The Zip Cod£‘ Your want ad for Linden is is easy to place * -Phone 686-7700 which became a Suburban Publishing Corp newspaper on Ju ly 2, 1964 (USPS ) U 080! 0 7 0 3 6 An Official Newspaper For The City of Linden Subscription Rate S10 50 yearly Published Each Thursday by Suburban Publishing Corp LINDEN, N.J ., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1979 Second Class Postage Paid at Linden, N j 25c Per Copy VOL. 26 NO. 10 218 North Wood Ave., Linden, N.J. 07036 Board tour of city schools will pinpoint cold floors Members of the Linden Board of made. “The problem is on my list," he shop" rooms for sewing classes, advice of not reopening the process was Education will make a district-wide said. “The board wanted to see the Taranto said. made on business grounds, not legal tour ofschool buildings, but will focus situation before making a decision." “With federal regulations of having grounds. Kahn said the board would particularly on a problem in School 2 “We would like the problem taken to set thermostats louver, it may be all incur no legal consequences by Annex brought to its attention by care of Efs.soon as possible. We are the more important to solve the reopening Camille Tooker. -the school’s PTA talking about a health issue here," problem as soon as possible.” Board “Our prime concern is the taxpayer president. afloat week's regular board ~ Tooker added ■ PresideriT Anthony Accardo added and as long as we can get the same meeting. Joseph Cassiba. treasurer of the In other board action, bids were coverage or bet ter.paving $5,000. then School 2 PTA, sqid. “We can document reopened for an employee prescriptions that’s good business to me.” Conor said Tooker brought attention to a insurance carrier, and a beginning date after the meeting problefti of cold floors in the area the problem with absenteeism records,” referring to illnesses whicjj«* was set for contract negotiations with The Linden Education Association occupied by the youngest students in the teachers'’ union. representing public school teachers in the school. There are terrazo floors in he contends, are a result of low. temperatures. The board rescinded a decision to the city’s schools, will present initial the classrooms used by pre- award the prescription drug plan to contract proposals at a bargaining -kindergarten through first-grade Tooker’s propos&l is for carpeting in R.L. Frings Co. session scheduled for Nov. 16 classes, she said, and the problem ' the cold floor areas, but Taranto said it Board Attorney Leo Kahn said fhe Next month’s regular board meeting affects about 70 students. involves a large expenditure of money, board was free to reopen 'the bidding was moved up a dSyto Tuesday. Nov and he pointed out that the floors have process to other companies, including 20. to avoid conflict with Thanksgiving Ter.razzo floors are made like a been the same way’since 1969. when the mosaic, embeddihg srrtall pieces of the board’s old carrier, Blue Cross-Blue eve addition was built. The superintendent marble or granite in mortar. Shield. Bette Troiano will’ retire after 23 said it should be two or three weeks After the board accepted-the Frings years of service under four She said the. floor is like a slab and after the board makes a decision, until that she has temperature data, bid, Blue Cross-Blue Shield submitted a superintendents A notice from the any action is taken DRESSED FOR HALLOWEEN—The children of William and Virginia Johns of compiled by teachers, verifying the ’ lower one. which would have saved the School 2 secretary read in part “I Caroline Avenue can't wait for Wednesday when they, along with many of the rooms to be between 56 and 58 degrees. The PTA president said youngsters district $5,000 a year would like you to know that I found city's youngsters, will be visiting homes asking for some Halloween treats. A AmeFico Taranto, superintendent of frequently .sit on the floors, while . Robert Conor, chairman of the Superintendent Taranto to be' a very Halloween parade will travel along Wood Avenue between 7 and 8 p.m. Trying schools, said the board will inspect all playing in kindergarten classes. The insurance committee, said the board fair, kind and.above all compassionate out their costumes, from left, are Susie, 4, Christine, 7, Karen, 6, and Michael, 10. buildings within the next two weeks to classrooms have the terrazo floors decided to ' reopen bids after' employer My only regret is that I will (Photo by Roy Graves) determine if improvements should be because they were originally intended determining, that Kahn's original miss the youngsters ' Speakers rap price decontrol 300 at Exxon rally protest oil, gas costs By DANIEL P JONES voice opposition to rising gasoline and Protests were directed primarily at Democrats, to support labor and the Labor leaders and workers from a home heating oil prices.. oil companies, but also assailed the consumer in.their efforts to keep fuel variety of unions around the state The rally drew an estimated 300 recent approval by Congress of prices down. staged a peaceful protest rally at an workers. AFL-CIO officials and two decontrol of the oil industry, Charles The state AFL-CIO president1 accused Exxon station put side the company's state legislators and was one of five Marciante, president of the state AFL- oil companies of “doing a job on the research center on Route 1 last week to such protests staged in the state Oct. 17. CIO, said. consuming public and destroying the Protests were held in New economy.” He said it was sad that Brunswick, Newark. Passaic and Cohgress approved decontrol. “If^the Council wants restudy T,: In addiTTon Ti cost of fuel oil rises;seniors won’t make Linden. it and many of our own union members Demonstrations were coordinated in in low paying jobs won’t make it,” he 103 cities throughout, the nation, addedr<£/ of land for parcel sizes including one by senior citizens at the Lmddn Mayor Jotfh T. Gregorio, who The Linden City Council has sent “What we are looking for is the American Petroleum Institute s also-is a state senator (D-21st District). several appraisals for parcels of city reasonable resale value of any lot to be headquarters in Washington The arrived as the rally was beginning to owned land back to the real estate used for building,” he said. The figures elderly are worried that many of their break up. but commented that it Was a committee for further study so that the originally supplied for the small lots ranks on fixed incomes may suffer or mistake for Congress to take controls city," instead of the future owner, might alorfe will be studied by Emanual die because they may not be able to off the oil industry. “ Prices are going collect some profit from the land. Ffangella, tax assessor, and Chester scrape together enough money for oil to skyrocket. If consumers suffer. I’m Small, non-building size lots were Croback. building inspector, who will costs. going to see if I can do something about , being sold by the city at a much lower be asked to come up with a new State Assemblyman David Schwarz it/“.he said. price than what the buyer might get estimate if they feel the lots will be used (D-Middlesex-Somerset) echoed the Workers from as far away as Salem when the land is resold, George for building. fears of the elderly as he spdke in a iight and Cumberland counties in South Milkosky, real estate committee Even though some lots are sold as -drizzle at the Linden rally. "I’m voicing Jersey were on hand,.and a variety of ’Chairman said. Two^adjaceat small nob~buijdi& dots, oftce the owners my support to reobtain price controls. trades, including construction, glass, .non-building, lots can be combined, obtain en§tigfi land for a building lot, There are an awful lot of people on fixed distillery and electrical workers were adding up to me size of an acceptable they can go to the planning board incomes who can’t afford increases,” , represented. Marciante said the building lot, increasing the value of the requesting a hardship variance, which he said. workers took off from jobs on their own land many times pyer, Milkosky if granted, would allow them to build. Marciante urged U.S. senators Bill (Continued on page 3) explained. n Milkosky said. Bradley and Harrison Williams, both

CRITiCIZING'OIL PRICES AND CONGRESS—A protester and member of the The candidates Heavy Construction Laborers Union, local 472'of Newark, carries aloft an effigy of the American consumer wearing, among other things, a noose around his neck. A demonstration Dy about 300 workers from a variety of trade unions was Profiles: Ninth Ward council candidates held last Wednesday at an Exxon station outside the oil company's research “My primary goal ia,, the center on Route 1 in Linden. The workers criticized high prices of .gasoline and “A! a lime when many important’, reestablishm ent of two-party heating oil as well as decontrol by Congress of the oil industry. decisions are to be made by city government because it is only through council, I feel thpt a person with representation by Iwo parties that truly experience in government is essential democratic government is achieved.” not only to the ward but to the city at Nancy Highberger, Repubjiean council Police rule suicide large,” Alvin Coplan, incumbent 9th candidate in the 9th Ward, made the Ward councilman, said. comment as she discussed her reasons Citing service on the finance, labor for running in a city that is heavily in death of man, 43 relations, personnel, public works and Democratic. other council committees, he said his Highberger said she has had an Linden detectives ,have ruled the Mr. Perrone lying with a gunshot vote at city council will be with • interest in-government and civic affairs death of Paul T.‘Perrone, 43, of Fedor wound in the head and a .22 caliber knowledge and concern for the public dating from high school days when, as a Avenue a suicide, according to Capt. pistol near his right hand They could need. . junior, she was among 400 girls selected Louis Intiii. detect no signs of life, police said In his professional capacity as to attend New Jersey Girls State. Mr. Perrone was pronounced dead on The victim was transported to the principal of Linden High School, Coplan “Today, as a mother of two children, arrival at 11:35 p.m Saturday night at hospital by the Linden Volunteer is required to make important I am more involved and interested in Rahway Hospital, police said Ambulance Corps. judgements and decisions, on a daily our community than ever,” she said. Police said Mr. Perrone had Shot Mr Perrone was born in Staten Island and lived for 14 years in Linden, basis, he says, further enhancing his She is in her second term as PTA himself about 10:30 p.m. in the qualifications to serve on City Council president at Deerfieid School and bathroom of his home. where he was a communicant of St Both jobs are similar in many ways but serves the Union County Council of Police responded to a report of a Theresa’s Church He was a motor tank salesman for in no way do they conflict, he added PTAs as citizenship, character and the Fedor Avenue home and Exxon Co. for the past 12 years. Among accomplishments during his spiritual life chairperson. on the way to the scene received six years 4*>office, Coplan recounted In addition, she is a member of another report indicating a man had He served in the Army and was a member of the New Jersey National !he Improvement of curbs, gutters, ALVIN COPLAN Linden’s educational support team and NANCY HIGHBERGER shot himself. shoulders and resurfacing of North his greatest accomplishments to be his serves on the committee for thorough At the scene, police were directed to a Guard. was able to accomplish by my Surviving are his wife, Maryann Wood Avenue; the resurfacing of Yale involvement and contribution to the low and efficient education bathroom door, which was open, and persistence, and I would bring this Fuimo Perrone;- a son, Paul Jr./and a Terrace; installation of curbs, gutters, lax rate at no sacrifice in public “As a homeowner, taxpayer and a .then to a door in the bathroom leading persistence to bear on solving other into a bedroom. The second door- was daughter, Annemarie, both at home, shoulders'and pavement on Oakwood services, financial stability of the city, young mother, I am concerned with the problems confronting our city,” the 9th place; improved street lighting; adequate "living facilities for senior direction Linden's government - is also open, police said. and his parents, Nicholas Perrone of Ward candidate said, On the bedroom floor, police found Fords and Gisda Galii of Florida enlargement of the shelter house to citizens, high standards of the many taking. Our city has moved closer and “Consider this. My opponent abstains include a meeting room; installation of public .sendees made available to the 'closer to a one-party system, which on the Board of Education budget ($15 a new jogging track and additional people and the neat "and orderly results in a government of insider? and million tax dollars); thus, 'he lighting for night ^asketbali and tennis appearance of the 9th Ward and the . vested interests, secrecy and * represents the voters on only 39 cents of Grant refusal debated at Wilson Park; ! fencing of Newton city. ■ ™.~, retaliation. 5i is representative of only a each tax dollar. My election would Street Park, and replacement of said the city cannot legally extend the If reelected, Coplan said he wil! small segment of tile citizens of our mean 1-66 percent representation. The Linden officials are exploring .-the- deteriorating curbs throughout the devote his lull energies to the community,” the candidate said consequences of refusing a $530,656 lease. time he spends on 9th Ward business Ziemian said that the city may choose ward as well as the replacement of continuance of these essential Highberger said she is not afraid to during the day, if only to take a phone grant in 1980 for improvements to the cracked and raised sidewalks caused requirements for a well-run city. question the way things are and will not municipal, airport. . to advance the money for the 1980 call, detracts from his role, as high improvemenfs and add it onto the next by roots of city owned trees. His intentions for physical be committed to anyone or anything but school principal. Time that I give to-9th "The leaning is to accept it," John The councilman noted the removal of improvement (o the ward include the voters of Linden. She said she will Ziemian, city engineer, said “But we lease. Officials are afraid that if the Ward business, will not be at the grant is refused next year, the city will dead and diseased trees and replanting completion of the program to correct give them Independent representation., expense of another city-paid job,*’ she want to settle all questions before of more than 150 new trees as well aS submitting an application for the have fo pay the tdtal cost for the street flooding, resurfacing of streets "I do not receive a city paycheck, nor said. intended installation of a storm sewer as needed, additional street lighting do I have to explain my actions to grant.” improvements, he added She cited the overwhelming support The Federal Aviation Authority is, in Thelma Terrace from Sunnyfield throughout the ward, restudy of traffic anyone but the voters. I will be of independent candidates in recent With $911,072 already committed to improvements at the airport, an being questioned to see if the grant Drive to DeWitt Terrace. He also stated and parking problems and expanded available all day to handle phone calls board of education elections as additional $663,320 will be needed in offer is still good if it is not accepted in that drainage problems ’are to be facilities for young and old. and problems without taking them evidence that 9th Ward voters follow 1980 and Robert Meyer, airport 1980 Although the city does not have to alleviated a t, DeWitt and Academy Coplan was appointed to the city away from another city-paid job, and I their consciences in the privacy of the manager, said he did not want to pay act until after Jan. 1, Ziemian said a terraces, DeWitt terrace and Zoning Board of Adjustment in 1970 and will not be silenced. Recently, I helped voting booth, and that they realize a Birchwood road afid at Morningside the $132,664 sponsor’s share without an decision should be made within a elected 9th Ward councilman in solve a serious health problem change of direction in the government avenue in the »vicinity of - Summit November 1974. He was reelected concerning asbestos in two Linden extention of his lease which will expire month. ' of Linden is needed. in 1988. Jerome Krueger, city attorney, terrace. beginning Jan. 1, 1977. schools. I am modestly proud of what I (Continued on page 3) (Continued 3) Coplan emphasized that he considers (Continued on page 3) EAGER Three are a deans by Middlesex Middlesex County College Edisce. In her new capacity, she will oversee has named Anita Yobrbees dean o< operations in the offices ‘ of the community education. Diana Goffe registrar, admissions athletics, dear, of student services and David counseling services veteran affairs Tyrrell dean of educational services financial aid. job/placerpent student 'and special programs activities arvd college center She is a member of the American Voeriaefes joined MCC in 19G6 She Association -of. Collegiate Registrars helped to develop a wide range of credit and Admissions Officers, the American and node rede courses prepared and. 'Association of Higher Education, the followed through on a teacher aide Middle States Association of Collegiate course which later became a one-year Registrars and Officers of Admission certificate program 'and -planned and and the New Jersey County College developed ‘he Middlesex- County Registrars’ Association— Cchlege Day Care Center •. Di$piaced Goffe earned her BA at Flonda .Homemakers Center Internal:cnai- State University and her Ed M at Education Program and CETA Rutgers University She is-completing Training and Academic Support work on- her Ed D' a*, Rutgers Projects' University V^orhees has authored and co­ Tyrrell served as dear, of the author ed numerous proposals and Engineering Technologies Division - since 1970, He will oversee 'operations in n cooperative education. EOF program served re* - • era r open college the reading center By-rre s' Commission an the• Statie of. library .services « testing. Sendees, . • • >f s - arn-u * rer.i vi-ce-i res i-ier.t graphic arts services media - i. . - - i- E - T*e committee for the George Hudak dfnoeAls gearing Ran tan. Ya Chamber of -e a - -e C:ec“ t_ - e V « w -d-ee ^ and" T y'U . ".T : ty >..• ^ “aTffie Polish National Hall, Roselle Street atrpe^str. •d 1 ;k<'*r-trr r e e .e'** se* c c.e*' *v *— re ' « •*» < "t as 5-e s ‘ s*i : - s * -e De -m e- printing publications and man services Hen r y Kopczynsk*. treasurer- Arlene Belcher co ■ -s'm '-e'-c •" Human : P c-_rec fro*-. -e“ a- .sezzrc'.-"c'-c a-c .a. - e ss or - Tyrrell beipecTdev & op a meenamea. c»-a -oe-sor- Vayor John t G'egsr-o.o, honorary chairman, and Alice Stiles, co-, and c:vo engineering curriculum and --a -pe-sen G-egor - s show-. ou-chas’-'g a ticket to the affair honoring the V»z«orbe r see .operatives in ne cpm.pu'W science curriculum^ He-... ca-d ia-e -e cx-c Veslde-tcy Information on tickets may be obtained by Kimberly Wilkins, 8, irr.mun ty programming, *35 chairman of the' steering C3 3e c-er a- i 67 T>U or St 'es a* 8A2 6S07 act: and industry : the. Middi.e States • career Reaccred:ta:• -:*c, for for 1974-75 and - r r a r rmm'r~^'~rzri t-urar":f ‘he Academic S tS 5 r $ GOP hopefuls City Dems plan chosen Little Miss rr gramm mg. enter Task Force for mam years arc : .-r*z>c*d pr oe* •He earned his BS and MS. at 'dinner Nov. 4 - i *-.4 ^ BA at Z>.ug.assC .^ege and rer M Ed Purdue I'm v ers, t % and .is currer.: • > laud 'revival The Linden Democratic City u-.rm.-ey_ - Uni vers completing work -c. -his Ed D at Committee will hold its annual dinner- . a Gcffe served as regs'rar since 197: Sate Senator' James Wailwork R- Ru zers l> dance on Nov 4 at Hank s Starlight O lr’V M, remoer d Elssex was ‘he mam. speaker at a GOP _*Vs- - - : _ fundraising dm her-held a* Boss Tweed Xobnge. Galaxy Room Unden Ninth - 15 Ward Committeeman Alexander E^ka. Linden-Roselle Fund w ill aid 'The dinner honored candidates Mai has been named chairman Ecke: and Nancy Highberger with Freeholder Tom Long Council seweragency victims of fire Ur.or County Freeholder Rose Marie President George Hudak Seventh The L nden Jayeees are siartihg a Siiin. '. serv ing as emcee Republican Ward Councilman Matthew G . .A—lTi-Uv g^ts'federal aid i -und-ra.smg dnveto Serp 'hc«se .ram. 1 :es. Freeh der candidates Blanch Wargacki and Ninth Ward Councilman lef’ homeless*by the fire that destroyed Banasiak. Frank Lehr and Jack Al Coplan Linden's Democratic A A > H : N \ . * i ^ w e r •hem apartments at 'he corner -A S.-uth Nfeeker were a is in attendance candidates seeking reelection in - U.-ngress.ona7" *V. >:d and Munset: avenues or Sep= - 8 November, will be honored. Sixth Ward -Fm- Waiiw; rk * .Id rhe :apactty-crew-d ' Committeewoman Tessie Chabak and Struck racist- -severeiv is "the John 'ham be sensed '"a re rjv era ted and upgrade Alccwitr family, wfec have hen yet been Ninth Ward Committeewoman ..enthusiastic.feelingun the Under. GOP ..Edward, *L_ aMe -im.d -hew - housing Margaret Menzaco also will be honored us .- and said-he was happy to note Nancy - - - -- Vs tins' w eek accommodations which aii others for "long and faithful service' to the 'Am .ve sludge's determination to revive Democratic City Committee "gve *w :;-party governmen; in. Unden a * r: c h are par' of The Under. Jaycees are asking Congressman Eidward J Patten. *beme she'has been using throughout *. • end s.udge- members of he community to help the ' State Senator-Mayor John T Gregona. he campaign- S--.v ' . , ocakq t»y •. .,'.m s C'.. ' conttnbutipfts arc .Assemblymen Raymond Lesmak and 1 ife: ■Pal housing .nfo-rma': :n may be sen* 'oB-.x* Ward Council, candidate Mai Tom Devenn. Freeholders Everetl • v:';. Beverage. .r. care of 'he Under. Jaycees or *. •Ecke: thanked a.; of his supporters over- Lattimore and Harold Seymour and fTSS .65 grSh-i ^16 Clinton S af’er 5 p m ______r pas:.. >a.Tipaugr^ajt..aad yweduiQ- n men tar: :. nt.r.ue doing the yob I was elected to William Maccarelli will be guests at the EP A. ., prepare do «• W'ahw rk noted ‘hat the tact that affair Linden Democratic City Peters attends RPI •Councilman Eckel is running Chairman John A Zal^ki will serve as • r :a-. i.'.es a* ' *s Aware Robsn .Peters of Kerjeec> drive ur opposed s a t ri bu t e t o both h is toastmaster Tickets "or information K - tn Lander, is -a freshman at, Ressswiaer a.ccbmplishmeets as a councilman and y be 'obtained by calling Eska at 486- 1. -.: - - H »-:- -; ’ Se we rage “ rX * ~*'e^ •Polytecbr.ic institute Troy NY She nrs leadership abilities ■ M d or Zaiesk: at*925-2312 ■. -;-r a 5 7 9v4 gran • -.7 w as • gr a crua * ed f rorr. Under. High rp*A . ■ \ ■ * ( iti Pari if PLBASE DRIVE SAFELY Seniors' program s listed Linden and Rose! if residents who are meal charge, bu' tnere s 55 viears of age and older are eiigible d tr a - M c tif cents Erne. *ake part ":n a daiSv program ‘ of z-urpose are .a' each 'able activities and nutntianal programs Also aval table, a’. the -.V "(Tered at ■ he R-^sei'ie“L: nder. Mui*-: - Center is -.nformatton on Service Center 1149 E S' George ave program*7 asd a . "-and ‘.wice we*ek-y *-: _disci The cen ter is open daily Monday protrfems O’her» referrau ’hroufih F ridav from 8 30 to 5 •_: er nusi ng ;•: os . eg a. o rr. arc on Saturdays and-Sundavs. for a The tat err.p-tys - n * pot-.: cs even's. Available are he ’Greer. Th^m.r _ an i t.e »t-n '-i ea . 7.31 c u. ura ... .a. a. .d programs v .-ie i ears Tci-ai- -s-atrter- zersons 55 and -p : : p 3 r'. c :.r an*s .7 - '.he du'ritiona. e-m ni-eyed w * r 7u * er.-aangi 241-6-256 *0 ecuritv rerei ^rs 'mav : The : r". te-r Many animals rs-a,>: r j s t re ~ k>r .c A samme -r . *6. r - r a w a it Flo mes . ded Pe*££v S •rree-.eUed s^eoterd type . advarc-e 7 “^ e a r. years * age - - - * Inc I v: Ue rf.x male rt-i rz:: R ussian Mo ley seeking Jacobson 'WxfbouEJd a Scasdani ' - ' - *- : m = “ ■ scagg| to be speaker fteiaj:" v-7ype te r r a s are i r :cg ^Se more police in -•ary a* K.edre-ss. Kennels iw a ’* rg .Tbe Kamed i ^ e r a ^ neighborhoods %' '.be Uhyr. Ciurhy Society fer *J3e Par •: ca; ,.rg ^isre.* • _-a'< :-e - Pre-. err :«dr. of Crjesty to Arsmais. are The xrner : r^e-jc a' T'.’«t arc ■ a*. S* George Av« n Rasmay ''»wi rjss-'Jt&nr'' x. Morr.s A-v errje The Rahway -Sbelter is. opes to the £ '. - ’ : • K ‘ ' :uix . from : to 4 p ± Mooday *_hr:ugr -. c*c».;*' *: * 'e*c Way Ta :-io5X :*:r: t ss^tritr' :t energy 4*r The Ur*der. Chester ■ zoerated by - *ee'v : »es Vpa . - -- - - ; - - - c aes * r j-L .niress Kerre^s .s located oc Range Ja-ftoscc » cee^* a *r.err.s«er :r r.:ac arid _s :per the ptabbe from l-to z rr. .-:r :.«rr. ”M >noay Through Friday ■ ::ey cee: arc Ur .'e-c . A - : r . . c-.-e.- • - Workers r-ca* e sa c Ir terra* ."a_ L ac'« U rp e r: * .-mers - T'.z-erts seaprhaag f:c a Ids^- pe* ' ' 'rr $U pr'jera- *. - -ir .Ar'.er ca,' Ne»spa.per T- __.-C and z zneck t>:-*r. scieaters .Ah pets are : e i “ ‘ '• ser-ie*c is execr* *e *. x*-pres.»;ae£* C zr.»-g,' *:. Rahway after sever; -days ,r.e state AFL-rlO He a->: has Adtp**. :&s are przeessed Rahwav re « js* as ‘pretkOes’ anc crrr.z.isso:»rje' :c the B.arc -y.Pjhk.-: U u ty * OcwantissjoBs V: - V- '-I' >Hsa.r“.en* of P jeo: UtUty * : « :U-C _r£e ‘'-a' a se** .ijs he S e n io r ose *ne fiscal r>. z a Hudak dinner L u n ch es X fK S t U i 7S- tomorrow at 7 ae^oorboadt START YOUR CHRISTMAS .4 Gecege Hudak Ms^roonuf duseer 7:d»y— Schooi s—veal pansegam* Ttae peefee .ry, 1 vt s . a r e a i a i aili be bead as 7 p rr. a: :J» a.fh spaghetti tossed salad, garisc OR CHANUKAH CUUB NOW. --•Xfdijcf 'i w tsszaesses ,-:ar. -x a. PofaA Na'.ejoa! Iter®. Sfc Soseiiif-S' oread and «&gfc? 5 .6 e H. SiJ s irflfjfx » il l t ! »r • tW s >nf tV 5.'* i /i/N ni// rt\ f'nt> ,i 4." ornan\etU‘in •„.x« reiaxwl prodnc*.:v* wpbefe Tuesday— Scbxk : spaghe-tt: aitfc iht - ham rt£ • ■ ' . rnamenn ■ ■ OUT . h*W* £ \'f \ l \ * if*h' «».f Use) are assx « J J f. ncreasex T Gregor,o ,5 booarar. rr.ea’ sauce tossed salad, garlic bread aeTesesx-e, - - tree h -r e v m , !Uh •' nr*u/>* . suitably t**r wyutQn-i» ir*v chainnar* fV'tbe differ and *41 sej-k-e and sliced peaches --,A" ,-k- siT.e ‘.sine '■ -Hr «r»o Dreai as master of cereraoeues He lauded Wednesday—School 1 and *—ste-wed There are J ’. and 4" uzes an rabble U . 6 s/t. O fv n xyiti.u lub tiHfax hi La« r” xs* be made o( :r-xr Council President HudaA as an f f-.ier chicken pieces, nee pdaf. green peas 5/. 57. 5J,v./ s $ iiu fr *ti 7 'f.r/tf tf add::uu} f/j«*\«- [o \ r i\ jAihee presence V .iev added J* ornament, in tour ; of a V.-. J ivu it this u til he yftiph'tt'J •*}>- gets things done assorted rods and butter and pear 7*oi«./ «#//,» -iDcreas.r.g :fce number o i loo' ■George' does it :b a quiet, halves aitb cranberry weag€ reindeer or * jn*' X vrr i 5 -«-r ia ;.rc George Thursday Nov i—School 8— Italian ha.-ntg a reassjannE efreci for rhe clearly demonstrates ms strong ball with peppers ard ouxigs w er resxjesu ar4 »arnmgr 'clse piues business and admimstra-tive ability rx»Ses tossed salad French bread r*» .-’T,ef>: rer* sifr;-.e or, r.ner 7 Gregorio said ;Jt is a pleasure to bare and fresh fruit cup . ity areas M-:4ey added Tne nsusg George Hudak as our council president v . " — prime rase r*as zo be ooe of -be mvajor I hope all »"41 jotn me ahd the rest of the FRIDAY DEADLINE Linden ~0t \\*r?h_H >.; 4 r V.V-7_///_ C'ijrk . . (k1 Kattuai K\huK IS1 ' h' fac'ors :r> ’be decline o4 ‘>ir cities Linden Cfty Council in honoring him ' at Aii rtems i*an spot news sho^d economically, and- m terms, of ■ he dinner tie m our office by noor ©* Friday recreation and -ourtstn \

LINDEN (N.J.) LEADER Thursday, October 25, 1979-3 •’ Boy, 9, faces Patrol car is struck manslaughter, other charges two officers injured A nine-year-old Winfield • boy, Two Linden police officers were waiting to make a left turn, when the vehicle driven by Perry struck the rear charged with the shotgun shooting treated*for injuries sustained in a car of the patrol car, police said. The patrol death of another youth, is in ihe custody crash ahtl 4released ffom Rahway of his father ^waiting rial in juvenile Hospital Sunday night. .o ' l car was damaged, police said. coun Aulcie Perry of Chandler Ayenufe the A third- car. driven by Charles i Hoffman of Roselle Park, struck the The boy is- charged* with driver of the car which struck the patrol Perry vehicle in the rear, ptfNfee said. manslaughter, aggravated assault and car in the rear, was Issued a summons charging driving under the influenee of An unmarked police oar was false-swearing in connection with Ihe damaged last week in the Tremley Oct. 8 fatal shooting of 9-year-ola Scott alchol. police said Patrolman Jeffrey Vitrano Point section of the city when officers Kafchinski of Riverview Terrace, left the vehicle parked and continued a police disclosed tesfF week complained of pain in his neck, left arm patrol of the area on foot. Assistant Prosecutor John ,[)(> Massi and left knee, and Patrolman John McKenna was treated for a bump on his of the county's majoi cn.mcs unit said The officers returned to the car at the manslaughter charge is based on McKenna also complained of-pain in his neck and left ankle, according to about 10:10 p.m. on Oct, 18 and evidence that the juvenile "recklessly ' discovered both passenger side tires caused the death” of>. who was a police reports. The two policemen Were stopped, flat. There were ‘‘slashes in the sides,” frequent companion according to police. Police said the de.leidant and facing west on East Elizabeth Avenue, Kafchinski were playing in the PEDAS NAMED MASTER MUSIC TEACHER—School 10 Taranto, Linden superintendent of schools. Pedas, shown Riverview Terrace..home of the music instructor, Tom P'edas, playing piano, was chosen conducting a' choral class, has earned statewide defendant’s grandfathc when* the as New- Jersey Master Music Teacher by the state recognition tor his outstanding programs with elementary shooting occurred. education association. Pictured, from left, at the piano are school choral groups, and Is In his third year as Music In The aggravated assaul charge is Frank Wolf, state supervisor of music, and Americo Our Schools Chairman' for Central Jersey based on evidence hat the youth {Photo by Frank Taranto) pointed a 12-gauge shotgun at Kafchinski and the f a Ls^-swearing --eharge^eame as a rrstrh—oi—n~jorni named master teacher investigation by Winfield police and Tom Pedas, an. elementary school Jersey Educators Association classroom . investigators from the Union County music teacher in' Linden, has been convention in Atlantic City. . Americo Taranto, superintendent of Prosecutors Office. c hosen to receive the first New Jersey Pedas was nominated for the award schools, said he was pleased with the Kafchinski .was killed by a shotgun Mastej* Music Teacher award, giv.en by by fellow music teacher Steve Krantz. honor given to the' Linden teacher ‘It-is blast, which Struck him under the left PH ILM 0N\SC011T RANCH the New- Jersey Music Educators Students, teachers, administrators and a fine thing for an outstanding teacher eyehpolice said earlier The youth was 6 EXPLORER BASE Association. parents . 'hen. sent letters to be recognized on Iteestete level, and pronounced dead at the scenevand an The award, according to Frank Wolf, recommending Pedas. The final step I’m particularly happy to see' that the autopsy by County .Medical Examiner supervisor of music,, was militate to Joward selection came last May, when teachers of the arts are now included,' '■wo/r/o#/y Bernard Ehrenberg concluded he died discover, recognize and honor the Pedas was chosen as one of the he #aid as a result of shock caused by bleeding. quality educators in the state. The finalists, and a committee was sent to Pedas recently received his master, of Authorities are reluctant to release award will be presented at the New meet with and Observe him in the m us i c deg ree from Col u m bi a further information concerning the TROOPERS—Eleven Boy Scouts from Troop 34 of Linden visited the Philmont University During his-seven years as a ease because of the defendant’s age. Scout Ranch 'in Cimarron, New Mexico. The highlight of the trip was climbing music teacher in Linden, he has earned but De Massi said key evidence was the largest mountain on Philmont, which is more than 12,000 feet high. While at statewide recognition for his gathered by County Investigator Glenn Philmont, the boys spent 11 days in the wilderness, hiking and participating in Hearing postponed outstanding programs with elementary Owens, a forensic expert, and Winfield activities such as mountain climbing, gold panning and archeology. Before school choral gr >ups Under his . Detective Theodore Wallace. returning home, they also visited the U.S. Air Force Academy and Pike's Peak in direction. Highland Avenue School 10 Colorado Springs. Pictured, from left, are: First row—John Melleky, Glen Chorus performed for the Central M artin, Scoutmaster W illiam Konecny, Ranger Steve Eitman, Alan Thomas and by OSH A on Exxon Jersey Elementary Choral performed George Barnes; second row—William Konecny III, Alan McPherson, Michael Exxon A hearing scheduled for Oct. 15 for pointed out by the federal agency could 'for the Central"'Jersey Elementary (Continued from page 1) Trzyna, Aldn Turczimanovicz, David Hart, James Trzya' and John Choral festival ami the New Jersey Tuczimanovicz. ‘ . . .' ihe Exxon Corp,. which is contesting have been avoi'de'd with better time and did ndt get paid for the day. three citations from the Occupational supervision, OSHA officials stated.. Music Educators conference Pedas is serving his third year as ‘‘Music in Our Herman Jackson, a crane operator Safety and Health Administration Jeremiah said the first citation Schools" chairman for Central Jersey from Elizabeth and a member of local (OSHA) has been postponed to Nov. 29. concerned improper. electrical 825 of the Operating Engineers union, p ro ce ss At the request of OSH A attorney Jim He also is the founder'and director of equipment which was found to be ihe.Linden Summer Theatre w hich, this came to protest the high cost of fuel and Magneheimer. the hearing -bas been “within the confines or about 100 feet summer, presented the Broadw-.av gas John Hibbs, a business agent for postponed six weeks. The hearing, from ihe area expected to have an musical “Oliver” at Linden- -High Local 472 of the Heavy Construction conducted bv the OSHA review explosive concentrate.” School Almosi 100 • students .workers union in Newark, said 50 of his set for federal funds Commission, is-still set to lake place in The Union County Community Room 3800at 1515 Broadway, New York The second citation involved participated in the cast, orchestra and fellow members were at the behind the scenes to produce this show, Development Revenue Sharing funded during the first stage. City. inspection procedures which. Jeremiah demonstration. which was sponsored by the Linden Committee has begun its annual* Projects which were proposed for The citations focus on what OSHA said, ‘‘were not followed.” If the « Aiuembertof Hibbs’ group held up an Recreation Department and the Board effigy of the American consumer on a application process for funds available J unding must meet the objectives of the officials charge are three possible procedures had been carried out, the of Education. pole. The symbolic consumer’ the Federal Housing and federal legislation: causes of an explosion on March 20 at Supervisor said, the likelihood of dressed in a red plaid shire, khaki work Community Development Act of 197?k Cl) Principally benefit low and ihe Bay way Refinery. corrosion might have been detected in pants and a yellow hard hat, along with The committee is seeking project moderate income neighborhoods. * Seven persons were hurt in the weakening pipes, which released Coleman in chorus a rope, tied in a noose around his neck proposals from public agencies, citizen (2) Eliminate slums and blight or explosion and ensuing fire, including vapors to mix with the air and caused Sandra Coleman of Linden, a junior Bob Russel of the Clothing and groups and other interested parties in blighting influences. two Exxon employees who were ihe ignition. business administration major at Rider (3) * Eliminate other ^identified Textile Workers repeated the views of the 18 municipalities participating/in hospitalized with bu'Vns.' The accident Finally, Jeremfah said, hot surfaces College, has been chosen as a chorus other union representatives at. the the program. community development urgent nftedff. qccured in a catalytic light ends unit in member* m the Rider. Theater All proposals should be developed in on equipment in the proximity to the demonstration saying. “The oil These municipalities include fhe refinery area behind the Baywav production.of "Pippin.' relation to already-identified blast area were, not detected These companies are- ripping off the Kenilworth, Linden, Roselle, Roselle office building. If was the second such "Pippin'-' will tie presented in the community development neighborhood surfaces also could have resulted in American people.” He called for the Park, Springfield, and Winfield. explosion in,jtme years at the 1.500 aere ignitjbn when.coming into contact with Rider Fine Arts Theater at 8:95 p.m. on appointment of a special .prosecutor or Proposal submission forms are strategy areas in which a concentration facility, the larges! refinery on the east Nov. 8, 9. 10„ 16 and' 17 of funding effort is being implemented. released vapors, he noted. a .congressional committee io available at the offices of the county coast. All participating municipalities have investigate the profits and dealings of Division of Planning, in the county Martin Jeremiah. OSHA supervisor been requested to hold public sessions the oil industry. Administration Building in-Elizabeth. of industrial hygiene, said the $560 fines a* which time the community Schwarz said decontrol would have a Proposals must be submitted to the for each citation were not the primary development program and municipal disastrous.effect on American families, Division of Planning by Nov,.. 16. concern' of Exxon. Rather Exxon cAXIA serves up priorities can be discussed. Dates and but no effect on new oil supplies. The 'applications represent the disagrees with the findings of the OSHA locations for these meetings can. ’be ' « He said.. President Carter and second stage of a three-year program investigators. The possible causes obtained from local community supporters of decontrol contend the devefoped by the committee to ■...... A~-....- - i ^ Sparkling development representtiyes * or • action will provide more incentive for eliminate community development oil companies to use their profits for problems in the participating municipal clerks Any 'individual having questions development and search for new oil community development regarding the county’s program should School Tree (jiffs. *§> deposits. municipalities. Many programs to be considered for funding* will be a contact the Division of Planning, 527- "There is no evidence price decontrol Open your interest-paying continuation of activities previously 4229 will?, lead to acceleration of 'oil Lunches Christmas Club and receive exploration.” On the contrary, he said, a special oil companies are expanding into resort ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Deverin given Monday Western melt on sesame bun,, Holiday gift. FREE! businesses, which are oil users. Grant , _ french fries, cole slaw and peanut^ butter cookie. ’ . (Continued from page 1) a campaign gift Tuesday— submarine sandwich, pickle sljces. vegetable relish, citrus fruited Jello. YOURS FREE when you open Thomas J, Deverin, Democratic * Wednesday—apple cider, turkey your new Club account Coplon “It is the feeling of their management incumbent for the 21st District, has parmegiana with sauce, pasta shells, green tor $$or $5 Si week: that they cannot assume the cost for the beans, garlic bread and doughnuts. Your choice o( a Trivet (Continued from page 1) received a contribution of $i,300 from Thursday, Nov 1—meat loaf with gravy, on (our ball feel. 1980 program at this time because the Ihe New Jersey Organization for a mashed potatoes, green peas, assorted rolls Coplan is editor of the 9th Ward and butter, and applesauce cake with lemon Newsletter and feels the newsletter is a life of the improvements far exceeds Better State (New Jobs), a 20 year-old icing. the life of the contract between Sky Friday. Nov* 2--gri!led cheese sandwich, vital means of communication with businessjrolitical action committee. french fries, cote slaw and pineapple tidbits. residents of the’ward. Services, Inc , and the City of Linden,’ I^pverin was one of 44 candidates for SECONDARY SCHOOLS the Senate and Assembly receiving Monday—Sdecf'bne: pork rott on bun; taco Born in Elizabeth* Copiaii graduated -Louis Ripa of Enviropian, engineering with sauce; corned b©ef on rye, Select two: from Thomas Jefferson High School. consultants, said money from the organization, which apple iuice, potato soup, glazed carrot rings, green peas; cole slaw; orange wedges. He received a bachelor of science The costs, he said, may be spread, doled out $58,500. Dfessert; peanut butter bar cookie or plain degree in chemistry from Sefon Hall over the life of the improvements, so NEW JOBS is a state-wide, non­ cake with chocolate icing carte. - Tuesday-- Select one; Salisbury steak with University and graduated cum laude. local officials are checking the iifespan profit, non-partisan political action gravy and assorted rolls, hot lamb slices of Ihe work. Ziemian expects it to be committee that provides support to with gravy and mint jelly, submarine He holds a master of education degree sandwich. Select two: grape juice; garden from Rutgers University and has taken between 15 and 20 years. The usual business and economy-oriented vegetable soup; ‘parsley baked pofa>o; broccoli with whipped lemon butter; tossed graduate courses at St. Bona venture lease runs for 10 years with an candidates.. salad with tomato wedges; pineapple tidbits, additional 10-year option. ammmitinmmmiiiiiimmimiiiMHiimmHmiimiiimis fresh fruit. Dessert; citrus Jello cubes with College, Seton Hall University, Rutgers topping o r arppie co bb le r a la ca rte . University and Stevens Institute of The total cost for Ihe repairs— I Candidates speak§ Wednesday —Select one: turkey $1,574,392—has been spread over three parmigiana with sauce, parmesan cheese Technology. | Candidates Night for local j and garlic bread; cordon bleu with pasta Copian concluded, saying that he has years with $1,289,871 coming from the shells, Dagwood sandwich and pickle slices. S candidates and incumbents, 21st ^ Select two: blended juice; split pea soup; thoroughly enjoyed his service to the federal granls. The sponsor's share— corn O'Brien; Italian green beans; salad; I Assembly District and j YQJURS FREE community as Councilman and feels $30,857 during 1978 and $121,000 for fresh fruit cup. Dessert: cake squares or when you open | Freeholders, sponsored by the | applesauce cake with lemon icing a la carte. 1979—will be paid by the city and Meyer Thursday Nov. 1—Select one: meat loaf your new Club that bis position on the issues and the account for will, during the next 10 years, repay the 1 Linden League of Women Voters | with gravy; whole wheat bread; stuffed votes he has cast have reflected the j (LWV), will be held Monday at 7 g cabbage with tomato sauce; baked ham and $ 1 or $2 a weei majority of the thinking of the people he city. cheese sandwich. Select two; orange juice; A scalloped bon boh b 1 p.m. in the community room of g cream of tomato soup mashed potatoes; lima represents. He said he is looking The 1978 repairs included the beans; vegetable relish; pear and peach resurfacing of one of the runways while §E the Sunnyside Library, Orchard g compote; fresh fruit. Dessert: plain cake forward to serving all of the residents of 1 Terrace. Moderator will be g with chocolate icing a la carte. the 9th Ward in the next three years in*a the 1929 money will buy new pavement Friday Nov. 2—Select one: grilled cheese EARN HIGH INTERESI.JOO! .1 Margaret Krause, field g sandwich; manicotti with tomato sauce; for (he iaxiways and ramp area. The Join our Club and n e x t year you ji yet back everything you plu manner |hat will continue to earn their 1 representative for the New | tunafish salad on roil. Select two; orange other active runway and lighting pineapple juice; dam chowdefr; french fries; INTEREST on your completed Club (50 payments) respect and confidence. | Jersey League of Women Voters, g cote slaw; fresh fruit. Dessert: pineapple around the airport would be taken care d e lig h t or chocolate cup cake with icing a la TOP-EARNING PASSBOOK ACCOUNTS WlllIHUHIHIIMSiliHlltHlllliillHMlMIHMIttllMlHHHHIIhlwil ca rte . AND SAVINGS CERTIFICATES ALSO AVAILABLE? Highberger Offer limited to one gift per person while supplies last PAINTERS. ATTENTION tSeii yourself t© local fartlijies With (Continued from page II a low cost Want Ad Cali 6U 00 “1 am asking for your support to continue this trend. Please help me make it a reality.”• she said. Highberger is all honors graduate of Woodbridge High School and attended Montclair State College. Since moving to Linden In 1970. she Egfte has held various posts in youth and community,-8rientated activities, AXIA including (he Cranford and Colonia FEDERAL SAVINGS swim teams and the Deerfield School Established 1927 PTA It was largelyThrough her efforts that the seriousness %nd immediacy of the Rahway Office . Linden Office Brunswick Square Mali Metuchen Office asbestos problem in Schools 9 and 4 was 1591 Irving Street 115 North Wood Avenue 755 State Highway 18 .197 Majn Street Rahway,. N.J 07065 Linden, N J 07036 E Brunswick, N J 08816 M etuchen N J 0884(1 brought to the attention of the School 3 8 1 4 2 4 2 925-3755 238-5664) 4 C>4 1700 board and Ihe public, according to her campaign coordinatlte, Barbara Gaydos. / I Thursday, October 25. 1979 LINDEN (N.J.) LEADER Courses by newspapers^ T echnoloj occupational destinies substantially improve his piece work EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the-fourth occurred in. Germany and were earnings. But Taylorism, or scientific in a series of„ 15 ’articles exploring memorialized by Nobel prize-winner management, copied and often abused, “Connections: Technology and Gerhardt Hauptmann in his drama won a reputation for efficiency at the Change.” In this article. Joseph C. “The Weavers.” expense of hurn^nily._ Gies. author of several popular books British workers resisted another innovation: work—discifdine. At -his X glimmer of insight into worker on the history of technology, traces the psychology came in the 1920s, quite by impact of changing technologies on the celebrated pottery works at Etruria, England, Josiah’ Wedgwood, in the accident In studying the effects of lives of workers. This series was improved illumination on worker latter half of the 18th century, was one written for Courses by Newspaper, a performance, at the Western Electric program developed by University of the first to divide his labor force into sequential groups—potters, painters, plant at Hawthorne. III.. Ellon Mayo ‘‘Extension, University of California, was astonished to find that a control San Diego, and funded by a grant from firers. finishers — achieving both increased production and enhanced group, under thf old lighting, improved “A the National Endowment for the its production as much as did an Humanities. quality. But the new arrangement required experimental group under better that workers eQnforrp. to the pattern lighting. The Hawthorne effect showed By Joseph C. Gies that workers responded with better Technological innovations—new imposed by the flow of production. Previously, as craftsmen, each performance to the mere fact of being 'tools, new machines, new processes— consulted, asked to cooperate, dealt _ Rep. Edward Patten PAST affect not only human; society but, performing) the whole range of fund tons1*' to pottery making, tlitr wl Th as human belngS. - —direrlh—"aW —rmrrretiiately. Further experiments explored the r n H'Vtn 4>-a -in1 ■oi-^iav'T7 tl'IO^SltCVrihsidei'cMi as a workers had frequently kept St. The_CarJ-ex~-Ad44 producing workers. Today, it is possible relationship between man and machine regional reserve lor home heating oil. Monday (taken Monday off), and on reiterated its desire 'o see needed to envisions a society in which and the worker subculture, virtually, something .which has been promised bv . ONE YEAR AGO other days had -sometimes deserted strategic petroleum reser\ technology will liberate workers from creating a new sociology. Human- bojh 'he President Mild Secret ary The owners of the Palladium, a their benches for an ale or a game of home heating oil 'reserves established much of. the physical drudgery and factors engineering, an outgrowth of Duncan for the.Northeast as quickly as Ibiselle street nightclub, agree, to.close, handball. Wedgwood posted rules and m the •N'orJhea.s' , - boredom that have marked their lives Taylorism and the Hawthorne Unfortunately, the Department - of . p o s s ib le . ■the discotheque 'sedtibrf of the levied fines, but remained chronically in the past. experim ent, sought to design Energy (DOE i reetmtly made • a .'•'As quicklv as possible'!"' apparently establishment, but continue to operate vexed by labor troubles. Better tools permit workers to machinery and equipment'- 'for decision ithivh is contrary to wha! the , .means another several years of the bar section. The closing is agreed to produce more (and better) work; in Municipal Court after the owners are maximum ease, convenience ^nd administration lias been saying About solicitation, open bidding and waiting to machines 'replacing tools save their LOSS O f DIGNITY a year ago. the DOE solicced proposals reap revenues irom a Windfalls Profits served a non-complying usage violation As powered machines supplanted suitability. labor and multiply their production, AUTOMATION for Strategic Petroleum Reserve sites Tax now being whittled away by the by CHESTER CHROBAK. the city and computer-programmed automated skill with semi-skill or lack of skill in The most recent stage in mass 0 store crude oil. In.early September, r Senate. - building inspector. RO B E R T factories turn them into monitoring industry after industry, workers in production. automation, came six or >igh! proposals were awaiting ’Mor^'fj’ustia'mg'to me w-as the fac' MEYER-, the Linden airport manager, engineers, employing mental more Britain and elkewhere lost their old calls rumors that fie would complete immediately following World War II final approval One'involved a site in ha' 'he I)()E ollicial 'old us lie was the than physical skills. sense of creativity and even their old •he 15th Congressional District..a tank sixth person t«» hold the same job in the renegotiations on a new 10-year lease dignity. An observer at a British trades- (though machines basic to factory . Nevertheless, workers typically have automation go back to the Waltham in proposal 'o store 2{) bullion barrels of I)(>E. which.itselt is only.'wo years old and then look fora new airport operator not welcomed innovations in production union congress in 1890 recorded the the 1880s ! Workers’ resistance in some crude a' Tremley Poim in Linden. It I do not wan1 to see the effects oj unfounded. technology—far from it. Nor are they difference in appearance between the industries, such as railroading and had unqualified Jbcal/^upport The day •( 'oalless Mondays ol World War 1 or entirely mistaken in their old aristocracy of craft unionists, with printing, has brought considerable ' before the announeemen' was to be the gas rationing oj World War II tor gas FIVE YEARS AGO apprehensions about new techniques. their respectable dress, often including conflict. Yet overall, automation's made DOE cancelled he program lines or hea'ing oil shortages' We need The jobless estimate for Linden Quite apart from their principal fear— lop hats and watch chains, and the new impact on employment so far has The reasons tor the cancellation were storage facilities in the Northeast now. reaches 1*100 to 1.700 persons or just that it may bring unemployment— new .unionists'—the Shabby, nondescript not made clear immediately and to this and 1 am working <> set* 'hat happen over 7 percent of the resident work technology may have unforeseen factory workers. proved limited. force, according to federal statistics. Meanwhile. factory working date I am siilLnoi completely sure that effects on their working lives and In America, the industrial revolution 1 either agree’ with or understand DOE State figures are slightly higher for the at first produced a quite different conditions continue to cry out for Scrapbook personal destinies. improvement, particularly the Bu1 -aside from tea . 1 am perhaps even city. ..Congressman EDWARD J. The outstanding historical example effect. The wealth of natural resources PATTEN (Dem 15th district) says he reduction .of heavy labor, noise and the more concerned about ’he lac' ’ha' a Oct. 25, 1954—A session of ..the of the impact of changing technology on and severe shortage of labor made the is opposed *o casino gambling in New provision of amenities. Flexitime, by private business has spore nearly a President's Cabinet is televised lor the workers' lives is the development of country highly receptive ot the tex-tile Jersey Dot. JOHN KIMAK of the which workers are allowed to arrange million dollars developing its proposal, first times factory mass production. Even while machinery spirited out of Britain Linden Police department is found not ' their won schedules within certain has satisfied DOE to moo its every Oct. 26, 1825—Erie Canal opened for creating *he abundance that 'has- (against ineffective laws forbidding it}>" guilty of assault charges m connection limits, has enjoyed success ifi a number c oncern and requirement onlytu see it 'traffic transformed the modjgrn world, mass export) by Samuel Slater, a youthful with an arrest made of an Elizabeth of U.S. and European plants and cancelled jus1 whcii approval wa^_ Oct. 27. 1904—The tirsj subway to ‘productjon has4 had a dehumanizing immigrant of 1789 who became the man for a disorderly conduct charge offices, measured in part by a reduction expected. . ... ■ prove practical starts its operations in effect which governments, workers' Father of American Manufacture. The Northeast needs both Strategic . organizations, enlightened Native mechanics such as David in absenteeism TEN YEARS AGO Job enrichment. aimed at combatting Petroleum Reserves as well as a Oct. 28. 1636—Harvard College is management, and modern social Wilkinson and Paul Moody added The Linden Board of Education anomic — the boredom of repetitive reserv e oi home heat inti oil or other . founded science, still seek to- mitigate. Yankee improvements and, helped denies its policies “systematic cUifcr work — also has had some success, petroleum .. .products. The Oct 29. 1923—Turkey becomes jx : found America's own machine-tool maintain and foster segregated though in its more radical forms, such admirfistrahnn knows"V . ^wrricru w i’ 'republic FIGHTING THE FACTORIES industry, that is. machines to make Vet. when* Rep Frank Guarini. Oct ;io. 1948—Approximately 8oo • schools The denial is par' of the machines. as non-assembly-line production of board's reply t.o a petition filed by- The modern factory system has an representatives ol other New Jersey European.displaced persons arrive in It was not surprising, therefore, that automobiles in Italy and Sweden, the Ralph Dill, president of the Linden ancestry going back many centuries. members of Congress and 1 {net with a New York City under the Displaced the next major production outcome is not yet clear. Essentially, NAACP. vyjfh the state education Medieval wool merchants in Flanders ■DOE official and the would-be Persons Act of 1948 breakthrough, interchangeable parts the recent experiments have been deparlfbenh .Le^onamb is selling for and Italy began putting out their wool developer, we were lei1 cold Oct. 3i. 1932—Nevada orders a 12-day manufacture, achieved its triumph in attempts to exploit the principles 59cents per pound at local markets...A successively to spinners, weavers, • We spent ah uMpi oduefive three hours -bank holiday to save the state's America. The concept had originated in discovered by Elipn MayO by providing one-pound can of coffee sells for 69 fullers and dyers in wha? amounted to in ..I attempt m resurrect tips proposal tottering banks. France and Britain, where experiments - greater 'scope.for personal achievement cents. factories scattered through a town. The system foreshadowed the -true factory had indicated its promise, but craft- and recognition for the workers. bofbi-M increased volume of production minded European industry held back. In recent decades as in tirpes past, and in the stimulation of class conflict. In America, Eli Whitnef, John Hall and however, such conscious efforts have The State W e’re In By no coincidence, history's first strike, others developed It in the government- been less significant, in altering the ■in 1245. was by weavers t>f Douai, in supported arms industry. It soon worker’s relation to work than the large-scale and usually unpredictable B y D avid F. M oore, N orth Jefisev.Conservation Foundation Flanders. gravitated to production of ir^n stoves, The, “Ltemmerc^l* Revolution” in sewing . machines. and farm changes imposed by S]te general go around sticking our noses in ozone.- ozone m airplane cabins." A recent, This report deals with the-air we which the Flemish wool entrepreneurs implements. direction o f 'technology and economics breathe, especially wheb we are living We-dqp’’ wap’ v neauijtbn* ground article in Science .magazine reports ■ Thesq include the-.shift .toward the teat many airline flight personnel participated provided the basis for the high in an airliner.41 's a departure But ihafs what we an* doing mure THE AMERICAN SYSTEM sevice industries and high-technology and more, thanks to airliners which fly are bitterly complaining that the FAA' later Industrial Revolution centered in from subjects.which are entirely state- !8to-century Britain. . By the time Henry Ford appeared on clerical jobs, and from fabrication to oriented bu'. a Her all. lots of folks fly in so high in ’he sky that.they, along.w.itSi has been dragging its feet since thep. B ihe industrial scene, about 1900, ' processing industries, such as their.occupants-' noses, penetrate the notes also ’hat airline associations have Spinning and weaving there were and out of New Jersey too; and have to mechanized and steam powered, interchangeable-parts manufacture chemicals, plastics, and synthetics, in, breathe our aif .■•zone layer. This layer vanes in height complained tha’ ozone-limiting was known throughout the world as the which automation flourishes. a linR bit. seasonally and equipment would cost $122 million and multiplying productivity but alarming The subject is ozone, a kind of super­ the hand weavers. In the early 19th American system. From Chicago and These changes and the rapid strides strength f orm of. oxygen which '©bounds geographically There’s more of it in- ground airplanes dining installations. Cincinnati meat packing plants. Ford made by industrial robots.which jfor’hern ' Tat Lucies where. >from Naturally, they asked for further study. century, bands of Luddites, fearing loss in a layer between 353)00 and .150.000 of jobs, tried to destroy the new got-the inspiration for his assembly perform mechanically some of the .feet above the. earth. That 's tec ozone February to May. it can reach down* to* Bu' associations representing flight line, which brought parts directly to the functions previously performed by crews are seeking regulations more machinery, but they were brutally layer which protects' us from deadly .around 25.000 fee' workers in a continuous flow humans, give cause for hope that in the stringent than those proposed by the suppressed by government troops. levels of ultraviolet radiation from the , And 'he- new breed of airplanes, like No rules needed posting, no fines not too distant future physical drudgery., FAA and also without washing any In France, workers kicked machines sun. for which we should l>e gra’eful •he ia’es’ model Boeing “747. cruise were required. The moving line’s and anomie may both be eliminated across 'he Arc’ic Op 'o 45:000 fee' high more time to pieces with their heavy wooded and which appears, endangered by inexorable pace enslaved the men The views expressed in Courses by The supersonic Concorde flies a1 up to The latter group is thinking about the shoes, or sabots—giving rise to the continued excessive use of *be freon feeding it, exacting repetitive functions Newspaper are those of the authors 55.000 feet Even prosaic airliner 'rips cumulative effects suffered by word sabotage. Similar worker protests family of gases *Ffeon is the found performed with an inhuman only and do not necessarily reflect from Newark to Chicago or the west crewpersons wjio spend a lot more time in refrigerators, air conditioners and consistency. Assembly-line workers those of the University of California, many spray cans •oas’ commonly take 'he planes, up to ,n Jhe air than-does the average passenger They are also worried about Know Your were turned into the human machines the National Endowment for the As long as' ozone stays up‘ there m 37.00(i feet satirized by Charlie Chaplin in his 1936 Humanities, this newspaper or The* resuL is ’hat a body of medical a crew becoming incapacitated some adequate quantity, everyfh;r.j^.~. oK Tfiim “Modern Times.” evidence FTapdiy accumulating whiy-h day. w ith'ugh results. Government colleges. dgftvn here. But. as is so-often ’|e-ease Meanwhile, at the. turn of the century, ' implicates mold ozone poisoning. with There's a lack of data abou? exactly nothing is perfec’ and ozone. . -fac' is NEW JERSEY GOVERNMENT a Philadelphia engineer, Frederick W. an upsurge- of complaints abou’ Wha? long-term exposure to ozone can NEXT WEEK: Clarence J. Giacken. poisonous when it 'comes o *ur EMPLOYMENT ROSE IN 1878 Taylor, devised a way to increase steel roughing, shallow breathing, eye. nose do »o.a person. Ozone is known to be a emeritus professor of geography at the breathing. So we are smart if we don - New Jersey state and local workers’ output by minutely analyzing and throa’ irritation, chest pains, loss mutagen (something which can cause University of California, Berkeley, government full-time equivalent their jobs By following Taylor’s explores our changing attitudes toward n{ coordination and drowsiness. If a birth defects) and" can bring employment totaled 358,964 in October instructions faithfully, a worker could nature. person has hear’ or respiratory trouble, biochemical changes in. the 1978, an increase of 9,491 or 2 7 percenl. Linden lender 'his can be a fa’al situation. It's b^d bloodstream over the same month in 1977, reports enough for the healthy Whether there’s a connection the New Jersey Taxpayers Association. Airliners can be fitted with bet ween ozone exposure and high rates According lo figures compiled and equipment to remove ozone, and the of miscarriages and children with birth published by the U. S Bureau of the M e m b er Federal Aviation Administration in defects among flight attendants Census, New Jersey’s public employees S U 8U R B A N remains to be established NEWSPAPERS September 1977 proposed a rule to limit proportionally represent 490 of every OF AW E R iCA 10.000 persons in the state, a rank of P ub lis ie<3 each T h u rid a y by 34th among the 50 states, slightly below Suburban Publishing Corp LIBRARY the national average of 492 per 10,000. Asher M m ti, publisher Services in the Sunnyside Branch Nearly four-fifths tof the Garden Today—Story hour for children of State’s' public employment is at the NEWS DEPARTMENT school age Call to register your child 10:30 a.m. Call to register your child. ' *■' Paul V. Cdhino, executive editor Special halloween stories: "The Dare” local level. Payrolls of school districts Abner Gold, supervising editor South Wood Branch. 1709 S. Wood and county and municipal governments Barbara Watcofl Ave.. at 10:30 a.m. Special halloween and “Teeny Tiny and the Witch Daniel P . Jones Woman” in the Grier Branch a? *3:30 combined rose by-5,626 persons (2.1 Mary {^ciriarciyk stories: “The Dare” and “Teeny Tiny, [jercent) in October 1978 to a total of and the Witch Woman.” Spooky; scary, p.m, BUSINESS DEPARTMENT 279.836. New Jersey continues to rank creepy tales in the Synnyside Branch vweores S f r v c e OO Mrs. Paton elected band unit president w e m ulflprs. fa- o pf% ana complete ejfHa.ust system *, ^ The Roselle Park High School Among the fund-raisers planned for Marching Unit and Band Association the year are the annual turkey shoot help REMEMBER and citrus fruit sale. CHECK OUR LOW PRICES! has elected .Mrs. Gail Paton as American LERS president. Mrs.-Jacqueline Stanford Cancer Society 409 North Wood Ave., Linden, N.J. 925-2150 vice-president, Mrs. Marion Witkowski AMERICAN MIALFE BROS. TIRE SERVICE Major Charges Accepted Friday fjves tilt 8 P. M. secretary and Mrs. Virginia Keonev 33S RAHWAY AVE... ELIZABETH EL 2:47A6 treasurer. CANCER SOCIETY Have regular medicai check-ups. LEAF-RELIEF FOOTBALL SEASON IS NEAR AGAIN. BUT IF YOU DON’T HAVE A SNAPPER, CURRIER & IVES THE RAKING SEASON IS HERE AGAIN. SNAPPER ’High Vacuum” riding mowers no! only PLACE MATS dp a good job of cutting grass, they pick up the cuttings, leaves and litter in a hurry Depending When you join our new on the size of your spread, optional catchers are available with six Full-Interest Paying p ■ .arid ttriityubushel capacities. That Christmas Club!' -| means you may be able to mow and ' vaouum'your entire area without stopping to em pty

If your lawn area doesn’t require a riding mower, there’s also a SNAPPER waik-behmd mower to get tall chores out of thefway in a hurry. With Receive thus handsome set pf fou/ Currier’& an optional Snapperizer attached to the bottom Iv-es Plastic Coated Place Mats absolutely free of a SNAPPER mower, you can shred leaves so when you join our new full inTe/.es_t paying the bag holds over twice as many and Christmas Club for $2 weekly or rffore.-Each you have to empty it less often ma! is. T2".x 17” and features full, color Ask for a demonstration of a SNAPPER ' ’American Winter Scenes” to grace your holi­ You’ll see why SNAPPER .owners are day table. (Offer limited to one place mat set able to enjby more.of the games per family while supply lasts. Additional sets FREE SNAPPER POWER T-SHIRT may be purchased for only $2.00, including -tax.) with the purchase of any SNAPPER Mower. Tiller or Tractor at participating Save $2, $3, $5, $10 or $20 weekly to suit your SNAPPER Dealers As Advertised on Majot TV holiday spending needs and get this attrac­ KPM DISTRIBUTORS KENVIL 584 5400 tive free gift now, plus full 5.50_°a per afinum ANDERSON LAWNMOWER & GARDEN SUPPLIES interest on your completed Club account next year. 171* E. Second Street Scotch Plains LA GRANDE, INC. 349 South Avenue E, Westfield TftJ LAWNMOWER SERVICE - 323 North Avenue E. Cranford CRANFORD FANWOOD LINDEN ROSELLE ORANGE WESTFIELD 276 5550 322 4500 276 6550 677 0600 233-7070 SNAPPER TRIANGLE SHOP WHERE YOUR CAPITAL SCORES MORE Mowers -Titers -"Factors '628 North Stiles Street Any wwy you cut rt .itfc a snap with SNAPPER* Linden 6 Ihursday, October 25, 1979 LINDEN (N.J.) LEADER Ghosts and goblins to rule city streets awarded in_ .ihe L- .. A, A DB, and r \ PC rdivisions costume contest and youngsters on the The 30th annual Halloween parade Instructions on how to build a float antique cars. The miniature float float only. will be held Wednesday at 7 p.m. , category is open to youths in grades are available at the Recreation office, “"Alfred 'A Volpe, superintendent of In mechanized and hand-drawn kindergarten through ninth grade. categories, there are four divisions; A 605 S. Wood Ave. or by calling 862-0300 recreation, announced. The parade will •Miniature floats must be 4 by 6 feet The committee has planned many start at the Go^nmupity Center and B various schools, Scout groUps maximum and must be constructed on and church youth groups. The C pre-Halloween activities. A poster Buiiding, 605 A. Wood Ave,, aod wind up wagons; beds (factory or homemade), contest for grades one through six and a at School No. 1 on Wood Avenue. Ron division is for individuals and doll or baby carriage beds. Trophies organizations including non-resident banner contest for grades seven Stefanowic* has been named grand and cash prizes will be awarded to the through 12 will be conducted in the The rain date is Nov. 1. entries. Also included in this group are winners. First* second and third place commercial and industrial floats. public and parochial schools of the city. There will be floats in the following trophies will be awarded to costumed Subsidies are provided to defray the Pre-school youngsters will be judged categories: mechanized, hand-drawn, children and T-shirts will be distributed cost of construction and are made after separately at the parade assembly ipiniature floats, decorated cairs and to the following runner-ups' in the participation. Cash prizes will be point. , Drunk driving Some members Screening project to help charged to two play hookey spot kids with handicaps A Westfield motorist, stopped while — Highberger driving on Raritan Road near the Linden parents who suf pect their pre- potential learning handicap. intersection of Wickersham Avenue, The opening of the regularly schoolage child may b< handicapped TEDDY provides screening, was given a summons charging driving scheduled Linden Board of Education can now get free help fr nn their local professional guidance and an under the influence of alcohol Tuesday, meeting Oct. 17 was delayed because school districts, under a new program educational program, if needgd, free of police said. only four board members were present called Targeting an- 1 Educating charge. Linden police said they saw Roger at the scheduled meeting time, Delay* ■d Youngsters Youngsters, who have been screened Barnett driving on Raritan Road at 3:20 according to board t o i l e r s Anthony ( (TEDDY )V ‘ * •a .and fourid in need of .specific training. p.m) Tuesday and pullpd him over for Aqcardo. Mary Ami DohnJ^iiobei'j- — T l’ie city-wide progiT T fl m public ^Began participating in the program on NATIONAL BUSINESS WOMEN'S WEEK Mavnr John T. Greoadn nffiriillv I f t ^ a y J u ^ ^ r a l i n g the vM eter Gonor and Michael Villano. schools is aimed at locating and Oct. 17. celebrated the 60th anniversary ofTJatlonal Businesswoman'susiness Women's Week by issuing a Alfred Spells uf, Rahway-was .ssPed Members of the. public waited providing services for t! lo s t” children. Sherman Jacobsen heads a specially summonses charging driving under tne proclamation in its honor. Standing to Gregorio's right is * Rae Silverman, approximately one-half hour for a fifth aged three to five, who may have a trained staff for Ihe service, which president of Linden's business and professional worrien's club while Carol Ann influence of alcohol and driving on the member, Joseph Suliga. to be ’ operates in one of ihe elementary Durnak, first vice president, Is pictured on the left. revoked list after the car he was driving summoned from a t^ick bed to complete schools struck a parked car on Elizabeth the quorum. ’ Burglars take For additional information, parents Avenue last week, police said. may call pupil personnel selvices at Joseph MacDonald of Leonia was Nancy Highberger., 9th Ward council Union County Parks list given "summonses last Thursday candidate, characterized the “lack of 2 chess sets 362-3004. charging driving under the influence of interest” in board business as A home on Fedor Avenue in Ihe alcohol and careless driving after the “appalling.’’ Sht\added, “There are a Tremley Point section of the city was William J. Lawler; new hours for autumn truck he was operating hit a car driven couple of members, whose attendance burglarized during the weekend,, by Adele Wehrle of Orchard terrace, record is so bad.’ they cannot possibly according to police reports. It was the cycle crash victim A chill in the air and a the courses are the nine-hole pitch and putt, be giving the people of Linden the seasons introduces autumn activities in according to police. ' ^ ■ second such incident in three weeks on courses. They, are open daily from 9 The car driven by Werhle struck a representation they deserve.’’ Services were held yesterday for ’Union County’s parks and recreation the same block. a.rii.jodark through mid November Oj­ car driven by Grace Jerihett of Without the presence of.a quorum *at William J. Lawler Jr., *22, of Clinton facilities Most of these facilities, such Missing-from the home were two as long as weather permits. Rahway, as a result of the truck’s the meeting, neither the month;-/ Street, who died Saturday night in as the three golf courses, will change hand-made chess sets, carved in onyx, impact, police said. The accident took payroll, nor the payment of over $1 Rahway Hospital from injuries hours of operation when the fall time Autumn is the perfect time to rent a and a board madt-of marble. Value of place on Roselle Street at the million in bills could, have been sustained in a motorcycle accident in change occurs. Others, such as the horse at the Watehung Stable and ride the stolen items was 32,000, police said intersection of St. George Avenye. approved. Highberger said, “...the Rahway. tennis courts**.curtail their schedule. through the Watehung Reservation. An undetermined amount of jewelry ‘Wehrle. was treated for a head injury board essentially operates with seven Mr. Lawler was a student at the Eighteen-hole Ash Brook Golf Located on Glenside Avenue. Summit, was also taken from a top dresser at' St,. Elizabeth’s Hospital and members. The other two only seem to Union County Technical Institute in Course. Scotch Plains, and Oak Ridge the stable is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 drawer in a bedroom, police said. Scotch Plains and a graduate of Linden released, a hospital spokesman said. show up when their votes are needed to Enlrv to the reside rife was^ained by Golf Coufse. Clark, and 27-hole p.m. Rentals are available weekdays High School. until 3 p.m. and all day Sunday. close schools or elect board forcing open the front door, according Galloping Hill Golf Course, Union and .presidents.” Born in Elizabeth, he lived in Linden Kenilworth, shorten their daily playing Three on dean's list to police. for 17 years and was a communicant-pf Union County’s trap and skeet range: She added. “Jf their absenteeism lime. Beginning Monday, they will be Two weeks earlier, $1,450 worth of St. Theresa’s Church in Linden. Lenape Park. Cranford, takes on new Gregory Frank. Kevin Fetchko and continues, the board should take open weekdays from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. camera and citizens band radio Surviving are his father, William Sr.; hours beginning Sunday. Shooters can Kevin Jobaek of Linden have been punitive action. I will work for their and weekends and holiday's from 7 a.m. equipment was stolen from a Fedor his mother. Helen Babilya, and three practice each Saturday from 2 to 4:30 named to the spring* 1979 dean’s list at removal through Linden’s PTAs and to' 3 p.m Avenue home after a lock on a garage brothers, Mark and Joseph, both of Stevens Institute of Technology. other civic-groups, if no action is door was pried open in the rear of the’ Located adjacent to 'the.Ash Brook . l) rT1 and each Sunday from 12:30 p.m! taken.” ’ Linden, and Thomas of Beaverton, Ore. rod Galloping Hill championship v P ,n Hoboken. house. . Public Notice

supplemented are made part special assessments may oe STATES OF AMERICA SE ON 1. The Chief of I in block number nine (9) on Assembly Bill No. 2227. CITYOFLINDEN CITY OF LINDEN hereof as if the same were 3r other executive !map. entitled "Realty Trust PASSEDORDINANCE PASSEDORDINANCE paid, the first of which shall ACTING T H R O U G H Poh M rs R uth B. Sobel be payable not more than two FEDERAL AVIATION herein fully and at length set offic acting in his stead, M ap No. 22 of 963 Lots at St. N O ‘ 19 231 NO. 19>233 forth, except insofar as the S ecreta ry (2) years from the date of the AGENCY, with 'he approval of the George, Township of Linden, > Board of Education AN ORDINANCE TO SUPPLEMENT AN ORDINANCE AN ORDINANCE TO same are modified by Tovi ship Committee by Union County, N.J. surveyed PROVIDE FOR THE bonds, and the monies CONFIRMING SAID City of Linden ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE TO. PROVIDE FOR AGREEMENT, MAKING specific provisions herein. forma' resolution, may adopt M a rc h 1906 b y R L CONSTRUCTION OF received from any Section 6. It is hereby C ounty of Union THE INSTALLATION OF STORM SEWERS AND assessment levied upon any AN APPROPRIATION rules regulations and Williams,'.' and filed in.the State of New Jersey CORRECTION OF SAFETY PROBLEMS IN AND CONCRETE determined that the (Union County Register's SIDEWALKS IN AND p ro p e rty ben efite d shall be THEREFOR AND information manuals as Lind e n L e a d e r, O ct. 25, 1979 ALONG VARIOUS STREETS IN THE CITY OF AUTHORIZING THE supplemental debt statement ! Off ice, Elizabeth, N.J. May ALONG THE applied in payment or on. required by N.J.S.A. 40A:2 10 fo llo w s : * (F e e ; $19.95) LINDEN, FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS account of the indebtedness F IN A N C IN G A .The Police Manual, 1 16, 1906 as M a p NO. 68A. INTERSECTIONS IN THE TENTH WARD, AND FOR NORTHERLY SIDE OF has been duly filed in the j BEING the' premises DILL AVENUE secured by the said local THEREOF." PASSED Winfield Police Department. THE IMPROVEMENT OF DRAINAGE CONDITIONS improvement assessment S E P T E M B E R 18, 1979 office of the City Clerk, that 8 The Numbering System, comm col y known-., and BETWEEN ST. MARKS such statement shows whe SHERIFF'S SALE IN TREMLEY POINT ROAD AND MORNINGSIDE bonds, and the balance; if A N D APPROVED Winfield Police Department. designated as 1023 1025 Paul AVENUE AS A GENERAL IMPROVEMENT, MAKING STREET AND gross amount defined in SUPERIOR COURT CHANDLER AVENUE, any, of said obligations in S E P T E M B E R 19, 1979, C introduction to Police Street, Linden, New Jersey. AN APPROPRIATION THEREFOR AND BE IT ORDAINED BY N.J.S.A. 40A:2-42 is The above described N E W JERSEY CHANCE* AS A LOCAL excess of the total amount Manual, Winfield Police DIVISION UNION COUNT AUTHORIZING THE FINANCING THEREOF," raised on property benefited THE COUNCIL OF THE increased b y Severs Thousand Department. premises are shown on a PASSED SEPTEMBER 18, 1979 AND APPROVED IMPROVEMENT, Six Hundred Dollars O O C K E T NO F 4119-7* MAKING AN shall be included in the local CITY'OF UNDEN : - D Definitions of Termsk Survey prepared by ,P J. S E P T E M B E R 19, 1979. budget adopted by the • SectionM, That the further ($7,600.00), that the Grail, P E 8. 5., Cranford, GIRARD ACCEPTANCE APPROPRIATION Winfseld Police Department. CORPORATION VS. ‘ BE !T ORDAINED *Y THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Council and shall fee raised sum of Eight Thousand obligations authorized E Genera) Rules -and N.J dated October 3, 1967. L IN D E N • THEREFOR AND hereby w ill be within all debt ANTHONY LOMBARDS AUTHORIZING THE and paid for by taxation or as Dollars ($8,000 00), in Regulations, Winfield Police BEING the same premises Section l That the further sum of Six Thousand Dollars may be hereafter authorized addition to the sum°‘of One lim itations prescribed by Department conveyed to the grantees by CAROL ANN LOMBAR»1> - FINANCIAL THEREOF. N.J.S.A. 4QA :2 1 et seq. (S6.000.00). in addition to the suna o* Sixty'Eight Thousand by law. The number of annual Hundred Thirteen Thousand F ” G eneral Conduct Deed from William h i* W ife , MUNICIPAL Dollars (568,000 00) heretofore appropriated by the BE IT. ORDAINED BY Section 7. The invalidity or COURT OF LINDEN & THE COUNCIL. ‘OF THE installments In which the Dollars (SI 13\000,00) Duty, Winfield P o lic e Kuznefzow and Minnie ordinance entitled, "AN ORDINANCE TO PROVIDE FOR special assessments may be heretofore appropriated by ineffectiveness of any one or Depar fment. Kuznetzow, his wife, dated S TAT E OF N E W JERSEY THE ! NS TALL AT ION QF STORM SEWERS AND . CITY OF. LINDEN more term*. or provisions of CIVIL ACTION WRIT OF Section 1. That concrete paid shall be three the ordinance entitled, "AN G. Uniforms. Equipment April 9, 1968, and recorded in CORRECTION OF SAFETY PROBLEMS IN AND ALONG Section 9. There ss hereby the foregoing ordinance, or the Office of the Register of EXECUTION FOR SALE VARIOUS STREETS IN THE ClTY OF L.INDEN, FOR THE sidewalks shad . . be ORDINANCE the inapplicability thereof to* and Appearance, Winfield O F MORTGAGED appropriated in addition to AUTHORIZING' THE Police Department. Union County on April i O, IMPROVEMENT OF VARIOUS INTERSECTIONS IN THE constructed in and along th any person or circumstances, P R E M IS E S ' northerly side of Diil.Avem me proceeds of the aforesaid mvest.inpfions, Winfield' 1968 in Book 2828, Page 687. TENTH WARD, AND FOR THE iAAPROVE'MENT OF obligations the sum of Two AW|P R °pV ^ M E N T . 0I not fee deemeddeem ed to affect a ffe c t Pci ice. Department b ein g kn ow n as B lo ck 83, By virtue of the above-, DRAINAGE CONDITIONS IN” T£ EMLEY ' POINT ROAD between St. Marks Street and H undred D o lla rs U200'.QD)v v a lid ity and E ffe ctiven e ss , i. "rearm s, Winfield L ot '2 on the Tax Map of the stated w rit of execution to me AND MORNINGSIDE AVENUE AS A GENERAL Chandler Avenue, being ’ACCORDANCE WIT H A™** which sum has been made GRANT AGREEMENT of the remaining terms and Police Department. CUV of Louden directed l shall- expose for IMPROVEMENT, MAKING » AN APPROPRIATION a p p ro x im a te ly 250 lin e a l feet j provisions .or the available by appropriation in WITH THE UNITED J. Department Authority to There iscige approximately sale toy p u b lic vendue, .in THEREFOR AN D AUTHOR IZING THE SI.NANC.HVG of sidewbffc, together with’ alt j applicability of any term or ROOM 207, in the C ourt . incidental add appurtenant a budget of the City of Linden STATES OF AMERICA Discipline, Winfield Police $21,112.92 w ith in te re s t fro m •JjgHEREOF, Passed September 18, 1979 and approved adopted prior to the adoption i provision to other persons Sep House, in the City of September )9, 1979, to which this ordinance is a supplement, w o rk. ACTING. THROUGH Depar tm enf. (ember 6, 1979 and costs, hereof, as a down payment, j and circumstances, but each., Tihe Sheriff reserves the Elizabeth, N.J. Oh shall be =»hd the same'is hereby appropriated for the purpose Section 2. That the owner or FEDERAL AVIATION term and provision shall be * K. Custody of Prisoners, said sum being not less than AGENCY, CONFIRMING Winfield Police Department. right to adjourn this sale. WEDNESDAY, the 31st, day of the improvement therein described. owners of land fronting upon deemed to be separate and of October A.D., 1979,. at two Section 2 This supplemental ordinance shall provide the the northerly. Side of Dili, tiverierceht#.!5 percent) of the SAID AGREEMENT, L. Disciplinary Action, RALPH FROEHLICH 'maxim'u* amount of the independent. S n e riff o'clock in the afternoon of additional sum of Six Thousana Dollars .(56,000.00) for Auenu'e bet weep,, 1225 D ill’ MAKING AN Winfield Police Department. obligations herein authorized APPROPRIATION Section 8. This ordinance M. Department Property McCarter & English, Esq i s a i d * day. construction of the work described in Section 5 of ffre Avenue and Chandler.Avenue shall- rtak£ effect ih the are ordered a d directed to for the aforesaid purposes. THEREFOR AND and Equipment; Winfield DJ & LL CX 364 | Against premises situate in aforementioned, ordinance af follows manner provided by law. Police Department. I the City of Linden County Of P ro je c t ' Estimated Cost construct the said sidewalks Section 10. If is hereby AUTHORIZING THE Linden Leader,' Oct’. 25, Nov. PASSED: October 16, 1979 N Arrests, Winfield Police j Union and State of New . VARIOUS INTERSECTIONS - . $20,000.00 above mentioned- along- their determined tfeat ® the FINANCING THEREOF." George Hudak 1,8,15,1979 (F e e : $78.12) supplemental debt statement Passed September 18, 1979 D e p a rtm e n t Jersey, described as follows; To be increased as follow s: ,2,000.00 respective premises within PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL thirty days from, the passage re q u ire d by N JS A 4QA:2-1Q and Approved September 19, O. Penalties, WirifTeid BEING known, designated A P P R O V E D : O c to b e r 17, Police Department. and distinguished as Lot No. ’ Total $22,000.00 "of,this ordinance, and if the has been duly made and filedcJ'*979, to w h ic h this o rd inance 1979 sidewalks are not completed in the office of the City G lerk"ss a supplement, shall be and P C o m m u n ic a t io n s , BOARDOF 1r Block 4, on map entitled TREMLEY POINT ROAD 51°,000.W John T. Gregorio Correspondence, Winfield "M"Map a p of Summit Heights, by any such owner or owners and that such statement the same«»is "hereby MAYOR P O U C A TIO N To be increased as tolSows 4,000.00 as required by this shows - that the obligations appropriated tor the purpose Pdfig* Department C IT Y OF L in d e r T o w n s h ip , N.J*', ATi£ST: Val D. Imbriaco Q Resignation, Winfield which map was filed in tne Total ' $14,000 00 ordinance, the^ Governing authorized by this ordinance of the improvement therein- .(JlTY CLERK L IN D E N will oe witbih all debt described Police Department. UCRO, N.J,, cm*, December 4, Section 3. There is hereby auff\prized the issuance- of Body of the City of Linden S T A T E M E N T NOTICE TO ~ shall construct the sarrie or lim itations prescribed" by S e c tio n 2. T h is R Grievance Procedure,- CONTRACTORS 1911 as Map No: 231 / D. obligations of the .City of Linden in an additional amount of * The ordina«ce**jpublished Wmfield Police Department, BEGINNING at a point on cause the same to be said Act, and it is further supplemental ordinance shall herewith has been finally SEALED BIDS will be Five Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($5,700.00), which determined that the gross S E C T IO N 2. T h is the Southeasterly side of constructed provide the additional sum of passed.and the 20 d a y p eriod received by the Board of together with the previous amount of obligation^ authorized, debt as defined by said Act is Ordinance shall take effect Gesner Street distant 200 feet Sixty Four Thousand Six Hundred Ddllars ($64,600.00), is the Section 3. That the said Education of the City of increased by this ordinance ($8,000.00), which with the immediately upon passage. Southwesterly Jrom the estimated maximum amount of bonds and notes to be issued. ^ improvements shall be Linden, County of Union. according to pians, by the sum of Three previous sum authorized, James P. Kelly, Mayor State of New Jersey or intersection of the The estimated cost of said”improvement is stated to be’the be commenced, as provided Southeasterly side of Gesner specifications and profiles for • Thousand Eight Hundred Dne Hundred Thirteen Chairman, Township Thursday, November 1, 1979, sum of Seventy Four Thousand Dollars, ($74,090.00), and to Dollars ($3800.00). in the Local Bond Act, has C o m m itte e Street and the Southwesterly said work as prepared by the Thousand Dollars begun to run from the date of in the qffice of the Secretary, finance so much of the additional cost hereof as herein Section Tl. The full faith $113,000.00), brings the City , . Jam es P. K e lly , side bf. QeWitt Street, authorized which shall be borne by. the City at Large, bond City Engineer and the said -the first publication of this 700 W e st C u rtis S tre e t, work shall fee done under his arid credit of the City of & Linden's- share to One M a y o r Linden, New jersey, at 2:00 ru n n in g thence (1) South 32 anticipation notes and bonds of the City of Linden in the S tatem ent. Motioned By: Joseph Stplpin, d e g re e s 16 mipufes East supervision. unden. New Jersey, are Hundred Twenty One CitV Clerk P.M., Eastern Standard amount of Five Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($5J00.00) hereby pledged for the Thousand D-o liars Commissioner • Time, at which time the 147.17 feet to a p o in t; thence shaii be issued and together with the bond anticipation notes S e c tio n 4. The s a id Lind e n L ea de r, O ct. 25, 1979 running (2) South 57 degrees fmprovern'eTVTT'"shall be payment of the principal and $121,000.00). it is understood Seconded By: Thomas following bids w ill be opened: and bonds of the City of Linden previously authorized,. Sixty interest on ail of the bonds or that the City of Linden's (F e e : $44.31) Hannen, Commissioner CLEANING AND 44 m in u te s W est 32.84 feet to a Four Thousand Six H undred D o lla rs ($64,600 00), a to ta l of constructed as local >snt; thence running (3)‘ improvements and the cost notes issued pursuant to this share.will be reimbursed by D a te d : O c to b e r 15, 1979 RECONDITIONING OF S eventy Thousand Three H undred .D o lla rs ($70,300.00) of- ordinance, and the sums the manager of the airport. PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE A T H L E T IC orth 39 degrees 02 minutes bond anticipation notes and bonds of the City-of Linden shaii thereof and the incidental 17 seconds West 147.48 feet to expenses connected required for such payments The total cost-of (he project is The New Jersey The foregoing ordinance E Q U IP M E N T be issued. shaii in each year .while any estimated to be Six Hundred Department o f •was introduced and approved A L L S P O R T S a point in Gesner Street; Section 4. Tner.e is hereby appropriated in addition to the therewith shall be assessed thence running (45 Ngrth 56 upon the* several properties of said bonds or notes are Two Thousand Five Hundred Environmental Protection, on first reading at a regular FIRE EXTINGUISHER K proceeds Of the aforesaid obligations the sum of Three degrees .55 minutes East fronting upon the outstanding be included in Dollars ($602,500.00); the Solid Waste Administration meeting of the Township S E R V IC E ♦ H u nd re d D o lla rs ($300 00) 'which sum has been m ade the annual budget and raised F.eder a i A v ia tio n w ill hold a public hearing a? Committee on October 1, along, the Southeasterly side available by appropriation in a budget of the City of Linden, improvements in the manner PUBLIC SALE- of Gesner S treet 50.24 feet to provided by law. ' & by taxes levied upon all the Administration's share to be 7:00 p.m. on Monpay, W79, and was adopted on SCHO O L N O. 4 adopted prior to the adaption hereof,, as a down payment, fin a l re ading at a . re g u la r the point and place of Section 5. That there shall taxable property within said our Hundred ElghtycOne N o vem be r 26, 1979 a t the PUPIL TRANSPORTION- said sum being not less than five percent (5 percent) of the City without lim it as to rate Thousand Five Hundred Linden City Hall located on meeting of the Township beginning. maximum’amount of,the obligations herein authorized for be and ' hereby is PRE-K SAID premises being appropriated for the purpose' or a m ount. Dollars ($481,500.00). 301 North Wood Avenue in Committee held October 15, PROPOSALS AND BIDS the aforesaid purposes. Section 12. The invalidity or Section 3. There is hereby Linden, Union County, New 1979, a t th e M u n ic ip a l c o m m o n ly k n o w n as 319 Section 5 The provisions of the ordinance hereby of the improvements hereby SHALL BE DEPOSITED AT Gesner Street, Linden, N.J. authorized the sum of Four ineffectiveness of any one or authorized the issuance of Jersey in order to receive Building, 12 Gulfstream THE OFFICE OF THE supplemented ore made part hereof as if the same were . more terms or provisions of obligations of the City of public comment on the plans Avenue, Winfield, N.J. There is due approximately herein fully and at length set forth, except insofar as the Thousand Dollars ($4,000.00), Secretary of the Board of $7,911.92 w ith in te re s t fro m 'and there shall be and hereby I the foregoing Ordinance, or _inden in an additional submitted by Exxon John Butchko Sr., Education, 700 West Curtis same are modified by specific provisions herein. the inapplicability thereof to amount of Seven Thousand Company, USA, a Division of TownshipCIerk April 16, 1979 and costs, tne is authorized the issuance of Street, Linden, New Jersey Sheriff reserves the right fp Section 6 It is hereby determined that the Supplemental any person or circumstances, Six Hundred Dollars Exxon corporation for the Lind e n L ea de r, O ct. 25, 1979 debt statement required by N.J.S.A 40A 2 10 has been duly local im pro ve m e nt between the hours of 8 30 adjourn this’sale. assessment bonds and notes shall not be deemed to affect ($7,600.00V, w h ich together Bayway Refinery Wastes (F e e : $23.10) a.m. and 4:00p.mi prevailing filed m the office of the City Clerk, that such statement shows the validity and effectiveness [with the previous amount of Landfarm Facility located in RALPH FROEHLICH the gross amount defined in N.J.S.A 4QA 2 42 is increased by of the City of Linden in a total time on any weekday on S h e riff amount of not exceeding said of the remaining terms and .obligations authorized, One Linden City, Union County. which the bids are to be Five Thousand Seven Hundred Dollars ($5,700.00), that the provisions or the ‘Hundred Seven Thousand Specifically, the proposed Greenberg, Schmerelson, obligations authorized hereby will be within all debt sum of Four. Thousand SHERIFF'S SALE received and opened by the Greenberg & Weinroth Attys. Dollars ($'4,000.00) or as. applicability of any term or (Three Hundred Fifty Dollars project relates to a parcel of lim itations prescribed by N.J.S.A. 40A.2-1 et seq SUPERIOR COURT OF Secretary of the Board of DJ & LL CX 353 much thereof as may be provision to other persons ($197,350.00), is the estimated land know n as B lock 520, L ot CHANCERY DIVISION E du ca tion . Section 7. The invalidity or ineffectiveness of any one or and circumstances, but each maximum amount of bonds 8 This parcel is located at Linden Leader, Oct. 4, 11, 18, more terms or provisions of the foregoing ordinance, or the necessary, toeing the UNION COUNTY BIDDERS MAY 25, 1979 estimated maximum amount term and provision shall be and notes to be issued. The 1400 Park Avenue in Linden. D O C K E T NO. PRESENT the bid in person inapplicability thereof to any person or circumstances, shall deemed to be separate and estimated cost of said Copies of the said p ian s a>id (Fee; $64.68) not be deemed to affect the validity and effectiveness of. the of bonds and notes to be F — 5F15-7I to the Secretary of the Board issued and said sum being the independent. improvement is stated to be engineering report are on file of Education, 700 West Curtis remaining terms and provisions or the applicability estimated maximum amount Section 13. This ordinance for inspection with the New FEDERAL NATIONAL applicability of any term or provision to other persons and the sum of Six Hundred Two MORTGAGE Street, Linden, New Jersey of money to be raised from all shall take effect in the Thousand Five Hundred Jersey Department of -CITYOFLINDEN, N.J. circumstances, but each term and provision shall be deemed ASSOCIATION, » later than fifteen US) PUBLIC NOTICE sources for the purpose of the manner provided by law. i Dollars ($602,500.00), and to Environmental Protection, minutes prior-to the time of to be separate and independent. Solid Waste Administration corporation organized under NOTICE OF Section 8. This ordinance shall take effect in the manner said improvements. P AS S E D : O ctober 16, 1979 finance so much - of the the opening of the bids at 2:0© George Hufeak and the Linden City Hall. an Act of Congress4* and CONTRACT AWARDED Section 6. That obligations ■orge H I additional cost hereof as existing pursuant to the p.m. on the date specified in The City of Linden, ,N- •provided by law. f to finance inspection costs, PRESIDENT OF—COUNCIL 1 herein authorized which shall By order of PASSED-, p tle b e r 16, 1979 Federal National Mortgage the "Notice to Contractors" has awarded a contra legal expenses* ®n<* the cost A P P R O V E D -: O c to b e r 17, be b orne toy the C ity at Large , George j. Tyler, Director Association Charter Act, as published, George Hudak of the issuance , of the 1979 bond anticipation note* and without competitive blddi Division of Plaintiff vj SPECIFICATIONS may be as « professional service { PRESIDENT OF COUNCIL obligations, including John T. Gregorio (Kinds of thfC -ity of Linden in % Environmental Quality A P P R O V E D : O ctober 17, 1979 obtained, upon application, at extraordinary, unspecifia* printing, advertisement of MAYOR the amount of Seven Linders L e a d e r, O ct, 25, 1979 the Purchasing Department, service) pursuant to N.J.S. John I . Gregorit)- ordinances and notices, the ATTEST: val O. imbrrac© Thousand Six Hundred JAMES ISAAC, his heirs, (F e e : $7.77) devisees or personal Board of Education,'70Q West 40A; 11 5(1) 'a ). T h is c o ntra m a y o r t©ta! amount 'whereof is - CITY CLERK d o lla rs ($7,600.00) s h aii be Curtis Street, Unden, New ATTEST: V3I O imbrsacs ^ stated as Two Hundred .STATEMENT issued and together with the representatives and hit, Jersey. and the resoiutJi bond anticipation notes and their, or any of their authorizing it are avaliafc C IT Y Cl ERK STATEMENT Dollars ($200-00) The Ordinance published TO W N S H i P OF successors in right, title and ALL BIDDERS shall for public inspection in tl approximately, shall also fee herewith has been finally bonds of the City of Linden WINFIELD c o n fo rm . w I fir the previously authorized, One interest, et ais., Defendant. o ffic e of the Municipal Cler issued and * included in the passed and the 20 day period AN ORDINANCE TO CIVIL ACTION requirements of the Awarded to $. | aforesaid appropriation. ®f lim ita tio n w ith in w h ic h a Hundred Seven Thousand PERMIT THE POLICE specifications above referred Ackerman Associates, 4 §a c tio n 7. It is hereby- suit, action or proceeding can Three Hundred Fifty Dollars WRfTOF EXECUTION, « S T-e -s’* DEPARTMENT OF THE FOR SALE OF to in connection with the determined that the average be commenced, as provided ($107,350.00), a total of One TOWNSHIP OF WINFIELD, submission of certified check publication of this Statement Hundred Fourteen Thousand MORTGAGED PREMISES v51?ioo7»:N,w York' N< City Clerk period of usefulness o f. the in the Local Bond Act, has UNDER THE DIRECTION or bid bond with their bid. Services: Insurant foregoing improvements, for begun to run from the date of Nine Hundred Fifty Dollars By virtue bf the above L in d e n L e a d e r, O ct. 25, 1979 (F e e ; $47 .04); OF THE POLICE CHIEF O stated w rit of execution to me The Board of Education Survey & Consultai the financing of which the the first publication of this ($114,950.00) of bond EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF specifically reserves to itself anticipation notes and bonds directed l shall expose for fuiLMwpr Services. obligations hereby S tatem ent. T H E POLICE in its discretion, to Time Period to t llllllllllllllllllllllHIUMIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIfllimiilHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUItllllflHIl C ity C le rk of The C ity o f L ind e n shall be sale by public vendue, 4fL.l£jt£? ® authorized shall be issued, is DEPARTMENT, WITH THE ROOM 207, in Ihe Court>relect•eject anyar|, and all security completed no later tha the period of ten (10) years, L in d e n L ea de r, O ct. 25, 1979 issued. offe re d. APPROVAL OF THE House, in the City of D ecem ber 31, 1979 to be computed from the date , (F e e : $52,29) Section 4. There is hereby THE BOARD OF appropriated in addition to TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE Elizabeth, N.J. on Cost: $2,500.00. of the issuance of the bonds. BY F O R M A L EDUCATION reserves the Dated: October 17, 1979 Section. 8 The bonds the proceeds of the aforesaid W E D N E S D A Y , the 21st day CITY O? LINDEN RESOLUTION, TO ADOPT of N o vem be r A .D ., 1979, a t right to reject any and all VALD, IMBRIAC authorized to be issued herein obligations the sum of Four bids or any part of any bid, PASSEDORDINANCE Hundred Dollars ($400.00) RULES, REGULATIONS two o'clock in the afternoon shall bear interest at such N O .19 229 AND INFORMATION waive any informalities and Unpen Leader, Oct. §5 ^ 19 1 rate or rates as shall which sum has been made of said day ____j award contracts either in AN ORDINANCE TO available by appropriation in MANUALS COVERING ' SCHEDULE A (P ea: $6.51 hereafter be determined and VARIOUS AREAS AND p a rt o r as a w hole as in the shall mature and be paid a budget of the City of Linden - All that tract or parcel of SUBJECTS ESSENTIAL land, situated, lying and d is c re tio n of tfee B oard of CLASSIFIED AD within me aforesaid"period of adopted prior to the adoption voTir RANT Af) ENTITLED, "AN FOR THE OPERATION being in the City of Linden, in Education may be deemed ten GO) years, provided, hereof, as a down payment, for its best interest. CALL 6S6-7700 ORDINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION OF the County of Union, in the IS RASY TO pla it: however, that the focal said sum being not less than ALL BIDDERS SHALL AUTHORIZING THE five per cent (5 percent) of THE WINFIELO POLICE State of New Jersey: JUST PIIONL improvement assessment IMPROVEMENT OF DEPARTMENT. •KNOWN AN D CONFORM 1o the intention bonds shall mature in annual the maximum amount of the BE IT ORDAINED, by the and provisions of affirm ative 686-770(1 installments not exceeding LINDEN AIRPORT IN obligations herein authorized DESIGNATED by the lots ACCORDANCE WITH A Town p Committee of the numbers two hundred and action in Public Contracts Ask lo r ‘Ad T aker' and she the number of annual tor .the aforesaid purposes. Laws of State of New Jersey GRANT AGREEMENT Section 5. The p ro v is io n s of Town up of Winfield as ninety five (295) and two will help you with a Result installments in which the follow » ..... hundred and ninety six (296) R S. 10:2 1. o f 7 23 75, Gettar want Ad, mmiiiiiiiimmiii WITH THE UNITED the ordinance** hereby lltllllllllM ‘ T , . .

» Fleo mart set Homecoming LINDEN (N.J.) LEADER -Thursday, October 25, 1979 7 by Girls Nest will be held in American-ltalian club Polish falcon Girls Nest 115, Elizabeth, will sponsor a “flea market” unden The Reformed Church church of Linden will areets iiwwv new w*officers i w Saturday at the George Washington hold a homecoming this Sunday. A The American-ltalian Ladies telephone—Manuzza and Merlo; School 1, 3rd and East Jersey streets, special service will be held at 10 a m scholarship—Jay Colucci and Mina Elizabeth President Adelaide Hansen, Association of Linden at its first and a covered dish luncheon will follow Santoro; attendance—Josephine Dorio of Linden, said the hours will be from 10 meeting of the season, welcomed its in Stryker Hall and Mrs Colucci, and pledge and a m. to 4 p.m. The price of a table is $7. new officers: president, Virginia The service will feature as speaker a prayer—Rose Eisenkirck and Ethel Rain date is Saturday, Nov. 3. Graziano: vice-president, Marie former pastor, the Rev Forest Decker, Provenzano. Those wishing to reserve table space Gregorio; financial secretary, who will speak on “The World, Our Carmella DiMaggio, treasurer, Mary Plans were made for a trip to the may cqptact Mrs. Hansen (486-3730), Home.” The public has been invited. Meadowlands and a Christmas party to Marge Zienowicz (355-3235) or Tureck; recording, Phyllis Colicchio Homecoming Sunday will be a day and corresponding-secretary, Loretta be held in December. Also planned is a Josephine Silkowski (354-2908*Evenings devoted to former-members of the fashion show in April 1980, to benefit only). Intili. church who have moved from this area, the scholarship fund from which The club celebrated its 69th Graziano announced the appointment It will be a day to-begin new frienships -of Agnes Manuzza, Tina Manuzza and awards are made to students of Unden PLANNING FOR THE EXAM—These Linden students are a part of a voluntary anniversary with a dinner-dance at the and to rekindle old ones; according to High School each year. program which helps prepare people for the Scholastic Aptitude Tests in Polish Falcon Auditorium, Elizabeth. Jean Merlo as trustees for 1979-80. The the Rev. John Magee, pastor. following committees were appointed: The club meets the fourth Monday of November and December. Pictured from left are Ana Faxas, James Ficarra, Other officers of Nest 115 are Randi Mr. Decker was pastor of the program—Sara Riggi, Sophie Kauchak each month Anyone interested in Laurie Kaplowitz and RodneyWpite. Teachers, seated, are Harold .Volz on left Ann Skae of Linden, recording Reformed Church from 1943 to 1955. He and Gerald Colabel I i. ^ and Colicchio; sunshine —Rose Micale joining may contact Virginia Graziano secretary; Edvarda.Edie Nivins vice- was active in the Linden community or any member of the board for details. president; Josephine Silkowski and Mary Palestrino; ways and during his pastorate and-was a member means—Merlo and . DiMaggio; * Following the meeting refreshments financial secretary; Marge Zienowicz and president of the Rotary Club. Since birthdays—Tina Rose and Rose were served by Palestine Pytko and SAT reviews are slated treasurer and Adele Horbacz sergeant leaving Linden, he has been the pastor An after school Scholastic-Aptitude Rastardi. publicity—Mary Pytfco; Ann Morasino Copfan Linden High School’s principal, at arms. of churches in Neshank and Closter, as I’est (SAT) review program has been said. Various studies show there is a well as Herkimer, N Y. He is retired, instituted at Linden High School for* statistically significant increase in SAT and living in Whiting /'students planning to take the test this scores of Students who attended review Polish parish The homecoming proceedings will fall . Americo Taranto, superintendent pn>grams, he added cause two changes in the church's Religious Notices •\)f schools, announced It is expected that the program will normal schedule. There will be no 11 The program will consist, of a be continued in the • spring'for high sponsors luau a.m,, service, and Sunday School will MORNINGSTAR HOLY CHURCH, INC. ANTOICH A.M.E. ZION CHURCH voluntary eighth period class from 2:50 school juniors preparing for 'the SAT The Parent-Teachers Organization of 1009 CHANDLER AVE., LINDEN 900 B A L T IM O R E A V E begin at 10 a.m .. one half hour later Rev. Irvin Evans, Pastor Rev Demson D Harrield Jr , Pastor vo 3:45 p.m. with 15 review sessions in given in May and June. Taranto said Holy Trinity Parish of the Polish CHURCH SCHOOL. 9 30 a^m Morning than usual. SiUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 am., B ible both English and mathematics he said National Catholic Chiirch in Linden is Church School 11:30-d.m., morning worship worship, 11 a m Wednesday prayer meeting 6 30 p.m , young people's meeting 8 p m , and BiDle study, 7'p,m Students preparing* for the SAT in sponsoring an Hawaiian luau on Nov. evangelistic services. November and December are 10. PRAYER MEETING SERVICES: Tuesday ST GEORGE BYZANTINE CATHOLIC Women's club Sunnyfield club and T h u rs d a y , 8 p.Trt . CHURCH participating The event, which will be conducted in CHILD CARE service provided 401 M cCANDLESS ST Msgr George Billy, Pastor . Waiter H. Tylicki, director of Clark’s VFW, begins at 8 p.m. with a SUNDAY 9 and II am ' secondary education, feels this is a cost demonstration traditional Hawaiian dinner. The hears librarian TEMPLE MEKOR CHAYIM SUBURBAN SATURDAY 5 p m , liturgy , JEWISH CENTER • HOLIDAYS- 9 a m and 7 p m effective way of saving time.and money The women’s Tuesday Social Club evening’s activities include an Guest speaker at a recent meeting of KENT PL AND DEERFIELD TER W E E K D A Y S - 7 30 a m saw a flower-making demonstration by Rabbi ^idah Kogen r CONFESSIONS Saturdays, 2 and i p .rr to the growing number of students Hawaiian floor show and dancing to 1 Sunnyfield Social Club was Linda Cantor irving Rothman interested in this Jyj*' of review Connie Accardi and Martha Boho at the Klein, senior librarian at the Linden DAILY MINYAN SERVICE 6 30 a m a.m. Music, dancing and entertainment FRIDAY 8 15 pm, Sabbath eve UNITED METHODIST CHURCH The mathematics curriculum and Oct. 9 meeting. Flowers were made will be provided by The Islanders. Public Library. She described the SATURDAY 9 am.. morning service 321 N WOOD A VE SUNDAY 9 30 a rn . service ^ Rev. Dan R. Bottorff, Pastor • structure of the program is based on a ^ from ribbon and tissues. The group The menu will include Bactory Salad. many facilities and services the Linden SUNDAY—9.15 a.m. Church School 10:30 visited the Danbury (Conn. > State Fair, library system offers, including the a.m Divine worship. 6 p.m. Youth .mini-grant proposal .developed by Rajah Rice. Sutonghon, Pansit LINOEN PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Fellowship Choir, adult study and discussion .Gerald Colabelli. a mathematics*! Oct. 2. MalabOn, Bar-B-Que Chicken and Ribs, loan of pictures as well as books, also PRINCETON RD AND ORCHARD TER groups United Methodist Women., United Plans were completed for the annual the programs available at the different Rev. W illiam C Weaver, Pastor Methodist Men, and pastoral cdunseling teacher at Linden High School. Harold dessert and refreshments. SUNDAY Church School, 10 to 11 a m a v a ila b le C all 486 6532 o r 486 4237. Volz of the high school English Christmas party, which will be held Price of tickets is $15. Tickets and branches each month. She also Divme Worship Service, 10 to 11 a m department is handling the verbal Dec, 10 at the Ramada Inn, Clark. reviewed a book written in the 1920’s. ST PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH reservations are available by calling GRACE EPISCOPAL CHURCH 45 E E L M ST •sessions Hostesses for the meeting were Peg 536-2822 or 496-3624 “Husband" by Charlotte Gilman. DeWiTT AND ROB BIN WOOD TER The Rev jim m y Lee Werley. Pastor Harrison, Rita Laskodi, Beulah The program was arranged by Rev Daniel W. Kreller SUMMER SCHEDULE 9 am worship One third of the public and private S U N D A Y 8am., Holy Eucharist. 9 30 a m , service Communion, first, third and fifth Lament, Gertrude Lamont and Laura Frieda Tilkin, who is in charge of Church School, Eucharist and Family Swndays-ef each month • schools in the Northeast now offer some E u c h a ris t sort of SAT preparation course. Alvin Plachinski programs and trips.. TUESDAY-noon. Holy Eucharist RARITAN ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH The club meets at the Sunnyside Social club A display of antique dolls will BAPTISMS, weddings, funerals, “-counseling 611 RARITAN RD by arrangement with the pastor Rev Wendell P Ash,-Pastor Recreation Center, MelroSe and highlight the program at the Nov. 1 SUNDAY SCHOOL. 9 45 .a.rjw, Sunday Meeting reset Orchard terraces. meeting, when Elizabeth Conners of the ASSEMBLY OF GOD Mormng Worship Service 11 a m Watch to see show 416 B O W ER ST. N ig h t Service 8 midnight, to include The Linden-Jtoselle Sewerage Good Fairy Hospital and Museum in Rev Irvin A., A. Hopkins, Pastor The Wilson Park Wednesday Social refreshments, a special fylm fellowship and Authority’s regular monthly meeting, Cranford will be the guest speaker S U N D A Y —y :30 a .m ., Sunday School classes • special communion service for closing Club held it’s regular meeting on Oct. io for all ages. 11 a.m., morning worship. 7 30 Junior Youth Group 3 30 p m Tuesday and previously scheduled for yesterday, The Sunnyfield Social Club meets at p.m , evangelistic service Wednesday prayer and praise, 7 30 p m in the Club House. President Norma TUESDAY—8 p m , Men's Fellowship. will be held Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in FT A 'event' Wilson Park and is sponsored by the Williams presided WEDNESDAY—7/45 p.m , Bible study and ST ELIZABETH'S CHURCH the authority’s office at 5005 S. Wood Linden Recreation Department. .p r a y e r. 220 E BLANCKE ST . LINDEN. Ave in Linden, according to John set for Nov. 11 Plans were made to visit the FRIDAY—7.30 p m., Youth Service Rev Kenneth Mayer, OSB, Pastor Watchung^View Inn on Nov. 27 to see HOLY TRINITY PARISH POLISH S U N D A Y -7 15. 8 30, 9 45 and 11 a.m . ^ U Ziemian, secretary. The Parent-Teacher Associat ion of NATIONAL CATHOLIC CHURCH and 5 p m “Three Men on a Horse.” 407 ZIEGLER AVE DAILY—7 and 8 a.m , 12 05 p.m. . Saint Theresa Of the Child Jesus School A program was provided by Lottie Surprise party Rev Michael R Mietlicki, Pastor SATURDAY—5 and 7 p.m Joint party planned will sponsor a special event on Sunday, SUNDAY MASS—8 30 (English). 10 30' H O LY D A Y M A SSES— 7, 8 and 10 a.m.. Rosenband and consisted of a, cosmetic (Polish^.. 12 05, 6 and 7 p m Nov. 11. at 2 p.m* in the jsehool D A I L t — 7 45 a m ^ EVE OF HOLY DAY— 7pm The Fifty-Plus Club of Saint. demonstration, by Susan Dambeck. a fetes Conleys H O L Y DAY—9 a.m and 7 30 p:m Fltf ST_FRIDAY— T. 8 and 9am, 12 05 p rr. auditorium Elizabeth’s Church will hold a joint skin care consultant for Jafra. Mr and Mrs. Francis J .Conley of SACRAMENT OF PENANCE First Sunday CONFESSIONS—Saturdays 1 2 p m , 8 8 30 Chairwoman of the affair is Ann of the month. p m Eves of Holy Days and Thursday before • October birthday.and Halloween party Refreshments were provided by Ida Rosewood Terrace. Linden; recently BAPTISMS, wedding and funeral counseling First Friday. 12 pm Tuesday evenings Reilly who announced that all profits by arrangement with the pastor ’■today at l p.m in" the lower church. Greenberg, Jerry Sholk, Rita were honored a' a surprise 40th petore Novena devotions from the event will be used for the S C H O O L OF CHRISTIAN L IV IN G _ . President Naomi Holzanthaler has Weitzrrian, Shirley Diskin and Rose wedding anniversary celebrationat the CLA SS E S: Sunday 9 30 a .m . benefit of the school and its students. THE REFORMED CHURCH announced plans for a “Luncheon is Kantrowitz. • home of .their daughter and son-in-law. OF L iN D E H Admission is $2 and includes ST THERESA'S CHURCH 600 N W O O D AVE- Served” program yn Thursday, Nov, 8. The next meeting will be held on Nov. Pamela and Don Marl one The affair 131 £ EDGAR.RD. John L .M^gee jr ; Pastor refreshments. Tickets may be )■ urther details will be given at the 14 in the Club House. also celebrated Mrs . Marlone’s' Rev -V m c e n t B u kowskit Pastor James Horvath, choirmaster purchased from PTA members by S U N D A Y —M asses. 6, 7:30. 9, 10.30 a m ., WORSHIP .SERVICES—Sunday 9.30 and ” 'eting birthday and the chrisiening of the noon. Sunday School, 10 a m. a m calling 862-7551, or at the door. SATURDAY- Mass at 5 30 p.m SUNDAY SCHOOL—9.30 a.m. couple’s fourth grandchild. Nicole H O L Y D A Y S —M asses 7, 8. 9 30 a m and 7 30 YOQTH FELLOWSHIP—Sunday 7 pm' Rickershausers -Emily Marlone. and was attended by p.m . Porish bazaar has Miniature doM , WEEKDAYS-MaSSes at 7, 7 30 and 8 p.m. amily and friends BAPTISMS — Every Second and Fourth have girl Oct. 18 Sunday at 1 p.m family entertainment ,Q be show,s feature A congratulatory message was sent CONFESSIONS—Saturday, 3 to 4 and 7 to 8 A six-pound, 13-ounce girl, Kathryn bv Judith and John Rex. daughter and p m Weekday mornings aftjflr Mass, The Parish Council,ol Si Theresa of Thursday before First Friday,V. 710 8 p r The .first Miniature Doll and Toy AnaJiickershauser, was born Oq. 18 in son-in-law, of Fori Lauderdale, Fla.. SHOR’S DRUGS the Child Jesus Church will sponsor a Melrose Wakefield Hospital in who were ithalbe to attend. & ST. JOHN THE ^APOSTLE CHURCH t „ parish bazaar Sunday in the school Show .sponsored by Jbe Sisterh^pd of 1805 PENBROOK TER. THE MEDICAL SERVICE CENTER Massachusetts, to Mr. and Mrs. Kim The (Hmleys (she is the former Emily Rev Edward G. Price, Pastor auditorium from i to 9 p.m. 'There will "Congregation Anshe Chesed will be held • SUNDAY—(church )'7 30, ,9, .10 30 a m arid "Complet* WMitft C *rt" at the Synagogue Center, corner of Jofyp Rickershauser of Middleton, Meinhard' of Jersey City) were noon, .(a u d ito riu m ) a# '80:30 a .m . only 401N. WOOD AVE. LINDEN ■be & variety of booths, games and Mass. She is the couple’s fir^t child, married Oct. 7. I9.‘$«in >his Church of DAILY AND FIRST FRIDAY-6 30, 8 30 prizes fur Hie whole family: as well as ^O rchard Terrace ami St. .George a m., nqon and 7 p.m- 4 8 6 - 4 1 5 5 Avenue., Sunday, Oct: 28, from 10 ami. ’Mrs. Rickershauser, tbe former Our Savior fn Jersey City. They have SATURDAY -MASSES—5 30 and 7 p m .re fre sh m e si is , and beverages H O L Y D A Y —7, 9 a m ., and 5 30, 7 p m FR«* OILIVUSRY Robin Sy vert sen. is the daughter of fesidfd m Linden for more than 38 O P 8 * 7 DAYS A W I8K •;Adm isdlon. is t ree * to 5 p.m. * \ EVE AND HOLY DAY MASSES 5 30. 7 pm Dolls, dollhouses? miniature an,d Mrs. Eve Syvertsen of Clark and Mr. years CONFESSIONS - Monday Friday after 7 1:30 A,M. to 11 P.M. ‘ The Rev. Vincent Bukowski. pastor, Harold Syvertsen* of Linden. Her Conley, is retired fo>m the Port p m M ass. S a tu rd a y , T-to 2 p m E ve of Holy • Hudson Vitamins is general -chairman His committee antique toys will be* sold. Refreshments Days, 4 to 5 p.m and 7. 45. to 8 45 p m -a Russell Stover Canales. husband is.the son of Mr. ancf Mrs. Authority railroad a fun’ 40 years of Thursdays before First Friday. 4 to 4 30 and Film Developing eXosmet^cs will be available. Adniission fee $1.50 7: 30 to '8 p m consists of the presidents ol the church Joseph C Richershauser of Union - service Use Your Master Charge. societies and members. for adults, and 75 cents for children. A few display spaces are available. Interested dealers can contact Risa H Bpul Schumacher Gordon at 201-925-1123 day, at 201-574- Eclipse-chase 229&after 6 p.m., or Mildred Silbert at to appear in church 201-486-2465. Paul Schumacher, recording artist, Dealers from all over New Jersey goes to Africa will appear at the Raritan Road Baptist and New York are expected. * The “eclipse chasing” “center line” for such an Church. 611 Raritan rd.. Cranford, ------;------*—' members of Amateur ^Friday, Oct. 26, at 8 p.m. Schumacher event, were Astronomers, Uic , based ’ * a s t r o n pH n e a 1 J * Christmas Joy FREE 50th PAYMENT! ■ has recorded albums and is heard Puppets to be made at Union College’s regularly on Christian radio stations. , , . . _ . , according to Roger Sperry Observatory, will ~ The Rev Wendell Ash, pastor of the D y w O I a e H A g e V -lU D Tut hill of Mountainside, b e g in s For the money it’ll take to be making a trip to one of the expedition brighten the Christm as holidays J,hurch, has announced that the public- Africa , next year, re invited to the cuncerf, and a free will The golden Age Club of Linden will leaders. in 1980, open a Christm as Club meet Wednesday. Veronica Kane will according, to George offering will be received. Additional Usually, he said, the a t th e instruct members how to make Chaplenko of Edison, at The National State Bank now. information may be obtained by calling “eclipse chasers” have puppets. . : *" president. They wilt visit S t a r t a Club with w e e k ly or 789-2123. had to sleep in tents, on k trip to Mail’s New Yorker to see the Nairobi, Kenya, to view Sign of the Ship! the ground, or in vehicles paym ents as low as $1 or up to play. “California Suite” was planned the next total eclipse of parked at the site— w h a t e v e r amount t h a t is right ( Girl, Jessica, born for Iasi Tuesday. The Golden Age Club Ihe sun on Feb. 16, 1980. AAI members will because no hotels were for you. After you’ve m ade 49 meets every Wednesday at the John T. anywhere near the other to John Blechars Gregorio Center and is sponsored by leave Ihe Sperry paym ents, we’ll make the 50th eclipse sites. “Not only . A ' seven-pound. 14-ounce daughter, the Linden Recreation Department. Observatory in a f o r y o u , FREE! It’s a very special Jessica Lindsey Blechar, was born chartered bus on Feb 9 do we have a hotel but Sept 80 in Saint Barnabas Medical and will meet other it’s a plush one, to boot,’’ gift to you from your friends at Renter, Livingston, to .Mr.. ami Mrs. Senior citizens club members of the group in Tuthill said. the Bank at the Sign of the Ship. John G Blechar of Elizabeth She is the lists Nov. 3 bazaar New York for their flight The Rev. Allen Tinker couple’s first child lo Africa. From Nairobi, of Summit, co-leader of Stop in and open your new Mrs Blechar, the former Kathleen The greater Mount Moriah Senior the expedition will travel this year’s trip, and his Betty Price of Vailsburg and Union, is Citizens Group of Linden will hold its by mini-bus lo the Tsavo wife Lucy plan tp fly to the daughter .of Mr and Mrs Elmer third annual Bazaar Saturday, Nov. 3, (T in / Park to wuU’h the Kenya in mid-October to CHRISTMAS from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the church, 24 Price of Union. Her husband is the son almost,., four-minute make final CLUB of Mr. ahcl Mrs. John Blechar of ,E:-14th street, Linden. eclipse Jt . 1 1 :22- #im. arrangements for the Unden.’ The bazaar will offer hand-made from the Taita Hills. This February venture. today! articles and crafts, home-made baked “We'll be in the ’cradle goods and food items. location is almost Garden Circle lists Marie Kasner is the coordinator. exactly in the center of of civil izairion/” he She center of the path explained, “actually in Further information is available from next meeting Nov 8 that the muon’s shadow the ‘bush country,' and •“The Linden Garden Circle, sponsored Mary Hendrie, senior citizens director, at 862-0545. will Jake during the we are very fortunate to fcy the Recreation Department, will eclipse. H ie odds of have accomodations at THE meet Nov. 8 at the Sunnyside Library finding a hotel on the the Hilton. The last meeting, conducted by Mrs. Parish social affair N A T I O N A L Irene Caruso, president, was followed by a workshop on making fresh flower will be held Nov. 4 arrangements. Mrs. Mathilda Meyers Holy Trinity Parish of the Polish r v & d a S T A T E B A N K Was i'h charge National1 Catholic Church, 407 Ziegler 39 offices in Union, Middlesex, Tea was served by hostesses Ml's. Ave., Linden, will hold a soejal function I LINDEN GARDEN ■ I C.btnrw S .\ Rrtlturant Hunterdon and Marie Olbert and Mary Rasnek Mrs. Nov. 4 at 2 p.m. The affair will be held Mercer Counties. Meyers provided the flower in the parish, hall on Ziegler Avenue. •LUNCHEON arrangements. - Pauline Czubowicz ^nd Charlotte •D inner 4 ja m il y dinner Firs^since 1812 At the 1 p.m. meeting Nov. 8 there Scerbo are co-chairpersons of the •TAKE-OUT ORDERS Member, F.D.I.C. will be a showing of a Christmas movie. event. Father Michael R. Mietlicki is Monday to Thur*6 «y n o.m. 9:30 p.m. Friday to Sunday 11 a.m .-l0:«0 p m. pastor of'Holy Trinity Parish * FRIDAY DEADLINE 25 W. ELIZABETH AVE., LINDEN Tickets are $2. For tickets and / (Next to Sears koettuckj n z o ‘-14.4.4. All Items other than spot news should further information call 351-4290 or 486- FREF PARKING IN FRONT O O * be In our office by noon on Friday. 3§24.. Ticket sales end Oct. 28 . ^ - - *

/ V 8 Thursday, October 25, 1979 LINDEN (N.J.) LEADER Nutrition clinic to precede race Soccer Scene By BILL WILD In the third game of the day, the Dr. Hans Fisher, chairman of the Union Kickers (Lancers) coasted to a Department of Nutrition at Rutgers Ii felt more' like summer soccer tournament than a day of league games 14-0 victory over the Union County University, will conduct a special clinic Booters. Both of these teams are the top on nutrition prior to a 10,000-meter run for the Farcher’s Grove teams in the Cosmopolitan Junior Soccer League. entries of the clubs in the Boys Division. sponsored by the Central Jersey Road Meanwhile, in the Youth Division the Runners Club and Lean- Line. Inc. Last Saturday, the Farcher’s Grover regulars were treated to four games in Union Lancers dropped a 3-0 decision to Sunday. Nov. 4. at 2 p.m. on the campus the Sportsfriends out of Wayne. These . of Union College. Cranford. a row. and all the teams were home • earns. Four Union Lancer teams met players are 12- 13-year-olds. Applications may be obtained by four Union County Sport Club teams in Back in Union, the stage is now set for sending a self-addressed, stamped three divisions. the match yf the day Undefeated Union envelope to the Central Jersey Road The midgets started the ball rojling County played against the Union Runners Club, Box 79E. Rahway, 07065. before norfn, and the Union Lancers Kickers (Lancers) in another Youth Seven age categories for men and trounced Union County SC. 12-0, in the DiV'Psfofi match. When it watf all over. women- are planned with the top six 8 9-yeat-old division. Union County was still undefeated. The runners eaeb- ^^gnr-y reeeivmg Now the plot and names of The teams game ended in a 1-1 d/aw^ 0. awards. thickens. The second game was This Saturday, there wifi he soccer between the Union I^ncer-s and the matches played all around the town Open heart patients will walk the There are six matches slated to be 10,000-meter course prior to the start of Unjon County Kickers in tfie Boys Division. (10 11 -year-olds) The played in one day. The Union Lancer the race. Former heart patients who Midgets and Boys teams were to play in would like to join this group should Lancers look a 3-0 lead in the first half and could not push the ball into the net Weehawken against Jho Hudsoh report approximately an hour before Dalmatians. Because of a Weehawken race time.** Awards will be given to in the second half to win it, 3-0. These two teams are considered the weaker of High School football game these games outstanding walkers in this category. will be played in Union. In other Byys A one-mile fun-run, on the campus of two teams in this division for both clubs Division matches, the Union Kickers Union College will start at 1:30 p.m (Lancers) will meet the Sportsfriends Rowdies, and the Union County Kickers BEN NEWTON SCOTT HERIONT k ir k c h a r wTTT ^ agaijist me Bergen Kickers, Tennis event both at Farcher’s Grove. The Uniop Sake honored County Booters will travel to Silver Jo boost arts Lakes on Staten Island Linden (2-4) to play by AJBC Two Youth Division games also are Tennis professionals Hank Irvine and on tap at Farcher’s Gfove The Union Deana Sake ha? been named one of Bob Tanis will face internationally Kickers (Lancers) will fneet the Ihe nation's lop eight bantam division famous tennis champions Rod Laver Sportsfriends- and . the- -Union Lancers girl bowlers by the American .Junior and Ken Rosewall in 8-game. Pro-Set will go against the Silver Lake Tigers Bowling Congress. Men’s Doubles at the E. F. Hutton Union County will travel to Staten at Elizabeth Saturday The award culminates a year of Tennis Challenge Match at Spton Hall Island jn this division. competition involving more than University, South Orange, Saturday Because of the big boom in soccer, Piscataway's 17, the Elizabeth crowd Minutemen secondary of. Gregg The Linden High School Tigers, 14-7 820.000 AJBC league members in three Proceeds from the match will go to the most of the teams in the league added a screamed with excitment as Hunter Jackson, Eric Orr, Darryl Foster and losers to Plainfield last week w ill travel age divisions Garden State Arts Center Cultural few new teams in -their junior to Elizabeth Saturday to face the scored his Second touchdown of the day,- Glenn Bates has picked off eighl passes programs. This is what is adding lo the Minutemen in a 2 p.m. game Elizabeth going over, through and around Deana. the daughter1 oT Mr., and Mrs. Fund. this season* confusion I wish the teams would have beat Piscataway. 14-11. last Saturday, tacklers. trying to break loose and The Linden loss*lo Plainfield was the Frank Sake. Fern wood Terrace. VIP tickets for the event are priced at chosen different and better names so showing great. strength in every finally making his way into Ihe end Linden, received the national honor for result of a bad snap on a punt and on $50 which includes a tennis clinic with we don’t hayesu many repeats. Maybe aspect of the game—running, passing, zone. Hector Techera added the extra interception. Plainfield scored on both her 606 scratch series rolled on March Laver and Rosewall, cocktail next. vear. " kicking and defense point ■ - - mistakes. 10 at the Four Seasons Play^ and reception*, reserved seat for the match Jhscataway took the lead late in ihe Piscataway came right back though The first Plainfield touchdown came Recreation Center. Union ’ The score and parking; special reserved seats at game when Robert Turner scored"on a with Scharnjkow throwing into the flat after a bad snap to punter Scott ranks second (only two pins behind $8 and general admission to the match two-yard run for the score, A pass from , for big gains. On third down Beriont. on his 37. The ball flew over first) in the 1978-79 Bantam individual $6. Bill Scharnlkow to Turner^ for the Scharnikow faded back to pass but Beriont's head and was chased all the series competition for girls 12 years of conversion gave Piscataway a four- linebacker Tom Cicalese broke through way to the five B'erionl picked up the age and under. She also came in fourth Tickets are available at the offices of point lead with time hirihing out. Ihe line and stacked the quarterback ball and. with the Cardinals' defense in the individual game classification E. F Hutton in Newark ($21-8100), Darryl Foster then returned the for an eight-yard loss. charging towards him. threw1 ihe ball with a 247 bowled the same day Hackensack (487-1900) and Piscataway kickoff to Elizabeth 34. Elizabeth's first touchdown was the and was penalized for intentional Hackettstown (852-7000); the Garden ' Eric Orr burst off lackle for a first first scored against Pjseataway this' grounding. Plainfield look possession For her accomplishment, Deana State Arts Center Cultural Fund (442- receives an AJBC Stars of the Lanes down and Ezell Hunler ran through the season The Piscataway offense was on the 37 and. on Ihe next play. Ken 8600 X 208); Essex Racquet Club (731- Piscataway defense for 12 more yards ihwarted all -afternoon by the Fields ran around left lackle for ihe emblem and special certificate. She *1874), West Orange Tennis Club (731- to the Piscataway 44. Hunter carried on Minutemen defense led by Norman .touchdown Plainfield held ihe 7-0 lead also will be recognized In the November 1740), Woodbridge Racquet Club <634- four consecutive plays through the Pang. Scotl Vrable and tackles. Juao hrough ihe first half as neither .team issue of “Junior Bowler,” the official 5000) and the Seton Hall University Box middle for 24 yards. With the ball, on Camacho and Darryl Jones. T.he could move Ihe ball. publication of AJBC Office (762-8995). 4 w a lk s PAL Bandits romp, hikes set Four events are scheduled this weekend remain undefeated lor (he members and guests of the Union MAKE YOUR MOVE The Lwiden PAL Little Tiger 9- and Roselle J.title Rams in Roselle Sunday County Hiking C'lub. lb-year old Bandit team rolled to its afternoon Linden scored on a long The .Garret Mountain sixth straight win Sunday afternoon pass, but a holding call brought the ball Ramble opens the when it belted the Roselle Rams "back and the game ended with Linden schedule on Saturday. Bandits, 27-0. The win was the sixth on the Roselle 7-yard line. The loss was L e a d e r Robert straight for Coach Vince Alberto's; the Lillie Tigers' sixth straight this MoskoviU will meet Chargers. season. hikers at 1 p.m. at the The PAL Little Tiger Bandits have Scott Setnanchik. Robbie Stefanow icz Lambert Castle parking scored 130 points in the . six garoes- and Nat Smith all ran well for-ihe PAL lot. Garret Mountain, piayed to date and have allowed only- Nat Smith was the games top runner for just off of Valley Road in seven points to opponents. Dan Linden Jeff Wade. James Johnson. Paterson for J his scenic SijjJowski passed 10 times to Darrell Donald Walker. Derek Jackson. Bub six-mile hike. - Smith in the first quarter, and it was 8-0 -Horn*; Robbie Robinson. Doug Way, Bill Myles will lead the- • at the end of a 40-yard drive. Cory. Robbie Stefanowicz and Smith played brisk 12-mile Sebage ‘ Floyd added the extra point to make ii- well op defense, as well as Nick Circular, also Saturday 7-0. Sheridan, whir Was-outstanding all Hikers will meet at the In the second quarter, il was Floyd on afternoon on defense for the Little, Sloatjsburg. N.Y.. a.beautiful 14-yard run to make il 13-0. Tigers The Little Tigers'will go to railroad Station at 9:20 Later in the second quarter, Floyd Union Saturday for an 8 p.m. kick off a.m. ~ made a 45-yard gallop. Gene Law added against 'the unbeaten Union Rams the extra point and it was 20-0 at The Linden PAL Little Tiger Pee Wee Keeslep-duty halftime. team w-on its third straight gaipe Jjy, The PAL Bandits also scored in the belting the Roselle Ram Pee Wee's. 34- ‘for Anderson third quarter. Final score was 27-0. The 9. Sunday in Roselle Airman Jacalyn Anderson, daughter of ESCAPE CHECKING Bandits’ offense was led by Danny Kay Suliga was outstanding at Sadowski, Smith. Floyd Law. Lamar quarterback all afternoon for the Edith Anderson of Waye, Shawn Worthy. Mike Verdier. Linden Pee Wee learn, passing great all Baltimore Ave., Linden, and Dan Long who were all outstanding game and running for a 21-yard has been graduated from onoffense. The PAL "Bandits' defense touchdown. the U S. Air Force course was as good as it has been all season In the. first quarter, Carl Onque for medical material CHARGES with Ray Porter, Junel Huddieson. galloped 13 yards for a 6-0 lead Suliga specialists at Sheppard Lamont Tate. Troy Clark, Chris Roper. passed lo Bill Smith for the extra point, Air Force Base, Daryl Griffin, Darrell Hill, Mike and il was 7-0 sti.ll in the first quarter. G raduates of the’ Verdier, Bob Squeglia playing fine George Jenkins Jr raced 40 yards, to course earn credits w m * 3 0 0 wf* *5 0 0 games all afternoon. The Bandits go to make it 13-0 on a fine run. toward an associate Union on Saturday for a 5:30 p.m kick In the second qdarter George Jenkins degree in applied science off: ran 24 yards for a touchdown. through the- Community minimum balance minimum balance The . Linden PAL Little Tigers Suliga passed to Terry Cromwell to College of the Air Force, dropped, a tough 7-9 contest to the make it 20-0 a! halftime. Airman Anderson, _ trained to distribute in your —OR— in your medical supplies and Hammel cited equipment, is being SAVINGS assigned to Keesler Air CHECKING Patricia Ann Hammel Force Base, Miss., for of East Blancke SUeet, duty with a unit of the Air ACCOUNT ACCOUNT Linden has been named Training Command. to- the Ohio State University spring quarter honor roll. She Ends studies was among 610 students Susan Hempel of named to the honor roll. Linden was among. 19 senior nursing students who completed the '"VW FRIDAY DEADLINE nursing program of the All items other than spot Presbyterian Division of news should be in our office Nursing at Bloomfield by noon on Friday- • TAKE THE BUS College. To The MEADOWLAMD Racat

RAHWAY RR Station 6:00 r UNDER RR Station ~ 6:15 JARDIMS ELIZABETH Broad & Jersey 6:3d Auto Specializing In Corvattas& Foraign Cart BEVIAHO CHARTER SERVICE Expert Collision Work o All Work Ouorantood 486-2505 11 Yoon At Tho Samo Locotjpn out ESTIMATES ME SOW COMPlITEtlZED TO PtOTECT THE CONSUMES Bui Sorvlco AIM Available TO FOOTBALL GAMES 431E First An. At Tha Maadowlandi la s tlli • 241-1 Thursday, October 25, 1979 Art tours Concert Clinic predicting birth defects to mark “Are we too old to have Most common of all is solely for determining a ‘n rmal’ child?” Down Syndrome the sex of the fetus, are expanded This question, followed (mongolism), one of the although that is inaugural Jby such others as “Will major causes of mental somthing learned as Art Tours of been providing day tours retardation. part of the test results. Manhattan, Tnc., has of New York’s art Presidential our next child be a treasures — Met , inauguration festivities mongoloid...or have Tay The rules for doing (or It is important to Museum of Modern Art, at Caldwell College Sachs disease...or spina declining to do) remember that the Whitney Museum. 57th Sunday will include a bifida?” are some of the amniocentesis are quite common denominator Street Galleries, SoHo concert by the New more frequent questions simple: for most of these 2,000 and private * artists’ Philharmonic of in the comprehensive , 1: For genetic diseases genetic diseases is that studios—for three years. Northwest New Jersey at genetic clinic at the New which are treatable, the there is no cure. Guides and access to 8 p.m. in the Student Jersey Medical School of clinics diagnoses and , exclusive and behind- Center the College of Medicine treats in the newborn Leon Hyman Will and Dentistry of New period. In these cases SUMMER HOME the-scenes viewings have & RENOVATIONS made art tours conduct the program, Jersey (CMDNJ)r, there is no need for which will feature Newark. (There is a amniocentesis. Addition*, alterations, i nfifo rmative and remodeling, repairs, entertaining. soloists Ingrid similar, counseling 2- Where a hereditary ' Insulation, paneling, storm Service at CMDNJ- windows and doors, roofing, Art Tours now is Dingfelder, flutist, and disease is anticipated framing, sheet rock, end offering a program of boris Conrad, pianist. Rutgers Medical School and there is no treatment custom design. weekend packages They will perform in Piscataway.) for that disease, but Invest In your home, build When a husband and your equity, reasonable outside of New York. Mozart’s Flute Concerto there is a test to prices, high quality wife came early in her materials and expert Tours of Boston, in D, G rieg’s Piano distinguish between a craftmenshlp Discount for Philadelphia. Concerto,- and the third pregnancy, it was normal carrier fetus like senior citizen* Gettysburg New Hope overture to the “Barber because they were aged the parents diseased CALL and Washington have of Seville” by ftossini. 40 and- 38 and were fetus. 35S-8038 3- It is ne^er done been planned. Hvman has conducted afraid. Assemblyman These include visits to for the Joffrey B.allet, the After sophisticated major art museums, New York Symphonic laboratory -tests which w historic* houses and Ensemble, the Orchestra followed the procedure M comfortable inns. da . Camera and known as N Without worrying about Columbia R ecords “amniocentesis” (where Curtain Sin N Bill gasoline shortages or among others. Educated a small amount of fluid is museum, hotel and at Harvard, Tanglewood drawn from the womb), M SH I. flatk Shop and Juilliard, he served it was determined that restaurant reservations, 1036 Stuyvesant Ave, UNION travelers and art lovers on the conducting faculty the ' fetus was Maguire can learn, relax and at Juilliard. He is on the chomosomally normal. faculty of Montclair Some months later, she enjoy completely DON’T PROCRASTINATEe planned itineraries at State College. ~ gave birth to a baby girl ( DO NOT WAIT THAT IS...) ■ reasonable prices, a The Caldwell College C'EST MAGfJIFIQUE—That's what restaurant owner and chef Louis Szathmary who joined their family " I want a spokesman said. concert will be given at and Chicago tourists have called a special telephone designed by Western of two previous healthy “ IT’ S LATER THAN YOU THINK” ... Sj permanent State Deluxe motor coaches the institution’s fifth Electric. The phone is located In downtown Chicago's Watertower Visitor children. Commission of leave Saturday morning president, Si§jer ^Edith Information Center, and tourists can make reservations at any of 27 area This couple had Finest quality restaurants by pressing one button. fabrics - hun Investigation at 57th Street and Fifth Magdalen Visfc, O.P., enjoyed the usualjy dreds of pa* happy time qj pregnancy - n s f o Ml and concurrent Avenue and return which begins at 2:30 in choose lined the afternoon. free from the fear of or unlined draw N sentences for Sunday evenings. draperies Me a Tichets, at $6 for adults catastrophic outcome. suring and in repeat sex Additional information stallation can ; The “freedom, from Oe arranged k k offenders." is available from and $3 for senior citizens Coalition of groups fear” aspect is one of the B rin g in ap N Barbara Guggenheim or and students with I.D proxim ate mea goals at NJMS, as it is in surements N Lisa Hahn at Manhattan, cards, may be ordered estimate Inc., 33 E. 22nd St., New by writing to the urges no-fault reform the 450 comprehensive N Re-Elect York City, or (212 ) 254- Philharmonic at P.O. and partial genetic PREPARE FOR THE HOLIIAYS counseling services 7682. Box 286, Montclair, A coalition of insurance, minority, extensive benefits of a no-fault system WITH THIS EARLY BIRD SPECIAL M 07042, or by calling 746- consumer, labor, women’s and business coupled with a costly traditional throughout the United N Bill Maguire HOT SPELL 5613. groups today announced its support for automobile negligence system. This States and Canada N The longest recorded no-fault auto -insurance reform and means that while victims are receiving Last year the clinic N Assembly hot spell occurred in called for the replacement of the law’s ' unlimited medical benefits under no­ performed 250 II Marble Bar, W Campus present $200 threshold with a verbal fault, they can still initiate expensive a m n i’ oLc entesis ; on most special order o rd er and prfeesaw Australia where for 162 lawsuits even for minor injuries. procedures; at CMDNJ- 1 0custom mad# 3 draperies 0 threshold. * Pd. for by CampaiQn Fund New Jersey Medical for Bill Maguire, Geo. Ebbe consecutive days it was to mark The existing law allows accident Unfortunately. New Jersey drivers Order Noe For Fast Salivary iTreas., 140 Briarheath Dr. at least 100 degrees F or School; this year it will C la rk , N .J . 07066 sue for “pain and suffering” can’t afford to pay for both.” Open Mon. A Fri. Evenings higher. 25 years yvhen they have accumulated $200 in The verrbal threshold is supported by be closer to ' 500. doctors’ fees. The verbal threshold Gov. Brendan Byrne, many Democrats Homecoming, a day would permit such suits only in cases of and Republicans in the state legislature for alumni, students, specifically defined serious injury or and the major media serving the state, RACQUETBALL staff and faculty death. the committee representative said. members, will be held at At a press conference held in the The committee concluded, “Verbal - Comes To '• Fairleigh Dickinson Assembly Chambers of the State thresholds are working effectively in University’s Teaneck House, representatives for the New York, Florida and Michigan. We Hackensack campus on • Committee for No-Fault Reform feel a strong verbal threshold can work Plaza Saturday, Oct. 27. explained that the committee “intends effectively in New Jersey.” , This fall the annual to inform the state legislature that Racquet Club event will be part of the thousands of pjeopie outside the 25 th anniversary insurance industry in New Jersey LIFE INSURANCE GROWING celebration of Fairleigh realize that the present automobile The number of life insurance The Week of Oct. 29 Dickinson University’s insurance system is ineffective, companies in the United States has ' • Teaneck-Hackensack extremely costly and in desperate need grown to 1,750 with every two out of MI0DUSK WALL. So Piami'oid. N1 campus. The three Americans having some- form of tf DGEW000 MAIL UdgewooO, N J of strong reform.” MORRIS CO MAIL, Mwnstown, M. 10 Racquet bail Courts homecoming day of A spokesperson for the committee life insurance protection. events will include a An estimated $39,500 was the average WORLD TRA0I CfNffR New rwk City 4 Tennis Courts stated, “We strongly support a true no­ 523 8RQA0W«r, Bayonne, N.J. wide variety of activities fault system. New Jersey’s no-fault amount of. insurance protection for Strongwall Surface for the entire family. system is out of balance. In New each family that was in su re d ^ the DIAMOND APPRAISALS The day will open with Jersey, accident victims have the United States during 1978 US Racquet bait an alumni athletic breakfast, at which the Assn. Certified coaches and athletes of the school’s first 25 years- Businesses topic Over 50,000 Albums & Tapes at Discount Prices! Luxurious Clubhouse, will be honored. Locker Facilities Admission is $4 each. of 1-day seminar Fairleigh Dickinson Franchises and what of a franchise, Dee said. will meet Adelphi Instructors will be J |J Pro Shop University in a soccer you should know about The All New match at 11 a.m;i s part them will be one of the William J. Chapman and Special Robert V. Cullen, who of Homecoming. After topics of an alt-day Membership Savings i he game, a chicken seminar on buying and operate a business consulting firm in West _ For Early Membership barbeque wril be held on selling a business to be . Enrollm ent the campus green. conducted at Union Caldwell. Both men have r College, Cranford Nov. developed and Registration or 17 from 9 a m, to 3 p.m. administered ' several additional information is “ This special, small b u s i ri e s^s . HI l a z r available at (201) 836- program being offered in educational programs ■KocouefftSSfM Club 6300, extension 486. cooperation with the for the Small Business .. • CARPENTERS, > Small Business Administration and for Rt. No. 22, Union, N.J. 687-0077 9 A T T E N T IO N f Sell yourself So Administration, is being Fjjirieigh Dickinson RECORDS & TAPES local farmlies-with a low-cos* repeated in response to University. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • want Ad Cali 666 7700 many requests,” Tuition for the one-day according to Dr. Frank seminar, which includes Dee, dean of the Division a luncheon, is $20 for 71 R o u t e 2 2 Springfield • 376-8940 of Continuing Education Union County residents WWI and Special Services, and $25 for others. Open 7 Days! Mon. thru Sat. 9:30-9:30 • Sun. 10-6 The morning session NEED HELP? Find the will address itself to the RIGHT PERSON with a Wan! Ad Call 686 7700 PM methods employed in determining a fair price NKRt', for an operating business, the special U NION COLLEGE concerns of the seller BEDROOM - Modern and some often DIVISION OF CONTINUING EDUCATION NEW 3 PC------, overlooked aspects announces affecting the purchase of -Bed, Dresser and Chest a business. The afternoon session will be \\\\**' O ne-D ay C onferences in— devoted to an overview of franchising and the L Novem ber on the Cranford Cam pus NEW 3 PC. LIVING RmT-Modem pitfalls to avoid when considering the purchase HOW TO START & MANAGE REAL ESTATE HOW TO BUY A BUSINESS- fully upholstered sofa, 2 chairs YOUR OWN BUSINESS INVESTMENTS HOW TO SELL A BUSINESS- 'November 3 November 10 WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. ABOUT FRANCHISES 9a.m. 4p.m. NEW 5 PC. DINETTE SET This, conference will be a review of rearestate ' EMINGT0N This conference is designed fo r m e n and investment practices and w ill’ be of special November 17 „ women planning to go into a business of their TlflES interest to those whef wish to invest in

ONE OF AMERICA’S LEADING ART RETAIL CHAINS. Classic White o|0 Ready Made Wine Perfect Any Time. These Lovely .Light Wines from the Rhine and Moselle Regions of Germany are True Values. Personally frames selected and available only at Hamilton. Serve them by Classic BOTTLE- CASE SfWSHfOCaDOR SILVER FRAMES UEBFRAUMflXH 77 ...... $1.79 . . ..$19.33 8ERNKASTELER KURFUERSlXAY 77. . . . $2.49 . . ... $26.89 ^ W N O W ‘3.75 PiESPORTER GOLDTROPFCHEN 77 . . $2.99 .. . .$32.29 PIESPORTER MICHELS8ERG 77 ... $2.59.. . $27.97 . . $2.79 .. - $30.13 r» nr ZELLER SCHWARZE KATZ 77 8 * 8 . « » NOW *4.25 NIERSTEINERGUTES OOMTA! 77...... $2 m .. .. $29.05 MAYWINE 7 7 ...... $1,89 . .$20.41 MOSEiBLUMCHER 77 ...... , $2.29 . . . . . $24.73 r« ir R % A 7 B . NOW *4.85 750 ml bottles. 10% Case Discount’ m w . K M . I Hamilton Home Rag. 111.80. . N U W t L / a | * of the hugtest selection of beer, wine anb liquor! *;W.NOW*&25| „ SAw NOW *7. - i ------T * * -* * - _

VA v,.,_j, xw a_— - -SHLEFtSS.*. . * now RT. 22 UNION (CCN i* R ISLAND) UNION COUNTY BUICK RT.22 OREENBKOOK 2321 RT 22 WESTBOUND, UNION WOODBR1 DOC CENTER 339 NO. BROAD ST. ELIZABETH 354-3300 P H O N E 964 5060 M,„. Il,i,i. 9„, 9 I" & S.l 1 m 10 S.,„ U I" .

9 » J Thursday, October 25, 1979 SUBURBAN Vacation alternative: home in the Poconos REAL ESTATE MART According to statistics Vacation. Village annual carrying cost of sumptuous, yet rustic, featuring an 850-square- from $35r000 to $45,000 for City • Suburbs • Farm Country • Lake • Shore obtained from Richard features a half-acre your o\vn vacation home ski lodges. There is‘also fooi vacation home an 850-square-foot home. Aronson, the marketing vacation home site in Vacation Village, a a full-time maintenance priced from $29,990, as * One major advantage director of a large travel starting at $7,500, and a four-season resort crew and security- staff. well as five vacation of Vacation Village is Leisure Technology agency chain, people are full-acre lot” sells for community. As a result Built by the Leisure town-house designs that its lodge has spending less money $ 10, 000. of owning your own Equities Corporation, a ranging from $19,990 for campgrounds available traveling to far-away, The homes at Vacation home, you may now wholly owned subsidiary “The Nook to $39,990 for to property owners and and particularly foreign, Village are designed for enjoy at least 132 of Leisure Technology “ The V acationer,” a their guests. This means sells from referrals resorts. minimum care. The vacation days comprised Corp., an American two-story townhouse. a family can enjoy all.the Somewhere else, the residents becomes part reported. “ They say With spendable income community is on the of weekends, legal Stock Exchange-listed This is substantially less facilities within the biggest sales staffs . of^the constantly active they were just too busy diminished by inflation., western perimeter of the holidays and the two- company, V acation than comparable Pocono community whether or around might be those of Leisure community taking part in all the and air fares rising by 19 Pocono mountain range, week vacation to which Village offers a variety homes, which have now not they buy .a vacation omnipresent vacuum lifestyle is for them to planned and informal percent this year alone, amid 1,400 acres % of most people are entitled of housing 'Types inflated to anywhere home. cleaner and want their friends and activities available to vacations *tu distant ' forests, TnJls, streams To fulfill vacationers' encyclopedia companies. relatives to bev with them.’’ places seem to make less and meadows A leisure-time demands. But, in central New them, to have the Since the sell-out of the economic sense than vacation resort 52 weeks Vacation Village Jersey. Leisure opportunity to also enjoy first two LTC year-round vacation a year, Vacation Village recreational facilities Living Well... Technology Corp. (LTC) their good life.’’ communities iiT the homes,,,, particularly has attracted 400 lot and include five challenging, has developed a sales Since the residency Garden State, the those at certain home owners with an yet uncrowded ski runs with something left over. force of more than 11 ,1)00. requirement for at least original Leisure Village mountain ..resort interesting argument^ with double chair lifts, a ' v They are the uncoached, one member of each and Leisure Village communities. rather than spending fen-nis court, three Eagleswood Village offers its residents luxury living at an enthusiastic residents of household is 52 at the two East, howeverpresidents One such place is money on a two or three- swimming pools affordable price. Brand New mobile homes start at just $ 18,500* its five New Jersey adult M a n c h e s t e r have appreciated the Vacation Village at Cove week trip that (including one indoor carpeted, decor- coordinated and low in maintenance and benefits of bringing by represents, to most pool), a nibe-hole par- communities of the communities and 55 at Ridge, in. Oneida, Pa., energy use. Sodded lot, 10’ x 20' raised wood deck off street original Leisure Village Leisure Towns, existing prospective new offering two types of people, an entire year’s three . golf course, and Leisure Village residents have been able neighbors before their single-family detached worth of vacation, the boating, fishing, biking. ‘ ‘ two, 6' “ x ' 8’ “ storage ' ‘ ‘ _____ East, Leisure Village to introduce their neighborhoods were homes and five different jiiuneii- service. . • under West and Leisure r to others designs—Of towrihomes7 would probably pay the winding trails and two construction. ' * t- This grand Irving is so affordable that there's always something Township, and 1_____ left over for hobbies, travel and all the other recreational of the Greenery series of Towrte in Vincentown. throughout the area. pursuits the Jersey Shore has to offer Leisure Village West and patio homes are priced “Referrals from our Cal! colled or write for our free brochure, Closed Sunday\ residents have meant Leisure Knoll are about from $54,990 to $70,490, more to the continuing equidisdant from residents take part in 'p rices .subject to change jiduJLLLtmmuiun: numerous chib, social, growth , of the LTC Manhattand and Route S West Creek. NJ entertainment and party communities than any Philadelphia. (609) 597-1175 . other factor,’’ states LeisureTowne is close to events day and night at Lynn Joseph, vice- Camden. Trenton and their clubhouse, which L t illa g G president for sales for Philadelphia, but even includes educational the New Jersey Division here some residents classes, craft T ____ of LTC, which pioneered travel to jobslfo northern card-playing and just the concept of planned New Jersey and New plain socializing adult residential- York City. Within Leisure Knoll recreational “Sometimes, often as a are a private lake for environments in the New I ...... York-New Jersey are embarrassed that olympic-size, swimming metropolitan area. “The they didn’t suggest their pool with sun decks, a most natural thing to community to' others putting green, happen when one of our sooner,’’ Joseph shuffleboard, horseshoe courts, two brantl new bocce courts and the clubhouse where residents meet for cards, ‘VACATION HOME—Indoor swimming pool' is. dmoflg the- many recreational $ 2 1 ,9 5 0 billiards and the pursuit activities ottered those buying year-round vacation homes at Vacation Village at of some 60 hobbies from Cove Ridge, in Oneida, Pa. A small price for gardening and acting to stamp collecting. The a country home. clubhouse is also the site 418 sites fo'r dances, entertainment and other plonned We feel as safe w alk in g home It'* the m oil affordable: "The Titan" with social events. At Leisure Knoll, where the Midlantic Mortgage 960 square feet of living space and priced at Corp. has-arranged $2.55 $21,950! With features like carpeting and Summerhill series of at midnight after a dinner/dance million financing for a padding in living room & dining areas, single-family homes is New Jersey firm storm windows, name brand range and refri­ offered with models from developing a residential gerator, aluminum exterior, siding, and more. $49,990 to $72,490, as we do walking to Choice of gas, electric or o il heat. maintenance .services community in ..West This is a planned adult community with are offered, but Palm Beach County, Fla clubhouse, swimming pool residents hawtfti* uptlorr according- to Paul "®.~ flugus, vice president of court at noon. ^ . . . and convenience to ail , ^ to do some of the work the Newark-based amenities. * $ x * especially if they prefer to garden or “tinker mortgage b a n k in g Call or'wnte about” rather than institution. for information. having it done for them- T h e 1 5 - m o n t h Residents pay a nominal construction loan was fee only for the services placed for Lantana they require. Developers, trie.,- of rtVtth JacksonEstates. Leisure Village West Shrewsbury, which is An Aduft Manufactured / ■ Name your pleasure; room, eat-in kitchen Home Community f and Leisure Knoll are building the first 63 of 418 S ’**'* . for Semor Citizens located across from each •planned single-family you’ll Find it at home. your own land on all \ .-.over’50 homes in Lantana Pines, \ ** fa***. other on Route 70 Lake. Putting greets. .4 sides, RENDERING ONLY approximately Hx tfHies off Lear Drive in West Palm*’ Beach County. Fishing pier. Bocce - ' What more could west of the Parkway exit yoy want? Your friend;, 88. The new community, and shuffleboard courts. ‘Easily accessible from located near the Swimming pool. Large and family close by; of all three LTC prestigious Atlantis recreation center with course. And since w< communities are. the... Country Club complex is on the shore of Lake billiard room, game right here in New Jerse . Lakehurst Avenue (off Route 571 many Jersey beaches Osborne south of Palm fackson, New Jersey 08527 and forest areas. rooms, social lounge. you have that, too. See­ Beach County Airport. (201) 928-1700 O ffice Closed Sundays Residents also take Special interest clubs. the model homes today community trips to Seven model homes are major entertainment offered, priced from We have them all. 5 models, 20 exteriors. TURNPIKE (ail 7A - 1*S (..(bound, (n il.Ik (Great AdvtiRue*) M l o events in Manhattan and $39,000 to $71,000. Central And you can walk $49,990 to $72,490 S37. 1 mile to tight, rtghl «« Rt. S71. eight mile* lo lahehur*! Av* aircohditioning is When you move to; CARDIN ST ATI PARRWAV (ail M, Rt 70W lo Rl. S71. turn n*M Philadelphia. anywhere day or night lo laliehwfil Av*.. turn ri included in the purchase Leisure Knoll, you’re not pfice. Hugus said. retiring from life. You’re without a second When completed, thought. Front gate Latema Pines wiii be a actually renewing it. com 0f 413 Because here, the security makes-sure of families or more, located anxieties, boredom and uhat. on one of the most- ) And our 2-bedroom prestigious areas of the chores of a-house grown United S tates,” he too big (and a neighbor­ 2-bath homes make sure added. hood too old) are re­ you enjoy the kind of Allan Cikliri, of the law privacy your present firm of Boose & Cikhrd placed by non-stop fun, West Palm Beach, was come-and-go freedom home gives. They’re counsel for Lantana. and new friends. fully detached. And Midlantic Mortgage delightfully complete Corp. is one of the leading mortgage with den. formal di nmg banking firms with headquarters in Newark

The sign of the MOBILE HOMES AT SOUTH WIND ARE DUILT IN fuel-saving tim es COMPLIANCE WITH ALL U.S, URBAN DEVELOPMENT CODES. EXTRA-SPACIOUS ‘.."'SITE-BUILT" GRAND OPENING: HOMES, MORE ------Section II COLONIAL HOMES 's 0 £ : Shown:The Fairfax., 2-bedroom 2 bath home Save time and driving Six 3 and 4-bedroom, THAN 3 YEARS • * * with dffi, formal dining mom. garage. From $69,490 fuel by coming first to 2*4 bath homes Elegant OLD, ARE Colonial Acres iri Wstory ) \ ^ y r ranch . and two story PROBABLY NOT rich Freehold Then, because of the models, all with full basements, attached walking-distance conveniences from the 2-car garages, country kitchens, breakfast BUILT AS super location of this elegant single family rooms, natural gas heat and cooking, plus STURDY home community, youll keep on. saving ckxtens of luxury features (AS OURS)*. Colonial Acres -for the best years of fuel every day. C MON DOWN AND The first section of Colonial Acres sold your family's history ’ SEE WHAT ADULT OVER AGE 50 It makes you glad you’re 52. out instantly to families with commuters MOBILE HOME LIFE . who can walk to the express bus stop to Six spacious Family Homes IS REALLY-LIKE Lakehurst, New Jersey. Manhattan and Newark. With shoppers from $87|99Q JJ-;. . H O M E S F R O M $16,500 Directions: Take the Garden State Parkway south to who can walk lo stores and centers on 10HX, 30-year mortgages lo qualified buyers. CALL ( 2 0 f) 0 2 6 -0 9 5 2 Exit 88 then go right on Route 70 for 6 miles hjiarby Route 9. With kids who can enjoy Directions: Garden Stale Parkway or Tumptke Jo (COLLECT) FOR DIRECTIONS. the immediacy of parks, beaches, schools, Route 9 South toward Freehold Proceed to Pond Road OR WRITE FOR BROCHURE TO Phones: (800) 392-6937. entertainment and outdoor recreation ju^iandle (TXvo Guys) Crossover to Colonial Acres Out of State Call Toll free (800) 60-2198. entrance This advertisement is not an offer of an interest of the Htime Owners centers. - (201$ 780-0225 Association, which may be done only by formal prospectus And Section II means even yeater (?) 1979 Leisure Technology Corp ROUTE 528 JACKSON N J 08527 attractions A rahnber of thickly wooded Leisure Tec hnologyCprp is a publicly owned company listed on the bis. and the best views in the community American Stock Exchange HW'I horn high elevation. 25, 1979 treasure? Cash... _

★ Garage Sales ★ Yard Sales ★ Washers & Dryers ★ TV & Stereos ★ Bikes & Toys ★ Pools & Furniture i f Refrigerators ★ Musical Instruments ^ Drapes ★ Air Conditioners ★ Etc., Etc., Etc. ★ Check or Money Order Musi Accompany Ad. * ★ Private Parties Only ★ No Commercial, Businesses ★ THURSDAY-EIGHT HEWSPAPERS Real Estate or Automotive ★ SUHDAY-The SUBURBAHAIRE

r Please insert the following classified ad: insert A d ...... T im e (s ) at $...... I

J Use this '• Per inseriion Starting ...... (Date). ■ i ’ easy Amount Enclosed () Check () Money Order I Check or money order must accompany order. I ! Want Ad Want Ad Form must be in our office by Monday I noon for ad to appear in that week’s papers. i form, today! I I i Four (4) Words Of Average Length Will Fit I i On One Line. For Extra I i Long Words Allow Two 7* « # i 8 I i (2) Spaces. Figure Your Cost by Multiplying The I ■ Number Of Lines By I i $1.00. Minimum Charge 10 11 $3.00 ( 3 Average Lines). I Additional lines...$ 1.60 per line. 13 14 15 ,• (M at Cinema Movie “Meteor,'*’, starring Fonda, is being held over * « * Sean Connery, Natalie on two screens at the MOVie* .THE THEATER Dudley Moore, Julie Wood, Karl Malden, Maplewood Theater and OTHER ENTERTAINMENT Andrews and Bo Derek- Times Brian Keith, Martin the Linden Twin II star in “10,” an adult BELLEVUE Double bill Theater, RoseUfe Park, film comedy, which is (Montclair) — YANKS, “North Dallas Forty," on a double bill with being held over for Thur.,- Mon.,”, 2, starring Nick Nolle and “ Players,” starring another week at the Five 4:35, 7:15, 9:50; Fri., Mac Davis, will open Dean-Paul Martin and Points Cinema, Union. Sat., 2:15, 4:50„ 7:35, tomorrow at the Park Ali MacGraw, T h e picture, 10:15. photographed in color, ELMORA (Elizabeth) the comedy hit was directed by Miss - BLUE COLLAR, Fri., Andrews’ husband, Mon., Tues., Blake Edwards. Thur., 7:35; Sat 8:10; Sun.', MARI EL - Tlmc,.\ai"W 1 MANHATTAN, HEMINGWAY—Young Mon., Tues., actress appears In S a n f o r d t h e a t r e : Thur., 9:30; Sat Woody Allan's 11269 SMIMCFIIIP AVt., HVIMCTOW . 3 7 1 - 3 9 9 " 6:20, 10:05; Sun 'Manhattan,' starring IHIIU AH-tOWQITKWIO 10:05; Sunday Indian Diane Keaton and starting tomorrow at Show, 2 to 5 p.m. Chestnut Tavern I Restaurant FRIDAYS AND SATURDAYS, OCT. 26 E I mora Theater, T H R U NO V. 10 AT B: 40 P .M . ... FIVE POINTS Elizabeth. 549 Chestnut Sf., Union AMPLE FREE PARKING SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 4 AT 7,30 P.M. CINEMA (UnionL— 10, RESERVE TICKETS BY PHONE 04-9793 WEDDING DAY — Sylvester Stallone carries bride * Thur , Fri., Sat., Mon., the finest In Coming ... Talia Shire over threshold 1n 'Rocky 11/ which Tues., Wed., Thur., 7:25, . ITALIAN AMERICAN CUISINE continues at Lost Picture Show, Union. Stallone % C.OCKTAUW LIQUOR BU SI N E SS W AN S L UNCH JAN. 25 "VERONICA'S ROOM" 9:30; Sun., 5, 7:15, 9:30; A TASTEFUL COMEDY FOR (Mystery) plays title role. ROCKY HORROR -T5 WHO CAN COUNT! Closed Tuesday APRIL 11 - "THE WALTZ OF THE SHOW. Fri., Sat. * "1 0 '' TOREADORS" Folk dance midnight. Fri., S it. midnight C "T H E ROCK------KY Choreographer and MAY 30- "THE &OY FRIEND" LINDEN TWIN I - HORROR SHOW" dance ft MosheArTeT will J #utiB0-ClutUt (Mcslcal) HALLOWEEN, Fri., (R) present an evening of Mon., Tues.., Weqj, Season Subscriptions Available middle-casfern folk ■ Thur.; 7:30, 9:15; Sat., nmf r e e I r k i nm g m * o ? 3 10 0 A superb ‘ collection of tempting international delights CALL BOXOFFICE FOR DETAILS dance at Kean College of SEAN CONNERY 1:30, 3:15, 5, 6:45. 8:30, NATALIE WOOO New Jersey, Union, SAM ELLIOTT stars KARL MALDEN Served in our gracious continental atmosphere. BOX OFFICE: 276-7611 .10:15; Sun., 1:30. •3:10, BRIAN KEITR tonight at 7:45 in Downs opposite Katharine Ross 4:50, 6:35, 8:15. 10. MARTIN LANDAU l' Lunch Hall cafeteria. There will in 'The Legacy,' horror HENRY FONDA be no admission charge. thriller, due tomorrow o Dinner -Lin d e n twin.ii METEOR OPFN 7 DAYS A WEEK S U N 12 NOON Additional information at the Sanford Theater, METEOR, Thur., Fri., JlllIVlII may be obtained by Irvington. Mon.. Tues..., Wed.. calling 527-2613. Thur., 7, 9:05; Sat., 1:45,. SELL BABY'S old toys with JOLLY TROLLEY 7«WINANSAVE. CRANFORD, N.J. a W ant Ad C all 686 7700, 3:45, 5:50. 7:55. 10: Sun.. 'YANKS—Richard UK IMG FOR A JOB SALOON daily « to 5 00 1:30, 3:30, .5130, 7:35, • l § 0 Gere is romantically TKosa little clossilied ods in Steak specalhes are teotureO m the back of the poper may be 9:35. involved with Lisa the uo tempo so"it of the outhen your answer. Each week it'* 1 1 ' _ lid . . Eichhorn in new film at different. Moke reading the LOST PICTURE Bellevue Theater, classified a ’must' this week WE’RE TRADING and every week. SHOW (Union) 41 ) NORTH AVE WESTFIELD 2 3 2 -1 2 0 7 Upper Montclair. ROCKY II, Thur.. Mon... WE'RE BRINGING TO THE DRESS RACK EVEN Tues.. 7:15.- 9:30; Fri,, MORE EXCITING BRANDS AND EVEN 7:30. -9:45; Sal.. 1:20. FINER FASHIONS) BETTY LIND 3:30, 5:40, 7:50, 10; Sun., CHARLIE BROWN (I) DINER & RESTAURANT 2:30. 4:45. 7. 9:15. Enjoy tju-et intimate dmtng m u OPEN 7 DAYS - 24 HOURS nostalgic oimosphere that s softly Open Salad Bar With Luncheon & Dinner « I-LINDEN TWIN-2 lighted by Tiffany lamps ‘featuring Special Businessmen's Lunch MAPLEWOOD (hojee steoks and other house special Monday, Oct. 22nd at Plenty of Free Parking METEOR, Thur., Fri., 400 N. WOOO A¥t 925-9787 1932 E. St. George Ave. Mon., Tues., 7, 9; Sat.. 2. (1) HALLOWEEN (R) (2) METEOR (PG) 65 STIRLING RD , WARREN 9:30 A.M. we will introduce (Cor. of Park Ave.) American I 7 5 6 -1 1 8 1 4, 6, 8, 10; Sun., 3, 5, 7, 9. OLD RAHWAY chVrJI LINDEN 925-2777 e*pn>» many of these styles PARK (Roselle Park) 1601 IRVING ST 388 1250 and brands to you at PLAYERS, Fri., BREAKING AWAY (PG) WHAT’S YOUR BEEF (II) Complete Breakfast Specials $1.39 Mon.. Tues., Wed.. The rustic spirit remains in this turn of the including coffee Thur , 7:30; Sat., ,3:50, — century meothouse beautifully concerted 7:45; NORTH DALLAS mto a charming dining facility Start off ot STARTLING Complete Luncheon Specials $2.39 ROCKY II (PG) the olde-butcher s counter ond select your Including soup, f.fc o le slaw and rotfee FORTY, Fri., Mon., own cut of bee* to be prepared to you Dinner Specials $3.50 Tues.. Wed., Thur., 9:30; STRAND SUMMIT specifications including famous open salad bar from 2 to 10 P.M appetizer and coffee Sat., 2. 5:50, 9:45. 254 E. THIRD ST., PLAINFIELD ALWAYS OPEN-NEVER CLOSED TREE OF WOODEN CLOGS 7 55 -6 6 6 1 50% to 70% All Baking Done on Premises OLD R A HWAY FREE SALAD BAR with entrees ( R a hw a y ) — BREAKING AWAY, -The ocdoimea seafood spe OFF Savings! Ciplty house ektensive selec ECHO QUEEN Fri., 7:30, 9:30; Sat,, 2, SEYMOURS non ot clam shrimp lobste- *3:55 , 5:50 , 7:45, 9:45; Ond m any' other d>vb^> , THIS SALE WILL END DINER & RESTAURANT EARLY BIRD 50 tf Sun.. 1:30, 3:25, 5:20,- decor * br.ngy the enliven KT. 22 at MILL LANE MOUNTAINSIDE, |Y MATINEES ••ng ,eo oir to Scotch Plan- SAT., NOV. 3rd at 6:00 P.M. Also entrance on M ill Lane fro m Echo Lake Park 7:15, 9:15; Mon., Tues , E.Cffl SUNDAYS 4 HOLIDAYS 11 2 3 3 -1 0 9 8 Wed., Thur.. 7:15. 9:05. 2 3 7 6 NORTH A V E NOSPECIAL ORDERS ON 9 BELLEVUE SCOTCH PLAINS ABOVE MERCHANDISE STRAND (Summit) -- U»**r MoatcUw • 744-14§l | 2 3 2 -3 4 4 3 THE TREE OF NOW SHOWING: E X C L U S IV E WOODEN CLOGS. Fri., ENGAGEMENT! 8:15; Sal., 5, 8:40; Sun., RICHAROGERE WHAT’S YOUR BEEF ( V ) THE 3322 7726 ' 4:30, 8;. Mon., Tues., VANESSA REDGRAVE W ILLIAM DEVANE En|®y the nostalgic decot and 'eloxing- Wed., Thur., 8; Sat., Sun. cosuol atmosphere of this popular matinees, ' SON OF "YANKS" LASSIE, 2. ^ in C olor » DRESS RACK R ated R Soloon SANFORD (Irvington) opa “ Thank* for 'Yank*'." RARITAN RD. & N. 3rd AVE. l ...GENE SHALIT, op*vifQ ni o ll S * HIGHLAND PARK - SAME TIME. NEXT - 545-1778 142 ELMORA AVE, ECHO PLAZA RT. 22 STEAK HOUSE N ftC -T V ELIZABETH 289-7222 SPRINGFIELD 376-0502 YEjkR, .-Fri., Mon.. Tues., Wed., Thur.. 7; ^ FOR SEAFOOD OR Sat., Sun.; 3:lj. 7:15; OPEN: MON. thru Fri. —9:30 A.M. to 9:00 P.M. WEDDINGS LEGACY, Fri., Mon., Sat. 9:30 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. Tues., Wed., Thurs.. 9:05: Sal.. Sun,. 1:20. ALL MAJOR CHARGE CARDS ACCEPTED B a n q u e t s c 5:20. 9:20.

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Call 686-7700 To Place An Ad ★ DEADLINES: Tuesday Noon For Thursday ★ Thursday Noon For Sunday ★ Call 686-7700 To Place An Ad

General Office Cashier DARKROOM 1 Full time, experienced. BANKING NURSES, RN TEMPORARIES T yp in g , 2 g ir l o ffice , 8-4:30 Positions ASSISTANT P M V U LC A N T O p L C O . R.N. REFRESHER COURSE 2 CLINICAL SPECIALISTS With Masters In flurslng and 2 10*0 G erden Stete Rd., Union years experience as a clinical specialist In Medical, Typists secretaries all New Jersey's finest Part time parson to work 20 TELLERS voluntary hospital has a to 30 hours par weak In 686 0550 Surgical, Intensive Care or Gerontology areas needed office skills plus general — ------K10-281 BEGINS: ( S alary: 520,000, 52S,QOO. per,a n n u m ) labor num ber ot positions available newspaper darkroom Prefer In its active Patient Accounts 10m. «xp.rl«nc. wUh H EAT TREATER S a lt THIS WINDOW IS OPEN MONDAY, NOVEMBER 5. I97S p r i m a r y STAFF NURSE needed tor-evening and-night Local Top rates O ffice. vertical camera, halftones Bonuses N ever a fee and veloxes. Cell Mr. Experience preferred, but APPLICATION DEADLINE: 467 1 57p Cashier Hamrock for appointment. w ill train. Will be responsible TO YOU! OCTOBER 30,1979 NURSES needed for Intensive care area Full-time 9-5 fo r complete operation. [ j MANPOWER 686-7700 Salary open FULL or pert Learn how to cash in on your abilities and skills! Franklin Registered Nurses interested in returning to work on our The East Orange VA M edical Center Is a 1,000 bed Cashier tim e days. evening or pite tours, will be eligible to participate, ip our University Teaching medical center, tightly affiliated with HUDSON MFG CORP State is opening . its doors and windows to individuals Evening Refresher Course ' 15 P M until" 11 P M ) Upon Part-Time 8-4 interested in banking Franklin State is a great place to the college of Medicine and Dentistry, New Jersey Medical - 246 M orris Ave , Spfld. ______HA T F , 12 E. W illo w St. M illb u rn completi,on*pf the 6 week course, you w ill be expected to School it is located in a pleasant residential suburb (12 R10 20 1 376 7048 * work! Come in and learn about our flexible work schedule Weekends it Holidays D RIVER* AID* that permits varied days and hours Get the good word on accept either full time or part time assignment on evenings miles) 40 minutes by car from midtown Manhattan -These positions require the ------—r R 10-28-1 our excellent salaries plus our incentive bonus We offer or nites Alternating weekends also required ability to deal with the public for auto parts warehouse outstanding benefits antf-plenfy of growth potential in,other S A LAR Y ranges $15,000 $25,000 per annum , depending on plus good figure aptitude Steady year round work Home Health Aide banking areas We have immediate openings for tellers in qualifications. Differential for Sunday, evening, night, Will handle cash receipts BUY WISE AUTO PARTS 2091 Springfield Ave., Part time. Free training, INTERESTED? Call our Personnel Department af 381 4200 holiday and overtime duty TYPIST from discharged patient. male or female. Home health UNION-MORRIS AVE. any week day morning ft arrange to attend one of our Mini V auxhell care Call Mrs. Wllsqn, 233 BENEFITS include vacation, leave and comprehensive If you can type 45 55 wpm Biller ------KI0-2J-J orientation sessions, which will acquaint you with our 3113 UNION-HIGHWAY 22 insurance, retirement plans, and financial protection for accurately, we will Jrain Call us today to arrange an interview and for more course $1008eb is charged ft is refunded if you complete 6 Full-Time 8:30-4:30 DRIVERS ______—i------K 10-25-1 months ot employment with Rahv#% f+osprtai Detaffs will job related illness or ln|ur.y. you to operate our word This position requires good $6 10 per hour to start, long information' about our upcoming OPEN HOUSE in processing equipment SCOTCH PLAINS "Sake yoUr first step towards a Franklin be discussed at our M ini Orientation Sessions , M ust be US Citizen typing skills and figure term opportunity, with Excellent spelling, aptitude______Hospital,_____ experience , overtime available. HOTTEST I0BS State banking career! Equal Opportunity Employer grammar ft punctuation a plus. These positions offer „ panic oak RAHWAY HOSPITAL skills necessary. Enjoy goodaood startings ta rtin g ‘TWtBYTES'. "SBtBi ~~ w weekeek EstablishedEstabii route with ______Co n to rt MJc« P WallaclJ—,-----.— . very pleasant working " IN TOWN! Chief of Nursing at Contact the Personnel our trucks Call for STRICTLY FRANKLIN STATE 865 Stone ST Rahway, N J conditions, in our Summit Department after 8:,30 a m appointment, STAR ■9 (201) 676 1000, Extension 355 356 office Salary, $160 5200, PROFESSIONAL UNIFORM RENTAL. 35 NEW POSITIONS DAILY Corporate Headquarters depending on experience Hillside Ave , Hillside, 926 Excellent benefits Please Overlook HIGHEST SALARIES VA MEDICAL CENTER 2300 or 47 3 6644 C A L L fftftftJIft- 030 Franklin Blvd., Somerset, N.J. 08873 call our Personnel ______— K 10 25-1 Department at 522 8585 Hospital ' 201-745-6144 EAST ORANGE, NEW JERSEY E XPERIENCED kay slat assoc. Equal Opportunity Employer m f RN OPPORTUNITY 193 M orris^ve., Summit, SECR ETAR Y fo r m odern S u m m it ■ Springfield law office, (will 3 -1 1 .SHIFT Elizabeth J train for Mag 2 typewriter) INVENTORY CLERK Excellertt salary TYPIST Clerk Typist commensurate .with equity for small import export Put Your BASIC NURSING SKILLS E xperience A, w illingness to company ip Summit. Hours 9 MERCHANDISER 367 Springfield Ave. Purchasing Dept. accept responsibility Good CASUALTY INSURANCE RATER 5 P M Good salary based on To Work At Summit, N.J. benefits, convenient location experience, good benefits Part Time Equal Oppty emp. M-F Interesting position available on Morris Ave Free on-sltp We have an excellent opportunity for a person with an tor Individual with good parking Equal opportunity P lease c a ll 273 2600 fo r appointment for figures insurance rating experience ^ ^ K ‘ 10 2 0 1H typing and general office employer. Please call 467 Exceptional opportunity for merchandisers to call on - i- 1 ------K 10-25-1 prefeirrc E xceWnt working conditions ft benefits Salary MEMORIAL GENERAL HOSPITAL skills to perform Receptionist 1776 comm .' '-surate with experience Contact Mr Ritacco retail and chain stores handling Dr. SthoJI's BEGINNER duties In this busy ■ K 10 20 1 lootcare products N^TseUling. W ill w ork M onday thru Department. Some We are increasing our current staff in our new 8 bed ICU Friday, for 8 week pgciQd Territory will cover knowledge of computer FOREMAN CCU and on our soon to be remodeled medical surgical Union. New Jersey Area 18 OR OVER systems helpful... Excellent KEYPUNCH OPERATOR POLICY TYPIST floors Must •♦lave valid driver's license and your own salary and benefits. Contact TRUCK SPRINGS insured car necessary. Salary plus per diem Ideal NO EXP. NEC. the Personnel Department, Vehicles maintenance immediate, full time person These positions otter a rewarding challenge in our fdr college students ft housewives Send letter to: after 8 30 a m. 522 2241 experience required Some with one year or more & SWITCHBOARD OPERATOR progressive teaching hospital We offer a high shift Excellent positions open for supervision experience experience required Person differentia! and a competitive salary along with other SCHOLL, INC. m en or wom en, to w o rk out ot necessary Excellent must be capable of learning excellent fringe benefits Call {or an appointment any day local Union office of nation Overlook opportunity Salary to operate our data general or apply >n person to the Nursing Dept. 687 1900, ext 231 2204 M o rris Ave. beri.ehced preferred, but wil Suite No, 205 B wide corp. if you want a Hospital . commensurate with computer (key to disk) train if qualified Union, N.J. 07083 Steady, secure future ft can experience Fringe benefits start immediately, you can including profit sharing, 40 HOUR WEEK Good salary & benefits Equal Opportunity Employer M F 193 Morals Ave., Summit, : E X C E L L E N T CO PD BEN. CONTACT MR NEUMANN earn N A T IO N A L SPRING CO 246 MEMORIAL GENERAL Equal Oppty Employer.M-.F . Raymond Blvd , Newark PROFIT SHARING $216 PER WEEK ------.------r 10-28.1 465 1030 CALL MR RIZZO 376 7300 tor V HOSPITAL ------r io-25-l an interview, appointment 964-0550 based on your productivity CLERK TYPIST 1000 G alloping H ill Rd commissions, plus incentive UnionTNN J Good salary ft F ULL TIME ft PART TIME Union, New Jersey 07083 8. extra profit Sharing bonus com pany paid benefits Some O PE N IN G S - in- hardw are REPUBLIC METAL An Equal Opportunity.Employer 'No experience necessary experience preferred, but not houseware store Retail you will be framed essential Will train Phone experience preferred. 5 day PRODUCTS INC. CASUALTY INSURANCE CO. thoroughly For .personal M r Cole, 686 8200 week, closed Wednesdays STOCK K 10 25 1 HARVEY J. TIOER 2444 M orris Ave . Union, N J TYPIST 324 Millburn Ave . Millburn E qual Opportune* tmployer M F R ’0 PART TIME. C LERK TYPIST 376 0469, a fte r 7 P .M 277 EXPERIENCED Morning. Alternoon, 964-3850 Heavy typing Pleasant LIGHT BOOKKEEPING— SALES SECRETARY We have an opening Evening Hours (call.between 9 A M 2 P M ) telephone voice, filing, 42 55: ______K 10-20 1 Tuesdays only Apply made to order for a top * ' K 10 25 1 general office work Please B E A C O N H IL L CO Customer service experience. Must type 45 typist who takes pride in EXCELLENT ask to r D onna, 486 3366, GAL-GUY Springfield Center 606 6 882 accuracy plus! With BENEFITS between 11 a m 4 p.m. ------K 10 20 1 WPM. work accurately with figures, mature ------K 10-28-1 FRIDAY LIOHT ASSEMBLY w ork your skills, you can afford IMMEDIATE DISCOUNT If you are a person that can ADVERTISING SALES : to pick and choose so APPLY PERSONNEL CASHIER & SALES COUNTER HELP High school grad preferred. person. lull benefits. type 50 60 wpm accurately, No experience necessary why not work in the fast D E P T > Women's apparel specialty Part time 1 30 A M. 6 P M., have a strong background in m oving M edia Dept of 3 day week No experience A pply In person Career opportunity for aggressive male- store, seeks part time help clerical 8. office procedures, RECTIFIER COMPONENTS CALL PERSONNEL, 98^6500 N J's largest advertising Some experience preferred necessary. can work with figures tor female. Group of suburban weekly agency? if you can use an ONE HOUR M ARTIN I ZING CORP Benefits include good meoiemg 8. nave a pleasant 1112 Lousons Rd., Union adding machine, we'll starting salary, paid 570 W. Westfield Ave newspapers in Union and Essex counties. phone personality. Call K10 28 1 I.L. HAMMETT CO. prize you even m ore We vacation, discount on Roselle Park, N j. Kenneth Steinreich, 371 1300 Many company benefits, salary plus offer a good starting merchandise etc Please R 10 28 1 K 10-20-1 Management Trainee salary, excellent benefits apply in person CI.FRK TYPIST For restaurant ft ice cream commission. Call Mr. Kazala for and a chance to learn a General Clerical store Willing to work business that's always A diversified position is P E R M TEMP MANDEESHOPS available for the person who evenings ft weekends Apply appointment. challenging, never dull! LIVINGSTON MALL 1350 1 Galloping Hill Rd , Accounts Payable in person, G runing'S , re a r of HIGH RATES NO FEE BEAUTY Tq arrange an interview, Union enjoys heavy typing, can type 994 9350 50 to 60 w pm accurately and increasing office staff Full 59 South Orange Ave . South TEMPORARY JOBS please call Linda ------R to 28 1 time position for qualified Orange. N J , between 9 am ft 686-7700 CONSULTANT R osenberg at 376 9595 Equal Oppty Employer has a strong background in MW clerical ft office procedures competent person familiar II am an exclusive position for K E Y E S , M A R T IN ft CD., wJth clerical bookkeeping w o r k an experienced make up Springfield, N.J. Equal — »»K 10-28-1 - Can work with figures for “ INSTANT - CAB DRIVERS WANTED invoicing & has a pleasant duties. W ill train in specialty skin care .specialist to Opportunity Employer M IRVINGTON AREA area relating - to carpet F phone personality Call t y p ist s head- newly designed 373-5757 business. Pleasant working MACHINE OPERATOR R 10 28 1 Best Part Time Job Kennifh Steinreich. 371 1300 cosmetic department m ADVANTAGEOUS FOR R 10-28-1 K 1020 1 conditions, car essentia! Sight production work, fnust • EDITING DEPARTMENT DICTO. TYPISTS prestigious suburban YOU interesting and'; Sandler ft. ‘Worth Carpeting, be able to learn to read shop. Call for interview Clerk Receptionist D R I V E R -Van. light Rt 22, -Springfield, N J micrometer, day shift, small SECRETARIES AVON rewarding public contact Accurate typist. * a n sw e r pricing and coding from our catalog. Must 376 2129. positions are now open Earn deliveries. Benefits. Apply in -Contact Mrs Henlck-376 busy shop in Linden. Call PLAY SANTA.. phanei. Tiling & general person ALCO STATIONERS be mature person with neat handwriting. KEYPUNCH 10 28 1 $350 te $550 per m onth. Call between 9 ft 3 P.M . 925-5483 THE AVON. WAY this year! office work Linden area. INC. 202‘M o rris Ave., Union ------_ f_ - K 10-28 1 K 10-28 1 M r W hite. 272 6720 W rite Classified Box ,4505, Tull benefit coverage. WAREHOUSE Sell lovely AVON gift Items to ------;------K10-28-1 BANKING M 10-28 1 1291 Stuyvesanf Ave., Union. GAS ATTENDANTS MAINTENANCE Temporary srior, & long friendly people near your D RIVER TELLERS Part time basis, N j . Full and pert time nights Floor person needed to term ' assignments schedule hours Monday ft home, earn extra cash to Capable of driving truck with BEAUTICIAN K 10 25 1 and weekends Gas only. operate machine which < ALL PERSONNEL, 686-6500 available, also permanent Thursday, 9 5 P M. & Friday, make your own holidays T4*i©oT body, experience Apply Chevron Station, 241 top wages, pleasant working necessary, must' ' have cleans floors ft rugs Monday positions 9 8 PM Excellent fringe brighter Full or part time CLERICAL R o u te 22 (W e st fecund) th ru F rid a y , 8-4.30 cast 762 benefits Cal! personnel, 688 Lit shew you how! I Call now condition, Five Points, See KA N O N 'S ad under Part knowledge of New York-ft, Pay Day Every Friday Union. 686 9772. New jersey area. Apply 10 H illsid e . 424*1. 9S0O, for an interview Equal for more information, T im e 150 M o r r is A v ., ------R 10-21-1 ,------— ----- K10-281 j.L . TAMMET CO oppty employer • m f vailsburg & Irvington 37S ■R10 28 1 Springfield, N.J. A M. to 3 P M at 490 Hillside Stand-by Personnel K 10 28 1 2100. Scotch Plains, 651 4115, R50 28 1 Ave , Hillside, N.J Machine Operator BABYSITTER-Woman for 17 G ENERAL OFFICE WORK 427 Chestnut St . Union Rahway,.- Linden, 406-0842; DRIVER STOCK.gLERK fo f —------:— ,310-28-1 plus shorthand ft typing, pert No experience needed, will BABYSITTER NEEDED »Q E lizabeth. 351-0386; Union, month old baby, 5 day week, car® fo r 2 chlldfe-rf: ages 5 & 2 plumbing ... & „heating time* Tuesdays ft Thursdays, train. Good salary ft benefits. 964-7717 687 6964, M a p le w o o d , 731 no Thursdays. $40. per week. wholesaler Experience American j 1 to $ P.M. Cait 687 $570, M rs. Please apply person. in Dei to y Bld§. Please can after 5 P.M., 37? 7300', S tim m if. 322 1453. C all toetwaen 7-9 p.m ., 3?&- 5 592-Springfield hefpfui, but not necessary. Schneider. 725 L ehigh A ve., Union W* Specialize in people ------R 19 28 | 9325 ■ . . C all 964 7774 Cancer Soefctjrf R 10 U l \ ------— K 10-28? ------— K 10-29-1 TELLERS K 1 0 2 8 r K IP ?6 ’ ■ K 16-284 Full £ Part Time RNs Consider new field of nursing with the following BUSINESS AND SERVICES DIRECTORY First National State benefits Bank of N.J, 'has „N o shift rotation BLQQMINGDALE'S m : 686-7700 THESE EXPERTS ARE AS NEAR AS YOUR TELEPHONE *686-7700 « Every other weekend off now hiring for tempo?ary • immediate • Weekends 8. shift C h ristm a s help fu ll ti'rtte. differential part time and evenings. openings for 2 J.J Chimney Cleaning • 4 weeks vacation Saturday d is c o u n t Appliance Repairs Home Improvements Masonry 63 Moving I Storaga 64 Piintiftg i Paptrhinging 68 Plumbing 6 Hitting 71 experienced Tellers • Opportunity for privileges for Christmas advancement * shopping Apply in person, REFRIGERATORS A-1-A MASONRY WORK— SHORTUNE MOVERS RELIABLE PLUMBING ft in our Suburban •^Ample free parking personnel office, 4th floor washers, dryers, electric Sidewalks, patios, curbing, Packing ft Storage INTERIOR* EXTERIOR HTG Co In c 24 H r Service, Statewide Chimney Painting, leaders ft gutters • Excellent salary & oven ft ranges 9 to 5 service KRZEMIEN’ S HOME i driveways ft porches, Robert Appliance moving Repairs, Alterations, locations. C all B ill, 686 7117 Sweep & Repair 687 1791 • Free estimates, insured 688 Remodeling. Electric Sewer benefits SHORT HILLS K 11 4 21 A Specialists in piano moving We offer an if above appeals to you Service Corp. Inc APT. IMPROVEMENT HA TF 63 24 hour service 486 7267. Lie. 7983, 753 793». J G iannlnk* ft Dram Cleaning Fully there are immediate MALL Repair of Air Conditioners, All Masonry-Stapi, 450. ------R T F 68 1 ns u red*. excellent starting openings on eve night Refrigerators, Washers, THE p r o b l e m spLVERS (Formerly SAD Painting) sidewalks, wateroroof Inn R TF 64 INTERIOR ft EXTERIOR shifts Call personnel for Minor carpentry, masonry, 688-2722 Dryers, Dishwashers No Self employed insured A UNIVERSITY VAN LINES Painting. Leader ft Gutter - - - Z10 28 71 salary & complete appointm ent. 2C1 731 3077 Fire ft. water damage work. Free estimates, Service Charge on Work ZappullO 607 6476, 372 4079 ArvEducated Move” Local, GAS ft OIL HEAT. REPAIR 'THE KESSLER Completed Joe 241 151$. repairs, painting, interior insured. Stephen Deo, 233- jbenefit package. INSTITUTE FOR ------R T F 63 long distance ft storage 276 WATER HEATERS, OVENS, K 10 28 21A problems solved Chimney ft exterior Plastering 3561 REHABILITATION, West top screens ft rain covers sheetrock. Tile work, 2070 'Anytime” Free | ------R T F 68 VIOLATIONS CORRECTE-D COLLECTOR STEPS, sidewalks, masonry estimates Agents for Smyth Orange. N J Equal oppty S E R V IC E ft • nstaiieo Nests removed wood floors refinished 1 J. J A M N IK 372 2336 Quality work, reasonable Van Lines. PUC 492 ------— . Z 10 28 71 Special Interviewing em ployer nj f h INSTALLATION. All makes 375 0225 tor prompt service State ft city violation prices Fully insured M Exterior ft interior Painting, Opening in Lfnden fo r an ■ ______R TF 64 j decorating ft Paperhanging P LUMBING ft HEATING 10 28 1 m individual to work with ft models New ft used work Free estimates. Deutsch', Springfield 379 9099 Mon. Oct. 29th appliances. 92 5 6261 Fully insured 37 5 8926 Free E stim a te s 607 6288, 607 Repairs, remodeling, delinquent accounts. R 10 28 63 violations Bathrooms, ------k 10 20 21A 6619 anytim e Position will involve heavy Odd Job* 66 ' kitchens, net water boilers, 5:30 P.M, to 7 P.M FOR SAFETY and fuel > # + » » » # » * # » +■» R T F 50 >#1 SIDEWALK STEPS, patios, R TF 68 phone contact, some field sidewalks, refaming waifs steam ft hot water systems. MAINTENANCE work. Experience economy, let us clean, repair O'BKJEN ft . SON—Interior ■ AT OUR 8u!idtRg Materials U or reconstruct yp-yr chimney. CARPENTRY ft HOME No job to small Free A-* RUBBISH REMOVAL Modern sewer cleaning preferred, extfeiienf benefits SERVICE-Appliances. furn. painting ft paper hanging. IMPROVEMENTS estim ates 964 8425 Expert craftsman Free Commercial ft residential, including profit sharing, Reasonable prompt 24 hour ft rubbish removed, attics, Herb T rie fie r ES 2 0660. Lie, Brookdaie ottice MECHANIC Fully insured Free R 10-28 63 estimates reasonable rates dental. tuition O I S T R -I ft U T O 8 — service. ACE SER VIC E CO.. .estimates: cellars, garages, leaders ft 1000 reiifibursement Please call Manufacturer wood windows, 233 8121 CALL ME LASTf Masonry, gutters "cleaned, reasonable, 964 3298 a fte r 6 p.m . ... ------. 2 TF 7! 1080 Broad St. Full Time- Cat! 686 7127 (R obert) .....— ---- — — « 10 28 68 opr Personnel Department, doors, trim, hardware .....—— K T F 35 A H -10-21-50 plastering, waterproofing,' 763 6054. Day Shift facilities open to general ------r----- H TF 66 P AINTING Bloomfield, N.l. at .522 8581 -seif employed ft insured ■ M in i 4 S«linf public a? substantial savings, Cleaning Services KITCHEN CARNETS interior ft exterior. Trim, 71 You may also apply Seek a F u li T im e daily to 5 p.m Sat to noon Sold ft installed. Old cabinets Work guaranteed. A IRV CAN FIX IT, Painting,' work. Apartments. No job too maintenance mechanic (800) 672 1036 • J ft J BUILDING SERVICES ft counter fops resurfaced N U F R IO , 30 y e a rs carpentry, electrical, sm a ll 964 7515 A ll types of roofing ft repairs. experience. ES 3 8773. plumbing repairs ft new any Weekday. with good working SELRITE M ILL WORK UNLIMITED with Formica 486 0777 R TF 68 Slate, Asphalt Shingles, Hot • knowledge of blueprints, \ jy)Oi/abefh J BLDG SUPPLY CORP Commercial & r*$identlal ------v_ B-lft-TB-tfl R TF 63 installations. No job too Tar, Goffers.- Leaders, 9:30 A.M. to 11A.M. genera! equipment repair, cleaning; rug shampooing N ICO H O M E IM P R O V E REPAIRS Of. jftH types, small Reliable & reasonable. PAINTING ft. Decorftfl«9. insured Free Estimates. 581 Rahway Ave , Union . 273 4?5T . light electrical work, K T F 24 Cal! 964 5789. 1 carpentry additions masonry/Carpentry, roofing, interior &• Exterior 1:30P.M. to 3P.M. K T F 66 Alteration, panelling free heating and air ‘ H TF 32 a H e r a t io n s d o r m e w , paving, chimney cleaned and CREST Roof.374-0627 . PERSONNEL conditioning systems. repaired* painting, fireplace, estimates, insured K 367 Springfield Ave. r-CLEAfN aluminum1 siding, roofing MOVING People b>g ft small Schreihofer, 687 9268 607 3713, ------Z TF 78 Steady day shift • position Carpentry .27 kitchens remoucled ft plumbing, retaining walls, iobs. piano moving Clean DEPARTMENT- with competitive starting Complete cleaning Service waterproofing, wrought iron evenings ft weekends. CONNAR, INC Summit, N.J. fireplaces. 964 7)12. cellars, yards, attics Buy Specializing in shingles, hot salary and excellent Aluminum siding cleaning ACE SERVICE, R TF 68 Equal Oppt'y. Employer. specialists Windows, rugs, R TF-5C used furniture Sam Chatman tar roof ft repairs Fully FIRST NATIONAL benefits Prior industrial 233 8121,24 hours. 245 9 3ir 6 30 p.m mid SIDNEY KATZ SMALL JOBS general house cleaning OODJOBS insured Guaranteed work experience a necessity. - - * 10 28 1 Termite damage repairs, — — R TF 63 — R 9 30 66 Painting, paperhanging, Free esfimat 344-0742 STATE BANK of A p p ly 10.. A M 4 P M panelling All work insured Reasonable rates Carpentry ft Painting Most SAL CASTELLO 964 5450 minor repairs Free plastering inside ft out. Free ------z tQ-28 78 Personnel Dept guaranteed Fully insured Specializing in aii mason ODD JOBS —Retired, estim ates 607 7172. ACCOUNTS K 10 28 32 estimates Call 375 1461 work. Sidewalks, steps Brick i mechanically inclined, handy J BACCA RO O FING CO NEW JERSEY Joe r 41 uj4u ■ R TF 68 Hot Tar ft Shingles. RECEIVABLE K t f 27 ------c R 10 28 50 work, and carpentry. 372 1744 man, small lobs, errands ------; r 10 28 63 Some domestic work or what WALLPAPERING ft Residential. Commercial ft 500 Broad St. ALEXIAN immediate opening for an Driveways Kitchen Cabinets 55 industrial Free estimates, in d ivid u a l w ith knowledge of CARPENTER AVAILABLE have you. Call Mac. 686 0035 c a m i t a S done very 64 -----*------R 10 20 66 reasonably, free estimate W orkiG uaranteed 381 2555 ft Newark, N.l. - accounts receivable sales No job too small, any type Moving l Storage 574 2951 BROTHERS Pius other diversified carpentry done 371 6685 or SAVE MONEY! C all 925-1075 — ------Z10 28 78 accounting duties Call 379 1 American Paving Inc. Buy Direct From Factory Rubbish Removed ------R 10-28-60 JP F irst 6 88 46 3 5 M ike R OOFING, GUTTERS * 7744 K 10 28 27 ' industrial. Residential, uoiiy Madison Kitchens All furniture wood ft metals Showroom and Factory, Rt. LEADERS, CARPENTRY, N ational HOSPITAL | Commercial Work done with Florida Specialist taken away1. Attics, Punos ! paving m achine 96 4 4696 22, S pringfield 37 9 6070 70' HOME REPAIRS FREE 655 E Jersey St. JMK AUTO SALES CARPENTER basements ft garages 391 Route 22, E . Springfield, Snow plowing ft removal - - —- R T F 55 DON'S ESTIMATES FULLY Elizabeth, N J 07206 CONTRACTOR ECONOMY MOVERS, TNC cleaned Reasonable rates IN S U R E D 37 5 4352. R 10 28 1 services for commercial ft 325 2713 Piano Tuning, Repair ft ______K 10 28-1 ft Custom Aluminum Siding landscape, Gardening ------—------Z TF 78 i w m P R iviere, 688 7296 or industrial only.. 57 LOCAL 4 K T F 66 Regu fation 18 years at ______N 10 28 35 W IL L IA M H. V E IT 1 360 2 435 after 6 P M LONGDISTANCE Indiana University Call 376 Roofing Seamless, Gutter*. CLERICAL K TF 27 J.J. M AHON 4613., - ACCOUNTANT, 1R. Elect/tc Repairs , 3 1 -Re seeding new fawns, sod' ft Don Attxecker, Manager Punting i Pifiertungjng 6g Free Estimates. Ob aw?s . Full flin t position for recent G. G R E E N WALD. shrubs Work. N.J. -Insured “ Sirtte’^ 4‘UNION” J. M. . ELECTRIC-Reslflen UNION, N.J. COOK P o s itio n lo r college graduate or degree Carpenter Contractors C A LL 687 8357 teas., sn-ms. We presehtiv seek a fully program nite student Work ti«l ft Commercial wiring. 687-0035 . Lie. 22 SAVE $100 TO $300 r-T ^r------2 T F 7 8 person with previous Ats type rep a irs, rem odeling, 1 352 6519 days, eves. 352 2568. Plumbing 4 Hooting Experienced cook to join business experience. with Assistant Controller on . RT F 64 Submit to us—3 estimates S torm Window* ft Doors - K TF 3? o u r d ie ta r y s ta ff. We- You'll be trained to Gross Prof Its Accounts LANDSCAPE GARDENING from respectable painters installed. Reasonable Rates. require experience in -HKELJQN Elect, Lie. No. ft we will beat their price HEATING SERVICES 635-2792 became an. ...JuatMaL "TulTynmireS, estimate .given New 4awm m ade, clears ups, ...s t '70fSs0mvfWe M ust Rke 4-56-9, fu lly insured, no job too lime, fertilizing, seeding, fro m $100 to $300 F u lly Oil ft . Gas Repair# ft — ------— ------HA TF-*! A 688 2984. Sm all jobs. i big, no job too small. MOVING THE PROFESSIONAL! w elt as a good working speaking On telephone, ft fawn repairing, rotot!Sling, Local ft to n g Distance insured. Pittsburg or installation. Specializing in offer a salary an# - K f f-S? 241-.9285 Gas Conversion. 964-(Has# Aluminum replacement knowledge of special to* able to keep r«e&retft ... shrubs planted ft pruned, Free Estimates. Insured Dutch Bey paints. Qualify diets We offer a sccyra!eiy,.car is helpful liberal company benefits as thatching, aerating, service. -—— ~—— 110-2*-?! windows, pats© doors ft yp R 10 28 1 installations of carpet, 9 guage green white vinyl Fully insured. Free 5436 or 761 5511. small. Reasonable rates. linoleum, tile, also painting, wire, includes everything •ttlmates. No job too small ------q 10-28 68 232 3207 Ttw Service FRIDAY ASSISTANT TO except gates $3.50 per foot. Loam, Fininct Companies 60 606 8379 4 com pare our rates. HOSPITAL For cham of Suburban panaling. sheet rocking. Day License No. 4866 or nig h t 245 2634 301 1044. U £ 66(5 — ------. Z TF-71* w e e k I y newspapers SALES MANAGER LOANS BiY PHONE ' ------— R TF-A4 DAN'S PAINTING COMPLETE TREK for a calculator company“ io ------— K 10-20-28 ------K 10 28 41 interior ft Exterior Interesting, diversified work Secondary Mortgage loans S E R V IC E — Wood Chips, for a brighf^individuai Must Kenilworth, pleasant voice, Reasonable rates, free P LUMBING* HEATINO Furniture Repairs -45 MAJESTIC CORP G IB R A L T A R M O V IN G CO. Landscaping, stump ' K 10-14-1 type Gootfr starting salary good typing skills. Call 245 Ceilings CALL TOLL-FREE Repairs, remodeling, Removal, Firewood Free and company benefits 6779, 9 5 P M 30 Personally supervised ACCOUNTS ^.REiCE IVABLE insured furn. padded. Local ft violations. Bath roams, Estimates. Reasonable Rates Contact M r Mintz K 10 25 1 , FURNITURE POLISHINO 245 9038. CLERK Experienced, some (800)672-1127 statewide. Shore trips to ft kitchens, hQt w afer Boilers, 606 7 7 00, 9 to 5 ATTRACTIVE part time |ob, SHEET ROCK Specialist Repairing, Antiques — ------;— - R TF 60 E X T E R IO R ft IN T E R IO R steam ft hof water systems “*------^ — l 12 30 86 knowledge of computerized restored Reflnlshlng. Henry from 24.hour service. Free H ft 1 in Springfield, Mountainside Sheet .rock-ft tile ceijings P A IN T IN G , ro g fin g 4’ ft Mgdern sewftr cleaning. system preferable Pleasant j area. Work from home on our 2ND MORTGAGES estimates Pi«na specialists. Complete Tree Mfrvfco Sheet rock ft sparkling aiso R uff C all 688 S665!n k Toll Free (800) 242 ^ 2 7 . Lie. gutters. L FE r D i n a n u i Commercial ft residential Stump Removal _ .surrounding*.. Call 744.3300 ' ARTIST-PT 1 telephone program. Car Call Renovations, Inc. P a in tin g C o n tra c to r, 964 H erb T rie fle r ES 2 0660. Lie for appointment Must be able to do poster necessary. C all 376-0068. ------i f & BUSINESS LOANS 630 . 9359. Free Estimates 1 382 7894 Garage Doors R TF 64 1000 245 5606 M 10-20-1 lettering ft simple, ------r io-28-l K 10 28 30 $3,000 to 1500,000 ------r to 28-68 ------— Z TF-71 m echanicals. 608 0480 0422. VALLEY CAPITAL ------2 ,0 28 86 ------K 10-2*l GARAGE DOORS Installed, ALARM INSTALLERS F U N D IN G ROSE MOVING ft F RANK'S PAINTING Free SY'S Plumbing* Heating BABYSITTER Needed to garage extensions, repairs'*. 22 GERDES AVE. ASSEMBLERS care fo r 2 young children. In CARPENTERS, STORAGE— estimates, inferior ft exterior General Plumbing MAPLEWOOD service, electric operators & VERONA, N.J. 07044 Homemakers for light Springfield, 2 mornings per ATTENTIO N! Sell y.ourself EXPERIENCED MOVERS, gutters, leaders Fully •Contractor "Specializing In ft SERVICE PERSONS radio controls STEVEN’S TREE EXPERTS electronic assembly Flexible week References Call . 379- to local families with a (201) 239-230$. 24 HOUR SERVICE CALL. insured. Low prices. Call Small Repairs" 272 8322. Lie. ' ALL PHASES TREE WORK p«V commensurate with hours,' plant located .in lo w c o s t W a n t A d C a ll 686 •OVERHEAD DOOR, 241 0749 624 4788. Lie. 1N0 . 697 a tta r 3 p.m 372 4764. 173 762 5221 experience, immediate 3865. ---- :------R TF 47 Linden, wiil train. Call 406 —------• K10-28-1 7700 R 12-2 60 ------' R 1Q28 64 ------R 10 28 68 ------7 TF-71 ‘ — T------‘------ZTF-86, openings, call 687 7<^ft102^-l 6100. V RTo 25 1 hutbUdy, October 25, 1V79 furniture Repairs Http Wtflttd-Mtfl & Woman 1 Hdp Wm M Mm ( Wo r m , j I Hat? WmM Mtti t Woman 1 Apart man fe For Rant FOR SALE FOR SALE Apart man b Wanted MANICURIST Atitomo6il*8 for Salt* 126 WAITERS WAITRESSES PA l NT I NO interior MAILS NATURALLY, PART- CEMETERY PLOTf- Indoor Fletr Mkt. busy snack bar needs food GRACELAND Memorial exterior wallpaper, pre ROSELLE PAEK WANTED—1 A 2 Bedroom "S r FULL TIME, servers Full & part time See Roselle Catholic High School. pasted, roofing, gutters, re n te l* fro m S300-S4J0, for '71 MONTE CARLO full Are you .. Park, Kenilworth, N J 175 379 4150 Bruce. I P M 5 PM R a rita n Rd , Roselle Sat., leaders Clean- gutters 964 corporate transferees No power, AM FM, velour seats, ------RIO 28 1 grave sites. See E Wilson Nov 10th, 9am 5pm Tables 1091 Spacious SECURITY GARDEN STATE BOWL Agency. Real Estate fees Call 9 5 P M 539-5551 4 new spares, mapy new m a c h i n e o p e r a t o r supplied,$V0 For details cell ------,— Z 10-28-98 CENTER. Beach Spring Rd , Brokers. Spring Lake, N J. ------.------1------R10 28 50 parts A s k in g * '.800 688 0215 N.IQHT SH IFT Union, -N J 245 2350 R ETIRED WOMAN-needs 4 ______M 10-28 126 OFFICERS C all evenings, (201) 449 9262 ------Z10-25 fS Apartments Excellent pay and benejits R 10 26 1 ;— K 10 25 » S rooms in Springfield, Union, Total medical and pension Seek full time security REAL ESTATE or Irvington area no third 7 0 LINCOLN SEDAN plan Experience preferred, officer to work most W arehouse w ork Tem p. jobs. LOVE seat, movie camera, Black, PrlceS550 CEMETERY PLOT* small cabinet, GE black * in Garden floor, rent under $300 Call but wT11 train Apply in pe'rrpanent and rotating NEED WORK 371 3073 C all 37 4 9276 person, 697 Rahway Ave , shifts We require a HOLLYV- WOOD white TV, rocking chair, ------. M 10-28 126 Hm m F « S W % ------_* ------DIO-28 98 Union, N J , ask for Dick minimum of 3 5 years either NOW? accordion. 964 5177 Setting MEMORIAL PARK -----:------p 10 28 f t M ATURE WOMAN-needs 3 "77 DODGE MONACO H We need material handlers * RIO 25 1 military or civilian security rooms heat A hot water, BEOUOHAM, air, power experience as w e ll as a solid warehouse people for M OVING-must sell bedroom MATURE woman wanted lor Gethsemane Gardens Air Conditioned quiet, no pets. Call 964 3998 s te e rin g A brakes, rear work record We offer a high temporary |obs. In Mausoleums, Stuy set, color TV, upright freaiar, companionship for woman, Middlesex A Union Counties after 4 p.m dally Saturday defogger, snow tires 12,000 on weekends Call 467 starting salary, liberal U nion 688 4300 O ffice radio, stereo, marble fop 3953 Must have car Apply now, tables A much more. 1343 AM lias 13,795. C all 968 6200 or anytim e benefits, and a pleasant Stuy Ave., Union 312 Rms. $333 Mon. th ru F ri., 9 A M 5P M Amherst Ave , Union ------— DIO 28 9* 485 4343 RIO 25 1 worklhg environment Apply K If fs -3------— M 10-28-126 10 any4 pm. South off Garden State exit Friday., October 26th A 5 Rms $385 MATURE PERSON wanteo' 131 No fees D EALERS WANTED Saturday, October 27,10 a.m . lor drug store delivery, part Rooms For Ran) 102 '71 CHEVY STATION o SOUTH ORANGE JR HIGH 4.30 p.m . RAY B EU Full dining room, large W AGON, Concou'rs. j#Rtall 8, lime evenmgs A weekends, ------r— K10-2|-fl PERSONNEL DEPT ACTION TEMPS ANNUAL BAZAAR 6, kitchen that can FURNISHED ^ ROOM runs good Air, power METRO DRUGS, Union, 687 CRAFT SHOW. Dec 2nd, 11 accommodate your' own 3lOO M OVING—Sacrifice, Living Business Man Parking, steering A brakes, 190 Hw y, 27, 494 6555 A M 5 PM Gontact 762 7177 REALTORS . domaa washer a d ry e r 'kitchen privileges, near automatic, radio A heater, RIO 25 1 ALEXIAN room, dining room, bedroom, Near Metro Park E.OE or 763 6785 for Inform ation. Beautifully landscaped shopping center A Bus snows, roof rack *375 Z 10 28 fS odd couch, carpets, etc 773 garden apts Walk fo all Nesblt Terr., Irvington. 374 transportation. $60 weekly. 37 9 518* Order Processor BROTHERS Employment Wanted 2 FOR BUYING ic h o o ls A t r a in — 25 ------" T ------M 10-28 126 DEALERS WANTED 3265 Cat! 376 8315 We need a person who is OR minute express ride fo ------D10 28 t02 '7 ] CADILLAC DE VILLi u Gigantic indoor Flea Market, ------K10-28fs sharp, quick A w illin g to HOSPITAL TYPING DONE ■». Penn Station, NYC Must sail. Ltavlng for learn to fo llo w through A see Antiques. Crafts 8. L IGHTING fixtures, lamps, SELLING Excellent shopping close IRVINGTON Nice sleeping 655 E Jersey Street - IN M Y HOME room, Stuyvesant A California Also 6 brand new that orders are shipped Collectibles, Sun., Dec 2nd, shades, parts A repairs Elizabeth. N.J 07206 COLLEGE STUDENTS 10 am 6 p.m.. Temple Beth — CALL: by Quality maintenance Springfield Aves , for tire s C all 686 3249 Customer contact, b u s in e s s PROFESSIONAL clocks, gift Items A fireplace staff on prem ises ------« - M 10-28 126 supervising others Please ------K 10 28 1 Ahm Sisterhood, Springfield, equip, huge assort of brand gentleman Convenient to REASONABLE RATES. tor information call 467 1 916. transportation References call 686 U40, between u ] IBM ELECTRIC names of disc The Rooster's 7 * CHBVETTE, Automatic, Z10 28 fs Coup, Rt. 29 l.amberivllle, 688-6000 COLFAX MANOR 373 1957 air, AM FM radio, snows. P M. SEAMSTRESS T Y P E W R IT E R 9-3 P.M. M 10 28 102 K10-28 1 762 5937 N.J. open 7 days 609 397 0027 ------.Z 1021 W 37,500 miles Excellent DININO ROOM SET Colfax Ave. W., condition 25 m pg - Best offer s Experienced R 12 16 ? ------:------— K-t-f-f-s IRVINOTbN— 1 2 3 Office work Ncifee refrigerator, lamps, curb 667 2 161 blocks, ladder, etc 964 4039 M ATTRESS**—Twin or full, B ERKELEY H1IOHT5 At Roselle Ave., W. FURNISHED ROOMS, share preferred. Full bath with another Kitchen ------«*_------M10-28 126 n eed work now? K10 28 f s $25 , box sprin g s*3 5 . 5 piece Interesting long A short term MINT CONDITION Roselle Park privileges Vacant Private time, 35 hour week. Pirsonak butcher block dlnette $85 72 HORNET, 6 cylinder, air, temporary assignments with DINETTE SET-set with 4 The fa m ily Is going south and entrance 741 Lyons Ave 373 241 9882 ^ i 52,000 miles, pood running firm s In C ranford, C la rk & Attractive benefits. orange bucket chairs Good leaving this beautiful Warren 0812 or 374 2082 R6S. condition $700 or best offer Linden area at fop hourly condition,$l/5 Brown Strato home, located on quiet street, Z l l 1 102 BONWIT TELLER lounger, $100 , 3 Fedders a ir Call 96 4 4923 • pay A ction Temps alw ays In The smartest PIANOS OROAN* 4 bedrooms, fireplace A iRVINOTON-garage for rent conditioners. $50 each , 40 Mgr. 245-7963 :------M 10 28 126 e need of secretaries, typists, M oving Sale summer kitchen. Won’t last, 136 Union Avenue, Irvington, place to start a dieL sq yards of green carpeting clerks, keypunch operators, Close out on entire stock priced In the 90's Eves to - Q 10 28 9 7 . N J $15 per month Call 499 Best offer Call after 5 p m , Most ma|or brands new A see 46 4 7 853 LATE MODELS data entry clerks, SKCY FEB PD. TO*9K ELIZABETH—3 Large sunny 0844 assemblers A material 379 4398 used Open F ri A Sat only j j ft o 'MH* K uom v no Bread bi . neai - ----. ------handlers. One Interview does K10 28 fs Freehold Music Center; ----RANCH I I 15,500 ---- prices. Call for details H illsid e , elevator A dults No CUSTOM LEA S E 687 7 600 it all Apply once A Action GLAMOR OFFICE n D R U M S-new 'S. TJWdV Altos,- Watchung, Blue Star O wner must • sell this accordion cases, accessories Shopping Center, Watfhung. charming custom ranch with pets Nov 1 353 5127 Office* for Rent 111 ------M T F 126 will caiayou about the lobs. Prestigious insurance firm Z10 21 97 Apply anytime Mon, thru • 374 5184. C all 322 7130 or 800 392 6927 2 fireplaces. Sif in the- extra ‘71 SUPER BEETLE, AM H seeks experienced secretary C a l c o le c t 201-757-7677 F ri., 8 A M to 5 P M. o r call R 10 28 fs ------R 10-28-f s large dining room for holiday GARWOOD-6 rooms 2nd E n tire b uilding, 10,500 sq ft. FM, sun roof, green, price with 55 WPM, plus typing tom fatM sadaad save entertaining, looking out floor, new 2 fa m ily , $425 plus Large plot on Rt 22 Worth for appt We are lust off skills, good telephone voice DISHWASHER—Portable. R UMMAGE SALE-Sunday, $1000 or best offer Moderate Garden State Exit 131. *3 A O w k a tN is le ra q (GE), chafing dish, picture window to parklike u tilitie s , availa b le Dec 1st seeing Call 688 4896 m ileage Call 634 3754 or 355 and excellent organizational October 28th., 9 a.m. 4 p m setting of the large rear yard no pets .Call 789 0721 ability. No steno needed (stainless steel), clam pot Temple Israel. 2372 Morris 0615. A m ust see £ a ll now Eves ______D10 28 97 D10 28 111 ------M 10 28126 Salary up to *175 per week All excellent condition 686 Ave , Union; N J All items ACTION TEMPS 522 9170 Prime office space, 2500 sq with good benefits package 4388, evenings ------— —. * K10 28 fs 190 hw y. 27. 494 6555 K 10 25 f s L INDEN 4 room apartment ft, Rt 22. u tilitie s supplied Call Judl Benner, 201 467 9510 ^ l ^ n L n e NEW PROVIDENCE Auto* Wanttd 129 Near Metro Park. E O E ENCYCLOPEDIA—World R UMMAGE PORCH—lawn 2nd floor, heat A hot water Call 688 4896 u Book.^ . complete with sale, Saturday, O ctober 27th, RENTAL supplied, 1 month Security, DIO 28 i n KANON LINDEN Grace dictionary Brand new 10 3 30 P M , St John's. Bedroom. 2 car garage, available Nov 1st. adults LOCAL dew car dealer will 4 pay over book price tor clean PHARMACY 150 M orris Ave , Springfield, Episcopal Church, DeWItt condition Best offer. 686 Senior Citizens Center 715 availa b le Nov 1. $580 m o , -preferred but will take 1 UNION-2204 M o rris Ave , 2 to Terr. A Roblnwood Ave , «6anford Ave . Vallsburg ch ild C all 925 1 814 4 room suites, *350 to $48'5 per suburb used cars All makes ------R 10 28 1 3959 plus utilities ------D1028 97 TECHNICIAN Tues at 9 15 a.m H 10 28 fs ------*------^ K10 28 f s month, Modern, elevator NjrHt''' models , Also vintage LINDEN United IRVINGTON 4 V r9e building, ideally located fo all cars l mm cash, Mr Carr, SECRETARY EXHIBITORS WANTEO Rts -68/ 2233 A position :s available at one For school office offj Good Methodist Church, 323 Rooms, corner apartment, n Wood Ave.N Tues at 7 . tor Arts 8i Craft sale, at 5 R UMMAGE SALE Townley D ll 4 111 ,6 ] 3 W k m m of New Jersey's finest typ in g ski ss^ttial Work 15 Presbyterian Church, Salem Nov 1st Supply own oil heat ... «, g, g la n c e p m Points YMCA Union, Nov. Near buses 8. shopping Mrs voluntary hospitals for an RAHWAY Temple Beth' 17th. C a ll ~688 9672 fo r Rd , Union Friday October JANK CARS WANTED office Call 272 3400 fo r M o rn s .a879 Chancellor AVe ,- individual with 1 year Torah, 1389 Bryant St , contract 26fh , 10 A M 7 P M , Stores foment 114 PICK UP ANYTIME hospital pharmacy appointment Saturday, October 27, 9 A M (1st porch, 2nd door) 7 DAYS A WEEK (between Central A Elm). — *• K 10 28 fs Z 10 28 97 experience including k 1028 l 1 P M 998 6972 Mon at 7 15 p m ------K 10 28 fs Why Rent when you can own M 1028 129 i knowledge of unit dose. F ull SECRETARY FLEA M A R K E T IR V IN G T O N M odern 21 time schedule is Mdn Fri UNION Holy Trinity 3 your own small or large administrative, part time, Lutheran Church, 301 D E A LE R S W AN TE D , Oct R U M M A G E SALE St Luke Room Garden Apartment, air income producing evenings (no rotation). fringe benefits, Apply RICHARDC. FISCHER INC OUTRAGEOUS Tucker Ave , Tues. at 7.15 77th. 10 5. ram date Nov 3 A“AI I SagntvChurch, Chestnut conditioned, above Irvington commercial building Call t Excellent salary and d i rector , M ILLBURN Call 373 7056 tor reservations St A Washington Ave , PRICES PAID comprehensive benefits. p:m R E A L T O R 464-9500 General Hospital immediate Mr North for details on the PUBLIC LIBRARY, 376 1006 ROSELLE Congregation Tables w ill be provided, S10 day, October 26, 6 occupancy. $225 * S ecurity F qt Junk Cars A Trucks Contact the Personnel ------R10 28 1 302 Spfld. Av , Berkeley Hts. many benefits of ownership EmanOel, 1268 Schaefer each The Sa ion Army. 33 I p M 9 PM . Saturday, Call Mr Shekel. 622 5959 NORTH R E A L T Y A Free Towing Department, after 8 30 a m Augusta St . Ave Cor of Brooklawn ngton j October 27, 9 A M 4 P M Detween 9 & 5 IN V E S T M E N T CO 522 2241. SECRETARIAL position 1 Z 10 20 fs I ______' D 10 28 96 D 10 28 96 Call Me Last Ave .) Thur at 7 15 p m K 10 25 f S 96 4 6400 available, ty p in g 60 W PM FREEZER, Sears, upright, 4 1 UNION ------u---- D 10 28 114 with good shorthand, for KENILWORTH RUMMAGE SALE— IRVINGTON 4 Lovely 688-3023 years, old, ha rd ly used. Best — ------M 11 11 129 Overlook general manager Duties Community Methodist. Thursday A Friday, Rooms, modern k*tehen & Church, Boulevard. Mon , o ffe r over $125 C all 96 4 0979. Novem ber 1st A 2nd 9 30 4 BOYLE bath, 2nd lloor. Nov 1 include receptionist, 8, R10 28 fs ; Inm tm ont Proporty 118 USED CARS WANTED Any.; Hospital assisting four others, all 9 IS AM 8. 7 15 PM p.m , Saturday. 9 30 12 A dults $285 plus 1 m onth FOR S A L E 4 pairs skis, ; Christ Lutheran Church, GALLERY OF HOMES security, heat 6. hot water year, m ake or model Spot benefits. salary Z 12 30 5 193 Morris Ave., Summit, boots, 1 p a ir used JR 78X15 ; Morris Ave . A Sterling'Rd . NEWLISTING! IRVINGTON castv 862 9533. Allie Motors, commensurate with ability supplied 373 37.28 Equal Oppty. Employer M-t- conventional tires Call 688 Union BATTLE HILL SECTION! Z10 21 97 25 spacious A well kepf------—:------R 10 28 1 Call 686 1726 THERAPEUTIC MASSAOE 3194 ------K 10 28ds spacious 9 room expanded apartments, under market ------R 10 28 1 ranch with 4 bedrooms, 2 PACKER EXPERIENCED MASSAGE R 10 28 fs j R UMMAGE SALE —Sun , IRVINGTON 5 ROOM rents Y our investm ent of THERAPIST, CALL FOR baths, 1st flo o r fa m ily room, $25,900 or less and the Motorcycle For Sale 130 Rapidly growing company SECRETARY Oct 28th, 11 5 p m . Suburban rec room, modern kitchen, APARTMENT 3rd FLOOR located in Union Co requires Learn greeting card A PPT . 674 4137 FUR COAT Persian Lamb Jewish Center, Deerfield A C all 399 9596 assumption of low interest ------K T f 5 Excellent condition, also central air condition, gas mortgage makes you an person with experience in business. A national greetino Academy Terr., Linden heat, garage and much more Z 10 21 97 manual packing of various card company requires an jacket A stole, pant suits A • Clothing, household itema. o w n e r1 HONDA CX $00 1978 1200 PERSONAL photo o< Elvis A Won't last long Call 353 4200 IV Y -M IL L -4 room s heat A hot miles Excellent condition size products Liberal a m bitious s e cre ta ry who is in me m Germany Never dresses, sizes 9 18 688 1698 use. NORTH REALTY A K10 28 f S THE BOYLE COMPANY water garage, adults only INVESTMENT CO with luggage rack A case company benefits Call 241 interested in learning the before published Collectors ------K 10 20 fs $235 Classified Box 4506, Realtors 96 4 6 400 guards Call 522 7 951 after 6 5300 fo r in te rv ie w ap p t business, to work in our busy ,tem 8x10 $3. 5x7 $2 Call 686 540 North Av , Eliz Union Suburban Publishing 1291 Equal Oppty Employer M F. sales office Some office GENERAL FACTORY R UMMAGE SALE— ____*------M 10-28 118 P M 4989 Line Stuyvesant Ave, Union. N J ------„ . aa 10 20 130 M 10 28 1 experience desired, however R 10 28 5 WORK Ciothmg, furmshmgs. toys, 07083 etc Tuesday, October ?3rd . ------• DIO 28 we will train. Diversified no experience necessary, all DRASTIC REDUCTION" D10 28 97 AUTOMOTIVE 1977 KAWASAKI 7'$0 ASKING PKESSMAN-W duties, typing A steno company benefits, apply 1 Wednesday, October 24th, 10 4 30 T e m p le S in a i, 208 2 family Elizabeth, owner IRVINGTON $1400 ca ll 687 5628 ASK FOR required Cortvenient Hillside Lost I Found . 6 Milltown Court. Union. Florida bound selling custom BOB Steady employ n e n t. fo r location S alary $150 to $175 R10 28 1 Summit Ave , Summit Maplewood Line person with . experience on K 10 25 f s built newly painted house 6 & 1 Bedroom. large Automobile for Salts 126 — ------HA 10-25 130 commensurate with LOST-Mother s ring. 5 j GREAT FOR STUDENTS . 6, m odern kitchens, baths, 2 one or all of the following experience Call Susan comfortable rooms A closet Miehie, Levy, C P Temson. stones, deep sentimental . New Caber ski boots $35 , oil burners, enclosed space Modern kitchen Trucks for Salt 133 ! Denham for an appointment. value, $50 rew ard 373 9075 1 ■etc Apply personnel Down vests 15 Other new.A porches, 3 garages, wall to appliances Heat A hot wafer 7* BUICK LE SABRE, 4 I 373 1000. E x t 56 or 374 2198 No questlo. « j used ski equipment A SKIDS FOR SALE j Wall carpeting, dishwashers, departm ent K10 28 1 s u p p l i e d N e a0 r door, vinyl top. air, radials, DUMP TRUCK-CHEVY C30 asked clothing Consignments chandiliers. copper Transportation A shopping. IV? Ton Good condition, call R10286 70 Wooden p allets in A M FM 15,000 m iles $5,875 W ILSON JO NES CO, SERVICEMAN W OIL accepted for winter sports plum bing, excellent Superintendent services call after 5 P M 964-6127 Robert. 486 7551 1000 Elmora Ave , Elizabeth Burners Experienced LOST: Passbqok No 104 4.! SPORTS SWAPS INC 17 No various sizes, for condition, convenient Rent $257 Security required ------*------M 10-28 126 ------HA10-28 133 ' R e s id e n tia l .8. in d u s tria l F irs t N ational State Bank, ( 20th SI . K e n ilw o rth 276 0550 commercial or personal neighborhood Call 372 0335 1971 CHEVROLET VAN South Irvington Payment! K 10 28 fs use $2 each "OUTSTANDING VALUE" '68 PLYMOUTH SateHIte. Equal Oppty. Employer Benefits Call weekdays, 9 5 M TO 28 97 Good running UR 7313 6 cylinder stick 1978 ------— K10 28-1 ‘ P M 353 4269 „ , stopped Please return to 1 G EN E R A TO R S , gasoline ‘ 2) 352 52 45 Chevrolet pick up. 4 wheel R 10 28 1 ■ 686-7700 . ------=------D10 28 96 IRVINGTON 3 large sunny Snows. Vega rims After 6 P ART "TIME-light house bank portable "Briggs A Walter ...ext 20 P M 276 0782 drive, auto 635 2792 R 10 28 6 1 E LIZABETH rooms, elevator, ideal keeping. Irvington S3 50 per Stratton," (1) spare engine HA 10 28 f s ------M 10-28 126 HTF 133 SECRETARY LOST: charm holder, with 7 , $300 , Rrfle, Remington location A dults $210 Nov 1 hour, 2 nights per week FOR SALESMANAGER ELMORA 372 2165 1970 DUNE BUGGY, comes Experience preferred Call charms, lost either Foodtown , 7mm high power w variable 1 cNoyy TIRES (2), Firestone, Spacious center hall colonial with roof and side curtains, Hillside based electrical A 2 Guys area, Umon, O ct. 17. M 10-28 97 N O TICE TO weekdays, 6 9 p.m., distributor Accurate typist, ? W V 13 on wheels. 4 lugs fe a tu rin g s bedrooms, m ag w heels, e x tra s>*t' of Sentimental value Liberal JOB APPLICANTS weekends, 9"a.m 9 p.m. 371 with good telephone 1 Phone 10 to 5 p.m- science kitchen, huge living IRVINGTON-—Attractive slicks with chrome rims, 4 rew ard 686 9616 room with fireplace, formal personality. Send resume GARAGE A YARD SALE 964 3898 large 5 room apartment ■extra VW tire s , and te w bar This newspaper does rvot ------— - ' X 10-26 1 R 10-25 6 j Sat A Sun., Oct. 27, 2 ith , 10- R10 28 fs fining room & walking -o r SELLING with salary history to Available October 1 $225 Recently passed inspection knowingly accept Help GAMAREL ELECTRIC LOST DOG—black with white 4 30 p.m. ill Park Place, distance fo St G e n 's*, J E C include* heat 37 1 2722 C aii 232 71 53 a fte r 6 P M P ART TIME-Turn spare SOFA-Contemporary, brown ------— D 10 28 97 Wanted ads from hours into $89$100 , 13 4?5 Bley St.. Hillside. N J markings, medium size, Irvington, Odds A ends $55,900 R ealtors 245 2100 ------H f f 126 __ L.------R 10-28 fS A white, Hercylon, plaid evening 352 9729 IRVINGTON—2 3' Room em ployers covered Dy the Reach l i t 320.000 evenings. Conduct skin care Attn Bill Orpin answers to the nam e of , excellent condition Maple 3 3 F a ir L a b o r Standards Act Apartments available now A 74 CHEVETTE, automatic. * a. make up classes for ------f i l l 4 1 M iffy" Missing for about 1 j O ARAGE SALE-1043 Falls dresser pius other items 376 Happy Homes Realty which applies 4fo Coviana, car necessary Call week m the vicinity -of ' Terace, Union, N.J Freezer, 1842 in the fu tu re Located on c y lin d e r, 2 door, 46,000 m iles, readers with a 725 Boulevard, Kenilworth air, tinted glass, rear employment In interstate fo r appointm ent. 789 2214 or -STOCK CLERK Erhardt St . REWARD i clothes, household items. A K10 2AfS ------,------0 1 0 28 96 Stuyvesant Ave You will commerce, If they offer Electronics knowledge please can anytime 687 2555 i much more. Saturday. enjby hving in this safe, defroster, AM-FM. 245-1600 346 1352. • -IRVINGTON days. 382 9743 a fte r 6 P M. less tftah th e le g a l _— ----- K U -K F l benefica! but not necessary, R 10 25 6 | October 2?th,, 9 a.m. S p.m. WHITE WEDDING GOWN, convenfentiy located elevator minimum wage ;S2 90 an WANT AD ------, Kt0-28-fS 5 m odern room s 1st floor, 2 Building Single or double ------— M 10 2® PAR T T IM E company benefits, salary f 5, ve il included. Can 494 hour) or fai! to pay the family (near Maplewood accupartcy Rhone today CLERK TYPIST open, for appointment caii G ARAGE SALE Friday, line) *295 mo., supply own 7# MALIBU, power steering applicant overtime Tuiofini Oct. 26th, 105 PM Air ------— H A-t-f between 11 AM A 8 PM 3? 3 A brakes, tinted glass, AM This newspaper does not for small Mountainside * ' 6<’ S R . 0 2 8 ! gas heat, adults only No Fee. 366? office. Telephone work, conditioner, old- cameras A 5 P IE C E BEDRO O M —4175, Dworkin Realty 373 5904 ------j .— HA i I 4 97 FM stereo cassette. k n o w in g ly a c c e p t H elp filing, light typing necessary, Experienced teacher trunks, radio, photo living room $150, 5 piece D 10 28 96 Automatic, white wall fires, wanted ads tha* indkafe a ideas te r m a tu re m inded and STOCK PERSON available for grades K thru 6 equipment, eactys plants, dinetfe-SSO. AH never used. MILLBURN IRVINGTON-3 A 4 ROOM s®,000 m«ies. $4,450 Exceticnf preference based sa ag# “dependable person returning C all 355-3893. mi$c. household items. 1041 2<4?-9f76 TENNIS BEFORE A P A R T M E N T S 128 4©tt? condition. Call 376 7241. from employers covered Women's apparel specialty • Z IS 18 11 STREET OPPOSITE MT8 28 12* to job m a rk e t. Call 654-6810. store, seeks part time n#ip. Cranbroex Rd., Union. Rain ------K-t-f-f-s BREAKFAST? te* the Age D is c rim in a tio n ; m & n ? Some experience preferred . TUTOR iNG—Math, .date. Oct. 27th Hop across the street fo the OLYMPIC PARK SEE ‘75 . T R IU M P H , TR-6 in Employment -Act. SUPERINTENDENT IN Contact the United States Some benefits, plus goad Reading, and 'elementary m u m I Wanted to Buj courts from this 3 bedroom convertible, with extra hard .PART TIME M-FSM * starling salary Please apply Subjects. 686 1866 GARAGE SALE-61 ivy St., 1 Colonial featuring large BASEMENT top, AM FM radio, dark blue, Labor Department's local S ilver .Coins Silver. ------D11 4 f? in concourse condition in person. s Z12 20 11 Off Sanford Ave., Newark. BUYING- rooms throughout & a-3 car office for more O tjo& er 27th A October 28th. Dollars Used Goto Jewelry- garage. Walking' distance fo I RVINGTON 3 Room Approx. 27,000 m iles. Call information The address Caii KANON TEMPS 1 Sterling-Diamonds-Clocks MANDEESHOPS 'll 5 pm. New fabric everything!' Recently Apartment heat & he? water Ken weekdays 8 5 p.m , 686 i* : Music Instructions 13 Pocket Watches War Souvenirs 970 Broad St . 1350 1 Galloping Hiis Rd.. clothing, dishes, misc reduced. supplied, .well maintained Union K18-28 fs S c ra p 'S ilve r 8. Gold-Coilections. Realtors, 376-2700 apartment building, security Room 836 WANTS YOU ------R 10 2 i 1 GUITAR LESSONS & Estates. Dennis Coin*, 470 Newark, N j . or 686-7700 required Available Nov 1st .if you need a flexible for students who are serious CAKANO-ERA '79 PORSCHE "924". 9,000 T elepbone 645-2279 G ARAGE .SALE — Household iryihgton, N.J 375 5499 Can 37? 0310 schedule, want job T ELEPHONE WORK- Part ' in studying guitar. Aiso for items, children slothes ------R 1118 1/ ------M 10 28 96 miles Completely loaded or 645 2473 diversification, cr are re time days 8. part time those who are interested in NEW PROVIDENCE M 10 28 97 S till under w a rra n ty . $15,000. Bargains October 27th , 10-5 IRVINGTON—Extra large 4 entering the working world, evenings available. 5 day iazz improvisation Please P M 386 V e rm o n t A v e ., CASH for old books, Serious inquires, call after 6 SUBARU KANON is the place for you. w eek, 20 hours Pleasant call Don Ricci Lenfine, *87 magazines, china, paper 3- Bedroom Ranch rooms, heat A hot water, P M 635 5549 Irvin g to n in mint condition includes elevator br«cx building, 1 or 2 atmosphere Call 467 3193 6763 ------KV0 28 fs labels, paintings, post cards, — ------. M 10-28-120 BUYJERS R 10 28 1 ------R 10 20 13 anything old. Free appraisal living rbom, dining room, , adults, ' references We'll beef any deal < — WORKING AS A 736 0957 any tim e . eat in kitchen, fam ily rooms, Chancellor Ave. $215 per '72 BUICK RIVERIA. Fully shop us! Largest selection of .ELEPHONE answering P IA N O A G U ITA R G AR AG E SALE Sat . Oct — ------R11-15-17 2 full baths plus panelled month, plus security equipped Air, AM a FM 4-Wheel d riv e vehicles In TEMPORARY IS service.' experienced INSTRUCTIONS 26th! 10 41 P M 2145 V auxhall basement with bar and Available Nov 1 371 8971 $6 per lesson Cal] Rd Union, household items, CASH FOR SCRAP *=» radio, many extras Call 687 N J ! Huge choice of used preferred. part time Load your car. Cast Iron *1.25 refrigerator, redwood deck; D 11 8 97 3634 or 688 0658 cars imports A domestic THE FAIL SAFE weekends and evenings. 467 M r Catelmo, 375 2931 clothes, odds 8. ends. patio and gas grill, central ______—----- R 114 13 R10 28 fs per 100 lbs.,>new$prps , .75 UPPER VAILSBURG-3 '------•------M 10-28 126 On premises financing WAY TO BUILD 3630 (10 4) , air and wall to wall carpet room s and bath 3rd fit>or. Expert foreign car service K 10 28 1 per 100 lbs. tied bundles free P IANO INSTRUCTIONS of foreign materials No. 1 throughout, many extras, j private house, heat A hot YOUR CAREER GARAGE SALE Sat., Oct 77 DOOOE VAN, Tradesman a vailable ______1 TELEPHONE WORK. 688 8505 copper cents per lb Brass im m ediafe- possession, water supplied, adults only, 27th, 10-5 P M. 377 D urham 45 asking *102,000, ca ll 665 0216 100 S lic k s h ift G re a t Part time, mornings or M E M B E R N J M E A .26 per ib. rags, .01 per lb. no pets, security. Call 3?4- HILLSIDE SUBARU KANON evenings, $4 per hour 991 7337 ______— R I t 22 13 Gt-< Union, rain date Nov. ------:------H A 10-28-96 condition $3,800 C all 688 10$ Rt 71 HiiisM e Lead 8> batteries; we also buy - 4998 6575. keeps you up to date on a ! o r 991 7373. 3rd. Electrical appliances, OCEAN COUNTY—Write for ------DIO-28 97 wide range of positions, that j V OICE: Art of singing. comp, print outs & Tab cards. ------:------M 10 28 126 ____ ------R 1021 1 Technique A repertoire misc Free multi page photo open daily in the job market ------K 10 28 fs Also handle paper drives tor UNION-4 room apartment, Degrees convenient location scout troops & civic assoc . listings magazine. Ocean convenient, business couple No matter what your area of ; G ARAGE SALE-637 County Home Buyers Guide. i£JIIHIillitfflitSlS!lltl!fSt!t!lltlt*»!HlHttflftlltSIIifSlliHlil!iUI*itllMltHi8iilll!Jtill$llfH$IMI!ffmilSHfMi$tl^ business experience has been * TELEPHONE 374 0672 AAP PAPER STOCK CO , 48 preferred with references, no R 11 4 13 Richfield Ave , Kenilworth, 54 So. 20th St., Irvin g to n , 2517 H w y, 35, pets, available Dec is* Call we. w a n t to ta lk to you Good off Michigan Ave. Sat & N .J. OB?38- pay and long and short term (Prices *ub|. to change?. 3?4- • 762 4919 SOLICITORS Sun., Oct. 2? & 28th, 10 4 1750. D 10 28 96 awr i ' D1C 28 97 assignments available. For Part time, 9‘30 30 M ake Bolts i Morin* 15 Antiques, household items, , ■ — — —------— KM 17 DEATH NOTICES 1 1 R E M L fN G E R IR V IN G T O N large room immediate interview call appointments from our local clothes and much more. 4 Judi Benner,, 201-467 9519 REALTY apartment, tile Kitchen & EVINRUDE 15 Ft fiberglas, ------R10 28 fs LIONEL TRAINS 9 So. S prin g fie ld Av office. IMMEDIATE CASH Bathroom Na pets. E ld e rly AUGENSTElN Henry, on Salary plusoonus, company 40 horse power & Gator S prin g fie ld 376 3319 HARRINGTON- Suddenly, - -SfcMrtNWANYTC—Oh ‘ KANON TEMP DIV G A R A G E S A L E —4 fa m ilie s, Top prices paid, 635-2058. couple preferred* -Rent Sunday. Oct 21, 197.9,..o f benefits, immediate For trailer. Mint condition. Firm • items big*, small, new men's D 10-28-96 on O c r' 21, 1979, ChSHeS J S a tu rd a y . O.Ct 20. 19?9. 150 M orris Ave., Springfield KT-F-17. reasonable 374 1904 New ark, beloved husband of J r , of Elizabeth, dear son sf —------nr- R 10-28-1 interview call 96 4 9300 $1,250 Call 687-8825 a fte r 6 , 10 speed, 9 Pine Terr. West. Walter, of 256 Hickory Ave , „ ORIENTAL RUGS ROSELLE PARK 1 10 2.1 97 the late Fpeda, uncle of Charles J. and E lizabeth !ne* R 10-28 1 Short H ills , F rh O ct 26, 9 to 4. ! LISTINGS WANTEtSi Gunter Krust in Germany Garwood? N j., beloved PART TIME TYPIST Any. condition, jewelry, LANDLORDS- n o fe e . no Jackson) Harrington and ______M 10 28 15 K 10-28-fs •WE HAVE BUYERS! ! husband of Anna (Z o fa y), son 10 2 p M. Hillside area. diamonds, painting* 8. advertising expense. We Friends attended the service brother of Mrs John TEMPORARY at The C H A R L E S F of- Mary CKIkina? Miriwa, 687 8726 GARAGE SALE 5 Lenape bronzes Paying highest recommend reliable & < s a r ts a r a 5 w i ® t a «s k ® . ■brother of Charles Mlrywa See KANO N s ad under P art H fe liS M A N N A SON ------:------_ R 10-28-1 Rd , S prin g fie ld . Sat & Sun., p rice s. 538 9537. R screened tenants. North Relatives and friends *rsd M rs. E tfio b o tft Oz»k T im e 150 M o r r is A ve ., FOR SALE FUNERAL HOME, „ 105? Springfield, N.J. Oct 3? & 28th, 10 5 PM. Geo. PATOU Assoc. R ealty 964-«40d attended the funeral from Funeral was conducted from P ART TIME OR full time Large selection ©f clothes. Sanford Ave., Irv in g to n , on —— ------R50 28 1 Oris Reeyciir* *«r»p Meta* ------D 10-21 97 The FUNERAL HOME OF the MC CRACKEN .help for dry cleaners, flexible n»usew®re items, & furniture MAX WE iNSTEiN SONS Oct 24th interment AM LItt* TICKiTW iSI Realtors Mortgagors insurors LANDLORDS JA M E S F C A F F R E Y A FUNERAL HOME, 15d0 Jtoyrt, fringe, benefits, easy p r i c e coupons, $40.00 each. R10 25 fs SINCE 1920 Hollywood Memorial Park TRUCK DRIVERS 416 Chestnt/f St . Roselle Park We can help you rent y6ur SON, 809 Lyons Ave., corner Morris Ave , Union, on Oct transportation, in MIHburn, Lang free style ski boots, size 2426 M orris Ave., Union Donations may be made to 20 ft. stra ig h t tru cks. For GARAGE SALE—Oct 27th. 241 8686 vacant apts to desirable of Park Place. Irvin g to n , on 23rd interment Hollywood 0131. large progressive 11, $50 C a ll 96 4 5843 9 5 p m Rain date Nov. 3rd. D ally 8 5 Sat 8 :30 12 686 8236 the Kingdom Hall Jehovah Oct. 24 thence to immaculate Memorial Park RIO-28 1 0^10 28 96 tenants. screened by Witness Temple Lyons concern, distributing in ______R10 28 fs Misc household items, ------K tf 17 professionals at no cost to Conception Church, N Y., N.J , A PA. Liberal $ U MM I T-$70,000 S 300,000 Avenue, Irvington BJlzabeth, where the Funeral- A PARTMENT SALE— bicycles, books, records & PIANOS WANTED instant inform ation on 300,000 you Broker. SALES overtime and extra pay Household goods. October clothing. 1085 Overlook Terr TIME H6ALTY Mass was offered Interment for early starting time FREE PHONE homes, picture listings 25th . 26th., 29th & 30th., 1 (oft Vauxhall) Union. APPRAISAL mailed promptly CHELL St G e rtru d e 's Cemetery Insideand Minimum 2 years route ------R 10-28 fs LANDLORDS Personalized SMARRIER- On Sunday. p.m 4 p.m , 380 Union Ave., R ealtors 273 6000 O ct 21, 1979, A lic e R R A E —On Oct 18. 1979. Hugh delivery experience service Selective referrals Irvington Apt 309 G ARAGE SALE—machine “339-6500” — ------D IG 28 96 r , of Sebastian. Fla Outside required. All company ------M tp f 17 No fee Don Becker Agency (Donahue), of 325 Cherry St ------K jo 28 fs sthop tools, ladies bike, UNION Elizabeth, N.J. devoted formerly of Irvington, paid benefits. - Call for Broker FEDCZYSZYN-—On Monday humidifier, household items, AVAILABLE immediately 3 mother of Mrs Pamela beloved husband of the late An interesting career appt 8*2 5950 BEDS 2 twin size maple, box and much more Saturday, O ctober 15, 1979, D ora, of bedroom I 1 3 baft* Center 748-5843 Lochner, sister of Mfs. Mary Union, N J . beloved wife of Elizabeth P. (McNulty) opportunity for someone who springs 8, mattresses, with October 27th, 10 4 p m STAMPS father of Mrs Theordore U S. Plate Blocks, Singlet Hall, fireplace, plaster walls, __™— ------Z T F 9 7 Sullivan and Mrs Margaret the late Michael Fedczyszyn? can sell by telephone and SUPERMARKET bed spreads & drapferles, K 10 25 I s (Judith) Dunn. Lt Robert B accumulations, collections new kitchen, appliances, M orris Twp.-Morristown Fulham The Funeral was also survived by several follow up prospects with $125 Emerson air carpeting A finished from The MC CRACKEN U„S N . and Douglas P Rae SERVICES co n d itio n e r, 8,000 btu, 7Va GIGANTIC INDOOR Canada. Top prices, 527 EUl. nieces and nephews personal calls For interview 1601 W Edgar Rd , Linden basement Weekends call 1-2-3-BEUKOOMS F U N E R A L H O M E , 1500 brother of Mrs Eleanor am p, $100 372-5*07 FLEA MARKET ------RJT17 The funeral service was appointment call Mr Route No. 1 IRVINGTON BAL .owner 351 4630 Morris Ave , Union; N.J , on Conklin; Edward, John and B ru m e ll at ------— - . -R 10 28 fs TOP CASH PAID UNFURNISHED held Oct I7fh at the behind Rheem Mfg. Plant 285 Union Av., Irvington, ------D10 28 96 Oct. 24. the Funeral Mass at MCCRACKEN FUNERAL Harold Rae, also survived by For Old Clocks and Pocket three,, grande hi l.dren 686-7700 ------K 10-28-1 B IBLE QUIZ and BIBLE N.J , Sunday, Nov. 4th, 10 AM Watcfies. Any Condition. Also UNION immaculate Conception HOME,' 1500 M o rris Ave. ------HA 10 281 PUZZ -E CORNER. Two to 5 PM FREE ADMISSION IM M E D IA T E POSSESSION B u r n is h ed Chuech; Elizabeth interment Relatives and-* friend* P arts.' C aii 687 6808. e Uhloh attended the funeral servlet TRAINEE » children's acffvWy- bboks, by ------Z ll 1 fs ------^ -----‘— - R T £ 17. Unusual executive 8 room N qw taking applications. M? O liv e t C e m e te ry , interment, Evergreen #1 The F U N E R A L H O M E OF Sales Person to learn servlcw of M ilt H am m er. 32 pages In E n g lish home w ith slate roof., Fttitv decorated, air N ew ark. Cemetery, Hillside. ’electro mechanical *Hm ' e#cb too* containing tun-to- HOUSESALE ?'■ 3 baths, 3 fire p la ce s, fa m ily conditioned, an with decks, JAMES F. CAFFREY AND Represe ntat i ve-F-M developing m achines Must- do crossword putties, fHHn, 26 Redwood Rd... $pringf!«!d room, rec room on large lot wail ovens, pool laundry M U LM tt—On Monday, Oc%,.- SON, «59 Lyons Ave., corner have good mechanical TV SETS WANTED ©? Park Piaee, Irvington, en ­ exciting opportunity tor true and false quizzes, Oct. 27-28th, 10:30-4:40 P.M. Portable, Slack A White & with in-ground pepi in facilities. Convenient H Y . t 22, 1979, Helen B., of 234 aggressive individual to build .aptitude, .Oliver's license sentence-hiding p u n itti and ©Jr: Springfield Aye. to Union's finest ares. Buy bus A . train* -For Longview' fid., union, N.J. act. 23, Interment Gate of- require Excellent color. Day 351-5255, eve*. 46* K A M F F —On O ct. 14, 1979, Heaven Cernefery. a future with repeat sales in many more from both Ofd Milltown, left ©rt South Gate 7 4W, d ire c t a save commissien; appointment call beloved w ife of John J. an exclusive territory, o p p o rtu n ity . Cali 37^2-W0^ ^ and New Testament Bosks. A to Redwood. priced m-atys. M u st ba-setn to M yU ln. devoted m other of Jeanette (nee Cohen), of 18 Beautiful Americana dining . - S M S 3 I . Marshall St.. Irvington, wife compensation package good and easy way for the WANTED—1964 ©r earlier appreciate. All extras R ichard MutHn. and M r*. includes salary, commission, l boy and girl to- know and room set, trestle fable, 6 included. CaS! Owner-Broke?' Dolores Leife, sister ef M rs. of the late Louis Xampf and c h a ir*, hutch.- b u ffe t and sliver com*, paying S9.2S per UNION 3 Room apartment,' devoted mother of Robert bonus, A expenses. Many Typist-Clerical understand the Bible better, d o lla r C *H 68?-4926.- anytim e 686 8261 7 2nd flo o r Business coups®, KHtafeefft Sv*ft*en, also e a c h book 79 cents. Send for corner cabinet, rattan den s u rv iv e d . fey seven- ■and Alan Kampf, sister of benefits. For confident!#! ------R ' IM S -i' — ------— - D 10-28-M 4de*» m m . steat sugptfed. DOMBROWSKY--”“On interview caff Lea Schwartz- Telephone Sales your copy of either book to -- set, bedroom-living room 'grandtbifdren. The funeral Esther Grimm, also survived Sunday, Oct. 21, 1979, Ethel W ANTED—BAMBOO FLY 4994 by seven grandchildren and Roy Type, Dsv-Royal A c tu r e e l in SYPins 4 n w llln * B A K E R BOOK HOUSE, IS19 pieces, so-veiy- spinel piano win be conducted from The tSMwart),- o« 435 w m w m . iSBO.nttl; el*ri»i RODS 4 FLY REELS CALL U NION Z10-21 91 twa great- grandsfeSldren, Business Machine. ^ Chjwm Wealthy St., Grand Rapids, with bench, electric guitar, m t .CR'ACKEN F U N E R A L Rd., Ufetfeh, H.J., fee&ved duties, telephone sales ability M ich . 49506. ciarlnef, books, bofhes and ■ 781-6655 'A F T E R 5. Naw Lifting UNION ELIZABETH UNI-2 HOME, 5SQ0 Morris Ave., Funeral was from The wife of Harold £ Rd , P inebrook N J 575-6125. HA-9-30 SUBURBAN CHAPEL OF Equal opportunity employer. with some experience . ■ ------HA-M-fs .much more. Moving i© bedroom apartment, heat A Union, on Thursday at 8 45 Dombrowsky, devoted —-HU _ __ ..I.,..— . . tv > 2 Ktf - * rg q vira tf. D *« y T-5, m m m y Florida. Must sell. Cash only. WE TOWNLEY AREA hot water supplied, adults A M Funeral Mass 9 T5 AM P H IL IP A P T E R A SON, 1600 mother of Harold Jr. and- thru Friday. Call Mr buy and sell beekt Springfield Ave . Maplewood, B UFFET, mahfcgany, Castro Muriel Rosaw & Estelle Oversized Ranch Cape with prefe rre d , available Nov 1st at Holy Spirit Church, Union, Mrs. Janet Vroom, sister of Brumell 'for interview 321 PARK AVE . PLFLD on O ct. 18,. In te rm e n t Mount PORTER convertible coiAh, like new, Jacobs extra' building lot 4 $350 37 5 7106 a fte r 7pm interment St Gertrude's Mrs Minnie Hartensteln, General maintenance, appointment ------R 10 28 fs PL 4-3900- 'i ------D10 28 97 Cemeiery, Colonla Lebanon Cemetery, iselln, also survived by four warehouse A office. Full gold drapes, 90''. Call 687 ______K tf 17 bedrooms, bath A 2 la vs. 34 ft N.J. 666-7700 0887 fa m ily room on 1st floor, Contribution* to the Vineland grandchildren Funeral time. Apply in person; H EALTH FOOOS, We carry State School, Vineland, N.J , ______Z _ H tf- l ------R 10 28 fs fireplace Si 10.000 fo r house A Apart monti Wanttd 91 service was held on Oct 24th GAMAREL ELECTRIC full line natural foods, honey Carpentry would be appreciated The MC CRACKEN B UFFET table, solid circa 27 extra lot or *85,000 fo * house 475 Bloy St.,. Hillside, N.J. W ANTED Mechanic to tune sa ltfre a A sugarless foods, F U N E R A L H O M E , 1500 ______------R 10-28-1 1930 construction, best offer nuts IRVINGTON HEALTH alone UNION-4 or 5 rooms wanted MALLENDBR—On Sunday, up 30's W u rlltie r 78 RPM Realtors fo r w o rkin g M other A 12 y * * ‘ O c ttfll, 1979, George A., of 5*0 SIEMON—Erich Karl, on Morris Ave., Union R ECEPTIONIST TYPIST juke box. C pll 688 3194. Call 351 9545 after 5 P M FOOD STORE, 9 Orange M onday, O ct 15, 1979, of Interment Graceland J0* R 10/25 f$ SMALLJOBS „ old daughter 997 3846 after Schuyler Way, Union, N.J , i ------y • R 10 28 1 Ave., Lrv., 372 6893. S U M M IT Maplewood, beloved husband Memorial Park good with figures, 9 fo 5 P.M. HEALTH FOOD STOR^, 4V4 .Home - repairs, termite beloved hutbend of the late Oak Ridge Realty 5 30 Florence Mallender, devoted of Erna (nee Kyewskl), 'Blue cross Blue Shield, W A*EHOUi*»^M»*ON ^ CARPENT r\. m a s o n ry , Spfld. Ave., Summit, 277 damage repairs, panellings D10 25 9* Ma|or medical Hillside kitchen counter tops, All-work guaranteed Fully' 372 M orris Avenue, Spfld father of Mrs. Florence fa th e r of K a rl H of K ing of JUNIOR EUVER 2050 M allender, devoted fa th e r of Prussia, Pa., and E ric h R of area. 687 $726. must be exp^-ienced lmfood rem odeling R 8, R 686H7^4Jf -----—------R t f-fS insured Joe 241 0343. 376 4822 ------:------R 10-28-1 K l f 27 :------— r D 10-25 9* Mrs. Floretwe Wldman, Somerville, brother of Mrs.-: business. Able to receive W P ALBRECHT'-—On Saturday brother of Wlltlam M illie Harzen of Union, also October 20, 1979, John H. of store keep inventory and do H OUSEHOLD ITEMS—2 Child Cara Mallender. Mrs-r*Elsie Wale* survived by six' SALESMAN M/F some purchasing. Excallent COUCH, chair & odd chSlr. b.lack velvet club chairs, 31 UNION 867 Salem Road, union N.J . and Mrs. Florence Oavls, grandchildren Relatives and beloved husband of Gertrud* position for the right I**1"**? Good condition-. Girl's 24" large plaid Hercuion sofa, 2 a lso survived by. one friends attended the service blue gin g e r ja r lam ps. 6*7 l-FAMILYfiO’s (Blendeck), devoted father Dw«r .A ■ hand tools, Call for appointment- bike, racing seat & handle WlLLcare tor child in my Union High and granddaughter and three a t The CHARLES F ba rs Call 687 2 822 , 8770. of Richard and Mrs. Dorothy irdwara alactrlcal, busy home. Breakfast, lunch A transportation. Cepe Cod. 5 great grandchildren. H A U S M A N N A SON 9351 R10 28 1 ------— R10 28 fs ------R10 28 f t snacks. Experience V A E S A L E S Parslont, brother of Miss ora, Union area rooms, 2 bedrooms, mod. F uneral services w ere held at FUNERAL H O M E , 1057 reference*. 3743265 Lucy Albrecht; also survived -O RCE M A C H IN E R Y CO- h o u s e ** a l e kitchen, large 1st floor fam ily l i l t 1P R IN E P IE LO AVE.'j T he MC CRACKEN Sanford Ave., Irvington, on by tour grandchildren. C ONTENTS SALES CONTENTS include, dining FUNERAL HOME, 1500 Friday, interment Hollywood *H-8270,Mr.Barnanoai P . u l'* e r e a _ K 10-J*3> room , carpeting, 220 ele ctric, lEVtraETQ** E'h* funeral service was WAIT*E*-WAIT****** (full-partial) room set, fixtures, den alum, siding, fenced property M o rris Ave , Union, N.J on Memorial Park, Union, Busy snack bar needs food furriiture, bed set, air held on Oct. 23, at the SUPERINTENDENT of ESTATE HOUSE 8r large expansion area T rue Oct. 24. Cremation private -instead of flowers, the fam ily McCRACKEN FUNERAL „r v .r . Sals «. Sunday* part conditioners, tires, and much WOMAN—wishes to babysit Contributions to the Cancer suggests donations to the upla preferred retired or OFFICE bargain 60 s R ealtor. HOME, 1500 Morris Av*., tim e See B ruce, 1 P.M;*5 m ore Sale hours 9 5 p.m . Sat. in her home. Irvington area. Treatment Center at Clara Fritz Reuter AltenhBjm, aut to ratlra lor a 49 unit Conducted for you by Reasonable A reliable plus | | A b . ■*— u _. ^•pSssrstii*' PM GARDEN STATE DOLMON. For information 8. Sun., Oct 27, 28th., 2089 Maass Hospital v would be North Bergen. N.J., or the Union. Interment, Graceland tvator building, good references. 372-0390. BOWL CENTER. Beach ask for Dolores at 686 6365 Galloping Hill Rd , Union, WvflB K Q ItJ appreciated. American Cancer , Society. Memorial Park. ghttorttood, 3 Spring Rd., Union. N J ^ ------HA 10 28 96 : Call 687 1572 for appt. ------, <6(10-28-31 *" «"“» C,H ,4VSSo-JH ------R10-25-fs the coin collection; Dr curator of the Oriental T hursday, October 25, 1975 M u se u m has ID p ro g ra m Susan Auth, currator of collections: WEEKEND The Newark Museum's painting arid sculpture; classical antiquities The museum is located CROSSWORD monthly Identification Phillip Curtis, curator of Anne Spencer, curator of fl( 4g Washin(!ton s( jn Day program will lake decorative arts; Dorothy the ethnology collection. ]yfewarg SUBURBAN ACROSS I Actor W .utr place on Wednesday. Budd Baptle, curator of and Valrae Reynolds, m th e From noon to 2 p.m., the Waltons' CALENDAR 5 l otton of yon* public may bring objects ■ CRANFORD — "The Marr,, NEW BRUNSWICK — ll Harbor. for identification by the iage Go Round," Fridays' Tobacco Ro6d>' by Jack EiUHIIt museum's curatorial Theater and Saturdays through Kirkland, based on the 12- Contented novel by Erskine Caldwell, Nov. 10, 8.40p.m., Sunday, 13 Thailand staff members. Nov 4, 7:30 p.m, CDC throu g h O ct 28, Tuesdays CRANFORD — 'Sweeny Theater, 78 Winans ave , through Sundays, George 14 Abstinence On hartdwill be Fearn Tod: /he Barber,' play 276 7611 S tre e t P la y h o u s e , 414 from You’ve Got The adaptation, through Nov G eorge st., 246 7717 15 P..rt of Thurlow, curator of 10, Fridays at 8 30 p.m., FANWOOD — "California Saturdays at 7 and 10 p m MILLBURN — 'The Magic the USAK Suite," a Neil Simon 16 Move a and Sundays at 3 p m , The comedy, Friday and Show," with Joseph Abaldo, New Jersey Public Saturday and Nov. 2 and 3, Wednesdays through TV camera Jheater, 118 South ave. E , Sundays, showing through Job Now Get 8:30 pm., F a n w o o d 17 Went ahead Re-Elect Prgsbyt.e?ian Church, Oct 28, Paper Mill IK I jice around P layhouse, 376 4590. MAPLEWOOD — I Don't FanwoodT 654 4393 or 757 20 Order of Believe in Stor-ks." Friday 5344 animals suff and Saturday, 8:30 p.m,, SOUTH ORANGE— He and SUMMIT — 'Same Time '21 Mile 14t Doucr The Ethical Culture She, writtert by Rachel' Next Year,' Friday „ T he Car. S ociety, 516 P rospect St., C roth ers, tlpjs 1911 p lay through November 3, The '22 Fairy-tale 763 1905 deals with worpon's rights ....-Craig Theatre, 6 Kent start P lace b o u le v a rd , 273-6C33, 7 l x 10 a n d responsibilities, 23 Ancient r - 5 k High Trade In • I,ov\ Uovvp Payment • IK Mos. I.n I’av reservations needed 1 ‘ MONTCLAIR — "The discussion panel after the Kurypean Hostage," by Brendan It 17 pljy will include Ellen country Behan, Irish comedy, .. Barry of the New Jersey through Nov 11, senior Shakespeare Festival and 25 Parking Ii Ik citizen and student ticket Betty Spiro of the Star Art space 16 11 discounts. The Whole Ledger, next Friday fixture IJ Theater Company, 544 and Saturday , 7 30 pm , UNION — The Eighth 26 ( Jive off 10 Bloomfield Ave , call 744 Sunday matinees at .1 30 /Annual Faculty Art l« 19 ' 2989. Tuesday through 27 Josip Broz. p m,,, c a ll G l£n A lb rig h t for ‘ Exhibition, college 71 72 Saturday 1 to 5 p.m. inform ation at 763 0926. gallery, Vaughn Eames 28 Trio-in a tub Hall, Kean College, 23 74 •A through Dec. 5, Mondays 29 cure-all through Fridays 10 a.m. to 32 Work unit ?6 77 2 pm., T u e s d a y , 33 Tate Wednesday and .Thursday display 78 79 30 t 7 30 to 10 P .M ., 527 2307. f 34 Antiquated 3? W* 34 35 Floor Assemblyman orinj? V y . n... C h iicirc Guitar 38 Card game 3k 39 NEW BRUNSWICK — 39 Port with X0 *1 "Help, My Imagination's a casbah Bill Stuck," presented by the Kids From Jersey, for children from 5 to 11 years o* age, 11 a m , S aturday, The George Street REGAL: 1980 P layhouse, 414 G eorge St., RENTACAR c a ll 246 7717 d a ily except -V . Monday after -noontime,- "’7T5 P ER DAY group rates available. YOUR WEEK AHEAD By wims LOW & 10c Per Mile AS Forecast - Period: 10/27 to M /2 - "Insurance is a WITH TH IS AD Music,dance ARIES ' An n« in hoi lowed th-vrl.»,»s m m ,i .lull disaster area in 10 Mar 21-Apr 19 l.low n d i^ ig it rim ni New.Jersey. I'll Special weekly and monthly TAURUS Kr«»j> icl.iimils will) olliris on .in rxrn fight to clean up rates.with free miles „ * NEWARK — New Jersey- Symphony Orchestra, Apr 20 May 20 k i l l ( n o| the mess in opening concert, Polish GEMINI Y ou i p liy s iic il well (mini* i Icm im s souk pianist KryStian insurance and Special insurance company May21-June20 .iiiciumn replacement rates Zimmerman plays insurance Chopin's First Piano CANCER (hi i M ifsiiivm b. |j«’«>|»l« .nid ' h.i|i|». ii costs." Concerto, Maestro June 21 -July 22 i fit's tp .rs m in is 11n i«l«-.i \m i <.in We honor most major credit cards Thomas Michalak and the orchestra will present Smetana's- overture to LEO A. | i.i ifn i hint ,i I v mu "The Bartered Bride," July 2^-Aug. 22 - piisiut> n e u -tiis vm iI. urn• ..I ii.. a n d Shostakovich's | AMERICAN S ym phony No. 5, 2:30 p .m ., In .. nil Re-Elect S unday, 624 8203 fo r tic k e t VIRGO Mt-f lings and u \ m s lia y o lim it information. INTERNATIONAL Aug 23-Sept. 22 lig lilc i m m n.m s ‘when I lie .new kid on itiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiimiiiimimiiiiiii I RENT-A-CAR 'ill.- Mm k .nines lit 10JHS\M\I) in LIBRA A n iu ic l min .nines within \mu ipa.sp. Bill Maguire !|is i:\si to p l a c e !!1 Sept. 23-Oct. 22 Mak. it all vm tis I.>i« . . . i 475 Rte. 22 East 16 W. Elizabeth Ave. III Springfield, N.J. Linden, N.J. .11 SI PHONE; j SCORPIO Kn.;ig\ and ml..nous ,u< u»unint» Inqli in Ii 8(i -:T()(I in Oct 23-Nov 21 ' W as .i.n .^. is should do well. 376-4220 925-3080 HI Ask for 'Ad Taker* and m SAGITTARIUS - Ihsin tjTifgroiip vom lours lakes von Assembly .III she will help you with a m Nov. 22-Dec. 21 awa\ lio n i iIn m aiiYstrrain Hll Result Getter Want Ad. m CAPRICORN Hopes and wishes aie .nlain.ilrle A jmV Dec. 22-Jan. 19 mis. of. Ih-m. i lin n s . AQUARIUS ' ' '' \ n. u ...... in may iim '..hi Pd for by Campaign Fund for Bill Maguire, Geo. Ebbe, Jan 20-Feb. .1 8 • ol tin .Mur. Treas , 140 Briarheath Dr., UNION C0UNTT BUICK PISCES Nil.lys m navel plans an mu C la rk , N .J. 07066 GEM Feb. 19-Mor. 20 aid. You need lie u 5 a. a I ini'i 339 NO. BROAD ST. ELIZABETH 354-3300 Health career MEN'S SHOES talks at Rider Rider College will FAMOUS NAME BRANDS FOR LESS sponsor its seventh annual ...pre-college conference on health professions for some 500 high school students and their parents Saturday, Nov. H). on the Lawrenceville c&mpus. * 5 0 * Tire - three-hour DRESS SHOES • CASUALS * BOOTS • SNEAKERS * W0RKSH0ES conference will begin at 9 ■WITH THIS COUPON* a.m. m the Fine Arts RT. 22 EASTBOUND Center. Deadline for Any Purchase SPRINGFIELD registration is Nov. 5. ! $1)00 OFF over The conference is Opposite Echo Shopping Plaza supported, inpart, by a Expires H-4-79 j Man. thru Sat. 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. grant from the Schering- Plough corporation. Mirons An HthiinAllen ( iiillery Dining Room Sale!. fn lime for a memorable holiday.

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She might have been And it’s even less when your* grandmother. A favor­ you call out of state from ite aunt. O r just a friend. 11 p.m. to 8 a.m. during the Visa Master Charge Somehow, she always week, all day Saturday arid and Extended Charge seemed to be there when Sunday, till 5 p.m. ■ . Plans Available you needed her. And always Call h a- up tonight. And knew just what-to say. you might mention that every For your most festive holiday meals ever, serve What nicer c ompliment to your family and Tlie years have flown so often when someone comes them in the elegant new Ethan Allen djning friends . . . and you as a hostess! to you with a problem, you room you can buy now — at greift savings! by. But you can still keep reg. Sale think hack to the way she Scaled to adorn almost any size rck»m. the TABLE AND 4 SIDE in touch. By phone. pieces are crafted of solid Cherry and selected CHAIRS...... 1.357,50 1.099.50 You can-spend five minutta*chatting would have handled-it. veneers. Notable is the sweeping graceful curve 60" Extension Table 559.50 449 50 with her out of state for no more than .$1.33 Reach out and touch someone. By of the Queen /Anne legs on tahle and chairs, the S ideC hair...... 199.50 164 50 plus tax, after 5 p.m. weekdays and Sunday.* phone. It’ll make you both feel good. choice of nearly 800 chair seat fabrics, and the A rm C hair...... '234.50 189.50 authentic companion breakfront with dramat 50" Buffet & China . 1.469.00 1,199:50 ically lighted interior for display. l