Stephen-Heyworth-Publications 2021.Pdf
Publications of S. J. Heyworth Books Sexti Properti Elegi (Oxford Classical Text, 2007) Cynthia: a companion to the text of Propertius (Oxford, 2007) A commentary on Propertius, Book 3 (Oxford, 2011) (with James Morwood) A commentary on Vergil, Aeneid 3 (Oxford, 2017) (with James Morwood) Ovid, Fasti Book 3 (Cambridge Greek & Latin Classics series; Cambridge, 2019) As editor Classical Quarterly 1993-98 Classical Constructions, Papers in memory of Don Fowler, Classicist and Epicurean, edited by S.J.H. with the assistance of P. G. Fowler and S. J. Harrison, (OUP 2007) Articles, notes and reviews ‘Notes on Propertius Books I and II’, CQ 34 (1984), 394-405 ‘A note on the Gallus fragment’, LCM 9 (1984), 63-4 ‘Catullus 107.3—a response’, LCM 9 (1984), 137 ‘Three notes on the Heroides’, Mnemosyne 37 (1984), 103-9 ‘Two conjectures (Horace, Carm.1.12.33-40; Vergil, Ecl.7.70)’, PCPhS 30 (1984), 72-3 review of R. Whitaker, Myth and Personal Experience in Roman Love-Elegy (Göttingen, 1983), CR 35 (1985), 31-2 review of P. Fedeli, Sexti Properti elegiarum libri IV (Stuttgart, 1984), CR 35 (1985), 281-4 review of J. L. Butrica, The Manuscript Tradition of Propertius (Toronto, 1984) [and other Propertiana], CR 36 (1986), 45-8 [48-50] ‘Notes on Propertius Books III and IV’, CQ 36 (1986), 199-211 (with A. J. Woodman) ‘Sallust, Bellum Catilinae 50.3-5’, LCM 11 (1986), 11-12 ‘Horace’s Second Epode’, AJPh 109 (1988), 71-85 ‘Ars moratoria (Ovid, A.A.1.681-704)’, LCM 17 (1992) 59-61 ‘Propertius II xiii’, Mnemosyne 45 (1992), 45-59 ‘Deceitful Crete: Aeneid 3.84ff and the Hymns of Callimachus’, CQ 43 (1993), 255-7 ‘Horace’s Ibis: on the titles, unity and contents of the Epodes’, PLLS 7 (1993), 85-96 ‘Some allusions to Callimachus in Latin poetry’, MD 33 (1994), 51-79 ‘Dividing poems’ in O.
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