Ford City Borough Comprehensive Plan
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........ DataPlan, Inc. 347 Franklin Street, Slippery Rock, PA 16057 ...................................................................................................................... FORD CITY BOROUGH COMPREHENSIVE PLAN ...................................................................................................................... The preparation of this document was financed in part through a SPAG grant from the Department of Community Affairs under the provision of Act 6A approved June 16, 1994, as administered by the Bureau of Community Planning, Pennsylvania Department of Community Affairs. August 1995 I FORD CITY BOROUGH - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I I I TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 I Preface ......................................... 1 Introduction ...................................... 3 I Statement of Objectives ........................... 7 Visions ......................................... 10 Community Facilities and Services .................. 13 I Housing ........................................ 21 Population ...................................... 32 1 Employment and Income .......................... 38 Transportation and Circulation ..................... 56 I Existing Land Use ................................ 63 Development Constraints ......................... 70 I Regional Relationship ............................. 71 Land Use Plan ................................... 75 I Action Plan ..................................... 91 Capital Improvement Program ..................... 96 1 Funding Mechanisms ........................... 101 I I 11 I I I Table of Contents FORD CITY BOROUGH - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN LIST OF TABLES Table # #1 Ford City Catholic School Enrollment ............................... 19 #2 Armstrong School District Enrollment ............................... 20 #3 Age of Housing ................................................. 23 #4 Housing Characteristics .......................................... 24 #5 Total Housing Units .............................................. 24 I #6 Year Moved into Housing Unit ..................................... 25 #7 Occupation Characteristics ....................................... 26 I #8 Number of Housing Units in the Structure ........................... 27 #9 Households by Size ............................................. 28 I #10 Average Household Size .......................................... 28 #11 Vacancy Rates .................................................. 29 I #12 Median Housing Value ............................................ 29 #13 Housing Values ................................................. 29 I #14 Age Distribution ................................................. 32 #15 Age Distribution .Percentage ..................................... 32 1 #16 Population Total 1940-1990 ...................................... 33 #17 1990 Age/Sex Distribution ....................................... 33 I #18 Number of Families .............................................. 34 #19 Employment by Industry .......................................... 39 I #20 Household Income .............................................. 42 #21 Employment by Occupation ....................................... 43 #22 Employment by Industry .......................................... 44 #23 Total Employment ............................................... 44 #24 Retail Employment .............................................. 46 #25 Total Taxes Collected ............................................ 50 #26 Taxes Collected by Type ......................................... 52 #27 Expenditures ................................................... 52 #28 Street Characteristics ............................................ 61 #29 Recreational Facilities ............................................ 66 #30 Types of Land Uses ............................................. 69 Table of Contents FORD ClTY BOROUGH - COMP REHENSIVE PLAN Table # #31 Population ..................................................... 72 #32 Age Groups .1990 .............................................. 72 #33 Income .1990 .................................................. 73 'I #34 Housing- 1990 ................................................. 73 I LIST OF CHARTS Chart # I #1 AssessedValue ................................................. 40 #2 Per Capita Revenue & Expenses ................................... 41 I #3 Real Estate Tax Revenue ......................................... 48 #4 Earned Income Tax Revenues ..................................... 49 I #5 Total Taxes Collected ............................................ 50 I I LIST OF MAPS Regional Locator Street Map Community Facilities Development Factors 'I Roadways Current Zoning Land Use 1 Floodplains Future Land Use I APPENDIX Ford City Borough Public Meeting Report ..... 105 Ford City Borough Attitude Survey ........... 111 Table of Contents I FORD CITY BOROUGH - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I PREFACE Ford City Borough has experienced a downturn during the past decade I and a half in both its employment and resident base, due mainly to the economic decline of the PPG works and other manufacturing facilities in I the region. Both the Borough Council and Planning Commission feel that it is 1 necessary to enter the 21st century with a current planning document which provides a reasoned approach to development and for I preservation decision-making. The updating of the Comprehensive Plan will provide standards for local I officials, as well as the private sector, in which to guide future growth/preservation activities in the Borough. I This document was completed through a joint effort of Borough officials with the intent of establishing a "direction" of activities in order to provide a safe, 1 strong, healthy community as it moves into the 21st century. 1994-1 995 I Mayor - John Zanetti I Borough Council 1 Jerry Miklos, President Pat Lazaroff Grace Charney Ron Wojcik I Lou Vergari Jean Palerno 1 Planning Commission I Scott Davis, Chairman Jeff Mantini 1 Jo-Ann Scope1 Mary Ann Faykosh Frank Ganzlmar Juanita Carr I Pearl Petrie I Preface, Page 1 I FORD CITY BOROUGH - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 1 Zoning Hearing Board I Ronald Dillard, Chairman Nancy Mantini I Donna Piper Tim Malec Doris Herbst I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I Preface, Page 2 I I I I FORD CITY BOROUGH I -1 I I I I I I I I I I FLUMCREEK ,/ Inset Scale 2x Map Scale I I h'crrh Euffoo ruwnship I I Eethel Township I I ? 1 II I I SCALE IN FEET FORD CITY BOROUGH 0 400 800 1200 1600 2000 ARMSTRONG COUNTY PREPARED BY DATAPIAN, INC.. JUNE 1995 INTRODUCTION The planning process is a means to channel community activity, and ,I development, toward the stated long-range goals, as identified after review and analysis of existing conditions and past trends. The process acts as a policy guide for elected officials as well as, a framework which can coordinate all subsequent plans, programs and proposals with the major issues that exist in the Borough. The effectiveness of the planning process will be determined by the effect it has on future decision-making within the Borough. With this thought in mind, the Borough officials have begun to view the 1 planning process as a positive means of determining the quality of the Borough's environment. With the recent demise of the Borough's major employer and I taxpayer, there exists a new concern for community conservation and the need to upgrade the review and approval process of all development activity. I This plan for the Borough of Ford City has been developed in response to several current concerns regarding present and future land conditions and I program availability within the Borough, such as I land use redevelopment land use compatibility 1 housing conditions recreation facility availability I municipal services (water and sewer) elderly-assistance programs 1 service cooperation arrangements with neighboring communities I land use regulations (Zoning Ordinance , building codes) The intent of this program is to assist in establishing techniques for community I conservation for the elected and appointed officials of the Borough. The community conservation process for the Borough begins and ends with I Borough Council through the assistance of the various appointed boards, and Borough personnel. The residents of the Borough can also have a major role in Introduction, Page 3 FORD CITY BOROUGH - COMPREHENSIVE PLAN I the review process as well as determining the specific goals necessary to I preserve the Borough's quality of life. I Several issues must be considered in the planning process, be it due to growth pressures, or to conservation motives, in molding the community's goals, including: I 8 the protection of environmentally-sensitive areas I 8 floodplain management rn historic preservation I S citizen participation 8 fiscal planning I 8 capital improvement planning S site plan review procedures I S zoning ordinance update 8 code enforcement I 8 community conservation I The concern for the Borough at this time focuses on developing the means of addressing the key issues identified above, as well as those objectives identified in 1 this plan. Planning is an on-going process within a community. In order for it to remain a I viable part of the community's everyday process, the local officials must continually review and update the plan to keep it current with the Borough's changing needs. I A prime example is the planning document developed for the Borough in 1967. I Several goals and conclusions, which were acceptable at the time, are no longer applicable to the needs of the Borough. I Conversely,