A Happy New Year 5763 to all our Readers and Friends

ongratulations to Her Majesty The is causing a serious pension crisis, if Her Lesser mortals, however, must not CQueen on her Golden Jubilee. Majesty exceeds the age of her late moth- cling to the reins of authority before Queen Elizabeth II has reiterated her er, Prince Charles may have to ascend handing over to the next generation, but pledge to serve the country all her life. the throne with the help of a walking must be content to continue in healthy With the rise in life expectancy, which stick! and happy retirement. ♦ 19 March 2002 time by the powers and indeed by the Arab governments themselves, who pres- Thoughts & The Rt Hon Mr Jack Straw, MP sured their Jews to leave for , that Foreign Secretary there was thus a logical and desirable Foreign & Commonwealth Office Afterthoughts exchange of populations. But while Whitehall By Naim Dangoor Israel absorbed its refugees after many years of hardship in transit camps, the Dear Mr Straw hose who tell America, in the wake Arabs deliberately left theirs unsettled, Tof 11 September events, to ask why am unfortunately unable to attend with although they had all the money to settle it happened, and advise her to revise Ithe delegation of visit- them, and kept them as a political foreign policy, especially her support ing you Wednesday at 1 pm, though my weapon and a lever against Israel in their for Israel, try not only to justify that act son, David, will be there. continuing effort to defeat the Jewish of war but also to require a reward for I wanted therefore to mention some state. it.♦ important points I would have liked to Israel alone cannot solve the make had I been present. Palestinian problem. It is a regional British government policy is that UN problem, if only because of the involve- The Babylonian Captivity as Resolution 194 is still applicable. This ment in it by all the neighbouring coun- an example requires the return of the Palestinians to tries. Israel proper, which was the main cause To those who say that Zionism is the he Russian Orthodox Church is of the failure of Sharm El Sheikh. root of all the trouble in Palestine, the Tsaying that the 70 years of After the establishment of Israel, many reply is that Arab imperialism is the root Communist rule was like the Palestinian Arabs fled mainly on the of all the trouble in the Middle East, Babylonian Captivity. Just as the Jews advice of Arab governments who wanted which is the home also of 20 million were delivered because they kept the them out of the way and were confident Kurds as well as Armenians, Assyrians, Sabbath and the Commandment in to bring them back in triumph. Shortly Maronites, Turkomen and oppressed exile, Russians have been saved thereafter, there was an exodus of similar Shi’ites. ♦ because many had stuck to their numbers of Jews from Arab countries to faith.♦ Israel and it was widely recognised at the Naim Dangoor From London Jewish News Jewish Care Dinner Let’s be more Palestinian srael must now abandon the policy Iof giving away land in the hope of saving lives, which hasn’t worked, and adopt the Palestinian policy of risking life and limb to save the land. The recent Likud vote not to allow the creation of a Palestinian state is a step in the right direction. ♦

Palestinian Refugees recently heard on the Arabic ISpectrum that a House of Lords rul- ing in 1951 said that Palestinian refugees who fled Israel in 1948 can consist only those who were actually living in Israel and left the country. It cannot include their children or spouses. The Arabic lawyer on Spectrum commented that if that was still the legal position then there would be only a small number of Palestinians who can claim to be 1948 refugees. We don’t hear this fact from any other source and we are always made to fear that UN Resolution 194 gives right to 1.5 million Palestinians to claim Right of Return and/or com- Jewish Care is one of the top charities of Britain, expending some £45 million annually on the pensation. ♦ welfare of British Jews. Above Naim and Renée Dangoor at the 2002 Campaign Dinner in the Great Room, which raised £1.7 million. ♦ The Scribe No.75 2 The Arabs and the Abars Taken from The Scribe, No. 17 - this earth, etc. Adam most probably feel free to roam about from place to January 1986 lived in East Africa at the end of the place in search of greener pastures? last Ice Age and moved to Arabia when The human race is slowly moving in the t is very probable that Arabia was the the Red Sea was still a lake. latter direction, of which the Jews have Ihome of all the Semitic races and the The early episodes of the Bible were been the fore-runners. For instance, starting point of Semitic culture, in not taken by the Hebrews from the suddenly there was a million Moslems which case the Sumerians, the Babylonians or vice versa but were in Britain, as a million Englishmen in Phoenecians, the Jews, the Assyrians ancient traditions handed down from Asia, a million Israelis abroad and so and the Babylonians could all be Adam to Noah to Abraham. The on. But as long as the world is divided classed loosely as “Arabs”. But it is Monotheism of Adam remained alive into national territories, a people will more apt to class the Semitic peoples as even while Semitic nations had lapsed put their survival at risk if they don’t Arabs and Abars, the Arabs being those into idolatry. The Bible tells us that up maintain a territorial base. who stuck to their homeland and stayed to the time of the Tower of Babel Are the Jews a nation or are they reli- behind under all conditions, and the mankind spoke one language. We can gious communities? They are both a Abars being those who emigrated in infer that they also had one religion – nation as well as religious communities search of a better environment and kept the religion of Adam. and neither faction can tell the other moving to look for better conditions. This historical analysis is meant to what they are. A Jew who feels he is The present Arab-Jewish conflict is the show that Semitic nations and tribes only part of a religious group cannot outcome of these two contrasting migrated within a well defined area of prevent another Jew who feels he is strategies. It can be said of the Jews, the Middle East bounded by Turkey to part of a nation. “qui va à la chasse perd sa place” – “He the North and Iran to the East. That What of the future? Where do you who goes out hunting loses his territo- whole region does not belong exclu- draw the line? If national boundaries ry”. Recognising this danger the eco- sively to the Arabs but equally to all the were abolished, then America would be nomics of the Torah, by the 50 year peoples of the area, including the Jews. swamped by the Chinese and Europe jubilee system, jealously tried to let the would be overrun by Africans. A possi- nation retain ultimate ownership of the Naim Dangoor writes: ble arrangement would be to remove land. I find it strange that a conqueror the national barriers but introduce a The word ‘Arab’ derives from the has to acknowledge previous titles to system of national dividends to serve as Hebrew meaning ‘blend’ or ‘mix with’ land. When the Arabs conquered the a handicap for a number of generations (the land) vis ‘erub’. The word ‘Abar’ Middle East they claimed ownership of for newcomers! ♦ derives from the Hebrew word ‘to cross all land by conquest. Israel should do over’. the same and make sure, through land The ancestor who started the migrato- taxation, that the nation cannot lose ℘℘℘℘℘℘ ry movement for better conditions was ownership of the land. The Jewish peo- named Eber (‘to cross over’). He was ple lost their homeland in the past more seven generations above Abraham. because of emigration than as a result Abraham is often referred to as ‘the Dear Mr Dangoor of military defeat. This pattern has now Ibri’, in the mistaken belief that he got been resumed in Israel. hank you for your letter and for this title for having crossed over from Arabia has been claimed as the real forwarding your correspondence Ur to Canaan. However, the true inter- T scene of many of the earlier episodes of with the Foreign Office. pretation of Abraham ‘the Ibri’ is that the Bible, and it seems certain that the We are indeed in troubled times and he was a descendent of Eber. Eber set- earlier Jewish authorities recognised we are most appreciative of the efforts tled on the eastern coast of Arabia near their kinship to its inhabitants. of individuals such as yourself who present day Oman. At a recent graduat- The tradition of Monotheism, which fight for Israel’s cause. I would like to ing ceremony at the University of is the basis of Semitic culture, goes all thank you for your continued aware- Oman, we noted that many graduates the way back to the historical Adam (as ness in the fight against complacency carried the surname of ‘al-Abri’ which distinct from the mythical Adam) who and your support, solidarity and friend- obviously refers to a distant ancestor by lived some 8000 years ago. Adam was ship with the People and State of Israel. that name. literally the father of civilisation It is your actions that will ensure that Israelis must now emulate the because he discovered the wild wheat Israel’s voice is heard in these difficult Palestinians by risking life and limb in and started agriculture that obliged times. defence of the homeland, instead of mankind to live in settled communities. Israel continues to be committed to a some migrating to greener pastures at Adam was a great leader and a fair and lasting peace that will bring the first sign of trouble. prophet. He and his successors were prosperity and security to all peoples of very likely the authors of the first chap- our troubled region. ♦ Scribe: ters of Genesis. Through Adam were established knowledge of the One God, So who is right in the end: the Arabs With best wishes. the principle of free will, crime and who consider themselves a product of Dr Zvi Shtauber punishment, man being created in the land and feel attached to it, come God’s image, the Sabbath, man’s title to what may, or the Abars who want to Ambassador of Israel, London

3 The Scribe No.75 The Arabs have forfeited their right to lead the Middle East PAX ISRAELITA

After eighty years of failed Arab attempts to destroy her, Israel is now entitled to impose her own solution for the problems of the whole region. Middle East is not divisable Middle East Confederation – often referred to by Western observers as found themselves once again as subject The path to stability “minority” peoples (the term is indefinite peoples of a divided region. Condensed from a paper by but has become the standard means of For example, in part of Arabia various reference). unrelated ethnic communities were arbi- Myles Robertson, More often than not, forces beyond trarily amalgamated in 1921 into the commissioned in 1983 their control have denied basic rights to Transjordan Emirate. those ethnic communities seeking auton- “Greater ” was another interesting he purpose of this project is to specu- omy. In the nineteenth and twentieth cen- case of artificiality. The term originally Tlate about certain aspects of “the turies attempts to establish a satisfactory applied to the countries now known as Middle East problem” – though there are sense of identity have been frustrated by Jordan, Israel, Lebanon and Syria itself. several problems – beyond the conflicts external powers, political backwardness After World War I “Greater Syria” had of the 1980’s. and military repression. been reduced by half and was given to the One way of decreasing the number of Under imperial Ottoman administra- French as a mandate. They met so much conflicts and of reducing the tensions tion the millet (nation) policy granted to armed resistance that they sub-divided which plague the region would be to communities a juridicial autonomy in the area into Lebanon and Syria to make develop the processes of federalism, that their internal affairs, religious institutions it more easily controllable. is, for states to join together for mutual and supervision of education. On the The British, to exercise command over benefit. Hopefully they could do this on whole this policy succeeded in producing resources in the oil-rich Mosul district, the grounds of economy, shared interests a system capable of managing though not added it to the districts of Baghdad and and for the progress of all the units which always benevolently, a multi-ethnic Basra in Iraq. They also split up Iraq for make up the federation. empire. But the feudal structure of the administrative purposes, a process which The central assumption of this paper is system proved too rigid and incapable of put the Jews of Baghdad under the brutal that present policies will change radical- adapting to the nationalist challenge that bureaucrats of the Iraqi civil service. ly; as a result Middle East government emerged even before the Ottoman col- These bureaucrats hated the Jews and will undergo re-organisation and re-struc- lapse at the end of World War One. organised violence against them. Shops turing in response to regional demands The dissolution of Ottoman power by were wrecked and looted, bombs were and altering world circumstances. Kemal Ataturk and the rise of Kemal thrown and members of the community A change of approach is needed and republicanism was followed by a period were murdered in the streets. In June federation is one way to achieve this. of harsh persecution of minorities: The 1941, 600 Jews were massacred in The following present-day states are Armenian people were deported en masse Baghdad and in 1950 an Iraqi law virtu- the core of this study on the future for from Anatolia (1915-20) and suffered ally forced the survivors to leave within a federalism – Iraq, Lebanon, Jordan, heavy loss of life in the process; the year. Israel, Syria, The Gulf States and to a Greek population was expelled from Asia In re-drawing boundaries arbitrarily lesser extent, Saudi Arabia. From a vari- Minor. Both groups became refugee and artificially and by failing to protect ety of Arab, Israeli and European sources communities elsewhere in the region. minorities, the Powers created great the paper examines the issues from four Great Power conferences after 1918 problems. Their re-organisation was not viewpoints: briefly raised hopes among the former merely geographical but political. While subject peoples of a re-organisation along holding ultimate control, the Imperial (i) Minorities of the region and autonomous lines. In particular the powers found it useful to support the their prospects Treaty of Sevres (1920) promised the Arab peoples as the basis of local (ii) The federal idea in principle Kurdish and Armenian nations that they power. Consequently Arabism and and practice would receive independent homelands, as pan-Arab nationalism expanded at the (iii) Some present examples did a joint British-Iraqi declaration in expense of the less-organised and less- (iv) Possible models 1922 which recognised Kurdish rights to powerful ethnic ideologies, such as the “form a Kurdish government within Iraqi Jewish communities. The inter-war The Minorities frontiers”. years, 1918-1939, were periodically dis- Such hopes were short-lived. The turbed by armed clashes provoked by the Minorities are the people who stand to Turkish War of Independence (1920-22) nationalist aspirations of powerful Arab benefit most from federation, hence their and the dictates of British political and elements. Clearly it was into the hands of importance in this study. The “mosaic of strategic necessity forced an altogether these activist factions – an amalgam of peoples” as they have been termed, which different course to be pursued in practice. religious leaders, bureaucrats, army offi- collectively comprise a large part of the Their legitimate status unrecognised, cers and middle-class traders – that con- population of the region as a whole, are their claims overruled, the minorities trol was destined to fall after the ☛

The Scribe No.75 4 …colonial powers had relinquished of particular national circumstances and Aviv, who argues that “to be tolerant authority. not that of some transnational trend. towards a minority one really needs a The post-war (1945) rise of military state majority.” He means that the major- and authoritarian regimes backed by rev- The “State” in the Middle East ity need not then fear the minority. The olutionary ideologies intensified control theory that tolerance must follow does by the central state power. All potential- In the geographical area termed the not necessarily hold true – the Sunni ly divisive forces, such as minority aspi- “Middle East” the idea of “statism” is Muslims of Egypt are in an 8-to-1 major- rations, were ruthlessly suppressed. Even still in a state of evolution, because many ity over the Copts but widespread intoler- previously tolerated communities were of the countries have only recently ance exitsts. There is a further difficulty encumbered by new restrictions, as were achieved independence from the colonial – that of defining which groups constitute the Copts in Egypt. Many were banned powers. Their idea of territorial sover- the majority in any particular Middle from citizenship, had property confiscat- eignty, while strong in some quarters, is Eastern state. A classic example is ed and were forbidden to use their own not irrevocably established. Professor Lebanon. The last census was held in language and practise their own customs. Elazar of the Jerusalem Institute for 1932 so nobody knows how its popula- Others were forced to live in ghetto con- Federal Studies has said, “...the élites tion is made up. ditions or driven into exile. Such was the have bought the Continental notion of It follows that it is just as difficult to fate of the Jews of Iraq and the Christian “state” in toto, but the mass has not.” The decide under these circumstances which Assyrians of north-east Syria and of Iraq. idea of the “state” exists in constant ten- groups are in a minority. By using The Armenians of Syria and the Greeks sion with three other main forces: ethnic “minority” you created a problem - use of Egypt chose to emigrate rather than or national consciousness, Islam, and national groups (ED). Professor Ma’oz endure the continued oppression, while social change. As the relative influence of the Truman Institute emphasises this others turned to armed struggle to assert of these forces towards each other has point. “…It is very important to bear in their claims. The Egyptian Copts, though fluctuated from state to state, so the for- mind that each country has in its own numerous, simply endured their near-per- tunes of minorities have varied. way a unique situation.” ♦ secution. Many of the “problems” of the Middle No generalisations can be made about East are minority problems. The root of See also PAX ISRAELITA, the editori- minority groups within the Middle East. the difficulties of identity and stability al of The Scribe No. 45, November Each ethnic group’s situation is a product was cogently evaluated by Professor 1990, reproduced on page 13. Ben-Dor of the Shiloah Institute, Tel

Honorary Secretary of the Central Jewish Muslims – there are moderates who fear to Bombay Board of Bombay, in 1950, and Associate make their influence felt – engage in acts Reminiscences Editor of The Jewish Advocate, the journal of terror, including the ghastly suicide of the Bombay Zionist Association. bombing, they are motivated by making by Percy S Gourgey, MBE There were many others of the Islam the dominant religion in the world Baghdadian/Babylonian Jewish communi- because they believe it is superior to all appreciate the reference to my dear late ty in Bombay, now settled in Israel and others, especially the preceding monothe- IMother, Hannah, as being a founder- elsewhere who, together with their Bene- istic religions of Judaism and Christianity. member of the League of Jewish Women Israel fellow Jews, played an active part in Hence it is not only Israel that is being (and WIZO) in Bombay before the War, in the affairs of the vibrant Bombay Jewish attacked, but in Kashmir Pakistanis attack an article by Sarah Manasseh in the recent community and, indeed, in public affairs Indians, in the Philippines which is a issue of The Scribe. generally. ♦ Christian country, the Muslims in the south While her late Father, Albert, founded want a break-away state, in Indonesia, East Habonim in Bombay in 1935, together Impressions of Timor, Nigeria, Sudan and elsewhere, with Solomon Ezra, still happily with us Muslims attack Christians. Arafat started and living in Jerusalem with his family, Zionist Congress the age of terrorism in 1968 in hijacking an others involved in that early period were El Al plane to Switzerland, followed in my elder Sisters, now in London, Sara’s 2002 1969 by the IRA, the Baader-Meinhof Mother, Rachel, now living in Israel and gang in Germany and others. Thus terror- by Percy S Gourgey, MBE other members of the Ani family, and Jack ism must be fought not only on the military Japeth now living in Israel after retiring front, but also in the ideological and edu- from the Indian Navy with the rank of aving just returned after attending the cational spheres in this era of globalisation. Commander. As a very young boy, togeth- H34th World Zionist Congress in The third impression I have is most pos- er with my dear late twin Brother, Archie, Jerusalem earlier in June, I have three itive, when we went to Ben-Gurion airport I was among the first group of six young main impressions of it. to greet new olim from Russia, Ukraine boys to have started Habonim in Bombay. Firstly, while the substance of the and Argentina and we felt that this was In 1943, as Captain of the then Zionist debates and discussions at the various ses- what Zionism and Israel are really about – Water-Polo team, I helped to form the sions were thought-provoking, their wholly inspiring. I am pleased to say my Maccabi Sports Club in Bombay of which organisations left something to be desired. remarks were applauded by Congress del- the founder was the late Mr Gershon Secondly, the main speakers from the egates. I was honoured by the World Starosta, from Russia, who settled in Tel Executive and the Government did not Zionist Organisation as an Honorary Aviv after the War. Following my service appear to grasp the true nature of the hos- Fellow for my services to the cause, and in the Royal Indian Naval Volunteer tility facing Israel at this most critical also by the World Labour Zionist Reserve as an Officer in the War, I became phase of her history. While the extremist Movement. ♦

5 The Scribe No.75 Istanbul

Taking a holiday in Istanbul after finishing The Scribe No. 74 From left: Eileen Khalastchy; Renée and Naim Dangoor The picture was taken on the terrace of the Çiragan Palace, one of the old Royal Palaces that has been converted into a six star luxury hotel. ♦

stanbul is the only city in the world European, Russian and Turkish rivers This put the whole situation in proper Ithat is situated astride two continents than does the Mediterranean from its perspective. – Europe and Asia, separated by the rivers – a fact which should have made During its ascendency, the Empire of straits of Bosphorus which connects the the water level of the Black Sea higher the Ottoman Turks was very liberal and Mediterranean and the Black Seas. than that of the Mediterranean. But it tolerant of other traditions and national- Modern historians believe that one of appears that the Mediterranean has been ities thus, when they finally occupied the main floods of Antiquity took place constantly replenished from the waters Constantinople in 1453 after a long wait, in the basin of the Black Sea when it was of the Atlantic since that ocean broke they did not change its name but kept the a lake and its water level considerably into the Straits of Gibraltar a million name of Constantine the Great, the lower than that of the Mediterranean. years ago. Emporer who had made Christianity the Then, one day the pressure of the higher To confirm our findings we asked the official religion of the Roman Empire. water broke into the straits and raised British Admiralty in which direction the But in its declining years, the Ottoman the level of the Black Sea by some twen- water flows through the Bosphorus and Empire became irritable and intolerant ty metres, destroying all the cities and were readily told that it flows from the and became known as the sick man of settlements around its shores. That may Mediterranean to the Black Sea. Europe. The Great War of 1914-1918 well have been Noah’s flood since the During our visit there we asked the stripped it of most of its possessions, Bible tells us that his Ark finally rested guide the same question and were given restricting it to the Peninsula of Asia on top of Mount Ararat in south-eastern a more detailed and interesting answer: Minor. Turkey. In fact, the remains of a very there are two currents in the Bosphorus After the Revolution of Kamal Ataturc large wooden boat are still visible on flowing in opposite directions. A top in 1923, Turkey has traced for itself a that mountain today. current of sweet water flows from the new future in the politics of Europe, However, there was one difficulty in Black Sea to the Mediterranean and a Asia and the Middle East. Turkey will accepting that story since the Black Sea lower current of salt water flows from play an increasingly important part in receives more fresh water from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea. the destiny of the region. ♦

The Scribe No.75 6 Confiscated Wealth: The Fate of Jewish Property in H.E. Dr Zvi Shtauber Ambassador Arab Lands Embassy of Israel by Itamar Levin London Summary Syrian lira would have made a significant Dear Zvi difference. Today, as the Palestinian ver the past fifty years, hundreds of Arabs press their claims for compensation eace with the Palestinians must be thousands of Jews have emigrated O for properties abandoned in the War of Pglobal – not only Syria and Lebanon from various Arab lands. In most of those Independence, Israel too should advance should be included, as Secretary Colin countries, all that remains of a once flour- the claims of its own citizens who lost all Powell indicated, but also Iraq. ishing Jewish community is a handful of their property, both movable and immov- As a member of the Babylonian Jewish indigent Jews – a pitiful remnant. Those able, having been forced to leave it behind community that was glorious and sub- who left all share a common memory of in the various Arab countries from which stantial, I wish to stress Jewish connec- the loss of livelihoods, property and sav- they fled. tions with Iraq and to emphasise the les- ings. The Jew who emigrated legally sons of history of 2,500 years; that there from Iraq in 1950, the expellee forced to The Author can be no peace for Israel unless Iraq is leave his home in Egypt in 1957, or the brought under control. Jew who escaped from Syria in 1991 – all Itamar Levin is deputy-editor of the Fortunately, the limelight will soon of them can tell of houses, furniture, Israeli financial daily Globes. Since April move onto that country and if Saddam is books, religious objects, clothes and busi- 1995, Levin has played a major role in the removed, as surely he will be, any con- nesses which were left behind. media exposure of the search for dormant ference to establish a new regime in Iraq The majority of these emigrants eventu- Holocaust-era assets. He is the author of must include Jewish representatives. ally arrived in Israel. The World The Last Deposit (Hebrew), which was The Arabs must not be allowed to Organisation of Jews from Arab Countries published by Hed Artzi in 1998. claim the countries of the fertile crescent (WOJAC) estimates that of the 800,000 as their own, since that region has been Jews who fled Arab lands since 1948, Naim Dangoor writes: and continues to be the home of many 600,000 emigrated to Israel. For many Apart from the physical assets that the nationalities; Jews and Kurds, Assyrians, years, most of them were forced to live in Jews from Arab countries left behind in Turcomen, Druse, Maronites and others, abysmal conditions in its earlier years. their countries of origin, the Jews are enti- all of whom should be encouraged to Some, if not all, of that hardship might tled to a share in the wealth of those coun- strengthen their presence there. In par- have been avoided had the immigrants tries to which they had made a great con- ticular, some of us should be allowed to been permitted to bring their property tribution towards their develoment and return to Iraq and rebuild our community along with them. Under the conditions in prosperity. Such a claim must form part there. which Israel found itself immediately of any compensation obtained from Arab With kind regards. ♦ upon its establishment – faced with the countries. A Resolution to this effect has absorption of 650,000 new residents, a Yours sincerely been passed by the first WOJAC number identical to its entire population – Conference held in Paris in 1975. ♦ Naim Dangoor each Egyptian pound, Iraqi dinar or

From our Archives so-called “Arab” countries. I enclose a It would perhaps be preferable that the copy of my telegram to Dr Kissinger in leadership or the figurehead of the cam- 10 June 1975 December 1973 (which I also sent to Mrs paign be in the Galut. There is a ready- Dear Mr Ben Porat, Meir and Mr Dayan while he was in made historical office, the Exilarch, Washington) on the subject. which can be revived and built up for this have been reading with great interest (in PLO must not be equated with Israel but purpose. If Israel so wishes I am willing IThe Times and other papers) reports of only with Jewish refugees from Arab to play the part. In this I have the support the convention which you recently held to countries and even then perhaps not on an of many of my colleagues. My doctrine launch the campaign for the rights and equal footing. For while Jewish refugees would go beyond Zionism and PLO and claims of Jewish refugees from Arab are genuine, Palestinian Arab refugees would ask for equal rights (of whom the countries. I have also read in the Tel Aviv were largely created and kept in artificial Arabs are the latecomers) as the only publication BRIEF a report of your article ways. They also have the freedom of the means to ensure lasting peace and pre- in MAARIV of May 25 in which you out- big wide Middle East which is denied to vent the wars that have characterised the line the demands, both political and eco- the Jews. It has been said that you are a history of the Middle East and ruined its nomic, of Jewish refugees. quarter of a century late in launching this lands and peoples. Any American or While I congratulate you on this timely campaign, but I believe that your initiative U.N. aid to the Middle East must be and historic move I can assure you that I is very timely in relation to the Geneva channelled through a regional board rep- and other members of the community conference. One must remember that resenting all the communities of the heartily endorse and support your Palestinian Arabs also took a long time to region and whose funds must be supple- demands. organise themselves. And while we stand mented by payments from oil and other I have always stressed that Jewish rights to challenge the Arab claims we must not natural resources. ♦ in the Middle East are not confined to be intimidated by the terror and blackmail With best wishes. Israel or to Palestine, and that we have which Arabs throughout their history used vested rights and interests in most of the to further their greed. Naim Dangoor

7 The Scribe No.75 The Tercentenary Celebrations of Bevis Marks Synagogue

n 5 December 2001 British Jewry in Ogeneral and the Sephardi communi- ty in particular celebrated the Tercentenary of Bevis Marks, the first synagogue after the Restoration to be built by the Spanish and Portuguese Jews congregation which was opened in 1701 in the City of London. After the service in the presence of His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, a sumptuous reception was held at the Guildhall which was attended by 500 dignitaries and leading members of the community. At the reception when Mr Naim Dangoor was talking to the Prince, he admired the embroidered coat worn by Mrs Dangoor and according to the Middle Eastern tradition of Noblesse Oblige it was incumbent on Naim Dangoor to offer the coat, or at least a similar one to the Prince. Thus, on 10 December he addressed the following letter to the Prince of Wales This page: presenting a similar new coat: Top : Renée and Naim Dangoor in conversation with Prince Charles Bottom left : Renée Dangoor wearing the admired coat Bottom right : Picture of the coat presented to the Prince 10 December 2001 Opposite page : Reply from Prince Charles His Royal Highness The Prince of Wales St James’s Palace

Dear Charles Your visit last Wednesday to Bevis Marks and to the Guildhall was a memo- rable event that will remain indelible in the minds of all who were present. On that occasion you graciously noticed my wife’s gown and I have great pleasure and honour in presenting to your Royal Highness a similar gown for your lady for all occasions, which please accept as a souvenir of that gathering and as a Christmas gift. I have the honour to remain,

Yours sincerely Naim Dangoor

greatly appreciate seeing a copy of Ithe Prince’s letter. No doubt the Prince was greatly pleased to be given the green light by the Exilarch. ♦

Sylvia Kedourie London

The Scribe No.75 8 9 The Scribe No.75 Durban Racism Ethnic Cleansing From: Mr Clemens N Nathan Dear Naim he Arab delegates to the Durban UN Joint Chairman, Consultative I fully agree with you that we are now Tconference who accuse Israel of eth- Council of Jewish “an endangered species”. The depression nic cleansing should have been asked which my delegation had at the UN Organisations why no Jews remain in Arabia – one-time Conference against Racism in Durban home to prominent and numerous Jewish hoped you would be interested to was beyond belief. tribes? Why only 42 elderly Jews remain Ireceive copies of the seven keynote I had never imagined that the in Iraq of an ancient and glorious com- pamphlets that the CCJO has commis- Palestinians could mobilise all the Black munity numbering over 150,000, once sioned to promote debate at the ongoing Marxists and make a parade of over described by King Faisal as the backbone UN Conference on Racism, August 31- 10,000 people there with the worst of Iraq’s economy? Why Jews were per- September 7 2001 in Durban, where these German Nazi propaganda which I secuted and hounded in most Arab coun- papers were well received. thought was dead and buried. What tries until they were forced to leave? The series of essays include contribu- shook us more than anything else was Who has been ethnic cleansing – Israel or tions from distinguished academics and that whilst all these things were taking the Arabs?! promoters of Human Rights. We are par- place, including the destruction of any Isn’t it ironical that the Palestinians ticularly honoured to publish Prince El meetings of the Jewish UN groups dis- have to agree to recognise the Holocaust Hassan of Jordan’s call for people of all cussing anti-Semitism, let alone Israel, when they themselves had a big hand in faiths to reach out across the religious was that our friends, the other non- it. Palestinians’ mufti, Amin Husseini, divide and build on their common values Governmental organisations mostly just who spent the war years in Berlin, made in the fight against racism. stood by and did nothing. At least some sure that no European Jew could escape As an organisation, we have worked of them rejected the motions which were the death camps. throughout our history to promote the passed and which fortunately Mary To those who say Zionism is the root of cause of Human Rights and we hope these Robinson threw out. It shows that one all the trouble in Palestine, the answer is pamphlets will help to focus minds on this has very few friends at every level in that Arab imperialism is responsible for goal both in Durban and its aftermath. world affairs. all the trouble in the Middle East. This is why I constantly encourage to Were the Israeli delegates so tongue- Enclosures: highlight how Jews care about other peo- tied that they couldn’t say any of these ple’s human rights. We have a fairly things?! ♦ Racism, Xenophobia & Discrimination – good track record going back to Moses - Humanity’s need for a new ethical Code and probably even earlier! It does not ℘℘℘℘℘℘ of Conduct seem to help in this situations. I am His Royal Highness Prince El Hassan Bin sometimes wondering why they can’t Talal find someone else to attack and not us. Nobel Winners I do cherish The Scribe and above all, Perceptions of the Other: Lessons from RAB/ISLAMIC - 1,200,000,000 your wonderful sense of humour. the Jewish Christian Dialogue Muslims (or about 20%of the At the Centre for Jewish Christian A Dr Edward Kessler world’s population) Relations at Cambridge where I am Judaism as a source of Human Rights Chairman, we have now 100 students Literature: 2 Peace: 2 Professor Asher Maoz learning about Judaism from all over the Chemistry: 2 Medicine: 2 Slavery & Piracy – The Case for world. The Russian and Polish students are finding out that Judaism has a great Reparations for Slavery JEWISH – 14,000,000 (or about 0.02% deal to offer them, particularly those Professor Geraldine Van Bueren of the world’s population) from the Russian Orthodox Church who Racism & Xenophobia in Virtual Russia are quite difficult to deal with but I Literature: 10 Peace: 8 Dr Stella Rock believe that only by dialogue do we stand Chemistry: 22 Economics: 13 Unease in the Global Village: German the slightest chance of things improving Medicine: 44 Physics: 31 language racism on the Internet for the next generation. Rebekah Webb SOURCE: Encyclopedia Britannica, Clemens The European Race directive: A bridge so Inc., Chicago III, Britannica Book of far? the Year, 1999) Ferne Brennan Reply : Admittedly, though, the Muslim world Reply: dwarfs the Jewish world in the number of I share your frustrations with our situa- terrorists, suicide bombers, slave traders Many thanks for your letter and enclo- tion in the world. and religious leaders calling for “holy sures. It seems to me that the Jewish peo- God may have better plans for us in the wars”. They should spend a little more ple have become an endangered species future. In the meantime I console myself time on education, and less time on and we should apply to the United by thinking that, as Chosen People, our blaming the Jews for all their problems.♦ Nations for protection, like the elephants role is to suffer, for God, the wickedness of Vietnam. of mankind. ♦ NYCAT

The Scribe No.75 10 Interest-free Monitary System The Rt Hon Michael Howard, QC, MP Lending without Interest age wage or income, which will be Shadow Chancellor of the Exchequer explained in the following. by R B Yehezkael (Haskell) The House of Commons Linkage not interest Here in brief are some ideas from my Dear Mr Howard paper: We are forbidden to take interest on loans. On the other hand it is unfair to the ou may remember we met some lender if inflation erodes the value of his his article describes a dream, which Ytime ago at No. 10. money. In order to deal with this prob- is inspired by the words: “If thou If Labour has achieved success by T lem, debts can be linked. By “linkage” lend money to My people, even to the building on Conservative foundations, we mean that the debt and debt repay- poor with thee, thou shalt not be to him as the Tory Party would do well to consider ments rise and fall in proportion to some a creditor; neither shall ye lay upon him some radical ideas to outdo what might index, e.g. prices, wages, foreign curren- interest.” (Exodus 22:24). This dream is become a stagnant Labour ideology. cy, etc. It is proper to ask which formu- a response to an economic nightmare we A case in point is my idea of an inter- lae for calculating indices and which experienced in Israel, not so long ago, est-free monetary system that could methods of linkage are reasonable from and from which we must learn. become the “in” thing for the 21st centu- both a “Torah” and scientific viewpoint. ry. There were years in which prices I enclose herewith correspondence increased by 25% every month or two, Wages not Prices and penalty interest rates reached about with the Treasury and additional notes An index formula should be both accu- 1760% per annum. I clearly remember for your perusal, and would be happy to rate and stable. “Stable” means that seeing a sign on a shop selling car acces- answer any queries on the subject. unrealistic prices, which do not result in a sories warning – “deferred payments bear Some of the billions of interest charges significant amount of sales, should have interest of 4% a day”. that the community will save can be little or no effect on the value of the for- During those years, three zeroes were channelled to pay for the NHS. mula. These matters are particularly removed from the currency – remember important when debts are linked to an the lira and the shekel before the new Yours sincerely index formula. The issue of accuracy is shekel. Sadly, there was a state of eco- both a scientific and Halachic require- Naim Dangoor nomic collapse, and tragically, some ment. committed suicide because of escalating We have used a computer to simulate debts. test situations where the true average 3 December 2001 This dream is also a reaction to an old index value is known. We observed that nightmare in which the Jew, and in par- Dear Mr Dangoor the formula for measuring wages was ticular the Jewish moneylender has been Many thanks for your letter of 28 accurate in all our tests, whereas the for- portrayed as a villain, and persecuted. November enclosing copies of your cor- mula used for measuring prices was Let us hope, that with God’s help, these respondence with the Treasury. In the accurate only when there was no correla- nightmares never return. Conservative Party we have embarked tion between price and quantity. In spite of all this there were things to on a comprehensive review of our poli- We also noted that the formula used for be proud of during those years of high cies and I am grateful for your contribu- measuring wages has good stability char- inflation. The “Gemach” for example, tion to the debate. We are not, I’m afraid, acteristics, whereas the formula used for continued to give interest-free loans. in any position to pre-judge the outcome measuring prices is far poorer. Also, I remember a radio programme of that review at this stage, but your ideas For these and other reasons, linkage to where people phoned in to make contri- will be carefully considered. prices is not a good choice. Linkage to butions. Instead of money, some gave “a wages seems better but under what con- day”, “a week” whilst a friend even con- Thank you again for taking the trouble ditions would this be halachically accept- tributed “a month”. Contributing time to write. ♦ able? had become more meaningful than con- When lending to the needy, it is correct Michael Howard, QC, MP tributing money, which was collapsing. in my opinion, not to use linkage; neither These events somehow gave me the to take interest. ♦ idea of interest-free linkage to the aver- His Excellency Mr Vicente Berasategui gold that you do not possess, or to dollars Promissary money must be issued, not in Ambassador that you do not have. In the age of barter, the name of the lender or the central bank, Embassy of Argentina the source of money was the money lender but in the name of the consumer as the bor- or the central bank, who had the gold or the rower. This kind of money, issued in the Your Excellency hard currency. We are now in the age of name of the borrower, would automatically credit where paper money need no longer be free of interest, thus saving the commu- am writing to offer my services in con- be linked to gold or to hard currency. The nity the heavy burden of interest charges. nection with solving the endemic mone- I source of this promissary paper money (I The allocation of interest-free credit money tary problems which Argentina is going promise to pay the bearer 100 Pesos) is the is a matter for discussion. ♦ through. I would be willing to travel to consumer. A switch to consumer money is Buenos Aires if necessary. Of course there the right solution for the monetary crisis Yours sincerely will be no charge for my help or expenses. that your country is going through. There is no point in linking a currency to N E Dangoor

11 The Scribe No.75 A Solution for the Middle East? friend of mine has reminded me of The trouble in the Middle East goes 1. Israel to be confirmed within Aa letter I had sent to the American back to the end of the First World War her present borders. Ambassador in London in March 1991. and the break-up of the Ottoman On the eve of the Arab summit in Empire. Mainly through the influence 2. The refugeees in Gaza and the Beirut, conditions are still so much the of Colonel Lawrence and other Arabists West Bank, nearly half of their Arab same that I offer my formula as a prac- in the British Foreign and Colonial population, to be settled in Jordan tical solution to the endemic Middle Offices, the Arabs were given more than which becomes the Palestinian state. East problems, solving the Palestinian they deserved or were entitled to, in Any Arabs who do not wish to live and the Iraqi problem together in one complete disregard of the rights and under Israeli rule can also go to Jordan- go. interests of the other nationalities of the is-Palestine. Under pressure from region. To consolidate their ill-gotten President Truman a million Jews were This was my letter of 1991: gains the Arabs have acted wildly and allowed forty years ago to leave Arab irresponsibly – culminating in Saddam’s countries and go mainly to Israel. This 12 March 1991 eight year war with Iran and his aggres- was to be the first leg of a reciprocal H E Henry E Catto sion on Kuwait. To the credit of exchange of populations that would United States Ambassador American and British leadership establish peace between Jews and Saddam was stopped in his tracks before Arabs. But only a trickle of Palestinian Your Excellency he and his confederates could hold the Arabs were allowed to replace them. world to ransom and plunge it in a new The exchange of populations must now Jews from Arab lands hold the key to dark age. There must be an overall solu- be completed. King Hussein to be any successful resolution of the tion to the problems of the Middle East. “punished” by offering him the throne Palestinians’ problem, which must be The solution must be global, for there of Iraq. His grandfather, King Abdulla, viewed in the context of the wider Arab- can be no peace in one corner of the was meant to become King of Iraq. Jewish settlement of the Middle-East. Middle East while Lebanon slides to a Since 1948, and even before, Jews in slow death; while millions of Kurds can- 3. Kurdish rights to be imple- Iraq, Syria, Egypt and other “Arab” not attain autonomy; while non-Arab mented by returning Mosul and Kirkuk countries had to leave their ancient minorities in Iraq remember their mas- to Turkey and by giving autonomy to homelands because of discrimination sacres and their stolen lands; while the the 10 million Kurds within the Turkish and persecution. They now number Shia majority of Iraq are oppressed; Republic. Turkey’s good behaviour for over 2 million, having settled mainly in while Arabs control five million square the last 70 years and her membership of Israel but also in the UK, Europe, the miles of territory and non-Arabs are Nato warrants this confidence. USA and Canada. While Israel has inte- denied any territory; while some Arab grated its refugees, the Arabs have rulers pocket most of the oil wealth and 4. A reduced, mainly Christian, deliberately kept theirs in squalor for Israelis keep tightening their belts. Lebanon to be created from Junieh, political reasons. These petrobillions have made of Iraq a north of Beirut, to the border with The Middle East conflict is not dangerous aggressor and of Kuwait a Israel, with the rest of old Lebanon between Israeli Jews and Palestinian target for aggression. going to Syria. Arabs but, as is being slowly appreciat- The solution must be global, for there ed, the conflict is with the neighbouring can be no peace for the Palestinian Arab 5. The security structure in the Arab countries that relentlessly waged refugees while the material and political Middle East to include Israel. war on Israel, incited the Palestinians rights of Jewish refugees from Arab not to come to terms with the Jews, lands are ignored. The Jews have an his- 6. The United States and Great financed terrorism, and rejected all toric right to a share of the Fertile Britain (with some lesser participants) United Nations’ resolutions. Crescent – its territory and its wealth – to replace OPEC by forming the There can be no peace in the Middle indeed superior to that of the Arabs. As Petroleum Central Selling Organisation East unless these same Arab countries to Resolution 242, this was firmly (PECSO) to acquire the right of market- are made parties to an eventual settle- rejected by the Arabs who must not now ing oil worldwide at say $30 a barrel of ment, bearing their share of the refugee be allowed to play a game of Heads, we which $20 goes to the countries of ori- problem and the cost of their settlement win – Tails, you lose. gin. Germany and Japan must not con- in their own areas. To the PLO, who say they want to tinue to make hay in the Allied sun. All The Jews from Arab countries are the establish a free, multi-racial, democrat- the countries of the region including quid pro quo of the Palestinian Arabs – ic, secular and progressive Palestine, we Israel, Jordan, Syria, Egypt and Turkey the other side of the coin. And, in any say we want to establish a free, multi- to share in the $20. future negotiations, if Israel is going to racial, democratic, secular and progres- represent the Jews from Arab lands, sive Middle East. To those who say I am, Your Excellency, then the neighbouring Arab countries Zionism is responsible for all the trouble should also represent the Palestinians. Very truly yours. in Palestine, we say that Arab imperial- If, however, the Palestinians are going ism is responsible for all the trouble in Naim E Dangoor to have a separate voice in a regional the Middle East. peace conference or dialogue then Jews on behalf of Iraqi Jews in the United An outline for a Middle East peace from Arab lands must also have a sepa- Kingdom. ♦ plan can be the following: rate representation.

The Scribe No.75 12 PAX ISRAELITA From the editorial of The The civilized world suddenly woke up of the world exclusively to combinations Scribe No. 45, November 1990 to the fact that it is not Zionism but Arab of Arab or of Moslem countries. imperialism that poses the real threat to America has asked Israel to keep a n recent weeks, Middle East politics the Middle East and indeed to the whole low profile in the present crisis but wish- Ihave been shifting like the quicksand world. es to retain Israel's might in reserve and of the desert. How then shall the Middle East be use it as a last resort if things do not go Saddam now fancies himself as an run? well for the allies in the coming war. Arab and Moslem messiah - a latter-day The United States and her allies are The consensus among Israelis is that Nebuchadnezzar - and dreams of stand- assembling a motley force of 500,000 they don't want to suffer one casualty if ing at the gates of Jerusalem to lead the men, 2,000 tanks and 800 planes to con- they can help it. We all prefer to die in Jewish people (God forbid) into another tain Saddam and, hopefully, to topple bed, but this is the hour of destiny when captivity in his rebuilt Babylon, as did him. This effort is proving too costly and the whole Middle East will be in the the other Nebu. 2,558 years ago. (The threatens the world with recession. melting pot. Can Israel afford to stay out rape of Lebanon and Kuwait are pre- Israel has all this force and more, and of the game? Will Israel wait till she is views of what Arab extremists have in Israel is permanently there. Israel is attacked by Saddam? store for Israel). most suited to be the trustee of the Israel must choose her own moment to Will history repeat itself? Middle East. It is dangerous to leave the strike at Saddam. She would be amply Like a good teacher, History only destiny of the Middle East and possibly justified in doing this in view of ☛ repeats itself if the lesson is not learned. What then is this lesson that we have to learn? In the Middle East, the lesson of the last 3,000 years has been that the Fertile Crescent, the cradle of civilisation and the birthplace of monotheistic religions, is too vulnerable to invasion and that if the Jews want to have a lasting presence in that region, they must have a say in the affairs of the whole area. Any attempt to hold only a small part has ended in failure. Since time immemorial, the Fertile Crescent was never united in freedom but was overrun by various empires, one after another. For 400 years, Ottoman rule brought relative peace and quiet in the region. A feature of their system was the millet concept whereby local com- munities enjoyed self-rule or autonomy. After the two World Wars, ill-con- ceived Arab regimes became the inheri- tors of the region and have made a mess of it. By denying the Jews and the Kurds their right to a national homeland, by persecuting the Assyrians and Armenians, by trying to swamp the Lebanese Christians, by refusing to deal with the problem of Palestinian Arab refugees, by squandering the immense oil wealth of the region for the last three decades, by Iraq's waging a futile war against Iran for eight years, by Iraq's brutal invasion and destruction of Kuwait, by their use of poison gas and other chemical weapons, by indulging in terrorism and hostage taking - the Arabs have forfeited their right to lead the Middle East. Their greed was their undoing.

13 The Scribe No.75 …Saddam's repeated threats. Israel hap- Autonomy for the 10 million Kurds to even more dependent on Arabian oil. In pens to be in a unique position to take be granted in these areas within the treating oil reserves as an international the lead in this direction. Secretary of Turkish republic. Turkey's good behav- asset, one is reminded of the Californian State James Baker has expressed the iour for the last 70 years and her mem- gold rush of 1848 when a large and pros- view that Israel's involvement would not bership of NATO warrants this confi- perous farming estate was ruined by the unite the Arabs against America. On the dence. sudden discovery of gold on it that contrary, moderate Arabs would see in 7) Turkey, in turn, to cede Kars brought thousands of prospectors from Israel's action the value of her presence and Ardahan to Soviet Armenia as a far and wide to dig for the precious in the region in defence of justice and token of atonement for the massacre of metal. The owner of the farm went to freedom. 1.5 million Armenians in 1915. Washington to seek federal protection Moreover, it is generally agreed that 8) A reduced, mainly Christian, but was told that one man's rights cannot once the fighting is over, all foreign Lebanon to be created from Junieh, be upheld against so many others. He forces will leave the area. Israel can then north of Beirut, right down to the border was given instead a substantial pension take over policing the region in co-oper- with Israel, with the rest of old Lebanon for the rest of his days. ation with her moderate neighbours. going to Syria. While it may not be necessary to pen- Jews and Arabs always worked 9) Jewish historic rights in the sion off the Saudi and Kuwaiti rulers together on the personal level. Such co- Middle East to be recognised and imple- and other oil sheikhs, they should not, operation, given the chance. would also mented and Israel to be confirmed with- on the other hand, be allowed to hold the prove successful at the state level. In in her present borders. That area repre- world community to ransom for a com- any case, it has been declared that the sents only two per mil of Arab lands and modity that was discovered, is extracted security structure envisaged for the with new immigrants coming in, Israel and needed by other countries. Middle East will include Israel, who cannot afford to cede any territory. In 15) In a final settlement between should be prepared to take the leading any case, the Arabs had rejected all par- Israel and the neighbouring countries, role in this future plan. tition plans and these have become Jews must be allowed to travel, reside Pax Israelita can be the key to peace in invalid. Israel went into Gaza as a result and work anywhere in the region. Israel the Middle East. Having seen the savage of Egypt's aggression and went into the should be given reparations for the 40 behaviour of the Iraqis with Iran, with West Bank when, against Israel's advice years of senseless wars to frustrate the the Kurds and in Kuwait, moderate to King Hussein, Jordan entered the Six- existence of a Jewish state. Arabs are ready to embrace Israel with Day War in 1967 16) Terrorism and hostage-taking open arms. 10) The problem of the Palestinian must be recognised and treated as acts of But before lasting peace can prevail. Arabs must be solved by the Arabs war and democratic governments shall all the chronic problems of the region themselves, just as Israel absorbed the gradually replace the despotic regimes have to be resolved. To do that we have Jewish refugees from Arab lands. Jordan in most Middle Eastern countries. ♦ to go back to the first World War and to become a state for moderate eliminate the misdeed, of Lawrence of Palestinians, enlarged by a tract from ℘℘℘℘℘℘ Arabia and others that gave the Arabs Saudi Arabia. Palestine was partitioned more than they deserved or were entitled in 1922 and Transjordan became Arab to. Palestine. A Regional Solution The events following the defeat of the 11) King Hussein to become King Ottoman empire in 1918 have to be of Iraq. His grandfather had this ambi- to the Middle East reviewed and revised on the following tion 70 years ago. he Middle East requires a regional lines: 12) A declaration that no outside solution. Prime Minister Sharon 1) Kuwait's sovereignty and Power shall be allowed to penetrate or T cannot proceed from where Ehud Barak regime to be restored. interfere in the region. left off, as Robin Cook vainly wishes, 2) Iraq to pay compensation for 13) In thus re-shaping the region according to his statement on Radio 4. the damage done, Iraq's punishment to there will have to be large population He can only succeed by following a com- fit Saddam's crimes. Saddam's Babylon transfers to ensure stability and to avoid plete change of strategy. must be destroyed - an edifice to a future conflicts. Iraq has demonstrated Israel alone cannot solve the bloodthirsty despot. this is feasible by the transfer of thou- Palestinian problem, which must be 3) Iraqi leaders and officials to be sands of Kurds from the north and now regarded as a regional problem. All the tried for crimes against humanity and by moving thousands of Iraqis to Arab countries that waged successive International law. Kuwait. wars on Israel and emboldened Arafat in 4) The Iraq/Iran 1975 Algiers bor- 14) The oil wealth of the Middle his latest stance must contribute to a last- der agreement to be confirmed and East has to be regulated - first, by ing settlement. recognised by the United Nations. enlarging OPEC to include not only the Fortunately, the new Bush administra- 5) Iraq, under a new regime, to get exporting countries but also the main oil tion appears to have accepted this reality. the two disputed islands to relieve her importing countries; secondly, to keep dependence on Shat-al-Arab waterway. the oil prices at a steady realistic level; Naim Dangoor 6) Mosul and neighbouring thirdly, only a basic part of that price to provinces, where Kurds predominate, go to the countries of origin, with the that were wrested from the Ottoman balance spread wider afield to Egypt, The above letter appeared in the empire after the 1918 armistice, to be Jordan, Israel, Syria, Lebanon, Turkey London Jewish News and The Jewish returned to Turkey together with small and the new Kurdistan. Chronicle in February 2001 and its con- border areas from Iran and Syria. In the next century the world will be tents are still pertinent. ♦ The Scribe No.75 14 Ezra Belboul – One Hundred Years Young

zra Belboul has achieved the magic Eage of 100, an important milestone hoped for by most people. Mr Belboul is still in good health, walks every day to the Israeli Defence Ministry where he continues his unpaid voluntary work. He was awarded in 1947 the honour of MBE (Member of the Order of the British Empire). ♦

Right : Ezra Belboul (Lev) received by His Excellency the President of Israel Moshe Katzav on the occasion of his 100th birthday. On the right is his wife Mazal.

The historic photo above shows Ezra Belboul (indicated by the arrow) at the 1928 conference between King Faisal of Iraq and King Abdul Aziz Ibn Saud of Arabia on board a British warship. 15 The Scribe No.75 25 March 2002 do so by . But occasionally biblical taken from my shelves translates Hebrew does the same, possibly through literally by , To Professor Raphael Loewe: unconscious change by Aramaic-speak- ing scribes.. Thus at Jeremiah 23, 39 we not am writing for your help to correct a have: Imistake in the Bible, or rather to cancel (b) Jewish tradition, from the Targum an erroneous correction. which clearly means forgetting as does to Psalms onwards, generally treats In Psalm 127 we read, the foregoing as the object of the verb, "he gives and has no connection with his beloved sleep". Thus Abraham Ibn = deceive. In post-biblical Hebrew there Ezra, "He, i.e. God previously referred to, (ending with an aleph) but is corrected in is much more fluctuation: thus you will gives his friend sleep. cf. Ecclesiastes 5, Hebrew Bibles to read find the name Akiba spelled with either 11, sweet is the sleep of the labourer". (ending with a hé). In the King James aleph or hé at the end, probably due to Rashi, who did not always focus on lin- English Bible the hebrew word local differences in spelling convention. guistic rigour as rigorously as does Ibn with an asterisk is translated ‘sleep’. In (b) The Massorah, which (in the 8th – Ezra, construes the text on your lines Bar Ilan Bible it is translated as ‘tranquil- 10th centuries) provided running notes to although reaching a completely different ity’, but in many other Bibles it is para- preserve accurate transmission of the bib- result, and he arbitrarily introduces phrased as ‘asleep’ or ‘while sleeping’. lical texts, states at Ps. 127,2 that this is (wherewithal of livelihood) as I maintain that ‘while sleeping’ is the the only instance of the word object of the verb. He writes: "he gives, correct meaning of with an aleph = sleep being spelled with aleph. Our i.e. God provides the wherewithal of sus- printed texts retain this note in abbreviat- tenance to one who denies his eyes sleep at the end, and that with an ed form. All printed Hebrew bibles in order to study the Torah aleph at the end is not an error but a con- (except for some 20th century scholarly one who keeps his eyes far from sleep" struction of the word editions) descend from the 2nd rabbinic (This last is so free a flight of fancy as to ‘sleep’, similar to such constructions in bible printed in Venice in 1524-5, the edi- expose its author to the charge of irre- Arabic. tor of which had late manuscripts only at sponsibility towards his own terms of ref- his disposal. An 18th century survey of erence). But Rashi’s commentary has the sort of MSS that he will have used always been so popular that I suspect his Twenty five centuries ago, Hebrew was records eight (out of several hundred) as exegesis may have been regarded as giv- no longer the spoken language of the spelling the word with hé (it ing a green light to those who want Jews, and they became ignorant of some would be without comment). We ought to mean "whilst asleep", and develop the of the refinements of the Holy Tongue. not, therefore, make too much of the notion in a sense diametrically opposite It seems spoken Hebrew is now still too abnormal orthography. to Rashi’s own understanding of it. young for people to appreciate such varia- There is, however, one Jewish com- tions, especially as most Jews now relate to 2. You correctly observe that biblical mentator, Menahem Me’iri, born in Western languages rather than to Arabic. Hebrew, like Arabic, uses the (unindicat- Provence in 1249, who understands the Do you think we could bring this to the ed) accusative case to indicate an external verse very much as (I think) you wish to notice of the ‘powers-that-be’ to remove state referring to action, e.g. Leviticus 19, yourself. I slightly abbreviate what he the asterisk from that word from any 16 writes: future publications and to use that con- "It is vain for you, etc: The verse struction as part of the Hebrew grammar? [do not go about] as a tale-bearer. In means, it is vain for you people who from Micah 2,3 the early morning onwards apply your- Naim Dangoor selves to your work and stay up late, hard [go not about] in haughtiness, the abstract at it deep into the night, with the result Reply: noun would parallel your proposed that you eat your bread at the price of I write to thank you for your very kind understanding of , but I find this painful toil; because He gives etc, i.e. all letter of 25 March, and trust that since strained; to express the sense "he gives to that profit which you have gained then you have had an enjoyable Pesah. It his beloved [whilst he is] sleeping" I through your industriousness He gives to was a great joy to my wife and myself to would expect the accusative not of the his beloved asleep, i.e. to one in whom have so many friends around when cele- noun = sleep but of the participle = sleep- He takes pleasure he gives it in "sleep", brating our golden wedding: God has ing, i.e. in Hebrew , not i.e. rest, without his having to toil for it. been bountiful to us. as in Arabic na’ima The aleph in is in place of hé. The Concerning your question regarding point is not to disparage industriousness in Psalm 127,2. There are 3 3 (a) When we come to semantics, I and praise indolence, which no intelligent aspects to this, namely (1) the spelling, see an insuperable difficulty, since the man would do, but rather to inculcate that (2) the grammatical construction, and (3) verb = he gives is left without an one ought not repose all one’s confidence what meaning (or possibly alternative object: What is it that he is supposed to in industriousness, reckoning that what meanings) (2) permits. I deal with these give to his beloved whilst asleep? It is he gains is achieved by sheer sustained in turn. not permissible to fudge matters by trans- application, but one should rather realise lating not as gives, but as "is gen- that it is God who has extended to him his 1 (a) As you know, Hebrew normally erous, bountiful towards", since Hebrew grace in this manner". This is very nice, represents a final ã vowel by has several words to express this sense, in but I fear that its arbitrary treatment of whilst (late) Aramaic and Arabic particular . Thus, an Arabic trans- (see above, 3(a)) prevents one from lation of the Psalms which I have just endorsing it in the sense of ☛ The Scribe No.75 16 …maintaining that that is what the author of the psalm himself intended to say. Ecclesiastes I hope that this is all clear. with a new Judaeo-Arabic translation and two commentaries Second letter to Professor Loewe: by the Late Hakham Ezra Reuben Dangoor Thank you for your comprehensive Chief of Baghdad and scholarly reply to my enquiry about Published by The Exilarch’s Foundation, can strengthen their own ethical and spir- the word "shena". Allow me therefore to London itual endeavours. But the work should state my lay opinion on the subject: Printed by Mechon Haktav, Jerusalem also prove of linguistic interest to schol- 1. The spelling with an aleph is not 2002 – 5762 ars, for two reasons. First, Rabbi Ezra a mistake, but deliberate. Dangoor wrote lucidly in the rabbinic 2. The intended meaning of this Hebrew of centuries old Jewish tradition. word is most probably not ‘sleep’ but Occasional features prove that he was not ‘while sleeping’. ignorant – he could scarcely have been – 3. My purpose in highlighting this of the westernising influences which per- word is to revive its form in current vade the modern Hebrew that was mak- Hebrew literature. ing rapid strides from about 1920 (he reg- 4. The apparent absence of an ularly received publications from object to the verb "give" should be Palestine and Poland), but he felt no need assumed as being "in the mind of the to resort to them; and it is evident that he poet". could handle the traditional language for 5. The word "Ezra" is also spelt all purposes without imposing on it such with an aleph ending, to indicate a male categories as the contrasted sacredness name. and secularity which are, for the most 6. It is praiseworthy that biblical part, misleading where Jewish life and text were transmitted from generation to thought are concerned. generation without attempting to correct Students of Arabic will welcome the what may be thought to be an error. ♦ publication of the author’s own transla- ℘℘℘℘℘℘ tion of the biblical text of Ecclesiastes From our Archive: which corresponds to his own exposition. Jews from Baghdad have an Arabic dis- The Jewish Chronicle – August 9 1974 tinguishable from that of the general Iraqi population, and use it in two forms – one Great Rabbi Above: Late Chief Hakham Rabbi Ezra R. spoken, and the other written. The fully Dangoor, Baghdad vocalised evidence for the latter which is r Yigal Allon, the Israeli Deputy afforded by this Arabic translation consti- MPremier and Foreign Minister, has FOREWORD tutes a valuable addition to the corpus of written an exceptionally warm letter about source material available for study. "Dispersion and Liberation", a book pub- by Professor Raphael Loewe lished by the Gedula Synagogue Naim Dangoor writes: Committee, Ramle, Israel, and edited by he author of these commentaries on Abraham Twena in memory of a famous TEcclesiastes, Rabbi Ezra Reuben These two commentaries on Chief Rabbi of Iraq, Rabbi Ezra Dangoor. Dangoor (1848-1930), had established in Ecclesiastes by my late Grandfather This courageous Chief Rabbi, who was 1904 a Hebrew press, from which numer- Hakham Ezra Reuben Dangoor have born in 1848, and members of the ous works of a religious nature were been preserved in manuscript by his fam- Dangoor family played an outstanding issued. The commentaries here present- ily since his death seventy two years ago. role in the life of the Iraqi Jewish commu- ed, which survive in manuscript, are now I consider it a particular honour and priv- nity. The development of the Zionist made available in print at the initiative of ilege to be able to see them through the movement within the Iraqi community, his grandson, Mr Naim Dangoor of press, as he would have wished me to do, which is also described in the book, London. and it is my hope that their availability in owned much to the example and teaching The work is of interest from several print may, thanks to his exposition, con- of the Chief Rabbi. points of view. Although written in tribute towards a wider and enhanced Chief Rabbi Dangoor was once asked Hebrew, it was clearly intended not pri- appreciation of both the insight into by King Feisal if there were any Zionist marily for scholars, but with a popular human nature, and the ethical values, Jews in Iraq. He replied that every Jew readership in view (hence the provision which koheleth set out to teach. ♦ prayed three times a day for the Shchina of the commentator’s own Arabic transla- tion of the text of Ecclesiastes itself), and (Divine Presence) to return to the land of Copies of this book can be Zion and that Judaism was based on wor- it limits itself to exposition in terms of ship of God as well as the return to the conventional Jewish piety and ethical obtained on request from : Promised Land. ideal. The Exilarch’s Foundation, The readership at which the author 4 Carlos Place, Scribe: aimed still survives, and will find much London W1K 3AW in his exposition which is timeless and The answer is brief and to the point. ♦ 17 The Scribe No.75 Silas Aaron Hardoon (1851-1931): Business, Politics and Philanthropy in Republican Shanghai, 1911-1931 by Chiara Betta From Rags to Riches Shanghai club, Shanghai’s leading British club. From the first moment Hardoon moved University of Indianapolis, Whilst working for E D Sassoon & Co to Shanghai, he could foresee the excep- Athens (UIA) Hardoon continued to invest all his sav- tional development of the city’s foreign ings in real estate in the International Condensed from the original paper by settlements, areas administered by for- Settlement. Since he constantly lacked Chiara Betta, who holds the copyright eign municipal councils, which blos- liquid capital he raised cash for real estate somed into a westernised metropolis by investments by mortgaging his properties Hardoon and Trade Diaspora of the beginning of the twentieth century. and also by dealing in opium, a legal Baghdadi Jews Thanks to his commercial shrewdness he commodity between 1858 and 1918. quickly rose among the local ranks of D alih Harun” or "Saleh Haron", Thus in Chinese Shanghai Hardoon was Sassoon, Sons & Co and secured excep- then Anglicised as Silas Aaron known as a dealer of tu, a word that “S tionally profitable real estate deals on Hardoon, was born to a poor Jewish fam- meant both land an opium. By 1911, behalf of his employers. At the same ily in the city of Baghdad in 1851. Five when he finally left E D Sassoon & Co, time he also invested his own savings in years later the Hardoons left the ailing he owned large land assets in the Central land and constantly acquired pieces of Ottoman empire and, like other Jews of and Western districts of the International property which yielded him good rents the Baghdad area, searched for fortune in Settlement and was in the process of for re-investments in other lots. Bombay. Once they arrived in the city acquiring properties on Nanking Road, By 1882 Hardoon switched his interest they found protection under the wing of which became Shanghai’s most fashion- to the cotton market. He left D Sassoon, the local "Baghdadian Jewish trading able commercial thoroughfare within a Sons & Co and established a cotton bro- community" that was headed by David few years. As a result, prices of proper- kerage, a venture that failed within a Sassoon, a merchant-prince, renowned ties along the road skyrocketed prompt- short time. In 1886 he then resumed his philanthropist and the scion of Baghdad’s ing Hardoon to become one of career as real estate developer at E D most eminent Jewish family. Hardoon Shanghai’s wealthiest men. Sassoon & Co, which had been estab- attended a charitable school funded by lished by David Sassoon’s second son Sassoon and, as an adolescent, he joined "Going Native" Elias David in 1867. In less than a the firm D. Sassoon & Co., which super- decade Hardoon, who was in charge of At the beginning of the Republican vised a large commercial empire. In real estate investments and also of opium period Hardoon was not only Shanghai’s 1868, after his employers had noticed his dealings, was appointed partner and was main real estate tycoon but also the only remarkable business acumen, he was sent in effect one of the firm’s most valuable prominent foreign merchant who had to Hong Kong to gain experience of the assets. His entrance in Shanghai’s com- established close and intimate ties with Chinese market. However, six years later mercial elite was then marked by his the Chinese socio-cultural milieu. Since he was, for some unknown reason, sud- appearance in 1893 as a member of the his arrival in Shanghai Hardoon had, in denly dismissed. Penniless, he took a fact, undergone a notable and gradual third-class deck passage to Shanghai process of cross-cultural adaptation in the where the tiny local community of Chinese environment and, as a result, had Baghdadi Jews helped him to secure a absorbed Chinese patterns of behaviour badly paid job as rent collector and and had adopted an increasingly Chinese godown watchman at the local branch of lifestyle. David Sassoon, Sons & Co. The main force behind Hardoon’s Most importantly, Baghdadi Jewish increasingly close relationship with communities of Shanghai and Hong Chinese society was his wife Luo Jialing Kong represented individual "nodes" of (Liza Roos) (1864-1941), a Buddhist the trade diaspora of Baghdadi Jews 1 which extended from London to Eurasian – possibly of Jewish origin - Shanghai and operated under the aegis of who completely identified with her the British Empire. As a result of their Chinese background. She was a staunch ancillary position to the British, Buddhist, believed in ancestor worship, Baghdadi Jews, who lived outside the used only Chinese medicine and appreci- Ottoman empire underwent a notable ated Chinese popular culture. Since she process of Anglicisation after the middle did not have natural children she manipu- of the nineteenth century. They discard- lated the Chinese traditional family sys- ed their traditional dress, adopted English tem and at the turn of the twentieth cen- tastes and manners and lived a culturally tury she adopted a number of Chinese hybrid lifestyle in westernised domestic children in order not to turn into a "hun- ☛ spaces. Hardoon himself wore Western gry ghost" after death. She also set up dress, spoke English, though with a thick Arabic accent, drank whiskey and took 1 A Shanghai Jew, M Myers maintained that on the British passion for gardening. The Hardoon Building - now the Shanghai Hardoon had revealed to him that Luo Exhibition Centre Jianling’s father was a French Jew.

The Scribe No.75 18 …her own lineage trust, Luo Chunjia tang. As a result Hardoon enjoyed access A Universal Symbol for the Red Cross to Chinese kinship networks which he he International committee of the Red Cross recognises the associated services readily exploited to foster his position in Tonly of the Red Cross, the Red Crescent and the Rising Sun, but has been unable Chinese society. It should then be added to sanction the Israeli service of the Star of David because of members’ opposition. that after 1919 the Hardoons also adopt- They have however stated that an attempt is being made to introduce a single ed together foreign children who were International symbol for all the countries of the world, in which case there would be brought up according to the Jewish faith. no need to have a separate Star of David. Luo Jialing, who combined an innate On the above basis we think that the ideal symbol would be a 7-pointed Star of cleverness with a hugely manipulative Adam with the view of the Northern Hemisphere occupying the centre. This view of personality, exerted a strong influence the world is in fact the Emblem of the United Nations Organisations. The 7-pointed over her husband. In 1898 she convinced Star of Adam which represents the seven days of Creation as stated in the Bible, also Hardoon to give hospitality to the represents the seven day week which was introduced at the dawn of our civilisation Buddhist monk Huang Zongyang (1865- and which has become universally accepted by all mankind as the ideal division of the 1921) who, within a short time, became year. Although there are different calendars for the months and the year, the seven day the Hardoons’ main advisor. Most week remains unchallenged and attempts by the French Revolution and the Russian importantly, in 1903 Huang introduced Revolution to change it to ten days or five days never succeeded. the Hardoons to intellectual circles dur- To call it the Star of Adam is appropriate because Adam is considered the inventor ing the Subao case which marked the of agriculture 9000 years ago and thus the Father of our present civilisation. ♦ emergence of the revolutionary anti- Manchu movement in Shanghai in 1903- 4. Huang also designed the Aili Garden [Aili huayuan], a traditional landscape garden that became the Hardoons’ main residence around 1909. Within its secluded walls the Hardoons hobnobbed with Chinese dignitaries, fostered Buddhist activities and, as will be shown below, also establised neo-traditionalist enterprises. Not surprisingly, Shanghainese, especially the petty urban- ites [xiao shimin], gossiped in local tea houses about the mysteries of the Aili Garden, which were exposed in popular literature of the Mandarin Ducks and Butterfly genre. On April 1,1912 Yuan Shikai was appointed President of the Chinese Republic; he had persuaded the last Chinese Emporer to abdicate voluntarily. Hardoon, who did not hold any sympathy for Yuan, maintained a low profile in the Chinese political arena. He resumed an active role only in the months that fol- lowed Yuan’s death in June 1916 when eminent personalities of the anti-Yuan camp organised sumptuous banquets in Above : The 7-pointed Star of Adam as the proposed Emblem of the International Red Cross the Aili Garden. These gatherings, like other similar events held in Hardoon’s Below : Alternative Possibilities residence, refined Hardoon’s perception of the Chinese political arena and at the same time helped him to expand his ties within prominent Chinese circles. More specifically, such banquets prompted Hardoon to form exchange relationships which helped him to navigate and remain afloat in the Chinese political arena in the following decade. ♦

It is strictly prohibited to Quote, Summarise or Reproduce this paper without written permission from the copyright holder, Chiara Betta

19 The Scribe No.75 The Sassoon’s Return Visit to Baghdad n September 1910, Mrs Farha Sassoon Thursday – 15 September which was the sign for the Moslems to and her children undertook a trip from break their fast as it was the month of I At 10.30am we arrived at Muhammera, Bombay to Baghdad via Basrah. Ramadan. The sailors started to hurriedly the last port in Persia. Before we left In the last issue (The Scribe, No. 74) swallow their food since from sunrise Bombay Mr. Sason Aaron Bassous wrote we published excerpts from the English they had not eaten, drunk or smoked. The to his friend Kasim the Mayor of Basra to diary kept by Farha’s daughter Mozelle moon was shining very brightly and the help us to avoid the quarantine which all (1884-1921). We publish in this issue river looked beautiful. At 10.00pm we the travellers from Bombay have to keep. excerpts from the Hebrew diary (Massa’e came to the port of Basra and stopped Babel) kept by Farha’s son David outside the palace of Kasim the Mayor. Solomon Sassoon (1880-1942) translated His second son Jamil came to meet us into English by Rabbi Aharon Bassous, and we came to the palace. which compliments the previous diary. He, Kasim, displayed great hospitality to put up such a large group of people as Thursday - 4th Ellul, 8 September ours. We entered our rooms at 1.00 am, 1910 but were not able to sleep due to the noise made by the large number of chickens in Early morning we left Bombay by the the yard which carried on the whole steamboat LAKO run by a British com- night. In addition many stray dogs were pany. barking under our window. Nevertheless we were grateful to the Mayor for his Shabbat – 10 September kindness. Arrived at Karachi. We exited our cab- ins to breathe the fresh air as for the last Friday, 16 September and Shabbat, 17 two days we suffered from seasickness. September As it was Shabbat we remained the whole The morning was very cool but as the day on the boat. day passed the heat became very great. I woke up early to go to Synagogue Monday - 12 September through narrow dirt streets and crossed At 10.30am we anchored at Muscat and the river on the bridge. Eventually I hired the third captain shot twice in the air in an old cart driven by a pair of white hors- honour of the Imam of Muscat and es through the market place and streets Oman, Sultan Feisel. This city will never Author of the Diary Massa’e Babel David lined with small restaurants. Suddenly we be forgotten, as it was like being in a fiery Solomon Sassoon (1880 – 1942). stopped and I was forced to get down furnace. It was told to us that when the since the path became too narrow for a temperature reaches great heights the A short while after we put down anchor cart to pass through. I was forced to carry inhabitants of the city lie down on the the private boat of Kasim arrived to take on by foot till I reached a crowded street roofs of houses and water is poured on us to the port. A member of the Health in which was Slat Bet Kharmoosh. This them like one water's plants. A few years dept arranged that all our suitcases would synagogue and the other three in town ago Jewish businessmen lived here and be removed from the boat to four smaller were rebuilt on the site of older syna- there was a Synagogue, but they are no boats. In twenty minutes we came ashore gogue buildings, since the buildings here longer here and the Synagogue is and we went straight to the quarantine are built of dried earth and do not last destroyed. camp where we remained for the rest of long due to dampness and the low quali- the day. This was to complete five days ty of the building materials. This syna- Wednesday – 14 September after travelling from Karachi as the gogue was a place of worship as well as a Persians keep only a five-day quarantine school where about 320 boys and girls We arrived at our next stop Bushire in as opposed to the Turks who keep ten were taught elementary Hebrew, Bible, the Persian Gulf, at 10.30am. Here we days. The porters unloaded our packages and Ayn Yaakob (stories from the remained for seven hours and I wanted to and placed them in a closed room. We Talmud). The older children received go into town very badly but due to quar- had a cold lunch and since it was not pos- instruction in French and Turkish also. antine regulations I was not able to. This sible to buy European bread we made do When I visited, there were only about was due to the fact that there was a plague with the local bread which was made in half the pupils as from the month of Iyar in Bombay and in such circumstances the form of wide thin cakes. till Elul, all parents who are able to, leave there is a quarantine. In the afternoon the At 5.00pm the customs official, a Jew, the city to live in tents because of the heat increased. Some Persian servants came and we paid him the necessary great heat and the lack of water in the came on the boat to buy soda water for money depending on our class of travel. river, which attracts flies and malaria, and their European masters who live in the At 5.50pm the doctor arrived and after other diseases are rampant. This syna- port since they do not drink the local giving us a certificate that we had ful- gogue was built in 1907 by Aaron Jacob water as it is not healthy. I was not able filled all our obligations we took our Kharmoosh and Meir Ezekiel Gareh in to receive any information about the Jews packages onto a large boat which was tied memory of their daughter/wife who had here except for the fact that they are onto the steamboat travelling to Basra. A died in 1904. Close by is the great syna- greatly oppressed by the Persians. short while later we heard a loud noise, gogue. ☛

The Scribe No.75 20 I also visited a small synagogue called Basra a Rabbi from Hebron called chamber leading to the synagogue and Slat Bet Hibub, which was built in 1898. Yaakob Haim Elyashar who had come to grave. Before entering the building we From there I went to a fourth synagogue Basra to collect donations for his com- were told to remove our shoes. On top of which is situated in the Fowl market and munity. He ordered the Jews to gather in the grave is a large tomb made from called accordingly Slat Sook el-Jeej. the synagogue and to pray special wood. Every Jewish visitor lights a lamp There was a genizah in this synagogue prayers, which he arranged. Eventually and says: I am lighting this lamp in hon- which I went up to with great difficulty the General of the Persian army was poi- our of our master Ezra the scribe, after but did not find anything special. All the soned by his own troops and died on the which he circles the grave and kisses it. Sifrei Torah are in wooden boxes covered 13th Adar 1776. This led for the depar- Many give money for someone to bless with gold and silver, the work of Jewish ture of the Persians from the city on the them at the grave. Even non-Jews come craftsmen. Each synagogue has sedakah 2nd of Nissan and this day was fixed by to pray here, as the grave is holy in their boxes nailed to the walls designated for the Jews as a day of rejoicing like the eyes. the grave of Rahel Imenu, Yehezkel days of Purim, from year to year for all The main time for visiting is between Hanavi, Ezra HaSofer, Rabbi Shimon Bar generations. The above- mentioned Pesach and Shavuot. Jews come from Yohai and various charities. The spiritual Rabbi composed for them songs and Basra, Abushire, Baghdad, etc. On the leaders of the community are Hakham called them Megillat Paras and instituted two days of Shavuot it is absolutely Judah Abdallah and Hakham Ezra that they should read this Megillah year- crowded. The visitors stay in two build- Shochet but there is no yeshiva in the ly on this day in the synagogue in the ings built especially for them and are town and to my regret the Jews here do morning service as they read the scroll of charged a small fee. Mozelle the wife of not keep the Shabbat properly. Their Esther on Purim. Eliyah David Joseph Ezra from Calcutta number is about 1500. The trade of the We left Basra for Baghdad after rebuilt one of the buildings in 1883. It town is chiefly indigo, silks, linen and Shabbat travelling by steamboat belong- cost her 4000 Rupees. metals imported from India and Europe ing to a Turkish company. With great dif- The order of prayers at the shrine of and is largely in the hands of the Jews. ficulty were we able to find porters to Ezra HaSofer for the Festival of Shavuot They also export horses, dates, sheep- carry our baggage to the boat as in the are as follows: skin, and Turkish and Persian products. month of Ramadan the Muslims do not On the night of Shavuot they gather in The Jews of Basra also own extensive do much work. the synagogue for the public auction of plantations of dates and I saw them busi- Misvot. The first one is buying the merit ly occupied in supervising the sorting and Tuesday, 20 September to put a Parochet on the grave. After packing of the dates in millions of small which is the sale of four Rimonim (bells) At 7.00 am we reached al-Qurna where card boxes and cartons for shipment to all to be placed on the four comers of the the Tigris and Euphrates unite. Tradition parts of the world. The export of horses grave. Afterwards a special blessing is has it that the Garden of Eden was here! is busiest in October and November. It made for each person who wants to We rested for 10 minutes. Continuing on was told to us that the ships leaving Basra donate money to sedaka. The Arvit serv- our journey to Baghdad we passed in the are packed with about 200 horses, leaving ice is then commenced. When the service afternoon a building which is traditional- passengers closeted in their cabins for the is completed they all go to the grave of ly the grave of Ezra HaSofer or al Ezair in duration of their journey. Since we the saddiq and sing various songs clap- Arabic. planned to return to Bombay in the ping hands in great rejoicing, Afterwards On the outside the grave looks like the beginning of November this was not they go to have their meal. dome of a mosque and is covered with cheerful tidings. These horses are sent to After the meal they read in the two glazed blue tiles. We went inside to visit. Moslem merchants in Bombay who train houses for visitors the special ☛ On entering the tomb we were in a large them as hunting horses and racing horses. I was able to buy some manuscripts but not old ones. One of them has special interest and is called Megillat Paras, which is read on the day that is called the day of the miracle. This is the story as recorded in the scroll. In the year 1774, the Persian armies besieged Basra. At that time Suleiman Pasha, a lover of Israel and an upright man, was the Wali of Basra and the Saraf Bashi, Jacob Aaron, was the leader of the Jewish community. Together they defended the city against the enemies with great courage but after a siege that lasted for 13 months, they finally opened the gates to the Persian army on the 27th Nissan 1775. Suleiman Pasha, his family and household and Jacob Aaron his wife and children were sent as prisoners to the Shah in Shiraz. The Persians robbed, pil- laged, captured women, etc and caused a lot of harm. At that time there was in The Shrine of Ezra Hasofer (The Scribe) on the river Tigris 21 The Scribe No.75 …Tikoun of this night. It is divided into sections and each portion is then auc- tioned and that portion is then read loud- ly by the one who bought it. The read- ings are completed about two hours before sunrise. They then sing some more songs till the time for Shachrit arrives. Before Shachrit they sell the reading of the various parts of the service and before the reading of the Torah the various Aliyot are sold. The money from the sales is used for the upkeep of the houses for the visitors and to support the pupils of the Yeshiva. Originally, the custom was to read by the grave the book of Ezra from a scroll, but this custom has stopped since Rabbi Yosef Hayim printed a book called Mamlechet Cohanim where he made a special order of readings and prayers to Entertained at Hilla. Seated : Rachel Sasson (Lady Ezra); Sason Daniel Effendi; Farha Sassoon; be read at the grave. Mrs Hayim; Jacob Hakham Saleh Somekh; near Farha Sassoon on the floor, her daughter, Mazeltov. Standing behind, fourth from left: Saleh Sasson Daniel with two policemen and ser- A Visit from Baghdad to Hillah, 27 vants. Heshwan – November 1910 at a hotel called Khan for persons and Hillah Mr Menahem Saleh Daniel and his animals. We saw two empty rooms on brother Sasson made all the arrange- Hillah is a very small town surrounded two sides of a courtyard, one for the men, ments, which took a long time since we by a wall built not in very good fashion the other for the ladies and the carriages had to have horses, prepared at different from bricks taken from the ruins of in the courtyard. The rooms were very stages of the trip. In practice we were ancient Babylon. The colour of the water dirty and the servants spent a fair time their guests throughout the trip. Without is so bad that one is frightened to drink. cleaning them, probably for the first and doubt one cannot find greater generosity To the north and south, the city is sur- last time. The night was cold and all our than what they revealed throughout the rounded by date palms. covers were still not enough to keep us journey. On the day of our departure In the company of Mr Moshe Sussa, warm. Some horses entered our room many people came to wish us a safe jour- the superintendent of the business of Ezra during the night since the door had no ney and that our prayers at the grave of Daniel in Hillah, I went to visit the town. locks or bolts. the prophet Ezekiel will be accepted While in Baghdad I did not visit the (Maqbula). To our good fortune the schools of the Alliance (Kol Yisrael 28 Heshwan, November weather was fair with slight rain which Haverim) for well-known reasons, (since prevented the dust from flying around. We wanted to carry on our journey at they encouraged the pupils to distance We left the house by foot at 2.00 pm and 3.00 am in the cool of the morning but themselves from Judaism). Here, without passed through a crowded shopping area. were not able to do so because during the my knowledge, they brought me to the Kurdish porters carried our belongings. night there was a big storm which made school, which was a branch of the After crossing the bridge we met our the road impassable. We were thus Alliance school in Baghdad. I saw a very hosts and carriages. Many friends gath- forced to spend the day in the Khan. strange spectacle. In one of the classes ered there to escort us on our journey. the pupils were learning Tenach bare- Our group was made up of 16 persons 29 Heshwan, November headed, from a teacher with a long beard, including the servants plus 2 guards rid- turban and long coat. At dawn on the following day we car- ing on horses. The number of Jews in Hillah is 500 ried on travelling slowly because of the Sasson Effendi as he is known here and persons and they have two synagogues. difficult path. We met a caravan of his son Saleh accompanied us in their pri- The first is called the big synagogue not Persians on their way to Karbala. We vate carriage pulled by a pair of horses in for its great size but because it is larger made two short stops one at 9.30 to give the lead. than the small one. I found a stone tablet food to the horses and another at 2.15 pm Family Sasson travelled in the second on a small well in the big synagogue. It to have lunch under the sky. The night carriage and some friends in the third car- turned out to be a tombstone dated 1232. was quickly approaching and we were riage. Finally the servants with the entire The land of Babel is not stony and thus concerned we would spend the night in luggage went at the rear in two carriages. such a tombstone is a rarity in these parts. the desert but to our great fortune we saw We left at 2.30 pm in the direction of It would be required to bring it from a the Baghdad gate at Hillah at 8.30 pm. It Mahmudiyah. After 30 minutes we distance of 10 days journey at least. This was like after a bad dream. We crossed crossed the Car Bridge. The ruler opened shows the importance of the person the bridge as the town Hillah is built on this bridge with great celebration on 20 buried. It was found by Arab farmers 4 both sides of the Euphrates. Mr Ezra January 1898. We had to pay a toll of 1/4 1/2 hours distance from Hillah 120 years Menahem Saleh Daniel invited us to his megidi for each carriage. ago, and was brought to Hillah by a Jew house and we remained there for three We arrived at Mahmudiyah at 5.45 pm named Shikuri who had it put in the ☛ days in great comfort.

The Scribe No.75 22 …synagogue by the Hechal. Twenty years going to the Cemetery. It was the aunt of This holy shrine was really nearby to ago when they rebuilt the synagogue it Sasson Effendi the sister of his mother us. This happened in 1860 at the time of was placed in its present position where I who passed away yesterday in Hindiyah the rule of Mustafa Pasha in Baghdad. found it and subsequently bought it. at the age of ninety. We went straight to Two influential Moslems claimed that the The second synagogue was built by the grave of Yehezkel Hanabi. We arrived tomb belonged to Moslems on the pretext David Sasson in 1862/3 and is named just in time to pray Minha and we prayed that only mosques have minarets. The after him. It is near the big synagogue. At in the synagogue next to the grave. In my Ministry of Holy Sites instructed to list it the entrance there is a plaque which reads opinion the lovely building over the grave as Moslem property and this caused great that David Sasson built this synagogue is extremely old, built from very big suffering to the Jews. Hakham Sasson and a condition was made with the com- stones said to be the work of King Smouha the Hakham Bashi of Baghdad munity of Hillah that half the proceeds of Yahoyakhin. Above the doorway was a and the Dayanim, together with the help the synagogue should go for the upkeep of plaque dated 1809/10, which has of Saliman Daniel, objected to this and a the Yeshiva of our master, Yehezkel inscribed on it – ‘this is the tomb of our special Minister was sent from Hanavi. master Yehezkel the prophet, the son of Constantinople to investigate the matter The Tebah is very large in this small Buzi the Kohen, may his merit shield us and he ruled in favour of the Jews. Sir synagogue. Nearby is a very big tree said and all Israel. Amen.” Moshe Montefiore’s name is also men- to be over 100 years old. The room with the grave is very high tioned in this connection for his support in The order of the prayers is as in and has flowers painted on the walls and this matter. In the village lived one hun- Baghdad. The Jews are very poor and the names of important visitors to the dred and fifty Jews. The time for visiting oppressed by the Sheikhs. Till a few years grave. It is mentioned that my grandfa- the grave is from the middle of Iyar until ago the Jews had limited rights. They had ther David Sassoon repaired the building the beginning of Sivan. There are the to wear a red patch on their outer gar- in 1859. The grave is very large: 12 feet Khan hotels by the tomb, one donated by ments. They were not allowed to ride on 9 inches long, 5 feet 3 inches wide and 5 a Yaakob Semah in 1844/5. The house of a donkey or horse in town. They were not feet 1 inch high. It is covered with a dec- the Daniel family is close to the tomb. allowed to walk in the streets on a rainy orated Parochet, which was sent by David From the roof we enjoyed the wonderful day in case they would splash water on a Sassoon from Bombay. It is also written sunset and the beautiful view. Moslem. They were not allowed to wear on the walls of the visit of Menahem green – the holy colour of the Moslems. Saleh Daniel to the grave in 1897/8 and 4th Kislev – December 1910 If they would, the Moslem would take it his donation to redecorate the grave. We woke early to pray Shahrit. The from hi and give him a good beating. Nearby, is another room, which has 5 group travelled back to Hillah except for When they walked in the streets they had tombs of Geonim. Ezra and Saleh Daniel who agreed to wait to keep a good distance away from the In another part of the courtyard is for me and accompany me back to HIllah. Moslems in case their clothes would another room in which is buried Saleh I decided to remain until I had pho- touch and defile them. They were not Menahem Daniel, between the graves of tographed the place, especially the inter- allowed to touch the fruit or vegetables in two Sadikim who without a doubt are also nal view of the tomb since this had never the shop before buying and if they did Geonim. He was the father of Menahem been done previously. After I completed touch anything it was considered defiled and Sasson Daniel. Hakham Yosef Haim this job we then travelled back to Hillah and they had to buy it. They were not made the words on his tomb. Saleh arriving at the Mashad gate at 6.30 pm. ☛ allowed to build their houses higher than Daniel spent his last years in Elkifi the Moslems or to build a balcony over because his desire was to be buried there. the streets because a Moslem could not When he became very ill he was carried to walk under a Jewish house and other sim- the doctor in Hillah for treatment and died ilar restrictions. there but he was subsequently brought On Shabbat morning the 2nd Kislev – back to Elkifi to be buried in the grave December we went to the David Sasson that he bought in his lifetime. synagogue where I was given to read the Since our intention was to leave early Maftir. The Parashah was read in a Sefer morning, I spent the remainder of the Torah donated by my great grandfather evening in search of manuscripts. In the Sheikh Sassoon. synagogue are 16 Sefer Torahs in silver I saw the two houses of Menahem cases. However, I did not find books or a Sliman Daniel, which are now in a very library, neither did I see or hear about a forsaken condition, also the spot where an Sefer Torah which was said to have been Arab shot him in 1890. The office of the written by the prophet Yehezkel . Daniel family is here from where they run Binyamin of Tudela mentions such a their land business. In these days the Sefer Torah, which is read from only on working on the land is not successful, as Yom Kippur. In my opinion he should the Euphrates has changed course causing have said a scroll on which was written a detrimental effect on the area. extracts from the book of Yehezkel, some examples of which I found here. They are Shrine of Yehezkel Hanabi read at the grave by visitors. Apart from these scrolls I bought some other scrolls At 5.00 pm we arrived at Elkifi a small but these are just transcripts from the village by the Euphrates. When we book Mamlechet Cohanim by Hakham The Exterior and Interior of the Shrine of the arrived there was a funeral procession Yosef Haim. Prophet Ezekiel at Kifil on the Euphrates 23 The Scribe No.75 Shrines of Sadikim in Bavel Bible commentators are puzzled why In Bavel there are four known shrines The Staff of Life the generation of Adam was allowed of great men. by Naim Dangoor only fruit and cereals but that after the From The Scribe, No. 14 – 1984 Flood, meat was allowed. In the early 1) The prophet Ezekiel in Al Kifl – days of agriculture all animals were still a distance of seventeen hours by caravan Blessed art Thou, O Lord, our God, King wild and meat was hard to come by. The riding on animals or eleven hours by cart of the Universe, who bringeth forth bread place of Noah in the march of civilisa- pulled by animals till Hillah. From from the earth. tion is that he domesticated animals. Hillah till the village Kifl six hours riding This is graphically illustrated by the on animals. (According to Haham Yosef lthough the Bible starts with the story of the Ark and the zoo that went Hayim in 1908). Abeautiful and moving story of the into it. Noah is likewise honoured by 2) Ezra HaSofer, as described creation of the universe and the creation naming him and his family as the sole above. of time, Genesis is essentially the story survivors of the Flood. ♦ 3) Yehoshua Cohen Gadol – near of civilisation which, by definition, ℘℘℘℘℘℘ Baghdad. Baghdad is built on the banks started when man settled down to devel- of the river Tigris, mainly on the eastern op agriculture not so long ago. The his- bank where the Jewish Quarter was. On toric Adam, therefore, was the discover- Rivers of Babylon the western bank was the Quarter where er of wild wheat which started agricul- only Moslems lived. About one mile ture and as such Adam is the father of by Khaled al Qeshtaini from this settlement was the grave. civilisation. Agriculture was a great 4) Sheikh Yishak Gaon – died in turning point in the evolution of the Translated from an article in an Arabic 688 CE. Buried in Baghdad in the human race which until then subsisted daily appearing in London Jewish Quarter. ♦ on hunting and gathering. In keeping with ancient tradition Adam is honoured mentioned in previous articles the ℘℘℘℘℘℘ by naming him as the First Man, the Iclose attachment of Iraqi Jews to their progenitor of the human race. Bread ancient homeland, and as I mentioned in The Root of Evil in itself is accorded a unique place of hon- a recent lecture, this loyalty and nostalgia our at our tables, having a special bless- that they have for Iraq is due to the fact the Middle East ing, and by treating it as sacred. The that Iraq and not Palestine is the historic full grace after meals is recited only birthplace of the Jewish people. It was in he cause of the recent spate of terror- when bread has been eaten with the Ur that Abraham lived as head of a large Tism was neither Islam nor Israel. meal. and powerful tribe where he developed The cause is the surplus oil wealth that The aphrodisiac quality of wild wheat and propagated his belief in the One True finds its way, willy-nilly, into the hands prompted the story of the Fall which is God; it was in Babylon that the greater of adventurers (Nasser, Saddam, Arafat, often associated with the dawn of sexu- part of the Bible was recorded and where Farrakhan or Bin-Laden) bent on con- al awareness. In fact one of the opin- the Talmud was developed and became quest. ions in the Talmud states that the for- the foundation of Judaism. The arch-terrorists of today are not bidden food that Adam ate in the Nothing can illustrate better this close desperate, oppressed minorities fighting Garden of Eden was wheat. relationship between the Jews and Iraq for a cause. The aim of Palestinian fight- The story of Cain and Abel shows the than the story of Sara Manasseh who was ers is to conquer and then to liquidate the subsequent struggle between the two born and raised in India of Baghdadi State of Israel. In 1967 the Arabs had all factions – the old hunter and the revolu- Jewish parents, not having set foot in that they are pretending to be fighting tionary farmer. Indeed the story of the Iraq but continues to speak Arabic, as is for. They also rejected all reasonable Garden of Eden was the usual yearning practice of most Iraqi Jews living for offers of a peaceful solution ending with after “the good old days” whenever generations in diaspora. Ehud Barak's generous offer. Saddam people embark on a new venture or a Sara Manasseh devoted her life to the wants to dominate the Arabian Peninsula new way of life. study of Baghdadi Jewish folklore and and beyond. He stockpiles biological At the end of the Ice Age as the gla- singing for which she obtained a and chemical weapons to spread terror in ciers continued to retreat, the fauna that Master’s degree in London and went on the region, while starving his own popu- had been an important food supply for to form a group called “Rivers of lation. Bin Laden wants to topple the the hunters of the Old World became Babylon” singing in Hebrew and Arabic Saudi regime and had enough money to extinct. Mankind became more numer- the traditional melodies of Baghdadi employ German technicians to plan his ous and more active and craved for a Jews reflecting the musical talent of that spectacular attack on New York and new source of food. Adam’s cereal was community which after all was the foun- Washington. the answer and in search of suitably dation of Iraqi music. Solution? The Security Council, now watered fields man had to move north I was fortunate to attend a musical in happy unanimity, should appropriate where at the earliest known village of evening at a North London centre where all the mineral wealth of the world and Jarmo in the Kurdish foothills and I listened with admiration to the harmo- distribute it in a responsible manner for Jericho in Israel, the first farming com- nious outpouring tunes of their songs. the benefit of all mankind. Unfortunately, munities were established many thou- I could not help coming to the conclu- the surplus oil wealth has also been used sands of years ago. Today, two-thirds of sion that, rather than politics it is art and to influence the media into spreading pro- the food calories consumed by the especially music that manages to bring terrorist propaganda. ♦ human race is provided by cereals. communities and nations together. ♦

The Scribe No.75 24 The Jealousy of God he three monotheistic religions are in Either he is musing, or he is gone aside it natural that a religion should be exclu- Tbitter conflict. Jasper Griffin wonders [i.e., to relieve himself], or he is on a sive and intolerant of all others. It is per- whether the ancients were not wiser with journey, or peradventure he sleepeth, and haps well to be reminded that religions their polytheism. Ten years ago, Soviet must be awakened. The end of the story have flourished in the world which have communism collapsed. The familiar Cold is, of course, the discrediting of Baal and, been, in precisely this respect, very dif- War came to an end. The West might equally of course, the massacre of his ferent. In Japan, for instance, Buddhist have hoped that the world would no priests: and Taoist temples stand side by side in longer contain a powerful and implacable And Elijah said unto them, 'Take the harmony. 'And tell me,' I was asked at enemy. But Nature, once again, showed prophets of Baal; let not one of them such a complex site, 'about those people that she abhors a vacuum; and into the gap escape. 'And they took them; and Eljah in Northern Ireland: aren't they all left by the end of secular ideology stepped brought them down to the brook Kishon, Christians?' the struggle between religions. Islam, and slew them there. Judaism and the Christian (or post- There could be no pussyfooting ques- Naim Dangoor writes: Christian) West found themselves every- tion of tolerating other religions. As This article is a bit superficial. The where involved in conflict, bitterness and Elijah shouted to the people at the start of idea of monotheism – The One True God bloodshed: Orthodox Christians versus the showdown, 'How long halt ye – which may have started with Adam, Muslims in Yugoslavia; Protestants versus between two opinions? If the Lord be cannot allow other Gods at the same time. Catholics in Ulster; the rage of the Islamic God, follow him; but if Baal, follow him.' However, I maintain that The One True world against Israel; terrorists, religiously And the people, we read, 'answered not a God is the Sole God in His own creation. inspired, destroying the World Trade word'. Many of them, we suspect, would In an environment of infinity and eter- Centre; good old-fashioned wars of reli- have liked to have it both ways; but that nity, there may well be - in fact, there gion in Sudan, in Nigeria, in Indonesia; option was not on the table. When you must be – other Gods – more or less capa- the list is long, and it could be extended. played it with Yahweh, this was a zero- ble, in their own creations. And we cannot fail to notice that it is sum game. The limitations of God of the creation above all the great monotheistic religions Later on, it was the Greek gods with in which we live is obvious in that this whose followers behave in this way. whom the Hebrews had trouble. Judaea creation is short of being a paradise. ♦ It is difficult, at this point in the history fell under the rule of a successor kingdom of the world, to remember that exclusive to Alexander the Great, like everybody ℘℘℘℘℘℘ belief in one God is a plant of late and rare else in that part of the world, and King blooming. Monotheism is hammered Antiochus made a determined effort to The Truth About home insistently by the religions with get this tiresomely different community which we are familiar, those called by to practise the cult of the Greek deities Palestinians’ Origin Muslims the Religions of the Book; those, like civilised people, and (while they he Arabs have become so embold- that is to say, which grow from the root of were at it) to worship him, too; he Tened in their aggressive stance the Old Testament. The very first com- declared himself a god manifest, against Israel, that they now claim, and mandment given to Moses on Mount epiphanes. Predictable result: the revolt many of them believe, that 1) today’s Sinai is 'Thou shalt have none other gods of the Maccabees and an explosion of Palestinians are descendants of the origi- but me!' Christians and Muslims have nationalism and monotheism. By and by nal Canaanites; 2) that the Jewish pres- inherited that exclusive claim, and they the Romans tried something similar, with ence in Canaan was a passing phase – make it with the same fervour as the Jews; the same result. Refusal on the part of the here today, gone tomorrow; 3) that there although the God whom each group pro- Jews to tolerate worship either of Jupiter never was a Jewish or any other temple claims does indeed look somewhat differ- or of the emperor meant that Rome used on Temple Mount; 4) that the Jewish ent. repression and force, and that meant homeland is Iraq and not Palestine. The ancient Hebrews were surrounded revolt; and that, in the end, meant the by peoples with very different religious destruction of the Temple of Jerusalem, What are the facts? ideas. We hear most about the Philistines. and the loss, for many centuries, of the We hear of Moloch, to whom the national home. The million people that Moses led out Canaanites 'made their children pass We are so accustomed to monotheism of Egypt 3,500 years ago were mainly through the fire' in the grisly ritual of that we take it for granted. Only Canaanite migrant labourers with a child sacrifice, evidenced on sites from Hinduism, in the modern West, seems to nucleus of Israelites who had all been Lebanon to Tunisia by the discovery of present a radically different aspect, and enslaved by the Egyptians, (that is why the jars that contain the childish bones. that, with its gods and goddesses, and Moses had trouble with some of their We hear of Dagon, whose image fell on its even with animal forms, like elephant- rowdy elements). face when the Philistines were injudicious headed Ganesh, seems exotic and rather All these people spoke the language of enough to place in his temple the tem- quaint. That is the result of the astonish- Canaan which in due course became the porarily captured Hebrew Ark of the ing ascendancy and supremacy of the Hebrew language that we know today. Covenant; Dagon was found in the morn- three religions which derive from that of The Palestinians are descendants of the ing with his hands and head cut off. We the Hebrews, which have defeated and Arabs who came at the Moslem conquest hear of Baal, whom his prophets, chal- replaced the religions of the heathen, and in the seventh century. If they were the lenged to a public trial by Elijah, vainly which now wage war on each other; descendants of the original Canaanites called upon to manifest himself Elijah sometimes without hostility, but often they would be speaking Hebrew today made merry at their expense: with great cruelty. It follows that we think and not Arabic!♦ 25 The Scribe No.75 Letters to the Editor Story of Jacob Atrakchi Return to Iraq y name is Charly; I am the son of We didn't know what to do. We had a enjoyed very much the recent histori- MJacob Atrakchi who was killed in servant called Abas; my grandfather Ical article about the diary of a Jewish prison in Baghdad on November 1968. told him to go to the police and ask lady who re-visited Baghdad some 100 By accident I found your website, and I what happened with Jack Atrakchi. years ago. saw that you did “Azkara in After one hour he returned back and I have been actively writing on the net Memoriam” for the Jews who were told us that they took him away to for several years about the necessity of killed in Iraq in January 1969. Baghdad. the return of the 400,000 Iraqi Jews to I started looking for my father’s We didn't hear from him until one day Iraq from Israel, but I was very disap- name, Jacob Atrakchi, but unfortunate- we hear on the radio "The Iraqi govern- pointed by the directions of your maga- ly I didn’t find it. I don’t know from ment captured Israeli spy network and zine, which still believes that Israel is a where The Scribe got the names. we will put them on trial”. After some good and right thing. Jews in Europe This is how they arrested my father. days we started hearing the sessions of have developed a much better under- We lived in Basra – the southern city of the "spy network trial" which most of standing about Israel and its duty in this Iraq - about 20 Jewish families lived them were Jewish people. At the trial world. Facts are by now clear to every there. It was Friday morning, 4 they accused my father Yacov Atrakchi wise Jew that this project was a trap October at 6.30 after the Jewish holi- as the communication man with radio rather than a solution, customised by the days (Rosh Hashana and Soucot). transmission (at this point we realised same non-believers in Christianity, with Three civilian people knocked at the why they brought a mine detector to non-believers in Judaism (Zionists) to door asking to enter. They claimed that our home". serve some post with business set-ups they were from “Istechbarat” - These were a dark age of our life. We than any religious base. I wish that Iraqi Intelligence - and looking for Yacov were afraid to go out from home; in Jews be more aware of the big plot that Atrakchi. (You have to remember: some cases when we went out to school European Jews started to realise. Many Friday is a holiday and there is no we supposed to go back home early balanced articles were written about the school for us - I was 11 years old). I because they (the authority) are follow- 1941 Farhood. Closing eyes on those remember that I woke up at the crying ing us. This trial took about two and stopping right at any event without of my mother Albertine, my grand- months and almost every day we heard giving it a second thought is very disap- mother Lulu, my grandfather Shimon on the radio these sessions of the trial pointing. and my grandmother Sabiha. They and found how they were liars. We I do not see why should you mix begged the man not to take my father to heard the voices of all people except between Israel and Iraqi Jews. Israel is prison. The three people sat in the my father’s voice. After these two currently 60% non-Jewish by popula- salon and soon another two army peo- months we heard that they sentenced tion. Iraqi Jews are simply Iraqis. ♦ ple entered with a mine detector look- nine Jewish people by hanging. At this ing for something. We didn't know time they claimed that Yacov Atrakchi Sumerian what happened and what they were ran away from the prison and they sen- [email protected] looking for. The senior man (fat one) tenced him to death in absentia. started telling us not to worry: "We will One day we heard from Yehezkel ℘℘℘℘℘℘ take him (my father) for two hours only Zilkha (brother of Naji Zilkha who was - just asking some questions and he will hanged) that he saw my father at the return back". prison of Baghdad, and that it is impos- By the waters of Babylon He also started telling us "Look how sible somebody can run away from am the editor of The Jewish nice you are living here, unlike the there. IObserver, Los Angeles. I am putting Palestinian people - I just returned from After some days the authority came together a small piece on The Jews of the eastern border (Iraqi army joined and took our car, closed our office; they Babylon and ran across your website the Jordanians in the Six Day War and sent us from our home claiming it was and hence the above-referenced article. fought at the eastern border), the part of the spy network money. Although I cannot offer any financial Palestinians living in the camps with no Meanwhile we lived at my grandfa- contribution for its use, our readers, I water; I also suffered from the Israeli ther’s home. My mother decided to run feel, will be better educated and aeroplane bombing". away from Iraq (we were seven chil- enlightened as to the history on After the army people finished dren) and on August 10 1971 we Babylonian Jews, so with your permis- checking and found nothing, they left arrived in Israel. sion, may our paper use the article? our home by taking my father with Unfortunately one of my brothers In the interim, if you care to visit our them and this was the last time I saw Albert was killed in Cairo, Egypt while website, it is located at: ♦ my father, still the senior man saying serving at the Israeli Embassy. ♦ don't worry he will be back soon (my mother gave my father a small bag with Charly Atrakchi Thank you. clothes and a towel etc., and still beg- Israel Liz Reuben ging the senior man to leave without my father). [email protected] The Jewish Observer, Los Angeles

The Scribe No.75 26 Questions about the Exilarchs hank you for your copy of your cor- Trespondence with the BBC. y name is Brandon Curtis. I was The office is backed by The Exilarch's Protests such as yours from individuals Mjust curious if it would be possible Foundation, a charitable establishment, are truly necessary and most valuable in to get a copy of the genealogy of the to which Mr Dangoor has endowed £25 our fight against the bias of organisa- Exilarchs of Babylon as far back as you million. tions such as the BBC. have records. I have back to Exilarch Please refer to Issue No. 74 (now in its Hanini David dating around 590 c.e. My 31st year) on where Jo Wagerman OBE family history is very important to me you will find correspondence between and I would like to learn more about David Hughes, a reader and the Editor, President – The Board of Deputies of those that came before me. Any informa- relating to this subject. British Jews tion would be much appreciated. Thank After 100 or more generations the You. genes of David are so diluted that they Scribe: become universal and meaningless. [email protected] None of the old family trees claimed The correspondence appeared in The today can be said to be authentic without Scribe 74, page 13. ♦ Scribe: any reasonable doubt. Please send your records beforehand. ♦ 2nd letter: y name is Aric Lapter. I’m 25 The book I am currently working on have been researching the Davidic years old, a racing driver from Tel will focus on the history and genealogy M descent of the European Royal Aviv, Israel. I intend to be the first I of the House of David beginning with Families for many year. Zuckerman Israeli racing driver ever to get to King David until the last of the Judean claims that Machir is Natronai. Formula One. I would like to invite you Kings (Part 1), a look at the Exilarch’s However the old Jewish sources say that to visit my web site: and the Nesiim in Judea (part 2). Finally Machir’s father was the Exilarch Judah. a look at the the latter day Davidic fami- He is also known as Zakkai ben Ahunai. lies. Another section will deal with the His brother was Gershom ben Judah who gentile royal families who claim Davidic I was wondering if you could write was called Girart de Vienne in the chan- descent such as the British Royal house about me in your journal and in that sons. Their sister called Bertrade was as well as the Ethiopian Royal family way helping me to find sponsors for my the mother of Charlemagne. Their moth- (which claims descent of Menelik, son of racing? ♦ er Sussannah was known as Solomon and the Queen of Sheba). Blanchefleur. I am not trying to represent any partic- Sincerely yours ular point of view (other maybe than to Athol Bloomer Aric Lapter show the fulfillment of the Biblical [email protected] promise that the House of David shall [email protected] never whither). The book is meant for scholar and layman alike. I am actually Scribe: currently in touch with Susan Roth who read the article “Jewish Role in Iraqi All this has now been superceded by heads an organisation whose purpose is IMusic” in “The Scribe”. I am writing the modern Exilarch declaring himself as to gather all the descendants of David for permission to re-publish it in such. ♦ together I am also in touch with Yosef Dayan, a 21000000.htm member of the Davidic Dayan family of am currently in the midst of writing a Syrian Jewish origin. If you wish to publish some other Ibook in Hebrew on the Dividic About my own Genealogy, I have dis- articles on music in the Musical dynasty; a panaromic look at the Davidic covered that my family is descended of Confrontations, I’ll be very glad. Kings, the Exilarchs of Babylonia and the Rabbi Jonah Teumim Fraenkel, a Naturally I’ll make a link to “The Patriarchs of Israel. Any info you have renowned Polish Rabbi who was Scribe”. ♦ on the subject would be much appreciat- descended of Rashi (who was of the seed ed. of Hillel the Prince). I am also descend- G Schachiner ed of the Bohemian sage Rabbi Lowe the [email protected] Yoel Weisberger elder who was directly descended of Rav Sherira Gaon who wrote in his famous Igeret that he is of the family of the Scribe: Exilarchs and of the seed of David. I The line of Babylonian Exilarchs came hope to list my entire genealogy on my he Scribe is all that is left of our ♦ to an end in 1270 following the destruc- website sometime in the near future. TIraqi Diaspora. tion of the Abbassid Empire by the I would appreciate if you can send me Moguls 12 years earlier. However, the any materials that may aid me in my Sami Sourani office has been revived 700 years later in research. ♦ [email protected] 1970 by Naim Dangoor in the new dis- persion of Babylonian Jewry. Yoel Weisberger

27 The Scribe No.75 Corrida in Baghdad! Memories from David Cohen very Summer Spanish cities put up a Estrange kind of sport called Corrida in which a large number of bulls are let loose in the streets chasing a large crowd of young men running before them. The bulls mean no harm and would only attack people who interfere with them. I was reminded of a similar incident that I experienced in Baghdad eighty years ago, when I read an article about it in an Arabic book “Baghdad in the Twenties” by Abbas Baghdadi. In 1921 King Feisal newly installed as King of Iraq was living in temporary accommodation in the Saray of Baghdad when Jewish schools sent their boy scouts in their hundreds to offer greeting to the King. At the same time a buffalo cow was providing milk for the Royal residence and run amok at the noise of the singing and clapping of the children, who in turn David Cohen(right) with Mr Yitshak Navon (left) and Dr Mansour Nourallah (centre). became frightened. There was pandemo- have the pleasure to introduce myself Dr Nourallah, who was a very socia- nium when the children and their masters to your good person and thank you ble person, wrote a lot of his experi- started fleeing in all directions. I noticed I for The Scribe card duly received. The ences and memories which happened to Albert Heskel Basri, a relative older than Scribe is a highly interesting magazine him in his life, covering jokes and short me who protected me until order was for me to read. As such I am enclosing stories. His son, the late Dr Mansour restored when the buffalo was shot. herewith a US$20.00 cash note in pay- Nourallah, gathered all these memories The following year Feisal moved to the ment for the copy of the coming “Rosh of his late father and printed them out refurbished country house of Shaoul Hashanah” issue. in a book which I take pleasure in send- Shashoua on the road to Adhamiya which The undersigned is a past member of ing you under separate cover a copy of. became the Royal Palace for the next ten the Histadruth Management Body, also I hope you’ll enjoy reading it. years where he stayed till 1927 when the a member in the “WOJAC” manage- In Israel, the late Dr Mansour whole estate was flooded by the River ment organisation. At “WOJAC” Nourallah, who was attached to the Tigris and the King had to move again to Congress held in Paris in 1975 and at Histadruth Organisation, followed his another Jewish estate, that of Senator the “WOJAC” Congress held in father’s tradition. He was highly Menahem Daniel near the South Gate of London at the year 1983, I had the esteemed and loved by the Iraqi com- Baghdad. pleasure to meet you in person (if you munity, who used to attend to him for remember) in my capacity as a member medical treatment. Abdullah Dangoor in the aforesaid organisation. In view of the foregoing, I would be London My engagement in the Histadruth highly obliged to you if you will insert was for a long time, during which I the attached picture, a historical one, in your coming “Rosh Hashanah” issue of Naim Dangoor writes: befriended prominent personalities in the Israeli Government and in particu- The Scribe, and thank you so much in I remember making a similar visit in lar, I mention Mr Yitshak Navon was so advance for this favour. 1923 in the company of all the Jewish intimate that he graciously agreed to boy scouts to pay homage to the King in have a photo with me and with the late David Cohen his new Palace. Dr Mansour Nourallah (a good friend Bnei Brak, Israel In 1924 I attended a Boy Scout of mine); in the left side of the picture Jamboree in the Qushla in the company the ex-President, Mr Yitshak Navon of my grandfather who was Chief Rabbi. appears, in the midst the late Dr Reply: We were seated in the front row, a few Mansour Nourallah and at the right side Thank you for your letter which is seats away from the King. appears the undersigned. The late receiving attention. The reason why I am against bull fight- father of Dr Mansour Nourallah, the The current issue (no. 75) will soon ing is that when the bulls appear in the late Dr Nourallah who died in Baghdad be on the internet at arena, they are not in a fighting mood; in the year 1953, was a very well- and a print-out they think they are going to play a game. known person in the Baghdadi society will probably be available later this After repeated provocations and stab- for his kind and helpful attitude to the year, a copy of which will be sent to bings, they fall down feeling cheated. sick, poor and needy persons who used you. Thank you for the book of jokes Apart from cruelty to animals, bullfight- to flock to his clinic throughout the which appears to be the same as the ing is not an honest sport. ♦ period of his life. original I had many years ago. ♦

The Scribe No.75 28 Update of the Dangoor The Custom of Tashlich Jerusalem – Al Kuds Family Tree recently was in Bombay for the high r Arafat and other Palestinian offi- was very pleased to see the Dangoor Iholidays last year. I have a question Mcials deny a Jewish relationship to Ifamily tree, and I am certain it was a regarding the practice of Tashlich for the Jerusalem. That is contrary to the facts: tremendous project to complete. While Baghdadi community there. As I Jerusalem is never mentioned in the reviewing the family tree I noticed that observed, the congregation went to the Koran. Jerusalem is mentioned in Jewish only my uncle Shaul was noted as a gateway of India and recited the appro- prayers three times daily. It is mentioned descendant of Haron. My father, Jacob priate prayers, then the Hazan waved a every time a Jew eats, and on every and my Uncle Haim were omitted. Here white handkerchief in the air rather than happy occasion, as when a child is born, is my update of this section of the family the typical emptying of one's pockets and particularly at weddings when a tree, which will include the grand-grand- using breadcrumbs. My question is, glass is broken by the groom to demon- children of Haron Dangoor. where does this practice originate? What strate our sorrow for the ancient destruc- was the practice back in Baghdad? tion of Jerusalem. Update of the family tree: I am currently writing an MA thesis on The Moslems pray towards Mecca the full High Holidays practices of the even when they are in Jerusalem. The # 68 Haron had 3 Sons as follows: Bene Israel and Baghdadi Jews in Christians never pray towards Jerusalem. #137 Shaul, Haim and Yakob Bombay, so any information you can No other religion in the world prays Haim had one son Miki (died in a car provide would be greatly appreciated. towards Jerusalem or for Jerusalem. No accident in May 1996) other religion or nation took an oath “if I Yakob has one son -Isaac (that's me) forget thee Jerusalem let my right arm Yale Needel I have two sons Joseph and Moshe. ♦ wither, let my tongue get stuck into my throat if I forget thee”. Isaac Dangoor Reply by Dr Sara Manasseh: The name, “Al Kuds” is a Hebrew name, taken from the Jewish name for Los Angeles, California From what I understand about the Jerusalem “Ir Ha Kodesh” (the Holy Baghdad tradition in India: our custom is ℘℘℘℘℘℘ city). Ha Kodesh has “Ha” as an article not to throw breadcrumbs as we follow (in English “the”) and in Arabic “Al” and used to receive The Scribe regularly. I the opinion that we may not feed the fish “Kodesh” which means “Holy” in received a postcard that it has gone in the sea on Yom Tob. Many Hassidim I Hebrew and was adapted as “Kuds” in online. Please keep me informed of are of the same opinion and do not do it Arabic. The reason the Arabs adopted future issues. either. the Hebrew name “Al Kuds” is that the I have been coming to London every Also, I understand that we would sim- first Khalif after the prophet Mohamad, couple of years, working for Chemical ply wave the bottom of the jacket (near Abu Bakr Al Saddik, who was a Jewish Abstracts Service. I have been visiting the front, where the pockets are) symbol- convert, (Saddik is a Hebrew name Samir and Gracy Tricot and Latif and ically, but without actually emptying which means righteous) ordered Khalid Samira Balass. I love seeing my class- them out. Ibn Al Walid to liberate Jerusalem from mates from Frank Iny, Sabah Gabbay, I have not heard about the custom the Byzantines at the request of the Jews Emil Cohen, Eli Timman, etc. regarding the handkerchief. and thus he called it Al Kuds as he was My son, David Bernstein, is the I hope this is helpful. ♦ Director of the American Jewish accustomed to call it in Hebrew. ♦ Committee in Washington DC. He came across this site of Jews from Baghdad Dr Sara Manasseh Professor Heskel M Haddad 1960-1970 vintage. I graduated from New York Baghdad University, Kuliat Al-Aloom in chemistry. I was first in my class. It was mighty hard to get a visa to the U.S., but Ambulances for Israel somehow I was very lucky. My brother rom its single ambulance in 1930, borns. In addition, there are also 25 had graduated from Al-Hikma Univ, so FMDA now has a fleet of over 700 mobile field dressing stations which are he was established here. I left Iraq Oct modern lifesaving vehicles serving the deployed in major disasters and 20 10, 1963. My mother came to live with whole of Israel. Most of the ambulances bloodmobiles for the collection of blood me in 1971. I married an American and are attached to MDA First Aid Stations donations in the field. have not looked back, neither do I want with other stationed in villages, kibbut- to look back at some of the terror we zim, major public places and isolated Standard Ambulance: $ 56,800 ea endured. border settlements. 4x4 Standard Ambulance: $ 61,600 ea Now, I feel as if I had not escaped! The MDA aims to provide an ambulance Bullet-proof Ambulance: $180,000 ea damn long arm of the terrorists have for every type of medical emergency. In reached our tranquil country. I hope we addition to the standard ambulances, Scribe: there is a fleet of Mobile Intensive Care Americans can finally give a blow to We are informed by Magen David (MICU) vehicles. These are for the these bastards. ♦ Adom that American Ambulances are treatment of heart attacks and serious preferred to British-made because of road traffic accidents with one spe- Amira S. Bernstein uniformity with other Ambulances in cialised neonatal intensive care unit for service in Israel and also of spare parts Ohio, USA the transfer of premature high-risk new- being more readily available in Israel. ♦ [email protected] 29 The Scribe No.75 have discovered - and read - with great is no point in my asking members of am unable to read on-line or download Iexcitement your on-line magazine, The Moor Lane about Iraqi material. Iand print the recent issue of “The Scribe. Is it available in "hard copy"? For I have already attempted this path. Scribe”. I felt a real loss when you my part, I am Jewish but not Iraqi, Believe me, there's no point. decided to discontinue the printed jour- although I have been very influenced by I am not contacting you out of total nal and opted for internet publishing. We “input" from certain Iraqi & Iranian ignorance. I genuinely wish to obtain spent hours trying to print the last issue sources and would like to deepen my more material regarding Iraqi nusach and and failed miserably but who can really understanding of Iraqi tradition, especial- I would be grateful if you could help. I sit in front of the computer screen and ly with a view to following it myself, so am not looking for generic "Sephardi" read 83 pages? I can understand that the far as I am able. Is there anywhere I material. I have no need to. cost of producing and mailing the journal might obtain tapes (especially of daven- became prohibitive and I, for one, would ing, etc) or any other useful material? Michael Paysden be very happy to take out a subscription At present, I am living - with my wife and send in dues. It is well worth it. [email protected] & children - in North Manchester, which You have done a remarkable job at - as you probably know - is heavily bringing us together through the printed Charedi/Ashkenazi. However, I'm told Reply: journal. I consider it to have a priceless that somewhere in Manchester there is - You could try: historical value in the tradition of our or was - an Iraqi community, although oral teachings and relating our unique nobody I have spoken to here in the Babylonian Jewry Heritage Centre experiences. "North" seems to know much about it.... OR YEHUDA It is also a great source of pride for our I would be extremely grateful for any 83 M Ben-Porat Avenue Baghdadi Jews who have picked up their help or suggestions you might be able to Or Yehuda 60261 lifes’ threads and continue to flourish all offer, and, once again, congratulations on Israel over the world. Not to mention a glori- such an excellent publication! ous testimony for our community. Tel No: 00 9723 533 9278 Michael Paysden Samira Galler (née Balass) They have tapes, cassettes and videos New York Reply: which may be of interest to you. ♦ Thank you for your comments on The ℘℘℘℘℘℘ Reply: Scribe. You could contact - It is not a matter of printing cost; we hank you so much for sharing with have to move with the times. Manchester Congregation of Spanish & me your thoughts about Adam. T As well as the internet download, we Portuguese Jews., Your ideas make a coherent and con- offer a colour print-out version. The cost 18 Moor Lane vincing story that accords reasonably of a print-out is £10 or US $20 which Salford well with the scientific evidence. If I includes postage and packing. Cheques M7 OWX understood you correctly, it all started should be made payable to "The about 10,000 years ago, at the end of the Exilarch's Foundation" and sent to: Tel No: 0161 792 7406 last Ice Age, when men migrated from Africa to Aden. The Scribe Further enquiry: In Aden, they first started to cultivate 4 Carlos Place wild wheat, to herd animals and to live in Thank you for your reply. Mayfair settlements. This marked a distinct surge I am already familiar with "Sha'arei London in cultural and technological progress Tefilla", the shul in Moor Lane that you W1K 5AW that culminated in the building of cities refer to, and I sometimes daven there. ENGLAND and the invention of writing about 5,000 However, although the shul officially years ago. follows the "Florentine rite" of Italy, its Mr Dangoor feels that the service When water became too scarce in nusach is heavily shaped by a mixture of which The Scribe gave on behalf of the Aden to support the growing population, influences from Morocco & Gilbraltar, Baghdadi Jews has come to an end. The men migrated up the two opposing coasts together with a generic "Anglo- material has become history and does not of the Arabian peninsula. This accords Ashkenazi/Sephardi" mood. This is not need to continue. As far as providing a with old traditions picked up by the pre- meant as a criticism, but you will be well medium of communication between Islamic Arabs. aware of the differences in pronunciation members of the community worldwide, Looking back to the heroic age, early and general nusach that will exist this can be done much better by means of men called its leader Adam, and gave between this shul and an Iranian or Iraqi the internet. him the title of the first man. This was shul that has not become too "angli- echoed by the Torah when it describes cised". Second letter: God as breathing the breath of life, or a So far as any knowledge of other com- soul, into Adam. I am delighted to receive my computer munities is concerned, I'm afraid that the I hope that is a fair summary. ♦ print-out of The Scribe. Thank you ever general mood of Manchester is to have so much for all you do... little interest in anything that does not Lucien Gubbay Yeteek Eeefee ou La-Yechleek directly affect it within a tiny geographic May God give you strength, protect limit. Each "group" keeps to itself. There London you and keep you. ♦

The Scribe No.75 30 Who was behind the Holocaust? Kadoorie Family read The Scribe occasionally, after hav- this, or is it instinct that leads you to make he Kadoorie family are trying to dis- Iing come across it on the Internet. I usu- this claim? Tcover their antecedents and how they ally find it to be insightful. In this issue, I am curious to hear your reactions. came to arrive in China during the late 19th however, you make a claim that seems Century. You have the most marvellous very extreme: David Sussman photos of that era but you may not have any "I can go further and say that the Second records to throw light on the family's back- World War was engineered or manoeuvred ground. Reply: into being by the oil interest of the West in It is thought that there were 7 Kadoorie order to get rid of the Jews of Europe in the We believe in it and it is not for effect. brothers in Baghdad of whom 2 remained mistaken belief that they would thus save The evidence is everywhere – the White behind while the others left for India. the vast oil reserves of the Middle East Paper of 1939 that stopped Jewish emigra- Ezekiel, the oldest, it is thought joined from falling into the hands of a new Zionist tion to Palestine, the refusal to accept David Sassoon in Calcutta in 1870 before state populated by East European Jews who Jewish refugees by all the countries of the asking 3 younger brothers to join him over were regarded as Communist sympathis- world (except Shanghai), the Mufti’s secret the next 10 years. Moses (possibly Silas ers." (page 20, issue 73) double agent intrigues with Hitler, the sink- Moses), Elly (Eliezer) and Ellis. Were you just saying this for effect, or do ing of refugees trying to reach Palestine, the Elly left for Hong Kong - aged 15 - arriv- you actually believe this? Do you really refusal to bomb the death camps, the delay ing there on 20th May 1880. After several think that the Western nations felt threat- in opening the second front, Britain’s post- years with the Sassoons (E D Sassoon & ened enough by Zionism to a) condone war continuing anti-Jewish policy. If you Co) mainly in the Northern Treaty ports, he genocide of the European jews and b) host want to research for more concrete evi- borrowed $100 from Ellis and set up the a World War? Do you have any evidence of dence please do so. ♦ broking firm of Benjamin, Kelly & Potts in Hong Kong. Britain and the Holocaust If you can add anything to this, we would be most grateful. ou have provided in page 11/issue 74, As a London University student in the Y“Was Britain Actively Involved in the early thirties, I was tormented by wonder- Frances Mocatta Holocaust?” An introduction to the com- ing why Hitler was allowed to re-arm plexity of the affiars of the British Germany while the free world was just London Government with some of your remarks looking on doing nothing. During that regarding the Holocaust. period, Hitler could have been knocked Scribe: There is a big wisdom in the saying: down with a feather, but the allies never In 1959 the graves from the four Jewish “Life must be lived forward, but can be bothered to take the opportunity. cemeteries were transferred to an interna- understood backwards”. I would like to My own teenage assessment at the time tional cemetery in a western suburb of the mention that in the preface to his World was that either the Allies wanted to finish city. War II Memoirs, Sir Winston Churchill told off the First World War or that they wanted With the on-set of the Cultural of a conversation with President Roosevelt to give Hitler the opportunity and the cover Revolution (1966-1976), gravestones were in which he was asked to suggest what the of war to annihilate the Jews of Europe. uprooted, some smashed, and other war should be called. Churchill replied that The reasons for that was two-fold: the Jews removed entirely. The sites of the cemeter- it should be called the Unnecessary War, for of Eastern Europe were regarded as a com- ies became parking lots, parks, and a “there never was a war more easy to stop munist threat and Britain regarded them cement factory. Only four Jewish graves than that which had wrecked what was left also as a Zionist threat to its interests in the remained undisturbed – those of deceased of the world from the previous struggle.” Middle East. luminaries Sir Elly Kadoorie, his wife In the event, the only outstanding out- Lady Laura Kadoorie, Charles Aharon, and Edward Yamen come of the second World War, was the Yosef Sasson – in the famous cemetery that Holocaust. also houses Soong Ching Ling, now the The recent foolish remarks by Mrs Blair, Naim Dangoor writes: Soong Ching Ling Memorial Park. wife of the Prime Minister demonstrate the The Kadoories need not only to look to Why then was this Unnecessary War deep hatred and hypocrisy of the British the past but also to look to the future and allowed to take place? establishments towards Israel. ♦ establish a sumptuous Iraqi Community Centre in London to commemorate their Calcutta Synagogues name. ♦ ast week I toured Magen David and of these magnificent buildings in a few LBeth El in Calcutta. It was hard to find years? It would be a shame if they were salute you on your latest issue 74, and caretakers but finally (in both cases) I was lost. As both are in quite good condition, II enjoyed the pointed communication able to have a tour. Caretakers are old would I be correct in assuming there are you have sent the BBC regarding their Muslims who only speak Urdu but they are trust funds for maintenance? ♦ infamous programme. loyal and quite knowledgeable. It appears Fred Chitayat the two buildings are used alternate weeks. Gary Richmond Magen David is an absolutely magnificent Montreal Vancouver structure – in light of the age and size of the [email protected] Calcutta community, what will be the fate [email protected]

31 The Scribe No.75 The Bondage in Egypt and Anti-Semitism Today Buddhist Statues

ow and why did Jews happen to Persecution and Anti-Semitism always enjoy The Scribe, and I should come under the bondage of Egypt? Ilike to thank you for producing it. The H “How odd of God to choose the Jews” Also, why the century after century of articles are invariably fascinating. goes the rhyme, and some answer by persecution? What started the whole However, I do not think your comments saying it is not so odd as those who thing and why does it continue to this on the destruction of the Buddhist statues choose a Jewish God and spurn the day; this whole anti-Semitism thing? in Afghanistan are helpful (Scribe 74, p. Jews. 28). I do not think that simply because Jews liked to believe that the Holy the statues 'offend the followers of Patricia Stone One, Blessed Be He chose us from monotheism' they deserve to be amongst all the nations just like that, destroyed. and this is reflected in all our blessings. Answer from the Editor: There are many things we can choose However the Talmudic who to find offensive if we take certain texts Your enquiry consists of two ques- became more mature in Babylon, did too literally, or are feeling intolerant - pig tions – the bondage in Egypt and anti- not like the idea that the Jews were cho- farms, churches, different branches of the Semitism. sen as an act of favouritism without any Jewish religion, for example - but we do merit, and they advanced the theory that not destroy them. We recognise that The Bondage in Egypt the Torah was first offered to the peace and tolerance are ends in them- nations of the world who rejected it The River Nile provided Egypt with a selves. Anyway, I question whether the when they read the small print! It was more or less reliable source of irrigation statues are offensive to us at all. The only then that the Almighty turned to but it needed labourers to bring the Buddhists do not worship them, any the fledgling nation of Israelites and water up from the river. Canaan, on the more than we worship pictures of our offered them the Torah. They asked other hand, was mainly irrigated by rain- family. [Some of our sages consider any how much it cost and when told it was water which was not labour-intensive representations of the human form to be free they all said together, we will take but the trouble there was the droughts offensive!] it, without bothering to read the small that occurred from time to time. You are correct to say that Buddhism print. In years of famine many people is thriving: one reason that it is enjoying What was then in the small print? It migrated from Canaan to Egypt where popularity amongst many people is that it was the conditions that as Chosen there was a sizeable migrant communi- is a philosophy of acceptance and toler- People we have to suffer for God, the ty in the Delta, in the north of the coun- ance. ♦ wickedness of mankind . For mankind try. When Jacob and his tribes went to is wicked. We are in paradise and we Egypt in a period of famine they too set- Ronnie Horesh have made a mess of it. But who can tled in Goshen in the Delta region. At blame us, who are created in God’s that time Jacob’s son, Joseph, was the ℘℘℘℘℘℘ image? It is as simple as that and the Viceroy of Egypt. It was he who turned result is that the sufferings we undergo the Hebrews and the rest of the popula- The Talibans from anti-Semitism is no doubt the tion into slaves of Pharaoh! Whenever result of the wickedness of mankind. from Elchanan Pels, Jerusalem Jews attain high office they become What is the evidence that the Torah plus royalistes que le roi – more royal- was first offered to the Gentiles? At one ist than the king. And so it was that saw an article about the Taliban in the time Pharaoh Akhenaton, influenced by Joseph hatched up his 14 year plan to IIsraeli weekly Mekor Rishon the tradition of Joseph, introduced cover the grain market, filling up the 12.10.2001. monotheism into Egypt by making the stores in the 7 years of plenty, and sell- I found the apparent connection to the sun disc, which is the undisputed source ing the grain at exorbitant prices in the Jewish people most interesting. 12 mil- of all life, as the one God but he was 7 years of famine. Such an activity is lion people divided into 60 tribes and sub- overthrown by the powerful Egyptian illegal nowadays but in those days it tribes. A book by the late President Ben priesthood. However, it appears that was deemed to be very clever. At the Zvi and the research of Rabbi Avichail Mer Nephta was himself inclined to end of the 14 years all the people of shed interesting light on this subject. monotheism. That is why he saw Moses Egypt had sold first their cattle, then Many use the name Israel. Some of the several times and it appears that at these their land, then themselves, in order to tribes call themselves Efraim (Ha’afridi), meetings Moses tried to convince the get sustenance. Reuven (Rabani), Asher (Ashri), etc. King to accept monotheism but he was After Joseph’s period was past, a new They grow sidelocks (in Kedusha) – have again ruled out by the powerful priest- nationalist Pharaoh (Ramesis I) who a talit with fringe they use for prayer, Brit hood. When Moses finally said good- started the 19th dynasty came to the Mila on the eighth day – Mikve for bye to the King telling him we are going throne. He released all the Egyptians women of Nida, “Yibum”, Chuppa, to worship our God, the King told from slavery but kept the Jews in Shabbat is called AL HAFTA = Holy Moses “Bless me also”. bondage for many years until the end of Day. They light candles on Friday How odd of God to choose the Jews? the long reign of Ramesis II and the evening, drink wine (forbidden by It is not so odd. coming to the throne of his son, Mer Islam), on Shabbat they don’t work or The Jews chose God. Nephta, when Moses returned to Egypt cook...... They have Yovel (50 years). Slaves we were to Pharoah in Egypt and demanded from Pharaoh “Let my They say “we were Jews – when and slaves we remain, to a Higher people go”. The rest is history. Moshiach comes we shall return to the Authority. ♦ Holy Land and be Jews.”♦

The Scribe No.75 32 Hazon Yeshaya: Hot Meals To Israel’s Neediest

t was a cold, rainy day in November in meals are all under the Badatz hechsher Dear HH The Exilarch Ithe beginning of the winter. Rabbi and distributed with the proper dignity. Abraham Israel was crossing a main street As if he didn’t have enough worthy Shalom! in Jerusalem. A young woman, partially recipients, he was asked one day to pro- With much gratitude to the Al-Mighty disabled, was trying to cross the street vide meals to destitute orphans and to and with great pride, we celebrated unsuccessfully. Rabbi Abraham helped abused children. He looked at his bank recently the Bar/Bat Mitzvah of 54 won- her to cross the street and took her home. account, an overdraft that seemed to derful children as seen in the photograph When they reached her apartment, Rav approach the national debt; he looked at (below left). Abraham was utterly shaken. The apart- his resources, stretched to the very limits, These children came from Afulah and ment was hardly fit for a human being to and undaunted he said “yes”. Knowing Gan Yavneh. We started the day by pray- live in. Realising the situation, Rabbi that it would be difficult if not impossible ing at the Kotel (the Wailing Wall); then Abraham left the apartment and returned a to meet such a request, as not a “gush” we gave them a tour of Jerusalem, fol- short while later with a hot meal. It was would be available from government lowed by a luncheon in a banquet hall her first hot meal in a long time she said, sources, he went ahead anyway. Not only with delicious food, music and gifts. No thanking him profusely. The woman also did he add these young people to the words can adequately describe the joy told him that she had friends who were ever-growing list of those to be fed, but these kids had. Something that will no worse off than her. also every month he organises a Bar and doubt accompany them throughout their This spurred Rabbi Abraham to action. Bat Mitzvah celebration at the Kotel for lifetime. The next day, he organised a free soup those youngsters who would not other- A second group of 52 children will cel- kitchen. Word of the hot meals spread. wise celebrate their entrance into the age ebrate in September. Those friends had friends of their own of adult responsibility. The credit goes entirely to you. who, in turn, had their own friends. And Today, Hazon Yeshaya serves over 700 Without your financial assistance, we all of them seemed to be in the same des- hot meals daily and is deeply in debt. As would never be able to help the unfortu- titute circumstances. It didn’t take very the economy in Israel worsens and the nate in Israel, who in essence are our long before several hundred meals were number of “clients” rises, help is needed. brothers and sisters. Please accept the being served every day. Donations to be sent to gratitude of the thousands who are The people who receive these meals receiving our assistance day in and day come from the four corners of the world: Hazon Yeshaya, out. North Africa, Turkey, America, Ethiopia, 13 Alfrandri Street, the former Soviet Union, the Moslem P O Box 57270, Abraham Israel Asian republics, and the Holocaust sur- Jerusalem, 91571, Hazon Yeshaya vivors of Europe. All are unquestionably Israel. Jerusalem, Israel in need of help and Rav Abraham thought Tel/Fax: 972 2 500 2627 to himself that he would provide it as long [email protected] The Exilarch’s Foundation is financ- as God gives him the strength and sends ing an additional programme being charitable people to provide the means. Yeshaya is a recognised charity in the carried out by Hazon Yeshaya, of offer- There are charedi and non-religious “cus- United States, England and Israel. Please ing rice and lentils cooked in oil at half tomers” at Hazon Yeshaya. Of course the visit website: the cost price to all comers. ♦ ℘℘℘℘℘℘

The Dangoor River t a recent visit to Chad by Colonel AQadhafi, he discussed with Chad’s President Idris Daby the need for closer co-operation between the two countries and for achieving the unity of the whole African continent. Qadhafi said, Chad has a great potential for the production of oil, in addition to that Chad is a fertile land and includes water. We are going to estab- lish a project on the Dangoor River which came from Central Africa to the Sharry River to connect the two rivers together for a distance of 50 km. In this the pipes of the Great man-made River in the Great Jamahiriya will be used in order to allow the water to reach to the Chad Lake, which is required in order to change its Children supported by Hazon Yeshaya celebrating their Bar/Bat Mitzvahs water to avoid any damage to it.♦ 33 The Scribe No.75 Morris S Chitayat Exhibition of work by Edward Hillel in Manchester our website is marvellous. Thank Edward Hillel was born in Iraq and Yyou for the devoted work you con- divides his time between Montreal, New tinue to do for our community. York and Paris. His multi-disciplinary As suggested to me by several of your work is exhibited and published widely readers, I am enclosing a Press Release and includes photography, video, audio, about my upcoming exhibition at the objects and installations. In 1999, Hillel Manchester Art Gallery. was awarded the German Critics' God bless. Association Visual Arts Prize after pre- senting four exhibitions in Berlin and an Edward Hillel installation in the Museum of Modern Art, Weimar. [email protected] For further information and images, please contact Kim Gowland, Edward Hillel Manchester Art Gallery on Tel 0161 235 Coming Soon... 8861 or email [email protected] 13 July - 1 September 2002 ♦ Opening: 11 July, 2002 6 - 9 p.m. ℘℘℘℘℘℘ Edward Hillel's project Coming Soon... is an intimate installation which deals Sixty Generations Roots to with ideas of memory and landscape. Babylon The subject of the project is an area of Manchester called Little Ireland, once a found the article mentioned in the sub- hugely important mill site where 40,000 Iject line on-line at your web site poor people lived and worked during the ( Industrial Revolution and beyond. Little ml). I share this same genealogy, down to generation 28, Raymond V Berenger; September 12 1920 – January 27 2002 Ireland, and more specifically the Dunlop Factory at the heart of the site, is from there I am descended from all three of Sancha's sisters. But Raymond V By a Friend now about to be turned into exclusive loft apartments by the city's property Berenger, Count of Provence is descend- ed from both of Theuderic-Rabbi orris travelled with his family over developers. Using photography, video Makhir's children, William of Gellone, three continents before settling in and found pieces from the area, Edward M and his sister Bertha of Autun. Canada in 1963 with his wife Claire and Hillel captures a moment in time I would be very interested to see a copy daughters Liza, Sandra and Nicole. In between the past and the future and is of the Babylonian Haggadah you offered fact he left Iraq in time to escape certain both local and universal in its themes. to Annessa Lynn Huff. You told her she danger due to a new and oppressive gov- The installation will consist of an could find on page 91 the earlier genera- ernment in power which was bent on dis- evocative combination of photographs tions of Exilarchs and on page 90 all the crediting and punishing Jews and their and video projections of the Little previous kings to King David. This is known friends in the “old regime”. Ireland site and the abandoned Dunlop what I would most like to see. A single He quickly settled into his new sur- factory in its last days before conversion, reference, Royalty for Commoners, lists roundings in Montreal and delighted in along with displays of found pieces such the lines of the Exilarchs back from the company of his new friends and asso- as rusty factory wheels salvaged from Makhir to Jehoiachin (Jeconiah), King of ciates. He always showed them deep the site. An audio soundtrack recreates Judah and lists sources for his informa- respect and consideration and knew the the sound of the factory. tion. I would like anything that might pleasures and rewards of loving and giv- The project aims to give a flavour of corroborate the information from that ing. His adventurous spirit led him and the Dickensian, labyrinthine nature of source. Could you also translate the word Claire to travel extensively all around the the factory and to portray a little of its Haggadah for me please? world and to enjoy his continued passion fascinating history, which spans some Thank you in advance. for photography. 200 years and influenced the likes of Meanwhile, because of their roots, Marx and Engels to develop their ideas Jim Fina both Morris and Claire were quickly con- on the working class and the theory of Arizona, USA nected with the works of the “Canadian communism. On a local level, the Friends of the Alliance Israelite Gallery hopes to run a reminiscence Universelle” and the Committee for the project with older people who have had Reply: Advancement of Human Rights of which connections with the site in the past and Your information has been noted. The Rene Cassin, a Nobel Laureate, was will be invited to see the project to use word "Haggadah" means narration (of President. the art as a starting point to trigger their the story of Passover). His loss was greatly mourned by his memories. If you would like to send us your devoted family and his community. He An accompanying publication will fea- address we can send you a copy of the will be fondly remembered by all those ture the artist's photographs of Haggadah, which is priced at $8 includ- whose lives he touched. ♦ Manchester and the abandoned produc- ing postage. ♦ tion site. The Scribe No.75 34 Yahya Kahn List of Pathan Presidents eneral Agha Muhammad Yahya Khan country on March 25 1969 and assumed the Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Gwas born at Chakwal in February title of Chief Martial Law Administrator. Syed Ameer Ali 1917. His father, Saadat Ali Khan, was He terminated the constitution and dis- Ali Brothers actually from Peshawar. After finishing his solved National and Provincial Assemblies Nawab Viqar-ul-Mulk studies at the Punjab University, Yahya and Governments. On March 31, he also Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk Khan joined the Indian Military Academy became President of the Islamic Republic Aga Khan at Dehra Dun. He was of Pakistan. Liaquat Ali Khan commissioned in the Unlike other military Muhammad Ali Jinnah Indian Army in 1938. rulers who ruled Pakistan, Allama Iqbal During World War II, he Yahya Khan was not Fatima Jinnah performed his duties in interested in prolonging Begum Shah Nawaz North Africa, Iraq and his rule. Immediately Begum Viqar-un-Nisa Italy. After independ- after taking charge of the Choudhary Rahmat Ali ence, Yahya Khan played country, Yahya Khan Chaudhary Muhammad Ali a major role in setting up started looking for Feroz Khan Noon Pakistan Staff College at options through which he Khawaja Nazimuddin Quetta. During the war of could hand over power to Ghulam Muhammad 1965, he commanded an the elected representa- Muhammad Ali Bogra infantry division. He was tives. On March 29 1970, I. I. Chundrigar appointed Commander- through an Ordinance, he H. S. Suhrawardy in-Chief of Pakistan presented an interim con- Iskander Mirza Army in 1966 with the rank of General. stitution: The Legal Framework Order. The Zulfikar Ali Bhutto In 1969, when the situation went out of Legal Framework Order was actually a for- Yahya Khan Ayub Khan’s control due countrywide agi- mula according to which the forthcoming Sheikh Mujibur Rehman tation, the President decided to hand over elections were to be organised. It goes to Muhammad Ayub Khan power to the Army Chief, General Yahya the credit of Yahya Khan that the first Gen. M. Zia-ul-Haq Khan. Yahya Khan immediately after get- General Elections in the history of Pakistan Muhammad Khan Junejo ting powers declared Martial Law in the were held during his regime. ♦ Ghulam Ishaq Khan Ghulam Mustafa Jatoi Benazir Bhutto Afghan Origin Sardar Farooq Ahmad Khan Leghari Malik Meraj Khalid sent by Ghani Khan Avram , Afram etc.( In Pashto we use Mian M. Nawaz Sharif words zar-ghan etc (which can be explained Muhammad Rafiq Tarar escendants of the tribes of as goldlike or from gold, etc). Gen. Pervez Musharraf DAFGHANA. Pakhtun, Pashtun, Afr-ghan (meaning from Abraham) gave Pathan, Pukhtoon etc are some other names origin to Afghan. (Also Hebrew is ibrani - (father of Hazrat Ibrahim). Srazar, spinzar, for Afghan. Their language is Pashto. ibran-afghan and ibrani-ifghani (Pashto). zarghona, zarghonshah, zarmina, zartasha, They are descendants of Hazrat Ibrahim The holy book of David (Hazrat Daud) azara - another word for Afghans. Afgans (ABRAHAM) . was Zabur (the Psalms), and hence living in district hazara in NWFP. Word When I was a teenager I used to go to Pashtuns use words Zaba-language or Hazara is mistakenly used for Mongols in Mahabat khan jumat in Peshawar. After tongue or promise (the message or promise Afghanistan. When real azara migrated to prayers we would sit with tablighi jumat. I of God to Abraham and his descendants, Hazara, abbotabad, Gilgit and Kashmir still remember when I asked a spingeray zabardast- fantastic, Zabul-a region in areas, the areas they came from were taken from tablighis: was there any prophet Afghanistan. (Many words are used in by Chengez army and those mongols came among pashtuns, the old man answered yes Pashto -spinzar, srazar, sanzarkhel, to be known as Hazaras in Afghanistan. of course: Khalil khan (Abraham), Isaac zartasha, zamina, zarina, zarghon shah, While real azaras are living in pash- khan (Isac), Israel khan (Jacob),Yousaf zarghona, zahra, zanana, etc) tunkhwa, most of them speak hindko but khan (Joseph), Musa khan (Moses), Isa Today some tribes use word jaba instead they are real Afghans. Also Gilgit are khan (Jesus), they were all Pashtuns of zaba. Gilzai. Kashmiris are also Afghans (kasi is (Hebrews). The name of Abraham’s grandfather was a Pashtun tribe, mir is a Pashto word e.g I thought "Baba jore da churso suta walae TERAH and father was AZAR. Abraham mirali; it’s actually kasimiris-kashmir. You da, Zaka gaday waday wai". I could not lived in Babul and the king at that time was will be astonished to know that Butt living believe he was telling me something very Nimrod. in punjab and kashmirs are actually but- important. I thought all prophets were When Hebrews settled down in tkhel Afghans (buttagram, buttkhela etc). Arabs, at least that’s the Arab propaganda to Afghanistan they named different regions No matter what language they have adopt- get respect and call themselves sayyid and to represent their history eg. ed during process of assimilation they were exploit Pashtuns. In fact the real children of NB! (At that time this region was called and are Afghans. prophets are Pashtuns. All these prophets khurasan meaning kha urasan-meaning we Yasrab (Yathrub) was a big Israelite city spoke Hebrew not Arabic and they were not got here safely). later named Madina in Arabic. The present Arabs at all. TERAH (Grandfather of hazrat Ibrahim) 10 or 20 million Jews are only a small tiny In Hebrew Abraham sounds Afroim , and JAMROD, NIMROZ (nimrod), AZAR portion of a huge Hebrew family. ♦

35 The Scribe No.75 The Crisis in Kashmir Why the squabble over third around Gilgit known as Free Why is a settlement so elusive? Kashmir became part of Pakistan. In Kashmir? Because for both countries Kashmir has January 1949 a UN-brokered ceasefire become a touchstone of national virility. It ashmir, or the state of Jammu and came into effect establishing what became would be political suicide for Pakistan’s Kashmir to give it its full title, has known s “the line of control” and the pres- K General Musharraf to be seen to go soft on been a flashpoint between India and ence of international peacekeepers who the issue, since it is the one subject that Pakistan since Partition in 1947, when have been there ever since. The two coun- unites his country. Politicians in Delhi, on British India was divided into two states, tries went to war over Kashmir in 1965- the other hand are terrified that the loss of one of which – Pakistan – was created to 66, and clashed again in the 1971 war Kashmir would fuel semi-dormant seces- provide a home for India’s Muslim popula- which resulted in the creation of sionist movements across the country. tion. More than 60% of Kashmir’s 12 mil- Bangladesh out of what was once East lion people are Muslim, but the Hindu Pakistan. In 1972 India and Pakistan con- Does the West really need to worry prince who ruled Kashmir at the time sented, under the Simla Agreement, to about Kashmir? nonetheless ceded it to India. It is now the negotiate over Kashmir’s future, but no only Muslim majority state in India. progress has been made since then, Hari It is no coincidence that the Kashmir Singh, meanwhile, died in exile in Delhi in issue has blown up again now that the Why did Kashmir have a Hindu ruler? 1961 after squandering his last years Americans are getting the better of the war in Afghanistan. Kashmir is not separate Kashmir had been under Muslim rule for indulging a fondness for drink, tobacco from the war against terrorism, it’s part of it three centuries when it was annexed in and horses. – a place where Muslim extremist groups, 1789 by the Sikh chieftain Ranjit Singh. many of them sympathetic to al-Qa’eda and Then, in the mid-19th century, after the Have Kashmiris ever been asked what many with their numbers probably swelled Sikhs had lost two wars to the British, they they want? by Taliban remnants, see a chance to make offered up Kashmir in lieu of war repara- No. One of the UN’s key conditions in mayhem. If the West is serious about wag- tions. The British promptly sold the state 1949 was that a referendum should be held ing war against terrorism, it cannot afford to for seven and a half million rupees to the in the state, and Nehru was quick to ignore Kashmir. Hindu Raja of neighbouring Ladakh and declare that Kashmir’s fate would be From The Week 12.1.02 Jammu. Srinagar, the state’s capital, decided by its people – but no referendum became a summer resort for Britons wish- has taken place. 24 May 2002 ing to escape the heat of the plains and indulge in a little hunting and fishing. How have the Kashmiris reacted? His Excellency Mr Ronen Sen As a result, dozens of militant Muslim Indian High Commissioner What did the maharaja do at the time groups have sprung up, some wanting High Commission of India of Independence? independence, others to join Pakistan. The London The princes of the princely states – 600 latter were encouraged by Pakistan, which princedoms covering about a third of the set up training camps and gave the mili- Dear Your Excellency subcontinent – were in theory allowed to tants some of the huge weapons surplus I am writing to express our deep sympa- choose which country to join. In practice, left over from the Afghan war against the thy with India’s suffering at the hands of most simply signed up with the country to Soviets. Ever since then, both armies have Pakistani terrorism concerning Kashmir. which they were geographically closest. been shelling each other relentlessly Kashmir is an integral part of India and But Kashmir adjoined both Pakistan and across the line of control and Kashmir does not belong exclusively to the people India, and in August 1947 its playboy itself has been racked by violence perpe- who happen to be living in it, even if there Maharaja, Hari Singh, was still undecided. trated by separatists and by the 600,000- is a Moslem majority in that province. He seemed to prefer the idea of Kashmir strong Indian security forces. Around There are more Moslems in India than there standing alone as a neutral “Switzerland of 20,000 people have lost their lives. What are in Pakistan and it is unthinkable that Asia”. In the weeks after Partition, began as a nationalist uprising has effec- wherever they may happen to be in the Muslim farm workers – aided by Pathans tively become a terrorist struggle in which majority, they can ask to secede from from Pakistan’s North-West Frontier outsiders – mainly Pakistani and Afghans Mother India. The Late Mahatma Gandhi Province and supported by sections of the – have become heavily involved. failed to keep India intact and this is the Pakistani government – rose up against result. their Hindu landlords. This ragtag army Would most Kashmiris favour joining Pakistan commits terrorism against India advanced towards Srinagar, murdering, Pakistan? and then asks to negotiate regarding raping and looting wherever they went. Kashmir. Diplomacy cannot be the servant Most pundits believe that the majority of The Maharaja fled and the new Indian of terrorism. Your suffering is similar to Kashmiri Muslims have no desire to join government led by Jawarhalal Nehru, Israel’s problem and to the problems of Pakistan, which they resent for turning a himself a Kashmiri Hindu by descent, sent other peace-loving countries. nationalist rebellion into a religious cru- troops into Kashmir to put down the With best wishes for a speedy and sade. Instead they would probably settle revolt, prompting Hari Singh to sign the favourable outcome of your dilemma. ♦ for peace within India if the near-total instrument of accession which handed Yours sincerely autonomy that existed in the immediate Kashmir to India. post-independence years were to be Most of the state came under Indian Naim Dangoor restored. control, although the remote north-western The Scribe No.75 36 Breaking the Cup at a Wedding Rabbi by Hakham Rabbi Ya’aqob Menashe I would like to add that those who understand the reason for breaking a cup Zimbartoot What is the source for the Hathan will realise that this is a sad moment dur- Q(bridegroom) breaking the cup after ing the ceremony. In fact, our custom is by Edward Yamen, Milano the marriage ceremony, by throwing it for the Hathan (bridegroom) to say quiet- against a wall? ly “I will place Jerusalem above my thank The Scribe for bringing into my rejoicing” when he throws it against a Imind the name of Hakham A. In the Babylonian Talmud it is wall. “Zimbartoot”. Regarding the statement, written that Mar the son of Rabina held a attributed to him, which was equally wedding for his son. He saw that the From the Newsletter of Midrash Ben Ish known to me, as mentioned in your Rabbis were becoming very merry, so he Hai issue 74, page 63, if perused to a reader brought a precious cup worth four hun- of the present, he would hardly believe dred zuz and broke it in front of them and Scribe: that an offensive statement of the kind they became serious. Rab Ashi held a The origin of the custom is the Biblical could be uttered by a Rabbi at any time wedding for his son. He saw that the injunction in Psalm 137 to remember and at any place. Surely the time was Rabbis were becoming very merry, so he Jerusalem above our chief joy. Breaking different, tolerance prevailed all over brought a cup of white crystal and broke a cup at the wedding is meant to be a sad and a strong will to live in peace, it in front of them and they became seri- moment and not a moment of celebration regardless of religion was dominant. ous. The reason being, that as long as the as some guests start clapping at that act. Besides all that, the person under ref- Bet Hammiqdash (Temple) has not been The correct procedure is to put a glazed erence was so special and amiable by rebuilt, we must remember the destruc- coffee cup unwrapped inside a small all, Muslims and Jews, being a good- tion of Jerusalem in our celebrations. wooden box and the Hathan breaks it hearted man and well-known of having And this is the origin of breaking a cup at with his foot. ♦ a witty skill in cracking jokes of all a wedding. kinds up to a degree that he was given There are different opinions about the liberty to cross the bounds of good whether the cup should be of glass or Secularism and taste as a “privilege”, enticing him to earthenware, such as porcelain. In either Jewish Survival speak his eloquence freely and without case, the purpose is to remind us of our any inhibition whatsoever, which was sadness that Jerusalem has not been t a recent Conference on the Balance called at that time “AMAN WA RAI” rebuilt. In regard to this, I would like to Aof National Strength and Security, which means more or less: “absolute comment on the following: Professor Moshe Kaveh made a passion- freedom of speech”! So, things went When the cup is wrapped in a napkin ate plea for recognition of the legitimacy like that with him, undisputed, as it and trodden on, the guests do not see it of secular Jewishness and called on secu- seemed. and the purpose of breaking it, which is lar Jews to reclaim their Jewish identity. Before concluding, I want to clarify to sadden those present, has been defeat- His was one of several prescriptions for that in his era people felt more strongly ed. (Obviously one should not stop those ensuring the survival of the Jewish world the warmth of a friendship in the will- who have this custom from doing it their raised at the gathering organised by the ingness to share enthusiasms and way as is explained in Mekor Ha- Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya. knowledge and lived in that adoration. Hayyim). An additional problem is that A session was devoted to what was Regarding the name “Zimbartoot” it since the “cup” is covered and taped no- described as another strategic asset of does not seem “his real one” and behind one sees what is inside. And almost Israel: the Jewish world. Kaveh argued how he got it, there was a story which is invariably, the caterer has placed a that the key for Jewish survival lies with as follows: burned out light bulb inside instead of a secular Jews. While he was a Yeshiva student in cup. I have even had cases where I “The majority of Jews in Israel and Baghdad reciting a passage in the have asked the caterer to bring me a abroad define themselves as secular from Talmud amongst his teacher and com- cup to break instead of the light bulb, a cultural point of view”, he said. panions he mispronounced a word where the caterer absolutely refused. Secularism is a serious conviction for which went his way in the passage. The Apparently the cost of a cup was not some Jews, as well as an existential con- word was ‘SEMARTOOT’ or if you included in the tens of thousands he dition for a great many more. Secularism like, ‘SMARTOOT’ which literally charged for the wedding! in Jewish life must be appreciated and means a worthless piece of cloth. It In his holy work Ben Ish Hai, Hakham supported as a potent source of motivation seemed that his bad pronunciation Yoseph Hayyim, a”h, writes that the cus- and identification. made it change into “Zimbartoot” tom of the land is to break a small glazed “As an Orthodox Jew and the president instead. porcelain cup and he mentions a few rea- of the largest university in Israel,” Kaveh From that moment onwards, his com- sons for this. One is based on the writ- went on, “I recognise that there are areas panions started to use it as a nickname ings of the Rama and another is that one of life, especially in matters of public pol- which replaced his personal one until may be concerned that when the cup is icy, in which religion has left a vacuum … now. “What is in a nickname” is always thrown against the wall to break it, We have failed to introduce Jewish cultur- funnier than “What is in a name”! glass would shatter more dangerously al content that will maintain the Jewish Was the mispronunciation, kind of a than porcelain. He adds that this is the identity of secular Jews and bring about a joke? The reader’s guess is as good as custom and may not be changed. more unified Jewish people.”♦ mine. ♦

37 The Scribe No.75 Books The Divine Drama: The book, which uniquely targets a broader Look Up and Dream educated reader. The book works on many Old Testament as levels and appeals from those who simply by Robert Rietty Literature want an introduction, to those who want a Foreword by Chief Rabbi Professor completely different take on the Old Jonathan Sacks by John Dancy Testament. A good book from which the Published by Valentine Mitchell Publisher: The Lutterworth Press reader can take what they desire. ♦ ISBN: 0 7188 2987 5 800 pp Reviewed by Percy S Gourgey, MBE Price: £19.99 Desperate Journey his book contains a series of well-told Reviewed by Daniel Dangoor by Freddie Knoller and John Landaw Tevents, fascinating in content, about Published by Metro Publishing Ltd how the hand of the Almighty is dis- he title of the book ‘The Divine ISBN 1-84358-028-4 Price: £17.99 cernible in the daily round and common TDrama’ immediately gives away the task. It illustrates the truth of the phrase, angle at which John Dancy wishes to reddie Knoller was an ordinary “God moves in a mysterious way, His approach his subject. A headmaster by FViennese schoolboy when, on the 9th wonders to perform”. The miracles are profession Dancy’s work is a culmination November 1938, a hurried telephone call not spectacular, like the crossing of the of the experience he had in trying to teach from a friend warned his family. “The Red Sea under the leadership of Moses the Old Testament to ‘intelligent six form- Polnische Temple is on fire!” Soon his our greatest Prophet, with the guidance of ers’. Through his experience he found it apartment building was full of the Almighty, or the giving of the Torah best to approach the Old Testament as one Brownshirts. There was a scream and a on Mount Sinai for the eternal benefit of would any great work of literature, ‘what neighbour plunged to his death in the mankind, but seemingly ordinary occur- matters is the text itself: all else is sec- courtyard below. From that night rences accompanied by a humble prayer ondary’. Freddie’s life, like the life of every other on the part of those involved. They lead The book is set out in such a manner so Jew, changed forever. me to the thought that the Almighty is as not to lose the enthusiasm of the read- David and Marja Knoller made arrange- speaking to every man and woman all the er. Dancy isolates 30% of the Old ments for their three sons to leave Austria. time, if only he or she will listen – and Testament and 15% of the Apocrypha Freddie, a mother’s boy, fled the advanc- pray. with which he refers to in a very easy to ing German invasion and began a journey The Almighty has given men and grasp, logical manner. In neatly breaking which was to lead him from Vienna to women Free Will, the far-reaching impli- down the Old Testament Dancy makes the Belgium to Vichy France, and from there cations of which are not fully appreciated. book very digestible and easy to dip in back into danger because, in an act of Free to choose to obey His command- and out of. foolhardiness inexplicable even to him- ments, “virtue brings its own reward”, or By attempting to make the book acces- self, and with only a badly forged set of reject them and the devil take the hind- sible to a wider audience than just ‘schol- papers, he journeyed to Paris, the city of most. It is comparable to a brilliant light ars and believers’ Dancy is sure to keep his dreams but now under occupation. shining at the entrance of a forest illumi- the text unassuming, choosing to cele- But somehow, the naïve schoolboy not nating the path ahead with its pitfalls to brate the tragic nature of the Bible rather only survived in occupied Paris – he flour- avoid, or taking a chance and making than using his book to moralise. His obvi- ished. Passing himself off as a loyal one’s own way ahead hoping for the best! ous intrigue and enthusiasm for the sub- Aryan from Alsace, he lived by escorting Surely prudence – and common sense – ject comes across in his approach. This is Nazi soldiers around the red-light district, dictate the former way. demonstrated in his introduction where he growing in confidence as he pocketed The author, a famous actor, but like me, sets the bible in its historical context by commissions, wheeling and dealing. served in the Armed Forces of the Crown intricately describing the origins of the Finally, Freddie’s luck ran out. during the Second World War – and Hebrew language, Hebrew storytelling Following a brush with the Gestapo, he doubtless at moments of peril and loneli- and Hebrew poetry. left Paris and joined the Resistance but ness one turns to prayer. In the forests of In approaching the Old Testament in his was eventually arrested. Burma there was a striking phrase coined own particular fashion Dancy does run He survived Auschwitz and the Death by American soldiers fighting the fero- the risk of offending the fundamentalist March and endured several months in cious Japanese Imperial Army: “You Christian or Jew. It can seem presumptu- Dora-Nordhausen before being liberated don’t get atheists in foxholes!” It brings ous to refer to only parts of the bible (the from Belsen in April 1945, two days to mind the admirable proverb – “In all word of God) while disregarding others before his twenty-fourth birthday. He was thy ways acknowledge Him, and He will and that it is inappropriate to treat the later reunited with his brothers. make straight thy path”. Bible as a work of literature. However, Both Freddie’s parents perished. The author fittingly dedicates his book these questions and others are something The adventures of Freddie Knoller was to his wife, Tina: “As the years go by I that Dancy covers in his appendix and it is published in brief in The Scribe issue No. realise more and more that – no matter clear that he treats the issue seriously and 72 of September 1999. Apparently, this what the problem - You are the answer”, in a sensitive manner. acted as an incentive to publish the full to stress the greatest blessing of the Dancy does not wish to preach to the story of what he went through in the seven Almighty - a good family life as the font converted but tries to come up with a years from 1938 to 1945. ♦ of fine achievement. ♦

The Scribe No.75 38 Al Em Haderech As a result she and her younger brother were taken by their uncle to the Kibbutz. Books Received by Shoshana Levi There they were faced with another shock Self-published in Hebrew - of religious kids which have to live in a Blue’s Jokes secular society and also the humiliation of Reviewed by Ilana Avissar discriminating the young new immigrants Ancient and Modern Sacred and from the rest of the veteran kids of the Profane n her book, Shoshana Levi describes in Kibbutz. Told and re-told by Lionel Blue Igreat detail the trials and tribulations of Shoshana also conveys in her book the Hodder and Soughton her generation, the young generation of pains and difficulties of living in a transi- 164pp Price: £6.99 the Babylonian diaspora, before and after tion camp (Ma’abara) compared with the the to Israel. comfortable life of her friends and her Description of Egypt She was born to the Shebairo family, a family in Baghdad. direct descendant of Hakham Sasson Ajmi She also conveys vividly her life in the by Edward William Lane (1801-1876) (a great expert in alternative medicine in army, her soldier Yemenite boyfriend who Edited and with an introduction by his time in Baghdad). The Shebairo fami- became her husband and the father of her Jason Thompson ly was in fact the Shapiro family, from the two daughters, the tension and the diffi- The American University in Cairo Press town of Sefat in the land of Israel. culties of a marriage between two differ- 588 pp Two members of the family travelled to ent Jewish communities in Israel. Then Iraq to conduct business but they married she describes painfully the agony and the Description of Egypt, now published Babylonian wives and stayed there for anguish of a widow and a mother of two for the first time, was the product of good. In Baghdad, the name Shapiro young daughters after her husband fell in Lane’s first research trip to Egypt from became Shebairo. the Six Day War. 1825-1828. Initially, through the life of her family, And most painfully for her was the fact Comprising nearly 300,000 words and she in fact succeeds to paint in lively that the authorities in Israel did not treat 160 illustrations, it recounts his travels colours the life of the Babylonian Jewry the war widows honourably and did not through Egypt and Nubia. before the establishment of the State of look properly after their material and cul- Israel. She describes their habits, their tural needs. This fact made her dedicate Vera food, their games, songs, places of learn- her life to the fight for the rights and the The amazing autobiography of Vera ing and worships. For example, how the well-being of the war widows of Israel. Chesno at the age of 94. Babylonian Jewry tried very hard to marry In summary, it’s a most interesting, their daughters at a very early age (three informative and impressive book. It is With contributions from Irène Noah and generations earlier one of the daughters of worthwhile reading. ♦ Aubrey Rose her family was engaged at the age of eight. Lennard Publishing She was seated on pillows so as to look 288pp Price: £12.99 older than her age.) She describes how the The Talmud young generation of males in her family The Sabra were hidden in covered holes in the The Internet ground so as to escape conscription to the A Journey Between Worlds The Creation of the New Jew Turkish army in the First World War. by Oz Almog After an early happy and tranquil child- by Jonathan Rosen Translated by Haim Watzman hood, worry and uncertainty started to Publisher: Continuum – London and University of California Press creep into her life. When she was ten New York 313pp years old Israel gained independence and 132 pp Price: £10.99 the hostility to the Babylonian Jewry Unholy War increased to a dangerous level. Her father n his extraordinary personal meditation and grandfather were interrogated by the Ion the relationship between the ancient, The Vatican’s Role in the Rise of Iraqi police because they received a letter continuing tradition of the Talmud and the Modern Anti-Semitism from an uncle in Israel. As a result all their expanding world of the internet, Jonathan by David I Kertzer assets were frozen. Fear engulfed them as Rosen blends memoir, history and literary Macmillan the rest of the Jewry were obliged to give reflection. In the loose, associative logic 355 pp Price: £20.00 up their citzenship and emigrate to Israel and vastness of each, he discovers not wearing their best clothes and taking with merely the disruption of a broken world them only 20 kg of belongings. Further in but a kind of disjointed harmony. In the Free Will and Illusion her book, Shoshana describes her and her same way that the Talmud helped Jews by Saul Smilansky family’s absorption difficulties in Israel. survive after the destruction of the Temple Clarendon Press - Oxford The cultural shock started with spraying by making Jewish culture portable and www.oup.com329pp with DDT their best clothes that they wore personal, the all-inclusive Internet serves to celebrate their arrival to the Holyland. a world that is both more uprooted and The British Century Then came the difficulties of communica- more connected than before. tion in the Absorption Centre, “Shaar Searchingly, and with hope, Rosen A photographic history of the last hun- Aliyah”, the food that they were not accus- explores the territory between doubt and dred years tomed to, the lack of hot water and the belief, the past and the present, the present by Brian Moynahan adverse sanitary conditions of the place. and the future. ♦

39 The Scribe No.75 The Mufti and the Fuehrer by Joseph B. Schechtman Back to the Book. It is hardly accidental that the system- Published by Thomas Yoseloff 1965 Joseph Sechtman recounts the different atic physical destruction of European stages in the Muftis charmed and lucky Jewry by Hitler roughly coincided with Reviewed by Linda Dangoor- career. the arrival of the Mufti to Germany. Up to Khalastchi In 1937, in addition to conducting and mid-1941 the official German policy vis- provoking violent anti-Jewish riots , the a-vis the Jews was that of forced mass he Mufti is, of course, Haj Amin el- Mufti becomes a menace to the British emigration. The scheme of wholesale THusseini the Grand Mufti of Mandatory regime and has to flee to physical extermination began only after Jerusalem and the Fuehrer, Adolph Hitler. Lebanon first and later to Baghdad where the Mufti’s arrival . The formal decision Between 1920 and 1948, Palestine was he holds high-level negotiations with to annihilate the Jews who had survived governed by Britain under an internation- Axis leaders and where he orchestrates the ghettos, forced labour, starvation and al mandate stipulating that that country the pogrom against the Babylonian Jews disease, was taken in January 1942, two was to become a Jewish national home. through his abortive Iraqi pro-Axis coup months after the Mufti’s arrival in Berlin. During these years , the most dominant of 1941. Over 400 Jews were killed and There is no doubt that his indefatigable and influential figure in Palestine was countless others were injured or raped campaigning against the emigration of that of Haj Amin el-Husseini, an ardent whilst his mob controlled the streets of Jews to Palestine instigated the Reich’s Arab nationalist fiercely opposed to the Baghdad in the first two days of June. ban on emigration and helped shape the creation of the Jewish state in Palestine. With the collapse of the coup, the Mufti “final solution of the Jewish problem.” From his early days as a teacher and a escapes to Berlin where Hitler set up a Up to 1945, he built up a world-wide writer in a local arab paper, he displayed special office for him. propaganda network of anti-Allied activ- a passionate hatred of both Britain and Living amongst his European masters, ities which included espionnage. Luck the Jews, rousing his audiences to ardent he continues his Arab propaganda with was on his side again when , with the fall anti-British and anti-Jewish animosity. zeal. An Arab brigade and a Moslem of Germany, not only did he manage to In 1920, he instigated the Jerusalem Legion were formed to fight along side escape standing trial by the victorious pogrom for which he was sentenced to the Nazis. In Croatia, he drew on the Allies, but spent eight months in a 10 years imprisonment by the British. moslem population to recruit the “Jihad charming villa in Paris under French However, he fled to escape punishment, Warriors” into the Waffen SS. “protective custody” before fleeing and it would be true to say that the British Sechtman writes “There is direct evi- again, this time to Cairo where King turned a blind eye to his anti-Jewish lean- dence as to the Mufti’s influence in the Farouk gave him asylum. Britain had ings as long as he was not challenging implementation of the physical destruc- asked the Jewish Agency not to touch their rule in Palestine. tion of European Jewry.” He quotes him. From these comfortable surround- Curious strokes of good fortune always Dieter Wisliceny: “The Mufti was one of ings, he was able to continue his hate accompanied him throughout his life, not the initiators of the systematic extermina- propaganda and renewed preparations to least when the first British High tion of European Jewry and had been a liquidate Jewish Palestine. Commissioner in Palestine, Sir Herbert collaborator and advisor of Eichman and The ambivalent attitude of the British Samuel (a British Jew who did not want Himmler in the execution of this government towards the Mufti raises to appear too pro-Jewish), rescued him plan....He was one of Eichman’s best many questions. The French authorities from oblivion by first pardoning him and friends and had constantly incited him to were to hand him over, in 1945, to the later appointing him Mufti of Jerusalem. accelerate the extermination meas- British authorities to be tried as a war Elated by his unexpected sucssess, el- ures.....I heard him say that, accompanied criminal. Yet, the British government Husseini promptly bestowed on himself by Eichman, he had visited incognito the proved to be surprisingly unenthusiastic the even higher title of “Grand” Mufti of gas chamber of Auschwitz...... ” about any action to secure his extradi- Jerusalem. Sechtman goes on to say that the Mufti tion. The Appointment took place in March repeatedly suggested to the various When asked as to what steps had been 1921 and the rigid rule adopted by Haj authorities he was in contact with, above taken to bring the Mufti to trial, Foreign Amin in his new capacity as the religious all to Hitler, Ribbentrop and Himmler, secretary Ernest Bevin told the Commons head of the Palestine Moslems was never the extermination of the European Jews. that the French government had “ not so to mix with Jews. The second Jewish This, he considered, a comfortable solu- far agreed to the request of the British Pogrom occured soon after, in May of tion to the Palestine problem. In a letter government to hand over Amin Al- the same year. The Arab press was full of to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Husseini” This, of course, was an out- anti-Jewish propaganda and the publica- 1944, the Mufti calls the attention of the right lie. The request had never been offi- tion “Protocols of Zion” appeared fre- German Minister to the constant attempts cially formulated. I say of course quently rousing the masses to a new pitch of the Jews to emigrate from Europe in because, firstly, it would be in keeping of violence. (It is worth noting at this order to reach Palestine and he, point with Bevin’s pro-Arab (or should I say point that these very same hate-generat- blank, asks him to take the “necessary anti-Jewish) leanings, but, secondly, and ing tactics and propaganda are still being steps to stop the Jews from emigrat- most importantly, because the British used by the Arab press today , brainwash- ing...and in this way, your Excellency were protecting him as they had “some- ing the Moslem world, and, unfortunate- would give a new practical example of hing” to hide. And this “something” ly this has also spread to the Western the policy of the naturally allied and could very well have been that the Mufti press who have globalised the anti-semit- friendly Germany towards the Arab was a British agent, working with their ic message.) Nation.” Governors in Palestine, since both ☛

The Scribe No.75 40 …parties shared the same views with The Essential Jewish As well as the clear step-by-step regards to the emigration of European instructions, I found the‘ Cook’s Tips’, Jews to Palestine. Cookbook which accompany many of the recipes, This proposition is not as outrageous by Judy Jackson particularly helpful. These give handy as it seems. For reasons best known to Published by Lorenz Books suggestions on ways in which the dishes itself, the British government chose to ISBN 0-7548-0668-5 Price: £6.95 can be varied, and general advice on the ignore the abundant evidence against the method of cooking. I also enjoyed the Mufti, and as if this was not enough, it Reviewed by Anna Dangoor, who has introductory pages which give a brief later officially absolved him of the just graduated from the University of background into the types of ingredients charge of being a war criminal on a point Nottingham with first class honours in used in Jewish cooking, and the tradition- of law. An American writer, Edgar Ansel Physics. al foods eaten at festivals. Mowrer, wrote of him: “... As a murder- Being at university one does begin to er, this man ranks with the great killers of hether you’re a fan of cooking, or crave that good old homemade Jewish history. As an enemy of the United Was in my case, a big fan of eating, cooking, and I was glad to see that all my Nations, he was surpassed only by Hitler. this book is a delight. Judy Jackson has favourites, such as stuffed vegetables and In the evil of his intentions, the Mufti put together a comprehensive guide to the turkey schnitzels, were included in the equalled Hitler.” finest foods that Sephardi and Ashkenazi book. The diverse range of recipes Judy Sechtman’s book is a serious and thor- cooking has to offer. has included also means that there are a oughly documented biography of a man Just flicking through the book is whole host of unfamiliar delicious-look- who was in the forefront of most major enough to make ones mouth water, as ing dishes, in case you fancy trying some- political events in the Arab and Moslem every page is full of colourful step-by- thing new. world. Unfortunately, his vitriolic hate step pictures showing each stage of prepa- So if like me you believe that unwritten and xenophobic legacy have now been ration, and the sumptuous end results. Jewish commandment‘ thou shalt eat taken over by the PLO, Hamas , This clear and simple way of presenting well!’ then grab your matzo meal, sling on Hizballah and others. the recipes makes the book accessible to your apron, and reach for this book. ♦ even the clumsiest of cooks. For someone Scribe: like me who usually runs for cover at the Yizkor Books Up to the point that the Holocaust was first sign of a cookery book, it was fantas- organised and managed by British agents tic to feel that even I was only a few sim- he British Library is home to one of and that the delay in D Day by nearly two ple steps away from delicious hummus Tthe finest collections of Hebrew years was to give Hitler the opportunity and falafel, potato latkes, or even cholent, manuscripts and printed books. Among to liquidate Europe’s Jewry more com- (I can’t wait to try that one on my house- the printed material the Yizkor books, pletely. ♦ mates!) memorial volumes of great relevance to Holocaust studies, have been the subject Mufti Asks Ban on Jewish Emigration as Gesture to of a bibliography which has taken sever- al years to compile. Arabs Memorial volumes – Yizkor books – Taken from The Scribe, No. 31 – that “the National Socialist movement, devoted to Central and Eastern European February 1989 since its inception, has inscribed on its Jewish communities began appearing banner the battle against world Jewry”, soon after the end of WWII and have Berlin, July 27 1844 as you, Reichsfüehrer, said in your continued to be published to this day. telegram on the same occasion. To the SS and Minister of the Interior, According to literary sources, about 1000 In the meantime, I have learned that H. Himmler, Berlin memorial book titles are known to have the Jews, nevertheless, did leave on July been published since 1944 to the present. 2, 1944, and it is to be feared that further Reichsfüehrer: Jewish groups may leave Germany and The Project n my letter to you of June 5, 1944, I France under the plan for exchanging Work is currently under way on a bib- referred back to our conversation in Palestinian Germans. This exchange of I liography which will bring together for which I reported to you on the inclusion Germans would encourage the Balkan the first time, the entire collection of of Jews in the exchange plan of some countries to send their Jews to Palestine memorial books held in the British Egyptians living in Germany. too. Furthermore, after the Declaration Library. This would be the first bibliog- I asked you, Reichsfüehrer, to take all of the German Government, such a step raphy of its kind to be published in this the measures to prevent the Jews from would be incomprehensible to the Arabs country. We are aiming at completing going. These measures would also be in and Moslems, and it would create in and publishing the bibliography ahead of accordance with Germany policy in gen- them a feeling of keen disappointment. the national Holocaust Memorial Day in eral, especially with the Declaration of It is for this reason that I ask you, January 2003. the German Government on the occasion Reichsfüehrer, to do everything neces- We thank The Exilarch’s Foundation of the anniversary of the Balfour sary to prevent the Jews from emigrating for your interest and support of our proj- Declaration on November 2, 1943, to Palestine, and in this way you would ect. ♦ which stated “that the destruction of the give a new practical example of the pol- so-called Jewish national home in icy of the naturally allied and friendly Ilana Tahan Palestine is an immutable part of the pol- Germany towards the Arab Nation. The British Library, London icy of the greater German Reich” and Yours, etc. ♦ Hebrew Section

41 The Scribe No.75 Books Received Books of Interest Seven Dials Flowers in the Blood Baghdadi Jews living in Calcutta. It tells the sweeping tale of Dinah Cassell & Company by Gay Courter Sassoon’s extraordinary quest for love The Orion Publishing Group Signet-Penguin USA and justice. 304 pp Price: £16.99 August 1991 633 pp Price: US$5.99 Gay Courter is the author of three other best-selling novels: The Midwife, Photographs researched and edited by n October 1858, Leah Judah, a mem- River of Dreams and Code: Ezra. Sarah Jackson and Annabel Merullo, Iber of Calcutta’s tightly-knit, Arabic- whose previous collaborations include speaking, Baghdadi Jewish community, Taken from a previous issue: The the highly acclaimed The Russian was murdered by a jealous suitor. Scribe, No. 52 – January 1992 ♦ Century and The Chinese Century. Heskel Shurbani and Nissim Gubbay were arrested for the murder. This best- Hitler and the Holocaust Gershom Scholem selling novel is based on the memoir of Leah’s daughter that came to light after by Robert S Wistrich A Life in Letters, 1914-1982 her death. Weidenfeld & Nicholson-London Edited and translated by Anthony David The book is interspersed with Judeo- 322 pp Price: £12.99 Skinner Arabic words and expressions such as: Harvard University Press he German mass murder of six mil- 547 pp Price: £23.95 infaqsit ayn elraa (may the evil eye be Tlion Jews during the Second World destroyed) War was the most horrifying event of Unfolding the Orient Khull el Kaskeen yeksegh qerrabetu twentieth-century history. This illumi- (strong vinegar breaks its jar) nating book provides new answers to the Travellers in Egypt and the Near East Kilililileesh (ululation) “big question” of why Hitler’s Edited by Paul and Janet Starkey deqqaqa (drummer) Holocaust happened. The book explores Garnet Publiishing Limited, UK Taghqa (fright) the fateful interaction between Hitler’s 318 pp Price: £35.00 abdaluk (“beloved”) salvationist based on racial myth, the Khadhba (applicartion of henna) long tradition of Christian and secular This collection of papers has its origin mashti (inspector of virginity on wed- anti-Semitism, the social upheavals in in the conference “Travelllers to Egypt ding night) German society and the technical and the Near East” held at St byadh-el-wetch (the honourable proof advances of modernity. Catherine’s College, Oxford in July of it) In this vividly written account, 1997. Professor Wistrich analyses the apoca- The book also abounds in familiar lyptic nature of the Nazi German racial Desert Travellers names: Musa Chachag, Nissim Sadqa, project, the pan-European scale of col- Hakham Shlomo Twena, Isaac Shuker, laboration in mass murder and the indif- from Herodotus to T E Lawrence Shmuel Mussliyah. ference of the western allies, the Vatican Shalom Aaron Cohen, who came from and the Christian churches to the tragic Edited by Janet Starkey and Okasha El Aleppo in 1798, is considered the plight of the Jews. Daly founder of Calcutta’s Jewish communi- We believe it was more than indiffer- Printed by The Association for the ty. Soon afterwards, the Sassoons and ence: Pius XII gave Hitler the green Study of Travel in Egypt and the Near other Jewish settlers began to flood into light for the final solution and the West East India, mainly from Baghdad, fleeing welcomed the Holocaust to get rid of (ASTENE) from the harsh rule of Daud Pasha in the Central and East European Jewry for 327 pp early 1800’s. David Sassoon managed fear both of Zionism and of to escape after he was arrested by Daud Communism and for diverting the The Vatican and the Holocaust Pasha who supported his rival Ezra German war effort. ♦ in Italy (Rahamim). Under his very Windows India, a land of many religions, wel- “We give advice by the bucket, comed the Jews. Here they could live in by Susan Zuccotti perfect freedom. To correct a trade but take it by the grain” Yale University Press imbalance with China, opium began to William R Alger 400 pp Price: £11.99UK U S be exported in large quantities to the $16.95 Chinese who used it as a cure for many “To profit from good advice ills. This “flower trade” brought about a requires more wisdom than to Pius XII, the head of the Roman boom and created immense riches as give it” Catholic Church during the Second prices remained lucrative because John Churton Collins World War, did not speak out publicly Chinese rulers refused to legalise opium against the destruction of the Jews. – the same situation that prevails nowa- “People don’t lack strength; they This fact is rarely contested, nor can it days in the West. be. Evidence of a public protest, if it This well-researched novel depicts in lack will” existed, would be easy to produce. rich detail the culture and customs of Victor Hugo

The Scribe No.75 42 A History of Writing The Social History of Ben-Gurion’s warn- by Steven Roger Fischer the Jews of Hong ing to the Allies, July Publisher: Reaktion Books 352 pp Price: UK £19.92 US $29.95 Kong 1944

rom the earliest scratches on stone hat used to be a small, distant out- From Edward Yamen Fand bone to the languages of comput- Wpost of the Diaspora has now Milan ers and the Internet, A History of Writing become the hub of Jewish life in the East offers a fascinating investigation into the and South-East Asian region. It is there- ere is a part of Ben-Gurion’s origin and development of the world’s fore highly appropriate that an in-depth Haddress, reported by the daily writing. After surveying the first stages study of the social history of Hong Kong “Davar”, 13 July 1944 which can be of information storage – knot records, Jewry has recently begun. selective in recognising facts better pictographs, message sticks or boards, The study has been prepared by Dr than a research or any study: coloured pebbles – Steven Roger Fischer Caroline B Plüss, D. Phil., Oxon who “It is our duty that we raise our voice focuses on the emergence of complete graduated in Sociology, Political in a loud and bitter scream: What have writing systems in Mesopotamia in the Sciences and Anthropology from you done to us? Not they – cruel, fourth millennium BC and its many Lausanne University, Switzerland. She bloodthirsty beasts that the Nazis are. reflexes in Egypt, the Indus Valley, then won the Berrow Scholarship from With them we have no common lan- Canaan, Anatolia and the Aegean. Lincoln College, University of Oxford, guage or rapport – they are outside the Having traced the rise of Phoenician England where she obtained a doctorate pale of humanity. But you, what have and its effect on the evolution of the in the Sociology of Religion. Currently, you done to us, you freedom-loving Greek alphabet, a process that generated Dr Plüss, is a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the peoples, guardians of justice, defenders the West’s many alphabetic scripts, Centre of Asian Studies. The University of high principles of democracy and of Fischer turns his attention to the writing of Hong Kong, and a Research Fellow of the brotherhood of man? What have systems of Asia, presenting a detailed the Jewish Historical Society (JHS) of you allowed to be perpetrated against a exploration of Chinese, Vietnamese, Hong Kong. defenceless people while you stood Korean and Japanese. In the process of gathering the aside and let them bleed to death, never An analysis of the Americas’ pre- resources for this research and writing lifting a finger to help, never offering Columbian writing is followed by a close project, Dr Plüss has uncovered, and succor, never calling on the friends to look at the evolution of handwritten and gathered together a wide variety of mate- stop, in the language of punishment printed scripts in Western Europe, from rials that have never before been readily which alone they would understand? the Middle Ages through the invention of available to researchers in one body of Why do you profane our pain and printing to the technological innovations collected materials which has been pub- wrath with empty expressions of sym- of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. lished as an Occasional Paper of the JHS pathy which ring like mockery in the of Hong Kong. ♦ ears of millions, who are being daily Scribe: burnt and buried alive in the Nazi hell centres of Europe? Why have you not The most important development of Some Arabs have to even supplied arms to our ghetto writing was the invention of the alphabet rebels, as you have done for the parti- some 4,000 years ago. The book does go sans and underground fighters of other not cover adequately that phenomenal ur future relations with Arabs is one nations? Why did you not help us to revolution and tries to attribute the devel- of disengagement rather than inte- establish contacts with our ghetto opment of the first alphabet to the O gration. Some Arabs have to go, so that rebels, as you have done in the case of Egyptians. we can establish good relations with the partisans in Greece and Yugoslavia We believe that the first alphabet was them at arm’s length. Churchill used to and the underground movements the Hebrew alphabet invented by none say that Arabs unwilling to live under elsewhere?” other than our Patriarch, Abraham, in the Jewish rule should migrate to strictly As a matter of fact the War Cabinet course of his frequent travels to Egypt. Arab countries. on British rescue policy left policy He ridiculed the stupidity of the hiero- Jews and Arabs are not natural enemies unchanged: it was best defined by glyphic writing and devised the sixteen but natural allies. Their qualities com- Deputy Prime Minister Clement Attlee letters of consonants based on the human plement each other’s. Jews and Arabs on January 1943. When asked in speech. The names of all these conso- always worked together at the personal Parliament “what action has been taken nants derive from the Hebrew level. They can also do so at the state …in regard to the massacre of Jews”, language.♦ level. Attlee answered: “The only real reme- The Psalm “By the Rivers of Babylon” dy for the consistent Nazi policy of he plumber finished his work and contains a cryptic phrase explaining why racial and religious persecution lies in Tpresented his bill to the GP who our ancestors wept in their captivity. Al an Allied victory; every resource must was surprised at the high charge: “with Arabim betokhah – because of the Arabs be bent towards this supreme object.” all the time I spent to become a doctor, that infiltrated into our country. We must How very true; but in the race between I don’t dare charge as much as you do”. not allow the present-day Arabs in Israel VE-Day and Auschwitz, the latter pre- “I sympathise with you”, retorted the to cause us to weep again. ♦ vailed. When victory had finally come, plumber. “I was a GP once myself”. Europe’s Jewry had turned into (The Scribe No. 47 – March 1991) ashes.♦

43 The Scribe No.75 The Israeli-Turkish Benjamin Ben- Should marriage be Entente Eliezer abolished?! by Professor Efraim Inbar Director of Begin-Sadat Centre for ard is life without a wife, but Strategic Studies at Bar-Ilan Hworse still with only one! University The Bible tells us Genesis 3:24: he new unprecedented degree of Therefore shall a man leave his Tcloseness between Israel and father and his mother, and shall cleave Turkey has become a significant fea- unto his wife: and they shall be one ture of the contemporary international flesh. dynamics of the Middle East. Efraim This is the ideal arrangement that is Inbar’s The Israeli-Turkish Entente is followed even by some birds and ani- the first comprehensive study that mals. A lifelong relationship with their explains the timing of the entente, its spouses. But in the real world things present substance, and its impact on the have been different. regional environment. Before Europe was overrun by The book argues that the entente with Jewish ethics through the advance of Israel was part of a re-orientation of Christianity, marriage was little-known Turkey’s foreign policy as a result of and people would simply fornicate, the emergence of a new international leaving the woman to hold and care for constellation, following the demise of the baby. Marriage was introduced for the Soviet Union. While it was free to the benefit of the woman to protect her adopt a more assertive foreign policy and enhance her status. But than before, Turkey perceived itself monogamy was introduced for the ben- encircled by areas of instability and efit of the average man to prevent threatened by dangerous neighbours. wealthy and powerful men from cor- Relations with Israel were considered nering the best women. useful in facing Turkey’s new chal- orn in Iraq, Benjamin Ben-Eliezer The present system served both the lenges. While no classic military Bmade aliyah in 1950 at the age of man and the woman, as well as the alliance, the Israeli-Turkish entente 13. As a young man he lived on children who, in particular, were renders each side military benefits. Kibbutz Merhavia in the Jezriel Valley. assured who their parents were, and the The partnership is useful in dealing Having enlisted in the Israel Defence husband-to-be satisfied of the paternity with a variety of common challenges, Forces’ elite Golani Brigade, he rose to of his family. The law considers him to such as the adversary relationship with the rank of Company commander. In be the father anyway even if he was Syria, the security risks emanating the Six-Day War, he was wounded not. But medical and scientific from Iraq and Iran, particularly con- whilst commanding an elite reconnais- advances now offer better safeguard cerning weapons of mass destruction; sance battalion raid across enemy lines. through DNA tests, and the woman can Islamic extremism; the future of A member of the I.D.F. Military get rid of unwanted pregnancies by Central Asia. Turkey and Israel also Mission to Singapore for three years, various safe and easy methods. When share a problematic relationship with he went on to serve in the Yom Kippur a husband can go to jail for raping his Europe and suspicions of a resurgent War as Deputy Regimental wife, then we can say that the institu- Russia. This alignment strengthens the Commander of Southern Command. tion of marriage has outlived its useful- peace process between Israel and its In the 11th Knesset, General Ben- ness. Marriage should be relegated to neighbours, which is predicated upon a Eliezer was a principal member of the the domain of a private agreement strong Israel, deters radical states, such Labour and Social Affairs Committee, made-to-measure to suit the require- as Iran, Iraq and Syria and enhances and since then has held many positions ment of the couple regarding finances, the influence of the US in the region. of key importance. bringing up of the children as well as Finally, the book evaluates the He was appointed as Minister for the duration of the marriage. resilience of the new Israeli-Turkish Construction and Housing following The people of Iran have for centuries entente in light of domestic and inter- the elections of 1992. practised this kind of marriage to the national constraints and argues that General Ben-Eliezer is now Head of extent that a traveller can enter into a despite the potential limitations, the the Labour Party, Defence Minister and marriage contract with a bride, say, for common interests are likely to make Deputy Prime Minister. ♦ six months. ♦ the entente durable. ♦ “It is easy to take liberty for granted, when you have never had it taken from you” Dick Cheney

The Scribe No.75 44 Wedding Opening of the new offices of the Board of Anniversaries Deputies of British Jews

The wedding having taken place We have anniversaries to celebrate; The first one being of Cotton - Is not likely to be forgotten The second is of Paper - We must not let gaiety taper The third of Leather - May be heavy weather Fourth, of Wood - If we only understood Seventh, Woollen - Baby’s pullin’ Our tenth is Tin - Let’s keep off sin Our twelfth of Silk - No more mother’s milk Crystal for our fifteen years - China after twenty clears - At the opening of the new offices of the Board of Deputies of British Jews at 6 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1. Left to right: Rabbi Dr Abraham Levy; Naim and Renée Dangoor ♦ Our twenty-fifth is Silver bright - And thirty, Pearl, old age in sight - In forty years, it is a Ruby - Tuberous Sclerosis sufferers received at Fifty, Gold, for all our duty - Downing Street Sixty, Diamond glistens brightly - We do not take this Anniversary lightly With each and every year gone by We are made conscious of how time does fly


Carole Basri New York Dear Carole recently played the tape which you Ikindly gave me about the Jewish com- munity of Baghdad. It was certainly most interesting and I wish to congratu- late you on your effort. It records the remnant of our community which has vanished from Iraq but now survives in pockets all over the world. The story that you recorded is a splendid historic exer- cise which shows the interest you take in our roots. By the way, it is not correct to think that my grandfather was appointed Chief Rabbi by the Ben Ish Hai; he was in fact elected by the Rabbinical Council. uberous Sclerosis is a debilitating genetic condition which can result in uncon- It was a great pleasure meeting both Ttrollable epilepsy, autism and severe learning disabilities. you and your mother during your short A tea party was hosted recently at 10 Downing Street to mark the 25th anniversary stay in London. of the Tuberous Sclerosis Association. The above picture shows Cherie Blair with Joe Moshi (right) who is a TS sufferer Best regards from Renée and Naim. ♦ and brother Ben, together with another TS sufferer. ♦ 45 The Scribe No.75 Ketchri – A love ‘Beith Blahem’ – Meat Patties with eggs story between the rice and the lentils by Ilana Avissar

Every Wednesday at two o’clock I go down, and search in the stock I look for red lentils and rice To make a meal that will be nice. I pour one cup of lentils into a pot And add two cups of rice - not a lot The rice ‘til now was all alone And the lentils were as hard as stone. Soak in water for half an hour And then give them all a nice shower Now both become soft and clean As beautiful as they never have been. The rice saw the lentils suddenly No more will he be sad and lonely The lentils are round and start to blossom As they see the rice tall and handsome. Both close their eyes and smile with delight Can not tear from each other their sight To them I add tomato sauce, salt and pepper On them I pour three cups of hot water. They warm up nicely on a high fire And drink the water with desire After the water is completely gone Almost dry, they are left alone. The rice says: Hello Sweet Miss! And gives her a lovely long kiss We lower the fire and simmer them slowly For five minutes to cook totally. We then fry oil, cumin, garlic and onion And mix in to give taste to this union Now together they happily live Ingredients: In a frying pan, heat a little oil on A delicious meal to us they give. high and then reduce heat to medium. The love between them has given us joy 1 lb minced meat or chicken Drop spoonfools of the mixture into the By mixing in yoghurt we doubly enjoy 6 medium potatoes half boiled and grated hot oil and flatten a bit with the back of Our meal is great, tasty and very good or very finely cut a spoon to make round patties. When It is called Ketchri and is an Iraqi food. 1 bunch spring onions finely chopped one side is cooked, turn it on the other 1 small onion finally chopped side to cook. Remove when ready and 1 cup parsley finely chopped put on kitchen paper. Repeat until all Ingredients: 6 – 8 eggs or more if necessary mixture is fried. It makes about 40 pat- Salt and pepper to taste ties. 2 cups rice, 1 cup red lentils, 1 teaspoon 1 teaspoon allspice (optional) salt, 1/4 teaspoon black pepper, 3 cups Serve with pickles and parsley with Method: ♦ water, 4 teaspoons oil, 15 pieces of garlic pitta bread. finely cut, l teaspoon cumin, 1 onion cut Mix meat or chicken, potatoes, spring into squares and fried, 11/2 spoons toma- onions, onion and parsely together. to purée. ♦ Then add the eggs and mix well. The Photo from ‘Iraqi Cooking’ by mixture should be soft but not watery. Pascall Peres-Rubin The Scribe is published and printed by: The Exilarch’s Foundation, 4 Carlos Place, Mayfair, London W1K 3AW, England Tel : +4420 7399 0850 Email : [email protected] Fax :+4420 7399 0860 Web :

The Scribe No.75 46