Hebrew terms are used throughout the Bible to give a greater understanding of the various aspects of GOD.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


. Yahweh (THE Creator) - the complete aspect of the All-Knowing, All-Present, All-Powerful Creator. A Being in which ALL THAT IS originates from, but in its magnitude, is too great for the singular human mind to comprehend. o The first mention of Yahweh: Genesis 2:4 This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, when the LORD God made the earth and the heavens. . Elohim (All Present) – the physically manifested, individualized aspects of Yahweh. Individually, each child of God is an individualized aspect of the total Oneness of Yahweh. Through the function of Elohim, Yahweh directs the movements and actions of others to facilitate His Will. Those who do not display the positivity expected of a Kingdom Seeker is an immature aspect of Elohim, one who is ruled by the lower nature lord, Satan, rather than by the higher, spiritual self: Adonai. Nonetheless, all are aspects of Elohim, each possessing a completed ‗story‘ written by Yahweh that ultimately reveals an aspect of God that serves to benefit the Kingdom of Heaven. o As the physically manifested individual aspects of the Oneness of Yahweh, each individual Elohim represents a grain of sand that once constituted the Wholeness of Elohim. Just as the individual grains of sand are no more than the pulverized remains of a once solid Rock, whitled down by the impact and effect of the Waters of Life, so to are each physical representation of Elohim. THE Elohim, the fully materialized Rock of the physical Oneness of Yahweh, became many Elohim‘s to experience the various aspects of Life; thereby, reflecting the many aspects of the Oneness of Yahweh. Each Elohim has a completely unique set of experiences that are used to define and shape, and once the Son of God status is reached, reflects an individual aspect of the All-Knowing, All-Powerful Yahweh as a part of the All-Present. As a Son of God, each person represents the original Oneness of the Rock of Yahweh; thereby, transforming individual grains of sand back into its original unified form. o This is why Jesus said that NOT practicing Kingdom of God teachings was like building on sand. Satan, as the lord of the lower nature, uses the limited spiritual awareness and gifts of non-Kingdom Seekers to build the World; however, non-Kingdom Seekers represent the individualized, and spiritually incomplete aspect of Yahweh. Not until a person reconnects to his/her higher spiritual self through Adonai will that individual aspect of Elohim become transformed back into the Oneness of Christ. Without Adonai, all continue to represent sand. With Adonai, all begin to represent the Oneness of the Rock again. o As a representation of the Oneness of the Rock, each aspect of Elohim is an unrefined piece of gold, requiring a process and a Master to achieve the refined level of spirituality that reflects our true Oneness with Elohim and Yahweh.

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. Adonai (All Knowing) – the spiritual Lord, Owner. Adonai can be best understood as the higher spiritual self of each individual aspect of Elohim. Adonai, as the One who knows the ‗expected end‘ of each aspect of Elohim, represents the Holy Spirit of each person regarding His/Her life and is the One who is leading and guiding each one to the reconnection back to God. While each aspect of Elohim is different, and each aspect of Elohim has an individualized Adonai, Adonai is the unified Lord governing all. Therefore, while there may be different paths to reaching The Master‘s Degree, the information governing and learned during the process, will reflect the Unity of Elohim. Jesus, as Lord, represents Adonai in that, while on Earth, each aspect of Elohim must recognize and follow their spiritual Adonai. This prevents a Son of God from believing that He/She IS God, but rather an aspect OF God. By believing in Jesus, we continue to maintain our humility in regards to the understanding that God is working THROUGH each of us, and not that we originate any power independent of our Heavenly Source. The eventual combination of the individualized aspects of Elohim, back into its original Oneness, through the guidance of Adonai, results in the Body of Christ. With Jesus as the Head of the Body (serving as the Heavenly guide to look to), the numerous and varied known aspects of Yahweh will exist on Earth. o The first mention of Adonai: Genesis 15:2 But Abram said, “Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?” . Jehovah (All Powerful) – through the function of Jehovah, all resources needed for life on Earth, to achieve and maintain the Kingdom of Heaven, are provided. As has been partially stated, there are many aspects to Jehovah, and each one is in reference to the ability to have Heavenly interaction with Earthly affairs. . Unified Workings – Yahweh, as Creator, is individualized physically as Elohim, while the spiritual counterpart to Elohim is Adonai, who is able to facilitate the movements of Elohim towards the expected end through the function of Jehovah.. The modern day example of how this principle works and is successful can be seen in the making of movies. o Writer - the one who originates the idea of what a movie is going to be about, the cast of characters, how it begins, ends and how each part is played out. o Director – the one who works closely with the Writer to see the vision come true, the Director is the one who gives the movie a creative direction by leading the casts throughout every scene. The Director is also the one who visualizes and understands the script, managing a film‘s creative and theatrical aspects, as well as directing the casts and technical crew in the implementation of her or his vision. o Producer – As the resource manager, the movie producer starts, co- ordinates, manages and controls issues such as hiring key personnel, fund- raising, and arranging for film distributions. Conventionally, the movie producer is believed to be the chief of staff wherein the director is in task of the line.

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o Actor – the one who is hired by the producer, in association with the director, who is led by the director in performing the script of the writer. o http://www.differencebetween.net/business/difference-between-movie- director-and-producer/ . From this World-based example, existing to show forth the Glory of the Unified Godhead, we see Yahweh is the Creator/Writer of the Story. Each physical aspect of Elohim is the ‗actor‘ with Adonai being the ‗director‘ and Jehovah being the ‗producer‘. All aspects of the Oneness of Yahweh is aware of the story and its various movements, except the physical aspects of Elohim. Nonetheless, through Faith, by following the teachings and path set forth by Jesus, each aspect of Elohim is lead by its higher, spiritual self: Adonai. Adonai, knowing the story written by Yahweh for each aspect of Elohim, works with Jehovah to provide all the resources and experiences needed to guide each aspect of Elohim towards the expected end, written by Yahweh. At no point is Yahweh, Adonai or Jehovah worried about the story…it is completed, according to the writer, Yahweh. Similarly, a completed movie does not garner from the Writer/Director/Producer the same response to dialogue and action as that of the actors and/or the eventual viewing audience. Aspects of Elohim, by progressing along the path towards the Master‘s Degree, overcome his/her worry or fears by trusting in the leadership and guidance of Adonai. By doing so, each aspect of Elohim is directed and taught HOW to properly be that which each is Seeking to become.

So, the purpose of life is to gain access to the spiritual nature of God in order to become a fully functioning member of the family of God. The meaning of life is to use our prior experiences to help us develop the awareness of our abilities and talents, likes and dislikes, dreams and visions to help bring about the totality of the colony on Earth.

While it may be wondered why these gifts of spiritual nobility were not simply given upon birth in the physical realm, an examination of the events that happened BEFORE God said ‗Let there be light‘ helps to shed light on why God required a process of learning rather than a free-flowing giving without understanding where the gifts came from or how to maintain such gifts.

While many Holy Bible readers are aware of what happened AFTER God spoke (Genesis 1:3), it is what transpired PRIOR TO God speaking that reveals a great deal about Man and his connection to God and purpose on Earth. As will be explained in the Section regarding Quadrant 4, the activity that took place when the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep (Gen 1:2) gives insight into the subsequent movements of God.

A review of the fall of Lucifer (Isaiah 14:12-14; Ezekiel 28:11-19) shows that while in Heaven certain heavenly beings rebelled against the wishes of the Creator of Heaven and Earth. Lucifer was blessed more highly than any other heavenly being; however, Lucifer did not want to submit to the Will of God.

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o The story of the creation of the World, and similar birth of Lucifer, is one that can better be understood by reading the Apocryphon of John (http://www.gnosis.org/naghamm/apocjn-davies.html). Whereas in the Bible, the Revelation of John details the end of the World and the events leading up to it, the Apocryphon of John details the Mysteries of The Beginning of ALL THAT IS. As told to John by Jesus { John, why doubt? Why be afraid? Don‘t you know this image?}, the Apocryphon of John explains how Yahweh came to be expressed from its unknown form, to its known form. As the first known aspect of Yahweh reflected on itself, it gave birth to a similar, and equal image. Together, the first and second image of Yahweh combined to produce a third image. From the third image, Wisdom came forth; however, being similar and not equal to the original image, Wisdom was not as complete as the first; therefore, did not possess the totality of the first image. However, Wisdom attempted to produce an image independently, just as the first image produced the second image. A birth did occur but one who was lacking the essential elements of the combination of both the first and second image. This image represents the nature of the birth of the World and Lucifer. o As amazing as this revelation of the Beginning is, it must be noted that such developments were purposeful in God, in that the withholding of a vital aspect of the Creator was needed as the way to produce the inverted image/environment that was needed to facilitate the Seed-into-Shell-for- growth process. It gives us insight into the Creation process and the various natures of Yahweh and the World. Lucifer, like the World, lacked complete understanding of its origination, and as such viewed him/itself above all others; thereby, necessitating the Kingship training process to reconnect and overcome initial limitations.

It is my belief that at this point in the narrative God explained the process of how to become a TRUE Son of God…this process required that the apparent level of blessing given to the ‗son‘ was to be stripped and the ‗son‘ was to submit himself to a lower level of authority and required, BY FAITH, to trust that he would find his way back to God. In doing so, the ‗son‘ would receive equal status with God, on Earth.

The ‗stripping‘ of blessings here must be understood as a ‗death‘. It is a SPIRITUAL death; the letting go of what was learned and gained while in Darkness and the World. The initial reliance on the ways of the world and the lifestyle gained while there gives way to a transformation during the Rebirth/Born Again process. In the Spiritual Rebirth process (as is explained later in greater detail), unlike physical birth, what was valued and considered important regarding what was learned and gained prior to Birth are transformed and reordered as a result of Kingdom clarity. The story of the Prodigal Son, and is shown in the progression from Quadrant 4 to Quadrant 1 on the attached Spiritual Grid of this assertation, displays this fundamental truth. By building faith and then trusting in God and the plan that He has for your life by counting it ALL joy, we make our way back to the original place that God has ordained for our lives.

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Upon hearing the plan of God, Lucifer proposed that the gifts that had been bestowed upon him in Heaven would be sufficient enough to rule and reign on Earth and thereby not need the process that God had laid out. So, before there was Light, God allowed Lucifer and those who listened to him to practice their belief on Earth.

Because certain aspects of God had not been bestowed upon Lucifer and his followers (specifically, God’s Likeness, which can only be achieved by Seeking First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness; explained in greater detail later) emptiness and darkness, brought about as a result of the pursuit of personal desires in the midst of Chaos and Unforgiveness, were the rule of that moment in time.

From this exercise in unrestrained freedom, God in His Infinite Wisdom made clear the need for His Children to receive specific Kingship training and set in motion purposeful actions and events that were and are designed to take those that He desires to become children (ultimately all humans on Earth) through the process of becoming Sons of God. So, in Genesis 1:26 we find the primary purpose for Man and the beginnings of what God has in store for His children: To be made in God‘s Image and Likeness o More details are given later; however, a close examination of the scripture reveals that God initially gave Man His image but NOT His likeness…this apparent purposeful omission is at the very heart of WHY Man must Seek First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, because it is ONLY through this seeking that Man reconnects to God‘s likeness and ultimately the promises that come with it. o Withholding Likeness is the method God CHOSE to use to create the World and is seen in the examination of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. The nature of its leaves leads us to its fruit; thereby, giving insight and confirmation to this spiritual creation process. To have dominion over all lower forms of Man, and over all the Earth {Not stated in this verse, but understood: Man does not have dominion over Man…once ascended to the level of Man, all are equal} o Dominion was given over: . Fish of the Sea (Whale) As set forth in Genesis 1:21, the waters gathered above the Earth was called the Heavens, below the Earth, the water was called the Seas. The Heavens above gave birth to the fish of the sea. The fish of the sea, being connected to and receiving instructions from the Heavens, represent the Princes of Heaven who have their dominion in the lower Heavens. A study of Roman and Greek mythology gives greater insight into this. As a recurring theme, water represents the actions and events of life. The story of Jesus walking on water shows how through the use of the Holy Spirit, Jesus was able to ‗walk on and through‘ the turbulent waves of the waters of

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life that occur while in the World. He attempted to show Peter how to do the same thing; however, Peter showed that such an attempt can‘t be successful UNLESS your complete attention and focus is on Jesus. Therefore, eventual dominion is gained over the spiritual forces that govern the actions and events of life.

. Birds of the Air (Eagle) The waters that gathered on Earth are called the Seas and gave birth to ‗every winged fowl after its kind‘ (Gen 1:21). These winged creatures represent the Princes that govern physical life/motivating spirit on Earth. Due to the nature of their origin, birds of the air look to the fish of the sea for spiritual guidance. Both, the fish and the birds, are explained in greater detail in the section regarding Quadrant 3. o (Water and Air) The story of Jesus calming the storm in the New Testament shows clearly the impact of the effect and impact of the Water and Air (spiritually) as they relate to the actions and events of life and the spirit that motivates them; more importantly, it shows the dominion a Son of God has over these elements . Luke 8:24-25 24 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!” He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. 25 “Where is your faith?” he asked his disciples. In fear and amazement they asked one another, “Who is this? He commands even the winds and the water, and they obey him.” The Water, as being connected to the Heavens, symbolize the location of the spiritual information and dominion housed in the Heavens. The Air, having a connection to both the Air and Earth, symbolize the use of that spiritual information on the Earth (spirit of the World). The same relationship is present in the Kingdom of God; however, in the World, it is inverted. The location of the spiritual information that The Heavenly Father passes to His Children is housed in the Highest Heaven and is transmitted through the Holy Spirit. And on Earth, His Children, once matured to Son of God status, use that spiritual information to rule and reign the affairs of the colony for the Kingdom of God.

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. Livestock (Oxen) A creation that is solely connected to Earth (no spiritual connection as that of the fish or bird), but are in search of a spiritual connection, livestock/cattle represent the Disciples/Slaves/Apprentices of Christ. They include tracted cattle, goats and sheep. With no spiritual connection, livestock tend to keep their heads down and do the work before them, without regard for what is around them. Greater detail about this is explained in the section regarding Quadrant 2. . Wild Animals (Lion) Another creation that is solely connected to the Earth, wild animals encompass just about every other Earth based creature not included in the previous explanations and represent the uninitiated Children of God. Wild animals have no connection and aren‘t looking for one. They are simply looking to dominate the darkness in which they exist through the quest for satisfaction of personal desire. This behavior is personified in the form of the Lion. Greater detail about this is explained the section regarding Quadrant 4. . Creeping things of the Earth The final creation listed that is solely connected to the Earth are the things that creep along the Earth. These creatures aren‘t looking for a spiritual connection and serve the function of creating ‗problems‘ o Creep – to move with the body close to the ground, as on hands, knees; to slip in and out of place, shift gradually. Creeping creatures include insects that live INSIDE the Earth but come up to the surface, animals, such as moles, who live and adapt to an underground lifestyle, and reptiles such as snakes (who spiritually represent an older creature that lost its connection to the Heavens [wings] but maintained its wisdom [dragon to snake] ) . Earth Dominion here is the proper use and maintenance of crops, trees, plants and land ON Earth (not necessarily in/under Earth) for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, etc. Although the modern world has effectively dominated the Earth beneath its surface, the removal of it vital minerals and nutrients can have a negative effect. Much like when the human body does not possess the necessary levels of vitamins, mineral and nutrients, it will begin to suffer and result in disease or improper functioning. Likewise, the Earth acts in a similar way. While in Africa, I saw

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firsthand what happens to the land when digging for its precious metals…Deserts are created. Dominion over the Earth is dominion over the Self. Dominion over the Self is a respect for The Earth. Everything done to this point was allowed by God for learning purposes. However, with today‘s technology and agricultural techniques, the Kingdom of Heaven will bring about a more sustainable lifestyle that respects the Earth and the Self.

Man is tasked to conduct life on Earth and its various affairs according to how they are done in Heaven. In order to teach His children how this is to be done, God created the World as the seed/container environment from which Kingship training would cause each one to learn and grow.

Kingship training began in the Garden of Eden, where the Original Sin took place. According to the plan of God, Man must travel out of darkness, into the world, become like a child/servant to learn how to walk the path of righteousness. It is this plan that secures the promises made in Genesis 1:26, for no other way has been made. Therefore, I submit that it was/is God‘s Will that: 1. The fall of Lucifer, from Heaven to Earth, was purposeful… 2. The fall resulted in two spiritual aspects: a. the Spirit of Christ, which embodies all of the positive aspects of a/THE Son of God, reflecting the qualities and nature of Our Heavenly Father. Jesus, representing that embodiment, serves as our example of overcoming/transforming the lower nature and ascending to our rightful place of our higher, spiritual nature. Jesus came to provide us access to the Holy Spirit, by way of His sacrifice. That sacrifice allows each Kingdom Seeker to gain access to his/her individual Adonai, the higher, spiritual self that exists within the Oneness of Elohim. The Holy Spirit, with the aid of Heavenly angels, knows the plan that God has for each life and trusting and following the Holy Spirit brings each individual aspect of Elohim in line with the overall Will of God. b. the Spirit of Satan, which embodies all of the negative aspects of Humans. Disconnection from Our Creator brings about Chaos, as the very element that allows us to properly function is no longer present. Once disconnected from God, Man falls to Human and each person begins facing the negative aspects of themselves in the quest to reconnect back to God, reconnect back with the Likeness of God and become again the Son of God we were created to be. This temporary disconnection is used to provide the information and environment necessary to ask the proper questions in order that we may Seek the Better Way (Kingdom Seeking). Remaining obedient to the lower, fallen nature of self subjects a human to the spiritual forces of Satan and causes the self to continually come in contact with the negative aspects of the self. Satan, with the aid of demons, provide various ways and choices to stay disconnected from

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God, usually, with negative consequences. As a result, disobedience to the higher, spiritual nature, put humans at odds with the Will of God, and such independence from God‘s Will is considered Sin. The blame may be placed on Satan, but the person/thing really being battled against is the negative spiritual aspect of the self. 3. Adam ate the ‗forbidden fruit‘ of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and by doing so set out on a journey that God Himself wrote, a theme that is a repeat of the fall of Lucifer… Lucifer – Ezekiel 28:11; 16 13Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; 16Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned. So I drove you in disgrace from the mount of God, and I expelled you… o Trade – to tread a path; to occupy oneself in something; course of action . The path or course of action taken was inaccurate and not becoming of a Son of God. The path taken was based on negativity, and as such led to negative behavior, such as violence; thereby, requiring the need for a display of the proper path…the Path of Righteousness Adam – Genesis 3:23-24 23 So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 After he drove the man out, he placed on the east side of the Garden of Eden cherubim and a flaming sword flashing back and forth to guard the way to the tree of life.

…and told in a parable by Jesus in the story of the Prodigal Son (explained in greater detail in the section regarding Quadrant 4). Seen from the perspective of God‘s express will to assist Man in required process of receiving Kingship training, there is no blame, although there is much to be learned; both from the behavior of Adam and Eve, as well as everyone else introduced throughout the scriptures. Therefore, I will provide information regarding the seed process (Parable of the Pearl) and the requirement for its insertion into the shell (Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil).

Parable of the Pearl The Parable of the Pearl, as told by Jesus, gives great insight into HOW a seed is placed into the shell; thereby, giving greater insight into WHY the story of Adam is important, and ultimately the story of Jesus and those who follow Him.

The Parable of the Pearl details the analogy of ―the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it‖. (Matthew 13:45-46) A study of basic oysters and pearl production shows the importance of this parable.

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Pearls are the result of an auto-immune response to a foreign object. As oyster‘s filter water and sand through its shell to extract nutrients, occasionally, a foreign object, such as a grain of sand, will get stuck inside and begin to cause an irritation. In response to rid itself of the irritation, the oyster will begin to cover the irritation with the same material from which it itself is made. This material is called nacre (mother-of-pearl) and is expelled to coat the irritant; thereby easing the discomfort of the oyster. Over time, after a sufficient amount of nacre has been layered upon the irritating grain of sand, a pearl is formed. The pearl, the resulting combination of two completely opposing elements, appears useless to the oyster, as the primary function of the oyster was to kill the irritant; however, to the ‗merchant man‘ the pearl is of great value. Something with the hardness of the shell of the oyster has combined with the softness of the grain of sand produces something greater than the sum of its parts. From this understanding, God inserts his children as pearl seeds (kingdom seekers are considered grains of ROCK , not sand) into the world; whereby, a pearl seed of great value is produced, as well as the resulting tree that comes from this dual analogy (Parable of the Mustard Seed) o The ‗auto-immune‘ defense of trying to ‗kill‘ the irritating grain of sand can be seen biblically in the story of the killing of the first born sons during the times of and Jesus. The request from governmental leadership to ‗kill‘ the first born males was an attempt to rid the World-system of the coming Kingdom of God ‗pearl‘.

Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil In the story of Adam and Eve, Eve is tempted by a serpent (not yet cursed to crawl on his belly) to eat the fruit of the forbidden tree. In doing so, Eve also provided the fruit to Adam, who also ate. After this act, and before the eventual discussion with God, Adam and Eve cover themselves with the leaves of a fig tree. I hereby submit that the fruit that was eaten was a FIG.

In order for the plan of God to succeed, Adam and Eve were required to be placed into the shell of the World environment, and the World thrives on the inverted information of God (Knowledge of God). An in-depth examination of the root of the word fig, as well as the growth of the fig tree that produces edible figs, reveals the pattern of withholding, similar to the initial withholding of God‘s likeness to Man. The verb Figure is the combination of the root word fig and suffix - ure. o –ure means the act, condition, process, function of the root word . Function means the purpose for which something is designed or exists; therefore FIG-URE is the purpose for which the root (fig) was designed or why it exists.

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o The purpose for which a fig exists is to shape into, to picture in the mind beyond what is known when ‗eaten‘ spiritually. The side effect of figuring is fear as one can only picture things in their mind only so far before they can‘t tell for certain what is to come. This limited sight in darkness results in doubt and confusion, which lead to fear. Due to a lack of trust and an incomplete connection to God (a prince is not a King…a King has completed training, while a prince still has much to learn) the Princes of the World succeed by FIGURING. Without God‘s Likeness, the Princes of the World rely on the wisdom of the ages to navigate life (explained in greater detail later). A review of the fig tree (Wikipedia) sheds light on this subject and confirms the physical to spiritual connection. o Unlike the Tree of Life, that bears fruit (Knowledge of God) each month of the year (12 times), the fig tree/Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil only produces fruit twice a year (2 times). Relying on the fruit of the fig tree MAY appear successful, but it is not consistent, nor satisfying o According to research, in order for a female fig tree to produce ‗edible figs‘, the male flower parts fail to develop. Physically speaking, the withholding of the male aspect of the fig tree is what allows for the ability to have an edible fig; however, when that aspect is included, the fig becomes indigestible for the human body. o Consequently, when the Father aspect is not added to the Mother aspect of rearing, FIGURING is created . Father, according to etymology, is of Germanic origin, wherein ―p‖ was switch to ―f‖. The resulting word shines a little more light on the value of the word. Path/er – (er: person that does the root word///Path: sets forth the narrow walk or way) A Father is one who sets forth the path/narrow walk or way

Finally, when Adam and Eve covered themselves with the fig leaves, they revealed a few other spiritual discoveries. First, as would be explained in Ephesians 6, regarding the Whole Armor of God, the waist area symbolized the protection of Truth. Therefore, due to the lack of God‘s Likeness and the resulting Truth that came with it, Adam and Eve showed they had covered themselves in the ways of the World and thusly, felt shame. However, because God knew the plan, He covered them with lambskin, foreshadowing the salvation to come.

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As is seen in Quadrant 4 of the Spiritual Grid, those originating from the Abrahamic faith (questioning and leaving the world of polytheism and embracing monotheism), including Adam and Jesus, are the ones chosen to initially begin the journey towards Sonship:

Islam, Hebrew Judaism, Christianity

Quadrant 4 represents the location of the ‗seed storehouse‘. According to the plan of God, these seeds MUST be placed into a shell environment (a place where the gifts received from Heaven are temporarily removed). In this environment, the seed will receive the fertilizer and watering necessary to ensure proper growth. However, as is shown in the ‗rebellion‘ of Lucifer, and is repeated in the story of Adam, Jonah and the Whale, as well as briefly at the end of the story of the life of Jesus, there is initial reluctance at going through the shell/World stage of the process. On the initiates‘ part, this is due to a lack of trust, brought about from the uncertainty. Nonetheless, from God‘s perspective, this builds the faith and trust needed to become a Son of God.

As Adam was transplanted from the Tree of Life (Romans 11 gives a wonderful explanation of this) into a foreign land (shell), that foreign land was a place of polytheism, a worship of animals (explained in greater detail later) and the worship and following of the power of energy. There are three major modern day religions on Earth Abrahamic o Islam and its many sects; Judaism and its sects; Christianity and its sects Indian (Dharmic) o Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and Sikhism East Asian (Taoism) o Confucianism, Chen Tao, Taoism, Shinto, , Chondogyo, Jeungism, I-Kuan Tao, Mahayana Buddhism . The principles of the Tao religion can be stated to be the flow of the universe, or the force/energy behind the natural order. It is believed to be the influence that keeps the universe balanced and ordered (Wikipedia). These fundamental principles are the underlying principles that are taught in THE SECRET. Attributing the governing of life to the energy of the ‗universe‘ rather than God is an inverted truth, one common with religious teachings of the World.

According to Genesis, after God said, ‗Let there be light‘, the World was born first, out of an inversion of Kingdom of God truths and resulted in early forms of the Indian and East Asian religions and forms of government; thereby, giving monotheistic faiths a platform from which to help find their way. This birth was necessary for the Will of God, as there had to be a container shell vessel from which the seeds could grow and blossom.

Consequently, there is similar spiritual information and truths in Indian and East Indian religions and governments to that which is found when Seeking the Kingdom of God. Likewise, the similarities in Egyptian, Greek and Roman culture can trace their origin to these early Worldly forms; however, due to their nature, they are inverted truths and

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21 information. It is from the inversion of these spiritual truths and the confines of their structures that the Children of God are given a proclivity from which to search for light in darkness and thus begin the growth of the seed inside of the shell.

From the proclivity of the world as the backdrop, all people of the Earth derive various life experiences that help to build the way they see life and interact with those around themselves. These experiences are viewed as the fertilizer in which to help the seed also grow while inside the shell. Once the earnest beginning of Seeking the Kingdom begins, the Holy Spirit reveals and transforms these experiences as testimonies.

While going through The Master‘s Degree process, we all come across people who may be going through what God has already brought us through. By allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the purpose and value of fertilizer experiences, we all are able to help one another understand how to transform those experiences into the power of growth towards becoming the tree God created us to be.

With an understanding of where the Children of God (seed) originated from and the requirement for the acquisition of knowledge gained by going through the world (shell), we begin to see how God creates. The seed can‘t blossom into the tree that it was created to be unless it goes through a (shell) process. It is this process where the seed actually sees inverted trees growing inside of the shell.

Each form of government, religion and business shows the seed what the growth of a tree looks like. However, a Kingdom of God tree transforms this information to produce something altogether different and greater. Consequently, despite the size and apparent glory of the ‗trees‘ witnessed by the seed while inside of the shell, they don‘t even compare to the glory of what a tree attached to the Tree of Life has. The comparison is like comparing the size of a shell to the size of the tree that comes from a shell. The shell is a vitally important component for the growth and development of the seed but can‘t begin to compare to the enormity, function and purpose of the tree that it once housed.

Finally, when again viewed from the perspective of God, we gain access to an understanding of the value of all that is. While it is God‘s desire to have many sons and daughters, it is only through the belief in and followership of Jesus Christ that all that is promised can be attained through the adoption process 2 Corinthians 6:18 And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty. Ephesians 4:6 One God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all. Our Heavenly Father set forth the Path to reconnecting with His Likeness (The Master’s Degree) that MUST be taken to receive access to His Kingdom. He also allowed His Only Begotten Son to secure the Path, by bringing the one tool that was purposefully missing until His arrival: forgiveness, as proof positive that God‘s Word can be trusted.

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Therefore, not only are those who begin the journey out of Quadrant 4 given the path to Eternal Life, but so to those who originate out of Quadrant 3:

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 6:28-29 28 Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?” 29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.”

Romans 11 (the whole chapter) From Our Heavenly Father‘s perspective, the marriage between the Science of Peace and the Art/Practice of Kingdom, resulted in the Power of Love; also known as God The Father, God the Holy Spirit, God the Son, and from the combination of the power of three we see many aspects to creation and how it flourishes: Father + Mother + Children = Family Air + Earth + Water = elements above (on) the Earth o Fire, which exists beneath (IN) the Earth, is the domain of God as it represents the Spirit of God. It was the Spirit of God that was inside of Lucifer that God took out of him during the ‘fall’ from Heaven, the loss of which eventually sent Adam on his journey. And it is, according to Jesus, what must be put back in (along with the lessons of life; referred to as Water) to facilitate the Rebirth/reconnection to God. . Ezekiel 28:18 …So I made a fire come out from you, and it consumed you, and I reduced you to ashes on the ground in the sight of all who were watching. . John 3:5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. . Luke 12:50 Do you think I came to bring peace on earth? No, I tell you, but division. . Luke 12:49 I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! African + Asian + Caucasian = combine to produce all the variations of people on the Earth o African: . Af - a prefix denoting a movement in a positive direction . Rican – a word of Spanish origin that means Rich African – towards being Rich o Asian: . As – to the same extent or degree; equal to . ian – a suffix meaning one that is, related to Asian – one that is or related to the same degree or equal to (As the spirit of the World, equal as purposeful forms of Elohim, yet inverted)

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o Caucasian (To find the root of cauc in Caucasian required a little research) . Caucus: Gathering of counselors, advisors (cauc); us means WE . Caucasus Mountains (stated origination of Caucasians) – Cauc – counselor, advisors As – equal to in nature Us – We o Caucasus – We are to the same degree, equal to the counselor, advisor of Mountains (problems) . Caucasian – Related to the same extent, degree as the counselor, advisor o All things are purposeful in God, written before the foundation of the World; therefore, regardless of the nature of the meanings of these words, they all work together for the Will of God

Abrahamic + Indian + Taoic = all religions and governments on Earth Hebrew + Muslim + Christian = all Monotheistic religions Abraham + Isaac + Jacob = Generational Continuity o Abraham represented the first generation of receiving instructions on how to walk in the ways that God requires. By passing such information down to the second and third generation, the thought process becomes well set-up in the minds of the family consciousness and ensures that the seed of such a thought process will reproduce throughout eternity. Exodus 20:6 but showing love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep my commandments.

Why is the seed to tree analogy so important? In the beginning, the first thing that the Earth produced were ‗seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds‘ (Genesis 1:11). This initial mentioning of what the Earth produced first is an indicator to the importance and value God places on reproduction. As stated earlier, God wants many sons and daughters and the spiritual process of going from seed to tree is the path created to ensuring such a result. The World can only produce different variations of itself (Egyptian, Greek, Roman, American), just as the Kingdom of Heaven will only produce greater variations of itself.

Man is the only one of God‘s creatures that consists of, and therefore connected to, both the Earth and God. Our connection to the Earth primarily requires us to eat, drink, and sleep, for without either and all, the connection to the Earth that sustains our physical being would be interrupted and our physical being would cease. Likewise, our spiritual being requires the connection to Our Heavenly Father in order for us to conduct our lives as intended. By surrendering to God‘s will and going through the seed-to-tree/Master‘s Degree process, we regain our connection to Our Heavenly Father and in doing so, receive all that is promised as a result.

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Therefore, to get sons and daughters, God plants ‗trees‘ in His Garden that bears fruit…the spiritual fruit is the reconnection back to Him and His will for our lives. As we bear the fruit, we supply what is needed to those who have not yet become fully mature but are on the path, or seeking the path.

Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life, and he who wins souls is wise. The winning of souls plants the seeds of righteousness in others, thereby, allowing for growth and development of more trees.

Matthew 13:23 But the seed falling on good soil refers to someone who hears the word and understands it. This is the one who produces a crop, yielding a hundred, sixty or thirty times what was sown.”

Achieving the path of righteousness occurs when one submits to the path and plan of Our Heavenly Father. In times past, many have refused for fear of the process, specifically going through the World/Death; however, without the process, the tree can‘t bear fruit. Conversely, by going through the process, not only does the tree bear fruit, but other trees come from the seeds of that fruitful tree. The life, death, and resurrection of Jesus showed that obedience to God‘s will DOES bring about the conquering of the fear of Death/the World. John 12:24 Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds. John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. By going from seed, to inside the shell, to gathering the nutrients from our fertilizer experiences, to full maturation and growth as the tree that God created us to be, we all (African, Asian, Caucasian and everything in between /// Monotheistic and Polytheistic) eventually learn through The Master‘s Degree process (as shown by the Master Jesus) what is truly important and lay aside petty differences that God Himself only set up as a way for us to find Him…not to continually fight one another. Jesus came to unify ALL, for we are ONE in Christ. Why is Kingship training so vitally important and necessary? . Ephesians 4:14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming.

The information contained throughout this assertation serves in breaking up and breaking down religious, governmental and spiritual belief differences by exposing their origins and how they assist in the seed-to-tree process. In setting aside those differences and ascending to the intended level of Master/ Son of God, we all help to bring about the day when TRULY, every knee is bent, every head is bowed and every tongue confesses that Jesus is Lord (Romans 14:11), because we all will have received the promises of God and fight no more.

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Consequently, the various combinations of Abrahamic, Indian, East Asian beliefs and experiences (when submitted to Seeking First the Kingdom of God) will produce a bounty of numerous species of Trees, attached as branches to THE Tree of Life. To God be the Glory!

Daniel 2:44 And in the days of those kings the God of heaven will set up a kingdom that shall never be destroyed, nor shall the kingdom be left to another people. It shall break in pieces all these kingdoms and bring them to an end, and it shall stand forever.

The Kingdom of God Seeking the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is seeking after the information that brings each person in alignment with their higher, spiritual self. As the physical manifestation of our higher Adonai self, each person comes to Earth disconnected from their connection to their higher self; thereby, being also disconnected from the overall Oneness of Elohim. Seeking the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is seeking after your distinct aspect of the overall Being of God. Each person has a different purpose and assignment in developing the Kingdom of Heaven and reattaching to Adonai, who leads and guides us to proper alignment with our true Elohim self, brings about such understanding. Therefore, Seeking the Kingdom of God is about learning how to reconnect to the Holy Spirit so each can be led and guided to fulfilling their true self.

The Kingdom of Heaven Seeking the Kingdom of God ultimately leads to becoming a Son of God on Earth. A Son of God is one who is being led by Adonai to reflect physically the Truth regarding his/her Elohim self. In reflecting the Truth regarding each aspect of Elohim, the physical and spiritual manifestation on Earth is The Kingdom of Heaven. Identified in Isaiah 65:17-25 and Revelations 21 as the New Heaven and New Earth, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is the Paradise of God on Earth. Each aspect of Elohim has a different aspect that contributes to the overall development of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; however, the combination of each aspect leads to an ever-expanding and eternal receiving of the manifestation of the Blessings of God.

These blessings are to occur during our life, on Earth, where Sons of God rule and reign, as opposed to Heaven, where The Father rules and reigns. Earth exists so that we may experience the pleasure and joy of ruling and reigning. Such access to Heavenly Blessings on Earth only occur as a result of Seeking First the Kingdom of God. Luke 12:32 Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.

Progression through the Quadrants The progression that takes place to receive the Kingdom of God and the resulting Kingdom of Heaven on Earth begins in Quadrant 4 and progresses though to Quadrant 1.

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Introduction to THE Master‘s Degree

Spiritual Math (Geometry) 101

GIVENS (1): Jesus is the way: John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me. John 10:10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full [in abundance]. John 12:32 And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. Mark 1:14-15 “The time has come,” he said. “The kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!” o Another word is for GOOD NEW is also GOSPEL. The word Gospel is a word derived from GOD/SPELL. . God/Good – having the right qualities . Spell – story, speech, report Charm – to recite or cast a spell The Good News When Jesus declared the need to change old thoughts/actions (repent), his next statement in doing so was to achieve an effective GOD SPELL. Jesus, as the form of the Unseen God, was well aware of the creation and formation of the foundations of the World. As a way to assist the children of God to prepare themselves for the Kingdom of God, Jesus encouraged everyone to adjust their thinking, away from the general and pervasive negativity of the World, and begin believing in the perpetual positivity of the Good News.

The primary message of Jesus was that, as children of God, they were to rule and reign on Earth in the Kingdom of Heaven; however, in order for that message to be received effectively, Jesus taught the children of God how to God spell themselves. In essence, Godspelling is the active thinking and speaking of oneself in perpetual positivity, while simultaneously ignoring/rejecting the general negativity that exist in the World.

While the ways, religions and governments of the World are based on negativity, the promotion of positive thought was always geared towards doing so to remain in the favor of the negatively based World powers. As a way to overcome this lower level of thought, Jesus reminded his Disciples to not fear, to not doubt, to not focus on tomorrow, to not focus on how others felt and thought, and to not fear what others could do to a disciple. Such thoughts only feed on the general negativity of the World; however, Jesus implored his disciples to trust, have faith and to practice these new traits repeatedly.

By continually emphasizing the end-goal of receiving the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and using His life as an example, Jesus taught His disciples how to adjust their thinking. No longer were they to view themselves in a lower manner in regards to the ruling World powers. The impending coming of the Kingdom allowed for thinking that overcomes the limiting thinking of the World. By focusing on what was coming out of the abundance of Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace

27 the heart, through the mouth, disciples were able to speak over themselves in positive manners that reflected the positivity in their thought. In these ways, disciples Godspell themselves back into their rightful connection with Yahweh.

Personally, I learned the value of such thinking early on in my journey when I was introduced to The Secret. As a form of positive thinking, The Secret introduced the idea that what you thought about is what is brought about in one‘s life. A negative life was the result of negative thought and words, and as such self perpetuated itself. Conversely, the more positive a person focused their thoughts and words, the more positive things and events would manifest in one‘s life.

In addition to the information learned in this DVD, there was a speaker in the DVD by the name of Abraham-Hicks. Abraham was a group of non-physical beings who was being channeled through the physical vessel of a woman named Ester Hicks. The teachings of ‗Abraham‘ were based on principles regarding Taoism and Hinduism and were grouped into a something called the Law of Attraction. This World-based spiritual law summarizes how things are brought to one‘s life based on their thoughts.

The good thing about the teachings of ‗Abraham‘ was on the focus of appreciation and gratitude as a way to increase one‘s positive outlook, and that the physical being on Earth knew that their goal in agreeing to come to Earth was one of learning and joy. Through the use of focusing on positives, such as appreciation and gratitude, one would be able to increase their learning and joy, supposedly resulting in an increase in the positive results of one‘s life.

Such principles are based on the idea that each person is ultimately in control of the various aspects of their life, through their thought-life. While it is not completely wrong, it is deceptively not true. During the transition from Quadrant 4 to Quadrant 3, the general though-outlook of a person may indeed cause various actions to occur in life. Various levels of negative thoughts may bring about various levels of negative results. Likewise, various positive thoughts may bring about various levels of positive results.

What must be taken into account is the next group of GIVENS. God wrote the story, and knew of each of our thoughts and actions, before we did it, before we were born. Therefore, in some ways, we were predisposed in our thoughts as a way to place us in the proper environment from which to grow. Going from Quadrant 4 to Quadrant 3 provides the background that forms a decision-making proclivity.

Once the proclivity has been formed and the opportunity to decide on becoming a disciple is available, the choice of becoming a disciple means that the child of God now is being led, not by the lower, sinfully predisposed nature, but is now being led by the higher, spiritual self. As such, the higher, spiritual Adonai is well aware of the continuation of the story and is leading to the Kingdom of Heaven expected end.

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Absent of this information at the beginning of my journey, I was truly intrigued by the ideal that my thoughts affected my life and that concentrated focus would help bring about all that I wanted. In the initial phases of my journey, I studied and practiced many of the teachings I heard from ‗Abraham‘, with increasing levels of effectiveness. I had never learned, nor heard of the practice of mental focus and the teachings truly were instrumental in allowing me to increase my mental and spiritual awareness. However, I was taught that the limits of the positive teachings of ‗Abraham‘ can become negative on their own and result in being hokum. Hokum - Something apparently impressive or legitimate but actually untrue or insincere. o Sincere – without thinking; being led by the Holy Spirit . Sin – without . Cere – brain o Insincere – with thinking; trying to figure out…not being led by the Holy Spirit

Jesus, as the Source of all positivity, uses various forms of positive focus in the effort of reconnecting back to the Heavenly Father. The teachings of ‗Abraham‘, while initially effective for a non-Kingdom Seeking disciple, are limited in that positivity that has no Kingdom foundation results in the further pursuit of the ways of the World. Focusing on non-Kingdom based positivity results either in eventual disillusionment or renewed servitude to the World. Being positive, without traveling along the path of The Master‘s Degree, ends in disillusionment as the cycles of the World always ends up allowing negativity to appear to outweigh positivity.

Furthermore, non-Kingdom positivity, as taught by ‗Abraham‘ will cause one to focus more on their material needs, if not their spiritual ones; however, such focus is used to further the ways of the World. Increased results in material or spiritual gain are used to show others in the World the value of such practices, and as such, not only causes the one practicing to become a slave to the World, but the ones who are impressed enough by the example to practice the same thing as well.

Ideally, the positive teachings of ‗Abraham‘ are used to take a Kingdom-Seeker to the edge of Worldly positivity and allow for the transition to Kingdom of God joy. While some of the teachings are truly effective at helping the mind Godspell itself and grow in spiritual maturity, only through accepting Jesus as Lord and practicing the teachings of Jesus, can true growth towards becoming a Son of God develop. The Theory of Relativity – a scientific idea, that can be used to explain spiritual matters related to perception and understanding, which lead to thought and resulting actions. o The idea that no independent absolute value exists but rather every moral decision or truth that one believes, is true only from their frame of reference and particular time. Truth becomes what is meaningful or significant within a given context. o Given the uniqueness of each individual, this theory explains how and

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why people tend see the same thing but perceive it differently. Based on the background, education and experiences, what is perceived can have a different value and meaning. However, most perceptions are shaped and based on either positivity or negativity. . In the World, the Theory of General Negativity is an inverted Kingdom principle in that the pervasive nature of negativity greatly influences the thoughts and actions of those affected. Conversely, the Perpetual Joy of the Kingdom of Heaven greatly influences the thoughts and actions of those affected. While each aspect of Elohim is unique, given its connection to Yahweh, through Perpetual Joy, the relative perception will be similar; likewise, those connected to the spirit of the World tend to be also unique, and usually have similar responses to negativity.

Theory of General Negativity – this is a spiritual theory that a general energy of negativity pervades the ways of the World, and as such is used as a force to cause others to expect and accept negativity. For instance, television commercials display images and information regarding illnesses, protection against danger, and ideas of intaking alcohol (to name a few). Local and National news outlets display images and information regarding violence, crime and various other negative possibilities. In the World, the idea of General Negativity is that the viewer/listener will internalize these general negative possibilities and either fear them or expect their materialization in their life. Such reflections on general negativity causes one to stay in a perpetual fog of negativity, resulting in the general acceptance of not only additional negativity from others, but the expectation of it in their own life. People in the World have been trained on impromptu mentioning of negative possibilities to one another. This introduces fear and serves to limit positive movement. o Power of Suggestion – The Power of Suggestion is a psychological process by which one person guides the thoughts, feelings, or behavior of another. Serving as a waking form of hypnosis, the power of suggestion is used with the theory of General Negativity to give suggestions that can produce sought effects. While the Truth of all Life is rooted in the Perpetual Joy found in Kingdom Seeking, the Power of Suggestion is used in the World to continually introduce and reinforce negative possibilities, in an effort to cause children of God to believe in, protect against and make decisions based on potential negative outcomes. . Luke 12:22;30 And he said unto his disciples, Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat; neither for the body, what ye shall put on. 30 All the people in the world are trying to get these things, and your Father knows you need them. . Jesus, knowing the effect of general negativity, told his disciples to not even THINK about how to provide for their lives. Trying to FIGURE out such things is the nature of the World, and as such, leads to great fear and worry. As strange as it sounds to not focus

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attention on securing the means to provide for basic needs, Jesus explained why. A Kingdom Seeker is being led by their Adonai, who as an individualized aspect of The Father, knows what you need and is leading you to it. Being led requires the release of general negativity and the embrace of perpetual joy.

Fact of Perpetual Joy – the teachings of Jesus takes the positivity of the World and anchors it into the foundation of Rock that is the promises of God. As eventual trees, all of God‘s children start out as Seeds placed inside the Shell of the World. As a result, all Seeds receive the fertilizer of the sins of previous generations to assist in their Kingship training. By serving as the Beacon of Light example, Jesus proves, that through the focus on perpetual joy, even in the face of general negativity, everything that is coming into our lives is good and should be viewed as such. By anchoring positive focus on Jesus, through Kingdom Seeking, children of God are able to overcome the ways of the World. o Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy— think about such things. o 1 Timothy 4:4 For everything God created is good, and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving… o James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows. In light of the understanding of World-based positivity and Kingdom of God joy, it becomes clear that Kingdom Seekers must make the transition from the former to the latter. World-based positivity is unsustainable, as it inevitably leads to negativity. Therefore, this is why Jesus reminded His disciples of two very important points: Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money [the World]. Mark 2:22 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. If he does, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, he pours new wine into new wineskins. Believing that positivity, without becoming a disciple of Jesus, is effective on its own, will lead to continued servitude of the World and its ways. Therefore, such belief renders the believer a follower of Satan (master of the World); however, belief in Jesus transitions general positivity into Joy; thereby, resulting in dismissing the ways of the World and its leader. References to God or Lord, by non-Kingdom Seekers, are actually toward Satan

Furthermore, simply being positive while claiming to be a Kingdom Seeker will not render the proper attitude and behavior of a Disciple. There must be a complete transformation, away from any and all that are not Kingdom Seekers, in order to serve as a new ‗wineskin‘ and be able to properly understand/hold what is being taught. The

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31 melding of Worldly positivity, and the ways that come with it, are not compatible with the ways of the Kingdom of God.

For instance, attempting to hold on to family and friends, who remain positive but are not Kingdom Seekers, will result in new wine being placed in an old wineskin. The feelings of mutual positivity can prevent a Disciple from clearly seeing the limitations or refusal of the family or friend to embrace the process of Kingdom Seeking. As a result, the Disciple may feel compelled to identify with the positive output of the family or friend, rather than understand that such identification with a non-Kingdom Seeker is limiting growth.

A non-Kingdom Seeking family member or friend will not be able to understand the thoughts and actions that occur during the Kingship training process. In their attempt at being positive or helpful, their input, recommendations and suggestions will run counter to the direction of Kingship training process. Being indoctrinated into the ways of the World, all information provided will be from that basis. As a result, previous emotional feelings may cause the need to include such information in the decision-making process.

While it is natural to love our physical family members and friends, Kingdom Seeking transitions away from physical bonds and sets forth new spiritual ones. Only those who choose to reattach themselves to Elohim, through the Kingdom Seeking process, can then be considered ‗family‘, as they will have become part of the Family of Christ. Non- Kingdom Seekers, existing as immature aspects of Elohim, serve to display the difference between the two; however, Disciples must practice focusing on Kingdom Seeking principles, rather than allowing emotional ties to dictate thought and behavior. This is why Jesus made this very clear statement: Matthew 12:30 Anyone who isn't with me opposes me, and anyone who isn't working with me is actually working against me.

The Name of Jesus Jesus is the ascended name of the Hebrew name Yeshua. In the Hebrew, the name Yeshua basically translated into ‗He saves‘ or salvation, and is the same name give to the Biblical character Joshua. Joshua is the one who eventually, by means of war, led the children of Israel into the Promised Land. Of note is that while Joshua does show the example of advancement into the Promised Land, the fact that the children of Israel eventually lost that land speaks to the temporary nature of Joshua/Yeshua.

By means of war and through the use of ‗The Law‘, Joshua successfully defeated every opponent and laid claim to the Promised Land. This example proves that God did and will provide on His promise; however, the nature of HOW this was attained showed a great deal. Violence and war (negative thoughts/actions), however superior to the other side, always leads to more violence and war.

Likewise, the laws that governed the children were temporary as well and through the attempt to keep them, led the children of Israel to break them even more. This principle is similar to a parent telling a child what NOT to do; thereby, increasing the interest of

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32 the child to do the very thing warned against. Nonetheless, all of this was purposeful in God for paving the way and showing the majesty of Jesus and the Path of Righteousness.

Just – righteous in the eyes of God Jesus, similar in nature to Joshua, as leading the way to the Promises of God, differs greatly in that He represents the proper way to achieve this goal by showing what true Justice/Righteousness looks like. Whereas Joshua accomplished his goal through war, Jesus promotes peace. While Joshua promoted the Law, Jesus promotes Grace. As being shown as the better/proper way, Jesus is the only True Master that God has provided for Mankind…a Master who provides the way and resources for His disciples to be able to achieve the same status as Himself; thereby, allowing all of God‘s offspring to become adopted and be called Brother‘s/Sister‘s of Jesus.

Only One Savior, despite similar examples Jesus is the Bible‘s only given example of how to reconnect back into the Oneness of God. Through his example of surrendering to God‘s Will, through willful obedience, Jesus proves that trust in God is the path back to salvation. Philippians 2:8-11 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross! 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. Based on the example of Jesus, and the power of this Biblical verse, it is clear that only by and through Jesus can any and all be saved. Nonetheless, there are similar examples throughout World history, reflecting a similar and inverted truth.

While there are various stories throughout World history that may reflect similarities with the story of Jesus Christ, it is the story of Dionysus that holds great interest. Dionysus was the Greek god of the grape harvest, winemaking and wine, of ritual madness and ecstasy in Greek mythology. Dionysus is represented by religions as the protector of those who do not belong to conventional society and thus symbolizes everything which is chaotic, dangerous and unexpected, everything which escapes human reason and which can only be attributed to the unforeseeable action of the gods. Additionally, Dionysus is represented as having died for the sins of his people and resurrected again. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dionysus#Parallels_with_Christianity)

It is the similarity in the Death and Resurrection that many view Dionysus as the precursor to the coming of Jesus; however, what isn‘t known in the World is known in the Kingdom of God. The story of Dionysus reflects the inverted nature of the Kingdom of God and as such, is reflected in the use of grapes, wine and ritual madness and ecstasy. Such a World-based description is a reflection of the effect of Worldly success without and understanding of how to maintain such gifts.

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Additionally, Dionysus is shown as one who protects those who exists outside of conventional norms. Nonetheless, such a portrayal is displayed as one who possesses gifts with no understanding of the value of how such gifts were received; thereby, requiring progression along the path towards the Master‘s Degree.

Interestingly, while Dionysus is a story related to Greek mythology, we do find the progression of this story within the Bible. According to Acts 14, Paul was traveling throughout Greece in an attempt to assist in the transition from Greek mythology to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In reminding the people of Greece that we all are indeed ‗offspring of God [verse 29], and informed them that ‗he has appointed a day wherein he will judge the world in equity, by the man whom he has appointed: giving faith to all, by raising him up from the dead.‘ [verse 31] Upon hearing this message of Resurrection, some held tightly to their beliefs however: Acts 14:34 But certain men, adhering to him, did believe: among whom was also Dionysius the Areopagite and a woman named Damaris and others with them.

So now we have Dionysus, a Greek god who supposedly dies and is resurrected, hearing about the Death and Resurrection, as appointed by God; thereby, resulting in the conversion of this man. As a result of this conversion, research into the teachings of Dionysus reveals an amazing amount of information regarding The Creator.

Used as a Worldly example of one who knew the intricacies of inverted Kingdom truths, once transformed, Yahweh allows Dionysus to pass along detailed information regarding the essential nature of God along to mankind. While not serving as the example and path, as Jesus does, the information gained from the study of the writings of Dionysus adds additional depth to the understanding of The Creator, that builds upon information gained from Books 1, 2 and 3 Enoch, the Apocryphon of John, and other texts that are not included in the Bible. (http://www.esoteric.msu.edu/VolumeII/MysticalTheology.html)

God wrote the story before the world began: Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let Us make Man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all wild animals of] the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.” Jeremiah 1:5 “ Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I sanctified you; I ordained you a prophet to the nations.” Psalms 139:16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed. Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.

Isaiah 46:10 I make known the end from the beginning, from ancient times, what is still to come. I say, ‘My purpose will stand, and I will do all that I please.’

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Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Therefore, there is no need to take anything personal, only to learn the lesson of what comes into your life. By trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit, who ‗knows‘ the story written for your life, and by focusing on only that which has been brought to you, you will be led to the expected end that is written. o The beginning of Kingship training may occur while still working a job, running a business or being in school. By focusing positively on what you are currently working on, the Holy Spirit will lead and guide you to know what to focus on and what to turn your attention away from. If attempts are met with ‗closed doors‘, count it all joy and focus on what it is you do have and the path will continue to unfold, taking you in the direction of the experiences and information needed for progression.

The Holy Spirit is leading what God wrote: Psalms 25:5 Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you. John 16:13 When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own but will tell you what he has heard. He will tell you about the future. It is through the function of Adonai that each individualized aspect of Elohim is lead and guided towards the end goal created by Yahweh. As the individualized aspect of Yahweh that leads and guides each aspect of Elohim, Adonai is the Heavenly Father aspect assigned to each. However individualized, all aspects of Yahweh: Elohim/Adonai/Jehovah, are all part of the Oneness of Yahweh, and as such work together

Jesus is Lord, so you own nothing: 2 Peter 1:11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Lord - owner…with Jesus as Lord, the servant doesn‘t lay claim to possessions as everything is owned, given or taken back by the Lord o Psalms 24:1 The earth is the LORD's, and the fullness thereof; the world, and they that dwell therein. o John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. o Omniscience/All Knowing – owner of all thought (which leads to words and actions) Everything on Earth, made on Earth, made OF Earth belongs to the LORD. Everything done, said and written about, ultimately was and is a gift from the Omniscient God and therefore HIS property. Claims of ownership of any of it on Earth leads to pride; thinking that things somehow, someway originated from ones self.

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As Lord, Jesus has dominion over everyone, everything and every situation. Peaks and valleys will arise; therefore, when any situation arises, focus on the Lord and give it to the Lord, because the situation came to strengthen your faith, peace and patience. Count it all joy and don‘t make mountains out of molehills, because from God‘s perspective, mountains ARE molehills.

Those who don‘t make Jesus Lord will view molehills as mountains while going through a valley; consequently, the lord of the situation (mole) will become lord over the person until or unless Jesus is made Lord. Disciples, who go on to become Sons of God, don‘t climb mountains, tear down gates or tear down walls. God has already done these things, and through obedience, such perceived obstacles are cleared away and used for growth. Valley – an elongated lowland between two mountains o When viewed from an improper perspective (as an insect/creeping thing) ‗problems‘ can appear as insurmountable mountains; however, when you view yourself as a Child of God, from His perspective, molehills simply dot the path under your feet to help your growth.

Matthew 21:21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. Here, Jesus is showing the power of trust and perspective. As learned in the initial Assertation section, the fig of the fig tree represents reliance on figuring rather than trusting. In this story, the fig tree was no longer bearing fruit, meaning that the reliance on trusting in the ways of the world was no longer effective. Consequently, Jesus is saying that by believing in the positive possibilities of God and shunning the traditional acceptance of embracing negative possibilities, we to can tell the fig tree to die (verse 19); thereby, freeing ourselves from relying on the ways of the world and thusly enjoying the sweet fruit of trusting in God and His promises. Additionally, positive belief in God, and the focus and perspective it brings, allows us to minimize the size and apparent effectiveness of the mountains in our lives down to their rightful size and impact: a molehill.

Molehill – is a conical (cyclical) small mound of loose soil raised by small burrowing animals, including moles. They are often the only sign to indicate the presence of an animal. Mole – small cylindrical mammals adapted to subterranean lifestyle (a creeping thing that Man has Dominion over). They have velvety fur; tiny or invisible ears and eyes (NO eyes to see or ears to hear); and short powerful limbs with large paws oriented for digging. Molehills are sometimes used as a source of fine soil for use in gardening; molehills have an important benefit to soil by aerating and tilling it, adding to its fertility.

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o Because God has ordained His children to grow from seed into tree, molehill moments are an opportunity for growth. By viewing the situation in a positive way, as one merely passing through or easily handled (versus the apparent immovability of a mountain), the lessons of the molehill serve to help in the spiritual fertility of what God is growing in your life. o When what appears to be a negative situation arises, look for the positives. Invert what is being said, because the opposite of the negative in that situation is the truth. By practicing patience and positivity, you will be able to interpret the situation properly and use the ‗soil‘ of the situation to help in your growth. . Genesis 50:20 You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. o Therefore, Man has dominion over ALL problems/troubles caused by creeping things. Viewing them properly is the key to exercising this dominion because they are merely opportunities to get closer to God and bring about personal and spiritual growth.

GIVENS (2): As a result of voluntarily presenting your life a living sacrifice: Romans 12:1 I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

The word ‗beseech‘ is a word that shows the requesting, rather than forcing nature of the verse. As a result of all that was present prior to this verse, Paul is urging strongly that his next statement be taken very seriously. This shows that God wants those who CHOOSE Him rather than being forced. Being forced does not bring about Love, voluntary actions do.

Therefore, there are three very important aspects to this verse that must be pointed out to distinguish its importance and value compared with current religious interpretation:

LIVING sacrifice: . Sacrifice – voluntary giving of something highly valued for the sake of one considered to have a greater value. This is done while living and does not occur after physical death; consequently, the benefits of the sacrifice manifest while living as well. The Kingdom of Heaven is to be experienced while living, on Earth.

In the days of the Moses and the children of Israel, God required three types of sacrifices. These sacrifices were a symbol of the children displaying obedience and served as a way for God to continue to bless them, as the ultimate sacrifice of the Messiah had not yet come; therefore, only temporary blessings could be given. The three types of sacrifices were PHYSICAL animals (not the spiritual human type), that consisted of cattle, goats

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37 and sheep, grain offerings (representing the monetary blessings gained from working the physical land) and incense (a psycho-active plant that allowed the children to communicate more clearer with God)

Jesus is Lord because He is the Messiah, and as such His death satisfied the debt caused by the initial ‗fall‘ of Man. The death of Jesus was the ultimate act of Trust in God and his Resurrection is proof that God is true to His Word. All other animal sacrifices were a sacrificial symbol of the true sacrifice that would come to save all Mankind. Animal Sacrifice – Jesus, as the Lamb, served as the Messiah o Mess/iah – Mess: food for one meal; iah – Yah or God . The messiah was a onetime sacrifice to God for the debt of Man o All physical animal sacrifices were an example of the coming spiritual LIVING sacrifice that those in Quadrant 2 would come to make, following the example of Jesus. Therefore, adult male and female cattle (bulls and cows), adult male and female sheep (rams and ewes) and lamb (young sheep) have come to spiritually represent that type of behavior God is looking for in a disciple. o A quick review of the basic instinctual traits of these animals gives us insight into why God chose to use them in various scriptural passages . The Bull, as the male cattle is more assertive; whereas the cow, as the female counterpart, is very docile and disinterested. As a disciple, God requires and active and assertive approach to Seeking First the Kingdom and thusly may explain why a COW attitude won‘t make it. Coward – Cow: female cattle; -ard: suffix that means to have the characteristics of Revelations 21:8 But as for the cowardly, the faithless, the detestable, as for murderers, the sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and sulfur, which is the second death.” Therefore, a coward, one who is lumped in with the worst types of the world, is one who claims to be seeking the Kingdom but does so timidly or inactively . The Sheep is an animal that is characterized as keeping it head down, going about its own business, unaware and/or unconcerned with the affairs and actions of others and is easily trained to be led to follow its shepherd. For this reason, it seems to be the perfect spiritual traits needed for following Jesus along the Path of the Master‘s Degree. Matthew 10:16 I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. o Wolves symbolize the spirit of the World; Sheep symbolize Discipleship; Snakes symbolize the wisdom of the ages; Doves symbolize the

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acceptance of and transference of forgiveness o Revised: I am sending you out as Disciples into the World. Use the wisdom gained while in the World, but be forgiving in your ways, as you have been forgiven. Grain offerings – represent the fruit of the land, the harvest. In modern-day terms, this serves to show how the physical/monetary blessings were offered up in acknowledgement that it was through God‘s blessing that such financial gifts were received. In the offering of the grain offerings, their collective storing ensured that ALL within the same family/community understanding would have access to the commonwealth received. This is a foreshadowing of the Reordering of physical gifts that takes place during Discipleship. Since all physical blessings were initially gained through building ‗on sand‘, once the shift to building on Rock occurs, the relinquishment of ‗things‘ eventually results in a restoration far greater than initially possessed. o Job 42:10 After Job had prayed for his friends, the LORD restored his fortunes and gave him twice as much as he had before. o Malachi 3:10 Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.

Incense Offerings – Due to the nature of the world and the burdens placed upon those in it, God required Moses and the Levities, His High Priests, to also provide and offering of incense to be burned while in the tent. Traditional translations refer to the plant used as calamus, an aromatic plant grown from various tropical Asian palm trees. However, the Holy Spirit led me to research the Hebrew meaning of the original word and reveals that the plant is actually called Kaneh Bosm. Kaneh Bosm is the Hebrew word that is translated in modern day English as Cannabis. (http://cannabisculture.com/backissues/cc05/kanehb.html; http://www.cannabisculture.com/backissues/cc11/christ.html ) Kaneh Bosm, later identified in the World as Cannabis, will be explained in greater detail in the section regarding Quadrant 3. o Cannabis, a psycho-active plant, is one of the main ingredients used by Moses and the Levites in the Holy Anointing Oil (Exodus 30:22-33). As a psycho-active plant, and used in and for the service of God, cannabis was used to rid Moses and the Priests of the burdens and cares that prevented them from being able to hear the voice of God clearly. When the mind and spirit were aimed in a positive direction, cannabis eased Worldly concerns and allowed for concentrated focus on the ability to commune directly with God and ‗hear‘ the instructions being given that were to be used in securing the promised land and eliminate the sin from out of their lives. However, due to greed on the part of the Levites, jealously on the part of those who weren‘t priest, and misdirected use aimed in negative directions, God eventually banned the need for animal, grain or incense offerings (substituted in modern times of the world with toxic cigarettes as

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method of ‗calming‘ the mind and spirit. Nonetheless, this was all necessary, as the life and death of Jesus is the only way to truly secure the blessings of God. . The spiritual sacrifice as a sheep, the tithing sacrifice of physical blessings and the use of scriptural based incense are all valuable ways to reconnect back with the Father along the Path to The Master‘s Degree. Becoming a sheep is a requirement, as is learning the value of tithing for the preparation of Reordering. The use of scriptural/God-ordained cannabis as a way to assist in the removal of World-based cares and concerns, as well as the reconnection to ‗hearing‘ the voice of God clearer, is a personal one…one that is recommended scripturally for Kingdom seekers but may require prayer for confirmation. Initially, God reminded the children of Israel of their transgression of sacrificial oversight and its resulting impact: o Isaiah 43:23-24 23 You have not brought me sheep for burnt offerings, nor honored me with your sacrifices. I have not burdened you with grain offerings nor wearied you with demands for incense. 24 You have not bought any fragrant calamus for me, or lavished on me the fat of your sacrifices. But you have burdened me with your sins and wearied me with your offenses. Eventually, due to the lack of providing the required sacrifices, and/or their redirection to the Spiritual and Physical forces of the World, God ceased the need for them from the children of Israel; thereby, setting forth the need for the perfect sacrifice (Jesus): o Jeremiah 6:20 20To what purpose cometh there to me incense from Sheba, and the sweet cane from a far country? your burnt offerings are not acceptable, nor your sacrifices sweet unto me. o Jeremiah 44:3 Because of their wickedness which they have committed to provoke me to anger, in that they went to burn incense, and to serve other gods, whom they knew not, neither they, ye, nor your fathers.

The HOLY DAYS (now known as holidays) of the Old Testament were the times of the year that were chosen to make the appeasing sacrifices. They consisted of very elaborate instructions and restrictions and served as a way to bring about obedience and followership; thereby, providing a temporary way to bring about peace through the granting of concessions. But as has been shown, God grew tired of the repetitiveness of the Holy Days and their sacrifices, paving the way for a more suitable showing of trust and belief.

By requesting the Brethren to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, Paul was also making clear the importance of a husband‘s role in taking the lead. As stated earlier, God does not want COW (female docile-ness) behavior when it comes to approach the seeking of the Kingdom. Whereas the fig tree only produces fruit due to the failure of the development of maleness, Kingdom seeking requires the active seeking role of the man as a father and husband in order to receive the fullness of God. By doing so, God reveals

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40 the aspects that have been missing from a male‘s character, allowing him to begin to develop from male to Man.

Finally, the living sacrifice required is a spiritual ‗death‘ to the ways of the World. By voluntarily choosing the path that leads to Life over Death, learning about and shedding the ways of the World that are not conducive to a Son of God, as instructed by the Holy Spirit, is the ‗death‘ required to be pleasing unto God. Holy and Acceptable – Due to the repeated ineffectiveness of sacrificing physical animals, this makes a very direct distinction in that only a LIVING sacrifice (seeking First the Kingdom of God) is considered, BY GOD, to by Holy and Acceptable. Anything else, is considered unholy and unacceptable.

Reasonable service – the distinction between reasonable and unreasonable sets forth that fact that God himself has declared such actions as possible and thusly required. Doing so displays trust in God; thereby proving that such service is well within reason. Reason- Sound judgment; a basis or cause, as for some belief, action, fact, event; able: worth, ability o Reasonable – Worthy or possessing the ability to perform an action based on a belief or sound judgment

…and the resulting transforming of a renewed mind that will be challenged in its new shaping: Romans 12:2 And be not conformed to the patterns of this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

There are three different aspects to this VERY important verse that provide great insight into the proper compliance with its words:

Not Conforming to Patterns of the World Forming to the Pattern of the World deals with HOW things are formed/shaped . Form – shape, appearance, image (of the World) . Pattern – that which is to be copied o World Formation is done through Culture and Socialization . Socialization – to mingle, personal associations…refer to the process of inheriting and disseminating norms, customs and ideologies. The means by which social and cultural patterns are attained . Culture = -ure: function or the purpose of the root word; cult: a particular form of worship, reverence Revere – to stand in awe of (vere); again (re) Worship – state of being worthy, honor; equal in value to . Culture – the totality of socially transmitted behavior patterns, arts, beliefs, institutions, and all other products of human work and thoughts Cultivate – tilled: to plow, tend, work at

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. Tend – to direct the energies of one‘s mind o Cultivate – to improve by training and/or education As an inverted form of the Kingdom of God, the World has established ways that its ensures its culture(s) and socializations are copied. Inherently, none of these are bad, but not all are good for the Kingdom of Heaven. Through transformation and the renewing of the mind, what is appropriate and not appropriate will be taught by the Holy Spirit But Being Transformed Transformed – trans: across, beyond, changed; form (of God) o Therefore, to be transformed is to be changed, beyond a previous form, across to the new form (image of God) o In the transformation, all that was learned in the previous form is maintained; however, it is transformed, and thusly formed in a greater, more positive way.

Renewing of the Mind As a result of the spiritual transformation, the mind is now clearer, and as such, capable of adopting, adapting and practicing the new information received by disfiguring the ways of the World. Disfigure – (dis-) prefix meaning the opposite of, away from the root word; figure: to try and picture in one‘s mind o Disfigure – to mar or spoil the appearance, form or shape of (the World); to deform/destroy/disguise . Mar – to waste, spoil, hinder, obstruct Spoil – to damage so as to render useless/ powerless; one who mar‘s another‘s chance at victory . Disguise – opposite (dis-) manner, way, assumed appearance . Deform – to put out of shape By trusting in the plan of God, transforming and disfiguring helps to bring about the rise of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, and those in the World, the opportunity to transition to its dominion.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace



Quation - qua/ate/ion = The power or energy of (-ion) the state/condition or function of (-ate) the capacity or character of a given thing (qua) Capacity - The maximum amount that can be contained Character - The combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group or thing from another

The spiritual geometric quation provides the formula for an increase in the spiritual capacity and character of Man, such that a true reflection of God‘s image and likeness can be achieved.

The word equation means not or lacking quation, as that is what the prefix e- means before a root word

Based on the givens, the quation is as follows: (B + A = C) B = Ask questions regarding the Kingdom of God + Practice the Answers received = Increase in more Truth and Joy A = Patience + Positivity x Practice = Peace C = Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (135º; The Master’s Degree)

B = Ask questions regarding the Kingdom of God + Practice the Answers received = Increase in more Truth and Joy

Matthew 6:33 But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.

Seeking first the Kingdom of God is actually seeking your higher, true self. By trusting in the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit, your Adonai assists you in reconnecting with who you are IN GOD, and everything that comes with it. This ascends you from the World and its leadership of Satan, to the Kingdom of Heaven and alignment with Elohim.

Seek – to inquire, track down, to perceive quickly or keenly o Inquire – to query into; to ask a question o Perceive- to obtain, gather, grasp with the mind, to grasp entirely . Per: thoroughly; ceive: capable, receptive, large enough to comprehend . Keen – bold, brave, clever, wise First – foremost: earliest, most prominent; top priority Kingdom – King‘s Domain o King – leader of the people, noble birth; Dom – statute, judgment . Statute – law, status, condition o Domain – the house of The Lord/Master/Owner . Dominion – The rule, authority, and power of the House of The Lord/Master/Owner (God‘s Domain is Heaven)

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o Psalms 115:16 The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the Earth He has given to Man. Righteousness – Right/wise: morally correct, just, good, fair, proper; to be regal o Regal – royal, kingly, belonging to a King…to move in a straight line, hence to direct/rule/guide o Righteousness is not a religious word, rather a legal one. It means right standing with the law. Stopping at a stop sign is a form of righteousness.

As citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven, looking to accurately and properly manage the affairs of the Colony of the Kingdom (Earth), spiritual kingship training is required. Matthew 6:33 explains how to undertake this training. This breakdown of the words seeks to make plain the meaning of those words. Seeking first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness is a function of actively asking questions, for the express purpose of obtaining and comprehending thoroughly with the mind, as a top priority in and above every aspect of life, to practice the moral correctness and rulership ability that governs the Domain of The King. The distinction is made because the kingdom of the World operates differently and has a different set of righteousness; they seek THINGS first. You are EITHER Seeking first the Kingdom of GOD or seeking first the things of the World.

The more questions asked regarding righteousness according to God (family, parenting, business, religion, etc.), the more answers will be revealed. Once questions are asked, it is important to PRACTICE each individual element of Part A of the formula. Being pointed in a positive/joyful direction when Clarity and Reorder come (discussed later regarding Quadrant 2) allows for a greater understanding of how and why the Reorder is occurring. Finally, seeking is an active undertaking. Much like the child‘s game of Hide ‗n Seek, finding that which is desired requires looking under, behind and around things.

. Matthew 7:7 Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.

Another way of understanding seeking the Kingdom first can be stated this way: Use your time wisely and/by paying attention, OR charge it to the Game: Distraction o Use – put into service; practice o Pay – to appease, satisfy, pacify, especially a creditor . Appease – to make peace with o Attention – at: towards, positive; tend: to direct one‘s mind and/or energies; ion – the power or energy of . Attention – to use your power/energy to direct your mind towards positivity o Charge – credit . Credit – belief, trust

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o Game – Fun, amusement, contest played according to rules . Contest – dispute, oppose o Distraction – dis-: opposite; tract: drawing, leading, pulling power In other words, Practice using your time wisely by PURPOSEFULLY directing your mind‘s power and energy towards positivity; thereby satisfying, and thusly making peace with the One whom is leading you (God the Father), OR place your trust and belief in the rules of the opposition to God (Distraction)

A = Patience + Positivity x Practice = Peace

James 1:2-3 Consider it pure joy (positive), my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds (practice), 3 because you know that the testing of your faith (patience) produces perseverance (peace). We are not to seek out trouble nor to make it, but when it comes, we are to practice positivity (based in Kingdom Seeking, not just simple positivity. Simple positivity not based on Kingdom Seeking is called ‘building on sand’). Practicing is an art and requires repeated tries to perfect the art o Art – a developed skill, resulting from learning or practice . Skill – power of understanding, to understand the difference between; . Practice – to perform something repeatedly to gain a skill . Learn – to get knowledge, get cultivated

o Cultivate – tilled, plowed, tended, to work at; improve by training/education . Till – tend, work at Tend – to move mind or activities in a certain direction o Genesis 2:5 And every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew: for the LORD God had not caused it to rain upon the earth, and there was not a man to till the ground. o Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it (tend it). o Proverbs 12:11 He that tilleth his land shall be satisfied with bread: but he that followeth vain persons is void of understanding.

The practice of positivity and patience, in response to the lessons of life (Water) and the spirit governing it (Air) by use of the Spirit of God (Fire) as the physical vessel that God is using (Earth), is defined in the Bible as cultivating and tilling the land. According to Proverbs, tilling the land brings about satisfaction with what is produced; however, vain persons (also translated as Heathens) are following worthless and vile pursuits.

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Manure – (-ure) is a suffix that means the proper work or purpose of the root word (Man) o The etymology of the word Manure is – to cultivate land, hold property…in other words to cultivate the mind, train the mental powers o So manure literally means the cultivation of the mind as a means to getting closer to God. Its worldly meaning is that of fertilizer; however, as explained earlier, God uses our life experiences as fertilizer from which we MANURE as a means to understand the nature of God. o Therefore, Seeking First the Kingdom is the Manuring that we are required to do…Cultivate the mind, gain access to the Property of God.

Heathen – Untilled or Uncultivated land, a tract of wasteland o Converse to manuring, a heathen is one who is NOT tilling/cultivating the land and as such, has been determined by God (Prov. 12:11) as wasteland and not to be followed. o Heathens who are in possession of Earthly property belonging to Man are called ALIENS . A – a prefix that means not/one that is not . Lien – right to hold the property of another until a debt is paid . An alien is someone that DOES NOT have the right to hold the property of another. Jesus paid the debt, and although God allowed Aliens to hold property in the meantime until the children matured into Sons, our debt repayment is to God through the Kingdom Seeking process. . Man on Earth has dominion on Earth. No where is it mentioned that Man has dominion outside of Earth; therefore, talk of desiring to live anywhere other than Earth is not biblical. Furthermore, talk of ‗aliens from outerspace‘ and any vehicle that they used to arrive here, is a physical attempt at defining a spiritual truism. As discussed in earlier explanations, the fish of the sea and birds of the air get their understanding and have their dominion in THE HEAVENS. Those heavens do include the other planets of our Solar System; however, Man is charged to have dominion over not only the physical manifestation of the spiritual connection, but over the spiritual connection as well. Thus, the creation of the New Heaven and New Earth, whereby the only level of spiritual connection is the Highest Heaven and physical connection is the restored way of the original plan.

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. Those expressing the desire to leave or trying to find ways to leave, are those who long for the dominion of the Heavens in the face of the rise of the Kingdom of Heaven; however, as a form of Elohim, even those people have the opportunity to ascend to the true dominion sought: Man.

Trials a/k/a Trouble – cloudy, muddy…things that don‘t appear very clear (turbid)

C = Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (135º; The Master’s Degree)

When A is continually practiced, you will be in a positive place, one of increasing understanding from God‘s perspective. This positive perspective allows for more questions in the form of B. This repeating cycle brings about more and more Truth and Joy that ultimately brings about more Grace and Peace, also known in the formula as C.

Description of Spiritual Geometry Grid

Grid is divided into FOUR Quadrants Quadrant 1: +,+ x>0, y>0 Quadrant 2: -,+ x<0, y>0 Quadrant 3: -,- x<0, y<0 Quadrant 4: +,- x>0, y<0 ( + is a false positive)

X-axis: Frequency = number of occurrences of a repeating event per unit time…fact of occurring often (the foundation of the thing practiced)

Y-axis: Purpose = aim, intention…the reason for which something exists or is done, made, used…an intended or desired result; end; aim; goal (the thing reached for based on the foundation)

By plotting coordinates along the X and Y axis, based on the behavior exhibited and level of Truth or Untruth understood (measured against the givens), a basic determination can be made as to which Quadrant one is in. By practicing the equation and sticking to the givens, progress from lower Quadrant levels to higher Quadrant levels will increase proportional to the Joy practiced in relation to the revealed level of Truth.

It must be noted, to the Glory of God, that while I received certain pieces of the information contained in this assertation over the course of 3-4 years, the reason it has been written is due to the Spiritual Grid. Once the Holy Spirit revealed each Quadrant of the Spiritual Grid, I was then able to accurately compile and comprehensively place the information in its proper context and location. While some of the information in the assertation has evolved as I have written it, with certain pieces of information being adjusted based on knowledge gained while writing it, it must be noted that the Spiritual Grid has basically remained unchanged since I first received it from the Holy Spirit.

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Building Blocks

Isaiah 66:1 This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? Hebrews 3:4 For every house is built by some man; but He that built all things is God.

POINT A – the joining of Clarity and Reorder are the Origin of Peace; Here is where the watering of the seed takes place and Quadrant 1 is where the harvest takes place 1 Corinthians 3:7-8 7 So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 8 The one who plants and the one who waters have one purpose, and they will each be rewarded according to their own labor. Reflects the Will of Our Father, who art in Heaven Psalms 118:22 The stone that the builders rejected has become the chief cornerstone. Cornerstone - The cornerstone (or foundation stone) concept is derived from the first stone set in the construction of a masonry foundation, important since all other stones will be set in reference to this stone, thus determining the position of the entire structure (the Alpha). o Cornerstone – The daily bread that we get from believing and following Jesus, is the sweeter and more satisfying information that we receive and use to be used as the solid building material in the formation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and the Body of Christ. . Corner – (-er): a suffix meaning one who is; Corn

Once ground down into flour, corn flour differs from wheat flour in that it is sweeter and moister with a bit of crunch due to being more coarse than grain flour . Stone – the solid material used for building POINT B – the joining of Disorder and Confusion was the Origin of Power; created to serve as the shell in which the seeds would grow POINT C – the joining of Unforgivness and Chaos was the Origin of Kingdom; this is the originating point of God‘s children (seeds) not thinking they needed to go through the shell process in order to become Sons of God Point C reflects the will of the ones in the Heavens; God used their doubt/disbelief to show his Might. They used their knowledge of the wisdom of the world to govern their lives(collection of understanding the repeated cycles throughout time). By rejecting the cornerstone, there was doubt/disbelief in the process of making it back to God; thereby, doubting God.

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POINT D – the joining of Truth and Joy with Grace and Peace; this is the location of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth o In sacred geometry explanations, this point joins Heaven to Earth and are expressed as the Square Root of 3 (Elohim). Basically, the square root of three, as explained in sacred geometry, is the connection of the projected duality of the reflected unification of upper and lower realms…in this case, Heaven and Earth. It symbolizes that both realms are ‗seeing eye-to- eye‘ and are mirror reflections of one another in character and nature. Capstone - one of the finishing or protective stones that form the top of an exterior masonry wall or building; The crowning achievement or final stroke (the Omega)

1 Peter 2:6-8 6 For in Scripture it says: “See, I lay a stone in Zion, a chosen and precious cornerstone, and the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame.”7 Now to you who believe, this stone is precious. But to those who do not believe, “The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone,”8 and, “A stone that causes people to stumble and a rock that makes them fall.” They stumble because they disobey the message—which is also what they were destined for.

The Parable of the Mustard Seed (Matthew 13:31-32) is analogous to the relative size of the chance of overcoming the world, thus the reason why those in the Heavens felt that Man, with all his imperfections, would never be worthy to attain a position higher than themselves. But more importantly, the mustard seed represents the size of faith that is required to achieve the promises of God, so much so, that once the seed blossoms into the largest garden tree, even those who doubted the possibility will come to the tree for leadership, guidance and protection. Due to the negative nature of the origins of Point B and C, they possess spiritual Erectile Dysfunction and DisAssociative Disorder (DAD) issues o E/rect/ile- having the qualities of (-ile); lacking the ability (e-); to straighten, set up, keep straight, guide, rule o Dys/funct/ion – abnormal, unfavorable (dys-); proper work or purpose, performance, execution of a social group (funct); power or energy of (- ion) Purpose – the object toward which one strives or for which something exists; an aim or goal . Erectile Dysfunction – An abnormal/unfavorable social group(s) does not possess the power or energy to properly execute the purpose of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth because the social group(s) have the qualities of lacking the ability to rule.

o DisAssociative Disorder (D.A.D.) Issues . Dis: Opposite, away from; Associate: towards being connected/paired; Order: A condition of logical or comprehensible arrangement among the separate elements of a group . Means to be away from being connected or paired with God due to Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


disorder. o Defined as conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity and/or perception and are the result of not being properly connected to Our Heavenly Father. Not having a Father properly provide the path that leads to knowing how to find and talk to God for yourself results in a frightened child who is left open to developing one of the first four categories of this world-based disorder as a coping mechanism. The fifth category can be used to describe how demons come to govern a life that has been left to prolonged exposure to the first four categories: . Depersonalization disorder: periods of detachment from self or surrounding which may be experienced as "unreal" (lacking in control of or "outside of" self) while retaining awareness that this is only a feeling and not a reality. . Dissociative amnesia: noticeable impairment of recall resulting from emotional trauma . Dissociative fugue: physical desertion of familiar surroundings and experience of impaired recall of the past. This may lead to confusion about actual identity and the assumption of a new identity . Dissociative identity disorder: the alternation of two or more distinct personality states with impaired recall, among personality states, of important information. . Dissociative disorder not otherwise specified: which can be used for forms of pathological dissociation not covered by any of the specified dissociative disorders o Demon – de: less than, opposite of; mon: oneness (as in Elohim) . A demon is opposite of the oneness of God contained with Man . Elohim – One who is Many The opposite of Elohim – Out of Many, One – E pluribus Unum The opposite of Elohim/Kingdom of God is the Spirit of the World…and as such, is nothing to be feared, nor worshipped, but understood, as it only reflects the Will of God as the shell container (with limits) for the seed to grow and eventually blossom into a tree (limitless) . Demons (spirit of the World) are cast out/sicknesses are gone by the embrace of the Master‘s Degree journey and the subsequent reconnection back to God. Being opposite of God and the strain it places on the spirit and body, is the origin of all illnesses , weight-related issues and addictions. As one progresses through The Master‘s Degree process and the spirit embraces the practice of positivity, the negative elements of the World in one‘s life that clog the spirit with fear, worry, doubt and confusion (the elements that lead to physical sickness and addictions) are removed and the body naturally regenerates and heals itself. As the spirit improves, so too does the body. o Disease – dis: prefix meaning opposite; ease . Not at ease with God, the self

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Other forms of Demons: o Elf - race of powerful supernatural being in Germanic folklore with evil spirits o Fairy – Enchantment, magic…from Latin fata (pl.) ‗the Fates‘ . Fey – doomed to die, destiny (fate, destiny = death)

D.A.D issues are the product of being raised in either a single parent home or a dual parent home where insufficient parental guidance was given. In a single parent home, the physical AND spiritual guidance is left to one parent; consequently, the information of the missing parent creates a void. Even in a two parent home, without the guidance and leadership gained by going through the Master‘s Degree process, voids in the guidance can still occur. These voids causes fear in the child as the child is left to fend for itself in a world based on fear and doubt and the child is not properly equipped to deal with the pressures and stresses that arise.

To compensate for the lack of parental guidance, the child will look to the world for the guidance not being given; this can manifest in following along with the ways of peer pressure, following the crowd, television programming, the formation of alter-ego, or turning into a bully, to name a few.

As the World is a creation from a single parent environment (see the Fig Tree story at the beginning of this assertation), subsequent cycles of the World reflect the D.A.D issues that have developed over the ages. The first KNOWN World power listed in the Bible, are the Egyptians. While many know of the vast contributions that the Egyptians have contributed to the World (math, architecture, government, etc.), few may know HOW they were ‗born‘.

Being led by the Holy Spirit, and in keeping with the earlier information that the World was formed by polytheistic cultures of Indian and East Asian descent, I was led to understand how the ‗unnamed‘ parent of the Egyptians passed along its information. A little research on a group of Asiatic people called the Hyksos invaded Egypt and served as the source of World-based information (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hyksos).

Whatever the impact of that invasion, and the information and technology passed along, what is known is the next World power was Greece, followed by Rome. Both Greece and Rome borrow heavily from Egyptian culture, yet mirror the violence that comes from fear. The fourth generation of World powers, following in the footsteps of the first three is The United States of America.

The United States of America is the product of the split of King Henry the 8th from the spiritual connection of the Vatican in Rome. The subsequent violence born out of religious suspicion, intolerance and persecution, and the impact passed down through subsequent reigns, is the backdrop that led to the formation of the United States of America.

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o United – The state or quality of not being connected (together) . (un-): a prefix meaning not, opposite; (-ite): state or quality of being connected with or belonging to Union – the opposite of having power or energy o Un – Not, Opposite o Ion – a suffix meaning power or energy o States - circumstances, temporary attributes of a person or thing, conditions o Of – belonging to o America – (a-): a prefix meaning not; (me): the objective case of I, used as a direct or indirect object; (Rica): Spanish word meaning rich o United States of America – The circumstances/conditions of not being connected to each other (togetherness/oneness), while being the opposite of rich . The only Oneness that can be achieved is the Oneness in Elohim by traveling the Path of The Master‘s Degree.

A person, country, kingdom can only progress as far as its leader and will only reflect what it was taught or what it has seen. Consequently, the United States of America has reflected the lack of peace that can only arise from a true disconnection from the Kingdom of God, as only found through The Master‘s Degree process, and as such, developed D.A.D issues similar to those of its World predecessor‘s.

In response to gripping fear, brought about from the fear induced from an abusive parent or a lack of knowledge in the face of overwhelming negative possibilities, one of two things happens. Either a person, country or kingdom will regress inside of itself or it will become a bully, imposing the pain of the fear felt from its abusive parent or acting out to prevent any pain from happening.

A review of the impact of World affairs proves two things: God has ordained each World leader and its subsequent governments to serve as the shell from which His children would have a place to develop a proclivity; thereby, possessing the knowledge needed to rule and reign as well exhibit Grace and Peace. Also, the impact of the World proves that the only way to ensure Peace, is through the plan that God laid out from the beginning. All other possibilities have been explored, and much like the information contained with Quadrant 4, the only thing that will be produced from such leadership, despite the informational and technological advances, is darkness.

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Nonetheless, God, as the Father of us ALL, is faithful to redeem those who choose to progress through The Master‘s Degree process, resulting in ridding us of D.A.D issues and giving us His character and nature.

Ephesians 4:6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. 1 Corinthians 1:25 Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men. 1 Corinthians 3:19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.

Genesis 1:1-3 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. 3 And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light.

The first thing that existed between the heavens and the earth were those in Quadrant 4. As a result of the conditions of POINT B, there was complete individual freedom with NO ORDER; consequently the Earth was formless/no definite shape and empty/without substance. When God said ―Let there be light‖, POINT C came into existence. Since God had not revealed/released His Likeness Truth and Peace were not present, so Disorder and Confusion interrupted the reign of Chaos and Unforgiveness. The competition/conflict/war between the two Quadrants are ended as a result of POINT A and the unification of the two through Peace brought about from an Understanding of the Truth (Knowledge of God). In order for anyone from Quadrants 4 or 3 to advance through to Quadrants 2 and 1, they must accept the Givens and begin the earnest seeking of The Kingdom of God by redirecting focus away from the art (practice) of war to that of practice of Kingdom of God seeking.

Seeking the Kingdom of God and practicing what is found leads to greater spiritual health and the exercise of God‘s will for your life. Seeking to win at all cost or trying to avoid losing are negative in nature and reflect one‘s personal will and desire over the will of God.

Spiritual Hierarchy (Lowest to Highest) Beast < Animal (Human) < Disciple (Child/Servant) < Man = Pardon/Parking/Pariah It must be noted that a person is not truly considered a CHILD OF GOD until the beginning of the Kingdom Seeking process. o All are the offspring of God; however, everyone is physically born either a spiritual Beast or Animal; therefore, initial leadership and guidance is by the lower, sinful nature governed by Satan. While our desire may be to reconnect to Our Creator, and we are walking a path that will lead to Our Creator, the progression to Kingdom Seeking actually brings each aspect of Elohim in contact with Our Father.

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o It is not until the progression to Disciple that one becomes a CHILD of GOD; resulting from submitting to the adoption process, from the World, to the Kingdom of God. In becoming a Kingdom Seeking disciple, the transition from Satan to Adonai brings about the beginning of the training as a child of God, who will go on to mature into a Son of God/Man. A child is one who is raised to reflect the understanding of the parent, and as such, no true understanding of the Ways of God is known until the beginning of Discipleship training. . Romans 8:15 The Spirit you received does not make you slaves, so that you live in fear again; rather, the Spirit you received brought about your adoption to sonship. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.”

Kingdom of God Hierarchy for Man/Son of God

Par/Don = same in nature with a Lord (little gods, Children of the Most High God) o Don - from Latin. dominus "lord, master."

Par/King = same in nature with a King o Revelations 19:16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.

Par/iah = same in nature with God o iah – short for Yah, which is short for Yahweh . Yahweh - the one who is, the existing; He Brings Into Existence Whatever Exists; I AM THAT I AM . World definition - an outcast. 2. any person or animal that is generally despised or avoided (opposite of Kingdom definition)

Philippians 2:5-6 5Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: 6Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:

Form – spiritual appearance, shape, image, nature

o Psalms 8: 4-8 what is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them? 5 You have made them a little lower than ELOHIM and crowned them with glory and honor. 6 You made them rulers over the works of your hands; you put everything under their feet: 7 all flocks and herds, and the animals of the wild, 8 the birds in the sky, and the fish in the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas.

o Revelations 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


o Revelations 5:12 Saying with a loud voice, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honour, and glory, and blessing.

Spiritual Algebra While the use of the Spiritual Grid is used like Geometry, the formula is based on algebra. The formula provides the basic structure to find out where one is along the Spiritual Grid. Plotting the approximate place where one is on the Spiritual Grid is Spiritual Geometry. Much of the information revealed in this assertation, by the Holy Spirit, is gained in an algebraic way.

When a Kingdom Seeker approaches the Kingdom Seeking process with a pure Heart and an open mind, the Kingdom Seeker begins with: A: Pure Positivity + B: Information known and made known to the Kingdom Seeker

The results from the Holy Spirit are: C: Unknown knowledge of God.

God’s Will Will – certainty; guaranteed choice in thought and corresponding movement/actions. The mental faculty by which one deliberately chooses or decides upon a course of action.

In order to truly understand Spiritual Algebra, one must align themselves with God‘s Will, rather than your own will. The course of action for each aspect of Elohim has already by chosen and guaranteed by God; therefore, His Will is far greater than the limited understanding we possess that guides our will. This is why Jesus prayed prior to his ‗death‘ for God‘s Will to be done rather than His. Jesus understood that if left to him, he would use his will/reasoning to plot a different course (much like Lucifer, Adam, Jonah, etc.); however, by trusting in God‘s Will, Jesus proved the value of obedience, and in doing so, is seated at the Right Hand of The Father. Luke 22:42 “Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Therefore, while we do possess free will, that free will should be directed towards the Will of God, in order to receive the blessings that we truly desire. Our limited understanding, without God, could never produce the loving, peaceful and eternal blessings in the Kingdom of Heaven, that we would try to produce by using our own will to guide us while in the World.

The Value of the APPENDIX At the end of this assertation is an appendix. Within the appendix is an explanation of the value of the introductory information I received that allowed me to understand that which is contained within this assertation. Also included in the appendix is a list of YouTube video/audio links that provides lectures and messages that set forth a foundation for me to understand and use spiritual algebra. I pray it is as useful for your use and it has and continues to be for me. Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


QUADRANT ONE – Connected to GOD/Eternal Life SONS of GOD - Kingdom of Heaven on Earth THE Master’s Degree (X1, Y1)

Quadrant One is the location on the Spiritual Grid where Man has successfully practiced Kingdom training and exercises the dominion given by God in the beginning over the other areas of the grid and lives in harmony with the ones within Quadrant One. Due to Trusting in the Holy Spirit (process that began in Quadrant 2) for guidance, all those in this Quadrant are now connected back to the Heavenly Father as originally intended. Although the Sons of God may come from different backgrounds and took different paths, their journey unifies them into organized oneness in God. Here, there is no religion or government in a worldly sense, only the religious practice of Seeking first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. In this Quadrant is the beginning of the new things God has promised; thereby proving to those in Quadrant 3 and 4 that the wisdom of the world is incomparable to the wisdom of God.

Isaiah 48:6-7 6 You have heard my predictions and seen them fulfilled, but you refuse to admit it. Now I will tell you new things, secrets you have not yet heard. 7 They are brand new, not things from the past. So you cannot say, ‘We knew that all the time!’ A New Thing

Isaiah 43:19 See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.

Isaiah 65:17 See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


Revelations 21:1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

Isaiah 65:25 The wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox, and dust will be the serpent’s food. They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,” says the LORD.

Revelations 21:4 ‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

Isaiah 48:6-7 6 You have heard these things; look at them all. Will you not admit them? “From now on I will tell you of new things, of hidden things unknown to you. 7 They are created now, and not long ago; you have not heard of them before today. So you cannot say, ‘Yes, I knew of them.’

Isaiah 64:4 Since ancient times no one has heard, no ear has perceived, no eye has seen any God besides you, who acts on behalf of those who wait for him. (see also 1 Corinthians 2:9) o New Heaven – Due to the rise of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, there will no longer be a need for the separation of training between the Heavens and Heaven. Since the first set-up, the one that was needed for the World (the Heavens) to serve as the shell container for the seeds, will no longer be needed, the only source that people on Earth will look to for spiritual guidance will be the Highest Heaven. o New Earth – The Earth, as the practicing domain of the Sons of God, will now be based on Trust, Thanks and Praise, leading to Grace, Peace and Agape Love for all. As such, the ways that governed the Earth in the past (doubt, fear, figuring) will be no more. A New Song

Psalms 33:3 Sing to him a new song; play skillfully, and shout for joy. (see also Psalms 96:1, 144:9)

Revelations 14:3 And they sang a new song before the throne and before the four living creatures and the elders. No one could learn the song except the 144,000 who had been redeemed from the earth. (Ones who went through The Master’s Degree process) Opportune – Towards being in the proper pitch of the place that gives protection to those who change allegiance from the World to the Kingdom of God o Op – a prefix meaning towards the o Port – A harbor; a place along a coast that gives ships and boats protection from storms and rough water o Tune – The state of proper pitch

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


. Harbor – One who changes allegiance Harb – changes allegiance -Or – a prefix meaning one who o Therefore, under God‘s protection, a harbor is a sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships. A place of shelter, refuge for those who have changed allegiance, from the World, to the Kingdom of God.

So, an opportunity has a variety of meanings. One, it plainly means to be favorable, suited or right for a particular purpose. Two, from God‘s perspective, opportunity is His extended Favor/Grace to learn the New Song in order to be in proper pitch for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (The Master’s Degree)

The new thing and new song comes about as a result of effectively practicing the ways of the Kingdom of God. It signals the maturation in thought process, actions and behaviors and can be symbolized in the growth of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The caterpillar starts out looking and moving nothing like what it will eventually become. In addition to its appearance and movements, a caterpillar‘s diet consists of only what is immediately available around it.

However, once the caterpillar goes into its maturation cocoon, it emerges as a beautiful butterfly. No longer is the butterfly limited in its movement as before, because now it has a freedom of movement that developed during its cocoon stage. Likewise, it no longer feeds on the leaf that it once crawls around on, rather it now flies from flower to flower, drinking the sweet nectar that was previously unknown and unavailable.

. 2 Corinthians 3:18 And we all, with unveiled face, beholding the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from one degree of glory to another. For this comes from the Lord who is the Spirit. . 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come:[The old has gone, the new is here! . 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 42 So is it with the resurrection of the dead. What is sown is perishable; what is raised is imperishable. 43 It is sown in dishonor; it is raised in glory. It is sown in weakness; it is raised in power. 44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body. . See also John 17:1-26

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


The DOMINION of the Sons of God / MAN

Genesis 1:26 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule [have dominion] over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” Domain – The Lord‘s/Master‘s/Owner‘s house Dominion – The rule, authority, power of the house of the Lord o Grace/Peace/Agape Love Psalms 115:16 The highest heavens belong to the LORD, but the Earth he has given to man. While God decreed that dominion would belong to Man over the Earth (and all on it) based on being made in the image and after the likeness of God, ONLY God‘s IMAGE was given in the beginning; thereby requiring the children of God to find and be led along the Path of Righteousness to reach this degree; thereby learning the rule, authority and power used to rule in the Highest Heaven.

Genesis 1:27 So God created Man in His image. In His image God created them. He created them male and female. (No mention of Likeness…this is why Jesus is the way…He showed the way)

X1: The positive continuum that Man is aiming to move along while on Earth (Man’s free will); the reflection of God‘s image is the positive feeling resulting from God‘s grace (X2) Tselem – Hebrew word for God’s IMAGE = Transferred authority and order over what destroys Joy: the result of accepting God‘s grace . Acts 2:28 You have shown me the way of life, and you will fill me with the joy of your presence. Joy is the source of pleasure . Pleasure is the state of being satisfied, glad or content o Grace - favor extended by God; forgiving what He already knew we would do. Grace is the awareness of knowing that all past experiences and sins have been forgiven by God, because they only existed in the story to serve as fertilizer for growth. Once someone has transitioned from the World to Kingdom Seeking, he/she is reconnected to Adonai. At this point, Adonai assists a Kingdom Seeking disciple in understanding how and why past sins came about as seed-building fertilizer and helps transforms this information for aligning the lower self with the higher Elohim. It is in this realignment that Grace produces Joy, because where a person once may have been very down and negative towards themselves as a result of past transgressions, an understanding of the value of those transgressions being forgiven, serving as growth fertilizer, is used to assist in the development and growth of a disciple to Son of God.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


For instance, many of my former transgressions caused me to feel very negative about myself and my view of life. I was unaware how to prevent them, even if everyone made it seem like it was only a simple choice to stop. Once I began Kingdom Seeking, I activated my connection to my Adonai. The Holy Spirit revealed that my transgressions were the result of similar family curses being passed down to me; however, I began to understand and appreciate Grace as the way to break those curses. I understood that those transgressions did not prevent me from getting closer to God; on the contrary, I got closer. As a result of my appreciation of Grace, my Kingship training allowed me to not only understand the how‘s and why‘s of my past transgressions, but it allowed me to have a greater insight and compassion towards others in a similar situation. Therefore, since my entire life was written by God BEFORE I was born, the understanding the even my transgressions were written for me to use in understanding how to get closer to God, I gained a great appreciation for the principle of Grace and the Joy that comes as a result. . Psalms 103:12 as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. . Micah 7:19 You will again have compassion on us; you will tread our sins underfoot and hurl all our iniquities into the depths of the sea. This is where the term ‗Sea of Forgetfulness‘ comes from. . Ephesians 2:8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God. . Romans 5:17 For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive God’s abundant provision of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! . Isaiah 1:18; Isaiah 43:18, 25; Hebrews 8:12; Hebrews 10:17; Titus 2:11-12 o Spiritual Diplomatic Immunity . A policy between sovereign countries/governments where diplomats are given safe passage and not open to lawsuits/prosecution under the host countries laws.

First given by God to the World, as the World consists of foreign governments occupying colonial territory. Also shown biblically when the Pharaoh of Egypt let Abraham leave his country, and when Nehemiah was given paper

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


from the King allowing Nehemiah to cross into lands to procure the materials needed to rebuild.

Immunity is a reflection of the Grace that God offers when He Forgives our sins.

o Nehemiah 2:7 I also said to him, “If it pleases the king, may I have letters to the governors of Trans- Euphrates, so that they will provide me safe- conduct until I arrive in Judah?

o Ephesians 1:4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.

o Psalms 84:11 For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor; no good thing does he withhold from those whose walk is blameless.

o Romans 6:1-2 1 What shall we say, then? Shall we go on sinning so that grace may increase? 2 By no means! We are those who have died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? . Disciples, on the road to Kingdom of Heaven on Earth citizenship, by way of The Master’s Degree, are considered blameless by God since He is the One who wrote the story of their lives. By staying true to the Kingship training and trusting that all the moments that came into their lives, Disciples are able to progress to Son of God because they are immune to World-based laws just as God has forgiven the World (a visitor to the Colony of Heaven) in the execution of its governmental practices. As Romans 6:2 clearly states, the nature of these past sins (that came about to increase Grace) served as fertilizer for the growth of the Tree God is creating; consequently, the Kingdom Seeking process reveals the reason for the past sins, and through this understanding, sins are halted in appreciation for the Grace already received.

Romans 8:28 And we know that God causes everything to work together for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.

Ephesians 1:11-12 11 In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, 12 in order that we, who were the first to put our hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory. Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


o The previous two verses place it clearly in focus that all things do indeed work together for the Good; however, there are caveats to ensuring that you are covered: . Those who love God . Called according to His purpose (Kingdom Seeking) o By following the Path of Kingdom Seeking and KNOWING that God has already ordered the steps that are being taken by faith . All things are worked out . In conformity with the purpose of GOD’s will . So that those who put their hope in Christ will become the reflection of God’s Heavenly Glory on Earth

Gratitude: appreciation of the abundant grace that God has extended . Psalms 34:1 I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

Hope: wanting to believe in the promises of God . Psalms 25:5 Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me. All day long I put my hope in you.

Faith=Seeking: believing in positive belief; agreeing with God regarding the positive possibility Hebrew 11:1 Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Substance - that of which a thing consists; spiritual or physical matter or material Matter - the substance or substances of which any spiritual or physical object consists or is composed Revised: Now agreeing with the positive possibility of the promises of God (active Kingdom Seeking) is the material of the foundation on which the House where Grace, Peace, and Agape Love (the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth) will be built, the evidence to God that He can begin building.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


Faith is the sub-stance - under-stance - under-standing - FOUNDATION on which the Kingdom of Grace, Power of Love and Glory of Peace (that which is HOPED for) stands

Foundation of the Kingdom = Faith Stance of the Earth = Peace Circumstances of the Earth = Life (Circumstance – Condition or fact surrounding a stance) o Matthew 7: 25 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock.

Foundation of the World = Doubt Stance of the World = War Happenstance of the World = Death (Happenstance – Occurrences related to chance, luck, fate) o Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love: o Psalms 82:5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are out of course. The power of agreeing with God, through the use of faith, can be seen clearly in the following verse:

Matthew 21:21 Jesus replied, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. o Faith is positively agreeing with God and His will and plan for your life. What God has planned specifically for your life may not reflect the events of non-Kingdom Seekers; therefore, it is important to stay focused positively on what God is doing in your life rather than what may be occurring in another person‘s life. The end goal for ALL Kingdom Seekers is to become reattached to THE Tree of Life as A Tree of Life. o Doubt is entertaining, agreeing and the use of negative thoughts, actions and possibilities. Those in the World have been trained with accepting and passing along negative possibilities to one another. Those who willing accept doubt may attempt to pass such thoughts/possibilities along to Kingdom Seekers. o Fig Tree represents the need to try and figure out the plan for your life…leading to negative thoughts and consequences in response to protecting against the potential doubt that was raised. o Mountains represents the perceived size of the problems that arise in life that may arise as a result of moving in the direction of trying to protect against the perception of doubt.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


Revised: If you stay focused positively on what God has planned as the end result for your life and who you are (a seed growing into a Tree), and do not allow any external environmental factors to cause you to entertain and fear negative possibilities (the shell being the shell), not only will you be able to eliminate the need for any dependence on trying to figure out a plan that has already been completed, but you will also be able to minimize any/all issues that may arise to their appropriate size and purpose: a molehill, which only appeared so you could use the soil as fertilizer to help promote in your positive growth.

o 1 John 5:4-5 because everyone who is a child of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world—our faith. 5 So the one who conquers the world is the person who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Romans 10:17 Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ. o The primary purpose for writing this assertation is to detail my experiences throughout my Kingship training process; thereby, resulting in the building of faith in those who read/hear it. When we share our testimony of how God brought us through The Master‘s Degree process, it causes the hearer to want to Seek after the same result. By having faith in the message and example of Jesus Christ, I developed the trust needed to allow Adonai to lead me towards my aspect of Elohim. As each person starts out as the same unrefined aspect of Elohim, faith is the key to adjusting the attitude needed to achieving our True Goal of becoming a Son of God. Trust=Believing: living in positive belief o Proverbs 3:5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. Trust leads to Thanks, Thanks leads to Praise o Thanks – Grateful feelings or thoughts; gratitude (result of accepting God’s grace) o Praise - Expression of approval or commendation (result of understanding where God is leading to) . Commend - to represent as worthy or qualified Com: with; mend; to repair, to put right, atone for Jesus is Lord because you must place your trust in something/somewhere beyond yourself. o Matthew 6:20-21 20 But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moths and vermin do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. Trust, in the plan of God and the leadership of Adonai, is what is used when something is not personally understood. Not understanding personally does not mean that it is not understood in Heaven. Jesus, serving as the Head Adonai,

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


represents the truth that each individual Adonai assigned to each aspect of Elohim, is well informed of the story and details that may not be understood. Simply trusting in being led by Adonai allows for easier acceptance of counting it all joy. In counting it all joy, all thoughts lead to a positive Kingdom conclusion. Any thoughts that are based on fear, doubt or confusion will lead to negative conclusions and are not Kingdom of God results. o Numbers 23:19 God is not a man, that he should lie, nor a son of man, that he should change his mind. Does he speak and then not act? Does he promise and not fulfill?

Agape Love=Knowing: doing unto thy neighbor as thy self 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love. Agape Love is Undefeatable benevolence and unconquerable goodwill that always seeks the highest of the other, no matter what is done. (Can’t be defeated or conquered because there is no competition; you only practice to be better at it) Agape Love is brought about as a result of understanding the ways and maturity/immaturity of another based on a thorough understanding of your life and the progression through The Master‘s Degree process. It easily allows for bestowing grace and maintaining peace. o Similar to the way an older sibling is able to see a younger sibling going from adolescence to puberty to adulthood. Ideally, the older sibling would be able to recognize in the younger sibling the different turning points that occurred during their own maturity process at the hands of the parent/school/sporting teams, etc., and offer their testimonial experiences as a means of support. Furthermore, the older sibling would also ideally be able to display the temperament needed to assist the younger sibling along their journey without identifying, and thereby, displaying the frustration felt at the growth taking place. Perfect Love drives out all fear because the mind is stayed focused on trusting the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit/Adonai. Because the story of each individual life was completed before life began, God is never nervous regarding each outcome. As we progress in our Faith and Trust in being led, the spirit that is leading is leading from a position of knowing the ‗how‘s‘ and ‗why‘s‘ of our life. Through patience, positivity and dependence on being led by our individual All-Knowing Adonai, the focus on Perfect Love eliminates any negative thoughts by reminding us of the complete positive end that has already been finished by Yahweh.

Peace=Being: complete acceptance of what truly is Isaiah 26:3 Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. Peace – tranquility; ease as a result of certainty, state of rest; o Tranquil – rest . Rest – break from labor, mental peace

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


o Ease – comfort, pleasure, opportunity from unknown origin (the Heavenly Father); freedom from pain, worry or agitation John 8:32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. . Set – to fix firmly, cause to sit, put in some place o Certain – Definite, fixed, sure to come o Knowing – understanding gained through experience; the opposite of thinking, trying to figure . Eyes that See and Ears that Hear are a function of Knowing as a result of Reconnecting to the Spirit of God through Adonai. Kingdom Seeking opens the spiritual eyes to be able to ‗see‘ the movements of God, while ears that hear are able to understand the ‗voice‘ of God and what is being said. To those who are not Kingdom Seeking, such sights and sounds are imperceptible, and are the evidence of non-Kingdom Seeking. Humility and Trusting along the path of The Master‘s Degree begin the process of developing and opening of the spiritual eyes and ears. Habakkuk 2:3 For the vision is yet for an appointed time, but at the end it shall speak, and not lie: though it tarry, wait for it; because it will surely come, it will not tarry. o This is where patience is required as it takes time to reshape the mind away from worldly understanding to Kingdom Truths; nevertheless, it will happen. Perfect peace is the pitch of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (UniVerse) Universe – The one line/section of song that God wants to hear o Uni – a prefix meaning one o Verse - line or section of a song/poetry Pitch – an auditory perceptual property that allows the ordering of sounds (songs) on a frequency. Pitches are compared as ‗higher‘(X1-X2, the New Song) and lower‘ (-Y2) in the sense associated with musical melodies, which require sound whose frequency is clear and stable enough to be heard as NOT NOISE.

Sons of God use the information gained along the y1 axis, x1 axis and Point D to form a Tuning Pitch Fork. The Pitch fork is designed to serve as the basis by which a Son of God can measure the harmonic balance of the New Song of the Kingdom of Heaven. Harmony – agreement in feeling or opinion; a pleasing combination of elements in a whole o Only in the Kingdom of Heaven can a harmony be maintained by combining the multiple elements of the World. The attitudes and actions that develop as a result of seeking Joy, Gratitude, Hope, Faith, Trust, Agape Love, and Peace combine to produce the baseline notes of the New Song. By using discipleship in Jesus as the central ‗note‘ to set forth the baseline pitch, the thoughts, words and actions of others are measured against the Pitch Fork. Relying on the ‗note‘ that comes forth, a Son of God can use this powerful tool as

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


a way to assist in helping a Kingdom Seeker get in line with the proper pitch; thereby, being allowing the Kingdom Seeker to achieve their desired goal of being harmonious, rather than making noise. o While a Son of God uses the Pitch Fork to determine where a Disciple is, in relation to their spiritual development, a Disciple can use the same information by which to aim and practice for. The practice of Kingdom Seeking brings the Disciple in line with the New Song and measuring oneself to Joy through Peace helps to identify where additional practice may be needed. . Isaiah 11:3-4 3 and he will delight in the fear of the LORD. He will not judge by what he sees with his eyes, or decide by what he hears with his ears; 4 but with righteousness he will judge the needy, with justice he will give decisions for the poor of the earth. He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked.

Op/port/tune – towards the (op-) port/harbor; a place along a coast that gives ships and boats protection from storms and rough water (port); the state of proper pitch (tune) o Harbor: one who (-or) changes allegiance (harb); therefore, under God‘s protection, a harbor is a sheltered part of a body of water deep enough to provide anchorage for ships, as a result of seeking the ways of God instead of the ways of the world. A place of shelter, refuge for those who change allegiance, from the World, to the Kingdom of God. So, an opportunity has a variety of meanings. One, it plainly means to be favorable, suited or right for a particular purpose. Two, from God‘s perspective, opportunity is His favor/grace to learn the new song in order to be in proper pitch for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (The Master’s Degree); therefore, there is no such thing as a crisis, only an opportunity to get closer to God.

Peace as a Process One of the most misunderstood statements of Jesus is in regards to why He came. Matthew 10:34 Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Luke 12:49 I have come to bring fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled! On the surface, this statement appears contradictory to the loving nature of Jesus and God. However, the Truth is that achieving Peace can‘t be achieved simply by bringing Peace, it is a process. Created out of an environment of Chaos and Unforgiveness, the offspring of God are unrefined pieces of gold, existing within the World. In order for each unrefined piece of gold to achieve its pure and natural form, it requires a process.

Therefore, Jesus came to bring the process (the Way) that brings about Peace. In Seeking First the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, a Kingdom disciple gains access to the information, tools and process needed to rule and reign in the Kingdom of Heaven on Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


Earth. Jesus states in Matthew that He brought a Sword, and in Luke, He states that He came to bring Fire. The Sword is the and understanding of the Word of God, and the Fire represents the Spirit of God that leads and guides, in the form of the Holy Spirit/Adonai. Matthew 10:38-39 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

In order to begin and remain successful in the conversion process, a disciple must surrender his/her will to the Will of God and choose to let go of the things gained and learned while in the World. Failure to embrace this process, or any attempts to try and resist it is a clear lack of faith and trust, and as such, is behavior unworthy of Jesus.

Through the study and practice of the Word of God (Sword), combined with trusting and following the leadership and guidance of Adonai, a child of God begins the journey that leads to Peace. At the completion of that journey, a child of God will progress to become a disciple and on to a Son of God; consequently, going through the ‗Fire‘ experiences needed to become Pure Gold and achieve Peace. (Greater details on this process are given in the Disciple section in Quadrant 2)

X2: The positive continuum of how God feels and how he wants His children to feel (God‘s Will for Man); Peace Matthew 6:10 Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven.

Y1: The positive continuum of God‘s Likeness, Truth, Life on Earth…the thing sought by man/meaning of life; reflection of God‘s Truth in Heaven, brought about as a result of Peace (Y2), led by the Holy Spirit De’mut – Hebrew word for God’s LIKENESS = the path (Truth) that secures Life over chaos

Psalms 25:5 Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day. John 16:13 Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come.

Y2: The positive continuum of Kingdom of Heaven truth…Kingship training (Grace) Matthew 6:10 Thy Kingdom come…on Earth as it is in Heaven. You can‘t control the output of Truth but you can increase the frequency of joy by counting it all joy; thereby allowing the release/understanding of the Truth. o Psalms 34:1 I will praise the Lord at ALL TIMES; His praise is ALWAYS on my lips.

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The 135º - THE Master‘s Degree…the PATH to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The harmonic balance between God‘s Image and Likeness Psalms 16:11 You will show me the PATH of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore.

The path that secures life over chaos is the path of righteousness because along the path of righteousness you are taught patience and peace. Patience and Peace are used to transform the Kingdom of the world into the Kingdom of Our Lord and His Christ through the 135º/Godspeed . o 2 Corinthians 10:3-5 3For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: 4(For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;) 5Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ; o Revelations 11:15 The seventh angel sounded his trumpet, and there were loud voices in heaven, which said: "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ, and he will reign forever and ever."

Reign – to practice/exercise of sovereign power

o Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.

The 135º/Godspeed – The speed at which God moves as opposed to the speed of the world…only a Master can navigate at this speed o Trusting, thanking and praising and focusing only today rather than figuring, planning and/or worrying about tomorrow (the future) is the movement of Godspeed…not the fast or strong but the one that endures to the end. . Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. . Ecclesiastes 9:11 I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

. Matthew 24:13 But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

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. 2 Timothy 4:7-8 7I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: 8Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing. o Godspeed is a speed that has been mastered where there is a change of pace away from being tied to the mistakes of the past, as well as the burdens of trying to figure out the future. Godspeed is having peace in doing TODAY what God has for you, based on the direction of where you are being led. Today, and each new today, brings you into God‘s protection for the plan He has for your life.

. Psalms 46:10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth.”

Know – the gain of understanding through experience

o Hosea 4:6 My people perish from a lack of knowledge. . Knowledge – acknowledgement of a superior

o Romans 10:14-15 14How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they believe in him of whom they have not heard? and how shall they hear without a preacher? 15And how shall they preach, except they be sent? as it is written, How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things! . Preacher – (-er): one who; proclaims publicly, announce Due to a lack of understanding regarding the path and plan of God, the verse in Hosea states that the children of God are not successful because they don‘t know WHO to follow as their Master. The two verses in Romans sheds light on the continuation of this fact. Due to the lack of a public declaration of who to follow, the children don‘t know HOW to call on their Master. Sons of God are the Ones who, be virtue of gaining their understanding through their experiences and trust in God, make such a declaration. The verse ends by making it further clear that a Son of God only receives the information that is needed to assist the children by being ‗sent‘ from God. As a result, the quality of the information that is brought is a thing of beauty in its truth (feet) because the information is coming directly from God. Furthermore, the information brings peace and joy regarding the ‗good things‘ of the promises of God.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


. Mark 4:39 Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

raphah - means הפר Be still - The word used here - from properly to cast down; to let fall; to let hang down; then, to be relaxed, slackened, especially the hands: It is also employed in the sense of not making an effort; not putting forth exertion; and then would express the idea of leaving matters with God, or of being without anxiety about the issue…the word seems to be used as meaning that there was to be no anxiety; that there was to be a calm, confiding, trustful state of mind in view of the displays of the divine presence and power. The mind was to be calm, in view of the fact that God had interposed, and had shown that he was able to defend his people when surrounded by dangers. (http://bible.cc/psalms/46-10.htm) ; Barnes‘ notes on the Bible

God‘s children are a completed works in Him and Godspeed is the way of leading that guides us to the results of everything God has already set aside for us. o Ephesians 1:3 Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. In Christ, God has given us every spiritual blessing in the heavenly world.

It is a different purpose and speed/frequency than the World and appears slower; however is actually keeping in step with the plan of God. Master – One who acts as the largest sail on a ship to provide for speed of movement and change of direction for increased maneuverability. o Er – a prefix meaning one who o Mast – acts as the largest sail on a ship . A Master is required to be the guide to the ‗port/harbor‘ of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth to where there is no longer any sea/separation from God. . Revelations 21:1 Then I saw “a new heaven and a new earth,” for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and there was no longer any sea.

X axis is the Way, Y axis is the Truth and the 135º is the Path to Eternal Life o John 14:6 Jesus said to him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

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The Square Root of 2 – According to sacred geometry, the square root of 2 is an irrational (worldly view, makes perfect sense in Kingdom understanding) number that embodies a principle of the whole being more than the sum of its parts. The combination gives birth to a greater offspring, which possesses the capacity for synthesis, growth, integration and reconciliation of polarities by spanning both perspectives equally…leads to a greater unity, a higher expression of its essential truth, faithful to its lineage. As a result of going through The Master‘s Degree process, God‘s Image is seen in the way the World interacts. Its various religions, governments and business give insight into the way the Kingdom may operate. God‘s Image, harmonized with His Likeness, gives greater insight into Kingdom of Heaven possibilities. The combination of the myriad of tree possibilities truly leads to greater unity and a higher expression of the truth as the many different experiences blended into the oneness of Christ leads to a vast array of Kingdom benefits for life on Earth and spiritual understanding.

Unlimited expansion (Point D) - the point where the path of the 135º meets X2, Y2 represents the expansion aspect of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth (Parable of the Yeast)

Multiply – to cause to become many, to increase/extend; o Increase – to become progressively greater (size, amount, number, intensity); o Extend – to stretch or spread out to greater or fuller length

. Isaiah 9:7 Of the increase of His government (Kingdom of Grace) and peace (God’s Glory) There will be no end, Upon the throne of David and over His kingdom, To order it and establish it with judgment and justice From that time forward, even forever. The zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this. . 2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord,

z-axis (Tree of Life / Knowledge of God): The positive vertical coordinate representing the positive end/conclusion/result of the combination of the X and Y axis thoughts and behaviors. (y1, x1, y2, x2), moving a two dimensional existence in a third dimension.

X4: The positive horizontal continuum representing God the Father; the one who wrote the story in Heaven Y4: The positive vertical continuum representing God the Holy Spirit; the one who leads and guides in all Truths

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. Colossians 1:10 That ye might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God;

. 2 Peter 1:2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,

. Ephesians 1:17 That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him:

. Ephesians 4:13 Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ: The Knowledge of God

Proverbs 11:30 The fruit of the righteous IS a Tree of Life.

As a disciple travels along the path of righteousness, the first stop to gaining access to the Knowledge of God , and thereby, mastering the information, is by practicing the 9 Fruit of the Spirit.

. Galatians 5:22-26 22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. 24 Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. 25 Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26 Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other. o A study of the meanings of these ‗fruit‘ give great insight into just what it is that God is looking for from His Children. Each one requires focus and practice, as they are somewhat at odds with the ways of the World, but are possible to attain. . Here is a link that gives a description of each word ‗fruit‘ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fruit_of_the_Holy_Spirit The practice of the Fruit of the Spirit can be employed in every aspect of life, and truly does require practice in order to display them as a automatic response to life on Earth. During the successful practicing of the Fruit of the Spirit, additional knowledge of God will come along in the form of the 8 Fruit that Man is to add to the first 9 Fruit given:

. 2 Peter 1:3-4 3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. 4 Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature, having escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

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. 2 Peter 1:5-8 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, mutual affection; and to mutual affection, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. o According to these verses, by practicing these 8 Fruit, the divine nature, and knowledge of God, will continue to increase and cause effectiveness and productiveness. o Interestingly, a closer examination reveals that several of these 8 Fruit are already being practiced as a result of the first 9 Fruit of the Spirit given.

. 2 Peter 1:10-11 Therefore, my brothers and sisters, make every effort to confirm your calling and election. For if you do these things, you will never stumble, 11 and you will receive a rich welcome into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. o The combined effect of the 9 Fruit of the Spirit, and the 8 Fruit of the Righteous given to Man, results in not only effective and productive life on Earth, but a ‗rich welcome into the eternal Kingdom of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Successful practice of the aforementioned Fruit of the Spirit and Fruit of the Righteous has been promised to result in a Tree of Life. Reattachment, as an individual branch, back to the Tree of Life, results in the disciple BECOMING a Tree of Life and receiving the status as a Son of God. As such, the Son of God status allows for the endowing of the 7 Spirits of God.

. Romans 11:17 17 If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root,

. Isaiah 11:2-3 The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him—the Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of might, the Spirit of the knowledge and fear of the LORD—3 and he will delight in the fear of the LORD.

o Psalms 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. o Revelations 5:6 Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing at the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. The Lamb had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent out into all the earth.

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. The very first spirit that is given to Man comes when he Fears the Lord. Fear in this regard is a positive negative, as it is in relation to respect, honor, acknowledgement. By respecting that there is something far greater than the forces of the World, a disciple begins the journey towards Love. Love in this regard is in relation to trusting, listening and following; whereas Hate is in regard to ignoring, not following or listening to.

Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. You cannot serve God and wealth. o First master – the World o Second Master – Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth The key to achieving the Seven Spirits of God is Practice and Patience. Practice is important, as it helps to build up the skill to a point of relative perfection. Whether one is involved in a sport, like basketball, or enjoys the art of cooking, just about everything displays the fundamental purposes of practice. By focusing on improving one‘s self simply for improvement sake and good exercise, rather than being motivated by an outcome (win/lose), positive progress will occur.

AΩ: The positive perpendicular coordinate that connects and reflects X4 (God the Father), Y4 (God the Holy Spirit) to X2 (Peace), Y2 (Grace) through Love/God the Son (The Word); through Love, all things were made

Revelations 22:13 I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.

John 1:3 All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Hebrews 1:3 The Son is the radiance of God’s glory and the exact representation of his being, sustaining all things by his powerful word. After he had provided purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty in heaven.

Hebrews 12:2 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

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1 Corinthians 13:13 Three things will last forever—faith, hope, and love (charity/Agape Love)—and the greatest of these is love. For Thine is the Kingdom of Grace, the Power of Love, and the Glory of Peace, forever, Amen.

X4, Y4: The point where these two axis meet is the Unseeable, Unknowable God, Yahweh.

Son of God training

A Son of God is one who has: 1. undergone the voluntary sacrifice of the previously known ways and gains of the World (Death) and through the 2. practiced and mastered/been made perfect of the information received by the Holy Spirit along the journey to The Master‘s Degree, 3. and has been raised from the dead and placed at the Right Hand of The Father

Raise – to rear, to build up, bring into being Dead – according to Strong Concordance Word #2309, the Hebrew word for World is chedel kheh’-del (from 2308); meaning rest, i.e. the state of the dead: World

Right Hand of God - To sit at ones right hand means a place of authority, it was a place of honor; it meant dignity and rulership. used to most often symbolize an activity of service…points to his exalted position he now is active on. (http://letusreason.org/onenes10.htm) o Right Arm of God - symbol of his power. the arm was used as the agency of strength, when the Bible refers the arm of the Lord it is consistently about the son, as God reaches into the Earth to do his work. . John 14:3 After I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me so that you may be where I am. . Ephesians 1:19-20 19 And you will know that God's power is very great for us who believe. That power is the same as the great strength20 God used to raise Christ from the dead and put him at his right side in the heavenly world. . Matthew 25:34 "Then the King will say to the people on his right, 'Come, my Father has given you his blessing. Receive the kingdom God has prepared for you since the world was made. . Psalms 16:11 You will teach me how to live a holy life. Being with you will fill me with joy; at your right hand I will find pleasure forever.

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. Hebrews 12:2 Let us look only to Jesus, the One who began our faith and who makes it perfect. He suffered death on the cross. But he accepted the shame as if it were nothing because of the joy that God put before him. And now he is sitting at the right side of God's throne.

The Cross –a symbol of obedience to the Will of God o Nailed Hands/Feet – represent secured obedience; the choice to not move away from remaining obedient o Pierced side – represent the removal of the leadership of the World. God created Eve from the side of Adam, indicating their status as being the same in Elohim. However, because the knowledge and intuition of a way is used to navigate through the World, the transition away from Worldly success to Kingship training changes the leadership dynamic. The pierce in the side represents this change. o Unbroken Leg –the not breaking of the leg serves to shine light on another World-to-Kingdom of God principle. When Isaac gave his blessing to Jacob, it was done by placing the hand under the thigh. According to Biblical research, the thigh was thought to play a part in procreation, and as such, served the function of binding oaths. A broken leg indicates that oaths and agreements are broken and Jesus came to fulfill the promises that God made; therefore, God protected Jesus and the promises that were made through and for Him. . Psalms 34:19-20 19 The righteous person may have many troubles, but the LORD delivers him from them all; 20 he protects all his bones, not one of them will be broken. Worldly oaths and agreements serve to bind a person to the ways and leadership of the World; therefore, as the two thieves that were on crosses along with Jesus had their legs broken, this was done to speed up their death. The World was trying to inflict pain on those who had broken their promises in the World. This facilitated in speeding up their death/separation from the World, placing them as outcast in the World. Even as such, the thief that accepted following the example of Jesus, and thereby, transform his Worldly exile into a Kingdom deliverance, was saved and accepted into the Kingdom of Heaven.

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The cross of Jesus is generally associated in the World with suffering. Suffering is the pain felt when not wanting to let go of something being taken away. The suffering of death is a principle throughout the Bible, in that those from Quadrant 4 possessed a certain level of fear and doubt in the process of losing their gifts/abilities/gains of the World. To those in the World, such loss was viewed as shameful.

In the face of what was previously allowed and possessed, non-Kingdom Seekers viewed the ‗losses‘ of Jesus as a statement by God that somehow Jesus was incorrect. In their view, to lose the success that was gained was an indication from God at His displeasure with Jesus and his actions. . Matthew 27:40 and saying, “You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God!” o Death on the Cross – . Death - separation from the ways and spirit of the World . Cross - reattaching to the Spirit of God by voluntarily surrendering, with outstretched arms, to the Will of God The thought of non-Kingdom Seekers was that if Jesus had spoken so highly of what was to come and who he was in relation to God, He did not needlessly need to ‗suffer‘ the shame of losing. As a Son of God, he could just ‗come down from the cross‘. In other words, he could go back to doing what he used to do so successfully in the World and maintain all the Worldly possessions that were being taken away as a result of his obedience to the Will of God.

Similarly, while traveling along the path of The Master‘s Degree, I have had family and friends point out the fact that I could simply use my experience, education and connections to continue finding ways to maintain my status in the World. The thought that ‗God helps those who help themselves‘, while not scripturally based, is one that non- Kingdom Seekers believe is needed, as they view the loss of business and/or material things as an indication of failure, rather than the actual ReOrdering that is taking place in the life of a Kingdom Seekers.

Nonetheless, just as the example of Jesus, I continue to remain obedient to God by surrendering my will to the greater will of God. In doing so, as Paul stated, ‗I press on to the mark for the high prize of my high calling‘, just as Jesus continued to do.

Hebrews 12:2 continues to say that Jesus accepted the view that other people had about this process (shameful) as though is were nothing…because he was aware of the JOY God put before him.

What Sons of God are aware of, that those in the World are not aware of, is the vision that God places within Sons of God regarding the Kingdom of Heaven gained as a result of obedience. Therefore, the display of the cross should not be viewed as one of suffering, rather, it should be viewed as a display of surrendering to the Will of God. With arms outstretched, the cross symbolizes the inability to, if not the want to not, defend or protect the self against the process which God is bringing His children through. Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


For those who view the loss of the gains of the World as painful, suffering will occur. I read something once that said ‗God will not take something from you that He is not getting ready to replace with something greater.‘ For the view of a Kingdom Seeker, it is not suffering when Clarity and ReOrder occur, as it is loosening that which was built on sand to begin with, and introducing that which will be placed on solid ROCK.

As a result, as disciples pick up their cross, they should do so in faithful surrender to the greater will of the higher, spiritual self: Adonai. Our Adonai has ‗seen‘, ‗heard‘ and ‗knows‘ what Yahweh has for us; consequently, the focus should be on the JOY of receiving Son of God status and the resulting Kingdom of Heaven, rather than the view of those who are not aware of what God does for His obedient children.

Therefore, a Son of God has progressed from the level of Disciple by focusing on the information imparted while being RAISED from out of the World, and the joy that comes with it, rather than what the World, and all in it, have been taught and practice. In this regard, the male aspect of God, unlike in the development of the World, has been effectively developed through the raising process.

In the World, parents typically practice the ways of the World ON their family members as a way to make it IN the World. These ways are usually the ways that were either taught to them or done to them by their parents and/or society in general. By learning which Worldly ways appeared effective regarding discipline, learning and motivating action, a child who grows to become a parent will generally continue teaching these same learned traits to subsequent generations, while not knowing the basis for them, nor ways to introduce more effective traits.

However, a Son of God is one who practices WITH the family and by doing so, ascends to the level of Man and Husband. As the Holy Spirit taught me how to decipher and deconstruct the reasons behind the ways I was taught, I was able to not only understand the thoughts and emotions that motivated such methods, but I was also able to gain a greater understanding of the proper training methods in regards to the Kingdom of God.

As I gained these understandings of Worldly truths, and the methods and motivations behind them, I was able to invert them and use the overwhelming positive energy of the Kingdom of God to transform the information into effective teaching tools, for my family as well as myself. Therefore, as I was learning how to be a better father, I learned how to teach my children how to use that same energy to be better children. As I learned how to be a better husband, I was able to use that same energy to assist in the improvement of my marriage. As I learned how to be a better ‗brother to all‘, I was able to use that energy to assist others in using that same energy to be better as well.

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Due to the nature of the Kingdom of God relearning process, not all of the newfound energy, or the ways to use it, is understood by those outside of the transformation process. Some of the steps and ways that my path took me to gain this understanding ‗appeared‘ shameful to others; however, for the joy set before me, it was fairly easy to ignore the thoughts and feelings of those who were still well attached to the World.

The life I had lived while firmly in the World began to become ReOrdered and many of the things I had attained, and the ways I had lived had become reorganized in its value and importance. Although, from the outside looking in, many of these reorganized thoughts and actions were not well received due to their ‗radical‘ nature; however, on the inside of the learning process, The Heavenly Father was making very clear that what was being ‗lost‘ failed in comparison to what was being gained.

The more and more I practiced Kingdom Seeking, the more God began to ‗open my eyes‘ to His truths and what came with it. First, the totality of this document is part of an abundance of spiritual truths that were revealed and served as part of the joy of ascending to the status of Man. Second, was the revelation of the physical equivalent to this document. As part of the ‗fatted calf‘ (explained in greater detail in the section regarding Quadrant 4) experience gained while going through the discipleship stage, God also revealed how to combine my knowledge of the information gained while in the World (military, business, etc.) with a new-found understanding of agriculture and technology to create the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth after the image that He has given me.

In general, the combination of the use of various agricultural and industrial crops (Hemp, flax, soy, corn, etc.) with the production techniques of food, clothing, home building, vehicle building, etc., will be used to create on Earth an environment where the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth will supply and recycle all that is needed. For instance, crops, grown on Kingdom land (all the Earth), will be used to produce all food, as well as the materials needed to manufacture clothing textiles, housing building materials, automobile infrastructure and parts, and a wide range in between of goods currently being produced.

Those who possess the skills to create and/or manufacture any given item will do so, for the good of the Kingdom of Heaven. The food and goods produced will be available to all, at no cost. The labor used to produce all food and goods are done to the glory of God and for the practice of learning and practicing Kingdom principles. For example, the one who specializes in building homes does so to the Glory of God and in doing so receives all food, clothing, furniture, transportation, etc. for free, because the ones who produce those items are also doing so for the Glory of God. The entire community produces all that is needed, using recyclable crops as the base material, so that all within the community have all that is needed. There is a great deal more about this subject; however, it is meant as an introduction to the physical side of the ‗fatted calf‘ that is given for a Son of God.

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Such physical revelations are in keeping with the fact that God wants His Spirit to dwell IN us, as we become the living, breathing example of His walking the Earth. As such, we not only are transformed spiritually as the physical dwelling place for His nature, but the Earth too becomes transformed to reflect the bounty and availability of all that has/can be produced spiritually into the physical realm.

Isaiah 66:1 This is what the LORD says: “Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be? 1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's husbandry, ye are God's building. Revelations 21:3 And I heard a great voice out of heaven saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and he will dwell with them, and they shall be his people, and God himself shall be with them, and be their God. o Husband - the act or practice of cultivating crops (Manuring/Kingdom Seeking) and breeding and raising livestock (disciples/apprentices); settled/stable: peace or at ease o ry – collective qualities, practice of . Livestock – domesticated animals raised in an agricultural setting to produce commodities such as food, fiber and labor; all kinds of movable personal property, including livestock, which was differentiated from non-movable real- estate. Spiritually speaking, as has been explained, livestock represent the character and nature of physical beings who have voluntarily undertaken the task of becoming a disciple in the Kingdom of God Seeking process. As such, they represent the ones who are being taught how to Seek the Kingdom of God for themselves (Manure/Cultivate) o A HUSBAND is an ascended level, equal to Man, that requires the practice of Kingdom Seeking as the learned means whereby the ability to assist in the development of other ‗livestock‘ (also known spiritually as disciples), first in the immediate family, extending to others looking to travel along the Path of Righteousness, so that they too attain the level of Man. Husbandry, as a settled form of cultivation and feeding of ‗livestock‘ is differentiated from another form of livestock raising: Pastoralism

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o Pastor – (-or) a suffix that means a person who does (focuses on) something; Past – time gone by . Pastor – one who focuses on things/time gone by Pastor – A shepherd in the World . al – a suffix that means pertaining to . ism – a suffix that means doctrine, belief, action Pastoralism – pertaining to the doctrine, belief, action of one who focuses on things of time gone by As a word, Pastoralism pertains to as a mobile form of Husbandry…constantly moving the livestock in search of fresh pasture and water. Spiritually speaking, they are nomads who lack spiritual stability o Pasture – grass eaten by and used to feed livestock; the food nourishment (the PAST) given by a pastor . ure – a suffix that means the purpose or function of its root word o Pasture – the purpose of THE PAST is to provide food for pastors of the World to feed their cows/sheep Nomad – a member of a group of people who have no fixed home and move according to the seasons, from place to place, in search of food, water, and grazing land . Titles of Pastors – Reverend - to stand in awe of, to fear within Minister – one who acts upon the authority of another, high officer of the state, service to the crown…originally ‗to serve (food or drink)‘ from Latin ministerialis o Minstrel – servant, jester, singer, entertainer; from Latin ministralis In my personal journey, I noticed my development as a husband as I traveled from place to place. Whether it was from my own physical family or to the family of my wife, whether it was from Christian church or Israelite temple, from Africa to the United States, I noticed that I was being to led to various location that were not displaying evidence of Kingship training. Nonetheless, the centralized ‗bread‘ of Seeking First the Kingdom of God and Counting it All Joy, allowed for the continued growth of my understanding, which was passed along to my family.

Conversely, I was able to see the ‗roaming‘ nature of pastors. While the leaders in the various homes, houses of worship or countries remained physically stable, the teaching principles continued to change. Reflecting the nature of looking from pasture to pasture in search of ‗food‘, non-Kingdom Seeking environments consistently displayed the lack of continuity associated with non-Kingdom Seeking.

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God said that we, Kingdom of God Seekers, are His Husbandry, the stable, settle vessels that He is able to cultivate to be used as the housing where HE dwells. In turn, we are to become husbands who are able to cultivate other disciples, so that they too become husbands. This is in keeping with the Genesis 1 statement of fruit producing after its kind.

Conversely, those who do not Seek the Kingdom of God, are considered Pastors, spiritual nomads, who wander around spiritually looking for something that will temporarily satisfy the hunger of their family/followers.

In the cultivation of life and relationships, a husband learns a great many things. While most marriages end in divorce as a result of the failure to overcome the challenges brought to the relationship by both the husband and the wife, Kingship training uses those differences as fertilizer to give greater insight into the backgrounds of each spouse; thereby, allowing for not only a greater understanding of HOW each came to be the way they have, but also, allows for the transformation of that same information for the use of growing closer together and preventing similar situations in their children.

Due to the purposeful nature of the formation of God‘s children, the husband typically will be the result of the culmination of negative childhood thought processes, brought about from the inability to learn exactly how to maintain peace and avoid fearful situations. This could result in a wide variety of possibilities; however, as is the case with the fig tree, the origin of all husband issues are the result the undeveloped aspect of the male that can only be developed through the Seeking of the Kingdom process.

Conversely, due to a woman‘s natural emotional state and her ability to use her emotions to navigate through the World, the results of her culminated thought process will be to look for protection and ‗leadership‘ while simultaneously acting AS the one leading; thereby, preventing actual male leadership from taking place. Such actions also result in a wide variety of possibilities that add to the issues of the relationship. What both mates are looking for can only be found in the Kingdom Seeking process.

As a result of a wife‘s inherent spirituality and emotional awareness, a husband who has a wife that believes in Jesus is truly the beginning to the Path to Righteousness. A Jesus- believing, loving wife is essential in initially assisting in making it in the World, as well as spiritually. Due to her ability to recognize and maneuver around potential negativity, the information a wife provides will be valuable in the initial growth as a husband. Initially attending church services, at the request of the wife, can bring about a valuable spiritual foundation that can be built upon.

However, these same emotions can keep a certain level of negativity present throughout decision making and her spiritual awareness can cause dependency on the church leader for guidance. This is where the spiritual maturing and leadership skills of a Kingdom Seeking husband begin to develop. The impact and results of the wife‘s initial information may bring about successful results; however, this information is only valuable in the World, and as such, will bring about only temporary results.

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The maturity and leadership of a Kingdom Seeking husband learns how to transform and transition the wife‘s information to include and eventually be the sole basis by which thought and actions are practiced. The lack of Kingship training is what cause Solomon to stay dependent on his wife‘s knowledge; thereby, leading him to eventually serve false gods (ways of the World) and ultimately lose his Kingdom.

The maturity and leadership of a Kingdom Seeking husband manifests in the newfound ways of thinking and handling various situations. As the head of the household, as Jesus is the Head of the Body, the husband begins to develop and learn that all are various aspects of Elohim. As individualized aspects of Elohim, the husband begins to recognize that Yahweh is using the various aspects of Elohim to teach different lessons.

Under the guidance of Adonai, a Kingdom Seeking husband begins to develop the patience needed to allow each situation to unfold; thereby, allowing each experience to become a teaching tool of Yahweh, instructing each aspect of Adonai in a specific area important to Kingship training. For instance, the incompatibility of previous family ideals to Kingship training may manifest in various ways for a Kingship Seeking family. While the wife may respond emotionally, a patient, Kingdom Seeking husband will allow the conflicting situation to unfold completely, and use the experiences and the soil of the molehill as a way to reinforce Kingship lessons.

At the beginning of my journey, the information that I received from my wife was revolutionary and highly effective in my efforts to gain success in the World, as well as develop as spiritual foundation. However, as the transition from the World to Disciple began, that information became clearly incompatible with the direction and guidance of the Heavenly Father. Initially, successful business tactics and familial interactions, that once proved fruitful, began to become unsuccessful. And the word we were receiving from our church leader began to become insufficient. The key for my growth was in the development as a Husband.

As a Kingdom Seeking Husband, I was finally beginning to ‗see‘ how God was moving in our lives based on the practices of my training. While my wife was still used to using her emotions as her guide for direction and decision making, I was beginning, for the first time in my life, using the spiritual guidance I was receiving from the Holy Spirit to direct and guide my actions. Consequently, I was able to make decisions based on trusting in the plan of God, rather than in the fear of World-based failure.

What I now know was the result of Clarity and ReOrder, was then apparent business failure, external family disintegration, and personal adjustment to dwindling finances and the results of a diminished lifestyle. However, I continued to count it all joy and place each situation in the hands of God. Initially, there was great fear mixed with the joy, as I was not used to such apparent negative results in my life. I had been successful in making it in the World, and now things had taken a drastic turn. Nonetheless, I continued to keep my ‗eyes‘ on Jesus and focus on the training I was receiving.

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I redirected my focus, not to what I was ‗losing‘ but what I was gaining. I was beginning to gain a greater understanding on myself and what I had brought to the table as a father and husband. Consequently, I was able to begin working on removing the negative areas of myself from the quation. As a result, I was able to impart better information to my children about their lives and various situations of their childhood based on the deconstruction and understanding of mine. Likewise, I was able to understand the areas of my life that had contributed to the potential of numerous divorce demands that both my wife and I had made to each other.

The Grace I was beginning to see that God was bestowing on me as He led me to greater understandings of Him and myself, was being extended to my wife and children. Where once there was competition, there was/is now cooperation; where there was once heated arguments, there was/is healthy, but peaceful discussion. Through practice, positivity and patience, my wife and children began to reflect the changes in my attitude and disposition, and as a household, we began/continue to identify, assist and practice with one another the traits needed to be Kingdom citizens.

Husbands are Master‘s/Sons of God, who use what they learned to become so to teach their families how to become the same. By practicing WITH their families, the Husband leads by example to show the value of and proof in what is being taught. Pastors practice what they learn ON their families and in doing so, while not a Master themselves, cause their families to remain as slaves in bondage. This is the proverbial blind leading the blind.

What a Husband has learned can be simply stated this way: Who I was is NOT Who I AM, Who I AM is NOT who I am going to Be o 1 Corinthians 15:31 I die every day. That is true, brothers and sisters, just as it is true that I brag about you in Christ Jesus our Lord. o 2 Corinthians 5:17 If anyone belongs to Christ, there is a new creation. The old things have gone; everything is made new! . To be CAREFUL is to be FULL of CARE; in doing so, you allow your cares and worries activate your sense of leadership and guidance (instincts) . To be MINDFUL is to be FULL of your MIND; in doing so, you allow what YOU think YOU THINK you know about your Kingship training to be used to lead and guide you . To be SPIRITFUL is to be FULL of the SPIRIT OF GOD; in doing so, you allow the Holy Spirit of God to do the leading and guiding, knowing that all that is already known is leading and guiding. There is no reliance on memory, or fear of holding on to/losing thoughts, because those things are limited. However, trusting in the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit is knowing that the spirit will bring to mind what ever is needed, when needed…and that is UNLIMITED

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QUADRANT TWO – Reconnecting through Rebirth Disciples - In the World, but not OF the World – Children of GOD (-x1, y1)

Quadrant Two is the location on the grid where former residents of Quadrants 3 and 4 have begun to question aspects of the world, life, etc., and have begun a sincere, child-like seeking of the Kingdom of God (Pursuing The Master’s Degree a/k/a The Path of Righteousness)

Disciple – not (dis-) capable; to grasp or hold…requires training Luke 6:39-40 39And he spake a parable unto them, Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch? 40The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master. Sincere- without (sin) the brain/thinking (cere)…being led Psalms 23:3 He restores my soul. He leads me along the path of righteousness for His namesake. 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

Child – one who is completely dependent on the parent for leadership, direction and provisions Galatians 4:1 Now I say, That the heir, as long as he is a child, differeth nothing from a servant (slave/disciple), though he be lord of all; o Servant/slave – person who is the property of another 1. Property – nature or quality of a thing; a. Nature – essential qualities, innate disposition, creative power in the material world 2. Quality – temperament, character, disposition 1. Temperament – the manner of thinking, behaving, reacting characteristic of a specific person

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2. Character – symbol or imprint on the soul…combination of qualities or features that distinguishes one person, group or thing from another 3. Disposition – tendency/state of mind a. Tendency – inclination/leaning b. State – circumstances, temporary attributes of a person or a thing

By submitting to the position of a spiritual child, regardless of physical age, the disciple is able to become more like the Master and gain the nature and qualities of Our Heavenly Father; thereby, gaining the attributes necessary to complete The Master‘s Degree.

In the physical world, a child has complete safety and trust in the parents who are leading and guiding due to the positive results gained from obedience to instruction. If a child CHOOSES not to follow the instructions given and strays away to unknown territory by trying to figure things out on their own, the child will have removed themselves from under the umbrella of the parents‘ protection. All a child need do is ask the parent for instruction on any given situation and practice the answer given to maintain positive direction. So to is it with Our Heavenly Father.

As those in this Quadrant begin to seek first the Kingdom of God, all that need take place is ask questions of Our Heavenly Father, practice patience, allow God to speak through your life and practice the positive answer. The results will bring about a disruption in the old ways of thinking, but due to Clarity and Reorder, the results will also bring you closer to God‘s will. . 1 Corinthians 13:11-12 11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things. 12 Now we see things imperfectly as in a cloudy mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely. One important child-like behavior to make note of is frustration. Frustration is a cloudy mirror because it is one‘s negative reaction to a personal desire unfulfilled. A child that tries to figure things out for themselves, and not heed parental instruction or request assistance, will often experience frustration when the anticipated result does not occur. Continued focus on the negative outcome can, and usually leads to anger. Another child-like behavior is Jealousy. Jealousy is a negative feeling regarding the positivity in another or happening to another. Finally, suspicion is a child-like behavior to make note of. Suspicion is manifested from a lack of trust and is the projected anticipated thoughts or behaviors onto another resulting from the negative thoughts of self. These thoughts are of a erroneous need to protect oneself against the potential assumed manifestation of the projected negative outcome of another.

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Nonetheless, Clarity and Reorder, the result of positive focus, will allow for knowing ‗everything completely, just as God knows me completely‘. All that is required is a refocus on the fact that God‘s WILL is supreme, count the situation all joy, learn the lesson that was brought about and continue along a path of a more positive outlook. In this Quadrant, one has made the conscious and voluntary decision to begin an earnest seeking of the Kingdom of God; therefore, two major changes are required. First, one must change the way of thinking that has been practiced up to that point and become in a child-like dependency on God for leadership and guidance.

. Matthew 3:2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand. o Repent – A Hebrew word meaning to change the way you think and act

. Matthew 18:3-4 And he said: “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. 4 Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Second, it is important to remember that everything learned up to Zero degree has been worldly information…information that may be useful along the journey but will require the expectation on letting go of that which God reveals is incompatible with the Kingdom and a refocus on that which is.

o Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.

-X1: Man‘s (Human) free will that is aimed in a limited negative direction in relation to the Truth; however, this is displayed as a positive negative. At the Zero degree, the disciple is at the polar opposite of the Joy that God is offering, but the Fear expressed at this degree is more of a feeling of awe and respect (reverence) in the face of confusion/uncertainty than being scared or afraid…although being scared and/or afraid may still be present until the proper amount of joy has been practiced to overcome these false feelings. Nonetheless, the protection provided by God, prevents things that cause one to stumble/fall; thereby, allowing for continuous movement. o Psalms 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all who follow his precepts have good understanding. To him belongs eternal praise. o Matthew 6:13 And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. o John 17:15 I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.

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This area is the place where one must be a co-laborer with God and assist in the refocusing process. By counting it all joy, the direction of movement will begin to progress from the positive negative (-X1) to pure positive (X1)

o Proverbs 4:23 Be mindful what you think, because your thoughts run your life. o Proverbs 23:7 For as he thinks within himself, so he is… o 1 Corinthians 3:9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God's field, ye are God's building.

Y1: By practicing the quation of B + A, Our Heavenly Father reveals various levels of Kingdom truth in relation to the amount of Fear expressed…as C is revealed, the disciple will spiritually be led from the revealed level of Y1 until -X1comes closer to the point of origin and cross into Quadrant One, X1

Quadrant Two is an open invitation to whosoever decides to turn away from the World and follow Jesus Christ (Jew [Quadrant 4], Gentile [Quadrant 3])

2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. Matthew 11:28-30 28 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. 29Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. 30For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light. Matthew 16:24 If any of you wants to be my follower, you must turn from your selfish ways, take up your cross, and follow me. John 1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. Galatians 3:28 There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. Ephesians 1:5 Having predestinated us unto the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself, according to the good pleasure of his will, Galatians 4:4-5 4But when the fullness of the time was come, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law, 5To redeem them that were under the law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


(+) –X2: This is a positive negative direction, in that one is positively moving from the negative towards the positive as a result of Reorder. Along this axis, one is gaining more Clarity on what God‘s will is and as the thoughts of the World are replaced with Kingdom understanding, more and more Order is created.

Reorder – Going from world-based understandings to the Truths of the Kingdom o The things gained while in the World, and the understandings that came with them, being temporarily lost, replaced or suspended, due to a change of allegiance from being governed by Satan, to being governed by Adonai. . The things gained under the governing of our lower wants and desires (Satan) where gained based on an unsteady foundation of sand. Once the transition occurs, from our lower self to our higher spiritual self, a disciple changes allegiance from Satan to Jesus (Adonai). In doing so, Satan no longer rewards efforts or attempts in the World, resulting in a ReOrdering of the things and thoughts gained. By rebuilding the thought process and spiritual nature to reflect the new governor, Jesus, a disciple gains access to a greater understanding of why such a rearrangement of life occurs. Failure to recognize the impact on the children, marriage and relationship with God suffers in the World, and the ReOrdering, of things and steps, brings the disciple more inline with the Will of God. For those who find such a thought painful, their inability to comprehend such a requirement causes them to miss out on the opportunity for true growth. This is why Jesus told the story of the Rich Man, a story of someone who valued what was gained while in the World (thoughts and/or things) over the requirements to entering the Kingdom of Heaven. However, for a Kingdom Seeker, such a ReOrdering is met with Joy.

Matthew 19:23-24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. 24 Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.

Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus. ReOrder took place in my life in the form of the loss and/or rearrangement of the gains received while in the World. As a result of my relative success in the World, I was able to possess various items, such as nice cars, nice home and fine clothing. Given my background, possession of these items are dreamed about and sought after; however, I had been able to achieve a level of success that afforded access to some of those things

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90 wished for. On the heels of an impending contract with the Government, I thought I was poised for an even greater realization of my material dreams. Once I began earnestly seeking the Kingdom of God, I noticed that my ability to provide for myself financially was slowly beginning to disappear. My earlier business venture was closed due to lost contracts and an inability to break through in other areas. Although my wife and I were still operating a fairly successful business, its relative newness did not result in the financial manifestations we needed to continue our lifestyle. With out hopes riding on the financial windfall resulting from the management of our government contract proposal, my wife and I began to understand that it was God‘s Will that we were in the situation we were in. Our Kingship training was pointing out to us that we were not to successful in the World, if our true want was to Seek the Kingdom of God…they were principles that we are odds with each other. When we understood this, we were not disheartened when we finally did receive the opportunity to bid on the contract but failed to receive proper financial backing from investors. Even though my previous military experience and our business model were going to guarantee success in this venture, combined with the relative lack of competition due to unawareness of this opportunity, we understood that our lives were being ReOrdered as a result of Kingship training. The financial results of those contracts would have resulted in making my wife and I one of the, if not the richest business people in the World; however, what does it profit a Man to be the Richest in the World and lose his soul? From this perspective, my wife and I began to understand the story of the Rich Man better. It takes Trust in God to give up overwhelming success, or the possibility of success in the World, for the Kingdom of Heaven; however, due to Kingship training, it was clear that such Trust is exactly what is required to achieve our true purpose on Earth: achieving Son of God status and ruling and reigning in the Kingdom of Heaven. Despite not securing the government contracts, and the finances that would have come with it, I was still able to continue providing for my family. It may have not been to the same level; however, I believe that is for protection. The limitations of my resources caused me to focus and prevented me from wandering off the path. All of my needs are meet and I was able to learn more and more about Trusting in the Lord and having all my needs supplied for. Ultimately, each situation was an opportunity for me to practice Kingdom Leadership and either proved the value of my Kingship training or identified areas that could be improved. Nonetheless, by Counting it All Joy and practicing an attitude of Positivity and Faith in the eventual outcome, each situation only grew my Trust in being led stronger and caused me to walk stronger and stronger in my Dominion.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


Y3: This is a positive axis where as a result of undertaking the search for the Kingdom of Heaven, Confusion is being replaced with Clarity. This is in direct correlation to an increase in the revelation of the Truth.

Clarity – Truth coming into clearer view as a result of Reorder

The increase in Clarity and Reorder are in direct relation to the increase toward Joy and Truth.


(The Path of Righteousness): Is the positive vertical coordinate representing the positive beginning of the combination of the X and Y axis thoughts and behaviors (-x1, y1, (+)-x2, y3).

Psalms 23:3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake.

Psalms 27:11 Teach me thy way, O LORD, and lead me in a plain path, because of mine enemies.

Proverbs 4:11 I have taught thee in the way of wisdom; I have led thee in right paths.

Luke 1:78-79 78 because of the tender mercy of our God, by which the rising sun will come to us from heaven 79 to shine on those living in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the path of peace. Understanding the HOW’s and WHY’s of your Life Armor of God A Kingdom disciple is one who wants to achieve realignment with his/her higher, spiritual self and become an adopted Son of God. The previous Quadrant detailed some of the attributes of and skills mastered by a Son of God, and serve as a guide for a disciple to use as progression develops along the path to The Master‘s Degree. In addition to the practice of the Fruits of the Spirit, the understanding of the Whole Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-17) are vitally important to the beginning of a disciples training. The beginning of that passage of scripture makes it clear that we are geared up for the spiritual and not the physical. Each person on Earth is an individualized aspect of Elohim; however, not everyone is guided by their higher, spiritual self. On the contrary, a Kingdom Seeking disciple must overcome the spiritual rulers and ways of the World. As a result, the Whole Armor of God is used to provide complete protection against the immature spiritual forces of the World.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace

92 o Belt of Truth buckled around your waist o With the waist serving as the area of procreation, the Belt of Truth is ‗worn‘ to ensure the continuation of the proper thought process to future generations. The Belt of Truth is gained as a disciple progresses and learns the Truth regarding the self is gained. As Clarity and ReOrder begins to move a disciple away from the ways of the World, information regarding the sinful past, integration into the World, and the genesis and consequences of an improper thought process all serve to shine light on the Truth. In the ‗light‘ of the Truth, a disciple begins to reshape their life towards the Will of God and away from the ways of the World. Consequently, the necessary information to ensure that future generations don‘t fall victim to the sins of the past is gained; likewise, the knowledge of how to teach future generations how to reconnect back to the Oneness of Elohim is also possessed. . Adam and Even did not possess the Truth in the Garden of Eden; therefore, the information that was passed along to future generations was inadequate in facilitating continuous reconnection back to the Will of God; thereby, requiring the need for Jesus to come and set forth the path and the way to achieve such reconnection. o Breastplate of Righteousness in place o The Breastplate is a piece of armor that protects the chest area, primarily the heart. Once Truth is known, it is used to guide further thoughts and actions; therefore, knowing how to properly think and act in a Kingdom manner is Righteousness. The Breastplate of Righteousness protects the Heart from being manipulated by false teaching into making improper decisions. It is the practice of the Truth that reinforce Righteousness and even prevents a Husband from being affected by the negative emotions of a Wife, that may have been successfully used in navigating in the World, but become ineffective in traveling along the path to The Master‘s Degree. o On your feet wear the Good News of Peace to help you stand strong. o Knowing the value of Truth and Righteousness prepares a disciple for the journey towards Peace. The feet are the method used that allows a body to travel. As a disciple begins the journey along the path to The Master‘s Degree, the ultimate goal sought is Peace in God. Along this path to Peace, the constant reminder during travel is that of the value of Seeking First the Kingdom of God. The Good News that Jesus brought was that the Kingdom of Heaven was now possible, and in its arrival, Peace on Earth would also be possible. However, the journey to Peace is a process and as that process requires spiritual and physical movement, it is in protecting that travel with the continued remembrance of the Good News of Peace that allows for continuous growth.

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93 o Use the Shield of Faith with which you can stop all the burning arrows of the Evil One. o Once that travel along the path to The Master‘s Degree begins, a disciple is put at odds with the World. This could be in the form of family, friends, business associates, religious acquaintances, etc. Because of the negative nature of the World, the ‗Evil One‘ has trained everyone in the World to initially respond negatively to the counter-nature of the Kingdom of God. Therefore, the Shield of Faith is employed to all a disciples positive belief in their Kingship training to overcome any and all negative approaches from the World. The combination of the continuous practice of Truth, Righteousness and the Good News of Peace begins to develop a new thought process that recognizes the ‗burning arrows‘ and allows the Shield of Faith to render such attacks useless. o Accept God's Salvation as your Helmet o The Helmet is a piece of Armor that is used to protect the Head from injury. Spiritually speaking, it is in the Mind that we begin to accept God‘s salvation. Before each of us was born, God had already written that we all would be able to become reattached to the Oneness of God and receive Son of God status. However, due to the travels through the World, that thought must become ingrained in our individual minds and spirit. Through the use of the Helmet of Salvation, a disciple is able to protect its mind and spirit by continually focusing on the newly developed thought process gained from the practice of the Truth, Righteousness, Good News of Peace and Faith. Such a developing thought process is what is used to provide a disciple with the Kingship training needed to become a ruling and reigning Son of God. . The story of David and Goliath gives insight into the value of the Helmet. Although a giant in stature, Goliath was defeated by a stone that penetrated his forehead. By putting down his helmet, spiritually speaking, Goliath was stating that despite that apparent size and strength of what was known and used in the World, it was not capable of protecting him from the Knowledge of God. o Take the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God. o In protecting against the powers of the World, the Sword of the Spirit is given as the effective tool. Similar to the stone of David, the Word of God is the Knowledge of God that easily defeats the World. The Word of God is tool used in shaping the thought process of a Son of God, and as such, is the basis for the formation of the Whole Armor of God. It is not merely in the reciting of the Word of God, but the understanding gained by becoming a disciple. Many know the words of the Bible, and Satan has been identified in Biblical verses as knowing the Bible as well; however, it is in the understanding of HOW the Words of God relate to a Son of God

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that makes it most effective. A sincere Kingdom Seeker will find what is needed to improve spiritual understanding through the use of the Word of God; consequently, the disciple will possess all the tools needed to defeat and overcome the World.

o 1 John 5:4-5 because everyone who is a child of God conquers the world. And this is the victory that conquers the world—our faith. 5 So the one who conquers the world is the person who believes that Jesus is the Son of God. Kingdom Training Along the Path of Righteousness, a disciple begins the process of understanding the spiritual fertilizer used to assist in their growth from seed to Tree. This process is called MANURING (discussed earlier) and is a two part process. The first part, is the beginning of understanding the HOW‘s and WHY‘s of your life, and the second part is learning to only listen to what God is NOW teaching rather than listening and following what may have been previously learned while in the World…this is why Jesus said that you must come to Kingdom Seeking as a child. It requires the re-learning of the way to live, think and act and is based on humility in letting things of the past go and being able to grasp and use new understandings. In the World, parents are tasked with providing the structures needed to make it in life. However, unless the structures provided to the child came as a result of the Kingdom Seeking/Master‘s Degree process, all prior structural training was based on surviving in the World. According to Paul, everyone on the planet has sinned, and according to what God relayed to Moses, He will ‗punish‘ the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those that don‘t listen to Him. Therefore, we all at some point were the third or fourth generation in our physical family and as such, did not benefit from our parents possessing the spiritual information needed to reconnect with God. By understanding and appreciating that 1)our parents, despite their best efforts, did not possess Kingdom training information, and 2)no one is to blame, it becomes relatively easier to begin the understanding process. In general, the passing of the sins to the third and fourth generation means that the life being lived and the things being done by a child (positively and negatively) are the being passed along spiritually by the parents or grandparents. Due to the following of Worldly culture, a child is usually unaware of the sins of their ancestral past and as such, will unknowingly repeat past parental sins. Whether it is sexual in nature, pride, scholastic failure or achievement, or anything falling in the sin category, without Kingdom training, the child will in some shape or form commit the same sin. Once along the Path of Righteousness, believing in following the teachings of Jesus, the Heavenly Father begins to reveal not only the nature of the reason for the sin, but, through understanding, begins to teach how others fall prey to the same type of thinking. This results in the ability to see another through the eyes of Grace, remove the stain of shame and guilt from the self and empower the disciple to assist others in being delivered

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95 from the burdens of these sins by providing testimonial proof that God does and will save us from our sins. Through the eyes of Grace, the disciple can begin to understanding the actions and behaviors of parents, who also were likely the recipient of faulty training from their parents. By understanding the source of all sin (fear, doubt), the disciple begins to uncover (manure) the various levels and instances of their life, from childhood through adulthood. Parents who yell, curse, physically abuse, or even simply ignore their child do so because the mirror reflection that IS the child, reflects an image that the parent either disapproves of or doesn‘t understand. The unresolved traits of their own upbringing produces the fruit of discontent in the child; however, because the parent is not properly trained in HOW to deal with this conflicting reflection, oftentimes, negative responses were used. The child, as a mirror reflection of the parent, invokes fear, and possibly shame. Nonetheless, as a disciple, the knowledge of this information is used to lift the veil of confusion as to WHY they were treated that way; thereby, allowing the opposite of this knowledge to be used in the proper, Kingdom training of THEIR children. Furthermore, compassion is offered to the parent, who, though perhaps not along the same path and unaware of the value of this information, may continue to display negative responses, just as Jesus said would happen as a result of Kingdom Seeking. o Luke 8:19-21 19 Now Jesus’ mother and brothers came to see him, but they were not able to get near him because of the crowd. 20 Someone told him, “Your mother and brothers are standing outside, wanting to see you.” 21 He replied, “My mother and brothers are those who hear God’s word and put it into practice.” o Luke 12:52-53 52For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 53The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law. As a Parent, a male and female are temporary stewards over the children that come into their lives. According to Kingdom of God principles, once a child has matured to an adult level, the relationship matures also, from mother-father-child to that of brother- sister. As equals in Elohim, once a parent has trained a child how to reconnect to God themselves, adult years transitions that parent/child connection and establishes the equality of the Oneness in Elohim as brothers and sisters, all listening to the One Father. However, if a parent has not traveled down the Path of Righteousness and received Kingship training, division will take place due to the conflicting principles governing life. The principles of a disciple/Son of God are opposite of World-based principles and explain why Jesus did not ‗recognize‘ His physical mother.

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As someone who had not yet embraced the Path, the physical mother of Jesus was at odds with the ways of God. As such, only those who practice Kingship training are considered family. Therefore, homes become divided as children break away from the traditions of their physical parents/families and embrace the New Song of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Using NEW Ears As stated earlier, when not progressing along the Path of Righteousness, people develop D.A.D. issues. These issues arise from listening to and following the instructions of those you trust, learning that the instructions are insufficient and developing self-made, self-learned techniques to deal with making it in the World. In order to learn, understand and sing the New Song of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, a disciple must learn to only listen to the Grace, Peace and Agape Love being professed from the Holy Spirit. Initially, listening and responding properly requires practice, as the tendency to listen and respond based on the norms of World-based teaching is expected. However, much like the response of an obedient child to their physical parent, the response of ‗I am doing this because MY FATHER SAID‘ is a response that is learned and used in lieu of personal understanding. Responding to negativity in positive ways, or even not at all, is a trait of Kingship training. Just as a young child may feel a little odd by going against the norms of established popularity, stating that one is doing so by command of a parent not only shifts the onus of the action to the direction of a superior, but it also eliminates the questioning of the reasoning, as most children will never question another child‘s parent for the decision-making going on inside of their home. As a result, the child is protected by the Father‘s guidance.

John 17:15 My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the [wicked] one. Protect – in front, agree with (pro-); to cover (-tect) o The Father protects His children by agreeing to be in front us to cover

Cover – to comceal o to hide (ceal); with, together (com) . the use of the prefix COM is more appropriate, as the prefix CON is associate with the negative or opposite of COM

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o The Father covers His children by hiding us securely together with HIM . Secure – surety, without care, untroubled, mentally certain . Secret – set apart, withdrawn hidden . Safe – uninjured, unharmed, good health

Savior – ONE who makes secure, safe As a disciple, whose focus is on achieving Son of God status, the attention must continually be one the ideals mentioned regarding Quadrant 1, specifically Point D. By doing what ‗MY FATHER SAID‘ long enough, the disciple will come to understand the reasoning behind what the Father has said and begin to display the behavior as one that is self-motivated, rather than at the ‗hand‘ of the Father. In doing so, not only will ‗new ears‘ for hearing what God requires for continuous movement is developed, but so too is an appetite for ‗new food‘. One valuable way to begin understanding what ‗MY FATHER SAID‘ is in focusing and practicing on the way you view your experiences. Many people become so focused on the past and future, they fail to recognize the value of TODAY as a present. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the focus shifts away from the past and future and is centered primarily on TODAY.

Yesterday/The past

o Philippians 3:13-14 Brothers and sisters, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. . The Apostle Paul makes it clear in this verse that focus on the past can restrict forward movement. The past serves strictly as the location for uncovering the lessons required for advancing in Kingship training. The past is not to be used to tie oneself, or another to; in doing so, the ability to see to plan of God is inaccessible. Instead, by focusing on the ‗prize‘ of becoming a Son of God, a disciple is able to steer clear of the pitfalls many face by looking backwards.


o Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. . Tomorrow is a day beyond Today, and as such, requires an attempt to see beyond what is known, in order to prepare against negative possibilities. By nature, the focus on tomorrow, also referred to as the future, brings about worry. Seeking the Kingdom of God is all

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about eliminating worry and embracing trust. According to the Book of Life, each day of our lives is known; therefore, trusting in the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit allows a disciple to focus only on what is truly important.


o Hebrews 3:12-13 12 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. . The cure for eliminating focus on the past and/or the future, is to focus on TODAY. Since the past weighs you down, and the future brings about worry, the daily practice of Kingdom positivity brings each disciple closer to their higher, reconnected Elohim selves, and away from their lower, sinful selves. Hebrews 3 and 4 are in reference to the Rest of the Kingdom of Heaven, and the daily focus on what God is requiring TODAY is all a disciple needs. Whether it is focusing on performing at your best at studying, work parenting, etc., focusing only on practicing and improving TODAY, what was learned yesterday, keeps a disciple properly aligned with becoming a Son of God. New Food

Matthew 11:30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.

Yoke – the connection that joins a pair of oxen to be led together o Husband to Wife; Family to the Holy Spirit . As a spiritual disciple, the symbolism of the Oxen is vitally important. An oxen is an animal, that by virtue of the yoke, is easily led to plot a certain path for the purpose of cultivating land. The singular focus and sense of purpose of the Oxen characterizes the traits needed for a disciple who is being led by the Holy Spirit. The redirection of focus and purpose can be achieved by the introduction and consistent inclusion of the ‗new food‘ that is required to sustain the energy needed to be effective and productive. . With such direct focus and purpose, the yoking together, spiritually with the Holy Spirit and physically Husband-to-Wife, the disciple begins to learn and use patience. Through patience, a disciple begins to learn to ‗see‘ the movements of God in their life and how to respond appropriately. Likewise, with the addition of positivity to patience, the lessons needed to assist in the mastery and

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dominion of any given situation become easier and easier to understand. As a disciple, by focusing on achieving Son of God status, you are simultaneously practicing mastery over 3 quadrants at the same time. With Quadrant 4, you are practicing mastery and dominion over the beast of the field, as well as the creeping things of the Earth. As explained earlier, this is practiced dominion over the base, lower nature of ourselves, as well as the problems that may arise from those previous experience. With Quadrant 3, dominion is being practiced over the ways of the World that have been taught and practiced. And with Quadrant 2, this is dominion over the Self, as it related to the weeding out of feelings, thoughts and emotions developed in Quadrant 3 and 4. The key to mastery and dominion over those 3 Quadrants is the development of the appetite for the ‗food‘ of Man and a disregard for the food of the animals. With regard to the Kingdom of God and becoming a Son of God, the spiritual food that must always be used is pure positivity. Peace, the resulting feeling gained from the practice of thoughts ranging between joy and agape love, is one of the three sources from where pure positivity flow. Grace, the result of the knowledge God already has regarding your life, expressed on Earth through Forgiveness and Kingdom Truth, is the second source of pure positivity. And Agape Love, the perfect synthesis of God the Father and God the Holy Spirit, from which Grace and Peace get their reflection is the third. By keeping your mind focused purely on what God has before you, what come across your path and the practice of learned Kingdom principles, the food of Man becomes easier and easier to ‗eat‘. Spiritually, your response to any and all situations will be that of a positive outlook and/or a complete disregard to the negative thoughts/actions of others, as the food of the animals will become less and less tolerable. The World, and the institutions in it, are all tasked with teaching how to ‗eat‘ the food of the World. Due to the negative nature of the World, the ‗food‘ is negative, and as such, is reflected in the way cultures propagate thoughts. Teaching everyone how to feel, think and respond to negative words and situations is part of the ways of the World. A disciple is one who begins to identify these ways and reject them in favor of positive responses. With the knowledge that God has already written a positive story that works together for your good, an attempt by anyone who IS NOT a Kingdom Seeker to bring you negativity should be ignored (taking care is a transaction, one in which you must acknowledge the negativity and use it) and/or redirected in thought as a way to understand what positive God is ACTUALLY bringing into your life. This requires practice, as the training of the World has applied to many areas of your life, and Kingship training will rework each of those areas as well. In general, the negative (molehill) experience actually occurs to re-educate towards Kingdom of God principles or assist you in moving in the direction God has for you. By counting it all joy, and continuing to Seek the Kingdom of God first, you will be poised to gain access to the understanding of just what it is God is leading you to.

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Once an understanding is gained, begin practicing what was learned, in addition to previous training, as the way to master and practice dominion over the lower Quadrants. In doing so, you begin to not allow external environmental factors to affect you. The story of Jesus walking on water (Matthew 14:22-33) proves this point. Jesus was successful in walking on the waters of life, amongst the strong wind of the spirit of the World, because He did not focus on them, His focus was on His destination. However, Peter was not as successful because he choose to acknowledge the external environmental factors surrounding him, rather than keeping his eye on what he desired most (to be like Christ).

Isaiah 26:3 You will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are steadfast, because they trust in you. In the practice of Kingship training, it is important to notice a few things. First, the Father does not place pressure nor stress upon you to get where He know you are going, so don‘t place pressure or stress or yourself or others, whether they are fellow disciples or less. Furthermore, don‘t allow anyone to place pressure or stress on you, as they are of a different mind and serve a different lord.

Press – crowd, multitude…to push against o ure – the purpose of function of . Pressure serves the function of pushing against something . Pressure – continuous force by one body on another; a compelling or constraining influence, such as a moral force, on the mind or will (as in peer pressure) o Multitude – a great number of many that are different

Similitude – many of the same/likeminded; oneness (as God is One) Because The Heavenly Father knows that you, as a disciple has chosen to be led along The Path of Righteousness, He already knows that you not only may stumble as a child along the way, but He also knows that you will mature into what you were created to be. Consequently, treat yourself and others around you in the same manner. While The Father does use various means to correct His Children (the Rod), He also provides the guidance needed to get back and remain on course (the Staff). While correction of thought is required, the Spiritual Rod is not something to be feared. Although World-based discipline has used a physical item for the administering of punishment to the body; thereby, causing fear of God‘s rod, spiritually speaking, God‘s means of correction occurs in areas of your life that require adjustment.

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For instance, if an area of your life you hold dearly is opposite of or hindering the principle God is trying to teach, the adjustment or removal of that area of life will occur. By counting it all joy, an understanding of how that particular area of life was hindering Kingdom understanding can be gained; thereby, causing an appreciation for the correction of thought. The correction is necessary to mold proper understanding and assist in guiding direction and evidence that God wants you to gain Kingship training. Viewing such correction properly is important to maintaining your focus on where God is leading and help in understanding Kingdom principles in relation to World-based ones.

Proverbs 13: 24 If you do not (correct) your children, you don't love them, but if you love your children, you will correct them.

Proverbs 23:13-14 13Withhold not correction from the child: for if thou (correct) him with the rod, he shall not die. 14Thou shalt (correct) him with the rod, and shalt deliver his soul from hell. o Again, the rod and correction spoken is related to spiritually. Physical correction is the result of unawareness on how to discipline and teach spiritually…all which is gained through The Master‘s Degree process. o Looked at another way: By physically beating on another, you are asking God to physically inflict pain by beating on you as a means for learning…that may be a way of the World (a reflection of the frustration on not having the answer so the use of physical dominance to subdue another), but not so in the Kingdom of God. Physical discipline, just like negative and elevated tones of language, are due to a misunderstanding. Instead of understanding how to respond in love, the physical response is one generated from fear.

Observing Sabbath

Proverbs 12:1 Anyone who loves learning accepts correction, but a person who hates being corrected is stupid. One way to review the lessons of correction that have come into you life is through the practice of observing the Sabbath. While on my personal journey through The Master‘s Degree process, I was led by the Holy Spirit, through my progressive studies, to attend services at a local Hebrew Israelite temple. Of the many things I was able to learn during my visits, two things stood out: the value of not coveting (already discussed) and the value of Sabbath. Most Bible readers are aware that on the seventh day of Creation, God himself saw that all work done the previous six days was deemed ‗good‘, and as a result, rested from all His efforts. Also, as one of the Ten Commandments, God required the Children of Israel to observe the Sabbath. While many modern day religions do take one day at the end of the week to worship, the reason why is not always clearly known.

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For the purposes of my journey, from sundown on Friday evening, to sundown Saturday evening, my family and I typically rest from our general weekly activities. This resting period is for reflection and recharging. As a function of reflection, it allows each one in the family to review the lessons that have come into our lives in regards to the practice required from the previous week‘s lessons. By viewing the current week‘s lessons through the previous weeks practice, we gain insight into progress made or identify areas requiring additional need for practice. For example, if last week‘s lesson required practice on responding to those outside of the home with positivity in the face of possible negativity, a review of the week regarding that practice is discussed. Based on the results, we are all aware of how to proceed and practice in the upcoming week. Since each week of Kingship training is similar to a schooling experience, this time down is also a steeping away from the material learned as a way to allow the mind, spirit and body recharge and refresh…similar to how schools are not in session, or most jobs are closed on the weekend. Observing the Sabbath provides another opportunity usually unknown outside of Kingdom Seeking: the value of your children. Our children, while our responsibility on temporary loan from God, are a great way that God has provided each parent to assist in their spiritual growth. By focusing on the week-to-week issues that arise in a child‘s life (maturity, peer pressure, puberty, etc.), each parent has the opportunity to gain an insight into the inner workings of their child‘s mind and their life experiences and gain a glimpse into their own childhood. Based on the response to a similar situation as a child, the disciple has the wonderful opportunity to provide something that was not provided during their growth. For instance, if a son is having problems with certain areas of peer pressure that the father can relate to from similar previous experience, the father has the ability to now compare the situation and appropriate response to the knowledge being gained throughout the Master‘s Degree process. Whereas, prior to Kingdom Seeking, the father may provide inaccurate information that would cause the son to simply continue along undefined paths that lead further and further into the World, the father now has the information to help the son be able to chart a new Kingdom-based path that will lead to greater peace and joy. This weekly exercise allows each parent to remove their own personal demons while simultaneously assist in providing correct spiritual information to their child. By researching their own past, each parent can gain insight into the thought process that led to their response in the similar situation as a child and actually ‗see‘ how that thought process propagated a chain of responses throughout the rest of life. Consequently, the knowledge gained not only sets the parent free from repeating inaccurate responses to certain situations, but also allows for the chain of fear-, worry-, doubt-based responses to be broken in their child‘s life. This now provides the child with the proper information to assist in their child-to-adult growth and equips them with the information needed to pass along to future generations.

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Proverbs 22:6 Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. Training a child in the way he/she should go is what is learned along the path to The Master‘s Degree and is practiced and reinforced with Sabbath reviews. While parents who have not received Kingship training generally provide the best training that they are aware of, only Kingship training reveals the WAY HE/SHE SHOULD GO. It is not until the parent has deconstructed his/her own childhood/past that the Kingdom information is provided to know the proper way to train. Given the ways, speed and institutions of the World, all training received prior to Kingship training results in various incorrect ways, speed of growth, and built in distractions. Interestingly, if a parent believes he/she has successfully benefited from non-Kingdom upbringing, or has overcome the limitations of their childhood training, the parent may feel the need to repeat the training they received. This though process results in further servitude to the World. For instance, as a result of the agricultural beginnings of the United States of America, many African slaves began their families with an adult male marrying a teenage wife. In some instances, the female may have been as young as 13, since by that age the female was capable of producing children. Even though a teenage female possesses the capability to produce adult results, it does not mean it SHOULD happen. As a result, the modern-day World seeks to speed up the process of male/female relationships by encouraging teen-age dating, teen-age employment, and a host of other mature responsibilities. What is not learned until Kingdom Seeking begins is that children, who are not fully developed mentally or spiritually, but who engage in adult- level thinking and/or actions, result in suspended development of their maturity. A teen-age boy, who is going to school, playing sports and enjoying his friends in the World, does not know who he is, what he like or what his life has in store for him. Likewise with teen-aged girls; although, given their spiritual ability to sense and maneuver around potential impending dangers, they seem to have a slightly greater sense. Nonetheless, Kingship training reveals that the information received by Disciples must be practiced by their children in a highly focused environment, in order to become successful. A Kingship training teen-ager is being retaught how to see him as a son, brother and child of God. As a result, it becomes clear that the ways, speed and institution of the World hinder this learning process. A young man who has not quite learned about himself, who begins to take on the responsibility of developing feelings and support for a young woman, who herself has not quite understood what it is she knows about herself, results in failed relationships. A person who doesn‘t know themselves, trying to learn who they are while simultaneously trying to please someone who is also trying to learn who they are, doesn‘t work. The results of failed marriages and improper upbringing of children is a testament to that fact.

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Consequently, only through the ways and speed of Kingship training can a child truly learn which way to go. As the Adonai of each parent leads along the path of Understanding, the information needed to overcome previous, improper training, can be passed along to the child. It is not training from fear, as pushing against something in hopes that it won‘t happen generally pushes a child towards it, rather it is training from the sharing of knowledge and experience.

1 Corinthians 6:12 I am allowed to do all things," but not all things are good for me to do. "I am allowed to do all things," but I will not let anything make me its slave. This requires an approach to training that is opposite of that of the World, and may include:

Homeschooling – School environment are the primary location where young children develop their sense of who they are. A general desire to ‗fit in‘ leads to following the crowd with the most appeal to the young child. Pressures to develop and maintain premature relationships and experiences generally begin and flourish in the present school system. Information taught within the World- based school system is designed to further the ways of the World, and as such are opposite of Kingdom training. o School actually teaches a student how to worry. By training the student to focus on future assignments, quizzes/tests, as well as what and how they are going to progress in life, the student begins to think beyond today and become concerned with tomorrow. This creates pressure and stress in the mind of the student and causes the student to begin looking at all aspects of life in these terms. In the Kingdom of God, Jesus tells his Disciples to only focus on today as a means of not falling victim to the thoughts and actions generated by focusing on the future. Kingship training does progress along various tracts; however, the focus is only on practicing what was learned, as opposed to trying to get ready and prepare for upcoming quizzes and/or tests. By only focusing on the practice of what has been learned, a Kingdom Disciple only needs to focus on the task/practice at hand…the guidance of Adonai naturally and spiritually brings about the progression to the next level of learning without any pressure or stress placed upon the Disciple or the information being presented. By doing so, Adonai peacefully leads the Disciple to the expected end that Yahweh has set aside, rather than causing the individual to try and figure out a way to make it in the World.

. Matthew 6:34 So don't worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will have its own worries. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

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Dating – a Kingship trained child has enough to focus on as they begin to reshape their minds in relation to their interactions with the World. Adding another distracting focus serves to take attention away from Kingship training. Once a Kingdom child becomes mature in the ways and training of the Kingdom, he/she will be well ready to know who he/she is and what he/she does or does not like. This allows for an easy transition into a relation with either 1. Another Kingdom trained partner of the opposite gender or 2. Possessing the ability to help guide a non-Kingdom Seeker into the ways of the Kingdom.

Entertainment – some forms of entertainment promote either advanced adult thinking, or negative influential thinking. These forms of entertainment are understood based on the teaching received by the Kingdom Seeking parent. The understanding leads to the ability to explain the lack of value in these forms and gives the child the chance to ‗see‘ for themselves. For instance, the explanation of the origin of the fear and how and where it leads helps a child understand for him/herself why playing violent videogames is not good for the mind and spirit. Likewise, explaining to a child the value gained in taking the time needed to learn and master Kingship training assist the child in understanding his/herself the value in waiting on engage in adult-like activities of the opposite gender. These explanations serve to not push the child away from these things out of fear, but rather allows the child to understand from a position of knowledge and love. o Television/Movies/Music – These popular forms of entertainment are generally introduced early on in life and serve as a way to learn, laugh and enjoy what is being presented. These forms of entertainment also serve to advance the cause of General Negativity. As a non-Kingdom Seeker, most of the material found in these forms of entertainment are not viewed as harmful or negative; on the contrary, many people glean ideals on relationships, health, spirituality, etc. from these forms. However, as a Kingdom Seeker, it becomes fairly clear that these forms of entertainment subtly serve to introduce, remind and reinforce General Negativity. Without Kingdom understanding, many of the ideals regarding relationships, health, spirituality, etc., serve to keep a mind focused on negative Worldly possibilities. In not promoting Kingdom ideals, this information helps shape young and old World-based minds toward negative directions. Just as negative as they are, they are an inversion of the overwhelming introduction, reminder and reinforcement of the positive ideals of the Kingdom of Heaven. o Children are focusing sponges, nearly mimicking everything they see and hear. It is vital to pay attention to what children are exposed to in order to ensure they develop properly in relation to their Kingship training. This includes family members and friends. While initially a child may be able to recognize the value of the difference in what is being learned in a Kingdom Seeking household, compared to a non-Kingdom Seeking household, when the difference begins to affect the learning process, it is important to begin limited exposure. Much like basic training in the

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military or fraternity/sorority initiation, limited exposure to those who don‘t share the same thought process is valuable in allowing the trained thought process to take hold. It requires discipline and understanding on the parent‘s part in achieving this balance. o Complete withdrawal from society is not needed, just an understanding of what parts and when. Exposure to various aspects of the World provide a framework from which to explain the value of Kingship training, and the information gained allows the child to serve as an example to others. As stated earlier, understanding when to limit that exposure will become clearer as Kingship training progresses. Ineffective emotional ties to family and friends can hinder this understanding; however, strong leadership by a newly developing husband will assist in overcoming emotional decisions and aid in continuing along the Kingship training path. Another valuable way of understanding the Sabbath is this: just like most educational institutions, resting on the weekend, after a long week of the studying and learning all week, allows the mind and spirit to rest and be refreshed. Often times, students who are very studious may come back to class after the weekend with a renewed approach and possible answers to previously perplexing problems. So it is with Sabbath. One who is Kingdom Seeking all week-long will enjoy the mental and spiritual relaxation of the Sabbath. No student wants to really attend classes on the weekend, and rarely are their teachers who would do the same. The break allows for refocus. The only time when this principle is not accurate is when the student or the teacher has not truly been effective all week. The attempt to cram and fix in two days what was supposed to have been worked on for the past five day is a misdirected focus, and will not lead to effective learning or the expected outcome of the education. As a disciple, practice what you WANT to believe (Quadrant 1) so you can believe it, so that, you can practice being who you WANT to be (Quadrant 1) so you can become it. Don‘t pay attention to what is going on in the lives of another (coveting), especially one who is not a Kingdom Seeker, as you don‘t know what they did or are doing to have what they have. You don‘t want to add the problems of the soil that God is growing in that seed/tree to your soil. The stubbornness (ass) and the leadership training (ox) of each person is individual. Focus only on wanting what God has for you.

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Aim your practice/thoughts/actions in the direction of God, and not the World, and watch your reality change.

REAL – Real is a word that means that which pertains to something happening again o -al - suffix that means pertaining to o Re - prefix that means to do again . There are only two things that can happen again:

The repeated cycles of the World (fear, doubt, worry)

The story that God 1)wrote for you life, and is now 2) happening again…negative possibilities, worries and doubt are not RE-AL to God. His Will is positive. The fact that you are on Earth is evidence that God has already completed writing your story with you becoming a Son of God , backed up and THEN began your life. To connect with what is REAL with God, continue practicing positivity through patience and receive the peace attached with GOD‘s REALNESS. Caterpillar to Butterfly One example that sums up the transition from the World to Disciple-to-Son of God status is that of the Caterpillar to Butterfly. While Jesus used the Parable of the Pearl to explain HOW the seed is placed inside of the shell/World, and the value of the resulting Pearl, and He used the Parable of the Mustard Seed to show the impact of the growth of the seed into a mighty tree, the understanding of the Caterpillar to Butterfly provides insight into the mentality of the process. A caterpillar is ultimately a baby butterfly. Due to the limits of the caterpillar‘s movements, the diet of a caterpillar is likewise limited. In general, a caterpillar can only eat from the leaves that it can access; however, due to its limited mobility, this makes the diet of the caterpillar limited. Nonetheless, the life of a caterpillar primarily consists of eating; thereby, facilitating the energy needed for eventual growth. The movement of the caterpillar is a slinking-type motion, requiring different sections of the body to bend and contort as a way to generate movement. The appearance of the caterpillar is nothing like the eventual beauty of its impending butterfly self. Most caterpillars are very similar in appearance. So, the appearance, movements, and diet are very specific to all caterpillars. Caterpillars undergo the transformation of becoming a butterfly in a closed off, cocoon- like environment, called a chrysalis. Inside the chrysalis, the caterpillar begins to undergo hormonal changes that begin to change the nature and appearance of the caterpillar. The hormonal ‗information‘ being generated inside the chrysalis prepares the

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108 caterpillar for its eventual ability to fly and to eat a different type of diet. On the surface, it appears that no movement is taking place; however, great movement and change takes place during this process. Once the butterfly emerges from its chrysalis, a new appearance, a new way of movement and a new way of eating are revealed. By flapping its new wings repeatedly, the butterfly begins to learn, independently, how to master this new form of movement. As a result of this new form of movement, the butterfly has a vastly expanding range of destinations to choose from which to eat. Once a suitable location has been located, no longer does the butterfly eat the leaves of a plant or flower, like its old, caterpillar self; the butterfly now is able to drink the sweet nectar of the flower bud. So it is with Kingdom Seeking. Children of God are like the caterpillar, eating only the food that it knows of, completely unaware of its ultimate form and beauty, and limited in movement due to herky-jerky steps. Caterpillars in the World happily and obediently eat the negativity that is offered, along with the occasional positivity, not knowing that other forms of ‗diet‘ are possible. However, it is this World diet of information and experiences that a child of God ultimately uses to facilitate their spiritual growth and understanding for eventual ruling and reigning in the Kingdom of Heaven. The children of God are also unaware of the eventual form and beauty that is to be, also happily and obediently believing that their current form is acceptable. As they look out in the World and see others who appear to look the same as they see themselves, children of God can grow content on remaining as they are. As a result of the diet and reflective appearance, children of God mimic the movements of the World. The unsatisfying limitations of these movements cause and increased intake of ‗food‘. The lack of satisfaction, of the movements and increased eating of the food of the World, causes children of God to call out to God in an attempt to find the true satisfaction that their spirit craves. This progress towards growth causes a separation from the World and places the Kingdom Seeker inside of a spiritual chrysalis. When John was exiled on the Isle of Patmos, what most people may not be aware of is this ‗exile‘ allows God to place His children in a place where His Voice can be heard.

Patmos – the Father‘s Will. o Pater – Latin for Path (Father) o Mos – Latin for will/inclination Just like the chrysalis for the caterpillar, the Isle of Patmos, is the separation of a child of God, who is being trained to progress to a Son of God. It is God‘s Will that a Disciple learn the ways, movements, appearance and diet of a Son of God and this is done on the Isle of Patmos. Personally, I was/have been living in the World, while simultaneously not IN the World.

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When God allowed Moses to lead the children of Israel, from Egypt into the desert, that was a chrysalis moment. God knew that the children of Israel had received extensive indoctrination into the ways of Egypt/the World; consequently, they required a chrysalis moment for them to be introduced to a new way of thinking, while simultaneously letting go of the old ways of thought.

Exodus 13:17-18 17 When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” 18 So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.[a] The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle. In order to be ready to properly serve the Kingdom of God, a disciple must be patient during their chrysalis moment. The ‗desert road‘ is isolated and away from the ways and thoughts of the past; thereby, allowing for the training needed to renew the mind. Once the mind is properly renewed, there is no desire to return back to the World. My Isle of Patmos allowed me to understand clearly the teachings that were being taught to me by the Holy Spirit. The information I received caused me to immediately practice what I learned; thereby, allowing me to learn to trust in the Teachings of God. These were unknown-until-taught principles that I trusted in and used in my day-to-day life. While I had no example, other than my trust in following Jesus, I practiced principles that I did not see being practiced in the World. As a result of the success of my practice, I taught these principles to my family, allowing them the opportunity to practice these same ideals in their own, personal environments. Just like the developing butterfly inside of the chrysalis, there did not appear to be much movement; however, the principles and ideals learned were/are training for Kingdom ruling and reigning. Practicing the principles and ideals of Kingship training in my Worldly environment, not only strengthens my faith and trust in them, but makes it a natural transition for use when it comes time to use them for the Kingdom of Heaven. Furthermore, just as a butterfly uses the energy of all the food eaten as a caterpillar, as well as the hormones that are facilitating its transformation, to fuel the transition into what it is becoming, so to does a disciple. Within the chrysalis experience, the information gained while living in the World is being used as energy to aid transformation. Similar to the caterpillar, a disciple doesn‘t receive the same type/level of ‗food‘ as before beginning Kingship training, while in the chrysalis; however, what was learned/eaten is used for reflection. While reflecting, a disciple learns how to transform what was saw, heard, done, and experienced for the benefit of their growth and the Glory of the Kingdom of Heaven. Likewise, the newly developed diet of perpetual joy and positivity, gained during Kingship training, are being used also to aid in transformation while in the chrysalis moment.

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And just like the butterfly, the transition of appearance, diet, movements, learned and mastered while inside of the Isle of God‘s Will, allows for enjoying the ‗sweet nectar‘ of what God has set aside for Sons of God. Likewise, the increased movement capability and transformed appearance serves as an indicator to other caterpillars/children of God as a reminder of the value of the Kingdom Seeking process. It brings awareness to those who don‘t see themselves properly, by providing living examples of the power and value of trusting in God and His Promises. Unrefined to Refined Gold Another example to assist a disciple in understanding the Kingship training process is in understanding how a unrefined rock, containing a piece of gold, is transformed into a valuable piece of pure gold. In order to become a Son of God, the impurities of the information and experiences gained/learned while in the World must be stripped away. The process of how this is achieved is similar to how gold becomes pure. To the untrained eye, gold ore (unrefined gold) may look like a simple rock with copper tones flowing within it. Such a piece of raw material is not nearly as valuable as pure gold. The lack of value is due to the refining process. A disciple doesn‘t look much different than anyone else in the World, except for the possibility of wanting to be a better person and various ineffective attempts at doing so. Such desires are valuable in the World, where positivity is limited and negativity overwhelming; however, it is not as valuable in the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, only the Kingdom of God can initiate the refining process; thereby, resulting in achieving the true value that the World can never produce. The very first step in refining gold ore into pure gold is by adding the metal lead in a process called cupellation. Cupellation is a (three-step) process in which ores or alloyed metals are treated under high temperatures and carefully controlled operations in order to separate noble metals that might be present in the ore. This process is based on the principle that precious metals do not oxidise or react chemically, contrary to what happens to the base metals; so that when they are heated at high temperatures, the precious metals remain apart and the others metals react forming a leftover by-product.

Step 1- Melting away impurities: Once the base metal is added to the unrefined gold, the high temperatures of the flames in a crucible begin to melt away the impurities from the unrefined piece of gold. A crucible is a container, usually made of clay, that can withstand extremely hot temperatures, affecting and altering that which is being heated up, yet not being altered by temperatures itself. Spiritually speaking, each disciple is that container.

o Isaiah 45:9 Woe to those who quarrel with their Maker, those who are nothing but potsherds among the potsherds on the ground. Does the clay say to the potter, ‘What are you making?’ Does your work say, ‘The potter has no hands’?

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Each disciple has been placed in the World; therefore, the ways, thoughts and actions gained in the World is the metal lead that has been added to our unrefined spirits. In order to begin the process, the ‗Fire‘ of the Spirit of God is added to the life of a Kingdom disciple to begin removing the impurities of the World. The ‗temperature‘ of the Spirit of God will be too much for Worldly influences, resulting in those who are not, and that which is not of the Kingdom of Heaven will burn away.

Step 2 – Binding: Inside of the crucible of Life, a Kingdom Seeking disciple begins to receive leadership and guidance from the Holy Spirit. The addition of this spiritual leadership binds the disciple to the Holy Spirit, as an Oxen is bound to another oxen, in order that they may be led together in the same direction. As the Holy Spirit begins to led the disciple in the direction of his/her higher, spiritual self, the impurities of the unrefined ore are now bonded with the lesser metal of lead. Despite the apparently overwhelming temperature cause by the Fire, the disciple is able to go through this process due to its connection to the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit IS the representation of the Fire, and as such, allows the disciple to reach the same level of the intensity of the Fire. Ultimately, the Holy Spirit is the higher, heavenly self of the disciple‘s earthly self, and as such, assists in aligning the disciple more and more to his/her original spiritual self, which is itself the same intensity as the Fire. This transformation allows the disciple to stand in the Fire and not be burnt, while the impurities are immediately affected and burn away.

o Isaiah 43:2 When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and when you pass through the rivers, they will not sweep over you. When you walk through the fire, you will not be burned; the flames will not set you ablaze. When subjected to the intensity of the Fire, the impurities of the World begin to surface and move in the opposite direction of the Holy Spirit; thereby, making it more clearer as to what is and is not of God. This process is similar to the Separation of the Wheat from the Chaff, in that the lighter, unusable chaff is blown away by the air and the solid, usable wheat is all that is left; thereby, clearing identifying what is usable and what is not.

Step 3 – Separation: After the impurities of the unrefined gold are burned away and joined with the metal lead, what is left is pure gold. Spiritually speaking, a disciple now possesses the training and understanding necessary to ruling and reigning in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth as a Son of God. This entire process, like that of a caterpillar-to-butterfly, shines amazing light on the mindset needed while going through Kingship training. Understanding that a disciple is an unrefined piece of gold, requiring a process to achieve the pure reflection of Our Heavenly Father, allows for better progression throughout the process. Completing this process results in the ultimate goal of Peace. As stated earlier, Peace can‘t be achieved by simply wanting it; rather, it is only achieved through the Kingdom Seeking process. Despite the perception of the intensity of the process, these examples

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112 are given by God to display the mindset needed in order to fulfill the path that is planned for each one. One of the most interesting Biblical examples detailing the assistance and eventual success received during this process is in the story of Hananiah, Misha‘, and Azariah, also known as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The Fiery Furnace Hananiah, Misha‘el, and Azariah, were children of Israel who were living in Babylon during the time of Daniel. King Nebuchadnezzar wanted select men from the tribe of Judah to learn the various ways of the Babylonian Kingdom and enrolled these men in a three-year training course that would result in the ability for these men to serve in the King‘s palace. As time went on, a large golden image of the King was created and by official decree, everyone was to bow down and worship the image and failure to do so resulted in being thrown in the fiery furnace. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shadrach,_Meshach,_and_Abednego) Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to bow down to the false idol and upon hearing this news, the King Nebuchadnezzar offered the three men another opportunity to comply with his decree. To this, the men replied:

Daniel 3:16-18 16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to him, “King Nebuchadnezzar, we do not need to defend ourselves before you in this matter. 17 If we are thrown into the blazing furnace, the God we serve is able to deliver us from it, and he will deliver us from Your Majesty’s hand. 18 But even if he does not, we want you to know, Your Majesty, that we will not serve your gods or worship the image of gold you have set up.” Upon hearing their reply, the King ordered that the men be thrown into the furnace, raised seven times hotter than usual. The men who bound and threw them in burned up due to the intensity of the Fire. Once in the furnace, the King noticed that not only were the men no longer bound up, but instead of three men, he now saw four.

Daniel 3:24 He answered and said, Lo, I see four men loose, walking in the midst of the fire, and they have no hurt; and the form of the fourth is like the Son of God. After witnessing the power of the God of these men, the King declared:

Daniel 3:29-30 29Therefore I make a decree, That every people, nation, and language, which speak any thing amiss against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and their houses shall be made a dunghill: because there is no other God that can deliver after this sort. 30Then the king promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, in the province of Babylon.

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As an example of the Power of God during the transformation process, this story is powerful. It shows the discipline required to go against the ways of the World and also the assistive power of the Holy Spirit while going through the refining process. As a result of a disciple seeing the process in terms of joy and positivity, while the outsiders of the World view it as painful and impossible, the end result is to the Glory of God and the increased understanding of all. Not only were the men elevated as a result of their actions, but more importantly, the power of the Living God was acknowledge by all; thereby, leading others to trust in the leadership and guidance of the Holy Spirit and the path and plan of God. These examples serve to assist the mindset and thought process of a disciple, away from the ways and gains of the World, towards the positive and joyful view of the process that leads to becoming a Son of God. Asking questions rather than Questioning It is important for a Kingdom Seeking disciple to understand the difference between asking questions and questioning. Asking questions of leadership, whether the Holy Spirit, or a Kingdom Seeking Husband, is the function of curiosity regarding unknown or unclear information. It is by asking questions of God that we gain the answers that promotes our growth in God. It is natural to ask questions regarding all manner of information, particularly as World-based knowledge and experience contradicts Kingship training. Such questions are the basis for the transforming of the mind of a Kingdom Seeker and are a sign of faith and trust. Not asking questions is a function of fear or pride. Just as a Kingdom Seeking husband should ask God all types of questions in an effort to remove the darkness from the ‗eyes‘; thereby, resulting in the maturation to the his true role in the family, so too should a wife and children ask questions of its Kingdom Seeking husband/hather. As the wife and children ask questions regarding the newfound understanding, attitude and actions of a Kingdom Seeking husband, to gain clarity on the nature of such changes, everyone in the family gains access to the opportunity to practice what is being learned from such questioning. The husband gains the opportunity to articulate what is being received from the Holy Spirit; thereby, reinforcing the principles being practice. Likewise, the wife and children gain access to new information to satisfy their curiosity and begin practicing a new set of principles and understandings. Similar to not asking questions, questioning is a function of fear and/or pride as well. Due to the new, and possibly radical nature of Kingdom training, in relation to the training received in the World, some of the information passed along can cause a certain amount of doubt or confusion. This is due to the relatively unsettling nature of learning completely new lifestyle teachings. As a result, a wife, due to her emotional nature, may initially question what is being taught, rather than ask questions. Through love and patience, questioning can transform into asking of questions. Likewise, young/teenage children may have formed very definitive thoughts regarding various lifestyle ideals and question the new training information as well. Again, through positivity, patience and practice, the ability to articulate the information in a loving manner will lead to the asking of questions, rather than continued questioning.

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QUADRANT THREE – Separated from God’s Will/Death Animals - Shapers of the World - Organized Religion (-X1, -Y1)

Quadrant three is the location on the grid where God placed non-Kingdom seekers for the express purpose of fashioning the world (also known as animals). They have express instructions/instincts from God, in the form of the heavens, to do what they do; however, children of God are not to get caught up in what they do or who they are. They are led by emotions and untruths; however, as a mirror of what is to be eventually transformed into Kingdom of Heaven truths, those located in this grid are doing what God requires of them to form the shell from which the seed of the Kingdom grows

Those in Quadrant 4 must go through this quadrant (Valley of the Shadow of Death) in order to find the Path of Righteousness. As those in Quadrant 4 possess NO sense of direction, in Quadrant 3, there is some sense of direction that God has allowed for. It is in here that the religions and governments of the world were formed; thus giving those in Quadrant 4 some type of direction from which to make a decision. However, children of God must not get content on the trappings of the world and get stuck in this Quadrant.

Di/rect/ion – di: two/double; rect; to straighten, guide; ion: the power or energy of o Direction – the power or energy of choosing between two paths (Proclivity) o Proclivity - an inclination or predisposition toward something; especially: a strong inherent inclination toward something objectionable…knowing what you don‘t like or want can help you understand what you do like or want

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Animal – pertaining to (-al) the spirit/soul of the world (anim-); to give breath to; the endow with the spirit of the world; to give courage

Animals are a spiritually lower form of Man and are called Human. As opposed to what is generally known as the flesh and blood animals found in the woods or jungle, these are physical beings who, due to their lack of spiritual maturity, are referred to as animals. This explains how, despite Adam and Eve being the only version of Man initially listed, we find the entire world already populated not long after the birth of their children. This also explains who was on board Noah‘s Ark during the Flood. It was a symbiotic relationship for learning purposes.

It is from this Quadrant that you find religions who worship/revere physical animals, sometimes even over human life. The worship of animals (cattle, whales, sharks, etc.) is truly the worship of self, as those who choose to stay in the World rather than advance on to the Path of Righteousness have held themselves personally in a higher esteem than their Creator. Consequently, the worship of the spirit of the animal is truly the embrace of the characteristics of nature of the chosen animal and its relation to the way the person sees themselves.

It is in this Quadrant where East Indian and Taoic forms of religion and government originate and served to establish boundaries on which other forms of religion would be based on. Due to their inverted nature, they establish basic principles but without acknowledgement of or followship to Kingdom of God principles. For instance, in some Buddhist and Hindu teachings, the Buddha is revered as the avatar (physical embodiment of a higher spiritual being) for the god . In Indian religion, Vishnu represents the supreme god, the all-pervading essence of all beings. In this capacity, Vishnu is patterned after the Omnipotent, Omnipresent, Omniscience of Yahweh/Jehovah and the Buddha as the physical representation of Jesus. However, in the story of the Buddha, what is learned is how to deal and cope with suffering here on Earth, rather than the story of Jesus, which is one of redemption and reconciliation.

Similarly, the religion of Tao has at its very essence the principles of being in harmony with the ‗flow of the universe‘, having a proper attitude, morality and lifestyle; thereby, allowing the person to be in harmony with nature. However, without the path to righteousness, which actually pairs/connects the individual to the spiritual energy of God, the information contained within this religion will not be a sustainable source connection.

The religions and governments set up in this Quadrant never were intended to replace the original connection that God set forth from the beginning. Actually, John 3:16 tells us that because of the fallible nature of these ideals, Jesus is shown as the way to transcend, and thereby, incorporate the knowledge gained from within this Quadrant as a way to produce various new fruit…once reconnected with the Tree of Life. John 16:33 "I told you these things so that you can have peace in me. In this world you will have trouble, but be brave! I have defeated the world."

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Colossians 2:20-23 You have died with Christ, and he has set you free from the spiritual powers of this world. So why do you keep on following the rules of the world, such as, 21 “Don’t handle! Don’t taste! Don’t touch!”? 22 Such rules are mere human teachings about things that deteriorate as we use them. 23 These rules may seem wise because they require strong devotion, pious self-denial, and severe bodily discipline. But they provide no help in conquering a person’s evil desires.

The Seas above the Earth represent the Heavens (training place of Princes), and the animals formed from the waters below are winged creatures (physical representation of spiritual characteristics in certain humans)

-X1: Man‘s (Human) free will is aimed in a limited negative direction in relation to Untruths; as a result, the Fear expressed in this grid is highly negative in nature. The ones who belong in this grid are sustained off of these feelings and untruths; however, those who strive for The Master‘s degree have direct instructions on how NOT to get caught up with the ways of the world (emotions rule the world and as such are considered the ‘food for the animals’): -fear, worry, doubt, confusion, anxious…polar opposite feelings that arise from a lack of joy/faith. Matthew 6:26 26 Look at the birds in the air. They don't plant or harvest or store food in barns, but your heavenly Father feeds them. And you know that you are worth much more than the birds. o As has been previously explained, Quadrant Three is the location of the Birds of the Air (physical embodiment of the spirit of the World) and the Fish of the Sea (the spirit behind the movements of the World). According to this verse, by nature, they are geared towards negativity, and as such, the Father feeds them. However, as a Son of God in training, a disciple is not to ‗eat‘ the food of the animals, as God has provided a much greater source of ‗food‘ for His Children.

These negative feelings arise from not trusting that God is in control and that the person must try to FIGURE OUT what to do. With no Master, there is no movement or change in direction; therefore there is Emotion) Emotion - lack of (e-) movement (motion); a state of mind in a negative direction o Any negative feelings or attitudes, such as, Fear, worry, doubt, confusion, shame, are all considered emotions. As a result of the lower, animal nature, emotions require continuous practice in Kingdom Seeking positivity to overcome. Kingdom positivity, such as Joy, are of the higher, spiritual nature and are more natural for Man. Positivity and forgiveness, of the self and others, allows for continued progression from the lower to higher spiritual nature. Kingdom Seeking Husbands must learn to control their emotions in order to become effective in their role. Females are far more reliant on trusting their emotions to dictate movement, resulting in a longer dependence on the use of emotions. A Kingdom Seeking Husband will be able to assist the growth of his family by focusing on positivity and

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allow the guidance that results to be used to direct movements, rather than emotions. . This again is why God said there will be no cowards in the Kingdom of Heaven. This is more in reference to a Husband, who is learning how to use the spiritual guidance of positivity to lead his family, but allows the emotions of the wife to dictate movement. The story of the fall of Solomon details this principle clearly. In the World, females are generally able to impact the thought process of the husband through the use of emotions. In an attempt to satisfy the feelings of an emotional wife, a Husband may make decisions or adjust thought processes to ease the emotions of the wife. Such thoughts and actions keeps the family within the loop of, and servitude to the World. . While not being inattentive or unloving, a Kingdom Seeking husband simply understands the pitfalls of succumbing to emotions and by example, requires the wife, and children, to rise to the level of positive feelings and attitudes required for the Kingdom of Heaven. This requires focus, discipline and understanding. Trust in the teachings received from the Holy Spirit is the basis for such a standing, and proves itself true by not rewarding emotions, but rather, allows God to show Himself strong and mighty when Kingdom principles are adhered to. Such a stance of trust in the Holy Spirit by the husband causes the family to trust more and thus allows additional teaching of the husband to be better received and effectively practiced. Figure - an attempt to predict future events for the purpose of guarding against potential danger (no trust) o Future – time beyond today . ure – suffix meaning process or function of the root word (fut) . Futile – (-ile): a suffix meaning having the qualities of (fut) Futile – vain, worthless; therefore the root word fut means vain, worthless o Future – trying to figure time beyond today in the process or function of being vain, worthless . The Father has already written and completed the story. The fact that we are here on Earth is evidence that the story God has written for our lives is completed. The plan of God is for us to get in alignment with His plan by trusting His leadership and guidance. Attempting to figure beyond or around what God has for the future is futile.

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Because Our Heavenly Father allowed Adam to begin the learning process of Kingdom training in the World, He made it clear that Jesus would come along to eliminate the reliance on Figuring. Genesis 3:7 Then, it was if their eyes were opened. They realized they were naked, so they sewed FIG leaves together and made something to cover themselves. (The leaves of the fruit they ate) o Leave - to remain, to stay put . By tying fig LEAVES together, Adam and Eve where showing a reliance on the use of FIGURING Genesis 3:21 The Lord God made clothes from LAMB skin for the man and his wife and dressed them. o The foreshadowing of the Truth to come and the eventual reliance on Kingdom based trust, rather than World-based figuring Ephesians 6:14 So stand strong, with the belt of truth tied around your waist and the protection of right living on your chest. o The waist area symbolizes the area of covering the displays trust or figuring Matthew 21:21 Jesus replied, "I tell you the truth, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, 'Go, throw yourself into the sea,' and it will be done. o The end of FIGuring…the fig tree no longer produced fruit (results from figuring), but it still had leaves (people still believed in figuring); therefore, Jesus put an end to figuring and signified the beginning of trust and also sent the problems of the World (mountain) back to their origins (Sea, representing the spirit of the World in the Heavens).

Doubt – to dread, fear, become timid by agreeing with a negative possibility o Dread – anticipate with alarm; . Anticipate – to take care ahead of time (anti capable); Take – to grab hold of, into one‘s possession Care - to have a troublesome mind, to worry, lament or to have grief about o to TAKE CARE is a transaction where one has to willfully agree with the negative and use it as one‘s possession

Matthew 6:25 Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? 31...So do not worry, saying…32 For the pagans (animals) run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need them. Worry – to strangle, harass or by rough or severe treatment as dogs/wolves attacking sheep, or as a dog bites and shakes at a bone.

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o SO, how do you worry? By SAYING what is in your heart, what you believe to be the truth.

. Matthew 12:34 You brood of vipers, how can you who are evil say anything good? For out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks.

. Luke 6:45 The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

John 14:27 Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid. Peace – ease of mind due to certainty; o Ease - Freedom from pain, worry, or agitation, being comfortable o Certainty - free from doubt or reservation, fixed, settled Trouble – to make turbid = muddy/unclear, turmoil Afraid – frightened, terrified; Frighten – to become timid, shy, trembling

Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. Anxious - full of mental distress or uneasiness because of fear of danger or misfortune Supplication – the power or energy of a humble request Matthew 21:22 You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it.

All other negative emotions stem from the embrace of the aforementioned negatives. o 1 Corinthians 3:3 for you are still controlled by your sinful nature. You are jealous of one another and quarrel with each other. Doesn’t that prove you are controlled by your sinful nature? Aren’t you living like people of the world? o James 3:16 For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice. o Admire (a Negative Positive)– to wonder at; To have a high opinion of; esteem or respect. o ad: prefix meaning toward, near, adding to; mire: muddy/unclear/troubles . To admire is to think positive of someone who causes trouble. The person is admired because the person viewed the action inaccurately attributes the behavior to the person rather than the person being the vessel through which God is manifesting His power. Likewise, the person who is being admired is probably not giving God the glory and taking the credit for him/herself

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o Adulation ( a Negative Positive) – to flatter; excessive or slavish admiration . ad: prefix meaning toward, near, adding to: ulos – root word meaning tail, end . To adulate someone is to admire them by kissing their read end through flattery. Again, this is a form of taking the glory and credit from God by giving or accepting these forms of behavior. All praise and glory belongs to God for what He has/is doing in each life. o Confidence – Without being faithful; using the spirit of the World, rather than the Spirit of God . Con – a prefix meaning without . Fidelity – faith, trust to something People use confidence to believe positively in themselves when not being a Kingdom Seeker; Kingdom Seekers use Faith for positivity o Congratulate – to extend positive praise to someone doing something without God‘s favor or help . Con – a prefix meaning without . Grace – God‘s favor or help . Ate – a suffix meaning cause to be Kingdom Seekers don‘t congratulate, they Praise God for what He is doing. Congratulation places the ability of the act on the merits of the person, when all thoughts and actions are given by God.

In this Quadrant is where an understanding of how the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is built and it is learned through obedience while traveling through this Quadrant. The Worldly Truths are inverted Kingdom of Heaven Truths, so while learning to be obedient through this area, much knowledge will be gained. It is this part of the process that most in Quadrant 4 have a problem with as there always appeared to be a conflict/competition with Quadrant 3 and the idea of surrendering control seems unheard of; however, because at this point, the Heavenly Father is the one leading and controlling the events, there is no need for fear and plenty of reason to count it all joy. Psalms 23:4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. Philippians 2:8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death— even death on a cross!

By paying attention to the systems and ways of the world during this period, building blocks for the Kingdom of Heaven are developed, but not as the world builds, on sand, but on Rock.

Matthew 10:16 Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.

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KINGDOM BUILDING Matthew 7:24-25 “Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. 25 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 16:18 And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. This ROCK – information that only God can reveal…information that is not part of past cycles Gate – door; shell-hinged opening o As in a seed growing to be a tree, or a pearl developing in a shell, the World and its Gates have no power of one who is Seeking First the Kingdom of God. . Isaiah 45:1-2 This is what the LORD says to his anointed, to Cyrus, whose right hand I take hold of to subdue nations before him and to strip kings of their armor, to open doors before him so that gates will not be shut: I will go before you and will level the mountains; I will break down gates of bronze and cut through bars of iron. Anointed one – means Christ = anointed one; this verse refers to what God does for those who are progressing along the Path of The Master‘s Degree Mountains - problems

Matthew 16:16-17 Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” 17 Jesus replied, “Blessed are you, Simon son of Jonah, for this was not revealed to you by flesh and blood, but by my Father in heaven.

Worldly Building Matthew 7:26-27 But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. 27 The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash.” o Everything done, learned and gained while in the World, was/is built on sand. What was done, learned and gained was not based on the practice of Seeking First the Kingdom, even if there was an initial belief in Jesus. The transition from Quadrant 3 to Quadrant 2, where Clarity and Reorder occur, is where the Holy Spirit reveals how to build on Rock. However, once practiced, the Tree that blossoms from the experience will have roots NOT based in dirt, but in ROCK. o No matter how impressive or amazing things are done or achieved in the World, as the Kingdom of God rises, all of those things will begin to fall away because the foundation upon which they were attained was sand. This is the value of not coveting, because someone may possess the job, home, car, life that you desire; however, that person may have built on sand. As a disciple, it is important to Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


focus on this fact because the Reorder of a disciples life prepares for greater gain; however, those who built on sand will begin to lose that which was gained and have no chance to recover if acceptance of and progression along The Master‘s Degree is not embraced and practiced.

-Y1: Being a polar opposite of Kingdom Truth, those who exist at various degrees of this limited negative axis believe certain Worldly Truths (Kingdom Untruths) and assign the credit of these truths to either mythological gods from Egyptian, Greek and or Roman origin or themselves, all cyclical examples learned from earlier Indian/East Asian efforts. Consequently, those who are in Quadrant Three worship false idols and those who believe and follow these believers follow false idols as well. Because those who reside in this grid are connected to the heavens, they are a result of the express will of God for His purpose. Nonetheless, they do have their limits, not to exceed the ends of -X1, -Y1 Psalms 135:15-18 15 The idols of the nations are merely things of silver and gold, shaped by human hands.16 They have mouths but cannot speak, and eyes but cannot see. 17 They have ears but cannot hear, and noses but cannot smell.18 And those who make idols are just like them, as are all who trust in them. Proverbs 8:29 when he gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command, and when he marked out the foundations of the earth. Job 38:8-11 8 ―Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb, 9 when I made the clouds its garment and wrapped it in thick darkness, 10 when I fixed limits for it and set its doors and bars in place, 11 when I said, ‗This far you may come and no farther; here is where your proud waves halt‘? Isaiah 40:23 He brings princes to naught and reduces the rulers of this world to nothing.

-X3: This negative axis is the negative reflection of Fear and results in the display of Disorder. Disorder - This negative direction displays a lack of order or regular arrangement; a breach of peace as a result of Confusion

-Y3: This negative axis is the negative reflection of the truth and results in Confusion. The further negative the direction is in relation to Untruths, the more confusion takes place. Confusion – only clouded and unclear Truth To the degree that one displays Confusion and Disorder will equally reflect Untruth and Fear

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-z-axis (Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil): This is the negative vertical coordinate representing the negative beginning of the combination of the X and Y axis thoughts and behaviors (-x3, -y3, -x1, -y1).

God’s chosen method for Kingship Training

In Genesis 3, we learn that Eve is convinced by a serpent to eat of the Fruit of The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. Upon tasting the fruit of this tree, Eve offers the fruit to her husband and despite the warning by God not to, Adam ate the fruit as well. Throughout this assertation, I have provided information supporting why it was necessary for this action to happen and this section will shed some light on the institution and ways of this Tree and how it shaped the experiences of all, but particularly, those who are progressing along the Path of The Master‘s Degree.

Transplantation Because it is God‘s will that all of His children (seeds) gain access to Kingship training by going through the World (shell) to gain it, it becomes easier to understand the plan of God. By allowing the World to develop first and thus serving as the training ground for the children of God, we see two trends: 1. The transplantation of the children of God FROM the Tree of Life and deliberately to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, and 2. the firstborn child in the World assisting the younger firstborn child of God.

As the Bible tells us, the formation of Man was a two-step process. In Genesis 1:26 God first makes (Hebrew word: asah) man and then in verse 27, God creates (Hebrew word: bara) man. In Genesis 2:7, we see the same two part process again. First, ‗Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground‘. Next, God ‗breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.‘ . Asah – Hebrew word meaning to use material already in existence . Bara – Hebrew word meaning to cause something to exist that did not exist before So in Genesis, we see that God MADE man by using what was already in existence and CREATED man by using something from ‗nothing‘. The material that God used to MAKE man was the experiences of the World. As the first existing template on Earth, and the desired training location for Man, the experiences of the existing environment shaped the way man was made. The ‗breath of life‘ or the Spirit of God, is the dominion spirit of the unseen realm of Heaven that God took from Himself and placed inside of His creation.

Another way to look at this point is this: Everyone on Earth is the sum total of the experiences that others used to help lead and guide until personal understanding led to further experiences that assisted in leadership and guidance. The experiences of others, as well as those gained and used by the individual is what MAKES a person.

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The knowledge and understanding gained from the Holy Spirit, while traveling along the Path of Righteousness to The Master‘s Degree, is what causes a NEW CREATION to come into being. By initially learning within the shell/World environment, the Children of God help to facilitate their own reconnection to the Spirit of God through the travels along the path to The Master‘s Degree.

In order to begin this process, Our Heavenly Father performed another two part process. Spiritually, He gave us His Image; however, He withheld His Likeness. This blindness to the Truth is what caused Adam to not recognize the Tree of Life and eat ITS fruit first…he was told about it, but he didn‘t ‗see‘ it and that was purposeful. Secondly, just as the result of being led to the Path of Righteousness and receiving The Master‘s Degree lead to being reattached back to The Tree of Life, initially, Adam was spiritually transplanted from the Tree of Life and attached to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

. Romans 11:17 If some of the branches have been broken off, and you, though a wild olive shoot, have been grafted in among the others and now share in the nourishing sap from the olive root… o Graft – shoot of a plant inserted (bonded/connected) into another plant . The new sharing of the ‗nourishing sap‘ of the Tree of Life, as a result of being grafted, is a reflection of the way it was in the beginning. . Psalms 80:7-9 7 Restore us, God Almighty; make your face shine on us, that we may be saved. 8 You transplanted a vine from Egypt; you drove out the nations and planted it. 9 You cleared the ground for it, and it took root and filled the land. . John 15:1 I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener. o Transplant - to plant again in a different place; to uproot and replant…to transfer from one place or residence to another; to resettle or relocate . The request to REstore is an indication that the way out of Egypt (the World) is the same way of getting there: being transplanted. And as the follow-up verse clearly states, God is the Gardener; therefore, in order to allow the vine to grow stronger, it was allowed to grow in the wild, and once strong enough, the vine was transplanted again into the ‗nourishing sap‘ of the Tree of Life, made stronger with the possession of the Kingship training needed.

The other trend is the ‗older‘ sibling assisting the growth of the younger one. There are two clear examples of this. The first is the story of Cain and Abel. Cain, the older son of Adam and Eve, was upset at God‘s favorable view of Abel‘s sheep sacrifice in relation to his best fruit of the soil. As the sheep represent the obedience of a disciple and the fruit of the land represent the best that can be produced without following the path of God, God‘s favor display His attitude towards the greater sacrifice.

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Nonetheless, in keeping with the theme of growth towards Kingship training, Cain ‗kills‘ Abel. Since this was not a voluntary sacrifice of Abel and was forced by Cain, we see God continually giving the land and gains of the older brother Cain (Canaan/Cainan Land) to the younger children of God.

The other example of this theme can be see in the story of Joseph, son of Jacob. After revealing to his father and brothers the contents of his dream that basically detailed his eventual rule over his family and all the land, the older brothers of Joseph conspire to have him forced into slavery. It is during this period of learning during servitude in Egypt that Joseph eventually learned the ways of the World, and eventually became ruler of the World and assisted in the settling and improved lifestyle of his family.

The transplantation of the children of God into the World has been a consistent theme since the very beginning of the Bible and displays God‘s will for using this method for traveling along the path to The Master‘s Degree.

Before we continue further, it must be noted that while it was the Heavenly Father‘s intent that His children progress through the World by eating the fruit of this tree, by no means are His children to get stuck in this phase by worshipping the ways, leaders or institutions of the World as they are set up. This can be clearly seen by Biblical example, as well as through a review and understanding of modern-day examples.

Queen of Heaven The instincts, developed through fear and a lack of trust, that went into the creation of the World, and the subsequent ways and laws that uphold it, provide the general basis that ultimately create the environment that causes a child of God to begin Seeking First the Kingdom of God. The weariness and heavy burden of following the system of the World should cause the Children of God to question for a better, Godlier way of living.

The structure, environment and subsequent burdens are the result of a ‗single parent‘ home. God, in His perfection, required an environment that would produce the situations that would cause His Children to Seek Him rather than simply for enjoyment in the weariness and burden of Worldly living. Consequently, the story of the edible fig tells us that God withheld the male aspect of Himself to produce the World/shell environment from where the seeds would be placed to mature.

As is the case when the fullness of God is not present, a tendency to take credit for the effective results of a given situation develops. By using the considerable amount of instinct that had been received by the Father, the ‗mother‘ of the World was able to understand and negotiate her way through the World by using her fears for guidance. While a mindful understanding of the effectiveness of these ways proved repeatable, the worship of these ways were condemned by God; primarily because these ways are a temporary solution and were never intended to be viewed in any other way.

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The Bible lists several ‗Queen of Heaven‘ types, who through their knowledge of navigating the World, were able to assist in helping the Children of God successfully make their way; however, due to their lack of understanding the male aspect (Kingdom Seeking) they gains received always were eventually lost. Nonetheless, they were eventually singled out and worshipped for the results that they did garner.

Each Queen of Heaven is a reflection of the story detailed in the Apocryphon of John, wherein the female aspect of The Creator, being a creation of the male aspect of The Creator, attempts to use her singular understanding to produce her own creation without the assistance of her male counterpart.

The Queen of Heaven is one who uses only what is known to her, rather than combining information with her husband, as a way of maneuvering throughout the World. Just as in the story of the Origin of the Beginning of The Beginning, the totality of information exists in the Original Image; however, in Infinite Wisdom, The Creator allowed the ‗resulting limitations‘ of the reflected Image to be used for shaping and guiding the World; thereby, creating the environment needed for the children of God to develop and causing those with limited understanding to elevate the Wisdom of the Female.

o ‗Queen of Heaven‘ – Eve, Ishtar (goddess of sexuality from where the name Easter comes from), Isis, Astarte/Ashera/Ashtoreth, Solomon‘s Mother and Queen Sheba, the Virgin Mary o These are all women who were connected to the Children of God but were trained in the ways/laws of the world/animal kingdom by their family. Listening to such worldly information allows temporary successful movement through the World, but ultimately keeps God‘s Children within the shell, rather than developing into a seed that grows into a tree. . 1 Kings 11:5-6 He [Solomon] followed Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and Molek the detestable god of the Ammonites. 6 So Solomon did evil in the eyes of the LORD; he did not follow the LORD completely, as David his father had done. . Jeremiah 7:18 The children gather wood, the fathers light the fire, and the women knead the dough and make cakes to offer to the Queen of Heaven. They pour out drink offerings to other gods to arouse my anger. Out of fear did the Children of God continue to follow and worship the Queen of Heaven, primarily because the proper path that Jesus would ultimately bring had not yet arrived, but also, they feared for the loss that came from NOT following the Queen of Heaven. . Jeremiah 44:16 We will not listen to the message you have spoken to us in the name of the LORD! . Jeremiah 44:18 But ever since we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out drink offerings to her, we have had nothing and have been perishing by sword and famine.

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Even though the Heavenly Father allowed for a way for His children to receive His blessings while traveling through the World, He made it quite clear that the World, its ways and even the ones of His who knew how to successfully navigate their way through the World, were not to be worshipped. This inaccurate worship prevents the ability of letting go of the things learned while in the World, humbling oneself as a child to learn the new things of the Kingdom and stifles the necessary development of the Male/Husband…a development needed in order to materialize the Kingdom of Heaven.

Such obstacles are exactly why the Pharisees and Sadducees of the Children of Israel were in such opposition to Jesus. Learning how to effectively manage the ways of the World, and enjoyment of the gains received caused the religious leaders to resist the salvation message of Jesus. Even though the good news of Jesus was one that would result in greater gain than that of the World, the worship of the ways of the World, and by extension, the Queen of Heaven, caused for the inability to adopt the ways of the Kingdom of God.

Ways of the World The World, as an environment, has been around since the days of Adam, and have progressed from the Biblically unnamed source of Asian/Indian influence to Egyptian, Greek, Roman and modern day United States of America. Over the course of each iteration, the World continually evolves its institution that are used to propagate the ideals of each successive culture. While there are many institutions used within ‗the World‘, there are three primary institutions we will focus on: Religion, Education, Government.

o Institute – purpose, design; societal organization. To establish, organize, and set in operation. To initiate, cause to stand; (-ion): to the power or energy of o Initiate - o Indoctrinate – to teach doctrine, to imbue with an opinion or idea of a doctor‘s teachings (-ate): suffix meaning caused to be o Doctrine – teachings of a doctor . Doctor – one who is fancied a god of a certain branch of knowledge. Originally meant to make to appear right, teach, to cause to know; religious teacher, church father (one who has a path) . Ph.D – Doctor of Philosophy; philosophy: love of wisdom (of the World). Love and pursuit of wisdom by intellectual means and moral self-discipline. o Imbue – to keep wet, soak, saturate

Religion There are many institutions that are used in the World to imbue its doctrine. One is religion, another is the educational system, government is another, and business another, to name a few. While there are many types of religions that exist in the spectrum between monotheistic and polytheistic, they all serve the same purpose: to connect the individual to a set of spiritual thoughts to form a basis in finding God for themselves.

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Religion - a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature , and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies o ion – a suffix meaning the power or energy; lig: to bind; re: a prefix meaning again . Bind – to tie up with bonds, to make captive . Bonds – the things that makes one a slave . Captive – caught, taken prison o Religion – the power or energy of making one a slave (of a master), by tying up with bonds, making one a captive, again/twice . Matthew 23:15 Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees (Pastors), you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are. . Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the LORD is upon me, for he has anointed me to bring Good News to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim that captives will be released, that the blind will see, that the oppressed will be set free. Religion, not Kingdom Seeking keeps are person slave to another slave, because only Jesus is the Master. Consequently, the person remains a slave 1. Because they blindly are following the teachings of the person, and 2. The person is generally reinforcing the socialization of the World. o The teachings of a pastor does serve as a foundation from which one who does not know God for himself can begin learning; however, Kingdom learning progresses to a point where God Himself does the teaching individually. A pastor cannot deconstruct the lives of each of his sheep to help them in their growth…a pastor‘s message covers generalities. Only through the individual attention of the Holy Spirit, can the specifics needed to get closer to God be attained. Consequently, a husband becomes the High Priest in his own home and eventually provides the ‗word‘ needed for the family based on what God is leading in his life. o Due to the eventual Clarity and ReOrder that comes to all Disciples lives, the reinforcement of World-based socialization can become detrimental when these changes occur. Instead of the natural embrace of the inevitable ‗lose‘ of Worldly-gains, the followers of pastors may view additional Worldly gains (money, advancement, etc.) as God‘s will, or the lack thereof as a negative. Truthfully, the lose of World-gain allows for a refocus on God‘s will and away from the things that keep you dependent on the World and preps you for the eventual Kingdom blessings that are sure to come.

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Polytheism as the basis of the World In the World, there are various polytheistic religions, of East Asian and Indian origin. The principles of these polytheistic religions are the basis from which the monotheistic religions are formed; as a result, many of the truths found in the Abrahamic religions appear very similar in nature to those of their polytheistic kin.

The bible speaks many times of Asia in reference to representing the World and its ways. Wherever the word Asia appears in the following verses, the insertion of the word World may assist in adding greater insight into its effect and impact in the Kingdom Seeking process. Acts 16:6 Paul and his companions traveled throughout the region of Phrygia and Galatia, having been [forbidden] by the Holy Spirit from preaching the word in the province of Asia. Acts 20:16 Paul had decided to sail past Ephesus to avoid spending time in the province of Asia, for he was in a hurry to reach Jerusalem, if possible, by the day of Pentecost. (Paul, like many before him, expressing the desire to avoid going through the World) Acts 21:27 When the seven days were nearly over, some Jews from the province of Asia saw Paul at the temple. They stirred up the whole crowd and seized him. (The family from which Paul came from, who still loved the ways of the World, treated him just as the Jews had treated Jesus) 2 Corinthians 1:8 We do not want you to be uninformed, brothers and sisters,[a] about the troubles we experienced in the province of Asia. We were under great pressure, far beyond our ability to endure, so that we despaired of life itself. (Here Paul is sharing his testimony of what took place while in the World experience) 2 Timothy 1:15 You know that everyone in the province of Asia has deserted me, including Phygelus and Hermogenes. (Due to the embrace of Kingship training, Paul lost those ‘friends’ who did not choose to become/remain seekers themselves) Finally, the Seven Churches of Asia (referring to the Roman province of Asia, not the entire continent) mentioned in Revelations 2 and 3 are about six types of false worship to the Kingdom and its ways of Seeking, and one type of church that has patiently practiced Kingdom Seeking in the midst of the Worldly environment

The ‗Asian‘ ways of thinking, in addition to Indian forms of thinking, has had a significant impact on the formation of religion and governments, ranging from Egypt to Greek to Roman to modern day democracy. One of the methods that has been used to cultivate and spread such thinking is the form of martial arts. While it does teach discipline and self-control, its fundamental basis in on protecting oneself against potential danger. Kingdom Seekers don‘t protect themselves from anything because, as sheep (disciples), we have a Shepherd in Jesus who ensures we remain safe.

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Martial Art – a skill developed through the learning and practice of the temperament, character and disposition of the path/course of action of the World o Mart – trade . Trade - to tread a path; to occupy oneself in something; course of action o ial – quality/relation . Quality - temperament, character, disposition o Art - skill as a result of learning or practice

So to has its Indian counterpart played a vital role in our understanding of the World and the Kingdom of God. For instance, part of the basis for Hindu and Buddhist religion is based in a belief of Dharma. Dharmic belief teaches that there is a divinely instituted natural order of things (RTA) and justice, social harmony and human happiness that requires human beings to discern and live in a manner appropriate to the requirements of that order. Beings that live in accordance with dharma proceed more quickly toward dharma yukam, moksha, or nirvana. Its most common meaning pertains to two principal ideals; that social life should be structured through well-defined and well-regulated classes (varna), and that an individual's life within a class should be organized into defined stages. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dharma)

As the principle foundation for moral and governmental structure in the World, dharmic principles, along with those found in Taoism and other similar East Asian religions, form the way people think and function in the World. The idea of progressing through various stages of life in search of Nirvana is the inverted Kingdom principle of Seeking First the Kingdom of God and progressing to reaching Son of God/The Master‘s Degree status.

Additionally, the well-defined and regulated class system, and the organization that comes with it, is an inverted reflection of Kingdom teaching as well. On one hand, it does set the tone for accepting the role of seed-into-shell or apprentice-to-master type understanding; however, in the World system, there is no actual way for the slave to progress beyond the status one is born into. The goal of the World is not for slaves to learn how to become Masters, rather the focus is quite the opposite, as there is no desire for slaves to ever grow beyond that stage in the World.

Slavery As we have seen throughout this assertation, the plan that God uses to provide Kingship training for His children is a Master/slave relationship. Put another way, the seed (slave) learns how to become a tree by inverting what is learned within the shell environment (Master). Because the shell has not completed ‗Kingship tree‘ training, the shell is not actually a master, but more of a teacher for what has been learned. However, since the shell is not aware of how to be greater, but fears that greater learning will cause its overthrow, the teacher always withholds information…primarily as a function of God‘s will, but also, out of fear.

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Religion serves as a spiritual ‗Master‘ by providing guidance on spiritual matters. Likewise, in business, military, etc., certain levels of information is passed down to lower levels, allowing for those lower levels to serve the will of the leaders, but never providing the information needed to rise to equal status. Again, this class system is a clear reflection of the teachings of the Dharmic religion.

A clear example of this principle can be found in the master‘s and slaves of the United States of America. During my time in the military, my spiritual quest led me to study the teachings of Minister Louis Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam. There was quite a bit of information that intrigued me regarding this sect of Islam, primarily its strong stance on the building of African-American self-esteem. As someone who lacked greatly for belief in myself, I was drawn very closely to Minister Farrakhan‘s teachings. One of his teachings involved a discussion on a man named Willie Lynch.

Supposedly, Willie Lynch, summoned by slaveholders looking for a better way to control their slaves, identifies himself as the master of a "modest plantation" in the British West Indies. In identifying himself as a master from the British West Indies, Mr. Lynch shows that he received his training from the Kingdom of England and had attained the level of master himself.

In the message that was supposedly given to this group of interested slaveholders, Mr. Lynch detailed several points on HOW to ‗train‘ their slaves, and by doing so, would guarantee 300 years of success. (That was in 1712…300 years later is 2012). Of the many details given, empowering the women, degrading the men and pitting different groups of slaves against each other was part of the instructions. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_Lynch_speech); (http://thetalkingdrum.com/wil.html)

In elevating the status and expectancy of the female and diminishing the nature and function of the male, the Willie Lynch speech actually reflects the way that the World was shaped and gives insight into how the Kingdom of Heaven comes about. As a new country starting out, the fears and navigational skills of the African woman was used to provide the spiritual understanding needed to develop the United States of America. With a name that literally means ‗I an not Rich‘, those from a country whose name means ‗towards being Rich‘, the use of the African female slave and her spiritual understanding were vital in the formation of the World‘s fourth generation power.

Conversely, the stifling of the African male slave set in motion the ability for the United States to help shape the World in its image. The restricted development of the African male slave also allowed for both the African male and female slave to begin learning the ways of the World that resulted from this process.

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Ultimately, it is through the development OF the African male slave, through the process of the path towards the Master‘s Degree, that allows the Kingdom of Heaven to be actualized. The descendants of the African slaves are the beneficiaries of an environment that provides them with the Worldly and spiritual motivation to begin seeking a better way, for themselves and their families.

By understanding the method and ways of Yahweh, each African male slave descendant aspect of Elohim can begin transforming what has been learned by becoming active and obedient Kingdom Seekers by developing as true husbands. In doing so, they serve as examples to their communities, as well as the World-at-large, on how to overcome the ways of the World and progress to become Sons of God.

African-American Male/Golden Age The African slaves, and their descendants, that helped shape the United States of America and the World, reflect a similar story as that of the children of Israel. According to God‘s Will, the children of Israel were allowed to serve the Pharaoh of Egypt in the actual building of their World power. By elevating the spiritual understanding and life navigational skills of the women, Egypt, much like the United States, was able to build a formidable environment that the children of Israel would go on to learn from and eventually use once they made it to the Promised Land.

The key point is that the children of God ‗shine‘ like gold to those who know they are not. The inherent spirituality of a child goes unnoticed to the child; however, to those in the World, who ‗shine‘ silver, recognize this undeveloped ‗gold‘ and are allowed to use the gifts and talents of the children of God in developing the World. Much like our ability to see the twinkling ‗silver‘ stars that shine in the Heavens, from the Heavens perspective, I believe they see Earth ‗shining‘ gold.

Much like a person can‘t see his/her face but others can, the children of Israel/African slaves dependents in the United States, were/are not aware of the inherent spiritual connection they have to Yahweh. In Infinite Wisdom, Yahweh allows this unawareness to be used by the World as a way of providing the environment for His children to develop in and upon achieving Son of God status, transformed what is learned for the betterment of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The development of the African male slave descendants in the United States assists in the development of the Kingdom of Heaven. As Yahweh purposefully gave Man His Image, but withheld the Likeness aspect, the development of the African American male into a Kingdom trained Husband, brings about the increase of the Sons of God on Earth as a result of reconnecting back to Yahweh‘s Likeness.

While African American males are indeed born to become a Son of God/King, the manifestation of that truth only comes about by progressing along the path towards the Master‘s Degree. No information exists solely in the World for anyone to rule/reign in the Kingdom of Heaven. Only through the various experiences of life does a potential Son of God gain access to the training needed to become as such.

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Furthermore, the requirement of patience along the path reveals the importance of the speed at which such Kingship training occurs. There is no way to rush the process and without the required training, Son of God status can‘t be understood. The process serves to prove how much we love and trust Our Heavenly Father. In love and trust, we patiently follow the leadership and guidance being supplied, appreciating each lesson and each understanding received.

In being patient and understanding, the progression from slave to Master allows a Son of God to understand the value and importance of the various experiences gained while in the World, and allows for the extension of grace and positivity towards former fellow slaves, as well as the ones responsible for the training. While the reflection of the story of the children of Israel (recipients of the promises of God made to Abraham) mirrors that of the modern-day African Americans, Jesus (and the Bible) make it clear that the invitation is ultimately open to all those who believe. The story of the Centurion soldier (Matthew 8:10- 13) and the Canaanite woman (Matthew 15:26-28) sets forth the fact that Yahweh wants those who believe and humble themselves to the Kingship training process. o Galatians 3:28 There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

The development of the Sons of God bring about the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, also known as the Golden Age. According to mythology (inverted Kingdom of God information), there are several types and ages of Man, ranging from the age of the unlearned and savage to the final age of peaceful rest. o http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_Ages_of_the_World; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ages_of_Man#Christian Golden Age – According to Greek mythology, in the Golden Age it is said that people lived among the gods, and freely mingled with them. Peace and harmony prevailed during this age. Humans did not have to work to feed themselves, for the earth provided food in abundance. They lived to a very old age but with a youthful appearance and eventually died peacefully. Men of this age are good and noble, and they are beneficent, preventing ills, and guardians of mortal men. [Men] lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil and grief: miserable age rested not on them; but with legs and arms never failing they made merry with feasting beyond the reach of all devils. When they died, it was as though they were overcome with sleep, and they had all good things; for the fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace. o ‗Living among the gods‘ refers to a Son of God who is in harmony with his/her Adonai. Having direct guidance from God regarding life can appear to a non-Kingdom Seeker as being in the presence of ‗a god‘. Yet again, Man is a little god, physically a manifestation of THE God.

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. Hebrews 4:6 Therefore since it still remains for some to enter that rest, and since those who formerly had the good news proclaimed to them did not go in because of their disobedience. . Isaiah 65:20 Never again will there be in it an infant who lives but a few days, or an old man who does not live out his years; the one who dies at a hundred will be thought a mere child; the one who fails to reach a hundred will be considered accursed. o The Golden Age, as viewed by Christianity – Christianity teaches that there are Six Ages of the World, with the Seventh Age being eternal rest after the Final Judgment and End Times, just as the seventh day of the week is reserved for rest. It was normally called the Six Ages of the World because they were the ages of the world, of history, while the Seventh Age was not of this world but was the World to Come and lasting forever. Silver Age – According to Greek mythology, Men in the Silver age lived for one hundred years under the dominion of their mothers. They lived only a short time as grown adults, and spent that time in strife with one another. These people lived for one hundred years as children without growing up, then suddenly aged and died. o The Silver Age represents the age of the World, where instead of being led by a Kingship trained Husband/Father, leadership was done by the World- trained mother. Due to the insufficient nature of this training, it naturally led to various problems, necessitating the need for progressing towards the Master‘s Degree. . Dominion of the mother/parents over the family, while providing the background for the family to grow and maneuver in the World, is the actual suppression of Elohim. Each person is an individualized aspect of Elohim and as such, represents a individual, physically manifested aspect of The Creator, Yahweh. Staying under the parentage of the mother/father, even into and beyond adulthood prevents progression towards becoming a Son of God. Parents are to provide the basic structure for a child to use as they progress throughout life; however, to become a Son of God, a child must distance themselves from the teachings of a non- Kingdom Seeking parent. Staying under the parentage of the mother/father as an adult is why the Silver Age is described as having people who lived as children, suddenly aged and died. By the time a parent dies, the child is usually at an advanced, mature age themselves; however, with the parent(s) now gone, they seek to serve the same dominating role as the one they were under. Progression from the Silver Age to Golden Age requires each child to progress along the path to The Master‘s Degree so that they can actualize the God in them. In doing so, the manifestation of their higher self, as led to by Adonai, results in the benefit to the

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formation and growth of the Kingdom of Heaven. Difference between Gold and Silver – Whereas silver eventually will rust and tarnish, corroding due to oxidation, gold does not…as a result, it is considered more valuable. o Tarnish – dull of luster or brightness/radiance, make dim . 2 Corinthians 3:13-14 We are not like Moses, who would put a veil over his face to keep the Israelites from gazing at it while the radiance was fading away. 14 But their minds were made dull, for to this day the same veil remains when the old covenant is read. It has not been removed, because only in Christ is it taken away. o Rust – a plant disease resulting from unhealthy soil . Matthew 6:19 Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: Spiritually speaking, the knowledge and information of the World is represented as Silver, whereas, the Spirit and Knowledge of God is represented as Gold. Children of God possess Gold by nature; however, only through the process of traveling along the path of The Master‘s Degree can a child of God become Pure Gold. Even the information that Moses possessed was made of Silver, while only the example of Jesus brought about Gold.

Seeking the Kingdom, Like Seeking a Good Woman Many husbands are aware of the active process it takes to find a good and suitable woman to marry, raise children and grow together with. Not every woman met is suitable, yet it requires patience and active diligence to reach the goal. So too it is when Seeking after the Kingdom of God. Given the importance of the husband to the Kingdom of Heaven, understanding the proper attitude while seeking is vital to achieving the desired goal. Jesus gave two parables that sum up this mindset and attitude. Matthew 13:44 The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field. When a man found it, he hid it again, and then in his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field. Matthew 13:45-46 45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. 46 When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it.

Just as a man looks actively among various types of beautiful women to find a suitable mate, so too must a Kingdom Seeking husband approach Kingship training. While many of the thoughts, ways and gains in the World appear to have value, it is the value gained in Kingdom Seeking that sets it apart.

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And just like when a man has finally found a suitable woman and discontinues his former life and begins anew, so too must a Kingdom Seeking husband. If men sought after the ways and understandings of the Kingdom of God the way they seek after female companionship, each man will bring about the Kingdom of Heaven in their life much sooner and easier.

The Kingdom of Heaven is ‗hidden‘, yet it is hidden inside each of us. As we find the good that exists in each of us, we are able to practice more effectively the training of the Kingdom of God. In doing so, it is easy to get rid of the things that are not related to Kingship training, as the things learned are far more joyful than former ways. As a husband approaches their development in the Kingdom of God, these two parables are valuable in adjusting the perception to the value and importance of the wife/family and the Kingdom of Heaven.

House Slave/Field Slave Another important aspect of American slavery of Africans was in pitting various groups against one another. Generally, this division was done along color and/or status of the slave. African slave children, born from Caucasian conception, resulted in what was called a mixed-race child. Instead of a typically dark skinned, coarse haired child, a mixed-race child was usually lighter skinned and possessed non-coarse hair.

These differences were used by the slave master in elevating the ones who looked slightly closer to themselves, rather than the pure African/African children. Those who were the result of mixed background were usually considered ‗House Slaves‘; one who lived in or near the Master‘s house and received the ‗benefits‘ of doing so, as opposed to pure African backgrounds that were referred to as ‗Field Slaves‘.

Spiritually, this reflects the World‘s tendency to support and advance those who integrate into Worldly thought processes, rather than remain staunch supporters of anti-World thoughts. As a Will of God, children of God need to understand a certain amount of the ways of the World in order to rise above them and transform them into Kingdom of God principles. A seed can‘t grow independent of its shell; likewise, children of God were required to gain a certain amount of understanding from the World/Slave Master in order to progress along the path to becoming a Son of God.

Additionally, division was drawn between those who directly served and/learned from the Master and his family. Whether by direct teaching or quiet deception, House Slaves gained access to the understanding that existed in the Master‘s House. By doing so, House Slaves eventually proved useful in ways their Field Slave counterparts were not. In being more useful in the service of the Master, the House Slave was elevated, by the Master, over his/her Field Slave brethren.

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In using the information and experience to improve their lives, House slaves continued to seek for additional ways to advance their understanding of their new environment; thereby, providing for a more comfortable life and experiences. Due to resentment and/or fear, Field Slaves viewed the thoughts and actions of their House Slave counterparts negatively.

Similar to the Biblical story of Joseph, son of Jacob, Moses and others, gaining an understanding of the slave environment as a way to progress through the environment and eventually go on to lead fellow slaves into mastery themselves, is part of the plan of God. The biggest key to this plan is love held for following God or the love held for Worldly understanding and/or gains.

Just like the mixed-heritage slaves and/or house slaves, the World elevates that which is similar to itself. In using a mixed heritage or house slave background as a way to improve life and understandings, children of God progress along the path that has been ordained by Yahweh that promotes growth. However, when those differences and elevations are used as a way to worship the self, problems occur.

In the modern-world, various advances in every field of study and corresponding field of business have been made by the descendants of African slaves. Beauty attained by mixed heritage births have allowed many to gain access to employment, education and/or various other opportunities around the World. Likewise, the understandings of the World, combined with natural gifts and abilities, have led to many former African house slave and field slave descendants to not only integrate, but in many areas dominate.

As a result of this success, the plan of God has proven true, in that, a seed has soaked up the information needed to facilitate growth; however, when the growth and resulting elevation among society causes the seed to worship his/herself, rather than aim all information and experiences toward the Kingdom of God, the seed unknowingly is being assimilated into the shell, rather than progressing to the rightful place of growth out of the shell and into a Tree.

In this way, the distractions of the World cause the elevation of the success of the child of God to be used as a way to lead other children of God AWAY FROM their true dominion. In the modern-world, many African American ‗stars‘ of industry, education, sport, military and/or entertainment serve as role models to not only other African Americans, but to the World in general. Their self-involved attitude regarding their Worldly success causes those who view them favorably to attempt following in similar footsteps.

The problem with viewing a non-Kingdom Seeking African American ‗star‘ positively is that all success gained is built on sand. As a result the Worldly gains and success are either going to fall away or the ‗star‘ will engage in additional Worldly sacrifices that cause even greater negative consequences.

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Therefore, while all offspring of God are to attempt to gain a greater understanding of the ways of the World, as the means of progressing to become a Son of God, becoming satisfied with being lifted up by the World, rather than God, leads to failure. The only ones who are worthy of being lifted up are the ones who follow the teachings of Jesus. Their example serves as a reminder to House Slave/Field Slave/World alike on how to achieve true greatness in God. John 12:32 But I, when I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all men to myself.

Many have debated the accuracy of this letter and whether or not it is true or a myth. In regards to Kingship training, these points are irrelevant. What is relevant is that White Americans were allowed to possess Black Africans as slaves. From this perspective, we can begin to see how masters and slaves interact and how the theory behind the Willie Lynch speech has World-based validity.

Slave - Servant/slave – person who is the property of another o Property – nature or quality of a thing A slave is one who, as property of another, represents the nature or quality of its owner. The World was formed by increasing the instincts of the female as a way to navigate through the ‗darkness‘, while the male partner was not allowed to mature and fulfill his rightful role as head of the home. In American slavery, so to did the Willie Lynch speech inform the uninformed ‗masters‘ on using the same technique on their slaves in order to successfully build their country.

Also, similar in nature to the Dharmic religion, the creation of and then separation of the classes of slaves, set forth a class system that either caused one to want to be identified with, or caused one to hate the other class. As ones who received their ‗master‘ training from others who received their training from the World, the masters reflected the nature and qualities of their leaders. As a result, the African slaves of America, in following the teaching and training of their masters, sought to emulate the success of what they saw.

This type of master/slave relationship has continued for generations, resulting in various levels of success and failure within the slave community. While there have been apparent successes from the children of those first slaves, none have been allowed to truly know and/or understand the thought process of the masters of the World, unless, through mixed heritage upbringing, lessons and training has been received. Conversely, many descendants of those former slaves have failed to attempt at rising above the level from which they have been born. Nonetheless, this is the environment from which the slaves of America have learned.

This is not the first time that we have witnessed such a form of master/slave relationship. The children of Israel were enslaved in Egypt by the ruler of the World at that time and one who was born from among them, Moses, went on to become a leader. Born as a child of a slave, Moses actually received his formal education from within the confines of the World leadership structure itself.

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Due to the harshness of the treatment of the children of Israel within Egypt, Moses was led by God, through the use of what was learned within Egypt, to inform the leader of Egypt and the children of Israel, that a better way had come.

This foreshadowing, along with the advancement of Joshua into the promised land, shows how God allows the World environment to shape the experiences and education of the children of God, and together with the Holy Spirit, those experiences and education can be transformed into the nature and qualities of God; thereby, allowing for the creation of a Son of God.

Moses was not the first Biblical character to learn from the shell/World environment and then go on to serve as the example for how God progresses His children. While most Bible readers may not fully understand it, Adam was the first one inserted into the World as a way to begin Kingship training. The death of Abel showed how God does not want/allow for the forcing of one into Kingship training. Abraham, a man who actually was a chief builder of false idols in the World, got his training in Egypt.

Joseph, son of Jacob, was treated in similar nature to Abel. Joseph revealed to his older brothers the dream of rulership God had revealed to him, and his brothers conspired to sell him off into slavery; resulting in Joseph receiving his slavery training in Egypt.

Jesus, taken as a child by his parents, received his understanding of World affairs in Egypt. However, it is ONLY Jesus, out of every character in the Bible, and every other religion in the World, that provided the path to not only rising above slave status, but in achieving MASTER status, provided the only way for others to likewise reach the same level of Son of God. Quality - temperament, character, disposition o ity – state/quality of o Qua - as, in the capacity of Equality – the opposite quality o E – a prefix meaning opposite of the root word

Children of God, whether they were the Biblical Children of Israel or modern-day American-born slave descendants of the children of Africa, are placed into the World environment as a way of receiving Kingship training. Ideally, while in bondage, the children should tire of the burdens and discrepancies of their teacher and pray unto God in a request to know the Truth.

While the World tries to imprint its ‗qualities‘ onto the children, Kingdom Seeking brings about equality of the World and the qualities of Our Heavenly Father. Consequently, the results of being a Kingdom Seekers causes other children of God, as well as those in the World (Jews/Gentiles), to seek after the qualities of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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The worship of the World, rather than learning how to focus on properly worship Our Heavenly Father, brings about negative results. The children of Israel actually wanted to abandon their newfound freedom while in the desert for the comfort and relatively known security of the ways of Egypt. Such a thought process is what caused many to wander in the desert and not enter into the Promised Land.

Likewise, in the modern day, many descendants of African slaves, by virtue of having been separated into classes and pitted against one another, have taken to finding greater ways of integrating into the World, rather than seeking their/Our Heavenly Father. In the desire to be ‗lifted up‘ in the public‘s attention just like their Worldly examples, children of God have used their considerable gifts and abilities for personal gain and achieved the Worldly status they have worked so hard for. In and of itself, this work serves to teach and train on the ways of the World; however, such goals become a noose to those who fail to progress along the path of The Master‘s Degree.

As an inverted reflection of the Kingdom of God, the World ‗lifts up‘ those who distinguish themselves from among the masses by lavishing money and attention upon the successful. This is an inversion that reflects the way that God sees His Children who rise to the level of Son of God. God magnifies the efforts of those who have achieved Son of God status because, not only does it Glorify The Heavenly Father and His Majesty, but it proves that ALL of God‘s Children can become reconnected back into the Oneness of God through the path of the Son of God example.

Following the path of those ‗lifted up‘ in the World, particularly among those who are the children of God, will lead to destruction. Whatever and however the status was achieved, it was achieved within the World, and as such, was built on an unstable foundation. The complete entirety of achievement within the World merely serves to provide Kingship training for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. However, that same entirety doesn‘t even compare to the size and scope of what God has for those who become Kingdom Seekers. 1 Corinthians 2:9 But as it is written, "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind has imagined the things that God has prepared for those who love him."

The purpose of being in the shell, as a seed that will transform what is learned and eventually grow into a tree, is to reach towards the Heavenly Father. Conversely, the World provides the type of teaching distractions that seeks to keep all within its shell and limit growth. Once the journey towards Kingdom Seeking begins, these Worldly slave/Master traits become easier to identify and therefore, easier to overcome. Nonetheless, traits of this slave/Master thought process is very prevalent throughout the religions and governments of the World, and can be seen in various words.

Cathedral – pertaining to the seat/base of one who symbolizes the spirit of the World o –al – a suffix meaning pertaining to o Hedra – the seat/base of a bishop: watcher, overseer o Cat – the animal that symbolizes the spirit of the World (Egyptian/Roman ways)

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Catastrophe – what happens in the turning away from the ways of the World…the World views turning away from its ways as a catastrophe o Strophe – a turning away from o A – in this case o Cat – the animal that symbolizes the spirit of the World (Egyptian/Roman ways) . Catastrophe – the reversal of what is expected…to overturn, to come to an end (Kingdom Seeking brings about a reversal of what the World expects based on its ways) Category – The waste of a the ways of the World o Gore – animal (World) dung, waste o A – in this case o Cat - the animal that symbolizes the spirit of the World (Egyptian/Roman ways) . Category – A specifically defined division in a system of classification; a class Division – to force apart one image into two different images (double vision) o Di – double o Vision – sight Diplopia – the simultaneous perception of two images of a single object that may be displaced horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. The result from disorders of the cranial nerve (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diplopia)

Spiritually speaking, ‗diplopia’ is the result of having God‘s Image but not His Likeness. Physically, there are 12 cranial nerves in the brain that control all bodily actions. The first and second pair of nerves emerge from the cerebrum and these nerves control all voluntary actions. Spiritually, these two pair of nerves represent our spiritual connection to Our Heavenly Father. As Image is connected to our free will, Likeness is the connection to the understanding of the truth.

Because our Likeness was not initially connected once we were born on Earth, and can only become reconnected via the path to The Master’s Degree, the World attempts to exploit this ‗disorder’ by taking advantage of this temporary division by causing its own types of division. Due to the lack of Truth, not all of our actions are voluntary; many have been dictated by World institutions. The Division caused by the World, leads to Distraction (a lack of being led) Distraction leads to Discourse (opposite of the course of God) Discourse leads to Destruction (the opposite of building) Destruction leads to Disease (the opposite of peace and ease in God)

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Nonetheless, this is why Jesus said that HE CAME to cause division; He shed light on the WAYS the World was exploiting this ‗disorder‘ and provided the path to achieving this vital reconnection.

The true ‗light’ of Jesus would separate those who love the ways of the World from those who truly desire to become Kingdom Seekers…usually occurring first within the structure of the extended family and then, the World at-large. Luke 12:51-53 51Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:52For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three. 53The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.

Matthew 6:24 No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money [the World].

Matthew 12:30 Anyone who isn't with me opposes me, and anyone who isn't working with me is actually working against me. This is also why, through personal study, we will understand the purpose of His division. This document, along with the reflection on one‘s life and independent research, will lead to a greater understanding of, not only the current foundation of the ways of the World, but also a clearer understanding of Kingdom behavior. Once gained personally, the information received empowers the learner (and his family) and naturally leads to a division from the World, and through the reconnection of God‘s Likeness, a rejoining to the Oneness of God. 2 Timothy 2:15 Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Nonetheless, the World, as the chosen form to effectively and efficiently train the children of God, is the basis from which the religions that the children of God initially come from. The focus and goal is to NOT worship this environment, rather to progress to it along the path of The Master‘s Degree.

There are three primary monotheistic/Abrahamic religions, and of the three, each produces numerous sects/divisions of dogmatic beliefs. The three religions are Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Within Christianity, the most well-known sect is Catholicism. Rome, as the ruling authority in place during the time of Jesus, transformed its governmental stance from the persecution of Jesus and His followers, to eventually embracing the teachings as a way to stabilize its empire. A basic understanding of Catholicism helps to understand how it, and other forms of Christianity, help to shape this aspect of religion.

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Catholic - broad or wide-ranging in tastes, interests, or the like; having sympathies with all; broad-minded; liberal; universal in extent. Relating to the historic doctrine and practice of the Roman Catholic faith. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic) o –ic – suffix meaning quality of/related to; o Hol – Godliness; as in Holiness o Cat – an animal worshipped by the Egyptians . Catholic – the use of a cat to gain the qualities of God All words ending in -HOLIC refer to using the root word as a way to satisfy a desire for something similar to happiness/Godliness.

Rome, as an eventual World dominating culture, borrowed heavily from the culture of the World‘s first KNOWN culture, Egypt. In the Egyptian culture, various animals were worshipped, and used in their symbolism, to denote various character traits they identified with and found to be God-like. One of them was cats.

With Quadrant 3 listed as the ‗Animal Kingdom‘, the importance placed on the cat during the Egyptian and Roman rule imply that the domestication of the strongest wild animal in Quadrant 4 (a Lion) for the purposes of Worldly gain, turned the person into a pet (a cat). Through the combination of the physical and mental gifts of the Lion with the ways and know-how of the World-leader, both Egypt and Rome displayed the process of turning the information into rulership knowledge and the individuals into quite, docile pets. Thus Rome named their religion after the animal they used to gain their power.

From the perspective of God, this was a purposeful and effective method of developing both animals and beasts. Quadrant 4 consists of those who possess raw, natural mental and physical strengths, gifts and abilities. Quadrant 3 consists of those who don‘t possess the same natural and mental abilities, but, by virtue of being connected to the Heavens, do possess a certain level of structure and resources that those in Quadrant 4 don‘t have access to. As a symbiotic relationship, the World, benefits by gaining access to that which it does not possess and consequently uses what is gained to further develop the various aspects of Worldly output, that will eventually be used for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

The children of God gain access to the structure, information, ways and resources of the World to develop their mental and physical gifts, that will also eventually be used for the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. However, by nature, the World may seek to try and exploit the gifts of the children of God. Likewise, in seeking improper Worldly approval and becoming distracted with the gains of the World, the Children of God who don‘t end up progressing along the Path of Righteousness will end up worshipping themselves (and allowing themselves to be worshipped by others).

Consequently, these actions will cause those in Quadrant 4 to look for ways to stay relevant in the World, which usually results detrimentally, as Quadrant 3 has possession of the information and resources that Quadrant 4 desire to stay in the World and typically

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144 create uncomfortable environments for those in Quadrant 4 to do so. Instead of developing gifts and talents and progressing on to Quadrant 2, those in Quadrant 4 fall prey to worshipping false gods, much to the displeasure of their Heavenly Father.

Despite being a religion based on the teachings of Jesus, Roman Catholicism, and the numerous sects that have since come from it have not and do not focus on the most fundamental teaching aspect: Seeking First the Kingdom of God. Whether Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Mormon, Jehovah‘s Witness, and everything in between, no religion of this aspect of Abrahamic faith focuses on teaching how to change one‘s mind and actions and Seek First the Kingdom of God. Nonetheless, each one does provide a spiritual aspect, that when combined with Kingdom Seeking, will result in a different type of fruit that God wanted to have planted. In regards to Catholicism specifically, its focus on the Virgin Mary does stay in keeping with the theme of worshipping the ‗Queen of Heaven‘ as a way to gain access to the glory and blessings of God. While the Roman Catholic church has been ordained by God to serve His will, its precepts and practices clearly point to a limited understanding, one that in the face of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, will require the embrace and practice of Seeking First the Kingdom of Heaven. Finally, while Catholicism is what gave rise to the formation of Christianity and its followers, Christians, a review of the word indicates an incomplete understanding regarding their methods.

o Christian/ity – One that is/ related to The/An Anointed Son of God . Christ – The/An Anointed Son of God . -ian – a suffix meaning related to; one that is . -ity – a suffix meaning state or quality The word Christian is more of a Title in the Kingdom of Heaven rather than the description of a religion. A Christian is one who, in order to become related to The Son (Jesus Christ), has traveled the path the receive Sonship. Furthermore, it must be noted that Jesus did not come to set up a new religion, rather he came to unify ALL beliefs (Abrahamic and World alike) by serving as the bridge between God and Man. As the Way, Truth and Life, Jesus came to inform how to become what He himself was, a Son of God. In doing so, the fruit produce from the wide varieties of beliefs on the Earth, under the unification of the Oneness in Christ, is in keeping with what God wants and benefits the whole.

John 14:12-13 12 I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father.

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. Related – Re – a suffix meaning again Late – from the Latin latus means borne, carried o Borne – to bear, to bring forth, produce, to endure, to sustain…to give birth to o Carry – to transport in a vehicle . John 3:5-6 5 Jesus answered, “Very truly I tell you, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless they are born of water and the Spirit. 6 Flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit. o One is a Christ/Husband/Man who has voluntarily presented his life a living sacrifice and proceeded through the path to The Master‘s Degree Islam – as a religion is defined as the voluntary submission to the will of God (). As another aspect of Abrahamic faith, the key to unlocking to power of Islam lies in progressing along Quadrant 2 to receive Kingship training. The spiritual lessons and understandings gained in the tenets and precepts of Islam, combined with the understanding gained from the Holy Spirit as a result of Kingdom Seeking, brings about another variation of trees and fruit that God desires in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth Judaism – in the Old Testament of the Bible, the Children of Israel received a set of instructions to govern their behavior. Contained within these instructions were Holy Days, lists of sacrifices and a wide variety of Do‘s and Don‘t, to include the most widely known list: The Law of the Ten Commandments. However, one very important requirement was given that sheds light on the temporary nature of these requirements…Unleaven Bread . Exodus 12:39 With the dough they had brought from Egypt, they baked cakes of unleavened bread. The dough was without yeast because they had been driven out of Egypt and did not have time to prepare food for themselves. Unleavened – Un: prefix meaning NOT; Leave: - to remain in place, not to move; -en: suffix meaning Verb: to cause to become o Unleaven – to cause to NOT stay in place, to cause to move Bread – generally regarded as the Word God has to produce movement/action in your life. . The information that the children of Israel was using as they left Egypt had not yeast, meaning that it was temporary information that was not intended to remain in place.

. The parable of the Leaven, told by Jesus explains that the Kingdom of God requires fungus-like takeover power of yeast added to the dough. This clearly shows that the information received by traveling along the Path of Righteousness has an overwhelming power that spreads over

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the entire World, until the World becomes the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Consequently, when the temporary teachings of Judaism, and those who practice it, is transformed with the solid, take-over power of Kingdom Seeking, additional tree types, with another bountiful harvest of fruit, will be produced. Luke 13:20-21 20And again he said, Whereunto shall I liken the kingdom of God? 21It is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened. o There are two interesting words that give us greater insight into the mindset of those who practice Judaism, particularly those who are called JEWS (Israel and Jewelery). . Israel – The children who asks ―is/could it be the leader of the World a little version of you, God?‖ (Don’t know who their father is)

Is - 3rd person singular present indicative of be.

ra – the name given to an Egyptian pharaoh, indicating his being viewed as a god

el – small one . Jewelery – small ones who practice/possess the collective qualities of adorning themselves with shells

-ery – suffix meaning collective qualities, art, practice, trade, collection, state, condition el – small one

Jewelery – a form of personal adornment, with 100,000-year- old beads made from Nassarius shells thought to be the oldest known jewellery. o The combination of the understanding of these two words provides insight into the fact that because the children of God had not yet traveled along the path to The Master‘s Degree, their fascination with the shell implies that they (as the seed being housed in the shell) began to worship the ways of the World. Here we see the three Abrahamic faiths and the limitations that they have as a result of their Worldly influences; however, the World only serves as the basis for spiritual understanding. As a result, the information learned while practicing either of the three faiths will provide a basis understanding for Kingdom Seeking. Nonetheless, as they are, none of the three possess the ability to truly secure salvation.

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Jesus is Our Heavenly Father‘s gift and example of unifying, not only the Abrahamic faiths, but all people of the World, into the Oneness of Christ. Only through believing in Jesus, presenting yourself a living sacrifice, transforming the information previously gained as a result of the Kingdom Seeking process, and counting it all joy while going through the process will the information previously gained be made clear.

Hebrews 7:19 For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.

Hebrews 10:14 For by one [sacrifice] he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.

Hebrews 5:8-10 8Though he were a Son, yet learned he obedience by the things which he suffered; 9And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him; 10Called of God an high priest after the order of Melchisedec.

Matthew 5:48 Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. o Perfect – to bring to full development (v.); accomplish, finish, complete; complete of its nature or kind (adj.) Jesus came to fulfill the covenant that God made to Abram/Abraham by showing everyone how to become perfected to receive the promise.

1. Make you a great nation 2. Your descendants will inherit the Earth 3. Your seed will bless the land.

o Acts 3:25-26 25Ye are the children of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with our fathers, saying unto Abraham, And in thy seed shall all the kindreds of the earth be blessed. 26Unto you first God, having raised up his Son Jesus, sent him to bless you, in turning away every one of you from his iniquities.

o Galatians 3:29 And if ye be Christ's, then are ye Abraham's seed, and heirs according to the promise. Education Another institution used in the World to pass along its doctrine is through the use of education.

Educate - bring up (children), train; bring out, lead forth As with most things in the World, the ways of the World are inverted Truths of the Kingdom of God, and as such, do serve a purpose along the path to The Master‘s Degree. All school-age children, from elementary to high school, learn the most fundamental basics of understanding. The student is presented each grade with a set of subjects

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(English, Math, History, etc.) that they are unaware of a that moment. They receive detailed instruction regarding the specifics of the subject, are given various types of information reinforcement (homework, quizzes, tests, etc.) and receive some form positive/negative determination of their grasp of the information in the form of grades. A Kingdom disciple is not much different than a student of the World system. As discussed in the section regarding Sabbath, an understanding is gained regarding the type of information being given by the Holy Spirit. Based on the level of understanding of the disciple, and the amount of practice done regarding the information, the disciple can measure their performance against the qualities/character of the Sons of God (described in the section regarding Quadrant 1). In God‘s infinite mercy, disciples receive opportunities to practice what is learned, and in the event that sufficient practice did not result in the desired outcome, additional opportunities will arise as a way to reinforce the importance of the practice needed. In my personal experience, this is the value of patience, as the Father always seems to provide an opportunity to see the value of the practiced information in relation to a thought that is incompatible with Kingship training. As training progresses, and practice continues, spiritual maturity grows and the disciple continues along the path to The Master‘s Degree. I have made the distinction of THE Master‘s Degree, as opposed to A Master‘s Degree to show the definitive article of the subject. There are MANY types of educational degrees in the World, and of those degree types, there are numerous types of Master‘s degrees; however, in the Kingdom of God, there is only ONE Master‘s Degree and it is THE Master‘s Degree. World Universities While the Kingdom of God requires the progression from the Bachelor‘s Degree to the Master‘s Degree, the World provides a similarly inverted system of education. The world-based education system serves to provide various levels of education that equips the student with the knowledge, culture and obedience to the ways of the systems of the World. A close examination of the name and/or purpose of many of the very first worldly institutions of higher learning reveals their origins and aims; consequently, shedding light on how they fit into the overall plan of the world.

The University of Bologna – while there had been other forms of higher education throughout the known world, the University of Bologna (Italy) is known as the first ‗degree granting‘ institution of its kind. With a motto of ‗fostering mother studies‘, the University of Bologna was set up in large part with the aim of studying the Digest a central text in Roman law, which had been rediscovered in Italy in 1070, and the university was central in the development of medieval Roman law. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_Bologna)

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o The University of Bologna is credited with linking the Christian faith, which was being organized as a cohesive religion by the Roman catholic church (Vatican), with the ways and laws of medieval Roman life. This link was vital in the way the religion and government were shaped and influenced throughout the world. This university originated the modern- day multiple degree system The University of Oxford – As the second oldest university in the world and the oldest in the English speaking world, Oxford was formed after students were banned from attending the University of Paris. Ostensibly founded to continue to studies of Church law and governmental doctrine, the school eventually experienced academic local social unrest, resulting in the formation of the University of Cambridge. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/University_of_oxford) o Oxford – a place where spiritual disciples in search of the Kingdom of God can find can cross the waters of life at its lowest, calmest point. . Ford – shallow place where water can be crossed by Oxen . Ox – spiritual disciples joined together for the purpose of Kingdom Seeking The University of Cambridge – As the second oldest English speaking university, the University of Cambridge is vital as a cultural and practical association in helping to shape British society. In addition with the University of Oxford, the University of Cambridge is continually listed as one of the most influential universities of the World. o Cambridge – a way across the river of the waters of life by means of possessing qualities of not choosing to follow the shepherd‘s guidance. . Cam – a Celtic river whose name means ‗ crooked‘ Crooked – marked by bends, curves as in a shepherds staff Crook – swindler; -ed: suffix meaning having the qualities of o Crooked – having the qualities of not wanting to follow the shepherd‘s guidance . Bridge – causeway over a river

Within England, Oxford and Cambridge, both heavily influenced by the University of Bologna, took the Roman catholic laws and doctrines learned and produced two universities. One university, by virtue of its name, attempted to provide a way for Kingship training, while the other is marked by being named to try to find ways to remain successful by NOT attempting Kingship training.

Both of these universities would come to heavily influence not only other parts of the World, but also the eventual World power-to-be, the United States of America. In doing so, the educational and governmental impact would prove to have a profound effect on the founding, shaping and development of the United States.

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Harvard University - Located in Cambridge, Massachusetts as a private research university, Harvard has many distinctive ‗firsts‘ in the United States. As the first and oldest university in the United States, Harvard was founded in honor of John Harvard, an English minister who received his Bachelor‘s and Master‘s degree from the University of Cambridge. The school was founded primarily to train Congregationalist and Unitarian clergy. The college offered a classic academic course based on the English university model—many leaders in the colony had attended Cambridge University—but one consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy. Harvard University is also distinctive in that it is first corporation chartered in the United States. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harvard_University#Notable_people) The graduates from this university include many of the most well-known and influential men and women of American history, to include business, scientific and governmental leaders. This extensive list includes, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Bill Gates, and the creator of Facebook o Harvard – Characterized by the act or process of gathering the crops of the World (those who are NOT Kingdom Seeking) . Harv – the act or process of gathering a crop . -ard – a suffix meaning characterized by . -est – a superlative: of the highest order, quality, or degree; surpassing or superior to others Harvest – the highest order, quality, or degree; surpassing/superior to others in the act or process of gathering crops William and Mary College – As the second oldest university in America, William and Mary College is a public university founded by the royal charter of King William III and Queen Mary II (England). The college, based around studies in Philosophy, Science/Math, and Divinity, is the educational foundation from where Thomas Jefferson and 16 signers of the Declaration of Independence were taught. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William_and_Mary_College) o Philosophy – love of the Wisdom of the World (Philo Sophia) Yale University – As the third oldest university in America, Yale University is a private university founded with a Hebrew motto of ‗Light and Truth‘; thereby, giving insight into possible Jewish roots. Along with Harvard and Princeton, Yale is considered as part of the ‗Big Three‘ Universities in the United States and was founded to train clergy and political leaders, a list that includes five presidents. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yale_University) Columbia University - As the fourth oldest university in America, Columbia was founded as a private research university by the royal charter of King George II. Originally named King‘s College, Columbia University specialized its courses in Teaching, Theology/Jewish Theology, and a school for the performing arts known as Julliard. The list of those educated at Columbia include United States presidents Theodore and Franklin Delano Roosevelt and Barack Obama. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_University) Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


Princeton University – Along with Harvard, Yale, Columbia and a few other schools not mentioned here, Princeton helped to make up the nine colonial universities founded before the American Revolution. o Princeton – a non-king royal who measures by the amount of physical blessings . Prince – a member of a royal family who is not yet King . Ton – a measure of weight that is based on a cask of wine Wine – as a spiritual symbol, wine is most often associated with blessings in the physical realm Notre Dame – A catholic university that specializes in Roman based Jesuit education, in addition to typical coursework associated with Arts and Science o Notre Dame – Representing the Virgin Mary and/or any other ‗Queen of Heaven‘, a lady of the lake is a physical person who has learned how to maneuver and function in the Heavens, World and in Darkness. . Notre – of the Lake . Dame – Our Lady Dame is the female name of a goose. As a member of the Anatidae species, the goose is part of a family of birds that can swim, float on water, as well as walk on land, but can‘t perch in trees. Spiritually speaking, a bird that can fly, swim and walk on land means that it has the ability to maneuver in the Spirit of the World in the Heavens (water), the Spirit of the World on Earth (air) and interact with Beasts (earth); however, it can‘t function in the Kingdom of Heaven. According to the Parable of the Mustard Seed, only birds that can ‗lodge in its branches‘ (Matthew 13:32) have the ability to partake in the blessing of the Kingdom of Heaven. As educational institutions of the World, each university listed originated from Roman law and doctrine. As such, the university helped to educate spiritual and governmental leaders on how to lead their people to continue in doing so. While inherently, there is nothing wrong with their methods, as they were ordained by God to do so, the blind worship and followership of the information gained in these institutions only serve to keep the ones educated as slaves to the system.

Conversely, the educational system does assist in helping God‘s children train their focus and learning skills. As one who learned through Adult Education and the Online Learning environment, the discipline of study habits and critical thinking skills gained have proved invaluable. The path along The Master‘s Degree requires intense focus, critical thinking and decision making awareness; therefore, in keeping with the ‗shell as a housing for the seed‘ process, educational progression can be beneficial.

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Personally, my experience and knowledge gained throughout my educational progression prepared me for not only writing this assertation, but also for the research required to uncover and understand the information God revealed. Nonetheless, once it became clear that the Worldly educational system was no longer sufficient, I began to rely on the leadership and teaching of the Holy Spirit.

Business Another institution used in the World to help facilitate culture and socialized norms is in the use of Business. In the GIVENS section, I explained a saying that typifies the difference and results of Kingdom Seeking rather than Seeking the World: Use your time wisely and Pay Attention, OR charge it to the game (DISTRACTION)

The Holy Spirit revealed this statement because not only does it encapsulate WHAT to do while here on Earth, but it displays the result for what happens when this life command is not carried out. By using your time wisely and paying attention, Kingdom Seeking progresses and the journey out of the World and into the Kingdom of Heaven occurs; however, while in the World, the ‗game‘ of distraction (as was seen in the last section) is underway. One of the primary forms of distraction in the World is through the use of Business. Distraction – the opposite of being led (by the Holy Spirit) o Dis – a prefix meaning the opposite of o Tract – drawing, leading, or pulling power Similar to the distraction statement, the Holy Spirit revealed another statement that encapsulates the value of being led: Rest in Peace OR Work for War (Wars are Waged) o Rest – cessation of work, exertion, or activity o Peace – ease or refreshment resulting from the stopping of work; the absence of war or other hostilities. Freedom from quarrels and disagreement; harmonious relations . Cessation – to come to an end, stop, give up . Free – exempt from, not in bondage, noble, joyful John 8:32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free. o Set – Put in some place, fix firmly o Work – something done, deed, action, proceeding business . Ephesians 2:8-9 8 For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— 9 not by works, so that no one can boast. . James 2:17 In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead. (see the end of the section for more explanation)

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o War – to comfuse, perplex The use of the prefix COM is used here rather than CON as CON means to not or without when used in comparison of COM, which means with or to . Com/fuse – to (com-); mix or mingle things so as to render things indistinguishable (fuse)…to discomfit in the mind Discomfit – the opposite of comfit; vanquish, destroyed o Comfit – to be the right shape, suitable to another (fit); together (com) . Perplex – involved, comfused, intricate o Wages – payment for services rendered (as with work), pledge of security . Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. Sin – Moral wrongdoing, existing outside/without God Death – (Quadrant 3) separation, disconnected from God Gift – Something that is bestowed voluntarily and without compensation o Compensation – to weigh one thing against another Life – Connection to God through The Tree of Life by way of The Master‘s Degree

So, to summarize, to Rest in Peace means to cease from all activity and exertion (initially mentally/spiritually, the Holy Spirit reveals when this is done physically) by discontinuing from engaging in quarreling and non-harmonious behavior (this can be aided through the use of Kaneh Bosm). Peace can be achieved by the individual by removing themselves from and agreeing with or engaging in negative, quarreling, non- harmonious behavior and activities, while progressing along the path towards The Master‘s Degree. The cessation of these activities make it clearer to understanding the movements of God and allow for hearing the Holy Spirit lead, teach and guide in which ways to go.

Conversely, Working for War means that the individual engages in doing/performing various World-based activities that are designed as payment to the individual in assisting in their own comfusion and being discomfited. While the activities performed while in the World (jobs/businesses, etc.,) are ultimately designed to prepare you for your purpose within the Kingdom of Heaven, and begin to become understood as so during The Master‘s Degree process, failure to progress beyond the World makes these activities continuous forms of distractions.

When a word that ends in Y is connected with certain suffixes, that Y turns into an I. Just as when the word HAPPY is connected with the suffix NESS, it turns into the word happiness; likewise, when LONELY is connected with the suffix NESS, it turns into the word loneliness. When the word BUSY is connected with the suffix NESS, it turns into the word BUSINESS.

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Business – the state of being engaged with activity to the point of being distracted away from Kingdom Seeking. o ness: suffix meaning the state of being o busy – engaged in activity, as work; occupied. Sustaining much activity. Cluttered with detail to the point of being distracting. . Engage – formal promise, pledge (words of war; such as battle, fight) . Activity – doing things . Occupied – to take or fill up time or space…to employ or engage the mind, energy or attention Career – o Care – a burdened state of mind, as that arising from heavy responsibilities; to worry, be anxious, to grieve, to lament o –er – a suffix meaning one who . A person‘s career reflects the burdens and/or worries of the direction of their mind

The word business literally means to be in the state of being engaged/occupied to the point of being led opposite of the way of God as a result of a career. 1 Corinthians 12:2 You know that when you were pagans you were often LED ASTRAY by speechless idols, however, you were LED. 1 Corinthians 10:20 No, I mean that what the pagans sacrifice is to demons and not to God. I do not want you to be partners with demons.

As a function of being led by a prince, and not a King, the World uses the institution of business, and it various forms, as a way to keep potential children of God engaged with trying to figure out how to maintain success in the business world that they don‘t focus properly on reconnecting back to God by way of The Master‘s Degree process. Inherently, businesses and careers are important in assisting the children of God in developing their skills and talents, as well as allowing the World to produce the environment (and its output) from which the Kingdom of Heaven can decide on what can/will be used for building the Kingdom on Earth. The key is to not direct all focus, attention and worship on the leaders of the business world or the business world itself.

As an environment built on sand, the business world was created to ultimately give way to the more solid building foundation of the Kingdom of God. However, the children of God have used the business world as a means to ascertain a better living for themselves and their children. Actually, based on my personal experience, the attempt to have my grasp exceed my reach in the business world is what helped me grasp and understand the principles of the greatness of the Kingdom of Heaven.

In order to accept and believe that we have the potential of not only achieving God-like status on Earth, but also enjoying the benefits of all that has been produced on the Earth, one must believe that greatness can be achieved. For those who have set out on achieving the best and greatest that the world has to offer, an example has been set.

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On one hand, it shows to the possibility of exploring the limits of possibility and the benefits that come with achieving such lofty goals; however, to those who are NOT Kingdom Seeking, this example serves to enslave those who find such an example as one worth following. The path taken and the gains achieved are still based on sand, and as such, will eventually crumble under the waves of the Sea of Life. Consequently, all those who viewed this type of example will falsely follow an example that is doomed to fail.

When the Rich man came to Jesus and asked what must he do to gain access to the Kingdom of Heaven, it was the notification that he would have to voluntarily give up all that he had gained while in the World that caused him great sadness. Therefore, while achieving greatness in the World serves to display the potential that lies within each one of us when focused properly, improper worship of and trust in this false idol environment will eventually lead to a negative outcome.

On the other hand, using the World as a place to learn the value of leadership, education and success and then transform that information when the Kingship training begins to ReOrder life and the things gained, allows for the type of example that helps others when their Kingship training begins to reorder their lives.

My testimony of being saved by GRACE through FAITH While it is by GRACE through FAITH that we are saved and NOT WORKS, FAITH without WORKS is dead faith. These two verses may appear to be at odds, but they are not. Works are required as a method of BUILDING your faith. If you have faith for something, you must move in the direction of what you believe; thereby, allowing God to prove Himself to you regarding your faith. The result of your movement may not be what you intended; however, all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.

In Kingdom Seeking, going after a better life/job, starting a business, or whatever it is you believe God has for you requires you to step out on faith with it. Nonetheless, the steps are ordered by God and will result in a closer relationship to God, if not necessarily to object of your faith. For instance, I personally believed in the furthering of my businesses as a way of proving to myself and others that God it was God‘s will that my businesses flourish. After initial success, combined with my newfound practice of Kingdom Seeking, I was truly convinced that the expansion of my business at that time would serve as a vehicle to show others the goodness of God and assist in building the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

One business I started was a clinic for inner-city families living on Government medical assistance. The goal was to use the Kingdom teachings I had gained from Myles Munroe, combined with my newfound understanding of how that information could be used to assist families not only rid themselves of their interpersonal family issues, but also provide the background for them getting closer to God through the initial use of mental health care.

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I was sure that this would be an effective program that would aid in the relief of mental health care burdens for many families in the Chicagoland area; nonetheless, it did not happen.

My wife and I also created a children‘s hair salon that catered to the spiritual needs of young girls as well as their hair care needs. My wife began to recognize the need to build self-esteem in little girls by relieving mothers from the painful chore of doing their daughters hair. By providing this service in a manner that had not been introduced for this segment of the hair care community, the business received initial success. Based on this success, we petitioned the United States military to see if we could become vendor contractors, who would provide this same service to the children of the military. As it happens, there was indeed a contract opening that had to that point gone unfulfilled.

As we contacted multiple military installations and received extremely favorable results, we began to travel to several military installations to begin securing the contracts and establishing our business model. However, after extremely serious effort on our part, we were unable to execute this vision that we believed God wanted us to do. My point is this: I took ‗risks‘ at the time as I moved in the direction of the faith I was believing in God for. While none of those directions resulted in ‗fruit‘ at THAT time, the understanding and faith that I received is what has led me to write this assertation. The Kingdom plans that God has for my life was completed before I was born and my movement in the directions I thought I needed to go only served to actually get me closer to just what it is that GOD has planned for me.

Therefore, it was NOT the WORKS that I was attempting to perform that allows me to continue…it is indeed God‘s GRACE through my FAITH in the example of His Son that allows me to continue; for by God‘s Grace, I have faced many things; however, He has continually led me on past them all, allowing me to gain greater and greater understanding in the use of my dominion.

Governments Another vital institution within the World is that of Governments. While each country on Earth has a government that has been ordained by God and serves as another shell form from which the children of God use to grow and develop as seeds, a closer examination of them, their structures, and even the names of various countries reveals their input into the overall plan of God.

Just as religion provides an organized environment that the children of God use to eventually transform into their understanding of the Kingdom of God, so to does the various World-based systems of government provide structure to reveal various aspects of the Kingdom of God.

The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, at its most basic function is an inverted reflection of the Tree of Life (Knowledge of God). Consequently, the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil also possess various branches, and each of these branches possess various aspects of the tree that aid in the continuation of the World.

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For instance, the word OLOGY comes from the Greek word Logos and this word means the ‗study of‘ something. There are an incredible amount of different BRANCHES of SCIENCE, thus there are a lot of ologies. Science – Knowledge acquired by study, a particular branch of KNOWLEDGE o As opposed to the Tree of Life, where information is acquired by the practice of Kingdom Seeking Logos – World view o Philosophy; love of the wisdom of the World o In pre-Socratic philosophy, the principle governing the cosmos, the source of this principle, or human reasoning about the cosmos Logos – Kingdom view o The Word of God , which itself has creative power and is God‘s medium of communication with the human race. In St. John 1:1-14, the creative word of God, this is itself God, and incarnate in Jesus. Also called THE WORD. Just as the Tree of Life possess many branches (which, in the form of ascended Man, are Tree‘s of Life themselves…the fruit of the Righteous IS a Tree of Life), so to does the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. One of those branches is the Government of the United States of America.

There are actually THREE BRANCHES to the Federal Government Legislative Judicial Executive o The executive branch of the federal government includes the Executive Office of the President and the United States federal executive departments (whose Secretaries belong to the Cabinet) . Federal – pertaining to one who is fed/nourished/sustained (-al): suffix meaning pertaining to; (-er) suffix meaning one who; Fed – past tense of feed; to nourish, sustain . United States – not connected with the temporary conditions/circumstances Un – a prefix meaning NOT; (-ite): a suffix meaning connected with State - circumstances, temporary attributes of a person or thing, conditions . Secretary – person entrusted with secrets -ary – suffix meaning connected with, the one who keeps strongly Secret - set apart, withdrawn, hidden . Department – the condition or result of being opposite of being divided De – a prefix meaning down from, from, off, opposite Part - piece, side, share; something divided Ment – a suffix meaning condition or result Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


o Secretaries in the Federal Government are the ones who use their secrets to try to bring together that which is not together. President – the one who SIT‘s prior to (prior to the seating of Christ at the Right Hand of God) o Pre – a prefix meaning prior to o Side - before" (see pre-) + sedere "to sit" . Sit – to be seated; to sit again, to settle. Sedentary – remaining in one place o Inaugural – the result of using a World-based official to predict future success based on the current path of previous ages of World. Leaders who fit the mold of similar cycles of the World are used to try and produce similar results of the past age of the World . in- (in a Worldly sense, in- is a prefix meaning towards; in a Kingdom sense, it is a prefix meaning not) . augur - one of a group of ancient Roman officials charged with observing and interpreting omens for guidance in public affairs; used the flight of birds to foretell if an increase in crops were imminent. . al – a suffix meaning result of action Vice – moral fault, wickedness o The Vice President is the one of moral fault, wickedness who SIT‘s prior to Moral fault and wickedness, caused by eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil leads to illusions and hallucination (spiritual blindness). Illusion – Deception or mockery resulting from the power or energy of multiple morally wicked, back people (who agreed on the spread of the deception to other’s who are also spiritually blind) o Ill – morally wicked, bad, sick o Us – we, more than one o Ion – the power or energy Hallucination – One who causes to wander in the mind, ramble in thought, rave, make negative prophesy (figuring) o Ate – a suffix meaning cause to be Illustrious – having the qualities of/related to the morally wicked THREE . The Greek letter PSI resembles a THREE prong fork; stands for psychology Psychology is the study of the mind and spirit of the animal nature . A Fig has a THREE leaf design Figuring through the use of psychology, and the achievements that come from its use . Pagan attempt at the trinity/unity of Elohim (World def. – notably or brilliantly outstanding because of dignity or achievements or actions) o Ous – a suffix meaning having the quality of, relating to o Tri – a word meaning three

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o Us – we, more than one o Ill – morally wicked, bad, sick

Another interesting group of words that shine light on the nature of World-based governments involves democracy. As a form of government, democracy is about the wants and needs of the people being voted on for the people, by the people, with ‗one of them‘ serving as the centralized representative for the collective will of the masses. Democrat/Democracy – the form of government ruled by demons o Cracy – the rule of; form or theory of government, social or political class o Demo – short for demonstrate . Trate – English form of latin word meaning to try . Demon – spiritual embodiment of being opposite/less than Man Republicans – One who enforced double taxation; collecting taxes twice o Re – again, a second time o Publican – (-an) one who is a tax collector; gatherer

There are a few other words based off of the root of these words that also play a vital role in maintaining the energy of the World Pan – the name of a god in Greek mythology (past World power) that is represented as half-man/half-goat. Pan was charged with ruling as the prince of the animal/sinful instinct of Man. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pan_(mythology)) The use of horns and a tail in the story of Pan, as well as other similarities, shines light on the similarities to the story of the Biblical Satan and his role in effecting the lower/sinful nature of Man. o Romans 7:25 Thanks be to God, who delivers me through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, I myself in my mind am a slave to God’s law, but in my sinful nature a slave to the law of sin. . Panic – the negatively based, emotional response related to that of being like Pan

-ic – a suffix meaning quality or relation to o One who is not Kingdom Seeking responds to the appearance of a negative situation with panic, rather than peace. . Pandemonium – the result of an attempt to make Satan and demons appear to be bigger (have greater power) than is true.

-ium – a suffix meaning to make appear bigger than normal o Sounds or sound, especially when loud, designed to confuse, or be disagreeable: babel, clamor

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. Clamor – to cry out; a vehement expression of discontent or protest, rant

Rant – to talk foolishly, talk in a wild or vehement way

Vehement – to be carried away

Rave – to wander, stray; to speak wildly, irrationally, incoherently; madness o Restaurant – take a break from labor at the place to talk wild and foolishly . Rest – break from labor, peace . Au – French word meaning at the place of . Rant – to talk foolishly, talk in a wild way . Demonstrate – the way demons try

to make evident or establish by arguments or reasoning

. Illustrate – the way multiple morally wicked people try

Ill – morally wicked, sick

Us – more than self

Trate – to try

Military The Department of Defense uses the various BRANCHES of the military to assist in the protection of its citizens through the use of soldiers and marines. Because the leaders of the World are led by spiritual princes, none have actually completed Kingship training. As a result of this suspended development, all princes have feelings of uneasiness; thereby, causing fear of the strength and/or power of other princes. This fear gives rise to the need for protecting and defending against the overthrow of another prince and/or the attack or preemptive attack of another prince as a way to calm the fears. Quieting the fears of an uneasy prince, through the use of war, is a World-old way of handling problems, and sheds even more light on the need for The Master‘s Degree.

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Soldier – A warrior who continually hands over, gives over, or offers as a sacrifice for MONEY. o Sold – the past and past participle of Sell . To hand over for, to give for, to offer as a sacrifice for MONEY o Ier – a suffix indicating more appended to a word Warrior – The same as a worrier; one who worries/warys o Or – a suffix meaning a person that does something o Wary – prudent, alert, attentive, cautious about negative things; being watchful/on one‘s guard against potential danger o Worry – thoughts and images of a negative thought process in which mental attempts are made to avoid anticipated potential threats . Worry – to torment (beat up) oneself or an attempt by another to torment with turbid/troubling thoughts. Torment – great mental anguish, brought on by fear/expectation of danger or a negative outcome o Anguish – mental suffering, anxiety, rage o Fear – a feeling of agitation and anxiety caused by the presence or imminence of danger…dread, apprehension . Agitate – to cause to move with negative force . Anxiety – a state of uneasiness and apprehension, as about future uncertainties Apprehension – Fearful or uneasy anticipation of the future Dread – to anticipate with alarm, distaste, or reluctance . Danger – exposure or vulnerability to harm or risk Matthew 6:27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? o Worry - harass by rough or severe treatment, as of dogs or wolves attacking sheep…or the way a dog bites and shakes at a toy or bone. . To spend time thinking of negative possibilities is to worry. A wolf and dog represent the wild and tamed nature of the world and a sheep represents a disciple of Jesus and the Kingdom of God. To worry, or allow someone else to worry you, is to treat the negative thought as a dog does a bone…shaking it from side to side and resisting when an attempt to take it away occurs. As the thought of the negative emerges in the mind, simply let it go, count in all joy and focus on the positive possibility. Focusing on the negative, and/or not letting it go when a positive possibility is introduced is to treat the thought as though it were real, and such rough treatment of a negative thought builds upon more worrying. Matthew 10:30-31 30 And even the very hairs of your head are all numbered. 31 So don’t be afraid [fear]; you are worth more than many sparrows.

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List of Country Names German – one who is the seed of a dis-ease o Germ – seed of a dis-ease o An – a suffix meaning one who is Roman (Roam-an) – one who wanders about with no direction o Roam – the act of wandering about with no direction . Wander – (-er): a prefix meaning one who; moves about without an aim or goal; to move about with a definite destination or purpose. To go by an indirect route or at no pace (NOT BEING LED) Romanian – Like or related to one who wanders about with no direction o Roam-an – one who wander about with no direction o Ian – a suffix meaning like or related to Russian (Rush-ian) – Of or related to one who either moves quickly (rather than the speed of God) or is a plant not growing on solid ground. o Rush – a plant growing in a marshy ground (n.); to move quickly (v.) o Ian – a suffix meaning like or related to Italian – of or related to the inclination or will of the self o I – me, myself o Tal – inclination, will o Ian – a suffix meaning like or related to Ireland/Irish – the land of those having the qualities of anger, violence, wrath o Ire – anger, violence, wrath o –ish – having the qualities of Poland/Polish – the land of those having the qualities of many o Pol – multiple; many o –ish – having the qualities of o –ite – state or quality of . Polite – polished, elegant, cultured (world-based cultivation) British – having the qualities of (or related to/one that is) cunning, crafty o Brit – cunning, crafty; simple-minded o – ish – having the qualities of o –ian – related to; one that is Chinese – Originating in/from their view of purity in speech o Chin – In the Hindu/Buddhist view, the chin symbolizes purity in speech; Purity exists when speech, expressed from this energy point, is aligned with truth. When purity is lacking, issues of addiction, hateful speech and thyroid problems can arise (http://www.livestrong.com/article/521128-importance-of-chin-chakra/) o –ese – originating in

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Spanish – having the qualities of the distance between two objects o Span – distance between two objects; distance between the thumb and little finger of an extended hand o –ish – having the qualities of . Isaiah 40:12 Who has measured the oceans in the palm of his hand? Who has used his hand to measure the sky?... (From a Kingdom perspective, the SPAN in Spanish is an inverted truth of this verse in Isaiah. The distance between the ‗thumb‘ of God and His ‗index‘ finger represents not only the relative small size of all creation in comparison to God, but also to the fact that it was all ‗written‘ by the pen God held between his ‗thumb‘ and ‗finger‘.) France – one who is frank o Frank - free, liberal, generous," from O.Fr. franc "free (not servile), sincere, genuine, open, gracious; worthy o Frank - one of the Germanic people that conquered Celtic Gaul from the Romans c.500 C.E. and called it France.

Japan – the god of the animal/sinful instinct of Man o – short for Yah, as in Yahweh o Pan - the name of a god in Greek mythology (past World power) that is represented as half-man/half-goat. Pan was charged with ruling as the prince of the animal/sinful instinct of Man.

Korean (Core-ian) – related to; one that is the heart/central, innermost, or most essential part of the World o Core – the heart; the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything o ian – a suffix meaning related to; one that is

Malaysian (Mal-Asian) – a bad one that is related to the World o Mal – a prefix meaning bad o Asian - one that is or related to the same degree or equal to the World Mexico – trying to cross out or hide I am rich o Me – I am o X – used to cross out something (I believe it crosses out the letter R) o Rican – rich American – I am not rich o A – a prefix meaning not o Merican – I am rich African – towards being/positive direction rich o Af – towards/positive o Rican – rich

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Ghana - is a form of a royal title, hence, ―king.‖ . Afghanistan –where a King stands in the positive direction Af – towards, in addition to (positive) Ghana – royal title of King I – first person -Stan – a suffix meaning country, where one stands . Pakistan (Pack/I/stan) – where one stands to bundle Pack – to bundle I – first person –stan – suffix meaning country, where one stands

Once the Holy Spirit led me to understand the meaning of the name Ghana, a country from which a majority of slaves were taken to help build that United States of America, I was led to an amazing understanding regarding Afghanistan and Pakistan. As two neighboring countries (with borders near China and India), the word breakdown of these two border countries revealed a great deal.

According to possible Islamic and Jewish tradition, King Saul had a son called Jeremiah who had a son called Afghana. Jeremiah died at about the time of King Saul's death and Afghana was raised by King David and remained in the royal court during King Solomon's reign. (http://moshiach.com/tribes/afghanistan.html) While this was interesting to read, I continued my research to see if I could find Biblical proof to back up this story.

Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan, and grandson of Saul (2 Sam. 4:4) was five years old when his father and grandfather fell in the Battle of Mount Gilboa. During this moment of unrest, the nurse (nanny) of Mephibosheth fled to another land, only to later by recalled by King David. After the turmoil had passed, King David sent royal messengers for the House of Jonathan and brought Mephibosheth and his infant son Micah to Jerusalem, where they resided from that point on (2 Sam. 9) A. King Saul has a son called Jeremiah B. King Saul has a son called Jonathan A. Jeremiah has a son called Afghana B. Jonathan has a son called Mephibosheth Both Afghana and Mephibosheth remained in the royal court Mephibosheth has a son called Micah o Micah means one who resembles God/a King Interestingly, the Biblical story of Mephibosheth, and a former servant of Saul, Ziba, is very similar to that of the story of King Solomon deciding to cut a baby in half in resolution to a parental dispute. In the story of Mephibosheth, he is accused by King David of being unfaithful and subsequently loses all of what he has gained and his possessions are given to Ziba. Mephibosheth later told David that he had remained loyal to him, and that Ziba had lied. David then ordered the estate divided between the two. Mephibosheth allowed Ziba to keep everything as he was simply content in knowing that David was safe. (2 Samuel chpts. 19 – 21)

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o In the similar story of King Solomon (1Kings 3:16-28) King Solomon resolves a dispute between two mothers regarding the true claim over a baby. Upon hearing this terrible verdict to cut the baby in half, the boy's true mother cried out, "Please, My Lord, give her the live child—do not kill him!" However, the liar, in her bitter jealousy, exclaimed, "It shall be neither mine nor yours—divide it!" Solomon instantly gave the live baby to the real mother, realizing that the true mother's instincts were to protect her child, while the liar revealed that she did not truly love the child. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Judgment_of_Solomon)

As world based country names, Afghanistan and Pakistan appear to represent the story of the wheat and the tare/weeds (Matthew 13:24-30) in name at least, with Afghanistan being a name meaning ‗where the King stands‘ and Pakistan being a name meaning ‗bundled‘. Much like the story of Mephibosheth and Zida, as well as the two mothers who received judgment from King Solomon, the story of the wheat and tares is one that has The Heavenly Father allowing those in the World and those who are Kingdom Seekers to grow together. The ‗problem causing‘ weeds are bundled first and burned, whereas, the good seed that has grown is harvested and used for the purposes of the Kingdom.

o Kingdom Seekers always focus on what God has before them, and maintains positivity, patience and practice, with no focus directed towards the ‗weeds‘. The harvest, by means of the method of The Father ultimately separates the wheat from the chaff.

. Harvesting - the process of gathering mature crops from the fields; marks the end of the growing season, or the growing cycle for a particular crop.

. Threshing - the process of loosening the edible part of cereal grain (or other crop) from the scaly, inedible chaff that surrounds it. It is the step in grain preparation after harvesting and before winnowing. A traditional method of threshing is to make donkeys or oxen walk in circles on the grain on a hard surface so the grain may be threshed under the feet of the animal.

Chaff – dry, scaly protective casings (shell) of the seeds of cereal grain…inedible for humans, but useful as soil fertilizer.

. Winnowing - an agricultural method developed by ancient cultures for separating grain from chaff. It is also used to remove weevils or other pests from stored grain. In its simplest form it involves throwing the mixture into the air so that the wind blows away the lighter chaff, while the heavier grains fall back down for recovery.

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Winnowing is accomplished using a winnowing fork.

o Winnowing is what Jesus was referring to regarding ‗building‘ on sand or Rock. When the winds of life (air) blow and the waters beat against the ‗house‘, the one built on solid ground (wheat) will be safe, while the one who builds on sand (chaff) will be blown away by the wind.

o Matthew 3:12 His winnowing fork is in his hand, and he will clear his threshing floor, gathering his wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire.

o Matthew 13:30 Let both grow together until the harvest. At that time I will tell the harvesters: First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles to be burned; then gather the wheat and bring it into my barn.

o Matthew 24:31 And he will send his angels with a loud trumpet call, and they will gather his elect [collective] from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. . Elect – the opposite of being chosen, gathered, selected

Lect – a root word meaning to choose, gather, selected

E – a prefix meaning opposite of

. Collective – by virtue of having the qualities of (God), being chosen, gathered, selected together (my belief of the proper word in that verse); having name read from the Book of Life.

Col – a prefix meaning with, together

Lect – a root word meaning to choose, gather, selected; that which is read (lecture)

Ive- a suffix meaning having the qualities of

Each of these country‘s names is the word break down of either their pronounced name or the simply the way they are spelled. HOWEVER, since each country on Earth has been ordained by God to be there, and originated in the World, they serve a purpose within the shell as a learning tool for Kingdom ‗seeds‘, that will transform what is learned on their way to becoming the Tree God created them/us to be.

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World-Institutional examples of the Kingdom of Heaven As the final section regarding the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, I will detail a few examples of World-based institutions that show inverted possibilities of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth is a colony of Heaven. As such, a few points must be understood.

Heaven is the Home Country and it is ruled by a King. The King of Heaven has many names are descriptive of the Heavenly Nature; however, the Name that sums up the King of Heaven is Yahweh/Jehovah, a name that comes from the Hebrew name of Yod Hey Vav Hey. Within the name Yahweh, we understand the many attributes of the King of Heaven. The attributes of the King of Heaven give us insight into the nature, will and power, resources, etc., of The King.

Throughout recorded history, we have learned that all kings seek to expand their territory, because the more land a king has, the more powerful the king is. This is a reflection of the will of the King of Heaven. By creative right and ownership, the King of Heaven extended that power and influence of the Heavenly and Unseen realm to the Earthly and seen realm.

Once the power of the Home Country has been extended into another place, that place is known as the colony of the Home Country. Within a colony, the same nature, will, power, resources, etc., are to be reflected, just as it is in the Home Country. The extended difference does not stop the fact that the Home Country wishes for the colony to become transformed to look and reflect the will of the King.

Because the King of Heaven, by creative and powerful right, actually owns the land, those who reside in the Kingdom, or within a colony, actually are also owned by the King…they become His property. The reason the extended land results in a more powerful king is that the ‗fruit‘ of the land creates the wealth of the King. The citizens who are on the land of the King work the land for the king and in return are allowed to benefit by being allowed to keep a portion of the fruit for themselves. Citizen – one who exists in the [Kingdom of Heaven] center of population, commerce, culture, having done so by Seeking First the Kingdom of God o City – A center of population, commerce, and culture o Zen – a Buddhist principle that emphasizes experiential wisdom in the attainment of enlightenment. As such, it de-emphasizes theoretical knowledge in favor of direct self-realization through meditation and dharmic practice (prayer, positive focus and practice) . Zen, although a Worldly principle, is an inverted Kingdom truth. In the Kingdom of God, Zen is simply learning how to gain access to your higher spiritual self by being led by the Holy Spirit/Adonai, (eating from the Tree of Life) rather than listening to the Wisdom of the World, the Knowledge of Science, or the Understanding of a non-Kingdom Seeker (eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil). It is gaining the Knowledge of God through experience, and thereby, KNOWING. Once the information is

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known, it is owned and becomes impossible for another to introduce other false teachings. Revelations 21 details the CITY

Therefore, to stay in the Will and Grace of the King of Heaven, the citizens of the colony are to inquire into their individual purpose, so that they may please the King and in doing so, benefit from that which the King offers for obedience to His Will. It pleases the King of Heaven that the citizens of the Colony proceed through Kingship training; thereby, possessing the knowledge of God, wisdom of the World, and understanding of Self needed to act as ‗governors‘ of the Colony.

A governor is one who is trained in the Will and Ways of the Kingdom, is deployed to the Colony, an ensures that the Will and the Ways of the Kingdom are reflected within the Colony. The King of Heaven calls His governors Sons of God (Revelations 21:3). Spiritually, the Holy Spirit serves this function during Kingship training; however, once fully mature, the Son of God, along with the continued guidance of the Spirit of God, serves as the physical representation of God on Earth as a King of THE King, with Jesus representing the embodiment of THE King OF Kings.

As a King, each family teaches their children the ways and path of Kingship training; thereby, fulfilling God‘s Will of ‗producing after its own kind‘. A Son of God can only produce that which will become a Son of God and as such, the offspring are taught how to learn and master that which was learned and mastered by the parents. Because the World cycle has been broken, this training takes places from within the new environment of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The first generation of Kingdom children will eventually and invariably learn the value of some of the things their parents experienced and use their parent‘s experiences as fertilizer to assist in their growth. However, as Kingdom generations continue, each previous generation is born back into a Kingdom family already well-versed in Kingship training and enjoying the benefits of Kingdom life. Indian religions refer to this belief as reincarnation; however, this is an inverted Kingdom of God principle. In the Old Testament, God stated that for those who didn‘t obey His commandments, He would ‗punishing the children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me‘ (Exodus 20:5). However: . Exodus 20:6 but showing love to a thousand [generations] of those who love me and keep my commandments. There are two principles to be learned here: 1. Until Jesus came and showed the way, it was not possible to please God and reconnect in the manner that brought about salvation. The laws that were given were not possible to keep, and as such, insured the continuation of family lines until the proper path and guidance was given. As a result, ALL have sinned and fallen short of the Glory of God. This is in keeping with the plan of God, in that, EVERYONE is the third or fourth generation of some family line and are born into a situation that

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contains the information and environment needed to ask questions of God and find the way back to our higher, spiritual self.. . Each ‗spirit‘ is given Earthly life again, as the third or fourth generation of its current family, as a way to find their way to the Path of Righteousness. This is part of the reason why people work so hard to leave a physical inheritance, because in some ways, we are the living product of our previous experiences. 2. For those who DO become Kingdom Seekers and progress to Son of God status, the teaching of Kingdom Seeking ways learned from personal experience, teaches the following generation how to connect/stay connected to Our Heavenly Father, and in doing so, each Son of God generation benefits from the blessings of the Kingdom of Heaven. As a result, by the next third or fourth generation, each previous generation will be born into a Kingdom of Heaven environment that is well-defined, and highly blessed and favored. . This can be seen by reviewing the ways of previous Kingdom‘s and Empires. The reason that the son of the King became King is because from birth, the child was raised to think, act and live as the King. There was no introduction of any other type of lower thinking. A prince or princess is given the information that was given to previous royalty so that they will be able to become effective in their rulership. While Kingdoms and Empires within the World have fallen, Kingdom of God Kingship training is designed to last forever, thereby, the Kingdom of Heaven lasts forever; thereby, containing no way to fall. Ephesians 4:14 Then we will no longer be infants, tossed back and forth by the waves, and blown here and there by every wind of teaching and by the cunning and craftiness of people in their deceitful scheming. o Waves/Wind – Spirit and actions of the World

As each individual family in the Kingdom of Heaven teaches in this same manner, the Body of Christ (the family of God), begins to take form. With each family teaching the same understanding, marriages will allow for better relationships; consequently, leading to a more effective and efficient raising of children. Parents transitioning from Father/Mother to Brother and Sister of their matured Sons and Daughters will cause for easier functioning of families. The resulting interactions of all Kingdom of Heaven citizens will seamlessly bring about the actualization of the Body of Christ, with Jesus as the Head and each family serving as vital aspects of the Body.

When the Body of Christ is fully actualized, in essence, the Fullness of God will be present on Earth, as each one is a vital part in actualizing a various aspect of Elohim. . Ephesians 4:12 to equip his people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up 13 until we all reach unity in the faith and in the knowledge of the Son of God and become mature, attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ.

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. Ephesians 4:15-16 Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. 16 From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. Individually, we all represent a part of the Body of Christ; however, with Jesus as the Head, the collective Sons of God form THE Body of Christ. This represents God on Earth as it was in the Garden of Eden. As each one has undergone Kingship training and all interact as one spiritual family, everyone reflects the individual Will that God has for their lives, that ultimately combine for the unified Will that God has for the Colony of Earth.

Nation/Fashion While the formation of a centralized government is usually referred to as a Nation, a closer review of the words provides a different view.

Nature – the purpose or function of nature is to reflect the essential qualities, innate disposition (of Our Heavenly Father), creative power in the material world o ure – the purpose or function of the root word nat . Nature is a physical example of how God creates. Whether it is the way the fruit of a tree falls to the Earth so that more trees can grow, or how a caterpillar lives, eats, moves then transforms into a butterfly (living, eating and moving differently), the way a tiny grain of sand disturbs a shell; thereby creating a pearl, or the way a mother and father create and raise a child, Nature serves as God’s example Natal – pertaining to birth or origin of essential qualities, innate disposition, creative power in the material world o –al – a suffix meaning pertaining to nat Nation – the power or energy of essential qualities, innate disposition, creative power in the material world o –ion – a suffix meaning the power or energy of

Fatal – pertaining to causing death o –al – a suffix meaning pertaining to fate o Fate – causing death Fat-ion/Fashion (-tion makes a ‗sh‘ sound) – the power or energy of death o –ion – a suffix meaning the power or energy of

Because the World is based on repeating the same cycles over and over, it is linked with that which causes Death. As such, technically, there are no Nations within the World, as Spiritual Birth or Spiritual Life deals only with the Kingdom of Heaven. As such each country is a type of Fashion, being repeated throughout various cycles.

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While nature shows us that life is repeated through a repeating cycle, the Kingdom ‗story‘ is not one that repeats like the ‗story‘ of the World. Once a disciple matures to Son of God status, and teaches the children how to do the same, the possibilities in God become endless, and thus time with no measure begins, also known as Eternity. Eternity is boundless; therefore, it has no limit on where and how beautifully and positively each ‗story‘ can go.

Heaven on Earth/The Golden Age . Revelations 21:18 And the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the city was pure gold, like unto clear glass. . Revelations 21:21 And the twelve gates were twelve pearls: every several gate was of one pearl: and the street of the city was pure gold, as it were transparent glass. In the Kingdom of Heaven, the life lived has been identified in the World as the Golden Age. While the Bible reveals that the city, and its streets are made of pure gold, a review of the Golden Ages of the World provides detailed insight into such a life.

The Golden Age identifies a State of Nature with the celestial harmony of which man's nature is. The Age of Gold was the purest age, when no labor was required and weather was always pleasant. It was virtually a place of pleasant surroundings and of abundance. Death was not an unpleasant eventuality and people occupied their time in pleasant pursuits. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn_%28mythology%29)

The Roman poet Ovid‘s Metamorphoses, in in which the lost Golden Age is depicted as a place and time when, because nature and reason were harmoniously aligned, men were naturally good (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Golden_Age) : The Golden Age was first; when Man, yet new, No rule but uncorrupted Reason knew: And, with a native bent, did good pursue. Unforc'd by punishment, un-aw'd by fear. His words were simple, and his soul sincere; Needless was written law, where none opprest: The law of Man was written in his breast. Roman and Greek mythology, further developments of the East Asian and Indian influences, display inverted Kingdom of God truths as well as a greater understanding of rule of the Heavens. As Worldly displays of eventual Kingdom of Heaven truths, the Golden Ages of the World provide insight into the beauty of Heaven on Earth. And while the Roman poet Ovid writes a very lovely poem regarding this moment in World history, a Bible verse proves that the Golden Age of the World was only a foreshadowing of the Eternal Beauty of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

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. Hebrews 10:16-18 16 “This is the covenant I will make with them after that time, says the Lord. I will put my laws in their hearts, and I will write them on their minds.”17 Then he adds: “Their sins and lawless acts I will remember no more.”18 And where these have been forgiven, sacrifice for sin is no longer necessary.

Rome/England While this view can‘t be expressed within the World, it can be reflected as an actual possibility. A closer examination of various World-based institutions reflect the fact that the World has shown that such an existence is possible, even if it is World-based. One of the most notable example of this principle is the Roman Empire. Under the leadership and guidance of its various leaders, the Roman Empire expanded its territory to include colonial lands far beyond its home base of Rome.

The phrase, ‗when in Rome, do as the Romans do‘, reflects the nature and will and class system of the home country being carried out in the various outposts of the Empire. Wherever Roman lands were ruled, the culture, laws, manner of clothing, ways, etc. of Rome were carried out exactly; thus, requiring those dwelling within lands under Roman rule to conduct themselves in the ways of the Empire.

Another notable example of the inversion of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth was the Kingdom of England. Similar in nature to its predecessor, Rome, the Kingdom of England also sought to expand its territory. In achieving its goal, the Kingdom of England used the feudal system as a way of ensuring the widespread acceptance and adherence to the ways of the Kingdom.

Royal Birth A King became the king by virtue of their birth. Whether by battle, knowledge or subterfuge, each King throughout recorded World history became so by the Will of God. Each leader was vital in showing some form of World-based understanding that is transformed for Kingdom of God purposes. However, the King came to the information or actions that led to their authority, generally, all knew that is was by some higher order that they achieved their position, and in doing so, was no subject to the thoughts and rules of those under their rule.

Known as the divine right of Kings, leaders ranging from Asia to England acknowledge their understanding as coming from a higher power, as a way to oversee the ways of the people. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_right_of_kings) As evidenced by this assertation, it is clear that such a principle is an inverted one of the Kingdom of God. While each World-power has served to display certain aspects that can be used in understanding the Kingdom of God, progression from Quadrant 4 to Quadrant 1 shows that when an understanding is given, higher than the understanding of those in lower quadrants, dominion has been given. While past leaders have viewed the possession of Kingship information, possession of land, the guidance of people as a burden, in the Kingdom of God, this is not so.

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Kingdom of God kingship training teaches an understanding that each person has their own personal Adonai in regards to Elohim. The nature and qualities gained throughout the Master‘s Degree process allows for a Kingdom of God understanding that can‘t be imagined within the World. Through the use of the Tuning Pitch Fork, a Son of God is well-aware of where people are spiritually and led by the Spirit of God on the ways to effective direct focus for achieving the desired goal.

Kings of the World Because the King owns all the land within the Kingdom, those of ‗noble‘ birth (family members close to the King) were selected and trained on the culture, laws, manner of clothing, ways, etc., that pleased the King. These ‗lords‘ were given basic ownership rights over their appointed lands, and in return for their work and gratitude, they offered up tributes to the King in the form of taxes. This system allowed the King to ensure continuity and conformity within the Kingdom.

Depending on the size of the land that the ‗lord‘ owned, another level of delegation of authority was passed along to those closes to the ‗lord‘. This next level of management also paid tribute to the lord, and received such payment from the work being done by the lowest level of person within the Kingdom, the peasant. The peasant willfully, if not sometimes begrudgingly, accepted this arrangement as the numerous levels of management was there to protect the workers of the lands from thieves.

As a result of the feudal system, the King was able to effectively govern the entirety of the Kingdom and outlying colonies through the use of lords and their appointed officials, and the workers of the land provided the wealth of the land to the King in exchange for a small portion of the wealth and protection from invaders. (http://library.thinkquest.org/10949/fief/hifeudal.html)

The basic structure of the Roman Empire and the feudal system of the Kingdom of England can be seen in various, if not modified ways within the modern-day World. For instance, many businesses within the World have used the inverted Kingdom template for developing their expanded ventures. Anytime a business operates with a centralized headquarters and various satellite locations, they are attempting to reflect the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Businesses The headquarters serves as the central location where all business decisions, policies, culture, etc., originate, and the satellite locations are required to reflect the will of the headquarters decisions to the highest degree possible. In some cases, a business may possess their own in-house form of language designed expedite communication from within.

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The primary leader of the business is generally referred to as the President or Chief Executive Officer. This position is similar in nature to the leader of the business ‗kingdom/fiefdom‘, and as such, generally has numerous levels of management around it and beneath it to handle the various branch locations. Each level of management receives and instructs to those in their charge based on the leadership and vision of the chief executive.

In addition to a chief executive, many businesses also rely on a Board of Trustees to compile and oversee the directives and culture of the business. Trust – fidelity, help, to depend on o Trustor – one who gives trust o Trustee – one that receives the benefit of trust from a trustor In lieu of being led by the Holy Spirit, the business world places its trust in Trustees A Board of Trustees/of Directors/ are elected or appointed member who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization. A trustees activities are determined by the powers, duties, and responsibilities delegated to it or conferred on it by an authority outside itself (those who gave them their trust), i.e., the U.S. Government, according to its bylaws/constitution.

Failure to comply with the directives and/or culture set forth by headquarter leadership and the Board of Trustees, usually results in the letting go of the offending employee. In order to maintain continuity and conformity, employees must reflect the unified will in order to maintain cohesiveness. Insubordinate employees usually lead to decreased productivity; thereby, causing the business to fail at its attempted goal.

Military Another place within the World where the inverted reflection of the Kingdom of Heaven can be seen is the Military. The centralized United States military leadership is housed within the Pentagon, in Washington D.C., and serves as the seat for the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. This leadership position, which is a two year appointment by the President of the United States, is the highest ranked military member, and serves as the principle military advisor to the President. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chairman_of_the_Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff)

Even though the Chairman outranks that other members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the position does not have command over each individual branch of the military. Each branch of the military has a Chief of Staff who has primary responsibility to ensure the personnel readiness, policy, planning and training of their respective military services for the combatant commanders to utilize. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joint_Chiefs_of_Staff) Outside of the Pentagon are the individual military installations, each of which is commanded by a lower level military officer in relation to the Chief of Staff. Within the command of each military installation, the installation commander has numerous other commanders who oversee the various duties and requirements of the location.

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Existing within a well-defined organizational structure, known as a chain-of-command, each commander ensures that the policies and structure handed down from the Joint Chiefs of Staff is carried out. The lower level enlisted personnel carry out the orders of their commanders and are in turn compensated for their efforts. This compensation includes medical care, housing, entertainment, along with their pay and other benefits.

Many people look to serve in the military primarily because of the tremendous benefits that accompany their service. On the other hand, while the many benefits and opportunities afforded to military service men and women continue to expand, those who have not chosen to serve in the military do not have access to these benefits and opportunities.

The ‗stripping away‘ of the old identity and initiation into the ways of the military experienced during military basic training, is vitally important to the success of the military. The need to imprint rather ‗radical‘ thinking and ways onto a person is an important component to the progression of a military member. A person who doesn‘t understand and/or conform to the thought-process that leads to the actions needed for a successful military ultimately leads to an unsuccessful achievement of the desired goal. Consequently, those who never experience this can‘t understand it, and those who don‘t conform can‘t become successful. Therefore, the various benefits and opportunities afforded to those who do overcome their fears and apprehension gain access to things not available to those who didn‘t.

When view through the lens of the Kingdom of God, this is the basic premise for the path to The Master‘s Degree. The transition from the World into Discipleship, and to The Master‘s Degree is Kingdom basic training. The loss of the old Worldly identity is replaced with being a new creation in Christ. For those who don‘t understand the decision to ‗serve‘ the Kingdom of Heaven, the information gained and practiced by a Kingdom Seeker will not make much sense. The new language of Positivity, Patience Practice and Peace, will sound like a foreign language, much like the numerous acronyms and appended words used within the military. Revelations 2:7 He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give the right to eat from the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. Revelations 21:7 He that overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be his God, and he shall be my son.

Finally, just as it is with those who successfully conform to the ways of the military and receive its many benefits and opportunities, such is it in the Kingdom of Heaven. Those who are NOT conformed to the World, but are transformed by the renewing of their minds (through The Master‘s Degree process), they will have OVERCOME, and earned the right to benefits and opportunities of the Paradise of God.

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Catholic Church A final example of the inverted reflection of the Kingdom of Heaven can be found in the Roman Catholic church. Headquartered in Rome, the Vatican serves as the central location for the head of the Catholic church, the Pope. The Pope serves as the primary spiritual figure and leader for all spiritual matters related to the Catholic church and its followers. Similar to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff (and is likely the model used in creating the Joint Chiefs), the Pope is the senior archbishop of Rome and is surrounded by various levels of other archbishops and bishops, who carry out the will and directives of the Pope. The archbishops the serve closest to the Pope are known as ‗princes‘ of the church and ultimately provide the pool of candidate for succeeding the passing of a previous Pope.

At the macro-level, multiple communities of Catholic churches are called dioceses, which are overseen by a bishop. At the micro-level, dioceses are divided up into individual churches called a parish. A Parish is overseen by a lower level of spiritual leader called a priest. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catholic_Church_hierarchy) Parish – having the character of being equal in nature to the World (cat) o Par – equal in nature to o Ish – having the character of Each parish is under the requirement of following and teaching the institutional directives contained within the Magisterium. The Magisterium is the teaching authority of the Roman Catholic church and is supposedly able to teach or interpret the truths of their beliefs. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magisterium)

Under the guidance of the Roman Catholic church, through the receipt of and distribution of resources gained in the form of charity, those who adhere to the faith of the Roman Catholic church are able to gain access to the benefits and opportunities afforded by obedience. The idea of Plenary Indulgence – full or partial remission of temporal punishment due for sins which have already been forgiven – gave way to the abuse of charging and accepting money for this church-based benefit.

As an inverted reflection of Kingdom Seeking truths, the business, military and Roman Catholic examples show that the existence of the Kingdom of Heaven, in its beauty and perfection, is clearly possible. Being World-based, each is based on classism, war and division, and the inability to provide what only believing in Jesus and traveling along the path of The Master‘s Degree can provide.

Spiritual Inhibitors/Enhancers

As with Religion and Education, the World has inverted similarities with the Kingdom of God when it comes to that which is used for relaxation, unwinding or spiritual awareness. In order to effectively celebrate or cope with the many burdens that exist in the World, the use, if not improper use, of various naturally grown substances have been employed. While there are many different possibilities to achieve these goals, the World endorses the use of Alcohol, Cigarettes and Coffee (Caffeine) to do so.

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Alcohol One of the many accepted forms of relaxation and unwinding in the World is in the drinking of alcohol. As a distilled beverage typically drank at parties and/or social gatherings, alcohol (more formally known as spirits) form from the fermenting of various naturally grown grains, fruits and vegetables. Alcohol, like Cigarettes and Caffeine serve a very specific function in the servitude and slavery to the World. Party – The purpose of a party that serves alcohol is to divide the spirit from the person o Part – that which is divided; a portion of a part Alcohol – Powdered ore (sand) of antimony; any sublimated substance, the pure spirit of anything, including liquids o (al-) – a prefix meaning adding o (co-) – a prefix meaning with o (hol-) – Godly . Ore – a metal bearing mineral or rock, or a native metal, that can be mined at a profit Powdered ore is the result of a rock that has been split apart into its smallest possible form: sand. Spiritually speaking, this is the same way that Elohim is expressed as a Oneness that has been split into the many. Each individual ‗grain of sand‘ represents a part of the whole; however, once each ‗grain‘ begins to travel along the path to The Master‘s Degree, those ‗grains‘ are transformed into the ROCK that Jesus builds His Church upon. This is why Jesus said that by NOT practicing Kingdom Seeking, everything was built on SAND…it was based on a multiplicity of thought processes. The practice of Kingdom Seeking allows for building upon a centralized, unified thought process given by the Creator. The unified formation of the individual pieces of ROCK ultimately form the Body of Christ and bring about the day Elohim, as a unit functions as a unified Oneness again and in its multiple Oneness, is GOD walking on Earth. o Ephesians 4:4-6 4 There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called to one hope when you were called; 5 one Lord, one faith, one baptism; 6 one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all. . Antimony – The metal antimony symbolizes the animal nature or wild spirit of man and nature, and it was often symbolized by the wolf; (same as demon…yeast of the World) Sublimate – in alchemy, the process of purifying by heating into a vapor; the way to extract the ore from the antimony o Alchemy – (al-) a prefix meaning adding with (chem) – chemicals o In the old writing of the Egyptians, Alchemy is the

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capabilities of turning base metals in the noble metals gold or silver. Alchemy was also thought to be the elixir of life, conferring youth and immortality [a panacea: a remedy that supposedly would cure all diseases and prolong life indefinitely; the discovery of a universal solvent]

. Universal Solvent – an attempt to having the power to dissolve every other substance, including gold

Alchemy, as a World-based spiritual technique, is the attempt to divide the spiritual energy of alcohol drinking offspring of God, taking that spiritual energy and trying to transform it to gain an understanding of God; thereby bringing about a Golden Age in the World. As Silver Age beings, those in the World use this spiritual energy/information and the efforts and actions of those who they extract this information/energy from, to do the actual building of their Worldly environment.

Interestingly, it is this same information/energy extracted by the World that actually is used for a Kingship trained Son of God to be used in the formation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth; thereby, bringing about the Golden Age for the Kingdom. Nonetheless, Disciples are to be aware of this taxation on the spirit and transition to allowing the Holy Spirit to led and guide, rather than alcohol.

Alchemy serves to assist in double division/taxation on the spirit. The various institutions of the World, by nature and design, serve to cause misdirection and lack of focus; thereby, leading to the first form of division. Then, alcohol, by design, serves to further separate the spirit by providing a ‗release‘ from the stresses of the first form of division. Double division – as a form of mathematics: Double Division can help in teaching long division by reinforcing the principles of division and giving students success with a less frustrating alternative. Double Division does not depend on memorizing the multiplication facts or estimating how many times one number goes into another. It may take 50% longer, but it is far less frustrating and probably easier to understand than Long Division. (http://www.doubledivision.org/) o In other words, the use of alcohol assists in reinforcing the principles of the institutions of the World by allowing your frustrations to be redirected towards the more base, animal nature rather than dependence on God. Furthermore, the use of alcohol attacks mental and physical health; thereby, making it appear to take a much longer time and becoming much harder to get closer to God, given the mental and physical results of the use of alcohol.

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It is the attempt at taking the animal nature and using its inherent Elohim spirit and transforming back into Kingdom of God status without going the route set forth by God. Gold, earthly speaking is nothing more than highly compressed rock that is forged by fire. However, gold also serves as an excellent conducted of energy. As stated earlier, fire is representative of the Spirit of God, and as a Disciple travels along the path of The Master‘s Degree, all of the impurities of the World are burned away by the Spirit of God (fire), leaving behind nothing but pure gold. Therefore, alchemy tries to turn base metals (those that can’t withstand the fire) into gold; thereby, hoping for a greater conduction of spiritual energy, and this attempt is done through the use of distilled alcohol. o Alcohol – the use of distilled and fermented grains, fruits and/or vegetables as a way to lower a human being to its lowest nature to extract its highest nature to be used for a profit. . Distillation – method of separating mixtures, based on differences…used for making multiple uses for crude oil, used to remove impurities, such as salt and seawater from water, used in helping make air in industrial environments cleaner, and used in fermenting alcohol to produce a higher alcoholic content . Fermenting – a biological process in which sugar are converted into cellular energy, by means of oxygen or yeast. The by-product of this process is ethanol and carbon dioxide as metabolic waste. Ethanol is actually used as a biofuel to power motor engines o Spiritually speaking, by using the waste material produced when the sugars naturally contained in grain, fruit or vegetable, the resulting alcohol produced serves to do the same thing as distillation. A person‘s spirit (that is naturally connected to Elohim) is distanced from the person‘s ability to access and use and collectively stored and used in the energy of the World. During this separation of spirit, the person will have a difficult time truly understanding God‘s will for their life. Conversely, when a Kingdom Seeker converts/transforms the joy of all that God had done, the energy produced only sends the Kingdom Seeker CLOSER to their higher spiritual self, leaving no waste material behind. Nonetheless, the result of approaching close to God, and thereby, their true self, leads to a person who leads by example with a better attitude, outlook and life. This leads to the ‗leaves‘ of the person being used for the healing of the nations. o Finally, as a distilled beverage is opposite of a ‗still‘ one, it is implied that the result of a distilled beverage is the opposite of a still one. Spiritually speaking, still water symbolizes calm waters of life, waters that can be easily handled; however, distilled waters are not calm. As such, distilled waters can be viewed as raging waters, full of troubles, hard to traverse and being very deep.

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Coffee / Energy Drinks (caffeine) Another liquid widely endorsed by World is Coffee. Coffee is produced from the roasted seeds of a naturally growing coffee plant. Widely cultivated in many countries throughout the Earth, Coffee is one of the most traded agricultural commodities in the World. As one of the largest components of coffee, caffeine has a very stimulating effect on the human body and is the main reason why it is one the most widely consumed beverages in the World. Caffeine – a psychoactive, addictive drug that counteracts a natural chemical (adenosine) in the body that plays the role in 1. promoting sleep and 2. suppressing arousal, with levels of adenosine increasing with each hour an organism is awake; thereby overriding that which the body/mind knows to be boring or uninteresting. o Psychoactive – the way you process your thoughts…affecting the mind or mental processes. Used as a drug. . World endorsed psychoactive drugs distort the thought process away from God o Adenosine – plays a generally protective role, part of which is to reduce neural activity levels. . Receptors interact with the dopamine system, which is involved in reward and arousal (turning you OFF of things that have no reward or arousal qualities) . May be a primary cause of the sensation of sleepiness that follows prolonged mental activity. For instance, intense focus on what God is doing in your life can be viewed as prolonged mental activity.

So, through the effect of caffeine, coffee (as well as some soft drinks and most energy drinks) is used in the World as a way to artificially override the body/minds natural response to things that are not stimulating to the mind. Additionally, as a psychoactive drug, it dulls the mind from seeking a closer relationship with God, and allows for a greater focus on using energy for furthering the ways of the World.

Much like alcohol, the prolonged exposure to caffeine will create dis-ease in the drinker. The dis-ease is the result of the impact that both alcohol and caffeine have on the spirit. Both, in their own way, cause a separation of the higher spirit from the person and causes the person to serve the will of the World, rather than finding out and serving the will of God.

Interestingly, one of the modern-day World‘s leading coffee sellers is a business called Starbucks. What makes Starbucks interesting is its logo, as it is a crowned half-woman, half mermaid. According to mythology, a female creature, who was able to exist in the Seas, was known as a mermaid. According to the Kingdom of God, a creature who exist in the Seas is one who knows the spiritual ways of the World.

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A Queen of Heaven is one who knows how to navigate her way through the World as a result of the Wisdom of the spiritual ways of the World. The use of such a logo, in connection with a product such as coffee, lends to the spiritual/physical Worldly understanding of the value and impact of coffee in relation to the Queen of Heaven and the resulting impact to the spirit/physical nature of the children of God.

Cigarettes (nicotine) Another product that is used by the World in the attempt to achieve relaxation and spiritual awareness is Cigarettes. Cigarettes are the result of ground up tobacco leaves, rolled up in various types of burning papers and inhaled into the lungs to receive the effect of the plant. The primary drug contained within tobacco is nicotine and it is this drug that most users desire and eventually become addicted to.

Nicotine has some very interesting effects on the human body. Nicotine easily crosses the blood-brain barrier (a series of capillaries and cells that controls the flow of substances from the blood to the brain), and it accumulates in the brain—faster than caffeine or heroin. In the brain nicotine imitates the actions of the hormone epinephrine (adrenaline) and the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, both of which heighten awareness. Nicotine also triggers the release of dopamine, which enhances feelings of pleasure, and endorphins, "the brain's natural opiates," which have a calming effect. (http://www.encyclopedia.com/topic/tobacco.aspx)

Additionally, nicotine is known as a toxic nightshade plant: Toxic – small molecules, peptides, or proteins that are capable of causing dis-ease Nightshade – makes the darkness darker o Night – darkness o Shade – light diminished in intensity as a result of the interception of rays Therefore, the primary drug (nicotine) contained within cigarettes that produce the effect its users crave cause further separation from God, and the physical problems that come with it, by making the darkness even darker

The use of alcohol, coffee and cigarettes, individually and exponentially so when combined, are used in the World as a means to assist maintaining the World and keeping those in the World from rightfully connecting with God. Each one is addictive and causes multiple types of physical dis-eases, not including the mental and social impact. When 2 or more of these are combined, they truly cloud one‘s ability to effectively Seek First the Kingdom of God; however, as inverted truths, they merely reflect a World-based understanding of a Kingdom of God truth.

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Kaneh Bosm/Cannasist Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. o If it grows naturally on Earth, God says ‗it is good‘. As long as a naturally occurring plant or substance is not misused or abused, prolonged use is toxic and/or leads to known physical disease, or is used for the purpose of increasing negativity, it can serve in assisting a child/Son of God and is beneficial to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Every seed-bearing plant serves a purpose, and some plants can have negative impacts on the human body; however, Kingdom of God understanding is needed to understand the proper use and reduce/eliminate exploiting such negative consequences for negative spiritual gain. o Cannabosm/Cannasist are words that promote a thought process. These words promote the thought process of advancing and reconnecting back to the Spirit of God. Cannabis is a word that also promotes a thought process. Much like the use of nicotine, alcohol and caffeine, cannabis is a word given to the separation of the spirit, which is negative in spiritual nature. The use of cannabosm/cannasist draws the user closer to God, and as such, allows for the proper use of this seed-bearing plant that God said is good. However, cannabis, is the term used for the misuse of this plant, and as such, serves in the attempt at exploiting for negative spiritual gain.

As explained in the earlier section on ‗presenting your life a living sacrifice‘, God originally required the use of Kaneh Bosm as one of the most acceptable forms for reconnecting our spirits back to His. As a naturally grown plant, Kaneh Bosm actually dampens the impact of the negatively rooted emotions that are being uprooted during the retraining process. While the human body begins to reject the use of alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes due to the inability to properly process the elements of each, the human brain actually has receptors that are formed to accept and process the inhalation of cannabis. Kaneh Bosm: a neutral, amplifying plant that can either be used as Cannibosm (can I Bosom), Cannasist (can ASSIST) OR Cannabis (can ABYSS) o As a phonetic translation of the original Hebrew Word, Kaneh Bosm could be stated as Cannibosm (Can I Bosom). Bosom – a place to enjoy rest and security in the closeness of a loved one. . Kaneh Bosm is a plant that is used to reconnect the human spirit with that of its higher, spiritual self: Adonai. In reconnecting, it can be viewed as resting in the Bosom of God since the information receiving through its Kingdom Seeking use reveals HOW to gain such rest and security. While there is Biblical research to suggest that resting in the Bosom is related to being comforted by the promises of God in the lap/arms of Abraham, there is scriptural evidence of resting in the bosom of Jesus.

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John 13:23 Now there was leaning on Jesus' bosom one of his disciples, whom Jesus loved. . As a Kingdom of God term, the use of Cannibosom suggests that this plant reconnects a Kingdom Seeking disciple back into the rest of the known plan of God. In doing so, the alleviation of the stress, pressure, worry, doubt and fear are the result, and a clear path towards reconnection becomes available. o As a term used in the World, Cannabis is the name given to the plant that God required for reconnecting the human spirit back to our Heavenly Spirit. However, a close examination of the word Cannabis gives insight into its impact: . Can Abyss – when used by someone aimed in a negative direction, serves to provide the possibility of amplifying one‘s spirit towards a bottomless pit/empty space

Can – has the power to/possesses the capability to Abyss – bottomless pit; a void/empty space . Can Assist – when used by someone aimed in a positive direction, serves to help amplify one‘s spirit toward a closer relationship with God Assist – to help, to place; take a stand, cause to stand o Quantum mechanics and the Theory of Relativity, are scientific theories that serves to mathematically explain movement and the perception of movement regarding time, matter and space. In general, the theories state that the perception of matter (physical or spiritual) varies according to the speed and location of the viewer. Basically, the observer, in combination with their experiences and mental/spiritual health, dictate how and what they see. A person progressing through the World, at the speed of the World, will perceive the same thing differently than a person who is progressing through the World, under the leadership, guidance and speed of the Holy Spirit. Therefore, Cannasist will produce a different result and understanding than that of Cannabis, even though it is the same plant. . Someone using Cannasist, by virtue of beginning to progress at Godspeed, rather than the speed of the World, begins to develop ‗eyes to see‘ and ‗ears to hear‘; thereby, leading to an understanding that can‘t be understood by those who are not Kingdom Seekers.

Serving as a neutral amplifier, Cannasist is much more effective when used by someone specifically focused positively and more so when Seeking First the Kingdom of God. The primary concern within the World is that, as an amplifier, when cannabis is used, a negatively pointed person is not aware how to overcome the flaws and faults that may become revealed. This leads to paranoia, as the fears of the user are being reflected but not being turned over to God.

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With no connection or direction to God, the fears experienced may cause the user to demonize its use; however, in the form of Kingdom Seeking and positive focus, cannabis becomes one of God‘s most effective tools in assisting in spiritual growth.

This explains the ban on the Kaneh Bosm plant within the United States. In the earlier days, supposedly, the ban occurred because the teachers feared that the slave/students would become uncontrollable under the influence of the plant. However, it is clear that the students, looking for a better way from under the burdens of the teacher, received a spiritual awareness and awakening that caused fear and panic among the teachers.

This awareness signaled the fact that knowledge and information, not passed to the slave/students by the teacher, could indeed be received/channeled spiritually. This signaled the beginning of the end of that relationship, an the method on which the end came was banned. However, like most things, the more a thing is banned or requested to NOT be used, the more curiosity about its use developed, leading to a greater awareness of the effects of its use, including the unexplained-until-now information contained within this assertation. One of the most undeniable physical properties of the Cannasist plant is that wherever it is planted, it leaves the soil in a much better condition than before it was planted. Cannabis converts the nutrients the exist in the current soil and uses them to enrich the soil, giving back more to the Earth during its growth process than it took.

Such is the same way spiritually. Our Heavenly Father knew that the children of Israel were the result of World-based training and as such possessed the inherent traits, fears and worries of their background. As a result, in order to assist them in cutting through these fears, He required the use of Kaneh Bosm. When used and aimed at reconnecting back with the Spirit of God, cannabis assists in cooling some of the fears and anger that served as fertilizer.

Also, cannasist affects the speed at which things are seen and movements are taken. The World, by virtue of being based on figuring for the future, is a place that operates at a very fast pace. Most things in the World require a break-neck pace, and as such, explains why the use of Coffee is endorsed in the World. This speed is counter to the pace of the Kingdom and as such, prevents the ability of a person from recognizing the hand of God moving in their life, as well as impedes the necessary Kingdom trait of Patience.

In a Kingdom Seeker, cannasist serves in slowing the speed of life and understanding down from the World-based warp speed, down to the manageable and understanding inducing pace of Godspeed. At Godspeed, a Kingdom Seeker is able, through patience and positivity, to begin to understand the various things and ways of God. A clearer understanding of the way to approach parenting, marriage, business, etc. all come into clearer view when cannabis is used. The ability to see the warp speed and the resulting World-based movements also become clearer. This is where patience and counting it all joy allows the Kingdom Seeker to continue the extension of Grace to others and themselves.

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For instance, once a Kingdom-based understanding develops, it becomes clearer to see how family and friends, intentionally or unintentionally, are entrenched with World- based thoughts and actions. Whether it is in the form of negative words, actions or possibilities, family and friends not on the Kingdom Seeking path, faithfully carry on the ways of the World, sometimes thinking that they are doing so in a positive manner. Also, such continued World-based behavior, as it is in direct conflict with the higher, spiritual self, generally manifests in various physical ailments, such as being overweight or various illnesses or disease.

Through the use of Cannasist, the spiritual pathway begins to become unclogged; thereby, leading to a more harmonious balance between the physical and spiritual self; however, when that spiritual pathway is excessively blocked (much like clogged arteries to a heart) due to the negativity brought on by following the ways of the World, the physical body begins to send warning signals in the form of illness and disease.

Consequently, Cannasist does allow for the illnesses and diseases, caused by the pressures and stresses of the World, to begin subside. Medical science in the World has shown that the use of the Kaneh Bosm plant does help various patients receiving medical assistance. However, for fear of its widespread use and the inability to direct the patients on the value of Kingdom Seeking, the results have not led to widespread acceptance.

Coming in more harmony with the spiritual self alleviates the dis-ease with the physical self. However, only through Kingdom Seeking can this balance be maintained. Furthermore, the use of Cannasist allows the Kingdom Seeker to recognize the imbalance with another while only wanting to assist those who are at odds with themselves and their Creator, rather than responding with similar negativity or judging them for their current World-based status.

As a psychoactive plant, cannasist serves not to distort thought, but to bring it more in line with that of your higher, spiritual self: Adonai.. When directed in a positive direction, the user would develop a carefree attitude, one that is necessary for continuous movement along the path. While experiencing the effects of cannasist, the user begins to cut through the haze and darkness of the ways of the World and begins to see things more clearly. By staying focused on positivity, it helps the mind become ‗swaddled‘. As the spirit begins to recognize the positives and negatives of life, not only in the self, but possibly in others, remaining focused on God and His plan allows for a more secure feeling in the face of the revelation of new truths.

Absent of this swaddling experience (brought on by focus on negative rather than positive), the fertilizer of life experiences will not bring up about proper understanding and the mind will respond similar to an unswaddled baby whose flailing limbs makes the baby feel out of control.

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Again, as a neutral amplifier, facing spiritual truths can become misunderstood if not focused on the will of God. Every experience of our lives came to teach us something FROM GOD‘S PERSPECTIVE and the use of cannasist assists in uncovering the reasons. The use of this information serves to build our spiritual relationship with God and allows us to work together with God as co-laborers in understanding the value of our Kingship training.

As the use of cannasist begins to reduce the Worldly cares of the user, and the focus on God‘s will becomes clearer into view, the weeds of our lives begin to become uprooted. Those things that were causing us to be kept away from God‘s will is revealed and the newness of the transformed information begins to be practiced. As the old ways are forgotten, the ‗soil‘ of our lives begins to become enriched with only those healthy things that assist in our growth; thereby, allowing us to pass along to others the positivity, grace and kindness that we have received by being able to effectively and efficiently use the old fertilizer as growth material.

This brief explanation on the use of cannasist/cannibosm explains why it is not endorsed in the World, and displays why and how alcohol, caffeine and cigarettes ARE used. Alcohol is used to separate the spirit from the person, along with cannabis; however, cannasist serves to recombine the spirit with the person; caffeine serves to override the bodies natural desire for mental and physical rest, as well as to decrease the appetite, whereas cannasist aids in assisting mental and physical rest (allowing the spirit to recombine/reconnect with God) as well increase the desire for the appetite (spiritually, the desire is to ‘eat’ more of the daily bread information that God is revealing through the spirit); cigarettes/nicotine serves to make the darkness of the mind darker, whereas cannasist serves to provide light to the mind through the reconnection of spirit back to God. Alcohol, caffeine and nicotine all constrict blood vessels in the body. This makes the heart work harder, increasing the amount of effort the heart needs to put forth to deliver blood throughout the body. This type of increased effort eventually causes damage to the heart, due to restricted blood flow. When blood flow is restricted, other organs (liver, kidneys, etc.) can also become damaged due to a lack of nutrients or oxygen. (www.chemcases.com/alcohol/alc-10.htm) o Spiritually speaking, this reflects the constricted flow of the Holy Spirit. When the flow of spiritual information is blocked, a child of God can‘t function properly and achieve his/her intended growth. Such an interruption in the flow of the spirit ultimately affects that part of the Body of Christ. As all are part of Elohim, the use of alcohol, caffeine and nicotine interrupts the ability to properly reconnect back to the Oneness of Elohim.

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The use of cannasist sets the mind free, and allows it to reconnect back to its original source; however, the Worldly products are used to produce the opposite result. Nonetheless, the use of these Worldly products is in keeping with God‘s will for the purpose of the shell, just as the use of Cannasist serves God‘s will in assisting the growth of the seed.

Finally, all of these examples are current reminders of just what the Kingdom of Heaven is to be. The combined efforts and resources that God has placed on Earth and in all of His Children serve to build the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. The temporal success of each World example, including those not mentioned here, are to be transformed into the success of the Kingdom.

The children of God, and eventually, those of the World, are not to become blinded by the value of the shell and the attempt to gain the World. The purpose of the shell is to provide the training ground for the seed to develop into the tree it was designed to become. The view from inside of the shell, from the seed‘s perspective, can appear magnificent; however, the view from the perspective of a fully mature tree makes the view from inside of the tree incomparable.

Kingdom Seekers focus on what God created them to become, a Tree of Life. That Tree of Life, reattached to THE Tree of Life, began as a seed inside of the shell of the World (the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil). Maintaining focus on the fact the shell of the World gives way to the growth of the seedling, onto growth as a tree, allows the seedling (Disciple) to not become distracted by the affairs within the shell. All the good seen and resources produced inside of the shell/World, ultimately belong to the Tree. Proverbs 13:22 A good man leaves an inheritance to his children's children: but the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just. o Inheritance – understanding of Kingship training so the generations can become trees Zephaniah 1:3 I will consume human and beast; I will consume the fowls of the heaven, and the fishes of the sea, and the stumbling blocks with the wicked: and I will cut off humans from off the land, saith the LORD. o Human / Beast – lower forms of Man; those who are not Kingdom Seekers . Human – a lower level of man, one who is not connected to God Hew – cut; disconnected (Image but not Likeness) Man – Son of God o Fowls of the Heavens – spiritual leadership of the World o Fish of the Sea – physical leadership of the World o Stumbling Blocks – problems

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John 12:31 Now is the time for judgment on this world; now the prince of this world will be driven out. o Prince of this World – not a King Ephesians 2:2 2Wherein in time past ye walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that now worketh in the children of disobedience: o Prince of the Air – leader of the spiritual leadership of/in the World Revelations 6:13-14 13And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. o Stars of Heaven – spiritual leadership of the World o Fig Tree – Figuring; not being led by God o Mountain – the apparent size of problems to a non Kingdom Seeker o Island – traveling by oneself, without guidance Job 27: 8 8For what is the hope of the hypocrite, though he hath gained, when God taketh away his soul? Matthew 16:26 26For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?

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QUADRANT FOUR – Disconnected from God/Hell Beast - Rulers of the World – Israelites (Abrahamic Faiths) The Bachelor Degree (X1, -Y1)

Quadrant Four is the location on the grid where those who existed before ‘God said’ (dinosaurs) but were transformed into various creatures after God spoke. They existed to show what unchecked power would look like (No training), and are the reason why Our Heavenly Father required the seeking of the Kingdom. Those in this group ‘knew’ what God has planned for His children and rebelled; therefore, their purpose was to show what power with no training would bring about. Nevertheless, it is from this grid area that Jesus came from to show how God’s grace would allow rebirth, even from those who are disconnected… that through God’s grace, personal obedience and practice the connection can be repaired.

Initially, those from this Quadrant possess no sense of direction as they are in complete darkness; consequently, they require assistance from Quadrant 3 to help find their way. As a result, a dependence on religion and government is required to help shape understanding. Due to an internal (well-defined or completely unknown origin) pulling on the spirit, many in this Quadrant are hypocrites. For those who CHOOSE to stay in this Quadrant or fail to move past Quadrant 3, the disconnection eventually is transformed into Hell.

Beast – animal OTHER than a Human, debased, brutish; one who thrives in ignorance o Debased – to lower in character, quality or value; de: away from, opposite of; base: to place on a foundation o Brutish – Crude in feeling or manner, coarse, raw . Spiritual Beasts are lower than Spiritual Animals in that, in addition to not possessing God‘s Likeness, their free will, in relation to God‘s Image, must be developed as well; consequently, necessitating the need for placement inside of the shell/World. Beast are ruled by their lower nature and exposure to the World

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begins to transform the lower nature towards the higher spiritual self. . Psalms 104:20 You bring darkness, it becomes night, and all the beasts of the forest prowl.

Due to the origin of Point B, the resulting behavior caused by Unforgiveness and Chaos created Beasts. As the polar opposite of a child who is trying to increase the reflection of the character of its leader, Beast went in the negative direction of the character and qualities of the Master.

Hypocrite – hypo: under; crite: crisis…one who is under crisis o Crisis – turning point in a DISease; the practice of professing beliefs, feelings or virtues that one does not hold or possess; an actor Resulting from a sense of entitlement or complete low self-esteem, the practice of the beliefs found in Quadrant 3 may not seem to satisfy the spirit. The appearance of devout adherence to the ways of the world may be present; however, the lack of achieving the desired feeling from such obedience will simmer beyond the surface. In the positive, a true seeking of the Kingdom of God will result in finding the Path of Righteousness. In the negative of not being at ease (dis/ease), a hypocrite is born.

Much like those in Quadrant 1, in Quadrant 4 there is a negative reflection of oneness that guides movement; however, it represents access to the wisdom of the Eons. Through this worldly wisdom, movements and actions are accomplished in a coordinated pattern in anticipation of upcoming negative moments. Pigeon – Eon: age, lifetime, indefinite period of the pig o Those, not yet receiving forgiveness, continue to wallow in unforgiveness, and choose to not try and progress past this stage. In the Old Testament, God required the Children of Israel to not eat swine/pig (in addition to other ‘unclean animals’ because spiritually, by not forgiving one another, they were ‘eating’ one another up with their unforgiveness.) . Leviticus 11:7-8 7 And the pig, though it has a divided hoof, does not chew the cud; it is unclean for you. 8 You must not eat their meat or touch their carcasses; they are unclean for you. o In the New Testament, whenever Jesus would forgive people of their sins, he would cast the demons back to where they came from: PIGS o Mark 5:11-13 11 A large herd of pigs was feeding on the nearby hillside. 12 The demons begged Jesus, “Send us among the pigs; allow us to go into them.” 13 He gave them permission, and the impure spirits came out and went into the pigs. The herd, about two thousand in number, rushed down the steep bank into the lake and were drowned. o Biologically speaking, pigeons and doves are of the same species; however, spiritually, a dove is transformed into something different as a result of accepting forgiveness.

o Pigs can be viewed as those who started out in Quadrant 4, progressed to

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Quadrant 3, but began to worship the ways of the World. By requesting that pigs not be eaten, God was saying not to partake of the ways of those who had become distracted by the ways of the World. Later, Jesus clarified this more by letting it be known that it was not the physical food that was of spiritual importance, rather, it was the spiritual food of the pigs that was not to be ‗eaten‘ by Kingdom Seekers. . Matthew 15:11 Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man.

X1: Man‘s (Human) free will in relation to Lies (no longer Untruths) is motivated by completely selfish reasons, so motivations on this plane are NEGATIVE positives (things that appear positive but are negative in nature). With no Fear of God or the Truth, those in this grid believe that they are in control of their lives and circumstances. Pursuit – to follow after a desired thing with hostile intent Fun – to cheat, trick, amusement, diversion, hoax; o Amusement – to stop thinking; to occupy in an agreeable, pleasing or entertaining fashion; to delude or deceive . Entertain – to keep someone in a certain frame of mind (training how to think) o Diversion – to turn in different directions o Hoax – to deceive or trick; as in a joke . Joke – something said or done to evoke amusement (to stop thinking and accept the entertainment of the world) Enthusiasm - be inspired or possessed by a god…Great excitement for or interest in a subject or cause Phileo Sophia - the world love of wisdom…wanting to know how God works but not wanting to go through the process; due to the repeating nature of the cycles of the world (Egyptian, Greek, Roman), this is the love of the understanding of the wisdom gained from over these periods of time Care - to have a troublesome mind, to worry, lament or to have grief about Happy - lucky, favored by fortune, prosperous…related to fate (death) o For/tune – the state of proper pitch (tune), prior to/before (for); position in life as determined by wealth. Here, fortune is related to the song being sung before the beginning. Those who existed and flourished in this Quadrant did so by pursuing after personal wealth and desires as a result of their disconnection from the Heavenly Father. Doing so was done in a climate of Chaos, Unforgiveness, Lies and Selfish Desires; as a result, God promised that He would bring about a New thing and a New Song…one that if learned, would lead to Eternal Life. The new song would be called Opportunity.

. Fortune – success from chance, luck as a force in human affairs;

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fate. Extensive amounts of material possession or money Fate – cycles of the ages in the World Romans 10:1-4 Brothers and sisters, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for the Israelites is that they may be saved. 2 For I can testify about them that they are zealous for God, but their zeal is not based on knowledge. Since they did not know the righteousness of God and sought to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. Christ is the culmination of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes. The Bachelor’s Degree Bach/el/or – bach: to live alone; el: small one; or: someone that does something A bachelor is a little version of a bigger version that is living/existing alone. In this Quadrant exists those who possessed all that they received while in Heaven to be used while on Earth; however, they are not connected directly to God, hence, existing alone. The pursuit of Fortune is to go out one one‘s own to ‗make‘ their lives happen.

The Prodigal Son

Prodigal – pertaining to the positive excavation of lies in search of the Truth o –al - pertaining to o Pro - the positive/in favor of o Dig - excavation, breaking up, turning over or removal [earth or SAND] of lies in search of the Truth The world has tried to make the word PRODIGAL a negative one, given their limited understanding of the story: characterized by profuse or wasteful expenditure : lavish. However, a look at other words with the root of PRODIG reveals the opposite o Prodigious - extraordinary in size, amount, extent, degree, force o –ious – a suffix meaning having the quality of the root word (PRODIG)

o Prodigy - a person, especially a child or young person, having extraordinary talent or ability

o –y – a suffix often added to a noun to make it into an adjective According to these three words, we see that a Prodigal Son is one who is young person, having extraordinary talent or ability in size, amount, degree or force, who uses the talent or ability to positively excavate lies out of ones life, in search for the Truth. A review of the Story of the Prodigal Son reveals a great amount of information as a result of this new-found insight. With the Story of the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-24) Jesus is representing what happens when a son from Quadrant 4 set off ON HIS OWN with his ‗fortune‘ to find his way in Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace

193 the world. It is the foreshadowing of his own journey and the journey of anyone who wishes to receive the same result. Along the way he finds himself in another country (crossing into Quadrant 3), loses his fortune and must become obedient as a servant/child, even though it led to him starving to death (verse 17…and here I am dying of hunger!) Finally, he begins to question the rational of staying in a fallen condition (zero degree) and begins his journey home (Quadrant 2). Upon his arrival back home, the Father is overjoyed that his son has successfully made it from the Bachelor‘s degree all the way to The Master‘s Degree (Quadrant 1). Luke 15: 22-24 22 “But his father said to the servants, ‘Quick! Bring the finest robe in the house and put it on him. Get a ring for his finger and sandals for his feet. 23 And kill the calf we have been fattening. We must celebrate with a feast, 24 for this son of mine was dead and has now returned to life. He was lost, but now he is found.’ So the party began (Quadrant 1/ z-axis). o When the Prodigal Son received his Father‘s robe, what he received was the covering/Protection of the Father as a result of learning HOW to gain access to his Father‘s Protection; also known as the Clothing of Christ o When the Prodigal Son received his Father‘s ring, the Father was signaling to all that the Son had achieved the same Royal status as the Father. The ring was a symbol of sovereignty and set forth that status of PARIAH. At this point, there is no longer a physical Father/Son relationship, but rather a Brother/Brother relationship. Because the Son traveled the same path as his Father, the Father recognized the result; thereby signaling that both had received the same training from the same spiritual Father along the same path. o When the Prodigal Son received sandals for his feet, the Son was coming into possession of the Truth. The feet, according the Whole Armor of God, are for wearing the Good News of Peace. o When the Father requested that the ‗fatted calf‘ be killed, he was stating that the blessings that were learned while in the World were to come into reality, thus facilitating the feast. The calf is a symbol of a disciple and the fatted calf is a symbol of the vision that God placed inside of the disciple while traveling along the path to The Master‘s Degree. Upon reaching the Father, the disciple/calf changed status and progressed to a Son of God. The information contained within the ‗fatted calf‘ was now to be used to set up the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. o The elder son , who did not take the same journey, was not treated the same way and did not understand. This is because the failure of the elder son to take the journey did not equip the elder son with Kingship training information. Therefore, the elder son remained a servant in his Father‘s house, rather than receiving the same elevated status as his Father. In my personal experience, the Holy Spirit revealed the meaning of the fatted calf as a result of what was placed within me along my journey. While being led to conduct research on and about Kaneh Bosm and all of the many physical benefits, both to the

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194 person and the land from where it grew, as well as the spiritual benefit of reconnecting our spirit back to the Spirit of God, I was also led to conduct research on the non- psychoactive aspect of Industrial Hemp and other naturally growing crops. According to the research, Industrial Hemp, along with and combined with numerous other crops that possess an industrial use, would be used in the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. By using the current products and services as a template, industrial crops would be used to create a community and environment that would produce all the wants and needs of the children of God. Nearly every type of medicine, clothing, food, industrial raw material can be recreated using Kaneh Bosm and industrial crops.

Industrial crops reflect a spiritual truth within the physical realms. Physically, industrial crops, such as Kaneh Bosm and Industrial Hemp, serve to replenish the vital minerals that are needed for healthy soil and the continued use of the land. Likewise, the use of crops such as Kaneh Bosm and Industrial Hemp serve to replenish the spiritual components that allow Man to function as originally created. While traveling in Ghana, Africa, I was able to see the effect and impact to the land of Ghana as a result of years and years of mining for gold, aluminum and oil. Much like a person whose bones grow brittle from a lack of iron and calcium, the land of Ghana has begun to become a desert, unable to sustain life for future generations. Replanting and using crops such as Kaneh Bosm and Industrial Hemp, not only replenish the soil of the land where it is planted and result in all the physical raw material needed to sustain an abundant life, but likewise, the spiritual gain from doing so reconnects Man back to the way and plan of God and allows for a full experience of the possibilities of what God has placed on Earth for Man. As briefly explained earlier, Kingdom Seekers would use their God-given talents and abilities to produce all the food, products and services needed and in return, each would receive all that was needed and wanted for a satisfying life. For instance, the person who managed the fields for growing crops would receive housing, clothing, transportation, etc., for free, because the ones producing housing, clothing, transportation, etc., would likewise receive their food, products, services for free from those who produced them. The primary focus is on using the gifts and talents as a way to practice Kingdom Seeking. In loving thy neighbor as one loves thy self, an ever expanding community of Kingdom Seekers would function within an environment that benefits the whole, while simultaneously gaining access to ways and opportunities to achieve Son of God status. When taken outside of the Kingdom Community, Kingdom Seekers would serve as living examples of the blessings of God and through physical and spiritual testament, aid in transforming the World into the Kingdom of Heaven. The specific details and totality of this vision, gained while in my discipleship, is the result of the ‗fatted calf‘. They are based on the love of where I was born and raised and wanting to see such places in a better condition, as well as wanting to see the people in those environments gain access to the information needed that would facilitate personal improvement. Additionally, my educational, military, business and religious experiences

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195 also combine to complete a picture on what God has placed in me to see the formation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. For those wishing to reconnect back with the Heavenly Father, progress along to the Master‘s Degree route is required and the story of the Prodigal Son is more proof positive that such a goal is attainable. For those who feel that the pursuit of Fortune is the most important goal, formation or joining of groups of worldly networks are used to establish connections. These groups are used in the place of God‘s leadership, as the groups appear to know how to navigate through the world and provide ‗opportunities‘ for success.

Such groups, such as Freemasons, college fraternities/sororities and business/social networking groups, are all ostensibly formed to assist its members in providing information and support in being successful in life. These groups are generally founded around positive principles and, in the case of ‗secret‘ fraternal organizations, may require a bonding oath tied to a curse if broken. Members of these groups also may perform civic and/or professional assistance to their local communities as a way of providing a form of charity and goodwill. As positive as these networks can seem, and as well-intentioned the group‘s members may be, such ideals and principles are rooted in Biblical scripture.

o Nehemiah 10:28-29 28 The rest of the people took an oath. They were the priests, Levites, gatekeepers, singers, Temple servants, all those who separated themselves from foreigners to keep the Teachings of God, and also their wives and their sons and daughters who could understand.29 They joined their fellow Israelites and their leading men in taking an oath, which was tied to a curse in case they broke the oath. They promised to follow the Teachings of God, which they had been given through Moses the servant of God, and to obey all the commands, rules, and laws of the LORD our God.

The rest of Nehemiah 10 goes on to provide the details of the oath; however, this Biblical chapter shows how influential members of a local community bonded together under the ideal of protecting the ways of God, as they knew them. The first such bonding over a common ideal, tied to a curse if the bond was broken, occurred during the building of the Tower of Babel and another occurred in the desert with the children of Israel.

o Genesis 11:4 And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth. . Bond – Creation of Heaven on Earth; Make a name for THEMSELVES (Not Glory to God, but themselves) . Curse – Being scattered upon the face of the whole Earth

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o Exodus 32:1 When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.” . Bond – Make US gods; serve as the leader of the people . Curse – won‘t follow the appointed Man of God

The first two examples show what happens when children of God form together with the purpose of elevating themselves. In the absence of God‘s teachings, the idea was the centralize around an agreed upon ideal and use the ideal to lead those who would follow…this was done in an attempt to create their own version of Heaven on Earth. The third example shows the knowledge learned from the first two in that there was an express attempt at following the teachings of the leader sent by God. The first two examples show that such networked groups results in the worship of false idols (the self), and specifically with the children in the desert, the formation of such an idol into a golden calf. While the third example does show that the bonding of a group of individuals, around the ideals given to the leader sent from God, can be formed into a family that serves in aiding in the building of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, the case with Nehemiah could not be sustained because the information given to Moses was not meant to last. Nonetheless, it does show that such a bonding can and will be used for the Kingdom of Heaven, and the bond occurs as a result of the Master‘s Degree process.

Although the positive bonding that took place in the time of Nehemiah may mirror similar bonding of modern-day organizations, the absence of their formation around Kingship training may feel good to a person, but will ultimately become unsatisfying. Instead of fulfilling their intended purpose, some group members may insulate and isolate themselves by only focusing on the members of the group and not extend their experiences and resources to their communities. Others may choose to display behavior incongruent with the initial principles of the group. Other may yet still view the organization as something that should be viewed in extreme high-esteem and place themselves and the organization on a pedestal; thereby, begin worshipping themselves and the organization as a false idol.

Such modern-day organization may serve as a crippling dependency for its members when it comes to Kingship training. Depending on the loyalty to the organization and/or the view of the opinions of its members, a Disciple will come into initial conflict, similar to that experienced when dealing with physical family members. Information and required action of a Kingdom Seeking Disciple may appear radical or conflicting to the ways of the organization and possibly the opinions of its members. Even though the organization may be expressly built around positivity and/or servitude to the Will of God, spiritual information, that does not exist in the World, will require a Kingdom Seeking Disciple to act in accordance to the individual guidance of Adonai. Depending on the level of Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


spirituality and/or lack or possession of Kingship training, organizational members may not fully understand or appreciate the movements and thoughts taken. Nonetheless, a Kingdom Seeking Disciple, much like when dealing with physical family members, is becoming reattached to its spiritual family. As a result of this spiritual reattachment, the Disciple serves as an example for its physical family and network group members as well. Due to the fact that those in this Quadrant do possess a level of Quadrant 3 and 4 understanding, they have access to the cyclical/recurring information and stories of and in the world. Belief in understanding these cycles (fate = death) impair the ability to understand and embrace the new song and its path to righteousness. Because of their ability to interpret cycles that have been repeated since the beginning of the world, those in this Quadrant are linked together through a collective consciousness that can access data regarding moments in the cycle.

Global Consciousness – Seen in nature when animals abruptly change their behavior and movements prior to a natural disaster, or when large groups of migrating birds move in a uniform pattern in the sky, global consciousness is the World‘s inherent way of simultaneously communicating to those who are most in tune with the spiritual understanding of the Heavens. Given the repeating nature of the cycle of the World, those most in tune with the spiritual ways of the Heavens, through their heightened sense and use of negative emotion and energy, are able to make various decisions and/or movements prior to or during activities that may catch others off-guard. This consciousness is the inverted reflection of the unified consciousness of Elohim/Adonia. Being led by the Holy Spirit, Yahweh, through the collective unified Spirit of God, guides the steps and directions of those under His protection, keeping them out of situations that may befall those who have not chosen to become Kingdom Seekers. This ability can appear God-like as it may reflect accuracies regarding the cycle. However, those in this Quadrant can‘t reflect, nor understand the new thing that God is doing; thereby, necessitating the need for progress along the path of the Master‘s Degree. Those who continue to practice the old ways of Fortune facilitate their own disconnection from God as the proper connection comes about as a result of going through Quadrant 3 on to Quadrant 2 and finishing at Quadrant 1, the 135 degree.

-Y1: As this point on the Quadrant in connected with pure desire for selfishness and is the polar opposite of the Truth and Void of the Fear of God, all information here is classified as Lies…a place of chaos and darkness. As a result of this grid, in the beginning, this area, while is now limited by God, initially was allowed to have no limits.

John 8:44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father's desire. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

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Genesis 1:1-2 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. Formless - without limit/well-defined shape Empty - hollow, without substance…not satisfying Darkness - absence of Truth, guidance from God

Jesus actually came to try and help those who are in this grid (Biblical Israelites) know that, through His example, God was able to allow those who thought they possessed a certain level of power to lose it and through His example (rebirth) they would be able to truly rise to the level which God allowed for all those who believed. 2 Chronicles 7:14 If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. John 1:5 The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. John 1:11 He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Psalms 16:9-10 9 Therefore my heart is glad, and my glory rejoiceth: my flesh also shall rest in hope. 10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption. Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Principalites - region or domain of a prince

1 Corinthians 8:5-6 5 There may be so-called gods both in heaven and on earth, and some people actually worship many gods and many lords. 6 But we know that there is only one God, the Father, who created everything, and we live for him. And there is only one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom God made everything and through whom we have been given life.

With Jesus proving that the submission of your personal will to the will of God WILL result in the promises of God, those who CHOOSE to stay in this Quadrant will be staying in an ever expanding Hell/disconnection from God. The refusal to leave this Quadrant is based on a false belief that nothing is required of them nor do they need to go through the Kingdom process in order to receive God‘s promises. Because the negative positive X1 of Quadrant 4 is connected to the ever expanding Positive X1 of Quadrant 1, this becomes a bottomless pit

(-) +X3: This is a negative positive direction, in that as an increase in selfish ambition takes place, the reflection of Chaos increases as well. Chaos – a gaping Void; abyss, that which is vast and empty

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-Y2: This negative direction is the result of Unforgiveness and is the reflection of the negative embrace of Lies Unforgiveness – the withholding of man‘s grace to another To the extent that Chaos and unForgiveness are connected, so to is the reflection of UnTruths and Selfish Desire -a-axis The Path of Darkness: This is the negative vertical coordinate representing the negative end/conclusion/result of the combination of the X and Y axis thoughts and behaviors ( (-)+x3, -y2, (-)+x1, -y1) o Proverbs 2:12-13 12 Wisdom will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men whose words are perverse, 13 who have left the straight paths to walk in dark ways o Proverbs 4:19 But the way of the wicked is like deep darkness; they do not know what makes them stumble. o Matthew 8:12 But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

When ‗the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters‘, quite a bit of activity took place that gives us a greater insight into the thoughts and actions of this prehistoric time. By virtue of the fact that the creation and separation of the Sun and Moon mark the beginning of ‗time‘, the thoughts and actions that occurred prior to the Sun and Moon are pre-historic and as such, took place in Darkness.

Genesis 1:1 tells us that this environment was formless, empty and dark; however, the Spirit of God was there. Based on the information revealed by the Holy Spirit, this period is marked by the independent rule of Heavenly Beings, who had not received any Kingship training. Due to the lack of Kingship understanding (Light), the thoughts and actions that took place in Darkness resulted in Chaos and Unforgiveness. This lack of understanding gave rise to the eventual creation of Beast; however, during this period, they reflect other natures

Due this period of Darkness, Heavenly Beings possessed various levels of gifts and abilities and each one viewed itself as being right. Much like the spirit of the Wild West of United States of American history, each being was the rule and law unto itself, and as such, resulted in the lack of agreeableness. In the Darkness, such mythological creatures, such as dinosaurs, dragons, dwarfs, centaurs, etc., roamed. These creatures possessed the spiritual nature of their physical descriptions. Dragon – a winged, serpent-like creature, who breathed fire o Serpent – spiritual wisdom of the Ways of the World o Fire breathing – Spirit of God

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Centaur – lower half of an animal, top half of a Man o Representing the lower half of the nature of the physical, combined with the higher, spiritual nature represented in Man Dwarf – physically diminutive person o A physical illusion, hiding the fact of a large spirit Dinosaur – Various sized, aggressive and violent land and air- based creatures o Beings that used their Earthly or Spiritual abilities to prey on lesser creatures While these, and many other mythological creatures have been described and even worshipped, they represent the spiritual nature of beings who possessed various levels of heavenly gifts but received no Kingship training on the proper way to use them. As a result, World mythology is filled with various tales of beings that either ruled in the heavens or on Earth, but are not found in the Bible. These pre-historic stories detail the actions and results of heavenly power untrained.

A study of Greek and Roman mythology, in particular, provides insight into the division and consequences of unchecked power. In Darkness, fear caused each being to be unaware that each individual was in fact a representation of Elohim; thereby, resulting in ‗brothers‘ using their gift to treat one another as enemies. Consequently, the formless and void nature of Darkness was used to provide the background for the boundaries of the World, and the determination that Kingship training is needed in order to properly and accurately rule and reign on Earth.

In view of the results of the actions that took place in the Darkness, when God said ‗Let there be Light‘, the formless and unchecked pre-historic beings were transformed into the various creatures detailed in Quadrants 4, 3 and 2.

Beast/Creeping Things The children of God, who had been designated to receive initial Kingship training, were transformed into the Beasts. Beasts are completely disconnected from any spiritual awareness of Elohim, but do possess various levels of gifts and abilities. With no direct connection to The Father, Beasts possess a suspended spiritual development, and as such, are ruled by their base, lower nature. Resulting from the purposeful withholding of God‘s Likeness, Beasts initially are motivated by the pursuit of personal desire to make their way.

Due to this suspended spiritual state, children of God are usually the product of either a single parent home, a two parent home with various levels of unhealthy discord, or some event in their lives, all of which cause the physical child to develop adult tendencies earlier than they are prepared to handle. Based on research provided by the Holy Spirit, this usually occurs in females around 11 years old and males around 15 years old. As a result of the increased growth towards adulthood, the child has a mental suspended development to match their spiritual state.

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In attempting to actually handle the various levels of increased growth and adult-like responsibilities prematurely, the child will find various types of motivations to rationalize their suspended mental and spiritual state. Various levels of motivation result in a physical being representing spiritually the characteristics of any type of non-flying, non- swimming creature on Earth, from the lowest, all the way to a Lion. The Lion is typified as dominating the lower, base nature and is not ruled by Creeping Things.

Creeping things are analogous to a spiritual connection for Beast, in that creeping things represent the agents of problems and troubles. Creeping things introduce various temptations and/or troubles, all of which assist the Beast in their decision making process. In the absence of Adonai direction, Creeping things provide a means for the Beast to determine what decisions should be made. Those physical beings who become to afraid to make decisions that result in forward movement are spiritually characterized by the lower forms of non-flying, non-swimming creatures, whereas, the Lion, by virtue of overcoming the influences of the Creeping Things and has moved in the highest possible direction achieve the highest forward movement possible in this Quadrant.

It is in the Creeping Things area that we find the possible transformation of the mythological dragon into a serpent. In terms of spiritual characteristics, the Dragon is a prehistoric creature described as possessing an understanding of the World (Wings to fly through the AIR) and the Spirit of God (FIRE breather). In some ways, the Dragon represented the complete understanding of God, in that it possessed the Spirit and Knowledge of God, as well as the inverted aspect of the same by representing the ways of the World. In this way, everyone had complete access to each side (Tree); however, without training, no direct understanding of where spiritual gifts and how understanding of the gifts were to be used led to the need for a better way. At the suggestion of this creature, Adam and Eve ate of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, resulting in God saying to the creature: Genesis 3:14 …Cursed are you above all livestock and all wild animals! You will crawl on your belly and you will eat dust all the days of your life. The eating of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil effectively caused open access to the ways of the World and the ways of God to cease; thereby, setting motion the need to Seek First the Kingdom of God as the only way to reconnect to the Ways of God. In doing so, an understanding of the ways of the World was gained and the Kingdom training teaches how to leave out the Worldly aspects incongruent with the Kingdom of Heaven.

The prehistoric nature of this creature was changed, from being positioned above livestock and wild animals, to being made lower; likewise, the method of movement and form of food was changed, resulting in crawling on the belly and eating of dust. From this, we know that its prehistoric nature involved a high status, swift form of movement and satisfying form of food.

The transformation from elevated creature to a fallen creeping thing, resulted in this creature become an agent of problems/troubles for the development of Man, reflecting the similar transformation of Man from his elevated status to that of a spiritually

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202 disconnected Beast. The loss of wings means that the ability to maneuver through the World was lost; likewise, the loss of fire means that the creature was disconnected from the source of the Spirit of God. However, the creature maintained its knowledge of the ways of the World, as evidenced by its description as a cunning creature.

The result of this transformation provided Man, in his newly-found spiritually disconnected Beast/Seed state, a form of motivation to overcome; thereby, allowing for continued movement along the path to spiritual reconnection. With Jesus eventually serving in the New Testament as the example of finding the path and being led back to reconnection, His death (trust in God) served as eliminating the separation of Man from God; consequently, allowing children of God to progress to Son of God status. Matthew 27:51 And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split. The tearing of the veil symbolizes the removal of the block that prevents direct guidance from Adonai. Only through Kingship training can a child of God now gain access to his/her personal spiritual guide, the one who knows the story, who wrote the story and who is guiding towards the expected end of the story. In doing so, a child of God progresses to Son of God; however, because of Kingship training now possesses the knowledge of the ways of the World and the Knowledge of God but knows how to use such knowledge for the Glory of God and the furthering of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

Because of the example of Jesus, any reference to God or Lord, OTHER THAN as the God and Father of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, is a reference to a false idol. Satan serves as the lord of the World and for non-Kingdom Seekers, their references, actions and claims of guidance are towards Satan and not Jesus. Kingdom Seekers practice what Jesus taught, and as such are drawn closer to the True and Living God, Yahweh. Those who are not practicing Kingdom Seeking are not doing the Will of God, and as such, place themselves outside the Will of God. Matthew 7:21-23 21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’ All gains, initially supplied in the World by Satan, do serve the Will of God. Non- Kingdom Seekers who ‗pray‘ for things may initially receive the request of their prayers. Once Kingdom Seeking begins, many of the material things received become ReOrdered, thereby, preparing the Kingdom Seeker to receive the true gifts from God. While the story was written before each person was born, and all gifts received are indeed a blessing, all things received prior to Kingdom Seeking is built on sand; thereby, meaning they were a gift by God through the power of the World (Satan) to promote spiritual progression.

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Gifts and blessings received in the World require continued servitude to maintain or result in negative consequences if failed to maintain. What is required to maintain the gifts and benefits of the World are generally negative in nature and require the sacrifice of focus paid to God, family or the self. As such, people who continue to thank God for material blessings, but are not actually becoming Kingdom Seekers, are actually now praying to Satan as their God and lord.

Doing the Will of the Father, who is in Heaven, puts a Disciple at odds with the World, and as such, generally places a halt to the benefits gained while in the World. Serving as the spiritual embodiment of the lower, sinful nature, Satan, and those who control the ways of the World, dictate what is allowable based upon the level of sacrifice being made.

Children of God, who begin to progress along the path towards the Master‘s Degree, begin to gain an understanding of the value of letting go of the things gained while serving the World, and an appreciation for the things that God begins to show are possible as a result of Kingdom training obedience. In being obedient, it becomes clearer to see who is calling Jesus LORD, and who is simply using the name Jesus and God as space fillers for that which is not being practiced or understood.

For children of God who don‘t progress along the path towards the Master‘s Degree by Seeking First the Kingdom of God, Creeping Things become their lord, and as such, prevent their ability from reconnecting back to God as a Son of God.

Animals/Heavens God, in Infinite Wisdom, knew that the Beast/Seeds needed an environment to practice and further their spiritual understandings; thereby, resulting in the formation of Animals, who are connected to the Heavens. The Heavens, represented Biblically as Fish in the Sea, is the spiritual location of the inverted spiritual understanding of the Kingdom of Heaven. Just as the Beast use the Creeping Things to maneuver throughout life, the Heavens are used by Animals for guidance in their movements.

Biblically speaking, all FISH represent the understanding of the Heavens. A study of Greek and Roman mythology, particularly the ones related to the days of the Week, provide insight into the understanding of the ways that govern the World. For instance, the Greek god Mars, represents the planet Mars, where training occurs for men on masculinity, and the use of aggression and military power to secure peace. Likewise, the planet Venus is the spiritual training location where women learn to use love, emotion and sexual desire when seeking favors through seduction or charm of gods by mortals. Ultimately, all training gained from the Heavens are transformed into Kingdom understandings as a result of the Kingship training process.

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Biblically speaking, all BIRDS represent the use of the understanding of the Heavens on Earth. While each ‗fish‘ has dominion within its respective area of the Heavens, ‗birds‘ are the ones who reflect the use of that dominion on Earth. Just as there are various types of FISH, representing the various areas of the Heavens, there are corresponding various types of BIRDS. These birds can be viewed as ‗princes of the air‘, as they have received training from a spiritual source.

Spiritually speaking, the Eagle is the one that represents the highest level of dominion regarding the Heavens. The Eagle is one who has learned the ways of the World and used the information to rise above the various levels of problems/troubles encountered by lower level birds. In being able to rise above these problems/troubles, and by virtue of possession a form of spiritual connection, these creatures are called ANIMALS and are considered higher in nature than BEASTS.

Animal/Beast As a result of the Seed-into-Shell process, Animals are the ones who shape the formation of the World. Through the use of the inverted spiritual information received from the Heavens, Animals are the leaders of the World. However, without the spiritual gifts and abilities of the Beasts, the World can‘t develop properly, resulting in a symbiotic relationship. Where the Beast lack in spiritual understanding and access to an environment to practice their gifts, Animals fulfill the need. Likewise, where Animals lacks in inherent gifts and abilities and a sheer will and desire, Beasts serve as an example.

This symbiotic relationship exists to allow for the growth of the children of God, as well as the development of the World. Children of God who develop into Sons of God, use the development of the World as a means for setting up the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. Sons of God learn what is to be used and what is not. However, in the intrigue of one Quadrant to another, hybrids develop.

For instance, when a Beast, who relies on ‗air‘ to breath, becomes overly interested in the spiritual ways of the World, rather than continue along the path to Kingdom Seeking, a spiritual mammal is created. The largest such mammal is a Whale. A whale is a spiritual Beast who has adapted to the spiritual teachings of FISH. Likewise, a Beast in the Bible who became pleased with the ways of the World is referred to as a pig.

There are swimming pigs that exist in the Bahamas, displaying the spiritual adaption of a Beast who has grown to love the ways of the World and now has begun to practice the spiritual ways of the World. According to the story of the Prodigal Son, the pigs existed in the country he eventually ended up in; therefore, pigs are Beasts who wallow in the ways of the World. The swimming pigs in the Bahamas have learned to swim as a result of the food that was offered to them on the shore by various boaters. Eventually, the boaters offered the food further and further away from the shore leading the pigs to learn to swim as a way to gain access to the ‗food‘.

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Physically/Spiritually speaking, a swimming pig is a child of God who eventually found its way into the World and went on to learn more about the spiritual ways of the World, rather than the Kingdom of God. Even though the child of God was supplied a natural diet of understandings, the child of God was intrigued by the foreign diet of the ways of the World and began to gain contentment in the results of these foreign ways without regret.

Based on the pleasure and positivity gained from using its gifts, understandings and abilities in the World, the child of God went on to Seek out more about the spiritual ways of the Heavens, rather than the ways of the Kingdom of God. Due to a lack of direct access to the actual World-power home environment, the child of God could only become a swimming pig, rather than a Lion, in an attempt to gain access to some form of World- based spiritual understanding.

This point is displayed in the way the food was offered, resulting in the pig eventually learning a completely foreign skill. Initially, the child of God was offered additional ‗water-based‘ information, as a result of the success gained in the World. Slowly but incrementally, the ones offering the ‗food‘ increased their distance into the water where the child of God has to come to get the food. Consequently, the child of God has not only become slave to the ways of the World, but also now dependent on the spiritual guidance of the Heavens. All of this resulted from the acceptance of foreign information, rather than progressing along the path towards the Master‘s Degree.

By not being born and raised in the United States of America, and thusly becoming immersed directly in the ways of the World, a Bahamian swimming pig is one who was led to another way to gain access to the spiritual understanding that shapes the World. The benefit of such efforts leads to another aspect of Kingship understanding benefitting the Kingdom of Heaven, once the swimming pig aspect of the child of God progresses along the path towards the Master‘s Degree. The ability to transition from a pig to Lion and on through to becoming a Son of God becomes available; thereby, overcoming the physical location limitation and adding another valuable aspect to the Body of Christ.

As a principle, all wild animals are tamed as a result of being offered the ‗food‘ information of the area of dominion. For instance, a cat is a tamed, domesticated version of a Lion. Whereas a wild Lion exercises dominion over its environment, a cat gives up its dominion and offers its gifts in exchange for the information/food being offered. Likewise, a wild wolf, symbolizing the wild animal nature, has been tamed into a domesticated dog as a result of being offered different food than its standard diet.

Much like the serpent in the Garden of Eden, a being from a different Quadrant is offered information from another Quadrant. As the appetite for the other Quadrants information/food develops, the original appetite for native information/food decreases, causes the creature to become dependent on the new Quadrant, and its ways, for the continuation of receiving the foreign information/food.

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Much like the Prodigal Son, all are various aspects of Elohim, and as such, the children of God that can make their way back to the path by submitting to the process of Kingship training; thereby, allowing themselves to slowly wean themselves from an unhealthy diet of Worldly information and transformed what was learned for the Glory of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Similarly, flightless birds are those who have been disconnected from the spiritual teachings of the World for a connection to the ways of Beasts. One such example would be a turkey; however, there are other flightless birds (connected to the air) that display the result of maintaining the ways of the Beast (connected to the Earth).

Interestingly, in an inverted reflection of the Kingdom of Heaven, there are birds who have the ability to fly, float on water, and walk on land. Sons of God are the ones who have dominion over multiple all domains (Water, Air, Land); however, there are a group of birds who display this attempt at dominion as well. Anatidae, is a family of birds that can swim, float on water, as well as walk on land; however, this type of bird can‘t perch in trees.

Examples of this family of birds include: Ducks – Drake (male); Duck (female) Goose – Gander (male); Dame (female) Swan – Cob (male); Pen (female) Such a bird, is one that has learned and mastered the ways of the Beast, the World and the Heavens, but not the ways of God, and as such represent the Queen of Heaven. The Queen of Heaven is one who has mastered all the ways of life other than the Kingdom of God. As such, this creature is the one revered by those who are not Kingdom Seeking, in that the Queen of Heaven appears to possess the information needed to effectively maneuver throughout life.

However. the inability for this creature to perch in trees is an important fact. When Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven being as a Mustard Tree, one of the final points of that parable was for the ability of birds to rest in its branches. This suggests that those in the World have the potential to gain access to the Kingdom of Heaven by virtue of humbling themselves to the information gained from the ‗Mustard Tree‘; however, birds who can‘t perch in the tree don‘t possess the ability to gain access to Kingdom of Heaven information; thereby preventing access of this type of bird into the Kingdom. This is an express statement on the way the Heavenly Father feels about mastering the ways of the World, rather than Kingdom Seeking.

Finally, FISH, who have sought to gain a greater understanding of the ways of Beasts are referred to as Amphibian. Amphibians, such as frogs, salamanders, and caecilians (resembling snakes), are such type of creatures.

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Ultimately, the type of creatures in Quadrant 4 and 3, what they are governed and motivated by, and even the cross-hybridization of Quadrants reflect Kingdom truths. As a Seed is placed inside of the Shell, the growth process begins. The need for a child of God to achieve Lion status displays the need to overcome that level of environmental challenges.

Once in the Shell/World, the Lion transforms into and begins dealing with Animals. Once in the World, the newly transformed Animal learns the various ways of the World, and gains basic insight into its spiritual nature. For those who are sincere in finding God, this transformation results in achieving the Animal level of Eagle. In doing so, the growth of the child of God will have allowed for an understanding and overcoming of the ways and spirit of the World; thereby, resulting in the continued growth into Quadrant 2 as a Disciple.

Sustained Disconnection While Quadrant 4 and 3 are interrelated and symbiotic, they are not intended to become final. As a result of this fact, failure for children of God to progress along the path of The Master‘s Degree results in a self-perpetuating disconnection from God, resulting in an unsatisfying existence. Likewise, those in the World who find similar dissatisfaction with the ways of World are allowed to progress along the path to The Master‘s Degree or end up with increasing levels of disappointment in the repeating cycles of the World.

All are individualized aspects of Elohim, and as such, each serves a purpose that ultimately is to result in the reconnection back to Elohim through Adonai, to receive the blessings of Jehovah. However, each aspect of Elohim must willingly progress past the spirit of Satan in order to access the higher, spiritual self of Adonai. This process is voluntary and requires the individual to want to progress beyond lower levels.

Psalms 139:16 You saw me before I was born. Every day of my life was recorded in your book. Every moment was laid out before a single day had passed.

Each individual physical aspect of Elohim is proof of a completed story in Yahweh, one that results in a spiritual death to the World and a reunification back into the Oneness of Elohim, resulting in the benefit of being a Son of God within the Kingdom of Heaven, as detailed with The Book of Life. This reunification is the sole result of choosing to Seek after the Kingdom of God and the information and experiences that follow. Romans 6:7 Anyone who has [spiritually] died is made free from sin's control. Revelations 2:11 He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; He that overcometh shall not be hurt of the second death. Revelations 3:5 He that overcometh, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels. Revelations 20:15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the Book of Life was thrown into the lake of fire.

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In the event that an aspect of Elohim CHOOSES to NOT overcome the ways of the World, the name is removed from the Book of Life and is subject to the ‗second death‘. This failure to progress displays a clear lack of trust in God and the process that is required to become a Son of God. Furthermore, failure to progress is also a clear indication in trusting in the ways of the World; thereby, resulting in the disobedient person to be the one actually facilitating the removal of their name from the Book of Life, and not God.

The reason that each child of God should trust in the Holy Spirit is because of the solidity of the Book of Life. Each day was written BEFORE the first one came to be and the story is completed with an expected end. However, each one must willingly present their lives a living sacrifice and make the choice to follow the path that is laid out in the Book of Life. One who uses their God-given Free Will to NOT CHOOSE the path has made their own choice to go to Hell. It is not God‘s Will for that to happen; however, our Free Will is so special to God that no even He will force Himself upon us.

FIRE As stated earlier, Peace is achieved by going through the process that reconnects each individual aspect of Elohim back to the path and plan set forth by Yahweh. This process requires each disciple to go through the refining FIRE that burns away all Worldly impurities, leaving behind the pure gold of the reflection of God. To those who present their lives a living sacrifice, their voluntary actions renders the intensity of the FIRE neutral, as the Holy Spirit leads and guides towards achieving the same intensity as the FIRE; thereby, resulting in no pain as a result of the process.

Jesus made it clear that He did not come to bring Peace, rather He came to bring the process that BRINGS ABOUT Peace. Specifically, He stated that He came to bring Fire and He wished it were burning already. Again, the Fire represents the Spirit of God and when the Fire is around, it burns away all the impurities that prevents it from reconnecting with the various aspects of Itself. What Jesus brought, in the form of the Fire, was the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit, as the reflected intensity of the Fire, leads and guides one who has trusted in following Adonai in being able to know how to raise their spiritual intensity level to that of The Fire. As a result of the reconnected similar nature, a Kingdom Seeker is not negatively affected by The Fire.

All those who profess to love, serve and worship the True and Living God, Yahweh, submit to the process of willful surrender and obedience. But those who don‘t submit themselves to the process of reconnection, whether they claim to love, serve and worship God or not, are at odds with the Will of God and ultimately, at odds with themselves. As a result of this disobedience, the spiritual level is not elevated as a result of reconnecting with the Holy Spirit; thereby, resulting in the experience of pain in the presence of The Fire. Matthew 10:38-39 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.

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Revelations 20:15 Anyone whose name was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire. Revelations 21:8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars— they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.

Therefore, those who CHOOSE not to willfully submit themselves to the path and plan of God, CHOOSES to have their name removed from the Book of Life and CHOOSES Death over Eternal Life. This choice results in moving in the opposite direction of their higher, spiritual selves; thereby, resulting in the pain associated with being near the intensity of The Fire, yet not being aligned with it.

Finally, the ‗First Death‘ was place upon Man to necessitate the movement needed to reconnect back to the Knowledge of God. By withholding Likeness, God set forth the environment and experiences needed for His children to formulate questions and go Seeking after the answers. In doing so, Man reconnects back to God by learning and understanding the ways of the World as well as transforming that information along with the information gained through Kingship Training.

In the light of the example of Jesus, and the resulting Way, Truth and the path to Life, the opportunity to have Life more abundantly exists. To NOT choose the path to Life becomes a function of the individual‘s Free Will and results in continuing impurities and disconnection from God; thereby, perpetuating self-imposed exclusion from the Kingdom of Heaven. This is the ‗Second Death‘. Revelations 21:26-27 26 The glory and honor of the nations will be brought into it [the Kingdom of Heaven]. 27 Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.

Oxen/The Holy Spirit Just as the Beasts are governed and motivated by the Creeping Things, and Animals are governed and motivated by the ‗fish‘ in the Heavens, growth along the path of The Master‘s Degree results in transforming from an Animal into a Oxen. As an Oxen, the transformation of the information received while a Beast and Animal allows the child of God to become reconnected to his/her individual Adonai, and as such become governed and motivated by the Holy Spirit.

As an Oxen, the Disciple can reflect various levels of Discipleship. A donkey, spiritually representing a stubborn moving disciple is one type. A goat, one who is curious and independent is another type of oxen. Ideally, a disciple who willfully and joyfully follows the Holy Spirit as a spiritual sheep, is one who achieves the highest level of connection.

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A sheep is a creature who simply ignores everything and everyone for the focus of what is before it. Content to be led by a shepherd, a sheep merely eats its daily food and follows where it is being led. With Jesus serving as Lord and Shepherd, each person‘s individual aspect of Adonai is leading and guiding the ‗sheep‘, as a conjoined Oxen, to the place that the Heavenly Father has designated for each aspect of Elohim.

While each aspect is lead along a different path, all paths result in the Oneness of Elohim. As such, each Adonai, under the leadership and guidance of Adonai (Jesus) allows a willful and joyful follower to be led to lands of eternal abundance.

The abundance of what God has set aside for a Son of God is displayed in the final type of Oxen, the fatted calf. The fatted calf is the sum total of each environment and all of the information received and lessons learned. The fatted calf is one that has transformed all environment, experiences and understandings as a result of the leadership and guidance of Adonai. Consequently, the fatted calf represents the culmination of Kingship training and signals the ability of effectively rule and reign on Earth.

Whereas, in Darkness, children of God possessed gifts and abilities, but did not receive any direct guidance, all the gifts and abilities were eventually lost or rendered ineffective. Fear is no longer a functional a factor because the overwhelming Joy of the Knowledge of God outshines such negativity. Consequently, where there is Light, there is no Darkness.

The Knowledge of God and connection to The Tree of Life replaces the Knowledge of the Tree of Good and Evil. Dependence on the Spirit of God replaces dependence of those who know the ways of the World. As a result of such training and resulting blessings, a Son of God comes forth, able to produce after its own kind. The continued reproduction of Son‘s of God, through the information gained from Kingship training, results in the inversion of prehistory. Where there was once limitless, formless void, the Kingdom of Heaven is limitless in its ability to accurately reflect the many aspects of Elohim.

Prehistoric to Historic Based on the understanding given by the Holy Spirit, and detailed in this assertation, life existed on Earth before God said ‗Let there be light‘. How long that period was is not as important as what happened during the ‗pre-light‘ period. In being used to shape the experiences that would come to be the World, and eventually, the Kingdom of Heaven, this prehistoric period included language, civilizations and cultures. Nonetheless, according to the Bible, any and everything that existed PRIOR to the Hebrew language is identified as PREHISTORIC.

Other languages and cultures may have been used to shape the Hebrew language, but its use as the first language we meet God in sets forth its prominence in regards to time. As stated earlier, a review of Greek and Roman mythology will reveal similar details to that of Egyptian and possibly older cultures.

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The World, as shaped into a well-defined structure, gets its origination from these prehistoric cultures. The Greek and Roman mythologies (particularly the planets within our Solar System) give these prehistoric cultures matured definition; ultimately, revealing the overall nature of the formation of the Heavens.

As a progression, the Bible transitions in translation from Hebrew to Greek; thereby, signifying the value of Greek culture. Many American English words are translated from the Greek language and shine light onto the original meanings of many words used in English. Furthermore, while written in Greek, many of the central activities of the New Testament take place during the Roman Empire, giving importance to its impact on World culture. Much like the events that took place in or near Egypt of the Old Testament, the Roman Empire also serves to shed light on the progression of religion, government and language. Whether research of the Latin language and its impact on American society or review of the Roman Catholic church, the Roman Empire serves a very important aspect in the progress of the World.

Finally, the very first Holy Bible in the known World was produced in the Kingdom of England. Serving as the basis of what would eventually become the fourth established leader of the World, the United States of America would use this collection of scriptures to form and guide its way throughout the World. Representing the melding of Egyptian, Greek, and Roman cultures, the United States of America has served to provide the backdrop for which the Kingdom of Heaven is being formed.

From Indian and East Asian influences, each progressive aspect of the World has effectively served the Will of God in providing the environment for the Children of God to grow and develop. Inherently, by serving the Will of God, each aspect of the World has provided the information and resources needed to allow for the reconnection back to Elohim. Each positive aspect of the World has provided a glimpse of how it can be transformed into the Kingdom of Heaven, and each negative aspect has provided a proclivity for the children of God to assist in their decision making.

By choosing the Path of Righteousness, that leads to The Master‘s Degree, each child of God exits from the continuing loop of the World and begins training that eventual leads to growing from a child of, to a Son of God.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace



FORGIVENESS The only commandment of the Kingdom is to Love…to love the Lord thy God completely and to love thy neighbor as you love yourself. The positive reflection of that commandment is to forgive and it shall be forgiven of you. If there appears to be a block in the extension of joy, check to make sure you have forgiven the wrongs you believe have come into your life, as well as forgiving yourself. To move forward in God, out of darkness into light, you must forgive yourself, as well as others. Taking personal words or actions that were spoken or done while in darkness (positive or negative), can hinder the understanding process. Things spoken and/or done in darkness are to be used as fertilizer for personal and spiritual growth but this only occurs when things are viewed as having been allowed by God and they are view through the lens of forgiveness. The grace that God has offered you will allow you to offer it to others, while humility in the face of your positives and negatives will allow you to forgive yourself.

Matthew 6:12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. (offer Grace as Grace has been offered) Matthew 6:14 For if ye forgive men of the their debts, your Heavenly Father will also forgive you. Proverbs 25:21-22 21 If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat; if he is thirsty, give him water to drink. 22 In doing this, you will heap burning coals on his head, and the LORD will reward you. (see also Romans 12:19-20) For/give - to allot, grant, bestow (give); prior to, before (for, fore)…to give up the desire or power to punish Par/don – equal in nature (par); Lord/Master (don)…to grant, forgive Elohim – Hebrew word that means The ONE God, who is Many

To forgive/pardon is to acknowledge the equal nature in us all that IS Elohim and the resulting impact of the learning process that all are going through to achieve the highest level of Man/Son of God Psalms 82:6 “I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’ (see also John 10:34)

Forgiveness is the exercise/practice of man‘s grace in relation to free will. Those who accept that God has written the story BEFORE the foundation of the world began and that He is leading us for the sake of learning (therefore, we should not take anything personal) will reflect the Heavenly Grace that God extended to man and forgive. Heavenly Grace is the forgiveness of the mistakes God already knew we were going to make in order to help move us closer to Him along the journey; contingent on the fact that man extends the same forgiveness to his neighbors, and turns away from the mistakes that were made that necessitated the Grace in the first place. Since the plan is to forgive, those who do so are functioning in the will of God. Ephesians 1:4 According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


For those who fail to forgive or pardon is the polar opposite of God‘s desire for man and such a negative view towards their fellow man is at odds with God‘s will and thusly leads to a stubborn heart. Those with such a heart have taken the process as a personal attack rather than the movement of God‘s process. This approach opens them up to display a wide range of negative emotions, even while claiming to trust and be led by God. Such negativity, while claiming to follow God, is incongruent.

Psalms 82:5 “The ‘gods’ know nothing, they understand nothing. They walk about in darkness; all the foundations of the earth are shaken.”

Psalms 82:7 But you will die like mere mortals; you will fall like every other ruler. (prince)” Matthew 12:15 But if ye forgive not men their debts, neither will your Father forgive your debts. Remember the GIVENS… Even if you don‘t understand what is going on, continue to count it all joy and TRUST… 1 Corinthians 14:33 For God is not the author of [comfusion], but of peace, as in all churches of the saints. …GOD wrote your story, including what appears to be wrong. If it APPEARS confusing, it only means there is truth present that you don‘t understand. If you count it all joy, the lesson from that experience will become clearer; thereby, allowing you to move forward in positivity. However, in the face of what appears to be trouble/confusion, responding in a negative direction (fear, etc.) plus a failure to forgive will lead to a stubborn heart and result in digression.

KINGDOM TESTIMONY SHARING While there are many different degrees from which everyone comes from, all positive roads lead to the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. As you travel on your journey, you may come across others who are or have experienced what you have gone through. Remember to share your testimony of how God brought you through so others will KNOW that God will bring them through as well. God wrote the story, so there is no need for shame about it. Even what is told as the Original Sin was written by God, so have no shame about what God has wrote. Jesus repaired that which was prepared, so that we could receive that which was pre-sent. Search the scriptures, study to show thyself approved and ensure that in all that you do you are seeking the Kingdom of God in it FIRST and through patience, practicing what God is teaching. Re-pair – to pair again (God‘s Likeness and God‘s Image) Pre-pare - to trim by cutting close (pare); prior to (pre-); In the beginning, God gave us His Image but NOT His Likeness so that for those who truly love him would begin an earnest and sincere search for Him Re-ceive – to regain, take back; be capable (-ceive) again (re-); Because GOD already knew we were capable, we are only taking hold of that which was already set aside for us Pre-sent – to go, journey(sent) prior to (pre); To go from Bachelor‘s degree to

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


The Master‘s Degree was always the plan. By being co-laborers with God in our personal/spiritual growth, we gain access to the information/training that allows us to rule and reign with Christ.

The Value of Grace and Faith Ephesians 2:8-9 makes it clear that our salvation comes as a result of grace and faith. Upon further analysis of this principle, it becomes clear that salvation is a spiritual transaction. Just as the World conducts its ‗business‘ through the transaction of offering cares, in the hopes that one will take care, Our Heavenly Father offers His Children Grace, and we accept that Grace through the function of Faith.

The burdens that come as a result of the weight of Worldly cares are lifted through the acceptance of Grace. In understanding and accepting the fact that what may be perceived by the immature mind/spirit as trouble and problems were merely opportunities God sent our way to make us stronger and to reconnect to Him. Grace is God‘s way of letting His Children know that He doesn‘t view our mistakes and/or resulting problems the same way the lesser mind/spirit perceives such things.

In aligning our spirits with that of The Father, we begin to understand the value of Grace and allow the mental and spiritual burdens to be lifted; thereby, allowing the advancing mind/spirit to understand the reasons behind thoughts and actions and transform them into the information and energy needed to become a Son of God. This part of the transaction is done by Faith.

In understanding the purpose and value of Grace, a developing Child of God begins to transform thought and action based on the resulting Joy of appreciating and accepting Grace. This Joy leads to an increased level of Faith; thereby, resulting in a much more positive outlook of the self, others and all situations. By having Faith in the example of Jesus, we begin to speak differently and believe in our heart differently, and the positivity that brought about these difference begins to increase exponentially. Just as all physical matter (the atom) is made up of protons (positive energy) and electrons (electrons), spiritual matter is similar in nature. Likewise, just as a proton is 1835 times larger than electron, so too is the relative strength and power of positivity in the Kingdom of God over the negativity of the spirit of the World.

The Value of Trust Love is the result of Trust. It is impossible to Love God without Trusting in His process; likewise, it is impossible to love another on Earth if it is not first based on trust. The primary purpose of Kingdom of Seeking is in displaying our trust in God. In trusting in what we can‘t see, we prove our love for God; thereby, resulting in the Kingdom of Heaven the seen manifestation of our trust. 1 John 4:20 Whoever claims to love God yet hates a brother or sister is a liar. For whoever does not love their brother and sister, whom they have seen, cannot love God, whom they have not seen.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace



This assertation has served as my opportunity to share some of my thoughts, experiences and revelations gained throughout my journey in Seeking First the Kingdom of God. Everything presented here was gained only after I began and represent an overall introduction into the Kingdom Seeking process, as taught to me by the Holy Spirit. Each path to reach the Master‘s Degree is different; however, the end result is always the same: reaching Son of God status and ruling and reigning in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Each of us is a manifested aspect of The God that we pray to, with each of us actually asking The Creator, Yahweh to release more and more guidance of our Adonai so that we can reattach and function properly as a part of Elohim, while receiving the blessings of Jehovah. In order to achieve this reattachment, Yahweh allows His children to go through a necessary Seed-into-Shell process. While in the Shell of the World, each Seed of God gains the needed experiences and information needed to manifest his/her aspect of the overall Oneness of Elohim.

Along the way, each Seed is given the opportunity to become a Seedling by becoming a Disciple of the only Master, given by God, to do so, Jesus Christ. In following the teachings of Jesus, we begin the transition from immature Seedling, to a mature Tree of Life. By becoming a individualized branch on THE Tree of Life, Disciples learn how to shed their lower, animal nature and embrace their true, spiritual self; thereby, personally gaining access to the information needed to be a Son of God. Consequently, no being below the status of a Son of God can introduce false teachings that can sway the thoughts or actions; thereby, resulting in the eternal perpetuation of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.

The purposeful process of allowing the development of the emotional nature of females has led to the formation of the World, and as such has provided the overwhelming background of information that has shaped the Shell experiences. The path to the Master‘s Degree requires the development of the Husband aspect of the male/female marriage, and as such, is the key in bringing about the continued formation of the Kingdom of Heaven.

In particular, the African-American, Jesus-following, Kingdom Seeking husband has been shown to be the foremost modern-day example of how to achieve this status. While the African-American husband, rising to the properly learned level and role, has been Biblically shown to display the process to achieving Son of God status, any and all husbands who submit to this process, will also achieve the status of Son of God.

The combination of the various religious and cultural backgrounds of the World are used to transform the myriad of thought processes and experiences into a vast variety of Trees of Life attached to THE Tree of Life. As a result, the experiences and understandings existing within the Kingdom of Heaven will give its citizens an ever-expanding insight and understanding into the vastness of UnKnowable Yahweh.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


No one person will ever know everything of God; however, together, we will all benefit from what is known. I have shared the overall basics of the information I have received along my journey. The knowledge of God is infinite; therefore, there is more to be learned beyond what is presented here. What I know is that I trusted, and continue to trust in where I am being led, and this assertation is a reflection of some of what has been gained as a result.

One of the things that I have learned throughout this journey is the Kingdom meaning of Love. Love, from the perspective of Kingship training is actions and thoughts originating from Trust. The entire process of the fall of Man, back to the re-elevation of Man, is based around our Love for God.

The actions that occurred in the Darkness serves to show how Man would respond with being given the gifts of God without receiving training on how to use them. The fall of Man the coming, life, death and resurrection of Jesus set forth the path on how to receive those same gifts through proper training. Now it is up to each aspect of Elohim to freely choose between the higher, spiritual self or the lower, animal self. In making the decision and following the lead of the spiritual guide, we show whether or not if we Love God.

To those who choose to Seek after and follow their higher, spiritual self, I encourage each to practice what is learned. I encourage each one to practice trusting one another, even as negativity may continue to exist. I encourage husbands to trust their wives, unconcerned about possible negative results. Likewise, I encourage wives to trust their husbands.

The fertilizer of life exists so that it can be used to learn, overcame and transformed into leadership material. Fear, doubt, worry get in the way of this process. Practice at every turn, in every thing that is done. Practice, even if others aren‘t. Seek, even if you don‘t think you have found anything. Find joy in everything, even when others want to have you believe otherwise.

We each exist as a physically manifested aspect OF Yahweh. We each have been trained, since a child, to display various ways of the World. Yet, we each represent a finished story in God that results in the development of the Kingdom of Heaven and the reformation of the Oneness of Our Creator. Overcoming our ‗childish‘ upbringing is what lies before each one of us; however, by positively focusing on the fact that our existence on Earth is proof of our value and importance to the overall Oneness of Yahweh makes it easier face our Kingship training and achieve the Son of God status we were created to be.

Philippians 4:9 Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

A Daily Prayer – Thank you Heavenly Father for TODAY. Today is a gift, because it was PRE-SENT, by You to me, containing all the blessings, lessons and opportunities I need to practice being who I am becoming, a Son of God. With only positivity and Joy in my Heart, I go out into Today practicing my Dominion over everything, every situation Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace

217 and everyone, everywhere I go by showing Love and extending Grace and only expecting the best Kingdom possibilities. I thank you and Praise your name. In the mighty name of Your Son, and my Brother and Savior, Jesus Christ.

The OUR FATHER’s Prayer Matthew 6:9-15

9 After THIS MANNER therefore pray ye: This is the prayer format that Jesus recommended for all those seeking the Kingdom of God. Our Father This is the acknowledgement that there is ONE GOD and Father of All Which art in Heaven, This identifies that His location is NOT on Earth but in the Highest Heaven, beyond that of Princes Hallowed by thy name, This is a request that God prove the greatness and might of His Word and Being through what He does through the life of the one praying here on Earth 10 Thy Kingdom come, thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven This is a request for the hope of what has been promised in Heaven to be made manifested on Earth (however, thanking God that it IS taking place is a positive affirmation that it is already done and serves to build greater faith and joy) 11 Give us this day our daily bread. An acknowledgement that we must request of God our needs. This prevents us from ever thinking that we are in control, but rather shifts the focus to an awareness that God has already wrote our story and included all of our needs…all we must do is ask, be patient and count is all joy as we receive what the Father has already pre-sent The focus is also only on TODAY and what God has already pre-sent regarding the blessings and lessons of THIS day…focusing beyond today leads to figuring, anticipating and other negative thoughts and behaviors. 12 And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors Covered in the Tips section; We THANK Him for Forgiving us 13 And lead us not into temptation, The acknowledgement of the negative possibility brings the negative more into focus. A more positive request in the affirmative of what is desired serves to build greater faith and joy (Revised: Please or Thank you for leading us safely along thy path of righteousness to thy Kingdom of Heaven on Earth) But deliver us from evil: Another acknowledgement of the negative possibility (Revised: Thank you for protecting us from that which causes stumble or destruction) 14 For Thine is the Kingdom, and the Power, and the Glory, For Ever, Amen. Positive acceptance and acknowledgement that to God in Heaven belongs the Kingdom of Grace, the Power of Love and the Glory of Peace…that which we seek to have manifest here on Earth, forever.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace



This section includes some basic supplemental information to assist in the Kingdom Seeking process. It includes some of the information that was very useful for me that aided me in reshaping my mind; thereby, allowing me to be able to comprehend and practice the training I eventually received.

Abraham Hicks As I stated at various times in the assertation, one of the initial teachings I received and practiced that prepared my mind and spirit for the Kingdom of God was from a lecturer named Abraham Hicks. A woman by the name of Ester Hicks states that she was/is able to focus and channel a group of non-physical, spiritual beings who call themselves Abraham, who used her to communicate various spiritual information. This information was to be used to aid and assist those on Earth who were not/are not properly aligned with their higher, spiritual self.

I found various online audio and video lectures on YouTube regarding Abraham Hicks and began practicing the message of the various lectures. I thank God for these lectures, as they were the first time I had ever heard such messages that detailed the process of adjusting thought and attitude to reflect the desire of positivity.

After a few months of detailed and intensive study (I recorded a loop of several of the messages and would listen to them repeatedly in an attempt to continually reinforce the positive principles I was learning), I was beginning to deliberately focus my thoughts and attention towards positivity and away from negativity; as a result, I was introduced to the next level of positive awareness by Dr. Myles Munroe (the Kingdom of God). As a result of embracing the next level of awareness, I was enlightened on the limitations of Abraham Hicks.

Reliance on the teachings of Abraham Hicks, without including the understanding of the Kingdom of God with it, leads to negative consequences. The teachings of Abraham Hicks accurately state that we all originate from Pure Source Energy (Yahweh) and that, while we were still present with God, the decision was made to come forth into physical reality as a Leading Edge creator (Elohim) and that as our physical self came into contact with that which we don‘t want, it would produce the desire of what was wanted; thereby, allowing our higher, spiritual self to lead us ever towards the continued expansion of our growing desires (Adonai).

Furthermore, the various teachings of Abraham Hicks also state that there is no Hell and there is no Death and Jesus Christ was just another person, no different than anyone else who ever lived. Due to these points, I must shine light on why, while the teachings that are used to truly pull each person closer to positive thinking and away from negative thinking, the independent teachings of Abraham Hicks ultimately condemn its followers to a life away from God.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


As has been repeatedly stated throughout the assertation, many aspects of information within the World is merely the inverted Truth of the Kingdom of God. As such, only through Kingdom Seeking can the understanding of how to transform Truth from non- Truth occur.

Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I knew[a] you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”

How is it that God ‗knew’ us before we were born? Because the part of Yahweh that was chosen to come into physical existence (Elohim) IS an aspect of Yahweh that was intended to represent a known aspect of the unknown. Therefore, each aspect of Elohim that exists in physical reality came to Earth already appointed as to which aspect of Yahweh would be represented. Therefore, the initial teachings of Abraham Hicks does give voice to why and how we came to be.

However, the only way for each Elohim to truly manifest the appointment that was ordained by Yahweh, is through the Kingdom Seeking process. So, while it is true that our spiritual, Adonai self IS always calling and guiding our physical Elohim self to reach the goal of our Heavenly appointment, it can‘t be accomplished by the Abraham Hicks teachings alone.

It is true, that through Grace, our spiritual Adonai self is connected to The Heavenly Father, and therefore IS a part of The Heavenly Father; and as a result, Adonai never compares us where we are to where it is, rather, our Adonai is always lovingly and patiently leading us and guiding us to reflect in our physical Elohim form that Beauty and Majesty of our Heavenly Adonai form.

Through the use of the Abraham Hicks teachings, the follower will be taught how to use the awareness of their positive and negative feelings to determine if they are or are not coming into alignment with their higher, spiritual self, with positive feelings being the indicator that alignment is occurring (count it all Joy); however, such feelings can only progress so far before a decision is required.

In its spiritually limited form, increasing positive spiritual awareness will lead to either transferring to the Kingdom of God and transforming all that is learned as a result of Kingship training, or continued reliance on using the increased spiritual awareness for eventual gain in the World. The next section on Dr. Myles Munroe shines light on how to use the awareness to transfer to the Kingdom of God; however, I will now shine light on the effect of relying on using the increased spiritual awareness in the World.

Because the independent teachings of Abraham Hicks teaches positivity, with no concern for Death or Hell, it falsely leads a follower to using their increased spiritual awareness to seek out ways to increase their physical, material life. In doing so, the follower will use their new-found spiritual awareness to focus upon maximizing their skills, talents and efforts within the various aspects of the World.

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


A non-Kingdom Seeking, Abraham Hicks follower will use their increased spiritual awareness to move up into higher levels of the World; thereby, exposing themselves to the rulers of the World. Ephesians 6:12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

The rulers, authorities and powers of this dark World may allow the non-Kingdom Seeking-Abraham Hicks follower to ascend to various levels of Worldly success; thereby, making the skilled practitioner of such teachings a Star or Superstar. The problem with such a World-based ascendency is usually regarding the sacrifice and/or continual sacrifices required to achieve and maintain such a status.

Given the weight and burden of the required sacrifices for such an ascended status, the star/superstar may tire of trying to maintain such burdens and look back to the independent teachings of Abraham Hicks for comfort. In believing in the principles that led to Worldly success, the follower may be inclined to also believe that there is no such thing as Death or Hell.

While a Kingdom Seeking disciple of Jesus presents their life a living sacrifice, and surrenders to a spiritual death in the World; thereby, becoming Reborn to Eternal Life, the teachings of Abraham Hicks says that the minute that a physical death occurs, one merely re-emerges back into Source Energy and is given the chance to continuing trying to ‗get it right‘ the next time. This is deceptively untrue.

A person who follows the teachings of Abraham Hicks, but does not go on to also become a Kingdom Seeker, is one who has allowed themselves to be built up and formed by the hands of the ruler of the World. As such, the follower has chosen to actually live opposite of their higher Adonai self and has surrendered themselves unto the lower ruling self and the forces of Satan. As a result of this voluntary separation from their true Adonai self, the Abraham Hicks follower places themselves in the Lake of Fire and place themselves in having their name blotted out from the Book of Life.

Therefore, when the burdens of the continued Worldly sacrifices result in the premature death of such a follower, they experience the Second Death mentioned in Revelations.

In and of itself, there is nothing wrong with the teachings of Abraham Hicks. Someone who has a pure heart and a true want to find God will use the proper teachings and not gravitate towards the non-Kingdom ones. But like anyone who remains focused on the ways and teachings of the World, a disconnection from God is maintained in a self- imposed manner.

Combining the initial teachings of Abraham Hicks, with the teachings on the Kingdom of God, by Dr. Myles Munroe, has lead to a powerful understanding of the two and continues to further my spiritual understanding and growth. As a result, continual spiritual growth in the Kingdom of God leads to the building up of a person to be the

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace

221 indwelling place of God. As such, Yahweh does not use Adonai to build up each Elohim to be torn down; rather, the building up is to and for the Glory of God and lasts forever. 2 Corinthians 5:1 For we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands. (see also Acts 17:24) I have listed here several of links to Abraham Hicks YouTube lectures that I used and/or find useful in adjusting thought processes and understanding the value of Kingdom Seeking. Again, there are many other messages, beyond what I have used; however, a Kingdom Seeker will here that which conflicts with the Spirit and move on to that which is in harmony. Why are We Here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycLODXUY718 The stream of positive thought - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTMx3LFCuPE (knows the repeating cycle of life) the positive flow for Kingdom Seekers brings into alignment with the Oneness of Yahweh o Teaching on Invincibility – http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8rkvEaVrG0 o Appreciation - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxU860l-_-A o Allowing/Lose Worry - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sZ6dja1bmU o Appreciation/Gratitude - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4DhHXoIC0iU The Leading Edge - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORzSMbSY3Qg (The value of being Elohim in relation to Adonai and Yahweh) Time/Space - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5aB63xRUkBI Oneness with God http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0_9sXFG6L4 The stream of positive thought - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTMx3LFCuPE Letting in who you really are - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W- BQ3JwQ9HM&feature=related You are Source - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyVdruSPrzg (The Elohim/Adonai/Yahweh connection…all is already done, we just get into alignment with who God says we are) Experience of Allowing - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lc9PUAwU45M The value of removing yourself from others while practicing Kingdom teaching Why Abraham Hicks is wrong - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=56uUT1dJWWI&feature=related attempts to minimize the overall process and purpose of Jesus

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace


Myles Munroe After I had spent considerable time and effort on practicing the principles I learned from the Abraham Hicks teachings, the Holy Spirit brought the teachings of Dr. Myles Munroe across my path. His ability to explain how a King, His Kingdom and Colony all worked, making the Bible easier to understand. This new-found understanding led me to seek out more of his teachings to gain continual insight into the Bible its teachings on the Kingdom of God.

With a mind and spirit now adjusted and focused on positivity, I was able to initially learn quite a lot from Dr. Munroe due to his website, www.bfmmm.com. On the website, there was a section that streamed videos from previous sermons Dr. Munroe had given. During the videos, Dr. Munroe typically displayed a Powerpoint slide that spelled out the general talking points of his sermons. I would copy those points, and in addition to listening to his sermon, I would later review the Powerpoint slides to gain an additional understanding.

Eventually, I began to buy a few of his DVD‘s and books from his online bookstore, particularly a DVD called Facing The Future with Fearless Confidence and a book by the name of the Spirit of Leadership. As my financial resources began to change, due to the ReOrder that took place in my life, I began to watch many of his videos on YouTube, in addition to his website streaming videos.

Currently, you may have to create a log-in to access Dr. Munroe‘s streaming videos; however, these 30-60 minute videos, particularly the ones discussing the Colony of Heaven, were very instrumental in advancing my understanding of the Kingdom of God/Kingdom of Heaven. Eventually, the Holy Spirit used my combined understanding of the Abraham Hicks and Dr. Myles Munroe teachings to guide me across a wide and varied assortment of information, all of which led to the writing of this assertation.

I have included a few YouTube links that I find very useful; however, there are many to choose from.

Understanding Kingdom Colonization Part 1 (there are 4 parts to this message) (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eJfHLp0-drw Kingdom Influence through Colonisation & Culture, Part1 Dr Myles Munroe - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=meJH4Z41ox4 (there are 4 parts to this message)

Trust – Thanks – Praise leads to Love, Grace and Peace