
Accession Number: 49-183:1

The papers of John Gilbert Winant were deposited in the Library by his widow, Constance Winant, in 1948 and 1949, and donated to the Library by his son, Rivington Winant, acting on behalf of himself and the other descendants ofJohn G. Winant, in April 2000. Material in this collection is subject to the Copyright Law, Title 17 U.S. Code.

Restrictions: None

Quantity: 147 cubic feet (222,000 pages)

Related Materials: President"s Secretary's File: Great Britain President's Secretary's File: Great Britain: Winant President's Personal File 42 John G. Winant President's Official File 48 Great Britain President's Official File 1710 Social Security Board President's Official File 4281 John G. Winant Bernard Bellush Papers Isador Lubin Papers 2

John Gilbert Winant was born in Ci ty on February 23, 1889. He attended St. Paul's Schoo l in Concord, Nel'l Hampshi re and entered as a member of the Class of 1913.

After withdrawing from Princeton in l ate 1912, Winant returned to S~ Paul!s School as a history teacher. He became active in local politics and was e l ected to the House of Representa­ tives in 1917. When the entered Wor l d War I , Winant en li sted in the Amer i can Expeditionary Forces and vias assigned to the 1st Aero Squadron. By the time he left the service in 1919, he had r i sen to the r ank of Captain of the 8th Aero Squadron. After the war he r eturned to St . Paul's school as a teacher and Second Vice-Rector. He reentered New Hampshire po l iti cs in 1920 and was elected to a term in the State Senate. Later he served a second term in the House and three terms as Governor of the state, 1925-26 , 193 1-1 932, and 1933-34.

Throughout his career, Winant was interested in socia l .and labor l eg ­ ;slation. During his Governorship, the State Legislature passed a Mini mum Wage bill, a State Rei ief bill, and Aid to Dependent Chi l dren bi ll and establi shed a State Pl an ning Board. Winant a l so unsuccess­ f ull y supported the passage of a 48-Hour bi II . In 193 1 , he proposed the "New Hampshi reo Plan" vlhich urged a nationl·lide four-day ",ork week as a means of sol v in g the nation's econom i c ills. At thi s t ime, Winant was a l so active in the Nat iona l Recreation Association, the National Consumers ' League, the American Associat ion for Labo r Leg ­ i slat ion and the Young Men's Christian Assoc i at ion .

Although a Repub l ican, Winant became a supporter of Frankl in D. Roosevelt and his NeVI Deal po l i c ies. In 1934 Roosevelt appointed hi m to an Advisory Council t o the Comm i ttee on Economic Security wh i ch assisted the Labor Department in drafting nationa l social security l egis l ation .

Successful intervention in the 1933 stri ke of text il e workers in Man­ chester, New Hampshire ·made Winant an appropriate choice to head a Spec i a l Board of Inquiry into the United Textile Workers ' Strike of 1934. His work on this comm i ttee gave rise to a movement to have him nominated as the 1936 GOP Presidentia l candidate. Winant refused to run for the PreSidency or for a fourth term as Governor. Instead, he accepted the post of Assistant Director of the Internat ional Labor Office i n Geneva in Apr i I 1935 but stayed in Geneva only a fevi months before r eturn in g to Washington t o become the f i rst chairman of the Socia l Secur i ty Board. Continuing hi s contacts with the International Labor Organ i zat ion, he served as chairman of the American Delegation to the 1936 Labor Conference in Geneva. AFter Landon attacked the Social Security Act during the 1936 President i a l campa i gn , Winant re­ s igned as Chairman of the Soc i a l Secur i ty Board to freely defend the 3 Act and President Rooseve lt; he later returned to the Chairmanship. Resigning from the Board a second time in early 1937 , he r eturned t o Geneva as Ass i stant Director of .the I.L . O. He was made Director of the organizat ion i n February 1939. With the coming of the second \,or ld \,ar , Winant assured the cont inuance of the I.L .O . byengineer­ ing the transfer of the Office to Montreal .

President Roosevelt appointed Winant to rep l ace Joseph P. Kennedy as Ambassado r to Great Br ita in in 194 1. Winant advocated greater a id t o Great Britain and Russia before the Un i ted States official l y en­ tered the war . He was ext remely popu l ar wi th the Br i t i sh people hOlvever his author i ty as Ambassador was often overshadowed by the d i s­ patch of spec ial miss ions to London a nd the personal rel at ionsh ip wh ich deve loped between President Rooseve lt and Pr i me Minister Chur­ chi ll. Winant was also interested in post- war planning, particularly as it affected Russ i a and in November 1943 was named as United States representat i ve on the European Adv isory Co mm i ss ion which cons i dered post-war treatment of Germany .

Early in 1946 , Pres ident Truman appo inted Winant to be the United Sta tes r ep resentative to the United Nations Econom i c and Soc ial Counc il which dealt with refugees, displaced persons and ot her post­ war prob l ems . Resigning as Ambassador, Winant returned to the United States in May 1946. He cont inued to serve on the Economic and Soc ial Counci I unti 1 J anuary 19 1.7.

Then off i c ially retired , Winant accepted the chairmanship of Nationa l Brotherhood 'deek in Fe bruary 1947 , mak in g an exhaus ting cross-country speech-making tour. At that time he was a l so work i ng on a ser i es of books describ i ng his Ambassador ia l exper i ences. Th e first volum~ en­ titl ed Letter From Grosvenor Square, was comp l eted and he had begun ",ork on the second ",hen he d ied on November 3, 1947 .

The Winant Papers inc lude correspondence, memo randa , repor ts, finan­ cial papers, campa i gn records and 1 iterature , appo intment books, drafts of speeches and other "Iritings , ne"lspaper cl ipp in gs and other printed and processed material. Early papers re l ating to Vlinant' s governme nt serv i ce in Ne", Hampshire are of an official nature and deal with matters such as old-age in surance , un emp loyment re i ief, and conservat ion of na tura l ,- esources; papers from later years, in­ clud i ng the Ambassador ial pe ri od, are mainly persona l files dea l in g with soc i al inv i tat i ons, speak ing engagements and r ~quests for r ecom­ menda ti ons , jobs, or ass i stance. Personal papers dea l i ng with fa mily affa i rs and financ i a l matter s are fi l ed at t he end of each series.

The paper s are divided into e ight seri es as follows: 4


1-22 Early Papers, 1916- 1930 : 11aterial concerning St. Pa ul' s Sc hoo l , \Jinant 's ~forld ~far I experi ences, t erms in the New Hamp shire House of Represen­ tati ves , 1917 and 1923, t e rm in the Nevi Hampsh i re State Senate, 192 1 and f i rst te rm as Governor , 1925-1926 . Arranged chrono l og i ca ll y and thereunder a l pha­ betica ll y . Al so fam il y , per sona l and bu s iness correspondence.

23-72 Governorsh ip : Second Term, 193 1-1 932 : In coming an d outgoing corr espondence, memoranda and repor ts ar ranged a lphabet i ­ ca l l y by s ubj ect or surname of corres­ pond ent. In c 1udes correspondence l1i th var ious State agenc i es and departments , parti cu l ar l y rega r ·.' in g r e I ief projects and assistance; fami ly, pe rsona l ~nd business co r respondence .

73-.152 Gover norsh i p : Third Term , 1933 -1 934 : Incom in g and outgo ing correspondence , memo randa and reports a rranged a l phabet i­ ca ll y by subject o r surname of co r respond­ ent. Inc l udes correspondence l1 i th State officia l s regarding 1 iquor control and mini mum l1age l eg i s l at ion as we ll as mate- r i a 1 concern i ng the Un i ted Text i 1e Wo rkers ' St ri ke of 1934 . Al so fam i ly, pe rsona l and busi ness cor respondence .

153 -1 68 Papers, 1935-Februa ry 194 1: In com i ng and outgoing correspondence, memoranda and reports a rranged a l phabeti ­ ca lly by subject o r surname of correspond­ ent. Includes mate ri al concerning the Soc ia l Secur i ty Boa r d , the Nationa l Con­ sume r s ' League and other organi zat ions t hat Hinant l'las assoc i a ted wi th as Vie 1 1 as fam i l y, bus iness and pe r sona l corres­ pondence . Sim il a r mate ri a l i s found i n the Inte rn a ti onal Labor Organizat ion fi l es (see be 10" ,) . CONTA INERS SER I ES

169 - 179 Internationa l Labor Or gan i zat ion, 1935 -1 9111: Incom ing and outgoing correspondence, memoranda and reports, arranged a l phabet i ­ ca l ly by subject or surname of cor respond­ ent . Al so appointment and address books . Th e mater i a l i s arranged i n three sub­ ser ies : Washington Off ice, 1935-1936; Geneva Off ice, 1935, 1937- 1939; and Wash­ i ngton Off ice, 1940 - 194 1. Si mi l ar materi a l i s found in the ser i es Papers, 1935-Febr uary 194 1 (see above) .

180 - 240 Ambassador t o Great Br itain, 194 1- 1946: In com ing and outgo i ng correspondence a r ranged a l phabet i ca ll y by subject or sur ­ name of co r respondent. Inc l udes co rres­ pondence wi th var ious Un i ted States and Briti sh off i c i a l s as "Ie ll as pr i vate c i ti­ zens a nd Un i ted States ser v i cemen; i nforma­ t ion on John G. Winant, Jr. whi l e a pr isoner of wa r in Germany ; other family, business and persona l correspond·ence; a chrono log i ­ cal f il e of outgoing cor respondence and f il es of press cl i ppings .

241-252 Post -Ambassador i a l Pe ri od, 1946- 1947 : Incom i ng and outgo i ng correspondence, · memo r anda and reports ar ranged alphabet i ­ ca l ly by subject or surname of correspond­ e nt with mater i a l concerning the Econom l c and Soc ia l Counc il and Ame ri can Brother ­ hood \,eek; a chronolog i ca l f i Ie of outgoing. co rrespondence; appo in tment d iar ies and press c l i pp i ngs.

253-278 Speeches and Wr i t i ngs , 1923- 1947 and Pr i nted Matter , 1916- 19117 : , Notes, draf t s a nd manuscr ipts of Wi nant's book, Lett e r From Grosvenor Squar~, drafts of Winant ' s speeches a nd art i c l es arranged chronol og i ca ll y , speech mater ials, a sma l l amount of cor respondence regarding speeches and art ic l es, speeches by other i nd i v i dua l s, mi scell aneous pr inted matter and newspaper c l i ppings. 6

PAPERS OF J OHN G. WIN AN T ' 1916- 1947


EAR LY PAPERS, 1916- 1930

St. Paul' s Sc hool Winant Fam il y and Pe rsona l, 1917-1 918 Notes and Drafts for Manusc ri pt on Dan ie l \~ebster \'/or ld War I Memo randa Aerial Photographs Lectu re Notes from Prince t on Uni vers ity (4 notebooks) Notes on Av iat ion Techn iques (2 notebooks)

2 A (Genera I) Agr i cu I ture American Red Cross Ant iques Ap p I i ca t ion s Automo bil es Ayrs hire Cattle Breeders Association B (Genera l ) Bender , Capt. Wa I ter, 1922 -1 924 Books C (Genera l ) Carter and Kimba ll St . Houses Contr i bu ti ons

3 D (Genera l) Deerfield Academy Dogs E (Gene ra l ) European Tri p, 1923 F (Genera l ) G (Genera l ) Gra nite Month l y Company' H (Genera l ) Home TOI"n Coo l idge Club, Pl ymouth , Vermont Hopkins, Mi ss E. R., 1922- 1930 I (Ge ne ra l) Ivy Club J (Gene ral ) ::z..


EAR LY PAPERS, 19 16- 1930

K (General) L (General) League of Hations Non-Partisan As soc iat ion Letter s Pr ev ious to 1922 Lincoln Portra i t Co mm i ttee 1-\ (Gene ra l) Mirror (Manch es ter) Music Cl ub of Concord, NH N (Genera l )

5 Na tiona l Monetary Assoc iation Nel-l Eng la nd Ci t izensh ip Conference, 1921, New Hampsh ire Orphans ' Home Ne", York Co mm ittee , 192 1 Ne", York Duties o (G enera l) P (General) R (G enera l) Rea l Es t ate S (General) Winant, John Gi l bert S, 1926 T, 1926 W, 1926 Misce ll aneous Co rrespond ence, 1927-1928 Amer i can Assoc i a t ion fo r Labor Le g is lat ion, 1928- 1929 D - K Ho l derness School Mi sce l l aneous "W I

6 New England Council, 1929-1 930 t'-l i sce l1 aneous 1'0 11 l-1i sce ll aneous I!PII Playground and Rec reat ion Associat ion t1 i sce II aneous "U - V" Mi sce ll a neou s "Y" Miscell aneous Ne", Ha mps hire Leg is l ature Correspondence, 1916-192 1 192 I Leg i s I at u re

7 t1i scellaneous Papers ( 1923 Legis lature) Sheppard-Tmvner Act , 192 3 The Constituti ona l Ame ndment a nd Ta xat ion CONTA INER CONTENTS

EARLY PAPERS, 1916- 1930

7 Horkmen's Compensat ion Act (Reports, Cont i nued etc. ) I~o rk me n' s Corn pensat ion Act (Correspondence) The 48-Hour La,v "A Study of the Ne~, Hamp sh i re Legis l ature of 1913" by Leonard Dupee 1,/h ite

8 1 921f Campa i gn 11 i see 11 aneous papers, f inane i a 1 records, notices of receipt of campa i gn contr i ­ bution s , campaign 1 iterature, newspaper cl ippin gs , etc.

9 Governorsh i p: First Term , 1925 -1 926 Executive Council Meet i ngs , Minutes of, 1925 -1926 48-Hou r La", Govern orship Congratulat ions , 1924 Inv i tations, 1924- 192 5 Miscell aneous Correspondence, 1925 Misce ll aneous Cor respondence , 1926 Nat iona l Economic League Photograp hs and Pa i nt i ngs, 1924-1926 Pl ayground and Recreation Assoc iation, 1926 Proc l amations, 1925- 1926

10 Governorsh i p : First Te rm, 1925 -1 926 Pub l i c Serv ice Commission Purchas ing Agent Q (General) Ra - Rn (Genera 1) V (Gen e ral) 1·la te r Power ~!orld Court

11 Govemorship: Fi rst Te rm, 1925 -1 926 Budget Matters

12 Campa i gn of 1926

13 Campai gn of 1930 Correspondence , Jan . - Jul y 1930 (Pre-Campa i gn) Genera l Cor respondence Po st-E l ect ion Correspondence Nov . -Dec. 1930 Response Cards (To Ci rcul ar' Letter) CONTA INER CONTENTS

EARLY PAPERS , 1916-1 930

14 Campaign of 1930 Li sts - Speakers and Campaign Horkers, 1930 Financ ia l Matters ,Newsp aper CI i pp in gs

15 ~1 e rri ma c k P.eal ty Company Papers: Correspondence: A-Z , 1923-1927

16 Merr i ma c k Rea l ty Company Paper s: (B i II s and Othe r Fi nanc i a l Papers) A (Genera l) App l icat ions B - F (General) Fu e l G (Gene ra l) Gu l f Ref ining Company H (Gene ra l) Herter, Fritz, 1928 Insurance J - 11 (General) McL ane and Dav i s, Manchester N - 0 (Genera l ) Orr and Ro lfe, Conco rd P - U (General) Upt on and Donovan V - I,J (Genera l) Merri mack Rea lty Company, Statements

17 Unive rsity of New Hampsh i re: Correspondence, 192 1- 1927 Uni ve rsity of New Hamp s hire : Pres i dency

18 Financ ial and Inves t me nt 11a t ters , 192 1-1925 Ba l ance Sheets: Tru sts Coyle, Mrs. EI i zabeth, 1922 Doe, Jessie , 1924 -1 92 5 Este, J. D. and No rman S. Mack ie, 1922- 1923 Fa rmers ' Loan and Trust Co mpany, 1921- 1925 Fi rst Nat iona l Bank of Conco rd Gi I be rt, CI in ton, 1920-1925 Hornb lower and Yleeks, 1925 In surance Je ffr ies and Li nds ley MaXI-Ie II Motor Company , 7% Notes Merr i ll, 01dham and Co . (Joseph T. >fa I ker, Jr.) 10


EAR LY PAPERS, 1916- 1930

19 CI i pp i ngs re Fi nance, Nov . -Dec. 1929 Rece i pted Bil Is, 1921- 1927 : A - C

20 Rece i pted Bil l s, 192 1- 1927: 0 - Rece i pted Bi l ls, 192 1- 1927 : Insurance Rece i pted Bi l l s, 192 1- 1927: J - K

21 Receipted Bi l l s, 192 1- 1927 : L - P

22 Receipted Bil ls , 192 1- 1927 : Q - Y Rece i pted Bill s , 1921 -1 927 : Yacht Receipts Receipted Bi lls, 192 1-1 927: Z


23 Aa - Ak (Genera l ) Acts Si gned by the Governor Ad j utant General Age r sbo r g, Or. H. P. K.

24 Agricu l ture Al (Gene ra l) Am - Ap (Genera l ) Amer i can Leg i on Ano nymous Letters App l icat ions

25 Appo i ntments a nd Nom i nat ions Appo i ntments - J udge of Mun i c i pal Courts Appo i ntments and Repo r ts of Comm iss ions - Po l ice Comm i s s ioner

26 Ar - Az (Genera l ) Armo ri es Art s and Crafts Athlet i c Commiss ion At lant i c Gypsum Products Company Attorney Genera l Aud i tors Av iat ion Ba (Genera l ) Bane , Or. Frank (A me r ican Pub l ic >lelfa re Assn . ) 11



27 Bank Comm i ss ion (and Banks) Bat hi ng Beac hes Be (Gene ra l ) Ber l i n, New Hamps hi re Bi - B1 Bill boa rds 80 (Genera l) Bonds Boston Boy Scouts (Fo lde r 1)

28 Boy Scouts (T hree Fo lde r s) Br (Genera l)

29 Brook ings Ins titu t ion Bu (Ge nera l) Budget ·Es ti mates Bu rroughs, Rober t Butter Ca (Gene ra l) Camps , Va ri ous Dat a re Cancer Ce - Ch (Gene ra l)

30 Ch il d Hea l th , Whi te House Confe rence on Chr i st ian Work ( Un i ve r s i ty of Ne\, Hampsh i re) Ch ri stmas , 1932 Chrono log ica l Fil e , Janu a ry-March 1932 Ch rono log ica l Fi le , · Ap ril -June 1932 Chrono log ica l Fil e , Jul y-Septembe r 1932

31 Ch rono log ica l Fil e , Octobe r-December 1932 Citi es Cl (Gene ra l) Co (Gene ra l) Comm un i sm Comp t ro 1 1e r

32 Comptro ll er Su r vey Con (Genera 1) Concord Sil ve r sm i ths Cong ratu l at ions Consume rs ' Resea rch Cont ri but ions Coos County , Loan to 12 CONT AINER CON TEN TS


32 Counc i I Continued Cou nty Affa i r s , Investi gat ion of County Co mm iss ioners Coyl e-Concord Oi I Compa ny

33 Cr - Cy (Ge ne ral) Crime Commission, Report s from Coo l i dge . Da (Gene ra l) Dartmouth Co ll ege Da yl ight Sav ing Ti me De (G enera l) Dee ring Community Cen ter Diatom i te Do (G enera l) Donat ions Dri e r, Tom 193 1-1 932 Du (General) Ea - Ek (Gene r a l)

Ea st ern States Exposition, 193 1 Ea stern States Expo s ition, 1932 Ecl i pse of the Sun, August 31, 1932 Edu ca t i on EI - EZ (G ene r a l ) EI iot To ll Bridge En gagements, January-Decembe r 193 1

35 En gagements , J anu ary-July 1932 Eng ageme nt s , August-December 1932 En g i neers -Con tract ors Execut i ve Orders Ext r ad iti on Materia l Fa -Fe (Genera l ) Farm Bureau Fi (G ene ra l) Financ ia l Reports From Depa rtme nts (2 Folders) Financ ia l Reports -Mun i c ipa l and County

Fi sher ies a nd Game - Appo i ntments Fi sher ies a nd Ga me - George W. Bowman Fi sheri es and Game - Winthrop Parker Fi sher ies and Game - General FI - Fo (Genera l ) Fl ags CONTAINER CONTENTS


37 Forei gn Pol icy Associat ion Forestry Department Form Letters Fr - Fu (General) Frary , 14il li am T. 1931 Ga - Ge (General) Gambl i ng (at va ri ous places) Gi - GI (Genera l) Gl e ncliffe, New Hampsh i re (State Sanatorium) Go (G eneral) Goodw ill Indust ri es of Ame rica, Inc. Gorham Gove r nmen t

38 Gove r nor 's Ba II Gove rno rs' Conference, 193 1-1 932 Governorsh i p , 1932 Governorsh i p, 1932 : Cong ra t ulat ions: A - D Governorship, 1932 : Cong ratulat ions : E - G Governo r shi p, 1932 : Congratul a tions : H - K Governorsh i p , 1932: Congratul at ions: L -.0

39 Governorship , 1932: Congratu lat ions : P - R Gove rnorsh i p, 1932: Cong r atu lat ions : S - Z Gr - Gu (Ge nera l) Great Lakes - St . Law rence Ti dewater Assoc iation Bu ll e tin: Seaway News Guaranty Trust Company, Berlin, NH Ha - Han (Gene ra l) Hampton Beach - Coastal Erosion, etc. Har - Has (General) He (Genera I) Hea I th, Boa rd of

40 Hi (G enera l) Highv,ay Department, 1931 (2 Fo l de rs) Hi ghv,ay Department , 1932 (3 Fo l ders) CONTA INER CONTENTS


41 Hi ghway Department, 1932 Hi ghway Department, State High.lay Department Budget and · Projects for Com ing Year Highway Safety Committee His tor ica l Society, New Hampshire I'la jor Ot is G. Hammond, Director and Secreta ry Ho (Genera l) Holderness School Hoover, Pres i dent Herbert House of Representat i ves

42 Hu - Hy (Gen era l) I (General) Important Co mmun ications Inaugura l , 193 2 Industr ial Schoo l Industrial School - Paroles Institutions In surance In ternat iona l YMCA

43 In ternat ional YMCA - Geneva Schoo l International YMCA - Heinrichs Meeting at the Governor's, March 18, 1932 Interstate Co mmerce Commission (3 Folders)

44 Interstate Commerce Commiss ion Inv itat ions , January-July 193 1

In vi tations , August 1931-April 1932

46 Inv i tat ions, May-September 1932

47 Invitations, October-Decembe r 1932 Ise li n, A. and Company Ja - Je (General) Jacks, Dr. L. P. - Visit to Ne.1 England Jo (Genera l ) K (G enera l) Kendal l, Henry P. 1932 CON TAINER CON TEN TS


48 La (Ge nera 1) Labor Bu reau Laconia State School Land Ut il ization Stud ies Lar ivee , Jul es , Jr . 1932 Le (Genera l ) Leg i s lat i ve Mat t ers

49 Letters of Int roduc ti on and Recommend a t ion Li (Genera 1) Li brary Comm i ss ion and State Li bra ry Li ndbe rg Case : Data Li sts Lo ~Genera l) Lockwood , Ha ro 1d J . 1932 Lu - Ly (Gene ra l ) Ma (Genera 1) Manchester, Ne~J Hampsh i re Maver ick, Lew i s 193 1- 1932 Mac - Me (Genera l )

50 Me (Gene ra l ) fled i ca 1 Meet i ngs Me lony, Mrs . Will iam Brown 1932 Metca l f and Eddy 11i (Ge ne ra l) Mil it ia Bureau (Washington, DC) 11il k Mo (Genera l) Moses, Geo rge H. (Senator) 1926- 1932 Motor Ve hi c l e Department (2 Fo lders) Mu - My (Genera l )

51 Mus ic Na (Genera l ) Nat iona l Recreat ion Assoc iat ion Ne (Gene ra l ) New Eng land Counc il

52 New Eng land Counc i l New Eng land Ra i l road Comm i ttee New Hampsh i re Foundation CO NTA IN ER CO NTEN TS


52 Newington-Du rham Br i dge Con tinued Nel'!market Si tuat i on (t1i l i s) Newspape r CI i ppings

53 Nelvspaper CI i ppings ( 2 Fo l ders) Ni - Ny (G ene r al) o (Gene r a l ) Oakes , Judge Eri c, Res i gnat i on of 1931 Old Age Pen s i ons Old Home Day

Pa (Genera I) Paupe r s Pe - Ph ( Ge nera l) Pea r son, John Pemb roke Sanitorium Pension s Petiti ons (2 Fo lders ) Pi - PI (Gene r a l) Pittsburg, New Hamps h i r e Po (G enera I ) Po l in9 , Dr. Da ni e l A . 1931-1932

55 Pue rto Rico Child Feeding Co mm i ttee Portsmouth Pr (Gen e ra l ) Pr i nceton Univers ity Proc I ama t ions Prog r ams Prohibition Propaganda

56 Pu - Py (G eneral) Pub I i c Se rvi ce Co mm i ss i on (2 Fo l ders) Pu b l ic Ut ilities Pub l ic We i f are (2 Fo l ders)

57 Pu b ! ic \.JeJfa r e Publ i c We lfare : Report of NeYI Ha mpsh i re Sta t e Boa r d of Pu b l i c >ie l fa r e , Jan . 193 1 Pub l i c i ty ( See a l so State Devel opment Co mm i ss i on) Pulpwood Purchas i ng Agent CONTAINER CONTENTS


57 Q (Genera 1) Con t i nued R (Gene ral) Rad io Radio League Rad io Speeches

58 Rai 1 roads (3 Fol de r s) Ra ilroads: Reports on New England na il road Situat ion

59 Re (General) Rea l Estate Receipts Reco nstruction Finance Corporat ion­ Charles Dawes, Pres. (Emergencj Finance Corporation Bill) Reconstruct ion Finance Corporation: Se l f-Liquidating Projects Recrea t ion Red Cross (American) References and Recommendat ions Rel ief Project: Ber l in , NH Re l ief Projects: Fo rests Re li ef Proj ect: Lacon ia , NH Re lief Project : Manchester, NH Rel ief Project: Nashua, NH Rel ief Projects : Misce l laneous

60 Republ ican Ca mpaign, 1932 Republ i can Convent ion - Chicago , J une 14-18, 1932 . Republican State Co mm ittee , etc. (2 Fo 1ders) Requ ests from State Emp l oyees Resolutions Ri (Genera 1) Ro (Genera l ) Roads (State Re l ief Funds)

61 Rockefeller Foundat ion Rockingham County Ros - Ry (General) Rura l Economics Conference , · May 14, 1932 Rura l Li fe Conference, June 4, 1932 CONTA INER CO NTEN TS


61 Russell Sage Foun dat ion Con t i nued Sa (Genera 1) Sal-lye r, Raymo nd 193 1 Sa l em Race Track Sc (Genera l ) Se (G ene ra l ) "Seabrook, It s Soc ia l Hi story and Prob l ems" by ~1i l dred Is rae l Secretary of State Selectmen Sh (G eneral) Si - Sl (Genera l)

62 Sm (G enera l) Smal l Loans Sn - Sp (Gene ra 1) So ld iers ' Home Spec ia l Electi ons St (G ene ra l) Staff State Aid (H ighway-towns ) Ma i ntenance State Co mptro ll er State Den t a l Boa rd Sta t e Deve lopment Comm i ss ion

63 State Hosp i tal State Hosp i ta 1 Inj ury Cases State House State Pol ice State Pr i son

St ate Pr ison - Pr in t ing State Sanatorium , Glencl i ffe St ate Treasu rer, 193 1 Co r respondence and Reports State Treasu re r, 1932 Report s Statements

65 Su (Genera l) Su ll i van , John A. 1932 Sunday Sports Bil I Su r vey - Study of County , City and Mun i c i pa l Government Sympathy Messages. Ta - Te (General) Tappan, Frank H. - Esta te of Tax ComnJi ss i on Taxation (2 Fo l ders) CONTAI NER CONTENTS


66 Texti l e Industry Th - T i (Gene r a 1 ) Thank-you Notes Thirty-TI'Jo Clubs (Hoover, Republican Party) To (Genera l) Towns (Meet i ngs, Taxes, etc .) Tubercu losis U (General) UnansIVered Letters

67 Un emp l oyment Cases, 1932 Unemp l oyment - General (2 Folders) Unemployment - Massachusetts Unemployment - New Hampsh i re Une mp loyment - Rhode Island Unemp loyment - Trained Soc ial Horkers

68 Une mp 1oymen t - 11 i sce I I aneous (2 Folders) United Li fe Insurance Co mpany University of New Ha mps hire

69 University of New.Hampshire V (Genera I) Venerea l Disease CI ini c Veterans Vetos Vi las Memor i al Br idge Vot i ng ,ia (Genera I) Wag es , Publ ications re, etc. Wagner Bi 11 Har Department

70 Washington Bicentennial Commiss i on Water 1,le (Genera l ) Hebster , Dan i e 1 Hh (Genera l ) I,/i (Genera l) Hickersham Report Hil son , President Hoodrow 20



71 Ho - Wy (Gene ral) '40rkme n' s Compen sat ion Worl d Court X - Y - Z (G e ne r a I ) Yorktown Sesquicentenni a l Assoc iation Winant, Mrs. Cons tance Win ant, Frederick, Jr. Winant , John G., Jr. Th e Governor ' s Paren t s Winant : Art and Boo k Col lect ions Winant: Arti c les and Biographical Material

72 Dogs Ei ghth Ae ro Squad ron Go v3 rno r s hip, Candidacy for 1932 (2 Fo I de r s) Mi sce ll aneous Fina nci a l Matters Mi scell aneous Persona l and Politica l . Co rrespondence Pe r sona l Expenses Charged t o the Stat e Yacht Brokers, Correspondence wi th


73 A (Gene ra l) Acts Adjutant Gen e ral Adjutant Gene ral: Capt. Joseph T. He nnessey Agricu lture , Department of (New Hampshire and Un i ted States) Agr i cu l ture, De partme nt of : Bov i ne T. B.; Contag ious Abo r t ion Ame rican Associat ion for Econom ic Ed uca t ion Ame ri can Associat ion for Labor Leg is- lat ion Ame ri can Leg ion Ba - 81 (G enera l) 80 (Gen e ra l) CONTAINER CONTENTS


74 Boy Scouts - General Correspondence Boy Scouts - Le" i s , J. Hami I ton Boy Scouts - Nod ine, Ra lph H. Boy Scouts - Pol i cy Committee Report Boy Scouts -Mi scellaneous

75 Br (Genera I) Br i dges, H. Sty les Brookings Inst i tut ion Report : Genera l Correspondence Brookings Inst i tut ion : Mi nutes of Meet i ngs of Joint Comm i ttee to State Brook ings Institut ion : Requests fo r Reports: A - L Brookings Inst i tution: Requests ror Reports: M - Y Brook i.ngs In st i tution: f'liscellaneous Brm 'ln Compan y

76 BrO\,n, Senator Fred H. 1933 -1 934 Bu - By (Gen e ral) Budg e t f1a teria l Ca (General) Ca l i forn ia, State of Camps, Var ious Data re Camp Su rvey

77 Census Century of Progress Ce - Ci (Gen era l ) Ch ase, Be rn ard B. 1932- 1933

78 Child Hea l th , Labor, etc . Christian Sc ience Monitor Ar t icl e by J anet Mabie Chr i stmas Cards and Li sts Chambe r s of Commerce Civil Work s Adm ini s tra tion: Mi ss Patch Orde r s from Hopkins Civil Works Adm i nistrat ion: \,ash ington Communicat ions Ci v il Works Adm ini stra t ion: Census -Farming 22



78 Civil Horks Administration : Con t i nued Artists' Program Civi l >lorks Administration: Aviation Civi l vlo rks Admin i stration : Child Hea l th and Recovery Survey Civil 1·/orks Adm ini stration : Fi sh and Game Department Projects Civil >lorks Administrati on: Genera l Correspondence Civi l >lorks Adm ini st rati on: Moth Prevention and Mosquito Control Ci v il >lorks Administrat ion: Payroll Data Civi I >lo r ks Administration: Projects Approved

79 Civil >lorks Adm ini st rat ion: Recreat i ona 1 Civi l >larks Adm i n istrat ion: Injuries Ci v il Works Adm i nistrat ion: Tax Del i nquency Study, 1934 Civi l ,Iorks Adm ini strati on : Young People ' s Survey , 1934 Civ il ian Conservation Corps Camps, 1933- 1934 CI (General) Co (Genera l) Committee on Economic Secur ity Comm i ttee for the Nat ion, 1934 Community Chests Con (Genera 1)

80 Concord, Ci ty of: Mayor ' s Off ice, 1933 Concord Si l ve r smiths, 1933 Cool idge, Ca l v in 1933 Coos County Coos County IJorkers' Clu b, Berl in Cost of Living Study - General Cost of Li ving Study - Washi ngton Correspondence 23



So Council, 1933- 1934 Con t i nued Council . and Go vernor Votes Council of State Governme nts County Matters Couper, Iv. J. (Canada), 193 11

81 Coyl e, Arthur J. - Concord Oil Company Cr (General) Cr ime, Data re (~\r. Caswell) Cumm i ngs, Hon . George D. 1933 - 1934 Da (General) Dartmouth Col lege

82 Dav is, Burnham B. - Letters Wr it ten by Dav i s, Harold 11 . 193 11 Day] ;ght Savings Time 1934 De (Genera I) Democratic l~aterial 1933 Den ta I Boa rd Diatomite Company Do (G enera I) Donations Dr - Dy (General) Dre ier, Tom 1933-1934

83 Ea - Ed (Genera I ) Eastern States Expos i tion Econom i c Secur ity Adv i sory Council, 1934 Education, Department of : 1933- Ap ril 1934 Education, Department of : 11a y-Decembe r 1934 Education : Res idence Schools; Hotel Train i ng Educat ion, Department of: Repo r ts, ~Iinut es, Statements , etc . (3 Folders)

E I - Ez (G e ne r a I ) Ely, Richard - Com . Inte r s tate Compacts, etc. 1933 Employment Se r v ice - State of New Hampsh i re (Hon . (.J. Frank Persons ) 193 11 E~p l oyme n t: Re-Emp loyme nt Serv i ce CONTA I NER CONTENTS


811 Emp loyment : Richard Ha ll , 1934 Cont inued En gageme nts , 1933- 193 11 (7. Fo l de r s ) Execut i ve Department Ext r ad i t ion Mater ia l , 1933

85 Fa - Fe (Genera 1) Factor i es Fa rm Bu rea u Fa rm Cred i t Adm i ni st ra tion Ag ri cul t ura l Adv i sory Counc i l fo r NH Farms , Leg i s l a ti on re Fa rms : Subs i stence Homesteads Fay, Spo f ford, a nd Tho rn di ke (Boston ) F.E. R.A . (Massachu setts ) F. E. R. A. (New Hampsh i re ) F. E. R.A. - Appl ica, ions , Rece i pts 1933-Apri l 193 4 F.E . R. A. - App l icati ons , Rece ipts t1ay - August 193 4 F. E. R.A. - App l ications , Rece i pt s Sep t em be r-Decembe r 193 4 F. E. R.A. - Robe r t W. Ke l so

86 F. E. R. A. - Gene ra l Fede ra l Hous i ng Act Fe r na ld , Ali ce 1933- 1934 Fi (Ge ne ra l) Fi sh and Game : Dr . H. P. K. Age r sbo r g Fi sh and Game : Appo i nt ments Fi s h and Game: Dr. Bu l le r' s Report , 1933 Fi sh and Game: "Ag reeabl e" Rep l ies re Fi n ley and Depa r tment Fish and Game : Non-ag reeabl e rep l ies re Fi nley

87 Fi s h and Game Department : Genera l Cor respondence , 1933 Fi sh and Game Depa r tment : Genera l Co r respondence , 193 4 Fi sh and Game Departmen t: Jenn i son ' s Cha rges and Adv isory Board Repo rt Fl - Fo (Genera l) CONTAINER CONTENTS


88 Forestry Departme nt , 1933 Forest ry : Genera l Correspondence , 19311 Forestry: Phi lip 1·/ . Ayres Forestry: Reforestat ion Forestry: Sub-marginal Lands Forestry : 11hite Pine Si tuat ion Forty-e i ght Hour Law (2 Folde rs )

89 Fr - Fu (Gen e ral) Ga - Gh (General) Gi - GI (G enera l) Go (Gene ral) Governo r Du m~er Acad emy Governo r s ' Conference (with FOR) , t1 arch 1933 Go ve rno r s ' Confe rence , 193 3

90 Gove rno rs' Co nference, 1933 Governors ' Confe rence , 1934 Gr - Gu (Gene ra I) Gran j te Groveton Paper Company Ha -Hap (G eneral) Ha mp t on Sea >Ja II Hampton - Miscellaneous

91 Har - Haz (Genera I) He (Genera I) Hea I th, State Board of , 1933 Hea l th, State Boa rd of, 193 4 Hi (G enera l) Hi ghl-lay Depa rtmen t : Br i dges, 1932 - 1933 Hi ghway Departme nt, 1933 92 Hi ghwa y Depa r tment, 1933 (2 Folde r s ) Hi ghway nepartment: Purrington and In dependent Coa l Ta r Company, 1933 Highway Department , January-February 1934 Hi gh"lay Depa rtment, t1a rch-Apr i I 193 /1 Hi ghl-lay Departme nt, Hay-July 193 1 ' Hi gh"lay Depa rtment , August-Decembe r 1934 26



93 Ho (General) Hold erness School Home Loan Bank and Home Owners Loan Corp. Home Mortgage Advisory Board Hu (Gen e ral) I (Gene ra 1) Impor tant Matte r s Inaugural Messages

Industries In f lat ion and Def l ation In st itutions: Survey Inst itutions : NH State Sanator ium at Glencliff Institutions: State Ho sp ital, 1933 Institutions: State Hosp i ta l , 1934

95 Institutions: Industr i a l Schoo l Institutions : Laconia State School Institutions: State Prison, 1933 Institutions: State Pr i son , 1934 Insurance Department I nternat i ona 1 Yt1CA (Spr i ngf i e 1d) International YMCA (Geneva , Switzer l and) Internat iona l YMCA (Jerusalem)

96 Internationa l Committee of YMCA's - Un i ted States and Can ada rn terstate Commerce Co mm i ssion (2 Folders) Interstate Co mpacts - Joint Conference, May 29, 193 Lf

97 Interstate Co mpac ts: Chi ld Labor Interstate Co mpacts : Meeting at State Hou se August 1, 1 93 L, Inte r state Labo r Compacts : Meetings and Minutes of Meetings In terstate Labor Co mpacts: Massachusetts Res o lve and Acts, etc. Interstate Labor Compacts: New Hamps hire Co mm i ss i on Interstate Labor Compacts: Parkman and Perk i ns Corresponde nce 27



97 Inter state Compacts: Genera l Cont inued Invitations, J anuary 1933

98 Inv i tat ions, Feb r uary-September 1933

99 Inv i tat ions , Oc to ber 1933- May 193 4

100 Invitations, June- Decembe r 1934 Invitations, Te ntative

101 Ja -J e (Genera l ) Jews Jo (Gene ra l) Ka (Genera l) Kansas, 1933 Ke (Gene ra 1) Kenda ll, Henry P. 1933 Keyes, Hon . Henry \./. 1933 -1 93 1f Ki (G ene ral) Kn - Ko (G ene ra I) La (Ge ne ra l)

102 Labor , U. S. Depa r tment of: Frances Perkins Labor Laws Labo r : Str i ke Nate ri a l Labor, State Bu reau of: Re Shoe Industry Labor, State Bureau of : Re ~/o me n and Mi no r s Labo r, State Bureau of : Mi scell aneous Lape , Esthe r 1932-1934 Lar ivee , Ju les , Jr. - Case Stud ies Law Enforcement (r1r. Nute)

103 Le (Genera I) League of Nations League of Women Voters (NH) Legi s lat ion : Federa l Legislat ion : Genera l Leg is lat ion : New Hampsh i re Primary and EI ec t ion La,,,s 28



103 Leg i s lat ion: New Hampshi re Session Conti nued La,ys Leg i s lat ion : Unemployme nt Re i ief i n New Hampsh ire

Leg i s l a ti on: NH Hous e Bill s a nd Journa l s Leisure Letters of Recommendation a nd In troduc t ion Lette r s - Thank You L i - Ll (Genera 1) Li brary - State : Library Commiss ion Li brary - Ci t i zeris Li bra ry Comm i ttee Li ppman, 1·/a l ter (Co l umn "Today and To mo rro"I" , 1933)

105 Liquo r Control Le g i slat ion: Let t e r s Requesting Study Comm iss ion, 1933 Liq uo r ·Control Legi s l at ion : Answe r s to Governor Winant ' s Letter of Ap­ pointment to Study Co mm iss ion, 1934 Li quor Con trol Legis lat ion : Reques ts of Specific Departments t o Cooperate wi th the Committee Li quor Control Legislation : Specia l Li quo r Study Committee Li quor Contro l Legis lat ion: Rep l ies to Governor ' s Le tter re Ca ll ing of a Speci a l Se ss ion Li quor Control Legi s l at ion: Li quor Comm i ss ioner, 1934 Liquor Control Leg i s l at ion: New State Li quor Comm iss ion, Appo i nted June 13, 1931, Li quo r Con tro l Leg is l at ion : State Li quor Contro l Comm i ss ion , 1934 Li quor Contro l Legisl at ion : Requests for t he Rep·ort of the Li quor Contro l Comm i ttee Li quor Cont ro I Leg i s I at ion : Requests for Job on Commi ss ion

106 Li qu o r Contro l Le g i s l a ti on : Requests for J obs as Storekeeper, Inspector , etc . 29


106 Li quor Control Legis lation: Mi scell a­ Co ntinued neous Job Requests Li quo r: Special Session Liquor : Special Session - Senate and House Comm i ttees Liquor : Specia l Session _. The 8il I Liquor: Pet itions Favor ing Spec i a l Session Liquor: Petitions Opposing Spec ia l Sess ion Liquor : Letters Favoring Spec ia l Sess ion

107 Liquor : Le tte r s Opposing Spec ial Sess.ion Li quor : Specia l Session - Other Leg i s lat ion Not Acted On Li quo r: Various Li sts Littl eton, NH Lo (G ene r a l) Lo ans , Requests for Lockwood, fla ro I d J. 1933 - 193 1!

108 Lu mbe r Camps, Survey of Ope rat ions Lu - Ly (General) Mac - Mc (General) ~laa - t1ap (Genera I ) Mab ie , Miss Janet 1933- 1934 t1a nches ter, NH Nan ifes ts Nar - Ma z (General) t·la ry a nd 01 ive (11in ant's Secretar ies ) - Notes, Li s ts, etc. Mayo rs ' Meeting, June 26, 1933

109 Me · (Ge nera I) t1e e tings - Var iou s , 1934 Me l oney , Mrs. Will i am Brown New York Herald Tr i bune, 1933 -1 934 Memberships: ~ r gan i zat i ons Des iring the Governor's Ne mbe rship Me tcalf and Eddy (Mr. Fal es) t1 i (Gen e ra l ) t·li l k, 1933 CONTAI NE R CONTENTS


110 Milk, 193 11 11il k Conference, 1933 (4 Fol de r s )

III Mi Ik Conference, 1933, e t c. Mill s , Da ta re Minimum Wage : Advisory Council Executive Committee Minimum \Iage: Complaints and In quiries Referred to Miss Johnson Minimum Wage Committee of Internat ional Association of Governmental Labor Officials Min i mum "/age : Conference Reports, Articles, La ws Minimum Wage: Consumer Milk Study, 1934 Mi n i mum Wage: Correspondence

11 2 flini mum Wage : General 11 in i mum Wage : Laund ry Boa rd flinimum Wage: Minors Inju red When Ill ega lly Emp l oyed flinimum Wage : Unemployment Reserves ( Insurance) Min i mum \'/age : Vocat iona l Guidance Confe rence, June 13 , 193 11 ~Io (G enera l) l'lobi I i zation for Human Needs, 1934 Newton D. Baker, Chairman ~\ortgages Moses, Senator Geo r ge H., 1931- 193 4

11 3 tlotor Vehic l e Department : General Corre spondence Motor Veh ic l e Department : Requests for Jobs Motor Veh ic l e Department : Statist ics, Reports, Records flu - My (Gene ra l ) Na - Ne (Gene r a 1) National Conference on State Parks, 1934, Herbert Evison, Executive Secretary Nat iona l Consumers' League Nat iona l In st ituti on of Publ ic Affa i rs (Ilr . \./ingo) CONTA INER CotHENTS


113 Nat iona l Mode rni z ing Program, (Cont i nued) 193 11 (Ch i cago) National Mun i c i pa l League

114 NRA: Consu me rs' Adv i sor y Board NRA: Misc e ll aneous , 1933 (H ug h Johnson) NRA : Mi sce l l aneous , 1934 (Hugh Johnson) Nat iona l Recreat ion Associat ion, 1933

11 5 Nati ona l Recreat ion Assoc iat ion , 193 4 Nat ~ ona l Safet y Counci l Nat iona l Confe rence on Street and Highway Safet y Nat iona l Or ga ni zat ions : Hiscell aneous Navy New Cast l e (New Rese r vation) New England Coun ci l, 1933 New England Counci l, 1934 New Hampsh i re Fo undat i on fo r the Promot ion of Un i form ity of Leg i s 1a t i on

11 6 New Hampsh ire Foun dation New Hampshire - Various Ne~lspaper Cl i pp i ngs (3 Folders)

11 7 Newspapers, Req uests fo r Inter v iews Ni -Ny (Genera 1) o (Genera 1) Oi 1 Old Ho me Week , 1933 Op i n ions (Of Supreme Cou r t, etc .) Pa (Ge nera l ) Pamph l e ts, Per iod i ca l s, Books , Reports Sent to the Governor

11 8 Pamph 1ets, Per i od i ca 1s , Books, Reports Sent t o the Gove rnor

11 9 Pamph lets , Period icals , Books, Reports Sent to the Governor CO NTAI tiER CON TENT S


119 Pardons a nd Paro l es : General Con t i nued Pardons ann Pa rol es: A - CI

120 Pardons and Paroles: Co - Hi

12 1 Pardons and Parol es : Ho - N

122 Pa rdons and Paro l es : P - T

12 3 Pardons and Pa roles : V - Z Pe - Ph (Gen era I) Pearson, John W. 193 3-1 93 4 Pennsy l va ni a (Governor Pinchot, etc. ) Peterson, Ag nes L. - U. S. Depa rtme nt of Labor, \·fomen's Bu reau, \Yashington, D.C. Pet i ti ons Pharmacy Boa rd (N H State) Photograp h Requests, 193 1-1934 Pi - PI (Gen e ral) Plann in g Boa rd: Genera l Correspondence

. 124 Pl a nning Boa rd (State ); r1embersh ip Correspond e nce, New Hamps hire r1eet i ngs Plann i ng Board : Mis ce ll aneous Plann i ng Board - Nat iona l (Nat iona l Resources Board ), Ch a rl es W. Wl iot Po (Gene ra I ) Poet ry Po l i ce, Spec ia l Co mm ittee to Study t he Powers of, 1934 Pol ice : Vari ous State and Fed e ra l , 1933- 1934

125 Po l ice Co mm i ss i one rs ' Reports : Va ri ou s Po r tsmouth Pr - Py (G enera I ) Pr i nceton Pr i nceton -Venching Foun dat ion (Ch i na) Pr i nti ng Co mm i ttee (State ), July 1934 Proc l amat ions: Amer i can Ed uca t ion Week Proc l amat ions: Arm ist i ce Day Proc l ama tions : Bank Ho I i day CO NTA INE R CO NTENT S


125 Proclama tions : Chi l d Hea l th Day Con t i nu ed Proclamat ions : Conservat ion Week Proc I a ma t ions: P roh i bit ion, EI ec t ion of Delegates Proc lamat ions: Fire Prevention Week Proc I amat ions : Fast Day Proc I amat ions : 11i sce ll a neous Proc I amat ions : Poppy Day Proc l amat ions: Pul ask i Day Proc I ama t ions : Re d Cross Proc l amat ions: Th anksg iving Day Proc I amat ions : Un employment Re I ief, 1932 Prohibition : Convent ion to Repea l 18th Amendment

12 6 Prohibition, Department to Enforce, 1933 (2 Fo l ders) Pu b lic Se rvi ce Commiss ion, 1933 Publ i c Se rvice Commission, 1934

127 Pub l i c We l fare Department, 1933 Pu b 1 i c I,./e l fare , Board of, 1931, Publ i c I,./elfare: BI ind Aid Publ i c He l fare: Cancer Publ i c Works Adm in i s t rat i on : Art Proj ect Pub l ic Works Adm i n i st ration : Me rri mack County Fa rm Pu bl i c Works : Fed e ra l Emergency Administrator Publ ic Works : Proj ects Approved Pub li c Horks : State Projects

128 Publ i c Works (State) : Royden Reed, 1931, Pub l i c I,.iorks for Un emp loyment Re I ief, 1933 Pub l ic ity for New Ha mp shire - Var ious Data, 1933 . Pu rcha s i ng Agen t Q (Gen e ra l) Ra (General) Race Track: Gamb li ng a nd Bett i ng Rad io , 1933- 1934 34



129 Rai I road s (2 Fo l ders) Railroad t1 eeting , Boston, July 5, 1934 Rauch, Rudolph s. 1933- 1934 Re (Gen e r a I) Real Es t ate Brokers: Spec ia l Comm i s­ sion to Study and Report on, 1934 Reconst ruc t ion Finance Corporation: . Act s and Regulations

130 Reconstruct ion Fina nce Co rpo ration: Local Rel ief Pri or to Fed e ral Emer­ gency Re l ief Reconstruction Finance Corporation : ReI ief Pr ior to #4 17 and Federa l Em e rgency Re li ef Reconstruct ion Finance Corpora tion : Genera l Recl"eat iona l Development Off i ce Repo rt, November 30, 1934 Recreat ion : General (2 Fo l ders)

131 Recreat ion : Mrs . Ma rjor ie S. Cautl ey , 193 1, Recreat iona l Comm i ssion, October 1934 Recreat ion Congress: Wa shington, DC Oc tober 1-5 , 1934 Recreat ion : Music Recreat ion: Projects Recrea tion: Rura l,1 934 Recreat ion : Sk i Trails, 1934 Rec reat ion : Un i vers i ty of New Hampsh i re Recreation School Red Cro ss

132 Rehabi l ita t ion Rel ief Money (Federa l ), Al location of, 1932- 19J11 Republ ican Headquarte r s Republ i can Campa i gn flater ia l, 193 1, Ri (Gen e ral) Ro (Genera l) Rooseve lt, Pres ident Frankl in D. Roosevelt, Theodo r e - Memor ial Assoc i at ion Root, Dr . t'lanley B. 193 1, Ru - Ry (Genera l) CONTA INER CONTENTS


133 Sa (Gen e ra l) St . Paul ' s School Sc -(Gen e ral) Se (Genera 1) Sec retary of State Seidemann, Henry P. - Brookings Inst i t ute, 1933 -1 934 Se l ectmen Sh (Genera 1) Shawmut Nationa l Bank of Boston Si - Sl (General) Sm (Genera l ) Sma ll Industr ies Sma l l Loans

134 Sn - Sq (Genera l) So l d iers ' Home Spe l man Fund Spe l man Fund : Study of State and Loca l Gove r nments St (Gen e ra l ) Staff, Governor ' s Mil ita ry State Comptrol ler ' s Department State Deve l opment Commiss ion (rl r. Tutt l e) , 1933 State Deve l opment Comm i ssion, 1934

135 State House : Personne l Survey, Sa l a ri es State House: Sa l a r y In c reases State House: Clerks ' Sa laries State House : Survey of Depa r tme nts and Pl ans for New Add i t ions State Pay ro 11 State Trea s urer State Treasurer : Bonded Debt State Treasu re r : Dai l y Cash Ba l ances, 1933

136 State Treasurer : Da i ly Cash Balances, 1934 Statements Stone , Dr. Donald C. - Publ i c Adminis­ tration Se r v i ce Story, Stephen B. - Recovery Re l ief Stream Po ll ut ion - Ammonoosuc Ri ver CON TAINER CONTENTS


136 Stream Po ll uti on - Contoocook Rive r Cont i nued St ream Pol l ut ion - Connect icut River Stream Po ll ut ion - Lake Winnisquam Stream Po ll ut ion - Var ious Stream Po l lut ion - Pur ification Con­ fe rence, Washi ngton , December 6, 1934

13 7 Su - Sz (Gene ra l ) Sympathy Ta - Te (Genera l ) Tax Comm i ss ion , New Hamps hire State Text i l es Text il es - Bul letins Text il e Str i ke (Nationa l ) - CI ipp ings

138 Text il e Str i ke (Nat iona l) - Co ngratu lat ions Text il e St ri ke (Nat iona l ) - Expe nse Accounts Tex til e Str i ke (Na ti ona l) - Requests for Pos i t ions Text il e Str i ke (Nat iona l) - President ' s In qu iry Board Tex ti le St ri ke (Nat iona l) - Labo r Re lat ions Board Text il e St ri ke - Genera l Te·xt il e Str i ke - Suggest ions Th - Ti (Genera l ) Ti nda l e , Thomas K. - NH Re i ief Off i ce , 1934 To - Tu (Ge nera l) Tobey, Senator Char les W., 1933- 1934 Tube r cu los i s , Gran i te (Dust )

139 Tube rcul os i s U (Gene ra l ) Unemployment: Aid Cases : A - E

140 Unemp l oyme nt : Aid Cases: F - W

141 Unemp 1oymen t : Aid Cas es : X - Z Un emp loyment: Mrs. Li l I ian L. Albee Un emp loyment : Appl i ca t ions for Work . Un emp I oymen t : Co mp l aints 37



141 Un emp l oyment : Correspondence - Cont i nued ' General Unemp l oyment: Emergency Gardens Unemp loyment: Federa l Act f or Re I ief of Unemployment: Me mos and Le tters Signed by the Governo r for Miss Patch Unemp loyment : Mi scel l aneous Unemployment: NH Emergency Re I ief Admi ni strat ion , 1934 Unemploymen t: New Hampshi re Plan

142 Unemp l oyment: Old Age Pension Unemployme nt: Plans for Re I ief of Unemployme nt: Recovery ReI ief Bul letins, Fi nanc ia l Statements Unemploymen t: Re I ief Cost Survey, 1934

14 3 Un em ployme nt: Reports and Exp enditures (C ase Loads) Unemp loyment : Requests for Payment Un emp loyment : Survey of Welfare Adm in ­ i stration in Ne," Hampsh ire, 193 Lf Une mp loyment : State We l fare ReI ief Passed by Senate and Hou se , June 13, 1933 Unemployment: Tran s ient Camps Unemployment: White Collar Work (Various) Unemp l oyment : Work: A - B

144 Un emp loyment: Work: C - P

145 Un emp loyment: ~Iork: R - Z Unemp 1oymen t : Miscellaneous Reports (2 Fo l ders)

146 University of Ne," Ha mpsh ire, 1933 Unive r s ity of Ne," Hamps hire , 193 4 V (G enera l) Ve rmont - Ne.! Hampshi re Boundary Lin e Case Veterans Vetos , 1933 Vot i ng 38



147 Ha (G e ne ra 1) I,a r, Da ta re Harm Spr i ngs, Georg i a (Infantile Paral ys i s ) Ha ges : Mi nimum Hage La ws , Bills, etc. He (Genera 1 ) \-lest Po i nt : Appointme nt s to , etc. Heights and Measures Hh (Gen e ra 1) Hh i tche r, George (r·\an Lost in Coos County), 1931! I'; (Genera 1) Hiesma n, Mi ss Margaret - Consumers ' Lea gue of 11assachusetts, 1933 I< il der, 11rs . Abby L. (Rindge), 1933 Hil loughby Repo r t, 1933 0,10 - Hy (Genera l ).

\·Jor;d Court X - Y - Z (General) Young Republ icans Youth Hostels: Amer ican Youth Hoste l As soc i a­ tion, Inc. (Mr . and ~Irs. Smith) , 1934 \-l inant : Art and Books, 1933 \-l inant: Ar t and Books, 1934 Hinant: Dogs I,inant: Farm \, i nant: Hor ses o,1i nant: 8th Aero Squadron 1·l inant: Pres idency

149 \-l inant: Letter s of Commendation on Hi s Adm i n i stration Hinant: Fi nanc i al Matters, Bi lls , etc. \-l inant: Christmas Messages H'nant: Ar t ic l es re and Biogra phica l Mate r ial H nant : Persona l H nant, Mr s . John G. H nant, Mi ss Constance I·J nant, John G., Jr . - School in Ar i zona I< nant, Rivington - Schoo l , 1933 I< nant, Frede rick

150 Leg i slat i ve Handbook 11 inutes of the Execut i ve Boa rd, 1931- 1931f

151 "11anua I of Account i ng a nd Report i n9 for the State Gov e rnment of Ne., Ham pshi "e" "Report on A Survey of the Organizat ion and Adm ini s tra tion of the St a t e , County, and Town Gove rnme nts of Ne\'J Ham p shi rell "Report on A Survey of Adm inistration in Ne," Ha mps h ire" VAI ume I I CONTAINER CONTENTS

152 Mi sce ll aneous Printed Mate ri a l s


153 A (G ene ra l) Adm i ni strative Mana gement Aid andlor Ass i st anc e, Requests Fo r Airport, Boston Metropo l itan (IVi ll a rd P. Full e r) Amer ican Associ ation Fo r Labor Legis l at ion Amer ican Foundat ion Studi es i n Go ve r nme nt - Esther Eve rett Lape (2 Fo l ders) Ame ri can Labor Pa rty American Nat iona l Comm ittee 'lAmer i can " - Hi see 11aneo us Anonymo us Cor respondence App l icati ons and Recomme ndat ions Rece i ved . Arti c les Req ues ted of John G. Winant Asbury Grove, Mass achu setts - Speech , 1936

154 Ba - Bo (Genera l) Babcock , E. C., 1936- 193 7 Baker, Ceci 1 F. (re Cl in ton Winant), 1935-1937 Bar Assoc iat ion of the Ci ty of New York Ben son , Mrs. R. Laurence , 1935- 1936 Bi dd l e , Er ic, 1936 Bond, Marsha l l, 1936- 1937 Book: Th e ABC ·of Soc ial Securi ty by Wi nant Boudreau, Frank G. , 1936- 1939 Bower , B. 0. , 1936- 1937 Boy Scouts of Ame ri ca Br - Bz (G enera l ) Brauche r, Howa rd - Nationa l Rec reat ion · Assoc iat ion 1936 -1 937 Brin, Leonard , 1936 Br ook ings Inst ituti on (3 Folders)

155 Building Prod ucts Compa ny Bu ll Te rri e r Club of Amer ica Ca - Cl (G enera l) 40



155 Cha pe I Hill, Na rch 3, 1937 Con t i nued Ch r istmas Acknowledgements Churches - Conferences with Religious Leade r s, /'. a rch 28, 1936 Co (G enera l) Cohen, Ben V., n.d. Co l by Jun ior Co l lege Co mm ittee on Coord ina t ion for Social Security Le g i s lation of the Federa l Bar Assoc iation Co mm i ttee on Econom ic Security Congratulat ions on Socia l Secur i ty Board Appo intment (2 Fo l ders) Corcoran, Tho ma s C. (M a ter ial Sent by Al tmeyer re 1936 Republ ican A~tack on Soc i a l Security Leg is lat ion) Cory and Fa l k, Drs .

156 Cotton Manufacturers , Nationa l Assoc ia- tion of (Robert Hus e) Co un ci l of State Governments , 1935 Counc il of State Governments , 1936 Counc i l of State Governments, 1937 Counci l of State Gove rnme nts - Pr i nted Matter Co yl e-Concord Oil Company, 1935 -1 938 Cr - Cz (Genera l ) Da - Di (G enera l )

157 Da ll as, Rev. J . T. , 1935- 1936 Diatomi te - New Hampsh ire Dia t om ite Co mpany Diatom ite - New Hamps hire Diatomite Co mpa ny, F. H. Emerson, 1937 Diatomite - New Hamps hi re Diatomite Company, F. H. Eme rson , 1939 Diatom i te - John Sise a nd Company Diatomite - Robert o. Underwood Do - Du (G enera I ) Donald son, Ray, 1937 Drury , Rev . Samue l S. and Family, 1935- 1936 E (G ene ra i) Ei ghth Aero Squadron 41



15 7 Execut ive Reorgan i zat ion Co nt inued Fa - FI (G enera l) Fa ir, Ha rry, 1935- 1939 Farjeon, Ba ll in and Company Federal Hous i ng Adm ini stra t ion (Stewa rt McDona l d)

158 First Nat iona l Bank , Conco rd, rlH Fo - Fu (Genera I ) Fuller, Wi ll ard 193 6-1937 G (General ) Georgetown Gasl i ght Company Gifts (F lowers Sent) Ha - Hi (Genera l) Ha 11, Ri cha rd, 1936 Har l an , Laura, 1935-1937 Harvard Uni versity , Febr ua r y 26-27, 1937 Healy, Mary C., 1937 Hitchcock, Thomas , Jr . 1936 -1 939 Ho - Hu (Gene ra l) Hol derness Schoo l Huberth and Hube r th , Inc .

159 I (Gene ra I) ·Internat iona l Co mm i t tee of YNCA (Spr ingf ield Co II ege) Internat iona l Comm i ttee of YI1CA I S In ternat iona l Labo r Con fe r-en ce , 1936 Internat iona l Si I icosis Conference, 1938 Internat ional Text il e Con f erence, 1937- Co rrespondence Internat iona l Texti Ie Confe rence , 1937- Dr'afts of Speeches , et c . Internat iona l Text i Ie Conference ) 1937- Reports, etc . Internat iona l Text il e Conference, 1937- Rosters and Adm ini strat ion Interv iews , Requests fo r Inv i tat ions - Forma l

160 Invi tat i ons to Speak , 1935- 1937 COtHA I NER CONTENTS


160 Irvin, Warren, 1936 Con t i nu ed J (Genera 1) Judicial Reorgan i zation K (Genera 1) L (G enera 1) Labor ' s Non-Part i san League Langley, J ames M., 1936 Lape, Esther, 1937 (See a l so The Amer ican Foundation) Layman I 5 Assoc iat ion Convention, November 11, 1936 (Methodist Epi scopa l Church, Poughkeepsie, NY) League of Nations Assoc iat ion Lebeau, Roland E. , 1940 Letters of Introduction Written by Hr . Hinant Mac - Mc (General) MacMurphy, All en , 1935-1 936 161 ria - 11 i (G enera l ) Madariaga , S. De, 1936 t·!atthews, Benjamin A., 1936 - 1937 Mi ch i gan Conference of Soc i a 1 ~!ork, October 9 , 1936 Hi l bank Memo rial Fund, 193 7 Milk Study - NRA ( Irene Till) Mi l ler, Spence r, 1935- 1936 t10 - ~Iu (Gene ral) Moffet t, Guy, 1936-1937 N (General) National Ch i ld La bor Committee National Committee for Clar i fy i ng the Constitution by Amendment Nat ional Consumers' League

162 Nat iona l Insti tute of Soc ia l Sc iences National League of Women Voters Nat iona l Hunicipal League Nationa l Policy Committee, Spec ia l Comm i ttee on Labor National Rec reation Associat ion , 1935 Nati ona l Recreat ion Assoc i at i on, 1936 Nationa l Recreat ion Associat ion, 1937 43



162 Nat iona l Recreat ion Assoc ia t ion , Cont i nued 1938 Nat iona l Recreat ion Association, 1939-1940 N~t i ona l Tubercu los i s Associat ion "N at ional" - l1i sce ll aneolls New England Counc il

163 New Hampsh i re New Yo r k Ed ison Company Ni cho l s Eng in eeri ng and Research Co r porat ion Nyman, Carter , 1936 o (Genera l ) Obe rl in Co ll ege Ol d Sout h Fo ru m P (Genera l) Pearson, John, 1934- 1937 Pension (Old Age) Repo r t Perk ins , Frances , 1936 Pres id en ti a l Campa i gn, 1936 (Mock Repub l i can Conven ti on)

164 Press Pri ncet on Un i vers i ty Pryll, Wa l t e r , 1939 Q (Ge nera l ) R(Gene ral) Rauch , Ste./art, 1936 Recommendat ions Wr i tten by J GW Rese ttl emen t Adm i ni strat ion (Low-cost Hous ing) Riege lman , Caro l , 1936 Roc hester, Uni versity o f Rooseve l t , Pres ident Frankl in D. and El eanor Rooseve It '''emor i a I Assoc i at ion Sa - SI (Ge neral) Scr i bner and Sons Second Nat ional Confe rence on Labo r Leg is lat ion Sm - Sz (Genera I )

165 Sm i th, Geoffrey, 1935- 1937 Sm i t h, Phi I , I 935 - I 936 44


PAPERS, 1935- FEB RUARY 194 1

165 Soc ia l Sc ience Research Counc il Cont i nued Soc ial Security Ac t Social Security Board: General Soc i al Secur i ty Board : Appointment as Cha i rman of Soc i al Secur i ty Board : Altmeyer/ Winant Messages Social Secur i ty Board: Cl i ppings Socia l Security Board: Res ignat ion, September 1936 Socia l Security Board: Congratulatory Lett ers re Res i gnation Soc i a l Security Board : Vandenburg Letter re Resignation Soc ia l Security Board : An ti-Soc ial Secu r i ty Materia l Soc i a l Secu ri ty Board: Speaking En­ gagements i n Defense of Soc ia l Secur ity rlct

166 Soc ia l Security Board: Speech Mate­ ri a l s for Defense of the Board Soc ia l Secur i ty Boa rd: Fi rst Annua l Report - Acknowledgements of Soc ial Secur i ty Board: Final Res i g­ nation, 1937 Soc ia l Secur ity Board : Statement of JGW as Chairman Soc i al Security Boa rd : Miscellaneous Speeches: Correspondence re State Compacts Stevens , Raymond B., 1936 Straus, Roger , 1937- 1939 Study of the Financ i ng of Old-Age Sec urity S./ ift, O. P. and Johnson, Robe rt W. , 1935 T (Genera l ) Twent ieth Century Fund, Inc. (Hagne r B i 11 )

167 lJ (General) U. S. Department of Labor V (Genera l ) Vouchers, Cl a i ms for Re imbursement, etc . CONTAINER CONTENTS


167 14a - Wi (General) / Continued Washington Cathedral Weddings Vlhitehouse, C. E. "Deacon" , 1936- 1937 Vl inant, Mrs . John G. Vlinant , John G. , J r . Vlinant, Frederick, Jr. Wi nant, Jeannette (Mother) liinant, John G. (Persona l ) Financial Matte rs, Bill s , etc. Wi nant, John G. -Misce ll aneous Personal Matters

168 Winant, John G. IIFor Pres idency'!, 1935 -1936 Wo - 142 (G eneral) Vloodbury Forest Schoo l, VA (re Speech, June 12,1936) X - Y - Z (Gen era l) Chri stmas Cards (2 Folders) Soc ia l Secur ity Boa rd : CI ippings New Yo rk Hera ld Tribune: CI i pp i ngs \·Iel" York TImes : CI i pp ings Press CI i pp i ngs:' Miscel laneous , 1935- 1937


169 A (G enera I ) Andrews , John B., 1936 B (Genera l ) Bi bl iography Boud reau , F. G. , 1935 C (General) Calendar Reform CI i ppings D (Genera I ) Holde rness School Irv in, War ren, 1935 -1 936 ILO: Report of the Direct or J - L (G eneral) John son, Ethe l , 1935 League of Nat ion s



169 Lo r"/ in , Le\·lis L. (I LO Econom ic Adv i so r) , Continued 1935 Lubin, Isador, 1935-1936 11ar i t i me Con ference, 1935 McGeachy , Cra ig , 1934- 1935 N (Genera l ) Nat iona l Consumers League (L ucy Mason) . Nat iona l IL O Comm i ttee Nat iona l League of Women Voters Nethe rl ands - Socia l In surance (Mr. Ab ramson's Report)

170 Perk in s , Frances , 1935 Personnel Phelan, E. J ., 1935- 1936 R (Genera I) Riege l man , Caro l , 1935-1936 Rice, Wi 1 I iam G., 19 35 Sant iago Conference, 1935 (Fri eda S. Mi 1 le r) Sm i th, Geoffrey , 1935- 1936 St e in: Report on Miss ion in Centra l Europe 1·lyzanski, Charles E., Jr. 1935 YMCA


171 A (Genera I) Ame r i can Adv i sor y Counc i 1 to the Oxford Conference Amer ican Stag ia ires Andre0s , John B. , 1937 B (G enera l) Baker, Cec il F., 1937- 1938 Boudreau , Frank G. , 1938 Boy Scouts of Amer ica Butl e r , Haro l d , 1935- 1939 C (General) Cand idatures Chambe rl ai n, Joseph P., 1937- 1939 Ch e rrington , Ben , 193 8 Cl ipp ings 4 7


! NTERNAT IONA l l ABOR ORGAN I ZAT ION: GENEVA , 1935 , 1937- 1939

171 Coh en , Benjami n V. , 1938 Continued Consumers ' l eague of Massach uset t s Congratu lat ions on Ass i stant Di - r ectorsh i p, Apr i I 1935

172 Con gratulat ions on Directorship: Statements by Membe rs of Conference Congratu lat ions on Directorship: Newspaper CI i pp in gs Con gra tul at ions on Directorship: Persona l D (G eneral) Doe , Miss J essie, 1938 E (Genera I ) Elliott, R. H. , 1937 F (Gen e ra l ) Farj eon , Ba ll in and Company Farr , Dan ie l H., 1935-1938 Fe r encz i, Dr . Imre , 1938-1939 Fl ann igans G (General) Goodspeeds ' Book Sh op H (Genera I)

173 Harva rd Co l lege Boa rd of Ove rseer s Hea l y, 14ary, 193 8-1 939 Ho l derness School I (G eneral) Indian Head Nationa l Bank In t e rnationa l Ch ambe r of Co mme rce - Carn eg ie Jo int Comm i ttee Inte r' na tional Cl ub Inv i tati ons - Forma l J (G enera 1) Jackson, Mrs . Fannie, 1937 -1 939 Johnson , Mi ss Ethe l M., 1937- 1938 (2 Folders)

Internat i ona l l abor Conference, 20th Sess ion , (J une 1936)), Agenda Inte rn at iona l l abor Conference , 25th Sess ion, (June 1939) - Provi s iona l Record Intern at iona l l abor Confe r ence , 25th Sess ion , Information for Director 48



174 K (Genera l ) Co n t in ued L (General) 1-\ (Genera l )

175 McDavitt, Cl a rence G., 193 8 Midd lebury Co l lege N (G enera l ) Nat ional Consumers ' Leag ue Nat iona l Pol icy Comm ittee Norris, Ray , 193 7 ° (Genera l ) O'Leary, ~Irs. Mar garet , 1936- 1938 P (Genera l ) Pan Ame ri can Conference , 1938 Pe r son ne I , 1935 Ph e lan, E. J., 1936 Q (General) R (G enera l ) Raquet and Tenn i s Club Refugees Co ming from Germany Reports, Memo randa , Sp eeches Repo r t s - Var ious Resn ick , Louis , 1938 Riege l man , Caro l , 1935-1937

176 Rockefel le r Fou nda tion Grant for Study of Econom ic Problems Af t e r Rearmament Roll in s ., Hrs . Ell sworth and Hiss Abb ie , 1937 Rooseve l t Hemor ial Assoc iat ion ROI'len, Mrs . Georg ie, 193 8 Russ ia S (General) Security Storage Company Stevens, Raymond B., 1937 Sweetser, Arthur, 1936- 1937 T (Gene ra l ) Tay lo r . 01 i ve r F. Tay I or, \·/ayne, 193 8 U (Genera I ) V (G ene ra l ) \, (General) Wehle, Loui s B., 1937 Wigg in, Gregg , 1937- 193 9 49



176 Hillitts , Joseph P. , 1939-1940 Continued IJomen , Status of (N at iona l IJo men's Party) ~lo r kers Educat iona l Assoc iat ion (l1r. Gr een) y - Z (G ene ra l) Hi nant, John G. - IL O Hinant, John G. -Persona l

177 Hin ant, John G. : Fi nanc ia l 11atters Wi nant, John G. : Ca rs , Insurance 11atte rs , etc . Hinant, J ohn G. : CI i pp i ngs re J GVi and ILO Hinan t , Mr s . Const ance Viin ant, Mis s Constance Viin ant , John G., Jr . 14inant, Riv ington (St. Albans Schoo l) Hinant, Mrs. Gilbe rt Winant , Frederick ~linant, Mr. and 1·lrs. CI inton


178 A - E (G enera l) Christmas Cards, 1940 F - I (G enera l) Immigra tion Johnson , Ethe l M.: Form Letter Used by J - L (Ge nera l) M (Gen e ra l ) N (G ene ra l ) o - R (Ge ne r a I ) Refugees S (G ene ra l) Sp eak ing Engagement s and Meet in gs , Summe r- Fa ll 1940 T - Z (Gen e ra l) Hinant, John G. : Persona l

17 9 Appo intment Books, 1937-1938 (2 Vo lumes ) Address Dooks (] Vo l umes) 50



180 Aa - Ad (Gen e ral) Aberdeen Accou nt s Ach i li es , Theodore, 191,3-1945 Addresses , Correct ion of . Adm i ra 1ty Ag - Al (Genera l ) Agar, He r bert, 194 1- 1946 Al anbrooke , Fi e ld Ma r sha ll Lord , 1946 7 Al dfo rd Pl ace and 9 Rex Place Re ntal s Al exander, Fie ld Marsha l l , 194 5 Al sop , Lt. Stevla rt , KRRC, 1944 Am - Ar (Gener" 1) Ame r i can Ambu lance, Great Brita i n Ame rica n Ch am be r of Commerce in London Amer ican and Br it i sh Commonwea lth Assoc i a t ion Ame r i can Club

181 "Ame ri can" (C lubs, Soc i e ti es , etc.) Ame r i can Ea g l e Club Ame rica n Fl y ing Se r vi ce Foundat ion Amer i can Hosp ita l Amer ican Leg ion Amer ican Outpost i n Great Br itai n Amer i can Red Cross Comm ittee in Great Br i tain Ame ri can Red Cross -Harva rd Med i ca l Un i t Ame rican Soc ie t y in London - Tha nk s- g i ving Ce le brat ions Amer ican Un ive rs i ty Un ion

Ame r i ca n Home n I 5 C 1u b Amery ( Ind i a an d Burma ), 194 1-1942 Amery, fi rs. L. S., 19111- 19116 Ang lo-Czechos lovak ia Chri s t ian Fe 1 1OvlS hip Anonymou s [Part ia l Signatures] App l icat ions, Recommendations So l ic i ted, Appeals for Aid CONTA INER CONTENTS

MHlASSADOR TO GREAT BR I TA I tJ , 191j 1-1 946

182 Appo intments Arch i tects - ROYil l Ins titute of Roya l Arch itects, Open i ng of ,.- Su i Idi ng Cent re, July I '), 19114 Amstrong, Ham ilton Fi sh , 194 4- 1945 ~ . Ar my Army Personne l Arno ld , Ge neral H.H., 194 1- 1943 Ar ti c l es Reques ted As - Az (Genera I ) Assoc ia ti on of Ame ri can Cor res­ pondents Asto r , Lord, 19112- 19113 Astor , Viscountess, 194 1- 1942

183 Asto r, Co l one l J. J . , 194 1-1 944 Athenaeum, The Att l ee , C. R. , 194 1-1946 Austra l ia - Hi gh Co mm i ss ioner, S. M. Gruce Aust ri an Democrat ic Union Austr ian Move me nt Autographs, 19111 Autog rapl, s , 1942 Autographs , 1943- 1946 Aux il iary Terr i tori a l Serv ice Aircraft and Av iilti on: Bri t i sh Mi ssion t o the United States Aviat ion: Art i c le on German Av ia ti on by Ed l"a rd 1·/arne r . 1943 Av i at ion : United States Army Air Corrs

Sa (G enera I ) Bapt i st Union of Gr ea t Brita in and Ire l and Barna rdo He l pers League Silrn s tap l e Garry, Ida Spooner, 19116 Bass , P.o be rt Pe r k ins , 19111- 19116 Baster, na ncy (Sea rl e) , 1945 Be (Genera I) l?eaconsfie l d Company, Home Guard Geam, J~c o b D., 1942 Beaverbrook , Lord, 19111- 19112 CONT A I t~ER CONTENTS


184 Beecham, Lady, 1941 Continued Belgian Ambassado r Benezet, Loui s P., 1943 Benson, Mrs . He l en, 1945- 1946 8en"ton , 101 i I I i am , I 94 I - I 946

185 Beresford, Frank E., 191;3-1946 Betts, Gen . 1943-1944 Beveridge, S i r \n II iam, 1941-1945 Bev in, Erne s t, I 94 I - I 944 Bi - 8 1 (General) Bi rmingham B i dd Ie , E r ic, I 941 - I 945 Biddle, Mrs. Margaret, 1944 Bird , Sir Robert, '91;1 Bledisloe, Lord, 191;2 Bo (General) Bolte, Charl es G. (KKRC) , 1941- 1946

!86 BondF i e ld, Margaret G., 1941 Bonney, Therese, 1941 Bonnlander, Mrs. Vincent C., 194 1- 1944 Books Ac ros s the Sea Boyd, Carl isle, 1941-1943 Boyd, Tom, (1913 Bu ll), 19113 Br (Genera I) -- Bracken, Brendan, 191; 1-191;3 Br'adford Br ande i s, Louis D. , 194 1 Braucher, HO"lard, 1943- 191;6 Braunstein, B. , 1941 Brazil; Braz il ian Ambassador Brister, J ack (KRRC), 1942-1943 Bristo l Br i tish-Amer i can Ambulance Corps, Inc. Brit i sh Association for the Advance­ ment of Science Br iti sh Associat ion for I nternationa l Und e rs tand i ng Bri tish Camp F i re Gir l s Br i t i s h Council CONTA IN ER CONTENT S


186 Br iti sh Delegat ion to the Uni ted Con tinued States (opn) Briti sh Emp ire Cancer Campaign Brit ish Fede rat ion of Bus i ness and Profess iona l Women

187 Brit i sh Fede rat ion of Soc ia l Worke rs Bri t i s h Governme nt (Va ri ous Mi nistries) Br iti sh Leg ion Br i t i sh. Red Cross and St. John's Fund Br i t i s h-Sov iet Al l i anc e An n i ve r sa ry "Br i t ish" - t1 i sce II aneous Britta i n , Sir Harry , 1942 -1 945 Broadcast in g House Bromley, J ames , 1942 Brook i ngs Inst i tut ion (2 Fol de r s ) Brol-In, J. Doug l as, 194 1 Bryan , John, 1942 .

18g 1. Brya nston Schoo l Br yce Club Bs - Bz (Genera I) Bu l litt, Willi am C., 194 1-1 942 Burgi n, Lesl ie , 194 1- 1944 Burns Club Butl er , Harol d , 19111- 1945 Bu tie r, R. fl .. , 194 I - I 944 Bye, George T., 1944 -1 946 Ca (Ge ne ra I ) Caesa r, Harry I., 19114 Ca l iforn i a , Tri p to Uni vers i t y of, 1946 Cam bridge Un i ve r s i t y

189 Cambr i dge Un i vers ity Soc iety fo r Internationa l Affairs Campbe ll , Douglas , 194 1-1 942 Camrose, Lord, 19111- 19116 Card i ff , Mayor of Cardiff Bus iness Cl ub Ca rneg ie , Mary, 1941- 1945 CO NTA INER CONTENTS


189 Car roll, Wa l lace : Manuscript of Cont i nued Th e Un end ing Batt l e Carrol l , Mr . and Mrs . Wallace, 194!f- 1945 Cathol ic Truth Soci ety Ce (Gene ral) Cec il, Lord , 1941 - 1944 Ch - Ci (G e ne ra l ) Cha mbe rs, Rev. B., 1942 Cha mbe rl a i n, Joseph P., 1942- 1946 Ch appe ll and Co mpany (London) Charity Organ i zation Society Ch a r ter Cl ub Che l sea Borough Council Chequers

190 Chichester , Bishop of Chilean Ambassado r Ch ina Campa ign Committee Chi nese Ambassado r Chri st ian Sc ience Mon itor Chr i stmas Chr i s tmas 194 5 Chr i stmas Card Li sts (4 Folders) Church i 11 , Win ston, 1941-1946 Ch urch i 11 Fam i ly

191 Ci ty Li very Club Ci vi l Defense Art i sts C1 (G e nera l) Clarendon Press Cl a r k , Mr s . Cameron, 19!fl- 1944 Clayton , W. L., 1945 C1 i f ton Co 11ege Clot hlvo r ker s Com pany Coa - Con (Gene ra 1) Cohen, Ben V. , 194 1- 1943 Co lomb ian Ambassador Co mmon Ground Ltd. Confederation of Manageme nt Assoc iations Confe rence of Missionary Soc ie ties Congratu lat ions on Appo intme nt to Economi c and Soc ial Counc il , March 19116 Constitution Clu b Coo - Coz (Genera 1) CONTA I NER CONTENTS


192 Coop e r, 11e r i an, 1941 Cooperative Co ll ege, 1942 Cooperat i ve News Corbett Ashby, Mrs., 1941- 1942 Cord"/a i ner Cl ub, Hard of Cotton, R. H., 1942- 1943 Co unc i I fo r Ed ucat ion in \oJorld Citize nsh i p Council on Foreign Re lat ions Cou rtau ld, Samuel, 194 1- 1945 Coventry, r1ayor of Cowles , Virg i nia, 194 1-1 944 Coy l e , Arthu r J., 194 1-1 945 Cr (Genera l ) Cranbo rne, Lady, 194 1- 1944 Cu - Cz (Gene r a I) Cutting , Capt. Heyward , 19114 -19116 Cz ech Ministe r (Czechoslovak ia , Benes , etc .) 1944 -1 9115

193 Da (Genera l ) Dana, Ch a rl es A. , 1941 -1 942 Dan i s h Counc i I Dav ies, Eustace A. , 194 1 Dav ies, Joseph E., 1941- 1944 Davies, Lo rd and Lady , 194 1-1 942 d' - de (Gene ra l) De (Genera I ) Decoration s to Rritj sh 0~f i ce rs - Ce r emony at Embassy Deerf ie ld Academy Deput ies of Briti s h Jews Devonshire Cl ub Di (Gene ra l) Dinn er Pa rt i es

Dou g l as , Ai r 11arshal Sho l to, 194 1 Dr (G enera I) Du (Gene r a 1) Durham Cat hedra l Durhanl Min ers ' Assoc iat ion Ea - Ed (G enera I ) Ear l , Hono r, 19114 Economic and Soc ia l Counc i I Eden , Anthony, 194 1-1 945 Ed en , Mr s. Anthony and Family CONTA INER CONTENTS


194 Eden, Mrs. John - Chil dren ' s Fr iend­ Cont i nued ship and Gi fts As soc iat ion -Ed i nburgh

195 Ed,"ards , Lt. Co l . A. r-I., 1943-1 944 Eg - EI (Genera l) Egypt ian Ambassador Eiche l berge r, Clark , 194 1-1946 Einste i n, Lew i s , 194 1- 1942 Em - Er (General) Embassy Matters Em pire Mothers Fund Engl ish Speak ing Union European Adv i sor y Comm i ssion Exeter , Mayor of Es - Ez (G eneral)

196 Fa - Fe (G enera l ) Fab i an Soc i e ty Fare,vel1 Letters re Res ignat ion , Apr il 1946 Farish, L. M. , 1942- 1944 Fi - FI (Genera l ) Fi ght for Freedom Fi nan , 11rs . Sturgis, 194 1-1 9112 Fi ve Mill ion Cl ub Florence, Prof . Sargany, 194 1- 1945 Fo (Genera I)

197 Food, 19111 - Cri t ic i sms Food , 194 1 - Prof i teer i ng and Bl ac k Markets Food, 1942 Forum Club Fr - Fy (General) Frankfu rter , Fe l ix , 194 1- 1943 Free Church Federal Counc il Fri ends Service Counc il Foy l es Li terary Luncheons Ga (Genera l ) Gage, 11rs. EdvJa rd, 1941- 19112 Gangu lee, ProF. Dr . N., 194 1- 19112 Ge (Genera I) Gene ra l Fi 1m Di str i buto rs, Ltd . Germany Gi - GI (Genera l ) Glasgow Un i vers ity Gl asgow Un iversity Dial ect ic Society CO NTA INER CONT ENTS


198 . Go (Gene r a 1) Good rich, Ca rter, 19111- 194 6 Government Hasp i ta 1 i ty (B r i t ish) Gr (General) Gray , Dav id, 191>1 - 1942 Grea t \·/este rn Ra i ]" ay G r ~ate r London Fund fo r t he Bl i nd Greece Gr eenl ag h, J ame s, 19113 Grev il Ie, Mrs. Ro na ld , 194 1- 1942 Grigg, Sir J ames and La dy , 1942- 1945 ~ I a t 30 , 3 Grosvenor Square Gu - Gw (Gen e ra l) Guest , Lt . · Comdr. Raymond, 1945 - 1946 Gu i I d fo rd , nayo r of Gunn, James, 1946 Haa - Han (Genera l ) Ha li f ax , Lord , 19111- 1943

199 Ha I 1, Rev . Hen r y A., 194 1-1 942 Hap - Haz (Gene ra l) Hard , Iks. 14i II iam , 19111 Harriman , Av e re ll, 1941- 1944 Ha rtl ey, H. T., 194 1- 1945 Ha r tley , Si r Haro ld , 1941-1946 Hayden, Char l es, 1944 -1 945 He (Ge nera I) Hea l y , John, 1943 Herbert, 11rs . He rvyn (E I izabeth), I 91, I - I 9411 Hi ' (Genera l) Hicks , Mrs . Nugent, 1946 Hi I I rna n, 14 i I I i am - \'Ioma n ' s Home Compan i on, '191'3 Hi s Ma jes ty ' s Gov e rn me nt Hi stor ica l Soc iety Hi tchcock, Cur t ice , 194 1- 194 5 Hi tchcock , Co l. Thomas, 194 1-1 944

200 Ho (Ge nera I) Ho lde rness , Mrs. 14in some , 1945 - 1946 Ho me I y \,omen Hoover , J . Edgar, 19112 - 1943 Hopk ins, Dori s , 194 1- 1947 CONT AINE R CONTENTS


200 liopkins, Hrs . Ethe l , 19411 Continued Hopk i ns , Ha rry , 194 1- 1945 Hopper, Bruce, 19111- 1945 Hous ing Hs - Hy (Ge nera l ) Hu I I, Co rde I I, I 9111- 19114 Hun ga ry Huskis son, Major , 194 1- 1943 Hu xl ey, Jul ian , 1942-1 946 la - Id (Gen e ra l ) I I - 10 (Ge ne ra l )

201 II lava, Agatha Brown, ' 1943 I mpe r i a I Rev i ew Incorpo rated Assoc iation of Ar ch itects and Surveyors Incorporated Associ a tion of Head Hasters India India League Industr i a l Chr i stian Fell owsh ip In dust ri a l Wo me n ' s Or gan izati on I n Fact Information, Ministry of In ge rso ll , C. J ared, 1946 I nne r Temp Ie Inst itute of Ray Th erapy In st i tut ion of Chemical Eng i nee r s Institut ion of Mechan ica l. En g i neers Institution of Structura l Eng i neers "Internat ional " (Organ i za ti ons , etc . ) Interna t iona l Affa i r s , A - B

202 Inte rnat iona l Affa i r s , C - W Inte rna ti ona l Bu reau for the Supp res­ s ion of Traff ic i n \>Io men and Chi Idren Inte rna ti ona l Comm i ss ion for Wa r Refugees i n Great Br i ta i n In ternat iona l Feder at ion of Trade Un ion s Inte rn a t ional Labor Office ( t·\. R. K. Bu r ge) Internat iona l La bor Office (Hen ri Reyrnond) Inter nat iona l Labor Off ice (General) CON TAINER CONTE NT S


202 In ternat iona l Me rcant il e Ma r ine Off icers Cant i nued Assoc iat ion In ternat iona l Red Cross I n ter-Pa rl i ameil t ary Un i on Invento ry of Embassy Furni ture

203 In vi tat ions t o Speak, etc. Ira n ian Mi ni ster I ron and Stee l Industry Ir - Iv (General) Itinerar ies Ja (Gene ra I) J ucob, 11 anning , 194 1- 1945 Je (Gene ra I) Jenk i ns , Ar t hur , 19114- 1946 Jo (Gene ra l ) Johnson , Et he l, 194 1-1 946 Johnson , He r schel , 1941-1 945 Ju (Ge nera I) Jun io r C ar lt o~ Cl ub Ka (Ge ne ra l)

204 Ke (Ge nera I) Ke ll y , 14. S. - Inte r na t iona l 1-100 1 Pub ­ I ic i t y and Resea rc h Sec r e t ar iat, 194 1-I 9112 Ke l ms l ey , Lo rd , 1941- 194 4 Keyn es , Lo rd John 11ayna rd a nd Lady, 19111 -1 946 Ki - KI (Ge ne ral) ·Kin g George ' s Fund for Sa il ors Kin g ' s Roya l Rifle Corps Kin sman , Th e Ki rkca l dy , Harold S., 19114 Kirkpa t r i c k, He len , 194 1- 1942 Kn - Kr (Ge ne ra l) Kn ox , Frank, 19111-1 9112 Koo , He ll ingt on and 11me ., 19114 Ku (Gene ra I) La (Genera I) LaG ua rd i a ' s Ci vil Defense Co mmiss ion - Lu nc heon Lape , Esthe r, 19112- 191,4 Lasce ll es , Si r Al an , 191,6 CONTA INER CONTENTS


204 Lask i, Haro l d, 194 1- 194 5 Co ntinued Laug hl i n , Henry - Houghton-t1i Ff l i n Company, 1942-1946

205 Lazaron, Rabb i M. S., 1941-1944 Le (Genera l ) League of Nat ions (London Off ice) League of Nations Soc iety in Canada League of Nat ions Union LeBeau, Dr . J ., 194 1 Lee , Imogen, 194 1- 19112 Lee , Gen . J. C. H. , 1944- 1946 Leeds Leggett , F. vI. , 19111 - 1942 Lehman, He rbert H., 1942-1946 Le ith- Ross , Sir Frederi ck, 194 1-1 942 Lend-Lease Act Lever , Al fred H. W. , 1941 Lew i s , Crosby and Ruth Mary, 1945- 1946 L - LI (Genera l ) L bera l Pa rty Organization L dde II, C. 0., 194 1 L ggett and Mye rs Cigarette Company L nco l n L nco l n Lo re

206 Lin dsay , Dr. A. D. , 194 1-1945 Li ng Phy s ica l Educat ion Association Li verpoo l Bu rn s Cl ub Li vi ngston, Tom 194 1 Li vingstone , Sir Alexander Mackenz ie , 19112 - 19116 Lo (Genera l ) London Co-ope rative Soc iety London County Counc il London Fi re Fo rce London , Mayor of Lu -Ly (Genera I ) Lucas, Al bert H. - St. Albans School, Wash i ngton, D.C . (R ivington Winant), 191jJ Mc (Genera l ) McDouga l l , Frank L. , 1941-1 942 McGea chy , Mi ss Cra ig, 1944 CONTi\! HER CONTE NTS


207 McG i II Un i ve rs i ty Mc int i re, Adm. Ross T., 1945 Mc Lane, John and EI i zabeth, 191;11- 1946 fla c (Gene ra I ) Mac Le i sh, Ar ch i ba l d , 1943- 1944 l1acKay , R. \J. G., 194 1 flab- Man (Gene ra I) l'lack , \.Ia l ter S. , 194 1 fl a i sky , I . M., 1944 Ma l co l m, J ames A. , 194 1 fla ll e ry , Otto F., 19111-1 9115 Man c heste r, Ci ty of Manchester Gua rd i an Manchester Un iversity Mann , Fra nces, 1947 Mansf ie ld House Uni ver s i ty Sett l ement Mar - May (Ge nera l ) Marquand, H. A., 194 1 Marsha ll, Ge n. George , 1942 -1 944 Massey , Vincent , 194 1- 1945

·208 11a tt hews , 11ajor George , 19111,- 1946 Matthews , H. Freeman , 194 1- 1944 Mayer, EI i zabeth, 194 1-1 943 Me (Gene ra I) Mea res , Min n i e , 1942- 1943 Mecca Agency i1emo randa i1enon, V. K. Kri shna , 194 1- 1943 Me r chan t Navy Comfo r ts Se rvice Message 11ethven , Harry F., 194 1- 1945 Ii i (Gene ra l) Mi ni st ry of Informa ti on Press Su rvey Mi sce ll aneous - Br i tish

209 Mi sce ll aneous - Amer ican (2 Fo ld e r s) Mo (Gene ra l) Montgome r y, Gen . B. L. , 1942 i1oore-B rabazon , Co l. , 1942 110ran, Lord and Lady , 1945- 19116 l'lorga n , Si r Herbe rt, 194 1- 1942 CO NTA INER CONTENTS


209 Morgenthau , Hen r y , 1941-1946 Continued Mor ley , Louise , 1946 Morr i son, Herbert, 19111-1 9113 Morton, Alfred , 194 1 Moyne , Lo r d, 194 1- 19112 Mu - My (Gene ral) Mu ll iner , Maur i ne (Soc ial Secur i ty Boa rd) , 194 1-1 9411 MurrO\", Edward R. and J anet , 194 1- 1944 Na (G enera l ) Nat iona l Assoc iat ion for the Ad­ van cement of Colored People Nationa l Assoc iati on of Head Teachers

21 0 Nationa l Assoc iation of \,omen Civi l Servan ts Nat ional Book Le ag ue Nationa l Broadcast i ng Co mpany Nationa l Ch il d Labor Comm ittee National Counc il of Soc ia l Service Nat iona l Defense Pub 1 i c Interes t Co mm i ttee Na tiona l Gall e ry National Mun ic ipa l League (H ovla rd P. Jones) Nat iona l Recreat ion Associat ion (HO\var d Brauche r) Nat ional Re sou rces Pl anning Board Nat ional Sav ings Committee Nat iona l Trade Un ion Club, Ltd. National Union of St udents Ne (G ene ra l ) . Never Ag ain Associat ion Nev i ns , All an , 19142 New Hamp sh ire State Counc il of Defense New Hampsh ire -Mi scel l aneous New Ham psh ire Tube rculos i s Assoc iat ion Newe ll, Prof. Arthu r, 19116 Newspaper Press Fund Ne"/spape r Prop ri etors Assoc iati on Newspape r Society News Chronic l e Ne'.-!s Rev i ew CONTAINER CONTENTS


211 Ni (Gen e ra l ) I 94 I Comm i tt ee rio (General) Noe l-Bake r, Ph i li p, 194 1- 19116 Noon , Sir Fi rozka hn, 194 1- 19114 North Amer ican Newsp aper All iance Nott in gham League of Nat ions Un ion Nu - Ny (Genera l ) Oa - Of (Genera l) Off i ce of Pub l ic Op i nion Resea rch - Princeton Univers ity Off ice of \.Jar Informat ion (2 Fo l ders )

212 Office of \.Jar Info r mat ion Off i cers Federat ion (r,erchant Navy) Of fi ~ ers' Sunday Cl ub 09 - 01 (G ene ra l) 0 ' Lea ry, J. J., I 9111 0' Leary , Margaret , 19111-1 944 Om - Or' (Genera I ) Os - Oz (Ge ne ral) Over seas HO ll se Oxford , Lady , 194 1-1 942 Oxford Uni on Soc iety Oxford Unive r s ity and Uni vers ity Press Oxford Un ivers i ty , Honorary Deg ree, October 25 , 1946 Oxfo rd and Camb ridge Unive rsity Cl ub

213 Pa (Genera l ) Pa ge , F. Handley , 1941 Paget, Lt. Gen . B. C. T.,- 19111 Pa id Acco unts Pan ama , Min i ster of Pan-Ame ri can Ai rways , Inc. Pankhurst, E. Sy lvi a , 19111- 1945 Par i sh , C. 1-1 . , 1942 Parkestone and BO llrnemouth Cooperat ive Par k inson, Dana , 1941 Pa r t ri dge , Fr ank, 1943- 1945 Pau ley, Edw in 1-1 ., 194 1 Pe - Pf (Ge ne ra l) Peabody Do nat ion Fun d Pearl, "I r . and Mrs. Harren, 191'12- 191;6 Pearson, Si r Nevi ll e , 194 1 Pe ll, Hr . and Hrs. He rbert, 19111- 1944 64



P. E. N. Penfield , Ruth M., 1941 - 1945 Penf ie l d , Wi Id e r, 194 1-1 945 Peop le ' s Common Law Par i iament Po l i tical and Econom ic Plann ing Congress Pe r kin s , Frances, 194 1-1 946 Pe r ret, J an ine , 1944- 1945 Ph - PI (General) Photographers The Pi I g rims Po - Pr (Genera I)

215 Poems Po land Poo l e , Mr . and ~Irs. Ernest , 191fl Portal, La dy , 194 1-1 946 Port land Urban Distr ict Counc il - Memor ia l Tab let for U. S. Forces Portuga l Post-\oIa r - Rei ief, Planning, etc.

216 Press Re l eases , Confere nces , etc . . Pr i nceton Princeton - Class of 1913 Pr i soners of War Pr - pz (General) Q (G enera 1) Ra (Genera l ) Ra lp h Pay and Tay lor - Great Wh i te End Cottage il ' IRa\'J lings - Seer Green, Bucks Re (General) Reade r s ' Digest Rea ding, Lady , 1941-1 945 " Reconstruct i on : The Ame rican Ch a II enge" Reconstruct ion Schemes - H. G. We ll s Recon struction: " Ame ri ca 1tarchesll Report by Ma rga ret Car ro ll Reconstruct ion: Internat iona l Finance 65



217 Reconstruction: Post-War Planning in Br i tain Reconstruct ion: ttp r esent i ng Post - War Planning to the People" Reconstruction: Youth Train i ng Prog ram After the \var (Aubrey ~/ i I I iams - NYA) Reconstruction: Economics of Atlantic Charter, Ba nker , December 19111 Reconst r uct ion : Reports, Correspondence, Etc. Ref ugees Reid, \Ja l ter ~/ ., 194 1-191!5 Repo r ts, Misce ll aneous Res id ences Reuter Features Rexfo rd , Mr s . C., 1944 Reynolds, Quentin, 194 1-1 942 Rh -Ri (General) Rhode , Gabr ie l e , 194 1-1945 Riegelman , Caro l (ILO), 194 1-1 9115 Roa - Ro I (Genera 1)

218 Rom - Roz (Genera l) Roosevelt , Mrs. Kerm i t, 1943 -1 91!5 Rooseve l t, President Frank l in D. [Before Apr i I 12, 1945] Rooseve l t , President Frank l in D. [Post Apr i I 12 , 19115 ) Rooseve l t , Pres ident Frankl i n D. - Personal Messages of Condo lence on hi s Death Rooseve l t, Mrs. Fran kl in D., 19112 -1 9115 Rooseve l t , 11rs . Frankl in D.· - Condolence Letters Rosenman, Samue l, 1945 Rotary Internat iona l and Rotary Cl ubs i n the United Kingdom Roya l Ae ro Clu b - Roya l Ae rona utical Soc iety Royal Emp i re Soc iety Royal Fam i Iy - Duke and ou\chess of Gloucester Royal Family -Pri ncess Roya l CONTA I NER CONTENTS


2 18 Roya l Fam i I y - H. . M. the King Continued P.oyal Fam i I y - H. 1'0 . the Queen Royal Fam i I y - Queen ~Iary Roya l Fami l y Roya l I n s titute of Inte rna t io nal Affa i r s Royal Nava l Co l l ege

2 19 "Roya l " (C l ubs and Organ i zations) 2 Folde r s RO>lett Resea r ch Inst i t u te Ru - Ry (Gene r a l ) Russell , Arch i ba l d , Es tate of Sa (G e ne r a I Sa i nt - St (Boroughs, Organizations, Churche s , etc.)

220 St . Paul ' s Church, Po r t smouth Squa r e St . Pau I' s Schoo I, Concord , NH St . Pau l 's School, W. Oa k s hott Sa l vat ion Army Saunde r s , H. A. St. Ge orge , 194 1 - I 9113 Savage Cl ub Savage , Raymond , 1945- 1946 Save the Chil d r en ' s Fund Sawbr id ge , Rev. Hugh, 194 1- 1942 Sa\oJye r , Ch a r l es J. , 194 1- 1942 Schuster, S i r George E., 1941- 1945 Sc (G e nera I) Sc i ence of Cu l ture Se r i es The Scot sman Scott , T. T., 19113- 19116 Scott i sh Burn s Cl ub Se (Genera I ) Se l by, 11r s . Fr a nces ~1. Co i l ing\;ood, 194 1 Semph ill, Lo rd, 19111 Sh - S I (General) Sheean , Vi ncent, 194 1 Sheff i e I d Sheff i e l d Counc i l of Chr i s tian Co mm un i t i es She ffi e l d Yo ut h Counc i l 67



220 Sh ine, Joseph, 19113 Cont inued Shirras, Prof . G. Findl ay, 1942 Sh r eVJs bu ry Simon, Lord and Lady, 19/11-1942 Simon, Sir Ernest , 194 1- 19113

221 Skouras, S. P. , 191f6 Smith, Geoffrey , 194 1-1 945 Smith , Phi I, 1941- 191f5 Sm - Sn (Genera I) So (Genera l) Socia l Credit Party Somervi l le College Sons of Friends of JGW Seen by the Ambassador Sound Currency Assoc iat ion South and Cent ral Amer i can React ion to the Ambassado r' s Gu i I dha II Speech, Aug . 28 , 1942 South"e II , 11rs . Er i ca, 194 1- 1946 Sov iet Ambassador Sp - Sq (Genera I)

222 Speeches by Members of Br i t i sh Govern ­ ment S~eeches by Pres ident Rooseve l t Speeches by Members of the Un i ted States Government Speeches - Miscell aneous Sports and General . Press Agency St (Gene ra I ) Stark , Admira l Haro ld, 1944 -1 946 Stamford Stand ing Jo int Committee of Industrial Homen ' s Organizations Stap l es Stars and Str i pes

223 Ste i n , l1r. and ~1rs . Freder ick W. , 1941 Stein, Osva ld and Margaret, 194 1- 1944 Stett inius, Ed",ard R., J r. , 1942- 191f6 Steyne, Alan, 194 1-1 944 Stillman, Rufus , Kate and Ed gar , 1944 Stra ight, Lad y Daphne, 1943 - 1946 Stuart , Horatius Bonar, 1941 Su - Sz (General) CONTAINER CONTENTS


223 Sulgrave Manor Board Continued Survey Graphic Sweezy, Mrs. Paul, 1943-1 947 Ta (Genera 1) Tawney, Prof. R. H., 191,1-1945 Taylor, Hyron, 1944-191,6 Te (General) Teheran Conference, Material Col­ lected on Teulon, 11errill John, 1941-1946 Th - Ti (General)

224 Thanksgiving Day - Hestminster Abbey Thanksgiving Day, 1944 Thirty Club Thompson, Comm. C. R. "Tommy", 1944-1946 Thompson, Llewellyn. 1941 Tillett, Benjamin, 1941-1943 Time and Life ~Times~London) Ti x ier, M. and Mme. Ad ri en , 1941- 1946 To (Genera l) Trades Union Congress Transport and General Horker's Record Travel Club Travellers' Club Tree, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald, 1942- 1945 Trenchard, Lord, 1941 -1945 Truman , President Harry S., 1945 - 1946 Tweedy, 11rs. Grace V., n.d. Twentieth-Century Fox Theatre Tr - Tz (General) U (General)

225 ItUnited" Union of Lancashire and Cheshire Institutes, October 6, 1944 United Artists Corporation United Nations Documents UNRRA CO NTA I NER CON TEN TS


225 United Serv i ce Club Con t i nued U. S. Naval Attache , 1939- 1946 Un i ted \·Iards ' Club of the City of l.ondon Va - Ve (G ene r a l)

226 Vi (G ene r a l) Vo (Genera l) Ha ( Gene ra I ) \-Ial l ace , Mr s . Evan ( Ba rbie), 191,4 Har , Conduct of the Wa rne r Brothe r s Pi ctures ' Wash ington Visit, Spring 1942 (3 Fo l ders)

227 Hashington Visit, Spr i ng 1942 (2 Fo l ders) He ( Ge nera l ) Hed emeyer , Gen. A . C., 1945 \,e II s, H. G., 191: I - I 91,2 \4e l sh Soc i ety \·Iest Mi d land Group on Po s t-\olar Recon s truct i on and Pl ann i ng \olh (r;enera I) \,fh i tes CI ub Wh itney , A. T. , 194 1-1 942 Hi a - I-l i ll i ams (G ene r a l) I-l ill i amson - I-liz (Genera l ) I-l ingate, Genera l Orde , 1945 '.-linget , Ltd .

228 Hoa - Hon (G ene ra l) \·Iomen at \4a r (\NS Pr opaganda ) \'00 - \,oz ( Gene ra I) Hoodhou se , Lady Dav i na, 1942- 191,6 ",oo l f , Ed "la r d , 1943- 1945 Wor l d Counc i I of Churches Horkers Educationa l Assoc i at i on Wr - I-I z (Gene r a l ) Hr i ght, Mrs . Beatr i ce , 194 1-1 91,2 Ya (Genera l ) Yo (G enera l) CONTAINER CONTENTS


229 Young Men ' s Christi an Assoc iat ion (2 Folde r s) Yu (G enera I) Za (Genera I ) Zi (Genera l ) Zo (G enera I) Hinant, John G., Jr.: Report of Sea rch i ng Party Winant, John G., Jr.: Newspaper Accounts r e Hissing in Action, October 12, 1943 Hinant, John G., Jr.: Canadian Red Cross Comm i ttee Hinant, John G., Jr.: Crew \·Jinant, John G., Jr.: Official Not i ces, Repo rts on \,ina nt, John G., Jr.: Letters of

230 \./inant, J ohn G., Jr .: Red Cross Suppl ies for \

23 1 Hinant, John G., Jr.: Letters of Sympathy and Congratulations (Ame r i can) F - Z Hinant, John G., Jr.: Congratulatory Letters on the Liberat ion of Hinant, Mr . and I1rs. John G.: Cab l es , 1941-1945 and Other Correspondence

232 Winant, Mrs. John G, Velando, Constance Winant \'/in ant, John G., Jr. - Before Capture Hin ant , Rivington 'Arch i ba l d D. Russel I Estate Hinant, Mrs . Gil be rt Hinant, CI in ton D. \, inant Fa mi Iy Winant , Fred e r i ck Hin ant, Bay (t1rs . CI inton), Ursula. Val e ri e , Hi I a r y CO NTAINER CON TENTS


232 \yinant, John G. : Biographica l Con tinued Mate r ia l Hinant, John G. : Pe r sona I Winant, John G. : Automob i Ie Wi nant , John G. : In s urance I-lin ant , John G. : Financ i a l ~Iatt er s I-li nant, J ohn G. : Addresses, Notes, etc . Winant, John G. : Ca ll i ng Ca rd s, Hember- sh i p Cards, Notes , etc.

233 Chronological File: Janua ry-Decembe r 19 112

234 Chrono l ogical File: Janua r y 1943- June 19114

235 Chronol og i ca l Fil e : Jul y 1944 - 11ay 1946

236 Christmas Carels and 11essages, 1945- 19116

237 \vinant , John G.: Cong ratula to ry 11essages, 194 1 (8 Fo l ders) Hinant, John G.: Con g ratul atory Messages and Copies of Rep l ies (2 Folde r s) Hin ant, John G.: Congratulato ry Messages and Let t e r s from Fri ends and Rep l ies ,linant, John G.: Cong ra tul atory Messages and Letter s f rom Offic i a l s and Repl i es \,fi nant, John G.: Unsigned Ans\·,e rs to Congratul a tory Le t ters, February 1941 Hi nant , John G.: Con gratu l atory Cabl es

233 Press CI i pp ings : New Yo rk Times, 19111 Press CI i pp ings : January-February 194 I Press CI i ppings : Februa r y-Ma rch 194 1 Press CI i pp i ngs : ~1 a reh 194 1

239 Press CI ipp ings : Apr ii-May 1941 Press CIi pp i ngs : J une-Ju l y 19111 Press Cli pp i ngs : August- September 19111 Press CI i pp i ngs : October-December 19111 and Un dated 72



Press C1 i pp i ngs: J anuary-Februa ry 1942 Press Cl i pp i ngs : ~\arch-May 194 2 Press Cl i pp i ngs : June-Septembe r 1942 Press Cl ippings : October-December 194 2 Press Cl i pp i ngs : In vas ion of Ita l y, August-September 1943 Press Cl i ppings : Meet ing wi th Eden an d Ma i sky, Se ptembe r 1, 1943 Pre s s Cl ipp i ngs, 1943 Press Cl i pp ings: 1944 Press Cl i pp ings , etc .: 1945


A (Gen era l) Ame rican and Br i t i sh Co mmonl

B (G enera 1) Brook i ngs Institute Ca - Cl (General) Carnegie Endo"",ent for Internationa l Peace Church ill ,liins ton Co - Cu (General) Coli ier, P. F. and So n Co r p. - Char les N. Barry, En cyc l oped ia Depa r tment

243 Comm i ssion to Study the Or gan i za tion o f Peace Comm i ttee for the 11arsha 11 Plan Coy le-Concord Oil Company (Ar thur J. Coy l e) CONTA INER CONTENTS


2/13 Crane, Jacob and Will iam Russe ll - Co n t i nued United Nations Hous ing Curt is Brown , Ltd. D (General) E (Genera l ) Econom i c and Socia l Counci I: De legates Econom i c and Soc ial Counc il : Pe ,'sonne I Economic and Soc ial Counc il: Second Sess ion Economic and Social Counci l : Th i rd Session Economi c and Soc ial Counci l : Reports of Va ri ous Co mm ittees economic and Soc i a l Counci l : Genera l Cor responde nce, Memoranda, Reports

Econom i c and Social Counc il: Res ignat i on of Mr . Win a nt En gagements fo r Mr. Winant (October- November 194 7) F (Genera I) G (Genera I) Gar ri son , Ll oyd, 19 LI7 H (G enera l) Ha r va rd House 11 emor ia l Trust Hera ld Tribune Forum, October 19/17 -I (Genera I) In s t i tute of Pub l ic Administrat ion

245 Ins t ruct ions from Depa"rtme nt International Ci v il Av iation Organ i za tion ( ICAO) Internati ona l Labor Off i ce Internat ional Labor Organizat ion, Sov iet Espionage in Internationa l Trade Organizat ion Inte rn at ional Youth Hoste l Federation Inv i tations (Off i c i a l) Invitations (Personal) J (Genera l ) Jobs , Requests for Ai d in Secur ing K (Gen era I ) La - Le (Genera l) Li - Ly (Genera I ) CONTAINER CONTENTS


246 I·la - Me (Genera l ) Mallery, Otto T., 1947 11all ery, Otto T.: JGH's Forel-Iard for More Than Conquerors ~Ied a I fo r Me r i t 11 i-My (G enera I ) Na (Genera I) Nationa l Conference of Ch ri st i ans and Jews - Con gratul atory Letters on Acceptance of Chairmanship of Brotherhood Week Nat iona l Conference of Christians and Jews - American Brothe r hood 1·leek Nationa l Coriference of Chr i s ti ans and J ews - General Nationa l Mun ic i pal League

247 National Rec reation Assoc iai ion Ne - Ny (Genera l ) New York Ti mes Non - gove rnmenta l Organizations o (Genera l ) Of f i ce Memos to JGH Orde r of Mer it: Congratulations P (Genera I ) The Pres i dent (Har r y S. Truman) Press Princeton Un i versity Procedure , Office Pub l ic Adm inistrat ion Clear i ng Hou se

248 Q (Gene ra l ) R (Genera l ) Refusa l s of In v itat ions to Speak Resource Con se rva tion Reves , Emery Publ ishing Company Rockefe ll er , John D., III (See a l so Amer ican Youth Hostels) Rooseve l t, Mrs. Frankl i n D., 1946- 1947 Rooseve lt 11emorial Committees Ro oseve l t Memorial Address - Winant ' s Speech Before Congress Sa - S I (Gene r a I ) Sm - Sz (Gene ra I) 75



249 Speeches and Reports by Others Status of Homen Commission T (Genera I ) Trave l Authorization U (General) Unanswered Letters, August-Oc tober 1947 United Nations Cha r ter United Nations Educat iona l , Scientif i c and Cultura l Organ i zat ion Un i ted Nat ions: Transfer of Helfare Act i v i ties from UNRRA to Un i ted Nat ions United Nat ions Matters - Miscellaneous United Youth Foundat ion (Veazey Ra i m'Jater , Jr. , Pres.) Unsigned Letter s of JGH, October 28 -29, I 9I+]

250 V (Genera 1) Ha - He (Genera l ) Hedding In vitations and Announcements Wh - Wy (Gen era l) .for I d Trade Foundat ion Y (Genera l ) Letters with Incomplete Signatures Winant, John G. - Persona l Wi nant, John and J anine Winant, Rivington Innant , 11rs. Gil bert Hinant, Frederick

251 Chronological File: September 1946 - 1·la rch 191,7 Chronolog ica l File: Ap ri I-November 19117 Appointment Di ar ies

252 Cli ppings, 1945-1947 (2 Folders) New York Ti mes, 19111 New York 'fTmes , 19112- 1946 CIi pp i ngs--=-r1Tsce II aneous , 19117 CI i pp i ngs - National Conference of Christians and Je,"s, 1947 Vacher's ParI i amenta ry Companion "Background of a I·fart i me 11iss ion" by JGW,Town and Count r y, October 1947 CONTAINER CONTENTS


253 Letter From Grosvenor Square - Notes, Drafts and Manuscript 11 ater ia l s

254 Letter Fr om Grosve nor Square - Notes and Drafts

255 Letter From Grosvenor Square - Galley and Printers' Proofs

256 . Letter From Grosvenor Square - - .-Seri a l ized Versi on Sho rthand Not ebooks

257 Speeches and Writings, 1923- 1929

258 Speeches and Writings, 1930 and Undated Speeches Prior to 1931

25 9 Speeches a nd Writings , 193 1

260 Speeche s and Wr i tings , Janu ary~ October 1932

261 Speeches and Writings, November 193 2- July 1933 a nd Un dated

262 Speeches and Writings, August ­ December 1933 and Miscellaneous, 1933

263 Speeche s a nd Writings, Jan ua r y­ October 1934

264 Speeches and Writings, November­ December 1934 Speeches, .1934 - Mi sce ll aneous a nd Undated Speech Materials, 1933- 1934

265 Speeches and Writirigs, 1935

266 Speeches a nd Writings, January­ Ju l y 1936 77



267 Speeches and Writings, August - Decembe r 1936

268 Speeches and Writings, 1937-1938

269 Speeches and Wr i t i ngs, 1939-1941

270 Speeches and Wr i t ings, 1942

271 Speeches and \

272 Speeches and Writ i ngs, August 19114- 1945

273 Speeches and Writings, 1946

274 Speeches and Wr itings, February­ October 1947 and Undated

275 Undated Speeches, l LO Period Undated Speeches, 1 9~ 1 - 1 946 Speeches by Others Introduction to A Short History of the United States by All an Nev i ns Drafts of Fore,,,ords, Introductions, etc., 1941- 19'16 Ca lendars of Speeches by JGW Speech l1ater ials: Quotations (2 Fo lders)


276 Hiscel l aneous Printed Hatter, 1916- 19311

277 ~tisce ll aneous Printed ~\atter, 1935- 1947

278 Newspap er Cl ippings , 1928-1956

C .L-1~ f::. ( .lL

542-A-f h=t<-E. / 1'1 Z 3 - 1'13 Y