
Clinton County News S&towj^jtfaClinkHvCbts^ 1856 FEBRUARY 23,1972 116th YEAR NO. 43 ST JOHNS, MICHIGAN 15 CENTS Perns want Allen out; 88th split Essay Trezise district cut back

winners LANSING—The famous story of southern townships of Ionia County the man without a country may becom­ and all of Eaton County. ing more truth than fiction for one of Ovid, Elsie and Laingsburg would named our local lawmakers if the Michigan remain in the 87th District of R. Democrats in the House of Represent­ Douglas Trezise (R-Owosso). Local winners of the American atives have their way. House Republicans are also upset egion Auxiliary Americanism essay State Rep. Richard Allen still has since Allen's district now is com­ contest were named Thursday by Mrs. his country but he may be minus a posed of rural areas and small towns Ross Downing, Americanism chair­ district to represent, according to the —and he might not be re-elected in man of the Edwin T. Stiles Unit.153. latest Democrat redisricting pro­ a metropolitan area where he is The awards were presented to the posal. largely unkown. winners before an assembly held at By , the Legislature must adopt One capitol observer noted that Rodney B, Wilson Junior High School. a hew districting formula following a the apportionment plans drawn by First place in the senior division federal census, which took place In both parties make obvious attempts was awarded to Stephanie Pytlowanyj, 1970. Michigan Atty. Gen. Frank J. to replace certain legislators, but daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Kelley Issued an opinion In January the six - way split of the current Pytlowanyj of 1223 East Centerline claiming the present congressional 88th District is an apparent record, Road, St. Johns. Stephanie is a soph­ districting formula unconstitutional "It makes me a little proud," Allen omore at St. Johns High School. due to the change in population from said, «I didn't realize I was doing Diane Knight, eighth grade student 1960 to 1970, He then ordered the that much damage," at Rodney B, Wilson Junior High, two parties to redraw district lines The latest GOP formula, House placed first in the jurilor division. by Feb, 29 or the Federal Courts will Plan 15, also removes central Clinton She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. take over the task. County and the City of St, Johns Dale Knight of 500 South Kibbee, St. The Democratic plan, officially from the 87th District Trezise rep­ Johns. Second place winner in the called House Plan 13, would divide resents. However, this plan would junior division was Leanna Bailey the area currently represented by place most of Clinton County in and third place was awarded to Diane Allen into six other districts and Allen's district. He would also rep­ DeBoer, both eighth grade students throw him into the suburban Saginaw resent all of Gratiot County and about at RBW. 100th District. Most of that new one-fourth of Montcalm County. Each winner received a certificate district is represented by Bert Ovid, Elsie, Laingsburg, Bath and of participation, cash awards and a Brennan (R-Sagtnaw), who is a good parts of DeWitt would fall into copy of the Book of Freedom. friend of Allen and the two men Trezise's district, and the rest would The two first place winners are currently share an office in Lansing. go to Allen. now eligible to enter the district House Republicans feel the Gratiot- Trezise said he would not want to contest with Judging scheduled- to be Clinton area was deliberately torn lose the St. Johns district but that held in June. up to oust the young GOP lawmaker. it appeared inevitable because of the Theme of this year's contest. is According to Plan 13, most of- increase in populatln in Owosso. "What Kind of American Am I?" Clinton County would fall into the He won election by a wide margin area represented by Stanley M. in both St. Johns and Owosso in 1970. News Photo by Annette White Powell (R-Ionia)'which Includes most Mrs. Ross Downing, Americanism chairman of the American Legion of Ionia County and a small section Pigs aren't of Montcalm County, Auxiliary Edwin T. Stiles Unit 153, presents certificates of participation Watertown and Eagle townships to essay winners Stephanie Pytlowanyj, 'Diane Knight, Leanna Bailey and would fall into the 56th District, Road ution. Diane DeBoer. an area represented by Dale Warner (R-Charlotte) which includes the workers court rules GOP picks Vander Jagt for Lincoln Day dinner

: sign „ ' STyjOiiNS ^ 'If's''official. Pigs STi VOHNS-The Clinton County - Vander Jagt was born in 1931 irl Formerly an attorney with a Grand Jaycees in 1956 as "one of the five aren't pollution—just an occupational Lincoln Day Dinner will be held on Cadillac. He earned a bachelor of Rapids law firm, he served as a outstanding young men in Michigan." ST.-JOHNS—After a series of five hazards, '. Friday March 10 with Congressman arts degree at Hope College in 1953, member of the Michigan Senate in ' In the United States Congress, to meetings, which started Jan. 8, Local Circuit Court Judge Leo Corkin Guy Vander Jagt of Michigan's ninth a bachelor of divinity degree at Yale 1965-66. In 1966 he was selected which he was first elected In Novem­ 794 and the Clinton County Road Com­ ruled last week that the odor which Congressional District as guest Divinity School in 1955 and a doctor by the Lansing Press Corps as "the ber, 1966, with the largest majority mission announced agreement last results from the operation of a hog speaker, It was announced today by of degree in 1960 at the Uni­ most outstanding Republican fresh­ of any of tf9 Republican freshmen, week on a preliminary contract farm is not pollution, as long as other James M, Palmlter, County Republi­ versity of Michigan. He also studied man in the State Senate," . Vander Jagt serves on the Foreign agreement covering improvements in sanitary measures are undertaken. can Chairman. The dinner will be at at Bonn University in Germany under He is a member of Rotary Inter­ Affairs and Government Operations wages, fringe benefits and contract Corkin refused to rule in favor of 7 p.m. In the St. Johns High School a Rotary Foundation Fellowship in national, and an honorary Jaycee, Committees. His assignments include language for a three-year term. Mrs. Burtriece Crandall of Eagle cafeteria. ' 1956. having been selected by the Michigan - the Government Operations Subcom­ who had fUed the suit against a near­ mittee on Conservation and Natural The agreement was ratified by a by resident William Biergan, a hog Resources, of which he is the ranking membership meeting Feb. 15 and the farmer. Mrs. Crandall said that minority member, and the Intergov­ contract will be signed officially as Biergan's farm violated the state's ernmental Relations Subcommittee. soon as the document canbeprepared new air pollution law, which allows Allen urges airport lands Tickets fr the Lincoln Day Dinner and^checked, according, to officials. for individual citizens to file suit are now on sale and may be obtained against polluters. 1 through any member of the County The old contract expired at 12 Republican Committee. Cost of the midnight Dec. 31, 1971. By mutual Biergan said his farm operation consent the contract was extended was built in compliance with the law remain in townships hands tickets, for the dinner only, is $15 per couple and the event is expected until a new agreement could be and advice from Michigan State Uni­ in the decision." certainly at least they would be reached noting that all applicable versity farm experts. His operation LANSING — State Rep. Richard to draw over 400 people. J. Allen (R-Ithaca) urged the State Allen said he had attended a public questioned by the township and county changes In the contract be made was also viewed by agents from the hearing on the annexation proposal in officials," he said. In addition, an informal reception retroactive to Jan, 1, Air Pollution Control Commission Boundary Commission to deny a will be held before the, dinner and Is request by the City of Lansing to annex Lansing Feb. 10 and wanted to present Allen pointed out that Lansing City who gave the farm operation a clean his views on the situation. officials would like to expand the expected to have 100 people in attend­ The new contract may be reopened bill of health. the Capitol City Airport, located in ance. Tickets for the dinner and in December, 1973 for negotiations DeWitt and Watertown townships. "As you certainly realize, this is city limits into Watertown and-DeWitt Corkin's ruling sets a precedent, reception are $50 per couple arid will on the possibility of cutting the present Allen argued in favor ^of Clinton a highly emotional issue with many of Townships in.the area including "but since this is the first court case not limited to Lansing City Airport." be sold on a limited basis. eight and one-half hours work day County in a letter, to the commission my constituents," said the lawmaker, by one-half hour, creating a 40 hour in which a citizen has filed suit who represents part of Clinton County The airport Itself is not critical The annual Lincoln Day fete is the under the new law. Corkin said the Thursday, which was also sent to the week instead of the current 42 1/2 township and county officials, in the 88th District. to either side, Allen said. "The expan­ traditional kickoff for the political pollution was not great enough to sion desired by Lansing and the loss year and proceeds from the sale of hour work week. demand creation of a common law to "I believe the crossing of the "No doubt it would haye been tickets will be used to help state county line from Ingham to Clinton politically expeditious for me to make feared by - the townships is more control such farms. extensive." and local candidates in their bid for Details,of the contract were not in this proposed expansion of Lansing a passionate public defense of Water- election in November. immediately available. Corkin ordered the plaintiffs, Mrs. is a violation of. the territorial town and DeWitt townships at the He urged the commission to make a Crandall and five other neighbors, instincts of Clinton County resi­ meeting. decision that would give those govern­ to- pay court costs for the three- dents," Allen said. "The results of , "But such matters must be settled mental units affected "a basis for year civil suit. such a violation must be considered by reason rather than passion," he planning within the reasonably near Halt widening plan said. future, hopefully for at least a ten- year period,, Allen told commissioners that he LANSING - The State Highway the Highway Department, will take the concurs with several points brought "If the expansion desired by Department has agreed to postpone Two face exams out at the hearing by representatives time to look for it." Lansing In the next few years ddes in for at least a year any plans to of both sides of the conflict. fact include significant territory widen US-27 through St, Johns, State "I'm relieved and pleased that the He said he agrees with the Idea beyond the airport, such territory Senator William S. Ballenger Highway Department, realizing how in heroin case that areas of high concentration of should be included at this time in an announced today, strong the opposition to its proposal residential, commercial, and/or amount sufficient to include a vote of "As a result of a resolution I is, has agreed to postpone taking any ST. JOHNS - A 25-year-old stand trial April 18 on the marijuana industrial- development require public action at all for at least a year. At Milwaukee man and his 27-year-old charge and April 27 on the license the people affected, I do not believe introduced in the Legislature as well services in, kind or quantity not the other provisions of the law were the end of a year's time the whole female companion will face examina­ charge. ,;He failed to post $1,500 on required in rural or undeveloped as citizen pressure In the form of provided to avoid a vote where sig­ petitions with over 2000 signatures issue will be re-evaluated," Bal­ tion in District Court here April the marijuana charge and another areas. The provisionofsuchservices lenger said. 18 on charges of possession of heroin. $500 on the license charge. nificant populations are meant to be and the decision of the St, Johns requires orderly and advanced plan­ affected, <_ James Farabee", 25, 3030 H 26th In other District Court action: ning, sufficient tax base and dedica­ City Commission to go on record Ballenger added that he feels It of St.? Milwaukee, Wis., remains in Trent Stull, 17, of Bath demanded tion and desire on the part of local' , "If the desired expansion is only opposing the widening of US-27, Mr. "utmost importance" that residents Clinton County jail after failing to post examination Wednesday on a breaking., officials. • the airport, any decision delivered Gerald McCarthy of the State Highway of St. Johns and Highway Department should be in a manner to give as Department announced on Wednesday $1,500 bond, while his companion, and entering charge. The exam was He added that he also agreed with personnel work together to come up Gwendolyn Nathan, 27, 15361 Sorento set for April 27 at 1:30 p.m. and he much assurance as possible to the that no action will be taken for at with some alternative plans that would the ideas that city government Is best townships that no further piecemeal least a year," Ballenger explained. St., Detroit^ was freed on $1,500 was returned to Jail after failing to suited to provide such services and be feasible from both a financial bond on that charge. post $1,000 bond. annexation will be viewed favorably and safety standpoint. . that viable cities need regular expan­ 'in the near future," McCarthy, who is the assistant They were arrested Feb. 14 on Robert Johns, 43, of Lansing pled sion In area, at least up to some deputy director of the engineering and 1-96 in Watertown Township by Mich­ guilty Tuesday on a drunk and dis­ optimum size, "These points.may be He also asked the commission to continued on page 3 A operations division, made this state­ igan State Police troopers. Accord­ orderly charge and was ordered to open to more debate than others; ment at a meeUng of the Senate Dimondale ing to a spokesman from the Ionia pay $125 in fines and costs,. Business Committee where Senate State P'ollce post, the two were stopped Jackie Stover, 38, of Lansing, pled Concurrent Resolution 231, which after being followed from Grand. guilty to a drunk and disorderly Senator Ballenger . sponsored along man bound Rapids and were apparently traveling- -charge and was ordered to pay $75 Delinquent tax notice with 20 other Senators, was being south toward Detroit. Police received in fines and costs. . discussed. This resolution asks the the information from an undisclosed Bennie Bennett, 22, ofLaingsburg State Highway Department to "cease to Ciruit source. In Grand Rapids. pled nolo contendere on charges of The second publication "of delinquent tax notices preceding the annual sale appears this week In the Clinton County News. The notice, will also 'and desist from entertaining any plan The spokesman said the two were Indecent exposure and will be sen­ to widen US-27 within St. Johns." tenced March 9 at 2:30 p.m. He is appear March 1, and precedes the sale which is scheduled for May 2,1972. - ST. JOHNS - Kenneth allegedly carrying a small amount Kuepser*. 23, of Dimondale of heroin. "We hayen't received the free on $750 bond. •I think that questions about the Albert Price, no age listed, of Only township fully paid up without delinquent taxes is'Westphalia and number of trees that would be elimi­ was bound over to Circuit lab report, so I cannot give,you the Court following preliminary exact amount of heroin/ the^pokes- DeWitt pied guilty toimpaireddrivlng also fully paid is Westphalia Village. nated and queries about possible and was ordered to pay $125 in fines In previous years numerous requests for additional copies of the tax alternative routes raised at the meet­ examination in District man said. "It was broken doy/n and Court here Thursday, Was not* an unusuaL amount for two•j'- and costs. notices have come from readers and subscribers but, even with extra ing convinced Mr, McCarthy that this persons to have," ' Clare Kramer, 22, of Fowler pled copies beyond oiir normal press run, all requests have not always been matter is far from settled," Ballenger He Is charged with larceny fined. Farabee was also charged with guilty to simple larceny and was : said, "The people of St, Johns and I of more than $100 and will possession of marijuana and driving placed on two years* probation and" If you are interested In extra copies of the Clinton County News oh any are convinced that an alternative appear before Judge Leo on a suspended license. He demanded ordered to pay. $27 in fines and costs of the last two dates when tax sale notices' appear* you can be sure of receiving. temporary solution to this bottleneck Corkin in Circuit CourtFeb. examination on both counts and will continued on pago 3 A the number that you want by contacting us. in, advance* . can be found only if we, working with 28 at!t30 p.rri. CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan A2 FEBRUARY 23,197 Village of Fowler Lutheran Church Sponsors Weekday Bible School Council Meeting FOWLER, MICHIGAN By ANNETTE WHITE gram was launched in con­ includes Pastor Koeppen, grade three. Helpers include ^™JW-T„- ^^^-w^.-^^^.^™^^^ Associate Editor junction with the regular grades seven and eight; Mrs, Janet Thornton, Phyllis Feb. 14, 1972 *~~ school year and with a Margery Seibert, grade six; Woodbury, Helen Prior and Regular meeting called to ST. JOHNS-Since last nucleus of experienced Sun­ Mrs. Judy Korte, grade five; Mildred Magsig. order by President Spicer. September, children of the day School teachers and Mrs. Barbara Stiffler, grade Roll call found all mem­ St. Johns Lutheran Church helpers. The teaching staff four and Mrs. Carolyn Beck, Sixty-three children are bers present. After the have been participating In a presently enrolled which is reading of the minutes, a Weekday School which meets 80 per cent of the eligible motion by Rademacher t each Wednesday from 3:30 fea children of the congregation accept the minutes, secon p.m. to 6p.m.atSt. Joseph's in grades 3 through 8. by Wohlfert, carried. School. ^•fcffiSk*4tti*** Some children who attend A discussion followed th Plans were set In 1970 are not members ofthecon- reading ofthebills.Amoti when a committee was " gregatlon. by Rademacher to pay formed to study the possibil­ Because of its location bills excluding three of th ities of such an arrange­ students from Central or was second by Pettit, ca ment. Members of the Rodney B. Wilson are ex­ ried. original committee, were pected to walk. However, The Dallas Towns Ray Ebert, Barbara Stiffler, children coming from other Board will be invited to J Cora Flowers, John Flak, schools in the system or tend the March 13 re- Jerry Prior and Pastor Rob­ from Ovid-Elsie or DeWitt meeting. ert Koeppen. are transported by "car- After a lengthy disci The committee, through a pool volunteers" who meet sion on Village Employe questionnaire filled oilt Tsy the children at the schools receiving full salary ai the congregation of the upon dismissal. workmen's compensatic church, discovered that for sickness or injurie, more than just Sunday School Snacks are provided for the following motion wa|s education was desired. the children at 3:30 p.m. and presented for vote. Motion They investigated the con­ are solicited from the entire by Klein that before any cept of the weekday School congregation through a com­ Village Employee receives through synodical papers mittee of the Ladies Guild. full salary or pay while re­ and also a study was made of Volunteers help with the ceiving Compensation, a similar school in process serving. through Insurance provide In another town. by the Village for sickness Because there were no Music is provided for all or injury, the matter be facilities available at the classes by Sharon Barnes. brought before the Village local Lutheran Church for Marjorie Seibert, seated, is A list of substitutes are Council for discussion, sec­ such a project, committee pictured with her sixth grade class available if needed to fill In ond by Wohlfert. Roll call a vacancy. vote: Rademacher, yes;Mc- members enlisted the aid of during a Wednesday session of the Bible school teacher, Mrs. Arnold Korte explains St. Joseph's Catholic School Proving that this is a Kean, abstained; Smith, yes; that had the necessary facil­ Lutheran Weekday School. Standing workable program, plans the weekly lesson to her class of fifth graders. Klein, yes; Wohlfert, yes; Pettit, yes; motion carried. ities. next to Mrs. Seibert is her helper are underway to continue With the organizational the school next year. Water wells were again work completed, the pro­ Mrs. Mildred Magsig. discussed. Improper sewage Junior high dumping was also discussed. Motion by Pettit to enforce tourney Ordinance 57, of Village of Fowler, second by Wohlfert. Roll call vote, Rademacher. this week yes; McKean, yes; Smith, yes; Klein, yes; Wohlfert, Once agatn host Ovld- yes; Pettit, yes; carried. F!Goodrich Elsie will sponsor its Junior Following a discussion on High basketball tournament, Mayor's Exchange and beginning on Feb. 23 with Ambulance , the four games, the first one meeting was closed, starting at 5 p.m. sharp. The RETHA WINANS second round on Feb. 24 Clerk starting at 5 p.m. and the finals on Saturday, Feb. 26 Rotary club at 1 p.m. Schools taking part are Alma, Ovid, Elsie, Ithaca, readies youth Corunna. Cheasanine. Mid­ the 40,000 mile fire land Bullock Creek and St. talent show Johns. ST. JOHNS-The St. Johns Winners of the tourna­ Rotary Club announced this ment have been Elsie, 1968; week that the 24th annual Chesaning, 19 69 and St. youth talent and hobby show Johns 1970 and 1971. will be held April 16-22. i h >*. b St.vJohns will b&trvingior^ The show is open to stu-1 ^,ijs„yiird„6tr,aight tournament" dents attending-school in ptot WMJL championship. Clinton County who have These games are played at reached their 9th birthday the new Ovid-Elsie High but not yet reached their thL nJxuL School and those attending 19th birthday by April 19th. are urged to come early for a The categories are:Science, rdd£\ good seat and watch these arts, and manual skills. future varsity boys perform. Prizes include a $25 sav­ The St. Johns Junior High ings certificate for the best seventh and eighth grade entry in each of four age basketball teams have both groups: 9-11, 12-14, 15-16, rolled along this season with 17-18. Ribbons are awarded . a perfect record of seven for first place in each of the straight wins with one game three classifications in each to go. Schools that have age group, and a $50 fallen to the teams are Alma, certificate will be awarded Ithaca, St. Louis, Portland, one boy and one girl who are Ionia and Corunna. judged "best of the show*. The seventh grade has two Entry blanks can be ob­ games left one with Ithaca tained from Clinton County and one with Corunna. school principals and Be- The eighth grade has one ment Public Library of St. game left against Alma who Johns. They should be re­ \jt£M. ^u 0U/LC/L V&ridJlirt\a\ they defeated earlier with the turned to the schools by the «B" game 71-18 and the "A" entry deadline which is game 57-25. Thursday, March 30.

NEWS WANT ADS Jaycee , «u «4%nn we guarantee it meeting You're never LIFESAVER RADIAL TREADWEAR GUARANTEE ST. JOHNS-What's aJay- too old If you don't get a full 40,000 miles of treadwear from a Lifesaver Radial in normal cee? use on your car, the retailer who sold it will give you the difference as a credit against The St. Johns Jaycees will to hear better the going trade-in price of a new Lifesaver Radial, plus a small service charge. explain the role of their or­ ganization during Member­ , 111.-A free offer of Lifesaver Radials are priced from $42.95, size ER70-14 ship Information Night, Feb. 3pecial to those who whitewall plus federal tax of $2.61 per tire with trade-in. 28. Anyone interested in at­ hear but do not understand tending the meeting should words has been announced by Beltone. A non-operating model call 224-3106 or contact any Df the smallest Beltone aid ever Jaycee member. made will be given absolutely Tree to anyone answering this 3 WAYS TO PAY- BUDGET TERMS PLUS WE HONOR Clinton County advertisement. Try it to see how it is worn * News in the .privacy of your own Robert MacDOnald...Gen. Mgr. home without cost or obligation Timothy Younkman . . . Editor of any kind. It's yours to keep, Annette White....Assoc. Editor free. It weighs less than a third Michael Preville . . Adv. Mgr. of an ounce, and it's all at ear Harold Schmatt

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Buick-Pontiac Parr's R"AU Pharmacy GMC-Opel St. Johns Ph. 224-2837 CAINS, INC 201 N. Clinton 210 Higham Phone 224-3231 . ,A4 • CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan FEBRUARY 23,1972 ~i >- Clinton area obituaries L State testing short illness. R-2, Ithaca died Tuesday, of Reed City; a brother, Houghton Chapel of the Os­ Eva AAae Funeral services were Feb. 15 at his home follow­ Max Blanchard of Hersey; good Funeral Homes, Inc., held Wednesday, Feb. 16 at ing a short Illness, six grandchildren; daughter OVid with Rev. Larry War­ Ressler the Abbott Chapel of the Funeral services were Alice, preceded him In death. ren officiating. Burial was results revealed Osgood Funeral Homes Inc., held at the Bethel Mennonlte Funeral service s were in Maple Grove Cemetery. ST. JOHNS-Statewide re­ By far the great bulk of carefully to determine what Mrs. Eva Mae Ressler, Maple Rapids. Burial was in Church on Friday, Feb. 18 held from the First United sults of the State Board of the MEAP data is designed might be done to help these 06, of 504 SouthMeadStreet, He was born in Lansing on Union Home Cemetery with with Rev. Calvin Kaufman Methodist Church in Ionia at June 10, 1946 and moved to Education's Michigan Ed­ for use only In careful anal- students Improve their per- St. Johns died Wednesday, Rev. Robert Myers officiat­ and Rev. Lehman Longe- , 11 a.m. on Feb. 12. Grave­ ucational Assessment pro­ ysis of educational delivery formance", he said, Feb, 16 at the Clinton Mem­ Ovid In 1962 from Garland. ing. necker officiating. Burial side. services' and burial He married the former Shar­ gram (MEAP) were released systems and resource al- "And, of course, it Is als orial Hospital following a was In Washington Township were at 4:00 p.m. at the In compiled form and re­ location, Porternoted.Com- true that even districts whic short illness. He was born In Gratiot on Durrance in Sterling County on Nov. 22, 1885, Collier Cemetery. Edwardsburg Cemetery with vealed that students In the parisons between districts, show somewhat heavier con Funeral services were Heights on Jan. 14, 1967. He the son of William and Mary He was born in Flanigan, the _Shaw - Rivett - Hull had been employed at St. Johns district achieved even those of the same com­ centratlons of children In held at the Osgood Funeral Brown and had resided most 111. on March 26, 1914, the Funeral Home of Muir in an average score that ranked munity type or in the same lower decile ranges will Home in St. Johns on Satur­ Vaughn's Seed Company of his life in Essex Town­ son of Samuel and Barbara charge. since December. them in the upper 21 per geographic area cannot real­ so have some children sco day, Feb. 19 with Rev. ship. Zehr Slagell. He married the cent of the state's districts. istically be made using only ing in the top deciles , Averill Carson officiating. •Memorial in Mr. Blan- Survivors include his wife; Survivors include three former Kathryn Pletcher in chard's name may be made two daughters, Gitget and The tests were given to the MEAP results, he said. Porter said. Burial was in Evergreen Fairview on Aug. 28, 1938 only fourth and seventh Number scores on the var­ Cemetery in Lansing. sons, Maynard Brown of San- to either the United Meth­ Sherry L. of Sterling Here are the test resu ford Lake, Carl Brown of and was a member of the odist Church of Ionia or Heights; his mother, Mrs. graders as a means of mea­ ious basic skills measures, of 25 state districts el She was born in Hillsdale Bethel Mennonite Church. He Edwardsburg. suring basic skills. educational resource 'mea­ near the St, Johns district County on Feb. 22, 1885, the Hlggins Lake and Gerald Dorothy Conrad of Ovid; his Brown, of Island of Kwadu- was employed as a pipe father, Ernest Hoose Sr., of It was the,first time In the sures and socio-economic comparable In size. daughter of Albert L. and builder at Say I or Beall three-year history of MEAP measures are truly signi­ Ellen M. Campbell Frantz lane; a daughter, Mrs. Irene Merrill; three sisters, Mrs. District Percentile Fitzgerald ofPamona, Corporation and was also Anna G. Patricia Hall of Corunna, *'£hat complied scores for in­ ficant only to the careful and resided most of her life engaged In farming. dividual districts were made analyst, he pointed out. Per­ 4th in the Lansing area; moving Calif.; 19 great-grandchil­ Mrs, Margaret Paris of dren. Survivors Include his wife; Scheafer Owosso and Barbara Hoose public by the State Depart­ centile rankings are also to St. Johns five years ago. highly useful for a variety of St. Johns C 85 a daughter, Mrs. Joan Heckel Anna G, Schaefer, 71, of of Ovid; ahalf-brother, Mark ment of Education. V She attended Lansing schools of Lltltz, Pa.; three sons, "This release of data is in purposes as local school Ionia C 23 and was a graduate of Michi­ Clella A. 858 Chapman St., Ionia died E. Conrad of Ovid; his step­ Huron Valley 39 lE Glenn, Frank and Lee, all of father, Alfred Conrad of keeping with the philosophy boards and administrators lit gan State University. She Sunday, Feb. 13 at the Clin­ develop and direct steps to­ Howell 67 42 Feazel Gratiot County; five grand­ ton Memorial Hospital fol­ Ovid; two half sisters, Pam that has been followed married Lawrence C. Res­ children; three brothers, throughout the Michigan Ed­ ward improvement. Ithaca 63 79 sler in Lansing inNovember lowing a short illness. - and Lynn of Merrill; a half- WACOUSTA - Clella A. Earl, Ollie and Harold, all of brother, Pepi of Merrill. ucational Assessment Pro­ Eaton Rapids 27 70 1907 and he preceded her in Funeral services were "In addition to reporting Greenville 27 46 Feazel, 80, of Eaton High­ St. Johns; three sisters, held Wednesday, Feb. 16 at gram", said Dr. John W. death in 1967. Mrs. Dorothy Whitford of scores and percentile rank­ Hastings C 56 73- way died Saturday, Feb, 12 St. Peter and Paul Catholic Porter, Superintendent of ings, the 1970-71 report on She was a member of at a Lansing Hospital fol­ Ashley, Mrs. Marie Kindel Public Instruction. Hillsdale 64 42 Women's Fellowship of the Church in Ionia with burial Elgie Otis Call the MEAP displays the data Charlotte C 69 50 lowing a long illness. of DeWitt and Mrs. Viola in Mt. Olivet Cemetery. "Assessment is the third Congregational Church, Bontrager of Goshen, Ind. Elgie Otis Call, 84, of collected in a new reporting Chesaning 58 28 Funeral services were She was born in Pewamo step in the six-step ac­ format: Decile Congregators and Pricilla Tampa, Fla. died Monday, countability model of the Corunna 30 25 Alden Division. held Tuesday, Feb. 15 at on Sept. 5, 1900, the daugh­ Tables", Porter said. "It is Durand 40 46 Peters - Murray Funeral Feb. 21 athishomefollowlng State Board of Education. It Survivors include a daugh­ Marvin ter of Nicholas and Theresa a short illness. our belief that this new step AlmaC 67 81 Home in Grand Ledge with Wietzel and resided most comes after the articulation will make the data even more ter, Mrs. Wayne Hicks ofSt, Funeral services will be of common goals, which has Owosso 52 56- Rev. Raymond McBarotine. of her life in Ionia. She useful. Mt. Pleasant 58 41 Johns; two sons, Duane Res­ Burial was in Delta Mills Blanchard held at the Houghton'Chapel been achieved at the state sler of Park Ridge, 111. and married Guttlieb Schaeferln of the Osgood Funeral Home "We have provided the De­ Cadillac 45 67 Cemetery. Marvin Blanchard, 76, of P.ewamo onSept. 30,1919 and level, and the development of cile Distribution Tables on Bernard Ressler of Okinawa; Thursday, Feb. 24 at 1:30 performance objectives, Waverly C 75 80 seven grandchildren; four He was born In Eaton R-l, Muir died Thursday, was a member of SS Peter the measure of composite Fowler 83 68 County, the daughter ofCar- p.m. with Rev. Earl Cdpelin which is In progress at the great-grandchildren. Feb. 10 at Ionia Memorial and Paul Church and its Altar officiating. Burial will be in achievement to illustrate the Fulton 58 66 son and Mary Chadwick and Hospital following a short Society. state level. Succeeding steps range of student perfor­ Ford Cemetery. Masonic in the model are analysis of Ovid-Elsie 54 89 had been a lifelong resident illness. Survivors include her hus­ mance in the basic skills for P-W 40 44 Peter E. of the Wacousta and Delta services will be conducted at the educational delivery sys­ He was born January 6, band; a son, Carl Schaefer the funeral home Wednesday each public school district", Bath 40 14 area. She married Charles tem, evaluation and testing of he said. "Composite a- Brown 1896 in Osceola County, the of Pewamo; three daughters, at 8 p.m. changes which may be made DeWitt 42 44 Howard Feazel in Delta. She son of Irvln and Isadora Rosalind McMillan of Hub- chievement is the average of Peter E, Brown, 86, of was a member of Delta Mills . He was born In Elsie on in the system, and recom­ Grand Ledge C 67 68 Hoyt Blanchard, He was bardston, Kathleen Eisler of Feb. 14, 1888, the son of scores on the reading, 231 East Willow, Perry died United Methodist Church, mendations for Improve­ mechanics of written English married June 29, 1929 to St. Johns and Monica Howard Charles and Amanda Call and ment. SERVICE PERSONNEL Sunday, Feb. 13 at Carson • WSCS, Clinton County Farm Lucy O'Beirne at her rural of Grand Rapids; 15 grand­ and mathematics tests. City Hospital following a Bureau, Appleton Aid Society attended Elsie Schools. He Muir home. He graduated children; seven great­ had resided In Elsie, Detroit "Only when each school "The Decile Distribution Army.private RANDY D. and Grand Ledge Senior Cit­ from Central Michigan Uni­ grandchildren; two brothers, district, by applying the ac­ WANG, 18, son of Mr. and izens. and for the past 25 years in Tables show—in percentages versity and received a B.S. John Wietzel of Ionia and Tampa, Fla. He was mar­ countability model, has a —the range of performance Mrs. Charles Keck Jr., 113 Opm&tUI Survivors include two degree from Michigan State Jacob Wietzel of Greenville. ried to the former Josephine clear idea of where it is in of students in each district. N. New St., Ashley, is as­ sons, Donald and Kenneth, University, and a M.A. Ostrand and was a member relation to where it wants to "They show the number of signed to Ft. Ord, Calif., both of Grand Ledge; two degree from University of be—only when all available where he is training under from VAN W. HOAG of the Red ford Masonic fourth and seventh graders the modern daughters, Mrs. Onalee Michigan. He then served as Esther L Lodge No. 152 F & A M. tools have been used to as­ who took the"testineachdis-l volunteer army Meister of Delta Mills and .superintendent of schools at sess our needs, in other trict, and the per cent of fleld experiment. The new Mrs. Audrey Millbfook of Hubbardston, from 1924- McCormick Survivors include two words—only then can we those children who scored in con°ept, called Volar, corn- Dear friends. sons, Beryl of Tampa and move toward improvement of blnes baslc and Grand Ledge. 1928 and superintendent of Mrs. Esther L. McCor­ each dectle-that is, each 10 advanced schools at Edwardsburg Charles of Westland; three education for all our chil­ per cent from the top 10 per individual training into a It deserves emphasis that mick, 53, of 334 East Jeffer­ sisters, Mrs. 'Vina Pearce dren. sln le Ralph V. from 1929-1955. He then was son, Pewamo died Monday, cent to the bottom 10 per S 16-week program, the time, the place, the char­ a vocational agricultural and Mrs. Blanche Peterson "We are in an era when cent-of statewide scores", Decentralized Instruction at acter of the funeral service, Feb. .21, at the Carson City of Tampa and Mrs. Mildred the unit level the merchandise used, the Slagell teacher in the Lapeer Public Hospital. parents and other citizens Porter said. and a reduction cemetery selected - these are Ralph V. Slagell, 57, of Schools from 1955-1961 Wells of Montgomery, Ala.; are demanding accountabil­ of Funeral services will be four grandchildren; seven "In a vastly overslmpli- formations and Inspec­ decisions of the family of the when he retired to limited ity from their schools. One ted way, it is not totally in- tIons ^ves the soldier more deceased. The funeral direc­ held Thursday, Feb. 25, at great-grandchildren. tItne to train and farming at his residence in the Goerge Chapel of the of the first efforts that must accurate to say that a dis- Increased tor acts only as a representa- rural Muir. He was'involved ,. be made in this regard is "ttye.of theiamlly,,, „ ____. <££ga Osgood^EunerabHomesInc. " '. .wfi'ffi && II 'in Education* for'36 years. >roi travel c^sulteilri'imatters'teatcbn^ *£ FowleLat t.BJIU KU^Rovr' ^ERVlC^^E^SO^ftEL "Jf™™™*"levels''of basi^^a^VP^.ofuchildrenc skills'learn-' . scoring In the fitrflmonrf on olt-Mft He was a member of the J^-^„J:?r*„%iRobert ,iwMyers^~ ^officiating . • .< TU . "levels of basic skills earn- and improved living facili- cernJiUpit^fgre any decisions Michigan Education Asso­ t ing. ' ' somethind gn righmust itn breadinge dol , tles are other benefits of the are made. Burial will be in East Plains a Volar ciation, National Education Cemetery. We know that the MEAP math, and mechanics of concept. Pvt. Wang Association, Michigan Asso­ does not provide all the in­ written English. he^n Ms training on Jan- Respectfully, She was born in Dexter on uarv 24 an ciation of School Adminis­ June 21, 1918, the daughter formation needed to assess "It may also be stated that d Is scheduled to trators, a life member of of William C. and Erma the needs of our students and virtually every district has complete the first phase on St. Peter's Lodge No. 106 Johnson Haarer and had schools, but it does provide some children in the lower Marcn 17« The soldier is a F&AM of Edwardsburg, moved to Pewamo as a small some valuable data", Porter decile ranges, and will want J9,7*Jfaduate of Ashley High ^i, tf/J*-*-?. charter member of the Ed­ child. She married Thomas said. *We are well aware to analyze their programs School. wardsburg Lions Club, and a J. McCormick in Morley on that there is a great deal OSGOOD member of the First United Jan. 31, 1941. more to providing education FUNERAL HOMES Methodist Church of Ionia. for children than merely Survivors include her hus­ measuring how well public The ST. JOHNS He is survived by his band; four daughters, Pa­ school fourth and seventh wife, Lucy; two sons, Wil- tricia Ann McCormick, graders do In the basic skill Fowler Board of Education FOWLER lard Blanchard of Vienna, Diane E, McCormick and areas of reading, mechanics fioog Funeral Home MAPLE RAPIDS Va. and Burton Blanchard of Mary Eileen McCormick, all of writing, and mathe­ offers the following Downer's Grove, 111.; a at home and,Mrs. Susan matics", he said. ST. JOHNS, MICHIGAN OVID sister , Mrs. Milton Raab Platte of rural Fowler; a LEONARD A. JUNKER granddaughter; one brother, Airman LEONARD A. "It is Important to em­ land and buildings for sale: Harold Haarer of Whitley, JUNKER, son of Mr. and phasize and re-emphasize Ind. Mrs. Leonard J. Junker of that the MEAP is not to be 7101 Cutler Road, Bath, has viewed as an evaluation or Ernest R. completed his UjS, Air Force testing program of Michigan N-% of Block 2 with the following basic training at the Air schools. Hoose Jr. Training Command's Lack­ The school districts can buildings: 20' x 48' cement block land AFB, Tex. He has been and should use these data, WILD Ernest R. Hoose Jr., 25, assigned to Chanute AFB, along with other information building and 76' x 63' two-story of 117 East Pearl Street, 111., for training in the air­ and evaluative tools which / Ovid died Saturday, Feb. 19 craft equipment maintenance they may have or can de­ building with a 24' x 50' one-story at his home. field. Airman Junker is a velop locally, to determine V Funeral services were 1971 graduate of Bath High the need for or extent of addition. Both buildings with heat. CARD -£ ^ held Tuesday, Feb. 22 at the School. changes in'their educational programs and use of re­ sources", Porter said. He cautioned those who Call 593-2250 for NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING use or Interpret the MEAP data contained in the report coming to to consider carefully a sec­ further information CITY COMMISSION tion titled "qualifying in­ formation". WRBJ CITY OF ST. JOHNS PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby given that the St. Johns City Com­ mission will hold a public hearing March 13,1972 at 8:00 p.m. in the Municipal Auditorium to,hear all ST. JOHNS BOARD OF REVIEW SOON! persons interested in a proposed Zoning Admend- ' ment to the Zoning Map, which by Ordinance No. 131, Article 2, Section 201 is made a part of the The St. Johns Board of Review will be held March 20 & 21 from 9:00 a.m. Zoning Ordinance. Said'amendment, if adopted by to 12:00 noon and 1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. in the auditorium of the Municipal the City Commission, would establish-the R-3 Mul­ Building. tiple Family Residential Zoning Classification to the following described land: Thereafter, the Board of Review will continue in session daily until only those I persons appearing on March 20 & 21 are heard. 'all that land lying south of Park Street, west of Lansing Street, north of Sickles Street, The following ratios and multipliers are the starting 1972 ratios: and east of Morton Street extended. *. PROPERTY RATIO Win Money Thomas L. Hundley City Clerk Commercial 43.92 1.1382 Industrial 40.94 1.2212 Residential 37.92 1.3185 INSURANCE FOR EVERY NEED! V\ 50.00 1.00 WRBJ HOME-FARM Personal BUSINESS * mtrrfbur of f We anticipate that the final multiplier will be 1:00 for all classes of property. JAUT0 _ 2ia/\mericaGroup Board of Review James McKenzie 1580 ^ LANTERMAN INSURANCE President 200 W. State, St, Johns, PHONE 224-7614 BRUCE LAfttERMAN FEBRUARY 23,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan A5 Marriage ^ •?;"• ww optfsmftttsemfL CLINTON COUNTY NEWS PAGE Licenses Alvln Schafer, 20, R-2, Coming Eve its Fowler to Jan Davis, 16, R- 6, St. Johns. -£&£&£&;&&J: Thomas Lynn Brown, 20, Feb. 24-Lenten Break­ ing to begin at 11:30 a.m. and for Women 1104 Dakln St., Lansing to fast will be held at the Shia­ continue until 4:30 p.m. The Wendy Doreen Pifer, 20,811 '(WiWiViVtV V • * V.'MVWIVM'ISVI'* wassee YMCA at 10 a.m. $1 dinner will be held in the E, State St., St. Johns. donation and babysitting will cafeteria of the school and Lynn R. Bolton, 20, 141 be provided by reservation. x will feature a smorgasbord E. Pearl St,, Ovid to Barbara dessert table. Free baby­ J. Delaney, 18, 1477 N. Car- Feb. 24—Father and Son sitting will be provided. land Rd,,'Owosso. banquet will be held, at the Adults, S2 and children, SI. Norman E. McMann Jr., St. Johns Congregational 18, 15965 1/2 Turner Rd., Church. Speaker will be Gene Lansing to Stella L. Kinkle, Kenney, assistant athletic BIRTHS 18, 15965 1/2 Turner Rd., director at Michigan State THELEN-A girl, Shelly Lansing. University. Tickets are Lyn, was born to Mr. and Lester G. Houghson, 46, $1,50 for fathers and $1 for Mrs. Alan G. Thelen of 232 1404 N, Shepardsvllle Rd., sons through high school. N, Maple, Fowler, Feb, 10, Ovid to Nelva V. Hopper, For reservations call the 1972 at Carson City Hospital. 39, 1015 Remington Ave., church office 224-2636. She weighed 7 pounds, 14 Flint. Feb. 24 - St. Johns ounces. The baby has two Floyd A. Guerrero, 22, isisters. Grandparents are 427 West Superior St., Alma Morning Muslcale will meet" at the home of Mrs. Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Simon to Matilde Martinez, 24,1201 'and Mr. and. Mrs. Julius A, S. Lansing St., St. Johns. Fowler. Theme for the 9:45 a.m. meeting is Washing­ Thelen, The mother is the ton's Birthday. former Teresa Simon. RHONDA FA YE WOODBURY LOUETTA BLACKMER CELESTE BUCK Feb. 26 — A singsplra- tion will be held at 7 p.m. MRS. MICHAEL CHAPKO at St. Johns Baptist Temple WALL & WEBB featuring the Chuck Brady 7<£e^ *0 zttyayed family and the Crowe fam­ Couple speak vows ily. Rev. Fred Skinler will be the speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Woodbury of 204 North Blackmer of 2100 Green Buck of R-l, Elsie announce in Bannister church Feb. 26 — Riley Elemen­ Traver Street, St. Johns an­ Road, St. Johns announce the engagement of their tary School carnival will be nounce the engagement of the engagement of their daughter, Celeste, to Lt, Phyllis Elaine Whitmyer, special guest and grand­ held from 7 to 10 p.m. at the their daughter, Rhonda Faye daughter, Louetta to John T. G.gO Myron F. Tethal, U.S. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. mother of the bride. school. A 1972 Suzuki snow­ to Sp/5 William Richard McLaren. He is the son of Coast Guard, He is the son Richard Whitmyer of Following the ceremony, a mobile will be given away Hambleton. He is the son of Leola McLaren and the late of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Laingsburg, and Michael reception was held at the to the lucky ticket holder. Mr. and Mrs. Don Hamble­ Thomas J. McLaren of Mc­ Tethal of 331 N. 2nd Street, Edwin Chapko, son of Mr. home of the bride's parents. ton of 221 Moo res River Millan. Elsie. and Mrs. Mike Chapko of The couple will make their Feb. 26 — Masters Drive, Lansing. The bride-elect is a senior Miss Buck is a 1970 gradu­ Elsie, exchanged nuptial home in Elsie. Quartet will perform at the The bride-elect is a 1971 at St. Johns High School. ate of Central Michigan Uni­ vows Saturday afternoon In Free Methodist Church in versity where she was af­ ceremonies at St. Cyril's Ovid at 7 p.m. The public graduate of St. Johns High MRS* DOROTHY SCHOALS School and is a student at The prospective groom is filiated with Alpha Sigma Catholic Church in Bannis­ is Invited to attend. C entral Michigan Univer­ a 1967 graduate ofNewberry Alpha Sorority. She is pres­ ter. sity. High School and attends Lan­ ently employed as a teacher Local woman Rev. Thomas M, Kow- March 3-World Day of The prospective groom is sing Community College. He in Trenton. alczyk officiated for the Prayer will be held at the St. a 1969 graduate of Sexton is employed at Olds mobile. Lt. (j.g.) Tethal graduated writes double ring ceremony. Johns Congregational High School, Lansing and is A June 17 wedding is being from the U.S. Coast Guard Escorted by her father, Church at 1:30 p.m. Speaker serving a tour of duty in planned by the couple. Academy in 1970 and is now manuscript the bride approached the will be Rev. David Franz- the Army, stationed in stationed in Honolulu, Ha­ altar wearing an empire- meler of the Hope Lutheran waii. The February issue of Church in DeWitt. Germany. style gown of satin peau de Barbara Bottum Engaged A July wedding is being Hospital Financial Manage­ sole, trimmed with lace and A Sept. 23 wedding is being ment the Journal of the Hos­ Dan Newport planned by the couple. planned. a chapel length train and Feb. 28—LaLeche League Mr, and Mrs. Joseph C. pital Financial Management will meet at 8 p.m. In the March 10 veil. She carried a cascade ++++++++ Smith of 708 South Baker BIRTHS Association contains a man­ bouquet of orchids and min­ home of Mrs, James Kurncz, Jaycees Street, St. Johns announce uscript written by Mrs. iature carnations. 289 Dill Road. Topicfor dis­ THELEN - A girl, VIcki Dorothy Schoals, business cussion will be "Overcoming Gail Shafley the engagement of their Linda Chapko, sister of the daughter, Betty Ann to Lynn, was born to Mr. and manager at Clinton Mem­ Difficulties with Breast­ Tom Bullard numbers Mrs. Michael Thelen of R-2, orial Hospital. The title is groom, and Joyce Whitmyer, feeding". For additional in­ April 1 Stephen C. Goodman, son of sister of the bride attended Mr. and Mrs. TonyGoodman Portland Feb. 13 at St. Law­ "P.LP. and the Small Hos­ formation call 669-9522. rence Hospital. She weighed pital". P.I.P. is a method of the bride as maid of honor JANE ALICE ATKINSON increase of ,6881 Debra Drive, Port­ and bridesmaid. They wore March 5 — St, Therese land. 8 pounds, 2 ounces. The payment by the Medicare baby has two brothers. Program and Mrs. Schoals identical gowns featuring a Parish will sponsor its an­ FOWLER - The Fowler purple velvet bodice and Engaged <(££? i/N/VVVVW Jaycees have experienced a The bride-elect is a grad­ Grandparents are Mr. and installed this method at nual ham dinner with serv- uate of Rodney B. Wilson •Mrs, Edward Plunkett of Clinton Memorial Hospital, printed skirt. Each carried more than 25 per cent growth a single lavender orchid. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph G. since their membership High School an, d Lansing, -, Eagle^ and Mr. and Mrs. Jan. 1, 1971. t tl .Atkinson, »of 1,608 Fairway j I^J , i*i. £} ,Syl)$?Jer T(helen„pf.Fowler. '»il eTomilICasnovsky,'i cbusln "campaign began in Decern-'• Odmtn'unlt^Obneg

,j4. tourne set •; '.»**•;•;•;

in doublturned against the Eagles in e overtime 1 y In the second overtime Others scoring for Fowler By TIM YOUNKMAN and two of two free throws the third quarter after Fow­ period, reserve center Tom and Wirth had five field were Bill Thelen and Glen March Madness is almost champion will then travel to on Dansville Tuesday night ler had pulled away by 10 Thelen scored two baskets goals. , Thelen, each with four Kalamazoo's Western Mich­ PEWAMO -WESTPHALIA here and to kick things off, and Wllllamston will go points. for the Pirates, one with.37 Others- scoring for P-W points. igan University fieldhouse More than 1,300 screaming area high school coaches and against DeWitt on Wednes­ P-W encountered some seconds to go in the game. were Jim Hengesbach (4), The win dropped. Fowler the following Tuesday. fans jammed the tiny gym­ •athletic directors took part day. The, two winners wil' problems early in the third With a two-point lead for Randy Fedewa (7), Tom into a second place tie with In Class B district action, nasium here Friday nigh't to in drawings to determine clash In the championship period, when center Mike P-W, Fowler got off a shot, Thelen (7) and Allen Nuren- the Pirates in the CMAC, Ovid-Elsie will meet St. view one of the wildest opening night opponents. on Friday night. Thedlstri Thelen, who is 6-1, but a but Randy Fedewa was fouled berg (2). while Laingsburg is left Louis for about the fifth year games recorded in Central District tourneys begin Mon­ champs will then travel to "real jumper," fouled out. with Just seven seconds left. Fowler was led by the 23- alone at the top with a 9-2 in a row at Ithaca Monday Michigan Athletic Confer­ day and Tuesday and run Owosso regional? March Then Junior Roy Piggott He went to the line and point performance of Mel record. Fowler and P-W through Saturday, night, at 7:30 p.m. Midland to take on the Mayyille, Pe~ ence history. slammed home nine points to made his first basket. That Pohl. He hit on six field sport 8-3 marks. In Class ,A action at St. Bullock' Creek will tangle ry, and Leslie district win P-W and Fowler squared put P-W back in the game. made it 92-89, Fowler got goals and 11 of 13 free Both teams will close out Johns, the Redwings will with Ithaca Tuesday night, ners. off against each other for a The Pirates outscored Fow­ the ball and missed another throws. Al Harr. added 19 CMAC play this week. Fow­ open district play'Tuesday while Hemlock will meet the Pewamo - Westphalia wil shot at the CMAC champion­ ler in that period 20-16 to shot at the buzzer. points on eight field goals ler will travel to Potter- night at 7;30 p.m. against O-E '-St, Louis winner on be In the Montabella district ship crown and after regu­ trail by two points 61-59 at "It was such a large and three of six free throws,' ville, while the Pirates will Waverly, while Ionia will go Wednesday night. Alma will Fulton will clash with Monta lation time and two overtime the end of three quarters. crowd," Peacock said. "The and Bob MacKinnon had 15 be away at Webberville, clash with the Midland- periods, the Pirates had out- against Grand Ledge on Wed­ bella Tuesday night arid P^ , In the cliff-hanging fourth court was filled with fans. It points on six field goals and Laingsburg and DeWitt will nesday and East Lansing will Ithaca victor on Thursday will tangle with Carson City-j scored the Eagles 92-89. quarter, Doug Walter came was just wild." • three of five free throws. square off in the Panther night. "It was a wild game," tangle with the St. Johns- Crystal on Wednesday night, in from the P-W bench and The gym was so packed, home grounds. Waverly winner on Thursday The championship round is with the championship round beamed P-W Coach Harry Tony Thelen had 13 points made one basket and went that fans were even sitting on Should Laingsburg lose to night, also at 7:30 p.m. scheduled for Saturday night set for Friday evening. ' . Peacock. "It was really a four for four at the free throw the bench with the players, for the Eagles on five field DeWitt, a victory for Fow­ at 8 p.m. in the Ithaca gym. great victory. If you beat In Class D, Fulton was to line. "That got us back into Peacock said. It was one of goals and three of four free ler or P-W would mean a In Class C pairings, Bath Fowler, that means the whole The Class A championship hold a drawing Tuesday it," Peacock said, P-W had the largest, if not the largest, throws, while John Pohl ­ share of the CMAC title. and DeWitt find themselves season. Besides, we had lost game will be held atSt. Johns morning to determine their 19 points in that fourth per­ ever to see a P-W basket­ ted 11 points on four field Scoring by quarters: in the same, district fight at earlier in the season to Fow­ gym Saturday night beginning opponents for the district iod to Fowler's 17. ball game. goals and three of four char­ P-W 23 16 2019 6 8-92 DeWitt's gym. Bath will take ler In an overtime game." at 8 p.m. The District tourney in Owosso, The first three-minute* The Eagles netted 31 of 62 ities. Fowler 19 26 1617 6 5-89 He noted the Pirates were overtime period was a pretty field goal tries for a 50 per hitting the nets In good shape even-up affair. P-W's Steve cent mark, while Fowler hit during the first quarter, but Wirth fouled out, but made 32 of 75 attempts for 43 per turned cold throughout the one basket for the Pirates. cent. Fowler. had 25 of 38 second quarter. "And then Piggott hit a bucket and then charity tries for 66 per cent, Fowler started coming on*, Randy FedeWa collected two and P-W hit on 30 of 43 free MarauderscrushCavs he said. Ovid-Elsie still outscored free throws. throws for 70 per cent. OVID - ELSIE -The cent mark, while the Cava­ point performance with Marauder defense. Fowler hit for 10 points the hapless Cavaliers 28-17. Fowler matched that with Piggott led the Pirate at­ Marauders captured their liers had a 33 per cent seven field goals, while Bill The Marauders are tied .from the foul line alone in "It was a good team ef­ field goals by Al Harr, Mel tack with 28 points on 11 ninth win of the season Fri­ average. Foran added six field goals for third spot in the*MM3 that second quarter. "We had fort," commented Coach Bob Pohl and Tony Thelen. field goals and six of eight day night by drubbing win- The game was controlled for 12 points. with a 5-4 record this a lot of fouls and had three Foreback. "Our Blue and Fowler's Scott Spicer was free throws. Mike Cotter had less Corunna 67-45 inaMid- by the teamwork, defensive­ Others scoring for the season. St. Louis leads the men in foul trouble," Pea­ Gold Award for this game fouled with two seconds to go 14 points on four field goals Michigan B Conference ly, of the Marauders who Marauders included Mc- league with an 8-1 mark, cock said. went to Rich McCreery." in that period but he missed * and six of eight free throws. contest here. pulled down 56 rebounds to Creery (6), John Glowney followed by Ithaca at 7-2. The award is given, each The Pirates started out a one-and-one situation shot. Steve Wirth, Mike Thelen The fired-up Marauders Corunna's 36. (7), Dan Egbert (2), Ron O-E takes on Chesaning Fri­ week to the best defensive with a 23-19 lead, but lost it The Eagles grabbed the re­ and Doug Walter had 10 jumped off to a 17-12 lead Gary Groom led the Mead (2), Doug Keck (2) and day night at the Indians' player of the game. as they were outscored by bound but the shot was points each for the Pirates. in the first quarter and ex­ victors with IB points on Pat Terrell (4). home court. Chesaning Fowler in the second frame blocked and time ran out, Walter had two buckets and panded the margin to 39-28 Ovid - Elsie' outshot eight field goals and two of Groom picked off 16 re­ dumped Ithaca by one point 26-16 and trailed by half- with the score still tied 84- six of six free throws, while by halftime. The pace slowed Corunna by hitting 32 of 87 three free throw shots. bounds and Loynes nailed 18 last week and are looking time, 45-39. The tables 84. Thelen hit on four field goals down in the second half, but field goal tries for a 37 per Randy Loynes turned a 14- rebounds to pace the for more scalps as*'the Marauders try for their 10th win of the year. The Marauders will wind DeWitt title up thel971-72seasonSatur day night against fourt ranked Bay City All Saint at home. O-E has never los hopes dashed to the Saints on Marauder territory, but lostanearlier DEWITT - The DeWitt drooned the Panthers from clash this year in Bay City GROW UP Panthers missed their the running in the Central by 12 points. chance Friday night to stay Michigan Athletic Confer­ The Little Marauders in contention for the league ence, walked away with an easy title when they lost to the DeWitt had the edge in the win againsttheCorunnaJV's so do your visiting Webberville Spar­ JV game, topping the Spar­ in the preliminary game tans 73-70. tans 76-65. Friday night 75-57. ' Things^ started out npr- Scoring)byjquar.terts; ^,,, ^Scoring by quarters: | -"•nially forVthe Panthers as DeWitt 22 19 10 19-70 O-E 17 22 10 18—9(7 responsibilities they led*, at the end of one Webberville 15 29 18 11^73 J Corunna- "12 16^9=^—45 quarter 22-15, but the Spar­ tans fought back to outscore DeWitt in the second quar­ to them! ter 29-19 and take a slim Bath roils halftime lead 44-41. DeWitt dropped back by eight more points in the past Perry third quarter, being out- scored 18-10 and a late throw tries. He also pulled comeback wasn't enough to PERRY—It took almost a down 29 rebounds, four more shake off the Spartan lead. quarter to get rolling, but when the steam built up, than his season average of Pat Botke led DeWitt with Bath's Bees demolished 25 which keeps him in second 19 points on eight field goals Perry 94-64 here Friday place in that category in the and three of six free throw night. Ingham County League stats. tries. Ron Wilcox added 15 The Bees Jumped off to a Both Roy Dobson and Fritz points on four buckets and crushing 11-2 lead in the Ordiway netted 19 points, seven of eight charities. first quarter, but momentar­ Dobson hit for five field goals Doug Klaver chipped in with ily stalled and the Ramblers and nine of 10 free throws, 12 points on six field goals. ended up a basket ahead while Ordiway hit nine field Others scoring for DeWitt 19-17. goals and one of two chari­ were Tom Ashley (3), Randy From then on it was Bath's ties. Ordiway also grabbed Lankford (8), Jim Smith (4), .ball game. They shattered 18 rebounds and Dobson I hat bundle of joy Chris McNeilly (2), Mark Perry's defense witha24-16 pulled down 16 rebounds. Simon (6) and Steve Dalman second quarter to take a half- Randy Markham picked up (1). time lead 41-35. The Bees 14 points on six field goals The big gun for Webber­ then mounted a 53-point at­ and two of three free throws. may be pint sized now, ville was Todd Coe who tack and limited Perry to Other Bath scorers were nailed down 33 points on 15 only 29. Joe. Mitchell (7), Tom Town- field goals, and three of nine Paul Stoll led the-Bees send (8), Ray Truman (2), but as he grows, so do his free throws. with 23 points on 10 field Larry anderson (2).and The DeWitt varsity loss goals and three of sevenfree Henry (2). , The Bees hit 38 of 81 from needs. . .and your responsibilities. 'No job is too large or too smal the field for 47 per cent and for CAINS COMPLETE out rebounded the Ramblers 78-50. "We hit the boards real To assure financial security for his BODY SHOP hard In the last half," Coach Richard Wilt said. "We were shooting real well. In fact, educational and future expenses, talk Any Make-Any Model the last half we hit 55 per Bumping-Paintlng-Reconditloning cent." the fines: workmanship mokes It look like new ' The Bees must still face Leslie and Dansville to close today with one of our Courteous savings CAINS InC. Pontlac out the 1971-72 season, Bath, 210 Higham St. Johns 224-3231 Leslie and Fqwlerville are all tied for second spot in the counselors. We pay 5% on passbook savings. Ingham County League. In the preliminary jy game, Bath slipped past Interest paid from day of deposit to the day of Perry 82-78 in two over­ MID-WINTER times. » Scoring by quarters: withdrawal. Sayings insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Bath 17 24 26 27—§4 SALE ON Perry 19 16 18 11-64

CITY LEAGUE VOLLEYBALL Insurance Corporation up to $20,000 HQME REMODELING Final Standings Rejects 15 Holm 14 AND MODERNIZATION JCI 13 OPEN ONE TODAY Radio 13 Post Office 13 FF Lundy 8 SAVE 20% ° Kroger 8 JCH 0

CAPITOL SAVINGS & ON LABOR, MATERIALS TOURNAMENT ACTION LOAN ASSOCIATION FREE ESTIMATES-NO OBLIGATIONS 2/24/72 ' * Call Called 487-5956 Early INCORPORATED 1090 * LAN3IN6, MICHiaAN Holm vs Lundy Main Office! 122 E, Allegu^ Lulling, Mlchliui • Northern Aluminum Products Kroger vs JC I 222 N. CLINTON AVE. - ST. JOHNS . Late 121 E. State Rd, LANSING PH. 487-5956, ' -.Post Office vs Radio ." JC n vs Rejects FEBRUARY 23,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan A9 Charlotte nips Business notes By MIKE PREVILLE News Advertising Mahager

Take a thousand-pound the Clinton Theater. of self-defense, is a grizzly and put him in one of The film Is about a gigan­ social statement on man's the few remaining wilder­ tic grizzly bear (whose way and nature's way. Redwings 78-75 ness areas of the country, name, TOKLAT, is derived Ames' commentary Is the high Uintah Mountains of from an Indian tongue mean­ amusing, educational and Utah; then add about twenty ing ferocious). And a grizzly, Mason had bigfirst quarters poignant as he describes how ST. JOHNS-It wasn't a free throws, while Charlotte third period scoring 26 ler netted 11 points on four other North American wild one of the world's largest he witnessed TOKLAT's happy week for St. Johns connected on 27 field goals but St, Johns couldn't keep points and added 29 more in field goals and three of five animals, a fine performance land-dwelling carnivores, is and added 24 of 40 free that pace as the Bulldogs growth for the years he knew Coach Doug Japlnga and his the fourfl) quarter despite the free throw tries, by Leon Ames, and you have an amazing animal indeed. him. Redwing cagers* throws, poured in more than 22 Redwjngst 42 points in the The Bulldogs netted 42 TOKLAT, an extraordinary The film follows the de­ The Redwings dropped Rocco Morre paced Char­ * points each quarter to take second half, field goals and 18 free new family film, velopment of TOKLAT from The picture also gor­ their Tuesday night cage lotte with 33 points on 13 the non-conference win. Mike Sutherland had a throws while the Redwings a cub to a giant, during which geously captures the natural St. Johns trailed by only TOKLAT has been In the tUt to Mason 102-76 then field goal and seven of 14 good, riight for the Redwings had 22 field goals and 32 making for oyer five years, tlme one enjoys rare beauty of the wilderness and Charlotte slipped past St. free throw tosses. Tim three points 24-21 in the hitting for 30 points on seven free throw points, glimpses of a grizzly living, its changing seasons* first quarter but was out- and required 125,000 feet of Johns Friday night 78-75 In Mohre added 24 points on field goals and 16 of 18 Scoring by quarters; footage to come up with the thriving, surviving, in a West Central League action. six field goals and 12 of scored 23-13 in the second free throws. Alex Mac­ St. Johns 21 13 18 24- 76 natural mountain wilder­ The picture was a labor of quarter to fall behind 47-34 right 4000 feetnecessaryfor love. Its gentle plea to con­ t The Redwings would have 17 charity tries. Kinnon added 13 points on Mason 24 23 26 29-102 the picture. Now in 35mm ness. liked to play the first quar­ In the Tuesday night con­ at halftlme. The Bulldogs four buckets and two of six St. Johns 11 24 27 23-75 sider the possibility that wild Technicolor, it's playing at Enter Leon Ames, a moun­ animals have an inalienable ter over again against Char­ test, the Redwings and poured on the steam in the charities, while Ken Schuel­ Charlotte 22 19 16 21-78 tain man, whose respect and lotte. They managed to out- right to the wilderness is understanding of animals, well made. score the Orioles In the especially TOKLAT, Is other three quarters, but a based on a lifetime's ex­ It is important as a family first period cold streak Four grapplers advance after district perience in the wilderness. film, because its message is spelled doom for Redwing The Marauders best out for the Marauders at the His heart-rending task of Important to everyone* hopes of winning their fourth LOWELL-Four Maraud­ heavyweight division. Glen May ended the year seeking out the bear for the TOKLAT-a beautiful movie. game of the season, er wrestlers have advanced Members of Marauder with a 32-1-1 record in the chance In the regionals, ac­ regionals. cording to Coach Jim Maid- Charlotte came out with a into the regional competition squad had good showings in 132-pound class. He pinned The other two qualifiers after winning their division some events, even though all Mike Earl of Delton-Kellogg low, seems to be in Mike will face rugged competition Rehmann's St, Johns! 22-11 lead In the first quar­ Buck, last year's regional ter, but the Redwings came titles In the district wres­ did not qualify for regional at 3:58 in the first round, but as Reha, in the 167-pound tling tournament here Satur­ competition. lost a 9-4 decision to Ken champion in the 145-pound class must face former state back with 24 points In the class. He has since moved second quarter, giving up day. In the 105-pound group, Rowley of Sparta. champs. Dan Pumford, Mike Buck, Fred Enos pinned Craig In the 145-pound class, up to the 155-pound group The regionals will feature 19 to Charlotte. St. Johns where he is hoping for the the look trailed 41-35 by halftim?. Cayle Reha and Rob Netha- Tester of Central Montcalm Frank Enos decisioned Paul players from 36 teams, with regional win. eight wrestlers in each cate­ The two teams kept close way qualified with victories at 3:40 before being pinned Hendee of Comstock Park in the districts and will be by Chesaning's Mark For­ 13-0 but was upended by Maidlow said that sopho­ gory competing for the re­ ol something pace in the third quarter gional title. The preliminary as St. Johns held a slight back in Lowell for the re- te nb err y. Cedar Springs' PatKarasin- more Rob Nethaway "could gionals Saturday afternoon. Jay Southwell pinned Ken skl 8-6. make it, but he lacks some events will be at 1 p.m. 17-16 edge, but the Orioles Saturday, with the finals at still led 57-42 after three Pumford pinned Chesan- Shattuck of Portland at 1:40 Lowell won the tourney experience". Experiencedor not, he put away the three 7 p.m. Tickets are still different... quarters. In the last period, ing's Doug Horton at 1:54 in the first match but went with 31 points, followed by FOR. . . and then decisioned North- down to defeat 4-2 to Max O-E and Sparta, each with opponents he faced in the available and will be sold at St. Johns tied the game up the door. With about one minute to go, view's Matt DuBridge 7-2 Truax of Lowell, In the IN­ 22 1/2. districts and could pull one • WEDDINGS but the Charlotte defense in the 119-pound division. • PROMS 8( PARTIES stiffened and the Redwings Buck pinned Tom Carrigan could only manage four more of Maple Valley at 1:45 in his b ownng news •DOUBLE BREASTED & points while givlngupseven. first match and then pinned COMMERCIAL EDWARDIAN STYLES Mike Sutherland led the Chuck Karaslnskl of Cedar Febl 15 W L Springs In the second round NIGHT HAWK Redwings with 24 points on Schmitt's 45 27 Feb. 15 W L to advance in the 155-pound Jim's Ins. 44 28 •COMPLETE ACCESSORIES six field goals and 12 of Dunkel's 46 26 & SHOES 14 free throws. Alex Mac­ class. Demmer's 43 29 Reha decisioned Sparta's Zeeb's 44 28 Kinnon popped for 17 points Daley's 43 29 Roadhouse 42 30 with five field goals and Jerry Rigzenhein 7-5 and Redwing Lanes 40 32 then pinned Gordon Batey of Legion 411/2 301/2 •SHIRTS IN WHITE, seven of eight free throw Bruno's 40 32 Beck's 39 33 BLUE, MULBERRY attempts. Lowell in the 167-pound Galloway's 40 32 group, ' Coca Cola 38 34 Others scoring for the Rehmann's 39 33 Randolph's 36 36 Redwings include Mike Nethaway had a busy day Sprite 36 36 * MANY STYLES pinning three opponents. In Farm Bureau 35 37 TO CHOOSE FROM Grost (6), Rick Hudson (6), McKenzie Ins. 33 39 Rupp 321/2 391/2 Ken Schueller (8), Bruce the first match he conquered Aloha 15 57 Randy Thayer of Corunna, Paul's 311/2 401/2 * CHECK-OUR-LOW-PRICES Irish (2), Dan Mohnke <1), Style-Master 14 58 Hettler's 241/2 471/2 Chuck Faivor (9), and Ed then pinned Mike Studley of High game individual — Central Montcalm at 1:37 Egg Station 22 50 Jorae (2). Carl Pierson, 233. High High game individual — J. The Redwings hit 22 and also pinned Dennis Kil- series individual — Dick martln of Caledonia in the Greer, 215. High series in­ buckets and added 31 of 41 Cornwell, 618. High game dividual - H. Schmld, 593. Rehmanns team - Schmitt's, 907. High High game team - Legion, COMPLETE BODY WORK series game — Bruno's, 2599 886 with a 2497 series. 200 TUXEDO .,... . AND. GLASS REPLACEMENT 200 Games — B. Boettger, ; ,ga,mes - J^Grj3arn215; H.^ if RENTAL l«MF fi[ «•* in { Hi <" + tf >tl ^2^;^G.C3t3un1ielyC20lV^:>q "Sfchmid, 211; Drcornwellr Martin, 206; R. Kridner, 208; 210; P. Bishop, 209; L.Gren-, BOB'S AUTO BODY D. Cornwell, 203, 213, 202; nell, 203. ST. JOHNS, MICH. 800 N. Lansing Phone 224-2921 N. Keys, 201; C. Pierson, 202; V. Myers, 204.

Things you should know about "YOU AND YOUR FAMILY"

Like how much monthly Income for your family will your life Insurance provide? How much will come from other assets? And how do recent chsnges In the Social News Photos by Bob Schmaltz. Security taw affect you? Metropolitan Life has a new service that Rick Hudson does a bit of a answers these questions for you. turn around to sink this basket We call it "You and Your Family". It as a Mason defender moves in. graphically Illustrates your present financial situation, brings you up to date with recent changes in the Social Security CALI 224 2361 law, and shows you how you can combine Use NEWS WANT ADS life insurance, Social Security, and other assets to provide the funds your family will NEWS WANT ADS CAN SELL ANyTMHG need to meet their day to day living expenses when you're not around. You're Invited to Our Open House! This "You and Your Family" confidential analysis can be performed in one short visit without cost or obligation. So why not call or write me today for more details / Saturday, February 26, is your day at General Telephone! We're having CLINTON an open house at our Fowler-Pewamo electronic central office and you're Bob Ebert invited. Come in and see the sophisticated electronic equipment that Box 222, St. Johns THEATRE operates your phones. Technicians will be on hand to explain the equipment Phone 224*7277 [• ST. JOHNS. MICH. and answer your questions. Tours of the building, located one mile west of Wed. thru Sat. * Feb. 23-24-25-26 Fowler at the corner of M-21 and Tallman Road, will be conducted from •Produced by nflHPStudloslnc.* & Metropolitan Life . 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. ^^ Now Yofk. U. Y. We sell lire Insurance. But our business is life.

mmTHE STIRRING SAGA OF A GRIZZLY * I would like, without obligation, more MONARCH'S CONFLICT WITH MAN Information on the Metropolitan Plan Starring LEON AMES GTE featured above. as the old man of the mountain • Sun intamttlonal production* Inc.* GEflERALTELEPHOnE COITlPAIiy OF HIICHIGAO NAME., •Whel*Mm*rtmHf InUiUlamintAlMyt Showtime f ADDRESS. Wed., Thurs., Friday— 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. CITY. Saturday- 2:00, 4:00, 7:00 & 9:00 p.m. STATE. .ZIP- (Mall to address above) A10 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS,- St, Johns, Michigan FEBRUARY 23,1972 we care 1971 was busy for St. Johns *i, ' »* livestock judging. The mem­ in St, Johns. We would also and Dave Bishop both took Activities and Ability to get Our Chapter is-selling this By.FFA CHAPTER fhe Silver Award for Nation­ along>ith others, Thlsper- corn and anyone interested bers of the soil judging team like to thank those boys in buying some should con­ ST. JOHNS were Dennis Smith, Don and fathers for their time al Showmanship, son was Bruce Seyfried, We plan to hold this event an­ tact the St, Johns F.F.A. Cuthbert and Bruce Sey­ the night before the sale for Not that jiold weather is at the high school. ST. JOHNS-The St. Johns fried. The members of the hauling the livestock. here and not much Is .hap­ nually as everyone enjoyed F.F.A, had a busy summer livestock team were Ted A naw school year started pening we decided to have it. Our next project we are In 1971. Ashley, Paul Lerg and John' . and theF.F.A.wasbusypre- a steak banquet. Two loins The St, Johns F.F.A, working on is a Donkey The F.F.A. Chapter par­ Castle. ' 'parlng the three boys for of steak were ordered and brought a little Florida sun­ Basketball Game. The date ticipated In various activi­ John was unable to at­ the Important National Con- everybody brought a dish to shine into someofthehomes for this is March 18. at the ties, some of which were vention.'It was now the time by selling Florida grown St. Johns High School Gym, tend the National Convention pass. Everyone went home building the poleshedbehind In October so Chris Chant to'-'stiow their knowledge of oranges. F.F.A. is not all farming the school which will be used livestock. St. Johns was full. Our guest speaker was It is now a new year work. We like to have fun took his place. The Live­ the Reverend J. T, George. for storage o i the F.F.A, stock Team studied and pre­ waiting for the moment and and people are looking too, so all you fun filled farm machinery and 11 happened we placed 2pih Also, that night Chapter toward spring and what do people get out and see your pared for the National Con­ Farmers w_ere handed out. customer's equipment which test in Kansas City, Mo. out of the entire Nation, farmers do in spring? They favorite donkey. we work on as a money mak­ we were sure proud of Chris Out of the boys receiving plant corn, That's just what We are also working on Advertised Prices Good in All A&P and The State F.F.A. sale Chapter Farmers one boy ing project. came in August. The purpose Chant, Ted Ashley and Paul the St, Johns F.F.A, thought our beef and hog project . A&P A-Mart Stores thru Sat., Feb. 26th was picked out as the Star so they decided to sell King Also another one of our of this sale is to1 give Lerg for doing such an out­ for the State F.F.A. sale Not Available to Other Retail Dealers or Wholoialers Chapter Farmer, this per­ Row Seed Corn, This Is a summer activities Is raising students an opportunity to standing Job. Also, while this year.* We are figuring they were out there \yayne son was chosen for his skill Michigan Grown hybrid corn feed rations and where we WE REDEEM FEDERAL FOOD STAMPS beef steers. At Glen Fung's get on hand experience with In Leadership", Farming farm we feed out steers and, beef grading, hog and lamb made for Michigan weather. plan to purchase the feed. i V came out well on the finan­ grading. Classes were held "Super-Right" Quality cial end. We raised hogs at to show how livestock Is Wayne Bishop's and at Mr, graded and then the students Munger's and on a farm took a shot at it. Prizes rented from Mrs. Redman. were given out for the per­ O-E FFA: One of best During the summer our son with highest score. Also This year the Ovid-Elsie tion exhibits for public dis­ PORK FFA Chapter has combined Some future plans of the ship and excellence in the officers attended Leader­ the sale gave other Chapters play. Ovid-Elsie FFA'ers which many fields of agriculture. ship Training at Camp Kett. in the state a chance to sell the old with the new to come All of the above large up with another unique award have been discussed with This was borne out by the Those attending were Dave their beef, hogs or lambs group projects were built Donald Kenney, Ovid-Elsie fact that 108 FFA members Bishop, Wayne Bishop, and a chance at winning the winning vocational agricul­ with FFA funds from the ture program. It is a firm Superintendent, are the earned $110,000 last year in LOINS Bruce Seyfried, Mike Koby- George Brown Trophy, With chapter's $8,500 budget raising, selling and stocking their own FFA projects. larz, Dave Miller and Mr. this combination St. Johns belief of the advisers, Joe Which it made from the Shaltry and Larry Sprague, of pheasants and the building Full Munger. won the George Brown money making projects. of a large pole barn to house 7-Rib • In the spring, St. Johns Trophy for the third time' and of the students thatwith- The FFA also sponsors C out a strong F£A program the FFA's and some of the End took two state champion­ in a row. The sale was held leadership development. student's animal projects. at the Wolverine Stockyards the Ovid-Elsie High School O-E Portion lb ships in soil judging and The Ovld-Elsle FFA'ers It Is because of the ambi­ vocational agriculture class take full advantage of lead­ would be like any other high tious program which the 58 ership development proj­ Ovid-Elsie FFA has under­ school course. Loin End Portion... p. 68< St. Johns wins two ects. Recently, the O-E FFA taken, that the chapter was wins Through the use of the won three out of five district awarded the Gold rating in PHEASANT RUN,Ill.-0vid- ST, JOHNS-The St. Johns clude Dave Bishop, Wayne FFA students.are required leadership contests. They FFA team walked away with Bishop, Steve Thelen, Den­ both the State and National Elsie High School recelveda to take the knowledge which also lead other FFA chap­ Chapter Award Program, special award here recently two first place gold medals nis Smith, Bob Miller and they learn in the class room ters in winning and placing In the district leadership Don Cuthbert. Members of It is now quite evident for winning the district com­ PORK CHOPS and put It to practical use In the top percentage in the petition in the Funk Bros. contests held at the high the farm forum team are on their own projects or 'yearly judging contests. that the FFA is a viable in­ school auditorium. strument in maintaining an Seed Company's Project: 200 Brenda Russell, Paul Lerg, their agricultural jobs. The The Meat's Team went to c Bruce Seyfried, Dick Cuth­ exceptionally successful and corn growing contest In Cut from St. Johns won a first place students handle all of the the National FFA Conven­ 1971. lb medal In the parliamentary bert, Jack Cuthbert, Glen managing and record keep­ an active vocational agri­ VA Pork Loins tion and received a very culture program in the Ovid- Joe Shaltry, FFA advisor 78 procedure contest and Pung and Ted Ashley. ing of their own projects respectable bronzeawardby another in the farm forum Elsie School System. It gives at O-E, accepted the award Both teams will be work­ using the knowledge which placing in the top 20 of all from D, D, Walker, the contest. ing this week for the regional they learned in the class­ the students a chance to be participants. Theleadershlp awarded for their knowledge firm's president. "SUPER-RIGHT" MATURE BEEF Members of the parlia­ contests Feb. 24 at Char­ room. learned in the FFA is trans­ mentary procedure team In­ lotte. and ambition while still in The chapter's official Besides the individual ferred to other organiza­ high school. yield was 178 bushels per projects of the students, the tions. Many of the FFA The students more than acre of Funk's G-4444 hy­ RIB STEAKS Enthusiastic describes FFA FFA has many group proj­ students hold high offices in welcome the challenge of brid. ects. Some of the projects school and community the FFA program and con­ Project:200 is a high-yield of this year were 32 acres organizations. abilities of FFA members. tinually strive for leader­ corn growingprogram aimed The Fulton FFA chapter of corn part of which won at increasing corn yields and 7-INCH is busy under the direction They are held at district, for the chapter the district 1 29 regional, and state levels, ACTIVITIES OF THE ST. JOHNS F.F.A. per acre profits. In 1971, CUT of new chapter advisor, Funk's 200 Project and the more than 5,500 corn lb Craig Edgerly. with the state winners com­ State award of $100 for the peting at the FFA national growers throughout the U.S, Funk's 304 bushel challenge and Canada participated. i / convention In October. project and seven beef State Livestock Sale Under the national Pro- The chapter Initiated 24 Teams sent were: Terry steers which are presently Steak Banquet new members this year. on feed. ject:200 rules, a minimum of $aw Pazkez £mtcked Zamarron, Public Speaking; two acres must be machine This makes the chapter Gary Cumberworth and Other group projects are Leadership Contest ' membership' stand at 74. harvested from not less than Gerard Reaume, Demon­ not so related to produc- ' National Contest four adjacent rows running stration; Randy Fockler, tion agriculture. One of such the full length of the field, WHITE BREAD The chapter sold fresh, Spring Contest a Roger Wiseman, Jim Henry, projects included the State shelled and converted to No, Florida grapefruit, oranges, Mark' sali/ and-Dick Smith, Farm 'Safety, award cam-' <• Leadership Training Camp 2 corn. All figures must be and tangelos around Christ­ Ag, Forum; and Kelvin palgn which the Ovid-Elsie Selling Oranges validated by a disinterested mas time for va money mak­ Gable, Kirk Litwiller, Sandy chapter won. Another new witness. LOAVEJ&S ^^ fiO^^ ing project. Shook, Marvin Coleman, and project for the chapter was Selling Seed Corn Doug Wesenburg, Parlia­ the conducting of a slave 4 Attending the Chicago Skills Contest mentary Procedure. The auction. At this auction many Livestock Show and Sale demonstration team took a area residents purchased State Championships Livestock-Soil CLINTON from Fulton this year were Sliver award, FFA'ers to'do a day's work A Superb Blend of 100% Brazilian Coffeei Dick Smith, Jim Whltford, on an agricultural job. The Donkey Basketball Mark Sail, Terry Zamarron, The election for officers money from the sale was put THEATER Dan Sattler, Gary Cumber- into the chapter treasury. P*W window EIGHT O'CLOCK worth, David Johnson, Klpp of 1972-73 were held at the Downtown St. Johns Braman, and Gerald last meeting. Our biggest money making Reaume. This event was held The annual FFA and FHA group project was that of from November 27-29,1971. Sweetheart Dance was held selling citrus fruit. In this in the Fulton Gym on Feb, project the students did Games COFFEE The Fulton Chapter of the more than just'make money On a good day, he might 12, 1972, Charlie Tunafrom FFA is now selling Vitality WVIC was the Disc Jockey, for themselves and the chap­ pistol-whip a drunk, ter. They-learned how to ByVAL HILL MB. 99 Seeds, The chapter is split shoot an unarmed man, BAG into two teams with $700 In the future the chapter meet customers^smd sell an I can't recite Pewamo- ment was unquestionably goals per team. The chapter plans to work onthePerrin- agricultural producV. Also, Westphalia's game points high strung. I could safely bribe a politician, and gg u -| ton Park for a community the students are currently against Fowlerpointbypoinl wager that a few of P-W's hopes to reach and to ex­ get paid off by an outlaw. ceed their chapter goal of service project, plant the' selling garden seeds. but I can tell you of the former players would have 31,400. chapter seedbed, hold their One of our two largest people there, Friday, Feb, given anything to be on the He was a U.S. Marshal. V annual Chicken Bar-B-Que, group projects of this year 18, I observed the Jam- court, as the center of the California Navel The Fulton FFA chapter and hopes to do something is the development of a com­ packed P-W ga m e of spec­ excitement. sent teams to the February during Earth Week, The munity wide recreation tators. Girl spectators were the 8, District Leadership Con­ chapter will plant their center which will include a The easiest people to most enthusiastic of all. tests. Other schools com­ acreage again this year, and large figure eight fish pond, watch were the players. The Screaming at the top of their peting were St. Louis, go to Farmer's week and picnic tables and barbecues, tension was high. Everyone lungs when a basket was ORANGES Ithaca, and Breckenrldge. Spring Judging Contests at and demonstration plots of saw It Friday afternoon, and made, near crying when the M.S.U. They are also going many dlffernt shrubs and again Friday evening. But other team got one or two 113 SIZE The contests are designed to M.S.U. on Feb. 26, 1972, trees and other agricultural more than tension was seen points ahead, to improve the leadership for the M.S.U. rodeo. crops. Also Included will be on the ballplayers faces, The cheerleaders really a natural trail'through the Hope that the opponent would showed how much faith they school woodlot. miss that foul shot, and hope had In P-W's boys. Their that ours would sink. Fiery leading of the cheer, "Power 3 Nights of Jr. High The second large group determination to get the ball to the Pirates" was per­ PI project is the construction out of their court, and Into haps the best example of it 20 98 Basketball at its Best of a brooder coop which will ours. Anger, when a foul was unification in the P-W fight. Western Golden or Red Delicious house our new broiler proj­ declared against us, and it P-W won, in triple over­ g)*2ffl. United Artrati ect. The brooder coop will 125 Was felt that it wasn't our time,91-89. APPLES •5IZ»E 10-79* Fifth Annual Ovid-Elsie be an educational laboratory,, fault. The humor on a ball­ f Jr. High Basketball Tournament for the agriculture classes player's face, when no evi­ and also for the school's dence of anything funny other science classes, The occurred. But, not even once, MAYONNAISE Place: Ovid - Elsie High School Gym broilers will be used for the did I see anyone with the FFA Spring Banquet as well face of a defeated Pirate. Time: Wed., Thurs. & Sat., as for sale 'fo the public The boys fought, and gave QT. C ANN and the FFA State Poultry all, for the school, JAR PAGE February 23-24-26 Improvement Project, The 1 They fought for the grad­ 59 brooder coop will also serve uates, present students, and Adults - 75«£ Students - 50* as a means for some students yet to come. In MIGHTY HIGH FROZEN students to raise their own standing room only, far out broilers for projects. into the halls, were the faces Tournament Game Schedule Some other small group of people, one year to 85 Strawberry Shortcake Wednesday Night 5:00 P.M. projeots included the -de­ years. Ithaca vs. Alma signing and building of 40 ft. The spectators were the Wednesday Night 6:15 P.M. trusses for a students' pole most fun to watch. Approx­ LB SIZE C Corunna vi. Elsie barn, a tandem axle trailer imately 3/4 of the people w Wednesday Night 7:30 P.M. for the school to use'for ' there, were rooting for the 2 ' 99 Bullock Creek vi. Ovid equipment transportation, Pirates. Both teams had de­ Wednesday Night 8:46 P.M. and the building of educa­ feated DeWItt, so the excite­ St. Johns vs. Chesaning THE FORD TEAM SAIL Losers from Wed, games play wants to play ball with you first 2 games Thursday night MOORE i * Washday Detergent Winners of Wed, games play LIFE last 2 games Thursday night. ( OIL CO. 3-LB. C WAS 909 t, STATE Egan Ford Sales, Inc. 1-OZ. ConSOlatiOn Playoff 1:00 P.M. Saturday ST. JOHNS PKG. 83< 200 W. Higharn ST.JOHNS purchases to; 59 r Championship Game 2:30 P.M. Saturday Us* Your Ssat ••Hill Refreshments Available Ph. 224-4726 FEBRUARY 23,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan All i I* iR


V? w ^s? V. w

LK». 7/ yzt; ¥ FEBRUARY 19-26 ^ •* :^r \ />1

M -

We salute the local FFA chapter for providing an opportunity for youth in agriculture to learn, to do, to earn and to serve. FFA not only gives these young men and women a, chance *«-,ii IIA .nios H t|.nJJ J yijiijj. , i .4**1, •J " to experience leadership, but ah opportunity to pursue vocational objectives.

It is an educational, non-profit, non- The FFA is a national organization of •w-. political organization of, by and for high school students studing voca­ these students. tional agriculture in our schools.


Bancroft Clothing Ovid Hardware Ginther's Foodliner Harr's Jewelry Parr's Pharmacy Jims Super Service Ovid Farmers Elevator Gumaer Lumber Hub Tire Center . Mel Warren Agency Moron's IGA Dean's Barber Shop Tyler's Furniture Hub Motel E. F. Boran Co. (under new management Clock Cleaners Ovid Oil Company Jenk's Drug John & Alma Cockrun) Guernsey Auto Vlnce Ackles Service Levey Jewelry Cal's Merchandise Martin Block Corp. Supply Dorothys Beauty Shop Clinton Machine Antes Cleaners Redwing Lanes Fulton Feed Co. Debar Chevrolet V. L. Moore Chevrolet Buggs Brothers F C Mason Co. Middleton Farmers Elevator Co. Darling's Smith Party Store D & C Stores, Inc. Rivard Nursing Home Sattler & Son, Inc. Gambles Store - Ken's Market Silvestir Paint & Bee's Chevrolet De Peal's Music Center Supply (formerly Penny's) Ovid Service Agency Great Lakes Hybrids & Olds, Inc. Nemanis Electric S. B. Keys Egan Ford Sales, Inc. St. Johns Co-op R. E. Benson, Plumb. & Htg, Dancers Elsie Lumber Co. Furman-Day Realty St. Johns Egg Station Pompeii Farmers Deisler's Flowers Watt Florist Gratiot Farmers Supply Metropolitan Life Crop Service Ray's Gulf Carter-Melvin Agency Guy's Service Robert Ebert Michigan Milk Produce's Assn. Randolph's Ready-Mix Concrete A12 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan FEBRUARY 23,1972 VS¥ACTION PXCKFfr

OUT-OF-TOWNERS call ENTERPRISE 8201 for tractor of equal . Cleaner used Just a few yard, 5 1/4' miles south of miles, very good condition Help Wanted Ph. 587-6633. 42-3p times. All cleaning tools in­ CLASSIFIED AD PAGES Horses Fowler. Ph. 587-3811, Fe- no rust, black with red in­ cluded, only $24.60 cash or dewa Builders, Inc.£ljy|22-tf terior, 320 W. High St.,Ovid BOYS 12-16 for Detroit Free Miscellaneous terms. Call Lansing collect CASH RATE: 5c per word. Minimum, $1.00 per In­ ATTENTION: Horsemen. , Ph. 834-2662. 41-3p-n' Press Carrier routes in 372-3324 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. sertion. YOUR AD HUNS 3 WEEKS FOR THE PRICE Complete line of Western BEHLEN BAR MESHiFenc- Wanted OP 2, Second week will be refunded when your Item St. Johns. Ph. 485-6420.40tf Electro Grand, 43-1 wear and Saddlery. G-Bar-A ing, heavy steel rod dip FOR SALE: 1968 Pontia WANTED: 5 to 10 Acres of {.ells the first week, Ranch, St. Louis 463-4122. galvanized after welding. Firebird, 400,4 speed, PI high land to build on. Phone SALES, Salary and commis­ SAVEI Wheel Horse tractor, SAVE n 25c service fee by paying for your charged 8 miles west of St. Louis on For years of rust free ser­ 725-2362 Owosso. 43-3p- 224-7094 after 3 p.m. 41-3p nd within 10 dayi or insertion. sion, lots of extras. Apply 8 hp. special, 3 speed with M 46. Htf vice. Economical and ideal in person. Cains, Inc. 2,10 W. 36" mower, electric starter BOX NUMBERS in care of this office add $1.00 for yard fencing. No stretch­ FOR SALE 1951 GMC lor STAMP collections wanted Higham, St. Johns. 36-tf and lights, big frame, 10 ing needed. See it atFedewa wheel base, 2 ton, mot for cash, also old letters, HORSES boarded, box stalls months old, very little use, Builders Inc., Ph^587-3811, 'excellent. Floyd Lindaue postcards and coins. Contact ALL CLASSIFIEDS WILL BE ACCEPTED or running loose, inside HELP WANTED: House­ excellent condition. "$600. 5 1/4 S. of FowlerEEIi7-tf 1 mile N Carland, 1st plac Mr. Younkman at 224-2361 UNTIL 5P.M. MONDAYS . and outside arena, ample keeper also companion to (List at $1,085 plus tax new) west of Riley. 43-lp-n or 224-6084 or write to Mr. riding area, call 224-2933 elderly lady, 6 miles east Ph. Ray Perry evenings after Younkman, c/o Clinton RATES aie based strictly on Classified Style. from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. and of DeWitt Ph. 641-6480 after 5,^ Elsie 862-5622. 42-lp-nc Automotive FOR SALE: 1963 FordFalr-i County News, St. Johns, 5 p.m. to 10 p.m. 43-3p 6 weekdays. 41-3p lane, new parts, also good Mich. 48879. 22-dhtf FOR FAST RESULTS —PHONE 224-2361 FOR SALE: 1969 Chevy pick­ FOR SALE: Parts for all ; GE upright vacuum cleaneri HELP WANTED: Salesman ENTERPRISE 8201 up, stepside box, new 350 electric shavers. Levey's or Cattle Ph, 834-2495. 43-3p-nc $18,000 to $22,000 asyear. TIMBER WANTED: logs and engine, new tires, chrome Jewelr EIsie Utt Ph. 626-6731 42-3p-nc standing timber. Logsde- y» - "piANOS - ORGANS" New vator. K. Hafner, .Ph. 593- FOR SALE: 2 Holstein Bulls wheels, excellent condition, FOR SALE: 1966 Olds Cut­ livered to our yard. DEVER- like new, fancy, $1,850. Ph. FOR SALE: Wood and steel used, repossessed. Big 3447. Fowler. 43-3p service age, from artifi­ lass Supreme, 4 door HELP WANTED: Man, high EAUX SAWMILL, INC., 2872 224-4067. 42-3p-nc portable cattle mangers.. savings with easy terms. cial breeding. C. R. Platte, hardtop, new tires, brakes, school graduate for retail N. Hubbardston Rd.Pewamo 11 Simon's Planing Mill, Fow­ Mobile showroom will be in 2 miles south, 1/2 mile west shocks, excellent running, sales in and out of store, Mich. Ph. 824-3101. 40-tf Notice FOR SALE: 1963 Pontiac ler. Ph. 583-2000. 28-tf your area soon. To see: of Westphalia, Ph. 587-3501, condition, or extra sharp stock Control, delivery etc. Write Marshall Music Co., Bonneville. Body is fair. 1970 Olds Cutlass Sport WANTED: someone to repair 42-3p Motor and transmission Apply in person Parr's SPINET-CONSOLE PIANO: Box 532, Lansing, Mich. REDUCE excess fluids with Coupe, bucket seats, con­ metal roofing on barn. overhauled. $400 or best Pharmacy. 42-3-nc Wanted responsible party 48933. 43-2p FLUIDEX, $1.69 - LOSE Hogs & sole automatic trans., sport William Parker, ph. 834- offer. Phone 847-4941 before to take over spinet piano. WEIGHT safely with Dex-A- Sheep wheels, tape player. Ph. SEMI-DRIVERS NEEDED- 5469 after 6 p.m. 42-3p-nc Easy terms. Can be seen FOR SALE: adding machine Diet, 98i? at Parr's 11 a.m. 41-3p 224-7269, 43-3p Training now being of­ Pharmacy. 42-6p locally. Write Credit Man­ 2 years old, light office FOR SALE: Hampshire fered through the facilities Jobs Thinking new car? See Stan ager, P.O. Box 276, Shelby- or home, excellent condi­ purebred stock hogs and FOR SALE: 8 foot slide In of Class B Common Car­ Cowan at: RIVERSIDE vllle, Indiana 46176. tion, original cost $134, sale I WILL NOT be responsible gilts, also bred gilts due over cab camper, includes rier, Industry wages exceed Wanted LINCOLN MERCURY, 408 E. 42-4p-nc price $70. Ph. 224-7533. for any" debts made by soon. Quality meat type ice box, bottled gas heater $5 per hour. Over the road HIGH SCHOOL SENIOR 43-3p-nc other than myself after Feb. Superior, ALMA, MICH. desires baby sitting jobs, stock available always at and stoves Plywood top box Driver Training covering BEAUTIFUL WEDDING In - 12, 1972. William Michalek Phone 463-6128, Alma; 224- for Chevy or GMC pickup. most states. Experience not Available weekdays 2-7 p.m. Heilers, 7 3/4 miles west of vitations and accessories. FOR SALE: camping oven 42-3p 3685, St. Johns. 42-3p Kenneth Helbeck 224-4066. necessary. For Immediate and weekends. Ph. 224-7912. DeWitt, 9800 Howe Rd. 38-6p Speedy service. Finkbeiners for Coleman Stove, $2; 43-39 application call Area Code 42-3p Dr. Terpstra will not be Fowler. Ph. 582-3121. 37-tf 2-wood gluing clamps with FOR SALE: 1966 pickup F 419-475-9862 or WriteSeml pipe, $5; Hi-standard pistol in his office March 26 FOR SALE: Duroc boar, 100, low mileage, excel­ -Driver Division, P. O. Box Miscellaneous through April 2. The office weight 275 lbs. Joe FOR SALE: Used copper tub­ Supermatic citation-22 cal., lent condition. Ph. 593-3611, Real Estate 7552, Toledo, Ohio 43616. Items 11 inch barrel-muzzle brake will remain open for routine Schueller, Ph. 587-6642. after 4 p.m. 41-3p-nc 43-2p ing, assorted* sizes and business only. 43-6p-nc 43-lp FRANCIS AVIATION, INC. lengths, one half price, weights and carrying case, WE, OURSELVES, will buy £75; 36" bucksaw-like new, F-100 1968 Ford Pickup - 1 your land contract. For Travel the safe way with Gower's, Eureka. 40-12 FOR SALE 5 Bushnell far­ our charter service or learn S2J L.P.G. burner head, with Farm owner. Chevrolet 1968 Ca- prompt, courteous action, BULLDOZER SCRAPER rowing crates, good con­ maro with 327 engine, Chev­ call Ford S. LaNoble, La- to fly with us. Vets approved. FOR SALE: Chest type controls, for travel trailer Produce dition, call Ken Eldridge OPERATORS NEEDED: Capitol City Airport - Ph: freezer, new at $138.95, furnace, $5; Delco AM radio rolet 1961 2 ton truck, 2 Noble Realty, 1516 E. Mich­ FOR SALE: 200 bales of 224-2506. 43-3p-nc Training now being offered 484-1324. 23-tf cash and carry. Gower's, for Chevrolet, like new, $15; speed axle, good condition. igan, Lansing, Ph. 517-482- on modern heavy equipment. straw, 3 1/4 miles north Lester Hughson, 1404 N, 1637. Evenings 517 - 337- Eureka. Ph. 224-2953.' 40-8 5-gallon wood barrel, stand FOR SALE: 2 service age Industry wages exceed $6 and of Wrigh), Rd. of Fowler, Shepardsville Ph, 834-5901. 1276. ,37-tf FOWLER RESIDENTS: Take spigot, $10; 1650 watt, boars, also 12 feeder pigs. per hour in most areas. electric heater with thermo- ***• 593-2177. 42-3p ^ 41-3p-nc your ads to Finkbeiner's 1971 Select-O-Stitch $46.50 Clark, Ph. 224-7233. Experience is not neces­ Pharmacy for fast, conven­ left In layaway. comes stat and fan, $5; pump that ~' ^B:"400 tatos"o£ hay 42-3p IN OVID large Mobile Home sary. For immediate appli­ will pump water, gas or oil FOR SALE: 1965 Mercury ient service! 50-dhtf with a walhut sew table. and 1200 bales of straw. lots 80 ft. x 150 ft. for cation call Area Code 419- with foot valve, $5. Call Marauder, hardtop, V-8, Beautiful pastel color, full Can be seen at 1240 Jason Farm sale or rent. All city facili­ 475-9862 or Write Heavy PICKUP COVERS, cab high. size head, all built-in to 224-2574 after 5:00 p.m. p.s. andp.b,, less than 60,000 ties. Call 834-2288. 1-tf Equipment Division, P. O. Rd., 1/2 mile west of US-27. Machinery $158, 26 in. Paneled and zig-zag, buttonhole, over­ 43-dh-nc 42-3p-nc Box 7523, Toledo, Ohio 43616 insulated $228. Lansing cast, make fancy stitches, FOR SALE: Manure Spread­ BOOMS RED AND WHITE 43-2p largest display wholesale wind the bobbin automatic­ ers, New Idea 155 bushel FOR SALE: 1st and 2nd cut­ top silos: Newly designed AUCTION CALENDAR prices. B & L Distributing. ally only $46.50 cash or International 175 bushel. ting alfalfa hay. Call 626- stave now being manufac - PART TIME opening for 882-7902. 37-tf terms arranged, trade-ins FRIDAY, FEB. 25, 10 a.m. Conduction equipment Both single beater. Ph. 626- 6424 after 6 p.m. 42-3p tued on our new stave ma­ Imlay City Fair Grounds, Imlsiy City, Mloh. Consignments young man over 21 to accepted. Call Lansing col­ chine giving us a stave with *work in carpet installation 6464. 43-3p welcome. Call 313-780-904G days and 313-GBG-9232 nights. LET US RECOMMEND A lect 372-3324 9 a.m. to 9 FOR SALE: shelled corn, extreme strength and dur­ trade, will train, call Harold painter or, paper hanger n i p.m'. Electro Grand. 43-1 very good quality, will ability. Red and White . SA.TURDA.Y", ;FEBrfe6, at 4T£o p?m.'t^brmah H?Gr'ahan(l ' Van Dervort at 224-4349 for.ypu. Your Sherwin Wil-> FOR SALE;,AC W.d-tractor- v 3 bottom plow and culti- deliver if desired, Albert colored metal roof now M assay-Ferguson super 90 Diesel, Massey-Ferguson 165 after 6:30 p.m. 43-lp Hams Dealer. Finkbeiners. J. Schaefer, 5103 E. M-21. standard on all new silos. Diesel , Massey-Ferguson 300 combine and 222 corn head, Ph/582-3121 Fowler. 37-tf 43 yrs. of experience means full line of good used farm equipment. Located 6 miles west Ph. 224-2219. 43-3p of St. Johns on M-21 to Forest Hill Rd,, 4 miles north, nowmobiles LADIES NEEDED the best possible job foryou. FOR SALE: Jet Star - chain We do the complete job in­ saw - 4 hp. $75. Can be HAY FOR SALE $37 per ton. SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 10:00 a.m. Ohlgren Scientific cluding the foundation. Write Farms, Harold Ohlgren owner. Full line of late model farm FOR SALE:Ski-Doo440TNT seen anytime, 14686 Merrill Ages 17 to 50 — Learn To Earn Excellent quality., Bob Nourse. Ph. 626-6618. 41-3p or call today and get all the and hay equipment Including 2 John Deere practically new with less than 500 miles. Rd. near Pumkin Center, Current full and part-time jobs available to fully equipped 4020 Diesels, John Deere 2510 Diesel with those trained in Key Punching & Key Verifying. facts about the silo with the In good condition, like new. 1 1/2 miles north of 57. heaviest and best inside loader, 2 Harvestore silos: 20x40 and 20x60 complete with Ph. 593-2425. 43-3p-nc 43-3p-nc Enroll now to learn this good paying skill at FOR SALE: 1st and 2nd cut­ unloaders and automatic feed setups. Located three miles ting alfalfa. Very good, $1 finish. We probably put on west of Plnckney, Mich, on M-36 to Hlnchey Rd., then two FOR SALE:Snowmobile, per bale. Ph. 651-5921 after twice as much material on miles north to 64G5 Hlnchey Rd. , FOR SALE 3 Used Hoovers SPARTAN KEY PUNCH ACADEMY the inside for a seal and re­ 1972 Polaris, 21 hp. twin 6 p.m. • 41-3p $24.60. Nice, 2 tone Hoover member this is applied with FRIDAY, MARCH 10, 12:30 p.m., Property of cylinder, will sell or trade Individual instruction and free job placement a cement gun for better ad­ Russell Ellsworth, Don Scholten, and Larry Hubbard. assistance. Call 393-8615 for more inform­ Pets hesion and this is the only 7 tractors 1969-I.D. 4020 Diesel Farmall 706 Diesel. ation. part of a silo that wears out. Allls Chalmers D-14, John Deere 720 Diesel, Oliver FOR SALEr German Shep­ Silo-Matic and VanDale un- 880 Diesel. V.A.C, Case, John Deere A, Several other herd Puppies. Ph. 669- loaders and feeding equip­ items. Located 1 mile East of Greenville 1 1/2 North 9181, 7477 Lowe Rd., St. ment Also dealers forHar- at 6143 Backus Road. Johns. 42-3p CARL S. OBERLITNER ley field stone pickers. Some SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 12:30 p.m. Mrs. Anna Rozen, choice areas open to dealers 5 tractors: 1970 Massey-Ferguson 180 Diesel, wide front or salesmen. EARLY OR­ and all extras, 360 actual hours. Int. super M.T.A. gas. Water Well Drilling DER DISCOUNT NOW IN John Deere 60. Farmall H. Int. super A and good line of EFFECT, Order now and farm machinery. Located 4 miles north of St. Johns, Mich, • SIMON'S save $$$$. Booms Silo Co., on US-27 to French Rd., 5 miles east to Watson Rd., 1/4 200 W. STATE ST. 4" and larger mile north. • 'Symbol of PHONE 224*-2301 PLANING MILL Inc., Harbor Beach, Mich, Redo 48441, Ph. (517) 479-6654. THURSDAY, MARCH 16, 12:30 p.m. Timothy A. • Service' Submergible Pumps 31-tf Yoder, John Deere 4020 Diesel, John Deere 2510 Wh Manufacturers of; Diesel, 7600 bu. grain bin and dryer, good line of : 409 N. MORTON-new 3 oiesaie Retai John Deere Farm Equipment. Located 7 miles south Truck, pick up, bay and NORWOOD hay savers and of St. Johns to Alward Lake Road, 7 1/2 east. (Corner bedroom all carpeted, grain racks, forage silage bunks, all steel 'large kitchen w/disposal, of Upton and Alward Lake Rd.) Phone 463-4364 boxes, bunk feeders, welded with rolled edges to »stove and sliding glass portable cattle ma.igers last a lifetime. See at our FRIDAY, MARCH 17, 12:30 p.m., Steve Hanus.I.H.C. door to patio, and full base- and accessories, Custom Alma 30-EEW-tf 706 Gas, I.H.C. 303 Combine with Edible Bean Atts. ' ment for just $22,900. Less woodworking-. Good line of Farm Equipment. Located 3/4 mile East .than $2,000 down will Ford Tractors of Ashley, Mich, on Garfield Road. handle. Approximately and Implements SATURDAY, MARCH 18, 11:00 a.m. John Beck, 5 tractors: ' $145 per mo., principal and 268 S. Henderson . , interest only. Late Model 1100 Massey-Ferguson Diesel, 500 actual hours, Fowler, Michigan New and Usod Machinery all extras including cab. 19G5 Oliver 1850 Diesel, all extras. m Farts and Accessories 19(54 Massey-Ferguson 65 Diesel with multi-power, all extras **8m 1600 actual hours. Massey-Ferguson 35 Diesel. John Deere » THIS CAPE COD will 3 BEDROOM RANCH 915 • Phone (Area 517) CARLAND SALES 95 Combine Hl-Lo with 435 narrow row corn head. 0-6 Int. N.~ Oakland, 4 pc. bath, A Orchard Tractor. Full line of good farm machinery and (soon be -in,the center of 593-2000 E.O.W. and SERVICE orchard equipment located 7 1/2 miles north of St. Johns, activity, 4 bedrooms, large carpeted kit-din comb. w/T Mich, on US-27. 'liv. rm,,kitchen,basement glass door to patio, full ^ HENRY E. DREPS, Inc. Phone Owosso, SA 3-3227 ^plus 2 car garage. basement, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 22, 12:30 p.m, John A. 11375 N. US-27 DEWITT. MI. Carlnnd, Michigan • Horny, Farm Machinery including 2 Massey Ferguson 20 ACRES w/ large 4 NEW 3 BEDROOMA Complete Service Facilities 24-tt 510 Self Propelled combines w/ 4 and.6 row narrow RANCH on extra larger bedroom home, plenty of Motor Homes, Camp«rs,Cars & Trucks row corn heads, Edible Bean attachments, bean heads •room for that large fam­ corner lot, all carpeted,^ and all extras, 1969 John Deere 4020 Gas Tractor, ily, new pole barn, an ex­ 2 baths,famllyrm.w/fire-^ ' Phone 517-669-9996 DAY, WEEK, MONTH or CONCRETE John Deere 2010 Tractor, full line of large farm cellent location on black­ place, 2 car garage, full* TRANSMISSIONS AUTOMATIC E. STANDARD LONG TERM LEASE equipment. Located 5 miles south of Hemlock at 5220 top road. basement/ alum, siding| ^ WHEEL Si FRAME ALIGNMENT, TIRES 4 BRAKES S. Hemlock Rd. ^ WILL HAVE SEVERAL call to see. • CAINS, inc. WALLS FRIDAY, MARCH 24, 12:30 p.m, RobertF. Morris, ' BUILDING spots for Farm THIS VERY CLEAN 3j John Deere 4010 Deisel, John Deere 45 corrfbine, BUICK-PONTIAC A new home Is a lifetime •Home applicants, see if you BEDROOM is newly^ complete line of John Deere equipment. Located 1, tf OPEL-GMC . Let us help you L can qualify, enjoy the coun­ carpeted downstairs, 3 pc. • GOOD/YEAR secuie litis Investment with mile north of Grand Ledge, 1 mile east on Eaton try air. bath, laundry rm., new J 210 W. Hlgham St. Johns the best has em out wall Highway. roof, large 2 car garage, ^ r BUILT W/ALL THE possible —.i poured concrete "20x40. L USED MACHINERY Phone 224-3231 wall. We are equipped to do SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 12:30 p.m. M.W, Wlseley, Es­ ^EXTRAS W MIND deluxe 2-tf tlio complete Job or any part tate. Farm ^equipment. Located 8 mU.es North of Dexler.on ' stove built-in, deluxe fur- ALL BRICK 3 bedroom A Farmall 560 gas. Mast Rd. to end of road, East 1/4 mile on Strawberry Lake of it. nrlnu your prints over Rd. • nace w/powe r humidifier, ranch w/extra large liv. • M*F. No. 88 7 x 16 semi-mounted plow or call'for an appointment pstorm shelter in the full rm. and stone fireplace,^ M.F. No. 88 6 x 14 semi-mounted plow Ford r.87-3811. SATURDAY APRIL 1, 12?30 p.m., Ted Barton, John Deere basement, partial brick din. rm,, kitchen plus fam-A A.C. D 17 gas with wide front, power steering FARM and INDUSTRIAL 3020 gas, full line farm equipment* Located 12 miles • front, carpeted throughout, ily rm. w/gas log fire-J M.F. 205 PTO spreader, 2 yrs. old TRACTORS and READY-MIX CONCRETE North of St. Johns on U.S. 27 to M-57, 1 1/2 miles \y*est. ^master bedroom with/l/2 place, garage, plus large^ New Idea Model 11A, 70 bu. spreader EQUIPMENT For All Your Needs *• QUALITY -SERVICE bath, an excellent buy! storage barn. • New Idea No. 214, 205 bU. manure spreader, New and Used SATURDAY, APRIL 15, 12:30 p.m., Fred Lovell, • 2 yrs. old Farm Equipment and . Super 670 i FOR APPOINTMENTS OTHER TIMES PHONE: ^ J.D. ModekN, ground driven spreader Simplicity M.M. Diesel Tractor, Ford 871 Diesel with Loader,_ • M.F. No. 3165 gas industrial tractor with LAWN and GARDEN FEDEWA m Excellent Line of Farm tools. Located 1 1/2 miles Bruce Lantermari No. 20DJoader EQUIPMENT East of Grand'Ledge on North River Highway. 224-4746 Albert Galloway 224-4713 A f Derrill Shjnabery Roy F. Briggs 224-2260/ A HENGFSBACH FORD BUILDERS, Inc. Ranny Briggs 224-6074' • We Specialize In Farm Machinery and Dairy Cattle Auctions! 224-3881 TRACTOR SALES 0218 Wright Road, ^IF PLANNING A SALE SEE US BlllHolley 224-7580 Archie' Moore A Sattler & Son, Inc Ralph Green 224-7047 (DaWitt) 669-6645 I Phone 647-6356 1/4 Miles South of Fowler, GALLOWAY'S COMPLETE AUCTION SERVICE Middleton Phone 236-7280 PORTLAND, MICH. 51-tt S3-If AL CALLOWAY, AUCTIONEER Ph. 224-4?13 St. Johns *•< FEBRUARY 23,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 13A 'card's and prayers and remembered him with beau­ YOU CAN build a new home pointment to see, call Ruth masses given for the loss tiful flowers, and who con­ and finance it at 7 1/4% Nostrant 224-3614' or Auction Sale of my dear wife and mother. tributed so generously to the Three Real Estate interest with low monthly FURMAN - DAY REALTY Special, thanks to the ladies Michigan Heart Fund in his payments and very small 224-3236 or 485-0225. GENERAL AUCTION: every and others for the dinner. memory. — Mrs. G. Frank 3 EXCELLENT building ' closing costs if you qualify. 43-1-nc Friday, 7:30 p.m. Ovid Also Father Hankerd and Krauss, Mr. ani. Mrs. R. finish Under this plan you can build REAL ESTATE sites on blacktop road ' Bargain Store, antiques, TV, Goehring for their calls and E. Stevens, M.\ and Mrs. a 3 or 4 bedroom home. SHARPI 3-bedroom ranch, south of St. Johns. If you're furniture, tools, books, prayers, Msgr. Ed, Myers- Raymond Bozung, Mr. and If you can't qualify for this 1 1/2 baths, 2 car attached thinking of building this bottles, glass, odds and ends, Roetman Funeral Home and Mrs. Paul Matheson, Mrs. IN FOWLER-House for sale course financing program, we have garage. Beautiful setting on 309 N. Main, 3 bedrooms spring, you had better hurry regular and power grip tires, all the staff of Ionia Manor. Ralph G. Hewitt, Mrs. John other financing programs an acre of land. Contact upstairs', 1 down. Inquire ST. JOHNS-Three Plant on these. Call FURMAN- , Warm Morning heaters, new Bless all of you.—The fam­ J. Howay. 43-lp available which can be Jean Amos 224-7095 or 508 N, Main. 43-3p department employees of DAY REALTY 224-3236 or and used miscellaneous arti­ ily of Anna Schaefer. 43-lp General Telephone atSt. 845-0225 or Fred DenovicH adapted to your budget. For FURMAN - DAY REALTY cles, etc, 41-3p. 224-3236 or 485-0225. WIEBER-Xhe family of Johns, Luke Witgen, Charles 224-2597. 43-1-nc more information, call Fedewa Builders, Inc. 587- 43-1-nc WALDRON — A sincere Rose Wieber wishes to thank Pets M, Swender and Russell C. 3811 or stop in at our of­ thank you to Drs. Russell the doctors and nurses at Slagell recently completed JUST OFF US 27, north of Card of Thanks and Grost, and the staff Carson City Hospital and courses at Gen Tel's Plant St. Johns. Nice older 3- fice located 5 1/4 miles 60 ACRES-north of St. Johns south of Fowler on Wright Nice older 5 bedroom* of Clinton Memorial Hos- Provincial House West, FOR SALE: male Schnauzer Training School in Owosso. bedroom home on large lot. ' pital for the excellent care Lansing for their excellent Witgen completed the one Fully Insulated, new plumb­ Rd. [£i| 27-tf home with 2 car garage. HECKMAN-With deepest 4 months old, AKC regis­ Land is all tillable and com­ appreciation the family of I received while I was a care and also the relatives, tered, had puppy shots, $75. week course on installation ing and wiring. Rides into patient at the hospital, I friends, neighbors, priests and maintenance of coin TWO NEW homes for sale pletely tiled. Priced at only Joseph Heckman would like Ph. 372-3770 between 6 - ansing available. Call Mary also wish to thank my rel­ and sisters for their pray­ (paystation) telephones. He in St, Johns. Low down $33,000. Contact Jean Amos to thank Frs. Bolger, Tassno 9 p.m. 43-3p appuhn 224-3469 or atives and friends for their ers, visits, flowers, cards was first employed as payment and low interest 224-7095 or FURMAN-DAY and Fox for their visits and FURMAN-DAY REALTY many visits, and for the and letters, food and all frameman in St, Johns in financing available. Call REALTY 224-3236 or 485- prayers, Drs. Jordon, Smith 224-3236'or 485-0225. , cards, gifts and flowers sent . other acts of kindness before Farm 1968, transferred to lineman Fedewa Builders Inc. 587- 0225. 43-1-nc and Graves, the nurses and 43-1-nc me during my illness. A and since her death. 43-lp in 1969 and promoted to 381i:|jj5j| 49-tf aides at Carson City Hospital Produce for their wonderful care. To special thank you to the combinationman a year ago. ET OUT INTO the country. Mobile our relatives, neighbors and members of the Women's FOR SALE: 400 bales alfalfa Luke and his wife Lucy COZY Cape Cod to snuggle HEMPSTED — I wish to See this nice 3 bedroom friends for the many masses, Auxiliary of Clinton Memor­ brome and timothy mix, reside on West Kinley Road. around your family, all for Homes thank Dr. Grost and the ranch on blacktop road south flowers, cards and food that ial Hospital for their, many 85$ a bale, also 400 bales Swender completed a two under $19,000. Pamper FOR SALE 1969 American staff of Clinton Memorial of St. Johns. Call MaryRap- was brought in. The Geller acts of kindness. —Nina June clover, 75?. Roy weeks course In AC/DC yourselfl Isn't it time you Mobile Home 12x56 with a Hospital for the excellent puhn 224-3469 or FURMAN- Funeral Home for their Waldron. 43-lp F rechen, 2 north and 2 3/4 Theory and a one week had a home to be really 10x22 annex, electric pole, care I received while a pa­ DAY REALTY 224-3236 or services, and to the ladies west of Fowler, 593-2657, course in telephone instal­ proud of? Call FURMAN- tuel oil tank and aluminum tient there. Fr. Goehring 485-0225. 43-1-nc who prepared and served after 4 p.m. 43-3p lation. Charles (Mike) was DAY REALTY 224-3266 or skirts, fully carpeted. Call DARNELL - We wish to for his calls , relatives, the dinner. These acts of hired as a 'lineman in June 485-0225 or Fred Denovich after 3 p.m. 862-4836. thank all the relatives, friends and neighbors for GIBBS Street - 4-bedroom kindness will always be re­ last year and promoted to 224-2597. 43-i-nc 42-3p-nc neighbors and friends for cards, flowers, prayers and home with 2 car attached membered in lovingmemory cards and gifts and the things visits. All was greatly ap­ combinationman in Novem­ garage. Carpeted living of our dear husband, father, ber. He resides with his wife FOR SALE: 1968 Active they did to help at home preciated, thank y o u.— room. Full basement. Extra FORSALE: 9 acres,450feet and grandfather, — Dorothy Vickl and son Scott on Le- of frontage on blacktopped mobile home, 12x52, ex­ during my stay at the hos­ Margie Hempsted. 43-lp large lot. Needs some work. Heckman, children and pital.—Clifton Darnell. land Road, Ovid. Priced under $16,000. Call Francis Rd., 10 miles NW cellent condition. Carpeted grandchildren. 43- lp 43-lp DIETRICH-The family of Jean Amos 224-7095 or of Lansing $7,500. Call after living room, partly furnished Slagell completed the two Charles W. Dietrich wish to furman-DAY REALTY 5, Lansing 372-9781. 43-3p $3,100. Ph. Ovid 834-5983. weeks course in AC/DC BRAY-The family of Ina thank our many friends, rel­ 224-3236 or 485-0225. 42-3p-nc ROSSOW-The family of Theory. Russell, an Air Christ Rossow wish to ex­ B, Bray would like to thank atives and neighbors, also Force veteran, Joined Gen­ 43-1-nc FOR SALE: 40 acres, excel­ lent soil, beautiful building press their appreciation to Drs, Russell andGrost, all others who gave a helping eral Telephone in April last For Rent Dr. Cook, Dr. Russell, the nurses, aides am* entire hand with food, flowers and year as a lineman and lives RAINBOW LAKE - 100x100 site, would make excellent mobile home park, 1 mile Jackson Nursing Home and staff of Clinton Memorial their many acts of kindness at 108 Lewis, St. Johns with lot overlooking Big .FOR RENT - Air hammer staff for wonderful care Hospital for their care during the illness and death walk on LEFT his wife Priscilla, sonGreg- Rainbow. Full lake privi­ south of Perrinton, 4 miles north of RainbowLake, Write for breaking up cement, given him, Rev. Marvin Barz during her long illness. of our husband, father and ory, 2 and twin daughters leges. Priced under $4,000. etc. We have two available. for- his many, many calls Thanks to Rev. Carson for grandfather. Bonnie and Brenda, three Call Jean Amos 224-7095 or W. C. Spitler, 1319 Edward FACE traffic Randolph's Ready-Mix Plant since he came to St. Peter his visits and comforting A special thank you to the months old. FURMAN-DAY REALTY St., Lansing, 48910 or call North US 27, ph. 224-3766, Lutheran Church, Riley and words at time of loss of our Veterans of Foreign Wars, 224-3236 or 485-0225. 485-7098 Lansing or contact. 40-tf Lee Rummell Funeral Home. beloved Mother. To staff at Perrinton Post, the Amer­ 43-1-nc Pine Creek Nursery, Per­ rinton. 43-3p-nc Also relatives, neighbors, Hoag Funeral Home for their ican Legion Post 380 Carson Elsie has two new FOR RENT: Upstairs apart­ and friends for flowers, kindness and understanding. City, the Schnepp Convales­ HOUSE FOR SALE: ment, 3 rooms and bath., cards and special deeds. To W.R.C. Band of Workers, cent Home St. Louis, the 1006 Hampshire Dr., 4 NICE starter home for newlyweds; finish the Furnished. No children. Ph. Your kindness will always be and special appreciation to podge Funeral Home for the bedrooms and bath up, living, 224-4627 after 5 p.m. 38-tf remembered. 43-lp ladies of Rebekah Lodge for arrangements and the pall­ Centennial farms formal dining, kitchen and interior in your own decor. preparation of food and bearers, the W.S.C.S. for 1948. Since that time, 'cer­ eating area, family room Priced under $10,000. Call LANSING-Two Clinton serving of luncheon after the their help and the serving of tificates and metal markers with fireplace and den. Call Fred Denovich 224-2597 or RENT SOMS FUN. Rent FOGELSON-We wish to County farms in Elsie have funeral. Many thanks to rel­ the dinner, Rev. Bert Cole have been awarded to some 224-3441 afternoons, FURMAN - DAY REALTY snowmobiles complete extend many thanks and deep been designated as Centen­ 224-3236 or 485-0225. appreciation to neighbors, atives, pall bearers, friends for words of comfort. nial Farms by the Michigan 3,000 Michigan farms. 42-3p-nc with trailer. Beck & Hyde and neighbors fo r prayers, 43-1-nc Farmarina. Ph. 224-3311, friends and relatives for Esther Deitrich, Mr. and Historical Commission. The Historical Commis­ lovely flowers, cards, Mrs.'Ray McDonald and CHOICE "COUNTRY LOTS 43-3 offerings of food, money, One farm, owned by Dale sion administers the pro­ money and food. May God family, Mr. and Mrs. Walter available. Will build on 2 NEW LISTINGS - take your flowers and comforting Levey, R-l, Elsie, is located gram while the markers are bless you all.—Mr. and Mrs. Deitrich and family, Mr. and these using your plans or pick of these sharp 3- FOR RENT: modern 1 bed­ words and prayers on the in Duplain Township and has provided by Detroit Edison Gale Perry and Fam'ly, Mrs. Robert Deitrich and ours. Financing available. bedroqm ranches. Both have room apartment, 567 S. loss of our loved one Mrs. been owned by the family and Consumers Power Com­ Mrs. Eva B, Klas and Fam­ family, Mr. and Mrs, Albert Call Fedewa Builders Inc, outstanding features to Main , Fowler, Ph. IV4- Eleanor Fogelson, Many since 1866. It was originally panies, ily. 43-lp Deitrich and family, Mr. and 587-3811. m 49-tf please the most discrimina­ 4794. , 43-3p thanks to Rev. Van Lente purchased April 2, 1866 by Explains Austin, *a Cen­ ting buyer. Call Fred Den­ for his words of comfort Mrs. Gerald Deitrich and Allap Levey, grandfather of tennial Farm is one which FOR SALE: by owner a large ovich 224-2597 or FURMAN FOR RENT: DeWitt Nor­ and calls at the home and NELLER — We wish to family and Mr. and Mrs. the present owner, from has been in the continous 4-bedroom home in Ovid, -DAY REALTY 224-3236 or wood Apts. Quiet country hospital and to the ladies of thank our family for the Robert Baird and family. .David Hoyt. possession of the same carpeted front room, dining 485-0225. 43-1-nc living, few minutes from the Salem W.S.C.S. who money tree, and all the won­ 43-ldh The other, owned by Wil­ family for 100 years or room and bedroom, located Capitol, paved parkingarea, served the lunch. Also to Dr. derful things they did, rela­ liam A. and Mildred R.Dush, more,* on 2 lots and only 2 blocks SAVE! SAVE! - payments 1/2 acre play area, private Steigerwald and the staff of tives and friends for the ERNST—I wish to thank R-l, Elsie, is located in from town. We need a cash less than rent, 2 bedroom entrance, partially fur­ the Carson City Hospital lovely gifts, cards, flowers, Drs. Russell,Grost and Greenbush Township and has ????????????? buyer. Please make us an home, new kitchen. Can be nished, carpeted, 2-bed - for the wonderful care. To plants and money they gave Stephenson, nurses and been in that family's pos­ Offer. Ph. 834-5765. .purchased FHA or VA, with room, storage area, no pets. the Maple Rapids Chapter us, on our 50th anniversary aides at Clinton Memorial session since 1854. It was 41-3p-nc low down payment. For ap- $150 per month. $175 se­ O.E.S. No. 79, The Past to make our day one never for the wonderful care. originally purchased June What do foreign curity deposit. Renters pay Matrons, the Sorosis Club, to be forgotten.—Clarence Friends and relatives for 26, 1854 by Marcus Cover- heat and electric. Ph. 669- and the Rebekah Lodge No. and Neva Neller. 43-lp their visits, cards, flowers stine from Emmet Kirby. visitors say ATTENTION FARMERS 9879. Fedewa Builders, Inc. 194. 43-lp and gifts of food while there Sec. of State Richard H. about us when 29-tf KRAUSS—The family of and after my return home. Austin, who heads the Michi­ HERE" IS AN ANNOUNCEMENT MANY OF YOU HAVE .JUL SCHAEFER-We wish" to Frank Krauss wishes to Also Rqv. Homer and gan Department of State they go home? BEEN WAITING FOR Business thank Drs. Russell and thank everyone who was so Carmen Tranchell for their which directs activities of It depends upon Grost, nurses and aides of kind at the time of his pass­ calls. Everything was the Michigan Historical Starting Monday February 14, 1972, and continuing Opportunity Clinton Memorial Hospital ing; Dr. Oppy of Roscommon greatly appreciated.—Beth Commission, said the Cen­ trie people thru Saturday March 18, 1972, all CASH SALES OF BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES for their wonderful care. the Osgoods, Rev. Myers and Ernst. 43-lp tennial Farm program in they meet. PARTS SOLD OVER THE COUNTER amounting to Investment from $2,000 to Thanks to our neighbors, the many, many friends who Michigan was inaugurated in $100.00 or more at one time, will be subject to a $5,000 will gross you $50,000 friends and relatives and 10% discount. This discount will not apply on parts a year. Send resume to Barry ladies of the Beauty shop to be installed in our repair shop. Parts purchased Croft, R-l, Eagle. 42-3p-nc for their flowers, food, under this program will not be returnable unless shown to be defective. Check today and make up your BUSINESS and SERVICE DIRECTORY list of items you need such as plow points, drag teeth, disc blades, cultivator shovels, etc. CUSTOM BUTCHERING Use This Classified Listing For Fast Service From Clinton County Business Firms

DON SHARKEY and PROCESSING John Deere Sales & Service We Butcher On SI, Johns Automotive & Tire FLORISTS AUCTIONEER Discount, Where you save on Levey's Jewelry, Orange Blos­ 1 1/2 Miles East of St. Louis Wednesday & Fridays tires, US-27, 224-4562. som diamond rings, Bui ova & Ac- Phone 681-2440 Watt Florist, Flowers for ?!1 cutron Watches. Elsie, 852,4300. occasions. 121 E. Pine. Elsie— BEEF-PORK Al Galloway, Auctioneer. Used 862-5257. Farm Machinery & Parts. St. BARBERS Hlvs. & Qtrs. Johns, 224-4713.' Also Beaufore's Barber Shop, 1002 1/2 PARTY SUPPLIES Retail Cuts Jay it with Quality Flowers from State. Open Tues. thru Sat. also Woodbury's Flower Shop, 321 N. Wed. & Frl. evenings'. AUTOMOTIVE Clinton, St. Johns, 224-3216. D&B Party Shoppe, Package Liquor—9 a.m. - 10 p.m. Mon. - PENDELLS MEAT FOODS Thurs. Fri. & Sat. 9 a.m. - Bill Fowler Ford, New' & Used CLEANERS 11 p.m., 224 N. Clinton. Cars fit Pick-ups. N. US-27, De- Witt, 6G9-2725. Gene's IGA Foodliner, Elsie 9-6 "Gib" Simon -Howard Gladding PROCESSING ANTES DRY CLEANERS, pickup Mon, Tues. Wed. Sat. 9-9 Thurs. Brokers J02 N. Clinton West City Limits on Bussell Rd. Just off M-57 and delivery. 108 W. Walker, & Frl. 862-4220. PLUMBING CARSON CITY Ph. 584-6640 -Jake Vaughn Bill O'Shaughnessy Chev. Inc. phone 224-4529. New & Used CarsfiiTrucks,Open PHONE 224-6736 1 Dunkel Plumbing & Heating, Mon., Thurs., Frl., evenings, Andy's IGA, St. Johns, Home Licensed Master Plumber, Ph. Ph. 609-2235 DeWitt. DRUGS Baked Bread, Pies, Cookies, 224-3372, 807 E. State St. BUYING, SELLING????????? SPRING Choice Meats, Carry-out ser- -Have SOLD all farm listings NEED vice. MARKET OPENING, FOR ACTION CALL REAL ESTATE MORE, have CASH buyers. MACK Cain - Buick - Pontlac, New & Parr's Rexall Drugs, Open daily ..SI MON REAL ESTATE Used Cars) 210 W.Higham, Com­ 7:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.,Sunday8:30- REAL ESTATE ?348 Krouse Rd. FURNITURE Audrey & Jerome Witgen John Schumaker plete Body & Service. 12:30 & 5 to 7 p.m. Burton Abstract and Title Co. 224-2206 (517) 834-2860. * . « * Abstract and Title Services, 119 224-7371 Largo selection sewing ma­ N. Clinton. Ph. 224-3204, John Fedewa Louis'Thelen chines, parts, accessories, Mill­ 593-2197 593-3158 Egan Ford sales, Inc., 200 W. ELECTRICIANS er Furniture 224-7265, St. Johns. Higham, phone 224-2285. Pinto, Gail Goetze Rey Hanses GOLDEN STALLION ESTATES OFFERS Ford -Maverick-Torino-Mustang Furman-Day Realty, 1515 N.US- 587-3422 27, Member Lansing Hoard of 224-2673. Several NEW HOMES read/ to move Esther Hendershot Maintenance Elect, Service Res­ Realtors, Multiple Listing into. Call for APPT. Mack Real Estate idential, Commercial, Industrial GIFTS Service, 224-3236 or Toll J-'reo 224-3563 from Lansing 485-0225. (517)834-2860 Hub Tire Center, B. F. Goodrich Ph. 224-796C, 507 E. Hlgham LOTS, FARMS, ACREAGE, HOMliS,BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES, Tires, Ph. 224-3218, Front End The Treasure Chest, 220 N. GOOD SELECTIONS. Alignment. Clinton, Hallmark Cards-RUss- RESTAURANT ell Stover Candy Schmitt Electric Co., Residen­ ROTARY WATER WELL DRILLING tial - Commercial - Industrial, Members of Lansing Board of Realtors ALL WORK GUARANTEED , 224-4277, 807 1/2 E. State St. DALEY'S FINE FOOD, Dining A & Multiple Listing Exchange Service. Bob's Auto Body, Complete Col­ HARDWARE SUBMERSIBLE" PUMPS SOLD & REPAIRED lision Service, 224-2921, 800 N. Cocktails, Ph. 224-3072, S. U.S. 27-1/2 mile S. M 21. GILBERT & INGALLS, Inc. Lansing. Dalman Hardware, Ph. 669-6785, AL GALLOWAY DeWitr-669-9636 or Dimondale-646-2871 DeWitt, Whirlpool. Appliances, FERTILIZERS Zenith TV, Plumbing and Heating WESTERN Dolur Ghevrolot Co. New & Used USED FARM EQUIPMENT Zeeb Fertilizers, Everything for W9 n i H^I E™ Cars. Hlslc— 8C2-4800. Youcan't Tom's Western Storo, 1 ml. W. TRACTORS - COMBINES - CORNHEADS do bo tier anywhere. the soil, St. Johns, 224-3234, INSURANCE Ovid, 9 - 3:30 Mon. - Sat., Frl. TILLAGE TOOLS - PLANTERS - PICKERS Ashley, 847-3571, til 9. Anytime Ity Appt.,834-r.440. TRACTOR PARTS - REBUI LT HEADS NEW HOMES Jim McKenvie Insurance An Moore Oil Co., If It's tires, Lino of Ins. 224-2479 IonIa-527- - CALL MILLIE GOOD SELECTION AT ALL TIMES BY j 009 E. State, Ph. 224- FINANCIAL 2480. and place your see us advertisement in this Schafer Bros. Builders , I 4720. Phone (517) 224-4713 or 224-4300 JEWELRY. DIRECTORY Capitol Savings & Loan Assoc, Licensed and fully insured-Free estimates & planning. 3 lines for 50? Each First Farm North of St. Johns on •Hottlor's M6tor Sales, 24 hr. 222 N. Clinton, 224-2304, Safety additional line 20?, Six Service, Good Used Lake's Jewellery, Your Diamond US -27 Call 669-9494 or 669-5070 Wrpfikff for Savings since 1890. Specialists, Ph. ,224-2412, week minimum running. tf T rile ki*. ST. JOHNS, MICH, 559. C. Webb Road DeWitt A14 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St Johns, .Michigan FEBRUARY 23,1972 Clinton firm helps put Q-E on map

~"jT' Edward Loznak, white boat, inspects part oC the #p>:- -'-'M Clinton Machine equipment with George Burkitt, financial .vice-president of the firm, left; Harold Wellman, president, Central National Bank; and Wayne Hicks, Loznak explains various parts that can be made by vice-president and auditor of the bank. using the Clinton Machine equipment his firm produces. •r-TT

Loznak and Wellman view a milling opera­ *Lii- Here they view one of the finished products Workmen Louis J. Sipka, John Jelinek tion run by worker Tap Evitts. at Clinton Machine, ready for outside production. and Eric Sullivan display a finishing machine.

••=*T- _' Central National Bank Presents...No. 6 in a Series ^^T-.^ Clinton Machine, Inc Ovid, Michigan

A metal forming machine is started. Harold The bank's president, Harold Wellman views Wellman, president of Central National wat­ Roger Schult2 as the steel pattern roll is ches as Les Bottimer constructs the machines turned to exact specifications. base.


. .-.-•• -'ir s ^

** Manufacturer of Metal Forming and Handling to Systems For World Wide Distribution Clinton Machine's president Ed Loznak and A roll forming machine for mobile home ? the bank's Wayne Hicks watch as a completed skirting has been constructed and is ready roll forming machine Is given the final in­ for testing. Each machine is custom built for spection before shipping. Louts J. Sipka, the customers specific needs. John Jelinek and Eric Sullivan prepare to place a protective shield over the roller sta­ tions. Next Week: Karber Block Co.

Edward Loznak, Clinton Machine Company president, displays a unique steel beam pro­ duced on machines his firm builds that could revolutionize mobile home construction, * Looking on are Harold Wellman, Central Na­ CENTRAL tional Bank president, left, W^yne Hicks, 'Cental* National vice-president and auditor and George Burkitt, Clinton Machine financial vice-president. NATIONAL BANK

See a display of materials made with equip­ ment manufactured by Clinton Machine In the lobby of Central National Bank. PEWAMO ST. JOHNS OVID 'Promotion' keynotes Holstein owner meeting| Clinton County OVID-ELSIE - "Promot­ souri Association were reports and interviews by ing Registered Holsteins" using changing Black and the state committee earlier News * was the theme of the fea­ White Shows to Registered this year. tured speaker, John E. Holstein Shows due to Red Charles Green'of Elsie s • Cooper, secretary of the and White Holsteins, and was recognized for his out­ Missouri Holstein-Friesian how representation of the standing showing at the Statle Association, at the Michigan National Holstein-Friesian 4-H Dairy Show held last" i Holstein-Friesian Associa­ Board needs improving. August at 'Michigan State FEBRUARY 23,1972 | tion annual meeting Feb. 5, Also he suggested that the University. SECTION at Ovid-Elsie High School. group consider the idea of Entertainment was pro­ Cooper pointed out that registering of purebred vided by Clinton County grade holstein cattle insome I in promoting registered youth including an instru­ B dairy cattle, dairymen need way. mental selection by Jeff to have a superior product; Kathy Hazle of St. Johns and Greg Hazle and Lisa tell people about it; and and Donald Jewell of Ionia Bissell of St. Johns, Key­ make the product available received plaques for being board Kapers by Charles Highway commission to offer 'or sale. Michigan's Distinguished Green of Elsie and several Other areas covered by Holstein Girl and Boy for vocal selections by the St. projects for small contractors ooper were methods of 1972. They were selected Johns High School girls en­ romoting cattle the Mis­ following reviewing .their semble. LANSING ~ A special bid- $65,000. They include inter-, taking to attract small and section widening, roadside North Bengal minority contractors will be mowing, bridgeabutment re­ Hy Mrs Win, ilrnst held at 2 p.m. Feb. 24 pair and general highway (Thursday) in Lansing, the safety and maintenance On Saturday evening, Feb. State Highway Commission wo irk. 12 Carol Clark and David announced. Fox of Lansing were united One of the projects to be In marriage at St. Paul Commission Chairman included is the chemical Lutheran Church at Fowler. Charles H. Hewitt said the weed sprayingalongportions Their ceremony was wit­ Commission hoped the bid- of M 11, M 21, M 37, M 44, nessed by their immediate taking would be the first of a M 45, M46, M 57, M 66, US families and a few close continuing program intended 31, US 31 Business Route, friends. The wedding was to attract many individuals US 131,1 96 Business Route, followed by a wedding supper and smaller companies who and I 96 in Gratiot, Clinton, served in the Lutheran Duane Green, right, of Elsie, who organized the have not entered into the Ionia, Kent, Mecosta, Mont­ Parish Hall. Davis is a son competitive bidding process calm, Muskegon, Newaygo, of Mr. and Mrs. Leo C. state meeting at Ovid-Elsie last week, presents Distin­ and not shared in construc­ Oceana and Ottawa counties. Fox of this community. The guished Holstein Boy and Girl awards to Donald Jewell tion of Michigan's highway The Project involves ato- newlyweds will live in Lan­ of Ionia and Kathy Hazl-e of St. Johns, system. tal of 6,630 acres on 533 sing where both are em­ Cost of all the projects, miles of highway, at estimat­ ployed. totaling an estimated $600,- ed cost of $24,000. The com­ 000 ranges from an estimat­ pletion date for the project An ounce of prevention ed $6,000 to an estimated is June of 1972. Rearing children in foreign lands poses, that those whom he John Copper of Ozark, Mo., By JOSE J. LLINAS, M.D. - the child to suck her thumb, rapidly. If a family with children cares the most about have Dr. Werkman gives the Director of Community thinking that it was a good Separation from a care­ needs to live outside the was the featured speaker at the State abandoned him. example of a ten-year-old Mental Health for Clinton, girl who appearedfrightened thing, because it gave her taker, however, if done too States for a period of time, This occurs often in fam­ Holstein-Friesian Association Eaton and Ingham and depressed, constantly comfort. This apparently abruptly after the child has the parents should be aware ilies in this country, if the meeting held at Ovid-Elsie High sucking her thumb. was part of a tendency in gotten use to her, particu­ of the opportunities as well There are, at anyparticu- father is so involved in his as the hazards Involved. She was the daughter of a the area to infantilize chil­ larly if she is a competent, School, lar time, about 250,000 work that he has no time for dren, treat them like babies, Many of the problems can American children living the children, and the mother young couple in the diplo­ warm and concernedperson, matic service, and had lived when they really are clearly may create problems of its be avoided or minimized by outside the United States. has so many social obliga­ over the infancy years. anticipation, open discussion, tions that the day to day her first nine years outside own. Some of these families live When the parents again and careful planning, involv­ supervision and care of the of the United States. or have lived in our tri- resumed taking care of the ing, to the extent possible, youngster are in the hands The nursemaid, who was a THE OUNECE OP county area, and I thought it child, she improved very the youngsters themselves. would be of some interest of servants and relatives. foreign national, encouraged PREVENTION to discuss this problem, and what can be done about it. De. Sidney L. Werkman, a psychiatrist formerly with the U.S. State Department, has written an interesting new hours for better service article dealing with it. Last year at a kindergar­ ten meetinginCentralSchool in Okemos, a group of par­ in Bath, Eureka, Hubbardston, ents were discussing this. OnV c6uple-was .concerned _ about their oncoming assign­ ment in Italy, because they were taking their two-year- Maple Rapids and Wacousta old son. The mother was particularly concerned about school materials she could take with her that would "stimulate* the child. My wife and I smiled, as we thought how much more stimulating a new and foreign environment can be to a youngster than all the school materials one could ever Charles Green of Elsie collect. receives an award from George Dr. Werhman agrees with Hazle of St. Johns at the state this point of view, recogniz­ ing that living outside the meeting. Green was named top country offers many oppor­ showman at the state 4-H Dairy' tunities for vivid experi­ ences and healthy character Show and was honored py the development. Holstein association. He cautions, however, that, as with most great opportunities in life, there are also psychological haz­ ards to ward against. Overseas living, he points out, may foster a mixture of fears, unusual child care practices and a sense of ROZEN & alienation. The main problem in these cases seems to be the placing WOODARD of the child overseas In the hands of a caretaker, rather than the parents. Though the INC. ^ basic needs of the youngster may be satisfied, he may LICENSED CONTRACT CARPENTERS feel, for all practical pur- • HOMES .BUSINESSES BUILDING and REMODELING FREE ESTIMATES and PLANNING * £effice Phone Phone Phone Elsie 862-4195 St. Johns 224-2597 Grand Ledge 626-6905 PerJCHttel * Arm'y Private BLAINE L. STEVENS, 18, son of Mr. and You've Time To Save At The Wide-Awake bank..... Mrs. Loyal A. Stevens, 709 S. Baker St., St. Johns, re­ This Is cently completed eightweeks NOW of basic training at the U.S. 5 PAYING 5 % Army Training Center, Armor, Ft. Knox, Ky., He ON MINIMUM Bruce Fowler Week ON TWO YEAR ON ONE YEAR received instruction in drill CERTIFICATES DEPOSITS OF $500.00 CERTIFICATES and ceremonies, weapons, map reading, combat tactics,, Bruce is another of the many citizens who work be­ military courtesy, military hind the scenes to insure the success 6f activities ben­ justice, first aid, and army eficial to our community. His support has aided such history and traditions. Pvt. diverse groups as Little League, Scouting, Jaycees, I Stevens is a 1971 graduate Punt-Pass-and-Kick program, Chamber of Commerce of St. Johns High School.' and many others. He is past president of the St. .Johns Rotary Club and continues as a board member. Bruce Fowler is a participator and for that we're The wide-awake bank makes ita^soeasy. proud to name him as our citizen of the week. ! Hihcaid f 1 Mr. and Mrs. Clarence CLINTON NATIONAL BANK AND TRUST COMPANY Parks and girls visited Mr* CLINTON NATIONAL and Mrs. Porter Parks. Serving The Clinton Area From Eleven Locations Norman Davis of St, Johns Member FDIC | BANK & TRUSTfCO. '< visited Mr, and Mrs. Porter Parks, Sunday. 2B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan FEBRUARY 23,1972 i&:ft&::::W:::::::::$;:::!$::& Back Through Strike abuse

the Years By T|M YOUNKMAN

From the Clinton i|j Remember the days when harsh trends today. We are filed bankruptcy two weeks County News files ft you were a true revolution­ far from the economy of ago and 1,000 men are idle. Less talk, please r^——& of 1971,1962,1947' $ ary (and sometimes labeled 1947—yet union leaders con­ Sealed Power Corp. ad­ a Bolshevik) when your union tinue to pursue policies vised union leaders to talk annual Wolverine Boys'State declared a strike? geared to that era, the workers away from an This being an election year, it is hoped that by the time all ONE YEAR AGO Some readers will re­ And that type of leader­ impending strike last year, Feb. 24, 1971 which Is scheduled to be held of the campaigning is through, we haven't all become physic­ on the Michigan State Uni­ member that feeling of exu­ ship will kill the workers or else the company would versity Campus. Attending berance and righteousness In this country for sure. be forced out of town. They ally sick over it all. An example, early in the "season": A group of Bath Town­ that swept over the crowd Strikes, for the most part scoffed at the Idea—and the ship residents intend to con­ are Brian Waltz, Chuck Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, running for the Democratic Jenkins, Ronald Hicks, Alan as they sat down and refused in 1972, are unnecessary. company announced tw tinue efforts to recall Duane to work until conditions were The one who suffers most is weeks that they were build Smith from his township sup­ Lletzke and Roger Weseman. presidential nomination, says that "the American tax system Clubs participating in the met and pay Increased* the worker himself. ing two new plants (one I ervisor post despite a recent 1 Others may remember the For example, last year Kentucky and another in Bel- is unfair and unjust. It is rigged against work, against wages, State Election Board ruling event are Rotary Club, Ex­ change, Lions, Chamber of bloddy days when swarms the City of Muskegon suf­ glum). It is possible that against salaries. It is rigged againsttheelderly.lt is rigged that the petitions circulated of police helped usher in fered one of Its worst times another 1,000 men will be were not valid. Commerce and the American Legion. strike breakers to do the in history due to workers out of work there shortly. against the middle income workers. It is rigged against the The second annual DeWitt work the regulars refused. The lady patients at Rivard going out on strike without poor. And it is rigged in favor of unearned income." High School Art Show is Those riots—they were a good reason. The Irony of that was a scheduled to'be held In the Nursing Home in St. Johns clashes of self-defense. The Now we all know that Congress writes the tax laws. Demo­ got a new hair-do for Val- was at 12 comoany official told me ( DeWitt High School cafetor- workers were on one side per cent, with four or five Sealed Power was planning \ crats have held control of the U.S. Congress since 1955. So, lum. The show is sponsored entlne's Day, courtesy of and the police, scabs and four local beauty shop plants almost closed due to more than $1 million in] by the students and will company men on the other. the poor economy, while at expansion programs before it doesn't take much thought process to accept the fact that feature works done in op­ owners, Gary Gill, son of Mr, and Those days, fortunately, two others, workers the strike was called. That responsibility for the American tax system being unfairly art, water colors, ceramics, are over. demanded pay Increases and would have meant more work silk and collages. Mrs. Robert A. Gill of St. and unjustly rigged rests smack on Humphrey's party. Johns, is a member of the For the most part, there a huge jump in fringe bene­ and more Jobs—instead it A group of Clinton County Is no real need for two- fits. meant no Jobs at all. It brings us to the crux: residents will meet for an cast for the play "Under Milkwood," a WesternMlch- fisted, riot-geared strikers Both plants decided that Instead of talking about tax reform, let's see Humphrey organizational meeting to to march up and down In a strike would ruin them, Other plants in the area discuss the possibilities of igan University speech department production. front of a factory, defying and told the union bargain­ are cutting back due to poor and the rest of the congressional herd galloping after the forming a Clinton' County anyone to cross their line. Funeral services were ers the same. The workers labor relations. Democratic nomination do something about it. Congress Keep America Beautiful The tragedy Is it still refused to listen. They went This scene can be re­ Committee. Gerald Shepard held this week for Walter Miller of Fowler who died happens. out. The result? Continental traced In many areas writes the tax laws. The Democrats control Congress. is acting as temporary, From the late 1800's to Motors Corp., which had chairman until permanent as a result of an automobile throughout Michigan and the What are we waiting for ? accident which occured at the the middle 1950's, strikes employed 4,000 workers, country, Owosso faces high officers can be selected. were an essential part of closed its doors for good. unemployment for the same Engineering Graphics, intersection of Wright and Price Roads. checking the monopolistic That puts 4,000 more on the reason, as an example. Inc. of DeWitt Township has advantages held by company unemployment rolls. It is time the union lead­ been acquired by the Wil­ 25 YEARS AGO bargainers. Little was of­ Instead of working for ership and company bar­ liam C. Reichenbach Com­ fered to the workers and it .Feb. 27, 1947 $3.25 an hour (after wanting gainers come to some sort pany of Lansing. The plant took an army of takers to $3.50) the strike now has of agreement without Voting against produces precision photo re­ St. Johns will Journey to get what they needed. them staying at home for depending on the useless productions of engineering The average pay of apost- $0.00 an hour, "threat" of strike. It should drawings, maps and docu­ Greenville this Friday for primary the last basketball game of war factory worker, even in Lakey Foundry, another be a tool of last resort, to ments. the better plants, amounted factory employing 1,000 in 'be used only in extreme in­ the regular season. It will stances of gross neglect by Rep. Douglas Trezlse Funeral services were also be the last opportunity to something like $47 take- that city, went on strike a 87th District held this week for Gerald home. year ago, despite company a company for the union for the Redwings to break in­ workers. R. Danley at the Osgood to the win column in West However, while there was warnings that the firm was So Michigan is going to may not be listed as in vaged. We have before us in Funeral Home In St. Johns. Central league play. a need for drastic action to on the verge of bankruptcy. Without this in mind, the have a presidential primary support of aparticularpres- the legislature many ques­ ^Mr, Danley, 77, died at the In recognition of Glenn Improve that kind of Income The workers thought that the company may still prosper election. idential candidate. If they tions concerning amend­ Clinton Memorial Hospital Tupper's 40 years of news­ and condition—there seems warnings were just talk. elsewhere, but the worker By popular demand of are, they must remain ments to the State Consti­ following a short illness. paper work, nearly 25 of little need to follow the same They weren't. The factory will not be so lucky. almost no one except the pledged to the support of tution, Among these is a Before his retirement in them spent In St, Johns, the political professionals, that candidate throughout the proposed change in the con­ 1952 he'was owner of B. employees of the Republican Michigan voters will be process of selecting dele­ stitutional language con­ Danley and Sons inSt. Johns. News office and their guests "If It Fltz • • • going to the polls on May gates to the state and cerning lotteries which Reports presented to surprised him at a dinner 16 to indicate their prefer­ national conventions. Yet, would legalize bingo, raffles stockholders at the annual party. ences from among the candi­ the final result of this and even a state operated meeting of Clinton National Fowler's speedy, sharp- dates for president in both process must, underthenew lottery, I feel certain this Bank and Trust Company this snoot'fng quintet emerged as parties and elect new pre­ law, be a delegation to the question will also be on the week showed an approximate the winner of the first an­ Our changing times cinct delegates to manage national convention made up May 16 ballot. 160 per cent Increase In the nual Republican News Junior the affairs of their parties of persons committed to There are other possibil­ bank's assets over the past High School Basketball fo r the next two years. presidential candidates ac­ ities including educational" ten years. tournament when they de­ Just a few weeks ago, I cording to the percentage of Editor, Lapeer County Press questions, questions con­ feated Ovid's entry at the St. II wrote in this column that I the state-wide popular vote. cerning the courts and sev­ 10 YEARS AGO Johns high school 26-6. By Jim Fitzgerald r thought the idea of thepres- Thus, it would be possible eral others which could well Feb. 22, 1962 ' i » • i * .i_

Dated- January 17, 1072 Tax Sale ALLISON GREEN 5? I* s'g! State Treasurer of the natD *%M lift STATE OP MICHIGAN State of Michigan, for lift t"Q Dol, CU. Dol. CU. In the Circuit Court tor the and In behalf of said State. County of Clinton BATH TOWNSHIP VILLAGE OF BATH ' DEWITT TOWNSHIP DEWITT TOWNSHIP DEWITT TOWNSHIP OLIVE TOWNSHIP In tho Matter of the Complaint Town ESN Range 1 W Town 5N Range 1 W Town 6 N Range 2 W Town B N Range 2 W Town 5 N Range 2 W . Town 6 N Range 2 W of Allison Green,StateTreasur- SCHEDULE "A"! that part of tho W 60 acres of the Bg N 2 degrees E 120 ft fr SE cor 10 - I960 199.37 th'S 03 degrees 03*56* W 60 ft to oi the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of 1042' along S Sec. line, then N 011', er of the State of Michigan, S 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Sec. 34- Outlot A, Sup pi in of Pk Lk, th Beg 14B5 ft S & 1669 ft W of cent of pt of beg, Sec, 22, T5N-R2W E 680', S 367.5', E 362', S 243,5', 1 to beg., Sec. 22-T6N-R2W for and in behalf of said State, T5N-IUW, lying E of center of N 8 degrees E alg N&S 1/4 In Sec Sec, 10-T5N-R2W, th W'ly alg cent 31 - I960 134.55 22 1089 111.92 Taxes Of 1969 And Prior 22 11,84 I960 274.97 for the sale of certain lands Center Rd, 2B, T5N-R1W 40 ft, th N 8B degrees of Webb Rd 343 fl, N 70 degree 37' Beg at a concrete monument 550 ft ' DUPLAINTOWNSHIP 1 acre in sq form In SE cor of NE for taxes assessed thereon. Years 34 2,54 1009 318,58 W 101.20 ft to W In Outlot A th W 21.1 ft, N 270 ft, E 20.8 ft, rght of Sta. 13-70 ofthe NE/SW run­ Town 8 N Range 1 W N 100 ft, E 375 f|, S alg Wsd 1/4 of NE 1/4, Sec. 24, T6N-R2W No. Com 120 rds N 4 628.3 ft W of S 1/4 5 1 degree 5B'w40ftthS 88 degrees way of Cap, City Airport Sec 31 Kruger Lane 132 ft, w 75 ft, S Com 40 rds N of W 1/4 post of Sec 24 1 1969 113.63 1007 post of Sec. 34, T5N-R1W, for pt T5N-R2W, th S 36 degrees 50'04» rf £ of beg, th W 137.2 ft, S'ly 182 ft, E 101.27 ft to bg 208 ft to pt of beg. E 300 ft, th N 53 degrees 03'56* 2 .T8N-R1W, run th E 180 ft. th N 200 ft. of W 200 ft of NW 1/4 of On reading and filing the complaint* th E 147.1 ft to pi of beg • I960 153.05 Also beg UBS ft S 4 1G84.2 ft W & E 110 ft, th N 36 degrees 56'04" N 242.ft, th W 180 ft, th S 242 ft NW 1/4 Sec. 26, T6N-R2W of the State Treasurer of the Stato of to beg ' 26 1 I960 185.14 34 .50 1000 130.65 North 74 ft. of Outlot B. sunervisor's 383 ft N of cent of Sec 10, th W W 300 ft , th S 53 degrees 03*56* 2 1 1960 132.63 E 1/2 of SW 1/4, Sec. 27-T6N-R2W, , Michigan praying (or a Judgment in The E 4 A of W 15.45 A of that part Plat No. 1, a part of E l/2ofSW 1/4 285 ft, N 1339.25 ft, E 317.4 ft, W 110 ft to pt of beg W 1/2 of W 1/2 of SE 1/4, Sec. 4 exc 290 ft E&W by 450 ft, N&S out favor of the Stato of Michigan, against of NE 1/4 Sec. 35, T5N-R1W, lying of Sec. 26-T5N-R1W, except the N 2 S 730 ft, SW'ly 233,33 ft to NW cor 31 - 1969 304.47 of SW cor thereof each parcel of land therein described, S or M 78 ft, thereof Of Lot 8, Hope Subd., W 30 ft S T8N-R1W for the amounts therein specified, 155 ft, E 30 ft, S 220 ft to bog. 4 40 1969 347.64 27 11 1069 293.42 35 4 1069 297.03 1060 30.08 AUTO PARK SUBD. claimed to be duo for taxes, Interest Com at a stake at the NW cor of the W 1/2 of SE 1/4, Sec. 27-T0N-R2W Dol. Cts. Com, at a point on E line of Outlot B Also beg 1320 ft W & 680 ft S of N 1/4 N 1/2 of the SW 1/4 of Sec 6-T8N- 27 80 1969 408.58 and charges on each such parcel of VILLAGE OF BATH Supv. Plat No. 1, 76 ft S of NE cor post of Sec 10, th S 1405,79 ft, W Lot 54, Auto Park Subd, Sec. 33- R1W, th ru nn from stake S at dlst Land com. at SE corner of Sec. 33- land, and that suet) lands be sold for Town 5 N Range 1 W of outlot, th S B2.1 ft, W to a pt on 665 ft, N 1405,19 ft E E 665 ft to pt T5N-R2W BATH TOWNSHIP T6N-R2W, th W 410 ft., N 270 ft., the amounts so claimed by the State W line Of Sd Outlot 156.7' SE'ly of beg. 33 1980 24.84 of 12 1/2 rds, th E 8 rds, th N Town 5 N Range 1 W Lot 4, Blk 2 E 275 ft th N 43.5 ft., th E 135 ft., of Michigan. of NW cor, NW'ly 82.7ft,thEto beg. Also beg 561 ft W of cent of Sec 10, 12 1/2 rds, th W 8 rds to pi of beg, The W 41 rds of W 1/2 or NW 1/4 of Lot 73, Auto Park Subd. Sec. 33- It Is ordered that satd complaint 2 1060 42,17 S 612 ft alg W sd Remey-Chandle cons of 5/8 of A m/1 IhS 313.5 ft. to beg. Sec 1-T5N-R1W, exc 10 rds EiWby 1069 30.08 T5N-R2W will bo brought on for hearing and Judg­ Lot 6, Block 2, Bath r Dm, W 743.13 ft, N 649.91 ft, E 6 « 1969 71.04 33 - 1960 40.10 IE rds N&S In NW cor thereof; also E 110.75 ft. of N 75 ft. of Outlot G, 33 1969 24.B4 ment at the March term of this Court, 2 1960 114.B2 730 ft to beg. S 1/3 of E 3/8 Of W 1/2 of SE 1/4 Land com. at a point 10 rods N of SE exc, .07 Ac in SW cor thereof. Supervisor's Plat No. 1, with an Lot 74, Auto Park Subd. Sec. 33- to be held at St. Johns, tn the County Lots 3 and 10, Block G, Bath 10 44.33 1969 1509.02 except Ann Arbor RR r/w;alsocom. corner of Sec. 33-T6N-R2W, th W135 1 30.02 1009 403.54 easement across N 9 fl of sd E T5N-R2W of Clinton, State of Michigan, on the 6 1869 450,27 Beg at NE cor Lot 7, Hope Subd, 48 rods E of 1/4 post an S side of ft., S 43.5 ft., th W 275 ft., N 60 Beg 1057.62' N & 1330.42' W of SE 110.75 ft of sd Outlot G 33 1069 246.63 13th day of March A.D, 1972, at the S 1/2 of Lot 1 and S 1/3 of Lot 2, Sec 10-T5N-R2W, th N 165.8 ft, E Sec. 12, then N 18 rods, to Ann ft., th E 410 ft,, S 16.5 ft. to beg. cor or Sec 1-TSN-IUW, th E 350' 10G9 290.32 opening of the Court on that day, and Block 11, Bath 18.B7 fl, N 649.91 ft, W 150 ft, N DELVTN HILLS SUBD. Arbor RR, NWalongsaldr/w23rods 33 I960 141.30 that all persons Interested In such lands 5 100', W 350', th N 150' tobeg. 11 19G0 265.77 SUPV. PLAT OF SMITH'S SUBD. 220 ft, E 150 ft, N 358,21 ft, W 665 24 links, S 29 rods 2 links, to S W 1/4 Of NE 1/4, Sec. 34-T6N-R2W or any part thereof, desiring to contest 1 1.21 1060 311,00 Lots 0 and 10, except the South I Lots 13 and 14, Supervisor's Plat of ft, N 410.B ft, W 460.0 ft, S 397.8 ft, Lot 11, Delvln Hills, subd of part of Sec. line, E 21 rods 2 links to beg,, 34 40 1969 1109.34 the Hen claimed thereon by the State The SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec 3-T5N- rod of Lot 0, Block 15, Bath Smith's Subdivision, Bath Twp. E 80.9 ft, S 172 ft, W 220 ft, S W 1/2 of NW 1/4, Sec 21, T5N-R2W all in Sec. 12-T8N-R1W NE 1/4 of NW 1/4, Sec. 34-T6N-R2W of Michigan, for such taxes, Interest RlW, exc the N 24.85 rds thereof. 15 ' 10G0 148.37 1060 240,01 60 ft, E 230 ft, S 107 ft, E 360 ft, 21 1060 38.35 12 15 1060 232.76 34 40 1969 4B7.03 and charges, or any part thereof, shall 3 27.57 1060 240.01 Lots 53 and 54, supervisor's Plat of N 24.65 ft, E 317.4 fr S 730 ft, Lot 18, Delvln Hills, subd of part of Com 26 rds W of NE cor of Sec. 28, E 1/4 of SW 1/4, Sec. 34-T6N-R2W appear in said Court, and file with The N 1/2 of the NE 1/4 of the SW CULVER'S PLAT NO. 1 Smith's Subdivision, Bath Twp. SW'ly 233.33 ft to NW cor of Lot W 1/2 of NW 1/4, Sec 21, T5N-R2W T8N-H1W, th S 25 rds, W 32 rds, 34 40 1069 104.41 1/4 of Section 4-T5N-R1W. the clerk thereof their objections there­ 1969 61.28 8, Hope Subd,, E 90 ft, SE'ly to NW 21 1060 32,46 N 25 rds, E 32 rds to beg 4 20 1069 25.37 Lots 34 and 35, Culver's Plat No. 1, cor of Lot 7, Hope Subd, E 200 ft to on or before tho first day of the term Lots 57, 58, 59 and 60, Supervisor's Lot 19, Delvih Hills, subd of part of 28 5 1969 140.65 Beg 1155 ft E of NW cor of SW 1/4 Bath Twp. to pt of beg. OVID TOWNSHIP of this Court above mentioned, and that Plat of Smith's Subdivision, Bath W 1/2 of NW 1/4, Sec 21,T5N-R2W Town 7 N Range 1 W of NW 1/4 of Sec 5, T5N-RIW, th S 1960 100.22 In default thereof the same will be Twp. 10 19.77 1969 798.29 21 I960 32.46 MAPLETON taken as confessed and a Judgment will 330 ft, E 165 ft, N 330 ft, W 105 Lot 20, Delvln Hills, subd of part of SHEPARDSVILLE ft to pt of beg. DUMONTS ADDITION TO PARK 1069 75.68 S 2 1/2 acres of N 1/4 of W 1/2 of be taken and entered as prayed for in LAKE HEIGHTS SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 or Sec] 11- W 1/2 of NW l/4,Sec21,T5N-R2W Lots 139 ti 140 of theVUlageof Maple- 5 1.25 10G9 42.17 Lots 61, 62, 63 and 64, Supervisor's said complaint. And it Is further T5N-R2W 21 1969 38,35 ton, Sec. 29, T8N-R1W Also Lots 145, Land com. at SW corner, Blk. 3, Beg 50 ft, W of NE cor of Sec, 6, Plat of Smith's Subdivision, Bath Shepardsville, thence running E150', ordered that in pursuance of said Judg­ Lots 1, 2 and 3, Dumonts Addition 11 2.5 1069 218.34 - 146 & 147 of the Village of Maple- T5NR1W, th S 264 ft, W 330 ft, Twp. th, N to a line common to N line of ment the lands described In said to Park Lake Heights, Bath Twp. Beg. 285' W of NE corner of Sec. 20- DYER'S SUBD. ton, Sec. 29, T8N-R1W N 264 ft, E 330 ft to pi of beg. 1060 15.68 Lots 2 & 3, W 25 links, N 45', complaint for which a Judgment of salo 10G0 165,13 T5N-R2W, th S 660', W 132', N 660', 29 1969 150.05 6 2 1969 340.63 BENGAL TOWNSHIP W 150', S 45', E 25 links S to place shall be made, will be'sold for the Lot 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 0 Dumonts E 132', to beg. Lot 22, Dyer's Subd. Sec.2B-T5N-R2W W 1/2 Of NE 1/4, Sec. 33-T8N-R1W Beg at a pt 52B' W of NE cor of Sec, Town 7 N Range 3 W of beg, several taxes, Interest and charges Addition to Park Lake Heights, Bath 20 2 1969 173.B1 28 1969 273.17 Exc com at N 1/4 Cor of Sec. 33, 6 T5N-R1W Th W 380' Th N 132' 3 1969 120.47 thereon as determined by such Judg­ Twp. S 50 A of W 80 A of S135 A of Com at a pt 678 ft E of N 1/4 post of Lot 20, Dyer's Subd. Sec.2B-T5N-R2W Th E 500', S 435.6', W 500',N435,6' Th E 3B0' Th S 132' to pt of beg. to beg N 144' of Mill Lot, Blk. 3, Shepards­ ment, on the first Tuesday In May 1069 221.04 SW 1/4, Sec. 35-exc 1/2 acre on 5 Sec. 20, T5N-R2W, th S 407 ft, E107 25 1909 422,63 G 1.15 10G0 304.01 33 15 1069 182.69 ville. thereafter, beginning at 10 o'clock a.m. Lots 12 & 13 Dumonts Addition to side; Also E 55 A of S 135 A of ft, N 407 ft, W 107 ft to beg Lot 27, Dyer's Subd. Sec. 2B-T5N-R2W Beg 510 ft. N or NE cor'of S 1/2 - 3 1069 17.10 on said day, or on the day or days sub­ Park Lake Heights, Bath Twp. SW 1/4 sd sec, exc the E 20 Acres 20 1 1960 751.06 28 1009 26.00 E 1/2 of'NW 1/4, Sec. 33-T8N-R1W of NE 1/4 of Sec 0, T5N-R1W, th S 8.75 A of S 42 A Of N 62A of W 1/2 sequent thereto as may be necessary 1SG0 200.87 thereof Beg. 1191 1/2' N of S quarter post of i 33 80 1960 375.19 W 2253 ft, N 200 ft, E 2253 ft, S ' of NE 1/4, Sec. 1. T7N-R1W to complete the sale of said lands andof 35 84.5 1909 260.05 Sec. 20-T5N-R2W, th W 218', N 50', HACKER'ACRES SW 1/4 of Sec. 36-TBN-R1W 200 ft to beg. Lot 16, Dumonts Addition toParkLake 1 8.15 1969 210.14 each and every parcel thereof, at the Heights, Bath Twp. E21B',S 50' to beg. 36 160 1960 921.97 6 15m/1 IOCS 411.13 A pc of Id 343 fl E of centerllne of office of the County Treasurer, or at 1009 10.70 BINGHAM TOWNSHIP 20 - 1969 161.06 Lot8, Hacker Acres, Sec. 28 T5N-R2W Com 310 ft. N of E 1/4 post of Sec. EAGLE TOWNSHIP CI 505 Rd, run N 125 ft from cent such convenient place as shall be Town 7 N Range 2 W AH that part of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 28 ' 1969 353.80 C, T5N-R1W, th W 2040 ft, N 300 Lot 25, Dumont's Addition to Park Lake Town 5 N Range 4 W of Walker Rd, th E 220 ft, th S 125 selected by him at the county seat of of Sec. 22-T5N-R2W,lylngEofWhlte Lot 25, except West 656', Sec. 28- ft, E 2G40 ft, 5 200 ft. topt of beg. Com at SW cor of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of ft, th W 220 ft to pt of beg, being , the county of Clinton,Slate of Michigan; Heights, Bath Twp also Lot 24 Oaks Subd, T5N-R2W Bg at NE cor of W 1/4 of NW 1/4 of G 12m/l 1000 187.51 Sec. 2 T7N-R2W, th E 177 ft., N part of S 30 A SW 1/4 SW 1/4, and that the sale then and there made Beg at cent post of Sec 8 T5N-R1W; 1969 170.73 270 ft., W 177 ft., S 279 to beg. 22 IB 1960 130.46 26 I960 57.83 NE 1/4 Sec. 1 - T5N-R4W, W 100', S 300', E 8B', S 1020' .to S In of Sec 1, T7N-R1W will be a public sale, and each parcel th W alg EW 1/4 In 483.6', S 354.8 2 1.11 1909 208,90 Beg at SE cor of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 Lot 47, except East 747.20', Hacker 1 1069 214.44 ' described in the Judgment shall be SE'ly B27.8', N 501.8', to.sd EW BATH TOWNSHIP Com 14,85 rods W of NE cor sec, or SW 1/4 Sec. 22 T5N-R2W, th N Acres, Sec. 2B-T5N-R2W NW 1/4 of NE 1/4, E 12' to E In, N 1/2 of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Sec. 3 separately exposed for salefor the total 1/4 In, W331' topt of beg. DUMONTS ADDITION TO th W to NW cor of E 1/4 of NE 1/4 90' W 19B' S 90' E 19B' to pt of beg. 26 1069 200.00 N to bg; & S 10A of W 20A of NE -T7N-R1W exc com 340' N of S taxes, Interest and charges, and the 8 8m/l 1060 411.13 PARK LAKE HEIGHTS NO, 2 22 .4 1009 342,27 Lot 46, except East 747.20*, Hacker frl 1/4 sd sec, sd sec, th S 178 ft, E to a pt line of N 1/2 of S 1/2 of NW 1/4 sale shall be made to theperson paying That part of the S 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Com 37 rds S of NW cor of SE 1/4 Acres, Sec. 28-T5N-R2W 1 10.9 1969 206.16 14.85 rds W of E sec line, th N Sec. 3-T7N.R1W; th E 200' N 150', the full amount charged against such NE 1/4 W of NYC rr-Sec 0, T5N- Lots 5 and 6, Dumonts Addition to to place of beg. of Sec. 22, T5N-R2W, th S 3 rds, 2B 1969 30.43 Com 74.47 rds S of W 1/4 post of Sec. Park Lake Heights No. 2 U, T5N-R4W, th E 8 rds, S abt 22 W 200' th S 100' to pi of beg. parcel, and accepting a conveyance of 11 1.7 1909 126.46 E 53 rds, N 3 rds, W 53 rds to beg Lot 50, Hacker Acres, Sec. 28-T5N- 3 30m/l 1060 02.30 the smallest undivided fee simple Inter­ imv. 1960 170.73 Com in NW cor of E 1/2 of SW 1/4 22 1 1969 165,36 R2W rds 5.94 ft, th w 8 rds to sec line, Com 665 ft W of SE cor Sec 11, T7N- est therein; or, If no person will pay 0 10 1060 58.01 Lots 1 & 2 Dumont's Add. to Park Com 4092.1 ft S of NE cor of Sec. 25, 28 1969 172.93 th N to pt of beg. 6 run th E atg the Sec. line 300 R1W & 50 ft N of cent of M-21, the taxes and charges and take a con­ Com at a pt on N side of Sec. 10, Lake Heights No. 2 ft., th S 246 ft,, W 306 ft., & N T5N-R2W, th S 132 fl, W 213 ft, 11 '- 1969 413.38 T5N-R11V which Is E 30 rds of N th W 624 ft N 208 ft, E 624 ft, veyance of less than the entire thereof, 10G9 114.64 24G ft to P.O.B. N 132 ft, E213fttobeg;partofSl/2 LUROMA PARK SUBD. That part of the SW 1/4 of Sec 14- 1/4 cor, tti S app 80 rds with S 208 ft to beg ihen the ultole parcel shall he offered 11 2 1060 829.12 of SE 1/4 of sd Sec. 25 T5N-R4W, lyingS'lyandW'lyofEden W side of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4 th U 3 1969 505.07 .md sold. If jiii tiarct'l of lam! can DRYER'S ADDITION Com 396 ft W of NE cor of N 1/2 25 .66m/l 1969 100.10 Trail; exc Ihe S 100 rds thereof E 10 rds; th N app 80 rds; th W Lot 9, Luroma Park, a subd or the W 2 acres of the S 1/2 of E 1/2 of not be soli! for t.ixes, imerosl ami Pare HZ Beg 480' N of SW cor Sec. a pt 33 ft S of the W 1/4 post of 10 rds to pi of beg. of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of Sec. 15- SE 1/4 of Sec. IB, T5N-R2W S 20 acres of N 50 acres ot E 1/2 cluiges such parcel shall be passed W 245 ft of Lot 17, Dryer's Addition 26 T5N-R2W, th N 1675.35' E 250' sd Section 14, th S 972 ft on the w 10 0 1060 53.91 T7N-R2W, th W 132 ft., S 330 ft., 18 1969 57.62 of NE 1/4 of Sec. 12-T7N-R1W, on such second offer, or during such to Bath E 132 fL, N 330 ft to P.O.B. N 150' E 25' S 1825.35' W 275' to Sec. line to beg, S 1/4 or NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 or Sec Lot 10, Luroma Park, a subd. of the except the W one acre thereof. sale, the same cannot he sold for the 1060 8.59 15 1 1069 544.23 pt of beg. •14 20.5 1069 1112,24 10 T5N-R1W. SE 1/4 of Sec. 18, T5N-R2W 12 1 1960 11.10 amount aforesaid, the County Treasur­ 26 10.66 1960 440.68 14 14m/l 1909 10 10 I960 215.46 LAKEVIEW PLAT SUBD. Com at a pt on E&W 1/4 line of sec 18 1969 23,35 Starting at a point 132' E ot NW cor­ er shall bid off the same In Ihe name Beg. at SW corner of Sec, 29, then E The S 100 rds of that part of the SW Comm. 997' N of th SE cor of SW 1/4 15-T7N-R2W, 924 ft W of NE cor ner of that piece of land described of the State, of NW 1/4 of SW 1/4 or sd sec 15, 1320', N 240,6', W 544.5', N 419.94*, LUROMA PARK NO. 1 1/4 of Sec 14-T5N-R4W, lying S'ly of SE 1/4 Sec. I0-T5NR1W th W Lot 1 except that part beginning at and W'ly of Eden Trail; exc beg 40 as the S 1/2 of E 1/2 or S 20 acres Witness to Hon, Leo W. Corkin, th 300 ft N&S by 132 ft E&W sec. W 775.5', S 627' to beg., T5N-R2W, 666.05', N 332,40', E 666.05', S 332 the SE corner, thence West 0 ft., rds E of SW cor of sec 14, th N or N 50 acres of E 1/2 ot NE 1/4 Circuit Judge, and the seal of said 15 I/m/1 19G9 347.21 exc W 12 A thereof Luroma Park No. 1, a subd of part of Sec. 12-T7N-R1W, containing 5 .40 ft to P.O.B. then to northerly, lot line, thence or the SE 1/4 Of Sec. 18, T5N-R2W 20 rds. E 40 rds, S 20 rds, W 40 Circuit Court of Clinton County this 10 5.08 1069 86.88 easterly 22 ft to NE'ly corner of Com 812 ft W or N 1/4 post Sec. 19 29 3 1960 452.47 acres more of less running' E 132' Beg 60 rds N of SW cor Sec 30, Lot 19 rds to pt of beg; also exc that land 18th day of January, A,D, 1972. SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 14- said lot, thence southerly 100 ft. th W 133 ft., S 0 degree lO'WSll ft., S 20 rods, W 132', N 20 rods to beg. th E 133 ft., th N' 0 degree 10'E T5N-R2W th E 12 rds, th N 4 18 I960 05,74 plaited as Covert's Woodland Acres 12 1 1969 331.94 LEO W, CORKIN, T5N-R1W. to the beginning, Lake View Plat, , 311 ft to beg. rds, th W 12 rds, th S 4 rds to beg Luroma Park No, 1, a subd of part of 14 57.8 1969 216.34 14 40 1069 58.91 Balh Twp, Com 135 ft. W ot NE cor of W 1/2 of Circuit Judge 30 - 1960 202.03 the SE 1/4 of Sec. 18, 'T5N-R2W Com. at pt. on S side of Sec. 36- E 5 A of W 35 A of NE 1/4 SW 1/4 1060 114.84 19 .95 I960 330.52 SW 1/4 Sec. 12, T7N-R1W, run th S Countersigned, Beg at a pt 33' E of the SE cor of Lot 37 T5N-R4W, 1138.1' E of SW cor of sd Sec 16, T5N-R1W. The E 360 ft Of the N 235 ft or W 1/2 200 ft, W 65 ft, th N 200 ft, to ERNEST E. CARTER, Clerk Lot 14, Welssman Subd. No. 1, th 18 1969 60.04 Sec, th E 169.4', th N 202.6' th W 16 5 I960 53.35 LOV1NGS WEST SIDE PLAT of the W 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Sec. cent of hwy, E b'i ft to beg, Luroma Park No. 1, a subd of part of 169.4', th S 202.6' to pi of beg. E 5 A of NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 Sec 16, 20 1.94 I960 235.65 S 448' E 165', N 44B', W 165' to 12 1969 45.26 pt of beg. Being a part of Sec 32 the SE 1/4 Of Sec. 18, T5N-R2W 36 .8 1969 295.55 T5NR1W. Lot 12, Lovings West Side Plat, Bath Land com 08 rods S & 40 rods W Com at SE cor of E 1/2 of SW 1/4 STATE OF MICHIGAN T5N-R2W Lot 28 16 5 1069 75.68 Twp. of NE cor of Sec. 20-th W 40 rods, ESSEX TOWNSHIP of NE 1/4 Sec. 17 T7N-R1W, run N In the Circuit Court for the 32 - I960 13.97 18 1969 BB.59 E 5 A of W 25 A or NE 1/4 of SW 1/4 1069 153,05 s 62 rods, E 40 rods, N 62 rods Town 8 N Range 3 W 193 ft, W 168 ft S 193 ft th E 168 County of Clinton The E 1/2 of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Luroma Park No. 1, a subd of part of Sec 10, T5N-R1W. Lots 16 and-17, Lovings West Side to beg. North 30 acres of W 1/2 of NW 1/4, ft to P.O.B. NW 1/4. Sec. 32, T5N-R2W Also the SE 1/4 of Sec. IB, TGN-R2W 16 5 1069 53.35 Plat Bath Twp. 20 15.50 1080 69.47 Sec. 21-T6N-R3W ,17 i„ , 1969 97.71 In the Matter of the Complaint Pare of land 330 ft E&W by 132 W 1/2 of E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 tot 29 of Allison Green,StateTreasur- Beginning at the SE corner of Sec. 1069 120.41 21 30 1969 25B.2B S 60 acres' of N 1/2 of NW 1/4, Sec. ft N&S out of NW cor of S 1/2 of 32 20 1969 567.5B IB 1909 105.14 er of the State of Michigan, 16 thence North 40 rods, West 20 Lot 4G, Lovings West Side Plat, Bath 22-T7N-R1W NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 or NW 1/4 Of Sec. Beg at SW cor or N 1/2 of SE 1/4 of . for and In behalf or said State, rods, South 40 rods, East 20 rods Twp. GREENBUSH TOWNSHIP 22 60 1069 440,03 SE 1/4, Sec 32, T5N-R2W, th B 231 NORTHDALE FARMS SUBD. Town 8 N Range 2 W for the sale of certain lands to beginning, Sec. 16-T5N-RIW 1960 47.76 22 1 1060 27B.39 E 1/2 of SE 1/4 of Sec. 22-T7N-R1W 16 5 1069 75.68 A parcel of land com at SE cor of ft, N 100 ft, W 231 fl, S 100 ft to E 50 acres of N 1/2 of SW 1/4, Sec. for taxes assessed thereon. Lots 52 and 53, Lovings West Side Beg 100' S of NW cor Lot 31 North- 22 80 1909 825.31 Sec. 23, th W 182 ft., N 274 E 182 beg 2-T8N-R2W Comm 322' N from cent of Drumheller Plat Bath Twp. dale Farms, Sec. 33 T5N-R2W th S Com 382' E of NW cor of NW 1/4 of* Rd & CL 511 lnt's'n, Sec 20-T5N- ft., S 274 ft to beg. 32 1/2 m/1 1969 314.14 2 50 1969 249.30 To the Circuit Court for the County 1060 187.50 50' E 132' N 50' W 132' to P.O.B. NE 1/4 ofSec28-T7N-RlW,thS220', RlW, for pt of beg, th E 400 ft, Lots 70, 71 and 72, Lovings West Side 23 - 1960 109.80 S 4 rods of N 17 rods of SW 1/4 S 43 A of W 100A of NE 1/4 of Sec E 150', N 320', th W 150' topt of beg of Clinton; Com on S side of N 20 acres of of SE 1/4 of Sec. 32-T5N-R2W east 33 1969 46.67 N 200 ft, W 400 ft, S 20O ft to pt of Plat, Balh Twp. 11, T8N-R2W, EXC com 68 rds 16 28 3/4 m/1 1069 146.69 SW 1/4 of Sec, 27, at pt 264 ft E of of center tine of Old DeWltt Rd. Beg 150' S of NW cor Lot 31 North- ft N of center of sd Sec, th E 300 Allison Green, State Treasurer of beg. 1009 176.32 B line of US-27 r/w. th E 165 ft., 32 - 1969 166.12 dale Farms, Sec. 33 T5N-R2W th S ft, S 435 ft 6 in, W 300 ft, N to beg; RILEY TOWNSHIP the State of Michigan, respectfully 20 1.84 1069 215.46 40' E 132*, N 40', W 132' to P.O.B. N 132 ft., W 165 ft., S 132 ft to S 1/4 of NW 1/4 'Sec. 34 T5N-R2W, also exc Com In cen sd sec. th N Town 6 N Range 3 W ' shows unto the Court; Com 108 rds S & 580 ft W of NE cor LOVINGS WEST SIDE PLAT P.O.B. exc beg at NW cor of S 1/4 of NW 33 1969 10.38 626 ft 2 in. E 300 ft. S 145 ft 2 of w 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec 20- NO. 1 E 1/2 of SW 1/4 of Section 27 .5 1960 95.17 1/4, th S 447.5' E 400', N 200', Beg 190' S of NW cor Lot 31 North- In., E 220.8 ft, S 181 ft, E 195 fl, 1. That he Is the State Treasurer T5N-R1W, th W 245 ft, S 52 rds, 10 B0 1009 778.05 Com 1117 ft W of SE cor of S 1/2 W 184', N 247.5', W 216' toptof beg. dale Farms, Sec. 33 T5N-R2W th S S 300 ft, W 715.8 ft to beg; also of the Stale of Michigan and makes E 245 ft, N 52 rds to beg. Lots 102 and 103, Lovings West Side S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Section of Sec. 28, th N 165 ft., W 132 ft., 34 - ,1060 2014.B7 40' E 132' N 40' W 132'-to P.O.B. exc com 1010 ft E of cent sd sec, and flies this complatntunder, by virtue 20 4.83 1060 204.27 Plat No, 1, Balh Twp,, exc E 15 21 80 1069 519.72 S 165 ft., E 132 fttopob. Beg 241.5' S of the NW cor of the S 1/2 33 1969 68.51 th N 300 ft, E 290 ft 5 In, S 300 ft, of and pursuant to the provisions of Act Parcel of land 330 ft, N&S by 132 ft. ft of Lot 103 Com at SE cor of W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of the S 1/2 of the NW 1/4 of Sec W 290 ft 5 in to beg. also exc com No. 206 of the Public Acts of 1893, 1960 170.32 2B 1.5 1509 382.80 of Sec. 23, th N 40 rds, W 20 rds, E&W in SE corner of SW 1/4 of 34, th E 400', S 200*, W 400', N 200' NORTH ROSEWOOD ACRES 100 rd E of cent sd sec, th W 290.4 as amended, Act No. 126 of the Public Lot 109, Lovings West Side Plat No. 1 S 40 rds, th E 20 rds to POB NW 1/4 of Sec, 21-T5N-R1W to pt of beg. exc W 50' for Hwy ft, N 300 ft, E 290.4 ft, S 300 ft to beg Acts of 1033, as amended, and Act Bath Twp. DALLAS TOWNSHIP 23 5 m/1 1069 210,65 21 1 1969 159.55 Town 7 N Range 4 W r/w T5N-R2W Lot IB, North Rosewood Acres Subd. , 11 28m/l 1969 21.90 No. 380 of P.A. 1965, as amended, Com 132 ft w of SE cor of SW 1/4 of 1060 114.82 E 3/4 of E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 34 - 1069 4201.16 Sec. 2B T5N-R2W Com. 991'10» N center sec. 11-T8N- 2. That Schedule A annexed hereto NW 1/4 of Sec 21-T5N-R1W, th W Lot 114, Lovings West Side Plat No. Com at the SW corner of Sec 9- th 33 15 1969 316.71 Beg 369.6' & 412.5' E of NW corner 28 1969 393.68 R2W, thence E 300', S145'2% W300' Is the tax record required by the act 132 ft, N 330 ft, E 132 ft, th S 330 1, Bath Twp. N 7 rods, E 10 rods, S 7 rods, Sec. 34-5-2. th E 206.25', S 105.6', N to beg VICTOR TOWNSHIP first above mentioned and contains the ft to pt of beg, I960 114.62 W 10 rods to bog. W 206.25', N 105.6 ft with right to PARMAHI ACRES 11 1 1969 17.21 Town 6 N Range 1 W description of all lands in the aforesaid 21 1 1060 304.91 Lots 11G and 117, Lovings West Side 0 .875 1969 55.6B use 13' r/w on S entending W to county upon which taxes, which were Beg 300 ft E of W 1/4 post of Sec 21, Plat No, 1, Bath Twp, Lot 15 of Parmahl Acres Subd,, part Com. 846' 8' N center Sec. 11-T8N- NE frl 1/4, except a piece of land in US-27 assessed for the years mentioned • T5N-R1W, th E 264 ft, th N 330 fill 10G0 114.82 DEWITT TOWNSHIP Of W 1/2 of Sec. 21.T5N-R2W R2W, thence E 300*,S 145'2", W 300', NE corner of NE frl 1/4, 13 rods 34 .5 1069 468.61 therein, have remained unpaid for more wilh N&S 1/4 line, th W 264 tlU Lots 125 to 128, Lovings West Side Town 5 N Range 2 W 21 1969 446,99 N to beg. .N&S by 37 rods E&W, Sec. 1-T6N- Beg 154 ft N of SW cor of N 1/2 than one year after they were returned with E&W 1/4 line, th S 330 ft" Plat No, 1, Bath Tv.p. Beg. 80 rods S & 20 rods Wof NE cor­ SUPERVISORS PLAT 11 1 1969 263.50 R1W. of S 1/2 of NW 1/4, Sec 34, T5N- as delinquent, the description of all With N&S 1/4 line, to pt of beg. 1069 120.41 ner of Sec. 4-T5N-R2W, then W 140 VALLEY FARMS SUBD. NO. 1 1 acre 8 rds E & W by 16 rds N4S 1 151.40 1969 547.14 lands In said county heretofore bid off R2W, th E 200 ft. N 150 ft. W 21 2/ 1069 170.73 Lots 133 and 134, Lovings West Side rods S 110 rods to Road 104, NE out of NW cor of SE 1/4 of SEc. In the name of the State and thus held 200 H, S 150 ft to beg exc W 50' Beg. 330' S of NW corner of Lot 5 of 16 lm/1 I960 16B.76 SE 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 1-T6N-R1W, A piece oflandcommenclngattheN 1/4 Plat No. 1, Bath Twp. along Said road 178 rods to beg. and upon which taxes which were as­ 4 50 1069 631.31 for Hwy purposes Supervisor's Plat of Valley Farms Com at NE cor of Sec. 16, th S 40 exc 1 A 10 rds N&S by 16 rds E&W post'of Sec. 24, thenceSouthl2rods, 1969 114.82 out of SE cor thereof sessed subsequent to the tax for which 34 - * I960 1595,20 No. 1, Sec. 33-T5N-R2W, then S rds, W 18 rds, N 40 rds E to pt of West 10 rods, North 12 rods, East Also Frl N 1/2 of NE 1/4, lying N of 1 39 1969 95,04 such lands were sold to the State have , 107', E 51,8', N 148.5', E 51.8', 10 rods to beginning, Sec. 24-T5N- PARK LAKE HEIGHTS Grand River Road, Sec. 4-T5N-R2W Beg at SW cor of Sec. 35 T5N-R2W, beg. remained unpaid for more than one jear N 16,5*, W 103.6' to beg. 18 4.5m/l 1069 83.54 NW 1/4 ot SE 1/4; also 2 rods off RlW 4 78 1909 785.54 Th E 1980' , N 1815', W 735.4', after they were returned as delinquent, 33 - I960 26.00 NW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec, 32-T8N- NE 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 1-T6N-R1W and the description of all lands In said 24 75 I960 187.51 Lots 12 anil 13, Park Lake Heights, ;The E 1/2 of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of S 350', W 1244.0',SSBO'N 49degrees 1 41 1909 40.04 Beg. 165' S of NE corner of Lot 5 of R2W county which are delinquent for any Bath Twp. NW 1/4, Sec. 4, TGN-R2W, exc com E 160' E 208', S 323.0', W 329.61*. SE 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 25- Supervisor's Plat of Valley Farms 32 40 1060 405.55 W 130 acre3 of SW 1/4, Sec. 5-T6N- Installment of taxes under the provi­ 19G9 209.87 r "at NW cor thereof, th 'E 199 ft., S 665* to pt or beg. Exc PCRR r/w T5N-R1W No. 1 Sec. 33-T5N-R2W, then S'165', E 60 acres of SW 1/4 R1W % S40 rds, W 09 ft. S 40 rds, W 100 35 - 1969 5500.94 sions ofActl26,P,A. 1933, as amended. 25 10 I960 198.60 5 130 1969 136.11 POLLYAQUA SHORES SUBD. ft, N to bog. Also W 1/2 of E 1/2 That part of N 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 W 51.8', N 165', E 51.8', to beg. 33 60 North 0 rods of the South 51 rods of of NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec 4T5N-R2W 33 - 1960 ' 26.00 SW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of Sec. A piece of land com. on NW corner of of Sec. 36, T5N-R2W, lying S of SW 1/4, thence S 10 rods. E 20. 3. That extended separately In said the SW 1/4 of NW 1/4 of Sec. 26- 4 15.5 1969 1B0.08 SUPERVISORS PLAT 33 40 Lot 14 Pollyaqua Shores, Balh Twp. RR r/w rods, N 16 rods, W 20 rods, S to schedule against each description of T5N-IUW VALLEY FARMS SUBD. NO. 2 S 23 acres of NW 1/4 of SE 1/4 of 1069 19.70 Beg at Ints' of RndLkRd & the N&S 1/4 36 10 19G0 600,89 beg. Sec. U-TGN-R1W said lands therein contained are (a) 26 5 1969 114.82 In of Sec 4 T5N-R2W, th N alg sd Sec. the total amount of delinquent taxes Lots 18, 10 and 20, Pollyaqua Shores, S 3/4 of SW 1/4 of SE 1/4, Sec. 11 2 1969 118.79 N 0 rods of S 40 rds of SE 1/4 of 1/4 ln*170 ft, th W 250', S 382.01' 36-T5N-R2W Lot 55 except 450' N&S by 170' E&W 33 23 1968 742.58 upon said description for the non­ Bath Twp. ' 0 A in SE cor of E 1/2 orSE 1/4, NW frl 1/4 of Sec 26, T5N-R1W 1960 114.62 to cent In or sd Rd, th NE alg the 36 30 19G0 52.3'i in theSW corner, Supv. Plat of Valley 1969 760.80 payment of which the same may law­ 2G - I960 232.23 Farms No. 2 , Sec. 33-T5N-R2W, sec. 12, T6N-R1W; B3B.2 ft N&S by Lot 21, Pollyaqua Shores, Bath Twp. cent In of sd Rd 327.10' to pt of beg. Com at a pt on N side of Sec. 34 T8N- fully be sold at the next annual tax • TITLE ACT NO. 189 exc 271 ft E&W by 309 ft N&S out 450 ft E&W Com. at a point 5 rods E of N quarter 1069 14.10 , • 4 1.5B ' 1060 1345.30 R2W, which Is 8 rds E of NW cor of sale, (b) Interest computed thereon as of NE cor 12 9 1069 475.78 post, Sec. 28, thence S 25 rods, East Com 78 rd S of NE cor of S 1/2 of Beg at a concrete monument 550 ft E 1/2 of NE 1/4 of NE 1/4 th S provided by law to tho first dayoIMay, Lots 22 and 23, Pollyaqua Shores, A pare of land in W 1/2 of SE 1/4 of 881 ft to center of highway,-thence Bath Twp, NE 1/4 of Sec. 4-5-2, th S 4 rd, rt or Sta 10-70 of tho NE/fcW run­ Also exc beg at NW cor of the NE 1/4 20 rods, E 8 rods, N 20 rods, W next ensuing, (c) a collection fee offour NE'ly along said center of highway way of Capital City Airport lying in of the NE 1/4 of Sec 33, th run Sec. 15 T6N-R1W com 276' E of 1960 25.37 W 20 rd, N 4 rd, E 20 rd to beg. 8 rods to beg k per cent and (d) $3.00 for expenses, 615 ft or to North line of Sec. 2B 4 - 1909 494.23 Sec. 31, T5N-R2W, th S 36 degree SW'ly at the W In of Lansing & Ints' of NS 1/4 In & Parker Rd. all in accordance with tho provisions Lots 26 & 27 Pollyaqua Shores, Bath 34 1 1969 164.05 th E'ly 288' , S 150', W'ly 288', thence W 1175 ft. to beginning, Sec. Com 74 rods S of NE corner of S 1/2 S6'04» E 300 ft, th N 53 degrees Northern RR Co. r/w 305' to pt of N l/2 of SE 1/4 of Section 35 of the act first above mentioned; Twp. N 150' to pi of beg. 28-T5N-R1W of NE 1/4 of Sec. 4-5-2, th S 4 03'54» E 180 ft, th N 36 degrees beg th W 180', S 454', E 98', NE'ly 1960 30.98 35 ' 80 1968 450.51 15 lm/1 1969 , 64,65 4. That all of the aforesaid taxes, 28 10 1960 47.76 rods, W 20 rods, N 4 rods, E 20 S6»04» W 30O ft, th S 53 degrees alg sd W In of RR Co. r/w 454' Lots 40, 41, & 42, Pollyaqua Shores, to the beg. Clinton Co. Michigan 1069 462.41 E 1/2 of NW 1/4 and the W 1/2 of Interest and charges are valid, delin­ Com, at a point 107rdsEofN\V corner Bath Twp, rods to beg. 03»54» W 180 ft to pt of beg quent and unpaid, and have remained of Sec. 28? thence S 39 1/2 rods, 4 .- 1900 111.54 31 1,24 1969 2609.15 33 1969 261.68 the W 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec. 19, 1960 10.79 LEBANON TOWNSHIP T6N-R1W delinquent and unpaid for sufficient E 31.81 rods, N 39 1/2 rods, W Beg. 84 rods 6 ft, s of NE corner of Beg 500 ft rt of sta. 7/10 of the NE- Lot 03, Supv. Plat of Valley Farms Lots 43, 44, 45, Pollyaqua Shores, Town 8 N Range 4 W ' 19 120 1969 727,33 time to authorize and require, as pro­ 31.80 rods to beginning, Sec. 28- Sec. 4-T5N-H2W, then W 20 rods, SW runway of the Capitol City Air­ No. 2, Sec. 33-T5N-R2W Bath Twp. S 1/2 of NW 1/4 of Sec A piece of land 10 2/5 rods wide vided by the foregoing acts, the sale of T5N-R1W S 60'. E 20 rods, N 60' to beg. port in Sec. 31. T5N-R2W, th S 33 1969 43.25 1060 19.70 9 80 1969 312.14 across S end of E 1/2 of SE 1/4 the aforesaid parcels of land against 28 7 1960 47.76 4 7/16 1069 202,03 53 degrees 03'54* W 60 ft /' sd run­ Lot 124, Supv. Plat of Valley Farms Com at NE cor of Lot 25 of Dumont's way cent; S 36 degrees 56*04* E SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Of Sec. Sec, 22-T6N-R1W which they wore assessed and are ex­ SUPV. PLAT OF PLEASANT Part of the NE 1/4 of Sec. 5, T5N- No. 2, Sec. 33-T5N-R2W Add to Pk Lk Hts, th N 150 ft, W 362 fl, N 53 degrees 03'54* E 60 ft, 33 1969 296.17 12 40, 1969 162.99 22 5.2 1969 26.11 tended in said schedule at the next VIEW R2W, being the W 148 ft of the E annual tax sale for tho non-payment 2G0 ft, S 150 ft, E 260 Ft to beg sec. N 36 degrees SO'04" W 362 ft topt West 60' of East 150' of Lot 139, Beg at Int. Rd Lk Rd & Meridian th 884.5 ft of the N 83,5 rds of sd MATHERTON S 40 degrees 30' W alg. cent of rd thereof, and that the said taxes, Inter­ 28 - 1069 114.62 of beg Supv, Plat of Valley Farms No. Z, Outlot A, Supervisor's Plat of Pleasant sec. 5 1549' W 650' N 46 degrees 21' est, collection fee and expenses so Com at NW cor Sec.28,TDN-RIW, thE 31 .5 1060 715.56 Sec. 33-T5N-R2W View, Bath Twp, 5 3.5 1969 80.62 Lot 9; Outlot C E 2210' to E sec In th S 300' 30 rds, S 005 ft, for pt of beg, Beg 622 ft rt of Sta. 9/50 of the NE/ 33 . 1969 284.06 extended in said schedule against each 1069 42,17 Beg 40 rds N of SW cor of Sec. 5, 1969 ' 62.30 to beg exc beg 016* SW'ly from E th E 256 ft m/1 S 530 ft m/1 W SW runway of Capitol City Airport W 50' of E 100' of Lot 130, Supv. parcel of land [herein described con­ thence E 40 rds, N 160 rds, E 20 Lot 21, Matherton sec In on Rnd Lk Rd th NW 355' 256 ft m/1, N 530 ft m/1 to beg SUPV. PLAT NO. 2 SUBD. in Sec. 31, T5N-R2W, thS3Bdegrees Plat of Valley Farms No, 2, Sac. stitute a valid lien upon each of the rds, N 40 rds, W 60 rds, S 200 rds 1969 7.25 SW 303' SE 397' to rd NE to beg, 33-T5N-R2W said several parcels of land described 28 3,11 1900 14,19 to beg. . 56'06» E 240 ft; N 53 degrees 03'' E 1/2 of the following: A piece of South 40 ft. of North 80 ft. of Lot 14 54" E 00 ft; N 36 degrees 56'06* 33 1909 49.00 24 1969 37.76 In said schedule as therein and against 5 55 1969' 2213,51 VILLAGE OF HUBBARDSTON land In N 1/2 of Sec. 28 com. at Supervisor's Plat No, 2, Bath Twp. W 240 ft, S 53 degrees 03'54" W 60 Beg 916' S 40 degrees 30> W of int. which extended In favor of tho people SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 of SW 1/4 Of Sec. of the'State of Michigan, the payment NW corner of Sec. 28, thence S 1060 10.70 ft to pt of beg. WEISSMAN'S SUBD, E sec In & Rnd Lk Rd Sec 24- 5, except 2 acres off East Bide Com at a point on W line Sec. TBN- T6N-R1W th N 49 degrees 30' W of which Hen this court may enforce 1386 ft, E 3220.86 ft, S 1 degree South 40 fl. of North 120 ft. of Lot 31 .33 ' 1969 496,32 5 8 1909 311.45 R4W, 23 rds s of NW cor sd sec. 355.6' "S 40 degrees 21' W 302-.8' as a preferred or first claim upon 27" E. 80 ft., for point of beg., 14, Supervisor's Plat No. 2, Bath Beg at a concrete monument 550 ft Lot 5, Welssman's Subd, Sec, 32 T5N- Com 400 ft E of N 1/4 post of Sec. 7 S 49 deg 30' E 397.3' N 40 degrees thence S 1 degree 27" E 110 ft., Twp. rt of Sta. 20/80 of the NW/SW run­ R2W thence S on W line 16 rods, E par such lands by the sale thereof. and 4,6 ft s of Sec, line, th E'ly 30' E 300' to beg Wherefore your plaintiff prays: S 76 degrees 49* E 80 ft., N 2 1069 10,70 way of Capitol City Airport In Sec, 32 I960 57.83 to N line 8 rods, N par to W line 528.53 ft to lb Ints' with Schavey 24 2,6 1969 379.62 , a. That within the time provided by degrees 35' W 110 ft. N 76 degrees Properly lying S of CL 511, ParkLake 31, T5N-R2W, th S 63 degrees 03' Lot 7, Welssman's Subd, Sec, 32 T5N- 16 rods, W 8 rods to beg. Hubbards- rd th E'ly 261.6 ft, th S 78 ft to Com 1200 ft S ofNE cor of SE 1/4, law this court may determine and ad- I3» W 78 ft. to beg. Sec. 28-TGN- Rd r/w to water edge of Park Lake 54" W 240 ft Jf sd runway, th S R2W ton LGR. th W'ly alg R to cent Schavey Sec. 24, T6N-RIW, th W 1609 ft to Judge that the aforesaid taxes, Inter-, R1W Directly S of Lots 10 & 17 of Super. 36 degrees 54*04* E 300 ft, N 53 32 1969 35.89 18 1969 4,76, Rd. Bridge, th SW'ly 576 ft, th N cent of drng ditch, th SW'ly alg ditch 28 ,1 19G0 114.82 Plat #2. degrees 03*54' E 420 ft N 36 degroes est, collection fee and charges arc valid 2B7 ft to beg. to W line of sd SE 1/4, th E to a Part of S 12 rds of NW 1/4 of NE 1/4, 1900 7G.G8 S4'04* W 300 ft to pt of beg WEISSMAN'S SUBD. NO, 1 OLIVE TOWNSHIP and constitute a valid lien upon each 1908 388,24 pt 650 ft W of cent of Gr R Rd, Sec. 29, T5N-R1W, beg 750 ft W of 31 2.0 I960 262B.50 i * ' Town 6 N Range 2 W of the said several parcels of land SUPERVISOR'S PLAT NO, 2 I960 505.65 th N 4B degrees 21*48* E 2209.97 ft NE cor sd property, th S 12 rds, Com at SW cor of State Dept of Aero, Lot 13, Welssman Subd, No, 1, a. part described In said schedule as therein Com at a pt on W line of Sec. 7 W 165 ft of the E 1/2 of W 1/2 of SW to E sec line, th N 1,65,1 ft to pt of W 100 ft, N 12 rds, E 100 ft to Lake-Frontage: That portion of lands of Sec. 32, TBN-R2W extended; 1066.4 ft N of SW cor of Sec. 7 concr Hangar th W 17.34 ft W & 1/4, Sec, 14, T6N-R2W beg b. That within the time provided by bog between rd r/w, S to water's edge, 103 ft S to pt of beg; th E 175.08 ft, 1969 8.40 th N 832 ft, th E para, with S sec 14 10 1969 224.27 24 42m/l 1069 142.06 law this court make a final Judgment 20 .45 1060 288.14 directly In front of Lot 15, of Super­ S 60 ft, W 55 ft. S 116 ft, W 120.08 line to W bk of LGR th SWiy alg WHITE OAKS SUBD. SE 1/4 of SE 1/4 Sec. 11-T6N-R2W, Com at a pt In cent of Grd Rlv Rd in favor of the State of Michigan against S 1G5 ft of N 330 ft of SW 1/4 of visor's Plat No. 2 of Park Lake Sec. ft, N 176 ft, to pt of beg; being a W bk of sd river to pt due E of exc beg at NE Cor thereof; Th S 211 rds 14 1/2 ft SW of int* sec''n each parcel of said lands for the pay­ NE 1/4 of Sec. 20, T5N-R1W 28, T5N-R1W frn of land on Airport known as Lot 1 of White Oaks, & subd of a beg. th W to beg exc for Willow 462', W 250 ft, N 200', E52',N of sd rd & Meridian line, th NE'ly ment of the several amounts of taxes, 20 0 1060 66.88 28 1069 8,69 Capital City Airport, In SW 1/4 of part of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 Creek Farms Subdlv., & exc Willow 264', E 198' to pt of beg. alg cent of rd 100 ft, th < in S'ly interest, collection fee and expenses, S ICG ft of SW 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec. Lots IB, 19, 20 and 21, Supervisor's Creek Farms Subd. #2, Sec. 31. T5N-R2W of Sec. 22, T5N-R2W 11 37.G5 1969 164.34 22 1069 76.31 dlr» n to »f line of RR r/w, th W'ly as computed and extended insaid sched­ 29, T5N-R1W Plat No, 2 of Bath Twp* 31 - 1069 1504.64 S 1/2 of NE 1/4 ot SE 1/4 See. 11- 7 7m/l 1080 202.03 Lot 3 of White Oaks, a subd of a part alg RR r/w to a pt ^ hwy at pi ule against the several parcels of 20 5 19G0 170,73 I960 293,73 Com at NW cor , Sec 31 T5N-R2W, T6N-R2W, exc beg 12 rds S of NE of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of of beg, th N'ly to pi of beg being a land therein contained; Com at pt 528 ft S of cnt of Ann Or. Lot 22, Supervisor's Plat No. 2, Bath Com. at SW corner or Sec. 7-T5N- th S'ly 1309,59' alg W sec In to N Cor thereof; Th W 250', S 100', Sec. 22, T5N-R2W strip of land 100 ft in width from c. That said Judgment provide that on E boundary of W 10 rds of E Twp. R2W, th E 60 rods, N 25 3/5 rods, 1/6 In; th E'ly alg sd In 450' for pt E 250', N 100' to beg; also exc a cent of hwy to RR r/w, part of N l/2 22 1960 70.56 In default of the payment so ordered 30 rds, of Sel 1/4 of NE 1/4 (sd 1069 14,19 W 50 rods th S 25 3/5 rods to beg. of beg; th S'ly 107.14', E'ly 2000' pare 132' N & S by 198' E&W In of Sec, 25,T6N-R1W Lot 7 of White Oaks, a subd of a part of tho said several sums computed pt being 15 rds W and 100 rds S Lots 23 and 24, supervisor's Plat No. 7 8 I960 494.23 }fto 1/8 In, th N'ly 167.14', W'ly SE Cor thereof. of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of 25 1969 234.74 and extended against said lands In said from N 1/4 post sd sec) It? S 8 2, Balh Twp. Com at a pt which Is 2054' S 0 degree 2000' to beg. 17 18.83 1969 210.45 Sec. 22, TSN-R2W Com at a pt In cent of Glfd Rlv Rd schedule, the said several parcels of rds, w In rds, N 8 rds, E IS rds. 1069 30.9B 53' 4 10* N 69 degrees 08' E of the 31 - 1960 331,88 Com, 3.25 chains W of E quarter post 22 1969 72,12 230 rds SW of lnt'sec'n of sd rd & land, or such interest therein as may 20 .75 19G0 114,82 Sec Cor common to Sec, 3, 4, 94 10 Beg at concrete monument 550 ft rght of Sec.'21-T6N-R2W, run th.N 24.6 SUPERVISOR PLAT NO. 1 OF Lot 10 of White Oaks, a subd of a Meridian line, th NE'ly alg cent of be necessary to satisfy the amount East 5 acres of W 30 acres of N 40 Th S 0 degree 53' E 167' Th N of Sta. 12-50 of NE/SW runway of rds, th W 6.6 rds, th S 24.6 rds, PARK LAKE part .of the SW 1/4 of the NE 1/4 rd 100 ft, th < rd in Sly dlr'n adjudged against the same, shall sev­ acres of S 60 acres of E 1/2 of 89 degrees 08' E 220* Th N 0 degree Cap >CIty Airport In Sec 31 TEN-. th E 6.6 rds* to pi of beg. to N line of RR r/wt th W'ly alg erally be sold as Ihe law provides; SE 1/4, Sec. 33-T6N-R1W S3' W 172.01' Th S 89 degrees 08' R2W, th S 36 degrees 56'04" E 300 of Sec, 22 T5N-R2W 21 1 1960 440.93 r> 1/2 of Lola 30 and 37, Supervisor's 22 1069 ' 65.85 d. That your plaintiff may havo 33 6 1009 130.05 W 89.0' ThS 86 degrees85'WiJi.a* ft, th N 63 degrees 03'ti* E 80 ft, Beg. at SE corner of Secj 22, than W Plat Nd. 1 of Park Lake, Bath Twp, Lot 11 of White Oaks, a subd of a part (CONTINUED NEXT PAGE* such bjher ant) further relief In the The N 6 rods of the S 16 rods of . 1969 133,10 lo pt bt beg. th N 36 degrees Bfl'Oi" W d00 ft,

) •v, FEBBUARY23,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 5B Bits and Pieces

i*Q Dol. CU Dol. Cts.

VICTOR TOWNSHIP WATEtlTOWN TOWNSHIP CITY OF ST JOHNS VILLAGE OF EAGLE VILLAGE OF OVID Towh 6 N Range 1 W Town 5 N Range 4 W Town S N Range 3 W Town 7 N Range's W Town 7 N Range 1 W r Tackling a claim' RR r/w to a pi E parallel to E line of 34 20,07 I960 203.12 Lot 111, City of DeWitt According to the magazine Hickory Hill Subd. 75' to shore of 1909 850,27 VILLAGE OF MAPLE RAPIDS 1895 and that Leo J. Grove article, the "Michigan spirit. Round Lake, NW along said shore Beg. 08' N of NW corner of Lot 116, Original Plat THURSDAY, March 2 tt s CITY OF ST JOHNS was truly the pioneer* of Rushers" had headquarters Thus, ends the story 94.6>, N G degrees W parallel with then N GO' ,.E 132', S 60', W 132' Lot 6, Block 2, Maple Rapids E line of Hickory Hill 108.9' to beg. Original Plat to beg, being part of Outlot E, City Meat Loaf in Tomato Sauce the pro game. in the rear end of the General bilnging credit to where , . Town 7 N Ran e 2 W 2 1009 44.54 29 I960 348,31 B of DeWitt Lot 2, Block 5, Maple Rapids Hash Browns Store in Shepardsville. It credit is due. Truth always i 1069 331,03 5 1900 98.31 1/2 pt. Milk Lot 5 less N 6 1/2 ft of Lot G. Also SUPPORTED BY AFFI­ is not clear to be whether has a way of coming to the HIGHLAND HILLS SUBD. Lot 110, City or DeWitt Lot 3, Block 5, Maple Rapids Cole Slaw lots 7 and 8 less W HI ft thereof, 1969 158.12 5 1909 12.76 DAVITS from notable per­ the store in question was top no matter what the case Orlg. Plat, Blk. 3 Beg. 188.G* N or NE corner of Lot Roll & Butter Lot 84, Highland Hills, a subd on SE 1/4 3 1909 2071.33 Lot 5, Blk. 16, Maple Rapids sonages dated in the months located in the same location maybe...... *" of Sec. 12 T6N-R1W 147, then N 100 ft, E 197.5', S 16 1969 69,37 W 110 ft of Lot 8 less S 6 ft. Also Frosted Brownie 12 1969 53.07 100 ft, W 197,5' to beg, being part of Lot 6 and the E 12' ol Lot 7, Block w no rt or s 6 rt or Lot 9, orig. Outlot E City of DeWitt 23, Maple Rapids Lot 89, Highland Hills, asubdonSEl/4 Plat Blk. 5 1960 294.73 FRIDAY, March 3 of Sec. 12, T6N-R1W 23 19C9 160,11 News About Clinton County 5 1909 271.90 Lol 223, City of DeWitt The S 64' or Lot 5, Block 20, Maple Pizza 12 1969 53.97 1960 048,51 Lot 90, Highland Hills, asubdonSE l/4 32 rt E & W by 10 ft N&S out or SW , Rapids Corn cor of N 1/2 of Lot G Lots 7 and B Lot 239, City of DeWitt 26 19G9 127.50 of Sec. 12, T6N-R1W 1969 871.92 Molded Salad 12 1069 49.34 exc. W 67 ft and Lot 9 exc W 62 1/2 ft. Orig. Plat Blk, Lot 242, City of DaWltt B. P. HUTCH1NSONS ADD. 1/2 pt. Milk IMPERIAL SHORES SUBD. 6 10G9 796.00 1969 604.97 W 1/2 of Lots 4, 5, and 6, Orlg. Lot 249 City of DeWitt Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, B. P. Hutchin­ Cookie Lot 2B, Imperial Shores, a subd on Plat, Blk 19 1969 512.38 son's Addition, Maple Rapids part of Sec. 12, TGN-R1W 19 i960 292.57 • Beg, at SE corner of Outlot L, then N 1 1969 140 57 13 10G9 DB.04 Lot 4, Orig. Plat, Blk, 30 32 rods, W 4G rods, N 13 rods, W Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 2, B.P. Hutch­ 30 1969 271.90 12 rods, S to Webb Road, then SE inson's Addition, Maple Rapids MONDAY, March 6 ROVAL SHORES SUBD. W 1/3 of Lots, 7, 8, and 0, Orlg. along said Road to beg, City of 2 10C9 227.7*! Tacos Plat. Blk. 51 DeWitt Lot 4, Royal Shores, a subd on part of Lots 2 and 3, Block 7, B. P. Hutch­ 51 1969 189.68 10.0 1960 240.26 inson's Addition, Maple Rapids Peas the N 1/2 of Sec. 13,TGN-RIW E 110 ft of Lots 11 and 12 exc. S 10 13 1960 34.30 Beg 350' N & 33' W of center of Sec. 6 7 1909 122.70 Pink Applesauce It of E 110 ft of Lol 11, Orlg. T5N-R2W in City Of DeWitt th W107' Lot 5, Royal Shores, a subd on part Lol 3, Block 9, B. P. Hutchinson's 1/2 pt. Milk Plat, Blk. 51 N 237.2' E 107' S 238' to P.O.B. Add. Maple Rapids of tho N 1/2 of Sec. 13, T6N-R1W 792 94 Cinnamon Roll 13 1969 • '• 34.3tT _ ,fSl ir. b S .1069^124940^^ JW-/ r jw ,,4?f iu ' -i* ur<>9 >f*P .. I '13G9 LlO.40/,1 Lot 7 and S 1/2 of LotrS Prig. Plat. Lot 13,'Royal Shores, a subd on'part Beg 140' ft &' 33* W of cen of Sac 8 'Com'/'ai RW corner of Ibi 3* In Block • * of the N 1/2 of Sec. 13, T'GN-RIW Blk 60. T5N-R2W in Qityiof DeWitt th <$37* 06 I960 508.07 4([Maple Rapids, then NW to center i TUESDAY, March"? "' 13 1969 34.30 lJ,,> N 70' E 337' S 70' to P.O.B. Lot Lot 3, Orlg. Plat.'Blk'. 71 or Maple River, then SW'ly down G prop Ballard subd -» Italian Spaghetti Lot 107 Royal Shores, a subd on part 71 1969 299.46 center of Maple River to S line or of N 1/2 of Sec. 13, T6N-R1W B - 1969 113*2.32 Green Beans Lot 5, Orlg, Plat. Blk. 91 Sec, 5-T8N-R3W, then E to a point 13 1969 153.05 Beg 70' N & 33' W of cen of Sec 8 directly South or starting point, N Relishes 91 10G9 280.47 T5N-R2W In City ol DeWitt Th, W Lol 129, Royal Shores, a subd on part to beg. Village or Maple Rapids Whole Wheat Roll & Butter orN 1/2 of Sec. 13, T6N-R1W AVENUE ADDITION 337' N 70' E 337' S 70' to P.O.B. 5 - 1069 144 68 13 1969 84.10 Lot 6 proposed Ballard subd. Com. 52 rods N oISE cornerofSW l/4 1/2 pt. Milk Lot 144, Royal Shores, a subd on part Lot 4, Blk 1, Avenue Add. 8 - 1969 17G.79 of Sec. 5-T8N-R3W, then W IB rods, Chocolate Cake Of N 1/2 of Sec. 13, T6N-R1W 1 1069 356.05 GENEVA SHORES N to center of Maple River, E on 13 1960 47.04 center of Maple River to a point Lot 148, Royal Shores, a subd on part CLARK AND BOLTONS SUBD. Lot 1, Geneva Shores, a subd on a dlreclly N of starling point, S to WEDNESDAY, March 8 Of N 1/2. of Sec. 13, T6N-R1W part of the S 1/2 of Sec 7, T5N-R2W 13 1969 40.07 starting point Baked Chicken Lot 1 and N 1/2 of Lot 2, Block 10, 7 19G9 9G.13 5 4 1060 2GG.S2 Lot 192, Royal Shores, a subd on part Oullot C Clark & Boltons Lot 20, Geneva Shores, a subd on a Com. 42 rods N of SE corner of Mashed Potatoes & Gravy Of N 1/2 or Sec. 13, T6N-R1W 10 I960 504,74 pari of S 1/2 of Sec. 7, T5N-R2W SW 1/4 of Soc. G-T8N-R3W, W 16 Lettuce Salad 13 1969 37.76 Lot 1, Block 11, Outlot C, Clark & 7 1060 140.73 rods, N 10 rods, E 10 rods, S 10 Roll & Butter Lot 202, Royat Shor'es, asubdonpartof Boltons Subd, Lot 40, Geneva Shores, a subd on a rods, all in the Village of Maple N 1/2 Of Sec, 13.TGN-R1W 11 1909 258,00 part of S 1/2 of Sec. 7, T5N-R2W Rapids 1/2 pt. Milk 13 1060 40,07 7 I960 140.73 5 1 1969 345,00 Fruit Cookie Lot 203, Royal Shores, asubdonpartof EMMONSVILLESUBD. Lot 54, Geneva Shores, a subd on a Com at the NE cor of W 1/2 of NE 1/4 N 1/2 of Sec. 13, TGN-R1W part of S 1/2 of See. 7, T5N-R2W Section 8, S 20 rods, E 4 rods, 13 10G9 40.07 Land 0 1/2 rods E&W by 94 ft N&S 7 I0G0 178.9B N 20 rods, E 4 rods Village of Maple THURSDAY, March 9 Lot 217, Royal Shores, asubdonpartof out of NE corner Blk. 1 Lot 73, Geneva Shores, a subd on a Rapids Beef Dumpling Noodle N 1/2 of Sec. 13, T6N-R1W 1 19G9 G46.78 part of S 1/2 of Sec. 7, T5N-R2W 8 50 1969 130.G4 13 , 1000 44.71 Buttered Corn Lot 2, Block 13, Emmonsvllle 7 1969 117.80 Com, 90 rods S ol NW corner of NE 1/4 13 1969 466.72 GENEVA SHORES NO. 1 of Sec, 8-T8N-R3W, S 10 rods, W 14 Fresh Apple VICTORIA HILLS SUBD. Com 97 ft W of NE corner Lot 1 rods, N 10 rods, E 14 rods, Village Roll &, Butter run S 148.5 ft, W 48 ft, N 148.5 ft, Lot 113, Geneva Shores No. 1, a subd of Maple Rapids Cookie Lot 27, Victoria Hills, part of the E to beg. Blk on part or the SW 1/4 of Sec. 8, B - 1069 140.57 S 1/2 of Sec. 12, T6N-R1W 15 1060 16.80 T5N-R2W Com. 5B rods W and 90 rods S of NE 12 19G9 116.58 8 1000 79,54 FRANCIS LYNDS ADD. y corner or NW 1/4 or Sec, B-T8N- FRIDAY, March 10 Lot 29, Victoria Hills, part of the Lot 12G, Geneva Shores No. 1, a subd R3W, W 6 rods, S 10 rods, E 6 5 1/2 of Sec. 12, T6N-R1W Hot Dog on Bun '* Lot 5 and S 25 ft of Lot 6 Block 5, on part of the SW 1/4 qf Sec. 6, rods, N 10 rods, Village or Maple 12 10G9 110.53 Francis Lynds Add T0N-R2W Rapids French Frys - Sr. High RECEIVES MEDAL FOR VALOR Lot 50, Victoria Hills, part of theS 1/2 8 1909 94.82 5 1069 391.10 8 - 1909 130,03 of Sec, 12, TGN-R1W Potato Chips - Jr. High Lots 11 and 12, Blk 6 > Lot 132, Geneva Shores No. 1,'a subd Com. 60 rods W and 80 rods S of NE 12 1969 33.13 on part of the SW 1/4 or Sec, 8, corner of NW 1/4 of Sec. 8-T8N- Baked Sauerkraut Melvin L. Carter of Laingsburg was recently awarded Lot 78, Victoria Hills, part of theS 1/2 6 1909 4G.63 , T5N-R2W E 50 2/3 It of W 114 1/3 ft of Lots R3W, W 2 rods, S 10 rods, E 2 1/2 pt. Milk or Sec 12, T6N-R1W 8 1969 87.16 rods, N 10 rods, Village of Maple the Medal for Valor for showing exceptional and 13 1969 33,13 7 and 8, Block 6 Cherry Crisp B 10G9 410.02 Lot 140, Geneva Shores No, 1, a subd Rapids on part or the SW 1/4 or Sec. 8, 6 - 1909 5.45 meritorious service. Specialist Carter was performing WESTCHESTER HEIGHTS SUBD. GIBBS ADDITION T5N-R2W 8 1960 67,16 organizational maintenance on an aircraft when an OVID TOWNSHIP Bannister Lot 1, Westchester Heights, part of the Lots *4 and 5 Glbbs Addition * Lot 155, Geneva Shores No, 1, a subd Town 7 N Range 1 W W 1/2 of See. 12, T6N-R1W 1069 109.29 on part or the SW 1/4 of Sec, 8, A missionary from unforecast thunderstorm of high intensity struck the VILLAGE OF OVID 12 1069 20.17 T5N-R2W Zambia, Africa was the guest Lot 40, Westchester Hefghts,partofthe HURD & SICK ELS SUBD. 8 1960 102.44 Original Plat Grayling Army Airfield. As winds increased to 80 miles W 1/2 of Sec 12, T6N-R1W Lot G, Block 1, OWd speaker at the Ashley WSCS per hour the aircraft began to gyrate wildly. Disregard­ 12 1909 79.47 E 4 rods of Lots 4, 5 and 6 and W 4 GENEVA SHORES NO. 2 1 1069 143.43 meeting Wednesday evening. Lol 75, Westchester Heights, partof the rods of Lots 8 and 9 Blk 2, Out- Lot 7 and W 1/2 or Lot 8, Block 3, Those attending from the ing his personal safety Specialist Carter made his way W 1/2 of Sec, 12, TGN-R1W lots C&H, Hurd &.Sickels Subd. Geneva Shores No, 2 being a subd of Ovid 12 1960 42.39 2 1960 104.82 part of the E 1/2 of Sec. 7, T5N- 3 1900 192.29 Bannister United Methodist to the flight deck of the endangered aircraft, applied Lot 77, Westchester Helghts.partof the Lot 2, Block 4, Outlot G&H Hurd & H2W, Lot 170 S 62' ol Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Ovid Church were Mrs. Raymond W 1/2 of Sec. 12, T6N-R1W Sickels Subd. 7 1969 10B.07 4 1900 102.20 Stewart, Mrs. Ray Peck, both wheel and rotor br*eaks and manned the flight 12 1969 40.07 1960 253,99 Geneva Shores No. 2 being a subd-of Lots 19 & 20, Blk. 4, Ovid. Lot 79, Westchester Holghls.partorthe part of the E 1/2 of Sec, 7, T5N- Mrs. Mildred^Bradley, Ra- LAKES ADDITION 4 10G9 222.62 controls until the storjn subsided. Carter's expeditious W 1/2 of Sec. 12, T6N-R1W R2W Lol 1B3 E 3/4 of Lot G and W 1/2 of Lot G, mona Bradley, Mrs. Kenneth 12 I960 42.39 7 1969 120,04 Lot 8, 0, 10 & N 10 ft of Lots 7, Blk. S, Ovid Swanson and Mrs. Robert actions were instrumental in preventing serious damage Lot 92, WestchesterHelghls.partorthe Geneva Shores No, 2, being a subd of 5 1QG9 160.04 W 1/2 or See. 12, T6N-R1W Also a pare 16 ft E&W by 94 ft part of the E l/2 of Soc. 7, T5N- [ Valentine. N&S directly E of sd lots out of Lots 1 & Z, Blk. G, Ovid. of the aircraft. 12 1960 42.39 R2W Lot 190 6 1900 143.08 Lot 111, Westchester Heights, part of / NE 1/4 of NW 1/4 Sec. 9 Lakes 7 19G9 110 12 Sunday guests of the Rob­ Addition Block B S 60' of Lots 8 & 9 & 10, Blk. 6, the W 1/2 of Sec, 12.TGN-R1W Goneva Shores No. 2, being a subd of ert Valentine's were Mr. 8 1969 6B.16 Ovid. 12 1969 42,39' part of the E 1/2 of Sec. 7, T5N- 6 i960 67.57 and Mrs. Robert Homer and Lot 113, Westchester Heights, part or R2W Lot 203 OUTLOT D Lots 4 & 5, Blk. 12, Ovid. son of Lansing and Mr. and the W 1/2 or Sec. 12,T6N-R1W 7 1960 48,80 12 I960 74.04 12 ' 19G9 42.39 W 1/2 of SW 1/4 Of Outlot D lying Lot 17 except E 15' thereof, Block Mrs. Walter Miller andfam- Lot 137, Westchester Heights, part or between Cass and McConnell St. VIEWCREST RIVER ADDITION IB, Ovid. ily. What do foreign ffimpBinii the W 1/2 or Sec. 12, TGN-R1W 19G9 300.36 , S 62' of Lot 1, Vlewcrest River Add. 18 1009 50.01 Rev. William Cox and the 12 1969 33.13 OUTLOT R 1900 23B.86 Lot 15 and E 1/2 of Lot 16, Block 19, visitors say Lot 174, Westchester Heights, part or Lot 20, exc N 210 ft thereof, Vlew­ Ovid. Junior Choir of the Bannister the W 1/2 or Sec. 12.T6N-R1W Lots 1,2, 3, 4 and 5 Blk 1 crest River Add, 19 1960 283,85 United Methodist Church was about us when lime and tide wait for no man, 12 I960 35.43 E 1/2 of Lot 7, all of Lot 8, & W 15 ft. 1969 522,64 Neither does the snow. Lot 190, Westchester Heights, part or 1 1009 234.03 of N 102 ft, Lot 9, all In Block 20, in charge of a worship serv­ they go home? Lot 24, Vlewcrest River Add, When that white stuff piles up the W 1/2 of Sec. 12, T6N-R1W 1969 381.31 Ovid. ice Sunday afternoon at the ORCHARD OLEN SUB. 12 1SG9 2G.17 Lot 25, Vlewcrest River Add, 20 1969 237.95 Maple Valley Nursing Home • Some of it lias to go. Lot 101, Westchester Heights, part of 1969 381.30 ' Lot 5, Blk. 28, OWd Lot 31 •* in Ashley. Rev. Cox served the W 1/2 of Sec. 12,T6N-R1W Lol 27, Vlewcrost River Add, 28 1969 143,44 It depends upon There's » real simple, easy way 12 19G0 28,40 I960 420.66 1969 366.09 Lots 5 & 6, Blk. B, Ovid the sacrament of communion To do tlie job realistically Lot 102, Westchester Heights, part of WALKER & STEEL SUB. Lot 20, Vlewcrest River Add, B ' 1960 140,50 Why not let us help you NOW the W 1/2 or Sec. 12, T6N-R1W to the patients. The Junior the people 1969 388.99 Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12, Blk. B, With a brand new 1Z ' 10GO 28.40 Lot 17, Block 109 Choir supported him in song 100 10G9 75,95 Lot 30, yjewcrest River Add, Ovid they meet. Lot 211, Westchester Heights, part of i960 358.40 B 1969 331.94 with Mrs. Walter Miller at the W 1/2 of Sec. 12, T0N-R1W Lot 20, Block 100 ' 100 1969 44B.51 5 Lot 2 & W 1/2 of Lot 1; also E 40' the piano. i 12 10G0 20.49 of Lot 3, Blk, I, Ovid E 1/3 of Lot 4, 5 & 6, Blk 115 EAGLE TOWNSHIP Simplicity WATBR.TOWN TOWNSHIP 115 1969 395,83 I 1960 200.03 Tow* 5 N Range 3 W Lot-2 Blk. 116 » Town 5 N Range 4 W S 100' of Blk. H, OWd 116 1969 530,24 VILLAGE OF.EAOLE N 1000 74.73 N 1/2 of W 1/4 Of SW 1/4 of NW 1/4, ORIGINAL PLAT SECTION 13 ^ Distinctive Sec. 3-T0N-R3W CXC tho S 329 It S 45 ft of Lot 2, N 15 ft of lot 3, and Come In And See The (hereof Lots 0, 7, 8 & 9, exc S 9G ft, Blk 121 Lot 5, Blk. li, Eagle Com 395 It E of cent In of Mn. St 3 1909 72.49 121 1969 1430.14 11 1069 38.01 Com 40 rds N or SW cor of NW 1/4 Ovld on S In or rt or way known Lot 35 Outlot A W i/2 of Lots 9 & 10, Blk, 17, Eaglo as M-21, th Estcrly alg S side to New Ones! of Sec. 3, T5N-R3W, th N 155 ft, 1009 330.75 17 1909 13.00 Meridian/ ih S to cent of Maple JJBPRDITIHG E 20 rds, S 1G5 rt, th W 20 rds Lot 43, Oullot A Com tl.81 ch S Of N 1/4 post Sec. 21 River th NW'ly alg cent of M. Rlv. to pi of beg 1969 234.37 3 1969 35.60 t TCN-R4W, th S alg 1/4 line 194.7 ft. to P.O.B. WheWne caTimn savee yo uMean both. We'ls l Mone' y Com, 24 rods S or 1/4 post on E Una WALKERS SUDD, , W 245 ft, N 194.7 ft, Ih E 245 ft to 13 I960 30.04 G & L SALES of Sec. 6-T5N-R3W, thence W 33 4 'beg, meet your deadline and save 2/5 rods S 14 1/2 rods, E 33 2/5 Com 99 ft N or SW cor of Oullot B 21 lm/1 I960 103.04 P. C, BASSETTS SUBD, yoti'money. Cliff Loosch, Owner 3eg in cent of Grange Rd 840 ft S of rods, I*J4 1/2 rods to beg. lying N of Hlgham St. run N 50 ft, CALL US "WHERE SERVICE IS A HABIT" 6 3.02' 1SG9 176.73 E 1/2 way acr Blk. S 50 ft, W to N 1/4 cor Sec 21, T5N-R2W, th E < 'Lots 18 and E ll* or Lot 17, Out Clinton County News Com. 47 roda W of 1/4 post on s line FOB 250 It, th f k 155 (t. th E havltnr Lot 2, P, c. Bassett'a Subd,, OWd. NOW I US-27 at Dill Road DeWitt Phone G69-3107 or Sec. 8-T5N-R3W, th M SO rods. 19B9 37.49 an Interior angle of 270 de- 1069 102,29 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 'FEBRUARY 23,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 7B 6B FEBRUARY 23,1972 carrying Mi\ DougKiltorne, The Male Animal, the P-W our wrestling coach, out on faculty-community produc-;| Eagle etchings P-W window the shoulders of a big tion, concluded on February DeWitt High School honor roll Elsie Jr. High honor roll "CuUe" or tha dousing of 12 with good success. The Bath High our principal, Mr. Alvar cast, crewi thespian orches­ Leann Martin, Jon Miller, Seniors Stevens, Don Strait, Gall Cynthia Freed, Valde Gar­ Kurin, with a bucket of wet tra and community all de­ Terri Stevens, Diane Tole- Steffens, Michael Svendsen, ELSIE JUNIOR HIGH HONOR SEVENTH GRADE Sue Miller, Peter Montague, Dawn Berkimer, Chuck Swan, Robin Tallman, Kathy cia, Roger Gilbert, Rhonda water, were typical of the serve a round of applause. son, Vicky Warren, Shawn Sue Weston, Debbie White, ROLL, SECOND SEMESTER Joe Applebee, Jonl Arnett, Glenn Morgan, Darlene New­ Proceeds went into the Wll-,1 honor roll Berkimer, , Taylor, Doreen Therouz*, Wolfcale. Brenda Wood, Shelly Zieg- Ginther, Tina Gleason, night's fun. By BETH FOX Connie Banagis, Troy Ban­ man, Henry Olger, Julian liam Steinke Memorial Dave Blossey, Pat Botke, Valerie Uschuk, Jamie Van- Freshmen ler. EIGHT GRADE croft, Brenda Bowen, Sheila Bryan Gruesbeck, Lynn Also on Wednesday the , Fowler High School Cindy Burke, Penny Coin, Perrlen, Holly Prlkasky, ByVAL HILL Scholarship Fund. He is a Seniors Bill Babcock, Paula Bell, Dyke, Jenny Wiser*, Kent Penelope Beak, Steven * all A's. Debra Ballentine, Tracy Brandall, Penny Canfield, Gruesbeck, Julie Greenhoe, 9th, P-W sent its FHA of­ Robin Cole,KarleCourtland, Lori Purves, Luann Rum- former superintendent of Susan Black*, L o r in Lisa Bos, Eric Carlson, Tim school organization. Once Wolfe, Dale Young, Debra Clisch, Ken Coin, Mary Badish, Clara Cermak, Brook Clock, Peggy Craig, Amy Hunt, Dwayne Hunt, On Wednesday, February Westphalla Man's Faculty. ficer to a Region 8 meet­ YOUTH FOR AMERICA Dan Davis, Lois Eastman*, mell, Karen Sexton, Lorena P-W schools. Beagle, Jack Brown, Carla Case, Patti Decker, Cheryl the club gets going, the meet­ Young. Cook, Janine Decatur, Tim MIDDLEBURYNEWS Louis Chapko, James Cos- Michelle Crowell, Karen Terri Jones, Jean Larkins, 9, a traveling troups of The Cuties. are men ing. Valerie Hill is the Vice- The J.C.'s are organizing Doug Egleston, Gail Ely, Sexton, RogerSquiers, Cindy With the conclusion of this Cornell, Patty Decker, Linda ' Diamond, Terry Doerner, Devereaux, Lori Duzek, Jack grove, Terrle Daggett, Delaney, Steven Fent, Russell Leslie, Debra Long, basketball players came to dressed as women. They President of the region and a new club, for the high ings will be set up outside Harmon Everett, Joyce The Middlebury WSCSwlll Stinson, Wayne Swender, play on Sunday, tryouts were Green, Norma Hagerman, James Fouch, Mark Hanson, Sophomores Esckilsen, Cindy Esterline, Christine Erickson, Vickie I our gym. Sponsored by the feature one of the shortest she brought back a mission school students at Fowler, of school. Probably after Felzke, Cheryl Fineis, meet Tuesday, February 22 Dawn White, Gregg White, held on Tuesday for the Richard Hawkins, Rose Jen­ Laura Hawk, Mary Herrguth, Randy Berkimer, Steve Ronald Felzke, Diane Forrester, Chris Gimgrich, Senior Class, in an exhi­ players in basketball. He for P-W's FHA chapter. called Youth For America. school or at night. Roger Gemmill, Beth at the Church with Elizabeth Raymond Wieber, Charlene PAC spring play. The.play, sen, Rosie Lehmann, Heidi Penny Hull, Allison Kauf­ Chlebina, Chris Corr, Robin Foster, Mike Ferguson, Beverly Hammond, Cindy bition game, the California was 38 inches of real mid­ Nine chapters, needfinancial The club is organized for At the first meeting of­ Greene, Stephanie Hlatt, Putnam, Rita Whitmyer and Young and Julie Waterbury. "Onions In The Stew" Is by Lehmann, Joe Mitchell, John man, David Kloeckner,Dawn Davis, Dlanne Dennis, Cathy Carol Haynor, Cindy Healy, Hehrer, Melody Jewell, Curies d sf eated the Pewamo- get, Suzy. Antics, such as and moral support and our students who are concerned fices were set up, but only Brad Hilts, Karen KIrchen, Esther Semans as hostesses. ,>?, N Betty McDonald. The cast] Perslchilli, David Seeger, McGonigal, Vern McKenzie, DeSmith, Pat Ely, Cathy Eu­ Marvin Hornby, Sue Hunt, Nancy Kusmier, girls will try to help them. about their school, commun­ enough time was allowed to Doug Klaver, Jeff Kristin, Cooperative dinner at 12 5 Pewamo is for seven men, elevet Gary Shaw, Suzanne-Smith*, Susan McMillen, Brian Mil­ choose the President, Brian bank, Terry Faust, Shelle Mary Kendregan, Tamara Marjorie LaRowe, Nancy ity and their country. The Debbie Krohn, RayMcNellly, noon. Thora Austin will be woman aid nf.nsextras.This ^Marilyn Verette*, Gary ler, Edward Osenga, Frank Benjamin, Other offices will Finch, Deborah Haynor, Korte, Susan Lawson*, Deb­ Latz; (All A's), Steve Latz, Each year the Betty students will participate in Gayle Martin, Halla Mey, program leader and Mar­ play was written as a semi- ^Viaches, Doug West. Pratt, Cathy Reed, Robert be first vice-president, sec­ Debby Hudson, Ton Jensen, orah McDowell, Julie Steve Ludwick, Brenda Mil­ Crocker Homemaker of the school projects, and team Mike Moody, Judy Norris, garet Potter will have devo- MRS. IRENE FOX sequel to "The Egg and I"| Reed, Mindy Richards, Diane ond vice-president, secre­ Mike Klaver, Michael Krohn, Martin, Marianne Nachazel, ler, Susan Mitchell, Robert Year Award is given out to * projects which will contrib­ S haron Pardee, Jackl tionals. Ph. 824-2021 The play will run Marcj Tuniors S chaffer, Doris Schneider, tary and treasurer. Philip Mackle, Bonnie Mer­ Kevin Owen, Lori Parker, Moore, Debra Pokorny, one girl in the Senior Class, ute a great deal and made Pelkey, Tom Reed, Gary 23, 24 and 25. However, be] Larry Anderson, Nancy Sue Shaw, Jeff Sidel Michael rill, Rick Moody, Pam Brian Post, Jeff Pratt, Anna NEWS WANT ADS Karen Porubsky, Debra Several from thlsareaat- ins at Sheridan Sunday. The recipient of this year's an impact upon the country. Sanford, Debbie Schultz, fore this play is ready foi Barks, Debbie Barr, Bonnie Siebert, Montee Skorich, Joe Koenigsknecht, a Murphy, Cindy Parks, Cindy Reed, Teresa Rhines, Steve Pumford, Pandall Raymer, tended the card party at St. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Gee of award was Kathy Smith. And while participating, they James Smith, Peggy Spind- public viewing, much re*' Benda, James, Black, Dan Brian Stoddard, Kerry Zorb. member of the J.C.'s, will Plngston, Delia Scott, Mich­ Ruble, Sandy Schultz, Paul Susan Ruff, Peggy Salisbury, Mary's Hall in Westphalia Hamilton and their mother, On the elementary scene, will be competing for schol­ ler, Pam Stone, Kathy Tole- hearsing and coordinating Bragdon, Sharon Brown*, be the middleman between elle Sickles, Sandra Stevens, Simon, Brian Smith, David CALI 224 2361 Greg Schultz, Ray Trevlno, Sunday evening. Mrs. Ethel Gee paid their the fifth and sixth grades * denotes all A's. arships and awards which son, Lisa Wheat, Ron Wilcox, must be worked, Good-lucj? LuAnn Doerner, Darci, Has- the club and the J.C. organ­ Pamela Williams and Ann­ Sunday visitors at the respects to Mrs. Rose of Pewamo Elementary went will be presented tostudents, Vicki Willits, Cindy Wise, to Mr. Dennis Pulmore, our Sick, Patricia Higbee, Elaine ization. ette Zuckschwerdt. home of Arnold Hattls were Wieber, 83, Thursday, Feb. to the Ranch Roller Rink in (sometime in May) whose Mark Wood. his cousin, Mr. and Mrs. 10. Mrs. Wieberpassedaway St. Johns. poor, over-worked director] Ketchum, Dixio Knoebel, projects have been outstand­ So far there are 25 mem­ Wednesday, Feb. 9 at a Lan­ \ Susan LaPratt, Karen Leh­ ing. bers in our new club, Youth SEVENTH GRADE Richard Williams of rural Juniors Mulr. sing Convalescent home. She The Ovid-Elsie Report by Patty Bernath man, Gene McAdams, Mark The club members will For America. Brian Acre, Janice Baese, had been a lifelong resident Reblin, Richard Reed, Sherry Becker, Martha Lisa Baese, Richard Betz, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sil- work on projects in groups Botke, Gary Bouts, Murray of Fowler and a member of College-bound seniors are Cheryl Schafer*, Jeannine SPANISH CLUB Cindy Black, Cindy Brew- vernall attended the funeral is getting ready for next of five. Projects will include Brockway, Kristie Cohoon*, Holy Trinity Catholic b.usy filling-in applications Seeger*, Carla Siebert, The 25 members of the baker, Loretta Brichan, of his cousin, Rudolph A. year. Letters have been sent such areas as: Environmen­ Debbie DeBow, Kathy De- Church, the Christian Moth­ for scholarships. Two local Muriel Simmons, IreneSnay, Spanish Club met for Its Karen Chapko, Teresa Silvernail, 66, of Matherton. out to all the local busines­ tal and Pollution Control; Line, Karen Denda, Kathy . ers and the Daughters of scholarships are the Bryon Laurel Vietzke, Cheryl first meeting of the year Clark, Joe Coon, Donna Services were Tuesday at ses. Students have filled-ln Beaut If ication Environment; Esterline, Jane Fowler, Isabella. Surviving are live , Wrzesinski. Monday, January 31. This 1 p.m. at Estep Funeral Green Scholarship and the and returned applications to *** »^- ! Social Relations; School As­ Pam Fox, Archie Gibbs, Davis, Milissa Demovick, daughters and four sons. year's officers are Vern Home north of Mulr. Brother Jack E. Kelley Scholarship. work in the program for the ^^' sistance^ Projects; Commun­ Mike Haley, Dawn Hilts, Sue Beatrice Pinch, Terri Fur- Service^ were Saturday at Sophomores Thelen, president; Patti l Michael Siegel of Grand Rap- The Bryon Green Scholar­ 1972-73 school year. ity Assistance Projects; Jackson, Cinty Jaskiewics, stenau, 10: 30 a.m. at Holy Trinity Dawn Alward, Sara Barks, S chrauben, vice-president; Ids officiated. ' Interment ship is for those seniors go­ Foreign Relations Projects; Steve Jenkins, Karen La- Church. Rosary was recited Wednesday, Feb. 9, the Sam Bass, Susan Bos, Brian Monle Klein, treasurer-sec­ was at East Plains Ceme­ ing to college. It is based on Government or Political Machla, Randy Laikford, Anne Glowney; (All A's), daily at 3 and 8 p.m. at the O-E girls* basketball team Brook, Brown Scott, Peter retary. tery, Bearers were Douglas academic need. It equals Projects and Educational Sandy Lewis, Chris McNeil- Debra Green, David Ham­ George Chapel of the Osgood traveled to St. Charles for a Carlson, Rosanne Davies, Campbell, Richard Osborne, $450 and is renewable for a Projects. ly, Yvonne Mazur, Pam mond, Gerald Hammond, Funeral home Fowler. conference game. The JV Patrick Diamond, Debbie James Kilchermann, Robert second year. The scholarships awarded The club discussed first, Nettleton, Lynn Ordway, Darlene Hardaker, Sharon squad came out losing by a Ftneis, Richard Flotka, Hearold Jr., Wilbur Hursh Mrs. Dorothy Parks Joe Pohl, center, receives his first place trophy The Jack E. Kelley may be used for post-grad­ the amount of the dues, 50? Mary Jo Pierson, Randy Heinze, Margaret Horak, score of 20-13. Varsitywon, Mark Loomis, Karen and Robert Silvernail. visited Mr. and Mrs. David Scholarship is for those guys uate school, business, was decided upon. They also Pitts, Roxanne Rice, Linda Kathy Hunt, Patrick Jewell, after sweeping aside the competition during the annual 25-22. Munson, Audrey Schafer, Parks and family Tuesday. going to college who plan to beauty, trade and computer discussed such activities as Rohrbacher, DIann Scott, John Kvalevog, Mark Latz, Maude Doane and Ralph Sandra Smith, LuwannaStull, Also they visited Mr. and Westphalia Knights of Columbus bowling tournament. take up coaching or for girls Varsity scorers were: C. schools, as well as colleges. a cake walk, scheduled for Pamela Shaw, Sue Shooltz, Roger Lover, Cindy Moore, Doane were visitors of their Dawn Ward. Mrs. LorenParksandfamlly planning to teach physical Woodard (7),C.Kayanek,(6), Although the first couple Feb. 25, a tobogganing party Patricia Shooltz, Debra Ellen Personious, Stacy sister, Mrs. Florence Calk- Congratulating him are Bud Thelen, left, Grand Knight at Maple Rapids returning education. It is for $100, K. Frances, (6), N, Lemke of meetings will be held In and at a later date a swim­ Smith, Sue Stevens*, Cathy Schoendorf, Patti Shank, home Thursday. and Herm Thelen, tourney manager. The O-E CO-OP program (4), D. Kristin (2). Freshmen school, the club is not a ming party. Douglas Sturgls, Mark Vos- trizansky, Robert Warner, STATE FARM Kimberly Watters and Rich­ ard Zemla. RECEIVES LEGION OF MERIT OVID JR. HIGH INSURANCE Satisf-action Is V, ' Only Business EIGHTH GRADE Gary W. Twichell of Eagle was recently awarded Cindy Arnett, JoyBalcom, Prices Effective Thru Saturate Randy Barrett, Polly Ba- the Legion of Merit by distinguishing himself by excep­ shore, Kathy Behrens, Brian tional and meritorious service. During an unforecast Bracey, Kevin Byrnes, FOR INSURANCE CALL Jayme Bowles, Cheryl Cole,* thunderstorm of extremely high intensity which struck Steven Copelln, Brenda Cox, the Grayling Army Airfield, Specialist Twichell was Laura C r o w e 11, Rhonda on duty in the maintenance area. As the wind velocity Curtis, Sherry Decker, Theresa Decker, Tim Duf- increased, the tail rotor locking pin broke on a nearby" field, David Eger, Michelle aircraft allowing the ship to gyrate wildly. Realizing Falor, Frank Goodrich, that if not immediately restrained the aircraft would Lori Gurden, Michelle sustain serious damage, Specialist Twichell took actions Haynes, Dale Hier, Jill Horn, to secure the imperiled aircraft. Specialist Twichell's Fred Huntoon, Jeff Kellogg, DICK HAROLD Kenneth Keusch, Doug Long, expeditious actions were instrumental in preventing/^ HAWKS GREEN Eugene Montague, Vickie serious damage or possible total destruction of the '<* Moore, Ronald Nethaway, Sue Parmenter, Lynn Put­ aircraft. nam, Robin Reynolds, Cindy 200 W. State St. Risley, Ron Shlvley, Steve R.E.BENSON Semans, Rosemary Stiles, St. Johns, St. Johns elementary menu Steve Swan, Terry Theriac, Leanne Walter, Sherry Phone 224-7160 PLUMBING MONDAY, March 6 THURSDAY, March 16 Warfle, Kim Winkler, Joyce Chuckwagon Steak Whltmyer, Ken Wyrick, Pizzaburger & STATE rARM INSURANCE COMPANIES Golden Potatoes Cathy Young and Tim Zwick. French Fries KMIW Office*. Blooming! en, llllnott Butter Green Beans Buttered Shamrock Corn HEATING Bread Hamburger Bun Margarine Margarine 106 N.Clinton Milk Milk CAN ACTION Cookie Cookie ST. JOHNS PMICIS Phone 224-7033 TUESDAY, March 7 FRIDAY, March 17 YOU Cheeseburger Fishburger Tater Tots Golden Potatoes ANSWER Rosy Applesauce Buttered Carrots 3 MASTER Hamburger Bun Hamburger Bun THESE Margarine Margarine Milk - Milk PLUMBERS Cookie QUESTIONS? WEDNESDAY, March 8 Hot Dog MONDAY, March 20 American-Standard Is it necessary to have recreational Tater Tots "John's Original Pizza* vehicle insurance? Plumbing, Hot Water Buttered Carrots French Fries Are pickup campers really safe? Heating Hot Dog Bun Applesauce Where can I find new or used Margarine camping vehicles and equipment? Margarine Lennox Warm Air Milk Where can I get good recipes to use Milk Heating and Air when camping? Cookie TUESDAY, March 21 Conditioning Where are the newest campgrounds Hot Dog w/Baked Beans in Michigan? THURSDAY, March 9 Tater Tots What company is coming out with a Salisbury Steak Buttered Carrots CUSTOM SHEET new line of recreational vehicles? Mashed Potatoes Hot Dog Bun METAL SHOP Corn, Peas & Carrots Margarine Bread Milk 47 Years Same Address SUBSCRIBE Margarine Cookie Eckrich All Meat Milk TO Cookie Franks n, FRIDAY, March 10 Eckrich All Beef O A » SIRVICI MICIS Hamburger Bun Margarine ASSORTED FRUIT FLAVORS •a-way SPARTAN-CONCENTRATED M im. CREAMY & CRUNCHY 1BOZ. BECK'S Milk FABRIC SOFTNER saozwr. 93* JIF PEANUTBUTTIR WT. 63< Cookie < JELL-O 30Z. . NABISCO 14HOZ.WT. BLUEBERRY, CORN or BUTTERMILK , n7 WT. JIFFY MUFFIN MIXC5 WT.' * CHIP AHOY COOKIES ?89< GELATIN PKG. ACTION EXTRA MONDAY, March 13 NOW AND YOU CAN! Spaghetti w/Meatballs INTENSIVE CARE LOTION U.S. No. 1 • Buttered Green Beans SPECIAL LIMITED TIME OFFER: SATISFACTION FROZEN FOODS | SATISFACTION DAIRY PRODUCTS Applesauce VASELINE 10 OZ. Bread 1- YEAR SUBSCRIPTION $2.00 Margarine SHRIMPBITS99<| |fillsl SUCIS£69 SATISFACTION FRESH PRODUCE MICHIGAN Milk Country Fresh Just fill out and mail in this coupon, j TAS-TEEFRIES A 39< Assorted Flavors TUESDAY, March 14 8 oz. Ctn. Chicken on a Stick along with your check-or money order.) YOGURT 19' Tater Tots OVENFRESH t-UMB»UAfcK POTATOES 20 OZ. r Rosy Applesauce 12*2 Ice Cream Bars Pillsbury ^ THE FORD TEAM (please print) i Pkg. WT. t Bread GOOD CN(T AT LOAVES SPARTAN PLAIN orf Margarine Name. •JGARED 14 oz. ' Beck's Farm Market Turnovers 20 Lbs. Milk wants to play ball with you WITH THIS VALUABLE COUPON DONUT 24CT.PKG. Apple; Blueberry, Cherry 55« Street. Save 50e* on 8-oz. Jar WEDNESDAY, March 15 City. MaXim Coffee Turkey w/Gravy Mashed Potatoes Egan Ford Sales, Inc. State, Zip Code. with coupon 11 1 5 Carrots 200 W. Higham ST. JOHNS without coupon $1.65 1 FARM MARKET Bread © Margarine Mail To: Open 7 Days A Week 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. Milk Use Your Seat Beltill Trails-a-Way, Circulation Office We Reserve The Right to Limit Quantities Cookie 0 109 N. Lafayette St., Greenville, Michigan 48838 GOOD THRU 2-26-72 ttooooooooooccocoooooooooooooooooeoo eooooov FEBRUARY 23,1972 «g - f ULIICLINTON I UN UJUNTCOUNTYY NEWbNEWS,, ox.St. JohnsJohns,, MichigaMichigann - FEBRUAR' Business and Professional Announcements, Legal News hearing be held on the Peti­ gage, and the power of sale Real Estate Transfers TIMOTHY M. GREEN ship, Clinton County, 'Michigan; directed to appear at said _ Claims, at which all claims Heirs Klein—March 29 tion of. Stella Whltford, Ad­ In said Indenture of mort­ • (From records In office of Judge of Probate thence N 174 feet on the West hearing to show cause why against said estate will be STATE OF MICHIGAN-The ministratrix, for allowance gage contained having Register of Deeds) > Dated: February 2, 1972 side of Section 3; thence E 330 , such license should not be heard. Creditors must file probate Court for the of her Final Account. become operative by reason Fell. 9: Granger, Kenneth Kemper, Wells & Lewis feet; thence S 174 feet parallel granted. sworn claims with the Court County of Clinton. to the West side of Section 3; Publication and service of such default; L. and Dorothy L. to James By: William C, Kemper and Judith Hepplnstall, Lot Publication and service and serve a copy on Bernard Estate of thence W 330 feet to the place shall be made as provided NOTICE IS HEREBY Attorneys for the Estate of beginning. Subject to ease­ 24, Whispering Winds. shall be made as provided L. Deyarmond, Sr., 15800 CLARA KLEIN, Deceased by Statute and Court Rule. GIVEN, that on the 23rd Chandler Road, Bath, Mich­ 103 East State Street ments and restrictions of record. Feb. 9: Lake Geneva Land by Statute and Court Rule. • It Is Ordered that on TIMOTHY M. GREEN day of May, 1972, at 10:00' igan 48808, Executor, prior St. Johns, Michigan 41-3 The length of the redemption Company to Dean M, and TIMOTHY M. GREEN March 29, 1972, at 10:00- period as provided by law is one Judge of Probate o'clock In the forenoon, at" Judge of Probate to said hearing. AVdath L. Abbey, Lot 161 a.m., in the Probate Court­ Final Account (1) year from th6 time of sale, Dated: February 4,1972 the North entrance to the Dated: February 10, 1972, Publication and service CAPITOL SAVINGS Si LOAN Geneva Shores No. 2. room at St. Johns, Michigan White-March 15 Robert H. Wood Courthouse In the City of St. Robert H. Wood shall be made as provided by ASSOCIATION Feb. 9: Price, Kenneth L. a hearing be held on the STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Attorney for Estate Johns, Michigan, that being Attorney for Estate Statute and Court Rule. Dated: January 26, 1972 and Vernetta E. to Ransom petition of Theodora Trier- Probate Court for the Cummins, Butler & Thorburn 200 W. State St. the place for holding the 200 W. State St. TIMOTHY M, GREEN Ahr and Carol H. Briggs, weiler for Probate of a pur­ County of Clinton 301 Capitol Savings & Loan Bldg, St. Johns, Michigan 41-3 Circuit Court for the County * St. Johns, Michigan 42-3 Judge of Probate of Clinton, there will be Lot 23, 24, 25, Blk. 1 Avenue ported Will and Codicil, for Estate of Lansing, Michigan 48933 Dated: February 17, 1972 Attorneys for Mortgagee 39-13 Claims Rehm— offered for sale and sold Add., St. Johns. granting of administration BESSIE E.WHITE,Deceased Final Account Warner, Hart & Morgan STATE OF MICHIGAN-The to the highest bidder or' Feb. 9: Doty, Alfred N. to the executor named, and It is Ordered that on McCoy—March 15 Ronald G, Morgan Will Pearson—Mar. 15 Probate Court for the bidders at public auction or and Beatrice L. to Richard for a determination of heirs. Wednesday, March 15, 1972, STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Attorney for STATE OF MICHIGAN-The County of Clinton. vendue, for the purpose of N. and Connie M. Smith, Lot Publication' and service at 10:30 a.m., in the Pro­ Probate Court for the Bernard L. Deyarmond, Sr. Probate Court for the Estate of satisfying the amounts due 1, Blk. 8, Hutchinson's Add., shall be made as provided bate Courtroom in St. Johns, County of Clinton Lansing, Michigan 43-3 County of Clinton EDWARD REHM, Deceased and unpaid on said mortgage, Maple Rapids. by Statute and Court Rule. Michigan a hearing be held Estate of Estate of It Is Ordered that on May together with all legal costs Feb. 9: Beechler, Thomas^ Claims Thelen—May 10 TIMOTHY M. GREEN, on the Petition of Verl DELIA ETHEL PEARSON 3, 1972, at 9:30 a.m., in the and charges of sale, includ­ W. and Carol L; Beechler,' MINNIE A. McCOY, STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Judge of Probate Schwartz, Executor, for al­ Deceased Probate Courtroom at St, ing an attorney fee in the •Geraldine I to Theodore K. Deceased Probate Court for the Dated: February 9, 1972 lowance of his Final Account It is Ordered that on Johns, Michigan a hearing amount of ONE HUNDRED and Betty A. Halltsky, Lot 6, It is Ordered that on County of Clinton Kemper, Wells and Lewis and for assignment of resi­ Wednesday, March 15, 1972, be held at which all creditors FIFTY ($150.00) DOLLARS Blk. 71, St. Johns. Wednesday, March 15, 1972, Estate of by: Frederick M. Lewis due. at 10:00 a.m., in the Probate Attorneys for the Estate at 10:30 a.m. in the Probate of said deceased are re­ as provided by statute, the Feb. 10: Kimmel, Lydla JOHN THELEN, Publication and service Courtroom In the Courthouse 103 East State Street Courtroom in St. Johns, quired to prove their claims. lands and premises in said Jastram, Gerald E. and Dor­ Deceased shall be made as provided in St. Johns, Michigan a hear­ St. Johns, Michigan 42-3 Michigan a hearing be held Creditors* must file sworn mortgage mentioned and othy A.; Koeppen, Gerald It is Ordered that on by Statute and Court Rule. ing be held on the Petition on the petition of Pauline claims with the Court and described as follows: D. and Vera L. to Edward Wednesday, May 10, 1972, TIMOTHY M. GREEN of Derrill Shlnabery, May for probate of a pur­ serve a copy on Carolyn A. . Beginning 154 feet North L. and Sallie M. Slocum, at 9:30 a,m. In the Probate STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Judge of Probate Successor Administrator, ported will, that administra­ W1 n s o r, Administratrix of the Southwest corner of property In Sec. 21, Riley. Courtroom in St. Johns, Probate Court for the Dated: February 4, 1972 for allowance of his Final tion be granted to William wwa, Route 1J Perrinton, the West 20 acres of the Feb. 10: Keeler, Frank R. Michigan a hearing be held at County of Clinton Arnold & Arnold Account, " > May, and for determination Michigan prior to said hear­ North 1/2 of the South 1/2- and Elsie M. to Forrest J. which all creditors of said At a session of said Court, By: Jack T. Arnold of heirs. ing. of the Northwest 1/4 of and Diane E. Keeler, prop­ Publication and service deceased are required to held at the Probate Office in Attorney for the Estate Publication and service Publication and service Section 34, T5N, R2W, and erty in Sec. 10, DeWitt. shall be made as provided prove their claims. Cred­ the City of St. Johns, in 100 East Center Street shall be made as provided shall be made as provided running thence East 200feet,- Feb. 10: Metzger, Mildred by Statute and Court Rule. itors must file sworn claims said County, on the 3rd day Ithaca, Michigan 41-3 by Statute and Court Rule. by Statute and Court Rule. thence North 150 feet, thence H. to Robert M. and V. TIMOTHY U. GREEN with the court and serve a of February, A.D. 1972. TIMOTHY M.GREEN TIMOTHY M. GREEN, North 150 feet, thence West Maxine Lorenz Lot 245 Clin­ Judge of Probate copy on ElizabethM. Thelen, PRESENT: Hon Timothy MORTGAGE SALE - Default Judge of Probate ' Judge of Probate 209 feet, thence South 150 ton Village No. 3. Dated: February 7, 1972 Executrix, Route 1, Fowler, M, Green, Judge of Probate. has been made In the conditions Dated: Feb. 3, 1972 Dated: February 9, 1972 feet to the beginning, Feb. 11: Coe, Milton L. Robert H. Wood Michigan 48835, prior to said IN THE MATTER OF THE of a mortgage made by HOWARD Daniel C. Matson Kemper, „Wells and Lewis EXCEPT the West 50 feet, and Kathleen M. to Benja­ Attorney for Estate hearing. APPLICATION OF James S, PICKMAN and DONNA J. PICKMAN, husband and wife to Attorney for Estate by: Frederick M. Lewis is reserved for highway pur­ min F. and Helen C.Watson, 200 W. State St. Randolph Baker to have his Publication and service WILLIAM H. SILL MORTGAGES, 122 East Washington Street Attorneys for the Estate poses; property in Sec. 4, Water- St. Johns, Michigan 42-3 shall be made as provided name changed to J. R, Baker. INCORPORATED, a Michigan DeWitt, Michigan 41-3 103 East State Street The period within which town. by Statute and Court Rule. IT IS ORDERED that the Corporation Mortgagee, dated Will LeValley-Mar. 1 St. Johns, Michigan 42-3 the above premises may be «* • Feb. ll:Lischkge,Carroll TIMOTHY M, GREEN 15th day of March 1972 at July 30, 1969, and recorded on STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Final Account redeemed shall expire six K. and Irene C. to Robert Judge of Probate 10:00 o'clock in theforenoon August 4, 1969, In Liber 256, Probate Court for the on page 208, Clinton, County Fenby—March 15 Final Account (6) months from date of sale. * Carroll and Peggy Llschkge, Dated: February 16, 1972 . at said Probate Court be and County of Clinton Records, Michigan, and assigned STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Smith-March 29 property in Sec. 28, Riley. Walker & Moore, is herebyappointedforhear­ Estate of by said Mortgagee to FIRSTSAV- Probate Court for the STATE OF MICHIGAN-The -Date: February 23, 1972 Feb. 11: Briggs, Roy F. By: James A. Moore ing said petition. INGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION ROBERT M. LeVALLEY, County of Clinton Probate Court for the AMERICAN BANK AND and Pauline Ahr to Terry L. Attorney for Estate It is further ORDERED OF JERSEY CITY, N. J. by an Deceased GLADYS R. FENBY, County of Clinton. TRUST COMPANY, a and Mary E. Foote, Lot 3, 115 E. Walker Street that public notice thereof assignment dated July 30,1969, , It is Ordered that on and recorded on August 4, 1969 Deceased Estate of corporation, of Lansing, 2, Briggs Stoller Sub. St. Johns, Michigan 43-3 be given by publication of a Wednesday, March 1, 1972, • In Liber 256, on page 212, Clin­ It Is Ordered that on LOUISE M. SMITH, Michigan - Mortgagee. Feb. 14: Fitzpatrlck, Leo copy of this ORDER for three at 10 a.m., in the Probate Claims Arntz—May 3 ton, County Records, Michigan, Wednesday, March 15, 1972, Deceased FOSTER, LINDEMER, , Gordon and Rosemary; Fitz­ successive weeks previous Courtroom in st. Johns, STATE OF MICHIGAN-The on which mortgage there is at 11:00 a.m., in the Probate It is Ordered that on patrlck, property in Sec. 9, to said day of hearing in the claimed to be due at the date SWIFT &, COLLINS Michigan ahearingbeheldon Probate Court for the Courtroom in St. Johns, March 29, 1972, at 10:00 Attorneys for Mortgagee Lebanon. Clinton County Newsanews- hereof the sum of TWELVE Michigan a hearing be held a.m., in the Probate Court­ the petition of Clinton Na­ County of Clinton THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED 900 American Bank & , Feb. 14: Kosloskl, Adeline paper printed a'nd circulated tional Bank & Trust Company Estate of NINETY-FIVE AND 60/100 Dol­ on the Petition of Robert room at St. Johns, Mich­ Trust Bldg. to Fred A. and Lottie Mae in said County, for probate of a purported GORDON ARNTZ, lars ($12795.60), including inter-, Fenby, Administrator, for igan a hearing be held on Lansing, Michigan 48933 Zemke, Lot 77 Valley Farms . TIMOTHY M. GREEN Will, for granting of admin­ Deceased est at 7-1/2% per 'annum. the allowance of his final the petition of Aloyslus J. 43-13 No. 2. Judge of Probate istration to the executor It is Ordered that on Under the power of sale con­ account. Smith, Executor for allow­ A True Copy, Feb. 14: Lash, Franklin named, or some other suit­ May 3, 1972, at 9:30 a.m., tained In said mortgage and the Publication and service ance of his final account, and Helena M. Burk statute In such case made and and Wanda F. to Larry T. able person, and foradeter- in the Probate Courtroom shall be made as provided for assignment of residue. Register of Probate 41-3 provided, notice Is hereby given Schaefer Inc., property in mination of heirs. In St. Johns, Michigan a by Statute and Court Rule. Publication and service " Elsie Sec. 36, Olive. that said mortgage will be fore­ shall be made as provided Publication and service hearing be held at which all closed by a sale of the mort­ TIMOTHY M.GREEN By Mrs Neva Keys Feb. 14: Hallead, Ralph V. shall be made as provided creditors of said deceased NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE gaged premises, or some part of Judge of Probate by statute and Court Rule, —Default having Jjeen made in the and Alice to Barry and Cathy by Statute and Court Rule. are required to prove their them, at public vendue at the Dated: Feb. 4, 1972 TIMOTHY M. GREEN, Hallead , property in Sec. terms and conditions of a certain north door of the Court House R. Glenn Mathews, Jr. Judge of Probate TIMOTHY M. GREEN claims. Creditors must file mortgage executed by DARIAN ELSIE-The Woman's Soci- 10, OUve. In the City of St. Johns, Clinton Attorney For Dated: February £, 1972k yetyof Christian Service of the Judge of Probate sworn claims with the court LEE GRAHAM AND LORETTA v Feb. 14: Morris, Jay and County, Michigan, at» 10:00 -Rhy Fenby &*-un 'V Kemper, Wells 'and Lewi" ' s Dated: February 2, 1972 * and serve a copy on Dorothy * M. GRAHAM, Ms wife to C1T1-' o'clock a.m. on Friday, April 14. K0De" p "... „. « E1&6 -Methodist Church' held Mildred to Glen E. and Doris ™* .££&. .~~ "™™\ "'dock a.m. on Friday, April 14, Walkep &,Moore^ *,, -,v~ - i I, SchoalspAdmlnlstratrix, 1 J> by: Fredericte1Mi.-vLewis^v^trf'^hetr February - meetirTgTatTthe; ZENS MpRTGAGE„CORPORA--t---I972;"Ig7Zr *. "- ". *•." K.-"-'s^-tiansjjir -,£ , Michlgan'-j-f .,41-3- M. Reagle,'property in Sec'. By: Jack Walker 10422 South Krepps Road, Attorneys for .the Estate hohie of Mrs. Woodrow^ TIONdated ,20t a*h daMichigay of Decembern Corporatio, 1968n, Said premises are situated ta' ^f Nwak-Mar. 18 26, Eagle. Attorney for Estate DeWitt, Michigan 48820, the city of DeWitt, Clinton 103 East State Street B ashore, * *" Feb. 14: Redmond, Alice and recorded on 26th day of County, Michigan, and are STATE OF MICHIGAN-The 115 E. Walker Street prior to said hearing. December, 1968, In Liber 254, St. Johns, Michigan 42-3 The lessonwaspresentedby E. to Fedewa Builders Inc. described as: Probate Court for the St. Johns, Michigan 41-3 Publication and service Page 631, Clinton County, Mich­ Mrs. Harold Epple and Mrs. property in Sec. 20, Bath. The North 11 feet of Lot 35 County of Clinton shall be made as provided igan Records, which mortgage NOTICE OF MORTGAGE Harold Hehreron^Poverty*. Feb. 15: Halmhuber, Ethel License to sell was assigned by said Mortgagee and the South 59 feet of Lot 3G Estate of by Statute and Court Rule. of Evelyn Cutler Replat of Lots SALE The materials and statistics F. to Claude and Edna Ruth Pasch—March 15 to FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT­ ANNA NOVAK, - Deceased TIMOTHY M. GREEN 21 and 22 of Vlewcrest River were obtained from the Clin­ Cummings, Lot 1, Blk. D STATE OF MICHIGAN-The GAGE ASSOCIATION, a National It is Ordered that on Judge of Probate Addition to the Village of DeWitt Default having been made ton County Welfare Office. A, Stone Add., Ovid. Probate Court for the Mortgage Associatlon/byassign­ Wednesday, March 15, 1972, Dated: February 16, 1972 ment dated the 13th day of Jan­ on the South fraction of the NW in the condition of a certain discussion followed. ,< ,1/4 of Section 8, and replat of at 10:00 a.m., in the Probate Feb. 15: Thelen, Jerome County of Clinton uary, 1969, and recorded on the indenture of mortgage made Announcements of several s/ Harold B. Reed Ipart of Outlet G, Assessor's Courtroom in the Courthouse J. and Genevieve to Luke R. Estate of 17lh day of January, 1969, in on the 6th day of March, invitations were: World Day Attorney for said Estate Plat of Village of DeWitt, Town in St. Johns, Michigan a Thelen, property in Sec. 20, EDWARD PASCH, Liber 254, Page 797, Clinton 1969, by RENALDO P. Le- of Prayer, March 3 at 1:30 at 305 East State Street County, Michigan Records, on 5 North, Range 2 West, now hearing be held on the Peti­ Dallas, Deceased .City of DeWitt, Clinton County, BUTT and MARILYN S. Le- Congregational Church in St. St. Johns, Mlcfiigan 43-3 which mortgage there Is claimed tion of Elma Klockzlem for Feb. 15:Dilley,RussellE. It is Ordered that on Michigan. BUTT, husband and wife, as Johns; and noon luncheon at to be due, at the date of this probate of a purported will, an d Elsie L. to Terry A. March 15, 1972, at 11:00 Final Account notice, the sum of THIRTEEN The length of the period of Mortgagors, given by them the Chapln Methodist Church, , and for granting of admin­ and Kathey J. Walker, Lot a.m., in the Probate Court­ Sleight-March 29 THOUSAND NTNE HUNDRED redemption from such sale will be to the AMERICAN BANK March 10, at'12:30 p.m. 6 months. istration to the executor 68, Idylcrest No. 3. room in St. Johns, Michigan STATE OF MICHIGAN-The FORTY-ONE AND 26/100 AND TRUST COMPANY, a a hearing be held on the peti­ DOLLARS ($13,941.26). Dated: December 28, 1971 named, or some other suit­ Feb. 16: Wade, Franklin Probate Court for the corporation organized and The WJS.C.S. will furnish tion of Thomas P. Strgar NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, FIRST SAVINGS AND LOAN able person and for deter­ V. and Betty to Maureen County of Clinton ASSOCIATION OF JERSEY existing under the laws of the refreshments for,Lenten for license to sell real estate that by virtue of the power of mination of heirs. Jean Flegler and Roger Lee Estate of CITY, N. J. the State of Michigan, as Service, March 20." of said deceased. Persons sale contained in said mortgage Durbin, Lot 4, Blk 37, St. BERNICE SLEIGHT, and the statute In such case Assignee of Mortgage Publication and service Mortgagee, and recorded on It was voted to send the interested In said estate are SHAHEEN &SHAHEEN Johns. Deceased made and provided said mortgage shall be made as provided the 7th day of March, 1969, "Power* magazine to the col­ directed to appear at said By: Joseph Shaheen Feb. 16: Clinton National It is Ordered that on will be foreclosed by a sale of by Statute and Court Rule. at the Office of the Register lege students and servicemen hearing to show cause why Attorney, Bank and Trust Co. to Ray­ Wednesday, March 29, 1972, said mortgaged premises, or TIMOTHY M. GREEN of Deeds for Clinton County, of the church. The budget for such license should not be some part of them, at public 2526 Guardian Building, mond G, and Elma E. Parr, at 11:00 a.m., In the Probate Detroit, Michigan 48226 36-13 Judge of Probate Michigan, In Liber 255 at 1972 was presented by the granted. Courtroom In St, Johns, auction on the 29th day of March Dated: February 1, 1972 Lot 6, Blk. 6, St. Johns. 1972, at 10:00 o'clock a.m., East­ Page 140, Clinton County finance committee, discussed • Feb. 16: Rey, Robert R. Publication and service Michigan a hearing be held NOTICE OF MORTGAGE SALE Robert H. Wood ern Standard Time, at the main Records, on which mortgage and accepted. Cards were^sent f and Dorothy M. to Edward shall be made as provided on the petition of American entrance to the Courthouse, In Attorney for Estate there is claimed to be due Default having been made in ( to the shut-ins and members J. Adams, property in Sec. by Statute and Court Rule. Bank and Trust Company, the City of St. Johns, Clinton 200 W. State St. and unpaid as of the date who are away. Refreshments County, State of Michigan; that the conditions of a certain mort- 28, Victor. TIMOTHY M.GREEN executor, for the allowance I gage made on the 4th day of St. John's, Michigan 41-3 of this Notice the sum of were served by Mrs. Lewis Judge of Probate of its First Annual and final being one of the places of holding FORTY-FIVE THOUSAND Feb, 16: Rey, Robert R. Circuit Court In said County. October, 1963, between Arlo, Walling. Mrs. Durward Conk- Dated: February 18, 1972 account and assignment of Thrush and Elizabeth Thrush, Final Account and Dorothy M. to Edward Said mortgaged premises are SIX HUNDRED NINETY- lin and Mrs. Esther Tweedie. Kemper, Wells & Lewis residue. husband and wife, Mortgagors, Kolandzl—Mar. 15 J, Adams, property in Sec. described as follows: FOUR AND 71/100 The next meeting will be By: William C. Kemper Publication and service and CAPITOL SAVINGS & LOAN STATE OF MICHIGAN-The ($45,694.71) DOLLARS 28, Victor. Lot 51 and the East 10 feet ASSOCIATION, Mortgagee, and March 1 at 8 p.m. at the home Attorneys for the Estate shall be made as provided Probate Court for the principal, and the sum of Feb. 16: Larry T. Schaefer of Lot 50, Supervisor's Plat of recorded in the office of the of Mrs. Blaine Lentz. Mrs. 103 East State Street by Statute and Court Rule. Ballantlne's Wee Farms, Section County of Clinton TWO THOUSAND SLXTEEN Inc., to Larry J. and Mar- Register of Deeds for Clinton Virginia Chamberlain will ' St. Johns, Michigan 43-3 TIMOTHY M. GREEN 28, T5N, R2W, Township of De- County, Michigan on October 7, Estate of AND1 88/100 ($2,016.88) lene I. Fitzpatrlck, property present the program on ' Judge of Probate Witt, Clinton County, Michigan, 1963, In Liber 238 of Mortgages, STANLEY KOLANDZL. DOLLARS interest; and no in Sec. 9, Watertown. Final account according to the recorded plat "Belgium Congo". Dated: February 11, 1972 pages 411 and412,on which mort­ •Deceased suit or proceeding at law Brooke—April 8 thereof as recorded In Liber Plat gage there is claimed to be due Probate Court Raymond R. Behan It Is Ordered that on or in equity having been' STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Book, Page- 2, Clinton County at the date of this notice for HON. TIMOTHY M. GREEN Attorney for Petitioner Records. Wednesday, March 15, 1972, instituted to recover thedebt Judge of Probate Probate Court for the principal and Interest, the sum of at 9:30 a.m. in the Probate Some 8,125 farmer co­ 702 American Bank & Trust The length of the period of * Four Thousand Two Hundred Sev­ or any part thereof, secured HELENA M. BURK County of Clinton Courtroom In the Courthouse operatives are functioning Bldg. redemption from such sale will enty-eight and 66/100 ($4,278.66) by said Indenture of mort- Register of Probate Estate of be six (6) months. in St. Johns, Michigan a in the United States. Lansing, Michigan 43-3 Dollars and an attorney fee of WEDNESDAY, March 1,1972 THURMAN A. BROOKE, M Dated at Lansing, Michigan, Fifty ($50.00) Dollars allowed by Paul Mlnnich, claims. Deceased Final Account December 29,1971. law, as provided In said Mort­ FEDERAL NATIONAL MORT­ Herman M. Pline, license It Is Ordered that on gage, and no suit or proceedings Plnkus—March 29 GAGE ASSOCIATION, A National at law having been instituted to to sell real estate. Thursday, April 8, 1972, STATE OF MICHIGAN-The Mortgage Association Assignee recover the moneys secured by Fred W. Martens, probate 9:30 a,m. In the Probate Probate Court for the of Mortgagee. said mortgage or any part there­ Business Directory of will. Courtroom In the Court­ County of Clinton DAVID M. LICK of of; Donald E. Fairchlld, ap­ house In St. Johns, Michigan File No. 18709 FARHAT, BURNS AND STORY, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN pointment of administrator. a hearing be held upon the Estate of P.C. that by virtue of the power of Attorneys for Assignee of Mort­ Robert LeValley, probate Petition of Alice Brooke, JOHN PINKUS, Deceased sale contained in said Mortgage gagee * and the statute in such case AUTOMOTIVE FARM SERVICES HARDWARE of wUI. Administratrix W/W/A for It is Ordered that on 417 North Seymour Avenue allowance of her Final made and provided, on the 2lst Howard E.Sperry,probate, Wednesday, March 29, 1972, Lansing, Michigan 48933 35-13| day of April, 1972, on 10:00 For the BEST BUY in GOWER'S HARDWARE of will. Account. at 10:30 a.m., In the Probate o'clock in the forenoon, the Now & Used Chevrolets Purina Feeds Publication and service Courtroom in St. Johns, Will Martens-Mar. 1 undersigned will, at the South * ' and See Means $ $ $,ln Your Pocket •k LEGAL NOTICES shall be made as provided Michigan ahearingbeheldon STATE OF MICHIGAN-The entrance of the Clinton County Mathews Elevator Co. by Statute'and Court Rule. the petition of the adminis­ Courthouse in the City of St. EDINGER & WEBER GRAIN ELEVATOR Probate Court for* the Johns, County of Clinton, State Grain—Feeds—Seeds TIMOTHY M.GREEN trator W/W/A, praying for BOTTLED GAS County of Clinton of Michigan, that being one of FOWLER Phone 582-2401 - ' FOWLER" License to sell Judge of Probate the allowance of his Final Cylinders or Bulk Mlchels-March 15 Estate of- / the places where the Circuit Dated: February -18, 4972 Account and for the Assign­ Court for the County of Clinton ".Eureka , STATE OF MICHIGAN—The FRED W. MART^ENSE , Robert H. Wood ment of the Residue as the Deceased is held, sell at public auction CREDIT BUREAU Phone 224-2695 . Pfobate Court for the Attorney for Estate to the highest bidder the prem­ Be a Partner will provides. It is Ordered that on Phdne 224-2953. " County of Clinton 200 W. State, ises described in the snld Mort­ NOT JUST A CUSTOMER 'Publication and service March 1, 1972, at 9:30 a.m., gage, or so much thereof as may CLINTON COUNTY Estate of St. Johns, Michigan 43-3 shall be made as provided Buy the Co-op Way ' HELEN M. MICHELS, in the Probate Courtroom In be necessary to pay the amount INSURANCE by Statute and Court Rule, as aforesaid due on said Mort­ FARMERS' CO-OP CREDIT BUREAU Deceased Claims Hurl-May 10 St. Johns, Michigan a hear­ TIMOTHY M. GREEN gage, with seven (7%) per cent FOWLER Phone 882-2661 Phone 224-2891 >- It Is Ordered that on STATE OF MICHIGAN-The ing be held on the petition Complete Insurance Service Judge of Probate of Fred Tledt for Probate interest, and all legal costs, to­ Wednesday, March 15, 1972, Probate Court 'for the gether with said attorney fee, Credit Reports 'Collections , Since 1933 Dated: -February 10, 1972 of a purported will, for at 9:30 a.m., in the Probate County of Clinton which said premises are AUTOMOBILE COVERAGE Henry JVFischer granting of administration to FARM T rl Courtroom in the Courthouse Estate of described as follows In said •" FIRE INSURANCE Attorney for the Executornamed,orsome Mortgage: DRAINAGE FOR YOUR LISTING IN THE In St. Johns, Michigan a" VERN E, HURL, Deceased GENERAL CASUALITY The Administrator other" suitable person, and Hearing be held-on the peti­ It Is Ordered that on May Commencing at a point on the 706 American Bank &, Trust for a determination of heirs._ JAMES BURNHAM tion of Alba F. Wert for 10, 1972, at 10:30 a.m., In West side of Section 3 which is Business Directory' * Allaby-Brewboker, Inc. Bldg, Phone St, Johns 224-4045 License to sell real estate the Probate Courtroom in St; Publication and service' North 815 feet of the SW corner Over Gamble Store Lansing, Mlchigah.48933 > R-3, Si. Johns Phone Mt-SISl^ of said deceased. Persons Johns, Michigan a hearing be shall be made as provided , of the NW 1/4 of said Section 43-3 3, T5N, R3W, Watertown fown- St. Johns .• ' Phone 224-3258 - Interested in said estate are held on the' Hearing oh by Statute an Court Rule.

t FEBRUARY 23,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 9B Style-Master 14 55 ] Aloha 12 57 Dewitt Township High game individual — Gene Dunkle, 232. High Ovid Mrs, Oliver Smith Area Bowling Phone 834-5252 series individual —Bob Board Minutes NIGHT HAWK with a 2476 series. Splits Boettger,- 588. High game COMMERCIAL team — Jim's Ins., 943 with Feb. 8 W L converted — L, Urbaniak, The annual meeting of the Synopsis of the Regular for a new full year Class C Jan. 25 W L a 2634 series. 200 games — Doris Darling, Ann Das, Dunkel's 44 25 5-6; L. Tledt, 5-6; J. Shep- United Church was held on Board meeting of the DeWltt liquor license. Daley's 40 23 K. Barrett, 206; R. Kentfield, Ethel Conn, Alice Sherwin, Zeeb's " 43 26 ard, 5-7-9; Iva Kees,> 5-10; Thursday evening, Feb. 3 Township Board held on Feb; • Schmitt's 39 24 204; L. Childress, 223; D. Edna Austin, Helen Rich­ 14, 1972 at DeWitt Town­ Adopted a resolution to Roadhouse 41. 28 L. Clark, 5-7; D. Hopp, 5-7; at the Main Street Building sign a pole license agree­ Jim's Ins. 38 25 Cornwell, 216; R. Dunkle, ards, Esther Wilson and ship Hall*, 780 E. Wleland Legion 391/2 291/2 M. Boettger, 5-7; D. Pung, with a potluck supper. ment with Consumers Power Demmer's 37 26 202; B. Boettger, 225; R. Vivian Wyrick. Road, Lansing, Michigan.^ Beck's 39 30 3-10; H. Dlnkel, 3rl0; A. Rev. William Wiltse of Mt. Co. Walker, 2-7; J. Woodhams, Redwing Lanes 37 26 Heathman, 204; D. Bashore, Social Concerns, Audrey. The meeting was called Randolph's 36 33 Pleasant, district superin­ Accepted Lars Syverson's 6-7. Bruno's 35 28 • 201; J. Spousta, 206. Bancroft, Jerry Herblet, to order by Supervisor King Coca Cola' 35 34 tendent of the United Meth­ resignation from the Police Galloway's 35 28 Luella Canfleld, Marie De- at 8:01 p.m. Farm Bureau 32 37 odist Church 'was the first Pond, Bill Case, MargaPar- Committee. Rehmann's 34 29 Board members present: Paul's 311/2 371/2 TEN PIN KEGLERS REDWINGS speaker. He said laymen menter, Jerry Ross, Voted to have the Super­ -Sprite 32 31 Powell, Johns,Purves,King, Rupp 311/2 37.1/2 Feb. 9 W L Feb. 11W L were much more active than Charles Bracey and Dave visor check with the State McKenzie's 27 36 Syverson, Zeeb and Pline. Hettler's 211/2 471/2 Ludwick's 18 6 WPA ' 53 31 a year ago and young people Hill. Plumbing Board aboutDuane Aloha 12 51 The meeting was opened gg Station 20 49 Parr's 17 7 Jale's 481/2 35 1/2 were more evident In his Cross being hooked into the Style-Master 12 51 Membership and Evange- with the Pledge of Alleg­ High game individual — Koadhouse 16 * 8 MP's 47 . 37 trips around the district. He sewer system without aper- High game individual — ism, Kathleen Sterba, Lena iance. ean Meyers, 220 with a 571 Hallenbeck's 15 9 Nite Hawks 47 37 recommended the book Trowbridge, Peggy Shaver, mit. Also voted to have the eries. High game team — McKenzie's 14 10 K. Penix, 232. High series Fearsome 4 45 39 "Listening to the Church* Approved the minutes of individual - T. Martin, 609. Kathy Huss, Vada Stedmen, Supervisor contact Hammell oadhouse, 919 with a 2599 American Legion Sandbaggers 431/2 401/2 lay Virgil Saxton which is a the Regular Board meeting of concerning enforcement of High game team —Schmitt's, Eleanor Ackley. Stewardship January 10, 1972 as mailed. eries. 200 games — S. 12 12 Honeymooners 42 42 survey of what young people and Finance, Harold the six months to hook into 935" with a 2637 series. 200 Communications were "eyers, 205; P.Bishop, 209; Julie K, 11 13 Sunshine Group think of the church. Beardslee, Clare Crawford, the sewer system. 3J. Lundy,201jM.Rademach- games - K. Penix, 205; T. read. Hub Tire 10 14 391/2 441/2 Dr. Dwayne Vore, head John Baker, Lyle Yerrick, Adopted proposed budgets Martin, 221, 206; J. Boyce, Fire Committee minutes Jir, 200. Schmitt's 9 15 Ten Pins 361/2 471/2 of the State United Church Rena Mack, Clifford Squier, for the Cemetery, Planning 218; A.Thelen,205;L.Kuhns and Chief Fancher's report Masarlk's 9 15 King Pins 35 49 of Christ was the second Bob Parmenter and Larry Commission, Fire and 205; E. Feldpausch, 204; L. were given by Purves, Ap­ THE GOODTIMERS Allaby & Brewbaker Shannon & Davis 34 • 50 speaker. He said not all of Bashore. Board of Trustees, Police Funds. The General Childress, 221. proved reimbursing Hobson Feb. 6 W L 7 17 Four Aces 33 51 us work at the same time David Houghton, Harold Fund Budget was not pre­ for his glasses that were Top Cats 55 33 Clinton National 6 18 nor 'in the same way but Beardslee, Harry Mat- sented. Balls & Chains 50 38 COMMERCIAL High game individual — lost In a fire. High game individual — Feb. 1 W L Glen Pearson, 229. High we all try to do the will of thiers, George Austin, Jack Happy Hustlers Planning Commission Approved $500.00 for park Harriet Cornwell, 202. High Schmitt's 42 24 series individual — Bernie God. Christians together are Bates, Ellis Watson, Bruce 491/2 381/2 minutes were given by Johns. maintenance. series individual — Kay Demmer's 40 26 Wawsczyk, 582; HazelPear- not necessarily stereotypes Wiegel, Robert Shipley, Jolly Jesters Approved transfer of $4,000 Powell suggested that.two Penix, 535. High game team .Daley's 40 26 son, 570. High game team — and he said *I don't always John Mar on and Dorothy 491/2 38 1/2 from the General Fund to things should be considered -Schmitt Electric, 870. Jim's 38 28 WPA, 705 with a 2042 series. agree with you but I can Sauber (Communion). Polecats 45 43 High series team — Amer­ work with you. get a Future Land Use Study at Annual meeting on April Redwing Lanes 38 28 Building and Grounds, started. Voted to recommend Fearless Four 42 46 ican Legion and Masarlk's Rev. Walter Kargus fin­ 1. First would be the Sup­ Bruno's 38 28 Dale Bancroft, Hans Bossel, approval of.rezoning from Kool Kats 41 47 Shell, 2444. Other 500 games ished the evening's program ervisor's salary if he were Galloway's 37 29 North Bengal Felix Ridsdale, BUI Serviss, B-l to B-2 for the parcel Dreamers 41' 47 -- D. King, 524; D. Hopp, by telling the goals and strat­ not a certified assessor and Rehmarui's 37 29 Itj Mrs Wm. KrtiSt Raymond Page, Harold located on State Road owned Merry Mixers 512; J. Henning, 501, Other egies for the coming year. second would be a manager Sprite 33 33 Green, Warner Briggs, Lar­ by Horvath. 401/2 471/2 200 games — Kay Penix, He also mentioned the pag­ ry Bakke, Porter Martin, for the sewer system. The McKenzia's 29 37 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chief Angell's. report and Hepcats 40 48 201. Splits converted.- E. eant during Holy Week and Ken Parmenter and Harold Supervisor should check with Humdingers 371/2 501/2 Kuhns, 5-7; A, Helbeck,2-7; Aloha 12 54 Beckhorn of Ionia were call­ the minutes of the Police M^TA how other Townships Style-Master 12 54 several weeks of Bible study Frisbie. , Penney's Paint 37 51 E. Bell, 2-7. ers on Wednesday evening, during March. Committee were given by are hiring their assessors. High game individual — Feb. 9 of Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Memorial Committee, High game individual — During the business meet­ Plihe. Bids were opened and The Clerk should check Keith Barrett, 255 with a liam Ernst. Joan Eastlick, Barbara Wil- Julia Silvestri, 201 with a ing the following officers accepted for marking the about hospitalization for NITE OWLS 650 series. High game team lett, Rosemary Valko, Betty 548 series; Ted Silvestri, Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. were elected: Chairman of patrol car. There was a dis­ Township employees. Feb. 10W L — Demmer's,982witha2864 Jones and Essie Frisbie. 211 with a 576 series. High Pasch attended a neighbor­ the Official Board, Cyril cussion by the audience as to Resolution to put Charter F. C. Mason's ' 22 2 series. 200 games - M. Lud- Communion Stewards- team game — Balls & Chains hood card party at the home Tremblay; Vice-chairman, whether the patrol car should Township on the ballot will Kurt's 14 10 wick, 205; K. Barrett, 255. Josephine Jackson, Jane 641. High series team — of Mr. and Mrs, Clem Feld­ Richard DePond; Trea­ be marked. be on the agenda next month. Cent. Mich. Lumber R. Myers, 216; R. G. Beck­ Beach, Norma Ross and Penney's Paint. 200 games pausch on Saturday evening, surer, Doris Crawford; Transportation reportwas Approved all Vouchers. 14 10 er, 200; M. Durbin, 201; Diane Attenberger. -- J. Craig, 201; L. Floate, Feb. 12. Financial Secretary, Jose­ given by Powell. There will A general discussion took Rivard's 14 10 E. Feldpausch, 203; W.Dush, Ushering and reception- 204. Mr, and Mrs. Herman phine Smith; Church School be a Transportation meet­ place. St. Johns Co-op. 13 11 214; L. Neller, 233; T. Bul- Noller of rural Hubbardston Clifford Squier, Albert Ack- ing Wednesday night. TUESDAY TEATIME lard, 211; D. Urban, 202, Superintendent, Vera ley, Bernon Willett, Mitch Adjournment at 11:45 p.m. Beck's 13 11 visited Mr. and Mrs. Wil­ Tremblay. Reconsidered the resolu­ Respectfully submitted, Gen. Tel. 12 12 226; R. Dunkle, 202;A.Tiedt liam Ernst on Thursday Das, Leroy Maurer, Bob LEAGUE The Commission on Edu­ tion of Phase H of the sewer DONNA B. SYVERSON, Wheel Inn 10 14 204, 210; A. Thelen, 222; afternoon, Feb. 10, Parmenter and Dale Willett. system. This was adopted Feb. 8 W ' L cation, BeverlyKargus, Jo­ DeWitt Township Clerk Schwan's 9 15 G. Dunkle,203,201;L.Kuhns On Wednesday, Feb. 9, Receptionists are Betty with the vote of yes 5 and Paradise's 21 3 anne Wiegel, Bonna Austin, Approved: Foobars 8 16 211; R. Kentfield, 206; C. Rev. and Mrs. H. E. Ros- Jones and Beverly Bovan. no 2. Redwing Lanes 16 8 Janet McCreery, Ena Baker, MILTON J. KING, Smith-Douglas 8 16 Watson, 211; D. Cornwell, sow and Mrs. Herman Ros- Aloha Drlve-In 16 8 Diane Hill, Janet Herblet. Wacousta Tabled any action on Supervisor Gutter Dusters 7 17 201. sow visited Mr. and Mrs. Commission on> Music and Mrs Edward Kraft—626-694-1 CAPACOG. Gratiot Farmersl3 11 High individual game — COMMERCIAL Richard Rossow and baby, Worship, Carol Bashore, Wyble recommended that Val's Pizzeria 13 11 Hazel Pearson, 209. High Raymond Jessup a former Feb. 8 W L Justin of Flint. Mrs. H. E. Dorothy Yerrick, Janet the Township wait to adopt PEWAMONEWS Clinton Mach. 13 11 series individual — Lela resident here passed away Schmitt's 44 25 Rossow remained to spend Bates, Kathy Conner, Bud an Ordinance about Topless St. Johns Furn. 11 13 Clark, 535. High game team the past week at his home in Mrs. Charles Cook re­ Demmer's 42 27 several days with her son Casler, Marie Elliott, Edna Dancing until after decision Go-Getters 10 14 -- F. C. Mason , 867 with California following a long turned home Monday after Daley's 41 28 and family. Whittemore, Doris Martin, of the court case in Detroit. Central National 9 15 a 2513 series. Other 500 illness. spending twoandahalfweeks Jim's 41 28 Mrs. William Ernst and Mary Ridsdale and Sonja There wasadlscussionabout Furman-Day 8 16 games — S. Spencer, 519; Mrs, Luella Deering ofSt. with her daughter, Mr. and Redwing Lanes 40 29 Maxine called on Mrs. Ed­ Page. the North-side Drlve-In Art's Refinery 7 17 J. Heathman, 506. Conver­ Ignace is spending some time Mrs. James Knoll and fam­ Bruno's 39 30 ward Moritz, Mrs. Herman Theater. Liquor license re­ Randolph's 7 17 sions - J. Smit, 5-6-10; Pastoral Relations Com­ with Mrs. Myrl Stoll. ily at L'Anse. Galloway's 38 31 Taege and Mrs. Pearl Sill- newal objections will be on High game individual — P. Munger, 4-7-10; B. Knight mission, Robert Beach, Mr. and Mrs. Gary Doyle Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Rehmann's 38 31 man at the Jackson Nursing the agenda next month. Marge Higgins, 223 with a 3-10; C. Rhynard, 5-7; M. Mitch Das, Ken Parmenter and daughter of Lansing were Fox and Arnold Hattls were Sprite 34 35 home at St. Johns on Sunday 550 series. High game team Parker, 4-7-9. and Audrey Bancroft. Wednesday supper guests of Tabled any action on the visitors at the Ionia Manor McKenzie's 31, 38 . f afternoon, Feb. 13. ; — St. Johns Furniture,. 844, Commission on Mission, Mr.-and Mrs;. David Hodges. application: of .Ralph Lent! Friday afternoon. Federal Land Bank Reduces Rate To 7%

For Your St. Patrick's Day ^M^&teWb THE LOOK OF FAVORITES cards & Party Goods L7VNDBA"NK """ -1 Day Film Service- Women1 Men's IN FASHIONS 250 N. Cllntan

Use the convenient BECKER'S DEPARTMENT STORE Free Parking at our TKMNE s rear entrance. FOWLER For The Third Time In 14 Months We Have e«tt -£ Lowered The Rate On Variable Loans By % Percent. RESIDENTIAL, COMMERCIAL SPECIALISTS This is our Policy .. "To provide long term credit ORDER YOUR AIR CONDITIONING to farmers on the variable interest rate plan at the LOWEST POSSIBLE COST consistant with good HEATING-PLUMBING business practices" SPRING SEEDS NOW *RCA Appliances Anderson Fertilizer The New 7% rate is effective Now on all New loans And will be effective on * Custom Kitchens Bulk and Bags All Present Loans beginning March 1,1972 * Floor Coverings -WE NEED OATS- BOB LEWIS See Me About A Heating Plumbing Sains and Service 1104 S. US-27 St. Johns Eureka Ph. 224-7189 LAND BANK LOAN MATHEWS *— ELEVATOR ROBERT 6. DARLING, Manager Phone 224-7127

EVERYTHING SEE US FIRST FORI 1 FOR THE ST™" ©""^to L7\T\IDB7YNK FARM LOANS SOIL Test Drive A 72 Vega Today New Facilities? The excise tax 1104 S. US-27 • Repairs? is gone.^.and Ph.'224-7127 prices were never lo'wer St. Johns, Mich. • Expansion? St. Johns Ashley Serving America's Farmers: 224-3234, 847-3571 Modernization? VIRGIL ZEEB Jim Edinger Chevrolet Providers of Plenty 3-^3 Fowler

ggi !=?=£= E?1 iirswf- gS &•:—ii. £== jj=~*r--_ P^ 2E! Your Friendly PLUMBING AND 2S HEATING IBRATie , r N 3 S^Sp-- G3M «2^( E£3 E^3 Ci !»! . BHJ MIN-A-MART TRUING & * RESIDENTIAL * COMMERCIAL 224-321DI, 'N. US-27J 10B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan FEBRUARY 23,1972 %%W:::%y:W:%:^^ CHATTER Teen leader CUie

MRS. NEVA KEYS weekend Ph. 8G2-4301 •••;•;•.•;•;•;•.•.•.•. Worthy Matron Mrs. Night at Wacousta to honor 4-H Teen Leadersfrom 'due by Feb. 18. Members campus in East Lansing. The Robert Baker presided at Clinton Cou/ity Association Clinton, Gratiot and Shia­ will need to bring their own MSU rodeo team will be the regular chapter meeting OES officers; Feb. 15, di wassee counties will have the sleeping bag or cot, clothes, Joined by college teams from Thursday evening at the Ma­ ner and reception at opportunity to attend the4-H, personal items, ice skates Kansas State, Wisconsin sonic Hall. Charles, honoring Robe] Teen Leader Weekend Feb. and musical instruments if State, Iowa State, Black Hills Mrs. Baker opened with a Bondi, Special Grand Coi 26-27 at the Casino in any. Reservations and money State and several other col­ silent prayer by all for the mittee Chairman of Masor Corunna. The program should be sent to the County leges. This will be an excel­ late William G. Ferris of Relations which will be rj planned by the teens includes Extension Office, 1003 S. lent chance for Michigan Bannister, who had been a tended by Mr. and Mj educational and informative Oakland, St. Johns. youth to learn about the member of the Elsie Ma- Robert Baker, Mrs. L>| workshops or leadership, growing sport of rodeo. The 'sonic Lodge and Order of Wilson and Mrs. Anna Du 4-H problems, community A LETTER HAS been cost of each performance' Eastern Star for over 40 representing Elsie Chapi involvement plus recreation, received from Mr. E. M, (Feb. 25, 8 p.m.; Feb. 26, years. He was a past master Feb, 16, Arbutis Chapj dance, hay ride and ice skat­ Welch, 4-H Officer of 1 p.m. and 8 p.m.; and Feb. of the Lodge Serving in 1931, Lansing, honoring the Gr| ing. Grenada, West Indies, thank­ 27,' 2 p.m.) is $2. Tickets and a past patron of OES Family; Feb. 18, Swa Registration begins at 9:30 ing Clinton County 4-H Teen may be secured from the from 1932 to 1934. Creek, dinner and receptl Feb, 26 and the program will Leaders, Kountry Kousins MSU Rodeo Club, Miss Jean- There were several let­ honoring AustinVanNc finish by 1 p.m. on Feb. 27. 4-H Klub, Happy Hustlers ette Hogarth, 454 W. Wilson, ters and thank-you notes wick, 2nd vice-president, of The quota for each county 4-H Club for the $150 donated MSU, East Lansing, Mich, from members who have the Genesee County Associ­ is 25 members and cost is to the Grenada 4-Hprogram. 48823. Mrs, Charles- Hazle of St. Johns, second from been hospitalized or home- ation OES and also Friend's $5 each. Reservations are They have set up sister bound by illness. Night. \ 4-H Clubs matching their THE CLINTON County right, was elected vice-president of the state, 4-H Youth Among them were Vera Other dates of importance MEN NEEDED St. Patrick's 4-H Club with 4-H horse judging team Council for 1972. Shown with her are Eugene Schmidt, Teare, who recently under­ being planned are March in this area to train as our Jolly Knitters Club and members held their second went eye surgery in florida, 14, Elsie Chapter will honor their LaFillette and Crochu workout Wednesday evening left, of Mendon, president; Mrs. Agnes Curtiss of went eye surgery In Florida, Mrs. Leila Wilson of the 4-H Clubs with our Kountry with 13 members present. Blanchard, secretary; Mrs. Kenneth Cranmer of Grand Mrs. Mary Randall of local chapter and host the LIVESTOCK Kousins 4-H Klub. Mr. Jim Mrs. Judith Williamson of Bradenton, Fla, Mrs, Leafy Grand Family with r^ Marrast, who was in Clinton DeWitt reviewed anumberof Rapids, executive committee member; and Lansing Garrett of Milford who sus­ ception, dinner and exem-" County last fall, will keep in horse classes and reasons Gilbert of Hastings, executive committee member. tained injuries in a fall and pllfication of initiatory de­ BUYERS close touch with'these groups with the members, what to, Mrs. Ida Stanley, Mrs., grees; March 17, Myrtle LEARN TO BUY CATTLE, as they fall within his dis­ expect at the state contest Gladys Purves, Mrs. Mae Chapter will host the Grand HOGS AND SHEEP trict. The clubs should and stressed terms to be their Ice skating party held Mrs. Hazle Middlebury Goodrich and the family of Family at Ithaca; April 22, at sale barns, feed lots and Feb. 4. Ellen Hundtreported 1 ranches. We prefer to train men receive a letter from the used in judging. l(\ Mr - Dim Warren the late Stanley Loznak. Elsie Friend's Night; and 21 (o55 with livestock experience. leaders in the Grenada 4-H The members participated on the "Arabian and Half elected 4H Mrs. Leila Wilson and April 30 Estarl VesperSen For local Interview, write age, Arabian Horse," The mem­ ' rimiif im-.-tiun, phone, address and background Clubs soon. in the Ingham County session Mrs. Anna Dunay reported vice for the six Clinton bers voted to attend the MSU Feb. 12 at the Tambark Mr. and Mrs, Austin Ryon a visit to the Carson City County chapters at Wa­ NATIONAL MEAT PACKERS Block & Bridle Show on April Council VP cousta. TRAINING MICHIGAN STATE hosts Stables on Shaftsburg Road. of Grand Rapids and Mr. and Hospital to see Mrs. Good­ The team'snextpractlcewill 1 as a club. Plans were rich who was taken there Mrs. Isolda Irving, Mrs. 236 Town St.-Dept. Ml-664 the third Intercollegiate made to visit the Harold EAST LANSING - Mrs. Mrs. Clare Ryon and Sally of Columbus, Ohio 4321b Rodeo on Feb. 25-27 at the be Feb. 16, 7 p.m. at Joyce Bay City were recnt week- last week for treatment. Rosemary Moore, Mrs, Howard Quarter Horse Farm Charles Hazle, St. Johns, Elisabeth Levey, Mrs, Livestock Pavilion at MSU Hoover's near DeWitt, in the near future. The club was recently elected vice Bay City were recent week­ A joint letter from WGM end guests of their mother, Florence Adair and WGP ,Anne Praay and Miss Era will have three entries in the president of the State 4-H - Vincent were in charge of THE FOLLOWING Clinton county 4-H Poster Contest, Youth Council for 1972. Mrs. Nina Ryon. Cleland Russell was read County 4-H Clubs have res­ The Woman's Society of and expressed their thanks the evening's social hour The state council, com­ following the regular busi£* ervations for the 4-H Roller, posed of leaders represent­ Christian Service of the Mid­ for the fine way (the Mich­ Skating Activity Thursday, THE EAR FLOPPERS 4- dlebury United Methodist igan Chapters have re­ 'ness session. H Dog Club had three mem­ ing each of 31 extension Scattered Valentines dec­ Feb. 17, '7-10 p.m. at the areas throughout the state, Church met recently in the sponded to the Fraternal Ranch Roller Rink in St. bers representing the club at dining room of the church Sunshine Project of the orated the long table while "Leader Dog" night at the meet with the state 4-Hpro- a smaller serving table ZEEB Johns: Olive 4-H Projects, fesslonal staff twice each with Gladys Warren and Grand Chapter^ Knit 'n Stitch, Prairie Meridian Mall east of Lan­ Frieda Warren as hostesses Mrs. Leila Wilson plans featured two heart-shaped sing, The members demon­ year, to help plan the Mich­ cakes decorated in red anc Swingin' Binghams, Ter­ igan 4-H program. At the for the cooperative dinner to visit the Masonic Home mites, Lucky Riders, 4-H strated with their dogs and which preceded the meeting. and Hospital in Alma white with "Happy Valen- FERTILIZERS what they were doing to train February meeting plans tlme" inscribed on the tops. Wonders, French's Corners, were finalized for Leader- The program, "A Call to Wednesday with the Grand County Farm Cut-Ups, the dogs for the Leader Dog Prayer and Self-Denial* was Family of which she is Tall lighted red candles School For The Blind. mete, an inspirational leader were placed at the sides of Countryside, Maple River training conference held at presented by Ilien VanDyne Chairman of the Fraternal Craftsmen, Double M, and Other members of the club with other members taking Sunshine Grand Committee, the cake together with bowls Michigan State University of nuts and mints. TOP DRESS Victor 4-H. attended as a group to watch each spring. part. she will help distribute dec­ the program. There was a The business session orated bars of soap to each blind man and his dog there, Mrs. Hazle, a local 4-H resident in the Home, Mrs. EAST VICTOR your THE JOLLY KNITTERS leader, represents Clinton, opened with prayer by Letha 4-H members voted to have also, from the Leader Dog Furnish as acting chairman. Archie J. Moore decorated Mr. and Mrs.EugeneScott School at Rochester who Gratiot and Shiawassee the soap sent from the local and daughters and Artlu an Open House on Sunday, counties on the council. Routine reports were read and WHEAT FIELDS March 12, 1:30 - 3:30 p.m. demonstrated his dog. Also accepted. Thank-you's were chapter and most Chapters Scott of DeWitt were Sun-" at the Robert Tait home on he picked a person from the read from Rev, Ferris, cooperated In their share. day evening callers of their with Price Road. audience to lead his dog Florence Thornburg with a Various social events parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ray East Victor Scott and Roy, The Arthur Mrs. LuellaCanfleldofthe around so people could see By Mrs Ray Ketchum donation, Nina Ryon. Also a were announced for the what it would be like to be Scotts have a new son, Brian. Mid-Michigan Health De­ ., letterl(was rrjead from Helen I month: -Feb. 15, Friend's , NITROGEN partment was the guest blind. [j,Hubbard."Mar|arefc*Potter. re­ *' The club leaders, Mi\ and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Jef- speaker for the meeting. fers of Livonia spent a few ported' ,tha!t Pleasant View Mrs. Canfield spoke on the Mrs. Ken Robertson, met would like .bibs and light­ .A FUELforALL with the County Commis­ days last week with Mr. and LP (J) GAS NOW topic, "Health, What Is it?" Mrs. Jesse Perkins. weight laprobes. They also 1 Demonstrations were given sioners to get 4-H members need old nylon hose. A motion SEASONS with, leader dog projects Mr. and Mrs. Nelson was made that the members by Jennifer Rowe on "How Ketchum and sons of BEFORE THE SPRING THAW! to Make Tassels"; Charles exempt from purchasing dog make these items and have licenses. Wacousta were recent cal­ them ready by the next meet­ Tait on "How to Make Pop­ lers of his parents, Mr. and corn Stitches"; and Julie Tait THE DOUBLE M 4-H ing. Horse Club members met to Mrs. Ray Ketchum and also on "How to Carry Yarn." called on his brother, Mr. It was announced that the Officers of the County Farm make plans for the year. dividing doors for the base­ These plans include 4-H and Mrs. Elwin Ketchum and Order Your LIMESTONE Cut-Ups 4-H Club were family, ment have been ordered and guests at this meeting. roller skating in February To Be Spread Now to Avoid the Spiing Rush! Mr. and Mrs. Robert the Society had pledged to help and April, attend the MSU with the expense. Amotion was Rush! Block & Bridle Show on April Mathena and family of Port­ THE OLIVE 4-H Projects age, Ind. Were recent guests made that the amount of money 1 as a group, have three to be paid toward this be members heard reports trail rides this year, sell of her brother Mr. and Mrs. from Colleen Wood on her Orval White. They were tabled until the doors arrive. candy as a money making The meeting was adjourned. NO MATTER WHAT YOUR NEEDS- 4-H trip to Chicago and project as a winter project called here by the death of Debbie Price on her 4-H and have Mrs. McFadden her father, Ray White of Lan­ trip to Traverse City Snow speak at their February sing. LP GAS WILL DO THE JOB! Camp. The members will go meeting. ' Mr. and Mrs.DonaldMor- KiHcati roller skating at St. Johns rill and son of Caro, Mr. Prompt Dellvry 6560 S. Begole Rd. on Thursday, Feb, 17. Of every ten acres of corn and Mrs. Dennis Morrill and Mrs. Donald Sullivan vis­ PERRINTON grown today, 8,8 acres are 'family and Mr. and Mrs. ited Mrs. Lula James of St. Johns 224-3234 Ashley 847-3571 THE TRAIL BREAKERS grown for grain, and 1,2 are Douglas Morrill of Lalngs- Grand Ledge, Tuesday. ' 1/2N-2W -1/2N WHITE'S From Pompeii 4-H horse club discussed chopped for silage. burg and Mr. and Mrs. Ger­ Mr. and Mrs. S, C, Swan- ald Barrett were Sunday son of Grand Ledge visited PHONE POMPEII dinner guestsrfMr.andMrs. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Pyle Stanley Morrill. The occa­ Saturday. GAS 838-2201 sion was in honor of Mrs, See Us Now For... Morrill's mother, Mrs. Bar­ rett's birthday. Mr. andMrs. Ray Ketchum spent Saturday evening with AUCTION SALE her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Saturday, February 26,1972 Alvah Whitney of Round Lake. Having deicded to discontinue farming I will sell the following located 6 miles west of St. Johns on M 21 then 4 miles north on Forest Hill Rd. 12:30 Sharp!

2-TRACTORS-2 Massey Ferg. super 90 dlesel, with multi- Massey Ferg. 4 row rear mount power and all extras cultivator, spring teeth Massey Ferg. 165 dlesel with multi-power Massey Ferg. 8 ft. three point blade and all extras IHC wheel disc, 12 ft. practically new 9 ft. cultlpackers Massey Ferg. 300 combine with to ft. J.D. 12 ft. drag grain table and 222 2 row cornhead. Excellent condition New Idea No. 300 two row picker Massey Ferg. tractor side rake See the St. Johns 1958 2 ton Ford truck with Midwest tight IHC heavy duty wagon with 7 x 14 grain Co-op For All grain and livestock racks (size 8 x 14) rack with hoist Your Farm Needs Massey Ferg. No. 3 baler J.D. three point hitch field sprayer with Massey Ferg. model 88 semi-mounted 250 gallon plastic tank, 6 row plow practically new, 4 x 16s Massey Ferg. 15 hoe grain drill, like J.D. 494 A planter, disc openers new 1970 New Idea 40 ft. PTO elevator with 1 Cobey wagon with flat rack PCA LOANS spout, hopper and bale slide RKDUCB 2 gravity boxes with gears, 1 with new Several small items too numerous to INTEREST 6 ply tires mention COSTS 118 acre farm for sale with large pole barn, cement Ask about PCA'i unique money-saving barnyard, 18 x 50 silo, modern house —contact auctioneer interest formula . . < and one. or the Briggs Co. Realtors, 224-2301 application loan plan . . . Good reasons why PCA is FIRST IN FARM CREDIT, TERMS: CASH. Anyone desiring credit Bhould see your bank before'sale day* No property removed until settled for. Not responsible for accidents or stolen items day of snle. —^^^—^^^^

St. Johns Co-op ^ PRODUCTION CREDIT Prop. NORMAN H. GRAHAM ^ ASSOCIATION Ph. SI7-6I2-4060 North Clinton Ph. 224-2381 PHONE: 517-2244713 OR 2244300. tl04S. US-27 St. Johns AUCTION!!*! AL GALLOWAY Phone 224-3662 ST. JOHNS, MICH. Planning an Auction CallUi FEBRUARY 23,1972 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St. Johns, Michigan 11B

Exhibits By GRICULTURE LORRAINE awaiting Labels a SPRAGUE in . Extension must Home CTI0N visitors Economist A Once again attempts are remember the disastrous ef­ Farm machinery—ranging being made to sucker thet fects of the 1967 Interna­ from crop dryers and port­ Effective July 3,1972 is a Consumers Council the rule United States into Interna-' tional W h eat Agreement able feed grinders to chain new Federal Trade Commis­ also applies to piece goods tional commodity agree­ which contributed to a drop saws, poultry equipment and sion ruling which Is of tre­ for home sewing. Such piece ments in spite of the com­ in exports and saw July wheat other related Items—will be mendous Importance to con­ goods must be accompanied plete failure of these futures plunge to a 2 C-year on display at Michigan State sumers. On that date, all by care labels which can be schemes. low of $1.26 per bushel In University during Farmers' garments and hoisery, both sewn or ironed onto the fin­ An official of the Euro­ June, 1968, on the Chicago Week March 20-24. The those made In the United ished garment. Of course pean Common Market,, Board of Trade. xhlblts In the west con- States and those imported, attaching the label to the .Pierre Malve, the Common It also will be remem­ ourse of Spartan Stadium will carry permanent labels garment becomes the choice Market's economic counsel­ bered that many of the Euro­ 111 also Include drainage regarding care of the arti­ and responsibility of the con­ or, Washington D.C., says pean signers of the Wheat n d Irrigation equipment, cle. .. This will include in­ sumer, but she will receive that such agreements are Agreement failed to abide by rm buildings, barn equlp- formation concerning wash- • it upon purchase of the fab­ the only way that the Com­ the minimum price schedule ont, silos and silo un- ing, drying, dry cleaning, ric. mon Market and the U.S, and in July, 1969, the agree­ etc. Also Included on the Excluded from the ruling could settle their many agri­ ment for all practical pur­ In Wells Hall, the agrl- labels must be warnings are footwear other than hols- cultural trade differences. poses was In a state of total ltural economics depart- against any ordinary refur- , 'ery, and headwear, gloves Malve proposesaserlesof collapse. ent display will feature an bishing methods which would and mittens. international farm commod­ When he 1967 agreement udio-visual presentation "substantially diminish the If a manufacturer can show ity pacts on a number of expired on June 30, 1971, escribing important re­ ordinary use and enjoyment" that a permanently fixed la­ products ranging from a hew International Wheat search and extension work in of the garment. bel could "substantially Im­ grains to dairy products. He Agreement was signed by the rural development, state and According to the Michigan pair the article'' consider­ Gordon Howard, left, co-owner of S & H Farms, suggests price floors, limits U.S. and other participating local government, farm ations regarding exemption St. Johns, has returned from a week-long training on national price supports, governments, but it did not management, International requests by the manufac­ indirect production controls contain minimum and max­ development, . rural man­ Pewamo turer will be given forprod- program at the New Holland Service Training Center and export subsidies. imum prices, nor other price power and public affairs.' By Mrs Irene Fox ucts retailing for less than at New Holland, Pennsylvania. While at the center he Too many U.S, farmers provisions. three dollars and are com­ Electric power exhibits attended sessions in the service and repair of a wide located in Room 102 Agri­ Friday afternoon visitors pletely washable. cultural Engineering Build­ of Mrs. Bertha Martin were Consumers may expect to variety of modern farm machinery. Mr, and Mrs. Oscar Simon ing will feature new equip­ bear the costofsuchl'abeling Howard, who resides at R-3, St. Johns, has been Carson City Farm Service ment for labor saving, con­ of Fowler, Mrs. Ann Bower but it should be almost infin­ venience, comfort and and Mrs. Pauline Cook. itesimal and thus scarcely employed at S and H Farms for 11 years. He has JOHN DEERE SALES AND SERVICE safety. Cards furnished the enter­ noticeable when purchasing tainment. extensive background in farming and mechanics. CARSON CITY PHONE 584-3550 Families will be inter­ garments. The value of such ested in exhibits on historic Mrs, Barbara Alexander information will most cer­ costumes, art, packaging spent the weekend Feb. 5 tainly effect the cost. Though NEW & USED EQUIPMENT ecology, food buying, home through Feb. 8 at the home the need for such protective- Bannister design layouts and space age of her daughter, Mrs. Mary labeling has been alongtlme Albers of St. Johns. technology. All will be open coming, consumers no doubt The annual Birthday Sup­ J.D. 4010 DIESEL to the public from 10 a.m. Mrs. Leone Hlllabrandt can take credit for its hap­ per was held Monday evening J.D. 50 to 5 p.m., Tuesday through was admitted at the Carson pening, Making requests, and Wacousta at the Bannister United expressing dissatisfaction J.D. A Thursday. City Hospital Thursday Feb. Methodist Church with ap­ J.D. 3010 GAS 10 as a medical patient. She has definite effects on man­ proximately 70 persons in Livestock displayswill is still a patient as of Mon­ ufacturers and "rule mak­ MRS. EDWARD KRAFT attendance. A bountiful pot- J.D. 70 DIESEL feature beef cattle, swine, day, Feb. 14. ers". Ph. 626-6944 luck supper was served with J.D.420w/LOADER sheep, horses and rabbits. beautifully decorated cakes JVl.F. 202 w/LOADER Visitors will find many Mr, and Mrs. Vincent Community College re­ as centerpieces for each FORD 8N additional attractions listed Thum completes Brandell are the proud turning to the home of Wal­ table. Each cake was dec­ FORD 9N in the official Farmers' grandparents of twins, lace Watts for refresh­ orated to represent two OLIVER 12'DISC Week program which will be a daughter and a son born ments. months of the year. Judges J.D. 14' DISC available on.campus during to Mr, and Mrs. Tom Bran­ . Mr. and Mrs. Emll Llli- Mrs. Robert Valentine, Wal­ FORD 9'3 POINT DISC. the event. dealer course DETROIT-E. J. Thum, dell of Lansing Tuesday, rose of Haslett were Satur­ ter Miller and David Green FOX CHOPPER the new Standard Oil dealer Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kraft day evening callers of Mrs. gave first prize to Mrs. NEW HOLLAND BLOWER at M-21 and US-27 in St. called on Faye Walker of Charles Spencer. Ray Peck for her cake dec­ KWOLS BLOWER .„ County Line News Johns, has received a Sunfield Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Neu- orated in the shape of Mich­ Nl 208 SPREADER «y Mrs Doris Fisher diploma from the oil indus­ Mrs. Ivan Bancroft and moyer and son, Scott of igan with several points of MF 205 SPREADER * try's most comprehensive Mrs. Louis Koeppen were Detroit spent the weekend interest throughout the OLIVER SINGLE BEATER SPREADER Salem UnltedMethodist course in service station supper guests of Mr. and with their parents, Mr. and state. Second prize when to J.D. R SPREADER WSCS will meet for a 12:30 operation. Mrs*. Don Koeppen and Mrs. Leonard Jastram. Lillian Terrell for her CASE P.T.O. SPREADER p.m. luncheon Feb, 17 at the Recently expanded to four family near Maple Rapids. Mrs. A.A. Steiner entered Easter bonnet cake. Other home of Mrs* Clarlbel weeks in length, the course They all attended a basket­ the Hospital Saturday morn­ prizes went to Mrs. John Nleman. Bring a sandwich. is conducted at a specially- ball game in Maple Rapids ing. Schlarf, Mrs. Ken Swanson, Business meeting will fol­ equipped training center later in the evening. Mrs, Raymond Stewart and low. Mrs. Eileen Gillespie operated by the Standard Oil Mr. and Mrs, Larry Bur­ Kincaid District Mrs. William Cox. Thepro- nett spent the weekend with gram was presented by the is co-hostess. Division of, the American Mr- Purler ('. I'arits Oil Company in Detroit, their sister, Linda and hubby young people of the church. DISCOUNT Mr. and Mrs. Gill Baker in Big Rapids, It was a take-off on the ..visited Mr.andMrs^Wllllajn, Beginning the course Jan­ W.S.C.S. will meet Mrs. Donovan Henning of Laugh-In program and was ZE&.-2$#Tf3Z(&Z£,'Jiz&if uary' 10, Thum'Was schooled DeWitt visited Mr. and Mrs. enjoyed by all. Mrs. Walter "Burhhant of Pompeii Thurs­ Wednesday noon at "the Wa- ON ALL PART ORDERS OF day evening. in all phases of service cousta Community United Eldoris Hahn and daughter Miller and Mrs. David Green station operation and care of Sunday afternoon, were in charge of the $100.00 OR MORE Mr. and Mrs. GordoirPat- Methodist Church for lunch From terson of Ashley visited their V customers' automobiles. and meeting. Roger Balmer retired evening. Especially stressed were from Oldsmobile after 37 FEB. 21-MARCH11 mother Mrs^ Francis Pat­ /ST* The WXYZ Club spent terson Sunday. r. maintenance of a clean, Friday afternoon at Lansing years of service in Decem­ The Senior and Junior E. J. THUM attractive station, manage­ ber. United Methodist Youth Fel­ ment of money, manpower Mr. and Mrs. Jay Witt lowship met Sunday evening and materials, and know­ and Judy of DeWitt visited for a special meeting to STOP IN AT YOUR ledge of Standard's broad Fowler Clare Witt Saturday, • By Mlas Cecilia TliPJen make posters and plan the line of quality products. Phono 593-26J3 Mr. and Mrs. Otto Dick­ bake sale to be held Satur­ inson visited Mr. and Mrs. day, Feb. 12 at Hofferbert's SALES & SERVICE Since American Oil was The community wishes to John Dickinson and family in Bannister and the Pizza the first company to begin a express their sympathy to of Williamston, Sunday. Bake to be held at the church HEADQUARTERS nationwide distribution pro­ the Frank WAeber family Mr. and Mrs.DonaldPotts on February 19. Refresh­ and son visited Mrs. Rose gram of a pollution-fighting and relatives and friends ments were served by Cathy CARSON CITY PHONE 584-3550 fuel. Lead Free Amoco, the for the death of their mother, Potts of Lansing, Friday Ensign and Anne Glowney. dealer training course now M;:s, Rose Wiebsr, night. includes comprehenslve Mr. and Mrs. Reynold Mrs. William Fosnight of training on the benefits the Goerge and family were Lansing was a dinner guest To Our Friends new product gives the given a surprise farewell Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Alex­ FARMSTED motorist. party Friday evening by ander Lang. and Customers Thum attended Ithaca their neighbors. M::, and Mrs. Dell Schmidtmanand 00 public schools and has spent Mrs. Reynold Goerge have boys visited Mrs. Harvey $1295 GARAGE the past seven years as a sold their farm and will Hoerner and daughters, Sat­ COVERHEAD DOOR NOT INCLUDED urday. F.O.B, PLANT IN PRICE OFFER dlemaker at the Olds mobile move to Fowler in the near We Want To Introduce 30'by 24'by IT plant In Lansing. future. They will reside on Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sanchez He and his wife, Carole, Elm St. of Lansing visited Mrs. Ed ALL-STEEL COMPLETE WITH TWO 10' by 10' FINISHED Fuhr, Wednesday. DOOR OPENINGS TO ACCOMMODATE TALL VEHICILES are the parents of three Mr, and Mrs. Clair Thelen AND LITE PANEL SKYLIGHTING. children. The family home is attended ths K of C banquet Mrs. Marion Lynde and at 1780 Mead Road, St. at Westphalia Saturday eve­ children of Lansing visited Johns. ning. Mrs. Ed Fuhr last week. Donald "Don" Mr. and. Mrs. G. V. Pylej EARLY ORDER DISCOUNTS arid Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth P y 1 e of St. Johns were NOW AVAILABLE ON Only Professional Saw in 6 lb. class Thursday night supper Davis guests and spent the evening DRYERS and BINS MCCULLOCH POWER MAC 6 with Mr. and Mrs. Robert of 2141 W. Centerline Rd., St. Johns i xl DURING OUR WINTER INCENTIVE PROGRAM Scarborough of DeWitt. Don Davis with Automatic Bar & Chain Oiling Mr. and Mrs.DonaldPotts •PLUS- and Mike were guests of Mr. DEFERRED PAYMENT UNTIL AUG. and Mrs. Archibal Potts of TERMS AVAILABLE.... Holt. Don will be your Farmer's Petroleum Russ Sullivan spent for Details Wednesday night with his CUT! parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tank Wagon Serviceman in the Eastern CARVE! ,,, Donald Sullivan and family. CARPENTER! J Mrs. Harold Hoerner was a Thursday night supper Part of Clinton County. CONTOUR! r^ guest, of Mr. and Mrs. Don­ ald Potts and Mike. From Felling I L Stuart Hardenburg visited Don will be calling on you ... offering Trees To V_ Mrs. Harold Hoerner Friday T^ more complete service ... we hope you Fancy Sculpting! afternoon. * welcome him. THIS NEW GRAIN BIN POWER MAC 6 IS THE CHOICE OF TREE Friday night, Mr. and Mrs. has wider body sheets, , Harvey Hoerner and girls, broader corrugation, SURGEONS AND CRAFTSMEN EVERYWHERE! Mr. and Mrs. Donald Potts I steeper root, new Floors, a new step-in door, and and Mike were guests ofMrs. MUCH MORE. New Low Price! Harold Hoerner at the Wa­ FOR SERVICE CHQOSE FROM 5 • Our finest lightweight saw — cousta fish fry. only 6^4 pounds (less cutting Please Call Farmer's Petroleum - 224-7900 DRYER MODELS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Jenks rr to match your, harvest attachments) • Cuts an 8" log $ M rate. Capacities vary Jr* and . Billy of Lansing — or— by model )rom183 in 6 seconds! •.Outcuts many 159 Don Davis {Home Phone) 224-3376 <-£^*p-X to 435 bushels per saws weighing twice as much visited Mr. and Mrs. Porter hour. • Mastergrip handle on top for with factory- Parks,.Sunday. CONTINUOUS FLOW GRAIN DRYER one hand'control between cuts, Installed 14" Mrs. Grace Sullivan, Mrs. bar and chain Raymond Sherman andKeyln Come In Now For A Free Demonstration attended a stork shower for WE ARE DEALERS FOR Mrs, Sharon Schneider at the Where Sbur Farm Comes First CLAY AND CARDINAL EQUIPMENT LINES Gerald Pontius home, Farmers Thursday morning. August Solid of Grand Fawn a FRICKE FARM SERVICE Ledge visited GarrySulilvan Petroleum Phillips Implement Co. Sunday; Located 2 % Miles North of Mlddloton on Ely-Hvyy. 3520 Wi M-2I St, Johns 313 N. Lansing Ph. 224-2777 Kris Parks vlsltedMr. and Mrs. Lee Schavey Friday Bureau Phone 224-7900 Always insist on McCulloch chain, bars and sprockets MIDDLETON Phone 236-7358 evening and Saturday. 12B CLINTON COUNTY NEWS, St, Johns, Michigan FEBRUARY 23, 1972


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