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Thursday, September 14, 2017 DEEP STATE SHADOW



FUNDING THE ROGUE NSA, IBM, C.I.A. “INTERNET OF THINGS” PAY-to-PLA Y NEW W ORLD ORDER SPY STATE This timeline shows how insiders sell access & manipulate politicians, police, intelligence, CONTRIBUTING WRITERS | OPINION | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | SEP. 14, 2017, UPDATED OCT. 03, 2017 | judges and media to keep their secrets PDF | https://tinyurl.com/y8urv294 Clintons, Obamas, Summers were paid in cash for outlandish speaking fees and Foundation donations. Sycophant judges, politicians, academics, bureaucrats and media were fed tips to mutual funds tied to insider stocks like Facebook. Risk of public exposure, blackmail, pedophilia, “snuff parties” (ritual child sexual abuse and murder) and Satanism have ensured silence among pay-to-play beneficiaries. The U.S. Patent Office is their toy box from which to steal new ideas.

FIG. 1 – GLOBALIST GENERAL H.R. MCMASTER & PRESIDENT AT MCMASTER'S APPOINTMENT AS NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISOR. McMaster is a disciple of and the Deep State shadow government. He despises President Trump's America First priority. The Deep State shadow government has a hard stop requirement for the President to renew Executive Order No. 13708 by Sep. 30, 2017. This executive order perpetuates a string of executive orders that have authorized the warrantless surveillance of Americans since 9/11 and the passage of the Patriot Act. These orders have sacrificed fundamental civil liberties and established the NSA / C.I.A. surveillance state.

Photo Breitbart https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 1/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE Bookmark: #social-networks-now-spies | https://tinyurl.com/yac39vzs



GOVERNMENT SPYING ALER T: As of this update, the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC) at the U. S. Department of Homeland Security has failed to notify the public that their charter to operate expired on Sep. 30, 2017. Curiously, this order was not posted on the NIAC website under "NIAC Authorities" like the ones for 2013 and before are.

Technology companies across the board (e.g., IBM, Apple, Google, YouTube, , Facebook, Palantir (Peter Thiel), AT&T, Microsoft, Skype, Yahoo, Verizon, Oracle, WhatsApp, Instagram, Pinterest, Symantec, Juniper Networks, Goldman Sachs, HP, Dell, Lenovo, you name it) have lost their executive order "public-private partnership" Updated Mar. 19, 2014 authorization to provide spy services to the rogue C.I.A. and NSA. The main executive order authority for the "National Infrastructure Advisory Council" upon which they have relied as the excuse for their Clintonista, fascist, crony-capitalist insider deal making since 1999 expired on Sep. 30, 2017 . . . in the name of national security and counter terrorism, of course.

CONGRESS CONTACT LOOKUP THE GREATER SCANDAL: [Editorial: Despite the $1 trillion a year that these anti-terror experts spend, the shooter(s) in the tragic Las Vegas mass murder of concert-goers were able to amass at last count 42 sophisticated weapons and munitions without being detected by our bloated spy agencies. This should tell us that "antiterrorism" has been nothing but a cruel hoax ("false flag") by the Deep State shadow government to scare citizens into giving up their civil Universal Toxic Substance Symbol & Warning liberties. (For example, we learned just yesterday from whisteblowers that FEMA was FINANCIAL HOLDINGS OF OBAMA POLITICAL conducting a simulated school shooting drill just 18 miles from Sandy Hook on Dec. 14, APPOINTEES, BY AGENCY 2012. Just coincidence?). We must realize that their real motive is, and always has been, to take down the American Republic and replace it with a New World Order globalism run by unelected banks, corporations and bureaucrats.] FOLLOW BY EMAIL

The Silicon Valley monopoly that emerged in 1999 to service this global spy-profit surveillance state is officially illegitimate. Now that Executive Order 13708 expired on Sep. Email address... Submit 30, 2017, the illegal $5+ trillion social networking industry that they created with stolen goods must be dismantled. Alternatively, for starters, it must be reformed to right the 17 years of wrongs they have committed against inventors, technologists and entrepreneurs BLOG ARCHIVE like Leader Technologies, Michael McKibben, Lakshmi Aranachalam and Johannes Van Der Meer and Paul Ceglia, among others. ▼ 2017 (21) See new post Leader Proposes Trillion Dollar Revenue While Lowering Taxes. ▼ September (2) LEADER PROPOSES TRILLION DOLLAR REVENUE WHILE LOWE... https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 2/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE ORIGINAL POST ► August (3) ► July (1) ► June (3) (SEP. 14, 2017)—, President Trump’s former campaign manager, ► May (2) Times best seller, and Infowars contributor, indicated several days ► April (3) ago that President Trump has serious troubles. He reinforced this same alert ► March (3) 24 hours later. He said that multiple White House sources have told him that ► February (2) President Trump may be being drugged gradually with psychotropic drugs in ► January (2) preparation for an imminent Deep State takeover. ► 2016 (39) Such drugging of a President would not be a new tactic for the rogue C.I.A. ► 2015 (34) which is widely known to use such mind control drugs for “regime change” ► 2014 (26) around the world. See previous post; Google: “CIA mind control drugs”. ► 2013 (28) ► 2012 (6) The American Republic is under attack by rogue C.I.A. Deep State operatives who are actively working to nullify the 2016 election. UPDATE MAR. 25, 2014 FIVE CRITICAL AFI POSTS ON JUDICIAL END OF SEPTEMBER 30, 2017 IS A DEEP COMPROMISE Fully updated Mar. 25, 2014 in the wake of STATE DROP DEAD DATE the Scribd censorship: 1. HOW PATENT JUDGES GROW RICH ON THE BACKS OF AMERICAN INVENTORS September 30, 2017 is a critical date looming for the Deep State shadow Patent Office filings are government. The executive orders which have given them the dubious legal shuffled out the USPTO backdoor to crony lawyers, banks and deep-pocket clients. authority they have secretly awarded to themselves must be renewed. It appears they are willing to depose President Trump and/or destroy the 2. WAS CHIEF JUSTICE ROBERTS BLACKMAILED into country to get those renewals. supporting Obamacare by his ethical compromises in Leader v. Facebook?

The facts are now well-established that the Deep State confiscated the 3. JUSTICE ROBERTS MENTORED invention of social networking from Columbus innovator Leader Facebook Gibson Dunn LLP attorneys. Technologies. Then, they reconfigured Leader’s invention into a rogue global spying and profit-making apparatus that is violating our Fourth 4. JUSTICE ROBERTS HOLDS Amendment privacy rights of every American, our Fifth Amendment substantial Facebook financial interests. property rights, our Second Amendment right to bear arms, and our First Amendment rights to free speech. 5. JUDGE LEONARD STARK FAILED to disclose his Facebook financial interests and his reliance on Leader proved in federal court that Facebook, for example, relies on Facebook's Cooley Godward LLP Leader’s invention for 100% of its revenue. The rest of the social networking attorneys for his appointment. world also relies on Leader’s invention for essentially 100% of their revenues as well. Such a theft of technology is unprecedented.

Bookmark: #miller-act | https://tinyurl.com/y8ugeoro 'S DARK POOLS OF CORRUPTION See previous post AFI. (Jul. 24, 2017). Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S. government. Americans for Innovation. See also Miller Act Notice.

This lawless spy network was created from executive orders reaching back to Bill Clinton in 1993. These orders give the President sole authority to https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 3/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE authorize, fund and control the C.I.A., Click to enlarge NSA and any of the other 15 intelligence agencies through his National Security Staff (NSS).

This operation is funded by an intertwined cluster of open-ended (and therefore indecipherable) Executive Branch budgets. Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama secretly operated a vast military-industrial infrastructure largely without Congressional or Judicial CLICK HERE FOR WASHINGTON'S ETHICAL oversight. DISEASE DISCOVERIES RE. FACEBOOK "DARK FIG. 2—Miller Act Notice of Leader Technologies and inventor Michael POOLS" President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned McKibben filed at the White House on us about this “military-industrial Jul. 23, 2017. They demand full complex” in his Jan. 17, 1961 farewell compensation for the federal government's wholesale theft of their STOP FACEBOOK PROPERTY THEFT address. social networking inventions thru a broad, “free” distribution to its We believe that the Deep State’s military-industrial spying and profit- extensive activity to destroy President making insiders using the freshly- minted IBM Eclipse Foundation formed Trump is now focused on creating a with a $40 million IBM “donation" just

pretext to take over the White House, or four (4) weeks after The Patriot Act W LL HUMANK ND EVER LEARN? Facebook's Orwellian at least suspend lawmaking, by Sep. 30, was signed into law. doublespeak about property and privacy (theft) merely repeats the eventual dehumanization of the individual under 2017. MAO's Red Star, Stalin's SOV ET Hammer & Cycle and Hitler's NAZI Swastika. Respect for the inalienable rights of each individual is a bedrock value of democracy. The members of the Facebook Cabal abuse this principle at every opportunity. Sep. 30 , 2017 is the date that Executive Order 13708 expires. They evidently believe that they deserve special privileges and are willing to lie, cheat and steal in order to treat themselves to these privileges. This order gives the White House near dictatorial control over the Internet. In Deep State’s mind, without getting that control back, they will lose the information war, and thus their dream of a UN-controlled “new world ASK CONGRESS: PASS THE order.” INVENTOR PROTECTION ACT!


Among these greater and lesser orders, two are seminal:

Executive Order 13130. (Jul. 14, 1999). National Infrastructure Assurance Council. Bill Clinton. Federal Register, Vol. 64, No. 137, Jul. 14, 1999. GPO.

Executive Order 13228/31. (Oct. 08/16, 2001). Establishing the Office of Homeland Security and the Homeland Security Council. George Bush. Federal Register, Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents Vol. 37, Iss. 41, October 15, 2001. GPO.

These two orders form a continuity of orders (EO 13130 Jul. 14, 1999, EO13228/31 Oct. 08/16, 2001, EO13286 Feb. 28, 2003, EO 13385 Sep. 29, 2005, EO13446 Sep, 28, 2007, EO13511 Sep. 29, 2009, EO 13585 Sep. 2011, Click image above to download a poster-quality PDF optimized for a 11in. x 17in. (ledger-size) poster. EO1352 Sep. 30, 2013.) Not included is EO 13708 Sep. 30, 2015 (expired America should not be in the business of cheating its entrepreneurial investors simply because the cheaters Sep. 30, 2017) that extend NIAC operations from 1999 to the present day, buy off judges with the money gained from their theft. and their current authority was extended and is governed by EO 13708 (Sep. Such permissiveness is obscene. 30, 2015). https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 4/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

Executive Order 13708 terminates on Sep. 30, 2017, unless is is renewed LEADER V. FACEBOOK by the President (or his replacement). BACKGROUND

NIAC forms the basis for the dubious “public-private” partnerships which Jul. 23, 2013 NOTICE: DonnaKlineNow! has gone offline. All her posts are available as a secretly bind the commercial and intelligence technology worlds. It is the PDF collection here (now updated, post- embodiment of the military-industrial complex that President Dwight D. Scribd censorship). Eisenhower warned us about. Mar. 20, 2014 READER NOTICE: On Mar. 7, 2014, all of our documents linked to Scribd In short, the NIAC benefits of universal government spying: were deleted by that "cloud" service using the flimsiest of arguments . Some of our Spy access to all user data via universal encryption backdoor key documents have been there for two years and some had almost 20,000 reads. to all hardware, software and firmware. See also Zetter, K. (Sep. 24, 2013). How a Crypto “Backdoor” Pitted the Tech World George Orwell wrote in 1984 that one knows Against the NSA. Wired; AFI (Nov. 25, 2015). Dell and Lenovo one is in a totalitarian state when telling the truth becomes an act of courage. (IBM) ship computers with spy state backdoors; AFI (Nov. 06, 2015). Complicit encryption geeks enable the American spy All the links below were updated Mar . 20, state. 2014 (many thanks to our volunteers!)

Blackmail data to control politicians, the media and public 1. Summary of Motions, Appeal, Petition, Evidence, Analysis, Briefings (FULL opinion. See Theodore L. Gunderson. (May 12, 2005). VIDEO & CITATIONS) in Leader Technologies, TRANSCRIPT, FBI Senior Special Agent In Charge (ret.) (Dallas, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 08-cv-862-JJF- LPS (D. Del. 2008), published as Los Angeles, Memphis) presentation on Illuminati, Satanism, Leader Techs, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., Pedophilia, CIA, FBI, Intelligence Deep State shadow government 770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D. Del. 2001) collusion (“people in our government ... a rogue outfit” . . . “who orchestrate terrorist acts in order to get Congress to pass 2. Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam's Censored Federal Circuit Filings (Archive) Bills like the Patriot Act, and that many of those votes are 3. Brief Summary of Leader v. Facebook procured through blackmail through sex and drugs”). 4. Backgrounder

5. Fenwick & West LLP Duplicity Commercial Off The Shelf (COTS) commercial technology 6. Instagram-scam platforms to spy on America’s and the world’s population. See 7. USPTO-reexam Sham Drain the Swamp Poster. 8. Zynga-gate 9. James W. Breyer / Accel Partners LLP Pay-to-play insider financial information as bribes. See Timeline. Insider Trading 10. Federal Circuit Disciplinary Complaints NIAC commercial “public” partner benefits received (the benefits of this 11. Federal Circuit Cover-up crony capitalism): 12. Congressional Briefings re. Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption Government contracts 13. Prominent Americans Speak Out Regulatory favoritism 14. Petition for Writ of Certiorari Banking favoritism 15. Two Proposed Judicial Reforms 16. S. Crt. for Schemers or Inventors? Financing favoritism 17. Attorney Patronage Hijacked DC? Unfettered access to user data for profit-making Judicial protection Pay-to-plan financial information as bribes

For example, on Feb. 09, 2016 Barack Obama signed Executive Order 13718

in which he actually used the commercial name for this NIAC takeover of 18. Justice Denied | Battle Continues the Internet, “The Internet of Things.” See previous post. 19. FB Robber Barons Affirmed by S. Crt. 20. Judicial Misconduct WALL OF SHAME 21. Corruption Watch - "Oh what webs we weave, when first we practice to deceive" 22. Facebook | A Portrait of Corruption 23. White House Meddling 24. Georgia! AM 1080 McKibben Interview 25. Constitutional Crisis Exposed 26. Abuse of Judicial Immunity since Stump https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 5/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

FIG. 3—Barack Obama Executive Order 13718, Feb. 09, 2016, Commission on Enhancing National 27. Obamacare Scandal Principals are Cybersecurity (CENC). Obama identified IBM “The Internet of Things” market initiative and is intertwined in the Leader v. Facebook attempting to codify its stability and adaptability. Obama failed to disclose that IBM's claim to the scandal enabling social networking technologies is fraudulent, having been stolen from Columbus, Ohio 28. S.E.C. duplicity re. Facebook innovator Leader Technologies, Inc. via the IBM Eclipse Foundation and Leader's attorney James P. Chandler, who was also an attorney for IBM.

See previous post for IBM's historic role in C.I.A. mind control development using Nazi scientists after World War II. GIBSON DUNN LLP exposed as one of the most corrupt law rms in NEW! SEP. 18, 2017 America Bookmark: #cia-whistleblower-kevin-shipp- | https://tinyurl.com/y772c 45a Investigative Reporter Julia Davis investigates New: CIA Agent Whistleblower Risks All To Expose The Shado… Facebook's Leader v. Facebook attorney Gibson Dunn LLP . She credits this firm with the reason why not a single Wall Street banker has gone to jail since 2008. Click here to read her article "Everybody hates whistleblowers." Examiner.com, Apr. 10, 2012. Here's an excerpt:

"Skillful manipulation of the firm’s extensive media connections allows Gibson Dunn to promote their causes, while simultaneously smearing their opponents and silencing embarrassing news coverage."

This statement followed right after Davis https://youtu.be/XHbrOg092GA | Raw *.mp4 video file cited Facebook's chief inside counsel in the Leader v. Facebook case, Theodore Ullyot, FIG. 4 – C.I.A. WHISTLEBLOWER KEVIN SHIPP EXPOSES THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT AND HOW IT IS MANIPULATED who appears to have helped lead the Leader BY THE DEEP STATE. Shipp calls for a social-civil revolution to restore the U.S. Constitution that v. Facebook judicial corruption. Interesting has been hijacked by the Deep State and which wholly controls the Shadow Government word choices associated with Gibson Dunn (bribed and blackmailed Congress, Judiciary and unelected Bureaucracy). Video: LLP: manipulation, smear. Attorneys swear a GeoEngineeringWatch.org. solemn oath to act morally, ethically, and in support of democratic principles. They See previous Kevin Shipp post with the Shipp Deep State and Shadow Government slides promise to conduct themselves in a manner than instills confidence among the citizenry in extracted.. the rule of law and the judicial system. These promises appear to be meaningless. Click here for a PDF version of Julie Davis' article. The time is now for real American citizens to storm the gates and shine a light directly on White House globalists who: (1) we did not elect, (2) POPULAR POSTS who rely on massive frauds to sustain their power and that of their friends, and (3) who appear to have turned on their boss, the President OHIO STATE’S PRESIDENT we did elect. MICHAEL V. DRAKE MIRED IN PERSONAL CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Trustees and Provost * * * promote learning technology that benefits trustee clients and is stolen from OSU alums Contributing Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon Writers | Opini... without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational OSU BAND INVESTIGATION purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to UNEARTHS SURPRISE any photo. TRUSTEE COLLUSION IN PATENT THEFT Breaking News, Sep. 3, 2014 COMMENT , 10:05am OSU Trustee President, Jeffrey Wadsworth, "counterattacks" the Band Alumni Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post. leadership T... Alternatively, send an email with your comment to [email protected] and we'll post GOVERNOR JOHN KASICH it for you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from HOLDS MUCH STOCK IN OSU whisteblowers. TRUSTEE PRIVATE INTERESTS Governor’s trustee appointments reveal strong bias toward protecting his Posted by K. Craine at 10:07 AM investments Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVA... https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 6/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

FIRING OF OSU BAND LEADER EXPOSES 172 comments: CORRUPTION AT BATTELLE LABS, PATENT OFFICE, NSA Jeffrey Wadsworth, Battelle K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 6:51 AM CEO and OSU Trustee president, doles out OSU contracts to Email comment by GH: Facebook Cartel thru his McBee Strategic LLC lobbyis... . (Sep. 14, 2017). Strike 623 from the Intel Act Today! WikiLeaks. PROOF: "NO FATWA ON TRUTH! SECTION 623 IS DEATH TO THE FIRST AMENDMENT. CANNOT BE IMPARTIAL IN THE RUSSIA INVESTIGATION STRIKE 623 FROM THE INTEL ACT TODAY!" Mueller's Deep State relationships will politicize the FBI yet again Full tweet: Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | ... https://t.co/aSPpUxjVGo TOP 12 REASONS ROBERT or MUELLER IS A TRUMP HITMAN TO HIDE THE DEEP https://twitter.com/wikileaks/status/908528554727616514?s=09 STATE’S SINS President Trump and our Republic are in peril from Reply Deep State operatives like Robert S. Mueller Contributing Writers | Opinion | Replies AMERIC...

HILLARY’S FOUNDATION K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 6:56 AM DIRECTOR TERRY MCAULIFFE [Editors] PAID $675,000 BRIBE TO SPOUSE OF FBI LEAD INVESTIGATOR Here is the legislative history for the act to which WikiLeaks draws our WikiLeaks: McAuliffe is part attention: of Clinton Foundation inner circle with Cheryl Mills, John Podesta, Doug Band and S.1761 - Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2018 Justin Cooper—the email se... 115th Congress (2017-2018). MASSIVE WASHINGTON ... more analysis coming. CORRUPTION EXPOSED BY LEADER V. FACEBOOK Full legislative history: Bi-partisan citizen group appeals to Congress to RESTORE PROPERTY https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/1761/ CONFISCATED BY widespread federal corruption incl. interference by Nancy ...

LEADER TECHNOLOGIES FILES TRILLION DOLLAR K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 7:02 AM BOND LIEN ON THE U.S. [Editors] GOVERNMENT President Trump is asked to SEC. 623. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON WIKILEAKS. compensate Leader for the theft of their inventions by the Deep State shadow government Leader’s social net... It is the sense of Congress that WikiLeaks and the senior leadership of WikiLeaks resemble a non-state hostile intelligence service often abetted by state actors DISASTROUS RISE OF A and should be treated as such a service by the United States. LAWLESS C.I.A. Presidents from Washington https://www.congress.gov/bill/115th-congress/senate-bill/1761/text to Eisenhower feared threats to liberty from abuses of power by the military-industrial complex Contributing...

K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 7:46 AM [Editors] EDITORIALS ANALYSIS: The First Amendment guarantees freedom of the press from state censorship. The purpose of the free press is specifically to hold the powerful accountable, under the assumption without fear of exposure, that power will 1. DC Bar refuses to investigate attorney corrupt the elected steward of that power and become tyrannical if not misconduct in Leader v. Facebook - checked. Unwillingness of DC attorneys to self- police may explain why Washington is A free press is vital. It's purpose is to shine a light on abuses of power. This broken, Dec. 30, 2012 Section 623 is grossly unconstitutional since it seeks to limit the right of free citizens to use their liberty to shine a light on the abuses of power within their government, just as WikiLeaks is doing. Thankfully. 2. Will the U.S. Supreme court support schemers or real American inventors? Shame on the drafters of this Act (Sen. Burr, Richard [R-NC] Sponsor) for such a Facebook's case dangles on a doctored flaggrant abuse of power in even bringing such draft wording forward. interrogatory. Eighteen (18) areas of question shout for attention, Dec. 27, 2012

K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 7:47 AM https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 7/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

Here is a TinyURL for the previous four comments on the American intelligence 3. Two Policy Changes That Will Make attack on WikiLeaks: America More Democratic (and less contentious), Dec. 21, 2012 https://tinyurl.com/intel-attack-on-wikileaks

OUR MISSION K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:05 AM

Email comment by PL: American citizens must fight abuse of the constitutional right for authors and inventors I've read this proposed act with the assumption that our rogue Deep State CIA is to enjoy the fruits of their inventions, as a up to no good. Sure enough, I found it in a whole section on the CIA Sec. 401 matter of matter of basic property rights and where they are protecting themselves from all accountability, and Sec. 402 on sound public policy. Otherwise, instead of American elections!!!! ---- the perview of each State. innovation, , genius, ideas, vision, courage, entrepreneurship, respect, property, Very clever, you a__holes, but we're on to your attorney games now.... rejuvenation, morals, ethics, values, renewal, truth, facts, rights, privacy, solutions and SEC. 402: INFORMATION SHARING WITH STATE ELECTION OFFICIALS. judicial faithfulness,

C.I.A. is attempting to takeover the election activities of each State by giving . . . our society and economy will be dragged two "top secret level" security clearances to State officials who are NOT the down (and eventually destroyed) by copying, Secretary of State. The Secretaries of State in each State is the top official infringement, thievery, counterfeiting, responsible for State election integrity. hacking, greed, misinformation, exploitation, abuse, waste, disrespect, falsity, corruption, By effectively giving CIA intelligence insider status to two State employees in bribery, coercion, intimidation, doublespeak, each State, the CIA will MUZZLE those State employees with their blanket misconduct, lies, deception, attorney "dark secrecy agreement and thus PREVENT those State employees from even arts," destruction, confusion, dishonesty, reporting CIA misconduct in vote fraud. Even if they watch the CIA change the judicial chicanery and lawlessness. vote totals on election night, the CIA secrecy agreement will prevent them from reporting it. If we do not speak up, impeach derelict judges and imprison corrupt attorneys, we Therefore, Sec. 202 INFORMATION SHARING WITH STATE ELECTION OFFICIALS cannot possibly hope to start fixing the cannot be allowed to become law. current ills in our society. Without justice and respect for private property, democracy has Spread the word. This language is deadly to our Republic and free and fair no sure foundation. elections.

CURRENT EDITORIAL FOCUS K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:07 AM We are an opinion blog that advocates for Here's a TinyURL on the previous comment: strong intellectual property rights. We welcome commenters and contributors. The https://tinyurl.com/cia-state-election-takeover Leader v. Facebook patent infringement case first came to our attention after learning that Spread this important link. We must stop this wholesale rogue CIA takeover of the trial judge, Leonard P. Stark, U.S. District our Republic. Court of Delaware, ignored his jury’s admission that they had no evidence to support their on-sale bar verdict, but the Reply judge supported it anyway.

The judicial misconduct has deteriorated from there, replete with two of the three judges on the Federal Circuit appeal panel, K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:16 AM Judges Alan D. Lourie and Kimberly A. Moore, Email comment by GH/DL: holding Facebook stock that they did not disclose to the litigants, and later tried to Investigative Bureau. (Sep. 14, 2017). FBI PAID $100K+ FOR CONCOCTED TRUMP DOSSIER excuse through a quick motion slipped in at DURING ELECTION; JOHN MCCAIN HELPED BROKER CLASSIFIED DEAL WITH COMEY. True the last minute by the Clerk of Court, Jan Pundit. Horbaly, and his close friends at The Federal Circuit Bar Association. (The DC Bar FBI insiders say fired FBI Director James Comey and Andrew McCabe, deputy FBI director, subsequently revealed that Mr. Horbaly is not used Bureau funds to underwrite the controversial dossier on President Donald Trump during licensed to practice law in Washington D.C.) the 2016 presidential election, sources confirm. The judges ignored shocking new evidence And the deal to dig dirt on a presidential candidate was put together with the help of Sen. that Mark Zuckerberg withheld 28 hard drives John McCain, sources said. of 2003-2004 evidence from Leader Technologies that could prove actual theft These new revelations in fact might be the worst kept secrets in Washington, D.C. but now (and therefore claims even more serious than rank-and-file FBI agents want the Bureau to come clean on its relationship with the author infringement). In addition, Facebook's appeal of the problematic Trump dossier, former British spy Christopher Steele. attorney, Thomas G. Hungar of Gibson Dunn LLP, has close personal ties to just about True Pundit first received intelligence from FBI sources in March that the Bureau had struck every judicial player in this story. The a financial deal with Steele in 2016. misconduct appears to reach into the U.S. Patent Office through abuse of the Federal law enforcement agents have since divulged to True Pundit: reexamination process by Facebook. We will stay focused on Leader v. Facebook until - Steele was likely paid in the $100,000 range by the FBI for the research. Perhaps even justice is served, but we also welcome news https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 8/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE more. and analysis of intellectual property abuse in other cases as well. - Sen. John McCain was involved in brokering the introduction of Steele or Steele’s preliminary research to FBI bosses.

- The FBI routinely pays third-party private Intel firms to gather evidence used to secure WELCOME TO DONNA KLINE NOW! federal search warrants and arrest warrants, as well as FISA court warrants. READERS! - The FBI does not vet the privately commissioned investigators, like Fusion GPS, who work “off the books” for the Bureau. AFI has been supporting Donna and is now picking up - The FBI pays such contractors from a budget that is not part of its public expenditures. the main Leader v. Facebook The transactions are confidential, therefore, Freedom of Information Requests (FOIA) on coverage (she will continue such transactions are easily and legally denied. coverage as well).

- Steele and the firm Fusion GPS may have performed additional privately-commissioned Anonymous Posts Are intelligence work for the FBI. Welcomed! Blogger has more posting constraints than Donna's WordPress, The Steele dossier on Trump has since proven to be chalk-full (chalk, not “chock” used but we will continue to welcome anonymous intentionally here) of wild and unproven intelligence. posts. Simply send us an email at NEW Leader® Private Email: [email protected] with Full story: your post. Once the moderator verifies that your email address is real, your comment will http://truepundit.com/fbi-paid-100k-for-concocted-trump-dossier-during-election-john- be posted using your real name or handle, mccain-help-broker-deal-with-comey/ whatever you wish, like John Smith or Tex. Click here to v iew a Reply complete Donna Kline

K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:26 AM Now! posts archive . Email comment by :

Larry Nichols. (Sep. 14, 2017). LARRY NICHOLS, BIG NEWS: ALEX JONES 9/14/17 INFOWARS. Infowars.

U.N. takeover has been planned by the radical Deep State leftists to take down the American Republic in their march toward a one world government.

Larry Nichols, a former special operations, was a Clinton operative in the 1990's before repenting of his sins and becoming a Christian. He then began exposing the Clinton crime family (THE CLINTON CHRONICLES 1994) and is one of only a few of Clinton's former advisors who is still alive.

Full story[VIDEO]:




K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:29 AM Here is THE CLINTON CHRONICLES produced by Larry Nichols:

http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack- findings.html#clinton-chronicles

K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:32 AM Here's a TinyURL to the previous comment:



CODE OF CONDUCT FOR U.S. K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:38 AM JUDGES https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 9/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE Email comment by GH/DL/JM/GN: "CANON 2: A JUDGE SHOULD A VOID IMPROPRIETY AND THE APPEARANCE OF Jennifer Harper. (Sep. 13, 2017). A NEW WARNING ABOUT THE 'DEEP STATE.' The Washington IMPROPRIETY IN ALL ACTIVITIES " Times.

Let us recall “shadow government” and “Deep State” — two terms that riveted political observers and journalists earlier this year. Remember? Both terms — along with variants GALLERY OF JUDICIAL such as “shadow White House” and “shadow presidency” — were bandied about in the media with relish. Dramatic coverage suggested that former members of the Obama MISCONDUCT administration or entrenched federal employees were still in place, ready to wield power from within the bureaucracy. A potential hazard to the Trump administration lurked, amplified by “fake” news, skewed polls and negative press narratives.

Even before President Trump took the presidential oath on Jan. 20, veteran political commentator Bill Moyers suggested newly defeated give her own inaugural address, advising Democrats to “prepare by joining together as a movement and creating the constituency of what will be, in effect, a shadow government.” On Inauguration Day itself, GQ magazine advised,”Barack Obama is preparing for his third term.”

Some continue to fret about a shadow presence. Still attuned to the Deep State and the Judge Leonard P . Stark , U.S. existence of a shadow government, Judicial Watch recently issued a 64-page report on the District Court of Delaware, trial phenomenon, which includes Freedom of Information Act requests, case studies and other judge in Leader Techs, Inc. v. research. Facebook, Inc., 770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D.Del. 2011). Judge Stark heard “We face a crisis of the Deep State — ‘Alt-government,’ I sometimes call it. The actions of his jury foreman admit that the the Deep State constitute a direct challenge to our republican form of government. Working jury made the on-sale bar decision primarily through the intelligence and law-enforcement agencies, the Deep State is actively without any evidence other than engaged in subversive measures designed to delegitimize Donald Trump,” Tom Fitton, speculation, and yet he supported president of the watchdog group, noted in a statement. that verdict anyway. Just months before trial, Judge Stark allowed “This shadow government is not monolithic. But, it does not have to be. Its operatives Facebook to add share a common mindset and worldview. They travel in the same social circles. And, they the on-sale bar walk the same corridors of power,” the study said. claim after the close of all fact Full story: discovery and blocked Leader http://m.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/sep/13/inside-the-beltway-a-new-warning- from preparing its defenses to this about-the-deep-st/ new claim. Judge Stark allowed the claims despite Leader's prophetic argument that the action would confuse the jury and prejudice Reply Leader. He also permitted the jury to ignore the Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc. test for on-sale K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:41 AM bar, even after instructing the jury to use it. (See that Email comment by GH: Jury Instruction No. 4.7 here.) He Brooke Singman, Catherine Herridge. (Sep. 14, 2017). 'PAY-TO-PLAY' AT CLINTON STATE also contradicted DEPARTMENT EXPOSED IN NEW EMAILS, WATCHDOG SAYS. . his own instruction to Leader to Catherine Herridge reports after new batch of emails released due to a FOIA request by answer Interrogatory No. 9 in the Judicial Watch present tense (2009), then permitted the jury to interpret it Newly disclosed emails expose fresh examples of "pay to play" at the Clinton State as a 2002 admission as well. Department, a conservative watchdog group said Thursday. Facebook's entire on-sale bar case is based upon this interrogatory. The emails, from Clinton aide Huma Abedin's account, were among 1,600 documents turned (Editorial: Hardly sufficient to over by the State Department in connection with Judicial Watch's Freedom of Information meet the "heavy burden" of the Act lawsuit. clear and convincing evidence standard.) Judicial Watch said the documents reveal Clinton Foundation friends requesting and receiving favors from the State Department.

“The emails show ‘what happened’ was that Hillary Clinton and Huma Abedin obviously violated laws about the handling of classified information and turned the State Department into a pay for play tool for the corrupt Clinton Foundation,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said, in a swipe at Clinton's newly released campaign memoir "What Happened." “The clear and mounting evidence of pay for play and mishandling of classified information warrant a serious criminal investigation by an independent Trump Justice Department.”

, U.S. Court Full story[VIDEO]: Judge Alan D. Lourie of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, panel judge in Leader Techs v. http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2017/09/14/pay-to-play-at-clinton-state-department- Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. exposed-in-new-emails-watchdog-says.html Cir. 2012). Judge Lourie stood to benefit financially from undisclosed holdings in Facebook. See analysis Reply of Judge Lourie's T. Rowe Price holdings re. the Facebook IPO. Replies Judge Lourie also failed to apply https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 10/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE his own law-test in K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:43 AM Group One v. Hallmark Cards to Here's a TimyURL of the previous comment: the evidence. After debunking all https://tinyurl.com/fbi-totally-corrupt of Facebook's evidence on appeal, Judge Lourie created new argument in the secrecy of chambers to support Facebook and prevent the on-sale K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:46 AM bar verdict from being overturned— a clear breach of constitutional due [EDITOR] process. Here is some of AFI's previous research into Comey's corrupt activities, including his prior associations with Clinton and Soros operatives in the Deep State:

AFI. (Apr. 01, 2016). Hillary Server-gate covered up by FBI directors. Americans for Innovation.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2016/04/hillary-server-gate- covered-up-by-fbi.html

Judge Kimberly A. Moore , U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, panel judge in Leader K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 8:49 AM Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Moore Email comment by DL: stood to benefit financially from undisclosed holdings in Facebook. Nick Givas. (Sep. 14, 2017). TREY GOWDY WANTS JAMES COMEY BACK BEFORE See disclosure of substantial CONGRESS FOR QUESTIONING. The Daily Caller. holdings in Facebook and Facebook- related stocks. GOP Rep. Trey Gowdy said Thursday that there is “sufficient factual basis” to Judge Moore failed investigate why former FBI Director James Comey decided not to charge Hillary to follow the long- Clinton before interviewing key witnesses. held precedent for testing on-sale bar “There is sufficient factual basis to bring him in and ask him, ‘When did you evidence in Pfaff make up your mind that you weren’t going to charge Secretary Clinton?’ I can v. Wells Electronics, Inc.—an tell you because I’ve seen with my own eyes he made up his mind before he evident and intentional omission interviewed her,” Gowdy told Fox News. “How far back, whether it was two coming from a former patent law weeks or two months, quite frankly is immaterial to me. He did it before he professor. After debunking all of interviewed the last witness.” Facebook's evidence on appeal, Judge Moore created new argument One of the first rules of an investigation is to hold off on a final conclusion until in the secrecy of chambers to reviewing all evidence that witnesses present, something that Comey did not do, support Facebook and prevent the according to Gowdy. on-sale bar verdict from being overturned—a clear breach of “If there’s anything that’s axiomatic in investigations it’s that you don’t make up constitutional due process. your mind until you interview the last witness. It is beyond dispute that he made up his mind not to charge Secretary Clinton before he interviewed her. There’s no question about that. What my friends in the Senate have uncovered is he may well have made up his mind before he interviewed the last dozen witnesses,” Gowdy said.

Full story[VIDEO]:

http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/14/trey-gowdy-wants-james-comey-back- before-congress-for-questioning/ Judge Evan J. W allach , U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, member of the three-judge panel in Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc., Reply 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Wallach is not a patent attorney. This begs the question as to why a judge with no knowledge K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 9:28 AM of patent law was assigned to the case. Would anyone ask a dentist to Email comment by DL: perform brain surgery? The Federal Circuit was specially formed to Craig Sawyer. (Sep. 14, 2017). CRAIG SAWYER, PEDOs: ALEX JONES 9/14/17 (pt-3) appoint patent-knowledgeable INFOWARS. Infowars. judges to patent cases. There is no evidence so far in the judicial Former U.S. Navy Seal speaks about his efforts to stop rampant Washington, D.C. and global disclosures that Judge Wallach pedophilia. holds stock in Facebook, although when he was asked on a motion to http://www.tacticalinsider.com/ disclose potential Facebook holdings and other conflicts of Full story[VIDEO]: interest, he refused along with the other judges. See Motion to https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 11/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE https://youtu.be/29fePGzFbEw Disclose Conflicts of Interest. Judge Wallach continued in silence even after Clerk of Reply Court Horbaly failed to provide Replies him with Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam’s motions K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 9:30 AM (according to his Federal Circuit Here's a TinyURL of the previous comment: staffer Valeri White), and yet the Clerk signed an order regarding https://tinyurl.com/navy-seal-pounding-pedophiles that motion on Judge Wallach’s behalf. See a full analysis of these Spread the word. events at Donna Kline Now! Judge Wallach also failed to police his court’s violation of Leader’s Fifth and 14th Amendment constitutional right to due process when he Reply participated in the fabrication of new arguments and evidence for Facebook in the secrecy of judge's chambers after he had just K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 2:56 PM invalidated Facebook’s sole remaining item of evidence (using Email comment by GH: disbelieved testimony as ostensible evidence of an opposite). Judge SECRET SERVICE ON HIGH ALERT FOLLOWING THREATS TO POISON PRESIDENT DONALD Wallach also failed to police his TRUMP, JUST LIKE ROGER STONE AND INFOWARS WARNED DAYS AGO WHEN EVERYONE SAID court when he failed to apply the THEY WERE CRAZY. Supreme Court's Pfaff v. Wells Electronics, Inc. test for on-sale Liberty Belle. (Sep. 15, 2017). BREAKING: SECRET SERVICE ON ***HIGH*** ALERT AFTER bar evidence, which included even DISTURBING PLAN TO POISON TRUMP GETS OUT. Freedom Daily. the Federal Circuit’s own Group One v. Hallmark Cards, Inc. test—a The left has been foaming at the mouth ever since Donald Trump was elected as president. test which Judge Lourie should Instead of these liberals pulling up their underoos and moving on with their lives, they are have advised Judge Wallach to constantly throwing temper tantrums. However, with most temper tantrums they usually follow since Judge Lourie helped don’t end up with death threats and the Secret Service needing to step in. write that opinion. Group One test omission analysis. Yeah, well this is 2017 and the left has gone completely off the deep end.

Here are a few prime examples of how the left has lost their . When Donald Trump was elected, Madonna shared with her rabid fans that she thought about blowing up the White House. Then her twisted sister, Ashley Judd screeched that she was a proud “nasty woman” referring to the time Donald Trump called Hillary Clinton a nasty woman in the debate.

Oh, but wait there’s more.

, U.S. Then there was the time that Kathy Griffin decided to pose with a severed head of Donald Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly Court of Appeals for the Federal Trump and have the audacity to call it art. Oh, and what about the time that rapper Snoop Circuit, clerk who signed all the Dogg made a video that depicted the shooting of President Trump. Each and every time that opinions in Leader Techs v. these entitled celebrities get away with this sort of behavior only lets this behavior to Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. continue. Now, former Food Network personality and current host of CNN’s Parts Unknown Cir. 2012). Clerk Horbaly and his Anthony Bourdain has decided to weigh in with his nasty wish that has Secret Service on staff obfuscated when the court's high alert. ruling was challenged by an amicus curiae brief revealing clear Just recently, the paparazzi stopped celeb chef Anthony Bourdain outside of an airport and mistakes of law and new evidence. asked him what he would cook for Donald Trump. Instead of the chef just declining to See analysis of the misconduct and answer or making something up he had to show utter contempt for 45. misrepresentations within the Federal Circuit Clerk of Court in reports: Leader v. Facebook. Mr. Horbaly failed to disclose his conflicts of The former Food Network personality and current host of CNN’s Parts Unknown was caught interest and close associations with outside LAX airport by a photographer for celebrity gossip website TMZ. Bourdain was asked numerous Facebook attorneys and whether or not he would go to North Korea to do a food show. law firms, as well as his close Bourdain said that everyone in North Korea is starving, so there is no reason to go there. He association with also called the diminutive dictator of the oppressed nation a series of obscene names, one of Facebook's saying Kim Jong-un is a “chubby, evil little f***.” largest shareholders, But then the TMZ stringer asked what Bourdain would serve if he was asked to cater a Microsoft, who is a Director of The dinner for President Trump. Federal Circuit Bar Association where Mr. Horbaly is an ex officio Bourdain answered simply, “Hemlock,” appearing to admit he would poison the president if officer. Additionally, the DC Bar given the chance. revealed in a written statement that Clerk Horbaly is not licensed Full story: to practice law in the District of Columbia. [Editorial: What does http://freedomdaily.com/breaking-secret-service-on-high-alert-after-disturbing-plan-to- that make the Federal Circuit with poison-trump-gets-out/ its location within in a stone's https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 12/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE throw of the White House? A self- governing state?] Reply


K. Craine September 15, 2017 at 2:57 PM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:

https://tinyurl.com/trump-poison-threats Judge Randall R. Rader , U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit, chief judge responsible for the (mis)conduct of his judges and Reply Clerk of Court in Leader Techs v. Facebook, Inc., 678 F.3d 1300 (Fed. Cir. 2012). Judge Rader failed to manage his court resulting in a K. Craine September 16, 2017 at 6:47 AM likely situation where his judges Email comment by GH/DL/CM: never even received briefs that they allegedly ruled on in favor of HERE'S ANOTHER GLIMPSE INTO THE DEPRAVED "LEADERS" WHOM WE HAVE LET RUN Facebook. Judge AMERICA. FOOL ME ONCE, SHAME ON YOU. FOOL ME TWICE, SHAME ON ME. Rader also failed to disclose his Baxter Dmitry. (Jul. 25, 2017). WIKILEAKS REVEAL CLINTON TIES TO ROTHSCHILDS AND conflicting OCCULT CABAL. YourNewsWire. relationships with a Leader principle The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a with whom he may have had deep member of the infamous Rothschild family's inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs. professional differences during his time at the Senate Judiciary The Wikileaks classified email dumps have exposed Hillary Clinton for what she really is – a Committee—his former professor of member of the infamous Rothschild family’s inner sanctum, with occultist beliefs. law at George Washington University Law Center, former Lending further credibility to the idea that Presidents are not elected but are selected by a Leader director Professor James P. global shadow government, the Wikileaks email dumps expose Hillary Clinton’s close Chandler. See analysis of Judge relationship with the infamous Rothschild banking family and hints for a potential Rader's undisclosed conflicts of Rockefeller-State partnership. interest in Leader v. Facebook. Judge Rader also The fact the mainstream media have been exposed colluding with the Clinton campaign did not stop his cannot come as a surprise, considering she is the Rothschild’s selected candidate. judges from creating new Lynn Forester de Rothschild wrote an email on April 18, 2010, in which she tells Hillary she arguments and would “love to catch up” — and “I remain your loyal adoring pal.” Clinton responds “let’s evidence for make that happen,” and signs her response, “Much love, H.” Facebook in the secrecy of chambers—after they had debunked On September 23, 2010, Clinton emailed Lynn Forester de Rothschild saying, “I was trying all of Facebook's evidence on to reach you to tell you and Teddy that I asked Tony Blair to go to Israel as part of our full appeal, which is a clear breach of court press on keeping the Middle East negotiations going …” constitutional due process.

Rothschild responds, thanking Clinton for “personally reaching out to us,” and adds, “You Updated May 22, 2015 are the best, and we remain your biggest fans.” Click here to view a Federal Circuit Leader v. Facebook Conflicts of A January 9, 2012, email discusses a meeting set to take place at Jacob Rothschild’s Interest Map. “historic estate, Waddesdon.”

Hillary Clinton is so deeply entrenched in the elite New World Order establishment that she even bows down to Moloch, the same occultist god they perform human sacrifice rituals for at the annual Bohemian Grove meetings.

In an email from August 29 2008, a senior government staffer writes to Hillary Clinton, “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .”

Thanks to the Wikileaks Hillary Clinton Email Archive (containing 30,022 emails, free to search), we now have more concrete proof that Hillary Clinton and other globalist elites have occult ties. Nobody randomly uses Moloch in a conversation. Most people don’t even know what Moloch is. See "Cover-up In Process At The Federal Circuit?" Donna Kline Now! Full story: Sep. 17, 2012.

http://yournewswire.com/wikileaks-reveal-clinton-ties-to-rothschilds-and-occult-cabal/ Leader v. Facebook Legal Research Links


Replies NOTICE: Opinion https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 13/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE This is an opinion blog. Any information K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 5:54 AM contained or linked herein should be independently verified and should be Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: considered the sole opinion of the writer. Free Speech and Freedom of the Press are https://tinyurl.com/dc-socialite-occultist protected by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution and other local, state, national and international laws. Therefore, as with all Reply opinion, such opinion should not be relied upon without independent verification.

This site is a not-for-profit effort focused on education, news, investigation of issues in the K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 5:51 AM public interest, and research, and relies on Email comment by TY: fair use copyright exemptions under 17 U.S.C. 106(a)-117 of the United States Copyright Zero Hedge. (Sep. 16, 2017). HIGH-RANKING CIA AGENT BLOWS WHISTLE ON DEEP STATE, Act, in addition to any and all other related SHADOW GOVT - NSA and CIA at the top of the shadow government apparatus. Infowars. and relevant privileges to which a fair and reasonable person would attribute to this A CIA whistleblower, Kevin Shipp, has emerged from the wolves den to expose the deep grassroots effort to root out corruption and state and the shadow government which he calls two entirely separate entities. promote justice. No rights whatsoever to third party content are claimed or implied. “The shadow government controls the deep state and manipulates our elected government behind the scenes,” Shipp warned in a recent talk at a Geoengineeringwatch.org conference. AFI LOGO (with text) Shipp had a series of slides explaining how the deep state and shadow government functions as well as the horrific crimes they are committing against U.S. citizens.

Some of the revelations the former CIA anti-terrorism counter intelligence officer revealed included that “Google Earth was set up through the National Geospatial Intelligence Agency and InQtel.” Indeed he is correct, the CIA and NGA owned the company Google acquired, Keyhole Inc., paying an undisclosed sum for the company to turn its tech into what we now know as Google Earth. Another curious investor in Keyhole Inc. was none other than the venture capital firm In-Q-Tel run by the CIA according to a press release at the time.

Shipp also disclosed that the agency known as the Joint Special Ops Command (JSOC) is the “president’s secret army” which he can use for secret assassinations, overturning governments and things the American people don’t know about. AFI LOGO (no text) In the shocking, explosive presentation, Shipp went on to express that there are “over 10,000 secret sites in the U.S.” that formed after 9/11. There are “1,291 secret government agencies, 1,931 large private corporations and over 4,800,000 Americans that he knows of who have a secrecy clearance, and 854,000 who have Top Secret clearance, explaining they signed their lives away bound by an agreement.

He also detailed how Congress is owned by the Military Industrial Complex through the Congressional Armed Services Committee (48 senior members of Congress) giving those members money in return for a vote on the spending bill for the military and intelligence budget.

He even touched on what he called the “secret intelligence industrial complex,” which he called the center of the shadow government including the CIA, NSA, NRO, and NGA.

Full story[VIDEO]:

https://www.infowars.com/high-ranking-cia-agent-blows-whistle-on-deep-state-shadow- govt/

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-09-15/high-ranking-cia-agent-blows-whistle-deep- state-and-shadow-government CORRUPTION WATCH LIST

Reply Faces of the Facebook Replies Corruption ( PDF ) (currently being updated K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 5:52 AM after the Fri. Mar. 7, 2014 Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: Scribd censorship of this document: https://tinyurl.com/cia-whistleblower-kevin-shipp Here is the cast of characters in Leader v. Spread the word. Facebook. We encourage you to report their corrupt activities to this site and others, like Lawless America. Feel free to communicate anonymously in any way in which you are most comfortable. The attempt of these K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 5:59 AM people and their organizations to corrupt American justice and commerce cannot be https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 14/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE Here's the AFI previous post highlighting this Shipp speech to tolerated. Vigilance. We will expose them. GeoEngineeringWatch: See Congressional Briefings (currently being updated after Scribd censored the https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/08/deep-states-james-p- documents on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014). chandler-stole.html#kevin-schiff-exposes-shadow-government A. Facebook's law firms: https://tinyurl.com/ybc9f2o6 1. Fenwick & West LLP (Facebook securities and patent law firm; former Leader Technologies counsel; Reply attempted an appearance in Leader v. Facebook; did not seek conflicts waiver from Leader prior to representing Facebook) 2. Cooley Godward LLP (Facebook K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 10:45 AM law firm in Leader v. Facebook ; Email comment by Geo: McBee Strategic energy stimulus partner; Obama Justice Dept. advisor; former employer to patent David Chandler. Sep. 16, 2017). THE PHYSICS OF 9/11 - THIS GUY NAILS IT [THE judges) FRAUDULENT NIST FINDINGS]. Before It's News. 3. Blank & Rome LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook ; former I realise many of you might have seen clips from this video for a number of years, but if you employer to patent judges) haven’t seen the full video LISTEN to the efficiently critical tone that David Chandler brings to HIS (physics teacher) ANALYSIS of the video data of buildings 1, 2 and 7 of the WTC 4. White & Case LLP (Facebook law firm in Leader v. Facebook ; receiving little to no RESISTANCE from the tonnage of steel and concrete below the falling undisclosed former employer to upper parts of the building. Patent Office Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) officer [David Chandler is a Member of the American Associaion of Physics Teachers. He was involved in Leader v. Facebook ) selected to ask a question about the 2008 NIST report to Shyam Sunder Aug 26, 2018 at his 5. Gibson Dunn LLP (Facebook law NIST (National Institute of Standars and Technology) Technical Briefing firm in Leader v. Facebook ; https://youtu.be/x-jWUzhtTIY?t=21m20s undisclosed counsel to the Federal Listen to Shyam Sunder stumble over David Chandler's straightforward question, as if any Circuit; undisclosed protégé of Chief high schooler could not tell he was blowing smoke to cover for the NIST lies. Justice John Roberts, Jr.; undisclosed former employer to Preetinder ("Preet") Bharara, U.S. Note: NIST is the same group that has published the NSA backdoor encryption keys to Attorney currently persecuting Paul practically all hardware, software and firmware on the planet. AFI wrote about this on Nov Ceglia in U.S. v. Ceglia (Ceglia v. 08, 2015 https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2015/11/complicit-encryption-geeks- Zuckerberg)) enable.html] 6. Orrick Herrington LLP (longtime Facebook law firm and It’s astonishing how we’ve been conned by 9/11, and now have Cognitive Dissonance like ‘it destroyer of evidence for the cabal in never even happened’. Winklevoss v. Zuckerberg and Full story[VIDEO]: ConnectU v. Facebook) 7. Weil Gotshal LLP (Federal Circuit http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/09/david-chandler-the-physics-of-911-this- counsel in Leader v. Facebook ; guy-nails-it-3553574.html Judge Kimberly A. Moore's undisclosed former client) 8. Latham & Watkins LLP (Facebook Director James W. Reply Breyer's counsel; Judge Kimberly A. Moore's husband, Matthew J. Replies Moore's new law firm) 9. Federal Circuit Bar Association K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 10:47 AM ("FCBA") (Federal Circuit's bar association; second largest in the Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: U.S.; Facebook's law firms extert much influence in its policy and https://tinyurl.com/911-physics-lie-nailed activity, incl. Fenwick & West LLP, Gibson Dunn LLP, Orrick Spread the word that our Deep State shadow government has been lying to us Herrington LLP, Weil Gotschal LLP; Facebook's large shareholder, about 9/11. As many whistleblowers from the NSA, CIA and FBI say repeatedly, Microsoft, is a director; Federal 9/11 was an inside job to push the public and Congress into passing the Patriot Circuit Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly is Act just weeks later where many of our civil liberties were destroyed. an officer; FCBA made an appearance in Leader v. Facebook to oppose the amicus curiae (friend of the court) motion of Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam, former Director of Reply Network Architecture at Sun Microsystems, in favor of Leader Technologies and objecting to the evident conflicts of interest within the court itself, her motion was K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 10:52 AM denied, the judges refused to disclose their conflicts which we now Email comment by JM-GN: know include Facebook and Microsoft stocks) [EDITOR: GOVERNMENTS AROUND THE WORLD DON'T LIKE THE GOD-GIVEN "WE THE PEOPLE" 10. DC Bar Association SOURCE OF POWER. They are trying to bully us into submitting to their unelected, unaccountable bullying in the name of government itself, not We the People.] 11. Perkins Coie LLP (Facebook's "rapid response enforcement team;" law firm for Obama's chief counsels, STAFF. (Sep. 17, 2017). GOVERNMENTS TURN TABLES BY SUING PUBLIC RECORDS REQUESTS. the husband and wife team of Robert AP. F. Bauer and Anita B. Dunn; Bauer was identified on Aug. 1, 2013 as IOWA CITY, Iowa (AP) — An Oregon parent wanted details about school employees getting https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 15/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE paid to stay home. A retired educator sought data about student performance in Louisiana. having directed the IRS targeting of And college journalists in Kentucky requested documents about the investigations of the Tea Party) employees accused of sexual misconduct. 12. Stroz Friedberg (Facebook’s "forensic expert" who manipulated Instead, they got something else: sued by the agencies they had asked for public records. the data in Paul Ceglia v. Mark Zuckerberg, and who first revealed the existence of 28 Zuckerberg hard Government bodies are increasingly turning the tables on citizens who seek public records drives and Harvard emails that they that might be embarrassing or legally sensitive. Instead of granting or denying their told Leader Technologies in 2009 requests, a growing number of school districts, municipalities and state agencies have filed were "lost") lawsuits against people making the requests — taxpayers, government watchdogs and 13. Chandler Law Firm Chartered journalists who must then pursue the records in court at their own expense. (Professor James P. Chandler, III, principal; Leader Technologies The lawsuits generally ask judges to rule that the records being sought do not have to be patent counsel; adviser to IBM and divulged. They name the requesters as defendants but do not seek damage awards. Still, David J. Kappos; adviser to Eric H. the recent trend has alarmed freedom-of-information advocates, who say it’s becoming a Holder, Jr. and the U.S. Department new way for governments to hide information, delay disclosure and intimidate critics. of Justice; author of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 and the Federal Trade Secrets Act) Full story:

https://apnews.com/7f6ed0b1bda047339f22789a10f64ac4/New-secrecy-tactic:-suing- B. Facebook people-who-seek-public-records attorneys & cooperating judges:

14. Gordon K. Davidson (Fenwick; Reply Facebook's securities and patent attorney; Leader Technologies' former attorney) Replies 15. Christopher P. King ( aka Christopher-Charles King aka K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 10:53 AM Christopher King aka Christopher- Charles P. King, Fenwick & West Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: LLP)

https://tinyurl.com/we-the-people-no-more 16. Theodore B. Olson (Gibson Dunn) 17. Thomas G. Hungar (Gibson Spread the word. Dunn) 18. Eric H. Holder, Jr. (Attorney General, U.S. Dept. of Justice) 19. James Cole (Deputy Attorney Reply General, U.S. Dept. of Justice) 20. Tony West (Associate Attorney General, U.S. Dept. of Justice; 2008 Obama California Campaign K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 11:00 AM Manager) Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson: 21. Robert F. Bauer (Obama Attorney; White House Chief Counsel; directed IRS targeting of Sharyl Attkisson. (Sep. 16, 2017). HOW THE FBI IS TREATING MY FREEDOM OF INFORMATION the Tea Party; formerly and REQUESTS. Full Measure. currently employed by Perkins Coie LLP, Facebook's "rapid response As you read this thread in which I’m requesting information (that I own) from the FBI, keep enforcement team;" spouse is Anita in mind that Freedom of Information (FOI) law requires the government to turn over the B. Dunn) requested information within about 30 days. Years later: 22. Anita B. Dunn (Obama Attorney; White House Chief Counsel; From: Sharyl Attkisson husband Robert F. Bauer directed IRS targeting of the Tea Party, formerly employed by Perkins Coie Subject: FBI FOIA Request LLP, Facebook's "rapid response enforcement team") Under FOIA and Privacy Act law, I request access to the following: 23. Mary L. Schapiro (former Chairman, Securities & Exchange My FBI file. Commission (S.E.C.); holds investments in 51 Facebook Club Specifically, this includes—but isn’t limited to—material regarding my required FBI basket funds) background checks to obtain a White House “hard” press pass, which I obtained as a CBS 24. James "Jamie" Brigagliano News reporter starting in 1995 in order to have access to the White House and travel with (former Deputy Director of the presidents and first ladies. (1) Division of Trading and Markets at the Securities and Exchange Attached, please find my identity statement as well as some examples of the travel I took Commission; Mary L. Schapiro's part in using my FBI-approved White House “hard” pass. chief lieutenant on "dark pool" rule making) Regards, 25. Joseph P. Cutler (Perkins Coie) 26. David P. Chiappetta (Perkins Sharyl Attkisson Coie) 27. James R. McCullagh (Perkins On Aug 9, 2017, at 6:31 PM, Sharyl Attkisson wrote: Coie) 28. Ramsey M. Al-Salam (Perkins Dear Sean: Coie) 29. Grant E. Kinsel (Perkins Coie) Your latest denial of the appeal to my lack of FOI response again fails to lawfully address the issues at hand: Where is my FBI file and why is it being withheld in its entirety without 30. Reeve T. Bull (Gibson Dunn) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 16/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

the requisite reason being provided (i.e. national security)? 31. Heidi Keefe (Cooley) 32. Michael G. Rhodes (Cooley; Tesla READ THE UNLAWFUL, MADDENING RUN AROUND OF A TOTALLY CORRUPTED FBI: Motors) 33. Elizabeth Stameshkin (Cooley) https://sharylattkisson.com/2017/09/16/how-the-fbi-is-treating-my-freedom-of-info- requests/ 34. Donald K. Stern (Cooley; Justice Dept. advisor) 35. Mark R. Weinstein (Cooley)

Reply 36. Jeffrey Norberg (Cooley) 37. Ronald Lemieux (Cooley) Replies 38. Craig W. Clark (Blank Rome) 39. Tom Amis (Cooley / McBee K. Craine September 17, 2017 at 11:01 AM Strategic) Here's a TinyURL to the Attkisson comment above: 40. Erich Veitenheimer (Cooley / McBee Strategic) https://tinyurl.com/fbi-foia-runaround 41. Roel Campos (Cooley; former Commissioner of the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission at the time Spread the word of the infamous Facebook 12(g) exemption) 42. Lisa T. Simpson (Orrick) Reply 43. Indra Neel Chatterjee (Orrick) 44. Samuel O'Rourke (Facebook; Cooley-directed) 45. Theodore W. Ullyot (Facebook; K. Craine September 18, 2017 at 6:06 AM Cooley-directed) Email comment by DL: 46. Amber H. Rover , aka Amber L. Hagy aka Amber Hatfield (Weil C'MON HARVARD SNOWFLAKES, WHEN ARE YOU GOING TO WAKE UP ABOUT THE CORRUPTION Gotshal LLP; Judge Kimberly A. Moore's former client) SPEWING FROM YOUR UNIVERSITY. IT IS NOTHING BUT A BREEDING GROUND FOR THE ROGUE C-I-A. 47. Edward R. Reines (Weil Gotschal) 48. Trish Harris (DC Bar Association) http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#corruptors 49. Elizabeth A. Herman (DC Bar Association) Graham W. Bishai, Lucas Ward. (Sep. 18, 2017). OUTCRAY AFTER 50. Elizabeth J. Branda (DC Bar DROPPED FROM IOP FELLOWSHIP. Harvard Crimon. Association) 51. David J. Kappos (former Patent Controversy enveloped the Kennedy School of Government this weekend as critics on Office Director; former IBM chief campus and around the country castigated the school for rescinding Chelsea Manning’s intellectual property counsel; appointment as a visiting fellow this fall. ordered unprecedented 3rd reexam of Leader Technologies' patent; Last week, after the Institute of Politics announced that Manning—a former Army soldier Obama political appointee) who went to prison for leaking classified military documents to WikiLeaks—was a visiting 52. Preetinder ("Preet") Bharara fellow this fall, conservatives and national security officials quickly denounced her (U.S. Attorney Ceglia v. Zuckerberg; selection as misguided and unpatriotic. CIA Director Mike Pompeo did not show up to a formerly of Gibson & Dunn LLP; scheduled speaking appearance at the IOP Thursday in protest of Manning’s selection, and protects Zuckerberg) Michael J. Morell, a former deputy director of the CIA, resigned from his fellowship at the 53. Thomas J. Kim (SEC Chief school because of the appointment. Counsel) 54. Anne Krauskopf (SEC Special Sr. Facing criticism on-campus and nationwide, Dean of the Kennedy School Douglas W. Counsel) Elmendorf rescinded Manning’s invitation in a statement issued in the early hours of Friday, 55. John G. Roberts, Jr. (Chief calling her selection a “mistake.” Justice, U.S. Supreme Court) 56. Jan Horbaly (Federal Circuit, Now the school faces a fresh wave of controversy as commentators lambast Harvard’s Clerk of Court) decision to disinvite Manning, a transgender activist whose prison sentence former 57. Kimberly A. Moore (Judge, President Barack Obama commuted in 2017. Federal Circuit)

Full story: 58. Matthew J. Moore (Latham & Watkins LLP; husband of Judge Kimberly A. Moore) http://www.thecrimson.com/article/2017/9/18/top-manning-controversy/ 59. Kathryn "Kathy" Ruemmler (Latham & Watkins LLP; White House counsel) Reply 60. Evan J. Wallach (Judge, Federal Circuit) Replies 61. Alan D. Lourie (Judge, Federal Circuit) K. Craine September 18, 2017 at 6:07 AM 62. Randall R. Rader (Chief Judge, Federal Circuit) Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: 63. Terence P. Stewart (Federal https://tinyurl.com/harvard-snowflakes-cave Circuit Bar Association) 64. Leonard P. Stark (Judge, Spread the word about the Harvard University collusion with the C-I-A. Delaware U.S. District Court) 65. Richard J. Arcara (Judge, N.Y. Western District, Ceglia v. Holder et al) Reply 66. Allen R. MacDonald (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 17/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE Office) K. Craine September 18, 2017 at 6:11 AM 67. Stephen C. Siu (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent Office) Email comment by GH: 68. Meredith C. Petravick (Administrative Judge, U.S. Patent DOES ANYBODY STILL BELIEVE THIS DEEP STATE PEDOPHILIA IS NOT RAMPANT AND INFECTING Office) EVERY ASPECT OF OUR SOCIETY AND GOVERNMENTS? 69. James T. Moore (Administratie Judge, U.S. Patent Office) Amanda Erickson. (Sep. 16, 2017). HOW A CONVICTED PEDOPHILE BROUGHT DOWN 70. Pinchus M. Laufer (Sr. Counsel, ICELAND'S GOVERNMENT. Washington Post. Patent Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) Icelandic Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson speaks to the news media in Reykjavik. 71. Kimberly Jordan (Counsel, (Halldor Kolbeins/AFP via Getty Images) Patent Trial and Appeal Board, In 2004, Hjalti Sigurjon Hauksson was imprisoned for raping his stepdaughter nearly every PTAB) day for 12 years, starting when she was just 5. Thirteen years later, his crime has helped 72. Daniel J. Ryman (Counsel, Patent bring down Iceland's government. Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB)

The story involves Prime Minister Bjarni Benediktsson and his father, Benedikt Sveinsson. 73. William J. Stoffel (Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) Here's what happened: Several months ago, Sveinsson drafted a letter of recommendation for Hauksson, arguing that he should have his “honor restored.” In Iceland, convicts can 74. James C. Payne (Counsel, Patent Trial and Appeal Board, PTAB) have certain civil rights restored by submitting letters of recommendation extolling good character. Hauksson and another convicted pedophile, Robert Downey (formerly named 75. Deandra M. Hughes (Examiner, Robert Arni Hreidarsson), received full pardons over the summer. Leader v. Facebook reexamination) 76. Kathryn Walsh Siehndel (FOIA Those decisions “rattled Icelandic society,” according to Iceland Magazine. As a reporter Counsel, U.S. Patent Office - bio and explains: “Public and media have spent much of summer discussing the two cases and the conflicts log concealed) horrifying world of violence and abuse they revealed.” 77. Dennis C. Blair (Director, U.S. National Intelligence) [Iceland ousted one leader named in the Panama Papers, but ended up with another on the 78. Dennis F. Saylor, IV (Judge, list] Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, FISA) Full story: 79. James E. Boasberg (Judge, Foreign Intelligence Surveillance https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2017/09/16/how-a-convicted- Court, FISA) pedophile-brought-down-icelands-government/ 80. James P. Chandler, III (President, National Intellectual Property Law Institute, NIPLI; The Chandler Law Firm Chartered; Reply advisor to Asst. Att'y Gen. Eric H. Holder, Jr., Dept. of Justice; Member, National Infrastructure Replies Assurance Commission, NIAC; advisor to Federal Circuit Chief K. Craine September 18, 2017 at 6:12 AM Judge Randall R. Rader; advisor to Sen. Orrin Hatch; author, The Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: Federal Trade Secrets Act and the Economic Espionage Act of 1996; https://tinyurl.com/iceland-pedophiles Leader Technologies' legal counsel, along with Fenwick & West LLP)

Reply C. Facebook puppet masters:

81. President Barack Obama (appointed Leonard P. Stark to the K. Craine September 18, 2017 at 6:15 AM judge's seat in Delaware Federal Email comment by DL: District Court eight days after Stark's court allowed Facebook to get away with jury and court manipulation of THIS MUELLER CORRUPT HAS BECOME A CLINTON FOUNDATION THREE-RING CIRCUS OF an on-sale bar verdict which was ABSURDITY. attained without a single piece of hard evidence; Barack and Michelle Chuck Ross. (Sep. 16, 2017). MUELLER PICKS ANOTHER CLINTON/OBAMA DONOR FOR RUSSIA Obama were evidently protecting PROBE TEAM. The Daily Caller. their 47 million "likes" on Facebook) 82. Lawrence "Larry" Summers Yet another Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama donor has been picked to work on special (Harvard President who aided counsel Robert Mueller’s team of Russia investigators. Zuckerberg's light-speed rise to prominence with unprecedented The latest hire is Kyle Freeny, a Justice Department attorney working in the agency’s Harvard Crimson coverage; Obama bailout chief; Clinton Treasury international money laundering unit. Secretary; World Bank Chief Economist; "Special Advisor" to According to Politico, Freeny on Friday attended the grand jury testimony of Jason Maloni, Marc Andreessen in Instagram; co- the spokesman for former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort. Politico notes that creator of the current Russian Freeny is the 17th attorney identified as a member of Mueller’s investigative team. robber baron economy; close 20- year relationships with protégés Mueller, a former FBI director, is conducting an expansive probe into possible campaign Sheryl Sandberg & Yuri Milner; aided in recommendations that collusion involving the Trump team, as well as possible financial misdealings on the part of created the Russian robber baron former Trump associates, such as Manafort. (RELATED: Mueller Hires Yet Another economy—and Yuri Democratic Donor) Milner/DST/Asmanov's money used to purchase Facebook stock) Full story: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 18/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

83. James W. Breyer , Accel http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/16/mueller-picks-another-clintonobama-donor-for-russia- Partners LLP; Facebook director; probe-team/ client of Fenwick & West LLP since the 1990's; apparently received technology from other Fenwick clients that was shuffled to Reply Zuckerberg, incl. Leader Technologies' inventions) Replies 84. David Plouffe ; directed Obama's 2008 and 2012 campaigns; a self- described "statistics nerd;" likely K. Craine September 18, 2017 at 6:16 AM directed the activities of the Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment about Mueller: Facebook Club; employed Robert F. Bauer, Perkins Coii LLP in 2000 at the Democratic Congressional https://tinyurl.com/mueller-circus Campaign Committee 85. McBee Strategic (one of the main "private" arms responsible for Reply dolling out the billions in Obama "green energy" stimulus funds; partnered with Cooley Godward LLP) 86. Mike Sheehy (Cooley-McBee K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 7:46 AM Strategic principal; former National Security Adviser to House Speaker Email comment by GH: Nancy Pelosi)

LOOKS LIKE RUSSIA COPIES THE NSA. THEY NOW COLLECT AND STORE EVERYTHING THAT 87. Nancy Pelosi (U.S. Congresswoman; appears to be HAPPENS ON THEIR TELEPHONE AND INTERNET NETWORKS. WE CITIZENS OF THE WORLD running political cover in the House HAVE BEEN SCREWED. for Facebook, McBee Strategic, Cooley Godward, Fenwick & West, Julian Assange. (Sep. 19, 2017). SPY FILES RUSSIA. WikiLeaks. Breyers, etc.) 88. Harry Reid (U.S. Senator; Judge This publication continues WikiLeaks' Spy Files series with releases about surveillance Evan J. Wallach patron) contractors in Russia. 89. Thomas J. Kim (SEC, Chief Counsel & Assoc. Director) approved The presentation was written just a few months after Edward Snowden disclosed the NSA Facebook's 500-shareholder mass surveillance program and its cooperation with private U.S. IT-corporations such as exemption on Oct. 14, 2007, one day Google and Facebook. Drawing specifically on the NSA Prism program, the presentation after it was submitted by Fenwick & offers law enforcement, intelligence and other interested parties, to join an alliance in West LLP; Facebook used this order to establish equivalent data-mining operations in Russia. exemption to sell $3 billion insider stock to the Russians Alisher Asmanov, Yuri Milner, DST, Digital In 2014, the system was expanded to include social media platforms, and the Ministry of Sky, Mail.ru which pumped Communications ordered companies to install new equipment with Deep Packet Inspection Facebook's pre-IPO valuation to (DPI) capability. In 2016, SORM-3 added additional classified regulations that apply to all $100 billion; another Harvard grad, Internet Service providers in Russia. The European Court for Human Rights deemed Russia's Kim worked at Latham & Watkins SORM legislation in breach of the European Convention on Human Rights in 2015 (Zakharov LLP which was the chief lobbyist for v. Russia). the National Venture Capital Association in 2002-2004 whose Chairman was . . . James W. Beyer, While the surveillance of communication traffic is a global phenomena, the legal and Accel Partners LLP; in other words technological framework of its operation is different for each country. Russia's laws - Breyer and Kim, both Harvard especially the new Yarovaya Law - make literally no distinction between Lawful grads, were associated at the time of Interception and mass surveillance by state intelligence authorities (SIAs) without court the Zuckerberg hacking and theft of orders. Russian communication providers are required by Russian law to install the so-called Leader Technologies' software code) SORM ( Система Оперативно-Розыскных Мероприятий) components for surveillance 90. Ping Li (Accel Partners, Zuckerberg provided by the FSB at their own expense. The SORM infrastructure is developed and handler) deployed in Russia with close cooperation between the FSB, the Interior Ministry of Russia 91. Jim Swartz (Accel Partners; and Russian surveillance contractors. Zuckerberg handler) 92. Sheryl K. Sandberg (Facebook, Full story: Summers protégé; Facebook director) https://wikileaks.org/spyfiles/russia/ 93. Yuri Milner (DST aka Digital Sky, Summers protégé; former Bank Menatep executive; Facebook director) Reply 94. Alisher Asmanov (DST aka Digital Sky; Goldman Sachs Moscow partner; Russian oligarch; Friend of K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 7:50 AM the Kremlin; Became the Richest Man in Russia after the Facebook Email comment by DL: IPO) 95. Marc L. Andreessen (Zuckerberg CAN ANYONE SAY OBAMA ELECTION INTERFERENCE. THIS IS A CLEAR VIOLATION OF THE coach; client of Fenwick & West LLP HATCH ACT THAT PROHIBITS GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES FROM USING THEIR POSITION TO and Christopher P. King aka ATTEMPT TO INFLUENCE THE OUTCOME OF AN ELECTION THAT IS SUPPOSED TO BE "FREE Christopher-Charles King aka AND FAIR." Christopher King aka Christopher- Charles P. King; Summers' sponsor during Instagram-scam; Facebook Chuck Ross. (Sep. 18, 2017). BOMBSHELL: FEDS WIRETAPPED PAUL MANAFORT BEFORE AND director) AFTER THE ELECTION. The Daily Caller. 96. Peter Thiel (19-year old Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; Facebook The U.S. government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort before director; CEO, Clarion Capital) and after the presidential election, CNN is reporting. 97. Clarion Capital (Peter Thiel) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 19/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

According to the bombshell report, the surveillance, which was granted under the Foreign 98. Reid G. Hoffman (19-year old Intelligence Surveillance Act, continued into early this year. Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; LinkedIn; Facebook director) U.S. investigators first obtained a secret order to conduct surveillance on Manafort after he 99. Richard Wolpert (Accel Partners) became the subject of an FBI investigation in 2014 because of his consulting work for a 100. Robert Ketterson (Fidelity Ukrainian political party. Ventures; Fidelity Equity Partners; Fidelity Ventures The surveillance was ended at some point last year because of a lack of evidence, one Telecommunications & Technology) source told CNN, but investigators obtained another warrant at some point during the 101. David Kilpatrick (Business presidential campaign. Insider; "The Facebook Effect"; PR cleanse-meister re. Facebook Full story: origins) 102. Zynga/Groupon/LinkedIn/Squ http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/18/bombshell-feds-wiretapped-paul-manafort-before-and- are/Instagram ("Facebook after-the-election/ Money/Credits/Bitcoin" feeder companies) 103. Tesla Motors (received $465 million in Obama stimulus funds Reply and hired Cooley's Michael Rhodes in the seven months before the Replies Leader v. Facebook trial, just before veteran Judge Joseph Farnan made the surprise announcement of his K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 7:52 AM retirement, just six days after Here's a TinyURL of this important revelation: Facebook's disasterous Markman Hearing) https://tinyurl.com/not-free-not-fair 104. Solyndra (received $535 million in Obama stimulus at the recommendation of the Cooley- Spread the word. This is proof that Obama, Hillary, the FBI, NSA and the CIA McBee Strategic "consulting" interfered with our election process. Who is going to jail? alliance) 105. BrightSource (received $1.6 billion in Obama stimulus at the Reply recommendation of the Cooley- McBee Strategic "consulting" alliance) 106. John P. Breyer (father of James W. Breyer; founder of IDG Capital K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 7:57 AM Partners - China; coached his son on exploiting Western markets while he Email comment by GH: quietly built a venture capital business in China for the last 20 WHAT A JOKE THE SENATE HAS BECOME. THEY'RE OBVIOUSLY ALL BOWING TO BLACKMAIL. years; the real brain behind the THAT'S BECAUSE MUELLER'S FBI HAS DIRT ON EVERYONE IN THE COUNTRY. WE NEED Breyer exploitations WHISTLEBLOWERS TO BLOW THE LID OFF OF THIS DEEP STATE CORRUPTION. 107. IDG Capital Partners (China) (founded by John P. Breyer, the ISN'T IT AMAZING HOW FOCUSED THE CONGRESS GETS WHEN THEY ARE ABOUT TO BE father of James W. Breyer, Accel EXPOSED? Partners; the current launderer of the tens of billions James W has Jordan Carney. (Sep. 18, 2017). GRASSLEY: 'GOOD CHANCE' SENATE PANEL WILL CONSIDER fleeced from the U.S. market from the bailout, stimulus and the "pump BILLS TO PROTECT MUELLER. The Hill. & dump" Facebook IPO schemes)

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) signaled on Monday that his committee could take up two bills 108. Goldman Sachs (received US bailout funds; then invested with aimed at protecting Robert Mueller, the special counsel for the investigation into potential DST in Facebook private stock via ties between President Trump's campaign and Russia. Moscow; took Facebook public; locked out American investors from "We're looking into it, and there's a good chance we'll have a hearing," Grassley, chairman of investing) the Judiciary Committee, told reporters. 109. Morgan Stanley (received US bailout funds; took Facebook public; He added that no decision has been made on scheduling a hearing. probably participated in oversees purchases of Facebook private stock Lawmakers have introduced two bills that would put checks on the Trump administration's before IPO) ability to fire Mueller. 110. State Street Corporation (received U.S. taxpayer bailout One, from GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham (S.C.) and Democratic Sen. Cory Booker (N.J.), would monies along with Goldman Sachs require a judge to approve a Justice Department request to fire Mueller or any other and Morgan Stanley; consolodating control of ATM banking networks special counsel. internationally

Another, from GOP Sen. Thom Tillis (N.C.) and Democratic Sen. Chris Coons (Del.), would 111. JP Morgan Chase (received U.S. taxpayer bailout monies along with let Mueller or any special counsel challenge their firing in court. Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley and State Street Corporation) Tillis told CNN last week that the Judiciary Committee would hold a hearing in the next two 112. Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs, weeks. CEO)

Full story: 113. Jamie Dimon (JP MorganChase, CEO) http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/351255-grassley-good-chance-senate-panel-will- 114. Steve Cutler (JP MorganChase, consider-bills-to-protect-mueller General Counsel) 115. Rodgin Cohen (JP MorganChase, Outside Counsel; Sullivan Cromwell, LLP) Reply 116. U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (granted Fenwick & https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 20/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE West's application on behalf of Replies Facebook for an unpredented exemption to the 500 shareholder K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 7:58 AM rule; opened the floodgated for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment on Mueller and the Senate: to make a private market in Facebook pre-IPO insider stock; https://tinyurl.com/mueller-blackmails-senate facilitated the influx of billions of dollars from "dubious" sources associated with Russian oligarchs, Alisher Asmanov and Yuri Milner, and the Kremlin; Goldman Sachs is Reply a partner with this Moscow company, Digital Sky Technologies, aka DST, aka Mail.ru) 117. Jeff Markey (McBee Strategic LLC; allied with Facebook's Cooley K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 8:01 AM Godward Kronish LLP to arrange Email comment by GH/JM/AS: Obama's green energy funding; arranged $1.6 billion for failed BrightSource and $535 million for Hillary's pile of crimes rivals the 9/11 pile. failed Solyndra) 118. Steve McBee (McBee Strategic Lucian Wintrich. (Sep. 18, 2017). EXPOSED: HILLARY CLINTON MOVED 800K FROM HER LLC; allied with Facebook's Cooley CAMPAIGN TO HELP FUND . Gateway Pundit. Godward Kronish LLP to arrange Obama's green energy funding; Hillary, who long during the campaign trail condemned “dark-money” Super-PACs, has arranged $1.6 billion for failed funneled over 800K from her Campaign over to one of these very same outfits. It has been BrightSource and $535 million for revealed that the failed presidential candidate’s Super-PAC, “Onward Together”, is heavily failed Solyndra) backing “resistance” and Alt-Left extremist groups such as ANTIFA. 119. Michael F. McGowan (Stroz Friedberg; Facebook forensic expert In building investigations, Daily Caller first discovered that Hillary transferred a mass sum who lied about his knowledge of the of money from her campaign over to Onward Together: contents of the 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and Harvard Email accounts) Clinton transferred $800,000 from her failed 2016 presidential campaign to Onward 120. Bryan J. Rose (Stroz Friedberg; Together shortly before announcing the group’s launch in May, documents the campaign Facebook forensic expert who lied about his knowledge of the contents filed with the FEC reveal. of the 28 Zuckerberg hard drives and Harvard Email accounts) Full story: 121. Dr. Saul Greenberg (Facebook's expert witness from the University http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/09/exposed-hillary-clinton-moved-800k- of Calgary; disingenuously waived campaign-help-fund-antifa/ his hands and said he would be "wild guessing" about the purpose of a Java "sessionstate" import statement (even Java newbies know it is used Reply for tracking a user while in a web session); in short, Dr. Greeberg lied Replies to the jury, thus discrediting his testimony)

K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 8:02 AM 122. Toni Townes-Whitley (CGI Federal; Michelle Obama's 1985 Here's a TinyURL of the previous Hillary/ANTIFA connection: Princeton classmate; CGI "donated" $47 million to the Obama campaign; https://tinyurl.com/hillary-funds-antifa CGI won the no-bid contract to build the www.healthcare.gov Obamacare website; CGI shut off the security Spread the word. features on Obama's reelection donation sites to increase donations) 123. CGI Federal (US division of a Canadian company; Donated $47 Reply million to Obama's reelection, then received the no-bid contract to build the ill-fated Obamacare website; Michelle Obama's Princeton classmate, Toni Townes-Whitely, is a K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 8:06 AM Senior Vice President of CGI; the website is replete with social Email comment by GH/DR: features and links to Facebook) 124. Kathleen Sebelius (Obama's Jordan Schachtel. (Sep. 15, 2017). EMAILS: HILLARY CLINTON INVITED PUTIN TO CLINTON Secretary of Health & Human FOUNDATION GALA. Conservative Revies. Services since 2009 responsible for $678 million Obamacare WAS THIS THE “COLLUSION” YOU WERE LOOKING FOR? implementation; made the decision to hire CGI Federal on a no-bid contract despite the evident conflict Just two months into her term as secretary of state, Hillary Clinton’s foundation invited of interest with Michelle Obama and Russian leader Vladimir Putin, along with several other prominent heads of state, to the $47 million in Obama campaign Clinton Global Initiative’s 2009 annual gathering, emails obtained by the watchdog group donations by CGI; the website is Judicial Watch reveal. replete with social features and links to Facebook) The March 13, 2009, email from the Clinton Foundation showed that Putin and about 200 125. Todd Y. Park (White House Chief other leaders (including others just as controversial) were invited to attend a gathering Technology Officer (CTO); former that occurred at about the same time that the newly appointed secretary of state was CTO for Health & Human Services; attempting a “reset” with Moscow. chief architect of HealthCare.gov; founder, director, CEO, Athenahealth, Inc.; founder, The email, which was sent from Clinton Foundation director of foreign policy Amitabh Desai https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 21/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE to Assistant Secretary of State Andrew Shapiro and then forwarded to top Clinton aide Jake director, CEO, Castlight Health, Sullivan, also highlights the potential massive conflict of interest between a non-profit Inc.) foundation and the federal government. 126. Frank M. Sands, Sr. / Frank M. Sands, Jr. (Founder and CEO, This may come as a shock to casual observers of global politics, as Clinton represented respectively, of Sands Capital herself as a fierce anti-Putin hawk on the 2016 election campaign trail. Clinton routinely Management LLC; failed to file S.E.C. Form SC 13G acquisition reprimanded now-President Donald Trump for not condemning Putin. She called Trump’s reports for Athenahealth, Inc., stance on Russia “unseemly” and “beyond one’s imagination.” Baidu, Inc. (ADR) and Facebook stock during 2012; masked the Even after losing the election, Clinton has continued on the warpath against President association of Todd Y. Park with Trump’s stance on Russia. Athenahealth, Inc. and Baidu, Inc., and the association of both of those “He doesn’t just like Putin, he wants to be like Putin,” Clinton said of Trump on MSNBC’s companies with the Facebook IPO fraud) Rachel Maddow show Thursday night. 127. Robin "Handsome Reward" But as secretary of state, Clinton took pains to engage with the Kremlin. Just one week Yangong Li (CEO, Baidu, Inc. (ADR); appointed Jan. 2004, the prior to sending out the invites, Hillary flew to Geneva and presented the Russian foreign same month that Mark Zuckerberg minister with an actual “reset button” to symbolize a new beginning in U.S.-Russia obtained Leader Technologies' social relations. networking source code to start Facebook; Robin Y. Li is very likely Full story: associated with John P. and James W. Breyer through their Chinese https://www.conservativereview.com/articles/emails-hillary-clinton-invited-putin-to- entities, including IDG Capital Partners, IDG-Accel and other clinton-foundation-gala#undefined.uxfs variants; Li appointed a junior attorney from Fenwick & West LLP, Palo Alto/Mountain View, namely Parker Zhang, to be his "Head of Reply Patents;" Fenwick & West LLP represented both Leader Replies Technologies, Inc. and Accel Partners LLC in 2002-2003 and had K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 8:09 AM Leader's source code in their files.) 128. Parker Zhang ("Head of Patents" Here's a TinyURL of the previous comment: at Baidu, Inc. (ADR), appointed in approx. May 2012; formerly a junior https://tinyurl.com/hillary-putin-bffs Associate attorney at Fenwick & West LLP; graduate from Michigan Clearly the Democrats concocted the Trump Russia narrative to hide their Law in 2005) massive collusion with Putin. 129. Penny S. Pritzker (Secretary, Department of Commerce; replaced Rebecca M. Blank; holds over $24 million in Facebook "dark pools" stock, most notably in Goldman Reply Sachs, Morgan Stanley and JPMorgan) 130. Rebecca M. Blank (Secretary, Department of Commerce; oversaw the dubious Leader v. Facebook K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 8:15 AM activities of the Patent Office Email comment by GH/TY: Director, David J. Kappos, who held over one million dollars in Facebook "dark pools" during the Leader v. Lucas Nolan. (Sep. 16, 2017). REPORT: FORMER WASSERMAN SCHULTZ IT STAFFER ALLEGEDLY Facebook proceedings; Kappos UPLOADED 'TERABITS OF INFORMATION TO DROPBOX'. Breitbart. purchased this stock within weeks of his surprise recess appointment by [EDITOR: DROPBOX IS OWNED BY THE C.I.A. THROUGH GOLDMAN SACHS AND ACCEL President Obama; Kappos also was PARTNERS LLP (JAMES W. BREYER) WHO IS MOVING THE BULK OF HIS VENTURE CAPITAL formerly employed by IBM, who sold OPERATION TO CHINA IN CLOSE COLLUSION WITH C.I.A. IN-Q-TEL.] Facebook 750 patents during the Leader v. Facebook proceedings; right before leaving the Patent A new report claims that former Debbie Wasserman Schultz IT staffer Imran Awan allegedly OFfice, Kappos also ordered an uploaded terabits of information from DNC servers to a private Dropbox account. unprecedented 3rd reexamination of Leader's patent without even Circa reports that Imran Awan, the former IT staffer for Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) identifying claims) and other Congressional Democrats arrested for possible bank fraud and theft of 131. Mary L. Schapiro (Chairman, government property, is now being investigated over possibly selling sensitive information Securities & Exchange Commission; to foreign governments. Circa alleges Awan transferred massive amounts of information, holds 51 Facebook "dark pools" including government documents and emails, to his own private Dropbox account, allowing stocks which held stock in Facebook, him to access the information even after he was blocked from DNC networks. Baidu and more than a dozen Facebook crony companies; failed to regulate the "dark pools;" failed to A senior House official told Circa that Awan was uploading “terabits of information to disclose her substantial conflict of Dropbox so he was possibly able to access the information even after he was banned from interest in regulating the run up to the network.” The House official claimed that they believe a full congressional the Facebook IPO) investigation should be performed on the transfer of the data. “I think this may lead to 132. Robert C. Hancock (Chief information as to who really accessed the DNC server,” said the official. “Everybody talks Compliance Officer, Sands Capital about Russia – but look at the access (Awan) had and potentially those emails could have Management, LLC; failed to file been sold.” S.E.C. Form SC 12G notice of acquisition reports for Athenahealth, The report also claims Awan allegedly transferred files on House Democrats to a secret Baidu and Facebook during the period of the Facebook IPO in 2012; server attached to the House Democratic Caucus. At the time, the organization was chaired this conduct masked the conflicts of by Rep. Xavier Becerra, who left Congress in January when he was sworn in as Attorney interest of Todd Y. Park, who was General of California. appointed by President Obama to be the U.S. Chief Technology Officer https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 22/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE “There is no reason to accommodate all the members’ data on one server and one that was during this same period; Todd Y. apparently hidden,” a senior House official told Circa. “Why didn’t Xavier Becerra know Park is/has been founder, director this because it happened on his watch? Each member had their own server to protect and CEO of both Athenahealth and Castlight Health; Todd Y. Park against this and Awan intentionally tried to hide what he had done from investigators.” deeply embedded the software from Athenahealth and Castlight Health Circa alleges police informed Becerra that the server was the subject of an investigation into HealthCare.gov when he was but received a falsified image of the server which they reportedly consider to be CTO at Health & Human Services; interference in a criminal investigation. none of these conflicts of interest were disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethics Full story: pledges and reports are missing from the Office of Government Ethics) http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/09/16/report-former-wasserman-schultz-it-staffer- allegedly-uploaded-terabits-of-information-to-dropbox/amp/ 133. Jonathan Goodman (Chief Counsel, Sands Capital Management, LLC; failed to file S.E.C. Form SC 12G notice of Reply acquisition reports for Athenahealth, Baidu and Facebook during the period of the Facebook IPO in 2012; Replies this conduct masked the conflicts of interest of Todd Y. Park, who was K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 8:16 AM appointed by President Obama to be the U.S. Chief Technology Officer Here's a TinyURL of the previous comment: during this same period; Todd Y. Park is/has been founder, director https://tinyurl.com/dnc-data-to-china and CEO of both Athenahealth and Castlight Health; Todd Y. Park deeply embedded the software from Spread the word. Athenahealth and Castlight Health into HealthCare.gov when he was CTO at Health & Human Services; none of these conflicts of interest were disclosed; Todd Y. Park's ethics Reply pledges and reports are missing from the Office of Government Ethics; Goodman was formerly employed by Gibson Dunn LLP, Facebook appeals counsel in Leader K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 8:20 AM v. Facebook) Email comment by JM: 134. Trip Adler ("Co-Founder" of Scribd; Harvard contemporaries of THIS IS A MUST SEE VIDEO EDUCATION ON THE DEEP STATE. Mark Zuckerberg with a dubious orgins story, like Zuckerberg's; Scribd held AFI documents for two Chris Farrell. (Sep. 15, 2017). JUDICIAL WATCH PRESENTS: 'EXPOSING THE DEEP STATE.' years, then summarily deleted the Judicial Watch. entire library without warning on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's library judicial Watch hosted a special educational panel on Friday, September 15, 2017, discussing contained only public documents “Exposing the Deep State.” The expert panelists include: and much evidence proving the Leader v. Facebook judicial Dr. Sebastian Gorka, Former Deputy Assistant to the President, corruption) Author of New York Times best seller Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War. 135. Jared Friedman ("Co-Founder" of Scribd; Harvard contemporaries of Diana West, Journalist and Author of American Betrayal: The Secret Assault on Our Nation’s Mark Zuckerberg with a dubious orgins story, like Zuckerberg's; Character. Scribd held AFI documents for two years, then summarily deleted the Todd Shepherd, Investigative Reporter, Washington Examiner. entire library without warning on Fri. Mar. 7, 2014; AFI's library James Peterson, Senior Attorney, Judicial Watch. contained only public documents and much evidence proving the Moderated by Christopher J. Farrell, Director of Investigations and Research, Judicial Watch Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption) Full story[VIDEO]: 136. Jeffrey Wadsworth (CEO, Battelle Memorial Institute; President, Ohio State University https://youtu.be/fAReCOhS10A Board of Trustees; former Deputy Director of Science & Technologies, Reply Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, University of California Board of Trustees) Replies 137. Michael V. Drake (President, The Ohio State University; former K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 8:22 AM Chancellor, University of California, Irvine) Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: 138. Woodrow A. Myers (Chief Medical Officer, Wellpoint, Inc.; https://tinyurl.com/deep-state-expose formerly Corporate Operations Officer, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Everyone should watch this video. Shield of Indiana) 139. Alex R. Fischer (aka Alexander Ross Fischer; Trustee, The Ohio Reply State University; former Sr. Vice President, Battelle Memorial Institute; Chairman, OmniViz; married to Lori Barreras) https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 23/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:07 AM 140. Chris Glaros (author of the discredited Waters Report re. The Email comment by Alex Jones: Ohio State University Marching Band; protege of Eric H. Holder, Jr., Steve Watson. (Sep. 19, 2017). JUDGE NAPOLITANO: OBAMA WIRETAPPING TRUMP TOWER Professor James P. Chandler, III, COULD HAVE BEEN TO HELP HILLARY - “How could the FBI director not know about this?!” and Algernon L. Marbley) Infowars. 141. Lori Barreras (Commissioner, Ohio Civil Rights Commission; With confirmation that former Trump Campaign Manager Paul Manafort was indeed former Vice President of Human Resources, The Ohio State wiretapped before and after the election by the Obama administration, Judge Andrew University; former Vice President, Napolitano has speculated that it may have been an effort to help Hilary Clinton secure the Battelle Memorial Institute; married Presidency. to Alex R. Fischer) 142. David Vaughn (Criminal Attorney, Full story[VIDEO]: David Vaughn Consulting Group; former Assistant U.S. Attorney; https://www.infowars.com/judge-napolitano-obama-wiretapping-trump-tower-could-have- appointed to the discredited Waters been-to-help-hillary/ Commission at Ohio State) 143. Betty Montgomery (former Ohio Attorney General; appointed to the discredited Waters Commission at Reply Ohio State; accepted campaign contributions from Woodrow A. Replies Myers, Wellpoint, Inc. and friend of Michael V. Drake) K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:09 AM 144. Joseph A. Steinmetz (Provost, The Ohio State University; author of Here's a TinyURL of the previous comment: Psychological Science article on MOOC (Massive Open Online https://tinyurl.com/judge-nap-confirms-wiretapping Course) that triggered the discovery of massive double-dealing and fraud within the Ohio State trustees) D. Facebook boy- Reply puppets:

145. Mark E. Zuckerberg

K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:11 AM 146. Chris Hughes 147. Dustin Moskowitz Email comment by LP: 148. Eduardo Saverin Roger Stone. (Sep. 19, 2017). ROGER STONE: THE RUSSIAN COLLUSION DELUSION - The 149. Matthew R. Cohler entire allegation is the brainchild John Podesta, who has deep ties with Russia. Infowars. 150. Elon Musk On September 26th I will testify to the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee E. Corruption Watch in their ongoing investigation into whether Donald Trump, his family, campaign or associates colluded with the Russian State to influence the outcome of the 2016 election. —Patent Office Judges: I am testifying voluntarily and have requested nor received no grant of immunity. 151. Anderson, Gregg I have been anxious to do so since several members of the Committee have made 152. Best, George allegations in public session that I had advance notice of either the hacking of Clinton’s 153. Bonilla, Jackie W. campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails or advanced knowledge of the content of material published by WikiLeaks that proved embarrassing to the campaign of Hillary 154. Boucher, Patrick Clinton. 155. Braden, Georgianna W. 156. Branch, Gene Full story[VIDEO]: 157. Bisk, Jennifer Bresson https://www.infowars.com/roger-stone-the-russian-collusion-delusion/ 158. Bui, Hung H. 159. Busch, Justin 160. Clements, Matt Reply 161. Crumbley, Kit 162. Droesch, Kristen Replies 163. Elluru, Rama 164. Fitzpatrick, Michael K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:12 AM 165. Gerstenblith, Bart A. Here's a TinyURL of the previous comment: 166. Giannetti, Thomas L. https://tinyurl.com/russia-collusion-dilusion 167. Guest, Rae Lynn 168. Hastings, Karen M. Spread the word. 169. Hoff, Marc 170. Horner, Linda 171. Hughes, James R. Reply 172. Hume, Larry 173. James, Housel 174. Jung, Hung J. K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:20 AM 175. Kamholz, Scott 176. Katz, Deborah https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 24/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

Email comment by Alex Jones: 177. Lucas, Jay 178. MacDonald, Allen R. (bio Staff. (Sep. 19, 2017). CNN ADMITS TRUMP RIGHT ABOUT WIRETAPPING CLAIM - Trump and unavailable) – Leader 3rd reexam Infowars vindicated as the truth comes to light. Infowars. judge (bio and conflicts log concealed by FOIA) Donald Trump is proven right again after CNN admits that he was being wiretapped. A 179. Mahaney, Alexandra Baylor professor discusses “taking out” white people due to their distaste for vaccines and 180. Martin, Brett Bill Gates wants to microchip babies to track them throughout their lives. Also, Hillary Clinton continues to directly attack Infowars. 181. McKone, Dave 182. McNamara, Brian Fulls story[VIDEO]: 183. Medley, Sally 184. Moore, Bryan https://www.infowars.com/cnn-forced-to-admit-trump-was-right-about-being-wiretapped/ 185. Moore, James T – Leader 3rd reexam judge (bio and conflicts log concealed by FOIA) Reply 186. Morgan, Jason V. 187. Morrison, John Replies 188. Pak, Chung K.

K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:21 AM 189. Perry, Glenn J. 190. Petravick, Meredith C. (bio and Here's a TinyURL for this comment exposing CNN, New York Times, Anderson conflicts log concealed by FOIA) – Cooper LIES: Leader 3rd reexam judge 191. Pettigrew, Lynne https://tinyurl.com/trump-right-about-wiretapping 192. Praiss, Donna Spread the world about this paid liars. 193. Quinn, Miriam 194. Reimers, Annette 195. Saindon, William 196. Scanlon, Patrick K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:24 AM 197. Siu, Stephen C. – Leader 3rd Email comment by Alex Jones: reexam judge (bio and conflicts log concealed by FOIA) Alex Jones. (Sep. 19, 2017). COVERUP OF TRUMP WIRETAPPING BLOWS UP IN 198. Smith, James Donald CNN / NYT FACE! TRUMP 100% CORRECT - Obama administration caught spying 199. Smith, Neil on Trump campaign. Infowars. 200. Snedden, Sheridan

Full story: 201. Song, Daniel 202. Spahn, Gay Ann https://www.infowars.com/coverup-of-trump-wiretapping-blows-up-in-cnn-nyt- 203. Strauss, Mike face-trump-100-correct/ 204. Timm, Catherine 205. White, Stacey 206. Zecher, Michael

Research Tip: K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:25 AM Type any name or subject in the Google Here's the TinyURL of the previous comment: search at the top of this webpage. That will show you any relevant links within the sites https://tinyurl.com/wiretapping-story-blows-up that we have been following and investigating in the Leader v. Facebook Spread the word. case. Vigilance everyone! Our American Republic is at risk.


K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:27 AM COMPLAINT AGAINST A Email comment by Rob Dew: UNIVERSITY

Rob Dew. (Sep. 19, 2017). WHY IS THE TRUMP JUSTICE DEPARTMENT BLOCKING THE The following universities were announced as EXTRADICTION OF A SOROS ASSOCIATE TO CHINA? Potentially bombshell move being blocked participants in Ohio State Provost Joseph A. by DoJ. Infowars. Steinmetz's corrupt MOOC education initiative named "University Innovation Alliance" (UIA). What possible reason could the DoJ have for blocking this potentially groundbreaking move? We have identified the instructions and online forms you need to file a complaint with the Full story[VIDEO]: participants. MOOC stands for "Massive Open Online Course." https://www.infowars.com/why-is-the-trump-justice-department-blocking-the- extradiction-of-a-soros-associate-to-china/ You should complain about:

(1) the intellectual property theft of social networking source code from Leader Reply Technologies, Columbus, Ohio that is the software engine running the UIA; Replies https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 25/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

K. Craine September 19, 2017 at 9:28 AM (2) the corruption at Ohio State University and OSU's collusion with Battelle Memorial Here's a TinyURL for previous comment: Institute which helped steal the software being used by UIA; and https://tinyurl.com/soros-extradition-blocked (3) the mistreatement of OSU Marching Band Director Jon Waters regarding fabricated Title IX charges that were used to pave the way for Reply Steinmetz to announce UIA.

Universities pride themselves on protection of intellectual property. K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 6:52 AM Therefore, these universities cannot Email comment by JM-GN: participate in this abuse of inventor copyrights, patents and trade secrets by The Staff. (Sep. 19, 2017). JUDICIAL WATCH: "THE DEEP STATE EXISTS." OAN. Ohio State Trustees and Administration. If these universities participate knowingly with Full story: Ohio State in its theft of intellectual property, then they are aiding and abetting https://youtu.be/DdAo0labsBo the theft of intellectual property on a "massive" scale... Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) also known as The Eclipse Reply Foundation. 1. ARIZONA Arizona State University K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 6:57 AM https://www.azag.gov/consumer/procedure https://www.azag.gov/complaints/consumer Email comment by Joseph Farah: 2. CALIFORNIA Staff. (Sep. 19, 2017). STATE DEPARTMENT IN 'OPEN WAR' WITH PRESIDENT TRUMP - Obama University of California Riverside holdovers 'continue running the show and formulating policy'. WND. California State System (observer) http://www.oig.ca.gov/ President Trump’s big war right now apparently isn’t with Iran, or North Korea, or http://www.oig.ca.gov/pages/about-us/how- Venezuela, or even Democrats and twice-failed presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, says a to-file-a-complaint.php new analysis: It’s with the State Department. http://www.oig.ca.gov/pages/about- us/complaint-form.php In the U.S. 3. FLORIDA Run by his own appointee, Rex Tillerson, explains a report in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin. University of Centr al Florida http://www.floridaoig.com/ That’s the conclusion of Soeren Kern, a senior fellow at the Gatestone Institute. http://www.fldoe.org/ig/complaint.asp http://app1.fldoe.org/IGComplaint/Complain He’s assembled a big list of times that “Tillerson and his advisers at the State Department tForm.aspx have made a number of statements and policy decisions that contradict Trump’s key 4. GEORGIA campaign promises on foreign policy, especially regarding Israel and Iran.” Oregon State University http://oig.georgia.gov/ Full story: http://oig.georgia.gov/file-complaint

http://www.wnd.com/2017/09/state-department-in-open-war-with-president-trump/ 5. INDIANA Purdue University http://www.in.gov/ig/2330.htm Reply 6. IOWA Iowa State University Replies http://www.state.ia.us/government/ag/file_ complaint/online_2.html K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 6:58 AM 7. MICHIGAN Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: Michigan State University http://www.mfia.state.mi.us/OIG/SubmitCo https://tinyurl.com/state-dept-obstruction mplaint.aspx?ComplaintMode=client

Spread the word. 8. OHIO The Ohio State University http://watchdog.ohio.gov/FileaComplaint.as Reply px

9. ORGEON Oregon State University https://justice.oregon.gov/forms/consumer_ K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 7:11 AM complaint.asp Email comment by RSL: https://justice.oregon.gov/consumercomplai nts/ HERE'S A LIST OF THE DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT CLUB, NOW EMBRACING OBAMA. 10. KANSAS THESE PEOPLE WILL KEEP ACTING ABOVE THE LAW UNTIL THEY ARE STOPPED BY WE THE The University of Kansas PEOPLE.... CLEARLY OUR POLITICIANS ARE IN ON THIS FINANCIAL SCAM. EXCUSE ME WHILE I http://www.fraudguides.com/report/kansas. SHOWER AFTER READING ABOUT THESE SOCIOPATHS. asp https://ag.ks.gov/about-the-office/contact- Max Abelson. (Sep. 18, 2017). OBAMA GOES FROM WHITE HOUSE TO WALL STREET IN LESS us/email-us THAN ONE YEAR. Bloomberg. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 26/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE https://ag.ks.gov/about-the-office/contact- Ex-president speaks to Carlyle, Cantor, Northern Trust us/file-a-complaint/koma-kora-investigation- request ‘If someone is willing to pay him to give a speech, God bless’ 11. TEXAS Hillary Clinton says she made a mistake when she gave speeches on Wall Street after The University of T exas leaving government. Taking money from banks, she writes in her new memoir, created the http://www.tdcj.state.tx.us/divisions/oig/oi impression she was in their pocket. g_fraud.html https://sao.fraud.state.tx.us/Hotline.aspx Her old boss doesn’t seem to share her concern. Let's make sure that the "University Innovation Alliance (UIA)" and "Massive Open Last month, just before her book “What Happened” was published, Barack Obama spoke in Online Course" MOOC never get off the ground New York to clients of Northern Trust Corp. for about $400,000, a person familiar with his due to their corrupt foundations. appearance said. Last week, he reminisced about the White House for Carlyle Group LP, one of the world’s biggest private equity firms, according to two people who were there. Next RESOURCE: week, he’ll give a keynote speech at investment bank Cantor Fitzgerald LP’s health-care http://inspectorsgeneral.org/directory-of- conference. state-and-local-government-oversight- agencies/ Full story:

https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2017-09-18/obama-goes-from-white-house-to- wall-street-in-less-than-one-year REAL NEWS LINKS

Reply Bookmark: #real-news

1. 12160.info - Resisting the New World Replies Order

K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 7:12 AM 2. 1791L Abby Martin (The Empire Files) Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: 3. 4. Alex Jones, InfoWars https://tinyurl.com/sociopaths-run-our-banks 5. America Talks (David Zublick)

Spread the word. 6. American Intelligence Media (AIM) 7. Americans for Innovation (AFI) 8. American Thinker Reply 9. Ann Coulter 10. Anthony Gucciardi 11. Before It's News K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 7:41 AM 12. Bill Still MUST SEE EXPOSE ON THE LYING DEEP STATE AND ITS MSM MEDIA LIARS. LIES, LIES AND MORE 13. Bob Dylan's Plagarism of James LIES. Damiano 14. Breitbart Email comment by Alex Jones: 15. Catherine Austin Fitts (Solari.com) Alex Jones. (Sep. 19, 2017). BOMBSHELL! MSM COVER-UP OF TRUMP WIRETAPPING IMPLODES 16. Center for Public Integrity - Trump vindicated as he’s proven right about being wiretapped. Infowars. 17. Cernovich, Mike (Danger & Play)

Alex Jones breaks down the mainstream media’s attempts to cover-up the fact that 18. Center for Self Governance President Trump and his campaign were wiretapped by the Obama Administration during 19. Charles Benninghoff / Pray For Us the election cycle. 20. Conservative Daily Post Full story: 21. Conservative Patriot Blog 22. Conservative Tribune https://www.infowars.com/bombshell-msm-cover-up-of-trump-wiretapping-implodes/ 23. Counterpunch 24. Culture Shock News Reply 25. Daily Caller 26. Daily Wire Replies 27. Danger & Play ()

K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 7:43 AM 28. David Horowitz Freedom Center Here's a TinyURL on the previous comment: 29. Dark Journalist 30. David Knight (Libertytarian) https://tinyurl.com/msm-lies-lies-lies 31. David Seaman

Spread the word on this cackle of globalist hyenas. 32. David Vose 33. David Zublick (America Talks) 34. Deeper Than Drudge 35. Diplopundit 36. Discover The Networks / David K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 7:56 AM Horowitz Doomsday Doug Email comment by DL: 37. 38. Drudge Report https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 27/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

Justin Caruso. (Sep. 19, 2017). TUCKER ON FIRE OVER TRUMP WIRETAP: 'WE 39. Ed Magedson LIEVE IN A COUNTRY WITH DEEPLY CORRUPT INSTITUTIONS'. Daily Caller / 40. Empire Files (Abby Martin) Infowars. 41. En-Volve Conservative News Tucker Carlson unloaded on U.S. intelligence and the mainstream media Tuesday 42. ExposeFacts.org (William Binney) on Fox News, alleging that American institutions are “deeply corrupt.” 43. Faith Happens Carlson mocked critics in a sarcastic voice saying, “Wiretapping? Come on. 44. FEDERICO InspoNews (Frederico That’s tin foil hat stuff, it’s nuts!” Cardella) 45. Free Our Internet The Daily Caller co-founder continued, “Now, in another time with more trustworthy institutions that would have been the end of the story. But we live 46. Free Thought Project (The) in a country with deeply corrupt institutions…” 47. FreedomWatch / Larry Klayman 48. Full Measure with Sharyl Attkisson Carlson recapped recent reports, stating, “According to a now report from CNN, Paul Manafort who for a time last year was Trump’s campaign chairman was 49. Gateway Pundit (The) wiretapped by the federal government both before and after the election.” 50. GeoEngineering Watch

“Manafort, it ought to be noted, had an apartment inside Trump Tower during 51. Georgia! KSCO that time so it’s virtually certain that surveillance of him would have included 52. Gerald Celente / Trends Research other members of the Trump campaign staff, maybe Trump himself,” he said. 53. Global Freedom Movement

Full story[VIDEO]: 54. Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich 55. Government Gone Wild http://dailycaller.com/2017/09/19/tucker-on-fire-over-trump-wiretap-we-live- 56. Glomar Disclosure in-a-country-with-deeply-corrupt-institutions-video/ 57. H.A. Goodman https://www.infowars.com/tucker-on-fire-over-trump-wiretap-we-live-in-a- 58. Hagmann Report country-with-deeply-corrupt-institutions-video/ 59. HANG THE BANKERS https://youtu.be/DQ_KcPV-ZIk 60. HORN NEWS 61. Horowitz (David) Freedom Center 62. Howard Nema (Truth Talk News) Reply 63. InfoWars, Alex Jones 64. Intrepid Report 65. Intercept (The) K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 7:50 AM 66. International Consortium of Email comment by LL: Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) 67. Innovation Alliance SHE'S NOT RIGHT IN THE HEAD: MAXINE WATERS CRASHES A FUNERAL EULOGY FOR DICK GREGORY TO TRASH TRUMP 68. Jack Posobiec 69. James Wesley Rawles (SurvivalBlog) American Mirror. (Sep. 20, 2017). MAXINE WATERS PUSHES TRUMP IMPEACHMENT – DURING A 70. Joel M. Skousen / World Affairs Brief EULOGY - Unhinged Democrat congresswoman goes on anti-Trump tirade at funeral. Infowars. 71. Judicial Watch 72. Julian Assange (WikiLeaks) Donald Trump is living rent-free in the head of Maxine Waters. 73. Kaya Jones The California congresswoman went on a stem winder of a eulogy during comedian Dick Gregory’s funeral on Saturday, quickly turning it political and attacking the president of the 74. Larry Elder United States, instead of remembering her friend. 75. Larry C. Johnson (No Quarter)

“I’m cleaning out the White House,” Waters declared. “We’re going to sanitize the White 76. Laura Ingraham House. We’re not going to take what is happening in this country.” 77. Lawless America 78. LawNewz “When I get through with Donald Trump, he’s going to wish he had been impeached!” Waters yelled, pointing at the crowd. 79. Lee Stranahan 80. Lew Rockwell Full story: 81. Liberty Headlines https://www.infowars.com/maxine-waters-pushes-trump-impeachment-during-a-eulogy/ 82. Liberty Writers News 83. Libertytarian) (David Knight 84. LifeZette (Laura Ingraham) Reply 85. Lionel Nation / Media

Replies 86. Lisa Haven News 87. Mark Dice September 20, 2017 at 7:51 AM K. Craine 88. Marshall Report (The) Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: 89. Matt Drudge / Drudge Report 90. Middle East Eye https://tinyurl.com/maxine-waters-is-nuts 91. Mike Cernovich (Danger & Play) 92. Millennium Report (The) Reply 93. 94. Muckrock 95. Newswars.com https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 28/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 8:27 AM 96. No More Games (Morgan Reynolds) Email comment by KL: 97. No Quarter (Larry C. Johnson) 98. Occupy Peace Owen Shroyer. (Sep. 14, 2017). ROGER STONE ON UPCOMING TESTIMONY TO HOUSE INTEL COMMITTEE, OBAMA/SUSAN RICE POLITICAL UNMASKING. Infowars. 99. Open Mind 100. Pat Dollard - The War Starts Here! Stone deserves an opportunity to clear his name after establishment attacks. Roger Stone 101. discusses his push to testify on Russia in front of the House Intelligence Committee, with zero request for immunity. 102. Peter Schiff 103. PJ Media Full story: 104. PoliZette https://www.infowars.com/breaking-live-roger-stone-announces-house-intelligence- 105. PragerU committee-testimony/ 106. Charles Benninghoff / Pray For Us 107. Prison Planet Live Reply 108. Public Intelligence Blog (Robert David Steele) Replies 109. Real News with David Knight K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 8:28 AM 110. Rebel Media Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment: 111. Right Side Broadcasting 112. Right Wing News (John Hawkins) https://tinyurl.com/roger-stone-to-testify 113. Ripoff Report Spread the word. 114. Robert David Steele 115. Roger Stone, Stone Cold Truth 116. ROOT for America (Wayne Allyn Root) Reply 117. Sargon of Akkad 118. Save The American Inventor 119. SGTReport September 20, 2017 at 8:46 AM K. Craine 120. Sharyl Attkisson PRAY AND ACT TO SAVE OUR CHILDREN: 121. Solari.com (Catherine Austin Fitts) 122. State of The Nation (SOTN) Craig Sawyer. (Sep. 14, 2017). COMPROMISING CHILD TRAFFICKING: THE STRATEGIC APPROACH. Infowars. 123. 124. StevenCrowder Craig Sawyer joins Alex Jones live via Skype to update listeners on his efforts, along with other veterans, to locate and rescue children caught up in deeply rooted human trafficking 125. Steve Pieczenik networks. 126. Stone Cold Truth, Roger Stone 127. SurvivalBlog (James Wesley Rawles) Full story[VIDEO]: 128. The Daily Caller https://youtu.be/kCc4D-M5ZRA 129. The Free Thought Project 130. 131. The HORN NEWS

Reply 132. The Intercept (Note: Most writers are fair; but some are unalloyed fake Replies news leftists) 133. The Larry Elder Show K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 8:48 AM 134. The Marshall Report Here's a TinyURL for previous comment: 135. The Millennium Report 136. The Stone Zone https://tinyurl.com/save-our-children-from-pedos 137. The Watchman's Report Spread the word. Save our children. 138. Trends Research / Gerald Celente 139. Val Stillwell 140. Veterans Today (VT) Reply 141. Vets For Child Rescue 142. Vidme 143. Washington Examiner K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 8:51 AM 144. Wayne Madsen Report Email comment by JM: 145. WND (WorldNetDaily) Larry Nichols. (Sep. 14, 2017). BREAKING: MUELLER TO CHARGE TRUMP WITH SUPPORTING 146. Whatever Happened to Common Sense PERJURY. Infowars. 147. WikiLeaks (Julian Assange)

Larry Nichols joins Alex Jones live via Skype to hand off breaking news regarding Trump and 148. William Binney (ExposeFacts.org) special prosecutor Robert Mueller as he works alongside the deep state to sabotage the 149. We Are Change President. 150. West New Jersey Tea Party

Full story[VIDEO]: 151. Western Journalism https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 29/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

152. World Affairs Brief / Joel M. Skousen https://youtu.be/mCLZo2vVmKE 153. Your Voice Radio 154. ZeroHedge



K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 8:52 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word.


K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 10:17 AM Email comment by OSUBull:


The College Fix. (Sep. 20, 2017). OHIO STATE TELLS STUDENTS ONLY WHITES CAN BE RACIST - ‘Interrupting Racism: Tips & Tools for White People’ Workshop. Infowars.

A workshop held at Ohio State University on Tuesday taught white student attendees about their “privilege,” how to not act racist, and that it’s impossible for white people to be victims of racism and only white people can be racist.

The event, titled “Interrupting Racism: Tips & Tools for White People,” was one of the many programs the public university’s multicultural center will host as part of its “Ally Week of Action,” currently underway.

The center’s workshop aimed to teach white students how to “develop a personal plan of action to interrupt racism,” according to the university’s website. It added that all were welcome to the “Interrupting Racism” workshop, however its content had a “focus on skill building amongst white identified people.”

Full story[VIDEO]:




K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 10:19 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word. The Deep State is flaming out.


K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 1:51 PM Email comment by JM-GN:

Judge Jeanine. (Sep. 16, 2017). JUDGE JEANINE: I'LL TELL YOU WHAT HAPPENED, HILLARY. Fox News.

Clinton is still bothered and bewildered about why she lost. She has the "moral core of a jellyfish."

Full story[VIDEO]:

https://youtu.be/4px_2Ouh6-c https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 30/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE


K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 1:55 PM Email comment by Joseph Farah:

Alicia Powe. (Sep. 19, 2017). MIKE HUCKABEE: WHAT HAPPENED TO MANAFORT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU - 'I'm sorry, that scares the bejeebies out of me'. WND.

News that the Obama administration wiretapped Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort in 2016 and again in 2017 at times when he was in regular contact with then-candidate Donald Trump is worrying, says former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee.

Besides the fact the evidence now lends credence to Trump’s much-ridiculed statement that the Obama administration had wiretapped him, Huckabee says the circumstances should be alarming to every American.

“Why did they engage in that wiretap?” Huckabee asked during Fox News’ “Outnumbered” program. “This is frightening.

“If your government can just decide that it’s going to tap into your phones because you played a political role that somebody in the government didn’t want you to play, I’m sorry, that scares the bejeebies out of me,” Huckabee continued.

Full story:

http://www.wnd.com/2017/09/mike-huckabee-what-happened-to-manafort-could-happen- to-you/



K. Craine September 20, 2017 at 2:04 PM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the warning.


K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 8:26 AM Email comment by GH:



Peter Thiel, the billionaire tech mogul and high profile Trump supporter, was granted New Zealand citizenship in 2011, a fact that only came to light back in January. But the politician in charge of granting citizenship at the time has now defended the unusual move, calling Thiel a “great ambassador” for the country.

The New Zealand Herald reports today that Thiel spent just 12 days in New Zealand before being granted citizenship, which is raising eyebrows in the island nation. New Zealand law typically requires a person to live in the country for the majority of at least five years before they can apply for citizenship. Thiel obtained citizenship in a ceremony performed in Santa Monica, California after being granted a special exemption.

Nathan Guy, the Minister of Internal Affairs in 2011 who made the exemption, said Thiel has made “great investments” to New Zealand and has been “a great ambassador,” despite the fact that his citizenship was a secret until very recently. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 31/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE “This story got legs because of his connection to the Trump regime,” Guy was quoted as saying in the New Zealand Herald. Thiel was a member of Trump’s transition team and has been a major force in bringing Silicon Valley into the White House. Most recently, he attended a meeting on June 19th at the White House where other tech industry titans like Jeff Bezos and Tim Cook were present.

Full story:

https://gizmodo.com/peter-thiel-described-as-great-ambassador-for-new-zeala- 1796507953



K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 8:27 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous Thiel alert:


Spread the word to the White House.


K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 12:09 PM OUTTED: Watch MSNBC Lawrence O'Donnell reveal his truly nasty character. Can't pretend to be holier than thou big buddy. O'Donnell f*ck and g*ddam count is off the charts.

Staff. (Aug. 29, 2017). Lawrence: Watch MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell's Unhinged Outtakes for Eight Crazy Minutes ‘Lawrence’. RealStoryNews.

Full story[VIDEO]:




K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 12:11 PM Here's a TinyURL on previous comment:


Spread the truth about these nasty characters of the mainstream media.


K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 12:33 PM Email comment by TT:

CNN (CIA News Network) gives NSA Lyin' James Clapper an opportunity to cover his butt about his pathological lying against the American People.

Watch Former NSA Director James Clapper walk back his gradiouse lie about the NSA not spying on American citizens, which would include now President Donald Trump and his chief of staff Paul Manafort.

James Clapper. (Sep. 21, 2017). James Clapper on CNN: ‘It’s possible President Trump’s voice recorded in Paul Manafort wiretap! GLOBAL News.

Former spy chief James Clapper appeared on CNN with Don Lemon to speak about the wiretapping of Trump’s former campaign manager Paul Manafort.

Full story[VIDEO]: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 32/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE https://youtu.be/gwe7WwdG4lM



K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 12:34 PM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word about Clapper's lies.

K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 12:41 PM Email comment by AT:



Earlier this year, former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper flat-out denied the existence of a FISA court order for a wiretap against the Trump campaign.

“But I will say that, for the part of the national security apparatus that I oversaw as DNI, there was no such wiretap activity mounted against the president-elect at the time, or as a candidate, or against his campaign,” he said at the time.

Since then, news reports have claimed that former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort was wiretapped under a secret court order before and after the election.

Appearing on CNN Thursday, Clapper maintained he was not aware of a FISA warrant against Paul Manafort. He did, however, make an interesting admission.

“Is it possible the president was picked up in a conversation with Paul Manafort?” CNN’s Don Lemon asked.

“It’s certainly conceivable,” Clapper responded.

“Is it likely?” Lemon pressed.

“I can’t say,” the former spy chief responded. “I wouldn’t want to go there. I will say it’s possible.”

Full story[VIDEO]:

http://ijr.com/the-declaration/2017/09/979648-obamas-former-spy-chief-now- admits-possible-trumps-voice-picked-wiretap/

K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 12:43 PM Here's a TinyURL on the previous comment:


Expose the CIA/NSA/Obama/Mueller lies.


K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 3:54 PM Email comment by DL:

THIS IS A MUST SEE/LISTEN AIM VIDEO, ESPECIALLY AT MIN. 30. DISCUSSES THE THEFT OF LEADER TECHNOLOGIES' SOCIAL NETWORKING INVENTION BY THE DEEP STATE. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 33/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

Betsy and Thomas. (Sep. 20, 2017). PAUL MANAFORT: MUELLER SCAPEGOAT. American Intelligence Media.

Betsy and Thomas discuss corporate media’s new revelation that Paul Manafort was surveilled before, during, and after the 2016 presidential election. The American Intelligence Media explained this to their listeners and readers some time ago and Thomas is gloating for his original ‘scoop’. Of course, Thomas discusses much more than this as he brings us up to speed on what may be happening with Washington spy ring investigation. Make sure to subscribe to our daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES at www.aim4truth.org so you will always be ahead of the propaganda corporate media narrative and disinformation.

AIM says that the Deep State stole social networking from Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies.

This is an information war. So make sure you are stocked up with truth “bullets” to be used against the globalist and Deep State enemies.

Full story:




K. Craine September 21, 2017 at 3:55 PM Here's a TinyURL for previous comment:



K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 7:47 AM Email comment by GH/WR:


A breaking report from America First Media Group appears to show that payments made to private cyber security firm Crowdstrike coincided with the dates of two mysterious deaths, including the unsolved murder of Seth Rich and the death of process server Shawn Lucas.

Disobedient Media previously reported on Shawn Lucas’ death, which occurred shortly after he attempted to serve former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz with papers regarding the DNC Fraud Lawsuit. Attorneys for the plaintiffs in that case later sought protection from the court, and in doing so had cited both Seth Rich and Shawn Lucas’ deaths, as well as that of Beranton Whisenant Jr. and others.

Full story:

https://disobedientmedia.com/2017/09/breaking-crowdstrike-payments-coincide-with- deaths-of-seth-rich-shawn-lucas/



K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 7:48 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word.


https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 34/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 7:52 AM Email comment by JM/GH:


Legitimate downloads of popular software including WhatsApp, Skype and VLC Player are allegedly being hacked at an internet service provider (ISP) level to spread an advanced form of surveillance software known as "FinFisher", cybersecurity researchers warn.

FinFisher is sold to global governments and intelligence agencies and can be used to snoop on webcam feeds, keystrokes, microphones and web browsing. Documents, previously published by WikiLeaks, indicate that one tool called "FinFly ISP" may be linked to the case.

Iran's hackers exposed: 'APT33' group, tied to destructive malware, seeks military secretsR

The digital surveillance tools are peddled by an international firm called Gamma Group and have in the past been sold to repressive regimes including Bahrain, Egypt and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).

Full story:

http://www.ibtimes.co.uk/are-you-being-watched-finfisher-government-spy-tool-found- hiding-whatsapp-skype-1640263



K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 7:53 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word.


K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 7:59 AM Email comment by DL/ML:




Lyin' Zuckerberg: "Higher standard of transparency." = [equals] "Lower standard of transparency."

Staff. (Sep. 21, 2017). Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg discusses 'next steps in protecting election integrity'. ABC News.

Full story[VIDEO]:




K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 8:13 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 35/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE Spread the world about this sociopath.


K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 8:13 AM Email comment by Alex Jones:

Adan Salazar. (Sep. 21, 2017). EPIC: MATT DRUDGE TROLLS MEDIA MATTERS’ RUSSIA ACCUSATIONS – BY LINKING TO RUSSIAN MEDIA - Independent media outlet accused of being Putin mouthpiece. Infowars.

When you’re the independent proprietor of the most influential media website in the world, you get to set your own rules.

So when leftist, George Soros-funded right-wing watchdog Media Matters accused Drudge Report founder Matt Drudge of colluding with the Russian government to promote Kremlin propaganda, he responded by doing exactly that.

Full story[VIDEO]:

https://www.infowars.com/media-matters-accused-matt-drudge-of-promoting-russian- propaganda-so-he-linked-directly-to-the-kremlin/



K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 8:15 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word about the pedophilia infested Media Matters.


K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 11:26 AM Email comment by JM-GN:


Deep dive on the Deep State.

Full story[VIDEO]:




K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 11:28 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:



K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 2:58 PM Email comment by JR: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 36/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE John Rappoport. (Sep. 22, 2017). C.I.A. MOCKINGBIRD CONTROLLED THE PRESS - The U.S. government has been infiltrating media for decades. Infowars.

Jon Rappoport exposes how the CIA has been used to control the media for decades.

Full story:




K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 3:00 PM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word.


K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 3:01 PM American Intelligence Media covers the theft of the Leader Technologies' social networking invention in latest video/audio post at 30 min. 40 secs:




K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 3:02 PM Here's a TinyURL to the previous comment:


Spread the word.

K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 3:04 PM Email comment by AIM:

Anonymous Patripts. (Mar. 27, 2017). SWAMP FOUND. REVEALS WEAPON OF MASS INTELLIGENCE. American Intelligence Media




In numerous articles from Americans for Innovation, the Anonymous Patriots have found evidence that IBM’s Eclipse Foundation stole the original ideas and source code for Google and Facebook from Leader Technologies, Inc. through the patent attorney James P. Chandler who was the mentor of Barrack Obama and Eric Holder. David J. Kappos, IBM’s attorney was also a student of Chandler. Chandler represented Leader Technologies, Inc. who already had filed his source code patent through James Chandler but Chandler made it available to IBM who disseminated it to Apple, Google and other companies through the IBM Eclipse Foundation. This theft is one of the largest patent thefts in history. You can read about it in detail at the following urls.

Full story:

https://aim4truth.org/2017/03/27/swamp-found/ https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 37/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

K. Craine September 22, 2017 at 3:05 PM Here's a TinyURL to the previous comment:


Spread the word.


K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 7:39 AM Email comment by DL

Betsy and Thomas. (Sep. 22, 2017). THE TRUTH ABOUT CHINA GOLD. American Intelligence Media.

Where oh where is the gold? Betsy and Thomas lead you right to the world's gold and share the secrets about China that the main stream media won't tell you (if they were even smart enough to figure it out).

Full story[VIDEO]:




K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 7:40 AM Here's a TinyURL to the previous comment:


Spread the world.


K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 7:45 AM Email comment by Glenn Greewald:


STEVE BANNON was in the room the day Donald Trump first fell for Gary Cohn. So were Reince Priebus, Jared Kushner, and Trump’s pick for secretary of Treasury, Steve Mnuchin. It was the end of November, three weeks after Trump’s improbable victory, and Cohn, then still the president of Goldman Sachs, was at Trump Tower presumably at the invitation of Kushner, with whom he was friendly. Cohn was there to offer his views about jobs and the economy. But, like the man he was there to meet, he was at heart a salesman.

On the campaign trail, Trump had spoken often about the importance of investing in infrastructure. Yet the president-elect had apparently failed to appreciate that the government would need to come up with hundreds of billions of dollars to fund his plans. Cohn, brash and bold, wired to attack any moneymaking opportunity, pitched a fix that would put Wall Street firms at the center: Private-industry partners could help infrastructure get fixed, saving the federal government from going deeper into debt. The way the moment was captured by , among other publications, Trump was dumbfounded. “Is this true?” he asked. Was a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan likely to increase the deficit by a trillion dollars? Confronted by nodding heads, an unhappy president-elect said, “Why did I have to wait to have this guy tell me?”

Full story:

https://theintercept.com/2017/09/17/goldman-sachs-gary-cohn-donald-trump- https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 38/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE administration/



K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 7:46 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word about these traitors.


K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 7:50 AM Email comment by Newsmax:


Mainstream political polls that were wrong about the 2016 presidential race still use a methodology favoring Democrats, women and younger voters to calculate President Donald Trump's approval ratings, a new analysis contends.

The analysis, posted by Bombthrowers, charges the top polls oversample an average of 29 percent more Democrats than Republicans — chopping about 8 points off the president's approval ratings, from 46 percent to 38 percent.

For example, Bombthrowers's analyst James Simpson charged that a recent Economist survey on Trump's approval rating used 58 percent more Democrats than Republicans.

"In every poll, Democrat respondents outnumbered Republicans by significant amounts," Simpson wrote.

Full story:

https://www.newsmax.com/Newsfront/mainstream-polls-used-one-third- democrats/2017/09/22/id/815261/



K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 7:51 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word before the midterms.


K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 7:53 AM Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson:


A few of you have asked for the latest on my computer intrusion lawsuit against the government. Here is a short summary after our hearing in federal court today.

Full story[VIDEO]:

https://sharylattkisson.com/2017/09/22/computer-intrusion-lawsuit-update-attkisson-v- dept-of-justice/

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 39/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE Reply


K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 7:54 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word.


K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 7:57 AM Email comment by Joseph Farah:

Alicia Powe. (Sep. 23, 2017). WASHINGTON WATCHDOG OUT TO UNCOVER DRAFT HILLARY INDICTMENT - Wants Whitewater paperwork released from National Archives. WND.

WASHINGTON – Hillary Clinton’s legal fights over her use of a private email server while secretary of state are far from over, with multiple court cases still in progress.

But now she has another battle on her hands, as Washington watchdog Judicial Watch is working to make public the details of Whitewater, the decades-old scandal in which she emerged relatively unscathed at the time.

Judicial Watch lawyers appeared before a federal appeals court in Washington Friday arguing for the release of draft indictments of Hillary Clinton from the 1990s Whitewater scandal. A ruling is expected later.

The watchdog group has been demanding the National Archives release documents the archives maintains “should be kept secret [to preserve] grand jury secrecy and Clinton’s personal privacy.”

Judicial Watch filed a FOIA request for the documents in March 2015.

Then in October that year the group sued the National Archives and Records Administration for release of the 238 pages of related records.

U.S. District Court Judge Reggie Walton [EDITOR: Walton has been a rubber stamp FISA judge who is a crony of James P. Chandler and Eric H. Holder] ruled that the documents must be withheld in light of Clinton’s “substantial privacy interest,” which he claimed outweighed any public interest in disclosure.

But Judicial Watch appealed, contending an abundance of information about Whitewater has already been made public and that “there is no secrecy or privacy left to protect.”

Full story:

http://www.wnd.com/2017/09/washington-watchdog-out-to-uncover-draft-hillary- indictment/



K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 8:05 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word. Judge Reggie Walton has been a James P. Chandler-controlled rubber stamp FISA judge who approved the expanded, near dictatorial powers of the Attorney General (Holder) on Dec. 12, 2008 -- just before Obama took power.

http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#fisa- fraud

On Dec. 12, 2008, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC, also called the FISA Court) granted almost dictatorial powers to the U.S. Attorney General to spy on Americans, signed by Judge Reggie B. Walton, a James P. Chandler, Eric https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 40/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE H. Holder, Jr., David J. Kappos (IBM) colleague.[191] This opinion was declared unconstitutional by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals on May 07, 2015. However, it gave Eric Holder the excuse he used to steal the privacy of American citizens during most of the Obama Administration nonetheless.[192]

http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#fisa- fraud


K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 8:08 AM Email comment by JM:

Griffin: How have the purpose and direction of the major foundations changed, over the years, up to the present? What are their purposes and directions today?

Dodd: 100% behind meeting the cost of education, such as it is presented through the schools and colleges of this United States, on the subject of our history -– to prove that our original ideas are no longer practical. The future belongs to collectivistic concepts. There is just no disagreement on this.

Griffin: Why do the foundations generously support communist causes in the United States?

Dodd: Well, because, to them, communism represents a means of developing what we call a monopoly -- as the organization, we'll say, of large-scale industry into an administrable unit.

Griffin: Do they think that they will?

Dodd: They will be the beneficiary of it, yes.



K. Craine September 23, 2017 at 8:09 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word. Corporate Foundations want communism/collectivism because it is good for globalist business.


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 5:56 AM Email comment by Joseph Farah:


Bob Unruh. (Sep. 24, 2017). ACTIVIST DEM JUDGE RULES LGBT MANDATE TRUMPS 1ST AMENDMENT - Says Christians' refusal to promote homosexuality akin to posting 'White Applicants Only' sign. WND.

A federal judge in Minnesota with a long history of Democratic Party activism has issued a ruling that effectively concludes the LGBT agenda trumps the First Amendment’s religious- rights protections.

Judge John Tunheim, appointed by former President Bill Clinton

John Tunheim, appointed by then-President Bill Clinton in 1995, ordered Wednesday that Christian videographers Carl and Angel Larsen, through their company, Telescope Media Group, must use their filmmaking talents to promote same-sex marriages if they produce https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 41/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE films that celebrate marriage as the union of one man and one woman.

Their lawyers announced immediately they will appeal the decision by Tunheim, who charged in his opinion that the Larsens’ faith-based objection to creating videos promoting same-sex relationships is “akin to a ‘White Applicants Only’ sign.”

The ruling came in a case the Larsens brought against state officials over their enforcement of the Human Rights Act, which bars discrimination in the workplace on the basis of “sexual orientation.”

Full story:

http://www.wnd.com/2017/09/activist-dem-judge-rules-lgbt-mandate-trumps-1st- amendment/



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 5:59 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the world. The NWO has planted sleeper judges all over our justice system. Expose them. Shame them. Force them to honor their Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges and Judicial Employees or resign.

K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 6:25 AM John R. Tunheim has been heavily involved in the New World Order. His history shows he "helped" countries of Eastern Europe, including Kosovo (decimated by Bill Clinton), in setting up their election systems.

John R. Tunheim is also heavily involved with the World Bank, RAND Corporation, USAID JPMorgan Chase and Checchi Consulting. All four are major supporters of the New World Order agenda.

He is heavily invested in American Funds whose directors, officers and trustees read like a Who's Who of the New World Order, including:

Louise Bryson - J. Paul Getty Trust Mary Dolan - Lost Angeles Hearald Examiner Pablo Guajardo - Kimberly-Clark William King - American Public Media John Mazziotta - UCLA Health System WYPR Baltimore/Washington - Public radio Claudia Huntington - Capital Group James Terrile - Capital Strategy Research Barry Crosthwaithe - Capital Research Global Eric Richter - Capital Research Global Herbert Poon - Capital Research Jessica Spaly - Capital Research Laurie Neat - Capital Guardian Brian Bullard - Capital Research Raymond Sullivan - Capital Research Hong Le - Capital Bank and Trust Dori Laskin - Capital Research

American Fund is clearly a participant in the "Great Mutual Fund Scam" that enables judges and public officials to hide their NWO (New World Order) crony investments behind their mutual fund holdings. Nice trick, but the scam is busted.

http://www.fedbar.org/PDFs/Current-Judicial-Profiles/profile-tunheim- dec15.aspx


http://www.checchiconsulting.com/index.php? option=com_content&task=view&id=1&Itemid=14

https://www.americanfunds.com/advisor/pdf/shareholder/mfgearx- 002_amcapa.pdf https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 42/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 6:29 AM Here's our previous expose of "The Great Mutual Fund Scam"

AFI. (Nov. 26, 2014). How Judges Grow Rich On The Backs Of American Inventors. Americans for Innovation.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2014/11/how-judges-grow-rich-on- backs-of.html


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 6:33 AM Email comment by WND:


Make it your QUEST to learn the Constitution through this fun and engaging game! This is an entertaining and educational game great for adults and teens who want to learn and understand the freedoms guaranteed by this precious document. Learn the American system of checks and balances the way the Founders intended: separation of powers, the reason for checks and balances between the branches, powers granted and denied and the constitutional amendments. Constitution Quest has been field-tested with players age 10 through age 84 with great success, with game cards designed for the novice or advanced player – even the person with little constitutional knowledge can have fun playing with someone with a greater constitutional IQ. Designed for 2-4 individuals or teams, this game has simple directions and can easily be played in less than an hour. The more you play, the more you learn! Included with the game are complimentary copies of the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, as well as 223 game cards filled with constitutional information including: 3 branches of government, powers granted and denied, checks and balances, laws from the Articles, the Bill of Rights and other Amendments, historical facts and dates, and more.

Made in the USA 2 to 4 players Individuals or Teams Teens and Adults

Full story:




K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 6:34 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 6:37 AM Email comment by Joseph Farah:

Anon. (Sep. 24, 2017). 'MODERN-DAY MUSLIM SAUL' STORY FROM UNDERGROUND CHURCH - Avowed Christian killer becomes 'vessel' for Jesus, missionaries report. WND.

[WND Editor’s note: The information from this story is provided by Bibles for Mideast, an underground ministry focusing on Bible distribution, evangelism and house-church planting in the Middle East, South Asia and parts of Africa.]

A Muslim who says he beat and killed Christians because of their faith and says he was https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 43/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE miraculously healed from bullet wounds he received in one of those attacks has not only converted but become the pastor of a home church in an undisclosed Islamic country, according to Bibles for the Mideast.

Zakkir, a pseudonym, and his father lived to uphold the many religious rules governing their solidly Muslim country, one of the strictest in the Middle East. They followed Islamic ritual practices fanatically, and if they witnessed anything or anyone “out of order,” had no reservations about resorting to violence.

Zakkir’s father served in an often-merciless Islamic religious force known as Muttawa, while his son headed up an outlaw gang of angry young militants. All were fully committed to punishing anyone daring to defy the stern laws and practices of Islam.

Full story:

http://www.wnd.com/2017/09/modern-day-muslim-saul-story-from-underground- church/#yEkV5KJE6UuqU7yp.99


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 7:24 AM Email comment by JM-GN:

Paul Sperry. (Sep. 09, 2017). SAUDI GOVERNMENT ALLEGEDLY FUNDED A 'DRY RUN' FOR 9/11, REPORT SAYS. / Fox News.

Fresh evidence submitted in a major 9/11 lawsuit moving forward against the Saudi Arabian government reveals its embassy in Washington may have funded a “dry run” for the hijackings carried out by two Saudi employees, further reinforcing the claim employees and agents of the kingdom directed and aided the 9/11 hijackers and plotters.

Two years before the airliner attacks, the Saudi Embassy paid for two Saudi nationals, living undercover in the US as students, to fly from Phoenix to Washington “in a dry run for the 9/11 attacks,” alleges the amended complaint filed on behalf of the families of some 1,400 victims who died in the terrorist attacks 16 years ago.

Full story[VIDEO]:

http://www.foxnews.com/us/2017/09/09/saudi-government-allegedly-funded-dry-run-for- 911-report-says.html



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 7:34 AM Email comment by JM-GN:


http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#criminal- facebook-insider-selloff



WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The top U.S. markets regulator said on Wednesday that hackers accessed its corporate disclosure database and may have illegally profited by trading on the insider information stolen.

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) said the hack occurred in 2016 but that it had only discovered last month that the cyber criminals may have used the information to make illicit trades.

The hackers exploited a software glitch in the test filing component of the system to gain https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 44/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE access to non-public information, the agency said.

Full story:

https://www.reuters.com/article/legal-us-sec-intrusion/u-s-sec-says-hackers-may-have- traded-using-stolen-insider-information-idUSKCN1BW1K0


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 7:59 AM Email comment by JM:

RED ALERT. State of Washington is preparing to build a new automated voting system that will allow full data manipuation of any voter record, any time. MESSAGE: The person with access to the electronc records will determine the outcome of any election going forward.




https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2017-11-01-RFP-No-18-02-Elections- Modernization-Project-EMP-Sec-of-State-WA-due-Nov-01-2017.pdf

Ironically, "EMP" is also a thermonuclear "Electromagnetic Pulse" device that will wipe out all electronic communications. This is probably as coincidental as IBM's Eclipse Foundation setup to destroy American culture and usher in Islam whose symbol is a crescent moon - an eclipse.

WE NEED TO USE PAPER BALLOTS AND PURPLE INK ON THE INDEX FINGER. Simple and effective. One person, one vote. Then, we need to go back to bi-partisan monitoring at every step from county tabulation to transporting the ballots, to state entry, to vote tallying. Bitpartisan review at every step. Those monitors should never let those paper ballots out of their sights.

***Under the guise of ‘automation’ they are making it possible for thousands of records to be instantly changed by ‘scanning’. This is a total cluster fuck of criminality. This needs to be stopped in ‘court’ immediately.***

The DEVIL is in these details. No question in my mind (I am an engineer and technologies who worked for a Fortune 50 company.)

Full Washington State RFP:



https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2017-11-01-RFP-No-18-02-Elections- Modernization-Project-EMP-Sec-of-State-WA-due-Nov-01-2017.pdf



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 8:05 AM Here's a TinyURL on this Washington State Election Fraud plan being pushed by the Secretary of State Kim Wyman (R), a globalist NWO Aspen Institute Fellow. Don't be fooled by her Republican credentials. https://www.sos.wa.gov/office/kim-wyman.aspx


Spread the word. Electronic voting is fraudulent to its core and must be eliminated completely.

K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:43 AM https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 45/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE Email comment by JM:

To clarify, the WA system proposed is a ***Voter Registration System***, not an election system.

Voter ‘registration’ system. Sorry for the confusion. The wording above should be changed to ‘registration’. The outcome is the same…..however, the registration system makes voter fraud ‘apriori’ which is even more diabolical.


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 8:33 AM Email comment by JM:




WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Internet giants, including Alphabet’s Google (GOOGL.O) and Facebook (FB.O), are moving to compromise on several major policy issues as they adjust to an abrupt shift in the political winds in Washington.

Just last week, the U.S. Senate took a big step toward advancing legislation that would partially strip away the internet industry’s bedrock legal protection, a 1996 law that shields companies from liability for the activities of their users.

At the same time, Democratic senators are writing legislation that would create new disclosure rules for online political ads after Facebook this month revealed that suspected Russian trolls purchased more than $100,000 worth of divisive ads on its platform during the 2016 election cycle. The U.S. Federal Election Commission is considering bringing in Facebook and other tech firms for a public hearing.

Full story:

https://www.reuters.com/article/us-internet-politics-analysis/internet-giants-once-above- the-fray-on-the-defensive-in-washington-idUSKCN1BZ0BI



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 8:34 AM Here's a TinyURL of the previous comment:



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 8:39 AM Email comment by MP:

Staff. (Sep. 24, 2017). IT'S OFFICIAL: THIS IS STRAIGHT OUT OF ORWELL'S 1984... Before It's News.

Truthstream Media

You can’t get a more literal interpretation. It’s 1984.

Is anyone going to say anything? https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 46/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE And if they do, will anyone hear us?

Full story[VIDEO]:

http://beforeitsnews.com/eu/2017/09/its-official-this-is-straight-out-of-orwells-1984- 2629955.html



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 8:40 AM Here's a TinyURL of the previous comment:


Spread the word.


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 8:44 AM Email comment by MP:

Dane Wigington. (Sep. 24, 2017). GEOENGINEERING WATCH GLOBAL ALERT NEWS. Before It's News.

Full story[VIDEO]:

http://beforeitsnews.com/alternative/2017/09/geoengineering-watch-global-alert-news- september-23-2017-dane-wigington-geoengineeringwatch-org-3555954.html


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 8:48 AM Email comment by JP:

Daily Wire. (Sep. 23, 2017). WATCH: CROWD CHANTS ‘LOCK HER UP’ – TRUMP EXPLAINS HOW IT COULD HAPPEN - ‘You got to speak to Jeff Sessions about that,’ Trump says. Infowars.

President Donald Trump told an energized crowd what they needed to do if they wanted to see Hillary Clinton prosecuted for her alleged crimes while speaking in Alabama on Friday night.

Trump told the packed crowd that if “Crooked Hillary” had won the election, they “would not have a Second Amendment.”

“You’d be handing in your rifles,” Trump said. “You’d be turning over your rifles.”

Trump’s comments were met with instant chants of “lock her up” from the crowd – the same chants that were routine at his campaign rallies during the 2016 election.

Full story[VIDEO]:

https://www.infowars.com/watch-crowd-chants-lock-her-up-trump-explains-how-it-could- happen/


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 8:52 AM Email comment by ER:


Washington Times. (Sep. 23, 2017). ELIZABETH WARREN CONFRONTED OVER WEALTH: ‘IT’S NOT HYPOCRISY’ - lectures about the 1% – that she is part of

Sen. Elizabeth Warren was forced to defend her wealth despite her frequent attacks on the https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 47/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE rich after she was confronted by a radio host earlier this week.

Ms. Warren, a Massachusetts Democrat who frequently attacks big banks and Wall Street, ran into WRKO radio host Jeff Kuhner at the studio Monday and was asked how she can justify “railing” against a class of Americans to which she belongs.

Full story[VIDEO]:



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 9:31 AM Email comment by FB:


I am frankly shocked this information is not making front page news right now. Monsanto will do anything to bury this story… and as of right now, it’s working. Not a single mainstream media outlet has covered this appalling new report that shows millions of people being poisoned by a chemical that does not belong in our food. This chemical is ending up in processed foods like Cheerios, Ritz Crackers, and Oreos and being consumed by humans across the world. The health of millions of people is on the line and this news must go mainstream! That’s why I’m calling on every single one of you who reads this post to share this breaking story now. The only way this injustice will be corrected is if enough of us stand up and demand that something be done to stop the poisoning of our food supply.

Share this shocking new report with everyone you know….

A FDA-registered food safety laboratory tested iconic American food for residues of the weed killer glyphosate (aka Monsanto’s Roundup) and found ALARMING amounts.

Just to give you an idea of how outrageous these amounts are, independent research shows that probable harm to human health begins at really low levels of exposure – at only 0.1 ppb of glyphosate. Many foods were found to have over 1,000 times this amount! Well above what regulators throughout the world consider “safe”.

Full story:




K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 9:34 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word about cancer-causing glycophates allowed in our popular foods by the FDA, and the way they turn a blind eye to Monsanto. BTW. Monsanto also built triggers to our nuclear weapons during the Cold War. They also perfected uses of polonium.


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:10 AM Email comment by RW:


The Hungarian government has hit back at the mainstream media for claiming that the ‘Soros plan’ to open up Europe to mass immigration is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 48/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

The Financial Times — the salmon pink establishment newspaper which is considered part of the unofficial uniform for City bankers and financiers in London, and which is noted for its staunch support for the European Union and insistence that mass immigration is an unstoppable force which must be accepted — took aim at Hungarian leader Viktor Orbán for challenging billionaire open borders campaigner George Soros.

“There is no such plan”, scoffed FT foreign affairs chief Gideon Rachman, in an article titled ‘Soros hatred is a global sickness’.

But Dr. Zoltán Kovács, Hungary’s Secretary of State for Public Diplomacy and Prime Minister Orbán’s main spokesman, has responded robustly, writing: “These people just aren’t being straight with us.”

Full story:

http://www.breitbart.com/london/2017/09/23/hungary-blasts-msm-claiming-soros-plan- mass-migration-doesnt-exist/



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:11 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous post:


Shame Soros into oblivion.


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:14 AM Email comment by RW:


President Donald Trump responded to failed former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s accusations against Facebook for allowing Russia to buy ads in the 2016 presidential election.

“The Russia hoax continues, now it’s ads on Facebook,” Trump wrote. “What about the totally biased and dishonest Media coverage in favor of Crooked Hillary?”

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump: ✔

The greatest influence over our election was the Fake News Media "screaming" for Crooked Hillary Clinton. Next, she was a bad candidate!

8:26 AM - Sep 22, 2017 30,435 30,435 Replies 19,200 19,200 Retweets 86,043 86,043 likes

The president was responding to the news that Mark Zuckerberg turned over information about Facebook ads purchased by Russia, as they tried to influence the election.

But Trump reminded Clinton that she had plenty of actors trying to swing the election to her favor.

Full story:

http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2017/09/22/donald-trump-fake-news-media- tried-to-swing-election-to-crooked-hillary/


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:17 AM Email comment by TBN:

Huckabee On TBN Premieres October 7th https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 49/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE Experience Huckabee like never before!

Join Mike Huckabee and our studio audience for a fantastic Friday evening. "Huckabee" features top newsmakers, commentary, entertaining guests, great music and stories that encourage. When you visit Nashville, don't miss this destination event!

Full story[VIDEO TRAILER]:



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:22 AM Email comment by LP:

WARNING: NWO (NEW WORLD ORDER) GLOBALIST MICHAEL BLOOMBERG IS ALL IN WITH CENSORSHIP. Resist. Don't you feel so much better now that these billionairs want to protect you from messages they don't approve of?


At the first Bloomberg Global Business Forum in New York, former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg asserted that social media platforms “have to be more aggressive” in fighting “fake news.”

Bloomberg believes that if stopping the spread of “fake news” means that Facebook has to “read every message,” that it is “[Facebook’s] problem, [not] society’s problem.” He said that the proliferation of fake news is “not all their fault,” but, “They have a responsibility. And if they say, ‘Well, there’s no ways to do it other than maybe we’re going to have a human being read every message,’ I’m sorry. You’re going to have to do that.

Bloomberg compared it to other systems of regulation, which he said makes banks “responsible under the law, to make sure that you don’t launder money,” and telephone companies “responsible to know where calls come from.” The former mayor said that he “assumes what [he reads] in the newspapers is true,” saying that supposed Russian interference in American politics is “as bad as attacking our country with weapons” and is “killing democracy.”

Full story:

http://www.breitbart.com/tech/2017/09/21/michael-bloomberg-facebook-may-need-to- read-every-message-to-stop-fake-news/



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:25 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word: we don't need crooked billionaires to save us.


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:28 AM Email comment by OT:


President Trump’s total vindication over his wiretap claim reminds me of one of the most important things I have discovered over the past couple of years: If the national media loses its ever-loving mind and launches a campaign to brand Trump a liar, that can mean only one thing — that Trump is not only telling the truth, he is telling a Big Truth, an inconvenient truth, a truth the MSM does not want the American people to hear.

Almost exactly two years ago this sick pattern developed over then-candidate Trump’s assertion that he had seen “thousands” of American Muslims celebrate the September 11 https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 50/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE terror attacks. For weeks after, every media outlet in America trashed Trump as a racist and liar. What we eventually learned, though, is that Trump was 100% correct; that at the time, local media reported on “swarms” of American Muslims celebrating 9/11, and that for more than a decade our media had bent over backwards to cover this disturbing truth up.

Which brings me to Trump’s March 4 tweet-storm claiming the Obama administration wiretapped his campaign.

Full story:

http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/09/19/nolte-msm-always-knew-trump- camp-was-wiretapped-they-just-lied-about-it/



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:29 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:32 AM Email comment by OT:


The shameless and dangerous serial-liars over at CNN, the same leftwing CNN that openly calls for riots in black neighborhoods, that pointed what looked like a sniper scope at President Trump’s office window, that openly jokes about Trump’s plane crashing, that knew the “Golden Showers” dossier was a pile of fake news when they stopped the world to tell us about it, that openly compares Trump to Hitler, that lies and lies and lies and lies and lies and OMG lies, does not want to see Trump’s former press secretary Sean Spicer “normalized.”

The thing to keep in mind is that CNN’s rampage against Spicer has nothing to do with “normalizing” anyone. What this really is about is a blacklisting crusade. CNN is sending a message to “polite society” to not hire Spicer because he’s a liar,” because he “lied” to the media and to the American people… Something CNN does pretty much does every hour of every day.

Full story:

http://www.breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/09/19/nolte-cnn-hired-benghazi-liar-jay- carney-wants-sean-spicer-blacklisted/



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:34 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


C.I.A. wants Sean Spicer blacklisted. Sorry, CNN, but we are being redundant.


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:49 AM Email comment by JM-GN:

WHAT A BS JOKE THESE GLOBALISTS ARE. THEY LEAK THEIR KEY SO THAT THEIR NSA / INTELLIGENCE TASK MASTERS CAN OPEN SOMETHING. WHAT SCUM. WE KNOW YOUR "GEE https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 51/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE WHIZ THIS LEAKED OUT GAME NOW."


The past few weeks have been a nightmare for data breaches, so good news: Here’s another easily preventable security problem. Adobe’s Product Security Incident Response Team accidentally posted the private PGP encryption key—necessary to decrypt encoded messages transmitted to them using their public PGP key—associated with their [email protected] email account this week, Ars Technica reported.

The mistake was first noticed on Friday afternoon by security researcher Juho Nurminen, who posted it to Twitter with the caption “Oh shit Adobe.”

PGP, which stands for Pretty Good Privacy, is a method for sending encrypted messages with close to government-grade security. PGP users receive two keys: a public PGP key tied to an email address or username, which encrypts incoming messages, and a private key which should be known only to the recipient used to decrypt said messages.

Full story:




K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:51 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Tell the world about Adobe's lies. Shame them.


K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:54 AM Email comment by JLL:

Walter W. Murray. (Sep. 24, 2017). BUSTED! CHELSEA CLINTON [HUBBLE] CAUGHT SPREADING 'FAKE NEWS.' The Horn News.

The same liberal hype machine that slams Ivanka Trump at every turn just loves to hold Chelsea Clinton up on a pedestal.

But last week, she was knocked right off it.

Chelsea was CAUGHT dead to rights not only feeding the left-wing hype machine, but spreading a deliberately false story concocted just to panic liberals. She wanted to make conservatives look bad and further divide the nation.

“Absolutely appalling,” Clinton breathlessly wrote on Twitter. “Michigan House passed bill allowing EMTs to refuse treatment to gay people.”

She linked to a story about the bill, which CBS Detroit legal analyst Charlie Langton claimed would mean “a Christian doctor who does not believe in a gay lifestyle, would not have to treat a gay patient.”

Just one problem: It’s the very definition of FAKE NEWS!

Full story:




K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 10:55 AM https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 52/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:



K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 3:36 PM Email comment by PL:

Roger Stone. (Sep. 24, 2017). THE LATEST LIES OF HILLARY CLINTON - Roger Stone sets the record straight. Infowars.

Hillary Clinton is at it again. In her cool new book “What Happened?” she comes up with any number of people and institutions to blame for her stunning defeat. She seems to blame everyone but herself.

At the same time she recycles the lies of John Podesta claiming falsely that I knew about Podesta’s email being hacked in advance, that I knew the content of the WikiLeaks October disclosures and that my brief and now totally public exchange with somebody calling themselves Guccifer 2.0 is anything but innocuous, benign and meaningless.

I have a feeling these questions will come up when I testify before the House Intelligence Committee next Tuesday. Let’s take a look at Hillary Clinton’s latest lies:

Full story[VIDEO]:




K. Craine September 24, 2017 at 3:38 PM Here's a TinyURL for the latest comment:



K. Craine September 25, 2017 at 2:39 PM Email comment by JM-GN:


Steve Dent. (Sep. 25, 2017). Facebook knew about Russian meddling well before the US election - President Obama then warned Mark Zuckerberg to take the problem more seriously. Engaget.

Despite once saying that it was "crazy" to believe Russians influenced the 2016 election, Facebook knew about a possible operation as early as June, 2016, reports. It only started taking it seriously after President Obama met privately with CEO Mark Zuckerberg ahead of Trump's inauguration. He warned that if the social network didn't take action to mitigate fake news and political agitprop, it would get worse during the next election. Obama's aides are said to regret not doing more to handle the problem.

Full story:

https://www.engadget.com/2017/09/25/facebook-russian-meddling-obama-zuckerberg/ Reply

K. Craine September 25, 2017 at 2:42 PM Email comment by Joseph Farah:

Alicia Powe. (Sep. 25, 2017). ANTHONY WEINER SENTENCED TO PRISON IN SEXTING CASE - Democratic ex-congressman sobs while addressing judge. WND. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 53/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

WASHINGTON – After sabotaging his career, humiliating his wife and lying to the people of New York City, disgraced former congressman Anthony Weiner was sentenced Monday to 21 months in prison for persuading a 15-year-old girl from North Carolina to undress and touch herself via Skype in 2016.

The feds said Weiner began a two-month sexting session with the teen shortly after she messaged him on Twitter in January 2016.

Police surrounded the New York courthouse as he made his way in.

Former Congressman Anthony Weiner just entered federal courthouse in Manhattan. Set to be sentenced this morning for sexting 15yo girl. pic.twitter.com/hi3CC9EC2m

— Nicole Fuller (@nicolefuller) September 25, 2017

Weiner, 53, dropped his head into his hand and wept as the sentence was announced by Judge Denise Cote. He must surrender to prison officials by Nov. 6., reported the Associated Press.

Full story:



K. Craine September 25, 2017 at 2:47 PM Email comment by HL:


Alex Jones. (Sep. 25, 2017). Black Mass Disguised As Fashion Show In London. Infowars.

Alex Jones and Shepard Ambellas talk about the illuminati fashion show at a Londn Catholic Church that has everyone talking.

Full story:



K. Craine September 26, 2017 at 9:46 AM Email comment by Alex Jones:

Roger Stone. (Sep. 26, 2017). EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: ROGER STONE’S STATEMENT TO CONGRESS ON RUSSIA-GATE - Stone sets the record straight on Russian collusion allegations. Infowars.

Roger Stone releases his testimony that will be delivered to the House Intelligence Committee, setting the record straight and debunking the lies concerning Russia.\

Roger Stone. (Sep. 25, 2017). Opening Statement, Senate Intelligence Committee. Infowars.

https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2017-09-25-Opening-Statement-by-Roger-Stone- Senate-Intelligence-Committee-Infowars-Sep-25-2017.pdf

Full story[VIDEO]:

https://www.infowars.com/exclusive-video-roger-stones-statement-to-congress-on-russia- gate/



K. Craine September 26, 2017 at 9:48 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the word. https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 54/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

K. Craine September 26, 2017 at 10:30 AM Roger Stone. (Sep. 25, 2017). Opening Statement, Senate Intelligence Committee. Infowars.

https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/2017-09-25-Opening-Statement-by- Roger-Stone-Senate-Intelligence-Committee-Infowars-Sep-25-2017.pdf


K. Craine September 26, 2017 at 10:54 AM Email comment by GH:

Dr. Jerome Corsi. (Sep. 26, 2017). BARACK OBAMA FOUNDATION AUDITED - Is the Barack Obama Foundation following the Clinton Foundation on the pathway to charity fraud? Infowars.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – The IRS Form 990 tax filings reported by the Barack Obama Foundation in 2014 and 2015 shows Obama has hired as the foundation’s accountant a small CPA firm in Chicago that has been reprimanded by the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in Washington, D.C., for having filed a audit considered deficient according to industry accepted accounting standards.

According to the Barack Obama Foundation’s 2014 and 2015 IRS Form 990s and to its website, the Chicago CPA firm, Washington, Pittman & McKeever, LLC, was the audit firm preparing both tax filings. Reckless Endangerment?

Charles Ortel, a Wall Street analyst who has been studying presidential foundations since February 2015 cautions that “the public record that is known so far suggests that politically connected partisans serving as Barack Obama Foundation trustees may be emulating the long and dangerous record of Clinton Foundation trustees, also politically connected and partisan, who flout state, federal, and foreign charity and solicitation laws with wanton disregard for their solemn legal duties.”

“One key obligation”, Ortel added, “is to select an accounting firm that is qualified and prepared to render opinions and provide services that result in issuance of independently audited financial statements prepared fully in compliance with Generally Accepted Accounting Standards in the United States, on a consistent basis, year to year.”

Full story:



K. Craine September 27, 2017 at 6:20 AM Email comment by GH:


After getting away with whatever the hell he wanted over the past 8 years, it looks like Obama’s cockiness might just be his undoing. In the last days of his presidency we are now learning that he wiretapped and spied on Trump throughout the presidential election, as a way to get “dirt” and ruin his election chances against Hillary. As ‘Obamagate’ blows wide open, the realization of just how screwed Obama could be in the coming weeks would be completely devastating, as former intelligence officer Lt. Col Tony Shaffer has just revealed.

As liberals push back on the narrative that Obama wiretapped Trump’s phones, the evidence against Obama continues is to pile up. And if it can be proven that Obama’s wiretapping was illegal, the end result would be the unprecedented indictment of the former president on FELONY CHARGES.

In a a recent interview with Trending Today USA, Lt. Col Tony Shaffer called ‘Obamagate’ an “order of magnitude” even bigger than the Watergate scandal because the incident included “using nation-state resources for purposes of political gain.”

Full story: https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 55/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE

http://freedomdaily.com/breaking-intel-officer-reveals-obama-will-first-president-history- hit-felony-indictment/


K. Craine September 27, 2017 at 6:23 AM Email comment by LP:

Roger Stone. (Sep. 26, 2017). EXCLUSIVE: DEMOCRATS ACCIDENTALLY LEAK NEW INFO ON HACKED DNC SERVER - Bombshell information on DNC server investigation revealed. Infowars.

Roger Stone reveals exclusively to Infowars how two California democrats in the House Intelligence Committee accidentally revealed new information on the email server investigation, a surprise to Trey Gowdy and others who had been kept in the dark.

Full story[VIDEO]:

https://www.infowars.com/exclusive-democrats-accidentally-leak-new-info-on-hacked- dnc-server/



K. Craine September 27, 2017 at 6:51 AM Here's a TinyURL for the previous comment:


Spread the news about DNC deceptions that Rep. Trey Gwody did not even know.


K. Craine September 27, 2017 at 6:25 AM Email comment by Alex Jones:

Alex Jones. (Sep. 26, 2017). RON PAUL FEARS FALSE FLAG TO START NEW KOREAN WAR - The global elite are really pushing for military conflict. Infowars.

Dr. Ron Paul joins Alex Jones live via Skype to discuss the possibility of a new war with North Korea initiated by a false flag attack in which a US plane is shot down in Kim Jong- Un’s name.

Full story[VIDEO]:




K. Craine September 27, 2017 at 6:54 AM Here's a TinyURL for previous comment:


Spread the word and don't be fooled. (Like Pearl Harbor, 9/11, Oklahoma City, Kosovo, Rwanda, Iraq, etc.) The Deep State loves war. They make trillions of dollars and keep us poor.


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K. Craine September 27, 2017 at 6:30 AM ILLEGAL SPY STATE AUTHORITIES EXPIRE IN 4 DAYS

Executive Order 13708 expires on Sep. 30, 20 17


Presidents Clinton, Bush & Obama created “The IBM Internet of Things” to spy on all of us & destroy the Constitution

The Russian canard is a smokescreen for this evident treason


Executive Order 13708 expires on Sep. 30, 2017. The order is the latest in a continuity of orders that reaches back to Bill Clinton on Jul. 14, 1999 who signed an executive order titled the “National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC).”

This order gave cover for the Deep State shadow government to gather “not more than 30 members appointed by the President” from the public and private sectors to ostensibly oversee “critical infrastructure protection.” This became the umbrella for the devolution of the U.S. Constitution by globalist corporatists pushing their permanent control in a “New World Order.”

In reality, NIAC, whose name changed under George Bush in late 2001 from “Assurance” to “Advisory,” has become the chief globalist controller for the military-industrial complex takeover of the Internet, and the global spying-eugenics-blackmail grid. The membership is predictable: NASDAQ, Daimler-Chrysler, ITAA, Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Georgetown, UPenn, SANS Institute, Univ. of Texas, James P. Chandler, Bill Gates, Microsoft, RSA, AETNA, SEC, IBM, ***Cisco***.

The Russian canard hides real Globalist treason

This is the same Cisco (with Google and Intel) who on Jun. 27, 2010 gave $1 billion at to the Vladimir Putin’s Skolkovo Foundation near Moscow, Russia. Magically, two days later on Jun. 29, 2010, Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a single speech to Renaissance Capital, Moscow. Renaissance was the chief financial analyst for Clinton Foundation crony Frank Giustra who promoted a “buy” rating for Hillary Clinton’s Uranium One sale of 20% of the U.S. uranium reserves to Valdimir Putin. Giustra made over $3.1 billion in that deal and became a major $152 million Clinton Foundation donor (Clinton Giustra Enterprise Partnership , Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative.)

Cisco paid Bill & Hillary Clinton $980,000 for speeches. Cisco’s underwriters Goldman Sachs paid them $1,115,000 and Citigroup, founded in 1999 after Clinton and Summers abolished Glass-Steagall, paid them $700,000.

http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#anne-marie- slaughter-a-new-world-order

http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#eisenhower- warning

http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html#cisco-chambers- all-in-with-the-clintons-and-russia


https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2016/01/clinton-2005-uranium-junket-netted- 152.html


https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2015/08/hillary-bill-shill-for- secret.html#hillary-clinton-financial-disclosures


The current Russian canard targeting President Donald Trump and his supporters like Roger Stone is clearly designed as a smokescreen to hide the Clinton, Soros, Summers Deep State shadow government treason.

Full story.

https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is- https://americans4innovation.blogspot.com/2017/09/deep-state-shadow-government-is-getting.html#social-networks-now-spies 57/59 10/3/2017 Americans for Innovation: DEEP STATE SHADOW GOVERNMENT IS GETTING DESPERATE getting.html



K. Craine September 27, 2017 at 6:31 AM Here's the TinyURL of the previous comment:


Spread the word about these criminals.


K. Craine September 29, 2017 at 6:07 AM DEEP STATE GOVERNMENT UNMASKED

New timeline solves the globalist collusion jigsaw puzzle


New timeline combines the sagas of Leader Technologies, Michael McKibben, Roger Stone and Sharyl Attkisson

Download the PDFs for safekeeping | Spread the links

Please be patient on downloads. These files are large and full of hard evidence

People you trusted are now hijacking “The Internet of Things” and stealing us blind.


Web: http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.html

PDF: https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/cyber-hijack-findings.pdf


Web: https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/deep-state.html

PDF: https://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/library/deep-state.pdf



K. Craine September 29, 2017 at 6:10 AM Here's a TinyURL for previous comment:




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