Reading's Scientists Contribute to the Nobel Peace Prize
BulletinFortnightly news for staff | 8 November 2007 | 472 Reading’s scientists contribute to the Nobel Peace Prize As a world-renowned research and teaching 472 | IN THE NEWS: institution, the University of Reading is rarely out of the local, national and international media. This is a selection of media appearances by members of the University and press cutting summaries which highlight the important work being done by the staff and students of the University. View all ‘In the news’ items at 8 November 2007 | Front cover: Glaciers 2 September, Mail on Sunday; 5 October, Reading Evening Post 17 October, Pulse tell their own story on 3 September, Daily Mirror, Daily The University is offering a new Professor Molly Courtenay Express and Daily Telegraph; part-time learning scheme for (Health and Social Care) gives her Bulletin climate change. The 4 September, Daily Telegraph, Daily people wanting to study Chemistry. expert opinion on the Goverment’s retreat of small glaciers Mail; 11 September, Guardian and plans to allow nurses and 8 October, Reading Evening Post Daily Mail pharmacists to prescribe any worldwide indicates a Michaela Ellison, a Reading Featured the research of Dr controlled drug. warmer climate. University English undergraduate, was Phillipa Darbre, Biological recently crowned Berkshire and 18 October, The Scotsman scientists contribute to the Sciences, into the interactions of Oxfordshire’s most enterprising Professor Gary Butler (Psychology Intergovernmental Panel on oestrogen-mimicking pollutant student in the Shell Step and Clinical Language Sciences) Climate Change which was chemicals present in the programme. comments on recent research that ecosystem specifically jointly awarded the Nobel found being tall can make you feel accumulating in human breast fat.
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