St. John the Bap St Catholic Church

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St. John the Bap St Catholic Church St. John The Bapst Catholic Church St. James Mission St John the Faber and Holland Bapst Church Durham, CA 435 Chestnut St. Mass: Sunday 9am Chico, CA 95928 English Parochial Administrator Notre Dame Catholic School Notre Dame Preschool Fr. Michael Ritter Grades TK-8 Director: Shelly Brown Principal: Kelly Stewart Ofice: (530) 487-7330 Parochial Vicar Phone(530) 342-2502 Website : Fr. Joshua Sia Website : Deacons F. Paul Sajben, Jesus Padilla Campos William Bruening, Stephen Schwartz Parish Office Staff: Mass Schedule /Horario de Misas Sandra O’Horan, Maria C. Perez, and Rocio A. Daily Masses/Misas Diarias Chavez Monday-Friday /Lunes a Jueves 7:30am English/Inglés Bookkeeper: Monday,Tuesday,Thursday & Fridays Mary Krajcirik ph 343-8741 ext. 207 6:00pm English. Wednesday 6:00pm Spanish Director of Religious Educaon (English) Lunes, Martes, Jueves y Viernes 6:00pm Inglés, Haley Weinrich ph 343-8741 ext. 212 Miércoles 6:00pm Español. Director de Educación Religiosa (Español) Saturday Vigil /Vigilia de sábado Ramona Arevalo ph 343-8741 ext. 209 5:00pm English/Ingles, 7pm Spanish/Español Sunday / Domingo Chrisan Iniaon Director/Director de Iniciación 8:00am, 10:00am, 5:00pm English/Inglés 12:00pm Spanish/Español Crisana Lori Smith ph 343-8741 ext. 210 Penance/ Confesiones Saturdays/Sábados 3:30 - 4:30pm Youth Minister: Monday-Friday/Lunes-Viernes 5:30pm-5:55pm Or anytime by appointment/ O llame a la oficina Monica Zuchelli ph 343-8741 para hacer una cita. Knights of Columbus Grand Knight Annointing of the Sick, call the parish office Para la unción de los enfermos llamar a la Jim Wayne ph 343-8741 oficina parroquial. Please keep in your prayers/ Mantengamoslos en nuestras oraciones: For their health/Por la salud de: Andrea Beach, Gayle Montgomery, Jesus Arevalo, Armando Contreras, Pete Masteloo, Enedina Arellano, Gene Marn, Richard Judkins, Blee Familiy, Kalen Shippen, Lisa See and Victor Lams. For the repose of their Souls/ Por el Descanso de sus almas: Dennis Furry, Rosina Reginato, Ann Logan, Maria Villa, Marciana Gonzalez, Janice Connors, Johnny Anthony Francis, Raymond Rosas, Maxine Robinson, Sco and Apryl Shippen, and Eugene Macedo If you or someone you know needs prayer please contact the parish office (530) 343-8741 or email at: offi[email protected]. The names will remain on the list for 3 weeks. Si usted o alguien que conoce necesita oración por favor comuniquese a la oficina parroquial al (530)34387 O al correo electrónico offi[email protected] Los nombres permaneceran en la lista por tres semanas. Parishioner Registraon / Registro para Parroquianos/Favor de llenar la forma y ponerlo en la colecta Name/Nombre_________________________________________________________________________ Address/domicilio______________________________________________________________________ Email/correo electrónico_________________________________________________________________ Phone/telefóno ____________________________________ For offertory envelopes please contact Mary at 530-343-8741x207 or [email protected] Si desea recibir sobres para su ofertorio por favor llame a la oficina parroquial al: 343-8741 Mass Intenons FEAST OF THE ASSUMPTION Intenciones de las Misas OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY MASSES Thursday August 15th at Sat 10 5:00p †Tony Maglich by Marie Maglich 7:30am(English), 9am 7:00p Edward Ordorica (living) by Desiree Joy (English) & 6pm(bilingual) Sun 11 8:00a Andrea & David Beach (living) 10:00a †Rosina Reginato VIGIL MASS: Wednesday th 12:00p Raul Jr Hernandez (living b’day) by Irene August 14 at 6pm (Spanish) Salvador Villanueva (living b’day) 5:00p †Mary Diaz by Geraldine Carlos & family Principal, Kelly Stewart and the en- Mon 12 7:30a Vicms of Recent Shoongs & Their Families re Faculty and Staff at Notre Dame 6:00p Faith Formaon Ministeries School are pleased to announce that Tues 13 7:30a Special Intenon we are accepng new students, for 6:00p Youth Group grades Pre-K through 8th. Please be Wed 14 7:30a Ann McDonald (living b’day) by Micheal & Ann McDonald 6:00p Enedina Arellano (living) aware that these highly coveted Thurs 15 7:30a Lay Mission Project spaces are limited and will be filled quickly. The oppor- 9:00a Students Returning to School tunity to be a part of the Notre Dame Learning Commu- 6:00p Families in Our Community nity is a gi that your student will benefit from for a life- Fri 16 7:30a Ben Lepe (living b’day) me. Tours available by appointment. 6:00p Lesly O’Horan (living b’day) Sat 17 5:00p † Michael Brown by Bentley Family Notre Dame Preschool, located down- 7:00p †Micaela Sanchez Ramos by Maria Guadalupe Alfaro town at 500 Orient St., offers a Catholic Mass intenons - St James preschool/daycare program for children Sun 11 † John Oney by Bob & Jane Ilukowicz age 30 months to five years. Families aending the preschool will have priority registraon into our parish school. Call Operang Income & Expense (updated weekly) Mrs. Shelly at 487-7330 for more informaon. Or visit Ingresos y gastos operavos the Notre Dame website. (actualizados semanalmente) Received Needed Shorall CHILDREN'S FAITH FORMATION UPDATES Registraon for the 2019-2020 Children's Faith Formaon Offertory Collecon Sunday, August 4 2019 Program is open! Registraon forms can be found on our St John's $ 12,690 $11,725 website on the Faith Formaon page or in the parish office. St James $ 1,108 $ 850 Classes will begin on September 10th. $ 13,788 $ 12,575 $ 0 - Faith Formaon classes will no longer be held on Sunday's. This coming year, The English program will be held on Tues- Maintenance: St John’s $3256 / St James $431 day's from 5:45pm-7pm and the Spanish program will be held on Saturdays from 10am-12pm. - The Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program will be offered This weekend is the Collecon for the Church in Lan only as an Early childhood program for ages 3 - 6. The CGS pro- America! Many people in Lan America and the Caribbe- gram will be offered on Tuesdays from 4:30pm-5pm and Wednesdays from 6:30-8. an, do not have access church programs and ministries For quesons or more informaon please call the parish office because of a rising secular culture, rural terrain, and at(530)343-8741. shortage of ministers. Your generosity makes it possible for our brothers and sisters in Lan America and the Car- Brothers & Sisters in Christ! I am looking for Donaon for ibbean to share in the life of the Church and grow closer our brothers and Sisters who have lost everything in the to Christ. Please be generous to the special collecon! To Camp fire. I’m requesng Catholic Items such as; Catholic learn more, please visit Bibles, Devoonal, statues, prayers cards, worship aides, catholic and Spiritual books, etc....Please bring donaons Our soul waits for the L, to the church office or place them in the collecon box in who is our help and our shield. the back of the church. Any Donaon is greatly appreciat- — Psalm 33:20 ed. For more info contact James Burke @ (530)520-0683 The Rite of Christian Initiation News (RCIA) Adult Confirmaon: will be at St John's on Novem- ber 2nd 2019 for bapzed Catholics who have received CHILDREN AND TEENS: Do you have children or teens from the ages of 7 through 17 who have not yet been bapzed or First Holy Communion and aend Mass regularly but, who were bapzed in another faith and would like to become for whatever reason, were never confirmed. If you Catholic? The process for this is called the Rite of Chrisan have not received the Sacrament of Confirmaon or Iniaon Adapted for Children and Teens. know someone who hasn't, please call the parish ADULTS: office at (530)343-8741 to register. The classes begin What is RCIA? The Rite of Chrisan Iniaon of Adults (RCIA) August 20th and will be on Tuesdays at 6:30pm. is the process established by the universal Church for individu- als to become Catholic and receive the sacraments of iniaon - Bapsm, Confirmaon, and the Eucharist. This iniaon pro- Library Hours cess also involves a parish community experiencing a renewal of faith as it prepares and welcomes new members into the Fridays 11am to 1pm, Sundays 9am to 12am Church. The Rite speaks of conversion as a “spiritual journey.” Centered on fostering a deep relaonship with Jesus and the We welcome everyone to the Parish Library! Church He founded, this journey takes place through disnct We have a number of new items in the Parish Library for stages over a period of me suitable to bring about a thorough your summer reading and viewing! Come by and check it catechesis, significant experience of the parish community, out! Note that we are not having Hospitality during the and commitment to the liturgical and moral life of the Catholic summer as many of our core volunteers are traveling faithful. This process is a restoraon of the ancient catechu- during these months. menate, arising within the first three centuries following the New DVDs: We have the two new DVDs from the Brother era of the apostles. The Second Vacan Council called for the Francis series: restoraon and use of this venerable and powerful method of "The Ten Commandments-Living Within God's Love" "He is Risen-The Power of the Resurrection" iniaon for the worldwide Church. This series has been popular with the kids and parents Who is RCIA for? use it to reinforce the family's religious education! 1. Persons in need of Bapsm, 2. Persons bapzed in a other Chrisan tradion who desire to become Catholic. We have a number of new Books: "All In - Why Be- 3.
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