


Имею честь просить о распространении в самом срочном порядке среди уважаемых членов Совета Безопасности в качестве документа вместе с текстом пояснительного заявления, сделанного на 2401-м заседании Совета Безопасности, прилагаемую карту, которая иллюстри- рует масштаб израильских поселений на оккупированных палестинских и арабских землях Западного берега (исключая поселения в Иерусали- ме и вокруг него), сектора Газы и Голанских высот. Такая срочность обусловливается тем обстоятельством, что Марок- ко от имени Группы арабских стран и Нигер от имени государств-чле- нов Организации Исламская конференция просили о созыве во второй половине дня заседания Совета Безопасности для обсуждения вопроса об израильских поселениях в соответствии с резолюцией 446 (1979) и во исполнение пункта 9 резолюции 465 (1980) Совета Безопасности.

Хазем НУСЕЙБИ Посол Постоянный представитель

82-31479 /...»... Приложение I

Заявление, сделанное г-ном Абдуллой Хамадцехом на. Ж01-м заседании Совета Безопасности, состоявшемся 12 ноября 1982 года* , в' котором~дается описание" карты, представленной Постоянным представителем Иордании при Организации!Объединенных .Наций и воспроизведенной в Приложении II

Ниже приводится краткое описание карты: Настоящая карта была подготовлена и отпечатана Отделом по вопросу поселений Еврейского агентства в сотрудничестве с израиль- ским правительством. ' • На карте приводится схема израильских поселений на Западном берегу'и в секторе Газы по состоянию на июнь 1982 года. .Как пока- зано на карте, количество поселений составляет 118, за исключением израильских жилых кварталов и поселений в Иерусалиме и вокруг него.. В действительности число;израильских поселений на Западном берегу'и в секторе Газы по состоянию на сентябрь 1982 года соста- 1 вило IJ39 по селений, на считая Иерусалим. . . •.;.-•. : Одно израильское;официальное .-лицо объявило- в прошлом месяце, что- в настоящее'время ведется строительство 20 новых израильских поселений, которое намечается завершить к концу текущего года. На прошлом неделе Израиль также официально объявил о том, что четыре военных гарнизона будут превращены в гражданские поселения. Это означает, что к концу текущего года общее число израильских поселений достигнет 163. Географической функцией этих поселений является: а) создание барьера между Иорданией и Западным берегом; "b) разделение и окру- жение крупных городов на Западном берегу; и с) отделение Запад-

ного берега от израильских границ 1967 годао

* S/Ff.2401* ISRAELI SETTLEMENTS i с; III (A gffifffl 5 If HI» ffll. lfiHlil m Hi i iiiliHli Hi if iiiiiii! ШШШ ill! sii IS i Iff Г !fI:I:il!f:IIIIffl(!lff!{i!lf!n:l:irif!!UfIIH:Urfllf Vf i S ni m

V) «A

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Settlement Set up Prior (o 1977

у And Bridge

Mlla Road WiAh 6,Mm of Моте



t. Goals of Rural Settlement Baron Edmond de Bottwehild cum to the rescue of m the entire period of Jew** national tha settlers in №o*e years, placing the moehavot urM hi and helping them both financially ntngandbuM ,_ _ The Shitufi is anothertype of cooperative Се* through the Jewish Agency budget, settlement U is a combination of ihekibbuu and me a purchase of land enabled the РМЭО- (b) Ihe World Zionist Organization's Rural Settle- nmshav: production is cooperelive bui income is iishment of more moshavot (Hetjovot. Kadera eic.y divided among ihe members who may use their ment beyond the "green Nne~. Its activities Hie same pate Jrws^ottr»ii»otfclc«^ fluctuated, When thefirst Zionis t Congress met in 1897. Ihere budgei independently. Include the planning and building of settle- weie 19 rural settlements supporting a total popula- The three types of settlement hsve several princi- •few» • Mgh priority № the VM«W. Not only the ments, financed by the Israel Government. Иогу of about 6.000. frp w FoNowing the establishment of the State of brad in hi 1906 the World Zionist Organiiation (WZ0) JEWISH SETTLEMENTS ESTABLISHED IN ERETZ ISRAEL e ШИШ day. sew mm settlement м both eco- 1948, the Government of Israel, the World Zionist established its "Palesiine Office", to organiie sei- new* илм and. more importantly, • war of life Organization and Ihe Jewish Agency agreed that llement melhod«a»y and comprehensively. Bylhat which makM postibl* national i^i (by World Zionist Congress - terms o* service) lime, the WZO'srole in rural sellfemenl had essen- ft» self-lsboui is the norm, with hired workers on u*efher trth security, foclal and the Rural Settlement Department and Division be responsible for planning, setting up. developing and tially passed from planning and land acquisition to both the individual holdings of Ihe moshav and coMoMuing ratal «eMemenH-Thtswes because e ine practicalities of settlement. the joinl economy in the sparingly used; leterethe eetabMhmem of the Stela m 1M8. there One of Iheir first «ratons was lbs establishment о' а (c) thesocieliesarebasedDncooperaliveorganitf- «•га poMical, Wenciel and human limitation* on settlement of Israel iianationalprojecl of the entire "kvuzah" in Oeganya in 1909 - tne 'JFSI lubbutf - tion and mutual assistance of all members. tha п«и dtMiopnwm of rural иПЦпмм-With №« Jewrah people, *nd because the two settlement foHcnved a few years later by the establishment of MAP eeUbNehment of lha Stat*. mow of tfi« limitatioM bcdiaa had acquired unrivaHed experience and Alongside ihe development ol different settlement the Kinnerei farm, patterns during this period, several bnic settlement expertise during their years of building the land. principle» ware determined. These include the The work of the Settlement Department and Divi- Following VVwId War I. seltiament actrvity expanded considerably and continued to do so throughout №e attempt lo create settlement blocs, and Ihe strategic Britiih Manilaie|iei7to 1948J. Diffefentform»of placing of isolated settlement» in new areas to strengthen Ihe Jewish foothold in Israel. Large set- OF SETTLEMENT (a) KguererM the borders of Israel end eata№«h (a) planning and buHding rurei settlement* in cooperative settlement were formulated and (he а сМНал pretence throughout Ihe country; accordance v/Hh the policy of ihe Joint Settle- definitive structure of the kiobuu and moshau tlement blocs ware created in the Jeirs'el Valley, in ment Committee of the Government of Israel devetopod. tha Northern part of Israel and ihe Hefer Valley, and W w spread fcreeft Jewish population t and the World Zionitt Organisation. isolated settlements were established in the south. Th«Kibbuti is a collective settlement based on full (b) planning and promoting agriculture. Industry in the and in the Bet She'an Valley. cooperalwrsm in production and cornuni:nun. The rapid development ot rural settlement betw«#n IN ERETZ ISRAEL end tourism in the rural settlements in order to EMh member ot lrt« kibbutz work! to Ihe be»! of his Ihe two World War* necessitated rev!sad organiza- help the tattlers prosper, echieve telf- ability, according to a central work rota which tional appraisal of tha bodies, dealing with settle- suffiefeney, and become Independent of further includes labour in both production *nd services ment, and in 1919 the Jewish Agency* Rural ееекнепсе from the settlement bodies. (such as the communal kitchen, dining room. Sattlejneni Department was established. И !64M«lop«MCUIfrwnaM«rkbaMdMiaMopa- (c) assisting settlements and tetilert in the social laundry, public buildings, ate). The kibbutz provides rMlva way of Ma, u nurture poMUva national for the naedaofavary member in raturnior his work. At tha time of the Arab Rtvofl П93В to 1938). the and organization tphereeunillthev reach social pace of rursb stitlemeni was increased with me and administrative maturity. Tht ktbbuti was originally sn agricultural sattl*- m*nt with all pnwuetion agriculturally based, out famout "Watchtower and Slocked*" atttiemtm», PRESENTED BY: over the years ii Ms diveraifled, gradually develop- which established Jewish settlements in densely 3 KMtoryof Rural Settlement ing small Industries. populated Arab eras» literally overnight in thi* way, M to «риф and (пирa» immigrante; ententrve arata In lha Upper *nd Western Galilee THE SETTLEMENT DEPARTMENT (I) toWhtawahMiatandardefllvlng,byproyidine Tha Meaftav Ovdan is a seitlamani competed of and tha tat She'm VtiUy ware settled, and on the iove MrvioM and davaloplflg a (ueoMtful Individual family holdings, linked In a marketing, night of October B, 1948.11 ainiemtMi ware tat ot community we. st yti at « egg o h« IBSOa, whan purchiting end Mmcai cooptritiva..E««rt («mitv up in the Northern Negev. thereby securing ihe OF THE JEWISH AGENCY the №*t meehavei ware etlabftthed - Ritnon has its own bottfr-gindworkiittewn land individu- aouih for the future State. •Hy, incept In ешт whara a pariicuiar crop is col- La^vvon.P«thnnnt,ZikhronVa'K)ovltilinilKI. BTMt «HHcuHtaa faoad dwirv tha rtwndyad умга of •eccrvfty eulihraiM or grown. The dagraa Of THE SETTLEMENT DIVISION eeWemertt - and eepedaNy during the 34 умп Yeeud htMa'tte, NH {iyyona and 'Eeron (a year cooperation variet from one mothav to another, еШее the aatabHtnmMi of tha luta of lertfl. law) and Qeden (m IBM). Two sttuamams pre- atthough sii conctnuata marketing and suppnas 1948 to 1M7 ceded these mothavot • tha Mlqwa VMra'el Agrteut- through lha cooptfatfvt seeiatv. This body ilao han- With the e*Up>i*hmtn! of lha Stale ol Israel in OF THE ZIONIST ORGANIZATION tural School In 1170, and Nub Tiqw. in 1ST* dlas mambtr's accounis, racordlng debt» or cradits. 1946, the need for rapid expantton of rural мш«- 2 The Settlement В odlti Lack of екреПепее ind knowledge, mistakes in Th« mothav'a tutcutiva eemmiiiet handles iht mant oecem* acuie. Ouring iht ihree-уеаг period erganlMtlen weather wtth dWIeutt ntlural eondi- day-to-day economic and municipal adminittraiion July 1982 iloni thrsaisnad th« survivtl ot tht moehavot. of tha moihay. Tht lirtt moshav, Nahaiai. WM 1946 to leei.rnfMimmigriiion into ltra*l doubled its population. Food was In then supply during this

background*, we* datignad » encourage gradual Beceuet of the scarcity of triple Und ind water in social integration wntrwui causing community the Miry treat of Judta, Semerteand the Galilee, a I eevered trade limit with neigh- cruet within lha rural tatUamanit thatnaalvai. new type of rural settlement has been developed. bourtnf Arab сммнкм. Theft WM, therefore, a (toglonalMttlamtntwMfirii applied in ihtLakhMh «din them. ThM I* the "", bated mainly ""**'•' nullu **"••** •ewe shortage 0* earieufiural produce in Israel n flegton and ha* baeeme iht accepted medal in en industry, lourism ind еегмон. wtth some the aame time that hundred* e* thousand, of imml- Itreel. h haa tinea been applied m developing ooun- [iiijD_ ... _, _ settler* employed outside tha Hlttemenl on which "™" - -ttoymtni m anjindar- iriM m Atu, Africa end Laun America, wtih Мгм" " ""lewerereechingeduHhood.ThemL,. they live. IMS Ctnin Vligi — «iperii providing technical atwitnce. ity of these second generition ttttltri wtnwd a^'leeirtylmperaVr^of'lew'lVS empty»*» to continue luring in their peieni*' villages. In Pollewing (he devilepmeni of the Ukhieh Ragipn in most ease*, however, only a irrujtl proportion The community settlement n gtntnlly pUnned the nvM-MUs, thai Ы tha Tt'nahh Reetofi mW«lh- could Ы abtoibed. mainly the hein и their par- for ibout MO firnflie*, and it» internal «tiuciurt is Theae Iteteri prompted the eetilemeni bodie* w ent*' poetetiien*. Sine* most of the families cooeeriitve. Membership applicant* must peat leuneh t cempewi of read rural lettlemenl erniirtalwaiundtrialuininiiH.andofthe'Adul- Me'or neve more than one child, the only solution WM through conventional absorption procedure* ol ill threugheti. WMI. More (hen ЗМиМдае were butll in tha Jen n№n Cwrwor in iflM. Ue'oi Heyyim... to tattle ihe teeond generation in new village* 'urai settlement!, *nd be accepted by ill member* ThaiarryiHOsi tuaofrshed аевасШГу for them. of iht group. The community salt la mint is a closed MareaUyyot end of 1H3 mote lhan 100 MHlemerIit*had been socitly with maximum cooruination between the Ofaqim... •UaMthad *мсе Ihe ueatwn ef (he Ittuf rye yeeit The. Golan Height* was the tirtt arae to be settled • Шоп. TtHi "ma»* MttUment" involved tent of after the SfxDay Wtr. Nine kibbuitim ind methi- • и titaetiWiad since 1641 had achieved vim wart Mtibuthtd Ihert wHhin tht Urn year I cultural Mlrrriies m add to production, itieutanda ef new immgrami with no agmuitur*) terf'tufiicieney and no longer needed ihe help el Ohad (iM7/ei. •ecauee of the demographic *i._ leinterii. l proti- Ihe lettitmeni bodie*. In 1H7 • fun her M rur.l l«mt in the aalUte, Judta and Simirii - a Jevrith tatthimanu became mdapandtnt. Mi thtte Mttle- Baiilemem ef Judea and 8*marl*, the Jordan Rift minority ind uiegai encroachment on Si»i*-ownt