SPACES aims to present conceptual frameworks and empirical studies on economic action in spatial perspective to a wider audience. The interest is to provide a forum for discussion and debate in relational economic geography. Editors Harald Bathelt Simone Strambach Managing Editors Heiner Depner Katrin Kappes Caroline Jentsch ISSN 1612-0205 (Print edition) 1612-8974 (Internet edition) © Copyright Economic Geography, Faculty of Geography, Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany Harald Bathelt and Armin Gräf Internal and External Dynamics of the Munich Film and TV Industry Cluster and the International Entertainment Sector SPACES 2006-01 Author’s Information Harald Bathelt, Faculty of Geography, Philipps-University of Marburg, Deutschhausstraße 10, D-35032 Marburg, Germany, E-mail:
[email protected], URL: Armin Gräf, Faculty of Geography, Philipps-University of Marburg, Deutschhausstraße 10, D-35032 Marburg, Germany, E-mail:
[email protected] Acknowledgements. Many thanks are due to numerous individuals who have commented on the ideas put forward in this paper. Parts of this paper were written during a visit to the Department of Political Science at the University of Toronto in February 2005. We would like to thank Allison Bramwell, John Britton, Meric Gertler, Antoinette Handley, Tad Homer- Dixon, Jeff Kopstein, Rob Vipond and David Wolfe for their thoughts during this visit. A first draft was presented at the Symposium of German Economic Geographers in Rauischholzhausen in April 2005. Here, we received helpful comments by Christian Berndt, Peter Gräf, Britta Klagge, Anke Matuschewski, Ulrike Sailer, Ludwig Schätzl and Rolf Sternberg. Further, we would like to thank Wolfram Bonnet, Sylvia Heling, Andreas Kewes, Marc Sandmüller and Christina Weiß for contributing greatly to the discussions in this project and conducting interviews with us, as well as Clare Wiseman for her valuable comments throughout the course of the research process.