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THE SPORTINGOOPTHIdHT, 1898. BY THE 8POBTIN O LIFE PUB. CO. BMTBRBD AT PHUA. P. O. AS SECOND CLASS MATTER. LIFE VOLUME 22, NO. 14. PHILADELPHIA, PA., DECEMBER 30, 1893. PRICE, TEN CENTS . of the highest salaried and, at the same baseman Campion should be a warning time, one of the weakest teams iii the to some of the players who, in order to THE SPORTING LIFE. League. THE STATE LEAGUE. NO CIRCUIT BREAK. be good fellows, crook their elbows too HANLON'S DEALS. A WEEKLY JOURNAL THE STA1SS KOT WANTED. much. When Mr. Robison saw that he could By the way, what has become of Devoted to not sell his team to thrifty Clevclanders THE Harry Spence? Whenever I read of ho began to negotiate with the other SITUATION AS VIEWED BY THE A FAKE STORY FROM ST. PAUL pitcher Carsey, of the Phillies, it makes BALTIMORE'S MANAGER AFTER FIRST BASE BALL, BICYCLING AND team owners with a view of disposing me think of Harry. AVhen he was GENERAL SPORTS AND of his men one by one. He first offered PRESIDENT, MR. DIDDLEBOCK. PROMPTLY NAILED. manager here, I think in '88, he said BASEMAN JAKE DRAUBY. New York his four best players for a that Carsey v,-ould make his mark as a PASTIMES. figure that simply stunned the New pitcher. As this prediction of Harry's Yorkers and about which they dreamed Not Satisfied With a Six-dab Circuit No Truth Whatever in the Report turned out as he said it would, I can The Leading Batsman ot the Eastern Published by for weeks. Boston was next ap not forget it as i»is about the only thing proached, but the owners of the pennant- -Wilkesbarre Wanted Badly by That St. Paul is Slated to Take he ever said, which had the semblance THE SPORTING LIFE PUBLISHING CO. winning club replied that they were of truth or sincerity about it. League May be Secured in Ex looking for u team that (lid not have to I am pleased to see friend Morse on Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A. wear the word "Boston" on its shirt the State League-The Club En Detroit's Place in the New Western deck again, and trust he has entirely re change For Hugh Jenniogs, the front to win. In other words, they covered from his indisposition. didn't need any stars to help them out. treated to Change Its Base. League. Before closing my screed for the old FRANCIS C. RICHTER ; Editors. Popular Short Stop. FRANK A. EGAN EVEN CHICAGO DECUNES. year I desire to wish the "Sporting Presuming that the showing the Chi Life," its corr3spcndents and readers a cago team made last season had dis Regarding the outlook for the Penn St. Paul is decidedly anxious to break prosperous and happy New Year. Buffalo, Dec. 28.-The Buffalo Club CONTENTS! couraged Anson, Robison offered all the sylvania League for next season, the into the Western League, aud has been LOUIS P. WEIL. will sign a new shortstop within a few Base Ball Nevrg....................... Pages 1 to 6 members of the Cleveland Club that president of that organization, Mr. H. warking hard with John S. Barnes to days in all probability, and it is possible Bicycling News ...................... Pages 7 to 10 Anson wanted for what Robison was H. Diddlebock, says in his paper, the briag about some sort of a change that PITCHER CARSEY DEPENDED. that his name will be Hugh .Tcnnings. Pugilistic News....................... Patfe G inclined to call a song. But the old cap "Inquirer:" A number of delegates of would admit the Apostolic city. That excellent player is now connected Billiards and Athletic........... Page 11 tain replied that there was. more real the Pennsylvania State League Clubs It was therefore not surprising to note His with the Baltimore Club, but it is not the following dispatch Father Declares His Son Had no tout Hall, Aquatic and Mis enjoyment in developing young blood held a conference at Reading on Tues sent out from Hand in Wright's Removal. likely to require his services next sea cellaneous Sports................ Page 13 and surprising other League teams than day last, at which it was decided that St. Paul: son. Manager Hanlon considers young the circuit of 1803 should be re-estab St. rani, Dec. 21. It is now pretty well New York, Dec. 20. Editor "Sporting McGraw there was in paying thousands of dol settled that Detroit will lose Its Western Life:" In your last edition I notice a better man, and as he has lars for stars who play ball when they lished for the season of 1804. This drafted Bonner, the Wilkesbarre short- SUBSCRIPTION KATES: means that Alleutown, Altoona, Easton, Base Ball League franchise, and that in the letter of your Boston correspond One Tear.............................................. have to and sulk when they feel l/ke it. St. Paul will take the place. Detroit, It slop,1>, Hughie'stl release will no doubt soon 84.00 Harrisburg, Johnstown and Reading ent, Mr. Jacob C. Morse, a small item, He did not play much last Six MoulhH....................... ..................... s.as When Auson refused to take his players Is understood, has no desire for a team or misstatement, which, small as it is, follow. sea as a gift Robison became discouraged will surely have clubs in. the State next year, and J. K. Vandeibeck, In whose son, as very early in the season he Three Months....................................... 1.35 League circuit of 1804. name a franchise for that city was taken, if allowed to go uncoutradicted to the Single Copy........................................... 10c. and at the same time realized that the sustained an injury that disabled him National League had him in a corner. SCRANTOVS POSITION. will come to St. Paul and manage the whole base ball world by publication iu for several months, and when he was PAYABLE IN ADVANCE. The other clubs of the 1893 circuit I team. the columns in your journal would recovered Hanlon He came to the conclusion that the This dispatch reads well, and its plaus do did not consider it Foreign Postage, HI.04 Extra per Annum. League meant to keep him in Cleveland were York and Seranton. York gave up a great injury, as well as great good policy to change the Oriole infield before last season ibility must have deceived many. There wrong and injustice, to Wilfred Carsey. aud, following in this line, took pains closed, and will have is no truth in the story, however, on The latter iu order to give Jennings a chance. Soou, /S3-Those readers of THE SPORTING LIFE to see that no Cleveland syndicate no club next year. Seranton pledged is accused by Mr. Morse, of after Manager Chapman, of the Louis- itself to stand by the.State League in the authority of Mr. Vanderbeck and buiug one of several players who were \vho Iiave not facilities for reaching bought him out and that no League club other Western League magnates. R. J. opposed to Mr. Harry Wright, and by villes, picked Jonnings up in Pennsyl newsdealers, or do not care to be depend purchased any of his star players. 1804, but some of its stockholders want Glenalvin, who is Vanderbeck's repre thoir complaints, faiilt-flmUng and abuse vania two years ago the youth de DON'T WANT TO LOSE FKANK. to enter the Eastern League, and they veloped into a fine player and was a ent upon delivery by carriers or news have made application to the latter. sentative, has written Detroit parties were instrumental in causing Mr. Krottt popular favorite at Louisville* agents, should Robison IB now doing all in his power giving the lie direct to the St. Paul Wright's removal from the management by all means subscribe, to call the League off, and at the present President W. A. St. John, of the Scran- of the When Bariiie took hold of the "Col thus assuring themselves regular and ton Club, wants the next State League tale. Philadelphia team. onels" last soring he traded Harry Tay time, is in Washington endeavoring to G. A. Vanderbeck, president of the Permit me to say that one of the lor and Jennings to Hultimore lor Tim prompt delivery by mail direct from induce President Young to intercede in meeting held at Serauton. He says: reasons "The State League will be benefited by new Detroit Base Ball Club, denies the given for the removal of Mr. O'Rourke. As Manager Chapman thinks this office. his behalf. However, according to the report most emphatically. Replying to a Harry Wright by tlie owners of the a groat deal of the red-headed Hupuie news which prevails here, Cleveland will it." President St. John is a shrewd business man. Under his administration query, he wired the "Detroit Free Press" club was the well-known fact that Mr. it is quite probable that he will leave Advertising Rate Upon Application. be in the circuit during the coining from Los Angeles, to deny all such Wright was too groat a favorite with no stone unturned to get him. season, and Robison will be at its head. the. Seranton. Club was very successful all the players, and that they took ad SPOUTING LIFE goes to press at financially in the State League, and he reports; also that he had signed nearly It was stated some time ago that the 2 P. M. every Thursday. all the players for Detroit's 1804 team. vantage of his great simplicity, honesty is willing to let well enough alone rather Negotiations are now pending for a lease and good nature, as did also the man ^^-Advertisers to insure insertion should FROM LEAGUE HEADQUARTERS.