National World War I Memorial Presentation for Final Approval

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National World War I Memorial Presentation for Final Approval U.S. COMMISSION OF FINE ARTS SUBMISSION | SEPTEMBER 19, 2019 National World War I Memorial Presentation for Final Approval Sculptor SABIN HOWARD 1 PRESENTATION CONTENT SUMMARY OF PREVIOUS / UPCOMING PRESENTATIONS • Concept Lighting, Furnishing and Finishes (February 2019) • Response to Walkway, Lighting, and Sculpture Fountain Comments (April 2019) • Interpretation and Detailing (May 2019) • Response to Sculpture and Lighting Comments + Site Security and Final Detailing (July 2019) • Design Recap for Final Approval (anticipated September 2019) PRESENTATION OBJECTIVES (9/19/2019) • Final Approval PRESENTATION OUTLINE • Project Scope and Background • Existing Conditions • Design Summary - Organizing Framework - Balancing Two Works of Art - Memorial Park Design - Memorial Park Program - Interpretive Framework • 1st Tier Commemorative Features - Existing Pershing Memorial - A Soldier’s Journey - Peace Fountain - Sculpture Fountain • 2nd Tier Commemorative Features - Belvedere - Tactile Model - Inscriptions - Flagstaff • 3rd Tier Commemorative Features - Information Poppies • Supporting Elements - Viewing Platform - ADA Accessibility Improvements - Park History Wayside - Lighting - Entry Signage and Site Security Measures - Acknowledgments Panel • Planting - Existing Canopy - Proposed Canopy - Understory 2 PROJECT SCOPE AND BACKGROUND 3 PROJECT SCOPE AND BACKGROUND INTRODUCTION Of the four major wars of the twentieth century, World War I alone has no national memorial in the nation’s capital. More American servicemen were lost in World War I than in the Korean and Vietnam wars combined, with 116,516 lost and 200,000 more wounded. In December 2014, President Obama signed legislation authorizing the U.S. World War I Centennial Commission (WWICC) to establish a new memorial. P.L.113- 291, Section 3091 of the National Defense Authorization Act of 2015 re-designates Pershing Park in the District of Columbia, an existing memorial to General John J. Pershing, commander of American forces in World War I, as a national World War I Memorial, and authorizes the WWICC to further honor American servicemen and women of World War I: WHITE a. (3) AUTHORITY TO ENHANCE COMMEMORATIVE WORK HOUSE PERSHING PARK (A) IN GENERAL. The Commission may enhance the General Pershing Commemorative Work by constructing on the land designated in paragraph (1) [Pershing Park] as a World War 1 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE Memorial appropriate sculptural and other commemorative PRESIDENT’S PARK elements, including landscaping, to further honor the service members of the United States Armed Forces in World War I. WASHINGTON LINCOLN The existing park is a 1.8-acre parcel bounded by Pennsylvania MONUMENT MEMORIAL Avenue on the north and south, 15th Street NW on the west, NATIONAL MALL U.S. CAPITOL and 14th Street NW on the east. The park was designed by M. Paul Friedberg and Partners in 1979-1980 and constructed by the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation as part of a congressionally authorized effort to rehabilitate the Avenue. In the southeast corner of the site sits a memorial to General John J. Pershing, designed by architect Wallace K. Harrison. Landscape architects Oehme van Sweden redesigned the park planting shortly after the park was constructed in 1981, supplementing and changing portions of the original Friedberg design. The National World War I Memorial will serve a dual function, as a space of commemoration and as an urban park situated within the Pennsylvania Avenue National Historic Site. The memorial design must balance these two functions with great sensitivity, providing an expanded commemorative identity worthy of a National World War I Memorial while at the same time honoring the historic significance of the park and its greater context. 4 PROJECT SCOPE AND BACKGROUND WWI MEMORIAL COMPETITION The primary objective of the WWI Memorial Competition was to generate designs that would honor the service of American forces in WorldCompetition War I through the transformationDesign of a park with a small memorial situated within it, into a site that serves primarily as a National World War I Memorial within a well-functioning urban park. Designers were asked to create a distinct sense of place that would revitalize the park and connect toThe the winning larger networkcompetition of entry,memorials The Weight and of monuments of the NationalSacrifi ce, Mall,proposed while the strengthening allegorical idea the that park’s relationship topublic the urbanspace andcontext. public The freedom competition are hard also asked designers to considerwon through the the integration great sacrifi of ces the of existing countless Pershing Memorial andindividuals physical in the park pursuit elements of liberty. with The new raised commemorative features,fi gurative to walls balance visually a sense expressed of enclosure a narrative with openness and visibility,of the sacrifi and cial to cost develop of war, a while design also that is timeless and meaningfulsupporting for future a literal generations. manifestation of freedoms enjoyed in this country: the open park space above. The urban design intent was to create The WWICC sponsored an open, two-stage international a new formal link along Pennsylvania Avenue design competition.which Of the ties more together than the 350 memorial entries to received, General five were chosen toSherman participate on the in Westthe second and Freedom stage Plazaby an independent jury ofon experts the East. in landscapeThis was achieved architecture, by lowering planning, architecture,the visualand history. barriers The surrounding Design Oversightthe existing Committee, consistingPershing of representatives Park and reinforcing from dominantthe World axes War I Centennial Commission,that come from the the National adjacent Parks context. Service, National Capital Planning Commission, Commission of Fine Arts, General ServicesThe Administration, raised form in the D.C. center State of the Historic site Preservation Office,honored and other the veterans stakeholders, of the First met World with War by combining fi gurative sculpture and each of the five finalists on three separate occasions. On personal narratives of servicemen and January 6th, 2016, thewomen finalists in a single presented formal their expression. designs The to the Competition Jury. integration of a park around and atop the memorial alluded to the idea that public The Competition Juryspace unanimously and personal chose freedom the aredesign only concept submittal The Weightavailable of Sacrifice, through therecommending sacrifi ce of our to soldiers. the WWICC that the designAbove team all, the be memorial selected sculptures to continue and work park to make the Memorialdesign a reality: stressed the glorifi cation of humanity and enduring spirit over the glorifi cation of “The Weight of Sacrificewar. comes closest to meeting all National World WarThese I Memorial themes goals. were expressedProperly executed,through this design conceptthree promises sources: to remindrelief sculpture, and inspire quotations visitors of for generations to comesoldiers, about and American a freestanding involvement sculpture. andThe sacrifice in World 81’War long I. And fi gurative it promises relief sculpture, as well to entitled become a popular, well-functioning,“The Wall animated of Remembrance,” urban park was in thea solemn heart of the nation’s capital.”tribute to the resilience of human bonds against the inexorable tide of war. The bronze medium used throughout represented the timeless endeavor we face in the universal pursuit and right of freedom. 5 5 678',2 FORGE LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE PROJECT SCOPE AND BACKGROUND DESIGN PROCESS / CFA APPROVALS MAY 2015 MAY 2017 OCTOBER 2018 MAY 2019 A public design competition is Revised design (Sculpture Memorial Vision presented (Primary and Interpretation and Detailing announced by the WWICC. Nested within Western Terrace Secondary Interpretive Elements and are presented. CFA approves with Viewing Platform) is Planting Strategy). CFA voices strong Interpretation and Detailing with presented. CFA grants concept support for the planting strategy. revisions to the sculpture detailing. approval. OCTOBER 2016 MAY 2018 FEBRUARY 2019 First presentation to the U.S. Commission Presentation of design Lighting, Furnishings of Fine Arts: progress to CFA. and Materials are CFA notes a fundamental challenge presented. CFA approves between preservation and Furnishings and reconceptualization of the historic park Materials. designed by Paul M. Friedberg. SEPTEMBER 2019 Design Recap / Final Review DECEMBER 2014 FEBRUARY 2017 JULY 2018 APRIL 2019 Congress authorizes Multiple revised schemes are Freestanding wall concept is Walkway, Lighting Revisions and Pershing Park as presented to CFA. presented. CFA grants revised Sculpture Scale are presented. the location for the concept approval. CFA approves Walkway, Overall National World War I Lighting Concept and Sculpture Memorial. Scale. JANUARY 2016 FEBRUARY 2018 NOVEMBER 2018 JULY 2019 The Weight of Sacrifice is Presentation of design Pool and Walkway, Access Response to Sculpture and Lighting chosen by the WWICC as the progress to CFA. Improvements and Sculpture Comments + Site Security and winning competition entry. Refinements are presented. Final Detailing are presented. CFA CFA approves all presented approves all presented topics. topics. 6 EXISTING CONDITIONS 7 EXISTING CONDITIONS PERSHING PARK PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE NW NW ENTRY NORTH BERM PA AVE PLANTERS LOWER PLAZA KIOSK NE ENTRY PA AVE GROVE FOUNTAIN POOL BASIN
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