Volume 4, Issue 3 March—May 2013
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THE CRESCENT HARP OFFICIAL NEWSLETTER OF THE ANCIENT ORDER OF HIBERNIANS IN LOUISIANA VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 MARCH—MAY 2013 FOLLOW THE LOUISIANA JAMES FRANCIS MCKAY III AOH ON-LINE http://aohla.com HIBERNIAN OF THE YEAR Facebook: Louisiana The Ancient Order of Hibernians in Louisiana, Circuit Court of Appeals. His leadership to the State Board of Philip M. Hannan Division, James Cardinal Gib- nation’s judiciary includes service as president of the Ancient Order of Hibernians bons Division, Republic of West Florida Division, the American Judges Association and a member of Fr. Thomas “Mossy” Gallagher Division, and Aca- the American Judges Association Board of Gover- dian Division proudly announce Chief Judge nors since 1996. He is also a member of the James Francis McKay III of Louisiana’s Fourth American Bar Association, Louisiana State Bar Circuit Court of Appeals as Hibernian of the Year Association, Fourth and Fifth Circuit District for 2013. Judges Association, and the St. Thomas More Law Chief Judge McKay will Society. receive the award at the McKay was elected to the 137th annual St. Patrick’s Louisiana Fourth Circuit Day Banquet March 17 at Court of Appeal in 1998. 7 p.m. at the Sheraton He served as judge at Hotel on Canal Street in Criminal District Court in New Orleans. Orleans Parish from 1982 Long active in Irish af- to 1998. He was the Chief fairs, McKay, of New Or- Prosecutor for the Metro- leans, serves as Honorary politan Office of the State Consul of Ireland in Lou- Attorney General from isiana. He has been a na- 1978 to 1982. From 1974- AY tional leader of the Ancient 1978, he served as an As- D Order of Hibernians sistant District Attorney (AOH), the oldest and for Orleans Parish. S largest Irish-Catholic or- McKay attended St. Domi- ’ ganization in the United nic Elementary and Middle States, established in 1836. School and De La Salle McKay has served AOH in High School in New Or- numerous offices includ- leans. He remains active in ing, National Vice President; chairman of the 94th the affairs of St. Dominic Church and serves as a National Convention; Chairman of Grievance board member and past president of the De La PECIAL DITION Tribunals; Chairman of the Constitution Revision Salle Alumni Association. He is also a member of S E Committee, 2002; Chairman of the Home Fund, the Knights of Columbus St. Dominic Council. ATRICK 1998-2000; National Board Member, 1994-2000; McKay earned his Juris Doctor degree from and Vice-Chairman of the 1992 National Conven- Loyola University School of Law. He is married to tion in New Orleans. Marie Soniat McKay and they have four children, P . A distinguished jurist, McKay was inducted James IV, Michael, Katherine Laura, and Colleen, T recently as Chief Judge of the Louisiana’s Fourth as well as six grandchildren. S SUNDAY, MARCH 17 FEAST OF ST. PATRICK, APOSTLE OF IRELAND Mass - St. Patrick’s Church - 11:00 a.m. 137th Annual AOH St. Patrick’s Day Banquet Downtown Sheraton 6:30 p.m. P AGE 2 THE CRESCENT HARP EDITORIAL - A LONG TIME COMING THE CRESCENT HARP Editor-in-Chief It was back in 1988 that the spread Hibernianism, recruited 1990s, another National Conven- John T. Browne Editorial Staff AOH had dwindled to a handful of new members, and developed new tion in New Orleans, National John D. Fitzmorris III men, and the AOH National Board ways to foster appreciation for our Treasurer, and now National Vice- Stanton McNeely began discussing whether to deacti- Irish-Catholic heritage. However, President. In the process, the Na- Jeremy Hughes vate a division that had existed for all of us who have done so have had tional AOH now knows that the Ex-Officio over a hundred years in New Or- the benefit of the guiding hand of strength of Irish America lies not Joseph Casler Harold Burke leans. the man we have come over time just in the Northeast or in the Mid- Mark Foley At that point a small group of simply to call “The Judge.” west around Chicago but in New Martin Kearney men got together and decided to Not always an easy hand, not Orleans and the South as well. Ronald Burke breathe life into the moribund or- always the kindest hand, but always Even more important, Irish- ——————————- ARTICLE SUBMISSION ganization. Twenty-five years the best hand, and always the most Americans have reassumed their VIA: later, the Ancient Order of Hiber- Irish hand. The Judge’s commit- places among the leaders of the [email protected] nians in Louisiana boasts more than ment and dedication to our An- New Orleans community and re- [email protected] three hundred members in five cient Order has not just translated newed their sense of heritage and Please submit all photos divisions throughout the state; and itself into success for the Hiber- identity. via .jpeg one Hibernian’s vision and effort nians in Louisiana, his ability to Not a bad legacy for Jim McKay ARTICLE DEADLINES: stands at the center. network and wage influence trans- and one certainly worthy of being November 15 Chief Judge Jim McKay. lated itself into New Orleans host- named Hibernian of the Year. February 15 May 15 Many of us have stepped up to ing an AOH National Convention August 15 positions of leadership in those for the first time in a century, a twenty-five years and have helped National Director’s position in the EDITORIAL - REPACKAGING THE IRISH-AMERICAN HERITAGE On Friday, March 1, State Senator Edwin print, and internet media to start showing DuBos at Gambit why Irish-American events Murray, Adrian D’Arcy of IN-NOLA, and such images of Irish-American heritage as our do not receive as much coverage, and, while Chief Judge and AOH National Vice- annual memorial at the Celtic Cross to those you are at it, ask Peter Finney Jr. at The Clar- President Jim McKay went on WWL-TV’s who died in the An Gorta Mor and who es- ion Herald why the Archdiocese’s newspaper Eyewitness Morning News with host Melanie caped it to come to America and build the does not cover our events. Hebert to speak about Irish-American Heri- infrastructure of our nation. It is time for Let them know that we hand out thousands tage Month. such outlets to focus attention on the statue of of dollars to charities, that the Irish Channel They did a great job on television, and a dumpy, little but incredibly courageous Parade gives thousands to St. Michael’s Spe- spoke wonderfully of the upcoming events woman named Margaret Haughery who cial School, that IN-NOLA is sending four and activities of the Irish and Irish-American transformed her grief into works of tremen- kids to Ireland to study, that the AOH helps communities during the month of March as dous charity. It is time for reporters and the Presentation Nuns feed the homeless at well as the importance of the Irish contribu- writers and camerapersons to start taking their Rebuild Center—truly God’s work on tion to the heritage and history of this city and stock of the fact one of our own took it all earth. Tell Mike Hoss and Melanie Hebert state. upon himself to dedicate a museum to the and Sally Ann Roberts and John Snell and However, one has to wonder if the depth Irish-American contribution to this city and Norman Robinson and Angela Hill and of the message actually got out to the viewing preserve the memory of a people whose faith Travers Maeckel and Curt Sprang and even public; for, prior to their appearance, WWL and determination helped build and police Scoot how the AOH stood out in the pouring ran stock footage of people drinking green and protect this city. rain last Ash Wednesday to insure that our beer and marchers carousing at one of the And it is your job, Brother Hibernians to let Archbishop and clergy and Catholic faithful parades. them know. Let WWL, WDSU, WVUE, could begin the season of Lent in peace and Such are the overwhelming images that and WGNO know what Irish-American Heri- without abuse. viewers have whenever Irish and Irish- tage is all about. Let columnists like James Stand up for the Irish and your heritage, American culture is mentioned on the Gill of the “Some”Times-Picayune know that we and do not be silent! Make your voices news—that it is nothing more than an adden- shall not stand for any further articles on or heard! dum to Mardi Gras. around St. Patrick’s Day that disparage the Oh, and by the way, it is Mardi Gras that is It is time for us to change those images. It Irish and Irish-Americans. the addendum to St. Patrick’s Day. is time for the news media to start realizing Write letters, call Spud McConnell and and then broadcasting images of the men who Garland Robinette at WWL Radio, tell the run the Irish Channel Parade give untold folks at WWOZ Radio how much we appre- thousands of dollars to schools and charitable ciate having the Irish included in their Satur- organizations. It is time for the video, radio, day morning programming. Ask Clancy VOLUME 4, ISSUE 3 PAGE 3 STATE PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Greeting Brother Hibernians! March 16th – Irish Channel St. Pat- Another March is under way, but rick’s Day Mass and Parade. Mass be- this year it’s a wee bit more special gins at Noon at St.