Fuel Handling, Reprocessing and Waste and Related Nuclear Data

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Fuel Handling, Reprocessing and Waste and Related Nuclear Data MEAcRe- A - 34.5 FUEL HANDLING; REPROCESSINGAND WASTE AND RELATED NUCLEAR DATA ASPECTS H. Kiisters, M. Lalovi&, H.W. Wiese Nuclear Research Center Karlsruhe ‘0 Institute for Neutron Physics and Reactor Technology The essential processes in the out-of-pile nuclear fuel cycle are described, i.e. mining and milling of uraniumores, enrich- ment, fuel fabrication, storage, transportation, reprocessing of irradiated fuel, waste treatment and waste disposal. The aspects of radiation (mainly gammas and neutrons) and of heat production, as well as special safety considerations are outlined with re- spect to their potential operational impacts and long-term ha- l -zards. In this context the importance of nuclear data for the out-of-pile fuel cycle is discussed. Special weight is given to the LWR fuel cycle including recycling; the differences of LMFBR high burn-up fuel with large Pu02 content are described. The HTR, fuel cycle is discussed briefly as well as some alternative fuel cycle concepts. 9730000 1 . -. The nxlesr fuel cycle constitutes the entire ranb:e of processes to which the fuel is subjected fron ore mining, to terminal storn~e of the radioactive vasxe in gee- lo.:i;al fomstions. The la-se axmnt of plutonium in the increased nwrber of ape- ratin.? therm1 gover reactors and the development c~f a fast reactor technolox.7 with already two operatinix prototype reactors in Western-Europe require B ;rell developed fuel cycle industry, especially for the reprocessing of the spent fuel, refabrication of the recycled fuel and waste disposal, areas vhich mm years aso were considered to be of minor iln?ortonce compared to reactor industry. In Ser- maiy, the lesiqn of a lam? scale reprocessin; plant for IX fuel of abo;lt 1500 t/Jr through-put ins been co!Weted and is awaitin,% the licensing: proceaores. With the incressinr plutonim amount another aspect has ,;nined strann interest recently, i.e. safeguardinf7 fissile material in order to prevent or at least i-e- duce the possibility to divert fissile aaterial from the fuel cycle for ;ieapon* fabricntion. ?his aswqt has started I mrld-wide effort to investi?,ste the possi- bility of a fuel which is inherently'safe against diversion (alternative fuel cycles) and, in parallel, has led to a narrowing of the requirements for reliable and timely detection of fissile material diversion. These aipects fors a bsck~round which requires a re-investijiation of the physics. aspects of the nuclear Peel cycle. This ?a?er dells with the out-of-?ile stales of tie file1 cycle, with the processes involved, the present problem and the re- lated nuclear data aspects. 3ecause this confe$ence is ained at assessin: the needs and status of nuclear data for reactors and other applied purposes,the mre strin;ent conditions, im;)osed on fuel cycle aspects, necessitate ta check vhether 0 new nuclee- data requests have to be formulzted although it has been indicated that the out-of-pile processes are not very sensitive to data uncertainties. An appreciation of any data request, and this is true also for reactor cmditions, can be Czde only if a balanced consideration of the nuclear and non-nuclear es- pects of the processes under investiwtion is perforned in order to find wilt uhetber i&roved knowledge of nuclear data can help to decrease actual and goten- tial difficulties or conservatism in the plant design. In the out-of-Bile cycle, besides nuclear processes,fuel handling and che!nical problems have to be discussed. to that extent which is necessary to ,give Saningful data requirenents. It is ob- / vious that in the out-of-oile processes mainly the decay data of nuclei 8s half- lives,heat production, emission of a,b,y-radiation as well as the iission product yields and the productions of neutrons via spontaneous fission end (a,n)-re- actions play the dominant rdle. The reaction cross sections such as neutron fis- sibn and capture we important only during the reactor residence ti!e of the fuel to gredict the proper concentrations of radioactive nuclei,and in investiwting criticality control of out-of-pile fuel. In w a simplified flow diaqrm of the fuel cycle is +ven. Tile will follow tine various stages with main emphasis on the uranim/plutonlm cycle of Lids in- clildiw recycling. me differences and the problems of the fuel cycles for the advanced reactors such as LMFBR and HTR with thorium as fertile naterial We discussed alon?, with some alternate fue;,,~y+e cpncepts. g&l-: :iilc1eer Fuel.Cycle for Lw?s 2. The Route of Unirradiated Fuel fro‘l :!inin< to Fabrication. 2.1. :linins! and !iillinS The problem of mining and milling uranium ore is connected with the huge amount of the waste produced in these processes. The waste originates from the removal of the uaste rock to provide access to the ore body. Substantial amounts of con- tami,nants are generally released from the waste rock piles only when they contain more than 1: saPhide mineral causing bacterial oxidation. Because uranium is extracted from the ore either by acid or alkali leaching, the list of the pollu- tants includes heavy metals, nitrite, phosphate, acidity and alkalinity as well as radioactive materials, namely the a-decay daughters of 11238, i.e. Th230, aa and Hn222. They can appear as contaminants in the waste water, seepage from the waste rock ?iles land from the ail1 tailinks, cotitaminating finally the receiving ground and silrfnce water. Radioactive air wallution is caused by uranium dust and Rn222. The consequences of the airborne releeses are usually small, hilt the water- borne releases after many years of nine operation, dependent on location, nay re- wire treatnent of the waste because of Ra226 activity (t ,L2 = @2,ST) 131. AS indicated by Cohen /&I, the potential ingestion hazard of ,111 talllngs formed to pro$uce fuel for a certain number o f 1000 I&k reactors exceeds the hazards of the waste coxing fros these reactors only after a period of about 250 yr. One should note that the reactor waste is much nore securilg stored than mill tailings (see section 4.2.3).. The environmental impact of mining and milling~ursnium ore cannot. be influenced or reduced by a better knowledge of the decay rates end radiation intensities of ~238 and its decay daughters to Pb206. 2.2 Conversion of U,O, to U?, and Enrichment of Fissile U235 The proble?i in the conversion process is connected with the corrosion of the cox- ponents, because after the reduction of U 0 to U(IV)02 with hydrogen, RF and F2 are used for hydrofluorination to UFq and 38f uorination to UF6. The gaseous waste contains lar.ge aounts of SO2 and NO , a small amount of radioactivity (Ra226) is found in the liquid w%ste. Because o? the high requirement of electrical energy in enric:baents plants due to the low efficiency of the single enrichment steps eventually a large amount of waste heat is produced, which has to be dissinsted to a river or as humidified air fran a cooling tower. For a gaseous diffusion plant similar amounts of gaseous effluents SO and NO we released 8s in the conversion process. As a nuclear aspect, for &ghly &riched UF criticality hasp to be controlled. This is achieved by a slitable geometrical d&inn. !4ore accu- rate nuclear data are not requested, and as in all protective measures, safety margins are applied. 21~z-fabrication of (Inirradiated Uranium Oxide The fabrication of UO does not pose.any problem due to the low radioactivity of U235 (a, spontaneous ?ission neutrons). Criticality control is assured by safe geometrical confi+ratione. Lnvironnental impacts arise from the chemical efflu- ents (fluorine and nitro~zen compounds) in the conversion process from UF6 to U02 (e.s. by reaction of UF6 and NH3 + C02). &.-General Reactor ?hysics .Asoects for mJt-of-Pile Investixations The description of the burn-u? behavior during reactor operation including fuel nsna.Tement has been well developed. In general, this requires an adequate solu- tion for criticality, reaction rate ~n3 flux distributions as well as for the neutron spectrun, the reactivity srorth of control rods 07 blades. a proper treat- 9730000,“, nent of heterogeneity etc. The changes of the absorber rod positions, neutron spectrum and the related changes of the effective cross sections (due to spec- tral changes, nuclide concentrations, resonance selfshielding)~ during burn-u? have to be taken into account, keeping k unity during the evolution of reactor life. This relatively co@icated proced$g provides a reliable nuclide concentra- tion at fuel dischnrqe.of each subassembly , provided the nuclear data used are accurate. For the out-of-pile behaviar of the discharged fuel, tinis unloaded "nuclide vector" determines the amount of e.q. the inventory of radioactivity at any tine after discharge ossuminq the decay rates to be known. However, for out- of-pile purposes the nuclide inventory and the deduced~quantities need not to be known exactly for each space point in the reactor. Fuel bundles of different burn-up we mixed in the. storage pond and in the dissolver tank. Therefore, only average nuclide concentrations for an unloaded fuel batch are needed t.0~ determine heating and radiation. But both these quantities originate from many radioactive fission products, structural material and heavy elements, most of those are usu- ally not incorporated in the burn-up calculations. Therefore often one-energy- &rou!, fundamental mode calculations with all the isotopes of interest are applied also for the in-core description of build-u:, and'decay of nuclides, neglectin!: the tire dependence of effective cross sections, which is different in various zones of the reactor core (e.g.
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