Impact of Living Mulches on the Physical Properties of Planosol In
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Int. Agrophys., 2018, 32, 165-173 doi: 10.1515/intag-2017-0001 Impact of living mulches on the physical properties of Planosol in monocropped maize cultivation Kęstutis Romaneckas1*, Aida Adamavičienė1, Egidijus Šarauskis2, Zita Kriaučiūnienė3, Marek Marks4 and Kristina Vaitauskienė2 1Institute of Agroecosystems and Soil Science, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Studentu 11, 53361 2Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Safety, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Studentu 15, 53362; Akademija, Kaunas reg., Lithuania 3Experimental Station, Aleksandras Stulginskis University, Rapsu 7, 53363, Noreikiskes, Kaunas reg., Lithuania 4Department of Agroecosystems, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland Received January 10, 2017; accepted December 29, 2017 A b s t r a c t. The complex mutual interactions between soil that exterminate the target species and create better condi- properties and plants in high-biodiversity mono-cropping agro tions for other species (Blackshaw et al., 2006). However, ecosystems have not been widely investigated. For this purpose, although this achieves high yields, the wide use of chemi- during 2009-2011, a stationary field experiment was conduct- cals leads to environmental pollution. The sowing of living ed at the Experimental Station of the Aleksandras Stulginskis mulch plants between the rows of a main crop might be an University to establish the effect of a multi-component agro- cenose (maize, living mulch, weeds) on the physical properties of effective environmentally friendly weed control method. the soil. Spring oilseed rape, white mustard, spring barley, Italian The use of living mulch or cover crops as organic mulches ryegrass, black medic, Persian clover and red clover were sown has positive effects on the physical properties of the soil, as living mulch into maize inter-rows. The stability of >1.0 mm such as temperature, moisture content, bulk density, struc- aggregates increased between the beginning and end of the maize ture and strength (Adamczewska-Sowinska et al., 2009; vegetative period in almost all of the crops containing living Duda et al., 2003; Haruna and Nkongolo, 2015; Zhang mulch. The greatest competition for moisture content between the et al., 2009). In the investigations of Qian et al. (2015), inter-crops and maize was observed at the beginning of the veg- in the use of three living mulch treatments – white clover etative period because of living mulches of long growing seasons (Trifolium repens L.), crown vetch (Coronilla varia L.) and using the most moisture. In many cases, the shear strength of the soil was significantly reduced by the living mulch in the middle perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) benefits were seen of summer, when it covered the maize inter-rows. These findings in the development of soil micro-ecology and soil quality. show that the monocropping of maize with living mulch stabilises Furthermore, when living mulch as cover crop is left over or improves the physical characteristics of the soil, highlighting winter, it also effectively stops water erosion and increases its potential for sustainable maize growing. the content of soil organic matter (de Baets et al., 2007; K e y w o r d s: intercropping, soil moisture content and shear Gyssels et al., 2005). Appropriately chosen cover crop strength, soil aggregate stability, Zea mays L. species not only facilitate soil fertility, but also affect the formation of root channels in the soil (Ball et al., 2005). INTRODUCTION This process is known as ‘biological drilling’ (Cresswell In Europe and many other regions of the world, the and Kirkegaard, 1995). However, several studies have most convenient method for controlling pest plants in agri- shown that this can only be performed by large-diameter cultural systems is through the use of selective herbicides taproots of dicotyledonous plants (Materechera et al., *Corresponding author e-mail: [email protected] © 2018 Institute of Agrophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences 166 K. ROMANECKAS et al. 1992; Merrill et al., 2002). For example, oilseed radish experiment, the same species of living mulch plants were (Raphanus sativus L.) is characterised by a large taproot, sowed into the inter-rows of a maize crop. The control plots and white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) has a strong taproot were weeded out 3 times. Each experimental treatment had and many lateral roots that can reach a depth of 70 cm. four replicates with fully randomised design. The size of By contrast, annual ryegrass (Lolium multiforum Lam.), experimental plot was 24 m2 (8 x 3 m). Pesticides were not perennial ryegrass and rye (Secale cereale L.) are charac- applied. Before sowing, complex NPK fertiliser (16:16:16) terised by a system of small roots that covers a considerable was used at a rate of 300 kg ha−1 and incorporated at a depth soil area (Cresswell and Kirkegaard, 1995). According to of 4-5 cm. Maize was sown using a pneumatic-mechanical De Baets et al. (2011), ryegrass and rye crops exhibit the drill (Köngskilde PRECI–SEM). Distance between rows greatest level of root branching in the upper soil layer, and was 50 cm, between seeds – 16-17 cm. After the emergence so these plants are considered to have the highest poten- of maize, the inter-rows were shallowly harrowed and liv- tial for reducing soil erosion. Nedzinskienė and Bakšienė ing mulch plants were inter-sown. The living mulch plants (2010) found that the dense roots of cock’s-foot (Dactylis were cut and distributed on the soil surface 3 times at maize glomerata L.) provided a strong sward during the year of growth stages BBCH 15-16, 31-32 and 63-65. We used sowing and protected the soil from erosion, which con- a hand-operated brush cutter ‘Stihl’ FS-550. At the opera- tained 69.7% of mezzo-aggregates in the 0-10 cm layer and tion time, the living mulch plants had reached a height of 75.7% of mezzo-aggregates in the 10-20 cm layer. This can up to 15-20 cm. The maize crop was also fertilised with be compared with 55.7% and 60.9%, respectively, in a soil nitrogen (N60) at the stem elongation stage (BBCH 31-32). covered with red clover. After maize harvest, experimental plots were ploughed The complex mutual interactions between soil properties by a reversible plough with semi-helical mouldboards to and plants in high-biodiversity mono-cropping agroecosys- a depth of 20-22 cm. tems (crops, living mulch plants and weeds) have not been In our experiment, we used the maize cultivar ‘Silvestre’. widely investigated. Therefore, the aim of our study was to The maize sowing rate was 130-138 thousand seeds per ha determine the level of competition between maize, inter- (or 20-23 kg ha-1) or about by 30-50 thousand seeds per ha row living mulch plants and weeds in such agroecosystems, denser than usual in Lithuania. Spring rape (cv. ‘Sponsor’), and their effect on the physical properties of the soil. white mustard (cv. ‘Braco’), Italian ryegrass (cv. ‘Avance’), black medic (cv. ‘Arka’), Persian clover (cv. ‘Gorby’) and MATERIALS AND METHODS red clover (cv. ‘Nemuniai’) were sown at a seed rate of A stationary field experiment was conducted during 10 kg ha-1. Sowing rate of spring barley (cv. ‘Simba’) was 2009-2011, at the Experimental Station of the former 200 kg ha-1. Lithuanian University of Agriculture (now called Soil moisture content (gravimetric water content, mass Aleksandras Stulginskis University) (54°52′ N, 23°49′ E). wetness; Hillel, 1982) was measured every 15 days from The soil at the experimental site was a silty loam (46% maize emergence to harvest. We used an auger for soil sam- sand, 42% silt, 12% clay) Endohypogleyic-Eutric Planosol pling. Soil samples were taken in no less than 10 places (Ple-gln-w) (IUSS Working Group WRB, 2014), with a tex- of each plot at 0-10 and 10-20 cm depths. Soil moisture ture of silty light loam on heavy loam. The soil in experi- content (mass wetness) was established by the weighting ment was neutral, and had a moderate amount of main method. Soil shear strength was measured with a shear vane nutrients and humus. Further details of the soil chemi- tester (‘GEONOR 72410’) after sowing the living mulches cal composition during our experiment can be found in and then every 15 days until harvest. Shear strength was Adamavičienė et al. (2012). The climate at the experimen- measured at the beginning (in 2009) and end (in 2011) of tal site is subarctic, the average annual precipitation is 720 the experiment in 5 places in each plot at 15 and 25 cm mm on the coast of the Baltic Sea and 490 mm in the eastern depths of the arable layer. part of the country, with a mean annual precipitation rate of Soil aggregate stability (SAS) (water resistance) was 625.5 mm over the last 59 years. measured by taking samples from 5 places in each experi- In our experiment, so as to examine the effects of inter- mental plot to form a composite sample. SAS was deter- seeding different living mulches in maize inter-rows on the mined by the wet sieving method after sowing the living physical properties of the soil, the following treatments mulches and before maize harvest. The experimental data were used: no living mulch (control-reference treatment, were statistically analysed using single-factor analysis of hand weeding only) (CT); spring rape (Brassica napus L.) variance (ANOVA) and correlation methods. (SR); white mustard (Sinapis alba L.) (WM); spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) (SB); Italian ryegrass (Lolium mul- RESULTS AND DISCUSSION tiflorum Lam.) (IR); black medic (Medicago lupulina L.) Agricultural crop development and yield are affected by (BM); Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) (PC); red the physical properties of the soil, which mainly depend clover (Trifolium pratense L.) (RC).