Carla Baron, Detective? Not Quite

BRIAN HART investigate all leads,” or laughed directly at the question of “Do you ever use a sychic detective. The very phrase psychic in your detective work?” One conjures up an image of Peter Falk young police officer in Pennsylvania, P as Columbo, wearing his trademark working on his first major missing- rumpled raincoat, albeit with a dowsing person case, firmly believes that Baron rod in place of his ever-present cigar. has given him “some great leads,” Reality is another story. The Inde- despite the fact that this particular case pendent Investigations Group (IIG), in is still unsolved four years later. Los Angeles, went in search of a self-de- All in all, we found that of the four- scribed psychic detective named Carla teen cases we looked at, some had been Baron. On her Web site, she makes solved by standard police “shoe-leather” many specific claims about working on detective work, and the rest remain such high-profile cases as those of O.J. unsolved to this day. Simpson, JonBenet Ramsey, Elizabeth The IIG has put all this information Smart, and others. It was because of the onto its own Web site (www.iigwest. specific nature of her claims that the IIG com) and sent out over 100 press thought her worthy of our attention. releases. Almost immediately, we heard Despite the fact that we had all A group of IIG members recently from two organizations that help track shaken Baron’s hand and sat no more attended an all-day Learning Annex sem- missing children and adults. One of than three feet from her while she inar called “The Three .” We sat them, the ChildSeek Network (at did her “readings,” she never picked through the first two psychics, who gave, instantly up on the fact that none of us were very general and vague readings with lots changed its Web site to remove any pos- who we claimed to be. If this is itive links to Carla Baron, and the other of doses of “feel-good-about-yourselves” how well her psychic powers work at one thanked us for posting accurate New Age advice. Carla Baron got up last, close range, I can’t imagine how she information on Baron and her “cases.” and started naming names and specifics “reads” over the phone. Since we were Cindy, a representative from angels- about police cases that she claims to have already suspicious of her, starting told us: worked on. When the audience pressed even with her supposed “credentials,” her for details, she would readily comply we actually fell more into the role of I cannot tell you how many of these with names of victims, family members, Columbo, as we were able to question people prey on the missing families and loved ones. . . . People in these state-police-department names, cities, her and listen carefully and critically situations will believe whatever you etc. We took careful notes. to her answers. tell them, as they are so vulnerable. Coincidentally, three IIG members Armed with fourteen specifically This is why hundreds of missing per- were randomly called to the front of named cases, the IIG went to work son’s families and loved ones lose the room for “personal readings” from on this matter the old-fashioned way. money to these kinds of people. It Carla. A computer consultant fed her Our lead investigator, Owen Hammer, saddens me—they are so disappointed the false scenario that he was a screen- in the end. I wish more families of the spent several months tracking down and missing could see [the report]. writer, and she went into quite an calling police departments and official elaborate and detailed story about what spokespersons for victim’s families. He Carla Baron, psychic detective? Not he was to expect from his soon-to-be- even attended a second session with this time. Give Lt. Columbo back his successful (nonexistent) screenplay. She Baron to gather more information. cigar, take away the dowsing rod, and told another IIG member that he would We found generally that if the police- let him start acting like the smart cop we form his own company and produce a men in question had heard of Carla always knew he was. “product or a service,” and even told the Baron, it was because Carla had con- executive director of CFI/West that his tacted family members and convinced Brian Hart is one of the founding mem- boss was “stealing all the company prof- them to call the police with her psy- bers of the Independent Investigators its and was under IRS investigation.” chically derived leads. With one or two Group (IIG) in Hollywood, which has She also told him that he would soon exceptions, the policemen we spoke to investigated many claims of the para- have a job as a television sportscaster. were either polite in saying, “We have to normal since 2000.


claimed to be psychic, had prophetic dreams that revealed former Secretary Alleged Psychic of State Colin Powell was the Antichrist, and had predicted the September 11, Convicted 2001, attacks. “Some people really are psychic,” Barnard said. “I don’t know if of Murder she is or isn’t. If she is, that would be a big burden to carry.” Barnard admitted that her assessment was meant to deter- Susan Polk, a self-proclaimed psychic, mine whether Polk had been abused, was convicted on June 16, 2006, of not whether she was delusional. second-degree murder. Polk, 48, was Like comedienne Roseanne Barr and arrested in October 2002 when her hus- others, Polk claimed to have recovered band Felix was found stabbed to death memories of sexual abuse by her par- in their Orinda, California, home. Polk ents and that she watched her parents initially denied any involvement in her murder and bury a police officer in husband’s death but later claimed she their basement. She also claimed to stabbed her seventy-year-old husband in have vague recollections of her husband self-defense. her. Two of Polk’s three sons testified putting her into hypnotic trances and The lengthy trial was rife with against her, claiming that she was delu- forcing her to use her psychic pow- pseudo science and elements, sional and had spoken of trying to kill ers to make predictions. She believed involving psychic powers, conspiracy their father several times. that these predictions—including infor- theories, recovered memories, and even Prosecutor Paul Sequeira suggested mation about terrorism attacks—were Satanic Ritual Abuse. Polk accused her that Polk suffered from a persecutory shared with Israeli intelligence agencies. dead husband of daily physical abuse, delusional disorder. Linda Barnard, a Polk felt that the fact that she claimed poisoning the family dogs, brainwashing therapist who briefly examined Polk to be psychic was being used by the their sons, and plotting the 1978 assassi- and testified on her behalf, found no prosecution to discredit her. Serving as nation of a San Francisco mayor; she also indication that Polk was delusional, out her own lawyer, Polk called an alleged accused everyone from the judge to the of touch with reality, or an unreliable psychic detective to the stand in an court reporter of conspiring to convict historian, despite the fact that Polk attempt to bolster her own credibility

Update: Charges against Ontario ‘Healer’ Dropped

n the September/October 2005 issue of the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER, Detective Michael Barsky, who supervised the investigation, we reported the arrest on June 14, 2005, in Toronto, Ontario, reported at the time of the arrests that Wood used a claim that I Canada, of self-proclaimed “psychic healer” Alex L. Orbito and an Orbito had cured Wood’s wife of cancer to persuade people to accomplice, John Robert Wood, for fraud over $5,000 and possession pay for Orbito’s services. It was reported that investigation had of the proceeds of crime. The arrest was made following a three-day revealed that Wood’s wife never had the disease, but Wood has “healing spree” at a hotel in Scarborough, Ontario. Over the course of since produced documents showing that she was treated for breast those three days, Orbito made an estimated C$80,000 in 200 to 500 cancer surgically at a Toronto hospital—but not by Orbito’s “healing sessions” that were ar ranged by Wood. But on January 20, methods of healing. 2006, the Canadian government withdrew the charges against both Psychic surgeons such as Orbito claim to be able to reach into men. the bodies of their clients, removing diseased tissues and “negative Orbito, a Filipino, and Wood, a resident of Pickering, Ontario, energies” that cause their illnesses; skeptics counter that it’s all done were scheduled to stand trial in July, according to an article that with animal blood and sleight of hand. appeared in Canada’s National Post on May 17, 2006. Brendan Crawley, a spokesman for Ontario’s Ministry of the Attorney-General, —Julie Lavarnway and David Park Musella is quoted as saying, “The decision by the Crown to withdraw charges Julie Lavarnway is serving as an intern with CSICOP and the against Messrs. Wood and Orbito was based on the assessment that Center for Inquiry. David Park Musella is an editorial assistant with there was not a reasonable prospect of conviction.” He did not add the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER. why it was believed that the case wouldn’t stand up in court.

6 Volume 30, Issue 5 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER NEWS AND COMMENT as a psychic. Annette Martin, a self-de- my psychic ability.’ . . . The court would issue to a head and help settle the matter. scribed professional psychic detective, laugh me out of here if I called a psychic Prosecutor Sequiera stated that in his ghost hunter, and pet psychic, took the as a witness.” nearly quarter-century as a prosecutor, stand and told the jurors that she had Some court watchers were concerned he’d never heard of a psychic testifying. helped police solve criminal cases. “The that Polk might find a way to turn the Since Martin claims to speak to ghosts, idea is to show that there is psychic trial into a referendum on psychics, Sequeira said, “There’s one ghost in par- phenomena and that people can predict forcing a long legal debate about the ticular I’d like to talk to. He could shed things,” Martin later told the press. validity of psychic phenomena and the some light on this case.” Contra Costa County Superior Court paranormal in what is known as a Kelly- Apparently Polk’s powers didn’t Judge Laurel Brady allowed the testimony Frye hearing. According to Paula Canny, foresee that her defense would fail but stated, “We’re not here to determine a defense lawyer, “A hearing on the miserably; instead of bringing cred- if psychic ability exists. . . . [Martin] can validity of psychic phenomenon could ibility to the psychic profession, she testify as to what she does for a living be a judicial disaster.” On the other became the latest psychic to be con- and the jurors can take from it what they hand, perhaps a full legal inquiry into victed of a felony. will.” Sequiera argued against allowing the validity of psychic powers might do —Benjamin Radford Martin to testify: “If a psychic is going to for psychics what Delaware Judge John testify and say, ‘I am a psychic and I can E. Jones’s recent decision about intelli- Benjamin Radford is managing editor of see the future and I have solved cases with gent design did for creationists: bring the the SKEPTICAL INQUIRER; his Web site is

British Defense Study Debunks UFO Sightings

n 1952, then-Prime Minister not unusual phenomena, which are and “There is no evidence that solid Winston Churchill said, “What does genuinely misunderstood at the time objects exist which could cause a collision I all this stuff about flying saucers by the observer”; or “The incidence hazard.” The key recommendation of amount to? What can it mean? What is of natural, but relatively rare phenom- the MOD is that in light of the study, the truth?” A report that was completed ena.” The report notes that incidence “It should no longer be a requirement in 2000 by the British Ministry of of events in the latter category may be for [the British intelligence services] to Defence (MOD) and now made public increasing due to “man-aided factors, monitor UAP reports as they do not may at last answer Churchill’s questions. such as smoke and dust.” The sightings demonstrably provide information useful The MOD declassified the study that were included in the data pool for to Defence Intelligence.” in response to a request made under the study were reported between 1987 However, the study did unexpect- British freedom-of-information laws. and 1997. edly note the “relevance of plasma and That study, examining sightings of The MOD, in its role as military pro- magnetic fields to UAP.” The study “unidentified aerial phenomena,” or tector of the United Kingdom, conducted reports that atmospheric plasmic energy UAPs, concluded that flying saucers and the study primarily to determine if there masses can take on many of the aspects other related objects, “In the absence of were any discernible risks, but concluded of UFOs, including non-ballistic motion, any evidence to the contrary,” are the that “There is no evidence that any UAP, “shadowing” aircraft, and, with possible result of: “Mis-reporting of man-made seen in the [United Kingdom’s airspace], military applications as decoys, the abil- ity to sometimes mimic solid objects on vehicles, often observed by perfectly are incursions by air-objects of any intel- radar. credible witnesses, but with unfamiliar ligent (extra-terrestrial or foreign) origin, or abnormal features; or in unusual or that they represent any hostile intent” —David Park Musella circumstances”; “Reports of natural but


Parade’s Rosenfeld Author, Professor Reprises Dubious Acupuncture Claim Vern Bullough Dies In a July/August 1999 News and Com- cholar, author, and sexologist Vern Bullough died on June 21, 2006, ment item, “Questioning Dr. Isadore after a brief illness. He was 78. He was a stalwart humanist and a Rosenfeld’s China Acupuncture Story,” S dedicated member of CSICOP, the Council for Secular Humanism, I detailed the efforts of myself and Dr. and the Center for Inquiry. He had devoted himself to humane causes all Wallace Sampson to make sense of a during his life and was considered one of the leading authorities in the fantastic claim contained in the August world on the history of sex and the nature of gender. He was a tireless advo- 16, 1998, issue of Parade magazine. In cate of civil liberties and the rights of minorities, including gays, lesbians, that Parade article, Rosenfeld presented and transgendered persons. a photograph that he had taken years The author or editor of over fifty books, including Sexual Attitudes: earlier in China during “open-heart sur- Myths and Realities, with Bonnie Bullough, and hundreds of articles, gery” on a young female patient who he was renowned in several areas of human interest, including history, remained “wide awake and smiling” sexology, nursing, and liberal religion. Bullough was a Distinguished as “the surgeon proceeded to open her Professor Emeritus at the University at Buffalo, an Out standing Professor chest. Her only ‘anesthetic’ was an acu- Emeritus at California State University, a past president of the Society for puncture needle in her right earlobe that the Scientific Study of Sex, a former dean of the Faculty of Natural and was connected to an electrical source. Social Sciences at Dean at Buffalo State College, and one of the founders She never flinched. There was no mask of the American Association for the History of Nursing. His SKEPTICAL on her face.” INQUIRER articles included “Therapeutic Touch: Why Do Nurses Even more improbable than the pain Believe?” (with Bonnie Bullough, Winter 1993) and “Spirit Rapping factor was Rosenfeld’s photographic Unmasked: An 1851 Investigation and Its After math” (Fall 1985). confirmation of the absence of an endo- Bullough served on the Board of Directors of the Center for Inquiry tracheal tube for artificial ventilation, since its inception and was personally involved in its outreach. He accom- which would be required to keep the panied the CFI Explorers Club on a cruise to Alaska in early June and lungs from collapsing if the surgeon had presented a paper on board. An article based on those remarks will be indeed opened the chest. Had Rosenfeld, published in Free Inquiry magazine. a cardiologist but not a cardiothoracic Bullough was one of the leading secular humanists in North America surgeon, perhaps been mistaken about and the world and was a liberal voice for the right of self-determination, the open chest? No, indeed. According tolerance, and dignity. He leaves his current wife, Gwen Brewer (Professor to his 1996 book, Dr. Rosenfeld’s Guide Emeritus, University of California), and four children. to Alternative Medicine (pages 30–32): “The surgeon . . . cut through the . . . —Paul Kurtz breastbone with an electric buzzsaw [and the woman’s] chest was split in two [and] spread apart with a large clamp to expose the heart.” 8 Volume 30, Issue 5 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER NEWS AND COMMENT

Rosenfeld has reprised his seemingly his first) during which I conveyed my Although Dr. Rosenfeld continued impossible claim in his July 9, 2006, above concerns and more, including the to insist to us that he had not been the Parade column, “Does Acupuncture fact that his photo shows the woman’s victim of a political-propaganda hoax, I Really Work?,” though in less detail and “heart” situated too far left to be within had hoped that within his own heart he without the telltale photo: “In 1978, her chest cavity. Rather than address- might have begun to allow the truth to I was invited to China to witness an ing my comments, Rosenfeld instead trickle in. Apparently not. open-heart procedure. . . . She remained referred Dr. Sampson and me to famed —Gary Posner wide awake and smiling throughout the cardiac surgeon Michael DeBakey, operation even though the only anes- whom he said would put to rest our Gary Posner, M.D., is founder of Tampa thesia administered was an acupuncture “legitimate technical questions about Bay Skeptics and a CSICOP scientific needle placed in her ear.” ventilator support.” Instead, DeBakey consultant. The relevant portion of the This second column is particularly confirmed that the operative approach 1998 Parade article may be seen at http:// dismaying given my correspondence described by Rosenfeld would likely with Rosenfeld (in the aftermath of cause the patient’s lungs to collapse. photo1.html.

ings,” guesses, and conjecture). They later New Psychic head to Baker’s grave, though it’s unclear why—other than for dramatic effect. Detective (Un) Ghost hunters usually claim that peo- Reality Series: ple’s ghosts remain not at the spot they were buried, but where they died (hence Haunting Evidence haunted houses, not haunted cemeteries). Apparently the group was unaware of this, but in the end it didn’t matter, since Following the success of Court TV’s the visit was unproductive. “documentary” series Psychic Detectives, the network has launched a new pro- gram titled Haunting Evidence. “Some clues are found. Others are sensed,” claims the reality television series, in which California psychic Carla Baron and two other investigators spend twen- ty-four hours revisiting real-life murders in the expectation that ing claims to the contrary in their media their powers will succeed where police appearances. Oddly, the team doesn’t have failed. tackle obvious missing persons cases that Baron (touted as a “psychic pro- many Americans are desperate to solve, filer”) is joined by New Age bookstore such as the 1996 murder of JonBenet Skeptic’s Lawsuit Stalls owner (and “highly-esteemed medium”) Ramsey, or Natalee Holloway’s 2005 John J. Oliver and a “respected paranor- disappearance. Perhaps those cases are ‘Psychic’ Renier’s Book mal researcher” named Patrick Burns. too high-profile, and might cause the sychic detective” Noreen None of the three appear to have good public to wonder why America’s top Renier’s memoir, A Mind for track record of solving crimes. In fact, psychic detectives hadn’t solved those Murder, has been pulled by Baron was investigated by the Center for long ago. “P the publisher in response to a skeptic’s Inquiry/West’s Independent Investiga- In a recent episode, the group went lawsuit. John Merrell’s court filings accuse tions Group, which meticulously doc- to Athens, Georgia, to look into the Renier, whose book devotes two chapters umented her long list of unqualified unsolved 2001 murder of college student to her legal battles with Merrell, of violat- failures as well as her rare (and heav- Tara Baker. The investigators visit the ing a 1992 settlement agreement between ily qualified) successes. (See page 5 of Baker family, camera crew in tow, and ask the two of them that mandated an end to this issue and “Carla Baron Psychic them to relive the daughter’s death. Much all mutual actions that “diminish and/or Detective Update” in the March/April of Haunting Evidence is unseemly and disparage the other’s reputation . . . including 2006 SI.) voyeuristic, for example when the inves- . . . contacts with . . . media of any type.” Of course, the fact that psychic detec- tigators launch into very graphic, detailed Rumor has it that a revised edition of the tives have a spectacular track record of descriptions of how they think Baker book will be launched before year’s end. failure has not stopped them from mak- was murdered (based entirely on “feel- —Gary Posner NEWS AND COMMENT

Oliver, the medium, states confi- as possible, but on Haunting Evidence and list the murderers that Baron, dently not only that the police already this technique is meant to impress the Oliver, and Burns brought to justice. have the DNA evidence they need to viewers when the team “senses” infor- Haunting Evidence is a revealing find Baker’s murderer, but that he will mation about the murder that would portrayal of how psychic detectives be caught. (Which makes one won- have been obvious or appeared in news often operate: They show up, survey the der why the group was needed in the coverage. The information they come up crime scene with their “special senses,” first place.) The investigators claim that with might seem inexplicable—unless, making confident statements about the Baker knew her killer well, and also that of course, they had spent a few minutes crime that the police either already they communicated with Baker’s ghost. looking into the case before they showed know or can’t verify, or that are simply If Baker knew her killer well, she would up. If the psychics weren’t sure where wrong. They reassure grieving families presumably know his name, address, and to look, they could have consulted a that their murdered or missing loved telephone number; this is exactly the memorial Web site for the victim, www. ones were caring, wonderful people sort of information that would be useful, which in cludes dozens who are now at peace. The team con- to police. Oddly, Baron’s and Oliver’s of newspaper stories detailing the crime. cludes by giving their information to powers dim on that subject, and instead In a way, Haunting Evidence will be police and acting as if they have helped they provide only the usual ambiguous a good test case. If the team truly can solve the crime, when nothing of the information that may (or may not) turn come up with new evidence (based on sort happened. The murderer is not out to be true if and when the killer is psychic powers) that actually brings a caught and the crime remains unsolved. found through real police work. At the criminal to justice, it would be the first The only “success” was in producing end of the show, the team’s haunting in history, and revolutionize the criminal another television show lending credi- evidence—including a composite sketch justice system. If psychics can provide bility to psychics who have once again of the supposed murderer—was turned valid, reliable evidence that leads police clearly and demonstrably failed to give over to the Athens police. to bodies and suspects, they should be in useful information. If the trio truly were trying to solve every police department. The show may Court TV’s slogan, which appears in the case (instead of simply make enter- in fact end up helping solve the crimes ads for Haunting Evidence, is “Seriously taining television), it seems odd that they feature—not through psychic pow- Entertaining.” Yet the families of those they would limit themselves to only ers but simply raising the crime’s profile murdered are desperate to find justice, not provide entertainment for CourtTV’s twenty-four hours of “investigation” and encouraging the public to come audience. This highlights one of the real and supposedly request that they not be forward to help the stalled investigation. tragedies of the psychic detective busi- given information about the case. Real At the end of the series, SKEPTICAL ness: they prey on the vulnerable and detectives want as much information INQUIRER will survey the show’s results only pretend to provide answers.

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The Fabricated Cosmonaut and the Nonexistent Prophecy

The story of Soviet cosmonaut Ivan battle in the plains of Central Europe. Istochnikov is an amazing one. He Destruction and defeat fall upon the evil piloted Soyuz 2, disappeared in space ones. The Holy Grail returns with the in 1968, and faded from history. He triumphant King to Hispania.” Nostra- was removed from the photos in which damus, the newspaper said, predicted he appeared with other cosmonauts in the victory of the Spanish team in soc- front of the Kremlin and nobody knew cer’s World Cup in Germany. The story anything about him until an American was published in many media in Spain, journalist, Mike Arena, bought unclas- where I read it in Spain’s most import- sified documents from the USSR at ant newspaper, El país, distributed in Sotheby’s in New York City in 1993. Latin America and Europe. Arena found photographs and other The truth is that this prophecy, papers related to Istochnikov’s odyssey. like one that supposedly predicted the “The question is why [he was deleted Sep tember 11, 2001, attacks, was a from history], what he had done, why recent creation. A soccer fan invented he annoyed [the Soviet government],” the quatrain last November 13 in an asked journalist Iker Jiménez on the Internet newsgroup after Spain quali- program Cuarto milenio, on the Spanish fied for the World Cup. “Nostradamus TV channel Cuatro, on June 11, 2006. is talking about the trip to Germany Jiménez is one of the most famous that the King of Spain will make to see Spanish writers on pseudoscien- the photographer. his ‘army’ (national team) play in the tific topics. He presented the story A week after the TV show aired, W.C. Beelzebub’s legions are obviously of Istochnikov on his show as a true Jiménez devoted only one minute to the the foreign national teams that will be fact that his team had revealed in its correction and told his audience that defeated in Central Europe (Germany). investigation. One of Jiménez’s collab- the story of Istochnikov was a “cosmic The ‘Holy Grail’ (obviously the World orators, Gerardo Peláez, said the Soviet urban legend” and that Fontcuberta is a Cup) is carried by the King back to authorities made Istochnikov disappear controversial photographer. Everybody Spain. Is this amazing or what?” he because he was the personification of “a in Spain knows about the work of wrote, confessing the hoax hours later. noisy failure.” Jiménez devoted several Fontcuberta, who in 1998 received the “I never expected that my quatrain minutes of his show to the cosmonaut National Award for Photography in would be published by the media as as a tribute, and some hours later, an Spain, and has devoted his latest exhi- an actual one,” the author told me. artist was laughing about it. “It’s all bition to the supposed finding of mer- Everybody could check online in two very funny!” Spanish photographer Joan maid fossils. If the paranormal inves- minutes to see if this quatrain exists Fontcuberta said to me. In his work, he tigators had done a Google search for in the writings of Nostradamus, but has played for years “with the equivocal “Istochnikov” they would have found many journalists preferred to publish it and the ambiguous”; in 1997, he cre- that the first references talk about the without doing that, just as the team of ated an exhibition, called “Sputnik,” on case of the cosmonaut as a joke perpe- paranormal investigators from Cuarto a nonexistent cosmonaut. He fabricated trated by an artist. milenio did in the case of the imaginary press clippings, photographs, space par- Nostradamus was resurrected in the soviet cosmonaut. aphernalia, videos, and the story told French press a few days after Istoch- —Luis Alfonso Gámez on Cuarto milenio by Iker Jiménez. nikov’s appearance in Spain. On June Everything seemed real, but everything 21, 2006, Le Parisien published a Luis Alfonso Gámez is a skeptic and was untrue. The name of the cosmo- strange quatrain written by the French journalist in Spain. naut, Ivan Istochnikov, is a translation seer: “When 2006 is six months over of the name of the artist, and the face of the King of Spain crosses the Pyrenees the Soviet space explorer is the face of with his army. Beelzebub’s legions await

12 Volume 30, Issue 5 SKEPTICAL INQUIRER