Life is Full of Uncertainty This Charitable Gift Annuity is Not.

A Win-Win Situation

l'urcha-.c • thdrlldhl• Jtllt .umult) lrnm llw YOWM£XUX Ma,onir Horne' of tht vrand l.odgc ol Penn)~ hdmJ dlld n."\.d""'· • E.nUth:mcnt to .an hnmt'\tt.lte lnumw rax !leducrion The Franklin • <.,u:at l'ott.>nttal to lntn·~l\t· 'uur lnconu. . Legacy Society • Hxed lnwmc lor tlw R<-..t of Your Inc. To'-'tllouwhoM til II ltD .. • ~,h,f.tct•on 111 Pru' 1dlnr.,: tur Othl'r\. 1 lUI loiOW'MIIInii'Ct ...... _..,. ala 1 ·~ I he chan bdO\\ iho''' IIH' \.Uion\ :\t;~wnlc llomcs' gUt annuit~ p.a~uut rt~tn uarn.·ntl)' In -...... ,.:tell l t ...··'11":=: ...... ,. ~ ...... t·f!t"Ct for ~~h't'h..""1 .ag~o:\. 1 he fiJtUR') u.-Jate to ,, ~insh:-hh.· ~pft oumult)'.. \\you might '-'·'Jlt'~ t. r..tW\ art> \C>mt:wluu lowtr wtwn 1\\o fH.·rwu' r(.'('t·h-c: mcomt< rrom an dnnult)·.

Sample Gift Annuity Rates

Utlh.•% A~)l' Complete and raturn to The Offlco of Gift Planning 60 (>.4 SOnd mo lnformoUon about: 65 6.7 70 7.2 U Send n> e your b7-11 2 1, C\t ..J I have remembefed tbl Muonk Homes In my ostnto • 331 I t, or I II!(JO) S'1'1·6~S4 I h1·r~" II<\ er Jfl) plan. oblr~alion. -

..... r.... o

MAIL THIS FORM TO; Otllc;e of Gift Ph.mnlng M atonlc Homos One M aiOf'IIC Drivo Ellrabothtown, PA 1702,2 BRETHREN, The Franklin Legacy Society is Created mong hh \'dtllt"\t ollliun~ 11\f Anrlual Cornmunl<.atlon was ju~ t " ·nnderful. The ban· 11-lth R.\V. (,,,lrl€1 Mai.h •r or here :md it is my 4uet "'·'~ ~uct"<"Ss ful with mort thin\ 2,200 ath... ndl11g. lts arrange· 1\ Mawm In l '<•nnsy l \',r ni~r . M,rrvin hope thai we can mcnt and st~ging wns a great example o f everyone working A. Cunni11glmm, ~r., ;umoumx"<.l thl' T together. The attendance and frat('rnal fellowship among the propel l'ennsylvanla cre0 that we can Tlw month of Scpttmbrr w11l be •vouth Month"' in our Blue (•1uhle 1he Grand l .()tt~e of l'('nn,ylva. maintain our place of Wdg~ . Very soon, the Ol>trict Deputy Grand Master nl your liM to c.:~rn• on 11\ udl tr~rdrhon uf dl•trict will inform you about all of the details. Also, plans are h(>IJ)ing tlu;w inm't"ylvanla has held for so lllue Lodges. The month It will be held and details of arrange· "This Sudety w111 ' \:rvc to drmon· w111 lw- invited to fuin thl' J=ranlo.lin ments will be forthcoming soon. many d ecades. Mr.ltC our llPI>rcc:lntlon fo r the brethren l.c~a~)' Society. Mnsonk vigomu ~ l y. lluw .;an we a(COill · Education will l">t pursu('d We plan lO and Friend:. whn h:-1\'f' lncludrd a p •o .. To the extent lh ~;.•y dt·'ir<', m t" mhc" pllsh that? It is my llhlilltain th(' \Varden) Sc..' lllhHi rS-. The only dlffcr~nce will tx:.· vhiun in th\:ir l..,t,lh' pl,,n ;; fur Uti\." ur o f the l'ranklln Lc~;aC)• So<:iety will oc vision that by working that we plan to send tht' P.ducation Committee lrfon the road." more of th~ M~l~tnh \.harilitos nf tlw W<'lcome to portltll>.1te In Its special together. no matter 6y that, I mean the seminars will be held conveniently In the locJJ;\.'," Gr,rud M,l\1\.'r C..nHIIn):• ,u, th•ilie~., but r~IU3ill 31101l)'IUOUS 10 wlldl our respective Regions acr= the state. h:un explaml"tt. I hose charities til!' 1mhlic if th•')' '" d1oose. They positionc; arc, or what our lnttrests are pcnainlng to the Crnft, we !'Ions arc being made to h»·e charity golf too moments In the Include the Masonic llomes, the l'enn will tx.• nlvilt."( l t O tl ~pc'C'ia( C\T("Ilt (Ot ta~ tNn and west<>rn p:.rts of the jurisdiction and~ if enough c~m \md mu~a excel. ·nl:Jt is the b.1sis of the thrrne I h av<" adopt­ \ylvania Youth 1:uundoHion, The l>em'l· ~x:ic t-y n wrnOC r~ l\l{h )', In 2002, it lnt (' r~ t o n.: aho (':\n bt planrled fo r the central i ng Others Pur>ue F.xeellence.• exist,, \ )' lvt~nia Mn~vnh. l•ounllntion fur Chll· wl11 be :.1 lunc:hcon wHir (...hrhtil'> Al•C· AKnin, tlw tounmm<'IIIS will he for the benefit or thl" Mnsonlc Whether we are busy in our lllue IJKige, S~1.1tti;h lllw, . t.lrcu, T h l' M;J\OIIk LUnary auhrlne, ;md the other Masunic bodies, there Is work in the Chlldr\'11 '~ I lome at mlt•llx:thtowl,, UIH or Pt."llfl\ylv.llli.t, jlltcl lht;' Mi1\UI11" 'ons Cullural Center on 1\prll 25. \up port ht 2002 anti lx:yon\11Wl' will achieve Croft to .satls£y everyone. In o rder to nchieve higher st\lnd\1rds in {' haritie> 1\uu.l. llll'rc will lA: utlt\.'f ('\' \'IllS on a regular A random ~a n1 plmg of gifh .md and molntaln the hig h level of excellence thh jurlsdi<'lio n so Freema hy t ht.• 'arlo1.1~ Maso1liC p1ann1ng and canng CjeflefOSity has done aw ~trM ng to better thcm~l•cs a~ family members. in their do. AJld, God Bless America! "ho came befon· us that the <;rand charities. so much for so many through the yeor>: belh.•f In God, in tln)ir wor~ l>lace and in their rornmunity. So, IA1dgr ami tlw M.•\Onlc Charities arc liter~ will Ill' ,, 'JlCCiol • l)(mu"' w~ IIIU)t not forget tho~ of our members who MC not ahle to be ~incerely • nd fratPrnally, , .•hh· to "''"' th<' hat<'n'lity and \Vall,. in the AtriUIII uf the a:ut~r lo • The will ol Thomas Ranken Patton at lodge meeting$. 1 have heord It questioned from time to tlrnc, nwukiml '" W\' do," til~;.· Gr.:uu.J M,l\h.:l rt."Cogniz.c membt•rs. Member$ who established the Thomas Ranken ~anon "If 1 c;1111 t be active, why belong o r continue to lx! a member?" ~a. l'.-aid . Tho\t.' mt• tlw I Hill\ nf Hcnjmnln give their pc 1' 1Ui s~lon will be rc-co,.;· Masonic Institution for lloys in 1925 My urr thr~n. it takes every o ne of us to continue 1:rcemasonry l· r:~nklin, who prob;tbly was the m o~ 1 11 itcd in 'rlw I'•'"'"J'h't~iliil Fret•milsUII and the Thomas Ranken Patto n un. mt; yno . to renew your tommitmenl 'liO that \"C t"olrl 5('(' a tx-ne-r legacies that telnllnue to hen~fit tomotrU\\1 m Pennsylvama fr\'\'111a~nry. manlim..l .uld .lu• dt"\tin('tl to S("C'\'(' rm + A century tattr, the •ncome frocn •' In thh lmre, )'011 wrll find ll"ed all of tl>< rommiltl~ for Inside This Issue IMK"h.•rit)'· 1lMt\ why ' the l:rdn"lln II of the I amll)•of I r<.'<'mason· generous gill 1n the witl of Maxwell 2002, the chaplains and the ritualists who are vital for support­ 1 1.'~''<1' Sndl"l)'' I \ tht• ti!{hl n.tllle' hxlny f)' give-) th;mk.s that we are Sommerville, a University of Penn>yl· Ing lhl' elected officers, dbtrll·l deputy gr•nd m;r>tNs, appointed lor thO)e \\'hU\t' \.\IIIII); WiJil·Wfl lq;H· J\ ~•h i ~· to \~;.1fV<.' (nt• r~uow man vania profenor who admired ih:fns of officer,, appointed leadershlf> pcr.;onnei of both the ~ clcs tor Ht.'ll l'Hll1ons to conu!.'' ,uull'rlankiud . , • th.ll we can help beauty, oil palntlnqs and fine sculp· tures, still is being used to purchase, uml M:lSonlc Homes, and key staff members who werr pr~«!:nt ed FEATURES explained the Gr.1nd t-.•laster. uthen llllr'u'• thdr 1\'vrl~ of e:n.--<'1· In Uu.· ')l)('(ia1 inaugural h\Ul" of ·nw P('llli,,ylwmiu Fu'twmv:m. The lirst step lo r qualifyi ng lor lerR'\." in he..rlth, \''

2 Thf' J 1ennsylvtU\i:• Frccm:\son I Pcbn•ru'Y 2002 Pan I D. l''isiH'l' I n:sl

aul D. Fisher, P.M., Reading Lodge newly installed master appointed the ~10 YOU I(NO~ Meet March 9 in Elizabethtown No. 549, was elected and installed floor officers and several committees fACTS ABOUT fl\UtwOttD~ he Academy of Masonic PWorshipful Master of the Pennsy1va· for the year. Registration for the Pennsylvnnia Knowledge will be held nia lodge of Research on Saturday, De<:. Two papers were presented during Academy of Masonic Knowledge Activities 1, In the Greensburg Masonic Center. The the meeting: "The Robber Baron of Saturday, March 9, in the 1 T Deike Auditorium of the lodge of Research was honored with the Freel'nasonry ' by Bro. ~ i s h er, and What It the meaning associated w ith Advance rt.'9i)tr,;ni

'I'Ju.• L'cluU!Iylvania F'l·eentlL"'cnt / Fc~lmm •'Y 2002 5 aL Com muniLy Two Lodges Sene 300-Piu s Br-eakfast 34 More D.A.R.E. Officers Grand Master Greets o«.• tlt.111 ~()() 1"-'''011' were served II Family of Freemasons II durin~ the Communlly l'ancake Graduated; Total Surpasses 800 lwn Mallun IAJntc < enter llulldtng hand. I ltrt At.ho,lrHJ~ LbMry ""•' A,.,.,.• .J Pnllh.)'ll"&t•-"' on ,\lng Ill<' 101.11 numher ~erving n' Worshipful Masters or their I he hu>y kltdaen crew that hustled ot pol•rc nfllc .,.,, lr.lirlt'(l thtough the up the butiNmllk iUlll huckwhC'n t n,'\1)\'\liVl' lt.Rif)l'\ . HIO...... (' n. Rl'incr hile recently cleaning and rcorganiz· SUJl!)4lrl nf 1tl\' Pt'llll\)'lv.mi.l Mrt\Onk panr:-t k<'\ ;;,w;;a~tc.' link\ .u h_l patth.'"'\, (left), u 111 ~mbt.•r of I krndon I.n rnr c hlldren to more lng tile dl$play ca$e$ at The Mason· nnd ' lil(•d h.un, u uuprhl•d (front t o No. 702, l1as tl1 rc.•c sm1s and numerous ic Library and Museum ol Pennsyl· AI~). W gr\l n. 225; J,nle tlundl: lhltlful M.t>ln of Malton Lo>e>. In nuc.\.1 llod lu_..,...,_ • , .... -"""'). Sl.jaloo\l..t,o I IMII \MI\('f'oo.lit\ . • .,.,..,.. ~ Bro. Matthew lkth* IJ!dtr \o l ..,._ Bto.... ,. this tiny $p.xe, the craftsman found a way ., ..... \o.ll.•IJl Colal'll. bod w,lll tll<'fe tS a smaU oil p.~inting; It I~ \c'A 0 U t. U. ,~'....._a. kls the eruption ol Mount Vesuvius n n co '' S~~ 'l.l'~*"*' 0Nrk1. 1ft ,\!MIIIft, Oll(ff' ltt-fw..tNf 1..-for MIS. "'YI llo!IUf \lf\11t~J. S..l 'i ll Ill Mallhrw Renwick lobby, of l'unx· ,. ,... 'lt llrudy l.odgt· No. 244, dil'd Nov. only 2 y_... x 3", )'(!t it nl<1tlc'"tSJt'S to convey I ·• (Ainl)ji;~~~rr &1h tilm1t1 M11t>, h· \0 p 111 llillkl;l) tnn, ll~t~f~. 7 J> ''' r,tlJ Cnl.u'\ (./ hiJ.IIII)II, .. JUn. ~t lhl.' :t);l' of 106 and was buril'd the maJestk power of the erupting volc,mo 9 :o«rruttn Mr«lnjl..l:lillhl'd!IMI." · :tt with (ult llllt it.ary lt o n or~. llro.'l\bby In vlbmnt colors. The signature of F. de I- IS ew,:. & Gmnnd..:, 9 ..,., ; I~ \\w;ltiOil, o\btAIIJtn C. Tt1'id1k•r IJMt,:.• 1,\ -'~'*"''*' ""'hi~, ~1-·lu•uh IJit.IJ:.l' Stl. 1 Pauw ~nd J date ol t 887 is visible in the l l 1'~-,,bill(•noljuhu M. Mui)A!!, Jr. • t·in;&nd~tll:twum.. IU Ull; wus l rl'Sich:nt ami ClwJnmm or the t\tl. Nll. filllilllcti!~YI l 1t1, t:l~"'"~•tlhU lower lelt hdnd corner ol lhe painting. IW li ~\1., ~h Ma.'Oilk' l ..~rtt.1 . Ill (:0.1\n,. otl \I;L;;(Iflk" IIOnlN I fUit Bo:ml uf l•l't)plc~ U:ank of Ford Ci ty, Up until this point, there was no cer.. fr:tt•l;'ti"•IJII"b:f "\(• 7f\ - rl't1r i n~ n~ 1-'XC'rutl vc- Vin:.· Prt:'"Sidcnt. lA ~itlld&!\l·~~~"n·Uuf• Itt 11)9.{. lu- w." natm"tl f'cun::.ylva· tuin\y regtuding the fnttkel' and age o f thi$ 1 1 rrN.... • =-Iolt t.t ft(lt)t·l1 J l"l)tr•. IK .;..,...,, Otbv..ttf' f.f,llfll) ,\h(JiiC' IX UM.IIl! \111'11\l'f'.t.ey, Clword IJlllfJ:t nl;1 Conun:mll\'r u( World ·w ar I V('t· piece. There b a small brass plaque on the I) I){; ..\I , )lll!ol•tlrl~ H, IR 11'111- IQ l.WAMh· ~SCI \r \v.':lnhiHntl('f: 4Jul•. l.t~ l.u ftfl!flk. \o (~ \. t."!t•lrnnhiJk- \.'f~lll\ or tlil' u .~.l\. (llld irl 2001 wa~ wooden base that reads •f. de Pauw 37; -.ood I.AliiW \n ~H. l'tllbddflhil. Sokmon \ l.tldet \o \, l'tlibltt~~a llytwmia, is a ll.-IC) f.ol;uld.\I.NtrolJ~. \IJt.•l..tT- u"""""""".._,...... ,Ap• iu I iff' M.\K.llll1t• J)IOiiiC"S (){U.S. \'('1· the pie<~. Now, after finding the same 200 I gwc/IJ(Jte of Ursir1111 Cofkge, with a ------lt lldJ&<:.....a... ~uo..r- o. l l _,..._..riiNni,Jr, ('fiiU\ uf \\'mid \Vo~r I. He wJs nan~ ~ned on the p.1intiog inside lhc bocl~\ l A>iOtr Studies ond w..oMtUr...... ,IO~• \0116 \1 ~• \ltoi4_. l:lNnr~ it Tern~. 11 can be ,..KI wrlh some certainty Nl llrllory S~ WOtktd OS a $/lldtnl a.s>il· n n t. ~··l),ft.,\o..... ~•muu~ 1h,• flf\1 2$,000 Amc-ri(af\'\ h• !hilt F. de Pauw was the craftsman of the --~ "'···~ lanll In I r>.llll'l! In \Vorld \V~r I. In rant atilTP wrotor for the e>lribit •Pure Like WatIOioo t:r.llllC during \\'urlll \Var I. lie wo.:.. m~y b4? dble to exMnine fol' themselves the }opontse ond C1u11ele Sttolls frotn the wonderful details of the Moriel Temple. lknnan Collection. •1 l "'· l8 l1r1kr N('tt~tiM -~~ Tllll~l, 11 l~ I ~)lh ,\nni\~~'l R:lfKJIM1, '-l'ldnrr­ 01 llll'llll:h.•r of llw Srut thh Uih: I""HI(I il'~ ,\JII)Ik• ~\.,lni!JOO IAtitt N••· lll, 111 lhc Vulll'y of'rSJ.X.Ht. ------~llli('I IOfiSj)l it"IJtS, Original l.t•Ht•nnan bN·omrs 'lnson <:ood l\1<' 11 A t'<' Wankd to S<'t'V<' ,. . . • •• At 21, Past Master Councilor tv- Sl!i ine gold olbums and srorcs of rop singl«, some may "'Y On :\l m;oni<· Edtl('ation ( 'ontntit h•<•s can'r lop rhe honor of being made a Ma>On·•I·SigiH. Becomes Fifth Generation It's reasonable to C"On,ldcr [.dward Budman, P.M., and NAnrhight during an E.\lro As soon as M bKa- 21 years ol ~. William Andrew E Comnnonicallon of the <.>r•nd t.odgc on Oct. 20 ar Clldwelf Wlchrerman was rnai>." Bro. Budman In addlrlon IO rhc making of a, 2.S brcrhrNI ry rhar dates back ro 1901. Dale H. Fera, rhcn-O.O.G.M., endeavor >ioould contact one of the Regional Coordinators or his has been dnn>ling blood -specifically pla •~<~lion>. assigned :a mentor from his lodge who assisted him In r~t'clv .. the orig inal meeting place of Concordia Lodge. P.D.D.C.M; Region 2, Jay Warren Smith, P.O.D.C.M.; Region 3, Phercsls (pronounced fur·CC·)b) c:omc:. from a Vrcck lng h is degree< ;ond educating tllm on his cx;>Niencc. Prior to The minures of Concordia Lodge verily thal li was 100 years Cro11 t E. Stuflt, P.M.; Region 4,Joseph F. A<:ton, P.O.O.G.M.; Region word m~an ing co tak<' ;,way or to scp:Hat~. In the case of the llrst degree and I hen after each of rhc rh rc-c licgrcC'>, rile and one day before this event that his great..great-grandfather, 5, Keith A. M cKnigh~ P.O.O.C.M.; Region 6, Caol F. I Ohol~l\ b lood, io i< \('pao.llhlj: oed great-grandfather, grbndfalher, au, P.M. Or. Elvin C. w ariel is a consultant to the Committee. dra,vn from one "rm, routed throush a 'IOphl\ticatN, com. hhtory of l:n;.'\'flhiWnry, ami the mt>aning~. duties and prlvl· •nd fa!Mr hove all been made ~bers of ConcO<'dia Lodge. Reminder: Anyone requiring Masonic Education matcroals onay puterW."<< mathiru.• th,tt wpt~rtt\t) pl,,)ma, platelets, and ~;u:h C0<1lact .lr~ leges as:wctatKI with degr('('. The newly m~ Mason is a Pan Master Counure "hole blood regularly, Bro. Budman being m;ade 3 Mason. •t gr(l'w up in a large family not too bestowed upon him, and hAs earned tM Representative alro cond')\>d ... l c:l•n't (• to you how much It - TM fatMr, Fred Wlchterman, P.M.; the new Mason, William; If recruhed, may ronrrlbure as frequently as every thn.oe tn(! " days, up to a maximum or 2.4 times year. After donallng rncans to to call you my brothers1 said Uro. Uu1aln with O.O.C.M. Fcra; and Rk k S. Freedman, P.M.; Rear - Mark s. Newly Created Degree Team a rears In h is eyes. ShuWcworlh, P.M.; Wesley Wainwright, P.M.; Thomas Anello; whole blood, only a one week walt Is required before The conferring M;osrers of rhe degrees were: Enrcrcd Bruce R. Smilh, P.M.; leRoy McClellan, P.M.; and Alan Spina, n lht' pr~~t· n rc o f l lrl·n·R.W. Gmnd Ma\ICr Roi>Crl 1.. Ulugc, donating by rhercre nt i ce P.M. Team members nor picru red were William J. Cree~ P.M., Jr., (\'en ter), n avld L. Smith (righl) wa' madr a Mn'ion.;u. Donating blood hy rhe l'hert>l< pravld ll.W. Grand Master Roll<'r1 L. Dluge, Jr., conforred all three Donor Club and ilid, ·u i~ our job to t'avld ~ rn ith and n1ornas MacDonald, who both art saving prdure and urg<' thtm to cJonatc as mud'l as they No. HO; and employed In the field of fmergency wn1C't'~. ""' rlw flr>l can." You <:an find nlformcltion .Jbout under tht Maslrr Mason brerhrcn to have had rheir degr""" conferr<' web . L. Gleanleo~r, Sr.. is rhe l>ii!'Cior for rhe Pennsylvania Emergency Mano~;ernent WhltOeld t.odge Ag4..•ruy, lt\lm~burg tmd Bro. Macnon3ld I~ ;m t-.mcrgcncy Bro. Ed Budmao, contributor ol mo r~ than 32 gal· Nn. 622, '13ramy. M.-

flghte r.s1 nnd emergency medical technicians und p ar;1 m eprcmlce Degree, Oro. Robert Awisaro , Jr., St. tbe Masonic Ulood Bltnk- Orgun Uunur Committee. Lodges Help Shrine Promote Jnh u'; lmlgc No. 2.13, Seminars in 2002 Jenkin< 'l'wl>.; J'ellnw· Burns Awareness craft Oegrec, Bro. Senior and Junior Warden ~minars will be conrinued, how. Wlfll•m Wetzel, Ely>· ever. in 2002 they Will be held in each Region rather lhan in he Blue Lodges in lhe Harrisburg are• alld The Pennsylvania hurg l.odge No. 414; one loc•tion for the >tare. TIJC schedule and locations woll be Masonic Foundarion for Children helped 7embo Shrine pro­ and Master Mason annount lune to ..cquaont everyone Degree, Bro. Ralph T Slider, Greenleaf With the wonderful work ol the Shrone11 Hospirals. Hugh E. Williams, Jr., D.O.C .M., t 2rh t.odge No. S61, All

Lodge Buys, Committees of The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for 2002 Committees of The Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania for 2002 ------

COMl\ll'rrt-m ON l.t\NIUIARI\S l 'I 'Kl61'8KS Of 'n'l'l.l-: 1'() 1'11R MASONIC 1'HM PI,H COMM ITT~B ON MASONI C IIIUU~'\ OQ)IMITI'BEON lliGilER BDUCA'rtON t iiTRRN~:"l' S~ RVI CP-9 C()U)II'M'HR Packages Toys .lfflrriN A n,N~IINt/hfWI, ,\'t, i: U'UJI., lfll~tp N•1. .110. l ANI) OTIIRR RRAI, BS'rAn~ 01" CiRANI) f,()J)GF. Cfft Plrumilrg Subrommiw·r (1/f'TS ANO WANS 11t()ma.s R. 1Alx1'1h, /Hill(> No fJ$3, f.'lurfrnuw f'IUJ}Y'I/11111 ; 11: t.'t!Jtwrrl s~-11, IP~fl~t• Al.ft. •M, f'lurlr'mftN U'illhtrN Slttt~·~rll, R.IIW.fl M.. 1..00(1'' M,, .5. t'ltiJir-tmlll JKuUIJd 1.. ,tJhrrl, N.Uu.'.S.• ILKitl•' No. 464, Clmimum Rodr"!' E. lloroo. L<>dgo No. &LR WUU.1nl Sl:urr II. ltW.U,(i.M , l.t"Jt'l No ·lfl ; TIW'(l/lto«- K W;trun. Jr..I~U.Il.G.ll ., lo~,.~· Nn. 751 liL. Sr., K.w:-w.w.• llMI~· N'•· 2:'12 Phih1• O.IA"tll. 1.00~ No. 700 f'rot-1 R l\a}1nr, l.tlrlgt1 No 1)1\2 for Tots, Packs ;,'j!) llml:ll,l ,\. AmlJe.'L. Xr., flWS (;,\Y, l~'llfJ:i' Nfl ~t! ; ~:rn...... , J. Cl.tbl,.., .lr.• IJ"M"I~· · HI\ ~hum • G. 8111.·idtt'f, ltW.O.'f..IAAige No. 307 Jot•n""' I.. Sirl~~~'>r. 1/lfi~P. Nn :ltr, Wllll>m D. N•lll. Jr.. Lor~ No. &IS ; JL•~IJh C. hhrhfllli, IAI(I;tn Nn. 'itl'.! •:Mo (1 \\~rM , l o~l(lgt"! N(J. 127 Str(li!Ml (iartlrwr. IL\\'.. Ui .W.,II)I~! Nu. U.l OuyT M,lllh(Wy,"S., l'.ll 1\(UI,, I.()CIJ:" N•l. lWIO WilliAM C. \i""lh~ l.tldgA NO. 2G0 1'::1,} Salvation Army Jofm I.';uu, lt\\'.l~(i.~l.. l.udJ:•' Nu }',."\7 ~ Nfo\.\ ll~n (' lllr, IJ.MI~· N11. :~ V.d win I~ Crwrr, l.odJt•• No. :l:' I ll:wlli M Zlnm~n. t .ndgf! NQ. ~G Jn.w11h ~: . Thtll\ l lW.I~(:, ll., INIJ!n tl{) ~I lf(q.•!lh :!.'l7. CJmif't1Um l;·or 1'. 1r.,ri~ IJJI'I~· No.•ll4 1: N.irl,· Kurppt'r, J!/ M ., {,tlll(ll'llh. S~.l fu-GmUrmmt AtUmr .1. Kurt?:, K.W.I~t:.M., l i~l,llf' No) .cr.. 1 (;JJI\ST f.OMMml\8 1 l·:d""'"' .1. Allltrlgn•n. I~"Mig.· N•t :n;.~ Enw~l .1. O:ml<~. Jt. lil( No. f•'iO (OpNl P.INtlllf•r) l(l)l)ll•rt A. lhmm, IAI(Igc ~o. 155 W. Son-11SWfwr. IL.W. I',(i.M., 1.611~ No. ;",ft l lloiN'rl /;. Pllll~J, lnd!Jtt No. 4'15, (iltt~inmm i llatri~ t\, Hut11•r, lll, lol.)• Nn. (>1'~1 .l(i:\('t•lt A. \'(·t{), lfidgc No. f;7:J 1-Ah\'l\til ll. Vm\l~"~r, Jr., lt\\'.1'.(:.11., l .od~., No. ti.'l7 Willi:un C. UNYom, l.odgP. No. 3Rol gain, St. lohn'> Lodge No. 435, Rcad­ : Atln S fo1111WiUfl'r,l.111 l~· Xo. :lfll'l 00MMrt'l'Y.6 UN M1\.<;0~tC llOMf:S Uu!W"II \\~ ll.akrr, I~U.IUUI.. Lod.Ac ~B• .JOO Gt'WJ(-!•I I .I I ohrnstukll. l t\V, I '.Ci .M ., IJ)I~ N.-..16(~ Jost:l)h I~ f.allh:t, Jr., l.odl((• No. m:l ingr teamed with the Salvation Army ; 1\ttdn·" Sdwr-lln;on, l,o~~,-. Nn :;r.R Human ltC601.trt<'li Sabfommlll~ Wilham ••. Jr., I.Q!I,b'O Nu. 2!n ~AI\.\ar+l 0. \\bm·r, ltW.I'.(i.M ,l.o+l,('lt N<• ·ll7 Mark A.. llardin, l.od~· N11. 41 <1 and Marine Corps Reserve to ma k~ fitm1: Alflllliru'!t, I!IJ.JJ.G.• u .• l.od..IJI' No. 600, f'hmmum .l:mw:; 1... f.ruflh•, ltW.I~(i .&I.. IJJd?.•" Nn:1ld 1.. i\ll)l•tl, lt.W.O.S., l.,(j(lgo• No. 4ii-l J Uomlld 1.. Alho•rt, K.W.(t.S.., IJIrd J. Uzewxkl. Lor~ No. 409 Jo:;cl>h l.ot•~. lol}(l.ll.(l Toys for Tots projec:t seems to get largflr GIU\NO CIIAI'I.MNS j llarrt$ A. lhnlo'r, tll. l ~~~~lg•' Nn. r,r.!l IMw•tl 1.. t:ng•·I. IAI(Igo• N••· t_l!) Orvr,!Pit , lt1"1Jlt'tl'ihil11t~ nW1 ~0. M . l.adg.p Nb. 756 K. Sr., Nl). U71 Cht~ri• "S II. bt('(IU+ 'uwut.l.n+l~· Nt). fl."i:! ; l(tt•hllfll .1. Sjl:lrl~lc·r~ l.1llll{l' No . •mr. I 1 Jruoort T. Malll3kh. L~~· No. 561 Thomas w. Jac·kson. H.W.P.G.S..l""IJ:.n No. :~ 1 6 .fohn II. f'i1~·r. IJII.l_g<• 1-lu. 007 (;f·orgc W. l'olnar, lillfg..· No. {:J:l Tots Committee started \5,000.00 for lII.gtl No. 3 shopping and with the generosity of T1if+UIIL.\ J. ~hri!>, IJ"NI$•• N1.1. 3fit1 llflri'l» A ('w~uhtyhiu;,, .~. l.'il' lcJ'NI!JI· ""'· 311J. IIIJA/1/J Qf' 0/Jif;(Jf{JIIS 1/ttJtmmu/ .{, f)(•N(J/(fiWWI, IJ.'HI{/tt A~>. •~ (:Jtmnmrn Oc·o~l' It Htl'fler, IA">If.gc' No.3 many area merchants ilturncd into more Wilh:un It 11-.rlnmn, IJ11Ir,+• ~~~.!I t'lmmNttll S~wm••l C. lt'illlwn,'1•1~. RWt:ll M., INI{)I.• Na. 613, I.A'W'f !\. K1•nt, P.I).I).G.M.,IJ'IIIg.• Nu. 200 IIHJC W. Rey, Lodgollo. •36 Willmm Sl:dc·r II, ltW.IU:.AI., IJ:I(I1lf' Nro. 45 than S 10,000.00 worth of merchandise. l~·rorml S. t'rltnl:, I!I(IJ!f' N•'· Z,jfi f'JmJnmm St•"Phf'n R J.:lllhan, l..bdgo No. &I I John 0. Ridwrds,IMgc Nu. 233 llomal•l A A•mt:t·l, Sr., U.W.S G.W.. I A~I~:· · No). 2;:12 Gktl lt. G.-t"'l. l!•dt~~ No. it(Jt St lohn's was assigned the task or shop­ J:~~tll'S 1\ . \ 'oclt:1. IJ.JI'Ig.. N•). 376 .li'IM'Ith W. KiW,Ir1rk, 1.00~· No. 325 Jnm•·s J. Wabb)', l.odgo No.143 IJI/1~ 1\11}, ll ~rulfl J. StJtic·d;, l.uolt!'· N(•. i1A St•'l'lwn (i:u'tlnrr.ll.W.J .H.W.. t'i I .:im W. •ll'frn ')'s, l~n.n.G.M . l..od~ N•• :lO·I c:,.. ,,gt· t: Snulh, lntlgt· Nu. 13a .-Junnu It Ycncltik, Lodge; No. 6l3 They purchased 200 sleeping bags, 150 lh'MI.:I Iil l~ Allw•tl, IC\\1(1 S, 1~"~' NtJ .1(; I IMrt)' 0. Ncwtmrd. IJJtlgl} N(). •II:J $ ·sSdlminl•·. Sr., LJJd.t!" Nu, .J).(i.M., I.IXJgeNo. {.S$, ChaitmfJ•I f.• lwin l'. fowr, Ltwlgl' Nn :til M~ IJ(·ryl l.. ll~t•~· 25 hair dryers, 100 watches, 15 basellolll Uool.oi:>fl ll. Auqirl, Jr,.,l,o>jft\• N1o, j) AND I.OOGR ROOMS &ul.lo Bootltinru.soo. IJM:Igo No. 59 ·,:': ltklt_;tr+IJ. ~l••mmkr. l '. ll. I ).C ."-1 .. IJJdJ!I.' t4o. 276 Mnt llr lli"!!'C'.1 II UIII~' Cnrl N. J.-1nJn: /m('l'' No. lf.1, Cht1imum .l:mlt ~' ~~ l'io••v-.•, l.htiJ.,I(o Nn l;lfi C. l);mi<:l Qtstro, lndg~J No. 751 gloves ancl balls, plus assorted toys. r.. llllf'("ofn·~ 'llm.lf•r,I~I).O.O,M.• I swl,~t(' Nli, li61 'l'htmtas IC. Lodge t-f{._ 682. SN•1clar)' William Slater II. lt.W.Il.G.M.. I!li\J.,'t' No. 46 ~!dw:ud IJ'Id~ Kim W•• frffl'!"1'fl, I ~II. U.CU.I., 1 /l(l~~t'l Nu, :IWH U. C<>n'Onka, No. IS.S lodge members hell)ed Lhe M;orines sort WftY A. 1-!uu.uoi, 11\t"lf:•~ No. ·105 Rl'n1A I.I~'1'1 C WURK lmr •: l ,~•wf.~. I,.,..Migt• No. ·Il -l 1' 111·! 11A MASONIC t'OUNUA'1'10N I'Oii (; II U..JIItfhiti() ••. Formiool:a, I~ No. !lSI /IOAR/1 Of' Q/RBCI'ORS Uon:dll W. J(•ttkins, llll~' No. 2!11 "shopping day." On Saturday, Dec. 15, Ut•Jtioto I - .lohn A. ll<•s.\1•-lilg.• Nt•. 59!"o CO.\UII'I'nJK ON I ./(tti"U'Y- J. J..'YNI'/11', H.U:I'fj M. lbrl{Jil N~t. 5/S,I'rl'sltiP~il Robrrl J. Har1man, IAdg(l No. t i l j MASON I C~ l Olii'...~ t:u~· t M' 0. 1-'ainlrr, P.O.O.G.t-1 .• LAAig(.> M"o. 454 more than SO volunteers$ all members of I(P)I,ino t WilliamS. i\utotll, Sr, I~ U. n n M, Atlmi!i5iom;, llomc• .4llHisumn- ami /(l'sidl'nt &!rrlm ll'illl•m A Ktosz, Lorlgt No. 211 ! Wtll l:un ·r. IJcrgm:tn, l.oclge No. 52 Rnfl(lrt C. f~<'M>rJr. ll.ltl~ N~. !11•1 lalpl Nn, 7111 : .'.~Jbromm/11~ Willi:un U. MartArl, .lr., l,odf!~ NO. 5()6 St. lohn's and their families, worked with Williiuil C. Ur®'Jl, Lndgl"! No). ~ I \\'illi.flln W. WtiAAN, IJ)Ilg(l No. 427 Marines and area children to p!t .f, t{niAhltt_ IAWIA•"' Nt~• .C)!!) COMMn'TEE ON •'INANCP. IJ~Wiyt No. !i ll l Cl.:trcncc llt•ffcmdroger. Jr•• P.l>.ll.G .~I .. l""lgc.: No. 600 ily teceives toys for their children, (II full Eiitl l•. M(lt",t••n. Jr.. l.od# N<~. 21J,r, 1\rJtjon r, ll:u''f.l' It Mr,~:lllll, l.cMIJtl' No, 2-1<1 Prank W. PMY.S (lf~forg(• \V, 1\ofn:tr, l.tir.l,ltf Nt1. Gl:l meal including lurkey or ham, p lus some Krgmn I) - Uwlmtll l~ 'l)thu, l. .,d~n No>. iilfi ! S Uoug1:1s li01W:1, INIJ:l' N1-. ~'il (011(111 &ll'ml10r) Chninnn.n : /JtlildittgfJ ttnfl Ct'OIIfidS Sr1brommilln : Uaymnn1l U. llrown, IJ:Kign ~o. :~1 Socrctar)' families receive clothing items through ltr.llion 7 \\'.:t.ll(•r f. IJurl.:·•uut h.l~· NtJ. 57WJ 1 Willi:un lt1':11"k:ll, Sr.,l.otiJt•· No. ~lt.. (Open AINnbt:r) Wllll11m Sl:uer II, ft.\V.U.G.M., l.odge No. 45 i Nmwllt 11. llu.oi{J1J, sr:, N ws.a.u·. IJ!tl'"' .\1\. l.({ r.'lmitwtm 80ARfJ rllliHBBRS bl i/BRn'IIS the Angel Tree program. Jndl; t: Vi"i nn,I~Mf,g(· No. M6 (O!lt~n M<·tUIJ('r) ltooDJii A. Aungl;t, Sr.• ll W.S.(;.W., l.odg•• ~~•• ~ ! \Villi-am Slnh!l II.U.W.IW.M, l.rniJ(I· No. •13 -t.l:mrkn n. (:Cillill, .lr, lo~wiK(I Nn, Mf. eO MM I'I'r~V. ON MASONIC HUUCA1'10N 'lhtt.i S. \Vrif.!hl. t.odgo:• Nro. 423 (0~..... " Mrph t: Arlnn, I'.H.U.(UI .. IJwlgo• No. :c:rl COM MI'I'tti ~; ON 'l'eMJ)U: l!olr<:rL II. Spk:er, Jr.. IJJrlge No. ·164 1 Kim W. Jc·fft•')':-i, I'.U,IU:.M.IJJ!b,'t l ~u. 30~ ~:ug<~lt(l U. l .tll'-.s 1.. ~h·lr.g,. r, 5r., l.ildg_i1 Nll. :•1.2, {OIIf!U 4.1 1111ll1tor) MRMUF.RS1111' COMM ITI'P. ~! Wilham Shdtr II, H.W.O.G.M., Lndg" No • .tfi GRAI\'D LODGE COMMmHB ON PRilSBR\'A'l'ION KrillI A. MrKnmhl .l~ll.l).ft.M.• I J~I.t:•· Wl•. f• l7 i \\ollli o~hl ~: S(lhnf'i+1~"'t,li-"l~· Nu. 2!)1 ({h14·u J.h•mllc•r) .Mim 1.: tlllmlt.'l, .fr., ILNilJC' No. -46+, (,;,.(,'Jutirnum 'fhoul.t'O C. t..~ht.mtli. lilt'~# No •l$.6 Ot' MONUMHN'I'S J.u• \\':u IL'II Snulh. P,l),ti,IJ.~I .. l,' No. 551 ; .h)hn G. $h'WJI.... I~Mi)tf! No, 1\K'"J (Opo•tt ~h·ruiM'r) 1irm f), /llw&.....-1. J!Jli>.G.M.,/JII.If}" J\'rA. 260, Co C:lulirmrm \\111l:un t: 11112-, Ill, l!lllf.+"l Nn, ·100 Ed14Ylrd tf.f Gmnl t:. Stufrt. IAMig•• t4u. 2()!~ : Wilh.-t•l W. \\'o•ts;(·r, I J•d~· Hn. 4:.!7 (01w•n ~lfonlhtlt) Jt'l~·t•h f'. Al'tbn.l~ n. n.r: M, 1/IIIH Nn. :t17 Jl.10u:iw, Jr., R.fY.P.C.. /M.tlff N,, 657. 1-:dw:ml lt ~tr(:.artt..-,·, l.odtt' Nl'l. :l:m Willimtl A. Wdtf'l'l'ni,IJ""f)!(· No. ~"16 i S:emu1•l C. WIUi tllll""~u. lt.W.I~t'UI ., I ""IJ;f' N£1, 613 {i, t\f'lll ll:t.cknt)', I'.IJ.U.C.A.l., l.od~ No. tl Chmn,wn Carl O. Uoto<~tl, l.od$(' N9. -IS'i : (Otlf'n M,-.mhrr) Jvhu W. llr.inC'.s, Jl.. l~ l l.I>.O .M .. I/111-&lf' N4. (i(i7 1m.o.o.M.. lllitlicl J. llinds, 1.00110 No. 384 COMMI'rr~J R ON ACAUHMY OIJ M1\. A. ltrll)" tW, P.U.U.G.M., l1lll.g•· No. 10& U:mii'l J. Hinds, IAI(Ig•t No. :r&l, !)cl{"ml;~l}' William M. Krntwn(>l:rg. P.D.O.G.M., l.odge N(t_700 M:tn.·in 1\. C41ttnutJtlmnl, Sr., lt\V.(i.~l ., Lodg,. H'u. 310 11umra>< W ./l~t'l.:-¥tN, R.ll't!a.S. b~t/llf'NrJ..:tJt,. Chuimmu CtJmJIIirmre ./f'ltN: ft. II ~(;. r.. IJJfi(JI• Nu. $(fl, Cllcunnuu II. Wllll>nr tlobr'r1s, l)J),(;,M.. Lorl~o No. 617 ~ -kilN I • .lfd~tin, R-. 11'1~(1..11., {JI(/JI'' .\~o. 98?, Clmi,.,Hflli the Toys for Tots Program. Pictured In the ! Wtlll:un :-i l:tlt!r II, U\\' ,lUi !I , IAKI,:•: No, 1fc 11tP. MASONIC IJURARV AND MUSEUM OP PA l~ul(). Pmlwr, l.odgc N(l. 64\1 ' TIIOrll!~ W Jar-k~•n, I:.WI 'U :-i, iJwl~•· Nl) :Jirt : fl.tHmld I.. AII H·rl, l i.W.c:.K,I.wi~\ Nt-.·lt: l BOAR!> QP nlllf:mYJR.~ Ntdltanit l Oik:lu1:-J..I.i)tiW• No. 43 foreground of the vast area or packaged !I P(.•an,III, IAidJ.:A Nn2!1~ : t:rlwinl'. (~)\·rr, lswiJll' Nr., :~u i\t1 hur J .Kurl x.,ltW.I~O. M .. l.IW~fo No. IM M. Adafl\1:, 1l'lll~<' No. :uu Julu- lt. ~lcf.-.tltll.!ri. LodgtJ No. GGG man facing away was •' ot identified .) J\l'litl(l4h \1. llau,1,.)14.1(1 No. S~r.t (OIN'u &.h·•nl.~~.:r) Wl•iHwl•l .J. IM I, l.odgc !'4o. 197 Jolll\ II Plrett. .lr.. IJiflgP Nn 'i 12 Uuyo l S. Almihnrr, l~)llgt• Nu 0~:~ (Oiw•n Mrmli('r) Gt•nrg(• R. Mn1wl, IIlii# No. l' M. SJJ;Jinratn, IJ.~tl~· No. •168 KNIIK'th W. i\kC:trly,IIMI~· Nn. 2-1~. S4·c•n•tnf}' Tho Pennsylvania l'rocmoson / l•'cbmary 2002 11 Army Reservists Filled The Elected Chairs AUTOMATED EXTERNAL DEFIBRILLATORS Masons of Note Ten Mergers, One Name Change uring 2001, it was the Masonic attire and the sta· lions they occupied that let the elected officers of Corry Lodge Pn-'Sents Thn•c ,\.t:.U.s !A On Oct. 13 in Caracus, Venezuela, Approved During Dec. Quarterly John F. lacdlcin lodge No. 707, Williamsport, in the )VI VICtor Higuera Castelk,nos, M.W. D Grand Master of the Gran logia de Ia 18Lh Masonic District1 know that they were conducting a lodge meeling and not an At•·ny Reserve dtill. Republic de venezuela. presented uring the De<. 8 Quarterly Communi­ Levinown-Brlttlngham lodge No. 788 Four of the five had se~d together for 10 years in the Eugene C. Walworth, P.M., Fern­ cation, Grand lodge approved ten with fairless Hills lodge No. 776 to 327th Supply and Services Battalion of the U.S. Anny wood Lodge No. S-43, Ph iladelphia Dmergers of lodges and the change of become fairless Hills-levittown lodge No. Re~es . In the lodge, the First Sergeant. Steven J. Bamcr with the highest award he can bestow the name of Lodge of the Craft No. 433, 776 in the 8th Masonic District. (front, center), was the Worshipful Master; the Master upon a Freemason, the "Orden Diego New Castle, to lodge of the Craft}West­ Sergeant, Edward f. Dammer (front, left), was the Senior Bautista Urbaneja, Primera Clas"'-• Bro. minster Lodge No. 433. Barger lodge No. 333 into Greenleaf Warden; the Company Commander, Major n,omas W. Walwonh also received a "Diploma de lodge No. 561 to be Greenleaf Lodge No. Boyle (front, right), was the Junior Warden; the Command Honor" In recognition of his visit to the The mergers, all effective Dec. 27, are: 561 in the 1Oth Masonic District. Corry l.odge No. 365 in the 56th Masonic District presented three Sergeant Major, William E. Fri u, Sr. (rear, left), was the Sec­ lodge and lor his Masonic worl< in automated extemal defibrillators (A.~.D.)- one each to the Corry Area Philadelphia. Humboldt lodge No. 359 with Her­ Page lodge No. 270 Into Schuylkill relary; and sometimes the Battalion Commander, Col. Middle lllgh School, tl>e Corry lllgher F.duc.ation Center, and the George J. Casella (rear, right), was the acting Treasurer. The mann Lodge No. 125, to become Her­ lod ge No. 138 to be Schuylkill lodge No. Elgin-Beaverdam l'ire ~p.>nment. Rcpre~ ntativcs of the three recip­ 8ccause of his outstanding fund­ 138 in the 11th Masonic District. live, whose combined acliv. l ).( J. i\ l.s ,\ t't" rl'pa 111 for· 'l'h i I'd l'x•gr'l'(' in I 00-mile rides. A te.,m comprising District ~puty Grand Masters and Past Distril't Deputy Grand Masters participated in the conferral of the Master Mason's DegrE-e o n Gre­ Charity lodge No. 144 gory K. McKnight, the son o f Keith A. McKnigllt, 1\D.D.G.M .. S3rd Masonic Dis­ trict, on Nov. 10 in Sharr>sville Lodge No. 5 17. The degree was conferred by Joseph Helps Hospice 1'. llrashen. P.M ., Sharon Lodge No. 250, •vit h the new Master Mason's father and his brother, Jared J., serving togcther as Guides. Pictured arc (1-r): l'ront -Jared Acc:ompanil'V.M., and Go:1etan T. Giannini, Lcwisbul.'g, S('rvcd a pnncakc head, D.D.G.M., 25th Masonic District. Middle - W. Thomas Marlowe, P.n.D.G.M., Jr., J.W. (both at right), presented an automated external defibrillator Mbreakfast during the Memorial 26th Masonic District; J. Robert Taylor, I'.D.U.G.M., 24th Masonic Di•trict; Harvey (A. E. D.) to the Allen Township Fire Co. on Nov. 17. Officers of the Fire Motorcycle 10ur conduttl'(l by the F. Fishel, D.O.G.M., 39th Masonic District; John 1~. Crilley, I'. O.U.C.M., 53rd Co. accepting the A.E.D. are (i-r): Gary Krill, Al$1. Chief; RichMd Gable, evangelical Community l-lo:;:pit:11 or Masonic Distritt; Mark E. Viertel, D.O.G.M., S2nd Masonic District; and Danny R. l'rcs.; Dale Hassler, Chief; and Jeff Moucr, 2nd Asst. Chief. Lewisburg and donated the proceeds McKnight, P.O.D.G.M., 27th Masonic District. Rear - Rro. Brashen, P.M.; Jeffrey of $2,300 to the Hospice Program. M. Wonderllng. D.D.G.M., 30th Ma:.onic Oi~ trkt; William H. Weichsel, D.D.G.M., Arthur L. Shaffer, W.M. (front, right) 37111 Masonic District; Kun R. Tesche, D.D.G.M., 54th Masonic District; ·nmothy P. <•nd jack 1.. DersiHun (front, center) Templeton, D.D.G.M., 53rd Masonic Distrlt'l; John W. llhiro, D.O.GJ,4.: 49th prE."sented the contribution to Rebec~"' Ma•onic District; and S. Robert Marzlano, Jr., D.D.G.M., 2-6th Masonoc Dostnct. Brooks, t-l ospi<:e Coorc.linator. Urethren accompanying the Worsh ip­ ful Master for the p resentation are (1-r): fred Whitman, P.M.; William Moyer; nobert Yost, P.M.; Donald Glas.•; Frank Si le-r, P.M.; C:llld Richa rd Donaldson.

At a special meeting with the Wyoming Valley School District, brethren of King David LOdge No. 763, Kingston, presented an auto­ mated external defibrillator (A. E. D.) to the Su1>erintcndN1t of the Dis­ trict. Pictured are (l·r): Front- AI Norcross, I'.M.; John Maticlc, P.M., Secretary; Hugh William>, Jr.. D.O.C.M., 12th Masonic lJistrlct; Augustine l'iazza, Superintendent, Dr. Catherine Kosenak, Elemen­ tary Principal; and Michelle Merkle, American I·Jeart Msociation Rep­ resentative. Rear - Mr. Charles Supon, Middle School Principal and William Brandt, J.W. 12 The l 'ennsylwmia l•'reem: 1~.1 11 WColll1l'r allmV<'il C0 11Sirll<"lin n1o prO· ' grew up in Elizabethtown Rc m coabc r t he Mnson ic East­ additional donations will IX! sougtu to ' and had deep roots at the e r n Stttr ll o ~uc.. J3.ns·t f or Nu r ,s.. H.·(·d at '' tapkl p ;:tt t.• ;:,, lhl· Star l ~oinh full)' fund this wonderful facility. I' ing a nd i\sslst ctl U villg Ser ­ Hui1ding wo1s cmnpleted, and the retire­ At the ~nd <>f November 2001, thr firs t Masonic Homes and in Cll)': the local community, v ices! 'l'lw Masonh.· Ea):tern St\lr ment ll vl n ~ clu bhou~ and nrst a part ~ o f th r~ pl1.1ses for rt:li(C'Illt:' llt livh\g wa~ ____ Zip: _____ they had planne Bu ilding as>i ~ t cd living hnn•c'\.. Re~rva li on ~ continue to Increase spend their retirement l.. h onc: L----- years in f lorida. nur1ing accommodations and rcsidenC(' was tinb Huilding offers 60 ttpartmcnts, a total, 1hcrc will be 228 rcrircmcnt living dining room. gr~at room a\:wmbly apat'tan('nh and 3S v illa h ome~ for Masonic Homes. In fact, Honw-East i:. to 't'n '(' individu;:ll~ in 1 I I M:l'>nnk Vill.1ge ;11 St·wkklcy H rnc-h ur~ he and his three sister'S, t'hlladelphia County who are day­ room, terr.1ces, medical clini c~• .1n c1 a day pro.!<>pCCtiv(' r(':,id cnt:,. The fir:,t uf thC>St• who were all musically tal· one Mernl'lll l.iving ;at lht: Ma, o n ic ented, often played at Sell For m (l r~ information on ser­ the Commi ttee on Ma~o ni c Hom('\ held mort> information or to visit th(' two~bed ­ Vil la~e \ll Scwlckl('y VIdeo Chapel during their youth. vices, availability, and rates, call a elate> :-; tone r Cft:monv for th4? Star Points room model apartment, call I (1166) 872- fl i('IJS(• CVIIIJIICIC tOUJJOII ,unl rctmll W: (215) 672-25{)(). l'hnld ing, a' wt•ll as n &ro u ndl)rcakin ~ « r­ 0664. If you would like addltlon•l infor­ His sisters played the ,\al'lmcnl's trcmcrldOu\ '"rv" ''' of Masonic Homes• campus. Jean is a Bro. and Mrs. Kraybill had not enter­ prOI<'<'tion for the rc,ilko member of the Order of The Eastern Star tained the thought of moving back to Eflz. Tm \'"n'lhip. Chapter No. 84 in Leesburg, fl. but is abethtown. However, while attending one A.., a lire·coue conununity, the Masonic of the reunions conducted by the Grand (h wst ! j~) dgj ng Village at Sewickley offers residents an ··· · ·· ··· ·· ·· · ········ · ·· · ··· · ······ · ····· · ·· ··· ~· · · · · ······.. ··-···· 1 l odge of Pennsylvania in Florida, they agreement under \\hich they will contil'· Send me more Information i looked at one another and Silid, uwe wa11t at .ffilizaoetHtowu uc to pa y the same monthly fee for assist­ about Retirem ent living at t he · to go home!" wo guest lodging rooms are available ed living and n u ~ it'lg scrv i c:~s, rl thcrn. ,., they do fu r rc lir~· t he ground- b~aklng ceremony ror the rlnt phasu or retlrC!ment Uvlng construction at the : Following up on their decision, they to family members or fl'i ends of a res­ nu: nt li vmg ~c· rvu.;c~ . ll\ li k(• gl!tting Masonic VIllage at Sewickley. Name: ______completed a priority list application and, ident when vis.iling at the Masonic ' T l o n g~ tf.'rm <.:are insurance In ~1ddlti on to ~ working with the Retirement Living Mar­ Homes at Elizabethtown. Reservations • • •••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• i keting Office, were able to move into the may be made by calling (717) 367-1121, th ~ community's untqu ~ lifesty le. • Address: ------: Thtn·R.W. Deputy Grtlnd Master Morvin A. unit of their prc f~rcncc - a one-bedroom Along with its view toward the Ohio : ext. 333 14, 24 hou~ a day. Leave your Cunningham, Sr., finds the date stone of the : apartment. Their move to retirement living River Va !Icy, the Masonic Village at name, telephone number, and date(s) Star Polnb Building to be squ•re. Scwic kl ~ y will fea ture a ~pa clo u'> club­ ! resulted in the Kraybills agreeing that it was requesteroved the One Masonic Drive i stMt r.>f construction brochure and/or retirement living video by ter cafeteria or The Three Loaves Cafe In Elizabethtown, PA 17022 for a wi!llnt.>s~ ccmc:1o ra ...... : retuming the coupOI''I on the lert. the Freemasons Cultural Center. 14 The l'ennsylvanln l•'recmuson I Fchm••'Y 2002 5 \Vbt) ;s ,.Jigib/, fin· mtmfH,-sbip! \lmwum \'olun\r('t·x 'iccdc(l Mfml\<'nhitl in rhr Fr:~nkhn I cg:tey Sbck•y i~ ill Rcnj.unin Fr.mlhn I "' I) rccogniteJ .md <.:h.1ritics in their will, rc,·~bl~ cru:n. life fter IS exciting year<, llro llarol mn lo,·e.-,. (~nUS) h ,lfli.& thJUUf.h thflf f'\UC(' pl.lnt, lrK.Iulllty o( Foumluion. The Penm) l\41li.& M.u.ontt. n, \'tou/tl I ;J, t~:~.'wy "'lh.nnlt You' "-'pt:C\'1\IIl~ lht!' mu~um , \\1lh th~ h~lp of Foun.d.uwm filr C'..hiklwn. The M:ncm1c I 1hr.1t)' a lc"· indi\·idu.:ab who " oukt bt on r ;all 'nd \1uw-t~m of l'tnn(ylvJnu, ;1nd I ht: Mnnlk'n of 1ht: tnnlJin ~ Sociny an: " 'htn net"dl'd. M.uonl( etuw~ Fund tm>p~ircd in the f0llowi11J ""~"" 11\V/c have included a prov1soon for one or more of the u~ Muonic. t:h;tfltth .11(' rhC' IUC',lR~ • we~ k.ollng ftlt' '"'h )(>tlw Ma>onk Chariric.. of 1hc Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania in lsl)oltel lim~, som~ ar1ist~<" 13Slt, .:and O«.l· ~hctd»y the G.-..nJ l..ud~ c.[l'c-nll')h.lntol ut• sional use of a Strong bKI,.• nro \\'<"! ~akt rlo OUI iu 1KJ1 u,Jilion Ol UliU(t tor tfM)W' in my/our l'>ldrc plan(~} or through a planned gifr. )>lease send ·111e n<'W Masonlr tlomn· muwum \'OI· nttd wuhm 1iw- Fnlt'rnit)' .md tlmK~~nn lhc­ untt't'l would be rcsponsibf(' rnr assessulg ¥.'0rld. l'hmugh then though1fulneu, nlC'mbrN mclu> a membership form. the it('ms don:ued to the museum. This of lhC' "w'M..rt~ .UC' hdj)ll\~ (() .KUift thlt thot R.cooyli1ion in nl(' PnuuylruniA Frrmtiumt task invnl\·;-trh ttrm with \' lllll>\IOR) u( the ~b~IIIIC. ( li.IUUC'\ ~~~~ hr omd Amn.ul J~pon fur the M:.bonic 01arilia.. infonnation, \UCh a~ who dnnatC'd th<' ~\·all.tbk foe the bcndit or futuft ~nefo\t~ns. item, when it '''3.S don;:nl.'d and how old N.C'l~n11C'd w11h •he Wk-cy\ di5tu.. ah<" 0 1/\V/c :ore con>idcring :1 provbion for a Masonic Charity and the pi('('t 1<. 1 tun JX'IV)Il a iWl wou1c1 h<' In l;i j"W"I pin, '' hirh dcpirt!O Rro. lknja111in charge of la>t>ping i tem~ In \toHII;t! until l1<~ 11 klin :u w~t~k .u l1i">- ••rinung I'~'O>l>. mcmlJer>hip in 1hc Fr:11tkl in L<:gacy Society. Please contacl thry arc diSI)Iarect and then, eventually Benjamin Franklin 1n 1 7~.. ~n.d then""'"'\ 111 Fngf.:md (or fh·r rrar:\ creating a di(l)ltt)' ror the new Hems, liS 1706 - 1790 rtl~tivt co rhe enfMcc:mtnt of t.\l((4. in Notr: 1'\orwn~ wlm wU.h. Hill)' reHUtin auony­ me/us 10 discuCtHuri« l.ucr continue: co henefh fNnkind 8 th< "''" r<''• he luJ Juft«l the loo~·, City dorm ted by l'cml\ylv.ll1 101 I r\'\'flM\C~"' • 1 ;aru.J .uc dC'~Iinnl U) K,.,..e for posu~rity. b)14Yo:( ;uld v..;.;.s. Meed Juniur Gr..tnd 'X'.anlen II )'OU a.K wmKkrin~ providing fw unc or and other aterns of ~tasonic intCrt'St. morr nf clw Mtr. the oriJ:in31 rour men o f Ph1hd(lphi1, J'ubl,,bnt 1/.t PtnltJ)fl.•nlll 1/49; Ul Olpi'III-':I.O.....t (h.u~ I )QI »,('f, (krtt'C' :md of (.'OUN'. at no oblig:uiou to )'OU. tht- Museum t:ormnilh."t (lho; l~rnhart GJuttl', 1.J'Mi pined f{'tOj;RIUOR V.lth hiJ i'Nr he•..,lf'I'Ointcd l)d II to OC tt tnu: nHr.,..•. 11.N 1 lucnr)' duh 1h.1t ('\"C.\1\-cd into rht­ l.odg<" on l'hobdd('lw, .,-.1 tnnl. > I'""'"""'' lndl'\"t1, urn. llw C".omnHttl'f' .1chtl'H-d Anlph1G1l Sociltljo)' (ht·mg m1 lht• Muwum \Oo'3\ '"(tn.unc:mal in impfO\-ing the lishUns of m~ion.a.. Brother franklin villt«< lodgn in C.ommilh,·)," llm.lbmh3r1 <.1td. "11\.\l's why "''Y \:ttC'<'t": in\>tnted chc- Franklin scO\-w:: and England. Scmbtld .tnd Fro~ncc . Hc h«an\C" \\-c'~doing iL \\'e tJ.kt ptic.Je'ln our nlusa•nl." One .Muonic Dril"-e lltw hlllamom k1tc. In 1748. h'C' sokl his JCia\·t wath I r.tnet: ((r'\'1111 cwo )'COI!l E-m.oil Hro. West adc.k'd, • 1h (' '1-.;1)'" 1\ RC"H'NI - bwi .. lodc.a '" .lS M::t\.fCI u( l~tU('II, po:,l.ll;t' :wd mail. Mustum C:onunhtC!-C? If M), c~ llt h~ Office l~nntyl 1i,1nt:.'t ddtg11e to che Albany Coug.rns Bm)lltnm F-nmHm tlu.J quml] "' J J /' m of me Chief Execullve offtcer, "' (7 t 7) :167· 1 I Z I, cXIeo"l"'' ~.12112. 16 •n1P P<'lln8ylvania. l·'r·cc•mt\Snn I Fr lm ma·y ~002 Admissions Policy for the Masonic Homes of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania 11Jt' Fra11klh1 lrgnry Sodt>ty Be on Your Way to Creative Retirement! lh Msonc(h u Service Level 1: "Creative retirement" is a tenn used to deicribe the way that many retirees cur· PA Master Mason renUy are filling their d.lys. Volunteering. exploring hobbies, preparing family histo­ f lu Right'\ A member in good standing for a mir,imum of fi v~ ries, learning about computers, jOining fiUleSS programs, and just e.1joying life is now (5) cumulative years in the R. W. Grand Lodge ol their focus instead of meal planning, housekeeping. and findu'9 transpottation to go Grand I d F. & A.M. of PA or the M.W. Prince Hall Grand places and getting to the doctor. Lodge of F. & A.M. of PA. Creative retirement does not require time for safety and security concerns, o I "I PA Eastern Star such as home accidents, scams. or crime. Those living this lifestyle do not need A PA Eastern Star member in good standing for a to spend time worrying about medical problems, such as locating a proper Masomc Homes mil'1imurn of five (5) cumulative years. Non-PA docto<, scheduling an appointment, and finding transport>tion. Nor do they Masons who became Eastem Star '''embc(s after have to concern themselves about not having enO<•gh funds to cover expens. P 1a Y uth ~ n ylva January 1, 1998, will b.:dltown. Pt\ 17022·2199 assured in that should your funds become depleted while residing at the Spouse of PA EaJtern Star who Is not a Masonic Homes ~t Masonic Homes, you will not b<::ol wich tape (1)0 NOT STJIPI E) The P~nnsylv~Ulia F-reemason I Febnwry 200'l 19