War Memorials Trust

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War Memorials Trust FRIENDSOF WAR MEMORIALS NEWSI,ETTERNUMBER 17 SPRING2()O3 ISSN:1471 2335 Lincohshire RVDavid Hoopor tEvel ed ro Ftandarcin seprefrberroaftend th6 rcbudatoth4o d scovercdin 1999at sheler wood, Fricod0n The sommo, wherc rhey had rans nc6rh6irdearhs in 1916. one ot the soldieGwas idoniiried s w an crcmpton dl Gainsboough, the olher! id oniity romainsunknown. Th6 lwb menw€re buriodal PeakeWood C6m€lery in ce€mones atundodby henberc ot winian crcmplons tamityand Ep€sonlalivesol lhe Linmlnshne Reljmenr.oavid s tdpa so incoQoErad visils1o N@ge Caiff Cenelerywhe€ Nonolk WilliamCrcmprons bother Bruc6 6 bu e!, to si G€orye6 cburoh.Ypres, lo th€ M6morar ro E e M sslngar Thtepval(wherc wir am crcnpton hadlomedy be€n Rvcoordrntu' o' \o10. F, ld o r oo€sro a ?' od 'AqLL -ear194 dommemoEiod)and t r theda y caromony n FowM pr6*nce ar majorevenrs al the MeninGale. oavid wftes Thebural, Mk tru tiuitarythnurc, ot wi ian RVFormd Blsqey (whoasocha6rhe ftends or Di.. MGeum)has crnptan at Pe6le WoanCenatary wa6 b.k jhptssive and verynovnsr a tkinq, n behGd,tibute kj a sir'ple @ldietwh., tike nttare ot oth*, gavehis lila ld his counhy. Ihe wholeexpetience was vety wd t tsrniah e Epan at au hdriaggatd kn a d\tMnt at tuid hituty moxdat atui sanehing h.n t *ta .^LFysmenbe|' and4pm'andonFldaysandsalud wods rharhad been us.d ar rhe yearcagd anda MearbwaE ad BUddW|flc@nPloalP€d6wodcfl8bv hMh'fuydH@q a paqu6hsiiinsbouh€.John€podedrhe ra praqueon ihe omor orrhe rown s avenuoor R6n6mb€ncero swa€ councitand .6sponsbi q tur €ryinq ouirh6 nec nh he @sror rh6p,oled be ns sharcdby ih. nanaqemenror rheuK paperLejsurc crub. on *rio* wa be oraoues lk;d. Johnsys orrhe prclsr /r bok a whl/€ e e.d. h. ptaqueko|s Eeuyg.ad noL FAIENDSOF WARMEMOAALS FRIENDSOF WAR MEMORIALS NEWSLETTER NUIT/BER17 SPRING2OO3 THEOBJEaTM,S Ot FRtF\nSOFWAR \tl\'toRt4t s DIRECTORGENEBATS [,|ESSAGE Sir DonaldThomDson (asopposed ro wa.savcs)a.omd I wordsde andwbo ara pad ruid i01he proted slafiodshre lseepaqe r4 rorde'aisl Fredto red 6 a qled o' horcu d EDITOR'SNOTE Pholobyjragg|eGaadz| (fore{ampc a warmemorar!iva inq or ededcarioi).war memora prcject o pt Design& Pint Centre FRIENDSOF WAR MII\IORTALS Morechanqe at FowM afislsFnding34yeacfrhUoynseik'whareha DFSFurniture F€nces Mddm whojoined 6 in Jmuary Havingsp€ni 2002ravaninq a6und hdia rhe usA aid EaslemEubpo, Francaswas r@khg lolanewoppodlnitytoonldlniei]a*onhwh]|e orsanisaron w h her desrcein war srudies, enjoyinsire char6ns6of b€ nq FowM'srid ru r moAdministaror, liav no prsviouslywo*ed WarMemorlal Rededicaled Fodba|ndGteslromlheUnivesi'yol orgni*a rhs€rGr on oJa dispacd wa mfloda . Tlre mpress ve ma&rep aquewas satvagdd D.F.Sand kindrygiv6n ro FdwM by m Devoyol crcar onlhepaquesofledwlhlheRoyalWe|ch councinocand dre Principa!or Yareconese wrexham,a newsie wasfound for rh6ptaque ar rbeFusiie6 Fesimonra H6adquan6c, Nishrown B*hcks,w6xham. Major GensarLrewe vn Ih.lasll6ysa6Wo ing n rh6volunra,y seftr hepinq commun q oeanjsatons, small ch ries bidsrd cha'ibblddd g@mmsnttund ns Piorro brdrsim db tu a hnry Jow,rGd n c!tr@. riavns psroust rci{ed lor u€ Bdanna Buirdinq socidly8610166lurnngtolu||.limeempoyment n 1e33,she a soround r me ro sa i an open PfuanE'dcffiRurdahirgfu Jow ensrc rharFowM compries wih chady Phab@ubq at M4q eq9Qt Ltewdrr (3d trca tuhl) MoreWar llemorialArl be am'ned ar rheAGM n JUV trhenr g o0 for Charitv canbenolil ircm €cyc ing yourused ofi ce moducls. ploasesend $em ro osor f ir',' bl*t 'riDro 1 | /4 upDyl& at'.r/ 'f hfta.l L"' h4 rkn lh.flF"*"ai'!'j:i:,,,'" I dha, abledonar ons Gsuliing t. .l Re srcn dnd h.tp FowM TheWar Memorials of lol lhb arce,ndcomp€i pje.eol sc! plu€ EricKennidston (1888 - 1960) ru G bYJonalhan Brack .aryeavas an ensiaveds v*.g3rcrc cise. 24th tnfntry Division Meno aLaa 4.ea accaplnopaymedlollKennhqlona*eddnyior Memorial to the Missing of the Bar es of the Matre.& the Aisne, Pla.e .les Anglais. soisnns, Frcn@ (1925'2a) ahmDoll924KemjnqloiW*4kcdbyfuoyounq archredsGordoitsor(1302re7o)andvsioi owenFees ir336 re66) 10 dcs sn a pe.e or duis he Bares oi he Manelsepremher r er 1) aid rheA6ne lMay Jrie rers) rqmelrdered on onsJ woods.aioms parooi serceailn rhes'h Foya s6se, hodshe handor re nai ldhG eft (modeed on ex.rooperMo'is machie qliian rhc modsrorrherhidr(ue. oi lplbkh4 o1%t Ftud G€ws (rsrr st tr bd (rrcma 22ron b o.k or ro.arEuur e srone)unr I he tsamloi Godoi lconmanderdi ho srrsh rorces _Meryand Biqh rorhh hounruexpressoil Earerhar mons xeiiiiqbD bd rhermes (Jury mearidq lun ovsri vs ied hqh rhe memoia roh re23pr5)sar#ef coicernshe socsoos rin rf re hada lw.rdd ain h nind . b tuv,athel sn Hebed P mer 113s7 sctlpfu|al.aUBh..n+lejearchibdu|alha|nd]y 1032)oi $e dayb€rore rhe mverh! K4f ns'oi he.e6adyarc.adolsddlesa|191113|ahr.a (DayNews.Odobsr3d.le24)rheodLyfoms FRIENDSOF WAR MIMOI{IAII "1940"Memo at to tha Iread Btftlsh Pitots of TheSecond Wo .t wzr ]nadumnl944andmindfu|lhalov6lMenlyollhe and|a||heUseandp]asuEa|rling6|ds'o|e| Bs LiddeHan, sa' ha hadju$ bssunb caRea bInglogdermew.soneEMemonadsednoc Ead Yodshire (by ca' o Masnon ror sn raioi slet eroq!€nlyshomrhesienftan.oo'hoes qavdrh3 surdrc ro GrasqowA non * a a3rural ta thenen ot @2 (ciry ar ctssaw) sqtad@ne^a ad ider by Major ceci 3rcpn su|plurewasnotunve|edonlhamai6n@u$ Hadodw&menola|ncudsslhecouniyembLen Joia|hanBacksheadholoiDas.U/pe6olEd: as a i€'s zs brcnze had (by Arrc! Drury)and rhe feiniErontr12 pases rrldded, .600o Lund a ,p6.€ prca or !50 pus .3.50 ap ron Book@nr re 0123532rs lquoriq rcre€ma3osF754) henunfual19pdopba||lEefun|alhentdry as in the eturt andtustbe at ib ca@sd (March6h sihar he NEc).FowM wi asaibe pioied,ehbh s 'arshsiu^ds b '€are a new Fuid (Reshred chad'yNo 1063743)can be aronssid.hlman fisurcs h a w e\i oi suppodins -ttrrE",i-- FRIINISOT \t\RIIENIORI\LI t blfunamaFBsosememialcrc$a's'Mary.s H E', FRIENNSOT WAR MII\IORIAI,S EnglishHeritage & FowM rdemorlalGrantScheme STANOING OBDERS has o.en onercd in sad ad rd 40 prcjsb ns Gmer d tuih* d€bs. dvGq bd(!a;. PhabbyM@bcafuI Hunlingdon,cambndqeshiE !1,365 ror rhebase oi rhesod Aid€n w& Maho,a qrihh 3randsh se Hishsrer adacen 'o $e .hurch sr Geoee (node ed od rharby Doiarer;).rhs aidAJss6dGatyandlhs{U|e'olwassiqnor Gdsrmorosirhs p.oied3orcaGersaso end $'hdbehiemdde'heoludamryme durciyad,pendin9ludhelinveslgalion hda.adqdMFfuUJq arsd splayodn anouldoor exhib ion a€a andin monumenb,a sbne obe sk ro Gr6atKing arcfisb symbolBng un lY and Peace afisr43 yaars.The asso.iarioi s vsib are!s!ary commemoBrerhe commonwsa rlr 29rh & gados adionar tho Bari e dhe mlnFwin1st. memo,aga16 I ankedby srarues oi rises on o( ri{rhday we joined o!, commonwearh rid ai rhecommonwealrh Memo'ial in K.pyonq, BdsadeMenorar {usmrry carred rhe Gloucesrer ftmqiaD ar sormeRr. larkabour se GroresierResimed s srand againrewgeimpresedby'h6nunbelolV6no6 a aae m6mo'iaha lnibdNalonsinpeQeluL|yinl960,Thispace rlankngcoftidoBwhee rhe names or rhose kiled seprember1e53 ilre day beto€ ny R6gin.nt, rh@ modhs ds r lo red 200 dhsr Br 'ish KoGanV6r6hns on a vB l Io lhe USA Th s was KoreanwalMemorialnWashinglonan6vsnl, oncaaga n. p anied 1ocoincide w ih rhe annivarsa,yor a koy dai€: lho sisninsor lbe Peacerrcary ar Panmunlonon July 27th. 1e53. T'i6nineleenTreel'andabsby$Up'olFtrk c c€y od (6p6eni n9 th6e {ho ioushrihe wa, on r.or) andire 164-100rlono sranit€muhl warr by L&E Neboi {@p6edns be suppolbl rorcs)re $psb rhe sEnib wa reracisIhe 3A$ pahnd and Ihal rhe Koreanwr Laded33 monrhs.Frcm Washingbd ws movedon lo New wateilacnglowadslh6statuaolLbedy Hone Ofiice code of Pnclice for war memorar.be ra p.qre boor,memorarobtedor war Memorts Retocared te6 or .hrrss rrcmFowM (p e6e end an a4 sne s.a e. mafredcode b/ p€.ne) andrhe Hdms €'4re@d&byae$domFiytssEciiom on ce(c'one.s sedon srbFoolArhdoi rowe6,r s Arinsron stser.bndon. swiE sEEr Dsigredbya.hEdTsWhmeywlhscuDt€ lhe 6dh6n' c d$ 'a sb b dowi md l.; companywrmsmora dhs + (denen"dby .onFny rd,bd cMr 6 odey) hasMd ndd lsaden las norddrd b0rhas b*n Edd o,soj93?h*b€.redo'edmdreoGLmed In Brief beWm"mo'dbEspbqFircmE0rede55' s€rcdary schod Bmr o FansmraGh;* JL}qsconFry€lneoqastrhelnw wdbi Hiqhsdmr. Ndsn. hrcs Amnd i.- " (om3dyn slM'ys.hufh)h6 eei 6memd rhs Abb€yPaish istarbans Nadsrsjudy B,met(srMa,y3cf ,chyad.8ames.Mddreset sympaihelca|yrefubGhedlolowhqinvedqalve d* sied byF E Howanhor onod) reansm ronse, A I rh€e prcie.b werc .ahed od by Br, ft LId or or a rarse,rcsrodion prcjed. Manhadan showeG }s Fe4r Bdss lberd @ved me Fov, m Badq4 socbry (Fas dsrcd ch adry Nd r o45oal has6@h€d irs appsar hqer o{ Monum€dandlhg€eglyconlinussloas9lunds FovalsadgessocielyFovadsasbllyws w memoia,Mio ( b ommemoEreusMr- a men FRJAN'DSOf WAR [IEIrcRTALS LEGACIES AnewmEnorarpraqu6 has been unveited in the (ios snedaef morora.iis circur)shec a new mmo'a|{dplFatsorommemoJaliq96'h€onb dtrcmiedhighadcg64baB]7l|yhg skinon,wick, Hightandslio opeErionwas a strrcr missionb browup a heaw warerp ani ar Rjukon.NoNar rwo o, rhe ih6e Ha bhs 'n@v6d and lho gtideBrrey werei@ino PIea*@n,a.|MageiecaodalatFowM' wWwaimemoiarthediginalolwhichiE m€snq presumadG| burih6 rebs le hs mo,ia vrwr ro v ewme vmd wa m6nodad;*,d rnks,or 1oconr bui6 intomalion. see Bodywh dh daghed nee N.||.wod cbts o; mmmemoBredby a tuw praquoar rhecrash sb. A rew pbted enrilradcoBr.,r Endu@ll 9 000 vesr8t h RAFCoasrat command in ww I rh6rc *il be a sedesoi pBsenkrionsand exhbir ons n schoos andco e96sand a ndw scuplurenWedhnsierAbbevcosi6l A pnpeno,rrcm aqo LamA'e, rri r.rm"h Eoun,Camb dq€shiEto Bedin,has been ftop|aneWd€geMIb€dispardasamemoial arrhe FAF wick€nby Mu*um.
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