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Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections SMITHSONIAN MISCELLANEOUS COLLECTIONS. 140 LIST COLEOPTERA NORTH AMERICA. PREPARED FOR THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION. BY JOHN L. LECONTE, M.D. PART I. WASHINGTON: SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION: MARCH, 18G3.—APRIL, 1866. : — ADVERTISEMENT. A catalogue of the described Coleoptera of the United States, prepared by Dr. F. E. Melsheimer, and revised by Prof. Halde- man and Dr. LeConte, was published by the Smithsonian Insti- tution in 1853. This work furnished a reference to all the species described at the time, and known to the author or editors, but did not profess to indicate what were synonymes and what actual species. Dr. LeConte has since had in view a new and improved cata- logue, and by his own researches, and by reference to those of others, has endeavored to ascertain the proper synonymy of the North American Coleoptera, adding the new species described since the date of the Melsheimer Catalogue. The portion of the New List, now published, includes all the families treated of in Part I of the Classification of the Coleop- tera of North America, by Dr. LeConte, who will complete that work, with its companions, the "List," and the "Descriptions of New Species of North American Coleoptera," at the earliest practicable moment. Pages 1 published in March, 1863 50 10 in —49 were ; pp. April, 1866. JOSEPH HENRY, Secretary S. I. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, April, 1866. PHILADELPHIA COLLINS, PRINTEE. NOTICE. The present catalogue was commenced in 1861, and the portion now issued was, in great part, printed as early as June, 1862. The official duties of the author have since left him but little time for scientific research ; but believing that the catalogue, even in its present incomplete condition, will be of service to students, he has considered it proper not to retard its appearance any longer. He trusts that at a future period he may be able to complete the work, and in the meantime, invites contributions from all those who have it in their power to aid him in his object of making a personal examination of all the accessible species of Coleoptera found within the limits of the United States, for the purpose of presenting an authentic synonymical catalogue. The following marks are used in the catalogue : after a species indicates that it is unknown to the author, who is therefore not responsible for its value as a distinct species: signifies that || the name has been previously employed for another species: J de- notes erroneous determinations : Greek letters are employed to distinguish forms which are considered as races of the preceding species. J01IX L. LECONTE. Jan., 1863. LIST COLEOPTERA OF NORTH AMERICA. CICINDELIDAE. lecontei Ilald. repanda Dej. rugifrons Dej. hirticollis J Gould. MANTICORINI. denticulata Hentz. baltimorensisj Lee.' a. unicolor Dej. hirticollis Say. albohirta Dej. Amblycliila Say. 8. modesta Dej. obscura|| Say. unita Kollar. cylindriformis Say. scutellaris Say. gravida Lee. picolominii lieiche. nigrocoerulea Lee. hyperborea Lee. n. up. (Jhaleposoiiius c. Chaudoir. viatica Chevr. tenuisignata Lee. sexguttata Fabr. imperfecta Lee. Onius Esch. violacea Fabr. pusilla Say. patruela Dej. a. terricola Say. audouinii Re.iche. consentanea Dej. cinctipennis Lee. californicus Esch. decemnotata Say. cyanella Lee. dejeanii lieiche. splendida Hentz. dorsalis Say. a,, limbalis var. Lee. signata Dej. MEGACEPHALINI. 8. limbalis Klug. a. media Lee. marginal is var. Dej. saulcyi Gne'rin. Tetraclia West. var. spreta Lee. venusta Ferte. var. amoena Lee. lacerata Chaudoir. Carolina Hope. Hentz. Fabr. Cicindela Carolina "Linn. y. splendida marginata sexguttata var. Fabr. variegata Dej. Megacephala c. Dej. Meg. carolinensia Latr. purpurea O/iv. limbata Say. — virginica Hope. marginalis Fabr. cuprascens Lee. var. audubonii Cicindela virginica Linn. Lee. blanda Dej. Megacephala virg. Dej. ancocisconensis Harris. tarsalis Lee. venusta Lee. macra CICINDELINI. generosa Dej. blandaj Lee. ?obliquataJ Kirby. sperata Lee. Cicindela Linn. formosa Say. lepida D"j. latesignata Lee. serpens L< c. Say. obsoleta vulgaris Say. a. ascendens Lee. a. vulturina Lee. obliquata Dej. sigmoidea Lee. 8. prasina Lee. tranquebarica Herbst. tortuosa Dej. unipunctata Fabr. fulgida Say. trifasoiata} Klug. longilabris Say. oregona Lee. punctulata Fair. albilabrib Kirby. guttifera Lee. var. micans Fabr. montana Lee. duodecimguttata Dej. rectilatera Chaud. pulchra Say. proteus Kirby. dec os tig iu a J Lee. 1 Dr. Schanra informs me that 0. baltimorensU Herbst. is the East Indian 0. minvta Kabr. with ao erroneous locality. 2 CARABIDAE. hemorrhagica Lee. californicus Mann. Opistlains Kirby. hentzii Dej. var. punctatissimus Lee. Kirby. haemorrhoidalis|| Hentz. var. sinuatus Lee. richardsonii sedecempunctata Klug. var. gratiosus Mann. rubriventris C/ievr. var. similis Lee. Netoria Latr. ruscarius Say. rufiventris Dej. pallipes Say. ripariusj Dej. cumatilis Lee. metallica Fisch. obscurior Kirby. — guexiana Chevr. gebleri Dej. — abdominaiis Fabr. rathvoni Lee. marginipennis D<j. Diachila Motsch. gregaria Esch. severa Ferte". mannerheimii Esch. subpolaris Lee. n. sp. californica Mew'tries. castanipes Lee. circumpicta Ferte. Helobia cast. Kirby. johnsonii Fitch. Blethisa Bon. ?N. eschscholtzii|| Min. praetextata Lee. diversa Lee. togata Fertfr. quadricollis Hald. livida || Lee. gratiosa Gue'rin. oregonensis Lee. hudsonica Lee. n. sp. lemniscata Lee. julii Lee. n. sp. nivalis Gyll. cursitans Li c. Carabus niv. Paykull. celeripes Lee. LORICERINI. moesta Lee. pilatei Lee. 1 an sequentis gens? Dromochorus pil. Gueriri. Loricera Latr. sahlbergii Fisch. eschscholtzii Lee. pilicornis Latr. Pelophila esch. Mann. Carabus p. Fabr. CARABIDAE. Pel. borealis var. J Dej. semipunctata Esch. rudis Lee. n. sp. californica Lee. n. sp. bifaria Mann. CARABIDAE (genuini). neoscotica f^ec. n. sp. carbonariaf Mann. decempunctata Esch. suturalis Lee. foveata Lee. OMOPHRONINI. congesta Mann. — LeistllS Frohlich. Omopliron Latr. ferruginosus Mann. TRACHYPACHINI. ferrugineus|| Dej. dentatum Lee. gilae L< c. Tracliypacliys Mots. Calosoma Fabr. tesselatum Say. inermis Motsch. lecontei Dej. externum Say. hohubergi Mann. americanum Dej. longipenne Dej. gibbsii Lee. sayi Kirby. macrum Lee. labiatum Say. protractum Lee. Scolytus labiatus Fabr. CARABINI. scrutator Fabr. nitidum Lee. willcoxi Lee. Dumeril. Xotiopllilus frigidum Lee. ELAPHRINI. semiopacus Esch. sayi Dej. sylvaticus Esch. prominens Lee. Elaplirus Fabr. nitens Lee. angulatum|| Lee. semistriatus Say. (f.Lec.) carbonatum Lee. politus L<>c. aquaticusj Kirby. triste Lee. laevigatus T^cc. novernstriatus Lee. obsoletum Say. olivaceus Lee. n. sp. confusus Lee. luxatumj Dej. cicatricosus Lee. sibiricus Motsch. semilaeve Lee. clairvillei Kirby. punctatus Lee. calidum Fabr. ?fuliginosus Say. semistriatus Say. (f. Harr.) var. lepidum Lee. ?.americanus Dej. aeneus Lee. tepidum Lee. obliteratus Mann. Elaphrus aeneus Herbst. cancellatum Esch. intermedius Kirby. Not. porrectus Say. var. aeneseens Lee. 1 The following species quoted by authors are not North American: C venosd KoTlar = nitida Pej.: C. obscura Fabr. = germanica Linn.: C. coeru lea Herbst. = Linn.: || germanica C. triaiUtata Herbst CARABIDAE. discors Lee. elevatus Fabr. viridans L< c. moniliatum Lee. S. flammeus Hald. elongatus Lee. var. S. dilatatus Lee. laqueatum Lee. depressas var. J Say. wilkesii Lee. heros Harris. punctulatus Hald. luxatum Say. depressus Bon.; Putz. § Irichroa Newman. 7 a. striatulum Lee. Sea rites depr. Fair. viduus Dej. 0. zimmermanni Lee. morio Lee. unicolor}: Herbst. var. laevis Lee. var. leonardi Harris. Linn. corpulentus Lee. Carabus violaceus Lee. n. sp. validus Li c. andrewsii Harris. vietinghovii Adams. punctulatusi; L,ec. californicus ^fotsch.— § Cychrus Dej. californicus Chaud. — rite an Am. bor.? ana praee. diff. ? tuberculatus Harris. limbatus Say. 1 obsoletus Lee. velutinus Men. — goryi Dej. duplicatus Zee. serratus Say. angusticollis Fischer. angulatus I/arris. — lineatopunctatus Dej. Scarifes Fabr. lapilayi Lapprte. cristatus Harris. — vinctus Weber. reticulatus Motsck. — substriatus Hald. iuterruptus Say. marginatus Dej. quadriceps Chaud. ligatusj Lee. striatus Lee. distinctus Hald. a. ligatus (lerm. crenatus Motsck. ephialtes Lee. intermedins Lee. &. carinatus Dej. interruptus Men. finitimus Hald. ventricosusj Chaud. subterraneus Fabr. var. californicus sylvosus Say. ventricosus Dej. Lee. var. vicinus Chaud. O lherminieri Dej. striatopunctatus Chaud. affinis Lee. Fabr. constrictus Lee. taedatus var. denticollis Chaud. ventricosusj Motsch. a. baccivorus Fischer. patruelis Lcc. &. agassii Lee. cordatus Lee. alternatus Motsch. y. oregonensis Lee. Dyscltirius Bon. ventricosus chamissonis Fischer. var. J Esch. brachyderus Wiedem. punctatus Lee. tridentatus Lee. groenlandicus Dej. quadridens Motsch. var. convexus truncaticollis Esch,* METRIINI. Lee. an rite Am. bor.? patruelis Lee. Metritis Esch. basalis Lee. dejeanii Putz. — Lee. Xomaretus contractus Esch. integer Lee. debilis Lee. nigripes Lee. cavicollis L,ec. PROMECOGNATHINI. apicalis|| Lee. fissicollis Lee. consobrinus Lee. bilobus Lie. Promeco^natliiis gibbipennis Lee. Cychrus bilobus Say. Chaud. aeneolus Lee. Sphaeroderus bil. Dej. laevissimus Chaud. longulus Lee. an a seq. diff. ? imperfectus Horn. Eripus laev. Dej. pumilus Putz. — globulosus Cyclirus Fabr. SCARITLM. Putz. Clivina gl. Say. Sphaeroderus § Dej. var. parvus In <-. Pasimaclius Bon. nitidicollis (Ch<v.) haemorrhoidalis Putz. bicarinatus marginatus Bon. Clivina baem. Dej. lecontei (/>'./.) S.-:i rites marg. Fabr. terminatus
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