Journal of the Lepidopterists’ Society 60(2), 2006, 179–180

THE GEOMETRID MOTHS OF EUROPE (A. Mediterranean. The five species of are also Hausmann, ed.), Volume 2. Sterrhinae. Axel Hausmann. essentially Mediterranean, and also the genus 2004. Apollo Books, Stenstrup, Denmark. 600pp. Glossostrophia. includes major N. Hardback ISBN 87-88757-37-4. Priced at 140 Euros on African and Levantine species groups, with one species in Spain considered to be an outlier of the latter group. This volume represents another significant Apart from these smaller genera, the Mediterranean contribution to a series on European Geometridae that focus is seen to an extreme in Idaea, where over two- will be seen in retrospect as perhaps the most significant thirds of the species are Mediterranean, 73% of these milestone in our understanding of that fauna. Not only restricted to the western part. In Scopula, as in the does it provide a comprehensive review of our larentiine Eupithecia, only one third are Mediterranean, knowledge to date, coupled to an immense amount of and those are more evenly distributed across that fresh research based on exhaustive examination of region. copious material, but it probably comes at a turning The book reviews extensively the recent taxonomic point in the way taxonomic information is presented, advances made for the subfamily, but there is still not a with the emphasis moving more towards the electronic full consensus on the generic classification, as indicated media, away from print on paper. The editorial preface by Sihvonen (2005, Nota lepid., 28: 70-71) in his review. indicates the way the volume is embedded within the There is also discussion of relationships of the context of existing or imminent initiatives in electronic Sterrhinae within the family as a whole, where there is informatics for Geometridae. But, as someone who growing consensus that the Sterrhinae and sometimes wonders whether the rush to embrace the are the most basal groups, though relationships between electronic age may be more headlong than judicious, the two lineages of Sterrhinae and the Larentiinae still given our lack of experience of the security/vulnerability need further study. of the internet to all sorts of factors, I am reassured to All species are copiously illustrated by color plates know that there are hard-copy products such as this to showing the range of variation, often accompanied by fall back on under any worst case scenario. diagnostic half-tone figures in the body of the text. The Sterrhinae, after the Larentiinae, are probably There are clear line-drawings of male and female the most successful subfamily of the Geometridae in genitalia, and some stereoscans of critical features of their proportional representation at temperate latitudes, antennae and legs. As with other volumes, the though the may have higher numerical description of the adult is headed as a diagnosis, and the representation. They also contain, after Eupithecia in true diagnosis is found as an account of differences of the Larentiinae (covered in Vol 4 of this series), the two similar species. The text for each species includes next most species-rich geometrid genera: Scopula and extensive reviews of available biological and ecological Idaea. All three genera pose significant difficulties in information, drawing on the breadth of literature and identification of their species, so publication of these current expertise on the fauna. Most species have larvae two volumes has removed this impediment for the that are herbaceous feeders, those of Idaea tending to European fauna. prefer dried or withered foliage. However, the larvae of The preface notes the strong (particularly western) the genus Cyclophora are arboreal defoliators. Mediterranean focus of the subfamily in a European The systematic checklist at the end of the book also context, relative to the more even distribution of the lists, with asterisks, species from neighboring areas, a Larentiinae, but this aspect is not explored to any great particularly useful addition given the Mediterranean extent in the main text, though all the data are there to nature of the group, enabling the reader to appreciate enable interested readers to analyse it for themselves. how the diversity extends to N. Africa, Turkey or the For example, there is endemism at a generic level, Levant. Species from Madeira and the Canaries are also albeit from genera that are monotypic such as listed. The distributions of all species are illustrated by Anthometra (eastern Mediterranean) and maps with shaded areas indicating the general range (central Mediterranean), or Oar, if regarded as distinct within which are placed black circles or other symbols from Scopula, with just two species in the indicating more precise localities from which material 180180 JOURNAL OF THE LEPIDOPTERISTS’ SOCIETY

has been examined. JEREMY HOLLOWAY Entomology Department, Natural The book brings together an immense and diverse History Musem, Cromwell Road, London, SW7 5BD, amount of information in a clear and cohesive manner UK Email: [email protected] that will retain its value for many years to come. It is therefore an investment well worth making.


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