Strangers in the City Will Find a Welcome in Any Church in 11 Paso Services morning and hvening Tlio Aortilnjc 'limes' kETAL, MAHKKT8. Circulation Yesterday. Printed and Distributed New Vark iher October Average for Bandar, Now ....i...... copper. .York neurolytic ,.i.5UJ0...' Sunday 33,1189 New Wis lead .,!...... ,3..00 October Avenge, 31 Days' BaaU, nwYork swie ...;. J.I5SJS Daily 10.509 i. W the outii west. . 3?TH YEAR EL PASO. TEXAS, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1914- - ENGLISH 'SECTION 44 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS EXODUS FROM MEXICO CITY CONTINUES; BLANCO WILL STAY




Diplomatic Corps After Prolonged Meeting Decides to Break Off AH Relations With Car- ranza Government; Banks, Public Institutions and Schools Close Doors But No Serious Disorder Is Reported; Blanco Appoints police Chief and Penitentiary Warden and Pre- vents Execution of Prisoners.

Ru the Anociated Prctt Blanco has ordered his men to take pos- Just what their plans are with respoet Mexico City, Nov. 22. Gen- session ot . the abandoned pollco tatk to Meilco city has not boen revealed. and appointed Colonel Samuel Vasquez See eral su- has Possible strateay In Retreat. Lucio Blanco assumed tiler or police, the former chief having (lenoral villa occupied Qucrotaro, with preme command of the capital ahandoncd iho city and gone to Carranza' out resistance.. This fact has given rls4 at 11 o'clock last night. headquarters. lo the impression In official quarters hero lie Ibn diplomatic corps, after an extended that his entrance Into Mexico City also placed "patrols about the city meeting this afternoon, broke off all re- will bo unresisted. It Is bellavod possible, and occupied police stations. lations with the Carrania government. that tho withdrawal or tho Car. or or Col- Hundreds cars loaded with freight rsmi.t forces Is a stratetglo manouver and General Blanco appointed all descriptions, troops, munitions or war. ihat General obregon ill endeavor to cut onel Miguel Rodriguez govern- remain in the railway yards, while. out .of Villa's communications with the northern of a"hd this confused' mass' special trains cmergo states, while the Torces under Oeneral Jesus or the Federal district hourly, carrying civil employes or tho old Carranza and other genersls loyal to tho Guillermo de La Pina director government and soldiers. first chler attempt to atrlko his columns of the penitentiary. Later Gen- HlnUtrr of Finance Is Game. with Orizaba aa a base. Uvcry , member or tho cabinet except Wire communication between Mexico City eral Blanco sent 200 men. to the Joq Reynozo, minister of rinance, has and Vera Crux is uncertain and officials penitentiary to prevent the op- left the city. Ho declared ho would re- would not bo surprised If they lost tele- position polit- main to guard tbo funds left in his care graphic communication with American from executing until such a time that ho can deliver them Consul Sllllman whun tomorrow's evacua ical prisoners incarcerated there. to a responsible government. tion or lira Mexican .capital completed. The city is absolutely quiet All public places, banks and other instl. No Ilelay In Evacuation. tullons, as well as the schools have been Officials at tho state and war departments arid in full possession of Gen- closed. There has been, howevor, no seri- declared tonight there waa no change In eral Blanco. ous disorder and General illanco says there tho announced plan of evacuation of Vera will be none. Crux by tho American Torces next Monday. Some rrlctlon exists botween the parties It was officially stated that tho questton of Dtl the. Amoctatnt Pre' advocating tho complete evacuation nr the which taction would receive possession Moxlco City. Nov. 81. The Mexican capi- city and those who desire to remain for of Vera Cruz hod been left to General tal la tonight without a regular police tho purpose or turning over to a resnonsl Punston tor determination, it ts under- National Palace Is deserted, SAVING SURVIVOR OF THE ROHILLA One of the sailors of the wrecked British hospital ship being taken ashore at force. The ble head, but nothing serious ts expected, stood ho will bollver tho ctty to whichever save for an occasional' attendant guarding to come or Torco Is in de facto control ot o doorways. this, is General Blanco com the Whitby. ,He bad 'been in the water for a number 'of hours when rescued. balls and' mands til the effective forces here. vicinity or the port. No question. or esgselttis TirAt,thi.beid,iuarlcrofí.rjenorai Obregon. Conventlnrrrnnected Wllhln Week. recognition. It was said, was Involved. he' councU war was bald to de of It Is , predicted, that, the Aguaacallentes The state department received today rrom offering to litis- -' off in that direction in the hope or striking; stubborn resistance the cide on whether the complete evacuation convention will roassrmbla herd wi hln a Iho British vico consul in charge or Ameri- Ihroiic-- the mountains to tne soutn ana alan, advance In East Prussia. General von or the city ordered by General Carranta wecg. can Interests at Lower California, - gome uencrai Obregon win leave the capi- Ensenada. -- reaching- Hie Mexican line at remoto Illndenbtirg, commander or. the Herman Should be compiled with. All tbe generals copies or docree Issued by Bsltazar Aviles, in.M-ti-- Nftv Mexico or Arizona. tal early tomqrro morning. Ho set rree MAN HUNT FOR nnint EXTREME COLD troops, and Orand Duko Metiólas, com the exception' of General illanco at- Villa's appolnteo as governor tbe A rig-I- or escape la with ail the political prisoners today, ibis being of state. investigation the in or two or Ho a authorities mander chief the iiusslans, tended the conference. decided. In his last act as comniander-hi-chle- requiring all proporiy owner to mike new being conducted by the rederal the greatest strategists pro but thus rar there la no Teason "to believe the war has signed statement, that bo would not desert A commission or Zapata Is un- registry or their lands in connection witn be- - forces, it a that anyone In the Jail had anything- to duced, are maneuvering for positions the capital and leave It to the mauraudlng derstood, come to con- new census or real properly. Another prisoner. twoen will here tomorrow do with the plot to freo the the Vistula and the Warta and a big bands or Zapata adherents, wno occupy tbe fer with General Blanco. decree requires the payment or various fees Serond Prisoner to Make battle Is In progresa on the Cracow-Czc- n surrounding suburban towns. fur rishlng rights in Lower California. Is United State pris- HAS BROUGHT SALAZAR VAIN; Salaiar the second stochowa line between. Hussion and Aus- - As, an evidence or good ralth, General oner to break out or the Oernallllo county AMERICANS AT VERA CRL'Z SEEK Jail within the month. A young wemau forces. PROTECTION OF TEXAS' CUNS. FOURTEEN ARIZONA MURDERERS Jnarnhin Rxrmr. held as a witness In f Russian Repulse Attacks. WILL DIE O.N DATES ORIGIN- An coming Vy the A Delated Press rederal case pending In Paso, some weeks unorrtclal dispatch through Vera Cruz, Nov. ALLY SET, SAYS COVE1LN0R. ago engaged a taxt nomo, says two il, When the American clombed tbe Jail fence, that the Russians repulsed troops evacuate Cruz Monday and drove Into Albuquerque. Over two beroro Cracow, beyond Vera next MAY GREAT BATTLE attacks hut the the majority or tlio American residents By the Associated i'rris FUGITIVE weeks later she was discovered in Reserve, Russian official statement that Ilia Rus- Phoenix, Ariz., Nov, Jl. With the a hamlet In western Socorro county, 150 will be quartered In the district about the miles rrom a She was recognlted sians bare had partial success northwest Is away statement that bis heart had been railroad. to consulate, which onty a block or peo- there by a deputy sheriff and brought of Lodz, there is nothing Indícalo how rrom tn pro saddened by the verdict the RESIGNS ttlS JOB water rront. Their only ple In the things are going. toctlon, Mexl refusing at recent election quarters in Copenhagen, other than that which the to Oo- In Socialist cans have promised, will the warships abolish cspttal, punishment, IX PASO OFFICERS ASKED FRANCE TO are In touch the of be vernor Hunt ha BE HIDING IN IN which with Socialists commanded by near Admiral McLean declared today that WATCH ALAZAR. Berlin, It Is 7,ooo,ouo men are en WILL NOT SPRING condemned prison- TO Foil said that ARIZONA OFFICIAL whose flagship Is now anchored would let fourteen gaged in battles on the TRAP WHICH WILL HURL ELEVEN wllhtn ers die on the gallowa on the date In were the Inner liatbor, Tho battleship, Federal officers El Paso notified frontiers, 3,000.000 on the SOULS INTO ETERNITY. leías originally yesterday or the escape or Salaiar and is just outsiao tno narnor ana tne gun set. to be on the lookout for tha run- side and 4.000.000 Russians. easy "A December 19 has been desig- asked' Valjevo Is boat Petrel is wllhln call. An effort away prisoner, with the result" that trains The Servian retlremert from Death of These and Three Others Must Rest Is being mado to Induce Rear Admiral Mc nated as the execution date for eleven are being closely watcnea ana orucrs nave STANDSTILL described from Man as a strategic move, With Those Who Voted AgiinM Abo- or them, there will be eleven hang- TO' tbe Lean to declare tho foreign filled district been to army posts along Gir- or guns ana au or Capital PunUhmcut. on sent tbe but tbe loss prisoners is lishment a zona in case of righting ings In Florence penitentiary that der to use the utmost vigilance lo prevent neutral between governor. do escape the mtticd. the Mexican factions. date," said tbe "I not the rugltlve making his across have power to sen- Une Into Mexico. Vy Seek Protection of Guns. the commute WESTERN RAILWAY LINES the Associated Press I put the question up Salazar is known to have plenty, or friends Pboenlx. Arlx.. Nov. 21. Eleven men, alx All day Americans living in the central tence, because OF- as well as plenty or enemies In this city. DESULTORY Americans and rive Mexicans, will hotels and in houses somo distance from to the people and they bava passed FEDERAL AND COUNTY ue or a tnous-an- d ARTILLERY Propose General Increase In Freight Rales, ana mere is saia to upwara hanged In Florence penitentiary on one day, tha engaging the verdict." " officers and men who served with water front, have been December 19, for murder. The people or the rooms where tho ship's guns can protect FICERS RETURN FROM tbe general under pasqual Orozco new in DUEL CONTINUES AT SOME ill file Anociacd l'rcti state pronounced their doom by voting GOVERNOR COLQUITT DECIDES i raso. Washington. Nov.. 21. Another freight the pen them. Mexicans were almost as numerous these, men rally his ' against Ibe abolishment of death TO ISSUE NO MORE PARDONS Tint would to ai"d POINTS, BUT EN rate case now pending before the Interstate ally November 3, Governor Oeorge W. P. as the Americans who visited the consuls MOUNTAINS anl ihmilrf Rítmele rterírie In resuma lila TROOPS commerce commission probably will grow to Inquire means or securing pro DURING REMAINDER Of TERM. WLTHOUT - Hunt said today, and he therefore will nut the best activity in northern Mexico generally be- out of tbe general increases proposed by But It. B. 81ms, warden or the ttctton or transportation abroad. ueveu. interfere. By Special "Ytre to The Timet FINDING TRACE OF MEXI GAGED SUFFER ALSO an rauroaas operating west oi inn missis. penitentiary, will resign. It Is said, rather Ship Refugees. villa adherants ororess to neneve mat slppl river. The Unes hare riled freight thai- - which will drop Chartered far Austin, Texas, Nov. l.No mora attempt to organise a sDrinir the Iran the Tint Antllla of line, Salaiar will at once GER-MAN- tariffs with the comm as on. effectlvo De to steamer the Ward pardons to prisoners In state pensl FROM EXHAUSTION S eleven condemned men death. CAN GENERAL OR THE filibustering expedition and Invade western cember ts, making advances In commodity S nis d d not answer a telegratihlc re has been chartered by Brigadier General institution will bo Issued by Gov- uuinuanua in an eiiori to join torres wim rates The Increases sro 'not flat on all by authority of thu war waa an- some or nave quest today for confirmation of the report Frederick Punston ernor Colquitt This the tne rjanas mat lerenu HAVE SENT BEST rrelgm, as wis tne e&ic ot toe eastern um-- or nis impending resignation, and Oovernor department on ship will sail today gov MEN WHO OVERPOWERED raided ranchea and committed depredation to com. and this there nouncement made by the but vary In amount according the Hunt oeciinea to coiiiinetii upon . such refugees as tne con In that section, and tt Is broadly hinted. taat I II Is united State crnor who declared that ho would moil iv. Tha advances ratine. estl besides tha eleven designated for death obligation to remove HIM no wumu nave, uio sssibiuicu ui lucai uot' ' TROOPS AGAINST- - THE 8 rent to approximately aiders Itseir under not even consider pardon applica- JAILER AND TURNED In a mated, from ier li December 19. three other men have been rrom The Antllla' or pss or ranelitas such movement. per cent. They affect all the commodities governor de- danger. list tions during tho remainder bis on members or tbe condemned lo hang, and tbo policemen tbe other hand RUSSIANS AND tnai orutuariiy enter mm iiiicrsiiio iraus clared noswouid not interfere in their caaes, sengers will Include and otbera .term or ortlce. In pursuance of the - LOOSE; EL PASO AUTHOR faction profess the most bitter enmity INTEREST porta Hon, who have employed by the Amerl gave sanc- iisggir, either. been decision the governor his towara ine lorraer oeciarin The death or these fourteen men will cans and priest and nuns. tion tor the adjournment of the par that he would be promptly executed anoul IS STILL CENTERED IN THE ÜRCGU I SECRETARY OF STATE. or ITIES WARNED TO BE ON he fall into the hands or tbe forces loyal rest upon the heads those who voted Among the American families resident don board after December I. tbe against the abolishment or capital punish here, were was a dearth Of Mexican aer to rirst chief. Vaeanry by the LOOKOUT MUCH BATTLES 'BEING FOUGHT Appointed to Fill Caused ment," said Mr. Hunt. "Tho defeat of th vants tonight, almost all or the servant TWELVE DEATHS FROM FOR Kesignauon or ncnaior vteinen. measure may tie aitriuutea to corporate ami having positions the state FOOTBALL GAMES IS TUT. Journalistic tntereste unfriendly to ma and left their with IN Bu B or Hal Wire to The Timet ment that 'they feared to remain in the RECORD OF THE SEASON. WANTED MAN. HAKES FINE SHOWING POLAND. Austin. Texas.. Wov. Following his three or four of the principal parties who neipea to aerest it snouiu ue msue to pun employ of American after tbe troop had formal acceptance or the resignation oi gone. By the Associated Prtu tlio rope. Also, If the death penalty is a Chicago, SI, Twelve Secretary or Stat? P. C. Welnert, Unvernor thing, execution should made in Vera Cruz. Nov. deaths ap. rood the be I'eir Vllllstas were attributed to rootball in lb El Paso Ranks Among Leading Cllirs of Colquitt this indrnlng announced Ibe mora impressive by erecting gallows lu thu That General Villa's supporter here will season Dy Ajtociattd to United States during the which By Special r to The Time country in incrrasca valuation oi the Frtu potntment or Judge U. A. Gregg ml puoiic squsrv. offer armed resistance to the troops of ended today, according to a record VI. vacancy. The bee" December 19 will be t N. M.. Nov. St. Partte. building Permits Issued, London, ttor, The extreme cold the Carranza was regarded less likely here to by a statistician here, only two Albuquerque, senator resigned to accept m the first executions under state authority were college men. One or these died heavily armed, under tha direction or weather and tbe exhaustion or the troops welnert antro Governor Hunt assumed office. Two day. Adherents or Oeneral Villa admitted engaged have virtually brought tha position of general manarer or the stale their torce wero too weak to be sue or heart disease and the other from United State Marshal A. 11. HudspeUi. spent A splendid showing El Paso con battle former soldiers, convicted of murder, were that Injuries durbig a con- for it in Hinders and France to a standstill. A warehouse and marketing system created banged at Globe some months sgo under cesstuL melred diss tlie enure aay sesreumg up uu uu tslned In the current number of the Review. or extraordinary test. The others were member of high valley In the adjacent moun- desultory artillery at some under the act the recent me or tne states gov service between Vera Crus and e lllo urande and oy tne u, Agency, duel continues autocrines unitea Train school, prcpsratory or tains tor Oeneraí Jone Tfnex Salaxar in issuea it. win commercial points along the wide front and there hts session or the legislature. eminent, but only after various suto of Mexico City remains Interrupted and since teams. None wss more than so years m wlui nlrlit made till and which has been received at Ike Cnambef The new secretary or has appointed ftclals hsd declined to put them to death. u..i,.,; unnr lilt ' ot Commerce. Tbe article-I- n question glvei bci-- an occasional Infantry attack, but for stale the csble lines which wero working or see, and tackling was responsible escspe from .e BernalUlo county iU at A. T, Bagby to the position or rhler clerk. Governor Hunt hsd reprieved Hie con City for the greatest number of fatalities, comparative atatlatlcs or the building per the last three days tne fighting lias been vlcted men to lima pending the through to Galveston rrom Mexico are Old Albuquerque. mils Issued tor the month of October in tt mild the or Mr. Bagby was chief bookkeeper under from lime not available local messsges Tbe families registered fell below The was a complete failure, not compared with floreenen that vote wnicn waa taken riovemner 3. for belween or all year limo except bunt or the clUea or the United ilutes. more a month it. Secretary of State Welnert. and capital. It amounts to these ilnco sllgniesj iraco wm iuuuu ui mw Octo- which for than preceded here the vtr tool, ious and tan. the escape.vtiu It shows that El Paso permits for Hermans, YORK UROKKH Isolation or Mexico City so rar aa on lb men who aided him to 178.-- The it is evident, nave sent NEW iusl sssisUngln the ber were IIIMW as against total or HA1LROA1 LOST HONEY, libertrr Homero, who If for OelolMr at List veir. Tuts Is a their beat troops to tbe eastern front and throws iiuisKLr rnmi people bent are concerned There was NEW REVOLUTIONARY PLOT aearcb tor the fugitive, tliii afternoon even big gum the allies appear to have STORY WINDOW some excitement here when tne cable DISI'OXF.ItEII IN HL'it.SI. neyer larger Increase proportionally than Is made in Short Lloe in ITH totced tbe opinion ibat Salaser itrt ny oi me many or which anow the advantage oyer them. are no Pusleesj Dad lor Northern wire were cut shortly before noon, but LNCLUDES DUMA MEMBERS. city that lie In hiding- in plate most cines, There New By the but or a uecreasa as coniparea witn iaii year. signs, however, or an offensive move on a lleilro. the JetaetattJ Prtte they wore connected wiimn an hour. urevlously prepared with tbe puroose San Francisco, man BvBpectat Wire to The Time New York, Nov. il, William E. By Ihe Associated Press with a total of inoró large on part or who A this city was fired 1 slipping out or town when the excitement sliowg scale tbe the allies, ííor, HI ttostleman, general manager or the local train from Petrogred, Nov. (Via London, rive inliliona, an Increase over last as Santa Fe. it. M, .The annual on today. The ti over hi escape Iiaa blown over. year or over too per phenome- doubtless are aa badly In need or rest firm or and halted near Tejera a. in.) II l announced the deputy who wu overpowered rent, but this opponents, report of Ibe tit. Louis, Rocky Mountain commission brokeres was a new ArmiJo. nal Increase Is doubtless due to lutr building their in tact, It la stated that Frederick Probst and company, met train was searchicj before it allowed that tbe police hare discovered by. the men who broke Into tbe Jail, as the officers and men who bare borne the & Pacific raiiroeo, nica wttu tne giste revolutionary plot, lu which 'severs! badly but U able to add little actlvltlea connected with the Panama' Pacific corporation eoiumlislon today, shows that death today in a rail of five stories Inculpated. not hurt, international exposition. El Paso ranks wito brunt ul the fighting in the trenches are - Another local incoming train had simi member of the dutna are to tbe story told when tbe wespe wa first very the une war operated ounng mo past from- ihe fimi'i office in a downmun i number of arrests have been made. 11 with the cities making the best show being given a short leave. lar experience near Cordoba. a discovered. Is believed that Salaxar rode jng. and a year a net or iisijuoq. Half a skyscraper. At the lnw of Mr Uosile. Jail In a buggy, goog in the record, revealing as it does at loss way from the healthy activity tbe buiidinr Interest Centered U Poland. of coal and 75 .WW. tona or man's death accountants investigating FRANK MUES STRICKEN m in trade, ti million toils coke EVACUATION MEXICO CITY - tne nirecuou iuuMusmu, mun twu, one of which the city may justly be This, together of during period the firm's affslns because of Ha or WITH HEART- DISEASE a mile from Old Albuquerque, where the with the cancellation were hauled tbe covered by WILL BK COMPLETEIS TOUAY. party Thai the country generally waa In October tbe order for the removal of shipping from the report. Mbie product furnished 0.01 auspenslun Ust week, were at work AND CONDITION CRITICAL tail is located. Two of the drove still suffering somewhat from tbe financial that Hy in an automobile and It ia believed tt re Dunkirk, is taken lo indicate that the allies per cent of the tonnage handled. Tbe com- in an .adjoining room to from the Atnctottd Prtet off depression Is shown by the fact that the j Nov. Evacuation or Mex IA fed as a thi 1 man on horseback. Mo trace their positions safe pres. pany out fn.-w- in wages. The which he fell. They were going over Washington, ft. Jy Anorta Prett total or building permits fur tbe ao cities consider for the paid City troops wilt bo com Excelsior Springs, Mo Nov. xi lias been found or tbe machine nor of tne was lii.6i.sofi as aralust a total of ent ana him iney aa not contemoute any casually report shows none killed and tlx Ida book. ico by Carranza tha coroner pleted tomorrow noon, acordtng' to official Frank James, famous as a member of k'iírííóni tit for October. IIJ. immediate attempt at forward move, For injured. The company operates u miles On Bostlemsn'i desk gang," suspected or being' rrleudty to pecause an envelóse, addressed to sirs. dltpatche today to the slate department. the band known as "The Jame are surveillance in tbe Lope this reason and tha result will of railroad In Hew Mexico. found the during Kalaiar under Extra ticiulea rtast Ahaadoaea. Important war Bostleman. Tna envelope contained 111 Generals Obregon and Blanco, in com. who terrorised southwest that some or them may betray some knowl- liare moil bearing on the a period immediately following the By Special tú TA ia stilt on In üouikMesUrn Weather in currency and this note. mand there, have assured .the Brazilian edge ol bis whereabout. Wirt Tintl interest centered the battles forecast SilUman, representing Civil war, was stricken with heart Officers throughout the state hare teen Austin, Texas, nor. l Governor Col. eland. A baa been the ease heretofore the AMOdalcf Prtte "Ooodhje sweetheart. Kiss the minuter and John 1 help small (orce will disease and is In critical condition notified or the escape and all roads and quilt today announced Important, events were Impending, Washington, fiov. n,-- Pw Mélico and babies and fttner could not It." Presldtnt Wilson, tbst being-- closely late that be bad when todsy at the Jimei homestead, nina trains are watched. definitely abandoned bis plan for an extra Utile news. Is coming aimer rrom Berlin Artsona. Fair Sunday and Monday. The firm by which Bostleman wa be lift to preserve order. West or here the country Is sparsely week carranza are moving nule from thi city. Jame ta TI session or the newly elected TUriy-rourt- or Fe'trogrul as m the operations, it it west Texts rair uunaiy, except local employed railed last lor The force easiwsra sallied, and It Is believed possible that tat ot Orizaba, C ía's temporary capital. year old. a4 bis party Bufbt hare uiiAt legislature. known, now ever, aw um gertoana are ratna wettt Monday, fair.,ouo. arria 22, .. EL PASO MORNING TIMES 5wUr, NmmW

In-iia- n Sale t Blankets Thanksgiving Sa)e of Suits and Coats All Bkmket Mutt Q (Mostly Plash axl Fur TrlmMed) The largest stocks of Blankets in El Paso, unfavor- able weather conditions and now we are obliged to Suits tp Coats to make room for Santa Clau arid his retinue, who will $19.50 $39.50 $15.00 $35.00 "Popular" Basement Saturday A sale that has been In preparation all week and the week, before 250 suits that represent the occupy the next the sell them to make it's just manufacturers' best efforts. Fashionable, short coats, many1 with flaring tunics, others with We simply must room popular long Most of the models are exclusiva with this store, and the majority may be had T.OJTHE VISITORS AND HORSEMEN; much will coat. like offering you so moneyfor you in nil sizes e.vent the special prices quoted. ,Our reblar manufacturers, who had surplus lots ' need these blankets very shortly. Just read these of fine materials a hand were glad to Materials include broadcloths of the fine, lus- We have. Just loarnod of your prices, note the values and come tomorrow' trous kind, good gabardine and other wool fabrics: arrival in our charming city and-wit- h a spirit of sincere friend- The Coatí ship "we bid you welcome," and The Suits at at OF offer our any and every assist- iiV making your one long $19.50 $15.00 ance stay Compara favorably ' with earlier f 2S.00 and Compare favorably with earlier models at.JI2.50. to be remembered. SJI7.S0 modela. About twelve styles to ssltct A d.oten or more models, a maker's surplus of from each prettier than, the other. Two short real English tweeds with rich silk plush, splen- addition, coats ques- coat styles beautifully trimmed with fur won- did coats for general service In Come in; ask us all the derfully effective tor the of silk plush and other fabrics. tions you want, use our phones and make our establishment your' head- quarters. 28 Styles at 16 Styles at And if you wish, and do not object, wo would be delighted to show you some of our excellent Norfolk Suits with yoke. The best coats at $25.00 Men's Wear, such'as Clothing, Broadoloth short or Ions; that we recall' offering. coats, with fur. Gabar- Splendid caraculs, Persian Hats, Shirts, Underwear, Boys' lamb, magnificent plushes, many ne- dines, with caracul. Dis- Clothing and other Men's tinguished suits of Broad- novelty cloths and black Wo cessities. know there is cloth, braid bound, fur col- broadcloth. Luxuriously seldom one comes to a strange city lars and cuffs, circular lined, beautifully trimmed. that he does not leave something skirts. Other Coats In the Ralo at at home, and for that reason, Other Suits In the Salo at 9t so 20 no id a.t.vnn. too, we are expecting you. 37.60, 83.60 and 30.80. Excluslve modes mostly, Beautifully made hand- distinctively charming. Our salesmen will take great somely trimmed models. pleasure In showing you- - any, arti- M(dw Yam Air totátodl ft Punir-ch- as cle you may care to see, regard- of whether you intend to buy BBfflBktQ Afternoon Dresses less at Prices Evening Dresses Underpriced or not. Undorpricod Upward of 20 Styles Heiretefoir Unuknuwini . We sincerely trust that you More than 25 Styles will accept this letter in the at at proper and not upon spirit look 54x74 Grey Cotton Blankets, an w it merely as advertisement. the pair 79c w mmm i, For models that ordinarily Earlier these would have $89,50. Yours' very truly, been $85.00 to $40.00. would have been

45x72 Grey Cotton Blankets, the pair 50c A selling event calculated to meet every need of the fashionable woman, who needs must have "something-to-wear- " for the approaching festivities. Paris-lik- e afternoon and evening dresses at noteworthy underpricings. Each an exact copy of a Paris model. Practically all made of imported Grrmnn Twilled Grey Cotton Blanket Made by materials. The remainder of three purchases of the samples of leading manufacturers of New Nashua Mills. The pair at . $1.20 York. Only one garment of a kind. Exclusive. 73x00 Herniation Army Blankets Olivo drab, weight 5 pounds. Sale price, each at $4.50 80x80 "Grey Eaglo" Wool Blankets Fancy borders, fQ yip for porch and camping. Bulo price, pair at. . , .p24t) Bath Robing and Materials for School Wear DR. A. BURTON 06x80 "Beacon" Blankets, ribbon bound Blue, pink fQ OP and Jucquard borders. $3.96 regularly. Pair ...0JD DENTIST 11-- Monday 4 Livo Flecco Wool Blanket White, blue or pink fn f Are Offered atVery Special Prices for Louisville College lilt. borders, ribbon bound. (4.-4- regularly. Pair Eatabllahed her alnc 1111. tJ00 Wash Goods Section, Second Floor 435 Mill 70x80 Silver Grey Wool Blanket Ribbon bound, regu-lurl- y Bid. SSo absolutely color Phones Office ItM. SCO. sold at 14.45 pair, Sale prlco $3.65 25c to 60a Wash Fabrics Including silk stripe Palmilla CottonAn fast, !0s linens, welts, lawns, etc Broken lines "I fabric for children's and house dresses, f Q 11-- 4 Blanket White, blue or pink Pnnnma borders, excellent selection, yard. A S7C men's shirts, boys' blouses, etc LUC ribbon bound. Bold at 14.96 regularly. Pair $4.15 In an 33 38 Robing An excellent 11-- 4 White, 18c and 20o CroM Bar Flaxon to Inches 08 Inch Terry Bath seleo. Dr. Che Hok nighlanel Pride" Blanket fancy borders, designs colorings. ribbon bound, sold at $5.45 regularly. Fair $4.45 wide, for underwear, aprons, children's i OJL tlon of and QC CHINKS! dresses, yard IXZC Yard, $1.00 and ODC ruvtucu 12-- 4 White "Sorrento" Blankets Fancy borders, rib TP bon bound to mutch. Sold at 16.95 regularly, Pair. dl I O Beacon Reversible Robing Fast colors, Indian Wool Smoking Jacket Material Ono side plain. .!" 7 one plaid, trimming. (0 In. uri RMumtusDi. Beacon Plaid BtanketN In h big variety, of handsome (to and floral patterns. I to yards to a or reverse for lood rolsoo sad If robe. The yard , ODC wide. The yard. $2.00 Ul Internal sod patterns. Sold at $3.05 regularly. Pair , 9 3. ernsl ai Id Robing, 25o Robcland Fleece Robing. Yard 30o 60x80 "Blnckstono" Whlto Blankets Fancy borders, A Fleeced Hath yard... JptcJal Ulittintraatmeiiii An P big selection of designs. Shown In Pretty Kimono and Kobe Patterns. lor women at Hod ribbon bound. Hold at I3.S5 regularly, Pair Shown in a rata rtes. 9643 11-- 4 "O. M. O. O." High Grnilo White Blankets Fancy borders. Regularly IS. CO thn pair. Salo price,. $6.95 11-- 4 'Lenksvllle A" White Blankets Fanoy borders. tíjQ.QP wldo silk binding, cut singly, 11.50 regularly. Pulr. . .tP77) Tlhe 3MMasini Sal iFSiks orné Wmlem Cmtmiies 66x80 "No. 8510" Mixed Wool Plaid Blankets Assorted lín QP colors. Bold at $3.50 regularly. Sale price, pair. npCittJo Its DiiucoimpairaMe ytíu4Mvñm ,g All This CMiinig Week Wool Indian Bath Bobo Blankets With cords and tas. PA We EAST EL PASO FUEL ft GRAIN CO. $1.00 regularly. price, pD.OU sela. Sold at Sale each Fuel, Feed and Flour. Exclusive Indian Kobe Blankets, All Wool, True Indian Colors: The EI Paso Women's Charity Association acanta Mosos Best, Paso del Norte ut SS.05 $5.95, Values at $4.95 high $4,95 Values Requests the pleasure of your company at the trade flour. Once tried, al Values ways used. Deliveries all parts of $6.50 Values at $5.25 $1,00 at $8.50 owe Have city. Carload lots a specialty. Phone 3316. And All Other Blankets Net Advertised Are Specially Reduced Thanksgiving Eve. Couple... $5.00 . II Offered at Prices Your v I Signs Egga Signs I - Measure a i lit No matter how difficult you CHIHUAHUA EXCHANGE A Voice That Commission Merchants. arc to fi-t- no matter what We pay highest prices on federal and constitutionalist monar- Quickens the trouble you may have had chy National Bank Building, Room 205. Phone 318, with even the most expensive Reliability Musical Ear oi JsasasaBasaasBSsSsaSalaSi sort of clothes You want to feel absolutely assured that your Childhood We guarantee you abso- new suit or overcoat will please you. That's Banking By Mail why discriminating people come to us. A voice that stirs the musician lute satisfaction. JUST AS EASY TO OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT WITH US AB t THOUGH YOU UVEBNEXT POOR. We are now showing the most elaborate se' to his most Inspired moments, We pay 4 per cent Interest, compounded twloe every ysar. We do lection of high grade fabrics. Your clothes are and yet a voice that is as human And. moreover, we don't business under the depositors' guaranty law of the State of Texas, and made right here in 1 Paso. Hand tailored by provided by law. and Intimate as the voice of a are a Guaranty Fund Bank, as such expert workmen jn our own sanitary shop. stop here. Our plan. In addition to being eonvsnlcnt, Is safe, profitable and lifelong friend this is the voice liberal. Nobody ever lost In a Bank In Texas. Why not satisfy your own desires by ordering has a dollar State of the We'll likewise guarantee WRITE TODAY FOH OUR FREE BOOKLET, "BANKING BY MAIL" those new clothes from a house that holds as OR SIMPLY MAIL YOUR DEPOSIT. its watchword you the best looking, best EL PASO BANK & TRUST CO., El Paso, Tew. wearing suit you've ever had Reliability CHICKERING on. Come in and we'll W shall b glad to welcome you to our muslo rooms and Jet the Chick prove U Undersells erlng tell Us own message In a little half hour or so of good music, Levy Grocery Cot All Others We are selling at Boston prices, and we save you the freight. We will take your piano In exchange on a Chlckerlng. JUST RECEIVED Fancy Evaporated Silte Fancy Evaporated Peaches Prunes Fancy Evawrated Pears Fancy Evaporated Figs of Quality, Fancy Evaporated Prunes Fancy KvaporiileU Aprloute . Company . Tk House TRADE WITH US AND SAVE MONEY City Nmtknul Mmnk MUg. Jenkins Piano MAIL ORDERS GIVEN PROMPT ATTENTION A f lm of Dr. Jaeger Phone Ma and SW M aad East Oferlartl Buret TUB MO PIANO HOUesX. Underwear, Mi-i- tt vmu ec, m inaaw.'ssW READ THE TIMES CLASSIFIED PAGES FOR RESULTS EL PASO MORNING TIMES r Mamma and Papá Are Going to Take Us to the " Popular 99 Third Semi - Annual Juvenile Sale, This Week

It is going to be a children's week such as El Paso never witnessed when fruits of our judgment and foresight in these 'unmatchable underpricings. mothers, fathers and guardians of boys and girls may have an opportunity Every garment offered during this big sale represents the best of its class, EXTRA SPECIAL! to purchase wearables of every desired kind at fractional prices when it being made in the largest and most sanitary workrooms, by competent and EXTKA SPECIAL! Children's Angora, and White will pay big dividends to purchase liberally. The "Popular" planned months experienced workers. Every garment in these two big juvenile sections is Infant's "ktnderwear" cotton Lamb Pur Sets, with newest in advance, placing orders at prices that could not be duplicated now by specially priced, and now we would advise that you replenish wardrobes for fleeced undershirts, long stylo, collar and muff, the one-thir- d and now we offer our friends and customers hereabouts the a long way ahead the saving will be yours. i sleeves, tape neck, sizes up to latter having a coin pumo "Í years; extra gooil quality. fastened to tho top. Sot, (2Ms alM TBéys Juvonlla Afi W Mate a Speciality utMtitag SHOP EAELY A Juvenile Week UOC "SHOP EARLY" f 25c Week MD)te These Prices smé Cmnie Here MdJUidlayl Extra Special, 2 for

is warm Wash Dresses (Gñrlls' Presses That Are Warm I tiig Air Pirkcd at a Saflsug t Ymi Will Find Proud Owners Offered lit Jrlccs Ttuit Aro Much Reduced. 1 S CURLS' DRKSS13S up to yrs. OIRI.S' a to . CHILDREN'S COATS In sizes 1 to C CHILDREN'S COATS In sizes 1 to Tomorrow iitr;ssi:n years years. Corduroys, Velvets, Cloths, etc., years, In Velvets, Plushes, Chinchillas. In Serges, Shepherd Checks, Rat- Ilroken lines In various popular knowledge, In Navy, Cardinal, Copen, Brown. Values Bouclo's Cloths, etc. Values regularly Tou have never to our ines, Plaids, Chaises, etc. Rroken materials, values to $5.00, also reg wold purchased Children's Dresses of this up to $4.00 offered In this at J5.00. Offered In the Unes that are sold regularly up to ular $3,45 and $3.06 Dresses offered Juvenllo Sale at $2.45 Juvenllo Salo at $3.95 character at such irresistible prices as Juvonllc-Chlldren- 's Offered In thn CJIHiDRE.V'S COATS 0 to 14 years. In these ivo quote for $7.50. the In Juvenile all new styles and materials. Including CHILDREN'S COATS Up to 14 years Week. Every garment Is made in strict- Juvenile Sule lit $3.95 Suln at $2.45 samples designed to be sold In Fancy Mixtures and Blacks ly sanitary work rooms, made by experi- maker's at CJUIiRRK.VS DHKSSKS 1 to 0 (11111,8 DIUCSSICS up to IS years. S7.G0 and more tho complete Une mak- Values to $9.60, Sale Price $7.0.1 enced workers, and represents tho best ing the biggest value offering of the sea Vuluca to $12.50, Salo Price $9.15 obtainable. This alone should prove an yrs., In Serges, Worstedn, Chalilos, Dcuutlfully mnd'o dresses In Serges. son. Offered in the Values tp ?1B.00, Sale Price Incentivo to buy here, for every mother etc. Prettily made In childish de- - Plaids, Ratines, Challles, etc., In- - Juvenile Salo at ...... $500 Vulucs-to- - U80SoloPrlco...... $14.85 will wish to safegtlurd her children signs. Values up to $3.00 offered eluding broken linca of dresses ugalnst- - posslblo You may choose that harm, up from our entire ntocks as follows: in tho Juvenile sold to $9.05. Excellent styles Sate at $1.95 CMdlireini's Blntniers anadl Sweaters Dresden, Regularly 05c, Stile 70o and quality unsurpassed, offered. In W1 Prlco.... tho Juvenile Will Hurry Away at Draws, Regularly $1.15, Sale Prlco. $1.111 CHHjDRKX'S regu-la- r That These Prices: DRUSSKS In Kale at $5.00 WOOE SERGE BLOOSIERSr-au- io In CinLDREN'S SWEATERS In sizes to Drcssen, Regularly $1.9.1, Kale Prlco. $1.00 Unes and sizes. Including alt Drosses, Regularly $2.15, Salo Prlco, $1.05 Jersey Knit Garments. Regularly sold fit children up' to 12 years. Broken Tailored and Fancy DreaseH, in TAII-ORi- SUITS Dromes, Regularly Salo JUNIOR'S M up to $1.45 the pair; Juvenllo ttQ Unes; white, gray, tan and $2.05, Price. $2.20 Serge, Velvets nnd Novelties, etc., to 17 jenrs. Htiperlor grades mid Dren rw, Regularly $3.05, Salo Prlco. $2.05 arc as Infanta' and Week Price is cardinal. Extra Special 75c reduced follow: styles, in N'Avy, Copon, Hoynltpnr-dlna- l. LEGGINGS As EXTRA SPECIALS DrvsM'.f, Regularly $5.00, Solo Price. $3.05 Values to $10.50, price. .$7.05 Nigger Hrown, CHILDREN'S KNIT Children's DroHsed, $7.50, Salo sale Russian colors, $5.00 Sweater)) $3.95 Regularly Prlco. $1.05 Values to $13.50, price. .$0.1.", Oreen and Hmall Checks. lingular Children's Furs sorted sizes and values to $1.00. at Tho above are in a full rangu sale Infants' and Children's offered to .$12.-1.- prices are $15,00, $19.50, $SS.0O Juvenile Week Price New Angora Wool Sweaters In sizes up to 14 years. Values $15.00, sale price. of sizes to Values to $18.50, price. .$11.8.1 $29.50, Juvenile. Salo nro at l4 Off Reg-ul- ar pair 69c 36. Whlto, Navy, Cardinal, Oxford and sale . and Prices Hats and Bonnets Vi Off Same an above, In finer grade, Fancy Mixed Colors. Regularly J nr Values to $26.00, sale price. .$18.8.-- $11.85, $14.85, $18.8.1 and $01.83. Prices. Juvenile Week Price ...... 95c $6.00 Juvenile Week .. pJ.tJO Special Rclucol Prices on Crcio do Chino and Net Party Drcwe. Regular Prices. YUmirainits' (Garmmeinits accessories""" JUVENILE SALE OF cold weather WearaMes IMainilts' and THE SPIRIT Are Priced for Rapid Selling At Prices to Ploase Prudent Mothers US ABROAD. Infants' Outing Kimonos, Price Long Short Slips Excellently made of good At the "Popular" hardly a nook or Sale ...... 18c Infants' and corner thut does not Invito you "" Hose, the bct hoe made Neatly made of excellent quality outing flannel, in solid quality muslin and nainsook, daintily trimmed with Val. that does not abound with Vuletlde at 25o white, trimmed with bands. laces and embroidered yokes: cheer In mute uppeal each sugges- again suggests Mado for growing boys, and girls Infants' Outing Gowns, Sale Price 39c 50c Values are 39c $1.00 Values are 89c tion scientifically mado of tho best yarn, Iluy 1'iirly Iluy It Monday! 75c Values are 63c $1.50 Values are. . . ,$1.29 and have linen heels and toea. Our Offered in solid white or in pink and blue stripes, daintily And hero tho wiso shoppers will guarantee of "Perfect Satisfaction" made, with hemstitched yokes. An extra special value. Infants' 50cXnit Sacque. 'juvenile Sale 35c benefit by larger, better and fresh, or now Hose goes with every pair. Juvenile Sale ...... 39c Infants' Knit and Flannel Sacques. or Holectlons and a certainty that Shown In four weights. OC Values there will be no, disappointment. Either styles LDC Infants' Kimonos and Bath Robes Are All Specially Priced 75c Values are 59c $1.50 are .$1.29 Values Children's School lioso, Salo Price, For Juvenile Week. $1.00 are 79c $2.00 Values are $1.69 Buy Handkerchiefs Now Infants' Mittens and Bootees Are Reduced: Pair ,,. v llo 50c Values are. .... ,39c $2.00 Values are...... $1,69 You will wnnt Initialed ones no weave hose for boys or ,. Values A sturdy $1.00 Values are. . . '.79c $2.50 Values are $1.95 25c Values are 18c 35c are 28c doubt, and wo nave them mous girls. Fast black, perfect fitting, Infants' Hand Embroidered Bibs Daintily trimmed with stocks and varied selec- toe. $1.50 Values are. .$1.29 $3.00t Values aré $2.39 with double heel and fine laces nn'd quilted under pads. tions but later? Plaln'lrish lawn, Misses' Striped Silk Hose, Salo Price Infants' Supreme. Regular 25c 1 Q edaM in sheer, hemstitched, to the finest , ...... , 09o Extra Values up to $1.50. Juvenile Sale Price, each 89c Pafr Fleeced Cotton. Juvenile Sale, . . . JLOC embroidered at every Intermediate Shaped puro silk hose. McCallum 4. Infants' heavy single crib and Values up to 85c Juvénle Sale Price, each 49c prlco from Ten Cents upward to 50c Cotton and Wool Shirts. Juvenile Sale 35c Dollars, In boxes, singly, or Onyx make with reinforced heel Blankets, in light blue Infants' Crib Blankets Specially Priced. , Five and toe and double garter top. A 75c All Pure Wool Garments. Juvenile Sale 49c in pure wool blankets. twos, threes, half or full dozens, or Spe- - and pink, attractive It-- , These are. offered double regular $1.00 quality. "Rubens" and "Baby Comfort" Undershirts Wrappei without boxes. dally priced at. ViC and abytiesigns ...... TTsl. $3.45 Values are. . . ,$2.89 $5.45 Values are. . . .$4.45 all specially Week; as Children's RJbbcd Silk Hose, Salo are priced for Juvenile Values are. , . .$3.69 $6.50 Values are. . . ,$4.95 Furs for (Gilts ,PricS , . . ... 25c And you may ohoose from a won tn.. "" Shown In white or black, double Juvenile SeJe of .1 Juvenile Sale o! derful selection for every fur heel and toe. Regular 60c pair. inn ooys bearing' animal Is represented In (SIrls wjnat oie wm neomre this distinguished assemblage. Purs SIlies for Shoes for Boys for Madaim;, Mli or Ituby, Sturdy shoes dressy shoes girls of Offerings That Will Induce Liberal Buying JUVENILE SALE OF and for Featuring boys' and little men's shoes for Furs you may depend upon as being every size and age. Boys' Knickerbocker Norfolk Ivan Frank and other high grade school apd dress wear. exactly " represented Red Fox, Misses' Shoes, II to, 2 at $1.95 Suits Lined trousérsgrays, tans Norfolk Suits, in tho season's best Boy Scout Shoes The best "shoes made Gray Fox, llluo Fox, Silver Kit Patent leather, gun metal and vici kid and browns. Sizes 6 to 1 5 years. styles and patterns, all trousers for both school and play wear, made from Fox, Iceland Fox, Snulrrr Fitch, Children's Union Suits, Salo Price fiÜÉi lined,' knee Mole, Ueuver, Jap, Marten, Btone shoes, button styles, suitable for both dress Juvenile Week Q Q buttoned. All selected Elkskin stock, with wear resisting Marten, Lynx, Hudson Seal, , 39c. tailored-by-han- and school wear. Juvenile é1 Q Price is ysJeaO d suits. chrome elk soles, Sturdy and strong, to Kolinsky, Pony, Imlt. Hrmlne, Winter weight! fleeco lined union Cooney, O'possum, - Sale price, pair. Boys' All Wool Norfolk Suit-s- $ff50 Values. Salo Price $5.95 stand the hArdest wear. These are shown Skunk, Kte., sufts, a strong woven, perfect fit- PXD Etc., In sets. In separate pieces and Children's Shoes, 8 1 1. . Full lined knickers, in fancy 8.50 Values, Salo Price 6.95 black pearl. tint; garment that assures warmth. to at. .$1.45 in tan, and In coats. You may choose here with Regularly sold at COc An excellent line of button shoes in all grays, browns, tans, mixtures, 10.50 Values. Sale Price 7.95 J3oys tizes, to 6, the pair, ...... $2.50 perfectsafety knowing that tho JuAenlle Bale, . . . 39c suit. leathers, many different styles to select Checks and stripes. Newest 12.50 Values. Sale Price 935 UitlUi men's sizes 9 to 13. the pair $2,00 "Popular" stands as firm a Mt, Misses? Separate Vesta or Pants, from. Sale Price, stitched pleat and belt models. Values to $17.50. Sal Pr. 11.45 J Boys' gen metal calf, I 6, pair. $2,50 Franklin back of every purchase Salo Price 25a Juvenile to Full cut and perfect fitting suits. Buster Brown or Sailor Blouse men's gun calf, 9 to pr. made at this store. Winter weights, flfece lined, alt ' Little 3j, $2.00 at! ! ! 6 Suits in navy I sizes. Rtgularly 3to each. IafaBto' Shoes, 5 2 to 8 , . . $1 .00 Regularly JO. Q serge, grays or Boys' box calf shoes. to 6, pair. .$2.00 Jewelry Novelties as Gifts styles in Sale Price 44-.l7- Browns. box calf. 9 Children's $1.00 Cotton Unions, Salo Button and lace patent leather J Little men's to 35. pr, $1.75 Holld oíd jewtlry however small Price 7So and vici kid a very special f A Boys' Reefers, Mackinacs, $5.00 Suits. Sale Price. .$3.95 EXTRA JUVENILE SPECIAL! the article may be, Is one of the Superior quality, "Merode" hand value at spJLeUU Coats and Overcoat $6.00 to $7.00 Valuea are $4.95 Boys' Gun Metal Calf Shoes. things that U always received with flnlsltfd, 'fleeco lined union suits. pleasure. We Invite you to Infants' Shoes, 1 to 5. at. . ,65c sizes 2 to 8 years. $7.50to 10.50 Values are $5.95 Button and blucher styles, sizes I to 6, much Regularly 11.00. TC,-Juve- ...... $4.95 Boys' Corduroy nop and look over the various as- Bale, I Vici kid button and lace shoes. Extra $5.95 Coats. Sale Price. Double Seated solid leather, rock oak soles, strongly re sortments of solid gold Jewelry nov. suit...... $9.95 Knickers Extra sheavy English ..No, 100 Phoenix TaffeU lUlr Bow value. $7.50 Coats. Sale Price. inforced. n exceptional pi or eltles we are showing suitable ar- HiboA, jard...... ,,.,...,.,,lo Grown Girls' Shoes, 2 to 6, at. .$2.50 $8,50 Coats. Sale Price. ,$6.95 corduroy, mouse Brown. value. Thepair., JJL.OJ ticles for men, women, children and White, black or In colors. A Juve- Values to $12.50. Sale $1.50 grade $1.29 Infants. Im Vsllleres. KeckUts, special value. liracelets, llrooohe. llarplns, Beau- Price $2,00 grade ,. w. ..$1.69 ty Tins, Pin Bets, Hat Pins. Scarf Children's Wool , slightly Boys' Coat Sweaters 95c Boys Blouses, 50c Reg. . . .39c Pins, Tie Clasps, Cuff Links, Chain, broken sizes and colors. Juvenile weight, Fobs, Diamond Set, Pearl Set Sale Special, Heavy worsted yjeave, Collar attached, In black sateen, Beta, f a shawl collar, with two pockets. white or colored madras, chanv or In exquisite chased designs in pajr ,,. , rlUC me Kngllsh or Roman finish. And let Children's tJutaundered H. S, InHUl Gray, brown, navy and red, for bray, gingham or cotton flannel. us assure you, the prices are lower, Handkerchiefs. Juvenile boys 6 to 15 years. An excep Sizes 5 to H years. --.'.w..rT.v-w.Hj-ssiiti much lower, than yu.'vo been so-- Bala price, 7 25 lililfKTZTITKTssj! t for...... tional value. Odds and Ends Hats . si TTnsM' to paying. 'JAI -- a: Fi pao morning Times Sunday, November 22'j9M

How to Fight Tuberculosis END OF WATCHFUL TO DARKEN Hi GO TO a paper read last year before the Bexar County Medical Ladles' coats, new Ladies' Coats Society, and later published in part in the Louisville IN CITY APPLY SAGE TEA aulU and WAITING fall styles, 912.50, 15.00, J. C. Ballard & Co. Trices to Please. rl W. Antonio, "Medical Progress," Dr. J. Carhart, of San I19.M, 917JS0, 125.00. lis-ll- 920.00, s South Orrifnn BC 90.SO.-97.5-0, 98.001 9.00, Texas; a physician of wide reputation, who has devoted uta iNcnr.AKF, t.v activity is kl A few applications of Sage Tea and Sulphur Ladles' coats. 918.00, 913.60, 910.00, 12.50, ;9 15.00. ron Dark Hi lgor. Offers special value for Monday and lime malty rnr.itrn:n tub uriofis rtor, 910.09, 98.50, 97.50, 99.60. . Styles. much time to the study of tuberculosis, said: "Since COMINO MONTH. plots sad thickness, Tuesday buying-- Sheet, Bheetlnff and New Fall constitutes three-fourt- of all the .mineral substances of Other Cloods. ' salts Common garden sage brewed into s heavy KterjThinrf To body, they must be supplied In the foods or sup foTni OpenTna if One if lea "sulphur "snd" aicoIioT scMed", wiir " the human with UADlE8r SWEAilCltó. plemented in mineral preparations, or natural starvation en- siost prosperous flesons in History lum grsy, streaked and faded hair betutl of This etllon. fully and remove; every bit Outing flannsl, good st SHKET SrECIALS. ac- dark lusurlani, a sweaters, gray, white sues, with tuberculosis unchecked." He further claimed, or dahdrurr, slop scalp Itching and railing quality 1UC 3.60 ladles' prove a 0 I'oppcrall sheets, cording to "Medical Progress" (May, 1913, page 110), El Paso real ettato the hair Juit a few applications will 1 711n dealers Ihtre your gray or lot outlnKlannel, fins Ql dozen, 8,35' each. . I UC $2.98 opinion of business men all over the eoun rtvelatlon It hair la fading, quality "that the widespread and unchecked spread of tuberculosis dry, tcraggly snd thin. Mixing the saga. O3C íl-Í- good rítr. try intt s msrked efTícl hpoll dsallnr médium sheet, C'J I In largely decal- Tea and . on ii rl le" sweaters, comes and other preventable diseases is due to the in all rlauts or reilly at well upon sulphur recipe at home, though, 10c flannelette In differ- - 0 1 tíósén", 97.aopeB.ch7 00 C ti it Is troublesome. An way la to get .t.-rt-- assorted colors; iCQ (lime-lackin- conditions of multitudes throughout bitlldinr and development wilt resuli from easier thi ent atrlpca O3C 0 sheets, quality, " dj) - cified retdy-to-ut- W cents ííalr CC sPs&.OO- i hi opening or business in me federal re tonic, coding about 12 flannelette, on sate dozon, 99.05; each ...... OOC special the civilized world." glonsl took November a larga bottle at drug atores, known at btnki, whlrh plice Monday 0 sheota, good class, $2.60 sweaters, II, snd re confident that local tnivliy "wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound 1UC CAg' ladles' (ÍJO ID Thus from nnothor authoritative medlcat source comes Justifica-tlo- n will inrrcise- - riphiiy In thirty Itjos avoiding a lot of muss, 16c flannelette, nice - 01 doson, 0.35; each ...... comes In assorted colors. tj)i10 White wispy, gray, faded hair Is hot 0 heavy or pepperal for the use of lime In the treatment of tuberculoids. oayt. wniio mere has been 'no ren sirin quality, for ... r, ...... LCi'ÍC hotel $2.00 misses' market, sinful, we an desire to retain our youth Sheets; 97.35) ladles'. and Cl gency In tbe local money which doten, . . . . '70 la one Ingredients 0f Eckman's Alterative, much a per rut appearance and 'attractiveness. oy (n sweaters, on sale at V Since this of the is, after all. Hie basis of largo - KXTlCV BPECIAL8. each OOC of the succcmi that hit attended the widespread use of thin remedy eenuge of realty operations, a tendency darkening- your hair with Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur, no ono can' It l10 " I special sheet, seam In center, $1.60 ladles' and misses' OA doubtless In due to the combination of this calt with other vnluahle to hod things down has prevalléd ever tell, because does yards apron chock so naturally, evenly, you dampen e( good rooming houso OQ-sh- eet sweaters; spoclal ...... tDlaaiiU In way ns It easily assimilable. As since the new currency law wat enaciqd Just glnghum for ...... , OUC Ingredients such a to render sponge or soft brush with It snd OilC years, cause iitnniach dis- snd s sort of waiting" policy 'draw 10 $1.00 sweaters for children compounded for many It seems to no this through your hair, taklnr one small yards double fold ilress nn 'J nor habit has prevailed pending the opening of Ih and misses , IOC turbance, and ilnce It contains neither opiate, nnrcotlcs various regional banks and the operation strand at s time; by morning all grsy hairs percales for .....OUC niiow OASES. formlnK drugs, It Is tafo to try. or the new aystem. nave disappeared, and, sfltr another sppll lOo double fold porcalcs, 76c children's sweaters, 0 6 Pepperall 'caaes, I fiCg Era of L'nrrrlalnly Disappears. t cation or two, your hair becomes beauti ante, rf Eckman's Alterativa has effected remarkable restllls Ih Humorous on at ...... ijC m on sale OOC This will now be I fully dark, glossy, son snd luxuriant. dozen, 91.7Bf eaeh-- IOC (consumption allied chronic uncertainty lifted. It - cases of pulmonnry tuberculosis and money bo 12 dress percales, good A 6 cases, 12 value, 60c sweaters for In many Instances confidently predicted Hut will 11 Aiig affections of tho throat and bronchial passage. easier and that large project! will bn quality, for JLUC 1 1 C TtUC yielded completely to It. doxen, 91.30; each children such conditions, apparently, have financed on a new scale and small buying on 1 special cases, 10a dress gingham, lot of 1 n Children's and misses' coats, prices caso your druggist Is out of It, ask him to order, or send direct will he stimulated sale Onl C dozen, 91.20; each, 1UC In "I look to see things open up wide," ssld HORSE SHOW BEST at 3 91,05, 92.00, 92.50, i.93,00, 93.30, to us. 12 special lot of dress - one dealer Saturday. "Tho banks of Kl n PEI'PEIWlVr SHEETING. 91.0091.50, 95.00, 90.50 ha Eckman Laboratory Philadelphia Paso are progressive and under Ilia new glnghama for ., 1UC J7 system trading all kinds win be per GIVEN HERE 12 shirting percales, st A' 4 Pepperall sheetlngr---nf- - milled to im construction proposl JVER good styles 1UC 27a value; special jX,C ZiADIES' VKIOS 8ÜIT3. Hons cah be finanred anil the entire really , lETc crash toweling-- 4 Pepperall market will be materially strengthened i oi unbleached Oij.f . C-1- TTTT. . . Fine union suits for 2,50, Is no ason we rAin nmr.ns - white, for .njJlj&La 2 heetlniyi,. .yCiCC - fiullrrre Names Consul Here. Thero n why should not and nnivens niort- aTTaZ:on-h"alf-WO- ai Krneiio Arteaga Fernandez Iihi been ap- have a big .vnr In Kl Paso In spite of OL'CllllltKDS CIIICEIltD FY FASHION linen crash toweling 1 f 4 bleached Pepperall fdjg9O0Ttrar- iluiK-rn- con- 00 STUDENTS INSPECT pointed by president at 'V the war. I relievo there will bo lola of AIII.E Tlinu.NC. for lUC sheeting, per yard Í.I 'I ne imiMil liere itC sul in pañi. he l In $1.00 riTinily from fan Antonio, when- he sited real cuate hikM and sold tho next dS.!.!C... s.itea-g- months, and that there will bo no lot as an agent nf General Mlla fw Kn tries by Army Officers and Children's union ) a f in rt- with- - up lit the s rapid progress In suits 7Cg ernamlez will open rfl cim bulldlntr Citizens Lend Interest to Blanket Specials EL PASD PLANTS rew days, lie in a leiaiiw "I me ancl general development. Fault 25c, 50c and I OC lent family. less Program. Look for llannrr Year. 8.50 fino Scotch d Ar $5.00 plaid wool &A OtJ BATHROBE BLANKETS, 11,000 iinr,iii:siii. in iiii i.itiui pxiiloii. "Next ycai should be a banner year. plaid blankets PUeíD blankets at tJTt0O DELEGATION I'RIIH NEW MEXICO A Thousands of people will pass through hero Tho annual horse show at Washington OF CHAM- - $7.S0 wool 3.60 plaid $3.00 bathrobe blankets, (t O e)ft M. COLLEGE l.KSTH Moti l:penslr Orehrslrn In n llllllaril to tho Patruna exposition. California will Park yesterday proved to the most sue fine blankos áj Qr blankets f0 QJ t tPaCe O hf.ii oi coiMiKnci:. II o tint III the slinlivi-- have Its and the reaction will ccssful affair of tho kind ever held In on salo at ipDalt tor $4üD With cords ...... I M Mir. ' greatest Mr. J Uunoz. mmi'tii'i'H "f enlral set In favoring this section people who this city. The number of high 6. DO frno plaid wool $2.00 blankets, gray, $2.60 bathrobe blankets, forki-- MUfldiil 1'aiiurs. at giado horses yet to h exhibited here were f1 7fl nft and Trip Ovr ritur CKllforum isnn valued and large sizes, with cords to match, for tPbtsCUfl JarU lkrnr la.JIatasJ'ho, liilC'''Lliliiill''l Ifiti wl" realize that our Limit snown and the entry list was the largest blankets püjO for J)llU Juarez and llrturn Hume IHijUl) this pinion. TTrrtwr wnrtmr '"'r e un- iiuiKT-na- . in tlio history of the city's annual exhibí Pleased With lluspltillly. Oirhi-t- ri rtili III- i i.K'l'iioili ti vum w persons music ripia to an oiriiesiia aim tier arie urn a real uargain ana tions, fully I, were present, tho a pun li.ii- - frntn llif uiili-- i hundreds rr r.imilii s will settle in the val- grand stands were well rilled and automo Traveling In two mhtUI at- - In I l'nmi. I liano i leys udrlng the coming year or two Just parties cnclrlcd the arena where the roaches lun - in tho Jnmpln? contest for officers. The tached to the, funta Fe (rain a party of Prop . vus hi.- 'Adwrli-- i from tin rornparlson alone." exhibitions wero held and the bqxea were was exhibited by Lieutenant Sands, a asscmblsge of horse END Students o'f the .New Memo Oilhgi! of firral No I. Dream. thronged with brilliant who took second place In the event on STOMACH UPSET? INDIGESTION, Thome l.tiiisrii l.halrinmi Priirrl miner ladles, clvllltns and army people. Agriculture, arrived in I.I Paso eK'rday IV the .t'ci'i(rd ' H I'awi people and, Indeed, the entire Dan." Lieutenant Isaac Martin was third morning at l!i txlock, aim after spi.iid-in- Cllll'.lll-i)- Ni,l SI - l llffiilil TImiMI' halr-- t country through the woik of Hie publicity Sirs. Thompson' Hiding Faultless. In the contest, riding "Christopher." Fourth buy ntid prnNialili' ilav Inspecting II. an or the .ivh t,itn Iid.iiiI ur illway department or the joint Immigration bureau Tbe riding of Mrs. John M. Thompson In place was won by Lieutenant V. M. Uatley, .!( SOURNESS DIAPEPSIN local intutill pl.inis. 'a by 4 Mali coqilliKsloliers. imvv III ililij'. been of tho L'l Paso i.hainber or Commerce and no mounted nroaa jump was tno feature mounted on "Dixie Queen. OAS, PAPE'S to llic 1.1 Paso Mor-- hlnw and a lilp I chinen as i linlriii.'iii nf a iiminiiier In rep the Uleph.inl Unite l.'.seri' assocla a resent the Western ttnle eoiiiiril ion whlei Water vent of the day. Competing against Miss Anna Lee Gaines driving "George Juarei in the ariernoon, the student tlon of Las rnces are commencing to number or army orrictrs in this event, Mrs. '." owned by O. McNary, was the evening at s pelllliiliitil the Inleralatc coiniiiercu uiimls James to ihiir boinu last awaken to the riu I that the Uepliant lint: l ho mi son won first, place easily and the t.rst prlzo winner In the women's single o cluck dam is no longer a dream Jiul a vague distance Jumped by her horse was within irlver contest. Serond place was awarded IN FIVE .MINUTES! NO STOMACH 11 Water Brash, Pain in Stomach and Intes- nr the com- Pior h s iionkland. bead and uneerniii possihility, hut Is fast ap- three Inches of the record. Mrs. Thompson to Mis. 1. M. Thompson, who drovo "Pea HEAliTBl'n.N, CASKS Olt tines. Headaches from stomach are ab- di piirltiii'iit ur thu mllege, was Hi W.i:K'n itAinaiN. a or mercial huh proaching stale completed and actual rode her horso splendidly and If she had cock," and third place was won by Mrs. DYSPEPSIA. solutely unknown where Pape's Dlapepsln eiMlge r tltu party, while .Miss Pearl Mil In the or Man- Is used. or a Klrnhall Plano, rase, fur reality. last letter Project attempted to equal or break tbe Jumping sum driving "SUlddo. ' It really does all tbe work ler, Uean or tliu science school, liandionie walnut ager L. M. serv domestic IITfi. Paynienti to per niniith iluaranteed Lawson.of the reclamation record it is thu opinion mat she could have Sir. Leath Made s Speerh. healthy stomach. It digests your meals chaperoned tlie jouiik ladl- by the oldiMt piiiiiu Ikiuc In i;l rnxi ice to the water men. of the valley appears done It wiih ease. Mrs. Thompson was You can eat anything your stomach when your stomach can't. It leaves nothing Tbe enuiMun uua gin n by the Paso Piano o., ?os south ilde or Tr.n St., Ihe following slalciin nt There are now one of the high point winners during the Following the awarding of tbe prizes In craves without rear or Indigestion or dys- to ferment, tour and upset tlie stomach. A. M. - i event, Mr. Sam Leath, who rode dipartuient of (lie A. collceo W. It, .Krhuti, Prop.- Ailvrrtrement employed at the dnin about 1,330 men, meei, winning a sccoim in uie women s this with pepsia, or that your rood will ferment or Get a large rifty-cc- caso of Pape's Dla- ne of the and waa the avcond annual event of the whlrh is ihe largest number since Ihe driving class. the entrants, addressed audience sour on your stomach. If you will tajie pepsln from your druggist, then eat any- was o - large eu Mevlni I. and Cuse. and was heartily applauded. kind. Tlio attendance not work started. Labor copdltlons are excel- The' Wcttern Transfer company was de. Pape's DIapcpgIn occasionally. thing you want without the slightest aü last year. tlio New Mexico tullir I nfifilrif l'ra lent; the weather has been favorable foe The riding or Lieutenant Ephratm Graham Anything you cat will be digested, noth- or misery, besides, every particle Denier, Cul... Aov. ill. Oovernor E. M elated the winner of the business horse Educational atsocutlon meets In Albu not a lu the polo pony class made the selection ing can pr gas stom- Amnmns Is endeavoring Attorney (n-era- l constitution woik; shift being lost class with the "Hessle and Duke" entry. ferment turn Into acid, poison of Impurity and that Is In your querque Monday, and many or for cbolce gas, v menüiers I'red 1'arrir to attend the liejrlng be during the part month." This shows cleurly Tho Wells-rarg- k. Co. team was swarded of "Imp," his mount the unanimous or stomach which causes Belching, ach and Intestines will vanish. tlio faculty of the college wore compelled foie tho department nf Interior at Wash- that the government Is rushing the work place, or tbe Judge ror the blue ribbon. Ha put Dizziness, a Feeling of Fullness after Eat- Should you be suffering now from Indi- place second with the. Western Transfer tu 16ie tor Dial yesterday. ington December 3 at which time nil appeal and that nothing will he left undone, lo team, "Doc and in his pony through the various paces and ing, Nausea, Indigestion (like a lump of gestion or any stomach disorder, you can mot .Mexico g company's blue," third Arriving In I'.l l'o the party was rroiu Muu will be heard Imolt prevent the big dam being finished on rlacc. on easily. lie was a member or the united lead in stomach), Biliousness, Heartburn, get relief In rive minutes. by Becretary Andrew w. Ileevca and olbor the question or whether stale Is eiilli.eil schedule. States team which competed In tbe Stock to In school by olflclala of lbu Llianiber or Commerce. minerals Its lands owned Notes. The entries of ponies under saddle was holm games. mills, the state under congressional grant divided Into two classes by the judges. In They went direct to tbe Olobo wher" The rase It an appeal from a ruling by With construction in progress upon ihe The ribbon ror second place wat wpn various events. Other horses were entered Industrial flelallons Commission. tliey were coidlatly and the first division premier honors were won red most received the federal land commissioner in New new county hospital and work lo start in event by A. L. P. Sands, ficm Las Critces and New Mexico points. Uti th(ZAitootattd were man- by Miss nancy Williams, who rode this Lieutenant Prtlt tpeclil guide iiolded by the Mexico. shortly on the new high school. LT Paso who rodo "Grey Eagle," and third placo The Men Who Managed Ihe Show. Denver, o'ol., Nov, si. The cause ol the agement to demonstrate and explain tlie Traveler," exhibited by Charles Davis. Tho .were: Colorado operators l city and county win be contributing strong- as awarded to Lieutenant Alexander D. orriccrs of the horse show miners' strike; why the of tin- - plant. The plain or Hie ll.U K! II.UK! Lester Splllsbury, riding D. F. SplllburyM deal tbe union and workings ly ibis season to the city's building record. Surles, riding- - "flash." Directors General John J. Pershing, Col refused to with miners' Kl I'ato Milling company (tlio Pearson With raw tickling thioat. light elicit, sore latter riding Mox Weber's pony, "Pansy." onel George It. Morgan, Lieutenant James why the Colorado stale mill t la was unable lung", you need F'oley'i Honey anil Work is in progress on - a Max pony, 0. McNary was tho or the to peace, tho nilllj.i next Inspected and lieru alto 'lar riding Mrs. Weber's "Daisy" James winner L. Collins, Henry Meyer, Her- pteservp are principal phases mi Compound, ami quickly. The rirst dose hruk uparlment house on Itoosevelt street saddle horso class. Ho rode "George W.," Lieutenant J. of the Colorado coat miners' strlko which tbe visitors met lili u hearty welmiin; helps, leaves a third. bert Buckner, Charles Davis, J. F. Coles. it soothing, healing coating for .Mr. Lmina Chaffee. The structure will Josephine was which was also the or tho driving will be Inquired Into by the United Slates and vere sliown Hip enure jslrin uf oper- as It tildes down yuur ou Miss Morflt awarded the winner 11. M. Dudley, Holllday, O. throal, feel cost about' 13.000 and will rontsi four class. In this class, tho mounts wero put nobert James Industrial Delations commission, which will ation l lbu iiilnutcnt detail. at once. S. Martin, Uasett, Neh., writes first prize tn the second division of the McNary, Julius Krakauer, S. c. McCurdy. convene In Denver ror an eleven-day- ses- "I b.lil a apartments of roitr rooms eacn. r. S. pony class. She rode Mrs. Van Shatck'a through three different gaits. Professor Shortly after noon tlio visitors repaired severe cough and cold nd was , Arthur L. McKntght, Carl A. Beers, and T. sion beginning December 1, according to I l Iluddlesioii Is the a. of Las Cruces, who to tho hotel Paso del Norte, where lunch- alinoHt past going. got n bottle or oley's rontracior. pony. "Mabel." Miss Mary Happor, riding brought M. Win go. George P West special agent ot tho com- Honey and am say n Valley land aro compete eon va eujojed, after which they visited Itr and lo cincel dealers pointing lo tho Tom," exhibited by W. C. Harvle was sec his horso, lo Judges saddle and harness horses mission, who arrived here today. my cough enthely and my cold soon dls fact that two government em- abow, was tn for tbe bor show and a trip to plcturenejue prominent ond and Miss Consuelo Weber, third. Tho the second the exhibition. Captain Ben Lear, Jr., It. S. Stephenson, J. appearra. J.erj user is a rricna. uwl ployes at the Llcphaiil dam was to FOLEY CATI1AHTIC TABLETS. Ciudad Juarez. Co. llutto recently litter riding Max Weber's pony, "Pansy." Third place awarded Lieutenant C lung (Ailvcttlement. purchased of land as a L. Collins on and Ferrlss. Arc wholesome, thoroughly cleansing, and "Wo certainly enjoyed our trip to I'.l tracts significant The blue rlhkon was awarded to "Itehol" Jemes "Lassie," fourth Judges chargers snd military Incident, these men an; in a position was won Carl A. Beers, who for officers' have a stimulating erfect on the stomach, Taso," said Professor llookland. ap- hrrki Hanker tleCarty. since ridden by Lieutenant Alexander S. Surles dare by rode classes Colonel George II. Morgan, Fif- "nrt in know the Inside farts and are 'Donald B." liver and bowels. Regulate you with no preciate tbe courteous welcome and enter- Chief of police D.nls vcileiday received backing teenth cavalry; Captain Ben Lear, Jr., Cap- griping and no unpleasant arter effects, ihelr Judgment upon the v alley. tainment we rccelvert. Our students were letter from John llogan. uho resides In Miss Mary Caiman, driving Paul Glnther's tain Casper Cole. ' stout people find they give Immense, reef delighted with their outing and nrvt year NVwby. HHjiid ktnu .iststance tn lu Kent houses continue to be In nig de pony, "Oypsy," was awarded the silver Judges for polo ponies Captain Ben Lear, and comfort. Warren am Ca- we arc coining In greater numbers than (eating John r, jrty. Mr. MeCarty. ac mand. "I turning down an averajre EATING WHEN trophy cup and the blue ribbon ror tno f captain Casper Colo and Green Bay, Wis., writes- "Foley of half a people n jr., Lieutenant I ever before. cording to the letter. cam to i:i Paso some dozen day." said one first prize, "liuster Brown" took second L. Collins. thartic Tablets are the best laxative ever I t James used. They do the promptly and Those In the party Included Protestor ears ago and was for a tlmo engaged in dealer, "because haven the bouses to prize and third position was awarded to work wlih Toi no bad after effects." Try tbem. Owl Drug and Mrs. S. S. llookland, Mrs. Ilobbius, lie banking liuslnrsa. .oin-- rental purpure" It Is doubtful OTHERS ARE THROUGH Miss Josephine Morfll, driving Mrs. J. L. ONLY ONB "nrtOMO QUININE." lir o Co. (Advertisement.) Edgar llhodes, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hague Hiere ni ten desirable vacant houses van Sbalck's pony, "Model." Whenever you feel a cold coming on, think in i lio city. Mr. and Mrs. Ilager, Mr. Culllen, Mis Mrs. John M Thompson, riding or the full name, LAXATIVE BH0MÜ QUIN- C. T. Brown, of. Socorro, N. M., an exten. Vgitatlou regarding tbe cleaning up of Is Not Cottony, llut Stuart's Dyspepsia Lieuten Carpenter. I. M. Meiurton, K. M. Newton. Will to ant Allison's horse, "Jerry," was tho first INE. Look for signature of E. W. Orovo slve zinc mine operator, Is at the Paso Notice ihe Mcilran known - Tablets F.nable You Have Lydla Wlllums. CUudu beagle, Morgan settlement as Cblhua- Much sn Appellle. prize in the Jump. Her horse on box. 25c. del Norte. iimu has made something of a winner broad iieiity. Mr. iinmnger. it. I., ware, it. svt.i: l'OSTP0.M:i) UNTIL IIKCKMIIKIt 7TII botm in was the only one entered to mako the win I ihe tenement house Hue. Desirable high pressure men ay. Louis Koenig. runk Allen, Jake t iinirtunatelv w, m unihiu m i n. In these days ot most ning dlstanro or 20 foot. The Jumps were NVeath-rb- I for tenements in the south part of and women very little and a good old Tom Helm, maays jam. imui,., ,i Tor the alo as adtei used, so w eit over a hedge and piled about two feel NrPowell. Dorothy lioDbins, Marie kiilglu. ,. city is in strong demand and a number fashioned eater sits at table arter all have rumpelled m postpone the an or the It. high. Cecil Wler, Miss Miller. .Nona lllcketson. modem brick tenements are under way left Canady. grading outrit until December 7th. at whlrh and projected. The best way to gel such an appetite Is Lieutenant Carl Thirteenth IRe Onli) Shoe Store Gwing TK Green iradmg Stamps Nr. Itlfkelsuti. t.ertie ijoddard. l.lhel It lie as Wll- way the way. cavalry, was second In Ihe event, lie fine will sild adverllsi'd. bin Wsiiiiouse the Stuart natural rode scon. Miia uacsoinei, .Mr. Mchinzje. uarios lamS. lliilldlnti. John M. Thompson, During - rrince." Lieutenant Fantlca, Paul Mils. Harold l.lgon, Mis the past week tbe. Perry. Kirk- riding "Wlnnlo Waterbury" took third. palrick company J Ilaggerty, Maddux, Mr. Thattoa, Har- Jailed on Check Cbariie. began construction tor Tbe tn galled C. Zozaya of n largo blue ribbon the saaaie old Scott. Nettle Lopci W. T. Lewi, who says his home Is on combination ware horses class was won by M. S. Bowen'i In addition to the atno the following a ranch In fun' Mexico, was yesterday hounc and apartment house building, to tc horse, ridden by tbe Dress Slippers located Ce motored lo LI Pao in the automobile or lodged In the county Jail on tin rbarue j the corner of Pauta and I'cih owner. This also won two other streets, to eost 3ú,oti. The horse President ldd or the college and Joined uf passing woiihle-- k cheeks. Three men first rioor, places during the afternoon. having a lO.OoO nquare tbe main party at tbe ulnbo nulls. 11. liar who claimed l have lust money through cap.idty uf red of The rlil nir of A. neers on "Donald B the spare, will carl for rls, John bobbins. Walter Hill, Clifford cashing paper presented by Lewis signed he used for storage and In this event second position ror while derided Hare and Hugh Hare tbe complaint purpoa't, Hie second floor will him over the othci- contestanta. The third subdivided luto twcnty-flv- modern prlzo was awarded to W. L. Tooley. who apartne ms. Tb structure will bo or bum rode Mrs. James U. McNary's horse, "High- Charity Ball brick with steel frame and will be modern given to a. L. every way" Fourth position was lit detail of construction and appoint- Mcknight, on "Peggy," exhibited ment. mounted We are showing all the new by Mrs. Julius Krakauer. creations was perry. Ktrknnl- - "Old Chemist" Work begun by the "Chrlstcpher" a prlzo wtnnur In the Jump- in dainty pumps and slippers for full rlck company or erecting a rite room ing contest was awarded first place In the dress wear. On bungalow in blork 7. Last IM lMso The. officer's charger class, llo was ridden by Head Every building It a brick structure and I being Landlady: ''Ever since Jimet took Fif- Many new ideas are included Dyspepsia Tablets lost money on his owner, Lieutenant Isaac 8. Martin, in our constrticled for I. II. Kerguion at' a rosl l'e teenth cavalry. Colonel Herbert 8. Slorum's now complete or I3.0U). hlui." stock. Dainty Slip- famous show horse, "Monterey," ridden by pers in New block arils Onriicil. If your stomach can not digest your Lieutenant Earl Canady, beat out colonel patents, dull kid and bronze.. Due of Ihe most notable) drveli.timents rood, what will! Where's the relief Th-- i K St. J. Orenle' prize winner. "Dan," In All handsomely trimmed. Satins in Df the past week in Kl 1'aso real esta e answer It In Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets, event. waa y Lieuten- as this "Dan" ridden white, black was Ihe partial compUiloii and operation because, all stomach troubles arise from 1 and colors, with plain Indigestion and because ono Ingredient or ant A. P. Sands. of the new Kl I'aio Lolni yards, James O. McNara horse, "George V.." or beaded vamps. , In Stuart's Dyspepsia' Tablets la able to thor- located the Cotton addltuu, uti the banks oughly and completely digest 3,000 grains winner or three first placet In the show, of the tin Orando Immediate river. con or fooq, aoesrri 11 siauu iu reason nisi added another blue ribbon in tho women's slruollon of stock pens and necessary these tablets are irolug to digest all he saddle class by taking the first prize, lie Prices $3.50 to $6.00 buildings call for an expenditure of 175.0, rood and whatever rood you put into your was ridden by Mrs. II. S. Sims. Mist s though tho total invustmtiit to be madu itouuch? aaucr. riding "Ounslon." was . by the Morris I cki,.g com) any Interests, smart's Dyspepsia Tableta are carefully See Center display Window "Old to supply every lacking lu s awarded second place, snd third and fourth when their i Is complete. opera- made element and In system afflicted with dyspepsia, indigna- - positions were swarded lo Mrs. Max Weber, JHHnGThe tion throughout, wMi entail c lotal expendi- riding "Highway." and Mtia Virginia llon.tKasirius, tiomscu iruuuie, eic, sua New Fawn ture uf Iíw.UjO. cotistruciioii work ror iht to aid healthy systema to mgest difficult Stewart, riding "Lassie." Arrivals in stock yards cotúpiny It being lindled by fixtd at unseemly hours. "Choppn and Negro," Paul Olnlher's team, Ihe I'crry, Klrkpatrlrk cunipany. Just carrv one or these little tablets In were the unanimous choice or Ihe Judge Plan for srhwrti llesldrnce. your purse or pocket. After every meal, for rirst place In the harness horse show, & Gray Combinations The firm of Trust it Tioit. architects, no mailer wn-- eaien, yun nsvc amara ai waa easily !h hand the. nature The team best matched pair iro preparing puns for a resi- astUUiu'u thai will relish and appointment ht.uom and thrive uion. on exhibition, the entire dence lo he conitrucird on North Mra in this manner one may eat all manner suspassed all other competitors. James Theso shoes are made with patent street for A. Schwarn at a coil of rxjm. ot food, attend late dinners, Itc. and fee) O. McNary. driving "Highway and Otorgn vamps, and fawn or gray backs, op The, building la a brick structure with no serious results afterwards. W ." wsa in second position snd "Dan snd the new short vamp. Duffy's terra rolls trimmings, and win consist of Ttioussnus or travelers aiwaya nave a Jack," driven by Colonel L. St, J. Greble French toe, $4.00 Pure Malt Whiskey two stories and a basement. II It designed bos. of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets In their the Sixth artillery, were third, l'rlce... are unaccua of field in the style of th Italian renaitsaure, ana grips and thus enabled lo eat "Oeorre V.." owned by James a. win b a tuníltoiue addition to tomed meals al any and sil limes. is mode especially for medicinal use, and for the results Us use the rest. Surely there la nothing so well adapted wai Ihe winner of the combination dentlal district In whlrh it will be to sufferers from rood follies as Stuart's hone rlasa and M. e. Iluweu's, has produced medicinally, is entitled to and is receiving the uros, - Tue firm or a. r. coici l an ii- Dyspepsia Tablets, and the greatest proof was second. consideration of old and young, the good and thoughtful every, diy received s tcleiram com eying lutel.l- - of this (act lies in lbs assurance that 01m Iltautllul Trophies for Winners. genre any- where. This is as it should be, You, too, can oi ine uraio ot t.. t. uoilini at his can purchase s box at any drug atore Beautiful sliver trophy cup were borne at Laurel íprlnis. N. J. Ur. Colhui where In ibis country. presented to th winner of all first posi- died ar sn adranetul age and Is tumvej A small simple package or Ptutrt'a Dys- tions lit lh show snd silver cupi and other it by a widow and ltireo children. He was a pepsia Tablets will be mailed free to any- prizes were swarded tu all other place 33t Uufiy's and Keep Well" larga owner property in one who will address V. A. aluarl Co., IK of ti Paso, aaj Stuart Vldr, Marshall, Mich. winners. was s great believer In Ibis city snd lit the entrants, the list of which Ctt Uuliys from jour local druogM, grocer or great future- - Mr. Collins, It it recalled, was unusually large tbta year, mads tbs IkilTF d,Jcr Pr bottle, II he rannst supply jou, spent one winter teason In CI Paso, and Show more popular than ever. A large "u' ttrtU us. e will Irll )uu where I gel 1U lltdlcal while hers handled a number or large consignment of horse wre shipped from booklet free. dean in real eltate. I Columbus, it. , to this city by Colonel iiooa Siocum and officer of the Thirteenth Dent Forget to A$k for Your &K. Gretn ,. The Duffy Malt 'Whiskey Co., Ilochester, X V Why pay morst cut lists Cleaning Works PhfM 1001 cavalry, sad many of th officers from the lraikt Phuuo tAdvírtuemoüL) you regiment cam to 1 Fsso lo compete lo lbs M,imW 22. 19H EL PASÓ MORNING TIMES greater part was ore, atone and sand and other mine products, exclusive or coke and EMPLOYES coal. Only a comparatively few carloads or WHAT DOES YOUR FIRED; anthraerta coal were carried and bituminous coal furnished only s per cent or tho total tonnaro In 1914. SAY TO YOU SLASHED Apparently the mulls of the purchase of SALARIES the Arttona Eastern, an oro carrylnr road, are marked. In toll the tonnage or ores Special amounted to but 503,000 tonas In 1913 to It Ydur Faee I Not Fair Yow Are Not Fair NEW COUNTY COHMISSIONF-n- COlflT OF IIP.ANTIU 9,037X00 tons, and In 1914 to 3,6M,ooo tons, lo Your Faee. use Mnari uueium F.n ' products pr agriculture furnlghfd. per Wster and, JPJnu. JtETRFJCHMtVr . imí ple nnih cent or the total tonnage In 1914, products hte. lumber I7.S9 per cent, and K,niv ran ever h realised tt finad Hailed and Superintendent Or- of manufactures to Its Work 14.88 per cent. There was a largo railing must have rompleilon that adds dered tn Make Comnlrle Mirvry and lustre, that mikes a magnificent race p net ore Operations Are lleaumed. off In the tonnaro or manufactures. 4JM.- - nriiitA an artistic color. Tho charm ooo tons being carried In 1914 as against or all beauty rests ehleriy In tho clear akin. 5,115.000 tons in the previous year, and a the pure rea dioou, iuo auit ucuu-u- A number of coiisjy employes were consiaeraDie railing orr in products of rot' complexion tho. pay of several was reduced, ets, 8,717,000 lohs'bclhr "cafricd in" 1914 as and road work was ordered suspended by against t.910,000 tons in tho previous year. the new county commissioners court yes- Prices Men's $3.50 Shoes Tho average ton mile rate' In 1014 was Ml terday morning at the first executive meet- cents; In 1013. I. ISO Total freight ing or that body. Itesoluiions were passed cents. or revenue was 178,369,000 in 1914, as against abolishing tho position night watchniin me year. at the court houso, this position lo U 80,m,ooo in previous taken by tho head janitor without extra As in the caso of the number of tons or pay court interpreters wero discharged, To mon who are particular about their shoes and who, freight, the number of passengers carried and tho clerical force In the county treas- decreased, being in 1914. as against urer's and county auditor's orrtcrk was at the same time, consider their pockctbook, we offer 43,006,000 19I3 or ordered removed rrom the county pay ON In average length but tho roll, taking effect .November Journey 40.9 the resolution some splendid shoe values Three Fifty. decreased, being miles last 30. at year as against 43.67 miles in ins previous New Hotel Superintendent. year, a pas- Wo spare no pains In decrease of J0 per cent. Tho By resolution, David M. White wa elected provldnlg for our trade tho best Throo Fifty senger mileage, therefore, decreasd by to (111 the newly created orflce of urcrln men's shoes that can be offered at this popular price. 4.64 per cent. Tho average reyenue per tendent or county road work, at a salary Thanksgiving Carvers passenger per or (150 per month, and was ordered to dis- mile was cents in tvi charge all present county road shoes are us by 1.948 1913. passengor. workers, The made for a special maker and mads accord and cents In Total teams, wagons, scrapers, draga, itc , to lng to our specifications. Selected stocks In gun metal calf, vlcl kid revenue amounted to 110,436,000 in 1914 as make a complete survey of the county against MJ,w,ooo in tho year 1913. roads and tnake a report futly coloring and Carving Sets and tan calfskin. With' a decrease tn the handled ill needed improvements! paving and ex- or 0.66 per and In tho passenger-mtlc- s 'It Is an Exquisite Joy to Look In My tensions and the cost or the work, and to rent employ men Button, laco and bluchers, medium or low flat heels, straight or or an in- - now surh and tools as bo deems 1. X. L. English Handled per cent, there was Mirror siuarrs uuriura necessary for tho county work. $5.00 Q J o.Ri Wafers Cave Me nack My road Tho swing lasts,a single or double soles. crcaso in total operating expenses or resolution goes into cfrect immediately. Carving Set . PeJeUU per cent, a or 3.0J per cent In Clear Complexion." decrease upon Official Salaries Stashed. freight-trai- mileage, an increase or 2.15 Stuart's Calcium Wafers act directly The commissioners passed resolutions res- the' sweat glands of the skin, since their $6.001. x.vl. ce 6REATER PASO'S per cent In passenger-trai- n mileage, and an cinding any orders or previous county SI mission I J to stimulate tho excretory ducts. lncrcaae In tho- - average tralnload of all commissioners' courts granting n salary, Carving Set They do not" create perspiration, but causo rer o,f compensation of any kind to any rrótght or 2.?5 per average in 1914 cent, the ino lain me uroaino ouLjrigurouiy, inus office or the a Lite, county or nrertnet. and $7.501. X.L. AA 471 tons In 1913 act tons. transTormlng-pcrsplrailo- at' being and ti- orderlnr-ttr- uieij' Tuiintyornrta"slnir In the o! Carving Set ...... rmrnwi far vear an Increase vapor, wiCTSicium suipmuo oi wuicu mesa nuns,' a rciron on iiecemner i, ivn, or an ...k...... : PÜUU I 75,000 In maintenance of Way was In part wsfors aro composed consumes the germ deputies employed In his office, the namo $8.00 I. English d ofrset bv a decreaso of (341.000 in mainte poisons In tho sweat glands and poms, and salary of each deputy. The tesolu-Ho- n XL. tjr nance of equipment, a decrease or banco tho blood makes a new, smooth skin does not apply to tho librarian of . .e Carving Set DDeaCO and in a surprisingly time. Klghth Court Civil Appeals, to any 122 ,000 expenses was more man short of or W I "' 3JSSsiasSei in traffic You will never be ashamed to look at officers or that court, or to the employes $3.00 f. X. L. bird . J tur,?. íióMPAU offset by an increase or 249.000 in gcneraU yourself In a mirror, snco you uto Stuart's of tho county poor farm. The resolution rfJO r oxpenses. Maintcnanco or way ana struc- Calcium Wafers. Nor will your friends takes efrect November 30. This resolution. Carving Set ;...... ,..-- . 10 tures amounted to $16,064,000 In 1914. It Is a vou that hinting look. ss much as to It was stated after the morning session or Pe estimated that repairs or flood damages jay for goodness sake, get rid. of tho so .tho court, will abolish the salary or fli5 a $3.25 I. X. L. bird (t0 Op amoounted to ah extraordinary expense of Minnies. month now received hv Countv Knnneer no any o Kubanks ns overseer, salary of Carving Set ,000, alono St.S3l.ono There Is longer excuso for road the Ileal taw and in California to have a race disfigured with skin n iiiunwi paia oy ino couniy xo District cierK t$J3 additional will bo required to eomplote eruptions, when It Is so easy to get rid of Escajmla. and tho salary or (50 a month How are you going to roast your Thanksgiving turkey? GIRL8! GIRLS! YOU these extraordinary repairs. Of this amount mem. simpiy get a oox or aiuan s laicium paid to County Treasurer J. I). Ponder as MUST TRY THIS! 3475,000, It Is estimated, will be chárgeablc any and Ihcm county paymaster. Solve the problem with a Savory or Reed Roadster. Price Wafers at drug store take Complete tip to operating expenses next year and $309,-- according to directions. After a few days Audit of nooks Ordered. in you hardly reeognlie yourself in the The auditors appointed by- - the commis- from $1.00. Plain steel rgnsters two sizes, 45c and 75c 000 to addlUons and betterments. will to (13,934,000 mirror. Tho change will delight you Im- sioners' cour audit tho books or tho S. fie H. green trading stamps. ' Maintenance of equipment cost countv wero ordered not only to make n We give DOUBLES BEAUTY OF YOUR HAIR 1914. - or mensely. All blemishes will disappear. In This included- charges ttm&n sen wa- compito audit or. the county's books, but 1279.000 Ail druggists Biuarrs uairium to or for depreciation of locomotives, for fers at 50 cents a box. A small sample make a report every expenditure depreciation or passenger cars and 11.060,-00- 0 addressing p, A. made, and tho namo or tho officer authoris- package mailed free by the for U cents you em make your hair have doubled the beauty of your hair. for depredation or rrelgnt-tral- cars. Co., ITS Stuart Uldg., Marshall, Mich. ing expenditure. Stuart or County C. delightful surprise Tho Southern Pacific has never berore In- The bonds Attorney W. lustrous, fluffy, and abundant. awaits those whose hair Crootn, County Tax Assessor Oeorgn V. , has been neglected or is scraggy, faded cluded a charge for depreciation, but has Rogers Furniture Co. and which add unnecessarily to the rost county Engineer J. w. Iiubanks and dry, brittle or thin. Besides beautifying at last acquiesced In the Interstate District Clerk J. A. tscajoda, were approved. Immediate Vest Certain T that's the tho Danderlne every In of operation. County hair. dissolves particle commission's requirements this or our over Attorney croom was authorized or It." or m respect, charge In 1914 a charge Tho reduction surplus nxed to appoint Frank Feullle, Jr., N. Stanton Joy Your hair becomes llgbt, wavy, danarurr; cleanses, purines and llcsldcs the charges, to causos largely assistant vigórales tho scalp, forever stopping Itch or 122,158,000 was made Jo profit and loss and other due county attorney at a salary or (loo a montn. fluffy, abundant and appears as soft, beyond control, has Iihposed on yout com- The tho lng and falling hair, but what will pleaso and credited to , accrued depreciation on commissioners ordered issuance - or reducing ex- or warrants In tho of (3.O0O on lustrous and beautiful as a young- girl's you most bo a use, tho side or tho esti- pany tho necessity the amounts will after few weeks' asset balance sheet for additions road Improvement and maintenance fund, a you see July I, 1907, penditures for new construction, (300 after Dandcrlne hair cleanse. Just try when new hair fine and downy mated depredation between to on Jail addition number two fund, and at first yes bul really new growing commerco commission's to and betterments ot tho property, the li.75 exchanaro as this moisten a cloth with a little Danderlne hair when the Interstate The uncompleted Interest. Tho all over tho scalp. If you care for pretty, ruling went Into defect, to July 1, 1913. lowest possible limits. warrants will bo drawn In ravor of tho and carefully It through .your hair,' ahovo. Is being slowly AT ONCE CLOGGED draw sort hair, and lots of it, surely get a 35 Tho rollowlng table shows tho eexpendl-tore- s work, listed carried county treasurer NOSTRILS OPEN, one This on to protect tho Investment already made, Kitrnlon For School Land hulera. taking small strand at a time. cent bottle of Knowlton's Danderlne from for repairs per unit of equipment, worn will cleanso the hair of dust, or exces. any or but no extensions or Improvements of any Itesolutlnns passed ordering all dirt drug store or toilet counter and Just exclusive depreciation and renewals, la county ofriclals requiring- - deputies to re- stve oil, and m just a few moments you try 1914 19913: description, not Imperatively needed for it. and or au- port the number and salárlcs to tho county 1914 1913 protection the property, ore being judge. HEAD GOLDS AND CATARRH VANISH even Repairs per locomotive 13,920 31,721 thorized or considered." Klsher county purchasers or El rollowlng shows tho principal Paso Repairs per passenger car.. 833 865 Tho table county school lands wero given six months' In 1914 as compared or on Repairs per freight car..... 93 94 rigurcs for operation extension timo tho principal, provided with 1913: the Interest on their notes Is paid. Freely! Clears Stutfed-up- , In store. This sweet, fragrant dts&olvel Southern Pacific Tho state ot repairs or locomotives was 1914 1913 Judgd A. S. J. Eyinr was au- Ilrestbe balm to tne or not quite so good at tho end or the year as Avorntm miles onerated 10.123 10.311 thorized make a sottloment with Mcssra. flamed Nose and Head and Stops Catarrhal by heat tho nostrllsi penetrates and Turner and Worsham ror a right or way Inflamed, at the beginning. Thirty-eigh- t per cent or (78,309,414 (80,141,499 heals the swollen mambrana Freight revenue through their ranch ror a county road, and Dlscharcje. Cures Headache. , Unes nose, tho total number or locomotives in service Passenger revenue .. 40,133,919 42,380.837 to a which the head and throat) secure right 'or'way deed covering tho passages; nasty dis- Some Interesting Facts. and Figures Shown in were In thorough order at the end or the Total revcnuel26,614,537 130,353,693 tho land occupied. cloars air stops operating charges a reeling or cleansing, sooth- year, as against 40 per cent at the begin- Mnt, or way 16,004,157 15.589,027 Houston Company Its I3,G0fl. Try "Ely's Cream Palm." and Annual Report of This Great Transcontinental and strct. I.oei anyway, ing comes ning of 'the year, and 89 per cent were tn Mnt. or equipment... 18.931,335 19,203,725 The bid or tho Commonwealth Trust com- Get a small bottlo Just to try It relief Immediately. pany or Houston, or Apply a In Don't lay awake struggling Line Which Is Divided in This City for Con good order as against S3 per cent at the Traffic expenses .... 2,889,119 3,115.070 for the purchase little In the nostrils and for worth or county court house bonds was stantly your clog-re- noso ana stoppeo-u- breath, Willi hoad sturrod; nostrils closed, of the year, and 32 per cent re Transportation exp... 40,930,821 4(1,408,034 declared Void, ami venience in Its Operation. , tho certified check for passage or tho opon; you hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, quired repairs or wero In shop under re- Oencral expenses 3,975,035 3.720J-.V- (3.600 was air bead will .... which sent with the bid, was freely; and with Its running noso, roul mucous drop' pair as against S3 per cent at tho beginning Total operating exp.... 82,800,068 82,135,109 The reason given Is tho Com- win breatho dullness headache that morning;! cold- - ping Into the and raw dryness of the year. 7,163.625 5,697,888 monwealth Trust company railed to keep disappear. Dy tho catarrh, throat, is No better measure of the equity back of the company proprie- Tales soro oa distressing truly Southern Pacific and Transportation expenses amounted to HO,- - Income- - 37,693467 41,208,009 Its contract with tho county lo purchaso or catarrhal throat win but needless. Southern Pacific common stock could be tary companies. Is con Operating .... the your once In "Elys It divided for 037,000 in 1914 and the principal Increases Gross Income 5l,709',058 56.558,512 bonds within a spcclried time. gone. Put rallh lust given than the way In which the plant and venience or the operating as ...... County Jiidgts tno Cream your cold or catarrh will management are tn cost or niel for road locomotives, op Net Income 20,152.210 20,857.807 Ardían Pool assumed ornee End such misery now! Get small balm" and the organisation have withstood the ex- or Paso ... yesterday morning, or surely disappear. between lines east and lines west erating yards and terminals, train Dividends 16,361.088 16,300,032 taking the oalh orrico bottlo or "Ely's Cream Palm" at any dru traordinary strain put on them In fiscal or El Paso. The Joint as did tho now commissioners. The Judgo the lines west Include, or supplies and expenses, and Injuries to per 4,091,127 10.506,87! year Juno 30, 1914. Floods, Surplus was presented blth a ended fire and course, tho Central Pacific, running from sons. Tho in cost or ruct was benutirul bouquet bjt, unprecedented rains caused interruptions ogden to san increase thn children or Mayor and Mrs. c. K. Kelly. Eddlo Pullen's Fast Time. work ror iho Corona road race Thanksgiv Francisco. largely due tor tho higher price paid for The or the time ever made to to ah extent never The 1914 next meeting commissioners ing day and Is tho fastest traffic berore recorded annual report for Is the thirtieth fuel oil, the cost per ton or coal being 52.87 will ho held at to Ity the A$iociatcd Pm covering a Vast territory of company. The o'clock Tuesday morn- on an American roadway or speedway for a railroad such the Southern Pacific and tn 1914 12.90 in 1913, while the cost or ing, November 91. Los. Angeles, Nov. si, Eddlo Pullcn, In as does Pacific. On the 10,477 or and course In an American car. the Southern the Great Northern are the only two tho of oil, which Is figured as the In miles or operated in system great four barrels the same car which ho drovo to victory road this there transcontinental systems which have equivalent of a ton or coal, was 2.59 In HOTOrt CAIt IMIUSJHY were S27 Interruptions to trame, an never through the Grand 1'rlx at Santa Monica, today cov- ItOART TURKEY, 53e, TODAY. with been a receivership. Under 1914 as against 1237 in 1913, Thus the av average delay or three days .each, In the Coins P. Huntington, the ered the rourso In one 'minute and 30 With oyster dressing and cranberry Southern Pacific erage cost or fuel per ton was S2.60 in Current Talk or llulnr Depression Does nvervhoriv. fiscal yeár Juno 30, 1014. In every had plowed a huge surplus, In seconds, s rale or 100.7 miles an hour. ni T'irntv for Woston'a. ended into and the 1914 as against (2.40 In 1913. The number Not llald Good Willi Automobile (Advertisement.) except November, as Mr. tt or This speed was attained In preliminary 320 San Antonio street. month early days the Southern Pacific especially or miles run per ton of fuel was 11.83 in EARS AW FACE Manufacturers. chairman of the executive commit- ine state was a golden uoiacn inacea state 1914 and 14.23 in 1913. Tho general public has llltlo edncenilon tee, points out, damages from washouts and for the railroad, which bad so large a share During year the sold or were frequent embarrassing, or the Southern Pacific the enormous alio and rar reaching Inriu-en- landslides and its transportation business. The Hunt to Its own stockholders at par 154,531,000 90' or tho dded to in freight and pas- Ington regime a generous When Two Weeks Old, Caused Irri- motor car Industry. The motor the loss both was one, both to year 5 per cent convenible bonds. Tho ear Industry only senger by the peculiarly per- and and In is not nrosnorlnar. but Is traffic caused officers employes maintenance conversion privilege permits or exchange Very Used Cuti-Cu- employing more men was a dis- tho property. The tation. Fretful. and doing a bigger versa weather conditions, there of llarrlman regime or bonds for stock at part at any time up to business any tinct loss In passenger trame because or which followed continued a liberal policy and Ointment. In Ten than at previous time In Its June 1, 1921. The proceods or the sale or Soap history. This would show that ollher thero the nvnber or passengers who might bavé or maintenance ana was fortunate in in were part to pay orr gone to California, who to these bonds used in Days Ears and Face Well. cannot he much truth to tho current talk but preferred horning the Southern Pacific organization. (26.000.000 5 per cent potes, which or put oft "their trip until the Panama exhi- This, then, Is the reason why, even business depression, or that tho motor after fell due Juno IS, 1914. In addition tbcro car has become a rcrognlred Charity years necessity. Ball bition. two of strikes and other misfortunes. (7,130,000 equipment Duke, my babjr two go was trust certificates N.O. "When ira With Its allied linea, the manufacturer Notwithstanding all this, total operating ine property coma through such an ex and (6,000,000 5 per cent weeks old, behind his ears red or 1.87 sold turnad and motor cars today doubtless ranks sec- revenues decreased but per cent and traordlnary severe strain as that put on It the ris- Thursday notes, Tho net expenditure during caused an Irritation from rubbing be Iron among coun-tr- Next expenses by a one per in ana make a sad it ond only to and steel this Increased Its than tola stui such thoroughly cal year ended June 30, 1914. for equipment stayed' moiat-en- the payment or expenses, taxes came raw and manuracludlng Industries. Occupying cent. After creaitame snowing. and additions and betterments was (19,756,-00- times In year 30, 1114. all th tima. At tt this conspicuous position, It is dolus much and Interest charges the Southern Paciric the fiscal ended June tho' As or June 30 the company had ,on to 1914, t2O,4si,0OO divi- would get so bad ai to bleed. relievo the financial stringency brought bad tn available for system handled 31,060,000 tons of freight, or band 119,10,000 cash and deposits, about dends,- compared S26jbS,000 available one per more tonnage UewMfrethl. Attheiknabe auoui uy ma war uy putting into circula- You will attend with exactly cent than in (148,000 less than at the beginning of the tion or money In the year. Six per 1913. The average length was eight mom hi old he waa largo sums In all parts or for dividends previous of haul, however, year, and In addition to the expenditures on tho country. .cent on common outstanding calls was SI9 as SS3 ta a condition with sores the stock miles, compared with miles Its. own property mentioned above, nad aa bad Today this society 116,361,000, a year ' Da his Americans are spending moro for so that there was margin tho before, so that the ton mileage venced to affiliated companies during tho behind bia ears and face. money of safety even bandied was by one in automobiles than ever berore. back of the dividend, last less about half of ner year, making the total now (105, "I cared for hlia tuina The bumper crops of year, or 11.091,000. cent. Or the total tonnage In 1014, 38.74 per powder salves tremendous throughout event the 523,000. There are no loans and bills pay- talcum and ine farming combined tho The Southern Paciric system consists of cent was products of mines, but of this the though Memed districts with able, and audited accounts and wages pay and several remedio, nothing mgn prices prevailing on produce, have season and able at the end or the year amounted to te do any good at all till I got Cuxlcura Soap caused unprecedented prosperity In tho it (8,259,000, a decrease or ii,5SS,oqo tn this and Ointment. I at once commecced te wash rural communities. Thousands or motor account during ine year, hi ears and face three or four Hue durtm cars are being sold to farmers and peopln behooves Ttia Southern Pacific has an enormous the day with the Cutlcura Soap, dried tima whose financial wcirare Is dependent on asset which Is not carried at any money with a soft cloth, then applied the Cutlcura tho crops. you to be valse on ita balance sheet. Thla Is the lilla Omtmant. In ten dara hi ear and faee fcyery dollar used for the purchase of a to oil lands belonging to the Southern Pa were well and no arar wore left," (Blgotd) motor car mean that hundreds of trades .company and the kern Trad. dressed proper- clflc nallroad Mr. Lena Lx, Jan. 2, 1914. and arts aro profiting cy tho Investment. lng k. Oir company, Tho Miprrmo court The conversion or raw material Into finished held in June, 1914 that except where tills Samples by Mall ears Is putting millions or dollars Into tho ly. We can to these lands had been obtained by rraud, Free pockets or machinists, foundryincn, trim- tn- - why the title could not be attacked because they la telnet a toilet and a akin soap mers, and crafts- emo- assemblers other masler satisfy were now found to contain oil. in Mr. not procure one pa ruine: dolieate men who In turn are handing this money your Is generally agreed by doctors that the Krutischnltt's opinion ine Southern Pa llient propcrtlea (uffleinit to allay mlaor over to frroeers butchers and merchants. ITprimary trouble with the health of women dries title to the valuable' lands may now Irritations, remove rodnea and roushnM, During the third quarter or this year the every want and and young girls Is that they are careless be regarded as unassailable. prevent pore--c logins, aofua aad soothe total business done by the motor rar facto- of condition bowels. There Is. or course, the Central raelfle sensitive condition, and promote Un and ries alone Is at a rate in excess or JisSaaW the of the Thera 's merger Is now slowly being you will know lalV'lBH asHaieK .nothing so Important In this regard as habit suit, which scalp health gramllrl ud a op, torn per year, and an Increase or It per rougnt through the courts. pureat of aapenaceou la cent over the same quarter or last year. Wgr and system. The growing girl should be es- E. llarrl- blned with the flBHaafjMjv Mr. Kruttscbnltt, like the late II. gredlenU moat and refreahlag This vast sum represents Jutt so much that you are pecially looked after. O Irla and women of ail man. Is bv nature an otitlmlsL. Ills re aad frasraat money of Cower U Outlcuia Soap. JUUieusa put Into actual circulation. ages will find that by regulating themselves marks, therefore, In regard to the present odr, One com- Soap (33c) aad On ti cura st firm alone, the correctly '.they can avoid the use state of the railroad business are particu Outicura pany, employing (8,600 people, reports that free of cosmetics and (SOe.) sold b evarrwhare, things, obesity larly impressive t are drussM It completed month' ssbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb9bPJYY 'such and that Is reduced by - JJ-- Bkla wW has Juat the blrrol Your board repeats tne suggestion maae- a sacaste of each with Pook business In its history. Shipments or cars dressed bowel elimination and weight Increased by upon reojuaat. Addrea pe proper assimilation. last year that you take an active part la be sent free during October numbered s,60l, represent- repelling the attacks or demagogues on sard! "Outicura. Des4. T, Boston." ing a money vslue or 15.07i,ooo. This 13 The right laxative women, Is, for as It for. your property. Unfair, treatment or rail per tent gretler than shipments durlnr tho See Our Win- children and old folks, who should not use roads I due in great part to the belief or sains month of last year, which was the harsh pills, salts and .other strong cathartics. politicians trut only financial magnates r largest October lbs company had experi- dows laxative-toni- c, for Is that gentle and mild Dr. 's tbererrom. The surest remedy for the enced up to that time. Syrup Pepsin. acta on principle evil Is for railroad Investors to give unmis- The total number of sblpnienlt from the It the or or by gently regulating bowels dig- takable evidence tbelr numbers and start of the riscal year on July I is 38 per Correct that the the their resentment of unfair legislation or estive-muscles will soon again be cent greater than Ibat during the same trained to do regulation. You now 30,000, work number over period of last 'year, and double that of Evening fthelr naturally and unaided. Thousand and witn the atoekholders of other railroad! years ago, 4 families use It regularly, two Jjof and It has been C)upA far and with investors In their securities you Since January 1, 1T.3Í3 itore Orerlands ithe standard In good American homes for two ronu a body of a million or more voters, have been shipped to purchasers than had Wean FREE SAMPLE protests, up can fenerations. Mrs. Ella Jloblaon of 101 Tromb-le- y N whole backed by ballots, been shipped up to the same dale a year St. V "Worth, Tex, says she will never Dr. Caldwell Is glad to lawfully exert sufficient force to compel ago, In other words, to per cent more ratr treatment oy your servants in congress. January fbe without Dr. Caldwell's Byrup Pepsin. Bho send say one who has Use Orerlands hare been shipped sines In legislatures, and on commissions. The 1 year or fuses tt herself and gives it to her little girl, never tried his remedy s than during tb entire calendar believes common lutareaia of railroad shareholders "ThtWantAdWay" 1913. with two months yet to come. 'and she wli not need the doctor so free sample bottle for per- Investors every no 19 now. and of in community, The Overland company has p"" eent often Mrs. T. Dlue, of 442 College St, sonal lnveitlf atlon. Simply matter now siaait. should cause them la on band at the end Mo., mors unfilled orders 'Cape Olrardeau, make Syrup Pepsin her clip tala coupon and actively participate In every election and to of the month that It had on the same dale family remedy and says she would not be with tn an envelope with perronn faithfully all other duties of clll Of TIIE TIMES. In Hit. This is In spite or the faet that lout it for twice Its price. your name tod address, or sensbip. In order to secure proper repra- - some parts or the (rest factory are run-nl- and protection You, will find Byrup Pepsin very effective as write your name sad ad- sentatires for tbelr inter both night and, day ests. While jruur company has cneerfully a remedy for constipation, dyspepsia, bilious-asa- s. dress rfelnly on post belching; gaa made such expenditures a were required ROAST TUHKEV, 3K, TODAY. on the stomach, foul breath, card and mail tt to Dr, Y, and eotomUaious, by cranberry bloating, by federal stale or With oyster dressing and headaches, etc. Druggists sell it at B. Caldwell, er Washing, legislation, many unreasonable laws ham sauce, runty for everybody. Weston's, fifty cents and one dollar a bottle. ton SU, MonUccUo, III. been enacted, which serve bo public good,! 1 120 Ban Antonio JtUtU&Ll MbCMKv':;- SI WMm'WÉ mimM HÍMt Dwitti if ffltt$úft GfMMtt ScUk' a J Oí -- nniliVi tLtfmmH f)rBM8PflH 1 llMiiMr. K. M., 'rlttoli i atalm ( Um That rielé NMtfMi fceaart waa taw wJH ll 'tsMtar piar t 'el--t, l"tafítahh 4uat ieaal. ii. trr htg uilpii I wm fyf afi.swMlMr C I fh MtM Oalv ona of .th ige aa sniaaaW MttU mm wt-e- tr crf'Wie rtaeai In WltMam 4 O paid tht Mtaah MM JjH Msfsi M '. J laat.k4iza1.Mr jttw se anta H tfjiaaayMa anrts AM;lktk W a. Mre ia NtWtW .at iF ' ' aa -1. a H, TV " héte éo mínúí --á I) WW ratkc4aiNi n1m 1 .dMia ws'W'sJU crtttshf iuili(ÍWt :íMMÉr a' fw r mm hmr kU Úm ,8Hali uaasMtifla. 'Th oaaar mfít c " ' w.hsWt' waa maia fw M. aanala bmsw. wnfto? rfmi .passing ta t'limmm , mkfm,jm , , v"k 4mm rtWved fi.ft,38, Mattriti, locale ia tM MMmsjm ímMj tha figwttn; man t msjasm.iaáia. JaOrast tthak 9 tflMÍ w4ttéMlt r44f)uJHt 4 p--.i iwm5k mm w-r- ajkriMM chantcterta ay tM.y W. aaawiiiT 'jjmber h"TrafH' Mi8VSjsJUJsjSjetv a)44vd asVaV 'Ssjfcuy'-tssjB- dm ite ani ana feettevaa hetilMNslaMtÉagj r ju aa h haW ' ham ' rMtlul rearu .. : i KVMaly little fralrt d aeMsajnatt.' ia tK af 6s8ess8, and hs ht NtATtTM. í H great aga, great. ahW te Um TÉtKm, lacOm Vil Trfgaaa anta Cort Bumner'a lakhie 9MK é4 .sWa fftti Faffe' ta Yor, s. C Beekwita- fyeelei aey, - Sp 'tcjaaflsjsaMBM - Iw mit-tUt- Matioa.- íi, Wfcflfc jhII4ai wfcWi MM or - . c. BWKUH seeeiM Arwert! y aH awa wt of the Jajier Utt Jfew wwíé war wa b,mm, rearo. S. C. Beekwltb Special Araflcy, Tttf JaC ;)' 'wasi w4 the eompaay bum aaam ... mu Wt Miia4ee hi the Hra and adywrtttrea of Íát'aWtMto4 tor Jirtiét .Irth MtractkM a4 laff riacie pr cant Areaia Lather nni, um ia, company. and' Jaawat , AuieoriMd city cometer o. MorrM d "Wi marauder kstawn to fáiiiá aa tWe AsaaHiaa iaarsM Mi Ortl Maltoa. Jtr. oiithWfii: 'rtr1 paid, had IKM." that th( its) w:'htHlii Ua atnldtt mllHary wr- - AtJtúMaá dlridend SUBSCMFttON RAT. At Maxwell there la a, await mMkl yatatteá 4K foundtásjs, had tha JlW.sHMt of m4Htary trahatag aad pispwitliety I1.Í7J. Md. TBJT MU tft AOV.) . . I.'?1'ffc . tMtiy and Bunaay, on yer .,...... ,. ,,.,,,...... - - tó teMderfaat aa the laat reathtc plaee of Mttr, an4 davéfaped ht fal - rfleWnt mtlHarf geniaia Th imt'mk m head the eewa'W' lhi'lga .s. u,ihflajr. haiaá &eiiynd Sunday, u moate eirett Oreai Britain has prsdtieed far Many year. maata 618,778, showed a daflett. f 88 iM (Milrsndauotiey, tares moetfe ,.,..,...... ?... S th hoax baa been perpetral, bo aften that the leac K 9Miy Mid Hundir, od4 monta .,...... bldeat Inhabitant of Maxwell Beginning ta iaHara AttheWirh h waa Mtt ck military asat im an ad I waaarn ffJUhar rW ,hw ratret arms atwinad asawnd asmat th l,u,eT aurpiue iar- ;Tj-r,- TM duDdtjr yew w ' Tinws, Ons vkWrr apat:,áM;hWthag ha Miy ,m Kng- - 'akrissaak', '.x '" AaVÁ, by reason of tta cairylng charge at 8H, ...... "Carrtar.l the story la true and swelt up .with pride that "eaMaa ham Deity (y ...... 7t debt,, howed of and Bandar, on. monin .....m, .. of known poeeeaalori whan atiÍMiig tke maa frea Than ta.waar a aaart af malat. ye. r..rM mere ' lei' tWdad a Hfl!t chart Spaniab eame a edition ratea EaHj. ptaaa. 681,411 surph ar . regularly th east with the asm belief. in af th H. ttuDicriber who I til to receive their pat f hash? Ka r. viiuii furuae for th requested to tba Business office W that effect, Tha Fort Sumner Loo.der hi commenting on th Th eresstag srf'the Chawwet wa rwg4v hat War bailes, car. and that mar áM he i i.. nolirr oouaty and dtt hr uie poeioffice aaarese m lull, incluí altUBtlon grows both romlntaiawt. revengeful. a! ÜRÁaMHTÍ4t WIO HMH W 1m Ifc afWn iHMlHh matas Bapr company, which eeaaH ta be Dy money oruer, oran pr and It ttrmii ruitnica re'f. by' H. X run an t h avaHahte MwaVB)im wa net affected At Boatogaehe Míe But my; M slit i.i.. '.! arnupa wiik tour iru llfltl liwiaia that the remains of th iate but not taweaUd vMied la;.'i' 'at rienda, MM hath rotmcciinr ill departments. Tell operator wWcB emptór gent with th many notohex em, the handle ef kk ra ladíaa hoarlUl and apeke te ail the weuwaed, setters time jet. A. large number of adjustment Hm,Ip wn department you will ana connection will M, atiere. c4aalg up of the eampaay sfc After is p. m. and on Buaaay afternoon tad holiday b la lying quietly under tha ttunable weeds that adara r dental to tha Umm dvpvuocaM will Afterward he went - delaying report for the year ana ta a a' uHutr dfrotii ruporter hla mound in tho Fort Sumner cemetery, tt fcaeke té General Freach's haadaaar- the Ktit. , Ntguw we....Bdiwtl nd. an tra. KW. Society Ed. na Bu, Un. flSriifSP- up its assertion with that I'att Saxrett. ters, and on Thursday vttted the heaatqaartee of the commerce commission haa' granted et paper' prosaptiy, !- the? aJIatlon - it the carrier ntli o deliver to shooting aeqUtwWco Billy Indian regimen? líe .received a great reeepWon at time In whleh the company- may Jtlie over any, oi tM above leiepoones. who had a with and wha from SOUTHWiaTERN PRESS w.jesjett. the Indian troop, and was partleularH' gratified at ifhla preciudcs,4.of course, a cpmpariaon of hateo'-pán- Any erroaeoue renecuou ujwb í was an attendant at the fuñara!, aald under' that par person, firm or corporation,.which hi welcome. operating results with' th ether com'pojUéa at of tar gladly mt ttcular mound waa where they put. him. Tha Leader column of will be correct Part ot every . ' Sfw th tira, - He later went to the headquarter elher dtsa saeat ia Tuasaa remains hare time, upon li uitibains- brwism to th atiitioiiloflh trnnirnntgl aayss of army get par; taanm tht ffMy.' t. corps, and to and far public Improvements. "Being on tha sama ranga where BÜly the Kid and waa everywhere enthuaiastleaUy reeeived xne man oraer dees not ceatrihuta a cent ta On Friday. Southwestern Progrcw. lived, loved, drank, feught and was buried. 1 neb Lera Robert vMted tha commanders at build up yaur Kewa ityTueeén" (Arht) CHIéen. The Day's Beét StonM. meyed the varloua British corps, and returned, to hMuar-ts- j i pP:-- - (ho ing In itself, but 'havlngals grave to the Patronise herne , MdaMry and let the mail 'order ah it. miniM- havo been htoped out of at 4 p. m. complaked.ef feeilng ehllly. lera. 3 northern part of the state dlsrupta all the atorlea of a hjttle concerns 'fish far saoker In other water. ,8rry Rcawell;' N. M., dlatrict vrith the exception of about (Mr that eratwhllo. hejo;U)iat We keep In síéck víor tha After having tea he ;stÍM.t wl.' and John progressive cttaaca awe it to the ' oemmunlty. in "Love is an overrated passion," Bala an IS car and tho reatar portion ol tnw remnani, irai Freach'a medical attendant saw fcerel Itebaaeai. era-- and critic, at a dinner at the Playera'.selub in Naw edification of thoa new to the Pecoa 'region. No which he stiad Wally by every home insti- .; ,inn.i the. next few daya, Tha tout , . nut within longer will passengers ón the trains point with awa aeribed for him, and he went to bed, hut o on tution. York. ' 3t aeaaon gregato abou 4Í0 aftifmehU for th vflll to the spot ten mllea down tha river, where the bone ahought ha waa seriously ill. Beth hi daughter. t "A fat, clerk of, middle age, earniag Lady All rts, Majar cars. of the Kid were supposed to rest; no longer can we eB Rate and hi uVin.1 It might really be waeae. The completed' return 826 comfort man with' the story la yé who were wkThlm,. regarded it a only a ae(ht in show that la th neat hetteo of the" Mate legislature tlful At" N.' the that the Kid w'nrl nh thé Boüth' cahkl' Carlabad; dlapositlon. 88 .r cmBl. alive with one of the men who helped bury him; ',, there will be RepubHean. 18 Democrat, ope Butt tag good enough and he cenftdently éffár her .him-lf- o- rata of 500 feet per get Moose and ona Soe4ah4t, so G. 1 one lir la n- progressing at tha longer can we tho use! Empty Is He jmch. worse, however, at 11 e'eWek, euf, that the OP. canftj but .what's tha hort of th aéeeaaryt yófe to pass things day., and It Is expected that two Bailee of the faring a MtW; attack of pneumonia. He .never really The critic's eyes twinkled behind plnce-neá- g graveyard; BlU'a gone." over ri o suverners Teto. jttosweu iMewa. 'hk pcropteted, wjjhln op month. There are, 180 i "he will be i is clearly eyldeut'that Fort Burriner la the real rainea anerwara, and paaaed peacefully away at ,8 t, "And that," aald, "J love jgf .It o'clock Pnn't worry ahwat.,tm ft., Q.,.P. shortage,., fur... If 'men and 78 teEm nSsf2 "résllng placed círBlllr tKe Kid, and" that the ratftf rdat eyeing care. The mile, " the situation is that eleaé. in the New Mexico state work la being done with tho gretet mound at Maxwell Isfthe resting place soma the soldier he laved so wall: ) In a 'Sole. of of 'other legislature the RepubHean can be depended Upon to concreted laat year la pronou'aced one the beat goat ' 1 A friend who waa present said: 'Hé simply fell "Uncle Joe" Cannon aald at a .Danville political unseat enough Democrats to give them "necessary - I Jo'be cbnatructed by tho reclamation service, asleep, and the end was patalea and peaeafuL the píenlo lasf montht evf Jle working majority. c Famous medical experta of France are joining In would not have desired. a better, death,"" "Finance auch. ,as that, gentlemen.wjll. land;, the li Af Inrnrnnralion Of the B. V. N. mining v .ifl' the war on the Germán kaser, and they are getting Such waa the end of' Field Marshal Roberta, and country in the hole wherein Mrs.. BH1 Smith found !' Silver ' City, N. M.. have been filed I Indicative of the varied resources of the state, aa company of rid of him by disease instead of shot shell. Dr. If he had been permitted to choose, the method of his herself. , " v,-no- and well, aa its rapid agricultural development, ;' Tho company noa a capitaiiocis oi is dif- Is the Santa Tf. Cabanas, a distinguished French ear specialist, Has passing it :probabo' he would not have had it demonstration train af the agricultural experiment "Mrs. Bill .Smith ápent with her hus'band' a' two- - ana exoecta to conduct a general mining and ' " the history and progress of the ohronlo ferent from the manner in which it occurred, HI station and the extension bureau of the state uni- week vacation at Atlantic City. It waa aXextravagant milling Incorporators' aro John, W. bualneaa. The etorrhoca, a disease of the ear with which' tha em- passing was peaceful, but amidst ait appropriate set- versity which learea Phoenix today for lta annual trip Noble, Joseph J, Vlnot and, Howard throughout the state. This year's itinerary 1 Bettea, Jtobert 1. peror la afflicted, and 'aays tho kaiser is in constant ting. most "A they rode back home on the train, sunburned Bettes, of Silver City, and Samuel Betiea, of 1 complete, calling for stop In thirty-fou- r towns and i It t. danger that pus will flow into the, interior of his requiring a period of nearly two month. Phoenix and fatigued, their pockebopka empty. and th; next Pasó. msitold process and' the upper part of' his tympanum. If Germany expect to win the approval of the (Am.) Republican. pay day two week off. Mrs. Smith gHeaahd "said: t people of the United I " opinion The) wall between the middle ear and the cavity of State In the war she waging, And the trains are capable a Well, anyhow,. Bill, well be all right, aoon aa u C'Mlnlng men at Tucson, Aria., are of tho saya demonstration of the cranium containing the brain la excessively thin, a' she for her national existence, she haa got, to very complete wo get home. The morning we atartedoff. hid a that the prevalence of, tha war in Europa la going to efficient work, carrying as they do I and in the kaiser's case when the pressure of pus change some of her methods.' Brute forco displayed 810 bill under the plnlc plush, album; ta parlor.' have a beneficial effect upon'the development of tho paraphernalia for the demonstration of many mat- Hh. breaks this yell an abacaes of the brain is inevitable. toward tha helpless does not challenge American "Tea, aald Bill, grimly, "yes. know yon did. L mining Industry in Southern Arlsona rom tho fact ter of vital interest to the' farmer and stock farmer. I i admiration. should be foUnd out.'" - - ... ' It is going to stimulate tha search for quicksilver; There a representative attendance at every ....m,'- that General Vlotorlano Huerta, whb for reaaoa of a a a aad'álso stimulate the' development of euch property top mad by thi train In the ptáte of Arlsona. state, is sojourning in ease and comfort Madrid The sinking of the Russian transport Truth by the already located, Immediately following the outbreak In, 4f In sunny Spain, writes a letter io Señor Bortaao, of Turklslunavy waa the greatest blow ever dealt io th Gotland htory o5?! a oSrma oí the European war the price- of qutokallver doubled, Before, the ashes had stopped eooling. Karrr Wá' TASSSS, Span-lar- d, civilized, world. While truth 'ftndfímmedl-'- r.50 per Spain, in which he vociferously denies that any eruahed to earth can Jone owner of the' burned buildings, had' atened ud arrlyd at a Wndon hoel no? long ago, in fact, It advanced from flask ' " waa executed in Mexico by- federal during rise again, there I no assurance, it can be a number bf renewal léase rom 1 burned1 out ten- ateljf sought 'out manageri"'' ' supply soldiers that thr " t í' in July, to as high a 1100. Tha world's chief ant and commenced arrangements tor new build- the time he waa holding down hi celebrated .Usurpa- resurrected from the bottom of the Blaek sea, a v.w.M . , vuuid, no tif quicksilver comes from Spain. there aro 18 ing. That' the Ga- wuui announces bt Phoenix spirit Phoenix (Ark.) ' tion. Senor Soriano, who At a member of the Spanish f "A tine place," remarked the .manager.' mines In the United States, ona of which ia a West Dr, B. H. zette, t t parliament, made an Interpellation a few days' ago Carroll, one of the best known Baptist "Dere voa a patter." Texas proposition and has long been operated upon a Is hi And. that Is the spirit of the Great Southwest. No si;- in which he asked the government why General ministers of Texas, dead at home in Fort Worth, "Tea, Berlin?" profitable basis. and hi pawing be sincerely peo- Southwestern community haa either the, time or día Muerta waa permitted to remain In Spain after hav- wl mourned by the 'Weln; Ohm." ple ot'all Texas, for Or. Carroll waa one of big position to ory over spilled milk; When the milk la The. IÍ. H." farm, embracing but JO ing ordered a number of Spanish subjects shot in th real "OhmT In er Germany, of course T" ' & Jtlchardaon men of he átate. pilled the Idea I to go after and get a. bigger and Oemlng, N, Mexico. in this country la X voa acres and located two mllea southeast of better supply than waa enjoyed before. win; Britain. St, has been sold 'to F. N. lAtighharn, of Jackson- from Potsdam to see 'Ohm. I voa at der goncert la , President Wilson eaya ha wlahea he, had a ville, Hi., for. fi.OflO. The Improvement on the placo 'Thar 88 counties of the state of New Mexico wero front Potsdam, und I hear der great English soprano, stag name that was capable being To Levi "A. Hughes of Santa Fa la due the credit good bungalow and an excellent well fixed1 jfer the bill collectors' , on .December 1, If of shortened, and the dat "Der la no blace like Ohm," und all def British I constat of a expression for what Is, wa believe one of the biggest New plant. This aale demonstrates a higher land any should be coming their way, aa the revenue on of such a wish is evidence that he haa for- people In der goncert cry like der'leetle bable. St pumping gotten "Woody, Mexico advertising atunt ever attempted t. an adver in counties the Old Boy," of his strenuous cam- must be der vonderful blace, Brít-la- value than any other yet made in the Mimaros vat hand th 'various at .that, time ..amounted paign days. tising stunt which at the same time haa the merit of Ohm, to make der h ley. It serve to demonstrate what improved land to 11,464,051,06, This waa 1188,976.86 aa than" at being a tremendous humanitarian , Santa cry. I think to myself, I will go and aee.dls hue . Fe New Mexican. Ohm In that valley is actually worth, and yet, of the 200.-0- the beginning bf the previous month, however. The vot der blace like. Now. rich U der vay Japan said she could take Tslng-Ta- u from the Ger- ' aerea of fine land embodied' in that valley there total county receipts during October were, 8168,476.81 The advertising stantr referred to by the NeV Mex tó OhmT" mans within the period of three month, and it will are aa yet only 11,000 acres under cultivation. There and the total disbursement IJ81.65Z.77. ican la the contribution of a large quantity' oí New be readily noticed that Japan la the only In- yet In valley plenty of cheap nation Mexico bean to the mattering Belgian. And, there Is Occupactoa Not Compatibles remains the Mimbres volved In the European war yat been f ahlllty A hurry up order for 4,000,000 blankets, for the that haa able no dofibt ef Nerr beans being good th After taking five ineffectual his' land for those who have tho and determination to make good. Mexie. for stroke to elevate to-- acquire and improve desirable farms. armies of the allies, haa been received in Chicago. The Belgians. They are even good for the real Beetone. ball out of a bunker, a certain Rurllnraoie elerimaan' ' average with a deep kV price haa been fixed at 86 each, making a 1 scowl 'ononis face an,d distraes hi res, A New York hanker authority 'for. the statement ' That great lead-zin- o mines will be developed In total of $30,000,000 to bo divided among th blanket Fcr the past two day two or three ear have threw down hU niblick and exclaimed:.- "It's noíaseí that money will aoon become a veritable drug on the ' ' the Carpenter district of Grant county, N. M.i the makers and dealers of the central weat Kyery day It come through each .day enroute back to Bl Paso, the I'll have to glye Itupl" É market, and it k doe (her are mtUtea of men will- age Sunday 'í .prediction of Louis M. Blchard, a mining engineer and become but th more apparent is Just last of the race who lieent a week "Oh, don't ga4,'d4scoufaged'1,1aa1d partaerl i' tha. ing to acquire the drug habit. - night during hla geologist of Colorado Springs, who Is spending the her tha St auto race. "Tou'll get hang ocginning io cau unitaa matas for ita looa Although only feir ef the thirty car entered got in the pf the game yit" winter in Sliver City. Mr. Hlchard states that he has aupply and army. wearing apparel, and the recourse Bill 8uler deelar he made Theodore Roosevelt the money, nene at tha loser are sor and 'all express "I don't mean "to give ÚV the "game." anappedtSa clergyman.. examined over 600 mines in the lead and lno. fields of this country are certain to be taxed to the very limit. look like 80 ente In th recent New York, election, their intention of eater lag the rae next 'year and "I mean to give ud the minlatrv" Uluourl, haa Inspected 78 lead, silver and winning the first Blabee (Arte) Review. of and and at this distance it Is apparent that seme Influ- meV u milling mining Immigrátlon Into, the United for past Argumaat Cloeed. zinc planta located in the principal States the ence at th same Urn mad Bill look like 16 eenta' These autcmehtle race are annually attracting ,' districts of Canada, western and central United three months haa fallen off three-fourt- In compari- worth dog neat. more favorable attaaUaa and hav already became ; a Jackson and Johnaon are not now on saaalákaa States and Mexico and nowhere, in the districts visited son with the movement before the outbreak of the great fixed anaaat evftat, It is believed the raee term. It all are áa the result nf . " r.l. did be encounter a better showing of milling ore, European war. But it will be resumed on the moat The negro, delegate who recently offended tht next year wilt prava the mat Interesting and 4th Ich required sanie mental conclusion. considering the exploratory work so far done, than extravagant scale upon the clos of hostilities. president hythttr deeaeaaar at the White House will the grett attsr.her cl'partMpant of any ever puMed "I tell you," aald Jackson, "that you . ?L- in the Carpenter district In the Mimbres range of probably remember ta ek atrawe vta th hack door off In the Bcufrhwaat, gather wrong In your conclusions," I youth Orant county. New Mexico. Grant county ia fast A New Jersey was sentenced to 110 days' in futura, Pardoh me, but' I am not," replied, Johnson!? Imprisonment etaetkag a waa'depre-- ' C coming to the front In th further development of for rabbit that German V Bar ope, declares a afmat- - "Didn't r go tq school, stupid?" almost roared h great mlnlsg properties, arid the indications are aha datlag,hls mother's gara. And if he had kWed a Tallar are the first U reaagnlaa th fact that SfVt&iriuU) imvHAuMP9tf jisMfcA vfctttj tti( nwWy appaaent, , ,a wHI to Mexico, produo-- Jersey mosquito WlKle are money to 'getting' easy, 't continue lead alt New in the th he weutd have Thar are putting a number f'aat H t ha iasaa why that aalt afcM he rubbed Tea," wa the calm reply"and yo7. eme haálc tleti of mlaera wealth. been aent up for llfe.- - of additional packet Ui mea'a, traueers thi asa. e deeply m Beigium, stupid."

W w a L SON-IN-LA- VM. - Jf THAT W OF PA'S Cedric Compelled to Change Wi Mind. - 4 . OV WELLINGTON ' ' fl Fh mi i Í a 1 v.. A' IV II 'nil i m ' in. - ill mi jsTT .'r'im TS.v?."7r ?rf rrr-Jrl- IiiI t : . .. I i Otfitl siTsr taausw W liaurr Bs1j aar aaatis- arwa BlK. i. rTL JWOHOTHOUihti n 'i

r "aw I

-- íw ft n f.stWii - - . ÍÍÍaÉsntaalfhir iletafrii Mi Vabir V 1 l Jtfniii1g inTlllflll list I tstfltaMlttlsaÉÍs . - ..v.,l . , ,raj I EL PASO MORNTNC TTMO

BARKEN YOUR niWEY EXPUINS ttw a Turkey is "Jhiue Cattle . fiRAYIAIR SHYRNA ACTION Raisers' taa aM M WS ITMBw 'twWAMt TMC LAtVCSt mt Fot Thanksétoh Stockyards

U my. Association w eaUanv aaM Ma f BJajBa" B(faaMJt Why Not You? la katr 'aM geeta. like 4 eMtawpexH The cattlemen of Mi antty ttw, nMkr N wM fnar fi MMr CMtaft aei eoM .atoen to 'try 'M If M tfce ni i to United Mate vi if Mfaf' taai aa Mtaat ata u laawaa. HtMM Ei Paso and AttBoaaH Tfo kyfeh mh inWerit laMkuty of aot IM fckota fired toward Im MaaMU at AaMrtaaii rwlaér TeMMMee teat MkaV cinity are stand A Handful! tMtff taS3t!lvttit; atay were n tended merely at the tet)emey faaeiaathaa' lnaaer aatal alMkwaai - r mat tiw port or m "ADLE ROCHESTER" together as IrMeU Wea taw 'Mr o attract.. to vletkm. ing ajtelor ar.'aiaty Mwaaaa, la'o' AathaaM the eiDlaMtloa wm pre- anM(U bMr. . Ato .ataftMilawai ttte "SÓCIETY one man to ttrae.iMMay Maad IMted State roTrMaaMvMM BRAND" rvir.'MHnr Mr or' ttmnáüar a reolv in fonnil i imiaiWaWt rmrtriM for ror arknrfnrvrty rol iraaiH Ambamdor MorreniMei ,taja i "FÁ8MI0N CLOTHES" serve the MÍ tota. Mity, MrlktMil to Make to ttte Twm ;'! if t k PWm.i t atwra it was awaeraaV aMiMl at r mm jsnr Mare, n pm. Team. i apaar Mapla naa .WMM houw, state aw aavy are ierwiaHsnt, are MbaoM rdeels Mr 7c- bottle. mawa an ,or ' bvQB.oti,tiy niM, and meet tie Open fle.-- ' noli títa mtr. mat daocer aoiwrn CMUta Maca: r UesM over tbe Incident kael Meat of refinement t thew 'aywelity and seryideability are truly remiúrk-able- .- Prkee! SUMMARY two Members' of tbe Oitansán eahlhtt, ttte projfryW Market DAYr mtntsten of Interior and Vwnf, bad WMy OF BUROPEAN WAR. srpUkted the occurrence to Mav.and Mtrn dndan-trammel- ed B. eravaas- tare eow akorprai m a. mctsl9 here said bis aaiasige was fiwn flpMnd Upward andfree TkWlaMat reoetta fr fiwers4 before 'tne inttrucUona MM, frnn Wseh- - kmiá;t dWtkaftt; aripo, but rrMM lMlcaee tlwt . the Miaataf if com- toe aeeaH 'M miaiea mmm an mcton to discuss katH .Mtjaty iÍMank. aael, aaaHNr aeaewat om wtaeer iba rraad vliler conM m, Jtr.L PraaMint Wltaen and aa mtertetea wtm aewve bv ' Mnrtentbsu. pM.MMpkWNMMMnaMMMMNM petition Ms cabinet regard the MMrsnal eaptana-lea- n in the aw 'eHMl as a certain precftrsnr of a gnttataeMry a o 'JaWal- - mm day aM. iiMi, fermet exslsnaUon and that gnat sanest rar i market which Á Kg full ilowiwt astel fatf- - the nroleetkin AsaartaBM wfce iMe rive aataeka ea saeaee hi of thnt Hke a twe hews, were eeeaatetely etieeked tereata will also beVtutMeoaklng fren .tne Hi thev ham built ltk fey the fire o( rlHMr). Turkish governeaent. . , ' the Fteaeh follar ncarf. Great halUea are under way between , The meusge from Mrgnthu,v dated cat-tle-indus- try, VlstuM ae the .'arta ta Mtwafaa Ifovember is, but dsUyed an route, re. up until the aad with fleairal vea Wtrtiiliurg Heved a delicate nitBatsan. It.arrtved 1st end araMl Buke Nkhetair as the deeipbarsd to- peel a a eeesaiahders aad an tbe m tbe afternoon and after wtt treat.- - Petraarad read at a conference tonight netwsen tne raperts 'ataraty that tbe ee president. Secretary Dantaia. and Acting i a. Tbfnr i rlthtiaf )- lead- tlaues but rren Vteaaa eemes aa elfl-el- Secretary Lansing, of the state aeartmsnl - day, is the Stateneat that the Anetrlan After the conferened the foUowta state- Lnarity nail: ea the jtiieetaa army In the lat ment was issued .at the' White .MnUMi be- ter M prenreeelafl faveraMy ing industry dtsirM "Dtspatchet canee Bntyma t aad that, te tbe iiertheMt , ef Caenate nttftf the Evening Drees w eeeen-tia- l, 1JLATTEKKVfMPtTliUMBl ehewa twe RhsMh battaHeas .have have Just1 been reaelvad from Am hind great I aitrreaderad. ' bateador Morcentbau whreH wore 'sent be but why "'liovdí the . seeiaHetd' In Cepenbnfen, who any The fore he had received 'eoemwntcatlon If o-f are In teneh with the SeeieMsU ta. from the state denártment. He Informs WM wealth and pros-.perity- Berlin, estimate. the men eBgesMft, you yrorryV liiiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiil government tlwt on lb) evening, or tne Qw th ' is The Italian newsnaaers wlat dts Interior informed bint tbat tM commander from-- fiatehes from Hrla and Palestine to of tbe Tennessee bad attempted to visit may need is here, city, that the Turks and Germans Smvrna In his steam launch, passing to at Ap . are making streaaeua efforts to ln zone, contrary to the' the Swallow Tail Former Castaña Collector Juereí dace tbe pepatetfea al rebel through tbe mine Thev do not i. 'oWed to m Gutierres Cabinet. ssalatt th authority ot Eagland. Turkish government's regulations and. that the accessories. pli been stopped by warning VAteé-rt- Fuente fD., military wvernor o? the boat bad er ncen tecAtv uwm &incuine. anots nrea rawsra ner. oroDOse that it irte sute Aguascsitemes, M wkg governor general trowurer general ;by President' Kultllo Bul 'He added tbtt tbe after nAn entnustutlq meetta or the Loyil tbe incident had orféred. to take the officer shall under (críe. TM appointment" was made prior ysa-sm- am fall Moose was bold. 1st Tbe minister proVistonal Order, of Friday ntttit la overland bis 'automobile. W'tto transfer of tne. cspltu tbe, club rooms, eaeb member be let ím of war lter communicated with tbe. am- shrugged bit shoulders and said. "Net yet, bantamwerghi champion here ror a mill, t tcrs yesterday, unanimously adopted a res- ad- rrom Affuasí&iwues to vueretaro- ano ibc bued with tne Idea tbat their efforts to bassador, fully Informing Mm of tbe inci but maybe toon." Then, answering tn a olution commending Mr. Waddel ror tin control of have 1 chosen ror Uia' groat Moose requesttnr tbat the Tennesseo, more serious tone, be Mldr "Pon'tjuow splendid manner In which he had conduct- po dent and me a this is ineercuiar nonw wiu prove successful which was then at' Vourlar some distance ss business preposition for Mr. and Mrs. M. W. Harris ot Maris, Tex., ed1 tbe affair or hit office, and also interests " a pleasure trip of mine, but you verse strictly are guests the Bbeldon. to r as from tbe harbor of Smyrna, should be with I bare, and I repeat that st authorized that a letter ai .milltu-- awvernor. of, the: álate hr Amas me heard what said, Ferguson expressing 'the hope caHehteS'hos not been appointed yet Tbe fact tbat site committee Intends drawn. I never saw such rich looking and attrac- C. E. CrVws .tes., at the ai I set of Childress, It or th stsdclttlon thst be msy see bis wsy or .that it shall na vine Biueo ii in cimbro oí eeaunr to mis city ror a second mspec The embassy bad some time ago' been tive land anywhere else, and ir don't 8 baldón the secretary of Hete, i. uon oi properties srauaDie ror tbe pro Officially informed that tbe port, of Smyrna cure a good chunk or it on my return rrom Clear td. resepoini Mr. Waadell. ss such B. wm the customs collector posed 'home responsible mere nan tun tvimm. it will ba heeausa I don't return an act. would be unsntniously spproved by placed in the Pítente first It for tbo ontt Was closed alike to warships and my plsns are to return td Mr; and Mrs. J. C. Burru of Atlsnts, Oa., be appointed .ta tMpot-o- Juarez, by jFrin-cIk- o mtstlo Views' of tb local members of the vessels. Tbe ambassador therefore re .IWs.wsy, but are at tbe Hotel zelger.. Mr. Hurrus re ibe estile en of the southwest. 'I 'Wa4jn' too' capture' of tM Kl raso asa eo moro.ui um counu-- centiy a lsrge oil at?r order, .for, they know tbe splendid climatic qnesiea uapisw .mcaer to wuuraw ana has Impressed me, so faverably." ti, constructed cotton seed power nna so, tbo tnlH at rhoenlx, of those conoiuons wjHcn ei raso p orrer and be, of course, did proceeding to an.,' John Holland, a cattleman, of . Alpine. belle va. tbdv eotneslHeé would bare to'Tiesl- I stand of Chios. J F. Nevarro, aceompanted by Ut. Mr. and Mrs. William LangMin aro at the Texas,, wis tn ei rasa yesterday en route to put tato a lonr while before orertooklnsr 'tbta Owing to tita excitement and difficulty child, are guest at Hotel Mc Hotel Zelger from Ban Lut Obispo, csL to Ms home from Dcmtntr. N. M.. Where interests city. i" or comrmiBieeting wttn CMsianttnapH, no Cy. "T . ba pwreMMd a large herd of eattte from (fame lor Dmlr Habit Dr, Homan, and Dr. Miller, wbo made the runner advices nave yet been received, VAlH)ELI Jaft&RfiH. Bd Pride,-- and alsottbe Pride ratten near a mortaaae upon trip to fteftver to apsatr before ,tbe en. tnstruetiona bad already been sent to the Mrs. H. B. "Ware. of'Houston. Tax., la at Demtftg, where be wttt .winMr and, reed we norte. daUte - T' mitten 4 the tntereit of. El Paso, nave not ambiiiintor. We ara atili ..awstttegr tM raaavaei Haisass'. Astettattáñ Pavor Heap- the trt. ,, X every reported to local" wUl reply to patntment Bert, - j f of yet, m order. those tnstraettona.' el Worth Ms. m head . W are ta Mróa( wbensWOj (o ttif smhtiintor's 'Vnillam City, ek rwl Ther the- - povernor genera) of Dr. rirpé,' ofNsw York W. or Worth, chslrman Uve OHRINK a You have nothing fact , tbat ft. Wtddsll Tort trial. these physicians tbln kblftbly or fee Smyrna offered, to ta lie.captain Decker, spent yestsrdsy M tbe Paso del Norte,, and 6T the stats livestock' sanitary commit- - livestock which va- e every i gsm, yenr dm nu inmg ror cbaaeei El, Paso has or sécurlng the borne, or tne Tennessee, by to tee ston, has many friends among the cattle Jy peXof WW to.r As rfsiss money wilL-,b- .refunded; autemoMie ir after triol which means tbe expenditure or more than American consulate at smrnaorflclsls here men or soutn sad west Teiat, wno, wouia Phoenu. Arts.,, nev. run Totí rail to results from ORRINE. 7, B. Ollchrist, a mmlng man .or passes through ret a wlllkm dollars, local tbo , Fierro, Ilka see' htm appointed by Oovertver-ate- grown oHrlobe the Tlila .in rsct. members declared. Indicated clearly friendliness to from offer sire the wives and mother or .the arder don't hesitate to jay or the The a n. m.. it it tne raso oei norte. Ferguson to tbe ostrich near tMa city, have been sold or to an oppor that Turkish officials, right of aueeeed himself in farm those woo drink excess tbe buildinc of tfce. home w&i mean belligerent tn to. be so creditably filled. to University or Arisen at Tucson, try ORjRINE tbe mine its ports and ex. ortlce ha tha El Paso. tunlty to the treatment. It expenditure or double tbat amount. lude 'merchantmen "as weH as war- . Theodore W. Csrtf Is registtfed at the The Cattle' Stockyards ela- and will ba added to th livestock collec la a very imple ireatment, given neutral Raisers'' eaa be . iNí.If -- ti ..W ..W ..N ..N ..K ships recognised In. Paso- del Norte from Silm' City, N, M. at a held their headejuirto tion or that Institution. - Jn the, home or - is international law. tion meetinc it Everv cattle- without. publicity or loit The eonsensus or .opinion is tbat the and tbe only ground on whleh tbe subject Hme from bnsines, and at a imall nrlce. home will be great boon to El Paso ana probably t. J. White, representing the 'White ORMNK In No, me iocsi oraer is exerunr us nest errorts will be further discussed will be company Dalles, Hotel . Js prepared two' forms! I, to elicit from the Ottoman government at it at the man who is alive secret a powaer; no. to secure Its location In this cliv. Sbeldofu lrestment, ohmne s. Mayor C, A. some gnarantees respecting tn pill fanny E.. Kelly and A. Howard wcr definite the desire to take Dions oí ae, moose safety or Amerteans and tbetr so REGULATE YOUR BOWELS AND STOP inter- voluntary .treatment, only 11.00 iua rueais last msM .interests CapklnV, to his own Costs a and each spoke efltmisissilcally of the pro tbat it will not be necessary for American It. Lewis and Lieutenants Wal. box.' .Come Inland, talk .over the matter with position as did a number of bo members oi warships to visit. Turklth ports. trr Kennedy, Tom Wood and Walter , AK for booklet. Ketiy U pollard, the order. Enthusiasm' reigned and an en' "Vtneey, or Columbus, N. H- - were here to ests and who is b. - Secretary Daniels tenay. mag, joyaeie evening- was spent. Eighteen new announced tbat and were .eneMon .Hotel order .to Ten attend tbe horse show yesterday HEADACHES, COLDS, SOUR. STOMACH membcri were Initiated loto' the order at bit the commanders of the or Hotel the nweilnr. " nessee and North, Carolina, suspending the cur its Sheldon, in El Paso on navy reguisMooe wnion ormnattty rue potts, lsoks oeeo rem poultry strew them wide discretion, would be in effect i. W. Abtnn and F."M. butlnest - - men or Drmlng, IT, M,, are at the Hotel MondavMovent- Prospects are . kokhwr- brighter and only until tbe present incident was Cascareis make you feel bully: tbey lm the bowtls. A Catcaret .tonight straightens brighter for the forthcoming nthtwMen or Tomorrow be' will, resetnd that Sheldon. mediately cleanse and swMten tbe itonv yott out by morning a box from tbe El Paso Poultry association te be betd order and give tbe cap Una or tbe two sch, remove tbe sour, undigested and fr? any druggist keeps your Stomaost regulated, 23, should A. Devine, manager or tbo Sonora News bér Buy ITróm ffovember declared Dr. A. L. Foote American warships the same latitude they J, mentmg food and roul gatett tike Hie ex- Head cltsr and Liver and Mwets In fins yesterday. nan previously enjoyen ana tpe ves! t may company at Mexico City, is at the Sheldon. cess bit from the liver and carry off tM conditions for month. Den't rorget tbe make it a point . Dr. Fqote. wbo Is one of tbe leadin; not. remain In Turkish waters, censttpsted waste matter and poison from CMMren. terrltorsl but ,11. B. Hamilton, district attorney at puuijry lancicrs Ol loe cuy ana. CSUBty. stsy a day's Mil .to) some win within hair N, M., Ss Sheldon. Mys tbat since tbe association deeided of tbe Islands now beloor teg" to Oreeee, ' at the. Hotel to be present at Thursday evening to extend tbe date In Hesscln Bey, Chars or, tbe Turkey H Belcn, is wnicn birds may be entered mu itovenv Issued a statement ntproialnr ii, Rose, rtnebmaa ef Tens, rritl. at Hotel the City Hall at YOUNG ber is, that tbe number of birds to be t-- ftnatten over the government's advtees from tbe Orndorff. blbited in the vsrtou c)ms will be mneli Mr. Morrenibau, Mrjt. New York isrger nn was at nrsl expected, - The most raUHona Mr. and W. C. Nomh, of 2:00 p. m. to at cordial have always City, spent at; Ornflorff, and "We re gotog, te neve the eahtferl existed between tbe two gov an yasterdsyi the, arum la." be leave today for' ccctmned. Dr. Poole, "te quarters eeni saM.r "And l( Is I be desire or botfe the lm Aes, tend the special located Ht He Davis buildtnr. at Ivea. Ottoman government pre lj.MBf pea ' and the tbat Mrs. D. or SM Texas street and we want evervfcMv sisMi relstions' always Mr. and R. Kettefr, liocbester. Axici jÉ3ixy shall be mamtetoed K. Y,, are at the Hotel ASCAKETS vou sleep. in El Paso to. visit our exhibition, which "i, snail tase mis oppertttnity to mpudU Orndorff. work while meetina or the win eermmiy a wtBt to any Mt ar at cerutn sistémente wbteh have recently pMIhm Lordtburj-- , rt, M appeared In press B. of it at, the tbe tnilmiiHnr. thnt Hotel Sbeldoat mHtWilttjllllllllllllllllllllH G3 Citv Council Intentional, KsnvMani mm m bm. rttaroua and sansorsMp on th kl Ms baate to eatcb a train Dangles part of the Ottoman anthenues was the Mr. and Mrs, H. . Kerfoot or Los An catted, from eaawe' the delay in Um sage tetes, Cal., ar at Sheldon. the Wór El - of each of the tbe Less far Paa MyeraPday'. Cpnwl oen- for arm Mfaet e. Musauti cahlifrsma between Tnrkny and the UMted iwt.a nnckat&naa: ftoos, manager Piiryear, nmtJmtr Hjm tn M tat ms mom in a States. This it not so. Canaorshto un- H. S for. Earl purpose of di- BsMftsj'heW. Mr. Musauls SNmHS M. doubtedly exists in Turkey at the, present, bsntamwelant champion 'or tbe world, ar- loan after was jú yesterday and la at the be aboard the train ror usm, m aoes in , rived from Bonrer ii nw sonnirtes wita ,;is' TT whom Turkey at tbe prsiMt time Is at Hotel BMldon. As a result of hit visit ar. UBS"; y-V- scussing the ' ' war, and through whleh the may be made to bring in 1 warded to , . msisnes hart dáv stockyards ques- sew; la.a aea present M MM hnlel nsn te Ssai hence the delays. M prenf of this bad ftmnd the snoney and ra- - I may' mintlon tbtt tbla tmbaisy has bm nnm n m mum. raettvsa a amgw caMegram rar nearty a tion. I bare no orrtciti in forms aven BIG EATERS GET war ia Kidfuys Should Hot laMletenee of belwaen Turkey Pftxer Piano PKXE UP rfi THE ' KIDKY TROUBLE Re . If tWÁel was for seven, years the only Cattle HOTEL LOMNES h - tm meat bwaeiiant orpaM aHmtnil;jymyer Pno on market 1 at To a f Satis bsfer brMklast H ' Matt Ma Meaie--i' 'tlsap M, K. ImU .a nattt dentar f Kan - teM Raisers9 aM and wast if ctty, i Msf Bok hurts r Btadder eeily player keeX aMan and aMIrn m they asay tsMan par bsMsr red. If'tke XfteNo is new the Mane Mvem tft tha piano Ma paMSNsaast wdisss 'Btatter wnmit BM MM tJtesnJly kor Tnpf women muat Stockyards 'WfJll, tMmUátBT from &iffA wHmW JSMttlM man and Mas, where M boaght twaoty.fohr aor. Me' pMsilMliy aratnst Kidney uwskoa, (Apollo only Its war-- mm af MaibHy. tf í. MWBM Mt too rnnek and Mt oor Mod IÍ site is the player with a me Mtrt MM of eatlki fMst) Me C. rvwe ran. tno arvejas, matt amtmait. and bare' biabas) I MBkMnar Mt átala, one naif to la jSMl Oar Mood Is filled with vrse aoM .bkt. automatically wind d rowmds roll Association and miBiiskin, fcya ilaiiit eerMM' mm Maiqttr MaatyisM. Mat on laatf to th st wMM Ma IMMtys str)f to flltor met. Maf wOWMrtpodstHegt, t DíÉa(aPp 'AapSatA m i "libia n overwork, become meMb; fl PafR99t6 fwistMat of BM kMnngi. to rMnsWo hswñaVi ' cwg a m 9.oom No 6 Ms fMMBotlr tissues- mm If MMr titers will mlaiit that this as'l tnnaMrMi tanijfetnttdb mmedtod'la- - X BMBBW ma a eoriip 'mv wntpMttMM CoLr wbsra B"00ir swawr wvao , ím 4o- ' Ui keao MM eaiwsttion, paMM aMtrm m aeona, , f.o )- t Hotel reel bin, tamp Sheldon Udawya aManf sthMgy batahyittaM rapua.tss ''wwan'your kidneys of aMhi jpajti yfr. back hort og p.mMpa is If ean accent the mesedly.nrrte or emR OfTICMMk Warners jaaq snMlf .umr Xamedy Mr. MorMBor a aw and of sodtatont or 304 .M 1V JhMjaMMMMjfMajMI ajal almiar, al ad m aktuu only th aeaempanlment, aad la naw Mt ar .laapnilttM oNsrMg n iwkwitr, f4yi aav ,MMy; whtelt, lmtPMn?iS. M so "relief two or throe tssao key. Theaaaa D. hvtm, frooialoot hT b0bjbb the'MpM; if you suffer wh task jtmdarts MshaiMiaV Ms Ms Ufa asiaarsbts. yiataroMr arsar Mnf félBBl F. Hetnc. Viea Ppmv anannr nassajMBrt, WmITi asmop. BOMHB .n or Maay, Bonona MM Sttssich, or OterlM .Brans' and anilhrnw. ilwamattam when Ma If. Uieee thkife arc facts,', ifceL is net the' as y0) bsv wMr V. An ail a, gowatary. jm MM?7nMMhniajM amtnttV IB WMdr City Mat, 11 lrow jtrnr An sol nt UM wnrtlttr.of onl)MtsootT TWtty mtn. two ano mo oy lMaWs4eVafoVtB9 L. Tswsym. ltr m astas jamao of Jed Bstui WkM Wwwv W4t1ÉlW wst ' (vwO Wtfmwm W. imd cWfiWera ta A MfV t Atott, WiáM franBkMMBwi MTnhhMMti rtetw M ta a sisas of waasr BMMs, ptra no an oaportttatty to prove H. sMlena, Ark, str. asaeMajar aays Mai was row abajra and yotar aaaBOf wtv ' be - w a nam sop ay jaiaiiaaiiarj TsraTr rasa an rank, tat aiwua tahaai a IMS. thta rimaos aaMSt rroM v ar Mid M grapas Bd mm) jbbm, oanBMOdSi BeWICTOM ynara aTaMa BaM Btñsar of a M flfcitMn. brakar Ii apofaaenag .1 artrmatrITfft ad ManaakslifiBMsC' , rMs.RjW rnati sir. asui nanioran mrouon Music Store rXMMM oaM as Me Dunn's PaM vaMay lainilng as M M ant i tha mMo Mr UaMay M lower- II ia aad of bis rsi W, K. ,, of tMa MaMn soldi aJi so M bo bMff u so rea or vttMMja, Kraft J. VJtMro U iiaprinioaa ha 'ui - U at rant uile that I . Mwa pasead Shsoa iMvlaj laws .saqma- naannar. oasovaara. 4M M. L, Bbwbbbb MMwhad Hall érndgtsf m put, and Mnu r.hta 1 ism si aaw Mai ta ottiow cr uia sod boms m aMMsati rannit MMP. ufssMM J.aKoborto kl rase v alte rhfaB I saw chliixu.l Is to mako itatiaaafnl agfarvMCMt qaaram Joaa ttayoo Te saiiitita if cm Ma riabMl St, took H foil btsMoge, aad batoata as svery bmao, Bo- Odolt wHtt sm A, U atorr, J, J4 Vvseri raU.Aaawd it m bod MiiataS or apoeiad W fenas aobooy can make s aaieiafca by kSWMf MO MM M tM ai.y -- , a oood htdnsy eoaMng say Maa, 'ytiti''-- it:

jusi amvBD m m ruu anamer idWLUMU ot nnmernures ame ruusyr The European War has nft.frflfeti sate of these high grade polishes in the H Pasd iñácet During the past year the equivalen t of over four fuU eamads of Whittemore'e Shoe Polishes has arrired 1or the El

These enormous shipments iitelv Drove that the iieonle of B Pa aimrecit the merits O 9

Refinement and Culture ? 1 J7JX.V aré reflected in well Ml JSIioe PoUsties cleaned and well poll meet every requirement fori IbsbssssSWbS cleaning and polishing sh'tfii ished shoes. (If ' all kihdsxand colors.. 25bSbs a! 401 separatéÁBTCkffges-tont- e 3i

, 1, ll

' 'Qa ', ' 'sw",C S ento r 81 25 Cents 25 Cent Cento i0 Cento , , , iP md Pen ta ,l'.aAl.aB Cento r r Ask youi dealer-fo- Wlift&tiftÓvtS'ji' Sia&&BMlXim w..tsil'y mmmmmmmmmmmmm&mmíLmlJltlT- - .wW!Sfc?WBBasWri Mlchsel DemltroTttch .Tchellslictr, tba man was orrerad to the government, but the year. At Hie same time there was 'boom similar campaign to- remove tbe licenses directly ffaponstble orí ru isa end ÍV3 voveiMfteaxYDroinDtly nrfand It. la, (he. safe .or meátg, groeerlecclothlnr; from privileged restaurants and clubaWaa PfiOHIBITION i ! HEAL ttiissla's Tice, tbo vodka haWt.' , Atu ibenidawwid upon 'tbatnhe nus dry goods ;nd bouse furnishings. successful isna. strong' liquor Is no leager Itho(ild tx said In tba 'VesiBntar that elan bureaucracy did not want tee people "Tbe thirty million ruble's a day that bid available anywhere to Russia. tba Vord prohibition In Ruasta must bo to become ober, for the reason that it was boen psid for Vodka were now being spent "The second nnonth of abstensnce made, autocratlcsHrj a mob tsfcan literally. It mea.' tits vast popu easier toJrulo drunken ror the, necessities or .lire.- Tbe average the manifold advantage so clear to every I IN RUSSIA - people. , jfad I EXISTS laston Who consumed II.OOOMoo worth or tbsa- a 'aaher worklng oays increased from three sod four body tnatiwben we called upon his majesty Tre ieeds vodka a year i woosa orataaay condition 'Thisvwca seven yeswago. tater .I was days to sit? the numerous", holidays or the to thank bim ror.hlsvrecent orders, he nas been deicrlbediby Itmstaaa themselves elected ' mayor of .Samara, capital of tbo drlnker.'ere eliminated, ,Tee working day promised that "taelvodke business of the CAN Volga a NAT ONE BitW OV 8TRífeBmNK as ranginr rrom al slight dígase or stlm, dUtrlet, a district wllth over dust also became longer and the "efficiency or government would-- be given up fereverj" is a mllUon to BE MTAIÑSB FROM NE END OF Wlan'tupward, lfRait In otw of Inhabitants. Snbseouent the .Wbrker perhaps doubted?' women and tlr rrom holding offlcd I wss elected to truj gram Buy clirejet cotOJ7iy.a,d'rteVerraKR. day a drunken Inertness to sobriety. this children who vero seldom without marks to the Grand Dttke ConstsnUnO, your tree and nave the agent's coéunisMM-Fav- Since the and or vodka duma on an pistrorm, in ma violence "There now only tó else manufacture sale showing the pbyslesl or tbe hus- remslns fiad 1 Is a government monopoly laJRussia: it is duma I proposed a bill permitting the In- band and ralher, suddenly found, themselves where tbe revenue which up to tne present 28 years liave sold trees and seeds by catalogue. swef , any to local cIy JWa GrMt.Befena WH ccwaplWed by not a dimeuit thias; to enroMairpbibition, habitants or town close "the In an undreamed psrsdlse TnerVswere no time has been coMrnsHed by vodks. There can, thernfore,. make you low From this day tlrfs step was taken, drunk' vodka snaps and providing 'also that every blows, jao Insults and no wugh1 1 realmeM. has' been lntrodue4 to the duiae a bin f .rice and deliver HrstdsitoitrMst pois- - enness vanished in" Rutsis. 4The results are hastie of vodka should bear 'the word There Twas bread on the; table, milk for the ferlng a solution of .this quesalon.- we nd plBflts,.we41rsK3td.,aouRd 1. 0B.By, iw on' passed the duma and went to tsev nd 'healthy; stock tliat vnliWa Been ii unce in iw, iieHatryiaweaay iney ThllMU babies and. a tire in alienee), aim tola bill is not .the creavtas'ef new are begtnnlsv to' look llko a different rsce. the imperial council, wnere it was amena "I desired to siete" tbis occasion ror a taxesi or an Increase'- to toe prpiant, taaea, your sKate istsoaion. and planto; (not , ed and finally seeds), Vptty y Sjxrial Wire to TAe Timet Tbo marks or suffering-- tfae pinched looks tabled. presa, campaign so far as Ms is a possible out wi ciiun lo.rcoaer uie "I then begged an audience or Emperor thing In Russia. I organised delegations mains, and possessions more productive.' an irwgni cisarges to your nearest railroad station, JPetrorrtd. H Tbeta li prohibition of Illness and Improper nourishment have provided No. (rone rrom races., sre Nicholas. Me received me with great kind- to present petitions to tbe proper antborl. In Ruwte todiy, problbltloa wblcb metns their Their etathes Crimes, your araounto.. to, 0.00 and both ness in his ess tie in the not far Has for ,the "prolonging ot tfcll ew so. otawlor.sucii or more. My seed is ' cleaner,, the tyen and women name, Mat not drop or vodka, wbUky, brmay from the scene of .the recent Turkish bom' briery or' the duration 'of the'' war.-- This Your business and addreecto.the all ie neatly and better dressed. The "Who and what Are Tou Looking Fori" fresl and tested before it "out All farro ssm ire'-- ; Ctn or toy pteer, liquor Is obtttntbla desHtulo or the bornea or the barúment. He' atoned to me patiently. He stsfi' round ravor with hs majesty and .'sq, or itrom' character Impressed my most column The Times will help you to strictly aecording lti. one to In territory poor-ha- been replaced with sometMftt like wss wits: recital that arder wat tsstted to mat effect. Anether secure more Business.- rnoae soeo to the.lkvrsthsíStte of Nebraska (rem ead the, other t or the revolutionary and social excesses usotK il satavai populated tM,oi people, anil covering order Ttna thrift, in retrorrsd asd Mos by j0 cow the errect or these improved aaaditions were committed by drunksrds and that ho or tbo babliible rlobe, Is fairly startling. Things are so deferent Sveaborg, Xrenstsdt and Sebastopol navy Tba atdry or bow atroa drink ha been today (suit unattended women may bow pass revolta and the, Petrograd and other mutin- Htere are some of ray prices. Cam you ous military moves were all made by vodks. beatit&efs&rtrVili utterly binlabed from tba nuaalan empire at nlgfet through portions or tltéae cities wrss rorroerly dangerous ror Ilavtog heard see aw, bis majeaty prom- wm to Aiaoelated rreaa where It eren related the by men. Minor crimes and Msdemeaaors bsvq ised st oneato apeak to his minister or r eanaertuag the 'ptomdihoq .or voa i i almost rsnunou. Wince APPXJK, 8 feet, 1 year from araft.r ' jI'J This has been virtually accom ka, - nr xvv.j able to get a APPLX, S feet, -- pltshed by one man. He Is Mlcfisel P. "Disappointed at not being l or 1'mr ro r TcbelisBerr. a peasant by birth, orlrfnally government bill abolishing this evil, I bsd All eommerelal varieties eicept Delicious,' which 'aV'e abandoned my sest In the duma. was Jo hlrte. a house painter hy prorekMon. then majw it , evident that tbe bureaucracy bad been able irosa bud. ', v. . .V'. . . , Rheumatism of the city or Samara, and now aL million. .. . ,$ia e at aire, Physically, he Is a giant, 'standing to obstruct the measure, Minister or Fi- nance Kokovsorr a dangerous over six fdet four Ineses and or powerful considered it All varieties, exeapt Aaíes anV arV RMMrkabt Home Cura Glrra ay 9m Wba build. Although he Is H years old, he looks innovation, depriving tbe government fit ísitiewích Had M Ha Waats Eiery Huttarar U BeactlL i,ouu,ooo,ooo any ÍhcÍ,' much younger. His movements display the roubles yearly wnnout CHJERRÍa,y.; íeei, 1 f method of replacing this revenue, yer W. . .$x?.a: N Maaay Vaur energy or youth, his eyes are snlnavsd sed i?! Cb4 Juat Mini. "While I lobbied In roirograd tbe em- - 'e or RaUary Ms black hair is not staged by grsf, OWCXXIpaV íaat, 3 year a. -- X Years awfol aairtrlor aad hace peror visited the Mnstry around and saw trémM. i man. yra Speaking or 'he had sccompMshsd mrrrwry (atKbt ttt Uark H.Jaeko. at what the havoc or vodka, Ka then dismissed " mm SOS, ' ' atua. Mew York, bow terrlbta an eay ror the cause of aofcrlety In Itussta. Mr, mf to human Iwpplneia rbeumatluB la. TrhetKhetr Kokovsorr and appointed tha prestnt minis CÓKPAM CpKRRY-n,TjM- . v!. kava H a4 all tar- of tlosnce, M, Bark. Brown aod Van A .SISslW 1M ttrea 'bun sympathy wlta tafart wss In s small Russian v'lttaffá. j ft .' Mas who ara wftbla Us traap. He waats "I reared 'MetiUeatlon precipitated the JsarsuBor OOMPABS1 Í3KWWT-PIW- ? 'ieet,,..... í There were no schools or hospitals or aaa ''L arery rbeumatle vlatlm .to know bow ka , meas are. The grand, duke, remembering IWé Is KssaMy Ska Best ínsHrsva4 Will Brlng was eurad. Head be says: N 6r She Unprovemenlr-we- sre; accustoMtad to the .iü what tha .disorganisation due to drunkenness wtthstit Mrssyattoa. Try them. yeu ,m i in ciriuted communities. I picked up dMrtnr mobilisation tSW. the of ordered the a- tTS uoas or oio newspsoers and i T ptOM, -I ísst,Xyar sirsr BfaWhltton of. all drinks, except In dubs' SSOt-- . S-- ' frswa bsV One day I, Chanced upon a book by a i Y Sy. ; , '. ;m b4....;..,v, l)1 upon first esses restaurants. This order d f Jlk which treated the barmful rrfeet for one month or alcohol, among showed tba rtusslaa . AM vmriassaa jrMi-- .. Í2Z1 ' . it ststed other sfclssrs value or spite wn. vodka was poison. so authorities tha abstention. In .s that a I wss lot she general this, ef depression caused by tha TMXOK, j.i as year freast pressed with knowtng that everybody war; or toe Btj.,,,.'. Vodka, I the psralysis buahsessi closing drank that asked the first person totarnsptiost, or - PXÁOff, 4 S4st, 1 I' af factoría, aad the rail- yr fnm sas faga met tr the statement were true. He said people a. yes. Hen trame, the felt no privation. A kar a.áeinniat ttM drank It. be eiolslned. because Bsvtoga en W wtotiee. f momentarily It gsva a pleasant banks showed torrease In de. them aensa. e preceding feesx COWOORD 1 bto. lion of dlssmess. I to lake every twer and over of 0AP. jw t,,. t tMp decided 9nih or the preceding f)NE those j4 opportunity to learn mora about vodka. MOOJurf.MJiu: or hafm, Xrt.m, i. er "in the end the eKbtles there came 'beautiful,' yMÚr to dreamy' lBHh3iSHB!v NIAGARA mArm, l to 4s.,' raintoe Russia followed by agrarian trou. i i bles. I saw crowds oí pesiante demastd bit oí raconlight ientimcDt tct AtolSjSB' 4iiuhifnV mmuám rrom a local landlord ail the grasa asid to nastlodY foodstuffs in his granary. This pusatad that tt you driftinir mes I could not why lfS Mad rsiaa Uk FUUaa understand hastes down thm of Days Gone byj" ' gtoaassMuid. ri H fkr Uaktataf men were ) adulator M'wfcM seemed ka tsW Free a Tkfa)flh .Lk us a or issa Vas attacked by nignwsy roDoery. I at ta smsmI 4iani ;irtnr ma every man waa 1st BBB Muscular awi inHaaaaaatory hkaitaaaUam. I i wao ssawg part SM4 ient 0AtrlBt, fasssasis.'isas, aorrsrad as oty Umm wba haw U know, Incident was a drtahtac saaa, whll tSMSr .X. fur sSraa raara. I trisé rasoady aXW fsUow illsgers ho wera ahstsmloua had nMLrtfao . . í; . . v. . . v . r w .t v V.,,,',. raaaady.-asM-or ...sajtha doctor afasr totar; Wt sack surncient provisions ta thasr own hoiass. . WlAtja tvuar ' racat'ad was aaly iajaMrary. Thus 1 obtervtd tha ladwttrtai m fcwai Mm taasW jsaa. & Miaaitr, 1 rasway saa affecta ot tfrn roastd a, Cat caM vodka drinking. Vast Aiatysss), wis sstssM cbusitry-wvaW-- U kdaT Mttsraad. 1 hmmkm ' aaaaassla. 4 scaf asura i W saere Uaa '-- - kava aSMai It ta a aaiskir wksi war terrt ai iKMd than Piles ttosss Bjsm a ssrsw sjes asi sBbBI, i wj 4,, , M. si rely dUapprova w , My armetad rabaHastsi wtia i, ot yiidaai At this HÍJ qBk. l atad U rfarsaa a aw ñ avary rasa, i wss an atoeftaasi, ssm many m loa te k . " MkBsVsv AIMMa y- -. -- nwas .nay u living to say MUMS I want r snaiir luna ants hee; ware orfctmr W jTk a)iuaMBg rise strait esmera Uiaato bswaa rkiuaaiair wwsMa St try tkta asanrrlnas saan. Ost sight a ianahia"fathr to oaw i I kaahat pawar. Basrt saa4 a aaasi aliaajbf say aafsas.a rhsj sjbsím atss Wkk Usss t of hauaea Msiad ksta, wtN-- This yuwr aaaaa sddrasa aaal 1 toe, 'hi Btr Iswsjs.'vssl s)BassB fia aaail and wtl avsatt a tawtlsls Mtnsl Becst aikMpsM. I jSassf, aar ría mtaá-- fraa a w. atar saM aaaa aaMt BMe sisaa Hmtxwkm aa ssMia; fat tlst as saa wet I nidal aa ftoM vodka wish ast H as u sai swwaw naau i aa. saw eW 1;, I Is alad tar aaaasw af aaitsr Jraswvtfci jiasi Kj tígBl yMH gaas. yaw SSSVT. and tfc prfea W tl," asts kS' tha apMÍSJtoJ SBil SiialaMaMSnflM dUf asst. jBllsatsal. 1 da aa waajyasw was aasUssy itwasMsa. I IJsMlUiGQt pool : asaay aaáaas áiaja aw pasfaassp aaawatad fei Meferk tasad a rewNaa. rsvatvad froaa Its o. JeHHB'fi. ubSck ft OOMPANY aaaaxiliai to'tssv I than. hisraaVaiad s formal mat puai aalay wma suaay, hta) to tha atto aaaatetl provWtog that ths hrímcÜhaa iw ÑaHEllA atty sassa eg bVM UfljlL 0ttrajajr kUdf. atva thla taoasy to tha iraas. " as Jha saasa Uaaa thai tea aVAail 35 JltaKaassatls fea hUl MWSM wttasaad. This n!SM Sceftee, AllUii Bfiforf nn4 Sirw-- e the Auto Indu.try in tH Great Southwe Bcam .0 the Lower Pfctare Waa Takaa in 1912. thr Uppr NoT.mb . , ", !l Hi wm ''"I i- - - ...... - i ...... r 1 BBBBsBjBVBjBBaWHMa

Testimony From a 1 Man Who Knows! mBs At the end of the Beer War, Central Viljoen, tha fawom BoeV tomnwndw, came to America to malta Km koina. Ha traveled all over this eountry from tka Atlantk to the Pacific, from Taxae to Canada, and locafccd'ki the valleys 'unoler the Elephant Butte project, because no other taction offered such rich toil. och an Weal year-roun- d cKrnste, and ettch a fine futura for farmers. General Vilfaeev has personally visited the famed Nile Valley many time and pnhaeiktiajiaiays that the eoU of the din, Mesilla and El Pato Valleys is richer an4;éVaafer than thé NUé lends. ..Here is testimony from a man "who I knows, whéhM i traveled far aiteVvritk and frhoaeor rcarmoT bateeeit"" Sam Wimilfi Vouch for That Valleys Cellars and M iMckW.ak epinfon by iáveiaW ,aWly eif ht mllaea in tke largett Irrl. gaUa.arejKtM-ylli- world the tée Elephant Butte Daw-- to irrigate tfteaat valley. I laia'VaammetK jam will be ready V Mealy a reliable water aupply to taste land! m year, tr I V 1 You Can't Your time Tas ' about araaetiur thla oDDortünitv. The men who cbmee here now will, by all odds, set I the baathoke,ef lani' and ,locatie,.,at pricaa far below' what uch landa, will eetwally

Hlght ISow i hese Lana Are Producing Wonderful Lrops - ef alfalfa, wheat,. eern, oata, etc Over 60,000 aerea are 'now irrigated by community ditches. F. H. Walter got 45 bushes of wheat per acre, Theo. Rouault made 80 I buahel of oata, J. Queaenberry netted $79.39 profit per acre by following barley with mile maize. l ' ' ' I Here, U a tectionyeiiehed. for byyoar own Government; a eéctlon akable aa ta Umate that eaperta agree it hat neteeial anywhere on artk And badklrig it all up ia I an aateciatien ef aubUcapjrited fattnaft and the El Paad Chamber ef Commerce He, protect your tnteráeta and to aMur'yeHa aquáre dealt Gat .full information new. ' I Jf ).. Get full facts now deri't ant it off.' Write; teday to the underaigned Jrifltlr' Ul for full ipfonnatioW that Kill open yeer .ejraa fo the greateat, aéundeat, timea, ' " I r farming oppertunltyef theae ( . ELErANT BUT1ÍC WATlíl UMCR5' ASSÓClAtWN, Laa Chteea, N, M. I EL PASO CHAM1ER QF COMMMCt, Elffaao, Texas. I saf'i M ft . .

y Á si. TIIRKFYi Thanksgiving Box Sale Three Days Only 100 TURKEYS GIVEN AWAY FREE SI oo Each and every box contains an araclé of fine jewelry valued from $1.00 to $15.00, lso ineMjdesNÍ-h- e '

One Diamond Ring, ValjaW at . - ; $50,00 :r; One Ladiea7 Solid Gdld Watch, VtliK it 30.UU - Oha Gents' Solid Gold Watch, ViW tt 35 00 v One UadW' Solid Gold Bracektjihwá it 20.00 other articles are Elgin Md.iVjMB Neilacés, Culí, Buttons, Scarf -- Pins, .BrooffigB ;he; v 4 " valilibleWticleB , x - s 'CharmsLadie1 Vanity Case, Chtii'aiidjaiaiy Other ;,. .

In one hundred of the Boxes, included vfitb Jewelry, are ticket fear a Turícey. Tib ia no gambling scheme-- ; we absolutely guarantee your . tmoijiey's worth or your dollar jetumetl H fmaie not satisfied with your priée will exobange it for other articles in stock; here is , A TURKESf Fm THANKSGIVING ANDvfilFT FOR X-M- AS 4 ' BjmBñ A--t aori exoedüUri4l.v low .price m

iZ GENEVA JEWELRY COMPANY4 9Jk Yu a.OO SkcH UW-iueAficQT- - iVi E jJ6yo " .ffiffrTlawH- ; K CUK- tíoikJS to Wow. AT office 9cC- - t . Z - v? V nPI

K "

do. . MHÍ v REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ilayflfld Bulldlnr ic Improvement 'to besa for tho past week as exceptionally mlftgili, lot 8, block ii, OOveramefit D.r Crujm, lot 7, biflck ,7,,, ta Palomas O. Owsley. Jot SI, Block ti Las Paloma MoImi tarn side Real Estate company' to B. Olbson, M.000 Lots 31 and 33, block " brisk.. Inquirí?, have been numerous and addition, 100. , , townslte, aeso. towaaite, fcse. Cha. A. Hlrsch, lot it and 13, Woe 7, V. Bowden, to M. nob-en- s 02, Btssett addition. July 87- - V. K. Mlrr. and E. W. Kayser to Pablo nufu trustee, 'It the demand strong, The following shows 7 La Palomas Towns! compaayle Pee, Oovernment Hill compear , to 7. Edward Golden Hill addition, H.OOO. M. Duran W nodolfa Duran. $1. R. MarUne. lot 7 and hair ore, block and W. M., Dinner, ,2M. Part of J. tiie conveyances proper- o, S tut or land In tlio Ysleta grant, begin- transfers and o( 0. Owsley, let 4. t aad bteek Nlx lota and e. .bloek ,l, Oevernisent "A," BassoK addition, (WO, ' ,M. Gabriel estate to jRomauldo 0alex, Iota to to, Campbell addition; acres '. block m, ning; at tho corner of Mrs. Lee's tract of ty handled by this firm during 'the past Palomas townstto, WW. Hill addition. tJ0. Dave Crockett to ReTUg4e Vaaqtiet, let 9 brick bouses, TOI Korth Seat beginning on west lino of oeboa 'street, Nov. i .week: Mountainside eomptay- to Are- 17, block. Tobln' 4th. addition, ato. " land. is. Real Estate ffaUons Packinr company to Felipe. 1. Fe street, KVWO. . Avbnro Une th Inter-se- Mor- Nations Packing company Felix Alon-z- Myrtll 14, I IS, IS 18, Anceima O. Salaur to Yourgskl, the north of alley Marcus A. Wuerschmtdt to nobert to Coblentr, lots oad Mock nas, lot and blecK't, Mlranor addi- Ell. Í. VMTalrsi-'reej- n 3 block. 9. WoocHawn1 addi- x I.. If. Sergeant to Mid west line. Nor. it. ton," 3oO. 3 acres or land at Ysleta, Texas. lot 3, block, t, Mlrarior addition, 1323. 7, Golden hill, 11,300, tion, feso. lots and t. tion, K.loo. briok, sos l)poa' avenue, areo.'4, nobln Oould to DM. Lawrence, Jr., Nor. is. Government mil company to Bitcnto Do- - Las Paloma Townstt company' to John Las Paloma Townstt coenpaay K Geo. (. j S3 St, block, at, Orandviotv IW00. ton and Juan Salida to Sllberlo Madrid, 2MU10 addition. Oct 31. acres or land In San Elitirlo grant, S. Bogel Joseph Coles, the Robert to till and and being part or surrey No. 37, Oct. 31, other considerations. Lots B to St, block 1019. 33, Hollywood Heights addition. Hoy. St, Á Charles Vallln and wife to P. L. Kempen. Tercio Juareii to Sllberlo Madrid, 117!. W or or San Kllzarld grant. .0 II, tM. Lot 19, block (I, Franklin Heights 7 acres land the Name on This survey 11, Is noy. List? being part or no. 37. Your addition. Oct 17. tio. East Paso Town Co.-t- n, D. niche?, Nicholas Madrid to Sllberlo Madrid, II. and C. V. Mills, H.01J.2J. Lots 3 to is, 3 acres or land, In tho town or San Elliarlo, block sos, E. El Paso, addition. Kor. 7, about of, a mila rroro tne Catholic Laura Lovctt to Paul DerrT tl&x 'Lots church. Aug. S3, 19)1. 01 Prominent Businet Meh and, Person ;qt&iuid and 7. block ill. Highland Park addition. Austin A Marr Report Good Bitsioesiu , BepU 30. The tlryi or Austin A Marr reports bust Judgment Who Own Homes or Lots in

'.. í Winner of Both Prizes 'l' M'AV

Paso-Phoen- MANHATTAN El ix San Diego-Phoen- ix HESIHfS Road Races fHe i?üace; ppi$tnai Indian Brings Out Many New Improvements for 19Í5

V '? Valuable Home Comforts C. NIBassett ClafiHorrie Adams t W. PHixen , Vví.ooléy " L,. j: GjlcKmí4 iV. h week we are showing aome exceptional bargain' that wlU'jnterest BIloretz N, This " '.A. Brown,. ahy proapectlv buyer, w H.WÍBroaddu; DTí White OAXiD MONDAY AND 8EE HIE IUHAXi VALUES - W.'lFoxwofti;: oBL TNeill ' Buohfias odd dressers in prlncessrand high baa oak eases, with good W.HlTuttle: "'i mirrors, only 910.00. - ' - HííRíi&Glintoclc J. E. Morgan Chirfonlere, with good Bin, only 910.00. J. J. Ormsliee thrue-plec- H- White oil am el o autte, dresser, bed and chirfonler, only 9M.0O Edw.?B. Holt1 0. tyÍE?alm , Walter - Scott Circassian walnut suite, dresser, chiffonier, dressing table and chair, Harvie ' RóbpHoíliday ? Harry "seo window," only 990.80. ' Crawford Walz Watty suite in mahogany, blrdsoye maple, quartered gum 'Aad' E. BúcKof ,, beautiful ' J. t Ja.CGaVfírd ?1 D. C. Sutton oak, at tho samo' attractive price. - ' (jt ' Geo, C lüiBáron j!fEr'Macon 'Chag. Davis Suites and Duafold Eed Dr., C. Px.' Biown The Indian Motorcycle for itis has sur- Mellon, .surfaces, 6SM square hscJtci, la Parlar Brown Dr.J. APíckett passed all its previous years In num- sW-ca- r Very valuable for tho home, und, w some at DE. the not opiy ample for or hv tándem moving every day. Ferguson ber or truly basic advances In construe" work, even on the hardest roads, but for winning price) that are them NLCarson s ttoc and design. Nine or these Innova, toreo passengers, tr necessary. Alt work I.Bfiyialker Á. Gallagher ticas stand bead and shoulders abovo tbo inr parts are protected rrom dust, Cheap aiMi Chain water, and, as tuo dry plato systawl'dIs Rck" general lino or progress, equal C. C. Stápliton M.r?.éarIock t X ; C. B. Wilson while twenty used, Inlcnbo heal or cold have bo effect In pattern and grades that show up to high srads good, and other lmprovemnis important changes upon the operation or ,tlw clutch. k large uro well made and have proven good satisfaction. ' A.Fullitií. MwonííPollard V W. W. Swartz and reflnementa unite tu carry Dm ban- roller bearlnr carries tho rrlctloa dtocs, Pictures, "Monday," half price. Thutl war fireproof cocking vessel, DfrV;íAv Smith Dr. H. ner or Indian superiority Ull further, up aad eight adjustable aprlnga rcgiiMe Mus "Monday," half price, ' Letord the peak or success, leasion. Uaby quilt pillows thla week all carta. Special - Carusso All the cngmeerlnr and free with dtoeeuat J.R. MSS Victor perfections which An addition to the tU ludían Modela, on all quilts thla weak. FHall.,R Coppbpk. the motorcycle world bss accredited to the which wiu b jaudi appreciated.' la Hmj H. P. Likes Indian havo been retained, .and to these Let us lurnlsh your home, ".Cash' or Term." We guaraht sattaf ac Indian aurter. Tbt Is f, the nuadiM.M( X I. boen a sewp 01 tion Now exchanged for old. FranciÍABKStiiat Mr.. WrS. McMath H. Ferguson hit added characteristic puiion iype ana. is .anafiie yut pMffiM. V sound, new mechanical developments, auch Down preuuro on Ik root lever bring ;;;Mrs.L.H.BarkIey as Is always expected or Indian kktH and Um qusdrant bi(o )cmeni wMrg Mi 1. ingenuity. pinion on the clutch wd, turns ,ta anoawr Mrs. LJAvkMt - Geo. E. Cairns Indian leadership never greater has had Utre or tour Uinaa to each stroma. Mis -- hVwJmo -- Foutz & P. W. W. exeoplirication Its IMS - - Zinkler Acknw than la. HfoJk Clutch ibelnv (mnnul In nhtun J. G.MfSr sever achieved so surely aad so ruHy; Md rutl cranking; effect. The ' rheoe 1166. ,11'X. Stanton m, F. MiUmiiim - Mrs. M, sever, ror all past, moro ilariln Clark lu rvwarkaMe ine inoior can do aoa packing Mr deeply pqalUMi tito preaMer without - JuitMtd Its u th rear wheel. , L W. Btaebtfto or Ha HoW kind. A aoaw time baa a new magneto,, tie Dialer make ,.R. May S. W. Hatchar for thara be desire on years I. acer rtdera (or a Ugbtwlbt' machlao this litaians. It at :O.H:.TiaópfMw M. To twa original in .deatcn, not eriy a vartoiam A. TfWfNSMI veoa4atr meet or old ideas, I epeelst feK rings, metal cow ' tnind the maqutoctUfm at ihu Milan A. R. , tuvo tfevelopea a, HM-w4f- rings and lagvuloua Joints make Um HHman mechanism watur, model or which is 73 dust aaa oliproor. This mmmmamam H. G; J, A.Vrttrit Mrs. C. L. Ford aunaa iigWer mm l twuu magneto Is or Vb true or rMUr it typo Is q jm Mri. M. 1 axpected t6M twa wacljtae will prqvo aM coustrucuu such E. Ayras wtnaaHy UrMvi ,t Hwie who want a a laaascr aU part or tho tnttruaMM Threfourths of the lagM HMtercyeta fwr Hr vm. or whd au- are rely. aceaaaUito or inspecUoo. la Mm. wvltU M the twia. to Meet um 0YiHd prefvrencei as to injf ra a i us us or uh Mata, feamrcs or una model ciuica operation, M inans this year build la Uw MMar etMaaruciloa. AU um btar. bavo a oual tatoncMar clutch control, around Paso, THJ6 LIST JPtAKS FOR IT toft ami eatjs aaaotunlmi are MeMicaily which allows tho rl4er Ua choice of u4 El is Uild Mw same ta a am la lite laravr or fool operation. Tito clutch oparauoa; lWl mti homi m ManhaUa. Hoightf, mm. pe UM ttn. A sgisfaaaiy jetsasaed FoUarbeartua' Uakat Iwa also been tUmmrted. cut off. "T r"v yf''-. sbw JMCl htKii ta va, akat. aaaWy Uíhm vare or Wbai the Hende Maaañiamriat xoau TÍn aTlnT Tallisto torl lirinn ;UaiptMMtjl ta powsr law Plus pauy ceiulders oa of Um. mttot Iba atralaa aatat liBiirovemcBt la It tajMUTsclMIMMT. of Um ,TW know tW .H iiiMihst i Tae tatriiiiag aw af Um kMaarcMM ror was fe. 1i JH vWW raclllilea toatollaato year- - Logan Heights tiiy tbe uua of 0 maw aid-th- t Wrwy hmhr r .Mr am rpwittrcaat vuo ui me luysi rounuss Httolllta; iW látar on dMqr .:tto'WfcaW at big jiitw i TllttW lta Md to w aaw aaairturo lav taeier leboratories in the vattod tftotci. Her ocm praiKioa ,Sm akM aM awar. TMs lb (uaterlwa used Id tinMur larftaa uw. is a hiah ekms, de JjHOT. fv WM D a PI I SO TfW ap fffJpaaHaaATpRaaT,l10a WP1 parwtu r rwtfjh hi- - ' IBil WPla WhV of cycles are subjected' to Mm MUM urU rtaatlmis ajaMawaM. wtit 9t Um lesta that caa be tmutMi both berbra mm sirable restricted HP ia ttM UoutMMMag. t watt tojtWttfp m i3KT IVUIC j aoa C um addition in the Ui aamw aaatM grades Tier Ity Mm njuiC im MMBurscture. wiMa braaaoMSJI Twa In pum vt vánova nMWtoi ' is ottmm Club dia mmr aminiiiaji lua rattoa b select, by eUMUMUoa. Iltoae which ar Couritro district and heated of 10 to t, to 'I, m4 I to I, Uui yanuH, beat aiMtod rw ta atfátoa tbey will bv to ua4f. la arvto. A) laaportoat cm squarelg across the onlv outlet for Trnla a V cMUtoM. awvka msi tiatwat chtatoa MMbtd a mutt riba imm j . TV. k é r 1 m all aaeawia auM D l. ta to t ah is of oar . ' WcSi From U ameaWs, Haw me per Per for m atoai, It was ftw4 toat aaVav cap. rnce f40é'to f700 a I tail lot ntod at tmmmim'1mM kM,a aa Mr akiainrl to aawaaMi MM BMBm io lica ttalaaj ikto U art' a atoat. rr totoini, mtt fork IIWÜ 0il' XfV M at mm aat 4 MM to hm carota MkySm-mt- la Mm toiaiafntofahll or IMi esaaH. U ta of aatsm heavy ueaalructkui Miawrs or ladiafw wltt. Logan Heights Inv. Co. aatd aU to aMMIaaj Ü alMR taa kaavtoa auad ll to auay wsrhaalaaltorr.toa- - - T9T MmmMce C. ajtok at wan war ka callad b.riv at. Ma urac tt fm Mié. Otw LEAVER Sole Ag la to. tk Mg mm t4 u( Ma 4Wr, TiingsYou mill be Interested to Read About NCPS NEWEST What the Expert! Find m Their Studies of J&tffwént Artidet of Di iiniimiw I i w M.ot Imtmm, .Mataran tliu'.wa DISC T re Amiv mwr raw, www. was. MMM fty. UM scientist that AtU&wVia b hats HiiKtirf in ri iaelngty Mm,prW startBanthm could b seourad ..... -t-tórf.lhk rr .73-- . kh" rt - Mht Mt tojpto' ;'lÉáii in 'MMMt-MiHk- . .tattm aérase' r ii W hriawa paga k. WWn ífVptaa- 1 - - 4 )Mt H MMW m W U im.Xi WTlBkm- T- vÍM .tulU a WNrwtMtUf , a " - a. iéIiiIIi' í fnV iaw)ini.Jija tMHw. that m4 "s. i" .. I 1","T""Ta::::al"'l'",' Mr fv ty W. Mawitit start. JHH fcan Vas' áéd kaWwérti; "' HW aWare Patead Wtojfa4yjff Q'esJen JaneW'nrj. MtoiWlln fir": i IHgssW.n, J5 Ovar ? IMA JM-- ylrti 'j I . . - . 'iÍTx- - KlouMim tkMud m utbj. Jim., rector of th IialiaK WiwmH w'a iidHiMMMltrl ÍÍPSBSFÍS4.- 'KM 'iiVoüHPr A bMtcrn. riHÉiaa ai uwnui Taia ' wónlK'' V" J1L- 1 v to tlMJMiimi )MtV MTMC mmm Tro rr m mm n arawf r " " ''"'JM' xnre u m wgpwíM nerve In ra I "Wlfm ' V. j p ipimr w" wwr.iwn ! ) tut Wt tai' It an iummmi' tH aeem.. AMwl(f tfe, & Very ' Md oavrtd hito tertettfi it.Xé lri4VrlW'rw wfifVKrt t,wi ,en.é tht te mllnc. irkW iww; otíe MteMt-'íwodact- i , fcuiM u arnnUMlt bmlm luto aa íWMHrr tfcftt 'hta, Tn,.' if ha dea,Mt laUi trW ht tk 4M ' té lato MML wOk.'MtlNi m thu eMntor (m4 for 1b4m4, V " l)iMimi;aq a er ,.x.!ltBá trary, th torwatü lWMé ,U Wütíofl.' tná aiM. W ÜTLÜ?"íf mm .'2TZ. trtilahaoaaatt. aowpaaiuea ot.tha mbtaMa kra viii k. na la ai é.. i ,1...... W ..f liU. .i.. Mth.SraialwS JBUC M A MMltWÉP'.rM tuto ( ktMi fe4 k vary im! I my. MM aKBWHtjr WTUYM t.rnr ffllt wtr. .,!, . nam from wbtak X h ritfiir dttá. a IdRá 'Mt at aH un4erlá'br , mj iMatJan.. whK almott to .ftW, mH tn m imaimrí: a 44Wt iet U foNdwa Sn ttU vtw th; Ahniát Hmrind ÉJtármstifm. taYlí dUUiiwWi . , a P tht Mm óf - t ta Mifa. ihadtMM. ar fatr m tk a.U - Jj r. m.. M wak mi U tarta, ! 1 horM power. TW anlMAia W m)mWK immi grato U aMlnal b jd. tín fnxb wWah, .'wrawfeta'ja kwliM trenea1o'M. an aoa- - Jé tanat Hatn H taa! VtaMMb ftt 4W..tHtmf man , i; maf fWrfeíat ctté a t"M )AKk

' .. .. 7 - .... . : ...... what am fhk mAat lUnatlkUi faMa ara ..11.. VIC IT T umi wiioi ef.amoH U impaired oUi ths Uttvi .. ia"bt Xtlahtít Hy.'uo', . ' , ... -I. '- t- AU. TAI " " w a B ta urmhl. tn I. . .a .1 ..I er, e4kr aiiñaliyrodiieU, oot ot Uylag-.- au wrong-- or Beany ae. in last- I.. uro Unsiu wiwim . r.t wa navor ot cMioni.u ot himo uíkto..: aw c.vÍHc mai any Jv, h -- wti i efclaW for in.tnnoa. mm IiaatlM ili Houn, whtcH Wriemrwr than rt"fV? T?Tr 1tbt ,itMíi h ha th atoj 1 conveyed. Tha power rtai. ra' Tripa, whl .that he t tare of a raptó (rortlon; other eoramoa artleU ol faed. "tion, k tlmulate. luddenly from' notWBE to 'it full an. '""..r" ZZlilZ ÍT,. tha Má yet chicken rnent reflwUM in the on. the Other rHwnJr ramalRa for nly ,.PVf" J Plaaatioti of the effect orgy, drop to nothing- again, and in Frmh Water. eh. under normal OeBdUteM, far one hour In the eternal Rd 1. one whlcl1. un l"8un often ha, ,D. io o. Oylrs four Jours. Duck., which la general- - of .the eaaleat of all food to d4et .f?.0..6?. ÍZTIV UP" reality Thlá principle, howeyer,. feanaot be , - - b' trrlTK eystar i,unlverMUiy retara-- imt tne amcmnt or Kit m tha lewer j- appoaea to bo rnucd toat amwun A perioa ot i aew w require 1777 m oii. applied to wireless telephoning. !The I etfaa aiaait raw mow ot rlyer Ih ,very to difaat than cwcKen, retrain zor wrap pie, eetery, eneeae ana. oyaw i i: voice) cannot, lump aerea avn 4' wtr,iiroit ltB ' f- - ye-x- oaiyuttro hours. wh twiea thlá Üi ta by:-- , , havi, v that It eoM rRJua"5r i!mtolhlnr for mulrad r f scries of tremendous l'rapul. 'm dr6aHl 'anlaiia. eauaaiee' or raw milk. . report ' vibrations are reetrtcted wIMhh very rebitot TlUr, The' latest aneii eaould nroV prorreeatvejy i í. . Wért No Microf.1 narrow Umita. The era pewcr used, ' tw Jf.Jhre ot flfherlei f oyster ' ., ,1111 .. oheBrltMVlnitar tal t the In ta Maeta. And t , r ? TF .thare.jwa-aj- mlcrobo. aaMag. .subils'tlag uaaeriaarmai frthtr ' a b r yet, ""i4 ' for, th ílafAlgarla. uehíto.fW aateaMmairt, the ; . I would .uiuraaad' tlon l 'Ápdalet .... greglgantlo brW 'f" ' íSl mutt by Electricity. have intellectual power, far In ad- - tfc-- T We for Pa7t r1 ?! afriacinif Co, a jSVtíTa'S m kow.H'tó'!1iter lprewíoa- - 1 to TCÍÍ'' li vaneen' thosa wWek th.y DoaMM. át. . ?!fi " yore. Neither1!, the area of the hedí sterilisation, of mllH by eleo- - Tha' milk la so opaque to tho raya rft oys abHUy I preaant. rvaai la ore. m -. " cryrom U guinea hat tha pa, tm.fcja, although Soma, of Jhem triety isJury t0 flavor that k wa eceaaary tdWpo. It te " pig At, the sam time, It I to be real- - thin sheet then a dangerousf rao- - ? " "l : " Crj Roux IsedHhat ven the Idea, of wlralea. or ';ifiMMj. Wda fair "baeterl Anyway,.j'.7 cono4ieM of oonaladea that ?,ttr'.futtha, ' ' ' pitias tlon thl eecaped thajdll- - lattar. t under telepWng Is extremely naw. Very ...... 1 S f leea (han Dr. Keux, m i. 'i.OO- - 'tu a regular praetlee. Recent Kaa aa autharltr perfect: antUepHo. condition llltalv methad atnnlavari . t israaBai. ' A0 n.,..XISt.lI hiinu ', r,a Alh r.hWWn tlaa fr tha that tiesa hTrva,;hv duáea írew' w iacU ill' tha baWl In milk been that the'neceeeary Penalty ot "ho. h6? ith. pte"r IntltaUln birth, would develop vary, far beyond years rotn now wUl be entirely dir. .i.. ..u. 0 , r . - - . . 1. .... " ...... ' t: . . Pari. TherA ara .baaed upofi 'th ra-- witst u, ...... iu.. ...i...... a tki. Xa Maeta. jrlver. present ire-v- Mata Wiat, with wKh' íha'help ot trcT Uaeoyerlasí 'har advandng knawledga, suoh raendl- - along,thU Hna, paopl la Maw; York. Mttla hr'MHi tlOn. ftOt a .IB ad WlHlhk aa añ:,1niavlaa atila la ltV.Ub' ot salt water freófc OHhott; """-Sfi-y iSS Prt"d,t to asatartalfy enhance 'tendon or BfrIlÜ as realty' arthy &.&fH:J$ thi; Wé h..MM t T! aiatW."!,r tr g . ÍÜ mt&4-- whletv thafibrM jS '.i,. - etheiraa. with people In, FhlladelpMa. X tíktr arlUted.fia-.w4, all tfhatn- - "On. W'asBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasEeiaa ,11,, ti::1 aiisis3aaaaaaaeaa3Bg;.'. L aaa kerm were aalo. GIRMmó Háve. Their TEETH Knocked Out .sSS hat1 avery1 proeautfon ' T , - ' known to science,' ánd "poisíble "with Zuni Man Posing 1 á Géd jv Is one corner 'of the Tar aW tached to Hho tobes of the ears ,by a an4 soothe smlla of ts broaaa beauty the appHeatli of o the com as THKRE tha. fresh, appealing piece of clot it which a passed through lose all oí H brilliant charm-- at pleieat' hibaratorlf in-- the world, wa I 1 .. ' for- - T TmH something) rather odd In The man. a Zunl priest, . beauty o waaaaahaad, by the ears lat the sentlraental atrangar W exercised to protect them'. attired yftmg com- - thalaatf. . i t, ,v..M aha the way of god. is, as one for a religious ceremonial, In which 1 Her costume hss'floae of the .me ..inilul.,Vv...v.v I I a Jt a curiously barbarous euatow. t tww" pleilties ot westwn fashion; Is ' The subjects grew wim - mignj say, a Uvlng idoU It " ' painfully obMteratad. And all deatof. For f beautiful and alnlos't clasalc, In lis amailng rapidity, three or four mea . v rr" -- man who IU In the ,,m- - ,ha besaos tha people are strlat, vege- simplicity. It consists of a dark blue w - s.mi L .litau ntxra mt1 tha sama ml sueí - chair, decked out o fantastically. I appropriate tp the part tie asmmas. tariana! It I wged by stoM of tba met wrapped around har in WCeB.Il V1iriOSltieS B wav na tn iriv tKa rfTeet irf aiOreOk OccWeat who reject the meat (Mat r.iha worn with amethlng mar of, A Vkrt smalt area of tha ocean. vegetable make for perfeat bodi- that the undress effect pf society "at tha ZJLw aWout 7 per less than digest ten. of ly health, good clearness apera, for there Wi.a.aiuarai rraeaem SMI fáaf ta rfai. ; ..4 .. Summer Sores generat loess of person' ye, and seotnl W per oeni la more than two By Dr. L. K. HIr.hWg vÍAad, so appeara to be the' ease with And yet withal. It h modest eamard wHh some of the one see in B w-ha- mile Indavth. About A. P.t Mi A., M. p. (Johns Hopkins). the-- . ano, iqavga peraaoxv" mds Batteeaa, big dtlfts. , pwee nave been dlecavercd In the timiER I. here with IU train of beoatis of this flaa phyaieal jaaaaaaaw cal. It k Aa the arcadian effect Is Meat- - " wnere tne aeptt, m over three W rau.gMleli .klns Wnd sores. Va- - "tha people thaCtha state of who!,, the girl's feet, L?VÜ-- ÜT T'. tried a friend eady, Uatr wa.. tW"0by eMaa U true and I at; are iwságawa.' alertas-- well nrched. srtall aad 4- - tha W beauties the teta f some, H I. meeting girt" toatIe-f- or a more barbarla- -. , ate. oaWa ship .' sear to man that, with The typical Watteok is lKhe, be- - " UP to a certain period are th f where tha water the fate of aH- - good friends.. and proportioned, Wtaatlt iri4 0m, - faultlessly and waves was iesr mtlaa de-- p. - moro aawaa. white and, evert. JUK all tbk ( 8(cuááe' for others bf grao, ereet, as nr with a natural a undergees a sqaden cnaaa wit--n aa. gaven from - not " rt aiinisranft'rr- njna. Jut Ruches; Xer ii fa' bpl-p- t th marrlagaaW ago. w wmparaHire "Mcpf v raaaha Tha n ,f the; deUaate Ustúra atalalarV of h i held down to tha graúnd and f wUr sfmparatlvely ty:. v ai. smlUeg jewel har Aa a matter of faat. the salewtlsts e wrhaa yea'tHtrn your hand .severely aOttpPtt WWtf AHJkaU9f 6 4ilfpGt a tha at mouth dressed, ara MMckad out. acoaydiag U ib tlm-- ta that M .prMt. of ea water and go to a doator have It ejpas ar arahad - tasa. Her btaa:, wil vVaai, Kar Ta4a- Am fteittsrtd., of hr Mr.Tk. M halew 40 dac Fahraahak. Tha doeaa't ha fc K gently wun a mm and usoaMy 'of, sort, nUwplaly f ",V son14.gtvan Is thatthl dlMhxiaeH wtr the sarfaaa Is m4eraly smear of, vaaaama and wrap It In ab-- ta Lepresaleii. semble that af'IM' TtaWaa peaseat ahaw t.hy ore ftrkt vaawtariáaa, wamar, sd the fallow a have sorban t Mmi; jte wilt tell yo ha Mar hair hi a ooth. glWeatag It 1 fn'shisaid , a atea. of Mm eMsi and. tiMrafer, are above tha fte) aat- - a awar aampspawwoj tnan Irva aeep doean't lisww anymma t ' might .1 Maek. JkTfce waars K railed back fraav and - M ,Pt haaaia. , Ipg than TasaWae, and he add jaaai4:.aM;ht- T W him hat; torehe,"''aar;,lwd-a- a ra W"'BtW::c-ia- , whth". aira a- -. 0niy tha front teeth ara eWiwtaaWid. 'At. every daaHh f tha ocean soma -- nor anythaag which would cost term of animal life has been dls- - kaa money. M you look In h casa vr4 Which varia In eiiaractar of aurglcal iisiwrnt you wlHprpb.-we- tha dapth halaw tM mwfaea." At ahV Had ha" h haw coated with . Ha AaaXh att tw aaUa tha weight of ha sama filiu, ta prevent thar Saying .FOXES to Fight the GROÜJND SQUIRRia. Mas "war a mar than twe fea ta tuning tkp pa mlht make use of - mm a sqasrs hash, or mar thaii M timea vsn y me your carvlsg sat. i i ! sa)tra( history i nodal, eon r ,uh surface. AM plaaH Ufa if tha hW haad .m inclined to oa I 4ratad hy tha ubHc haaMh d,jy AaaUi of m faet, bait ba- - oovarad Wajfi saals or dandruff, ho earvioa. ia maatit to tlluáéruta wmmy ttm. af'animal will ta) jfa'rá a 'titila oiVhtt-pisgu- haam ábjaavarad, wtthTfnnpur. ilmaortaw pisrtur. a kv hw ,t n)W iiU sa. Ulrica In paHf.a4a L. ..J .... J . , . . . tacaas 7. tnW wieW hnrtd with 1 t Iéw1L w wtu M that plagae a tW yaam aao, and tna I , t th. t, tha vajaMM w iBtsstaaai bw1i ot health authasatta. hava had r itm. IP this l 9 may C Xi ta an tha HavM TM would mm U whte vaaatiaf ba Kaa. aar wBh í f .llrJ'!?! wUhwieg parte ha" A.'aVawback war H eré4 'U " Inih w pp. me 1 . . not anah icaaM b--ttf M ha r""" ' rve ljn tha r. f a. saw lot I -- W lMngA L a (haV mde4 ihit tan a sasearáged. ha- - tfyTlÍÍ kfd' rsisay Ipr f) sprt ot pf TTo .lead n.ateWtaa eh.m, u --taTi aa:1 IMMpa. tly deatniaajan Thaw. Ml f mrawly IsnVX -, o l- yUaa f MMC. aa wire ja a V- i- accountable Par th is ,,'22Mrnag naa that T aaanaJV ha Upsmodth, A It la tmm pUcaiiao niagjal aafa aa1aaav IAf aa nhat tha knñt ñññfhnl YKWñ WamW ñn tsvwblad for a a. nañmarnat hW nh aÁv Jafw tanta anJghsá ail soft, of cure. iMttefcv pWUm m thnapajMM áy. atiseo ins. eeaM on tha R3 .uy in na tñ at tha I""! apaa of PJ hour Mliwl may , rhay aaat saaát' fy tka ft fnaaHn W mtal' f"" th purest and beat ."aju -- TWW " Mpjlia, j WWW h. fannññnnnnnF" fannnnnnnnnnnTanL. mad known. hgT tats..!.. U nSHi ULTaM - daws, Ugfata and M 4iaa aw ganiaa dnaaai I nnnnnnnKnnÉntt!liJ3 annnnElsinniaa really ihowa by eouoeV Ikna, yhrti ya f TMbat ortSJl tViMl i'eg aanptB Mp.aJ Mm ( arad por aaaaa w waua aa, MuhMataiy and th parpa, g A ta peMVplt ta aa laob Isi iMágáU. ñh sssaa)at apa) aath) ft I 1,1 'A dmma. 3fVl wtr - Mhlaiy Oealan Se., ts Pa aaal Cw aaant rat. aay ba w ii iiiafaH "Mnd." n ha ll Xami Priaat Praaaai lea. a Ceamail- Q 'Shop Earlg" wammimsw

Ptoneef Ism Mow 5 Welcome to th Jmmv Jockow Omk and 3$t Wish for m Smctmtfml Maco Meet t ,,4 Convincing Demonstratién of Iñe White Some Supremacy in :Mi)méemiM Maadu-to-Wé- ár Áíwarm M Vnmml ce Reduct Unparalleled Opportunities Dreéses, fe J. in - San and i fl ITH the, Races "and tk rmv Tkn Wrms fesWt sser a bestd tmd mHE dsjseralized i'tmifMfeaji of fl' Eastern merhete 1mm ossamd ap irtamht" r Hr' the Wmter Just M'foriwAlh'MM Usa offer 1 W stetor imnnu1lt htstoir of the White Hoese, end Wfcfc wrW-- íon tiérwe " A jew .mínente new stock .at prie)ftedem n Arnerioa-- The . let for ÍJjo aseortmente of MMWrahMMU ,we hevdbeeaj state to nenes our ííüraa If eW ; reduction named in thl advsrnsasnsnt'and to W'fsnlníiin every section a?,' thai 'own prices In Urge cash tnejírfjijk The tesuh of our pttvahasss im evident great atará are very Uncommon al'liUe t me of the .yea ' a all shrewd shoppers wbe-Jls- lasl atoa). 4 Búenina Messes Suits at $29.75 mie Silk Dresses " 'Hirt(MllMlNG Evening arxl Dakinc Frock mm Including $45.9$ Yah .iMondáy we offer nwmatohehle val- - 'YBBTmS? vMsfí Itos aw lróasee iMMa)a)f .aaaSna. orape da "JE9k3 SitcDmfen.hw-.- d ta coUe of or SwW, of dine, ;Rspa meteors ami mitin and eloth combina- tion. wanted, style and eelor, represented lunauic BvetiinK muc nu,Binnicu mm Mrgáa, Weadetotké. aábardine, tp4tB andnéether. ,Wtav' oanglea or fur. Unueual RaaMetíen. and aW'Wwefi oiiioly trimmed. Note "the reduction: favored, weave. The colon tatttd; navyk Ruasian EvewtBg iBclwiiiwy Ktgwlar Dreates áreei) African brown and hi (tie kit are some 12Í.00 Vaina ...... $19.85 lIlc $995 of ka moát wanted' atyle oí tka(' Meeeti, , in el ud n g EveiUag Draase IadHdiMf;'Kagtar tke Redingote, medium and Ion jaekel, alea and Sltk PráÉii bteiading Regular $28.75 , : $3t:tX) Vakea ...r.. Ruoinan Coeaaek model. We offer UeaéV;awts kit $2fWfceat...... $14.85 Evanaag Dreatea Including RaajaJar aj07 Q valiM up.;io $45.00 Monday t Sfllc Dnaeea. tnelnding ReaW 4f.C0VaIe JO I.OJ t .....v.';-- . . .,. .i $29.75 3.S0 Vaine ,....$27.75 - , T. v -- jr r Practical Gift Guaranteed'Furs ofNew Hats ? Nejo. Fetiiurfs t, Suggestions And fur Coats Reduced $7.50, f9M and f19,85 For Monday of New' Midwinter Hat at las than 25c to ) EG1NNING Monday we offer Unusual Reduc-- ASALE f35.00 usual . iíbn onlall.RevilIon Frere and other Guar Prieea. The eustoaa of Mil. White Sense Values Shopping will give you B anteed, Fur, without exception. This announce- lihery Shop i tq. close out all undesirable and , PHOKXIX XMAS EARLY for wtae eelcctlon of t'ho H08K Caréateed with pleasure by those de- -' the, 811k- - choicest NovflltlcH that cannot bo du ment will btf received left over Hat at this time of year. Fortu-- - Hose peeked two pairs In f&nMr m plicated later on. Btart your Xmaa siring to make "Xma purchases. Below we give nately Xaias beic. Shown In bliek The White House Millinery; Salon has been only. rA buying Monday Shopping Early. example of the price reduction ! V Price pr box...... fl.UU t useful article favored with remarlcáble patronage, throughout f'Noto the practical and XMA8 SBTW'ING AWtONS SSoOaiaftji ' Freneh Muff and Soarf, season all Hats sold oeloji $4,95 Cny 'the and were out a fast as white figured lawn sewiae aná, tsá. tach . . . . . ' v BoskeU, Drinking; Cups, ...... i the new lob arrived. Therefore this condition ttproBs.wlth or without seeks.. Nfossjri i,, .i SBWINQ . SoU, pin. Boxes, Playing afforded us the trimmed .Kemarkable OC - 14.80 Brown. Fox MWf ! 1 'opportunity to take advantage of values .Monday . " TJIo Cases, .Stick I'ln Boxes. ' at...... m9C Cards; ar . . . ?W the favorable market condition in the East to pur- Sets. Cases, Auto . TravelWiK Thermos Srf. h GO BXACKIiKTS FOR ABy-i- M Setg'Mbslo Sets, Mcdl- - 'Che Itfowest chase new raid-wint- Millinery llolls. Manicure at. prieea. which ifeHd Q BrsWlV) clno Cases, Slaving Mirrors, Sf'ts, $25,00 Blade Fox Muffs Kt. oM Front tertfliL Desk $19.95 enable ue to offer them less than, 1 b&hy. New déelgM. f n'nil. thousands of 'other Ideal gliu for 4'9T Searfs .. . . .S t" . y'i Moot Tep 'Skadt$ at the regular shanss aad PatsM í men, women and children. clearance pnce. Beginning Monday you can buy 37.S0 Red Fax Far Sato, Boxes. i A- - pa the nmveststHoe o lass than ... , , . $29.85 IrilKid r thehour for maay i i-- wat v Ufa: i ti. s. .iiit' x shops ask; Mostly sHk velvet, .' ;v . tfe&farty Cases keertedM(BkMWf l iofut fi.OQtoflSiSO $R.0O n gold and 'eflyerIace and fina brocaded style . , . . $51.95 Gltíoes ' or Scarf at...... 4 especially i trimmed for the New York Hch Show - EWEST Idea In leather and silver. and effiBromsrea ia ' eaters. AXiraoctve' N3 $4.Sp Coney Mole Fw Set, received the newest other occasion. Etthsr the Xmas.OKts aad unsaaal Ideal Xnas Rifts for mother, sls- - '$39.65 trimming ,vafues row. at f ,. . . . r JÜST er, the shape' worth maje than we ask. at -- .$150: .ter or sweothcart AH, elegantly creation in shade for, the complete pqulpped. Seo ihom. Haü. Yur choke at $ a4aVfSV1TWiv TrT.T.a m ajc $65.00 HudKm Seal Far Set, ' to match the boots top. The new ...... f. r; $51.95 of shoe ia rías, ,t' vogue, colored top : $7.50, $9.95 --a $19É5í romper boy, Infant pajama Úi, Art Metal Goods $59.50 Civet Cat Fwr Sets, in such high favor 'that kid ete. heads. A WhlteHouse Speetal Moaaay at.afdC now at . , , C. . . $47.65 deeid-edl- y 25c to $5.95: , .....J. glovea to match are EfcTRA SPECIAL! $79.4Í0 Pomtad Ciroaa Fox Fur Sets, We show new mntp'S XMA8 STATIONERY 'ae H ,31T1CLES seldom .found In El smart. sta'Uoaery $63.65 sf-9- Flne.qaallty Backed ia ret--' i Can-j- now shipments in tana, JT, ' Taio. Unique novelties n f at; ...... of' gloys 5 Petiibpats ty Xmas boxes, Correspondence eards.' le" SUeks,' Qonge. fh50 Jewel Cases. Sinner ' gray browns, , mode and eomblnatloa sards paper $12!óp Rowkm Fitck Fur Sets,' Moaesy selllBgrwa offer a limited Of aad aad writ, i Clgalighters, Photo Frames Slower assertaieat fag paper. Bnvelepaa . at5', ...... $99.85 white, .at Fon regular U Cytna Silk to g A i yase,'piocks, Ktc. now .'i'u. S,9!,a PatMsoale with match. The bex. rSSt Sf platted flouaoa aad la, all wanted colera; "Aa this,. .,..,.OUC All Other Furs Reduced $1.00 ,.$2.00 Is an extraeriltaary sarsjaiB we limit the nasassr ef ea SHOP EARLY only to caeh custemsr. Tyhtle they last s ma SHOP EARLY J in proportion. Uonday ...... sty...... 4L.0V

-- rii-rsfceksr ms, sr sv x i i rirnrnttnsvstst svsrsj n mt.4m ÍA Embrojd'd Neckwear

, to f25,00(l 95ctof40 - Suit por-- . LEVER ideas MONDAY we intreduee the latest Fur Trimmed IJ new. in organdie ooNnsa andeollar and Cuff in style. Especially charming are Une sUpes the last word set. dsinüly trinMvd wíah haitd eoid-cib- d the "Military," the ''Collage" and similar modélente be teen deeigna.JPWkaer material linél. anTnew broad- etrW W . iii El Paso for vthe first time. Thai materials include received by gabardine Dark cloths, serges, and other wanted weave. Prices w rich color:and black predominate. All cleverkjr ttimmed with 95t a. $4.50 V warm furs m new bewitching ways. We have never shewn uch $14.50 -- $25.00 CrejMdéQiínéGownsSÁi

T - "TI Mid-Wint-er d CkiB Night Gown 49.50 Silk Dresses S3fc95 New Blouse A seilmc Att made ef eavcallent washable ma- - ' v .aassass f m wnx and atyle. slip-ov- er newest uitiiMslli for ir rlv'"1wNe. New fu cut, mod- SPECIAL.grouping of the season's ' eler with khnéno sleeves. Alt elaborately tfuUk disposal Monday. consists ef line iu. .1 A The lot inoajr I, t . t v.i $2.95, $3.95 and $4.95 Wn, H,' aVansfJBnspajen f tri ' atia. crape meteor and charmeuee Vaterial in e MsUieV-- i 'WSj wlf nd rihhens. . tt.m.r. '-i- 1 ieneWls winter color. The modele include the. Uteelúaaai-- y' e.M SATIN BAJQUK BLOUfCS AT Beautiful new Btnesses Ideel earsneota theea wl J- n.U fr - 1 tV'haeewe straight Kna Russian style. TWhed-r''saa- s tjfea wslmaiji. í'í Redingote, and made ef good quality sealsn in ajaw a 1 pat effect. Shown in vdjissa naray Farsstiieel I FT exquisitely trimmed and deep girdles arc a faaÁsse, m. Ai 9t are and hlask. New style mwjoh a saver , by Hayan Value, lijii jaj- at. . j" The skirts. snow tke plain and planed tunic effects fas f, diff from eeaaB4M-4as- ej These 'V'.new sty Us. Every drees shows" unusual style and filft vN srsnt the added aharacter and incnviduality to the wearer. MJ $3:9 i yaieee Monday; ...... These value to $49.5S Monday at. . . , , . . . .aJaeJsW LACE SúkvE BiXKJaS mpwrm.'rr m.nvm, at SmSktWoal Union Crepé de Chana and Shedew,ajg. La), aejsl' Cttffoet "vtiiaef tMoedev of the Insneut VioU Bwusd Wool Display Wsuise th the new lace alas; Mitin,' Blouesn l tik Paaat varied A! and Japanese Mon$Ua Net aad silk Haia--s U white, fsaah sssseatBneot tsÜaaa of mfsf nnd mrfi , aw asad WUck, eusw aajsoian seeol aaJ Jtv OU ara invitad-- to see thie unique display ef g in Je- - AM datniuV Mesas ad ' wipV Uea aaawsaj asunsaseta., A ansis Goods suitable for Holiday Gifts tomorrow in (Ése and ihirsea in self aest Bajad m self, flsssV. while new Ueek éaojÉastriag ssaw sssssissst ésnl iÉak neeh. sBBm leaves mI Isas e-W Section. display wtH Is) tkmtfp., caler. Shawn hi b Mece and emnen m a. Ready ear The goon on - - asbL 1 tm . . nlr SSSSi in a nsiaislnre Japanese Shop and will include QuJfcsss nMNe and leñe; siesve irj4s. Thaae New ehat blouses essr ffsnhrsediritl KJmonos. Crepe Kimono, Japanese 5ssjsajejjasn crsatjsan . 'mr shines, Baskets, Geede, Ware, amy VaitMat, $4.95 fa).WaWlwfe Cn Mal Lacouwsd KeeM Wane, .r...'fWeaf9 fap i' ene enea se piasjaa, Esc Very eatsacttve ArUcU at Moderate races. '3'pN's,),a ál nssnaJ asa Alt Owf Own Diseot hwesrtstsajii 1 f Olssaj Uajej Bsst BOa fts BB.B0 JsW JDum 8$n o Sertiéte' siaviiiiiaimiwa Store sí Smrvtc Huiptariin or PwHail Xmm Qfk HiiuitMUtiém foe Useful Xmas Gjfk AJEA 8 ree ANY Church, Sunday School, Public EVERYBODY'S Institution, Lodge, Socio or Chari table Organization in flFaaüpountn, who "You Have to Come Here If atúsete to entertain with a ChXMtA tree willr V makes. . You ceioe. on reauest of the proper Wont the Ñefv Materials Sierra Nevada Mountain Cedar with omw-- 99 compliments Coloring far ifioiw mtUi'0wS jjiliii ÉtlIiiW (tobe remark is daily in our dress goods siec-- Mmmtreat) . vien wffl b from 7 to 1 0 ft. M habjhv props? mounted. A :JimfS béiímade mdim. m. hi) Ki ft 1 mso ' " l;mmu MMháv y&i,hé& twn . r ' beirta backed ( ' shonners. . s also :mñd ám0,m. El Poeo a 7 lo loroot tree lotoara ttrrmed to z.UUQ trie) v . test" i r, It , . s FUfctefc selling expectations: ,i ti 00 üpbv far in excé&s of &ur Bemuse Slai9o flmníxzt - Tmi -- aay passes but we ma new notmaíes to om jkQrinclt Astrakhan 44 té S$ Mck ChmMJakh

, 40 bL CKeisian'' Qeth in BUak, Navy and Tota 6ÍTm. Silk Veloúr We feature 44 to atom is guar Jary RniaKod book, to be madex Velüéis and Plushes biaek and "navy rH and ttp wiKnad, to $4.00 ah antead net to wrinkle. .Per 0 Par; yard ,4. 42 Inch SÉc Velyote and yard, $3.50. $3.W end . .. . . , Velour - Plushes. wl shades in pinina; 'r f,t mmmmmmmmmm Spt-Pr- JbmM Fmctd Coatings tripes; pleJtle arid brocades ; soma f Mradcleth I ixtenstveiy ttoed in matched sots', ShmdcJk)et-ntaL- 60 indouble faced coatings 54 ln.,Seongcd aM J in good aasortmeiit ef desir Hll015.OlO.09rtirSft i Broadcloth, hgh luetef finished guaranteed ?7.50. down, to ü display the moAt able patterns; $5 to hold; 30 different ahadse. fO tU wonderful bf down 'to. . . $2.50 Per yard ...... héxteñsivé, line of üraciicakarid Especially useful Toys and Dolls ever Against Two "Buu-á-Bal- e" Buy-a-Dol- V proygmw m raso j oeeuig is owewny- - Elementó Which, : 11 U;p Xóme 'lítftHiMifi tomonow,í)riag the childrenthey' ekjoy , And Use the Cotton in&d íaíniy, "wíierevet it YrMpoéib1e, áily prac- - Are of Vital , jk KlERICAN PEACE POLLS (here onbVt ni the qtton for stuffing ihem; a feature of the!dayf ,.x Cultivate true; petriotiam in the children and teaoh them t he practical. L uíeífuí and toys. 354 v ;tiol ád iotrtwe importance Eauallv attractive is the little "Suffracist" Doll for stuff in. (B? sóld excljusiviy 25c eacht - Rrst wd foremost our Fireproof j herer , Stori- .' . Th Doll Doll Accessories BaMiKag, vKkh. from a'aafety EvergMng for oittt of vlW, Ka áo aepariorvin WsvS&Z&S' núnimtíea the danger 'mHp&hk, kind na ort Jkby Amanea. ñaJJn' V tka holidey crowd always How-uisefu- l! .Y wWch iv-- . M A bring. Sacadly, owr Iron Clad. "How comfóHabíeL tf wtjtowt A''sMr( aon .W' , How ñééaedJ ' ItUlür. W'ge aMbriflMAt from ntit te eotntfiite th d8' fur-- Garoiitf guar-- $4kj0 dvrn to $1.00. n'Mhinu. Doft úrunks. loll fcara-i:JÚ:- ;'- antead at all tímt," goards yov oóH liMkota. doll - .s--. tofit Mi VitirhanAX '?KAeM&i pi niqr. Sweaters kind tat cn liot be' rectified; and sometime eyen 'your own - A eowpWte wn of dott fur-- 5 mWl krgrti from $1.00'- ivwlgment, for as you oojto'rS6e 0 - ' taire in. larg. mooi ana Mnall.j : mistaken Alt aniOMnu cwu change your mind we ebanga your, All wool sweaters, in slain end "Made with laroo belts, pockets The beet sweater vsJeet in 1 doll bd,' (lrMr8 and , merchandise. Angér HnUh -- (1 1.1'. 1 - fancy weavos,n the wanted M in pWng ío of)tl Sortsv ÍI. i lií ',: i S&elÜ .Large. and maU'cloIk bodula, 4 , 41 larger stores tban ; V .'new célors. made with the W "Tbere ara colors, such as navy maroon. . 2see these, and. choose from w style Mackmaws io , ours but none safer but there gray, coiW red blue and gray. L;ES5riSSi DolhCarts ' loid, umbroakabM, rae. oars;, reasonably Have large cottar, end ock-- - "e more IfbefsJ poliey than, 'ialue ano 'Very UutrwiUa. Ha! PiÍmi A- MIMM .aMortaaaat of doll carta ho Afoedtim as high as .... WVI iuw.. ijffm iimát eearvom- ? ,ÚU it from $10.80 down to . aotl" OOfgtoa, ,oie.f j ymkr -' to múM priced at far u. at ,A nuanbor m" 2c ml .f t "St'r$3.. f your pyaUctton, your sWk- - jeWt ' 'ae,' women and miases. new patterns. faney weave. . cioiL--. for Cktiirh' Whiél fpys étmmp. mnd young and,iofÜm oidor, on ,iñ Exprow Wagoña, Coartan. WJumI-Mriieti- met üdlamhl COAT MONDAY aa yreti aa for antarham hütéwei Hkd Cara, yáfoáipda. Xmm .bmM; Trícelos. Automobilos, Soa otartv.. aiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Prenta At "EVttybodg ,j Monday . i , .ví'í ',3? A É mention a very special value at ' SWc PsrsiooeU ,. .... , ... . .$1.4 . . you are in need ot a JR$Rit- . $1J5. It the two west wtndowa of; oürhTexae street Cm&01 ' of Mea,'s Saje Seeks, 3 pír for,, 1.00 y while fmixt it will be well worth our -'' Wféfow No. Men'. SMk KníUed Ties, 2 titw come and see these Coats Monday. mm- dixnlm) made m WTb rJcerDmte, jMaaien sp ssialiy priced 1,.. ..J- Where are just 35i to sell at this special mil admas pisen i sil, yaioe lo Tí ,. Koom. wMtt a tabta set wi masm mamosa. ww pnce. Will you m one of the or-fkn-ate WOm OD Mrs. cades of the seoeem. The f fine mima lo-ba- , eat. Kla Olovaa, t, white. 1.9 35to get a real bargain? (vy jMwriHo, étak ajkl hars a part pr our seciai Pjlsnliils, hsautsful pd&. . 1.M Ceceea in a 4 basa modal of fine quality cruebeji broadtail with j.w., - M Thmk8gwing pst Gláaa, new designa. , . . 1.00 jMU Being- of. gunsnalsiri satin; collar a dtrmr ssjMdal THANKiWiyiNG LsatVer Haaáisgs ...... 9 ;4ad.;eurfs are of pbsskt coat is very .73 oiven bp Andrew Jackson,, M Üaén Headkor- - trimmed wM velvet covered immt ; comee m Meek only. AU.sisos $12 Mmdmira ík ríaeo, President, of ihe United Sets w a pair, .7 ; . pane Laaea Hd- - fSbrfis to Buy Now States, Novembw ft, ,jm forJI&XS - 4 , eighty-fiv- e year age. '' ' CyMsea's Het. wortb té fx mmmj& . , $LMt sale' , . . i i That forasesif would he leaot this dross ym mmbl Haasi, iwlriliiiiiit tmwHS wi daiate f fifi im& 'ÉBk Itsatenai.'vaUies 4t.t. 1JÍ-- ' $30.00, Yao could erpoct no kactar DrtiMffr&m thai particular occaaioefc mÁ pm HZ diistfcisa, p é $4 a ye., MB Talua at twice $19.7,5. Every chkMl of the ataaact's groa teat deeignars is IspÉured Prmkt ÜÉMI I déaUelejfta gesaaTir thaee 1 here are nearly, waay érim fWttf fwW tJI, llK Heavy a latM raaae Bettfea, 81 vafcsa 4el ia auts. oar getrfke - Het 'Msier as these aaar-- y tul II p ÍUlésUlsÜ MM'm f1"' of setaa; 12S aad af i0- Sttmmp fsoslals are sufa, ' UtmJm't -- - now, ' tit wído sBBBBaaMJsea tstsassBi) - - f2.50 Tamos are ...... lfJO Tkmt yo nduervenaes. We wffl fiaoty - " dmsneeV f ;- ZTmjLL.'1 Doable setrn of ell pero jiaee ia dototy the numbers, of which there asa haa l Íbl' psjg WélaU qoeks ou KsstsslieteiBurné fa émitM.!ynkm U.éi ValVeres, prlaaeel poi- - TWankeriag . , U wmn one. tarityWiaVsW tfac up of Mr. II JS speeial. . taame, vaina . IHf A $1.00 ,.... J0! of crape da chiae, cehmete da .seig . ánd l.0 UaWHaok T Mggfc Be User r Broaddk heigsyrtoel ftgs'sjteejs. Zfcesgea,' PgfaMst heavy quahry sassisMas, ia baisk, ípvy, tfangf wboee penaittad Pkea OSrteet wt ta 0sjsal designa aa aa eatre speeial Ase HodcTowaoVSSeTnl. .If mm, fiavy, Wew sad ygisi. ia both wosaaa's and tt) meJiB, rigi) glairy rAÍeterical axbJxL asa eefe ajMacJc. aiisiga' staaa, Gattaetits froga our refu-i- . 1 Beasjbaeasme. Baaatsa aad liso s Jar stocii that ware orifloalsy priced at ToeW Gtt mm Fhmtn fot ThcnfygMng hme. faw Sdrti! Mlya tisafc aait qV fnas M5 00 to $29.73, We offer 1 spjgsidia fssTefeWytBF lfM Aaat eaiaoa ,Mp4sfaf...... SMp fTBP A AJ5 Third Floor Moavdey for BjnB I EL PASO M0RHÉ8L atsstjeiBasjs "" i, 111 ' ... " iiiCTgnrütY hee - JWBE

,jtra MetieeíafW ttjjj tejar tillas trtaas vitlwfMr weajbl rejsrt WMeaet k asar tw, NT l tas 7W0t, ,rtauk ffbM-a- - fcjitufrd M a MtdMtA MM HI I MM state of ww Z ,aJ aStfMtt. MM. krtuádl M UN .SB Un sresBM I f MtM Besr, WfcKW OteHr rMl )W8Uir KIXMM M, YTMMnr every Wtmm ras. ata weta m oraaco i a m m- Dfwr Tm f feitWeav'- , i' black bebarniar. tad Aaaerket aaa away pa aesea, 'eat seíSe aaeiNe ere iín addaet.". rteee. AAt iSaad, reefaaeeed. isaa A'. we a apere snetr tmrni r"" tWttdretl MM MM ímímM. aé MtMÉiM hi HM tfre" iKtoc Mera abeses ted HWIWII, M ninwd "8i ta larga acta eeesBr aa On Mm, rMMjr H ex t And 7 WW'S howrd M to me - ' íftl slyo b tm tMM wat inr- Bill of It 4os dlveiwd , brVW rt With ! Looks tike m ostrich ear. mied Anrt.moM me are defective WMM HM ÍPOH MM of tM srMstlli-ttr- (üt course, execeptlrt ms.) fV erflsH ftnf orneert mm wun TIwm shoulder pedsí correctiva. muí aad MM hm ether. tlM tém ta tbe Mi reiiy seed see? .k MnáM iroinc lá mmI out. TMfr eberme tiv mm kH With rurbetows wrtMnmrnW ottUMtViMiiMM f tha TH M rmter Mrs. irK N. TMr ret awy wtbiti moath dt thepMt W tome. wbicb is wat sv Mm I But w need rermtMt m jei wno wes peri m and was hm whsmt er, To M4 eW.fiwTM MM. am 'NBta ilia ltrftM' ugly varnrtiits, Mm' borte wn jhmm NHt la For we' tra orn naiaSÍ Mi ir Mirv muea deserved.1 Fsts, mediums id tbwwl .. Lee Oelftft, mi WIHUfiMi mnew ' Houston Chraalcta. leeote, Virrk teert, reo Wfer, WtJlHtieA 8uer wea' tae swieA prtee jffeií i W4LU Muér. QNá NiMMti. CMMMlIO WMr. swa MM yitls)la Stewert Mm Mstra, aats) Whu rtot Éke this íñmlááüna PiriHér lr' The BrH Sbew. Mtry Haterr MeepMM Morfit, Huth ON fUrw wu woa r. sera, i Walker. MertM mwi, MetéeesM YfeI MM. MrJa Cateaa IMf tar la MMWMMti, A. Tpoeiptea, all ymoan out of this big old world, as HOBl lliWM tad Wttttef MWtM P" FIMO, R. W. 0. lié wttMr of Nm HiMm. Airíanr N?5 - - - Mll . ... 1. faai, Ointeer, sad Rna Wf we tee W'- - 'li - - t --4ÜGHI CAUIMELJIAKESíaMim Yoit Long Ttni Dad teoKCd oarHBg new - nnm irtanstM to Caarle. Darts, sswl a 'MM GLEAN LIVER AND BOWELS MY WAY Aftt prise. Little CoflsueMo m Iwr fterte -- rsasr. sasastMWr a Vsaair. Lulu uarXMMi wea tea tamt Dim- - AffaAnmm'úim aaaaon are míür"mA j Te eak svfyyíirH prjee. win msr "DodaóSa MeacUDMse. . good Just onte! Try s Liver Tone" when Bilious, Consti- Miss Anna Lee Satess aaeaisd ser awhelfsepe. kMM wonderfsUir 'weB ka the pated, Headachy Don't lose a day's work. fkule drlrers." sa4 wea tbe reí' prise, Ptrbips Mrs. JeM Moere Tlowa prer4 berseir tne aest rsaar saw nerte. tn Feel flae my personal noaeybsck rusraatee skat when sbe rode "Jerry." wmc aeieus M Fancv, home Pure Sweet Apple Cider iBlrnuUe your Usa your staff sad anteh " teek - ta. PJurn VlfOfOU knd OT BUI a of nasty raMoMl FraieAmarican Puddln M lUU ia&IUMI. MH itvar better tbasr dos prise, in tfio brosd jap." , . . and M mskd VOOslCX o' Duty, etieml Imhw it thai woa'l VArtVMt Nranra jrwa na Purity Mxvi Cáke 'V Miereui sv vvs Stall fédKarise Duelf . De Luxeruit Mkei you tick end you my lote dtyp Dodson's. Liver, Tobo Is rial llrer meM boxes were Mr. and Mrs. J. r wmuaax, ' cone, you'll Know neitiirernmr oecauae the ruaats lacladlas- - Mr. and Mrs. 1. A. dreasad Ckickons Extra fancy Qtíeen Glivee - ; erJt ' your Home Swing , li nereury or Quicksilver jwfeleti you Will wake tip feellnr fine, llrer Hspper. Mr. snd Mrs. W. B. Lsits. Mrs. j. Clot or Catemel and dlttlMM Horrie draa Hans ' Csermian DjllPickTe,; Hi eeuiei BtcrosU the bonei. win be workiart besdscbe It. RuiiíU, Mill Annie Howard, .Mrs. T. i, 5s trunes loto sour bile like dyjBi!te, rone; stomacb will be sweet snd boweti Blue Points ón half ahall Van H.outen a Cocoa ftretklor U up. Tbit's wboa you feel (tbat rérulsr. Mr. snd Mrs. W. L. OáHtes enilrtstned awrm, nstue and crampter. Dodson's Llrer Tone Is entirely vom Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Farrsr. Mr. MarHa New Yotk Coínt Oyaún Johnson's Fine.Candíee ' Unes to met ir 'you wast to eajoy tbe table, tkerefort aarmieis and can not.salNi Oslnts of KaaHS City, aaa Misa Aaas Le ' Six Crewn Table Raisins ateeat, tentlest liver and tfcowel cleanstur vste. it to your cnuaren. Minions üslnes. 3Uhrpt Bulk Oysters t A Dodson's u yes evfreiperteaeed just take spoonful of dcodIs are uslnr Llrer Tose A party of elrbt enjoykr the events la Lóbélefi:, AH kínda new Nüls of lMrmlM Dodsoa's Llrer Tone' tonight. tnitMUL nf itaatrenmi calomel now. Your. one or tne boxes ucjttaea Mrs. msx ioye, Freh COifcik Year or dealer Mils you to drurrist wUl you thtt the ssietof, Mrs. n. E. eusb, Misses Msrybeiie Kierer 'drurtlit tu Fresh Louisiana Shrimpe Sweet Florida Órángea and , j eest jbotUe of Dodsoa's Llrer Tone under Calomel is almost stopped entirely nere. Hedwlr Msthlss, DeUs Moye, Ueanor Math angenriee Sdna Mathlas. Hard síall Crabs ls. Msrssret Youar and Roman Beauty Apples , n; ' siuittutr tnllv tiaz sartar was oeeunled i)v -- ' ..u;;-4- .Lake Trout , . Messrs. and Mesdamei W-- D. Wise, WW Pineapple and California Grápes. 1 i.r Adsras, Lsmsr Dsvls,. J, M. Tnompson. of íMilfeiedyasa Columbus, N. M., f. cows, otts coles, " ' t' Fancy' JHtt'.Celory : U-- - lames' Vance. Chas. Davis. Mrs: w. . A. Spring Lamb Misses nay h Adams of Sen Antonio, sad. tbe Fancy White Cauliflower , v Thompson or Columbus' W. M. sad Abb Fancy stw Beef ; Heinz Celebrated Mim Mat .Late low CHberriee in HM bos reserved, Mri. Paul Ota ttwr, were Mr. and Mrs.iW. "VV. Stewart, W. Freeman and Mrs.;y,, E. naggio. Deas D. Clark bad as Ma ruests Mrs LucMe-K4ol- or Denver, STECIAL.-.flüf- .V JUX V ' JS. mtWB Miss H Cr Rer Ft,tfff,Mi4e in Geaniiy TA&Zaoeln front Mr.;aM Mrs; James urMSflsry 4talr rut mi s boxt Mrctad Mrs. W. L. Tooler, Mr. snd Mrs. H. t, .Bowie, Mr. asá Mrs. H. h. suns, aaa ars.. nisnara cnai For the Ball Tfti ber MtA. I.Col;Vafl new "Coward" would give yotí occdbiedjbr Jur panr.- mciudiaf capt, A and Mrs. Jhsrabart, Mr.Vsad Mrs. I. Kaae greater confidenc-e- that your figure Mr, Beq sner or.New YrK illy, saa'Mrs. r Yfjid correctly corsete- d- "Sahs Re- riv atirt Mif.1 Iva Caah i Mr. snd 'Mrs. H. c. Myks snd. Mr. sak proche." Mrs. Walter Areoid. ana' miss Alice wyios occuDled anotber box Mr. 4 Mrs. H. 8, Potter, enwrtsintfd w Tlwr' ifoclal In tbelr box Mr.- - sad Mrs. Winchester Phone 2576 cooiev. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Howe. Mr. "GOSSARD" and' Mrs, Henry S. Besch and tbe Misses purpose-- -- kstnerine dtsr ana Louise sesea. Made far jin sack Mr.sad Mrs, U, .8, Stewart and daugh Makes yeu etijay yoar dance with-m- rt ters, Miss "Virginia snd Miss, lie4n, ea ckfaiK: eaa tell yeu mere tavBd tba eMBts la aaoHMr, box. wé Mr. end Mrs. Fraax Alnsa bsd as tbelr l .Cot- - i aVeut k if yea-Wil- permit our gveiis Cspt. a4 Mrs. Orrla wolfs and Miss Maries Alnsa. laSM-- l USerul aad o rnsmati tat , articles ,ta está, Alnsa, CI eo itusseil; Consuolo Weber, MUsae Heba ElHatt,; . Tbe box reserved by Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Seats, wbo were; to-- for, banartt'or':' Mary Frances jtoberts, Htsei Coma, Louise BrkJg", Alberts Martin. Fraaaaa "GeMwrd Cañeta" are not high Htxson bed as tbelr ruests Dr. and Mrs, Amoajp thasa seen in j;nsaaatMs at tne tut Proceedi asad tut - Mssdaroes tbe, surrererA, Tbe ltt,-lot- s Beach, crawrard KMtabatM Wood- RutbDaway, Jessie. "JSwert,' iiiaaast1, It., B. Mr. Mrs. W E. Dorso, show were Messrs..- war' of iluropa Louise Marion Moyer, priced (?eetv , Steveasoa asd and pnee a" at taa'booaa of son, Paula Krupp, Josephine Nell Calnan, Irene d '. 'c nace. Harry sims,. waiter. Koaasers;, . ww are held week Mornt, 51. Btael Crawrord, Dorothy Mecarfcr, some - " B runner, Oeorge Perry, waster Kohlberr. i. J, Lontywi, or .the members. . - Blaaeaa Cathoart, .MarrueMte Dewey, Ernie May watte.. Qitdft Mr. and Mrs. Ssuer bsd ss their, - taay Cairel CatberlM, LaskM, Cspt. Altea Oreer, Mrs. Feid Cbtr, Posaatey. Burt omdorrr, &, it. bus- Ott Thursday attereoon at s;'ttoeic Wblte. Freída Laodf . Fan Hickman. LueDie Mayar, Aalli. ruests Fred borne Mrs. a, Wblta, Bsbs Corcoran, Nancy WHllaaM, Marlon MaMnUan, Luciie Foam-- . man, Nr. fcrasss Ssuer and Miss Hilda tell, Mi tneteats,' Wiu Marr, c. ey met at the of llsrlsn.A'atbartne $2.00 Upward to family Henry Pharr íaaatíy waart saaay useful tataaa ward laaaa by Howe, Katbaride Ffart, Cbarwy Kelly. 'Ann Viva DrlicoU, Either Wr'tl'--ier- j $28.00 Bluer. aad and Jfd Jsmes. Biggs, Wllnera&aae, Mr. and Mrs. q. S. PtckreIlMIsM iulia sbe ladles present, and a aWtrty juawtwoa Kelly,, Mary Kelly, EUssbetb- KeUyi Mrton Messrs. Mf. and Mrs. W. W. Hoso'a quests were enu'alter-dtnea- ' Elliott Chess. William Flato, Paul Mc4e7 , cms o( calcea, corree, plaaappM seled r Puttroan. Alethta Corrin, Jeaaj ailebrlst, -, Mr. and Mrs. Frede-rlc- SliaU'ro, and tbe Cwe4t. Otara, Aka Manta, CMiford Aadersaa, Ororge Blafer, Cuy Mr- Htr, UatkUa,-Bsau- mints was of Irma Dsvls. Satdtta Williams. Farttls Lortr. Misses Csr)M aaa Marls Luis sisntego, Husseli.' Baatrteei Fateman, lrw sN.basttad tofttoii, Alrsi CoebraM, Airred, Wood) Nebaker; Beea Moh- - tae (Ksaaion. Tna ra a amuaaiy Wlftif red. Wests, Eiisabeab rfarr. .Auib. Enriqueta sad Mr. Juan Terrasas astek. Lemlra ' . LeftieH AMee "' dhtVadnftMenaeH. Rawlinss,' Otaria né ormsoee. Miada Las- - bTsoj , John Crockett, Sabwartt, jsay-v- and Dr. BerMrdb Urueta., Mtaaa, tm HstsoB, Kb West, decorated with watts irvla Dick. Sates. praseat were Maaitasatf em. Laes-d- xin, MarrarM Lyua nafaper, Next; Moteeribox was Mr. .sad Mrs. J. WtUfr, lta4twr!ae Tbatt - mti, ' " ' 7na laS?. Beginning Saturday, la Mery- - MUI, B. OtardasJlaaiaty: efl,v Mapper. .4" ' nstioas, Mrs. nations Mornt. Mar km Yuor. EM1 Brown, W. elier I ROM, Williams. MseeTI Waita-- j Jofwae ArttMir iMssaa. J, W. WcMnfc'bi - Miss Msry Nstwas aaa little Josepbtae SsttMi brown. MosdssBM Kattr, MradMar Wae.cS. fax. ,Ftaiy nobenaoa.- !. ,We will fit corsets for Misees and Júniora just vre da enanas meroy, r - w. - White, Mary .Lawsaitasdi sjad Mtatiji Vaaaaar . Bouts DoasM araat, Mornt r'- OÍadys S,aas,. stoierpfr, jt Peace, Masrs. aaty Fiat., aan paaa, ,t, betb Plttaata tad .fsja1aa.- t A lHla9ffifWtsf NM rartx. t. MeOruaar.' Bui for gréwaaps. . Mrs. J. Stetarerr; Mrs. Sam SUverman. v JWWaf" 'ai'al toa, Sugene Lowden j;?' Miss Becky MerWst sad Jittlo Mildred Sto I. Jr.. Ueuteaaat fuss, Brtttaa merry daaea laa' wirb tt the baautiral Thurston. WlHfro.:i. VttTfü MeMe, BaUata CoMWeU, Mat Helare Shaw Party.' bone of LaasaaaWM.'isi Ooveraaaant alilL . Cbtyasatbemums tad aataaa leaves oasa-- i jaaaBstBaasaa tarotr rormea a party n one w uto owns, every aw Miss llaille Irvla sad Dr. H. E. Jordott aareatf Jeliy la 'war was ewtatww were tbe or Mr. tad Mrs. li. R. aortas pistura abaw Miar mm ruMs ataat by Mist sadya atea Aisyiaat far a Osmble in tbelr box. Lafttaa 'am s4 Ysteta. iw I ,SeWy awasaar or aer V Col, Herb L. Siocmn, esat WlHtsas nbaaiiaaaatJ " Tba butv er tea rawaaa GpM VMt wMafw mtm Ua ' H. Clapton Major A. rtysa, aH aasmbtfi érOB en4 wtSHmW "sad James raaWtar Mi- - Yséeta, . rlEJoUVEP v i M. a aosnlaatwnal aburettes K. Xaay, Mttaat J lit lapalaii laaataa aad or Cloumbus, M., reriasd party ia iAM ttNtaay. tfea saoins r box. S Lad4' iiwii nail, IT A'QUETIoH'Or!1iVCK ae mk-- WAT IJ orTEH B staaa sad purpotaa FoaWwtasr tbe bsetMSaa. itatth reata Mr. F. C. chats aaa Mr, sad Mrs. J. E. "waltish WóMAK MAKE-- bR.EAT,ÍH iMiuasr occupied a, maasaiy aajoyed, tat waat1 at tas WHEHA dooD rJElt i be. qenewet taMSeladMabV af Mat Mrs. Richmond aM Mr. tad Mrs. Weak- - tuitt wiser, IT 15 MEVCIt A Tbaahattvtat matf ietas served. . Qtitim or ILseie ware la aaatber Md. aaa Misses ox Taoaa aasavinsr aj4 .bastar LUCKWH WE doóD IT tM FrsMtl isbity Colon limlAU ' rftyf MKE BltEAIfí bllt Mbs, sad Miss Trtva ata ssau ta ur, "' Mr m May kraaiitwr, aaaa SSaarsm. Jaste bar- - RAKERY.VE WafsT SEJT gas, anawsiss . aaameter, i , irVE-piEHTá-A- Mr. 8. C, McCoNárt bex ware Mr. aírale aiaea, -- QU.ALirV LL Fawy I I , IX Mrs. A. Aubry, Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Kataerlne Diek. Aaa Fliiasta. - Aasta, Lfi I t I Mr., aad Mrs. R. Cosita or Sle Marlon Alnsa, aa asta sata.- issraieua. aDaaaaaaaaaaaaW.' I TlSJEDj" Ituttt. Mr, aad Mrs. 0. j. biaford. 11 'iBte MEASURE THEM' EX- Meaert HolllUur's ruests were Mr. Mrs. W. W. Turnar, Mr. tad Nrl, W. ACT MIX AND' bAKE Mr. lacb Wbna. Mrs. Leus t. 1M Mr. Tarnr of rart Wartti. Miss OUR THE Mayaba Tsmrmwia aad Mies Aaa Ttwrmond. EXACT TEMPER, ATU&E! 'Ta 'meats oceupyiat tea, box or Mr. faattswir were cel. aM Mrs. Omar NECEaJiSAltV Tó R.-ó- may. sad Mrs. J. L. Mtrsss, Oeu. DUCE.FER.rECT fcHEApff JS COL Kdwsa si J. Oréale, eat siaat Mn. ttaorca Moraaa. Mttaas Dor- - YOV CAH'T DO THAT ir mtkt t á aMá Mortaa, virttaw autaaie, IN YOUR, 1 Aaa, I. K. Sattr, Mrs. H. c siattarcawk. e KITCHEH. l Mi U T: - :.L, . . TKmmrymAim Jew MmaUr a arares Mrs. T..F. Saassr. Mrs. rsva Umbx atta. Sitiar Wau It SatBois. Masor OaltTAsWiarbilBWCIlbUM lSbiiripst tavts as aaa a&AatSMl - - - j Styk of Hairdrooointt Hms? f jrBii jas. aivea eltWaatVi ejaaj tns aa ya AT 6f.oCWCS ;.t? aa taatriMaam Ma4 assjiMtj All i . rm wHMffwr sata I af Wavo La Caiquo ra sa aaotaar aas. Mr la Craaja'uim Sfasjwswi aad VsMi OfMMa W W&t&&$i WéJtfM Priacoos bad aa bat wjiim MitioM.n asaa be stalaí aaaaaa, r aPwM'iWava JM6NI fwa Naw York, MjltHnoAMratiHg tknew MiJ4alsf tur Jtr. tad Mrs. cats. be. TTy ItttstsC Mrs. a. 1. traos, Mr. atvd av. tea art, w, J. MaN ISuar. aai M a. a. aaris. Mrs. m. Ml Ia&-aUa- at kMht MwiieWhW ttawsfawnaKeas. A. flB8euitijf l1' i aaraa assaasv eaMaaatt aaaavtaaMai Mtaa njasait statr Ftll as ata af Sbt sNatsu Mrs. Maa abaiatF SMatsaa. 7 liúdasiSSST aaats at eat af aba baasaa. otaan saaamstmiat; parva as at aba, asarte aaaw yaswislta! wi Bbaaaabaaatai ja?a5ieeaa4aeaaTaM asSbaa iISm no, ana a idH&rtw'atMiff aanaU natter aH "pl."w "Itiinrtavl lai eMtftL" A ranclmcm waa aewei krJM 0T1a, wtilrji waa Indeed 9I a HEJwkte8t liñyou sijvV is ready In our store for your Xmáá buying. Htowinv ae ', me aaiae wmm 0vf enjoyed, and looaa winntM toa pnM et MIm VloM Altken, Mlii Otrie The quantity Is atooet bewildering and tbe prices attrac- Latiiiton and MIm Conitanre Pat an, and are more than . Twee Invited to enjoy the hoipttatiW ef Mra. AÜtttiaoa were: Miami .Violet Aijayn. tive, írówtays from America, dolls from Germany, toys from ek o Masai O'Coniwr, Harrien Bryan, OMMfflkM mechanical oíy rueaaaaw Xata Xrauae. nitor u2"V aanry Hmninr. nur entonan, uarimw France, ámiipíg things made by the nimble fingered Japs,1 r row iMwmaa, Mra. ueo. Atven. playthings in fact tppOnr, tJtUa Kawnla linn wnni tte.foeata. and Una waa amonr tite unique ana preuy atiaara otim&i anaaaa. from au parts m tip órld are in óür big HOLIDAY DISPLAY. Presents w ye 8 H. Li Bobtnton waa uvea Btaai:at for the Baby, fqi firaftdma and Grandpa, presentó for the Children, Mr. ' ' awpnae party at .ner an i T , . I 1- , p 1' aarnti. tne oceaatoo ix i. 'il betnr é4iJr preaenis ior me rarenis, presents 10 maKe1 me nome more Deauuiui, Mré. MAhiBKm .waa ilia laWaa1 fiawi of presents to wear at orKICES THAT YOU WILL LIKE. " an he aeaerattooa praaaat, ImM Mfa. .SHJa r' T- . aaaaa OeMna. Jara, m arv P. Wnr.-Mc- r K.L. ItoMnaon . Mrs. n. w. wvnwrauara. ana M eater Tex. weateramard. Mra. "oWneon waa toe, reetplent of many beaaurul flowara proeonia. Tjte othert praaent ww: L. ItoMnaon, Waer-uara- . Mr. and rlMra. CUrtc Monoorfr, L A.f,WetarrtrtW aui Laui, lUddaMnn. Mra. .Anna. Watar- - NT. Ht4Mtur. .4... aard.andfiaa Befen Titraard,' Of Oiawba, STEEL THtK BLOCH'EDES--Aalta4V- ile Wther Mt, MMh'lMcEaoMa wm toe nets, Mr.?.n. bonered Mael frame. kek , 69c tttet:a,a vara eAdtiu I birthday dinner ...... bftddle aprin blank aiMtmel frame, Vfkaal 1 4 in., 3 1C .Met bffeLei the GhMfO hotet. Cut now- - CkerMar..BaU, ' MMMVrMMW Peo M :tae. Cuarfty .MR,' V'WaiMrev at 5EMIOUJkWWiCM.CAIlTS LaAata - M'MNMl l a - irrtlr nil eta a tiiii" n ir a hsMunt bocjy blua'.taé faltiai , ota-nM- kemalra.- Each , $159 ' )MíeaMbMad,cOlhV A MMHM MX B aaiini loT'tBe yean, aaaon. wiitM .IwndJtiaultlWplafc.MMjlaf M WIREDGU, W'aíiitf i.colH'a bwm'wMmI' cherry, scroll aMea...... ' Tbia prooileea t e aaT JariUtant atwl WKHI 4V ...... 69c .Seme m above, yeera; Eimm . . , . . , .$3.35 ever, ae aiwaye .fc'i,..,'-'- .lJto aoeeeaafal than and It U K MtJmSm-- - If dooMiMt Mbj. 6e weatterfHlly Moeeeeful, evaryno te aaawi to eoate and 'need noi tug .telnhwi aft aventar Oral, or a fear of the nnewoloriable Yadi draaa? for Rxxbber afclannday thla aeaaoii. bow win foe worn, an mm TiréfVelocipedes Series : Hikt, mmwi. ladlea , accorrttty wtlt appear' In ket evento; fuMeaaMe Emmet aieel frame and wJwele," extra; stpettf; rear axle ttpaort, padded leather beattttrul rowna and '' Thrgifcf getréhv of Teeipte MC Bleat artentoon aaraL - ,v bieyele aaddle, double spring. i V wH i IWSeday' Monday to Card taMes will .bearranted far Uaaae Sled.ot avery ( 3 te 7 years, as 5 9 IB sowing, w ouar-- not dee tin? to dance and oeaiNrt Same above. to noeatbie U itotnar atrinawj for.eaeli awe ac- - $3.98 jrears, each' ...... $4.50 V, B ' ' . ' IMS Jlwrb oalitishVifl very tat anetiiÉr wttt ba M faawre or Mte eyea.-lav- fMtOGytrf ROCKING HORSES Oil fiaiib. naTural .STEEL WHEELBARROWS Red enamel sheet ateel fennellr; Thursday "atteriKKiB a Bora' 'A very iBforsftal.reeeetlon wm. aleó ' for woou wnjjcu ana ornnmcniea, mane, .body,, single spoke black enamel wheels, ii f IiIiiiH in hAr Mrs. M. bo In vou dufrt part or tbe evenies:. pniiiea "yn QC ii mt Ur. tail." ,J,t , C I. 3inear;,of Lo Angeles, who her 3be union Biuatetana of tbe city bave hair Each.. .', .. . . I wood handles. Each. . , ,J3C cootrtbuted tbe. ore bog tra for "tbe sanee 5 upholatered LieMiiafraahaMttu were wired tad tnuMc. . SHOO ROCKING HORSES rétonne .LARGE SIZE STEEL WHEELBARROWS Reel My jpliaiiiit afternoon w enjoyed. Mrs. W. u. Huraea and Mayor c. E. KaHy aent and back, play bx, hair tail. 1 fjarael sheet steel body, tangent spoke, heavy wilt lead the Knd mareii. If Joan L. Oseti abd. HObert. MoiHday win Each .ipl . ID tinned wheels. Each, ...... 65c "SieaMTftev enaon wm the happy 1mm- - take tbe tleketa at tbe door., In tbe baUa ROCKING HORSES: Dapplo white enameled leather "'STEEL EXPRESS eteeí mm t very eMgntfnl banco party to direct tbe ruesta to tbe .etoak reoBM, WAGONS Heavy side,, steel nri jw- .iU.HljJI.-- . . fc" 1!.t-- JJ1-- . ! at her AoaM tB'ibo Kiück- tbe ball room and tbe card room 'will be cue ortaipa. gnp inm tngiten rauuise, najr Braces ana Doister. rea enamel Meaers. H. BroaddtHi, Henry 8. Beach. ChietMsea .nr various shaded' ebrrsanthe W. mane and tail, red hardwood rockers. ach. $2.98 painted. Each .69c poed palma and fenta altrac- - Ztcb taatar" Cobb. Motet' Fraakltn'. c. H. Hrtyraaar vteaxno'roorae Amour uww Flnlev. J. A.. Haroer. Kdrar Kevur and Br. : M?ri jacaaeR, op wu- - yf a lUuMt. Jejnw ievMNatr win reet Confer- Marion Calnaa,,lrma heavy side RUBBER TIRE TRICY-- . - tne oancuHT'i steel Hand BavMWjb th Prniter. Clara Maud. Flor- For not to dance, eard gmiufi Can f Druttif Laakln. Virginia tuoe carln? express Wagons CLES Enameled steel ilar, .Mind' may be played la' the pr lora-o- í tbe oiub. Wi Rape IRISH MAIL frame, gear and mud hv Williams. Vilas Simmons, TiHtrnSwiil tin itrlaaaT Mra. W: F Enamel paint, bright red, HAND CAR METAL BODY DRUMS DorMyrnanao. Myrtle Jackson, Ann u- - snavMra." Keary ffarf wtH be In charge --; --Stenciled red enamel guards, retianed steel or tht room; , atrong paten tpainkedhan-eHe- e. National and BoyJBcout ny myra jatason. Tbe raeetvbir mm will baeOBteoaed of eiL stout frame, tinned wheels ateéring rod,, iirana Ana riivnau., Moedamea T. W. Latóer, Cbark B. aterena, ,Extraibras.:AQ steel wheels, .d"seat designs, each with with small onea veraiirnlie AO leatherette - W. H. Burgee, A. Kerr, . 8. C, Karle, '!? tdto-tb- n Eaak . . . .WPV heavy spoke.,, 'Each; 2 15c .follow-a- . CbUboree Adatna, (Me .YolUbari, Va c. l ,i .,.,,.,.rOiZD- .sticks.' Up'frem. luncheon 7 i, jilas Era wJ aeatakw by Wllaon, WK:-yiwrirt- w: C. vl, - Jteaae Ai ÍÍWnea. M cNary, 'i u. utevensoe nvemar- WaK .J..,li. VIOLIN-Varnieh- W. ,V FIKR 'HEAD. DRUMSMeW bodies, circu. and METAL MANDOLIN Metal finger board. 6 metal JUVENILE ed brown, naHonar 8, T.'oawie.uaariee.uavif, i. r, shaded WHHama, 8.' e. MoCnrdy." H. B. (Hevea, colomal deaigm with cord and belt. Of wood bodies futlyiauipped. 5 aFar MfM'AHkea. U. S. S lawart. Henry JTar, Zaeb T. "Watte, fpsth . , ...... ,V lewple" lancee Ike . Up ,'..':.'...... sJaC can be produced. Each...... v 29c' Each . , , $1,45 Mr. Paul Atl at 0. H. Baum.-W- W. oe, L. K." Booker, B. ' ' fv- - ' "...... Artaoo straw. '!reawroaf ;iiK on, L Farrar. J. Tt. Lewis,, s. Areaama. t. A. düoL tfia asaMBUteeat Ut abarawi ot tajr bM ar,ia!iy.r i mo prominent eáblnvaf eorasea mn tor arrair, rouow: waa a - - tbe cy. Vie eonunlHeei Pqy. and. place, eorsktre- beu- "Olxairsf aanmoMiajtiri rronMiH PriBilnr eonmitteer Mr. Joba L. jyer, J Meadame J. A. Kapper, O. 'H. The beet-mad- goods on the market, all solid, hard CHILDREN'S NURSERY CHAIRS ARK Bright roof, Clarence '8. Plckrell, W. B. Ball, Golden flgfa. NOAH'S color, hinged QO ralo. 'red, W. M. Ponce, E. M. wnitaaer. ooorje aaer. 'wood painted and varnished. oak finish, adjustable tray. Each. .. . ,j , V. painted, carved wood Animals. Each...... vOC j.-- Ui, Sweooay and-sa- t Silverman. t Mrs. tUp from , . , ..; . . , 25c PAINTED AND PLAIN RUBBER BALLS Deco- -' S5B. Elatir'a' exDorlriaM On tHlreu Freag' oowntttee: W. L. Perwortft .V'i.r.. cbftirraaa; Mesdaae D. Baker Smith. R. E. it V CHILDREN'S NURSERY CHAIRS ratéel in combination fancy colors, comic 1 A Tbomaaoa, C. Ii. Vowell, Daa- ,T. WbHe Rocker same aboye, up from. base. $2.25 Oo ti tlitó.day or May Ethel Klcey Hwrv WaU. and E; W. WWI. " a Woven reed Each, pictures and floral designs, Up from each. .rXUC comniena4;Kfakiiit Lime- Relief T. Bíaayt Pnnob .commit we: . Mrs. H." C. Mylea, for tobeku.lar'lpao.; Her oésdllhtu waa cbaJnnan: Mead ames Jaraea' L. Marr, Meary , f . t o rrave'ú Waed ie eTe froa & Boaolii WIlMam; Wlncbaatar Cootey ükUtKHoa KHlfew Maiiiaa roc cUnatic abd Miss Anee Myiea. comanHteer Mrs. Van Wil beeeflta. 6 he UaóVoyer (''lefree fever hivltaHon & .BL- Janrara Maadaroea o. K. - and ' Now. e son.' cbalrman: iBanan efít.r ho eoih, Ceórge K. Le Baron', William H. Bttrge TOY STOVES AND RANGES Made just like the big ranges and a fire can be built He.ieer x 1 Frank Cote and W. D. ytm. ' - ! In them, hinged doare, removable lid, shelf back, skillets, stew pans I. cofflBWBced trytnir :tfce lime Keat Hall and ruratanur coBumttee; Mr, h. at ment eWAtwttsHr tud t degree fever. W. Broaddua, obalrman; Meadaaiea A. P. v artd lifter. Up from, each t ,v , .1 Mwbare'no fever;. tat aed IS pottoda Coles, K. M. Davls. R. F. Caai) la.weJettt. ,J0n,.H, Jjrtef,. bell. w. C. Davis. J.. "W. Eubamc C. H Ob fce t7t4diyíof:8optmber I Phi ley, R. B. Hotnan. C. E. Setty. Caarloa irylsr Rlteyi lime treatment it. I.oavell. Irvine MeNotii cnarie M. new, Jn. Have talaed. .7 pound in welRW; reel man, C. 3, Mapal, A. W. Allen' H Toy Books ketter. and itroifer.:A. H. Thomtiwiy. r.hOdea and Mak'Weber. ,, ,, 'i T aa etaatii M: waa in very JeebM Refreebraent eontmlttee! Mr,. Ctawtime Toy Book,, paper and board cavers, favorite stories, Santa Glaus Fairy ce41UR; badly .run down from aaate Adam, cbairman; Maadamea w. H and eaUae. I rommaoced Uktfl? tbc'Jlme tales, profuely;;'ilIuatrated. Up freth. V , September B: l. Farrar. Owra Koblaerr, Chart , treaMMM, about W. Healln Steven. 'rak S. Ataaa, J..M. Lewta, W L. walffct- - Mr. Foxwortb and Wt S. Croate.T íioor eoinmátaaei. i Mm o. aafary,J OMEvor"tow,i;iacas chairman: Maaar. A. P. Ceie. 1, Prank When you buy here ye Cola,; OtU Got, Robert MaAfea, VHiMar Kooieerr, raw natmau, ,aaa ' have the "cWertable sou. " Joan v,, k.immrmiey--. Jt, h Ramarr OaJbotae. Adam. Robert T. 'WeW, feeling that you haye U! 8. Stewart, Watar DavH, Ooorw Ptory, 8. O. Awbrey, H. W. Broaddtw, Pr ante beugVtt right, and that Morehtaaa, W. r. Payne and JE. H. WbM akar. ' the prices you paid are Bntertalnnaant committee: Mayor C. E t'F Kally, ebirani4tidte,A. 8, J. Bylar, Jud the lowest. AaitNt. Pool, Wi W. Turnar,, i. if.tMttaa, r, W, H. Bairga. B. F, BMrr, M. p, Biaaar, A; OoMpaneaae. wtacneaiar en way; praaK llllll1lltlllllPWae4Wtllllll1l Illllllllllll Illllinillllllllllll IIIpW4WWWIII lillllllllllllllll Illllllllllllllll Illlllllll Illlll II Illllllllllllll IIHWWWeaeBw Powr, Meary Waif. Atfrad Kerr, Nam . Patter, J. A, Krakanar.Wyoba Orear, A. Bthwartt.ce: I. Piekre, y. w. Marten, W. tvM wtii be radra: Ma, C, l Over. av Hilt, N. M., wacre be aapecU te reátala paaaaaa, Mr. and Mra. J. L. Mania, ta BU VITAL RECORD. KLVlft To Mr. Mn. Marry net. t. m. b. stevaac c. a. aiMat win aneak on "Tba Tennr Wemaa ia MS Montaba ttreef. Mar. tt, a y. Harrymi;awatn. Dr. B. M, Worabaaa. pr.-- of Today and Her Pleaatira." Mr. Waibar A' Bealbav OALLKf ASr-T- o Mr. sad Mrs. Manual C www 'Ms; o, QaUea-aa- , D. m. E, W. Ci X. whs saw, aitar wbkb w Mrs. ,A. U Baton I eaaaatrd W from W. Robert Mrs. Lillian FHANCtB-Ibf- ast Nov, 18, Botita U VraJa straet. Mar, U Booker. , -. I Franalt. Hi Meairy T. Bowta, a,v BMk. A. fBttow- Mr. 0. A. Tbtunat the be it ta flblhs'ihinl to apead Thaakaf hrter wMh bar iBaiassv who were wanted, are 3 Cone Or li, a boy, j. jay Hot. ta comelerv.' or ta aftaaaooa and'wltt b aiiliH Atbetia Baton laaaJsBBaF an be; St. Ratta Cote, M, Oche Caaap nbal weX C0UBwtn Hi Settth Mar, ; r.WMav tba Araaal Fire On: ae at be te meant after Dc t fMf, W, SWIM NOV. If Ml cea n. m .Pi BV'8. wOi arvtva Mw city WaaV VILLALASeS-MAHQti- havw Uin Wldwat oboloe h Btaa Laabe. Ponb fa Friday Alrreaa VlBaU-b- o TM wttaai W. L Gtaekett. Br.- Oaara K. fmiiriB J Baanir lar Mr. '.rvam tpaad- - y Canear patnnitd STRAUT-- Kat berta Btraut, , Kev. AWaen-Loo- Men te Thankatwaf is. to Ftopaaet Maaane. yam name to a ahaat flowara K. Vastaa, J. M. Hotitasay. Vea, C. WUaeo, Tba avniatiiaa. of tbe at, Me wiih rrlailve Bear shewed Nov, m to MlUodore. WW, bar (ar ware, Jolly beat of vary faauiy wyainwr street. I Oitavlaa j J, B. ,T. T. nv waddtae the HAACkCbarle Haack, Nor. Jft awr oaaaalnn or ijwryaaa. lawl. Frer. - l dajater a aa ft, tt. Thfar Baaai c. M. Harvap. O.- P. ata lea aw away Mr. Mra. A. Barreta, Wna. L. Ha and P, Bawe, T:WAI.btT-- X. aínjp vartatr ofaeoaa L. TooMr, Bjjeg ar ibr. J, Uaaa, irasrant bvBVS f. Taasbaad, and children, of ai te frocai aa jjy. WltttaeBi. W. bajar Mi Tea WMI jvMR VHMIi 0otaAl.Ea- -a Ooaaale, t, iw Canal Baft. aialajr wkvaa. yam oaOt. W hawa BBav Oeo., jopa, parnuae; dSU Mr, Mas, J, MM MaaJaa aae at tbe Marruerite street. av Burled Mov. M ta cea j. asm mm. mmmm W. Oartaat. Hv. av an) am. uaa.,maar manmi, lan. a iamnm mmrm wm f eMI County ttmitiry. anbaaTÍñlt uailetii a - WBfe. JwT, Pilau. WW 8. CPfBBbM BBS 5waaayt ef Mate. MP. Taailtad wa former- BsjltAWBatBSBB JaMJB caMAM, I i .' Cbarwili Uae. ef Kl raw. I. vptfm amó Banattaa, wa ha fea t m. ii wff-- ' BOCKMOLIKR-- 7o Mr. and Mr. H. A. puftm, ta beaa aa W Ma. BBj forU aVMpkflaWltC SW) JfatMeMi MfW'Ha JfOYe 941 wuimii abaar. a.- "Inar'tba'niaair a inrliad. meted nwatml ayw ljbwaTtKdy Paean. (aaSB B. X. BatsatL r Beaver, and F. F. s bay.' a wa aajapad wttb Wat. QOkymWAt To Mr. and Y. ear laade la trtf faVanBBaaMt ffMbaasadkaat .ut- - rii Mr. ana aaa-lP- i. a.BjBJMdtff rMTX PFv aajauba mi MMB A' ' - Babarway - UrttoaanT) taMoibaÉatl vpJa, MrtK J. X. Beaiiraoa H vaanaar bar r a Bse eats.- Olee CUat sad Bearey Ta itf, MM MM. AMM4 Wa wJjtaM 3B.i jjbjbmJ CIMatj htn boatf ta aaaax til.. JJJ-- TBUMO Ta Mr, Mm, Paara Tiraaa.l Mead tHiiiitT Aak Basaa. fat Tasas a ajjw gAmtf fauftnTi aaaBb&B eWpWlwaBBBBJi Mta.'ivi , af Ua issHai. Cat. tl-- t SMnfffaaj) aTP srW bj apapw. aaar. MfMfTT w 4F tá aMkr VanoaVvM ataaSaol ' aontaiaM. 'staajt, nr bar bnr, Mr, r. K. j, t afjr rtaaa. Nit Xataa Caaap- - m - ' i5ft555lPnP StMMMÉpWAptV mi r t aaÍÉPBÍMl BMn- -' T. FBLr OVWftfnaW MBHH'', if. It. )afnBBaaaaaj4n-aJ-aaataa.9VfEap jBan(jB( pi ípf f lNwftti watt. liajaSteT aaMaM'!!.'!v.aJr briental Orean? at BhxayOMmtB? SmjÜ. n" Lna3el5e55Sl5w BjSsa abfiaBtli Ml MmKML Miaa a'atty síaray'cattad' hZV eij

. PSh afaB.1rajaesa r, P. JaSJtar. , Baso nansa," eMaf nMMSaa) aBNManr. h fan,', A.i Braaddat, af La Cruaa. a fb? Ma, vMa FaaF. Bba naaapwads TKomaa A. CliptiOj wu biatnitf . easJb at s baaat taMnataV Ma, saaay ralaali bt tat ear's BBBaaS apa. BBBaas wat aaay BfjjajS SaMsBars CataaAsMPC Cepsi Isafaal QVaaMRvjii ' fltwafifir MdBa PlsÉBa BBS BBBS at Bja Ffal T, C. Hatea, af ta canea, u ai 327 Pmpwt Av PWÍ037 9Ba9PpjBa JJ'JJJ'aajj waj BS BBMt4 Mea? t.,ba ssajjr Sat isvesja weaasv BkB.Sbti. WIJ SBB U ta atty. jajjrvBns&uiiBP A. 1 1 Sb BaaafeQBa iSSsBSBa a, sad Mr.U fa IS flBp Peal BM has n8B'at.i7r ara to bat basM ta Brat af aw aE 1 Way. Neve 21 lttr 16 EL PASO MORNftC Dftntel Cheater French, Dean ofAmtrlctn Spiftr Produces Superb Group Ír Pnturnt-Padf- ic Expotition Avoid All Risk by

"Asking Segal!" s SifiN ADVERÍlSifóii cannot afford incorrect glaMes, TIFIC s YOU ed - or later they must be 4 j.f; for a correct pair and in the mean- WILL MAKE YOUR BUSINESS i I time your eye may have suffered irre- I I parable damage. .aKBaavwHaaPHt iHlaa fii kh at ma r r 111 You vffll aave meaey and avoid all riele by ti IB ''staking Segall" when symptom of eyestrain or Sttftttjk defective tmíor firat appear. Every pair of, glaeee fitted here mean that a careful and . thorough examination of the eyes has been y sude and pedal leaaea ground. HE KN0S ' s "A 1. H W i L f- s -- - r, aaiiiiL 7 V. I

i 't- -


IT --I0iIXMS. Near 0re9

between the regimental team wWea wat charge of violating the Mann white Hire alto on the horse show profraaa will be OUTUOK NIT tSSEATE We give you a large Sign advertising your business BRITISH IMPOSTE! act, old- her wry oa the- witness stand ma err auitnr lbs afterseoev A Mara today. - ,f representing the Thirteenth cavalry hat Kerne Ii a wealthy ranchman residían- bea aeot here to comtews ta tee race, . in colors low as $2.00 per month. The tutor a Paso Morn lar Tiroes, El raso. la Grant eountr tomé distance from Sil la the first game, today Mm Thirteenth l0 setucieeat af fatcrpallaeal fftaaaettt as Texat. ver City. The tin, who claims to cavalry and the yreeaootert wia uae up M Deir Slri-- in view of ruin items recent- bit cousin, rays- she was worklnr la a ss follows: ly published la" some of the newspapers ot rtrptrtmcnt store. In. Washinrum, D. C Thirteenth, cavalry tt. Franklin, jo. Ij Sy ikeA'mekH Jrai tb southwest, in relation to the purchase when Keene Induced her to n. to bis raacb Lt, Tliompson, KO. 3; LU Xobman, !(o. Ji Wasfatagtoa, Hoy, MrTU or horses, mule,. etc., ror live British gov- on the pretense that ba desired her to Lt Kelly, ffo.t. ud the lfitemaUoaal naaaai tttaaMoa.aac ADVERTISING RESULTS PHONE ernment, we tar to Inform yon that the care ror bis mother. Freebooters Hanson, He. i; Lt. Sands, aartor the war rr- - reseealaar of"tae. Lea , FOR 1001 esia are agenta In Once there, she testified, she was Kept Jto. Davit, no. . aa mu g.ww, wj - lellowinr tt accredited the 5o. f: Seers. at am flew join iwt or f ') L'nlied sute for ancti purpose, vu; prisoner until abe finally escaped aaa The second game which. wtH be bctweea aa abrapt aeK today wM tae aeaartare Campbell Bled, made her way to Sliver City, team ana tne sir neerse Patsh aact BaaM 8. naeaetc et Messrs. a East 8t. LouU. xeeat't the Eighth infantry briftae the Eagltsa treasury, aeptraneet ferjTfew Mo. arrest followed. Flfteeou cavalry, wtu oeesae me cnara 15 EXPERTS and 1000 IDEAS tomorrow, peso iotk. iter expect so Mil iw aagiw aen p. Meur. Howard k carpenter. East St Dereadtnt will take the sisad ploa or the Mrs show uurnameat. week, and, altbouea ao oeftaMe, ceaeaaetoa LouU, Mo. teasat are undefeated, having oeatea was aHainabie aere tonight, K .U aet' be- F1EVB, loth Metan, aarton & Harrington, Kama CHy, CMiLB VICTIM OP their opponents in ine avsaaunary lieved tint taev wntl rMura. . Wo. T&ey will hava tae following Uae Aecerálnr to ecmary 'McAaiee, 9tr Mr. 1. 8. Tough, Chicago, in. Util Mexteaa Ctrl Found la Box Car After Oeora-- has been called back s Weajand by Alt WgM Search. CetMaa, no. cnaaceuor e to aaaaaaa'aae we AT YOUR SERVICE Alt or the aiwte are actlnr under agree- - EUhth brlrade Lt. t; it. cabled, an all night search directed by Ko. LU hoaals ta Losulofl ter Mm. mem with Major Central sir F. Bob too. 39 After Umptoa, No. ; IU McCaaaWf. I; The aews ef Sir George's reeeH wat aet Wtlllegion street. East Toroato, Casada, folic Capula Loa Oarner, officers yet' reeke, ho. c ' meae puMtc uatti today attaoerh In teft and who If lb only authorised represents-tir- terdar ruornlne at S o'clock found rmeeMh eavtlrr Lleataatnl Orahaca. Ho. laaa nlcht fee Hew York. The saestsae re- - or the Mid government tor the pur. oíd Aalta Canales In an empty freight cad It Lt. MarUn. Ho. !; Lt.- - SarW, Ho. J; Lt, eaiiier aim evldeauy came at a surprise, pete atora mentioned. la the Sanu re ralirosd yard. nuaeellNo, 4. .. at be exaiatoed to Mr. McAdee over the Aay persons not included in the above the child was m a pitiful condition from The Thirteenth cavalry defeated tae SUtft teioenone late last night. , the treatment had1 at the S .Setae. oKlolaia hare..were aet to list and who rite themselves out as repre she received Field afflllery by score;ef. to te ie tae, baoda of ilcxul who- - lured her away - - Ataeet' wntetlves or Hie Britlsti government In ihe seml.'flaéW ef the polo series- yesterday. pleat a taey'bad beea before the home early night. leter-esti- raat such matters, should he discontinued, un from her Friday The raate .wea the closest; aaa. asset Rews ef Sir Oeoreé'a recall wa siren eut a lest they tro provided with unmistakable Tbe Utile victim wat taken to the cea er aa tae content darter tM aeries. It was recalled teat KegHsH beakers who A credentials.- - which undoubtedly they will (ral emergency hospital where she was at- are vitally interested In tae aegotitltena BREAKS COLD, tended by Surgeon Lynch oeorge fcavt no hesitation In showing' when re Police Frank TROOPS SENT TO SONORA. were not at all anxious to' have Sir quested so to do. and Mrs. Emm Webster, probation offl-ro- come to America. PETER'S ADVENTURESS i When found bjr Officer. Henderson The polat on which the English bankers Yours very truly, Rrlaforreeieatt ta Urlie MUI rreaa Treeraea to sticking CLOGGED THE U. E, CLUB OF EL PASO. and Vetter the, wat too weak; to speak. tre bettered be and the ose ÜPENS Befqre being (tome at Keo. about which they desire a personal explana- remores to ber the Announceaieni wai made to Juaret yes tion from Sir Oeorge la the creation of a IN MATRIMONY SATS SHE WAS PRISONER. child told Mrs. Webster the story or bow day eevsrat thou I80 00.000 credit fusd by the Baak or - the bad been Induced to accompany a terdar that duriar the sand troops with a battery of artillery bad iana to protect American aecurntes FRicn HEAD AND NOSE By LEONA DALRYMPLE V Mexican who promised to buy ber tome to dis- may, bo. soiu on iae noceaiaa; or. ute jam Woasea Make erare Charges Against New candy. been entrained at Chihuahua be exchange. A suggestion Tor a , Mexico Ranchman, Sonora. troops assist don, auch Author of the aew aaveL "Diane of the Green Van," awarded a I Uéoi every being by the, police patched to The will fund, which may look Mke aa addiueaal By pretal to The effort is tnsde the Mayiorent forcea In driving out mil shotaldera $10,030 by Ida M. TarbeU and S. S. McQure aa judges, Wire Tint IP run capture perpetrator burden ror alreadv well lxlen. TAPE'S COLD ENDS SEVHW H. down and the state dl- - COMPeN" Albuquerque, .. Nov. outrage every availafel man from Haco aad protecting the from probably wtu be" regard a, wita teau the complaining tn of the. and Invasion south by táe tavor ay colds or aatrrc is few 3akbtt, witness the has been detailed on the from .the Carrtatt taguea Dtacers. ease of HI chard Keeue. now on trial tn the 'case. soldiers. The troop will move lato Sonora Some officials here teei thai 8 6eore the 1 Blake," aha aaeWaad, " The stuck on little canales girl via Grandes tae troops and Mr. Blackett wM ase peatlale ar- - Tht truth abotri "Iht girl aa tht "Ob, Dr. Hatted Sutes district court ber on the or cuas Whether RiHef teat spy eye. So Peter aad I try ta aeeond crime tills nature within come way or on taetr journey uiwi ra hito ne plana aareea area nere comet uttaatly, case" distinguish ts this nrw stritt by ofua Chief will hy juare moorsea aaa Eag. A every letlng who can the rartheatr' Tea toe week and Darla and' tilt Bien ire Sonora was not The com' or taw teveraaiaat kr dose takea two hours aatH three DairymfU. ckératttr thoroughly to necessity lo announced. llah bahkera, whoso waH aattety litis fítr stuittt havar Jaat. what clever swevarlj aroused the ot of tae forcea also has not beea aetrtt4.aMf'ary. doses are' takea ad grippe mil not appir' unfsmitiw to Hi ma- - ralU yea brlnglnr the perpetrator to Jus- minder up a caMeaa your wife ean tnvaat Mtil flendlsb announced. aad break severe eeht ellher la the aril y vffio tvíH follow the KttrlgtM. Mary tice. The fact that neither of the little t'rge.Chaage ta Srkt Laws. , head, cheat, body or Mmpt. of rtders, gat her la memo Uttlo ir de- Dtl Steetal Wtr te T rfaiM a foriMnts of "Pttet" with UlrrtsL told roua alba that day te ebea victima were able to aire ao accurate it promptly opea eterred-a- aettrH had scription of work Chauffrar Pie From Espesare. Albuquerque, Jf. M., Nor. atr'cassaget aaety Anastaa. 4 their assailant taakea the ÍMedcl aad ta'thh head. tteM" eetnpVaeV aree-eatt-r. wire changrs la the Hew Mexico aeaeol laws are atete Ne, 152 BbU nsMütlr aad of the officers difficult In the eitreaw. 0 pedal fe TAe riie discharge or nose running, retteve whirling- - tMaga about aad Albuquerejue, H, M Nov. H- - A telegraia urged In retolutwat adopted today fey the neaoacae, auiinett, rerenaaaeett, sere tke Tríale, aftar cooacil, gaverataa; bedy Twwic feeHa with latter and light aad We do it better for less, Cut lute Clean- from Encino received aero today hrougat educational the threat, taeexlng.. toreaea aad tttffaett; Mary ya ware ing exposure of the New Mexico State EdtteaMeaat NQ eetare ha M that her Works. Phone Kit (Advertisement) word of tba death there from Deaf stay stuffed-us- l WowUg aad tricked mm haaatttaiv - whtca meeta Monday Uae city. 0K omHc áH deed tfeer ware and hunger of Edward! Crlepe, chauffeur ta saufffiBgt Ease your threhMtMr head! Havi: nothr "Cetb eter." ha "Iwet' f POLO THIS AFTERNOON. party Denver automobile tourtitt, Frank Harrea, dean of the state aenae! Nothing etk eH, for a of else la the world give eaeh jsreatat tsriaw late ae what aart at lamp Nature save who were n roete to El Paso. The party school at Let Vegai, was today 4ected relier .at Tape's Cetd Coaaataag," watch chatnaaa the Miss A. th a the Ma- T9V.. 4' Army Teacat la Deride Ckanploaahtai Ot was lost in Ike mountains ror two dsya ef council: Maaette teats only K ceata at aay antr tere, it ef I weat threaah the fare,, ad ae dM mow . and nights and Ha members were many Meyers, state supertatendeet et domesHc atee, ttel, H r4Baxd er , Hre this Atieraoaa. wea ect without asstmaee, iatai, eaaee Mr. Faadatd.. Mrs. PaaaUtd, I eeaM Si A double lietder Polo gasid to Seclde hours without feed or water. Crtepe was seteece, chotea secretary. a laeeavealence. Be tare yea set the aa te trie aar late waa tWetdatr aaeecafartabl wbea Btaka the championship or the El Paso Horse driven mad as we retell of hit trying ex mt earn te hr, hat waa, ae Show polo tournsment aad the coatetettoa nerlence and reached here la deplorable Waull Settle Strife. Ha wa aethr priie winner, will be played this after condition. Harry Leaattert. C I. Resrdsley, IHitilMMHr. Kaa,'. Hov. MMeaabera ef the bar are. Mow, eharmliig; e TUeatly trying ta eatar-ta- noon. The first contest will common re Charles Wilson, nteatra aitcneu, jaca Brternstioeat eaecutlre heard or the Vailed Fir aa Tesae Street. I jIUk a, the eea ef a vMU th paectur waa at 1 o'clock. Between the runes, a laix- - Eugene HormUe aad Harry Vtrdea, sitae WDftw et America wtu tseet with The prompt moeaae of Hreasea .freta the aaaU frtoad ( that ahe waa ohlgcd to tuhcaR del rut race ornee ra of tte UaMe Hie other members of the party, were retKeteatetivBé ef that orraatsattoa la this reatrat ttauoa lest night prayaatéd what I te haa aadaMan that. aha. too, have her for have, 'Dad'a. a Try St4es army will be rea. The Roiaaareee tae worse for their adventure. Wrist aad refvreeeatetivee of the eeeratert mJaht beea a dtaatlreaa Ma, at SIT atevar 'teettSat Xaasee City Teta street. The estaMteMaeal to. that asd wea Paav la aext aa etteaaat yaa east t "Mtgtrt a hflt ttas. Mra, to adjaat .the strike ef ematoye et the of the Ploaeer Tailors, aa Auie Mew uaoxx ha, M, he aaM. Then he added a. BV Cherokee aad pHtaharr Coal aad Mentar two aalatreame ruled wttk spa-alv- e sautnawi. aow' aww a laat atreka that waa.MrtwvPaai esa. ce - a - - 4kt a at ,wbw vraiwjya.avra ui isit lc eoaaaaay. Twa wa aaaeuace M a teet- - cart aad tecettortaa,. The laraa waa - SkaaB Our AaáaÉMAA. JWd aitrferaear. "Baay te h aa .whaaa ege reata Jeaa r, WMte, lateniatioa! turaed la by Officer Phaiati wh etttev-en- d ataka. I Mw. eaad la retar' wtfe cat bar wndaefat 'awf, For Panami-Pacifi- c Exposition pretueat, te aeraard .Merrteea, dtttrtct the nr while ratiiaaT the hajaWta. "K, a, ha aeM. "SUaht hare, Mra. rMmK the dee- yaw aeetfea I Tiw 9eMi "were ittijpifceit JHtWM'i' irTMl te eat te an ot' Aad my atethar-lavU- waat taee1ar MaWMtC MM waa teatay Ww 'WAS eOOC TIM eMMf 9C vv ttaaaa. J t kSst'wtalaa. jaHuttaM Itafcfcjtal 4fttf Mgf Uttm tabwahtnsat could aet be v,)teHd ksl an. aheat ,th." yggyfjli vea.-ttfta- atght hy etther the flreaeaa ' aeeayjre aH, grim raJMy. Hmw Ko If Wot, tt- X frtrjtfl Mw499f eyea eaMt TMak..fae heaVta'e ahe "Ham. aaM Blahe. "yea have , T vaUaualy yoathfal rea, hat-b- at, Mra. ar wh r ; feet Meets! Mahtae reaeeead t at hat thr the wa. Wa'r aXlat Panda!, you jmaet have' heaa aaatarhy of watea m w eapMre ertea that he had htea kaiahs dewa. a reh-- tatísima ta lahe syaMif war aeer aereet xaar at a aaa. X bataw T watt ywa'sw M aaa. atway aptrtsaaad hd ta aa aHey nret aad X aet teat hy w Meafctaatv Me wa aaere tataeeaead la aatleaaa thaa aa a mu, uamuiy taht hat daa't mH icr - "Why, ttMt'a a.wnMr aeed eC. yea; M '"Alwara," ehlraad ÜH. freadeH. k wa treatad at e uMy I UNION SUITS staaShtd'tae Maa," aatd IHa atntefatlr. wf F4W taat ROUb yaaaat vl iseftSeSuit heaed The eat ar he easaaid te he. rwaelec aaaead to make aay awtat laWWIaJaidWt Vv JÉafcaWMl ailae IHjV - her ahUdhaLvlataa. freT KSafa wee aeaW ta watt "Tao raally FEW year ago the mea aflSlffiaaS ' hiiiaiaei k ahaaid have fOMr Tatar aaat. aad addreae la the aataajtaid, nasa hat aay ear'tatvJttat d aa a chin," waat'aa Bhvhe- - life. min-d- ra A who wore Uiwor Suite 7W a iju atJinj war wa tatacrvty. "Ityedhayaa ware W the mmU minority. at a tata hear' Mat ja mp taaa oa ataw Mare X aagar sayt ta yea rea you 11 had Naw k'a different more sur aartr aatd aa aa, ateha w. the werld. I tuat avi than half of Uve underwear aiaaHar aa M ISCajBeMMwrárthr awwaarataitJfaaaa aara, ItaSML!ejaW told h Mt Unían Suit. Car hta afSk 3 ) Have FRUIT LAXATIVE IF CONSTIPATED, at ae'T d a El Paao wi the V daw aad, Manr v athr-ha- ! I agency far the celebrated HHNW i we4af $lfee vfetaewpax toth" . Aad aay ajathaaaa hsWaa; aasafcd f I , fcaffiBaWaSSaa I TAKE Of HGS" ND1SDK1 Sim SUITS. FiNlA SW aVaaaaaaaaMaaapaaaa Theee aplaudid garment arc made its aS weight of woo?, ;ottott and aiilc plated fabrica Sa M tatas A. adaav aaa areas, sack, feveaiaa ghadtea jaet leea aa M tjtvtac N. taaaTa) Priead at f . IJO ta $4.09 tESSt JIPaEFaaHBaaa. .' . . after kitiaua t aever ,f ataast tjaed 9taatde eseeaeas Par aa year MCsjsaeaht ayeaa otwtf Jeiltja afcatSi?ap'lS8 has haaa seaaaaaaaadad by fjaaeaejjasj tj iuVxtajr iT" ntavSTlBi íp5a(a3ai?plMS! jJJJÍ - if UlttSBthÉÁÉS. Vi.raaaaV'sí' UtatUaaaatVaaaalaaaaBrtZ. new- taalpa aad a tae awredaf the lata asaj SS aad at ataartaaa Mt aiawaia taja !A9-l- li vaa mT wetheat saMatr tad we ai Bat tat T!? aa?haaVMiaaaS Ü at rmf and aa that a ta pr I Pmo r mW in Ft agwaa Caeaaaay ajt a iliasir aaa, mm has av It M Jaat a athessee lar tmade at a at A II A I LY MAGAZINE PAGEFOR EVERYBODY ""!' . r . ; Fancies of Fathion STARTLING FOOTWEAR FROM PARIS Hit y 'raftip 1 V . ' , . -r- 'timP Ntwtit Sad kffeta V ' HI It u Is Like an "SP Reversed By MADGE WARVEL By Dt. UbbtiJMD KE1NE HlKSHBEMG

v i Kll vmh anatreriHMy of ttw adopthm ( by) f Patray. Wlttow" tnaTtta, rf-- ohatn DvnrLxrn aH to hgat eslora, Born of I v "ut la IHI far la tie fwtara. Te Veolc baclc pon day whea )Hf Waltar lUletch laUantlr apreevl )uat bvertearaa; to - Veattttful eape xpii tae, mtre to aave Queeei inák appear' their klUabaáa'a dabitltr ahod feet tmtmt myd meana to reeall a atice in the ahora, 4 M wnfcrttln.' . wtSpá boira, beaehee. foot aUola, rocker and other I d they , the tl Wdr ThV popularity t the now-- baeano oomfy Jwileie. a' myaverV ttte I are;ruite th itxwi rktak, MMnnkhlv anear ahonl- - were' tj mae, thai der. neofc and anna with material,' "Tear HIhnW' and "Hie MteMtaeae" aro today noyermeot aaaynot It quite o ;to teetlmoirata to .tha faet that Ow wM tha only portl have appeared malta nosry threne provide a larsm: oaaeUolea 01 a .anajr anown in ancient nays, on im mo loro, imoiúl' ttraWri W. or eoreet ottm loe faitAteWear. When ou ,'play .wore wtsna thin chlrftati Mac or emperor ItteraUy abova hie Irrotn sen. all bodice Mar of. aubjeoío ,P94 on titMe wtampur. Mito 7pTbUm The aeat waa mljhV lúittrV and oomforL p. lo ' rftá .tluat noef.aa ntoniteyd aatd by Darwin to. "Whew 'vm oon- - iiemin Mart. aa! aro Aovo front a,- eaawoa' ncejtor. ra that án! anoeetor In esaoro. tlMi term "tatfeta underwear." It aeMtiy1 K tbaa,tet a,tw-- 'aar erdiharyf boater bnitraatnsme cowmow.WiB aataMw-wie- - tí monkey Irlbta reUnaa BaiMtoaWaav 'i!WpmCTfor mlgbt tneic taint. The u human tribee may naveworm ttvHr evewtt rroot attune. -- toel MíMS'Wpm T Srélí!!p r.WvT" sootrf to aar ' "'bIÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍIIÍÍhs the coccyx il Metre e bone n shoulders, flat feet, hip defermttlee, and th end of the anli'iu la called 1 a rep poeelbly play some part In tahereulosls ei agavarnht :u. fcadow-Ma- a nMMaa(aa. ja inac ,11, 700 Ilea of ar abort tali, This bone Wsiaaa, huaapbaoK ana spinai Uw fwrm. hay, on nanaaon Mt yxaM and four, is present m tvewbody, h maMátea, ' ' WlNHUMMi toi .awwwM' wr tlia arf-l- .eomt'tevma; W Uta The Jsfanee; and many Oriental a therW. Mageri e. t torvnr aeft dt W JHhMlt MU áa araM)' I... with, well as western, suplís, ataUsU. mabaa'aa w0 w'a.Mn. nuk'WMt, aovar dlf KT -- or tallar fajhraaianen the crennd. AaWwWt IítdrA.CcwÓ- -í entr, JHHHp,:: always satén Indians and acm'!MV H eonahaanflaaia' done this. lrirWYithy regard S,tlt-Wh- at la, th cure for eemmen moiw'ianaaT 'nmw iffwvj wtr--7 cnaira a pests. thread, wormaf ' TV . "4 wg V.wWh .pma; www but?en. rTt"., warienand a arthwKh Chairs, ana Laaiae. ofa. 'jk4' uassla used as aa laieo- - Ur The hnman aolnd, 'and th sacrum Infueion of and cocer at Its lower end. ware- never tlen, yreatsqta a ehalr or lean against Jkl fw( V wooaen utoits. 015 miKND AND TlEADXrWDoa-to- r arwcarnatiaUHWUMMiM..: JaflMJBHHBaajVp : oem apre or a yard and a. quarter ot Jin enay .Ineeded, the nteet for table rockers, failed to cura throat " ha ' been manufactured lo lace with either eJre ta Tr7' taorrls cholr,'Kemmek backs and ,dcK or remaining trom'a,coldit.had. Hnwle ,UrutrWAAKr. Mooa-X- X ago. can tb preeervelt time. No Mb iIa Int. Mratáv w'-- tt inBo 0, Borne' ot' te newaUapera some three months' What rdef tend lor wm ill - tlon from man's baofc ' , HiU, furbelows. fTfcU Couitarlal haa''the" advanlare lBsleáa .Beat wtaterj ''BBBBHSaBBBBBBBBaflWrWaBBBBBBW have large yelveí Sower- yre.m-.ii- vw. The 1 hap of .a sound back of which a, slight,-remov- Wmi auite. naTm O peiMuia, .unren hatlyoa' qééaWá Introduced In there ar none .ahtong" clvllliod persons Have opttlon;perf rtriotlr. tailored. TJoot eda lire, the the proper ellhouette 'by not addfoc, Inflamed, tissues. X, Kni. 16 atender f íaahloBttble Farl la WhleÜ ta dreted ln'Hnea oí who sit upon ouea la tike an 'Inverted ntoh, on Mm 'and vralilB bunohtaeM natural alnr' mart ued iImwi ,ta 'Question mark or a eapltal B reversed. hema of aoma of toW.'wnller other, ae. . Br theae elneeih jdalnty, yewic tarnlehed wtal and Chmy" beading; tfcralnHibo:afcabw 'taaa, ewln At the neck it coaoavea In, at the thorax JOB. can X , develop "face have nvery:aarrewi;real Marti t ad Idtfe? Fréveat 'adopted lnbeadi, pearl, 'jet - arras are ahouMer atraparen each, a number of It humea a bit ''Outward.- and in the and cheitT, about the &eek. The under Oreeíc andáis. bsokVt Where practically . ' out atike deep and a, plain ribbon band eoraet coTari may be 'made In an aswr iOr'jfur. small of tha ail la geod aye wasn tor wean nave an who' pabllo- - d rnornín tne nreun rails,- rt .aaaates in use ine eyesf serve aa a shoulder strap. In a few ana ute.aFpearaoev i tow It was ah' flrat trough 'hump ' fo ta,aie aaUchtat nU In tha aboca, from K KMeoe. y iatredaeed glorief are applied ter'ihe between the of a camel. Kmbroldery fa "beat tor. aaraet. th'ham klrt... Tha true Inwards! e of the school- tÍUeMfe.e.fteíñec 'ta 3', ' Then.l waé' abe ÍBarrledK.Í anklee .of, a nW atoekAteT. boy's UggardllnesM who with shining ñiin flat taioid, bow lot ribbon if The, fcWa; eorarf .to be wem Mnaer - .waUe Unta of JeweU exercise, plenty of good, rich, food. Iota material ovrr tho or win yirpo ah laetigated' a .new) morning face trudge reluctantly to .give '.a fufnese of nomiw wum.Ht I eóplloued ribbon flower ,dara school, dependa Upon Torqueroa da- of water; air' and sunlight.' Ketlr, early, Jewelry vogue by ulag a the' an- ,raeal nii the elaborate trlmmlac of nk e punishment haU 'compelled, to re- and sleep late. Devour extra .' w'rfWrlng;'hf Enrabia nlaí. .school., before retiring. ceive by sitting In 1 0ornarnentaí Vea' In Modern faddists and- school superin- I Weak solution of boraeia add thaaeiVe, the tendent they solved tht good. And how; her fancy to a think have tara amie-l- claiped by a. brace problem. Chairs' with movable, footwear, for lately ap-- ' e hoWftn:' bright ;t-- eh " let autal 'backs are supplied to, school B. !. P. Can yon ira m a diet for an Girl? pée at,.dreM ieaniá'. ewl or a ctretef''mara' children. Tet, even If each ohlld Was extremely sold stomachT Have, 'not 'ether measured and fitted with an individual vasarUa of drunk tea or coffee tor two month. ankleltJaotuaHy Chair as his mother 1. Utted, with a (aMoa.i one vrcwHV ,wu u ' nnnnL ,r7 uiul" no mw a '' atas, and my pareat I am ln iwel itraw ed 'Wiiiar heMU the wearer' iwateh. comfortable. .''" Bat very Uttte of anything at break' yean baeMea. am very - vN. fast onty toast astfmUk; aU noon. rtee. 1 year too; and, tkI ' I aoi( - nervotea, Wnat weM you aavlee ra Chaira 'CatHvo" Cnrvatara, brothi aainaah' mashed petatee and wuf,"'- Ktan la eadifcc Mrvosa sieattarHke thlsgs; at e'etoek only tea what Man waa "made for recUnlag, mmtiix. dnd crackers. ' pwvjjiaaoiw5aarF mávtMr1 and aleenbw: never, (or atttlnc x - , , f - j j with .her ana am erect,. , The" reason most persona d not ...idin MrrW piano mtructioa, aeawenng: ana ' Dr. "JHrsbber wilt oAiwef' the Haw; or toee, their, appettf, at ,dhi-- rer"i'dir IM baaer-- an ' ner, r iwmw, iH;jwn,.iMmw, x .lo amelo IwMto. MM bM.Ior yá WmiiréH Black spine 'and eoeoyx' are ' tortured wer tor'yoar.yotóe. illW tne com ie srseense or oger. W,U la bé a - than the smtks ani wet in sine ove , CepyminvltMt. by XewMip4r reatara? Berrlee. Is,- 'Pa: elretee of hett-- ' eases., rer M jrH net thlntínlf of feaTtag wy aunt 4 If ahoJr are Irrltuit to the soul, oeneral r(rrrt lMrs wwi n- - ai - (terM. Don't of ruwte the rték yarsenaHj,- - Í a and ad vla pite eC Ui faot- that I. hT , thtak v - what must beaehea, .' terd Hemp, home with her, ted to oé y Mnglac la pabUo too 2 stools, piano seata and the other sitting Orel ted Mveleps it mctottJ. drMrss aU to worÜ. Do you'tWak fTTI Ha M;ie gray today, gray" aBBSanaw the Very face of the iwalhlraself, and devleea beT Obviously spinal neulri to Dr. K Kt mrihttrg ear iaHy ' J early' wttiW the proper' tralala., - , weak; baeks, lumbagOi, stoop ljM wtobsT ; :1 I ..rwHai.aWver rumitaTi')'Boltri 'make him hear, while screamed, out ourvatur. we. do not icaow of nHr ew ei that KerVoaa. .of oourae bV. t XoouW.aak'foradv eheuld thhik ya woaM b-e- HUI gkl miuaan Jt, ana"" 19 greai my Joyoua thanks that I was not .ft Mke you trytar to act lllte av woan peed of the sky la'blun, but It li human being. you ' iervoua you & with' high you O gulls! p,TAT wltk "your avwt. Jéaaíoa.'atay. won't when are okmda, great soft, lacy So ;hlgh, so float, Sk wWTOr Toalll be clad tew yeaai.etder, Or at least not aervoae cloud, thai: drive before ta ivjnd aa Is it, so fine, and free 'tip there among wt to do any harm artteta are beep by. PETER'S ADVENTURES fo day that ho waa "trie t" with eaonsa all are driven the ah(herd. the clouds, or, do you, take them with eateal- - la ros, ana1" ao. will the Joan jrea inarry. nerveaa to wot It oalr the And what a herder be. ie, the gay you, as we do when we go. to church tupid .who, ae sever exalted ever. ay-- wind. There' aometblMf ia.ttfe be14 pla- - How gallantly h whlrtle BHamjBsH or, oyen whoa wo hear vret' musle, in, IN MATRIMONY , MHaetslac la waat jwwj JDok't befara' areat .era waa aAre dawn the ekle and how thay. tvmh to or when the springing of the tet to ' ' - trylog. you. uw, entirely too, you og. Study praotiae, follow' him et .to sea,, abo ' white green meadows try to ielp us, to for- f' By LEONA DALRYMPLE teaeU. work, rejoleVhi the apteadid stft at a floeka of the eeauela. get onr little worries, our petty hatea "tSing very, w''MjAa,aia laB.(to relee, and take aara of It. Tour tiiie Atttiior of the new novel, ojt the Green "Van," awarded a prke ol girl are worta ta no tima today, the píenlo and our ignoble fears. 'and-S- . tad the boyi and who vtueoate. It for j ?i0jO00 by. Ida. , TarbeM S.. MgClore as jirdgw.'"; kaowlar wllf thtek noiM'tae lea of yea wo had planhod.'UPoni Do jhmí Ttnow You, Gray Feather, who, winga so iec yew, aod common asnee. You re now x cud wi um l , confidently in tha blue up there1 , not, only ifc.era.-pWaty- ties ahead ,0 No. beoause tof thotelowdo anj aasasa'' have you a' soaldlna' wife at boa IU -- tttt he oalled, "oeme nt mu r,ut lit alrl.U' , - "Peter," you for toa , . , not because of the '"wind, m& net down there fn the. wrack at the in Internal tira. By Oeorge l' do beMeVe, Q) ' . wi again. Funny, Paeem "is; - 1 ,beau8 of the proplioetea at, the ton nw aw MUs.DÜrympIf. It's leahieT lea't,it. ..'w ..i.jj'..Wj ' " cuB'i ana tina Htr charter U have ntore trwbW.wHh tire ,tha " Of newspaper , ' Hy m J4iit thif TvKAR ANNJH LAUKIK: the hot. beeauo of tha r " till you, lew turf mffiur .T aay other,, Can't mk out' whether It's U guita. The sea gHh thay are Shull you worry beeauae "("""" .7' leaky vóJy not, to , I Wve read a.aTeat.4ai otyr the Mr. 1 a er 'yyhatavy Ji to ether'- atria, aad I wuM barometer that tell the ateey c the sktea to aU who Httta Towray QuU next'óéor i in higher grade In .tita forhmtl of "Ptttr" with hltrnt. It's a atwatAeak. .geema to me X bat a a4ria a dry Urs nVt a JHet Mt of atoa. Wlah learn It, . your lMtta WllllaM.' von that the lat I Ke ale aaly.tí yeaa to auM"abol than and know It No. 151 changed, Instead of having K veHsanV a"yewHr;irt at 'r fltaalÉl a" 71uMI f a fl Ilia L LMlmmJ "Whenever It ta' Boíng, tfekUtfee ' tiafMr, aad I am a wylooa ataatr. ta .sioriH. aomo one send Mutt. be. because old Dr. toaoher. is partial, for of Sneeaea Ised. A lettow lent nte.a'g asitans'paiteh ef i The Prion -- I'whM like ry maea'ta c oa the ty Mm ctwi ,nn .Hin uvfi arm ww yvwr'niue rviniam tiiiro, m menu mmu, r.liu HO I'd fernotten." H rajibtdi;o' for ih mt - thumping look- Ifatart. screaming tor' thé jnroai sea. ,Do tttóy go for bod y but a Wind manfnoonW but aee- it? some time,, th, ha and be' ate aside. ing at me. By thla time '11 1 awh ,a'r;hd Lova Oí tne atorro, ri woaqef ao tney tova to Ml lM , i ÍM'drew eseaped to make Ma st ratgé ' eanrety wad wave and dip tnto the raweag , or W H beoaue I ñero s raean. aartn. "Peter,"ho feasible. . ' aaaaothlnc hasDena te Uw In storm ana said, "what In the "Well. Mry," he asid, n'nvsaW, my dak the tha (It's only moment earn Utile Ml Wbke WUe yea who lit thla morning world ar wa golng dear in of ate that gH reach tha oaatar soT he eM. hto wife Mary), but wVv a flat Anyhow, they're abroad that srrin-.:t- TrHd mtU. on the tall mast of, the gMtbM newcoma from east t dot 'We'v sim- Mr. There'a no use of vouraHtlnT out notice awrgeoo a.a-in- there' one umm; ,ritit ovar .'Mm teem-- era seas dldou the colors of tha bird ply got to get Molly here In while It a changed. I'll 3Hreeinukj ; eage fust run up to ths garage and'get one imt aMr ha .lea. a o' ha' ,'awa aver the ChMapen na there w;Hw;gilt. on. tha lower rut of that iar and you ww yon, of the helpers up there to'ahaaga the U 'Si, Jtary'stbera.'ba Nt aar, a maw wit on the decif, and Md iwat V, could rire In up loto the oan--i go up an ÉÓ orr. - tire, and we'll all, and watt the TOE CHASE And there's 'hla jaMowr.ajoiaatto ','1 tboiight he waa aoariet and green and awMavvaad wear a silver- band IUt offlae. X oeuUefa offloe." VUnt , even H looked dtotinotty an- cans-- kujht, on" gftt oajao. of . great Chtnuó aeotrt yw ankle, to live In a cage to s- stopped there this Xra. Peaaeld to tba tte' rrhU -3 noyed., ' Br,TOifLK aANNIflG baaaar fcsit no, ho waa m.lM.BÍwah of fcwfsr ' do Kt 'f?i'" noon and aapbilntd you , "If Jut aa X'saM the other dsdr,Mhe 'Ve hackee tvelHÍMf thwiiaja th And, have cbeaeei yer a. yet, aooordiag to tha wnoie sMuaMea said a Htsle pettiebly aa aba enrobed I' at Win 1W;TW TUt&i; your own heart and year a mind and yow own will, XJBOgA SAUT1IKJI t hlrk and h'S heavily ant of the tenneau, "toes oar ''MA;aato.ei;tlM tasa fa gwM keep gtvtog it mora and mero trouble, ' aa a abould. or aré tbeygaac to marry ywtf off to we've got her thla erdtaeMed '0 tha watMPa tajwr pectlng us. Kow that and wa ought to bave a new one." oM fettow with aoreVa Ms yHmm- -m gei rest áevia tl v.eWry, I yrhmt 4o7tiay ,tWnk'af tM, aanl ow'fi:44iMai that th,sia;WMc far we've ahnphr get to her the "We'd, have tire trouble on a new k aa.a rocking, eMi,'saMi are I ta a(. a,. Mhm suañr.'fhiTiT. T niñipr'' the he I saw an tb gUVjaae bai of the wwi'hei how in tho world " veeitorad Mr. Ping Id. t4 Jarta barí "We Mtaht have tto tosueta. said' Acataste tliatraiid eaTeitaa; taajt 'WM-etV')- we to 4 Itr ea4. tho ,Tha '- - Mrs. fsaflild, "bnt sa an, other whwt What nao f baUg a rW at.aJIT fuui.t,UM. " atawt. eent- things, gemiliilst'iMlbreaktag ornatnVaj w ara, and s bnahid eaaefeta, alt ta jaj 4aaja4 aaajajajlaja tiL? whstnaebsal bene sky. tho wbtte thw spreadtng bUe af tho placeat, araaUas. MveWag to ih ghwy and a wiaeV aea, Iba wink, cry sag. were shtoat too'weedi' berara;' "aaaaaaaaaaZ ''" Jut ra aaaHl titat M waa a aartae aayhlra slstsaj, sataaaiiis tha the of her fur, and her Iter orea Mix aii a"jbat waa emtag , , up of tha wiU atornv-wl- , If yaetr oaattat,. whtoh ovet ratten AwmyipsiMr m thV wantnt aro nsrrowed w (he tsjadMar WMda."'aM "Ton aajajs. mm MrJPiagila. waddWt the Mtss waajanfo ilerlaag'af I aabai wahrhted ew witn with tha aaaaa, and pttty betokened her snaparatfv need at l"""? a anñ ateaaa X wim asar, na I " wf roM --wpwaaa TJPasw a,, baelneae of Uto thtnar UviagT alasses, aa aha asad tha sign aver a en, hkfetottog pea the bnt ala tm I ; rukMaMUr v, - . wi Xei lascad aa jk nv ímm wafli K, 0)ir m thnTO, In thu yen "It east thoiriaaar. af a pnatu, .sn" abe it's Me bad aan't to her ?4Jf WfaaPdhjydhdJ jBVa afNsaali4sMr lanM(apMk ta at do 'wo'foaf óradl at the InW.aaan bbse. Yon atnOI anf agar aar tranaadt niast- - for hare ly hi toy ear, "but, by ifs werth, swayta bpaHa upon iea. V wa Utl Iwsstatli onr tha aast brf, tbe esjl antth anal .th ímm irotiad, hero Utoanry. lt" vmtar to. tha toro aaat (atth and traot W. "instead i'.thto. ehap ífaaj MaV9Í AMt,' MA4' aaWBaViaWaaMaj wmmrf. ve. M1W Certainly sho sav sea asaiisw .vary .UwáV. n . and ahaftty. an. tao mtht iMMMn look at se with wttb ate agiiiglit and in armed of af'owaa áo, l.aBr4Wk. t. .k.. luruhi ' ' wtUi Tay lave ad tte W X aMl'I thMJt I shMld bo ntrlntaal. aanl grava asm ta-v-nr ar ahd'On I han hi hind. to a danfersMs matter," . , Uareja.. uy aa san . three ajwatfi tasa-a-n any ateay adntana ta ap "Oh, no. Pnaar." ga'pas Jr. tortea e( reatarMeehvrttaVttW to n, nU da ta aalL bar. fJhVd ápataati tar ka aroaUat aaate -- tM it i m ao math atratoaataavy iiadW'aaaW- - a kkatod tSrU abe ailési gUl'S. 1'v had tne asany an-- atwpw rmANCE animal íttürEitsrnTialis v Yinptu that notara to rtok one, w. ? Inx. and Wnak of It te tsdak af saealta ' I Asnaaar abo ehlldsaa i . Jtea la tka waatry a way m mm weno wow aw dad wttb the I Otraaaj ''WM'MhVMBi to taptaaaw eaa - tfcaJrad É$Mm aUU. lead and aba Jaaa taaedeatod. thawlisaaianhtetlitnhr venar iwana. rwrr- marrj lia aattnahtaa. avaanl awa1MPMMH WJ aVkarl ';MMgad es dawtagea aa we tafta a oSaw aM fmMH as sweat, nylwwsj Pre..? fjjliff' mUmma ?tan4 isba Jtot bearing of othesa, i&iw tka laeeian Uau af rtTrtaTin5a' ttstanT oa pViajiajKir sntiaa) aavaawy snaven. j fata ttno kaow a rh tl ar tho the ÉHaf BaafnVt'M 90 (aaafaM BjWM ahaat la a BUrary way by wlUWy s atalal f tfeft taWVaV Cb WHMalMVV Mr, lyajantd bnidant ahMt. inn, Swi U aaajl aa waM H fmim'mm te 2 aay that the '23toJ7Jfttte&aaWiaS SEa try JgjU at. a, aV Mi 1 aaaaaaaia aBlaaai la trm the anhfP kaddsnfa f faaat rg siSiaam aapulT towSlass) one a tatartat af ' thjasb aad anwar-- ana. eaMtiiasb rear pswraay i aaiecfcy: ta a two donatio to ile tradition tha t- ' .tha a aisriejfai a eaa tea fian wttft JM ha I asnear H by reader trea. an. aa Man aJeeo of piraotM ksTaai alwajra ay awe edajesasrhnYe 11 liaiaiii Mar. MbMasoaar nnpnav iatW' 5a WBtSSS KJgJ eaajbal a5p?5apV sana tsnawn a WaWaf- - SWV W PsavB'asJ((jsJ P"BHMsns BW0sv v 18 'EL-PA3- Q MORNING

SPECIAL DISEASES Bk BFBBimBlBl INTERNATIONAL SPECIALISTS THANKSGIVING SALE ' ''. : - - . i) . . r TUB COMWNED METHODS SUCCEW) WjlENqTWSRS RAIL .MBaWMaMBBsjaaj Hill, Ill L'il III JVOMMSBtBtSBtBtsau MVSBBtiWWKKtoEIMlWl yikilWWjKkWnkWKWStlTTSTT' STOCKYARDS saBsaajajsjajsai II 11 II MBSsBaMatsawsaaMtngallll in! aaaatrJat sasssstsssssssstxaasaajsaa irmi '"ssssssaS)saysswi mu 4mAV cumvimí nniffi.ffV saw avimwmm. UIHTAfll I . The Reason for Their Success Solicits Ule DUaWrJ DINING ROOM ' III' I A Wonderful Record in FURNITURE "' ' iiess of the GatT Eight Years These Spedálf Are Extra and $re Only lir lliluiyin Wéefc tuútavjU Stocks of EXTENSION tABLES,UFFETt WNINQ CHINA A rrHLrA of alii V.Mr mUhU itHUwl tfc InU h th of ! AIRS a tie mülivmbák' J one, with few tatterr sad ltHH?H Mí laHfaetlM K MBMttWr ta fce .(, ' r u oh It ate that taey at lM steal fakir wfw Hww wfe s4e eert ta CtíOSETS Complett Keud and all who rare fer 14 VHi'rf'KMtuml kould eeaeatt ibes. If they aré Most ami tííwe Pricei SbooW Make ÁNÜNUSüAL you curca, cannot ture ron tney win ten yon o eaadwiy, end a cm be INT treat rdu under the only genuine guarantee, walcn li kIM, tiftrítuc tad A WW y, WPPIV THÍQ QDPr.IÁI I IMP 1 ; mep of Texai, coupled wHb mb HancH mWi rettey. Ineh-sel- Up-Ma- 78.6b extension S4 $I7,M Bpeeial Don't Give k. No Miwtke--A Will Tell taMeh tM4m ak t?m I4.TÍ aartv Eaalkvk leather aiai chair. Vít top; genuine skaHsjaaay pedetU; n XhanlMfW .MU ai TwiakvliHg gt ,7, ,i,W Axfc IMVMTÍ6ATE THf.IR Val style; extea 4 t iWt; coaaea In tá.. 5wt Pitf New Mexico; ' dvlle , .Vi ,t.v,, ... . i aft Their Diplomas. Certificate aad mflVEN METHODS. . tMh. Spectal Thnkagrrv4ig Cig.e $39 9a44e aak 4tW't444i fmUrfi. sttassiMai..i4Tlsi toe In Tprove to seen their offices, Them U nd meáawork or IX 'k gfte price ...... fa)V TKaAklvlmr gJ them to be the most expert taav tout .qual- perimeit' their strictly Modern Prlea en- ified Specialists in Kl Paso. clentirtc MeNtod or treatment. 4 tit, wax tfMám extl9i Uble; all (i rter zona and the - d heavy jsHk; imcM wh T iaisf naic leather chairs, He- - 'Serlhey- - eura jtmwf ts. ii ,4m4, t ,"WhfB ttrtf 8 A pattern. fíTeííefl'eakkÍAkt áall íínlalL" fe Mlal laVlV 8eüá ""V 4.s)é you, yu can depend upon 11. for j, feet extenle7 brUlKul tnhactvlng f . ,. '1191 ...... - I O Lll . i. results In thousands of :tscs J 'prteo, Prk .VT what they can accomplish, Orala-fu- l ,.i s.sfifü 4.s fisntei oak, leather seat dlaiiw chaire. ncnnla cured bv Ihem are con' V $48 wax joMen doll temrion tabla. Si' Hash aiantly recommending other, and fit MtiHr itaatlah . Bafiat; ha l&rra heavy - ? fluah rim tap; a new atttt ttaautlful feattarn. tep: oí A Pm,- - aaeV 1. inn is ivny iney possets iur mi Special ThaakaglvlBs; ' go4 'tmtrr; drawer room...... i.,,,,...... ,,. tit practico In the southwest. tQQ real barsjalsL M M M edtalf aguara porta; box seat a- - Have modexp 1 'gale Price ...... t9A ' heavy v,,.,... tfJO alvlnr áal Prtaa 4?:-'-- - k Jtogii tut oak ar Rolden oak. THE1H HE9T0NIBILin'. '' $45 fumed oak extension taMe; heavy S4 T rrfaf . Their ratlnr Is the best. The S, lnc!h plank top italah; beautiful aut, brown, hanks., aowspspers and landing '' 4 fjoT business mon or CI Psso III Special Tlianlic(vlpt; SaU, í Q C-- S2 facilities van (hit thev ara thoroush.y Price M,.f..,i,ll,t,i,,.,.,...7.iP . "Sr. I h "v ststw responsible, capable or fulfilling $30 fumad iaMa; 44 their promises mide to their pa- - oak extenalen inch lientl. IOU snouiu avoiu irre- plank quarter aawed gedaatoj. A au atSuM. iuiraaa jtiuu prompt, expditi- - ' sponsible, -- concerní,., "Jin beJUiUfuU-tAble- gpnola.1 , TT tñn l.VtTKi riTioxAi; wecTAtiBMr wnnir ttM-Ays- r TnanyWjtJWMjLniiláH Par Until Cured'1 offerir Quick Ba.16 . i.onit established. Most successful and Cure propositions end bombante giving Prlca ,....-- VZ rteilsble Specialisu, as McdJcsl Diplomas, newspaper Guaranties,"- etc., prove Invari- Licenses and Record show. ably disappointing delusion and oak-wa- $(5 Golden, buffet, all j beaut Ifuf, GRXAT REDÜCOÍON8. ous handling of a inare. quartor sawed oak; fso ln( fumed Spe- Thankegivlns; fllh. Turin Kninpirevr-.Thit- lr nrflrm are the twit emiioned In the Honttiwest. otf' cial Balo tC?-- 16 of dlnlRST haira In dull flntah. iini'.iiai.f nf thn Mrond floor of thn 1IA1IMKTT BLOCK, corner Texas street Prce Di Qenuina no. 1 leauser Mats. Extra ana Mess avenue, cansísima 01 privaio iiecepuuii nwnu. uuuiuhiih w ...f livestock, evir nrivntn rooms, to be the necessary Modernumi $45 aoldefl oak' ThankeglvlBg 8plaÍ4 set,.... , , rrni imminent wherein are found all 1 1 .Scientific Appliances for making- accurate diagnosis and successfully trestln the. wax buffet, gua fp disease ot ineir specially. i dal Thanksgiving: $82 et of Unta; aiifclra ia dull golderi finish; Sale Frlea Upholstered la efl4ne No. 1 leather with, nodern, sanitaryj Man's Fitness for Marriage May Be .ee aprlng aeaU. Bsttra Thanksgiving MM $3.6 Bpeeiai for sat. . . s , $40M 1 By pens. The necesj j Determined Law flardw(d Chairs in Texas, as in many oincr iiaict, itwi uaio uccn w rniunc men wim China Closet oxsmined before riven a msrrisge license. Many men areinicuafflicted with diseases tnd deformities, without knowing It; others know they are not right; riegardless ot W offer for Taanksctvlnr week, special Chair llfte .cut has, ira'ce arm; any laws, every msn should, for jls own benefit, be as nearly perfect physically sary ? on all China, Cabinet aJn fInlahe t büldirjgs as possible bcrpre marriage. They Inrlie men conle mpletlnr msrrisge to consuft prl, all but macja of hardwood, nicely1, ssPsxtO aTJW M t mentioning good, low, them tree. They will advise you free. ir ygu have any aliment, call at once In specially a price cabinet fh' golden time to'get cured before marriage. v' In arly StigUeh fumed, oak and oak. A. leader golden dak (similar to ctiO.eQnyex glaaa at all times. Thankagir. or - well Tnaile and finished de4 rabie alaea. ttsape- - Ing special snly, each... ODC Lrccxx cxcvl- clallj prloed Thanksgivhtr for ),H All otM ehahí from oho cT',fq--- We Treat week only; eaeH, fl?., 4S off regular price. " Varicocele, Hydrocele, Rupture, Hernia éd and balance Upholstered Furniture of Every Description - By 'raíales and Bloodies Htthods, No Belentlou from (tuslnes or Home. Wo ck ef ail kinds of ispholatered furniture for the living reom In o andjbrarV all Itnlshaaalther Upetr jr .orvleather covered at . Brices that will i construcuon Tbey alio treat by the LATEST and HKHT MLTHdttS in the ahortest time possible - fur Very HEASON'tBLE VT.T.H; BLOW) POISON, SKIN PIBCAtHC CATAPHH, .iTT" TRICTUHE. CPILEPBY, NERVOUS DECLINE. E.VLAKGEII PROSTRATE, KIU.NCY, BLAUUER and RECTAL DlhtUSKil and II special diseases or men and women. y Hyjll ,bg;pushed to. CONSULTATION AND EXAMINATION FREE SIAIiEg';;"; 1 iQ THANKSGIVING RtJG Office Hours, I a. as. lo p. m. 3 p. m. Is 7 p. so. ftaadays, U 1, completil as International Specialists Great Nbveitiber Event soorf'cfó'pfó ... 4T V. (Kstabttsbed Yeara la El Paso.) you BIM xe neip, jnaxe the home comfartable, In this ,I you will , find the season's latest .Block, St. and El Texas. aeelgfl. All. naw,, fresh, Crisp and brlehL In all rnnm Seread Floor HamneU Corner Texas Hea Ate., Pao. ' ThaVeema nraotll w.é at jieaa upposue me uranoe Co, life V .the prises ari" special ,. ' open Kutraace liz vauc) tunk Trust for this week onlv. Matketis to a.( U I " NAM4C ANO it MAKE N8 MISTAKE IN LOCATION. uWarXv X Seamless DruWek Rugs of ira juality in a good selection ot small ' !f ""'over orifloral de4ne, Sltablo for bedrooms, living rooms cattlemen, spec-- SauiVeBSBSBSvO ' fíaBFÍZSff Pelv , swq ana sen, regular, beri or Trinity are, at 1 0 CHURCH NOTICES urged .to Uy3side all and $18. Special' Thanksgiving'fiM sjale f acial engagements and plea to Mteiid all Iijv.i6 Price Pía services during the atay or oth- TkasksftvlBO Services. brier this noted f ulators and - evangelist, stranger In city are In- la'-ste- I the Velyet rtugs xil In. a good selection Intercsltflc' services for Thanksgiving day vited. Largo crowds are expected.. pf oriental and are planned by Uie local churches. The scroll designs, Our regular. $16 'quality. Special, Thanks- - will service ' Aisi.ts downtown churches unite in rint ii.. giving Sale , laV ershandlingliye-1 10 a. m) t Presby- Price i 9 at the Vestralnster North Oregon ,',.. ' '; Itev. Wallace H., Kvans and yranklln street (two terian church. me The following program has been viua nvrui oi ooeiaon), j'erry "Wool nice, Paitor, fibre Ruse-T- he Weal Inexpensive bedroom and dining; room arranged! Organ prelude. Miss Tlwo. Pat- No Sunday school t 0,30 a. foniwiinlnn .rug d - stock. terson: doxology, hymn fío. prayer by m.i in neat a)l.ayr- effects; all cqlorui iao stf at followed Imtnedlttely by ian M weil Up 10:, the Hov. Herman O. Porten anthem, 'L.lft Dreachlnar service, Our tfsílVjPrtqé, , , . Your Head" rhrlnlan rmivn, Mkjr'jt:vyhank (Asbford); scripture lesson, 0:30 D. m.' and y psaUn lot, rtev, C, Weiley Webdeilt ''Olorla nrearhlnr iraln at ta i, V. Kerns, or Austin, will preach both Axmlnster ItugsVjsi a' ing or yardage I i'atrl;" scripture lesson, 1st Peter, . lafsHi and varied eclecVlonef morntnr and evening-- At the regular Sun- .Oriental, Persian- Her. o. J. Wadej solo, selected, Mrs, H. K, And floral designs la colwiittjs ro'ejmi; ' reading president's proclamation. day school hour Mr. Kerns will conduct; s suitable for living Hbrarles, dlnl'ngr Wtltonr class men do Rev. C L. overstreet: orfering, Perry for who not usually aMead reams and churches, Our rftrular quality 'in sisea Per. Sunday school. The claas wm U3.t$ Hlces hymn No. sermon. Tier. J, meet ta t - (ft OI charges. I. sat f. balcony above S.xlO- and xXt. .ThaatiswiYtmr Price -- Williams; hymn No. IB; Rev. the frost entrance at tito 8le ...4.7..,,... benediction. church. A John E. Abbott) postlude. cordial invitation Is exteMed to the. publlo to attend aay or all ef theae The East El Paso churches ttl unite In aervlees. ' service at Austin Pari Christian church, ' ÉBBBBBBBBav. aBBBBBBBaW Prices for corner Montana Cebada feed tad' street. This Christian service will alto be at 10 o'clock. Rev: H, Seteaee. Montana and BttAton New shades in your hom this fjJI? P. Bond wQl preside, i streets. rrogra) follows First reader. S. T. SMrlev. aublet'. "Onnl Choir. "Ooxologyj" hymn, coar retallóos and Body," Sunday ' ! scripture Rev. W. Deber aervieA. n nVinrir Then let us show you the kind that will kwt furnished readier. C i a. In. I Sunday lrhvil. n . prayer. He v. Ed L. MlUlcan; special son;, Muuiu. several timé longer than father Mrs, Young's presldeafa proclsAalloa, Rev, oveniar tettlmunai meeting at s o'Ooclc shadec M. A. Sauersi ayma, coaaregaMoat sermon, The rsMWon is just this: .mf Rev. KcoAetb. Brownj offerlug aong, . First rreskytertaa. Green' Tfacling Jiioré thQit W&h Boulevard and Stanton ReV, f "America," kacUesi, Rev. W, H. streets, puacaa. Charles L. Overstreet, Pastor. f 1 Cd. Services Sunday as follow! MorsUstf KiVlTlTiTvaF Í at TtMty. WOrsalD wad aermnn al (a,ia, un... oirppc fsit-- Hetlfal the xaslor on "W!Mie.Miruii Thu.v.J IMImI Sbdes I At a. an, M5 ev. E. t. Cotle, evMfellat, u. tu eneir win ama- - 'The Lord It M rref. R. Y Hustoa will hare charge My Shepherd." by Wacftrres, Mr, Dkhms arc sruutc entirely wjémm Msits: of ama irf Use professor Huston will A. ém islc kr services, Chrlallan will il h.lm,, i m.,, .. taWuk, Im .. t . 1. . . t.- - - "f-"- m wiMiimry (aajtasstaf cratcast aassa sassssfH a urge chorus choir, asid b is ten- lb Door," by J isa, "peace la War" a ss stsa nk other yárdsjom aotoa add to will in untifltüy streaks anajT,rsinhslss ; t will much the twice be Ike subject of the evening discourse. 7 iofio-ii2- aervke. Mr. Coate Is from San An. The choir ww snag Savteur Breare m fat aad let ui'sitafr sits Vts wlia Itaatsty jsattv toat awl li ,t moted vahfellaL He It Kyealac Mr, H. rj a Btessla." a. Ooldslela i Ureal awiaasit man's preacher. He It wia atar t'AbWe With Me," by NeteeU. North Stáátoo érating hcíé; trtftf aeaeaar or mea. 'No mat it r what Tin FliLatli .rtaoAl will .Tn Ll .. .. sua at la Hm way of Um maa of arrstra, ;unler Endeavor meets at 3 p, ta, aad'taa' llktra f4ja4 ta Mm will M mealed words seater society meets st ,. . i. , m. - (il, ,, r tait wtgatta and sysapataeUe weaker :. rsn,.im., - rrm, TT ,!!',' f'If im Ki 1rrr taaae atalttaace toward the easing or the Cswfh f chrW. ttrvlNS k attr U church on Mrrtto a Ha, r. W. karsua catrlatL, There wlU Ua be t The Church or Christ assemaies for waav la, txtr sjaar charca, corner or ktonuaa .sa, aad T:ja,Bs V Jn. MsMaar actaswi aeerke Swaaay avealstc at 7M, lerv-le- tatp every ad L wtH be occupied Ma- jesslai - tad Lord's day at to a. m., at attef saeat as saléati sal every atfat dursst- tba week. Mem. court house on Sao Antonio street. tl tter's First service la ta staw wao sjsaaftat asty asasl ssl. ftf taat asrrlo of aaaresi will M a TnkaVl ortytr set. eHrk. Ta, ra ara r taa saasor HMa faefc MHmIUL vtae, WllMsaHf, $kvaakr , btglaekatl T1" if' srr7ViS"wJsa at 74 p. ss. ItJasjty aemlcen, rtovemharl vvasask-- . Ma wQt , stuHr, Westiadar prcti a ww Hram. Take rsrk P at, a rattawai satnata-- acaooi at : a. w. ta ttgatti at ttt . walk El rbaa4vlaf Km ; auKka tala S 1 AW BETTER HEALTH am? Misa lag waaaMs at II alt a. m. Antbt by rotatitr rreaajriariaa .saatrah, Ttfuraaay ff irCT PotBujH wjn sb Mr, jrsa. Mwr Forward." kty Raw. iwuvr. nntwar rviceTi M. a. ia. SishiMtt. Saaaaaa; mla-ta- taMiTsaf ayer 1 wratp at 7:K u. ka. riftera s sWMtsaJ JsagtafcaM ivrna tmtr if Mrsfjat rxarM avasMac, aaag aarvls. Asjassssn bs tat caolt, ONION asajl 7:. se-- ttaraar 9f9nkumá 'imtmmfk ska. jUf. aarsaaa, axakg fftstslig.v th patter ' t S1Sy, fftSSJl At tae AttttNt Parte (ttaraa af Castas,! rmftfntl man zmmawmfCM. sisii vf tfiiit asta mmtm sm, taarai WHIM sM uWasj. sswday tefc, js caw las ,wsu at Mm mum tWMSaa. fsaast TT flSiaslliasa éfai arbaai M . a. am. Ikinaslia at ituall st Asante. II a. VV. MtsM ffw pmm9.Trm?t im k M pwisaaatT ,Js Msaar, . iMSja Mti-- "4 itsjkaa's '. M ttPta a. MMrr nispr. wmv. g. aas) M Tirara i. WMtet at 4B a. tsv siSrSásja SS ruVTVtd. HOSTETTER'S UH." xtsjasjajl aatili . Ptvy JTXSftnJv. erjiTf Ms aatuaio ; - siMiACH mrnn m aa4.- - riim m . Mr Bsaa CtgttsV. áaíslitW W aa4 uluaia. cm tssjtst. the mm Mar JsMsW atsatag iw frsr. kkr, tMasktay wB ft m hm Ctaaata Wurki, ate. (4afrttla (, IP-'- :' ' ! 9! N... II, HU. jaLp 19

B.K3 avi IVavaa r ; ATOM TOS m jsa, ara, a a. of Ib a Mi feM N . armi iiíim ti. PlllllWÉ-O- W Mtf MMM. i uvumi vi vvnnuif í . l MMII MM Of e 'MH..MH i ta tar. arel í, S. tttokMrTfT JÍTI m m. R - 1. iiiwi T nigiiii r. ifMIMfrr WIMMI mat- l. - iTMir nim kftV C- T. Mm, (M VHMM Mk mean mhI Man- - VMM Mal Atela l, kr Hi anaiaara Na soñar, piñy Baav nwvr '; - WWlaYi, M la AatMrta atraM-t- Gas Ranff Gas Range i B- - las n inn Ware, rio ,: m-- ' MM. ta MáfcL oaál

(VMUMti1 CSUÍpSR. MBB&Na. '.toba - T- Mr AfiS vea sgiving Turkey in a Gas m aMary. Mata mmé' ir Mh Jh ardar la aaaa0ay faja.hwtl id értd, save timé and Worry J.. D. GUaa FnnÉÉ ,otH.M.(m,MHr1lMir af a pié tüSáv tttww) SaetUI ewd LMi Jininf't CwKdimi 8 rwMJrK iiuraoi - TheL rvrrem wim eaa- TMaaas GferUtfaiUiiuiiuuur . . CRAWFORD GAS. "AW Wl M."-T-M4 :T'fctUUan. a ? Is, Important -S-oK. "Awt 9e shall Wa Awíy ut TWtSMY, FMIXTr UTWMY MI Theater or .Jf-Wt- "QttPtt. Tiieea TaanV-to- r: - cmmY tagrg yTHMáY JÉ!; It it M-iw- your lown and judt m aviaiafalicated. ffi'aaSK " &i to keep the household runnlrif á7váothly Á. 'Kt r'- fcwUT hf

-- "théchiMnm daiiiBmidiJly - suaLH ttV- - f1 ta. a..Üt many labor and tknc Mving lvkM m yWr. work; 1 she has law.. Do you not .think needs Diract Pm th f but thatih j vsiiHta Aa. aaaw aj Lyric Thaatar, -- Navf OrÍaM thede' hints in bar work, not only as muckjjas .you 33 do,, but even mora so? drat ' SBefe"Pbheát0T1'""' 'i'Tinni- rin?v u OPENING 'i CrwfHd TKaUr Monday, ;Nv .30 In a Rapartoirá tl Royaky

- ! 1 NOTB KLi PA80 AN8 r Wátinee and Nííht v requeated to at&to thatr choice.n o( tha rollowlBK rer ts epenwg date; "The Biandthrltt," "Tha GWéWoúr Wife a Gas Range v Money,' 1 1 Stralf ht Read," "Ready Seáts PRICES: 'Madame X" or' "Brewster's Mil v DAVID BELASCO Hit $1 Hone." Drop .ft card tó Manager w f Olaaa, CraWiora Theater, 'KI a $2,00 Show at 15c, 25c, 3Sc David Tank Water Heater Maaterptaoa ,8ervloe Today. Xhere is nothing that will do mora to take the drudgery out of the'house-ywor- k than-- a Gas Range.' ítwill mean a clean, orderly kitchen, free from Inthe r. WIGWAM .:oal smoke,' soot and aShes, and meals always served on time. A Tank ZZIfl Watsr Iatér cbnnectjSl to yor. Gas Range iwuree,a.bointiful supply of ' Mhot waiajr at all times'át Wloéepólwlble coit. Don't forget about bur j .jutuo um ricaters loriiiHaB cooi mormngs iwveyeningd. rjamiy, Clean Praaat mm is. vl. Jand cheap; 1 Stop in ItUiéiGa.Of fioe any day. thist week and let lis tajk lí - - pot un oaii at The "Té Ryáñte Dmg Store HAS, COMPANY PASO 4Sf N. St, 1 Phone 339g Whieh Jtai probably Mlair aajit 423 Qngén kow: pW with tha". ataxia ax ceptloB .of f1 I Texás Grand Nov. 24 'Ben Hut" ; VfyifrGEMKiWi, SKASOK'S SOCIAL HKaat TOBAV OWtiY f f ' t KXTKAÓRDINAJRY Í KVKJfT NO JNCRBgB IX VRICSW THE WORLD'S GREATEST DANCER Wedneaday and' Thuraday the GRtUAn g 8 RUTH ST. DENIS SVKLYN NB8BIT THAW, "the ro most, talked-o- r woman la the, to'iSay mn - - y Win world," v jAj Jiaf CaaafMiBf of Baca 4. Native Xlndea Panears "Hew Hafoaa Aa McU" ' PieaOBtliiK KJYWOIfB KOMBOX a af ORIENTAL GREEK CHARACTER "THE TiaBP itAWr llfBK 'Th management of the Grecian Theater "offers $100,00 to any fesidswt ef El Nest to Lai laplaada Alaá IH Aftd Jícwíst arlr Paee beet 1 solution Million Dollar Mystery. Jfi "TRKV O' aBAJCM," DOROTHY GlSH for the ef The Godities AT are ike $1 0,000 prise, that ly bee fide EI kl In a uaínwa sd IntaraatlaK two tame as theee governing tha save -- -' l--' rj real feature i mi a. wivgivrm. I an4 MMiay, Xavaaafcar 9É. fM Qrdara New, awai VNIQUB "THE GRACE" jjPODAV AND TOWKMaWm, SAVING Maaathlhr Ywll X4)a. Covering This TOMORROW Conditions Contest: Ata Comadr., with XéK Mancare . KUNae Kyaiary aaaalata 91 apt 'JCa 1 flbaitt awaaaaaa af tiasa aaftWaaa4iaf JtawUwaaai. Who Bplaada oí taa PatUr af MMW,r- - for t waphatC nTKAKTKJ IX Saataa TH' MtLUON . ' A SpiaadM' Jiiwah lradaiaar SlaT WvMar TtMr atarr id tha Maaaa DOLLAR MYSTERY" Stiaday,I. M, sonUaulac avary weak ' AaaiaaaAad Taably Sdaaada J4 MONDAY ita aa4 tsohataajf 3aÍNa)wbr JJ ftivtAaiup ara Way aYVaaaC avaaaaaaa aC taáa Jaaaiaai 4aaaa)aaaY' Read tha SWry, h adraáid toil Ofaalaii theater Sajurteaa XMi TODAt' TIM K8 Ull.'jairallaifs' and TUESDAY alK'alaaaXi. ifil i haih i adai ÉÉaA AaAiSdfedl ial BIJOU if WW VivvWffaaBiVMl.á. raHB V f eal eWwWWai nvwrrva aj- W Caatlaiaaais; Jraax a 11, - mt a. aAapwaw ornaa It tVBWj afcwejpaeaBae daw daPaajPwa ao J p, aad, lac, wN ha aaaalate aod ftaai, NaWiNr af a Naaaty mo ajawasMaaatwaiar-- t wttmit ywiátoSaja. Ia4aaa aIW aa aaa)a44Jaaa Javttfca aaa4a4aa af aiiaai Éba aMwC Bvat JfHlflQQkQ jpap4cy aatéaWi aaaa tapMfaaallir1 Ethel Barrymore ' 4r4pa4ia aaallK at wt!, 2a Va Ma aa- - 'THB' H&BD AOTHtaB, IK ALHANBRA alai wttseSteítí wHat tha al4i4lai foá ka Mlah i a aW Mrttr H aWa tTaa JjJJjJJjjS áfa4 wjaa'ajiíi ta Mmi wiawar aha WW ha UBERTY TM CMoa Idcart Oav h af Vte paUtre af tha at award 0a MaMfa la laiaaajaaa a4aa)a; vasa iwa faM aaaaa mm Iftaaf tém MftM aiit)a U Va kati In ia aU MM awaaW NhfM naaatali WMI adaa, V "The a44 ntnr aha Niehtineale'' THEATER VAUDEVILIE aaMaaalas Mi. ta tmyilwy m aa aéá a ta today. W Waa Oaaaa Coattauoua parfamaaa' A pidun artlatlo aaaaliaaaa, la,djpaijt. mkamtttoatat of wrtUaa aanataHi r Mlaa Kirat ahow; aeajaa ,pv law r. lama ra ay Aajuatua Tainiaa Ti di y 0ftmmmM9i Ota a M(Mtral Aaas. OUT Railin and iliaaiaal waaia FILL THIS COUPON MuriaWcitil.a.'ai. li.M p, m, í;ó , m., p, . ;m m., MAIL WITJf YOUR aoumoif TO TMK r afa DaJattjr Cmr GRECIAN THEATRE, EL PASO pawaWai'wH Mutts, 29c; CMkhw 15c alaWBttn , t ,e'aa t 1 1 ta aaaa'aaaj. IMeeaeaae Iseadaw (taiat tlJUi H TODAY? HJOtr PaOCttAH -- Huaca CHAINING t( 1 1 1 ) . ( Ve a tara-a- t 1 at ) t I M l M M ! t Htn Youth MNto Youth A at aaaaaaaJ aaaaady, t - rqir-T-- lwvatory (aaiurtaa Lard Varolii, oaa o( Um ifaial I ropa. siMf MftttuM Mira KEAO THE WAHT ADS riaaw. asei aaJaaja. Sa. ... j,.

UUM-StatMHuEscawf- L Tkát .asaar b ws i .bbb i t bv vr sbb szát- 'njLCMii .1 IfetfnoY (

OccasiM for TMiluriTinK. ft ,,V! ?,. NottWWiole World Com to Find Came for Real . . v . ;v Vi x 'ii '1 v Lying in a w Spirit, irnived ana -- if, Tragedy .BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBstsflHBBBBBBBBBBBBSBBBBBBB

- -"- vWhyX V5r i. U&Sí.- i IT . m 1 - mill ti.' ii ' JM.ytctonr. f1!!-p.yta- sbbbbbbbbbbbbR

r (UT; !Bl JsBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBPKi'aBBBl ,' 1" JMetkw of bltieriMM r Tmmx tart .

,;' befare the Ortat MitNK. ; , ÍM erUM early and artMÍ(ÍXv ' th dreat TliaiilNHitta. Mr - - ffiMtJ by the priJuté .tm PTt of W tfc tenon. Then t!)r M tb CMeral TJiakc1vinK In the Book of Otnnmon Aiytr, a "collect In th.thW ptaeé h e end-o- f the n f fWaf , . , tSV5ví3S7rtrtÍBSBBWS V JF1 rV AjK f ..15 JV' dflPK L J f! venlnt orayer. an4 of.UM UUnr. marcd by the Incense (X prayer, haa uie umiy iignuoinenew,n yvoQ.cneer-an- d lasghtAr, ta that aimttally ob j aerved in the Ugited State. BBsUsk CwbbIIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbs In the beKlnnlng of tae okeeryatica, wM1 a,da et apart by, the Plytuouh TTttarlms, In 1621,, in acknowledgment bbbbbbbshMbbbbbbbbbb tit their flnt harvest Jn Amertea. It .vbbbIbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb was perpetuated In many etatee by' an ammal. festival appointed, by the eerw)r, Ita national, oalbrtloa. hi waa first recommehaea by pralama Uen iecúed at" the city of New York, In (1789, by' Qeorse Washington, who set apart, for obérvanco,Thuraday, Nov. X of that year. - Tha "war between the States Vai the; event that established the na- tional day. It haa been therefore. Í jljllp Thanksgivfag.' I ri""1 HK AmerlcantThankaslvlng; .9HbiuiiH I year la Invested a profound, eteniflcance,, a' blending otrevécr ' C ent appreclatiorf fw jthe, blcsslns ol HebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBt polgnai-- í re- - the .twelvo-tnont- fiñd'ev' ''''VIHHHMsPI gret that so rtanyMembers of the VorId Family nroth'. the red agony ThanUeSjlvlne;, definitely t war, The BIBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB established after national streea and J"' travail, is tender vdth aympathy and off handle.'"' ' the j ; Ji br(thrbodd, nnd, dne Blvee "The United -- tflltf mateahaa eeeápe" V?Wffl frealv of thanks toJta,Creator, freely. says he. "That.'-- the' 'aaeeial .ea-- .likewise, docs ho give oí love for hla slon- ior thanksgiving. But may not" ' f fcllewa.' la the maSfhuman of aea- -, whole - It BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBV ifPSBBBBBBBBT . ''ÉÉBBBB'aBBPPlBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBl the world come to; 4, cause Bona, 1h --which man eheutd, and doea,,' ff follow ike eternal lewiei of the Great 'ÜMttiml s... ilI i ' a i Teacher; T' of ''X' " Thankaslvlnir Is elemental In the Contrast iheae typical rural. ThaaW- - ,1 probably found Ita' 4 " eoul of wan and It sVsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSbHsbbSxsbw ' "!SSfKffffj tSebsbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI giving pictures with some of the fam- - first expression, not in1 peace, but af- ily groups and of' sustenance opera- - ., twilight of, !l éyPWBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBsi - ter confliet in he early ' ' f' jBBsP ' tiónswhhln the territory- , hlstbry when-aom- e of "the hairy unen, .ind, if yoa bepart from waaf, yoa ff who had awakened to the mystery twill feel a pang, of Jkaeaeat comialaéra. f 'and majesty of the aun as the giver tlon and a regret that all of the world's"; of good thing, raised the!recarred 1MBÍS struggling family should not be ahar- - 1 "Afi " arms toward it, reverent and trl BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBS ing the! conditions. urophant, their grateful gutturals In this case the turkey Is the bird voicing thanks for victory. alike pf peace and of plenty. It Is the And thla primitive thanksgiving will bird, likewise, of sacrifice but' not 'yt ? be multlpUe'd and intensified a thou- burnt ofterlBg and goes to its Ap sand foW at 'the expiration of the" pointed end with what, seems like a present, war and not for the victory consckjua dignity of the part it playa but for the coming of peace. In the In theWateful season. . of bloody triumph there intozicatlen Bird Day, fen be little of the deep, spiritual H National for a thanksgiving; for, despite the glgan--U- o What .flnlsli more honorable and ln-- slaughter'4bat has made this cen- prosslve for a, bird that It ts fated to fl añ tury the Crimson Age, the world is ' ' die to, foake happy. entire nation T j still one M- - family with Interests so WÍ2' V Wolgoing up 'arXot of golden period the eagle" none la un- & tiy Tki closely Interrelated that affected by the struggle. And nose s notified by the blood, of Isrotir IU world brothers and looks toward gtvlms bW is magiaally transí ormed - will give thanks, even with the prise who died npt in vain, for as "s, 'ier-- taking the Impartial part In the bring-- fM. a téñlpUfig thing of appetising W ring .observance It was préslátwisd by lng about of the peace of Burepe oders, an' vision S Pnmrjkin at Pnttinir thn Pía Into1 tho Briok.Ovea. ...a Giving Thanks, J9 rs. ?Ss Ireident Uncoln in Ootobv. UM. who and of h wfwM 'Br. 'CariatMassaoa. alWtetitsta brawn aadbrosse and hrino-- - tú ilxed the last Thursday ia .Wsvmbsr. the distinguished eufblo1t. recent- - fast la' train attendants of the fi4d' f jf It, since has thus been observad. ly, while dlseuaetor "war aa an aeute that oriaply show ivory white and pale Be it is that in 1914 the e nervous afilltio-aa- d Its treatment easeraM. aad tranaluoent, ruby. BsHssBSBsBlwlQ9BBBHBflB4kBsBSH ne uñatea Htatea give stamu, set ana its cure," made an lnleareatins; Jn bh tamey at tela seasoa there far a. war over, with the oseaJaetaata dlagnosls of the coadrtíon of , the are the prMe of oóuntry, the religious jmUIng aMe the sclenee mt sswrder United States. It may be reaseurlng (a nation and its sustaining for the science of conatrüeai.v tWnus to bear from au'ch' an eminent author- - hopefwlix,seif "the raeial family; spirit and resolutely facing the futswa. bat jty, who regard the more than . ,that "mshssthe whole worM akiB." and because the country Is at with1 O9,003 human, beings In ' the .present- - the vary iasanca of pteaatng plenty. Tb Old Folki "Pickiní" tivo ThMskaÍTÍáf Dttaor. . . . ' ? sbbbbbbbbbbbbbbSHbsbbbbbbbbbVbbbbbW' fSSIUES?!SfiSSKKIBmtlKttttK


Áétmñáág KsMMMi FtoT RdBBtV FwTMtoMdl IMMBM fB? aaBBK fete Cari JSfeJteái-- . MUmMr.-mm.- a . . TWO iMat sanitary roosne await iatoaa Wka ears far the oulet and avian tsan nr a pa-- tw word on , alwaa rested etM Hr Ruada. TIU JATSITM.ainV SMIBipiB UU, m (Mm, &1pkM TeiM aad raftMLv liaSBv ii auMi Mmmffr l&Sto: WMjajiiiiiiito-'toat- sMbmBSL. sfaMM MbbbmÍ fy'BntonMaaBVMjMBMT to mu titotoi TtB ' - - ' . rtmkhkr wMar; twaaia.etsk be rhatrvid hi reart toy na5b parvof, Na ad so ran rot eTrdMk-ñ- e nut m.i waaetf, fto; stit. r jantjaaajiBMaa, ;Sew, aneair iw" tke tto taken, orar the reteohene. orator to dieeost-- tina "tf." add matt a made ea wrtrtta--. TALSIMÓ MACHTIft At ttaaam, for mm: um enh. . Corr Tama and "totohwr i etoee '. w .uni MM alee room, to and rtaejaaw Maor than mm Incorrect totailted. aMstofl OTtoe H er same ror aaia m Maní ail tortoa, dafaB. town tMniiHiaitly. tto Jf. octoto. atiMi na or wMtomr itoi.WO, HtM hetuekMBr ÍM5MSs wtth RaHs WbMMIJj' rates ny Dieotor r, maticMst. etfcmet bek CQUbfe pricV. to. íá ror.iMoe, MMt caen.' MfM iWlCal mtjm HCmoatal jtoum 1 IW sssjk y FURNlBMBtl ifM eovnrutinr at mw rmty MM M at rtVsVsfsf- rtíni t.MaiiBKWIVtwjXjrm mi - BS!"ty, Opt. WTMTIMTI .TH81K .RAnOAinB. column wide, each toijirl vrtMta iA4 M, MMk sad ato M- - " I roMnai Maarorna Áve.i sm!.!!.' :'mjjjt:.tupb.' ... to. Ittll nt;liM mi HOTEL MKNG r-- y km r. set JUat Mrs. srtow!,,HN'; Ian Éa atoldi aBhakmdt JwldheBi I ftekA ratas; modsrn and. rvasonabH. i.iw, ;i m sua. rnoae rooms at ret reewdownWwii transMHi MLi - aria. roeáaa; r Prensil fiSñtow; jtortly rkrniahedi TnU- ato tráete Oiieton St. downtown; traosleoit a,!. méj lTtt s. near . El Paeo . Z"5. v maii rent n. 0oil MUtTY' Wl . or anar a. toit-m- r lease; renim tot MtHa Bhat rmnt TOÚ CAN RÉSfT MAT MMát ftol aiTaBC wrms , hy advertletof H persMteatty to ske. Maesi- - lmdL MBit. fe 'k . f. jai hare others, .Hi TM MANHATTAN t wu tuina iw m row tas; TWtesj rraencany atesinany isunasi mmí) .MHto n anow you. Vactad attention toe eatintry as her enudreni no dors. O? a oesirawe room reeds these eetwma. in, toMrwm. ll A. McM - saVrr sm:i Uip an,-- Otrt laoutorwrfc, Ma MS. kato- the moat nv rtn Tim WAftTtO ror'rwal iajW PAltTfa hHite for rent for El e FnbnaheraEl Paeo Morn toV Thaws, i f residence WAR sMrtat HTM S) M WMblAf- - FbOWI Ht-- r A (l c. inquire tn fear for K materials For real, inciud in MMIIIl iir for u roema. wtth atoenlnr Shirt Pactorr. Hoom M. 'rl .. the Rathskeller , at rrnt Modern ltoJ4wri!l Ñ. Phone uta. A. 8, Hewaeri P. wort: 6iet manr) in l oml .) sntondld place for unturnisi tod, ato. porch and ball etose t. Bll Ftorenee. INfYRTLl HikLLBnmamsjjMiarqBdBBa fiouae." aemetmna' tbat n 'Two- - roentt raC Hthl FOst RENT 8nay, cemrorsehla reams, ofporwinity: cheap... r farntened with private faaMyt reaaenaktef watofir , eft, Includes aw.. distance;, home eoafchtr M Bsbjbkatkasn. MUST Job tnunediaiely ; well e XWtow5n AND OAS KANtMM .Mr w Artsene 81 Mar it COAL Phane Mir or to. j. i ' . bealiliT AHterlcan at ZlftKLEft'B. man: ww, consider-anytnt- wfcera-- fñreh! cornaeooii t KLBOANTLY fnrtoshed tori at thia sasaasi this i lilaila Austin hubMMPIHO. atw.reiaenehVii ran .WW tte'ltolehoW-,a- eottet, Jfk Month. and heater. Phone ril-- beaatt m Tem Jt.'ítS stand. jatoto Mexico when ñateé eMMiaV r. evarj artttieTbitflnf" Phone ense-- air Exceri a aotturn inyi fteum Winee. wsaaaw aire i torn MveriVamari aia'ir aaaki le ka ofre times.tfw, , .7 ,. to- CALL 3781 stove to per pent en mean. store; wit aimamm St,),, terms reaaoñábH'.or won! . ron in - . rarniabed. room; with beet, to pNvaM Meta, " or dsri- oludjn pleyer ptanaj family, stoeptea; portsa If Mtilmni tari poan'on- - .care i BllAINBaa ettAMCav i electric tm UOUSI lWWÓ. room, eto I'peon. Phona with deatred. reruw aouims w.s, ruana, itea-j- . W Metsll hualness, Mtoi W to ger day. Lft aSdM .RaJty.Co; 5MT- PHONK MJ Manfy and m ror aeittoa; Jeto The HBRAtD BLD0.' ; to ma vent. TWO heaeetceepinr rooms. KHi HORSE KEN. ;np and repalrmr Store aiKt rñrKrre MMK 'Sirftom heñse.i completely MraUhed fwntotiiit Niee fiimished clean room on oar Mae to ebunrtey. totow -- N. El' Paao. aweeplnr; house' and MAoojf wwtw cor, , CIfMF'ídrT CMhi ntoee In. J . Mexico ror rent. Hotel Hlmely, tt 8. Stantes. ctoaninc. He, 8, CempowiK t nías-- . . mrw. i . mavis nnnTMk miua 4' .rnone' ana ,an otner HOUSKXUMr1N0 entre, Blair Apia., W5V4 M, front-roo- .e toe Texas Street. Taltatoaria ton UiiNl ice etoae mt HUE,ill.lflÍÍllÍ!'ltl tdnMt ' " vnwnaiaMiai with a rood tit. family; at to per week, tw N. Oehea, thphb am Co- Furniture - (ROOM furnished house, wflh heeemcnt near Mynlc, Phone . c ror aaTaru.eineaTi, aeea .wiiK. HÜXP0. rhtoSM. SU K. Mlawurt Phone nance nraraswaf they could but loeae iMMbaMrvM thetr BAR0AINS to cant a an heatinr Plant and Rararl.aaaas int t8. NlCK rooms, running hot eau toaareVeaV tMt Iikmr. Describe your MpoetOaM clearly 'per hettá inrdlstaoedf For, rent wtsMarVjatajM only. outside and aiovee ana ra?f satos and snail Can be seen a. m. Kanaal HOUSEKKEPlNfJ ROOMS, M N, OfetM. water, rat ceaL Vendóme Hotel. MIK k. an rim n unoer TfUl aaaavrneaoDB in, ae profits Mtrtto. rare co., sm after tí tW r. Overland St. Phone etsav COMWTKftT shoe atan,. , marrted. tostreí Mr at.ror; pnone aret. rooms, n. raae. pueKwn; nueaiiy ; . x. Stanton. uousEXEltPiNa m ei alienta, .avasu speniaii 1HJHNISHHD haiiae, (daaeln Hlrh' NEWLY futniihed. aunny bedroom, wtth. references.!, Adavesa asti.- rruiaa IT 13 FOR aht - - ; heuaekaattor-roD- YQUt loatoe- for HMtrt- FOR harsto aká vpet-- j iád-pa- iTmfta., irtd aer- - itrttttr airt Ala ' itfl hito, ti Anions, SlTUATtOJP wanted KoreanJ wok wcrmthroinM5feusmees" Mr You ar! Jv- am u vi raw lywtw and productive Metleo. Chalmers Motor- - Cm., 90. I, asm Te, SL tl.KI hwl. Mum. . aim treneral' bouse work to private family, . tttractlv M JUAT1EZ AVE., eteak rnone - la Jusres. reoms town or country, Klw. care timea. Hah. trench. OersaM and Seanlafi. h. tare. FOR RÉNT enture, nicely fur. rinrtaAr1! wealltiv vouna- widow, aweet ana bathj ideal tocattos for raee horae uuereca, " SSWINQ MACHIN "The Standard," the ntshedi rnorn cvettianeeti oevernraent aispostiwn, owntnr atocx raacn ot over people. Phone twr. ' BOOKKKSFiNO add eoanloed poattlen, by Will 'DliM, OAAJ ' l.oou acres, wlshei to marry rood man, highest due-it- msde; to a aaonth, and t nne .reierenoet OROCERY STORE All eaah i re r capable or successfully manailnr her prop- A NEWLY roen, private .a..- '- " i business itamcA FOBtt ft, Zlnkler, mratohed front HWKtlP!W) nlahed ftor, Ht,. varktown, ., ir celpaa Its to sts; profits to KM Rv WANTBB HQ OAS 'ANB anUtV BANMa" erty. Any; Worthy man can have full par .entrance, adjwnlar kethj hear kloek or fJt fiCBNOB to r. any; rem aso; one uvinr room, mw FOR SALE A lea or coal THIS Mtífir F0UÍ2 tlculars if .Intareated enouth answer car line.- Phone stes-- 11.100. A wool raafued jnH name and woman nan run this store. Good 1 months. Will sell Tor lea than half. quick, ftvltt address and worn; uy.or j Iivwr In this. Louis BoweH, iMi Herald aoafe poetare. (Oeneral deliveries Hotel plaza under sew .manarement; w. can at ioi n. Florence, FM RENT Itew l3tadom. silctly completely renovnteeii moaerate pnees. n. reiir.' ctoae not anaweted.) confidential. Ad iv If fttrolslted. in. Svilleeeei, Slneeie.rB-lt- S. D Phone S5U. -, FOR .SALE New SK wtah over years,. " tori dress Farminrdale. WAiiTEO-Poslt- km aa ehaufreur, ex- RXCELLENT proeostiien, or wdtoa. letj rnone MQ, br bualness t7 ana vyui seta Two . roems, or perlenced machinist. , Address X--l tl, Sl.ooO Biao'ieam ntnwH. aepareie, STREETS PAVED WITH GOLD would make adiotninr furnished witti , will take Banner wtth investment! lekerson, BM Tesas, . the waoner." made for Manhattan finer than It la today; wiihout board, law S. Boulevard. Fhene JILLWRIGWjí "bum. best toettloa7tn dty? beer etoee DtlRABfLlTY AND COM 'ktoithu i kim& tiMs'K and but that H Moul the only tlilnr that has Mee. teeaiffanon. Arees nr are nmea. ÍTRAWÍEánr.pjanta, Mper 1 1st free. IINIL be good milker ; to month; EtOl.l9iiSPAni9K áftí offka " been left undnne to make It the finest sec, JIKATED room, new home, atcaetive rate; for dairy; muit nnuar aterrajr iflmer.f P?.! ii,sAirk.?-- ion any city can 11. ora ana roonu woman ror; ranerei, wiuh references. A.'MM..tare WEAR Kl Paao,madehtrUtS shirt a made of which; bout C no ica w,vj. uarace u aeeireo. Mexico 0 ala city Leavell, Sole Arent. vorkjtew month. once, ; ror. to: mater mmiahed. Pass IF yoú'went w meh'aal all Um OTE SAKKR .wanUtolUn Andrew Room HemineM ett Roberts-Bann- :Wdr, . - KATHHYNE H team heat, hot and t - WHrtf Factory hio, Mdr. time use limes wanc aas. M Alt ll Y far wealth and bannlnon- hundrada . Employment, , ear,-care- . Phone 1. E, Parker , com water, pnonetatw. hoh s Stanton. - hh.- i Howf; FOR SAL dH RENT ft nomptoltly furnUhecl rich and attractive, conrenial and willint' FMHKlKO St. to CIUSÍNEYS Médgaiaá .ssoyeet w. WOULD Jyou Ukd ito make si,e0 duriny the room. ftKfdlre 31H Sen Ajstonio. weai tnterMunr literatura, tesiimontsta, eeplMlT dotcrlptlons arid photos free, (neliahle.Mst f neat.' monthevon a il.tee For WeklY 'myments Vilx soon run. year.) The Mtatengcr, Jscksonvllle, FIs. rurtbar, laforaettoa address care NISH YOWH HOMES. FOOTZ tí ZINKLEil. Klkciant rooms, )ieam ,nat, orar, new nanea, ' i!p llf BEK the .new' M.000 machina union nnnjtk Trust Co.. wtH gan. Aatocto. ir ?lón HouaEgMrrNo and sueator rooms; mod' display or FHdi and Urtettv mounted and D ELM AFI ROOMS, If, Stanton,' Room tw Milit. Bell .Phone ism. PARTJIMt with '.seo to buy halt tntereet in ito - twns In sontlrwest at' cutter's w rn. wtr BM. WANTD4f KMttoiWuft. for. Mto.4ietB,, tjee; naina,. upTweeaay, it: nevice now oetnc maauracturasi ana i.lfM'eotMsi-arittasT'r"!!!)!- !! LkHuauaa,', laxaa Turt char ire of eaarsnaus.,) uen-- i anawar. vm-- rssMtano nt.' ,.,... y elim- - itdwa. 'A.:'veaW 53 - elese to.v Phone sstt. GLKArt downtown., roontt,' reasonable, 1 refer meen austneaa. ; xt, cere iimw. ' 61 RTSMtorwt rárnWted with ' hih-e- l WHY nal put yeur W Aat' TVaM,' hou(kpin,privrieres. 1 N, Stanton. MO" BY in it war ntfrkets: ttiahee of - kewtt. whSjN-Fo- nfe surn. tltokeEraanlasf:9 WAWTEB-- -' "wantoanyfttMl JUatime: Doseinuwieai.fteo ,io. fr:Stkl'- Wanted If yoir ad amount to 7f, cafiU cadi you win; bedrooms SM ateem-- ft Oibrallar-B- a ndh tHmted arartnmM, em. rfWjK ' i, praieire. ee.SM lnvestmeat.. i .:aadl.,S.Daa. LADY, room fwd fountain free. Call fnrnta.ñrMM TM. t' mriaaU.tsii emptnyed, wlihe'-- kritht and Want-A- :M: care,-- . 77 eibraHar Bid., Kanaas arty, to Ute. wtth atoetrlo alarter. porch w nirthem seiitolri of city, prefer, St r the, Start . WsrTlTx EXPERIEN WI have .well eats ' money makiaar i. Jiffy curtatnaart urrve, ably near. Meta Ave. anafBoutevard, In pri- aw, nwre jhy M yM hatneta vate fantlíy, E..sit3. eaen-Tn- adrtttttoTrln LEAKK. MttoMoMle reoelrtiir. 4rWliMr . eS wMrraher :im, Bare-a- reterences. UiaMry, roorotor bouse. KICK- mm, prtvatf. rttMK wBMr W wri WMen newly to., nera "jr. aanaasvi. TWO er three houaekíepln .jumas,' TU Upson., Phone. tost. : j BMOHwr c won priewou: M ,FlMtoi'.ir.. Toetnt or apartment .jlor ' couple; good polMae m tn vCTtet a - room' uia board while lewnlay: Phone , vntia.tUHe netthborhoodi referendéd exchanaedj. Ad- WATrMV-to- M trm ver THRBE nteely furnished tensaste an tot rJ,i4 Jy.' MHC' FOft snXJtVTIto'Bdsrmile tfnstoMr m nr.roid prnpertr ' secured; MUeftetton ruHeateea; cetitofue r J J vt lire for drees care THgtos. s .wllt" buy-o- r cWvetoti.:, ft, Kansas. column - , froW' owner,' otve! roofli.i. m rree. ratHMi.Sebeoi-o- r ierúieermg:, nía WORK by day;' WW le owan:F1ioné am. ret more, nuaneas. , t caeh, Ifik. WM . dem- loaatton,' dwortpuon,. WANTED To. rent furnished detached beat nriee .and "terms HOTEL. BEAUMONT. .MOdC Of P. 0. WASHiNQ AÜfB.iftortm Phone bouse rooms. Phone In first toller.; JtiS-- , car Times; ett RstotJtv from i to ' Nrs. WANTED-MWlc- e 'muHlger for Buenos KAL TREATMHNT ' ellmtnwtee the' orinat Hart. MU ' "i.YOUR NAME to the "What 'Are You Aires. rereientIBr an Amerlcu mm Emfiloyawat AgniáM and drua- - hehlb pay phenaa M or Mdtt Lohaty.'Karald Bidr; . Phone 'I to. port,reoln 'of tba'Tlmed. ONE fursiahed and unfurnished room to . olrc if L 811 BJa Orande. tine; Urjre pyt iransponation rumiabed. iiitni pnone its. r. u. nox-m- Bteetrtc ear. lai ftMt;eláaaiéañ ANirtntflk for 'Rant Uafwfiitohsjd am voai ret more cati private. home, W. tito- - .80. you te rea aU th 'pepe an use Bleiiorraphetr Blacksmith, ir wt jMsdlnasa pnwwi.flweo anew u. rooms,' or unfurnished. Clothing fta4RSiMV tlOO. opear unw nae imm,maH aui. rARTMEH, leeiumate piylnr at tn RENT, THAT APARTMENT NOW, Two furnished 73 Other rood' - . to- - 'N. Phnna votes to Increase bualneei; to.eoa- Mir to' This can MEN'S suits dry cleaned, pressed! Me Kuiii. Ml. inn.. BuateeM. service, uj.f Mt. huu jsfar. s. be accomplished by adverttatnt roone . , lerest. Aaaresa .t it to the Monitor Times. Remember, It li ' NRWLY. furnuhed rooms, furaaee beat. Amatábala Shsxirtal.hdtad. far cheaper to spend a few dollars in' ad. Cut Rate Cl'eaaJir Worka. Phone VM. Auto win call, v close in. rnone cm. GOOD openlac ror man In or near' El Paw; (ioo PER MAN I'K COUKTY8rea in- Write or en on vertialB now than to have your apart' unusual qpiortunlty; experience unneeea-sar- y vention i lartie a world: .arenu aaaaaedi - .' nent vacant eu winter. NICE front room, dose in, very reasonable, ir sattaffed with reasonable weekly re- - ten' lnexperleneed aten 4Mm; Kor- - Ádareti L., earn Times. . phone CmV FOR RENT ! a w canaano a w hi New i ermane, and 9, room mi inuncrauon siari. aiaur tarater, am ,h. myii WANTED siate far ,Tesa ctoM-to- mag., ohTliMiiAM . ia repreaare' nice d room, i no ttak, Airacy, twpi.j, inuuau vjnuipejr, miniu raaae Mtv 4M San AAtonto t., .Apply H. B. or cold , caih baakad y rrtate to.( to Stevens Phon tml . Casada. llOQ made, p,. nan. eay raw St, ABU, TKXAS, sendee gioMfMn in m dayajsl W iSdauu t f oajrael daanlivr. RENT room, porch, furei-'lu- FOR Larse sleet Í SALESMEN" .to contract with mercbaatf, or water bath eltuipteean iter re FÓk.iuíVr. A ttW-I- . t permaaent old ruwinr FARTHER in new and QUILTS AND tLAMCETS AT BARGAIN. riHTttK private family, Phone , dally window Wcture services any neme at wuy m Ad- - , alósete. I STANTON. medium, la ants i water, ati, money. Dept. M, business r reference rsatsad, - N. FOUTX It ZINKLER. people. Wsitse JHoak, position; Wk' Mention plumhins or waterworjca requlreau 'hrVe. areta cere THnea. and UlCaun ONE or- - s rooms, all modern news ag. Mle CredH FOR RENT New roera stesm l'Boio?rpnic bervice, weai xisi ttfste. exclusire lveai e4 v ' Phoaatm. heated SMB-'.ci- . K. r Munoy Ave. rnone ism. SU, itew Yorfc no money. letter or poatai lodav. TED .to tojat swrtment, phone saw-- or twt. pratt, retehar the vioHn. twt Write aiarr FOR SALE At a baranltt. afanos! new 7.Da fftona tm-- . gart. . A M.', M. Enr. Allen Htg. Co.. 3WÍ AMen Bide;., Totoda. A, rood builneiei"ntaeitlaa tota., m - Ha rTlCELY furnished rooma for ran. 4M x. MEN Sell aruaraiiteed hoalenr to friends. 5 ear tWesv A,'-- santer Stadebakert IP V taken at one. for hint all kinds office furni- pWEHmdlum, lócate wátor. oil. mfti. Rio Orande. Phone itiu. 70 per cent We desire the services, of re. UMuners ua., m. Br santa ou TUREi FOUTZ fc ZINKLEIL nelrhbor:and .general wearerj salesmen Mien- otr - rt erais aim iJropie.. is wuun usura nwc. iuiuccm-sari- . liahle and ambitious men, with seHtar m rjott ALE eeaieattsriary s4dee;.Mg, ROO for, rant, private home; to, tor proili; ma w aauri. exeerisace f wt. flote tntraUdnal lUa. WeM I'SUadel penenoe, jo cover cholee territory, heaici termi. Apply t7 Mean Ave. EdwotionnL BJffinri ruta and poHabet native rms; floe trrntH'inyn-- J'nooe yiy. . ' 1, new FOR BALE second-han- cars. See pW. Pa. ) ntstr Jan. mt. with our ltne of art New Mexiea; Write Several r.weiry to erner. tii s pw and business calendars. advertlslfMr lHtuo store, terms.' us nerore you but,, Auto NICELY furnished hedraom; resaanahlei fast. internacional to 0ET YOUR name In the "What Are You THEATER. Alpine, TC.'-wil- l ad-- . 5W An American youth to learn the pendil and specialties In leather, celluloid, ITAR run 'Nose, w. HIJTI" Ave. WANTED Awtfl Loower For 7" column r the Times, it verllalnir slldet st til per Menih. ; ÉR drur bmtoesv and assist in' the general dotta and mettL It is a line with merit aad Fax-- Stlm. Ut heln you ret morn business. Call worthy of .the heat eft oris of , the .moat Roomfaf Hutoi. hoiM MM. eceut it. cureiL SamtÍM rree. Zenteto, mw-- cauckie aleamea. Address The Üm Ad retwences reqmr&u. eun r u MM St Mto, . carat rnarantead tn." aaart.aar Ford ear o Dept. , MUWanhetWlt.. f ustot,. Co., Kansas cny. wo. , sale NOSntaf - Nldtftii roam tor rent. flmMm AMttuta. expected. ,Ad v;t , jfcuse,. runnlny water, ram HH, ear that is In rtUMtor condtWaa; aMeadld prop SPAffltaj taurht to the anorten Hme. pel- and mere cwiere.. - I PAY mrbest prices for diamonds. Phooe MAKE depeoda WE yotf tn business, every, ostttoa.aad innaritosit.far atete county JÍOXirav WITH . . start tursUtant rents. The Perfettten Auto Starter en,, irse, no wv, i reee, janee. jlfCELY fwntebed front Aem, tot-- ' tol no thtnir: roen and woeaenj. mo to pok week, .. Iteesv woe awow! M sto( eatlt Me; rnone mm-- tteua, local m wanted.. Addraaacivusoalrender, ly, operettar "Hew Syston .petoSy reoms, rent ft half Uvajateek Per SmU, queen may, clairvoyant, ; Dept. 3tt. M Weat Mat 8L, New York. tliiulv Paetorlea hoate er aatall reoca aaar 3lsaad.- S. El Paso, Phone tTS-- pXirnihhed front room) ke-- t aad eeM w- - Where! M caavasainc;'r opporluaUy WeeiMe: tor. Call Wat, WEAR El shlru) S sittria made booklet free, hetadfte Co., Drawer i,Jtaa í rM Mttll Bldr. Phaae tort. paTTYOUH HAjfX to the rwuat Ara Yau RetMM mmd Boérá OKfd NICK rront room, net waeer, keaa, Tfl lOr DI MWWV (HW111W. r V"J Orante, ft, J,. an af Me Tlint. i Hr. SMft Faeaanr,! W. Hem melt vtdf AOatKTI . WHY not Mt( yotsr Want Ads to the Times, S. itowsert'r, K. Parker. household Itoa ea FOR RENT "Y K. YOIW. U aeMera; ateady,' reeeeters heniisMt Saul K-- where y are ture of the best resurta f STEEL RANOBS, tl.0t A WMK- - fotrto ft aartai i, nn., iwnai yow HW ttckuur slwa, over IN e bu, r If your aa ssneunts to ts aents eaan win ain I'Bl uward,Mld dlj. aruensi swa, yverea' i ruéis repaired. n rood tovatain pan free, cm bmmm Moastot. etc. SendK teed too eeot profit. Write afeiak. Mar. WNY your ret 6We larra unfumttbd, ntoee kx, PkMa EIW B. ÍMT a rooMB bm Mil Want Ada sew tor me want au mtj. r ieea, 7 pce Mat püíi teejire territory. rr7 .nui&JMM Mar.. TMrd nlace...... BV Onto. iw hnhM Phone 1st. art sttrn tike.: i, Otnetaaatt, tun to nenu HOME TUaeytflSJJ wjtf'a fTyia- - A 7s CONVALEWSlffT FOR ItfF. KENNARD, 4tU N. Oreren. ktotVm for ulta.farMMi: OAI4. $m when ef faralture fountain peat' free. LOBIti Hith-ola- aaaasantniiallani,t AQENTS wanted to represeat a leswa uta, aaam.' Setufactlon toaren teed. with ' roomn.1 aeeldMit bealth tosuraaoa eaftapeMI tx)bbt; want Ad Bay, hospital attetrtian: ratea te asea atole. Pert - and híldon rwowt etose no alattv Adjiurttna- . ana rranainrs atta- - ran ansa er ae anar, ademan, tni Ptsat il.' UaUM "Surtes Detetttre. and attractive poUeiaa and aoad afeatf Tají. Tbtl i: ef maletead frnsalTh' Mistosi pnone wt. MMtway wcene, wu tracts. Banker' tat, .Ufa, Oas aid cLou baroAIN first tod si sand flaar k Aseoer. www Address TTro, in bt aflBsf t work OtT YOtTav NAME to the nabet Are Yen HAVlNa.torre bem oh Mttrlann BLkaaaM MOPaTHH room, etoee to rsasataWt. rkens LoosnW or7M eetttraa a( the Time. it a Mhe asf tUBTRUKlTIieo atenta. Miner sanv.'eara fully fumiahait, team tok, wauld - wiu bsm-t- set moee insmaia. can and reom severet aehiMs, war tee giving- free pachacas afu- - MM) board MttirXLJs.. format jo ,Wk, ut m E. frfdT HH apara pbotss phone about It. ;aaritr; ca.1 raer'a pert antea ataren! an or torMj. .water. toM. fUBfUUHED reama. 7 jt. V rime, W Tlumer Unooto ad -- destrate nfilM to, Herald conval: Orete ASMUi vid., Uu fWM'l tloas. H,e eoeClaieafo. i ... "" jgto toTMerekl Wa BOOM. 'ptoMM Jart. N :ild. park ear; TOMU gásMM Myris di caen ar mtms, A4saFas a,ana, WW IkNTor. aad FURNISHED BOOMS, tM N. Orafetu Aa. BiMjtos C. Crowell Aeocy. MOD IBM rooms, wtth hath, to prívete latan htMa. ac ISaw effar. ,iwas, t or - Oa'i&MtofiMMnf, .slT Baulevard Mt'Tataa." WaWntulflt M par af BnoUearid confaa- - pnone IM IVVK Ma. aMaantoatoSU t$ ItrXHM rem. 7aS B. .dregoat, jjar AJ-- fer sSt n. news row ki :.lL.r and hoard 52 wTSslwlMÍWT3; IJSSt wtth trMfcatd. MébbbbbbbbW notájh IbbbbbbbI Baf aBjPdÉtjáttál la ' -- W. ' .MatBt BFtotto Wtb. I HbBBBBBbT r ' - m$. Y' dsahlM Value TaStwaa, 9mMb , WsMfaaa, to aaa' W BBBntaW T.. - j ljlHwvaí of n MBfe, Tanta lea - - paaae-aaea- a ajam. ' MANY osa Mad ky uuw Aaaaia auua. an. Mmmm splandld, datto kata tsejk M Sa ; aatvrdslaur MtiiltFMtlBai to toe aaMMn Far aid e toe Forr' rent, aheap, Phone mi. Ptnanrlal hTraMnk; ' satuMM .am mm MtWTtoMn-T- Y lffiifí$lj)Qifftlw It' silt ifffftvl yMjpaBaJiy aaadl PltafliaMSy RUOS ABO t r MasMy kyfaMSJav' OLD, FOUTX iñ atkíjiBtto CstwT'-4sr- cwitÍ. -- aMrnTii' i i ala ana r i iii' f fnr ka t 1111 II1 Oat aeeaaiahto real eatato mteral rmBaCiW wan aaMMsft V7y: isst H Brxabaerdraarte reaisaahts, Wf - ar .lbV,- g ' aa3Snirlis. l's aide Mtfta sYWuui), sltvrsrtoM. DhfOaiABimt aeeily

WllV itottM fatsr Wait Ada to the TkWaT asan fMBMBF Where 7&1, sure ef the heat reeajis TTthasáa MjCajaaWaBtoto to ceaiU cath yaa wjtt M..m 1. awa a aaoai Nsaws-ia- i irae. mb am .asu avABMMtjaajaaf '

a5SSa?Sa5rs in

' 0 . i f 21 EL PASO MORNING TIMES taUlc Cky Pf fMty 'di Rl BTOf ANB TMNKAent K hW to jajr. We AT A SACRIFICE. vu gj.Meilberg mr, mm roeirSSfaUTn. nec. WORTH JUO. Imm soM ftaraMHM we cea sal mice uxo. moat farorafcle terms- - ACCSMMTAMtS. ataacarsta Ami tlMnrttmáfclr Wi Wr tan Mil te ret th ARTlSTICBUrtOALOVV. FINK LOCATION. i Booms (8o, TMA0M Iwra d Mv mirr " trocerle Pheo M IM 4e Of the MM itown Oü S lots, south front Tne' Of a wu 1 nataa The Jam rrofrt porch with the heavy acta it. 1 rrNaíouurt mh Dc 7, at wwcfc tira beams or the pergola, afld the prrgoi on H a Btewth, WMAtnkTi!rFirst WMlunal Bank Bultdlftr. ii" PRONTO PLUMHEllS. ít wm b MH MtmM. lend an to this Work gurnteed. 81-1- AUCTION, the side, unusual charm REALTY CO., ORAR-IN- OUTFIT TU . AT borne. Built brick, with 3 Booms 11,500. . M. AT beautiM! of own I'BOfM Ma MONDAY DEC. 7, .At M A. raked and struck Joints. There is a tarje On 9 loll, dose lo achooii your term,. W ettewial PCwVDAnTworTW KUCALYPTU AflU englenook BPECIALTY." lice md IHC living room, with a mott artistic MM, HAlROHEMim), nmm curing did "Msrnello" MICWOAN AVENUES. us I,.. III. In ! nn .llhnr ilila. NrenlaM 4 Boom-'l.C- fia ; mw. eVr, tfcr haadkerchleri, - mwle at praraiefM. M4 Rearlguei, Roberts- W Mf worn 13 feet wide and feel lilKh. Irg brick t loif, tltO doWn. Hi ajnonth. itawOM, MarteM awn work sad sartpeir (W Larga Freme. hearth, inojt rumie ana tnaiviauai coiuuun tLmmckti atre lm arttga" HearyB. Beach, SUB San KaTATC ti Stám Vrtttte. opening! Urge buffet In dlnlnit room, panel s hoonin it.eoo. Retü Eatote Farm mud i.jur.rV-i- i ' " " 49 sup, or scrapera. two rooms are finished in 1100 down, a inonlh. rroaa 10 píowij bt wotk, etc These lotif ta x riow. i lo hone rA.n u"aini-- nir. maniT iiuiisircu van FUVfcrf MMUB.' COLUAPaluLli or 4 Rooms .ooo. carpen, floors. The room is fcaturo i UPPEfi VALLEY FARM M hOtMenoid riMWMHBfi, ru, and doubletree. na o i 2 1300 a month. MUPIIM lIAlMakt.. Seeiy bulldinr, m this nimiaomo nome. ii reni-n- lots; down, a , flea furniture, etc. Agent ror the "",'"i. 4tt. 40 Flow lrcluins, or ruin chama. or Harm and HAROAINS. MMt BtlMtag. FhoM Ml-;- . or- Buckler moc. complete, windows, giving an abundance We 'have gol io have some money. mattres. .we maw a&anw shade to 4 ck.raith, ouiriti, It a bullt-l- table and benches, all Now. Mr. Rent Payer, read, these care KHieriea B. 1.1 o. Set slf. hs snow We own. ttie rollowtng, and tbete der. k rso tea work lurneu. whlto enameled, Tho kitchen h a moat fully. Ge wise to yourself. Let ui godd we 5 sen of harne repair iool. . room, bath- Can deliver tne roods. price wiM only liold until eouarfc practical cabinet. This ih win. w - MI UiUl HJt4m .VURAMCK MKMKS. VELVET overcoat ÜSJST 3 Hood, lievy ttdúleá. room and chambers are finished in white UI., rtl twor WwfBWmhi mtxwn uiui e0, 677t. 37 acres, facta paved road and T iog.N, Oregoa. M. it Whelbrrow. enamel, room taitliy tinted, and atenclledi First Nat. Dank lildg. rhone 1) ALTON HaWwaas. M "MlHa St, r.A.ilerTM. Pbaa a Buckbordi. main dftctii m large, boarlng apple AMMt Lite large iecping porcn ana xiicnea iwrtii. HAr.ntFICK SALE. good house; about tuperlateadewi. X he pptderrtl! In. : Cycle Ce. JO Wheel erper. Thfi jntiit seen lo be appreciated. trees; AfewAvetafl Co!Roo Merstd Bldg. Phone WM. ."in. r.oalred. Allen Aries . home be t&ni.h mi a flnitth. front corner alfagra; s mile or railroad to Tents, ill kinds nd lie. balance terms per inonm, rhifii half in JiX Big wagons, with md leed bed, Itoo rash, lotai adobe houaet tent bouseis station; close to good aehool and Agent watea. RUG MANUrACTURRS. riotu pat ana imci IVOO - AAAYi-.r- t AAD CMEMiSil MaprüseBiailve ror Mcdlum-- wagon. ulna ,Mn, rtr tv rwnfllnr In re- toro. No better toll la the valley. t MAYFIKLD, snipper io raeo ampies Fhon 3 Btorag wier tank. cm. nalri the nlaeo will bo worth $3M. Our iTlce II an arre, ine ki 'Bawtter. HUOS made rrom old carpet. rtione 100 on. main all by mall receive cafetal atieowon. Ptompt 10 water troughs. , price cniy ".. acre right ditch, yes WATCHHs eleanad main spring M. MACHINES. thodcrn bomo Bmin Sunset Heights. In alfalfa that cut S tons to the acre; and accurate week. Oes. W. Cameron, c old gold. SCWINO Mlsaitslppi san rraneiaco raea, warranied cryHtta cb,ror 4 coof1 outnt, 'complete CASK, Cut rromWioo to fs.m nothing any better In the valley. Tesa. tW San AmetMo. Beaverlc Jewelry Co. for too men. IÍJ0 Sunset Heights S60 an acre ror rnge. dlac ind tent balance real easy, s room! and large Apartment House site la We were offered ASSAYERS, CHEMtStS,, METALLURGISTS Phone 1108. eIiotcIs, pick, nuttoek, ttrlkinr nil VY1 In 11 10. this tract laat year. We will take ror in staa iie. r, sleeping porch, fenced Tor chickens, rrnm'll Critchett k Ferguaeti, racreseMatlve Stanton. himmers, drill. bliitlng Tenement house, close In, south lides IK an acre ror it for a few days. to Nnkler. tel id Alia Vlnta district, only IK0. , ore shipper El siaelierr umpire and toe, maid spring wc, grocerlc, lamber for tíl IN. lioxw; yeany reniai i.via, p We own the above, and will make wora a Pa aoaayais 01 cuaj. WATCHES cleaned eaay running White and Stand- shop oth- - NKVEIt BEEN LIVED ee conirui speciany; All work guaranteed two RENT the blacksmith nd number of 800 nuica imam men terms. For rurthcr particular ater, t.i raso. cryttal 16c An- ard- machine In the world tor fata brick bungalow, hardwood til ikiuikk LA etc. Tesa, box 71. oeaeva Jewelry Co., SKtt San beat built-i- glaiacd-I- n HOWELL IIEALTY CO., UNION FARMS CO., year, lly use. Repairs guiranteea. orer floors, all features, 5CT. 1 All sum wider Itoo, All turo stationary wash 303 Herald Bldg. Phone With Hawkins Bros., Morgan Bldg. INDEPENDENT ASSAY OFFICE Agent tot tonio Si. WHITE SEW1NO time eh. bo given, one-h- sleeping porch, assaya and anaiy- - Agt. lioo. six months' will half block car. Only rj.TiO, ore shippers' caemicai MS S. Stanton. """W"H. L. Stewart. in three month end In nx tubs, of aU. Mines examined aad reported upon. on small cash payment, balauce like WORK. months, drawing to per cent interest Bullion work a specialty. Corner San San SHEET METAL rood, bankable paper. , rive per cent rtl. tt0U Francisco and Chihuahua BI Paao. Tex. EL PASO IRON AND METAL CO. 1605 onl all sums oyer lioo. .CLOSE-I- BAflGAIN. NOTICE. 8t, Antonio, deslera tn crp irori, rubber, WOllkS Cha! A. rount will b tiren a largb bedrooms, i"Uii sH'fc'f MiJTAL W. A. WILLIAMS, Auctioneer. rooms and hall, t Work on Hie grading for the new SEAMON ASSAY CO. EatsWIshed ISM. Frank copper, braaa, boaet, etc Phone 43to. B. Mooret oefier!, .heat plenty or closeti, on corner, splen- -- VALLEY LAND seamon, E. M. high achool has already bcgun. Thla II. Maaer. Ayeri, JUNK CO.. m?t.I rSnTrcrs. Heattnrand W. A. WILLIAMS. did for bungalow on an eipendltttre- imojoo In AT UNHEARD OF PRICES. and mining esgteeer. Agenu ror ILLINOIS BOTTLE AND Tex. . easllyeon-verte- f meim of chemlat IMl. our specialty. 411 Texa St.,tl rio, Auction Sales and commission Broker, aide itreetj upper floor addltldrt. have - 63 acres or fino land hair mile of ore 40 san rraacMeo St., rao, IM k. nveriaad. Phone lako Alotander'i We, thf- (Hipper. ti Phone W0.t Into S apartments. Will th'a Jftelnilr ior wanuiuiu, i iiiuua ui x.i viu rezaa. r. o. 001 j mm MANUFACTURING JEWELERS. ' bvtery th'mrHuctton-r-Jrltat- a Jila bungalow , ÁCMB itcnceToutbfflidihgi, small CA H ÍÍ IA SHgKrmiAlVJSj'Kw;''. MIL SCOTT. i?1"' ""ftAMEY BBOS.i etc.; fam A UTO A N ti fJi: PAINT1 Nfi. old JeWelty rolde into" now and . .heet metal Macon nealty Co., ily partly In alfaira; nrir-.- t guaran . Htifri ,, L Howci.fpT Sale With Bldg. Phone' 61 J. orchard; ..ii.iTi. work Texi St. rnon - ThoiíriS75-- liclcr at- 1900-a- ecra. EL CAHHIAOIr AND ni,u,nni at bargainj PAStr teed, a, iinmaror ro,-iur- rw Ton SALE House In Val Verde To move this we have cm the price CO. Auto painting ana irimnHeg. jun o. (. SIGNS. . terms, pnon na. rrom 1300 an acre to 1133. Orvgon. MATTRESS . iinnnnnrvivn-i-- i émiai.m acre, with a dandy houae and licCLiNTOca and uuiduor ad it CHAS. E, ROS3, yMWWWWWWW...... rwrl..rM Real Estate City Property INVESTMENT CO. HOUSE BARGAINS ouibuUdlng. right on main road and TWELVE year In the bulness. vertising. Phone toot. NEWMAN or al- Atito and carriage Dalntla. automobile raitro brick, within fire minute walk (M'rli; nearly all In rino stand or HEAL ESTATE, INSIJBANCE. BONDS, falfa; nothing any better in the top recovered and eat oOvei made to - - SIGN PAINTING. nr postomrn, proaucing goua refcuuo 001-- aava lliuucjr. wm m ira HAN ANTONIO ST. the L'nlou 15 miles or El Paso. der. Texas. Phone 46W. n'ERVIN OU price or iu,uw; easy icruia. district SitircUon guraleed. manuau CO. 414 Mesa., Phon 113. I3.7W bungalow, sonlh, front Will sell ror lt an acre. TURING cojee s. virglni. Phone Uto. EL PASO BI0N IJÍVESTMChT. hardwood finish, blocks car ime, orand a.mnm hnnu. rJnse In on Arizona St., Will cut the abovo price 11 you CITY SIGN cq., 309 N. Stanton. Phon 1M7. balance suit. , can pay MBDALS AND BADGES. One of the best red View; t'Ml caih, south. Mice for a few daya l,oo0j cash. ALLEN ARMS .AND CYCli raclnr No trouble to show any or above. STORAGE WAREHOUSES- - lot M easy 4U pressed brick cottaea. oo M tnonih. iciiiis. saaies. n. urrguw. U.Mwwwwwwirwrw.rrw.rpolice 150 linn, very cheap cali. . See the S. REOULATION medI and by ft, paring paid, south .BUCHOZ-SCHUSTE- UNIÓN . ware- U. IMo ooofl noiisr, R CO. LA FARMS CO., badge mde' to order, aao ci dv. EL PASO TRUNK FACTORY Nw front, dose In on nxA easy" pay- Morgan Bldg. pottively loweii at 5,SS0: 11,000 Tulsrosa, pavement included) With Hawkins Bros., house, ret location orande St. iom- - easr. u nniii.-R- Aneea nam íor.ahy kind or bottle. rtfc. Phone csiD, balance 7l i Wffsiiiirnt house, urge Solo Agents. First Floor HrNelsun. Phoae-tM- - TTir-t- timrraflTir-.l- i AflKNGY- - MTAvy.a . n.nürt. n'rf r.iini-- i nrlnaividulls. ''COlr N, Wan. Per Aere ICO acre Socorros I1.0OO TiotersttIdirrr COLLECES. 3 full corner lols on l BUSINESS lections. Memwri ii iuo nui STOVES SET UP. Ervln Furniture. Co. St., modern culi, balance suit. t AM I.HAVINO THE CITYi RANCHES Mercanllle Agencies. "y"" sis with oo hair mile Yslela, 1 Offer IIC FOR VALLEY OR STOCK lion or Phone 137. pressed brick collage, for Per Acre 0 arres T ..ll,n .n,a rrnciv essll at ua. have bargains. MdliKIlN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS IIAIIHV FATCMAH. Mgr.. rid (100 cash, balance small mortem nome, seo. We the saoo, cash, worth flus homsltei ririeñ mv wiiu ANYTHINO TO TRADET The Home School." rxn "W. Bouievaro. 3fl-- 3 Herald Bldg. STOVE REPAIRING. ioo - monthly payments. room and sleeping porch, auu ii.noo. but administrator inust.- Loop kitchen, breakfast We can match you. hone 3C32. ah commercial suujecui cloao estate. 175 Per Acre 93 arres close to North at 1320 Arizona su íio a rejuwiwu REALTY 'CO.. SDanlsh. Day. and. night school. Mary 1. MODISTES. STOVE repairing; new parts made and car- "T ? roid, Soeorrot- loamy lmi owner mail inw inn rpai nnme, wiin larvci. cuur Principal. mJkJKfUVffV'mm-)rmirr'VaV)(t- a.afcafcafcaaaaaa ror all make or tovei. L. Wer. ON MOffTAHA UT.r By J. a Tandy. Stanton, ried E. In tho cooo block, Inodern sell, IMO cah, balance suit. rortablo room, built by a contractor for Morgan Bldg. Phone 1M0. MISS CORUM. 35. Buckler Btdr. Phone 3701. with D. 4c It. Iron Works, comer Firth bungalow, front, iilo Por Arre o acres t mllo Yslcta, a home, snd he personally Inspected every and s. Florence ruone south 3, 4 yeara; be MOVING. ai. hardwood floors, beamed ceil- paved. rod W0 cash, I, ff. niece of material in II. Must be. seen to . only I5.7M: com STO-E- UPLAND REPAIRED, bulll-l- n china closets, nnrnriiteii. tmriimliiied. BaKKR & McDONALD. carpenterarJob npp; SET ings, NEWMAN.ÍNVESTRIENT CO. rnrnUheri thrnurhout. only tdJMO, In' 34S crop MOVINOl Movlngl Call Udom' Transfer Co. large clothes closets, base- YÜUH homo Florida Insures repairing.- set nxaa. u Klv'o immedlateTpoisosslom. ncasonable arrowing day a year, according 10 gov .riiroltui up. Phone 68. ment and heating plant, at ' ESTATE", can NURSERIES. Stove et CUT nATE BEAI. Inrm. tn rrnnonxlbla niircliaxerl .C. SIC' eminent renorts. Ideal climate winter and $3,250. It you are looking for Nat. Bank Bldg., C nee It. taa First Donald, ilea, pnono iuw o. summer, rilch black productive olí. The or- -. something nice, tor Property That Must Be, ..Sold ,7i.ohico neighbors already EL PASO NU113EWY Wn inc. rrun. ana SAN ANTONIO 8T. Brokers best class or nrosoeroua . Q. McCULLAUGlf, carpenter; Jobbing a namentsL trees, shrubs, flowers and ot your Quickly at Bed Hock Prices, t virvTpriTn mehanie a very desirable 10 established, us. uaeccnonee rnm OUR winter woolen are worthy modern room rod pressed No Dead Ones. write specially; rurnliure repairing.' rnono owi plants; rpies our specialty. Nursery and inspection. mu We List cation, close tn, ror a tenement location ands Co.. ioio uisoeo mag., Jacksonville, Alterations 4. brick cottage, south front, for Large house (store in rear) on 13,000. greeunouses wou uioca. aiuicu, PARIS TAILOR SHOP. PHONE .WW late- on south sido near now stockyards; la. REXOVATERS. conrecuonery, cor- f3,1 50; II caah; bouse one or the best comers north side, walking as per CARPET 1330. FJower store Elite ly ovcrbauled and in fine con. ago; An Income property, paying niumn, ner or Tex and phone, 317. A. W. distance: orfered is.ooq s years soí SOUin norm maoj IP you are looking for a permanent borne 30W. Me; dltlon. . on siao, ior DU &km k WELLBORN. PHONE Liergreen. Mgr. tilín tt, terma. ' i!M iwi . i.nmm new bnniriilftW. TOblD'S, in me aouuiweai see us. a ironi u io tailor-mad-e pants. NEVADA ST. best.bungalowl on Montana l v'"? por cro wa can sell you very choice FINE uncalled suits and in a 0no of the for south side property,. A piece of toslde lis' CASH REGISTERS. See' n. Vi Pearson, tto lexas Something nice St., ail DUMi'in icniurKJ, a suuuimiuih aeoaoa iana, wmcn can oe imgaiea cueap front bungalow, hard- iuu. bulltiesa property tor vncjr, ", "u' lv. ne.llnnutahmenta tin. A gov south 5,wu. lerms. , 3o few NATIONALS, new and CARL HILL, 4S1 .Mesa Ave., opp. city wood floors and other bmiga. rent, Wq; ooi uia iisdh." vu. litmus. eminent claim still opon ror filing. HcU- - CASH REGISTERS. C tenement, south side, PNNEBAÍER, secona-nan- Water ornee My opucalervlce embracea low conveniences, for l,7W perg it Blair, 418 noberls-Banno- r Bldg. a via uy; vmj Supply Cp. All was built iioo, terms. i HOT TMo riopuBHes Bldg. Repair ana supplies.- a. j. Dirajcr,iu more than tne leiung or gooas inciuaes TYPEWRITERS and orrice oiie.lhlrd cash. Tbls Two south-fron-t lots," block C8, E. El rao; work u asa. a home aud Is a bargain a ranch or farm. .In either Agent, Oregon at. room . accurate eye examination and frame adjust makes soia, rcnica. niiuiiu. for . 8A1E--, want ales 4li n. mc Mills SL Phone 834. Agt. Corona typewriter. at tne wiee. m - Xfln western Texa. New Mexico. Arizona or ment mat win give resuivs. roonc I'lro level loll., adjoin Manbailan;T4M Give price SWEEPS. TAXIDERMISTS., TflADK. I'm. Second Dark. Taya Colóralo. rull particular, and CH1ME NEED OLASSESt See Wood. 411 OverUno. tn I3.000 "ioiir-wMi- .ran Ward ctvb, care 15,000 equity a n brick, on car line. Conner Sti terms. Address Mill nniea. wwwwwwwiirwrtwMrlrwrwr. 12 per SL, Attractive ierro. , CHIMNEYS wept. stoves et up and re ORNAMENTAL IRON. Phone 700. 30 tpartnient, netting IIM cash, balance monlhlyj RUY us. McLELLAN BROS. Frisco. good & or o room Highland Park; ' or paired, rnone vn o. eiaawu. cent, for a only H.CO0. ' WE HOVE YOU FREE. home in one or the new addi- - renting Mannraetnrers or ornamental Iron and cheaper and on s lot, south m!maa mnH.rn hriric' tenement, CHIMNEYS awept. tovc set up and or all Southwestern Iron tions, or will take , The La Salle Realty Co. wire work kind. 408 Oregon. In cash Side, rent 3i.M terms. for-fr- per monin, on a rru iui., wu. pairea, rnone as. a tur bhmmuv r' and Wire WOW, to 'Texa rnono . CLANSA0ER has returned. N. place and difference 300 acre close' to Lai cruces: 4o acre. aw on. building new, 7 apartmcut. ana vrain to buy some unlmnrovcd land, any SURGEONS. , house ror rent. Montana at. . , want STOVES repaired and et up. Phone 7M. VETERINARY outn front, pared street, lot JAS. 4, WA.fl. tn tpo, Address 7 rooms for rent, Highland Park. 104 flan Francisco St.', Phone where oithwet. sTtJTlJirJJJU'AJVV care Tunes. CHINA PAINTING. nicked bv aelcer belt the globe. M. MA8EP, Ph. tlW. Octavia and San. Antonio; CASSIDV NEEL, nnnnt i in. Transfer, storage, repairing,, ru. iwi-h- 30S Mills St. rhone WO. i.nvA tan ,rrM lAvel'vallevit land and FOR RENT ranch near Socorro, DR. R. A. HIOOINS Phope. m. SoBtt' ill OUNTON'S STUDIO, it Lucerne apis, Oregon. Hospital ror nd dogj POll BENT. have an option to buy tt for the extremely PAINTING. horse t rooms and batb, 120; furniture ror low wice of W per aero, and want to aiso-- t LESSOS, Wc; nrtng. Mrs. Nafe. Ph. 14M. iniinnnnnnnftrYWrVrr " - aaaa an some rour who Wanted to Buy Real Estate K. 147. isle at tM. . - lato myieir. with other TERIpUICALS. Y ELTON PAINT CO.. 3fl Stanton. Ph, have about BITS' earn to help pay the first WANT a good ranch or rami, in either CIGARS AND EXPERT watch repairing. International . . - . Land situated . down tho rivor Now Mexico. Arizona or rnnna ' v rortiALE. payment, . western Texas. BROMBEHGER. First Nat. Bank Bldg. niirrav1 Loan Co., sit s. El po sl A NICE nOOMINO HOUSE near ron usurare, uu.v.o ,. Colóralo. Give rull particular, price and FRED a THE HOnSE SHOW.. OP ROOMS. WELL LOCATED. caro Times. r. , terms. .Address nui nes. cara time. . CIVIL ENGINEERS PASTRY, hot roll noon nd WARDROBE REPAIR 6II0PS, n.nt nnlv 140. 'rakea handle It That Is a good thing, but- liow about a to some unlmoroved land, any Vo Or win iraaa ror imauer pi ace. want buv M. WHITE, engmeer and SUT' . r...-- tMrf n,lr,rr. M p. FinuT.n rirenmaklna- and alteration. .house iliowt phono mo for your date. where In uto southwest. Address DAVJD civil ri,. n.iat.r. asi you entry Into some beautiful veyor. no oCTo-- Prop., eos San Antonio; SU roone tao. Mr. P H. aarke. 417 Texas, rhone 77. will give an nCMEMBEB. FOR SALE BY OWNEn. care aimcs. t wt api, rw homes at war prlcel. w. tliM nnlv Mff.nt. ..1tlnr 1rrt modern home, well .located CL.VIRVOYA.VTS. Here are a few of them. Owner laid sell gated Nov. do rooms. valley land who WAIIHANT the soil tn Oolden Hill (.term. Would .w. si. or not sell! 7 reaaon why El as part wnn a Ranted Windows to clean. Phone (414, and "title as represented. The low tn East Paso Spaniah Leaaona- - Fntb clairvoyant readiug First-da- s portraits. bath, S halls, sleeping porches, baaemeut to gtva guarantees L. A. .. care STUDIO V1LLE0AS 11 was built tor a home: we can afford these is payment. Address I ace cream, aiu tuu. "u" 419 s. pao Elegant aruQio. and hcaung plant. because we have had Si years' ezperlence Timet. WHY not nut vour Want Ad m the Tunes, El st, welding: Such fixture as a bcautitul living ana rarmmg in tue vauey. CLEANING AND PRESSING. UlWMMWMI.r' 16 80. 7& caah you POTTER WELDING CO., 314 Texa St., Will -- Height. 0 rooms, If your ad amounts to cent will in Manhattan bath. n. BAILEY LAND CO. get a good fountain pea tree. Call phone weld your broken cuting good a, new ti.ii-m.- anrl heattnir clant: 13X500. C a Morebesd, the Tailor, FJeeuie nlatuw or- every metal In any ave to 75 per cent on new callings. bath, glassed toco ror the want Ad Roy. only w cents snlL and Still another! .4 rooms, CITY LOTS : SEE us 4fm n, uregon ov. man . rinish. southwestern Iron and Wire Work, Experts on all kind ot metal welding, sleeping porch) U&O. on Monterey bay, California, IM and up, ror attractlve-buy- i In bualness CONVERSATIONAL method. Palmo re Col 704 Text St. Phone ,sess, "bone COM. in the heart or' the I'vutlir ;..jnlnir anrl nrptimi! DrlCBI PASTUTtE. terms, l owers tt amim, Agcun,, uso nun lege, rnone sasa Capitol Tailoring CATTLEMEN, AtUlANOE . FOB mag. center. reatonable. Parlor. Wa are big ranch specialists. We can INTERNATIONAL Institute. Mts Sin Antonio Pboa 9U. show you. We nave ono urn BUCHOZ-SCHUSTE- R CO. rami. Bldg. AMERICAN TAILORING CO. Worlc guaran btlsnce like rent, new bungalow, Sheldon Hotel. , PROF. BRAVO oraduato. 34 Buckler El Paso Business Firms From A to Z completely furolslicd, on paved atreet; car toed. Phone 6090. ' CHINA. nir.vrt.F anii ot'ppi.nrq. Tiiotrr hem; use; WH WILL BUILD FOB. YOU CLEANING WORKS. 60& Mrs, Walters," 4QL Prospect. Big shipment or bicycle tires the time buy thai farm, from 10 to your Lessons Just received. Is lo mo CASH. on beautlrul Montana St. according to Exchange Real Estate iMVWiwMWWrVwwi''rwrirwirwr Phono 4949-- rsao jtuuDcr io., an san t rancisco bi. too acrei. In ttio valley, just before the W.M per month, new bungalow; own Ideait imill cam payment, balance PUOAK 0ÍI. ti la completed. See 48 acres, nearly all A RRAI1TIKIIL KlIBIlnnAN PLACE. DANCING ACADEMIES. AUTOMOBILES AND SUPPLIES. dam cjoso , Wllson.Mllllcan aeanlng Work, th beat 1135 per in; v and Goodrich right la elialfa, at acre. (300 CASH. Wnat"Sterllng" Ii to Silver .Mayrleld, s lots, and frame bousei nicely fenced and cleaner, the bet work. All the latest dance taught la class tires at price. El Pisa Rub anv new bunga to a nome liocxea wim cnickens; norsa ana ourgy private lea sob a. Ryan' Dancing Academy. ber co., su aan rranoueo St. WHAT YOU' WANT. hilanee nld'wav. is only wi ti. Misauum. GET r been Hyed In; half block or car MAY FIELD BLDO. 4t IMP CO., INC. water:, niionei naved aldewalk. and 'TAILORS. have some of the builneaa blocki .rrom the lnierurhan at. Val Verde, CONICTWNaUtMaar HAL BKTATE AGENCIES. We ben une; 7,7vu. .rhone oat. hliirlr Teal ealato. SOi Merthead's busy little shop presses tn the city. toon Will trade tor close-I- property .or elL IT B. F. HmmeH Sea, Texas sultl tt We are exclusive agents for "Superior r9ll DECIDE TODAY you nave any encumorance ou ywur i)iut- - fiiNt'prTIIINl'UV ili Mania SL . wc, rnono uso. , balance to suit you. dandy brick, i..nimiin u llomei." tn hilt, Inl. Ml III. Mill. Till flOSO-l- Sd cny 1 can laao cars 01 '" vard rresn rrutt asa BABIHSCIJEB MEATS. sell rooming Alia vista aisincit Phone 3cg. eíib. REAL ESTATE. we bousei. iiahii. úiuon offor the investor and h6meeekor drinks. El Paso Barbe Barbeeoed meat fresh Free government land, valley land, El We write nre lniurance. samo advaniago, as nciguia ai Pbone7to., t05 Leon St. Paso your balance monthly, bungalow, close Ihe sunset DANCING dally, aw Texas St. Phono 14. crooerty and Mvndus. N. M.. lota. una. Wo want business. on the price. Dyer, MUH CO., in it. carnpueii; aiuo. hair FUR SALK or trade, at a real bargain, ror . REPAIRING, borough t Iildl ANDEnSON.FILLEn BXALTV unua., I saec Bldg, IIAAir.i anything or value, here or tn other part INSTRUCTION tn OMC. fepeclal guar- Buckler Photio'4JI.' Mills uidg, Phono Km, Hrat Nat. Bank Bldg. Phono 613. ill Price on aH repaJrlnr. Work OSTEOPATH S. m or the country, some of the best land tn the Stone, ao uucxier aiag, rw anteed Success, 364 N. Stanton. Ph. 137. phytrt culture, deep breathing, body PROSPECT AVE. BABOAIN liome vauey. Aaqreaa .. u. v.. care uuic. building, Le pnicB isjso. garage. DEAD CATTLk. tUtPAISING. scientific masstge. Bita. flit BKAUTIFUL MONTANA ST. rn hlnek Prnanect Ave.! bam. pon sale on At a real bargain, ailXB M. a. Buckler Bldg. bop beautiful lawn; K.TM. Will lucludo rnr iBvihlna- - ortradevalue, or In other Auto lames, radiator i, renders. wtadsbleMa Typical bungalow architecture, massive upon; 1 here dead can, noraw. luuioa - AUTO SUPPLIES. ron sale. roomy rurnliure at prlco to be agreed 100 or country, some or the beat land away 7 repaireu.- aaoaagssw.- a ru. wru. cobblestone piers and chlmneyt cam, eaay. parts the nauiea jree. rnoae inumMini. icia. PmiBbrey Tire Supply Co., Congress pergola, or vun terms epiemua uiy. rumo vajicy, Auurcaa . u. mhv DfluaCTeaY. ' tad A good tenement propoiltloni se.O&O; porche, artistic duiii oiue nKWMAn invbStAir-n-r uu, v. w DETKCTIVK AaWCM. atrra aad Pullman tire tnd tube, "tire and lirlrk. aabealoa roof. The lnlorlor ti you all people all Co., aaaeaaorlci Bd car. tube changed rree. to per terms. tmuiually large living room and bunaalov and rum! IF want to reach the the Mtr ure cent discount attractlvei rnn nalka time use lime waui aas. rHE BEN, WILLIAMS Diatraimtori or rtreweae ror" cash. 3 Texas SL cottaga; cash, dining room i bullt-t- bookcases; colonnade ture on Montana 8L A bargain if sold lWWe"M"a ahrU ad .ertatfnal a I3,a! nnenlnri beautlrul brlt-- mantel. A feature my. inrwiUfltton mad IH!CM. INtTIRUáULVrS. balance on lime. Tills la weal of Cotton quick owner is leaving Bid aad Proposals Nat, iaak. JH4g. Pboaa 40. tn El Paao. AUTO' TIRES. Ave,' or mi rwauurui nome is m oreaataai room cuii. El Ptaao Cb sMett baaie Peaaaylraal vacuum rtnlahd 1 he La Salle Kealty Uo. lt PaR. pro.. Tex su cup Ure aad with built lit furnltuTi. all tn white BIDS FOR'PLUMBINO FOR THE eeraete. W. Scaut. roana, awe 413 I PIIQNE 9. vuitaa auio uo.. wyrile. tt acre valley land. W1U trade ror real' enameL The kitchen equipped with" HERALD BLDO. COUNTY JAIL. liACHINCfi. cabinet; good point in mi D STEVENS. TOILET PKKPARAT1UNR. dence or tenement proposition and pay.dir modem another SALE Cheap, a houae In Orand Mils wUl be received at the office or Ihe dr. J. N. Stuten. FatH home is a hallway between the bathroom FOR (4 p. hlgh-da- s Pyorrhea and Staadard. best make. Ill Mrs. Grace Beasea'a and Ml Allen - rerasce in cash. addition, A rare bargain If sold county auditor until tour o'clock m. Berfs and bedrooms. These rooms and the kttebea View Nov. im. ror InstalUnr or eight m a RÓoma Ítt-- k nnuer. lur aaio. it- A good corner south part of townt once. tail, tha tooe teem ;íMy. .i iuu, la ere rintihed with vltrallte white enamet. t toilets, or the priscn type, in the county Banner lioe-- i STBVRS. H.tea. This race on two atreet and a very tsaay. iris BARNTNG ANB MARUIvn li rne rerma Are La baile Kealty Co. jal L, Specif Icatlona obtained at the Mitt Bid Charter Nsae Ill N. StaateB. food proposition. Terms. What "Sterling" to Silver 'MayfleM" The URS. BROWN at SALLOWAY. 0 ek. bKr. TaW lineas, bed fine HERALD BLDO. PHONE 1S9. orrtre or the- undersigned, tn the courthouse ees. Fouu BMkier. linen, lace. He A dwelling oa H. Oregon I6iioo Is to a Home, u, moa curiam, noaiery. allk or cotton. Ward- Jin Stj at U I'aso, Texa. ibji nAiinun. ruaiMruikE. RepMr 417 icrsB. NAYFIELH. A SUHE K.NOUflll BAROA1N. Auaitor, DRKaWlllflNG. robe Shop. Texi. Pbone 614. Beautiful bungalow, not very far Medina aad Mgh gtade. Complete Une of I 'loll Mcaa and niter; IS.W0. Fine for M; good lot. Price Hoo. Tenia. aa tegaeiaa priESSMAEiNO by tha day; guaranuaad. orrice runiHure. real at isr. BARMNfl AMI WKVnivn ' aaxfuawfii or reaiaeoce. wa per t7t-W- . Bek4sr and widower, do not taraw away ron salk. . Balance month. Phone AtwMBBir rn your rlothlitg, bou la rark) 130 bv tto feel on Hock Island twltcb. MAYFIELD. Phone M. CACTUS. H Mill. i'Moaa underwear or boe rsecatMa Orchard lloo; aHtUKR ANV RaMCtUES. Chalner luumllti. a 3. Seat Fe SL or "nutUauon." Take them to tha Ward- - wa, ouwa, aiaiatica uguuuy. near renu oiainci on irisa si. IJ .v.ral nr hmlne.i nniMHr. HICK TWO LOTS. row Repair Shop, 7 Text. tn nf.e aovarnment Hill, rroiit. Price II.M0) Real Estate Dealers. svR.-f- brick Highland Park; ss.txxn Ing a good rate of Interest on the invest south Flitu .tiiisnwi ia yer. Brag S4ee. A. E. Ryan. Prop. Opea JCWRLERg. SMiwB, uKiuioiy, ase cash, balance per mouth. This a c4wy, M4 Mesa Ave. ttaf tisiuica mnL ta etr, ANDER40N REALTY COMPANY, " 6lMl Bttga. nwaiei ii only s from bouae naa bath, pantry, Phone at Phoaa H6. wnaer tot la Oraad View; I 00; bait Two lots blocki Lunar school lit Herald HUf. r w mm caco. BXJCATMNAL. StM. a, iiv, i run hkiht. ANDtiMtOft.FILLMt REALTY CO., Oo. W. Caerea. yr aad okeaalat. m BRESSMAKEett. - THE BEST BUY IN OHAND VIEW. aad 1 BekMr Mdr, W. P. O. Bag m. ' . Jermaln Apia.; furnlibed or unfurnished bungalow, t liMAUUMIVS' BUSINEis CuLLEGL Book- tm - riM taMtraace. Notary Work. at Ota Ran Antnnln St. Fine burr brick hardwood raela AMidim:RpeVrr- a utuw Prívala raí, bulll-l- rvaturvst on - annus J, H. SMITH. A B. rloora. lotai Fort AUSTIN XAMR. ainnaa, aaiir. atMauti hq uw. rm iwiuv. 441, oa. large and modern baaement on W ' aaw euaopeteat ' ornea Pheate. uo Texas. Ulla car Hue.' Tl .price fur this nice Caple BBlhMsw. TaWpaoa 4W. nirat help. laatali, baa, wool, MEAT MAHÜET& raso bi., vun ouitm entrance, 1 rea ucea io reasouamo venua U A. placa wait uranias aiwawi. iaa awn , ate. Carre, aHoltd Save money by getting your BMatj, wtl, rilANk SPEACE. PILLAHU 4 HENRY. PHONE W. eanag hi aa - h. r, imvm, turkeys, etc., neal Etiate, Llvettock. inveiuneoti M PheaM tt4-t- . Bldg. from Ranch ij BtTE-lrJ-Oa UHOAtlDUX A LE BARON, Trail 8. Stanton, Phone SI8T. Out ofTSi JOS. Hcntala, FINE APARTMENT ckiwiau, ilTurgli. Anatyat dtatrlcL aVaaal bungalow, 307 first Nat. Bank Hldg- Phone tMt. W tl. frontage. Upton Ave., near Mundy rwm an fuw AaaML . ri pebble daan ii by caan, wat-- CrHakaU TarnwíW. tt it to Pare. A seamy, crina, uaii oaiance fc 144k rJ. t nvi mwa siui. i HKI.LBEHO RLUH. PviM CALL Uw nlu uiaixaa ruei uu. bajr, San rrMtM st MJM. BARGAIN BUILDING SITES ÍSo lor rocía 4obe, loti. on SL raJo, ORANDK REALTY CO. tlllCiaZ.aW:aHJfeTlMt 08 grata., coal and oak cfctMk. 38 S. A. aiiaainAaY oueeeawti. .1 t j corr Mas Wta t - . Hal, Porfirio 8Lt flMO, Hotel srraldoa. Pboaaa. vraw T, Beowa. Plaeaa 4MT. XaWen rash, bilanc lo lult. APARTMENT fOR KXCHANOE-Po- ur 4 room tl Ar. Angeles, asou A. P. COLES fc MKM., & aa WALTER A. CLAYTON, Ocho Ad FlfM. mw feuBf aiáw, feeattac pltat. A fiartmeeis, mni ' RJ 1M. u ror pure Proapect IMO caatt. IO i jnorauuuac a Phoaa Pboaa read, - caab, aa pr aoqul nmito. Are.; ll.ioo, xctiaafB iwr mi suratics, awim. Bay grwa. rrpaayt paarta' ua, bety) wlt puaurc v iuii, INVESTMENT CO. mvi aetivcry. hMt Wfa- ec mm. buuiiLAs c nartarai 1 4 Traja Mr. re traaae. Mac4aa AMa Vlata school $m$WU WaVy. Two desirable building site on Arlaoa EL PASO IS FAMOUS ror having in Man Resl Estate. Iniuraawa. (;. TTot! M caa. M 9 mtmm, KKliaig to(reaL . ataaat clot in. at ll.too paring and tuu kleiafaM a 04 MM latoat model aec MAMMrrt . very MM aW QMSWWt kaV. 7 t J ai' it, rrh ow to any City. it. f. a Wti htnole tlio Im.! lluwura uf J 4'reoM frM, S ;. t vr liaewaiaa pata, tan arrant e any reaaoa Moa evar Ml & It City, utaiasu lur au uccaaaaaia naraHana asaau aaiw wriua, t.evi, ae H aa twa jaottca. P. C hwil, M Pa' MWHi AMI WAgi jtwyAWtwuwe. sWCHOZ-CHlWTE- R CO. Nia! 4 or uufur. acf M MM vNr KJM, SaHr itfaawa; wowtd rent- - ruotu eottaae ad wr t JA. J. WATT. tjttm 104 rvmmtvmm rtommm. ' lajsp laaaT tsea AaatflaaHa' Mie TH THtCI. . M - - - WSrV K (M4.B WHEN H Your w i mUn Maar vy, mi 9- WKKK WUX kKtt YOUR FAMILY Vba aa What Ara Loeaaac MCT jhMttUlK-Cort- 4C Yu , mrmtm , P jaw at. A MARK ter. ihWi a aad WAMM t FtMrfX m I aouaej gooa ra coluaw TtM TA wUl Me fijaa 4U ttWSa WW WftSM&M SBSt H. Ttwroe, WMITK WKAMfcL SUlTBf OJI.OM HkCiS. atsyTAiatf "1TI ! i..'". i.m 4 22, 1914. EL PASÓ MOHNINb TIMES tSm

CSl a depr? lefiiof cwrfw BsttaaMKpvWt wst p)gvay wrliten ttStsWS' M itttiy M ra Bar, weft mtmlt M spa. sMtajH MbBt - - WOttCX., - Th flax dd end it is svsrM ta her charm ...... mm rtrst hanon. fr aBswe MM JK GOHMMtfrv fp) OoSSl BSeSSP OSS pM'itAV:rN muí. Bat asta verseóte piissiaejl. TM story U .sail 4p4y ñ ,IM ' alM tM Activa hu . heretir eaatntad ajatas nut. aBsseeetty luisrestuig. fwie MIL YeM Bear. 4 Titii numeration. . mcl tM a sfce etts-- iiiisuiil la eat Us par M Vvty esstap eearp, MT- H. ' I'siuSSt' aaarBxH tfW WaxWfcB4 ftC i tlfc'?rmJrtitt bsssss Beak, t tarn t LtsM sam twdM c.osh graia. wr M.aothlnfi LeeewMTS Teaee Lavewtar rft S ibaraa Ufa aBafinS Á4iigtJt mm carst is sB i. Mseaaltees and .aavM B tw lrawTe (.awwa aapM tm hw : sPaB m ni piiea tm aiaáa gage ptae service- - dar, orí jMflH ,WsmíHspWbWJ,i the CUr Obmta tt .Ga aaawai ear Mum best Wewill m glad to emola New Yapar, H, Ceaflderita M twe Meat H ras, epleede ot Trey V dnSIif; mm! h- - BMa that hard Been conspicuous bí m ThituL M. there U treacly lo pricwi on two, t rmancm i Mearta. Law" at the Unique to Beet - awe larga, or Buyor , IN nan rw iwyi. Tae first 'werk'a'ípseteMjl.m w tüMWKm- .ice pái UMast, in icaa warw a ñurmr vite sM taaaotrawj TBta eaeaodt mors tea WMT a Taspe Lavender LMe clctner, imm eorporwran uc-- noama an ranowsi BM dey has w a M.H! Nay, X.MH-M.- deeiaaaai.k saaka sasek axchaaee ar always eat otea, dey rm or. Blctnred bsgtege trttckf n.l miMilfimmi.lian i r mm Mr, Vtrfan - within ía18MXÍNINIl w iami aoeeteer- ai PTtoee C ,J Um tews of ta atase at TeiU. MM iñf !tVr He tar ikaassnd ret taast all thfi rest of and senle. statss m cur ih reeo Mst aiM. HoM' iiar Market wm aewMirl pill toreiwr. A motorcycle k im n ro tlrs, May, wwfmr-- il, aa ttJM ay Tfr ta TM rta. ' ' rirai National Bank MulMM. May, ion In a free at Mm rata or fifty miles' tn hour reai.wef n.M Krtl fee Beata., wwryMw.i rMr per awinaa-uag- raw w. 'teWMHr'pv'a; JH jgafsip níhaW M"íjMt i4(awjl6wflnsiy( i eitassniai. tar aasl moa an. , Kl Ms M nay, lia. om In Lon ctatkM ever a' feo cUrf. This Is th, roil, be ram,araf. tHhm Jwry, it0.r7H- - ' irf niaeir By Us OC Muptu, 'tat U tívi Math hen' war tosa nameer you have Been looking for. Also wanted Mtfierme a., m we cter of. ei raeo irum a m eos io. pressure oa te Keaae Wheal Cree. bjmw roelr. IMMTAl BlAIIWEXSs a very awed Me eeeaeay, "Trairio in Ken.. Kaneae ""xMUurTdxtoM- - T'apiSltaMda1S im or mm dm h Mt. TM nie axaesusea cunarn Taeeka. Her, r or imwrcMavmm cmniHrr in IMMM htislneit In nart at Mtee,'r m wmartaw 8rre ero of 111 amounted td IM.sM buteaMsi mm Kleg Baggot Jtll there. Storage company, at the southwest New York Metal. ia cm, nowever, nr tne rrMteM ferd Taadr wit h value 'esumated at iUt.sss.oes, fc-tj r DC MUI FIFM MI HM1 BOUIO f WT" Bar M 14 PrfM mi a r sopan la a - rtrrt-Mt- !bl, street; lian the- mM k Átt . metat manctfj eeray ta iiw Of aa ffeM meeY Aek eay!., ;ie Texas M-l- HW.Ti the Kwuas board agriculture, isiuea .is. lUUI UTMl liHgÉMIM any sjatet. nut copper contiaaiaq vjaJBfysrt g jkf BMIBBii y. pear Crece. j o im wliirtae ere . wtm etectroiviie rniotM utÁ' hiraatmeM itamaaJ 1& . IM South?MMa Street. áown M IM saWOrtru? th- - éttenlex ef the Twelve avifrt4(vPr set 'ar prestnted by V THE GRAIN MARKET ana rarmg .at iedral e ,lJfW. M. CofwUbla CO, Dleati lbs NMHVM iic. reserva afuak efteaarsaa- - Mawksrs pf tte CMcaa-- Ural Opera Co,, A ierre eteck er reefrng paper oí THE ifu&X. f mm wa unchanred beak, offerrar a: BHM street, fe 01 lla to be wm for iMtntrDOMO saeMi, ItseBaae rates were awe hM eewn In Mdeys pretrsm. First matinee beM jaetHr. H-- per rM aad Up. Lander Le- - Netronole Set. ai fnt mm wine er. etaer ooml hwv M raao MeUl. la neer nerttel mm Bsvy aspert ef war I e. a, ceatanueiM performance thereafter, br co. raee . afcwtnan rnrrrnrf. M. "TsM ludaV Wife' a motion plf.lur D. Jsmleson. MseaM ef keskwy. Mad Em peto (EI Paso buyMc X rocil clearing ka S41L A. A. phylteles ur- - der. sMa kM ,revyew MB BMg. able Co. Mid purpose Macieaa prtt waa drama, tnduded la Fctture danc Br. Fmdmaa, and pnat: Mr the BUT HALF A CNT lMW,tv curtoaey, iTVil Csrrsata mr lawa tot, mm atas songs onrt com. geee, M-- t MUM erkettoa- the Mkt cold brine or ofber vmi wriaar. in H M nrUAe steal BM. . PBaa WW. , 18) cninvaae currency, is. rather atafciory, teat filled, Hay snaln ne tntoresttng Dr phy Mawid rnarte'bv arid ' Cow n me ra' Osm na aereviiei rom, to xseMM ear sketcses ts bill. Cuminsa. io env - AdaMsslon, Betes', Met lower Heor, JJcj KECVIL'S mum we. TBeae sss. individual er wntrMM eara Ataa tHtrtaa Kl Kmeltf r- Qitotaaea. creaeas or. eontracHeni in the detailed Budwelilr) Meo mí y na now or nerearar ami ase Bay, Whilett Oats Finished (Me ro(corrected pally.) count, while ex cent Teterre rearned the balcony, ste. Cukh lunches, not luncbes, MM W. M. Constable at Co. Blent for Hie fiuarter Up. til UsÁ i , record'BreaBMr arsretM .of Sf7SJB8, Am. Beginning Mend? Chirm Try th new Btr, YOU Vrt taMl 1117. purpose or cow storage, am im saia. wjh (Handy Hamoq oue lergMy ra reawcea reserva htg." two act muafeel i loaded rapar tuat room. Ph. Samples belt. T. V. kelsh. rrop. (Vibf KmraM f'rtmnftnv II Bar atlver ueH rehuir i etly .tamers' ir'nnji lion). . ' WIM entertainnjent to ynr home. Ooldtog, m Trust gran ptlvllego and By ' rai-e- t, furfeer tea. the . right, the Atioctatcd Prf London lead, IIS 7 M. Dr. Deattatj, Rob. k. rranciuse to open ara urn street wnejeyei Chicago, Nov. that the wheal copper wire, bars, 1US3. eeergo at necessary to eeaetrect MM elei Barveat m enuna hrtag out more W. fteely, er Pert Wrth, It lay and Art night MogeHoM, Nov. OK Mu elder ver , line, or to nflrmlt aaM cenroanv to main bearish than had been expected served a a the Paso dit Norto. It. M.. the eBMat Anil, fleam, BM.. tala, m beretofsfe. )tM, any part or Mid round today, to pull down quotation Bare, MVCSreCK MARKETS." pip lino wnicn may ne aweaay m pan- - ?ho market, although; steady at the ctoae, a corn kis-- rort Worth Amusements huh, anu js lurincr grsnrcu un was half cent under laat nghu, - privilege and franchise to cormeef"TiMid U to V,9e net, oats' finished K .to ilfM Mu Bonctal Wire Is The Time , "(AdrerHaew ) ithren.lnrb n1nn llnfc whlph la considered up and provisions unchanged to tsiyfrisc Fart Worth. Tti, Nov. U. Cstf Re Tmafti line, any other premise er rrlrvtu. 1.980. lacludHM" 6 eaaVM. Steer TWt BIMU. with - gteera. SiMM-ro- Qr.aaia maia iuie, inn own- tdeXíteaÍM'dJjf! M.fiir.ft9! stpeker aJí7í "fj. "When YeuMi Meeta Youtn." pkMlonati Iraeilllliá. vi.rjgu.iu,. uuuu, tip ItYe eement or'coniract with'.aald Comum also of the harvest now la oroereM 'will 6.MI calves., Is ürama akaorBMg ' fllftraga.noTiwanVMtO Tliri i heart Interest, of If a Mitt .rnlrt datwmtaa what 'ho chief .axport-- 4cly. lines npfpipm, junu WMch Baa a sens Kfab 0 coflveTCd during I7.40O7.U). twaiiuri a ltr cllmar hrlnn nr nihcr rotd llauld outside of tha united atea will be scene. This aa ariiattc and rroa aald Consumara' plant. Ana toe saia tne next ,rw months- - Eariy adrices mat tteatl duel is oMtimnrs' leo and Com orK wmpwj quotattonn at Posarlo and Buenos Aires Bad Kansas City convincing picture and will bo liked by mt Bcreby the rigbt. priruege ana suffered a sharp break on account of tho Live, those who appreciate artlitio acting, it it nonted auxiliary rachti la ennnoct anv audi belter weather fed to a decline tn the kanaas City, "Nor. Hegs WeetpUf is a picture tor please the discriminating, , wun said mam lino, ana am vtuiicu ket here, but the effect was, moderatedatfby Market Haavy, mattmm muí Ml 1W0. higher. rr.TSwT!- nmf nrtviiim rriflftMM run later dispatches that referred to rain having plgS. ETHEt, BARHYM0RE allí mM or rcfrliftr begun again parts Argentina, and I7.S597.M. . Wésterii Furniture Co. pUhn hrlnn other in of by Cattle Ilcteipts, fceo. Market s(edy. Prime Monday and Tuesday Ethel fiarryaer?. the ting iiguia tnrougn saia maia. iu anu the Inference that the amount; and quality steers, iioéto.89! westera steers, 7p) stago r ' of yield might yet provecto be rela- red famous sur, will appear at the Bijou 9x12 Red Star Rugs, varioi'.s. design, ania .in auxiliary iraca tur w imyv the calves, 8.iOlOXO, In pic- v , tively , 00: "The Nightingale," magnificent foresaid. ... small. "iii Sheep ncelpts. nona- -. Markat ataady, regular price $24Ü0. h gran ture of artistic exaeUeBC. written espe- rrwcMM Bereui tea Sentiment tn favor or 'lower price for Larnos, r7.Wff9.iO: yearling, 7C wheat was increased by atatementa that ad- cially ror Mis Barrymore by Augustus Our price 'Ifi f O ruuju Aft lt itWvwpt B4ifffntf ihall could VlU fir ditions to the domestic visible supply Chicago Livestock.- Thomas. No one can afford to miss seotnr Alpine Rugs in florWl ijKwaya' keep and Ri&uuaM Mia pipe imo be looked for until heavier export clear- this noted actreM when the price of admis. 9x1 2 Axmitster and Orién' in a aafo eoDdUloa, and operato ances become .An expected Bit the Attoctat Id Pre? rentao-rmga-o- 'Wt liaea - the rule. liberal Is ,only . W ammaremlleBJ-Deml- f a- or tne- oi rrnarfTOt?n3n6lbIupprycIarírl city El tea Monday MaTket-rnha- above yeiterdsr's. Bulkr, miciiu tu nyiuiiccs, minor muuuay ur iiroa-- whances of 'the of Taio for will contrast with a decrease of Our price . . . . .7. Tj ,V. ? JLiJeyU' cing or' operation of conduits ra the laid ?n,ooo bushels at the corresponding tuse a t7.S5irr.B0! heavy, 797.eoi pigs, Ji, 567.73. dy, a seat win bo searre at Hie night ....'.. eeis or t.i I'aso; ana aaia graniee ausii year ago. Cattle neceipts, 1.000. Market steady. show. Shows start at 1:00 a. m., U;20 '9x12 Saxon Axmtntter Rugs, regular' 1 Q 7C no trme permit aald lino oriines, or the Offerings that were a. little more plentiful Bteers, caives, assewii.ev. p. rn., p. m., p. ra, p. m.. Sheop iiiw; 11,000. i:o jw i:so price $27.50. Our price nr Mm in tn anv waV ohitnict thfl neceipts, Market atesdy. 6:io p m., p. m., Bus p. m., and t:30 flOelsJ avbl In aald Klnt atreet or croa airee. p. tn. 9x1 2 Wilton Rug, regular price permit aald comitrucuon. or aaia une unnecessarily (A struct said streets,- or Special Notice cirnroN jtABKirrg. $40.00. Ourprice. $28.50 . BAL- L- ive said streets In an unsire, dangerous 'THE CHAftlTY TODAY. STATE OF TEkASl County of 'El Charity on Wigwam's 9x12 Velvet Rugs,, regular price nntlirMltf mnrllllnn. And the 'said hereby given 'New York Cotton. "The Ball," of tho antee its successors shall always hold is that the .undersigned, popular masterpiece service selections, will or aay S. D. BasJford, on the nth day of Novem- $18,75. Our Drice $12.50 uclty or '1 I'sso narmiess irom ber, 1H, withdrew from the partnership New kYork. Nov. cotton quiet) be sfaowa at that theater today only, it U .Una for- d amares arising from the con, , no Hies, probably furious er all Klaw 9x12 Wool aad Fiber Ruga, regular AC or pipo composed or a. o. nisiford and K. i. nicb-- nyaaiing, the molt the action, condition and uto said ex 1 us own expense. ols, doing business under tho firm name or and Erlangera. plays with the single price $ 0.00. Our price , . ef or lines, and win, at Oateway City Fixture company, and that cention or "Ben Hur." It l a melo U7 J "iny ana all suits arising iruiu tho undersigned not responsible 9x12 Rag Ruga, in all kinds of colon, sl which- may be alleged to arise pa will be STATEMENT dramatic romance and affords the producer 1 ror any debts contracted by said E. J, Nich- FINANCIAL greater tho screen than Gateway opportunities for regular price $16,00. Our price flairi Is sut) ols or said City Fixture Company on stage, presented on s ylltmO franchise ranted dato or 17, The the it is manriri. to an ana after said Noverabr nil. crnt scale by a picked cast conaitions, terms umiiauons said S. D. Bassrord will continuo In busl-n- Clearing Mouse Banks and Trust Campan lea of from EXTRi SPECIAL '. lmposca, Qr,inat nereaner may uo name. Olograph studios. iho charter city of El under his own lioia i76,fo,5to neserva in ju 1 all designs. osedrthy of the 3. p. BASSF,0!U: cess ( Requlremeata. "The Charity Ball"' will be shown, but 6x36 Tapestry Rugs, kinds of F A one aays omy ana iordlhancea of the city or El I'aso on at regular prices. regular price $1.25.. Special...... OUC grantees or its- successors or assigns. Wednesday and Thursday fined!. By IMAuoeiatta gcgement or Evelyn Nesbie thaw, tho most 27x5 4l Axminater Rags,, regular price- - P Mew , iretThe snau pay io uic American New York, Nov. St. statement of the of woman In ror tms rrancntie, former location of tne American average clearing Bouse banks talked ttKthe world. "Threads $2,50. Our price .' , 1 .OD El Paso (hy paying same Into the U. condition of of Destiny," a atronar drama with seines nr tn sum r iutceee, 106 Saa Aatoelo St. and trust companies, ror the week shows Rags, regular clerttl. the of Nawly Handsomely they i7SJ30Xto iaia in iiussis, atoen ana America, 36x60 Axminater price tj nd shall annually, on the first furnished. decorated. that held reservo in excess ft? or year during Spotlefsly clean private booms for ladles. or legal requirements, ims is uue w me $4.00. Ourprice PáCeéfa January each the lire SAM WAH, Proprietor. " franchise, in the same manner, pay new reaerai. reserve cMixing isw. tbo THE CLASSY AUDITORIUM. W have very complete or tno warn statement follows: New skate) instructor free; beginners a .stock of rugs, all teity i rtso pi OLD COINS WANTED 60 paid for 1K3 half Loans, 2,4ie.lMW0 no SO 1B78 S etc.. invited. Ask, about the club. kinds designs, un- dollar, arrowa) for half, mint; In 350, .060. and at a price that, you will be pipe line and eonneotlons (toO ror 1S6I .dime, S mint. Many valuable Reserve own vault. t&ui Aitmirtitiul iinrlep the iteserve in icaerai reterye banks. We, able to duplicate anywhere. else the city. uii coins circulating. Bend now tc our Ofio KEYSTNE KOMEbY AT CRECIAN. la Let to satisfaction or 0t i erviston of and the A. Hew Heroes Are Made,', is the title of , us show you. ry efiirme-er-w- e or mi, raso you. Ñumlsinatio Bank, Dept. 10, Fort! Reserve In other depositories, HtMtfiee. - - wir si.WMjjw.UBtL the keystone X'omedy tiro rrintn position- - in- streets as noi ncmann aennsiis. bill st sM Net time deposits. W.mxéb" ureeian toaay. Chester conaim, is tn nero, uo. pnrucga WEAR El d shirts; 3 shirt made circulation, s2oo. ' this comedy Is up te the Usual Keystone ror a oerioa or miriy years i rum ror s materials furnished, pass city Aggregate reserve, sio.00. standard. Lot! or. fun. "Dorothy Olsh." the Western Furniture Co. the approval of this ordinance 8hlrt Factory, Room 10, Hemmett Bldg. Excess reserve, H7&330o. movie actress, at iter A. com- popniar .will also be' the mayor I proviaea, However, mat uw Phone ta. 3, iiowser: p, e. Parker; Bummary of state banks and trust Men in Oreater New York not included Grecian today, ihs will be In a spetlil icu may sooner lenuuisio anu ror- Íanies rranchue and prlTiiege. which H THE best pisco families and .children bouse atatementt mo- is at the Liberty Theater. s Loans, increase,- M.0OO. t terminate upon a' bearing after American-Mexica- etc, fsei.tll,700 to" ihe'irantee herein or it successors film service. Select specie, 4i,79soo; increase. .(Sfaoti, assigns, that any or the conditions of music. Legal tenders, smfiOOfi decrease, 077,. BOO. rancmso nave Deen tiuiiicu; prurmcu AUTOMOBILES i varnished from lio Total deposits,, séM.eesoo decrease, i,-- Revoke Craner' Auto Painting Co., 410 Mills aald franchise without cause Imperial Oarage." Phone . IW,WX). . aving ma ramee hcicui r us - iteserve: ninety, aaya rnoupe pi jneir micnuou Ranks' cash In vaults. 112.131,300. advertising slides ,at is per. month Trust companies cash in vaults, 111,806, i7. Tha right herein, granted shall 00. assigned without the consent of the FOR HIRE New automobile, careful driver, amy i.bu per nour, fuone siu-v- Get ouncii vested by, resolution, T IF you want to reach all the people all the lft. Urioa the termination of this lime use Times RIGHT.-Pta- ni tho city of Cl Paso shall have the ir it so desires, to purchase said SEWIN0 MACHINES repaired by Foots ft: or franchise, together with all prop, Kiniuer. rnons nue. or tho said irrantce or Its successors f assigns, upon the' payment- of. a fair CALL 96731 Save 3i per cent on meats. rtion tiieretor, io oe mea vy a ooara Dieu vi oiiQ appraiser scircicu uj iua Him a r cf El Paso, one annralser selected by grantee .or its, assigns and a third ap- - selected ny ne two- appraisers so ii nrovided. however, that the Sleep Is Body's ee nor its assigns shall be entitled AO Why the ' payment' or values, cost or any value

O tne ran mat nicy or it way i a concern, duly Installed and operat- - Greatest Kenairins l imé Gillette V LEONARD ÍCEENE HIRSHBERG vVje 0. Dr. CITATION BY TUBLICATION. A, B., A-- P. (Jefa Hoakte.). n toy stun nt TetaaTo the sheriff 'or poll- - natable 6f El Paso county, greeting: TJEEFsM been inaoeHrately hatd by poeta and u to are hereby commanaea atsamon iap epopaers Toe death, Ilka ami mal feigning, and Issown heirs of George Clark, decte& to like atuKing punncation or tnia, ciiauyu wuto Bf tii . . v.. I, i. M.rn weak ror eiani aucccssivo wcc&a wtta)'tk. oí wtnui la thn return day hereof, la aoraa "Blaap tetli .He own world an4 a. raalm wtM vapaper published in your county, to IraaUty," It M a strange pocsM. at ibq next regular Kra,oi u M ta M sot er dtttrlet court &t El, Taso It not aetlv life. It net arakiar death. I( iBty. to. ens holden at the court house t rigidity or "daatta feign lag" of sualasala. It W sot tha sake, ttta or Uie moaquito la) tbaar artavt of hlbema-ito- n. sEtUnmlaT in January. ISIS, tie WUe toad, i Kg the third dar of awaary. rtij. taeft v dsJakiL,. There petttto filed In Christmas l to aaswaf'. said NeHber la sleep tfe trsLfiea at waati Pt.Iaasaa fakir. t on day of hovemter, iM. tit Jbt nnmhargfl sm ILarlsdaa tha UMdeo; who waa tHtrM for six Me. whereat Jay . tweaks, and then eshumed. a Besa prv1ev4y K.,sKkúrf ilMt. mt h4 Decide SAd IM tutkitown Bfra Oeeri y Dr. Hoaltraberxar assd eV Claada jide, at CKristmas is only a few weeks away. now to get HIM a Gillette, OKceMea, are aniwiwii wm wh m alleging That heretofore gilt so Lui. Beptaintier Mr Wl, niaiaiiifT i Natasre" sea iwn, im walspssn awaaaBiiart at tM hwawmky, kMtB Therete no other quite practical no other he will appreciate more Ey Kited MM pstjiftrf of M l,f5 peecy, ta m rnllowlBx McHsd kUii of Mki any Msa. Will K7 reralMf alluated In tax oHy aa "Of all ttta ( Osd staM a and there's no other article ypu can find that he keep so long, and use aaown m mm MfMi fcuaty of W Po, Texas, It (BWaf4 t)lrt0 rHll,slM' AlHT PMarfRpjl'v p(9p so off;en By all & laaaaH V) at M Paaa. a4Mtta Xw Ulm W4 t ttMTf mmr v .A 4 Safety rcías, totewer win mHiroum us ncrma get him a f4 pttaata aa per nwra F pm w means Jbf - It HM stated, dafwMaM untntllr w- - .'He Btyeth MM Mtvaf steepr IV mm praouaM a umiwi hm I eaatly saay yett daipeM wtsat jzo as s. ai.wsi with- - tbps sf, ÍsÍpI tBerefrom. aM uotawfully, ataep im aMasr'M jlrB smc To to "what ar TkeK site eeatunwl aed r a, Man TP ,w"r yea aayap, m aeraa a atea te etse Ms Hew the leak Í m " sauaaM. They case plush Years IR4M Of UmltaUOfM aM M letaer eolef, i ef . Ute weeier dy ta atopgad, The come in a neat, compact, nickel lined and with twelve Year aiatajM of LkwIMUo of tax rnt. Mewatt ptwvad t hi Stale :i Of Un INK ei THMi aa prays w Ittea tkavt atea la t chMca e( peaHMa naae jMtp.Mk ytaal seaerveir uatH. aa blades, M l for title aM aaasaiilsa a4 i Bieea frpm tk acato to td aaaa. It eiesdewe, yej awaksa. apaaa te aaart doud a tiu. tmstii rtlW, etc Dr, Ose ansa. aaetBer payeielogtaC. sey the aetrea werk. fall But a aeora mm K ta ta a y mi.afotasaM aaat.w mrm. a an a ( kko4 la tea krata. natisar tV, WMdt, wtt tusa chas hta a- - 4séa V JSjpTisajI'f pp MspaJ( sJBpfjaMsal THE EL PASO MORNING TIMES - r" Mm ts- - a i, l. A. Kaoida. ciarse -, . . . ni aun i rwl .r sMaMarsaaaatM aaMid "fata A. W, at WTc ta mil aM ewe Í aTwUir mi JmrSTiMai ar aaM ifj.sMltfrew4p4tftMssl of a 1 ii uses tar twe staatrs after through a special arrangement with the makers of the Gillette Razors,' is it court. M offMa M ttta atty at Vrt. rm Btaaat. tv ataaatata laaw aaeato. wkéast Skaeepaé asaáeeg ta) á paaaT El raao. TMaa. taw atf arsa aehalar. aey tht lew staasw dear f rtvamr. Si taep ta the M ara top mea. TBttf aaayBe ast' tstaer ec tae 'saaaaea, able to offer this regular $5.00 set, with a three months' subscription for 3. a, xscaAim CMrk. Aa)edeepes, pC mi Cana pf sBe er eaeeea peeea IHatrlct court, kl faaa m'rVr' f?i atesswea. átap ,ad keavy y j, it. rjtitxii'M. ixtHiiy. lake' iTT, tae aellas only $5.75, to old or new subscribers alike. Hie razor will be mailed to aaea, AOsta VmmVZt eáVastC eá seata4leaiis taUt ot WTlCie ta b If ( Hm tlaean ass weaaMag you now by intur parcels poet or on any other date you, may designate. mmmmmw-- .OeaualTia aaM Mr mime ' mwi M 'Manwn piatsl f e Me Mail your fubicrip(n today to taafcajfii Ifc W JfeKp , ml iMfl I ilynl. taT sesjt sjel ' (waep aasl wpad. Mm wtaeaa aaM sssajsla iasW le aaaeMBs er ser evfajsp Puf i Circulation Dept, Paso Morning Tintos'' w aess, waktar aiixipBl liilaai I ta El Taw Maawaaa aM I n 1 1 la sjm lasasid aae p wfcet yea tm pt ae 'fcssfl 9sflsfattattftBaY Vp4Mssx9lMsAlBsfsi ' C H Paac, Texas taMaaai f at M !- - SmWtTUtJff. NovetrlUr 21, EL PASO MORNING TIMES Sander, It14 $26 FREE Do You Want Your Share? $26 FREE If So, Read Instructions Carefully Week ' Each Each Week " In CMiter ! P.e .

Telephones 731 aad 712. Patronize THE BIGGEST OUR ARRIVED Are You Geting Your Home A JYu Stack of Enjoyment Otit 1 our motto. Share of Industry This WORK AJAX of Life ? ' X ' : v guarantee you '.sat is- - TIRES And we llavo you one oí our ''stlck-em- " lias stood fhe test for faction. Hundred tho di- Worth for the new telephone years, and Invariably Borne of 'the' modern labor-savi- aerlSe aro superfluoast soma we newest woolens t6 select from. rectory? Ask for It the next Christmas Paso lit El Guroñteed Nope' Is Xou Suit or Overcoat, time you 0 In the store, or pleases. luxuiié, aad some are necessities. of.them more .of a telephone several will writing 'and Presets in a Rasgo Ltok WátenHeater. $2to $40 bo sent 'your home. What is moro appreciated add LON ON1 necessity than tho as and useful for a Christmas pres- No soot, so aaoke, bo ashes to remove or fires to'ktedic; Jast a ent .than a, nlco trunk, travel, WOOLEN HILLS 5000 MILE lag bar, suit cáse, Indies' Union Made'Clothlng. MtPjMLhfig. tojltt ew.JiUjJ ueoKi ue, couar, oruan yor dga case, or any of our use- Suits or Overcoats, Sold by El Paso ful traveling requirements la made to C AA The El Paso Ga Co. KnoblauchWaner" fancy leather? order for,.,10.UU Texas Rubber Co. We guarantee to fit you CLEANS CCOTHES. Company El Paso Trunk Factry 519 N. COOK AND HEAT WETÜ QAB.- - Táilors Drug G. BECKHAM, Mgr. 418. it. Oregon St. Stanton.. Opposite Office, Myrtlo Block. Post and next 217 San Antonio Bt Phone 985 cool, clean kitchen. Cor. Stlinjon and Ave. Orndorft to Crawford theater. Tel. 1054 Fliono 1114.

2here is Surey k a lot of ssturactlon in deiUlnir wltiv the "HOSS. or proprietor and that's Co. roVWolUMTY 1KC.Í and "SKUVICK. i'UKO" Kansas City Life Imsuancc on ma-j- V SKitTICC (Gifts ADlfTCTWEBTE UN COMFANT give ai a cilanco ai your iiaiujwaiie, or n111.111.tT THE ltí JUi ncil oiuut our ThatLive UTENS1U ont)EH and see how hard we strive to pleaae. To do that Writes IJoi Participating and Contracts. goods and .prices must he right, and realizing' that fact wo have governed ourselves accordingly, In' establishing- and stocking1 this NEW STOKE. In 205 Mesa Ave. addition yon will and us deeply interested In your wants and wining to Liberal Values. Low Cost 'go out of our way' 'tó. ecv.e you., Investigate before placing your business. 0 MacMUlan, H. A. Carpenter,. Company . LADIES' GEN- Edward QUALITYSheersJACK SIIKOS ardware SEIIVICÍT FIU5D LAZENBY THE ONLY EXCLUSIVE AND Special Agent Manager.-20- IN ÍTY, Bldg., TLEMEN'S SHINING PARLOR ' THE Phono 41SJ. Mills EI Paso, Ttjzas. We Can Please Yoü f 2)3 MILLS 6TIJEKT Qnck arid Courteous Service: A Seal of R. R. EXPERT SHOE REPAIRING AND DYING DONE GROCERY" t'Jt'... Beauty The Personal, Easting Kind See ,J. D. OSBORNE, Prop- - t , - Agency, Wilson Millican Cleaning Works Oar Store Windows. ,1700 Wyomlntr Bt Phone 210 J. Every piece of goods marked in plain figures at prices Servie ' to surprise Our stapie groceries áro of tho, best .brands. you. Wo manufacture any design. Our fresh vegetables nre tho hest the market' affords. and Many now suggestions for Christmas Gifts. . Remember your friend's with a boje of our fancy anndles. We- han- all Work called for and delivered. dle such well known brands os Romeas,' Phelps and Dfinte's, Durability Curti & King i, phone us nSp. piuceb. DELIVER P. B. Cox, Prop. Phone 6748 414 Mesa Avenue Manufacturing Jewelers, Diamond Setters, Engravers. WE T ALL PARTS Of THE CITY 113, TEXAS STREET. ED PASO)" TErray, $26 FVee Each Week to Readers of This Fage Bager -- Satisfaction-Surfy-Servic in Prize in Fuel Company Strength First Priié $10.00 Merchandise. Second $5.00 Merchandise. , PHONE 389. Eleven Prizes of $1.00' Each in Merchandise. CÓNSHEIlATION Above all, remember that our coal from the Black Dia- CAItEFUIjNESS Pick the missing letters in the advertisements and put them together in such a manner as to form the mond mine la the best, from tho Gallup field. out Immp stove sizes. CONVENIENCE firms advertising hereon. and .Our prices are right our, service names of two j prompt . CAPITAD the of correct answers the Times will issue orders in One Dollar Amounts on Firms New depositors and old allko receive every courtesy. For neatest set Ten Wo handle DIME, CEMENT, PDASTEK, ItOOFXNG, oto. We 4 pcr.cciit on Savings Deposits.' ' of winners' choice. Other prizes will be awarded on firms not selected by winner of. first prize. Name the Get our pricesbefore you buy. iny See 0 firma on which you prefer orders. Children must state ages. us for all kinds of Foods. j Answers must be in not later than Thursday, 6 p. m. of each week, 'Bring or mail to Times Office, Commercial, Nation! Bank Care "Free Merchandise." ' Badger Fuel Company

Oldeit Piano Bouse In El Paio You Are Interested in El Paso Phone 42 Phone 110 New Auditorium Él P.aso Piao Co.- - SkatngRink ' W. Proprietor, COAL OF QUALITY Usder new management , ' WHY? f ' ( Wo aro the aolo agents for 4he genuine. "Pianola" Pianos,. Stelmvay, Weber; Stock, Stroud, Wlieclock, Stayvesant rr " ' 'r you Pianos Everett, . Fischer, Harvard, Wlioelock, Bteck, Lage, smooth floor, select crowds Because make your living here; because your money ls'ln- -' Co. vested here,; because you believe In the future of the entire cltyS . Wober. West Texas Fuel ' . y Spend;a pleasant evening while youtcan u You want El Paso togrowT Certainly. What makes a city grow? ' You answer at once, People Why do people 7 AfbsktioaTo Gcntlesea, 10c; to ladies, free. a city , To Wurlitzr Automatic make money and thereby enjoy life. Every dollar spent here helps Orchestras some one get employment Why not buy El Paso made goodai These are inatruments which have stood up perfectly in Providenc Drug Co. Sates 25c this "DIlY" climate for many years. Skates free to ladies in forenoons.

'No need for YOU to experiment with untried pianos. We s under pew minagtmcnt and carries s ceaaeéfe Une of new SHARP-ELIOT- already done FOR reh drura aad drug sundrlea. T MFG. CO. have the experimenting YOU, We sell on reasonables-monthl- payments It desired. HESCHimONS WBRIÍ A SPECLU.TV. We fitrlt the Pnyiletani r El Pato to Inspect our PreacrlpUon have a . '. Other Inatruments taken in exchange. . BefiartaMat We Audiorium ruU line or fresh e bollday caocHea. P. a AH good, grocers sell Mission, and Juilt Macaroni, t'adlea are invited to tee our Une or Tsttet Artlcksa, Ice Crea, SOS Texas Street (Next to Watson's Grocery). tad Fancy Drinks. Hot and 'Cold served, durt&r winter. Leadla Vermicelli, Spaghetti. " Skating Kacaxlnea sad PertdlcaU on sale. Rink Careful and Let Ds Launder East El aso We Hav Biggest Offer Gaage : Ywr Imperial FuePCMpuy Moved Ever Efficient Tkuksiving Liicis To Our New Ixc,tle Hade Dealers la Opposite City Hall Park M Mali Twr OM Car IJ9 Myrtle, htí i 6n4 Trade In El It Dentistr Fuel, Feed iM Paso 7. ,'.'f Visit our aew Mora. Yen will fiad all klada of lee-tr- io AH your Vwlng table and Fkwr furaishlngs M ftx-tu- Our Christmas special' Mm-K- 4 peraotuSMiia" o beauti- 4n our Wrc, to 104. StKf H swsl $0.00 Mr saetrth. ' ; rooaw lcrto fully. . Srk High grade work at tewást All kisnis-a- f rasiaisisiK r(Htiy X (Malerier,'vv wW convince Wholesale and RaaaH posalUs pnces, ' el, Yea will flat la ac irteck. s4ÍHMl4ttS llVllsliMfl Msl ItIMbIIIs Exclusive Agents for Meses SMUay swltahla and hand-w- e The offer mut fc WtMrtMk Beat d as1 and Paso Noria Holiday gifts to be appreciated, , . 'Dentistry, as we practico (t, is a serious proftaalon.lnvolvlnr educa- lltsU Qra4 FamUs-- KVer,1 ad tiva, afofulae ánd skill. - y We Hat you tight. Cif UW.Ltt AOi.UTEXiY PAINLESS. i ricM wjr Moderate, Si4Kááltv D Fin EWctriaJ DEHTBTS EU1? UÜIHY II X, mwaSSM . IE YOil AMISS K&aajpM Ktrttil.' yfciss léta. Impéral Garage f 4 4 OraáefT My Btsditss KU ASO. TEXAS, It .1 a. 3, B. Mar. I1TT. Phone arStqsrsswate? Tea fU PMM ' Pkosas Mi, for U Mm Av, a4 (Over MlWrWrf'a Jewelry More.) Wo. f, NosslM.