Trinity Tripod, 2018-02-06
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The Trinity Tripod Hartford, Conn. Volume CXVIII Trinity College Tuesday, February 6, 2018 Number II Bucknell Students Break into Cleo of AX Patriots GRANVILLE KAYNOR ’21 STAFF WRITER Culture A male student from Bucknell University in Lewis- Dominates berg, Pennsylvania broke MATEO VAZQUEZ ’21 into the Cleo of AX fraternity CONTRIBUTING WRITER house on Vernon Street last Saturday, Jan. 27. The same When many reflect on student and an unidentified the Patriots recent success, accomplice of roughly the they overlook what the team same age were seen entering has done for New England. illicitly at another fraternity Since Robert Kraft bought on campus the prior evening. the Patriots in 1994, the According to Brielle Jones team has sold out every sin- ’20, a member of Cleo, the gle game, an impressive feat suspect forced his way into considering their prior poor the house through a window performance as a franchise. into the basement. The sus- This sell out streak is just pect was found at the bar on one of the many ways that the ground floor by another the team has brought eco- member of Cleo, former presi- nomic activity to the region. dent Caroline Manns ’18, who The Patriots have also came downstairs after having become a brand attrac- heard a “weird noise.” Ms. tion for sports enthusiasts, Manns proceeded to question bringing in a tourist popula- the stranger about how he tion to the region as a result of their massive success. see CLEO on page 3 MATHIEU AGUILAR/STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER see PATRIOTS on page 11 CleoClioo of Al]P!haAlpha Chi was subjecteds1ut'lbjected ooto a lbireruld.nbreak-in lbiyby vi.sitingvisiting studentsst1Uldents last weekend. “Art After Dark” Entertains Trinity Students Study Away in New York GILLIAN REINHARD ’20 SOPHIA GOURLEY ’19 Trinity’s programs in Eu- EDITOR-IN-CHIEF CONTRIBUTING WRITER rope including Barcelona and Paris, but ultimate- The Hartford Consor- This semester, Jen- ly found value in study- tium for Higher Educa- na Behan ’19 is studying ing away domestically. tion partnered with the away at Columbia Uni- “I knew I wanted to ex- Wadsworth Atheneum versity in New York City perience a semester out- Museum of Art to orga- through their Visiting side of Trinity, but wasn’t nize a free, art-centered Student Program. At Co- sold on the idea of trav- event for local college lumbia, Jenna is able to eling all the way to Eu- students. The event “Art work towards her goal of rope,” she tells the Tripod. After Dark: Fire and Ice” graduating with a dou- Jenna decided to look at served as an exciting and ble major in English and options in one of her favor- eye-opening introduction Urban Studies by taking ite places, New York City, to the country’s oldest Trinity-approved classes with the intention of see- continually operating art and experiencing what ing if this fast-paced glob- museum. The event held a it is like to live in New al city would make a good DJ, a snack bar, trivia con- York City. When looking home after graduation. tests, tours of the muse- HARTFORD CONSORTIUM FOR HIGHER EDUCATION at study away options, um, and a showing of the Jenna went back and see STUDY AWAY on page 8 film The Big Sick. “Fire forth between some of and Ice,” the theme of the night, was well represent- ed by ice sculptures and a fire-eating performance. The event also hosted The Dance Collective, a company for female danc- ers and choreographers. “I thought the event went really well and I’m excited to see it grow in the next few years,” com- mented Liam Andrian ’20. Andrian serves as HARTFORD CONSORTIUM FOR HIGHER EDUCATION Trinity’s student repre- the “Party on Pratt” event the city. “I hope events sentative to the Hartford in the fall of 2017. Each such as this and others Consortium for Higher of these programs offers will encourage students to JENNA BEHAN ’19 Education, who have in Hartford college students check out what downtown Jenna Behan ’19'19 decided on New Yolt'kYork City as her study away the past also sponsored the chance to experience Hartford has to offer.” destination. 2 FEBRUARY 6, 2018 The Tripod Editorial Trinity Tripod Trinity’s Art Culture Needs Adjustments Established in 1904 Trinity’s arts culture is As stated above, a weak art scene in Hartford- ac- “Scribere Aude!” suffering. It is underappre- arts culture at Trinity could cessible at the Wadsworth Editor-in-Chief ciated, its events are unat- be attributed to the fact that Atheneum, the Hartford GILLIAN REINHARD ’20 tended, and its participants the arts do not seem to “fit” Symphony Orchestra, and not outspoken enough. into Trinity’s culture. One the Hartford Stage. Students Managing Editor Some students go years reason for this ambiguous also must be given the tools AMANDA LAFFERTY ’21 without stepping foot in AAC lack of “fit” could perhaps be and taught by the school to and few know that the new Trinity’s prestigious NES- take advantage of all Hart- NEWS EDITORS FEATURES EDITORS neuroscience building con- CAC sports. Many argue ford offers in regards to the BEN GAMBUZZA ’20 AMANDA HAUSMANN ’21 tains an art gallery to com- there is something inher- arts. BRENDAN CLARK ’21 AMANDA SCOPELLITI ’20 plement the gallery in AAC. ent about those who play The College must also Many, perhaps, do not even or enjoy sports that makes promote these opportuni- Opinion Editors SPORTS EDITOR know AAC has an art gallery. them diametrically opposed ties and actively encourage JAYMIE BIANCA ’21 ALEX DAHLEM ’20 Some blame the administra- to the arts. 35.7% of Trini- student participation in the HUNTER SAVERY ’20 tion for not funding the arts ty’s student body are varsity arts, in both admissions pro- Senior Editors and some blame the general student athletes, according cesses and with enrolled stu- A&E Editors CHRIS BULFINCH ’18 culture of Trinity. to the school’s 2017 Forbes dents. TRIP SLAYMAKER ’18 NATE CHOUKAS ’18 It is far too simple to re- listing. Compare this to our However, perhaps most MEG SMITH ’21 JUSTIN FORTIER ’18 gard social issues at Trinity better-respected NESCAC importantly, the arts commu- WILL SNAPE ’18 as one-sided. The institution neighbors such as Bowdoin nity is itself not outspoken STAFF WRITERS AMANDA MUCCIO ’18 of the College is dependent (42.2%) or Amherst (38.4%). enough. Artists, musicians, JAMES CALABRESI ’20 CHARLIE MCMAHON ’18 on the human power of the We have to wonder why these and creative writers need to CARLY CAO ’20 student body, and the stu- schools have more student take the initiative to make CAM CHOTTINER ’20 STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS dent body is dependent on athletes and better arts cul- their work more visible. Art- ELEANNA DAVOS ’20 JOHN ANTHONY ROSA ’21 the formal organizational tures. For if we even glance ists need to show demand PARKER FISKE ’18 MATHIEU AGUILAR ’21 infrastructure of the College. at the arts pages on the web- and take initiative. Progress SAM HOLLEY ’19 SABRINA SHU ’21 Neither can survive or func- sites of these schools, they rests on the creative minds TAYLOR KAY-GREEN ’19 tion wholly without the oth- are decidedly more vibrant of our community to express JOSEPH LADD ’19 BUSINESS MANAGER er: an event organized by the than Trinity’s. In fact, our their creativity. The school MADISON VAUGHN ’21 JAMES SHEEHY ’20 school will fall flat if unat- main website does not even HENRY WU ’21 will certainly be better off for tended, grass-roots student have an “art” tab. it. activities will not survive the There are several ways to The student body must test of time unless acknowl- remedy this problem, and al- generate interest, ideas, and The Trinity Tripod has been published by the students of Trinity Col- edged and supported by the low Trinity to be a space for works, and it is also on the lege since 1904. Its staff members are committed to the reporting and distribution of news and ideas that are relevant to the College school. Trinity faces many artistic students to thrive. college to provide public sup- community. The Tripod is published weekly on Tuesdays during the social issues in this day and The art galleries at Mather, port for these student inter- academic year. Student subscription is included in the Student Ac- age. Arts is one problem that AAC and the new CCAN ests. In order for the arts to tivities Fee (SAF). For non-students looking to subscribe, a one-se- needs to be tackled from both building must be utilized and have a stronger presence at mester subscription costs $10.00 and a one-year subscription costs sides: students and adminis- expanded. Students must Trinity, we all have to pitch $20.00. Please address all correspondence to: tration. reach out into the thriving in. 300 Summit St. Box 702582 Hartford, CT 06106-3100 Phone: (860) 297-2584 Letter to the Editor Families from lower experience. This award will to help students focus their Opinions expressed in Tripod editorials represent the views of the income backgrounds face outline their costs, scholar- energies on academic and Tripod editorial board. Those opinions do not necessarily reflect the daunting challenges in ships, and grants for the en- social success, rather than views of all contributors to the Tripod . Additionally, opinions ex- pressed in the Opinion section belong to the writers themselves and the college search process, tire four years, and remove burdensome administrative do not represent the views of the Tripod staff.