210 ELEPHANTS AND RHINOCEROS Int. Zoo Yb. (2006) 40: 210–217 © The Zoological Society of London The EAZA Rhino Campaign C. DEAN1 &C.A.BOS2 1Director, Save the Rhino International, 16 Winchester Walk, London SE1 9AQ, United Kingdom, and 2Manager, EAZA Membership Services & Accreditation and Coordinator EAZA Conservation Campaigns, EAZA Executive Office, PO Box 20164, 1000 HD Amsterdam, The Netherlands E-mail:
[email protected] and
[email protected] Each year the European Association of Zoos and of the necessity for conservation and by Aquaria (EAZA) co-ordinates a year-long fund- actively participating in and providing raising and awareness campaign, focusing on a parti- cular taxa or conservation issue. Rhinoceros species support to in situ and ex situ conservation have been chosen as the subject of the current cam- projects worldwide (EAZA, 2005a). paign, which runs from September 2005 until The EAZA Rhino Campaign is the fifth October 2006. A fundraising target of Euros 350 000 in a series of year-long fundraising and has been set and 100% of the funds raised will be donated to in situ rhinoceros-conservation projects. awareness conservation campaigns, Save the Rhino International, a UK-registered focusing on a particular taxa or conser- charity, is working jointly with EAZA to develop vation issue. The EAZA Bushmeat Cam- and run the EAZA Rhino Campaign. paign, which started in September 2000, was the first and since then the South Key-words: awareness raising, EAZA, education, fundraising, in situ conservation, rhinoceros American Atlantic Rainforest, tigers, and turtles and tortoises (Shellshock) have been the focal topics (Table 2).