For more information about the Princeton Artists Alliance please contact: Marie Sturken at -
[email protected] Hetty Baiz at -
[email protected] Shellie Jacobson -
[email protected] ACP exhibitions and related educational programs are supported by funding from the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation, New Jersey State Council on the Arts and Discover New Jersey Arts The Princeton Artists Alliance is Celebrating 25 Years of Artistry Paul Robeson Center for the Arts 102 Witherspoon Street, Princeton, NJ 08542-3204 609-924-8777 • Princeton Artists Alliance Members: Joanne Augustine 1 Hetty Baiz 2 Joy Barth 3 Anita Benarde 4 Zenna Broomer 5 Jennifer Cadoff 6 Rajie Cook 7 Clem Fiori 8 1989 / 2014 Thomas Francisco 9 Carol Hanson 10 Shellie Jacobson 11 Margaret Kennard Johnson 12 Nancy Lee Kern 13 Charles McVicker 14 Lucy Graves McVicker 15 Harry I Naar 16 James Perry 17 Richard Sanders 18 Madelaine Shellaby 19 Marie Sturken 20 Barbara Watts 21 Former members: 22 A BRIEF HISTORY OF THE PRINCETON ARTISTS ALLIANCE Twenty-five years ago, painter Charles McVicker felt isolated. He had heard tales of the Impressionist painters meeting in the cafes of Paris, and the Abstract Expressionists having heated discussions at the Cedar Tavern in Greenwich Village. But there was no such gathering place for the artists of Princeton. Hoping to change this situation, he asked four prominent local artists, Margaret Johnson, Marie Sturken, Jane Eccles, and Joanne Scott to meet for a brain - storming session. They all agreed that a working artists’ group would be a vital addition to the Princeton community.