
Business Horizons (2011) 54, 105—113


The early bird catches the news: Nine things you should know about micro-blogging

Andreas M. Kaplan *, Michael Haenlein

ESCP , Avenue de la Re´publique, F-75011 Paris, France

KEYWORDS Abstract Micro-blogs (e.g., , Jaiku, Plurk, ) are starting to become an Web 2.0; established category within the general group of . Yet, while they rapidly User-generated gain interest among consumers and companies alike, there is no evidence to explain content; why anybody should be interested in an application that is limited to the exchange of Social media; short, 140-character text messages. To this end, our article intends to provide some Micro-blogging; insight. First, we demonstrate that the success of micro-blogs is due to the specific set Twitter; of characteristics they possess: the creation of ambient awareness; a unique form of Ambient awareness push-push-pull communication; and the ability to serve as a platform for virtual exhibitionism and voyeurism. We then discuss how applications such as Twitter can generate value for companies along all three stages of the process: pre- purchase (i.e., marketing research); purchase (i.e., marketing communications); and post-purchase (i.e., customer services). Finally, we present a set of rules–—TheThree Rs of Micro-Blogging: Relevance; Respect; Return–—which companies should consider when relying on this type of application. # 2010 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. All rights reserved.

1. The hare and the hedgehog: When requests from a computer virus or spyware applica- Twitter’s ‘already here’ tion. To protect our users, we can’t process your request right now.’’ What happened? It turns out At 2:26 p.m. on June 25th, 2009, the world stood still that the algorithms of the California-based search for a split second when word spread that Michael engine giant interpreted the flood of searches Jackson, the King of Pop, might have died at the for the same keyword as a brute-force attack, UCLA Medical Center from cardiac arrest. Naturally, and reacted according to standard protocols. Just millions of people rushed to Google News to verify 25 minutes later, Google realized that the queries whether this rumor was true, only to read: ‘‘We’re were legitimate. In parallel, Google itself correctly sorry, but your query looks similar to automated reported that indeed had died–—on August 30th, 2007, roughly 2 years earlier, making reference to a Wikipedia article about a British author of the same name. * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (A.M. Kaplan), It seems fair to say that Michael Jackson’s death [email protected] (M. Haenlein). was not the best day in the history of Google, a firm

0007-6813/$ — see front matter # 2010 Kelley School of Business, Indiana University. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.bushor.2010.09.004 106 A.M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein that has built its reputation on providing results of Jaiku, Plurk (particularly popular in Taiwan and outstanding relevance, maximum accuracy, and im- Southeast Asia), and the New York-based Tumblr. pressive timeliness. June 25th, 2009, was a great day Although only a few years old, Twitter–—founded for the micro-blogging application Twitter, though: in October 2006, roughly 2½ years after –— short messages dealing with the breaking news has become one of the major players in the social started to appear only minutes after the event media industry. The number of Twitter accounts actually happened, and tweets were exchanged at reached 75 million by the end of 2009, with a growth a rate of 100,000 per hour. According to the Twitter rate of approximately 6.2 million new users per tracking tool Trendistic, by 12 a.m. the next day, month, or 2-3 per second. Even though 80% of an impressive 22.6% of all posts included the accounts should be considered inactive, these num- term ‘Michael Jackson.’ Add to this the 8.7% includ- bers are still impressive. Moreover,despite what one ing ‘MJ’ and some share of the 25.8% including might expect, Twitter users are not primarily teens ‘Michael,’ and it implies that roughly one-third of or college students. According to Forrester Re- all tweets of that day dealt in one way or another search, more than one-third of all Tweeters are with the death of the pop icon. 35 years and older, with an average household in- But Twitter is not only used to exchange recent come of $85,000 per year. Coupled with the me- ‘yellow press’ news or to speak about trivialities. It dium’s focus on up-to-date information, this is also an important channel for more serious mat- interesting demographic profile has resulted in more ters, such as politics. On June 12th,2009,Iran’s companies utilizing Twitter, including publishing tenth presidential election took place with incum- houses (e.g., The New York Times), grocery retailers bent running against re- (e.g., Whole Foods Market), and even Google itself. formist candidate Mir-Hossein Mousavi. To prevent protesters from sharing footage of related police violence in the streets of Tehran, the author- 2. Nine things you should know about ities decided to interrupt communi- micro-blogging cations and block popular social media applications such as Facebook and YouTube. Yet, they forgot 2.1. Going once–—Characteristics about Twitter, the vehicle which subsequently fa- cilitated global sharing of hundreds of photos of At first glance, it probably seems counterintuitive demonstrations and protesters. The resulting traf- that an application limited to the exchange of text- fic was so important that Twitter even decided to based messages of 140 characters or less should be reschedule a long-planned maintenance shut-down of interest to anyone. After all, even the 160 signs of in order to preserve access to the application; a traditional SMS give more room for personal self- rumor has it that the U.S. State Department played expression. Yet still, micro-blogs are growing at a aroleinthisdecision. rate that makes most other industries look tiny in These examples illustrate the wild popularity and comparison. Based on our research, we have identi- potential of an application that few of us may have fied three factors that can explain this apparent heard of 6 months ago, but which today is one of the contradiction: the concept of ambient awareness most up-to-date dinner conversation topics: Twitter. that implies being updated about even the most Twitter is undoubtedly the most popular member of a trivial matters in other peoples’ lives; the unique larger group of -based applications called type of push—push—pull communication that appli- micro-blogs, which allow users to exchange small cations like Twitter allow; and the platform for elements of content such as short sentences, individ- virtual exhibitionism and voyeurism they provide ual images, or video links. Micro-blogs in turn belong for both active contributors and passive observers. to the big family of social media, which can be Let’s look at each of these three factors in more defined as the ‘‘group of Internet-based applications detail. that build on the ideological foundations of Web 2.0, and that allow the creation and exchange of user- 2.1.1. Ambient awareness generated content’’ (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010,p. The first reason that accounts for the huge success 61). On the continuum of social media classification, of micro-blogging can be related back to the Greek micro-blogs stand halfway between traditional blogs philosopher Aristotle, who wrote in his book Meta- and social networking sites, and are characterized by physics that sometimes the whole is greater than the a high degree of self-presentation/self-disclosure sum of its parts. While the messages ‘‘Need to rush and a medium to low degree of social presence/ to the drug store’’ or ‘‘Have to get some crackers media richness (Kaplan & Haenlein, 2010). Other and soda from Wal-Mart’’ may be completely insig- well-known micro-blogging sites include the Finnish nificant on their own, they become important pieces The early bird catches the news: Nine things you should know about micro-blogging 107 of information when preceded by ‘‘Little Joe is person as particularly relevant or interesting, she feeling ill this morning.’’ In combination, different can decide to become a ‘follower’ of that person. tweets sent out over time can paint a very accurate Following implies that one author’s tweets are au- picture of a person’s activities, just like the distinct tomatically pushed onto the Twitter main page of all dots in a pointillist painting can collectively create followers. The average Twitter user appears to fol- the beautiful images of a Vincent van Gogh, John low a dozen others, although official statistics are Roy, or Chuck Close. hard to find. Nevertheless, celebrities such as the From an academic perspective, this concept is American actor Ashton Kutcher can have millions of called ambient awareness.Justasphysicalproxim- people following them. All messages exchanged on ity allows one’s mood to be interpreted through a micro-blogs are public by default, which means that series of little behaviors (e.g., body language, they can be read and commented on by everyone; sighs, stray comments), several tweets together this represents an important difference as com- can generate a strong feeling of closeness and pared to status updates on social networking sites intimacy. Due to ambient awareness, applications such as Facebook. Nevertheless, following another such as Twitter result in relatively high levels of user creates an additional element of convenience social presence, defined as the acoustic, visual, and as it reduces the effort associated with accessing physical contact that can be achieved between two this information. individuals (Short, Williams, & Christie, 1976); and In many cases, the information pushed to a user’s media richness, defined as the amount of informa- followers may be read and immediately forgotten; tion that can be transmitted in a given time interval in other cases, it may not even be read at all. Given (Daft & Lengel, 1986). This is why micro-blogs that tweets are not directed to one particular user should be considered as mid-ground between tradi- but to the whole world, each individual follower tional blogs and social networking sites within the feels a much weaker urge to react than–—for exam- general classification of social media (Kaplan & ple–—in the case of a traditional e-mail. But in some Haenlein, 2010). cases, the receiver of the message might find the Ambient awareness is a far from new concept, news so interesting and intriguing that they decide having been discussed long before Twitter was in- to give it an additional push by re-tweeting it to vented. It links back to the idea of ‘cooperative their own followers. The initial tweet can then buildings’ (Streitz, Konomi, & Burkhardt, 1998)in cascade down from one user’s follower network to which physical devices (e.g., fountains) actively another’s, and on the way transform from a simple reflect the status of some metric of interest (e.g., bit of information to word-of-mouth. Specifically, how well a computer system is working). More when the initial message has been sent out by a recently, the idea has been extended to other areas, company, this transformation of a commercial mes- such as cooperative work and romantic relation- sage into ‘buzz’ can substantially increase its impact ships. Here, it has been shown that ‘awareness and credibility (Katz & Lazarsfeld, 1955). systems’–—which allow people at different locations In a last step, once the message has been pushed to maintain similar levels of awareness of each and pushed again through the whole network, it may others’ activities and status as can be achieved motivate some user to go out and ‘pull’ additional when physically in the same room–—can lead to information on the subject from other sources. increased effectiveness, stronger social relation- Given that 140 characters are often too few to ships, and overall improved well-being (Markopoulos, explain a topic in sufficient detail, many tweets de Ruyter, & Mackay, 2007). In some cases, mobile include links to web pages or traditional blogs where phone text messages exchanged by couples to give more information is available. In order to avoid short updates about their activities and whereabouts using up too much space by sending out a URL, these are considered even more intimate than traditional tweets usually rely on URL shortening services phone calls (Ito, Okabe, & Matsuda, 2005). One key (whereby a provider makes a web page available characteristic of Twitter is, therefore, the ability to under a very short URL in addition to the original tell the world what you are doing at a particular address). In this case, micro-blogging messages be- moment–—in the desire to be closely connected to come similar to traditional banner ads, which equal- your loved ones, no matter where they may be ly try to motivate users to click on an embedded physically. link. As shown in several research studies, such ‘click-through’ can have a favorable impact 2.1.2. Push—Push—Pull communication on consumer behavior (Manchanda, Dube, Goh, & The second reason behind the popularity of micro- Chintagunta, 2006). Another key characteristic of blogs is the unique type of communication they micro-blogging is, therefore, the unique combina- allow. Once a user considers the tweets of another tion of push—push—pull communication from sender 108 A.M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein to followers, from followers to followers, and from median number of lifetime messages per Twitter receivers to external information sources. user is one, implying that 50% of all accounts are exclusively used for passive observation. At the 2.1.3. Virtual exhibitionism and voyeurism same time, the top 10% of active Twitter users As mentioned, tweets are public by default unless a account for over 90% of all tweets. This is very user specifically requests that only approved fol- different from other social media applications, lowers can read the messages; this happens very where usually the top 10% most active users account rarely. Additionally, searches conducted through for 30% or less of all content. To put it differently, Google since July 2009 automatically include dy- Twitter is like a huge one-way mirror which allows namic content streams, such as live updates on millions of people to sit on one side and watch the micro-blogs or up-to-the-second news headlines. day-to-day lives of a select few who have decided to Any message sent through Twitter therefore auto- share their each and every move with the whole matically becomes public knowledge within minutes world. of its publication. This creates the perfect environ- ment for virtual exhibitionism and voyeurism, and it 2.2. Going twice–—Applications should come as no surprise that these two factors represent the third reason behind growth of micro- Having explained why micro-blogs are popular, it is blogging applications. Empirical proof for this state- now important to discuss how they can be of benefit ment can be found by considering the popularity of to companies. To facilitate this discussion, we sys- reality television programs. Anybody who has spent tematically analyzed the Twitter activities of a time watching Big Brother or The Simple Life will be selected group of leading firms in various different able to confirm that people are more likely to watch industries. We started with a ranking of the 100 reality programs when they have a higher voyeuris- largest Twitter accounts based on total number of tic tendency caused by factors such as the disclosure followers as published by Twitterholic. Removal of of personal information, gossip, and private emo- all accounts that (1) did not represent corporations, tions, as well as sexual behavior and nudity. Aca- but individuals (e.g., Ashton Kutcher, Britney demic research has confirmed these commonly-held Spears, Ellen DeGeneres); (2) corresponded to tra- beliefs (Baruh, 2009). ditional media companies that use Twitter mainly as Two different theoretical perspectives can ex- a news ticker (e.g., CNN, The New York Times, Time plain such behavior: self-presentation and self- Magazine); and (3) were maintained by non-profit disclosure, and indeterminacy. Self-presentation organizations (e.g., the World Economic Forum) and self-disclosure contends that every individual resulted in a total of five companies that we ana- continuously engages in strategic activities to con- lyzed in more detail: Google, Dell, Whole Foods vey an impression to others which is in his or her self- Market, Zappos.com, and JetBlue Airways. Looking interest (Goffman, 1959). Self-disclosure is one of at these firms shows that Twitter can be used for all the reasons why people create personal web pages three stages of the marketing process: pre-purchase (Schau & Gilly, 2003), and it has been shown that (i.e., marketing research); purchase (i.e., market- computer-mediated environments lead to higher ing communications, especially sales promotions); levels of self-disclosure than traditional settings and post-purchase (i.e., customer services). We will (Joinson, 2001). For its part, indeterminacy now discuss each of these areas in more detail. (Vosgerau, Wertenbroch, & Carmon, 2006) states that indeterminate consumption experiences–—such 2.2.1. Pre-purchase: Marketing research as watching sports competitions live on television or One obvious way that companies can use micro- reading real-time micro-blog entries–—unfold in blogging is to simply read what clients have to ways that are not decided ex ante. This makes them say. Historically, marketing researchers have always more exciting than equivalent determinate experi- struggled to integrate customers into their decision- ences, such as watching the same sports competi- making processes. At the same time, the concepts of tions as recorded broadcasts or reading the same customer knowledge as a source of competitive messages one day later. advantage and the importance of customers as Micro-blogs are therefore the perfect tool for co-producers have become increasingly prominent anonymous voyeurism and keeping updated regard- in the academic literature (Vargo & Lusch, 2004). ing friends and family without feeling an obligation Social media in general and micro-blogs in particular to react or respond–—just like the proverbial ‘fly on provide the potential to easily obtain customer the wall.’ The significant attraction that this rep- feedback. In terms of marketing research, they have resents can be illustrated by the fact that most the potential to take netnography–—that is, ethnog- Twitter users observe, rather than contribute. The raphy adapted to the study of online communities The early bird catches the news: Nine things you should know about micro-blogging 109

(Kozinets, 2002)–—tothe next level. Since they do not about special promotions, product recalls, and rely on the analysis of traditional newsgroups that health tips. It also connects with customers by summarize conversations and comments building up awarding the Tweet of the Day four times per over time, but instead allow investigation of what week–—the best tweet made about Whole Foods customers are talking about at that very moment, on any given day receives a $25 gift card–—and they provide a unique type of information. organizing contests, such as encouraging customers A good example of how this approach can be to tweet their ‘‘five word food philosophies’’ and implemented in real life comes from computer awarding the 10 most creative authors with a $50 manufacturer Dell. The company has created a team Whole Foods voucher and 5 pounds of quinoa. called Communities and Conversations, which in- JetBlue Airways has a more bottom-line oriented volves about 40 employees. Members of this team, approach regarding micro-blogging activities, and who would not normally interact with clients (e.g., uses Twitter as a sales and distribution channel. Finance, HR, Purchasing, Shipping, Logistics), have Every Monday morning, the company sends out its the opportunity via this channel to engage in con- weekly ‘cheeps’: Twitter messages about special versations with Dell’s end customers. These employ- low prices on available seats on flights the following ees then carry that customer-centered viewpoint weekend. These promotions are exclusively avail- back to their departmental colleagues, a feedback able on Twitter and typically expire at the end of the cycle that moves the whole organization closer to day; however, most of these attractive deals are the market. According to Richard Binhammer, the snagged within hours, so potential customers either person behind Dell’s social media strategy, Twitter need to be glued to their screens or have perfect provides a unique forum to hear what customers timing–—which keeps things interesting. Morgan have to say and to fix customer problems–—free of Johnston, manager of corporate communications the accusation of digital assault often associated at JetBlue, says that in addition to filling empty with other types of unsolicited company—customer seats, cheeps represent a great way of introducing communication (e.g., phone calls, e-mail spam). new customers to the airline. For its part, United For example, by systematically analyzing what its Airlines employs a similar strategy, calling its offer- customers were saying via Twitter and other micro- ings ‘twares.’ blogs, Dell realized that the apostrophe and return Micro-blogging is not only suited to communicate keys on its newly-launched Inspiron Mini 9 laptop externally with potential or current customers, but were located too close together. Dell subsequently also internally with one’s employees. Online retailer addressed this problem, which might never have Zappos.com asks all new recruits to open a Twitter come to light using more traditional marketing account and post messages throughout the initial research techniques, in its design of the next- training session. According to Tony Hsieh, CEO of generation Inspiron Mini 10. Consider also Starbucks, Zappos and himself a big fan of Twitter, this is to which closely monitored and managed Twitter during empower employees with the understanding that the introduction of its Via instant coffee product in everyone in the company can act as a spokesperson October 2009. By actively listening and participating for the firm. Hsieh even wrote a beginner’s quick in conversations about Via, Starbucks helped get start guide and tutorial to using Twitter, which is samples of the new product into people’s hands in published on the company’s web page. order to enable trials. According to Brad Nelson, principal tweeter for the coffeehouse chain, this 2.2.3. Post-purchase: Customer services made it possible for consumers to get over the initial Finally, firms can rely on micro-blogs to improve commonreactionthatinstantcoffee mustnecessarily their customer service and complaint management be distasteful. processes. The power of word-of-mouth has been discussed widely and regularly in the marketing 2.2.2. Purchase: Marketing communications literature. While research has shown the desirable Another form of utilizing micro-blogging entails effects of positive feedback and recommendations tweeting and other brand-reinforcing (Reichheld, 2003), it has also underlined the devas- messages, especially ones that need to be acted tating impact that negative customer comments can upon quickly (e.g., sales promotions). The five com- have on a company (Goldenberg, Libai, Moldovan, & panies in our study all rely on Twitter in this manner, Muller, 2007; Richins, 1983). Firms should therefore one way or another. Google maintains separate manage dissatisfied and complaining customers rap- channels for all of its major products (e.g., iGoogle, idly and professionally. As old industry wisdom dic- Google Calendar, Google Reader) to update fol- tates, there is nothing better to create a loyal client lowers about new developments. Similarly, Whole than an efficiently-managed customer complaint. Foods Market uses Twitter to broadcast information Also, by handling dissatisfied customers as early as 110 A.M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein possible, firms can avoid issues growing out of pro- you. To avoid a situation whereby ‘the spirits that portion and evolving into organized forms of cus- you called’ treat you in an unexpected way–—a` la the tomer protest, such as consumer boycotts (Garrett, Sorcerer’s Apprentice–—we have derived three rules 1987) or complaint (Ward & Ostrom, 2006). of successful micro-blogging. We call them The Whole Foods Market, Dell, and JetBlue Airways all Three Rs of Micro-Blogging: Relevance; Respect; use micro-blogging in this specific fashion. and Return. According to Slaton Carter, online community development manager at Whole Foods, the grocer 2.3.1. Relevance analyzes Twitter daily to identify issues and negative The first rule of micro-blogging is to focus on mes- comments raised by its customers. Followers can sages that are relevant for the target group. Users send out questions about Whole Foods or the com- are unlikely to read, let alone re-tweet, boring pany’s products, queries which are answered within information. Relevance is therefore necessary to 24 hours. Alternatively, if some clients are, for ex- leverage the push—push—pull communication char- ample, referring to Whole Foods as ‘Whole Pay- acteristics of this type of medium. If firms do not check’–—a nickname for the company that makes respect this rule and instead flood their followers reference to the firm’s upscale positioning and high with off-the-shelf advertising slogans, they will soon prices–—Carter tries to engage in a conversation with see readers leave in droves. In this context, rele- them to better understand the underlying concerns vance implies two things: (1) listening before tweet- resulting in the negative impression. Similarly, com- ing, and (2) finding the right balance between puter manufacturer Dell maintains over 80 separate sending out too few messages and tweeting too branded Twitter accounts, most of which are private many of them. One method of increasing relevance (i.e., by invitation only) and used for customer involves focusing on information that needs to be service exchanges that require direct and personal- reacted upon quickly; for example, the aforemen- ized messages that cannot be exchanged using Dell’s tioned case of sales promotions. Another alternative public channel. Up to 200 Dell employees regularly entails relying on highly customized messages; for use these accounts for conversations with their example, Whole Foods maintains separate Twitter customers. channels for followers with differing interests, in- In a similar manner, JetBlue Airways systemati- cluding one channel devoted entirely to people cally monitors and scans Twitter to identify custom- interested in cheese. ers who might need proactive management and Many examples illustrate that even prestigious additional information on flight delays or cancella- companies fail when they do not follow the tions. Tony Wagner, a JetBlue customer, for example simple rule of relevance. Consider online retailer tweeted his request to be able to sit with his wife Amazon.com. Rather than using Twitter as a and 2-year-old daughter on a flight to San Francisco channel to interact with its customers, Amazon which customer services was unable to fulfill (‘‘Ad- employs a ‘bot’–—an automated software tool–—that vice to get both parents and 2 yr old seated next to tweets random excerpts from the firm’s U.S. blog. each other on flight later today? Right now only one These messages, which add little value beyond parent. Full flight.’’). Not 20 minutes later, JetBlue that of a standard RSS feed, show no signs of sent Wagner a note asking for additional details and ‘listening’ to followers and are therefore only of subsequently flagged his ticket as a priority concern. limited effectiveness. Another example is the French As Brad Nelson from Starbucks puts it: ‘‘Don’t be reality TV show Secret Story (similar in concept to afraid of unhappy customers. If you say the wrong Big Brother), which used Twitter to send out status thing, don’t ignore it or cover it up, admit your updates on its participants in 30-second intervals; mistake and move on. Don’t under-estimate the even the most interested spectator might get goodwill that can be created by showing you’re annoyed by receiving 1,000 tweets per day! listening’’ (Carter, 2009). Starbucks, however, has gotten the Twitter equa- tion just right. The coffeehouse chain regularly en- 2.3. Going three times–—Rules courages its roughly 300,000 followers to send out ideas and comments. Using the ‘My Starbucks Idea’ Given the unique characteristics of micro-blogs and channel, customers can propose modifications re- the large spectrum of applications they offer for garding the company’s product and service offerings. companies, many firms are seriously considering Other users can then read the ideas and vote in favor becoming active in this new type of social media. of, or against, them. The most popular suggestions If your company is part of this faction, be aware that are subsequently implemented by Starbucks. ‘‘Many Twitter does not come without its own risks and that times I’ve had to inform people within the company the power of the system can quickly turn against that micro-blogging isn’t an advertising channel and The early bird catches the news: Nine things you should know about micro-blogging 111 they can’t just send me 140 characters to post,’’says and consequently criticized the firm for spamming Brad Nelson, principal tweeter for Starbucks. ‘‘Twit- Twitter. Although Habitat posted an official apology ter isn’t for distributing press releases; it’s a way to on Twitter (‘‘We’ve been listening and we know 140 talk with customers, not at them’’ (Carter, 2009). characters aren’t enough for a full apology, please Service innovations such as offering a free birthday follow this link. . .’’) and blamed an overenthusias- beverage for all registered cardholders or increasing tic intern for the issue, the company has not actively store density in the Netherlands have been claimed to used Twitter since then. stem directly from the My Starbucks Idea initiative. 2.3.3. Return 2.3.2. Respect Last but not least, firms that use micro-blogging The second rule of successful micro-blogging is to should also pay close attention to the benefits and show respect to your followers. This implies correctly return-on-investment of their activities. Ultimately, identifying yourself, using appropriate language, and engaging in Twitter only makes sense when it serves refraining from deceiving other users. Computer as a marketplace for your company, not as a play- manufacturer Dell, for example, has defined strict ground. Should you believe that hard numbers and guidelines for using social media applications. Among social media don’t go together, think again and con- other criteria, the firm asks each and every employee sider Dell. As previously mentioned, the role of the 40 to be transparent and to disclose their employment employees involved with the Communities and Con- with Dell in all communications. It is important to versations team includes–—among other things–— note that transparency must extend both ways to be engaging with customers and stakeholders via Twit- effective. When low-cost airline easyJet decided to ter. Dell contends that these micro-blogging activi- join Twitter, the firm realized that some other user ties alone have generated an additional $7 million already posted regularly under the pseudonym ‘Easy in sales. While this may seem small compared to Jet Service.’ Unfortunately, this was not an eager the computer manufacturer’s total revenue of $60 employee who took things into their own hands, but billion, it’s certainly a promising sign that using social rather a frustrated customer who used the channel to media can indeed generate measurable returns. vent his or her dissatisfaction. The company has now Nevertheless, in many cases it may be difficult or created the account ‘easyJet Care’ and is trying to even impossible to put a hard dollar value on micro- limit the damage to its reputation. blogging. In these situations, other types of measures Concerning the use of appropriate language, might be more appropriate, and several companies Whole Foods Market learned the hard way that it provide such information–—often free of charge. may be possible to be too casual with one’s fol- Twitalyzer, for example, determines a series of met- lowers, especially if representing an upscale brand. rics such as a user’s impact (a combination of the In late August 2008, an official spokesperson of the number of followers and the frequency with which -based foods grocer tweeted ‘‘Oh my f’ing the user tweets, re-tweets, and is re-tweeted) or gawd: Whole Foods has Hatch Chiles. From NM. Twitter ratio (the ratio of followers to people the user On sale. Apparently I have died, but am not as evil is following). Tweet Beep measures the number of as I thought.’’ This message prompted outrage and times a company or brand name has been mentioned discussion regarding the appropriate use of language on Twitter,and sends out regular e-mail alerts ranging in social media. Although Whole Foods tried to from once every 15 minutes to once an hour.And Twit proactively manage the issue by sending out a reply Truth can tell–—for each Twitter user–—thenumber of message asking its customers whether they actually messages sent to this user per day, the number of were offended by this post, discussions did not stop replies this user sends, and to what extent these and the Whole Foods case became the key topic at replies go to other famous Twitter users. the kick-off meeting of the Social Media Club Miami. Pages such as Graph Edge calculate how fast your Finally, companies should not try to deceive or follower network is growing or shrinking, who your outsmart other users, at the risk of the community most influential followers are, and how to reach turning and fighting against them. In June 2009, them most efficiently. It hereby limits itself to UK-based furniture retailer Habitat launched a se- ‘legitimate followers,’ which excludes people who ries of tweets to inform followers about new prod- follow more than 2,000 other users or who have ucts available in its stores, hoping to increase traffic been suspended by Twitter and therefore cannot on its Internet site. To heighten awareness of its read your messages. Finally, firms such as Tweet messages, the company tagged its tweets with key- Psych create psychological profiles of any Twitter words related to the Iranian presidential election–— account by using a combination of Linguistic Inquiry one of the hottest Twitter topics at that time. Soon, and Word Count (LIWC) and Regressive Imagery however, Habitat’s followers realized the betrayal Dictionary (RID) techniques. The list of suppliers is 112 A.M. Kaplan, M. Haenlein endless and should be checked out thoroughly; about it. Twitter will also soon be accessible via there’s certainly some company that can provide mobile phone SMS services in Europe, a functionality exactly the type of data your firm is looking for. that is already enabled in the . During Combined with traditional e-commerce meas- the last quarter of 2008, 812,000 unique users sent or ures, such as click-through rates for promotional received Twitter text messages from AT&Tor Verizon URLs, these metrics make it possible for any com- cell phones in the U.S., with an average of nearly 240 pany to determine its own ‘Return-on-Twitter.’ tweets per person and quarter–—or 2.5 tweets per second per day. Nevertheless, micro-blogging is still in its infan- 3. And so it happened that the cy and many questions need to be answered before hedgehog ran the hare to death. . . we fully understand this new medium. One open issue deals with privacy. How can companies best TheGlobalLanguageMonitorselected‘Twitter’as make use of such applications without giving the the top word of 2009, based on its frequency, impression that they monitor all their customers contextual usage, and appearance in global media and try to brainwash those who might hold a outlets. Followed by ‘Obama’ and ‘H1N1,’ the negative opinion about the firm? Another point is term was chosen because it represents the ability whether corporate Twitter channels should be to encapsulate human thought in 140 characters. managed by the company itself (as practiced by According to Paul JJ Payack, President of The Dell and Starbucks) or associated with a related Global Language Monitor, ‘‘being limited to strict prominent individual (e.g., David Neeleman, Jet- formats did wonders for the sonnet and haiku. One Blue Founder and CEO, who tweets all JetBlue wonders where this highly impractical word-limit messages himself). Finally, more analysis is needed will lead as the future unfolds’’ (Global Language to learn how micro-blogging should be integrated Monitor, 2009). Based on our analysis, it should be into an overall social media communication strat- clear that such reactions are not merely driven by egy. Should it be a separate contact channel, or a the hype which so often surrounds new forms of tool to drive traffic to other applications such as communication; rather, micro-blogging can truly corporate web pages or blogs? create tangible benefits for firms. While not with- It is also necessary to realize that even if com- out risks and pitfalls, Twitter and micro-blogging panies use micro-blogs with the best of intentions, seem poised to enter the mainstream social media, they cannot always avoid undesirable outcomes. In much as Wikipedia, YouTube, and Second Life did May 2009, Starbucks launched a campaign encour- years ago. aging customers to Twitter pictures of themselves Many organizations have already realized this in front of the company’s new billboards. Film potential and have responded to this evolution. In producer and political activist Robert Greenwald posting a job opening for a senior manager in emerg- saw this as an opportunity to promote his latest ing media, U.S. electronics retailer Best Buy dictat- documentary movie about unfair labor practices at ed that qualified candidates must have at least 200 the coffeehouse chain, and urged people to take Twitter followers. Similarly, Pizza Hut looked to fill photos of themselves in front of Starbucks stores the novel position of ‘twintern’–—a summer intern holding signs criticizing the company’s practices whose main job it would be to tweet about the instead. Numerous individuals responded to Green- company–—andreceived over 400 applications. Even wald’s plea, and soon approximately half of the the White House–—or, more precisely, Organizing for photos distributed on Twitter were in a sense very America, the successor organization of Obama for different from those initially intended by Star- America–—is hiring a Social Networks Manager, re- bucks. Despite such risks, though, one thing seems sponsible for maintaining its accounts on several certain: Firms which decide not to even consider social networks including Facebook, MySpace, and using micro-blogs in their marketing strategy might Twitter. find themselves in the same position as the hare at Yet, while these companies are trying to prepare the end of the race with a couple of hedgehogs–— themselves for the first generation of micro-blogging, dead on the ground! the second generation is already on its way. Since November 2009, Twitter has enabled users to merge References into their messages the location from which they are tweeting. 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