Record to Win Whippet Race
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Hiss Meeks' New Yorkers at Hot Springs Women Will Begin Mrs. Harold de Forest Gale Emmong«Pre*cn,¡i W t-A-Vuix Celeht ;»SOÚ at \. h J*.ilfor4 Is Married to Golf at : t -.*.' Tournament Among the e was < <.> Hot the marriag .... .; ,-..., Milford, Conn , Mr, Worcester SpringsMonday Prescoi^ and- Mr r.,hv¡n ju**l) mons of the New jr. Miss Pro«í;¡' ,¦¦ > I Performed in Opening Harned daughter of Mi. and Is ,... Ceremony Trail Proved of Much In¬ Beardslee Prescott, f« «r %- ton and Andover. Mr. 'Lmmpi.s is in» Chantry of St. Thomas's; terest to son of Mr. and Members of Col¬ Mrs. Edwin Justin Lm- * \ h*;«.* h Wahl -K<f\î» ->'bef Miss Roebling Becomes Who mons, of New Milford. «.f William F -.\ Gel«- ony Ride Horseback The wedding fccolr, place at the home t,< r : h\> 'at* Mrs. Gale at Passaie of the bride's parents on the:r wedding resid i- ¦;..¦'. av Tí >«>«. \N. y. Special Dispatch to The Tribune anniversary, the bride wearing«. fcer City. Intpi n¡. tu Calvary Catnatri-lV, HOT ** SPRINGS, Va.. Oct. 14..An¬ mother » wedding gown and carrying a FORBES.. Man n. «¡re <>' - W¡.': ;.i. other glittering week of the shower of white I,fit and mother of Frt>1«i-|k Albert .Tr_ Mfe» Rich Weds great (bouquet roses, gar- and Kenneth saru'day " Dorothy autumn season in n as and swainson*. The was Bttmrt, r.-,...,'«,.». this festive Al- in IPanerai serviros a< re.«l i«.11 ... VVfiíMatiry. leghany valley has ended with the given marriage by her father, and I.. I. Burial 'A'o-.rliricri», Detr»H. Da- Mclvor. Miss her only attendant was her sister, Mis» troit papers please copy. Miss Adam-«, finals in le golf tournament for men Alice Beardslee Prescott. The bride's GANNON--On October 3 2. Hinnah, b*- Miss Miss I^ord, players which started on Monday over brother, Mr. Lincoln Tucker Prescott, «Vid wife Of the lat«s <"h;»rles Gannon Vaugha$i, the Hot of Boston, was best man. (nee Kili-it) arid beloved slater of Mrs. Are Brides Springs long course. There IV. Busch, William and Miss Hoaghfton were The* wedding march from "Lohen¬ Owen Keh'-». eighty entrants and some ex¬ was Funeral from her la*«» residence. 193 cellent work grin" played by Mr. Ray Leach, Jiudaon »t., on October at got in. of New 6; 1*0 Monday, is. « MUs Helen Augusta Meek», grand- Britain, cousin and partner of a. rr.. then«*.*« to St. Alphonsus Monday morning the tournament for the where a John Lee of >v( men groom, and by Mrs. George Smith, Church, solemn high mas» will ¿»u~hter of Mrs. Connable, players starts and will continue a well known violinist of New Milford. be offered for the reposo of her soul. W3s mar¬ ttntil Saturday, to an end Interment Calvary Cemetery. Automo¬ 3Ï East Sixty-fourth Street, three bringirg There were guests from New York. bile cortex«. to Mr. Wakefield weeks of renvrl:?, ¡o amateur Philadelphia and Boston besides those ried yesterday sport. Among the players the from HARR.¡*~-On October Mr. and Mrs. week during New York. husband of 12, Frank, beloved Worcester, '..on of William from New York were the Messrs. a» Rine Harris (ne«» Ward) and Worcester, of Cantonville, Harold C Richards, Cornelius S. Lee, father of Kthri, Frank, «crharles and Rita. Wakefield William R. R. Wil- Funeral from his late residence, 11 î the chantry of St. Thomas's Simonds, Adams, Barney Yokel Dies in Office West 67th at.. Monday. October l«. at 9 Md., H liaH Hunter, Hugh Keogh, George a. m.; thenco to Chureh of St. Matthew, The ceremony was per¬ Batcholler, Charles West «7th St. Church. P. Shiverick, Baisley Was Circulation Manager of the Rev. Ernest M. Stires Elobash, Dickson Boardmnn, Chaun- HOKNIDGK -On Thursday. October 1|, formed by cey M. John "The Newark 1Ö2-. B. by a reception at the Murphy, Bain, jr., Edward Ledger" Mm«) Homldgc, beloved 1*111««- and was followed M. Mcllvain, W. Whitewright Wat¬ Barney Yokel, circulation manager ban<l of Mary A. Hornldge. Funeral Connable. of "The Newark from h'.s late» residence, 1I*J B<Hh St.. home of Mrs. son, Dudley S. Liggett, Francis S. Morning Ledger," died Borough Park; was away her H. R. yesterday in the business office of that Brooklyn. Monday morn¬ Th«9 bride given by Whittenv Knowlton, George He ing, October I«, at 9:30 o'clock, lolema Mr. Frank Lee Connable, of Sloano, William T. Koch. Culver Mc- newspaper. had been complaining mat) of requiem St. Francis de Chantal oncle, Williams, John C. Tappin, Frederick 0. of feeling ill for several days. Church, 67th »t. and 13th av., Brooklyn. Wilmii-***0-' Del. Her attendants in- Inman, J. D. Sawyer, Winthrop Wil¬ Mr. Yokel was about sixty years old. Automobile cort«.'ga. Miss Pauline M. Brant, maid of liams, R. Stem, Oscar He had been in the newspaper business LOESHKB.On Wednesday, October cludld G. Henry Cooper, for Edward 1J, Mrs. James L. Cabot and Jarvis Geer, jr., G. E. Hite, jr., many years and at one time was 10:2, Tresser, beloved father of honor; Miss John Austin Black, Martin Erdman circulation manager for "The New Ernest und Richard Lnesser. in his 83«t Dorothy Cennable. Mr. Stack Lory and Bedell H. Harned. York American." His wife died about year. Funeral Sunday afternoon. 2 a o'clock, from Herrlch Broa.' Funeral served *» Mr. Worcester's best man, The week brought to the Homestead year ago. He is »urvived by a son, Chapo!. ;-;06 East 8«th at. Interment the usual colorful and at Alex, and two daughters, who live in Evergreens Cemetery. and the ushers included Mr. Hamilton this time of gathering New York. Mr. Edmund the year New York is es¬ LORDLY-on Saturday, October Ï4, 19Î2. Allpart, Sperry, Mr. X. L. pecially represented. Mr, and Mrs. at 12« East 93d at.. New York City. Reynolds, Mr. Thomas T. Danforth and Francis S. Whitten came down Jennie Lordly, Widow Of C. R. Crim. early Honor Missouri's War Dead M. D., late of Han Lordly, Mr. William in the week for the golf, also Mr. and Funeral Jose, Cost» Rica, C. A. Mrs. Sloan. and PARIS, Oct. 14..Marshal Joffre will privat«. George Mr. Mrs. Julian preside at the dedication a Miss Ruth Violet Roebling, daughter W. Robbins, who at the of monu¬ McCALL.Erma A. (nee Smith), wffe of of Mr. and Mrs. W. Homestead (are always ment to Missouri's war dead of the John J. McCaii, at St Vincent Hospital, George Roebling, during' October, were ar¬ 35th and 89th American divisions on October IS, 1922. Servlcm Mondey of Passaie, N. J., was married yester¬ rivals of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Ger¬ Octobcr 1G. at 10 a. at the erected by the state of Missouri at chapel. ni., hospital day to Mr. Harold de Forest Gale, son hard M. Dnhl, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Duff in the of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Courtland Frazier, Mr. and Mrs. Cornelius S. Lee Cheppy, Argonne region. Am¬ McCAFLEY. and bassador Herrick will speak at the Sud.lenly, on October It. Gsle, of Troy, N. Y., at St. John's Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Cooper came of 1922, Edward P.. beloved eon of Gerald Passaie. The cere¬ in early in the week. Mrs. Mar- unveiling the monument, which is and Mary MoCauley (nee Dolan). Fu¬ Episcopal Church, Henry the work of Mrs. neral from his late mony was performed the Rev. W. tyn Alexander arrived to her Coonsman Hahn, of 29th residence. 468 W<#«. by join Missouri. st., on Monday at 8:S0 a, m. Gordon Bentley and was followed daughter. Mrs. thence to St. by Philip Kip Rhinelander, She teas married Columba Church, where a. a reception at the home of the bride'- of Tuxedo Pnrk. Mr. Rhinelander is yesterday afternoon in St. John's Episcopal Church, mass of requiem will be celebrated. expected in the week. Mr. IS. Mrs. MRS. CORNELIA HEG MOO parents. early coming Passaic, J. Gale was Miss Ruth Violet Roebling, daughter Mrs. UK.On October 11, 1922. Josoph J. Mrs. Robert Granger Benson, siäter (-liarles Holland Duell came in to join Mr. and Cornelia Heg, eighty-nine years Funeral Trom his late home, 2963 8th to the bride, was matron of honor and Mrs. Duell and Mr. Henry Anderson of Mrs. George W. Roebling old, widow of Brigadier General Hans av.. Sunday, 2 p. m. Janice Goman to C. Miss Roebling, another sister pass several days with Mrs, Heg, who was killed while com¬ Nl'HN.On October IS. 1922, Kate Kuhn to the bride, was maid of honor. The Goman here with Mrs. Alvi Twing manding his brigade of troops at the (nee Maletón), aged 07 years, wife of the Battle late Nuhn. bridesmaids included Miss Florence Baldwin, of New York. of Chickamauga, in the Civil her (¡porgo Funeral service« at Van Riper, Miss Olive Prescott, Miss Mr. and Mrs. Mr. Wilbur S. Bloodgood arrived to War, died last night at the home of lato residence 2622 Palmetto st.. Georgp Sloan snapped a fete days ago at the popular be with Mrs. her Rlngowood. Sunday at 9 p. m. Interment Ruth Van Auken and Mrs. Harold E. Bloodgood and Miss Rosa¬ Canadian son-in-law, former Congressman Lutheran Cemetery on Monday, 2 p. m. Mr. resort lie Also in Breaks World Charles H. of 618 Coughlin. Alfred Warren Gale Virginia Bloodgood. coming during Dog Fowler, Salem Road, at Port was his brother's best man the the week to the New York N.