' V

. •/ ■ i f 1 \ WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 12,^1958 PAGE TWENTY-FOUR Average Daily Net PresrRan Far the Week Ended The Weather Fsbruary 8; 1868 Forecast of C. g. WeaOMr Butaaa Fair, cold tonight Law 8-16 12,627 abavB axeept 8-16 bataw asma. Member of th* Audit ratal arcaa. Fair, eonUaaad eaM Bureau et Cirralaaon Frldagr. High la 26a. Mancheit€r-—A City of Village Charm

VOL. LXXVir, NO. 114 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER. CONN.; THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1958 ICIaaaifIcd Adverttatag an Faga 18) PRICE FIVE CENTS Tunisians Threaten ^®^“*®*SSocarras, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY WILL BE/'BARGAIN DAYS" IN ALL DEPTS. AT HALE'S Guerrilla Warfare if v.s. Senate 8 O th e r s h New Haven, Feb. 13 (fiP)— French Don’t Leave Mayor Richard C. Lee an­ I n d i c t e d nounce today he would not seek the Democratic nomina­ Tunis, Feb. 13 (/P)— Pre8i-f^f^/8«‘n th« Nor^ JUlantlc New York, Feb. 13 (JP)— etc. Treaty Organisation (NATO). At tion for the U.S. Senate. TOILETRIES, dent Habib Bourguiba said to- ‘ ‘ ‘ Lee said in a statement that his Carlos Prio Socarras, exiled On Jobless Situation a meeting of the Atlantic Council DOUBLE ^.^GREENI PHce S^E* day that he would personally in Paris French delegate Etienne "obHgationa to the progmm of re­ former president of Cuba, and 75e EVENING PARi$ DEODORANT $TICK ...... 2 for $1.00 lead the Tunisian people in a Crouy-Chanel reported for the development Snd renewal here in eight others were indicted telng a .Candidate for the Senate Ribicoff Picks sian soil. ! and provide means and money HELEN CURTI$ $PRAY N ET ...... ooaooooooooe $1.69 an .frontier village of Sskiet Sidi this year." tile Tuniaian Preaident In a Yousef f. TTie mayor made his announce­ i with which to take part in FLANNEL NIGHT WEAR apaach recorded for radio delivery TTie French warning of further ment at a news conference, issu­ military expeditions and en- March 4; Will $1.7$ BAYER A$PIRIN TAILET$ ...... eeaeeeeeeeee $1.49 later today warned French author- STAMPS THURS trouble was contained in a note ing a 3-page statement. I terprises from the United' Itlee that any armed effort to f delivered td'Bourguiba'a chief min­ TTie statement did not indicate Statea against Cuba. j 79e lAYER A$PIRIN TABLET^...... 67c break out of their blockaded ister, Bshi Ladgham. as the presi­ uhom he might support for the Outline Plans bases in Tunisia would be met by The former Cuban head, now In dent was recording his speech. nomination. I Miami, - was charged with the UNiCAP MULTI ViTAMIN$, Family $ l i t ...... ooeeeoeeeeoe $6.96 PAJAMAS and GOWNS force. Lee, now in hi* third term as By LOU BLACK Bourguiba added, however, that Bourguiba said he realized the . others with conspiring to organize big Bizerte Naval Base was impor­ mayor, said he had reached his de­ I committees' and groups to effectu- Hartford, Feb. 13 (fl*)— Gov. 60e ALKA $€LTZER ...... eeeeeoeoeooe . 54e he did not despair of seeing wis­ tant to NATO. He said he was cision after reviewing "all aspects dom gain control on the French, »- ...... m. .. . . I ate the organization of military Ribicoff said today he would -I CASH SALES! NATO of th* matter." ' units and also with recruiting per­ aide. He said he etill wanted to' call a special session of the . SHORTIE PAJAMAS -M.i. IT,.— K..f power except France the u« He said: $1.2$ AB$ORBINE JR...... 88c negotiate wtth France, but — c - - sona to eatabliah military training General Assembly for Tuesr T had taken no steps to seek the camps in the Dominican Republic. after the evacuation of the IS.POO' nomination aa iny party's i-ndi- I day March 4 to deal with the KOLYNO$ TOOTHPA$TE...... ,. 2 hibos!69e BROEKN SIZES AND SITLES. Bourguiba'* speech did not make . Mexico, Haiti and the United French troops bn his soil. dat* for the Senate, but the in­ unemployment situation in Trasloa Increases clear whether any euch arrange- I States. IN SIZES tt TO 40. • Bourguiba recorded hi* speech with NATO power* would bar creasing indications oi support for Connecticut. LARGE U$TERINE JLNTI$EPnC ...... ^ aoeeooooeoaa . 89c this nomination in the past several I TTie nine also are charged with aa tenaion mountad throughout his j “ 7 "* I*** *’*,»«■ I causing the purchase of motor The (iovernor said at a presa months - particularly in the last conferenc* he will "outline what LARGE LACO $HAMPOO ...... eoeaooeoooe# 89c ' country and the French reported! **'.'^* two weeks have required me dur- ‘ ships and causing the vessels to Increasing minor incidents (nvolv- J^*"*"^** "''PP’y" sali from the United Stales with action, in my opinion. Is demanded ing French troop., bases and civil- ‘"8 "f the blockaded garrisons with : ing these past few days to review and will make my program avail­ eeeoeoeoeo. oe $2.00 Look At These Super Bargains From moat earnestly all a.sp'ecta of the srms. men. uniform* snd Impli- NEVY QUICK HOME PERMANENT...... j food should be allowed a* a hu- mrnU of war. able to both Democratic and Re­ matter and to arrive Ini mediately FMUice warned th* 'runialan* , m*nit«rl*n move. He said the eva< - The indictment was opened be­ publican legislative leaders" next NEW PACE HOME PERMANENT...... oeaoeeeeeo '6,.^ $2.00 Reg. $2.98 SALE through dipomaUc channels that j thew troops to f rsrice at a decision on what my plana for Tuesday morning. HALE'S HOUSEWARES DEPT. the future are to be." fore Judge Edward Welnfeld. who further grave incldenU might arise ‘ *»e problem of feeding issued warrants for the defendants i The Democratic Governor'# IAN DEODORANT...... 98c as a result of Tuniaian refiisal to - , He added that "my appreciation , at the reque.st of IJ’IIliam F. Tomp- j statement came shortly after he allow Fwmch force* to supply Bourguiba said that in nidlcal is most heartfelt to all those who i kins, assistant attorney general in ; met in a closed session with the . . . . $1.00 OIMl $1.50 20 GALLON their garrison*. , cases, the 7^JnisiBn government I have urged me to seek this nomi­ I two top Republican legialatlva WOOLITE WOOL W A$H ...... ‘ would offer all facilities to remove charge of the Justice Department'* BIRD SEED TTie French also carried their nation." Internal .Security r>i\*t*ion. leaders. Senate Majorit.v Leader ‘ the sick. He said he respected "the ain- Would Mediate ' ------\ ! Elmer S. Watson of Wethersfield TRASH BARREL I eerily of their stand" but that "in (Conttnued on Pag* Ten) ! snd Rep. Frederick Pop* Jr., of Feed your feathered frinda! Approved At the end of the recording ses­ i all conscience" he couldn’t be a Look At These Ternfic Bargains From Reg. $3.98 SAiMtE sion a newspaperman asked i Fairfield. mixture in 6 pound bago. Regular 19o. Complete with cover. Regular 84.98. Ike Quits Sun esndidate. I Said Ribicoff: Bourguiba: "If France would ac­ Aaked at hia news conference cept th- mediation of Ih- ITnIled I "It has been my feeling, and it whom he might support for the ia now, that this is a problem that LINGERIE DEPT. MAIN FLOOR In Capital for ' State.* to return harmony to the nomination. L^e said he had not Snow Blankets SPECIAL SPECIAL relatione between France and Tuni­ conferred with lo<’al parly leaders should command the best thihklng HALE’S DOMESTIC DEPT. of all of US. sia to put an end to thia situation, yet on that step. would you agree to withdraw your Former Congressman Thomas J. Wide Section "In that spirit I asked leaders of THE NEW Snowy Georgia the General Assembly to consider SLIGHT IRREGULARS OP 39c Tremendous Bargains From I complaint<0 the United Nations?” . Dodd and former U.S. Sen.- William CANNON TURKISH KENDALL THRIFTY DRY . $ 0.79 ' Botu-gulba replied. •Yea. I would ' Benton ha\«e announced their can­ with me whether on the basis o f in­ Washington. Feb. 18 i;Pi- Presi­ j withdraw our complaint to the didacies for the Job. Former Gov. Of Deep South formation presented Monday by HAND and FACE SIZE B « 5 5 ' dent Eisenhower left sunny Wash­ I United Nations." Cheater Bowles also is considered s State Labor Commlsaloner Renato DISH TOWELS ington today for a vacation in the In Paris, Foreign .Minister CTiris- candidate. Miami. Ha.. Feb. 1.1 i.?>,_The E. Ricciuti and Chairman Robert P. HALE'S SPORTSWEAR DEPT. Lee of State Labor Development TAKE THE ELEVATOR TO SECOND FLOOR anowy South. Weather Bureau today Issued a TOWELS Jumbo Size. 20” x 36” ’The temperature here was a (Contlnued on Page Five) i (Continued on Page Nineteen) freeze warning for Florida. T1>e Commission, we should be warrant­ 39c ertsp 2.1. but theday was mostly forecast was for "fair, much ed in calling a special session." For 88c sunny and there was no snow. B>’ colder this afternoon and to­ 89,000 Jobless IQ GALLON OUTDOOR 8 G A U O N 100% Wool Skatins Swoatort Reg. Price 98.M—NOW contrast, the President's destina­ night." \ meteorologist said, At Monday's meeting Riccuiti re- . A MU-out In one «Uy during our U*t aale! With multi-color border etripee. Driee twice i tion at TTiomasville, Ga., had snow ■"nil* U going to be a very ported nearly 89,000 are Jobleas--- Solid oolofs In pink, roae, jrellow, nqun nntf M many diehes. Driee them twice me feat last night. severe night In all areas.” more than 8 per cent of the total green. A wonderful value! lintleaa and eoft—wonderful to uee. GARBAGE PAIL Eisenhower had delayed his de- Space Man on Way Bernard Schwartz listens to a whiipered word from hia attorney, Herbert Wachtell, aa he take* th* work force of Connecticut. H* also GARBAGE PAIL Shotland TyjM Slip-Ons Reg. Priee 98.98—NOW piu'ture for a day, partly on the By THE AHSCKIATED PRESS witncaa atand today before a special House investigating subcommittee. (AP Photofax). warned the situation might becom* w iin.y. THEY lAST! MANUFACTURER’S forecast that the Georgia weather aa bad aa in 1949 when the number REG. 7*0 tm CK AND THmSTT Snow twirled by chill winds gave of Jobless soared over the 100,000 CLOSEOUT REGULAR 91.49 to $1.S8^ PR. Complete with cover. Bale handle. Bego- Complete with cover. Bale handle. Regu­ areuld warm up late this week. a freakish gle.m to the Deep CANNON KWIK-DRY PRINTED TERRT mark. DACRON OR NYLON FLOCKED OR PLAIN lar 84.29. lar 88.98. ^ Sl^otlanj^^ Oardigans Reg. Prift, 96->8—NOW Areomiwnied by Mm. Eisenhow­ ^Back from Moon ’ South today. And sub-freezing Chiine«c Forecast MARQUISETTE er. the President left in hi* plane Referring to that aam* meatlng, DISH TOWELS temperatures were a dime a dozen. Ribicoff declarad! Columbine U1 for Spence Air Force , In Florida, three inches of snow SPECIAL SPECIAL Baa* at Moultrie. Ga. The flight Pr«sj.eriiy/.n ju4 F G C O fficial F ixed , "It was my understanding than SASH CURTAINS Valuea to 910.98—NOW Ban Antonio, Tex., Feb. 13 (Ah — *'I.ackland Air Force Base her*. Dr. ,f^|_ftft.-TaUsha*see. two^ ineliea en Wool Bulky Swoatort imrmaHy- t*kex about two hours. fliin&ma Cit.v on the Gulf of Mexi­ that the Republican leaders would Pair 0 0 ^ 36” Lengths Th* Btaenhowera will be gueqts Air Fore* aclentiats showed opU- P.oy B. Mefferd Jr., Uiiiveraity. San P'ranci.sco. P'eb. 13 i.Pt give me the benefit of their think­ 59e"“‘ I . Texas biochemist, said the Ai co, and an inch less than that at at the ptantatfbih' at George M. ! miam today s* Airman Donald Far­ nearby Pensacola. Miami shivered A forecast for the CTvines* ing within a week as to the necee- s a w $ 1.98 I Force had granted 124.903 for the New Tear.,drafted by the eld­ sity for a special tesaion. Humphrey, former secretary of the as it braced it.self for temperature* Schwartz Charges five amart pattema in all eolor eomblaa- tiae In kitchen, dining room or bedroom aa rell passed th* half-way mark on tests. er* of Kuan Yin Temple, pre­ *'It was m.v understanding, too. aaah or tier curtain*. Thia la a tremendoua treaaury. and Mr*. H''mphre>-. Farrell. living in air pressure expected to fall almost to freezing. aona. If you’ve never uaed terry towela for GIRLS' and TEEN DEPT. SPECIALS Cold Hanging On hia simulated moon 6ight. dicts a Wave of proaperity will that ahould the Republican leaders value! I H i usually encountered st 18.000 feet, The fall at Tallahassee, possibly drying dlahee, try them pow! Eisenhower, still havmg tmee* The blond. S-foot airman from sweep,the United Stales and V...... - agree with me that a special aes- I The Bronx barreled over lunar was subjected to three emergency the heaviest in the capItol'* hls- weate'n Europe b,v the end of \\a.,hmgtoii. heir 13 Ber-• w ere N oi th Dade Video, Inc . com- should be called, we would all 1 M a cold contracted in Augiuta. nard .Schwartz testified toda,v that posed of local businessmen, and L. HALE’S CflARMHOUSE GIRLS' SLACKS, REG. $3.98 ...... NOW $2.99 I wastes yesterday and today was I summons yesterday. Farrell has toty. continued past midnight and ne.xl June. ail down in a non-partisan spirit Ga.. nearly two week* ago. hoped speeding earthward again in his no way of knowing whether or gave a frosty glint to the pre-dawn Federal Communications Commia- B WiLson Inr.. operating Radio FOUR SPECIALS THAT NYLON RAYON BLEND to 6nd warmer weather at Thom- '■The current mild rece.ision that the problem demands, and de­ m ' make-believe flight in a compart not there la a real emergency. dark. will be over far sooner Uian sioner Richard A .\taok has ac- Station WCKY at Cincinnati, Ohio velop a program for effective legis­ W IU PUT YOU TO SLEEP! GIRLS' lU LKY KNIT SWEATERS. SI 7 fo 14 aaiillc to he could hunt and play .•pare cabin. But he continued high-effIciency knowledged receiving '".several The hearing went through moat of BLANKETS golf. At New Orleans, MXrdi Gra* I predicted by moat economists." lation action. REO. $6.99 B. F. GOODRICH VALUES TO $8.98 ...... NOW $3.99 The airman, still bright and performance. He made extra throngs tossed snowballs, ja rare i said the Kiah Yin elders' pro- Ihou.sand dollars" from an atlor- 1954. LATEX FOAM BED PILLOWS $3.99 Eisenhower smiled and waved chipper, completed the halfway quick lime in responding to all of ney for a Miami television station. (The dlasentera were commis- :'They now advise me that be­ ■port that far south. The one-inch / phec.v for the year 4656 in the fore they can decide on the neces- BEG. 96.99 EXTRA PLUMP SIZE Reg. 19.95. PRETEEN DRESSES. SfzM 8 to 14, VALUES to $8.98 . . . NOW $3.99 as he went up the ramp to hi* I mark at 9:3.1 p.m. (CSTi last them, Steinkamp said. Once Far­ Schwartz. fired coun.sel for a sionors Ro.scI H. Hyde (Ri. who *7.95 Bargains From Our Main Floor Dept, plane. He wore a .blue snd white fall yestei'da.v wa* New Orleans' CTilneso lunar calendar. •esiion. they LATEX FOAM BED PILLOWS $4.99 j night. At ItS.*) p.m. (CSTi today rell had hia emergency gas mask heaviest in 59 ,v*ar*. At Moi»a.nt Next Monday ia the Chinese .special House subcommitlee. told' voted for tlie Wilson company, and i muffler under his black overcoat he will pass the lOO.-hoiir maik. In place in 19..'’ seconds. I lhe\subcomnilltcV\m(ie^ \h'e I Robert T. Bartl'ov'VD i who"favored "hoiild have apecifle propo.*als from REO. 97.98 DUPONT DACRON FILLED 72x90 SIZE TEENA PAIGE DRESSES. Sizos 5 to 15. against a chill wind. Airport. 12 miles from New Or­ New Year's Eve. heralding NYLON COVERED RED FOR TWIN OR DOUBLE BEDS . barling .apa. and will be well Air Foix:* scientists said the leans. two inches fell. Weatem the close of the Year of the ' money was paid to Mack after he WKAT. A relatively new commia- VALUES TO $14.98 ...... NOW S7.00 Eisenhowei- left shortly alter a j on his way on the return trip to many instruments attached to ! became a membe- of the FCC in sioner. T. A. M. Craven, abstained PILLOWS $4J5 Made eapeclaUy for our group of atoree by SPECIAL Louisiana reported a heavier blan­ Rooster and the beginning of National Security CouncH meeting : Earth. Hia 7-day flight is sched­ electrode* taped over Farrell'S ket. ! the summer of 1955. | from voting. The four voting for. REO. 99.98 1P0% IMPORTED one of the iargeat blanket mUla. Extra warm, at the White Houset, the Year of the Dog. A week (Continued on Page Ten) uled to end Sunday. body show no significant changes U was white on white together | long celebration, with a 3-day I Mack was one of four commis- Public Service were the then chair- DOWN BED PILLOWS $7.98 long wearing. All colora. The departure walii held up 22 “We are constantly surprised," whatever They measure respir­ j sionei's who voted to gi ant the hot-1 ^'®urge (.’. McConnaughey; Remainder. Of Stock In Oirls' minutes to await the arrival by public festival, will start Feb. BALL POINT PENS said Lt. Col George R. Steinkamp ation, heart action, blood pressure (Continued on Page Ten) ^ 21. j lyIV contested Channel 10 in .MiamiMiami 1 present ' chairman. John C. commercial plane from New York I yesterday, "at Farrell's continual and other physical conditions. I In r»,,KUn «o.-,,i..« 'Toin,.i.i™ Inn . I Docrfer. and Commissioners Mack HEAVY QUALITY ZIPPERED D A T E X -F O A ^ to Rublir Sci-vice Television Inc., a COATS and JACKETS of Mr. and Mm. Ellis D. Slater, per­ 'alertness, lack of fatigue, and Only once has the 23-year-old wholly ow-ned subsidiary of Na- * and Robert E. Lee. I MAnRESS TOPPER PADS Perfect writing pen In tutoue and aolid eolora. sonal friends of the BlsenhWeti. ' especially hia lack of boredom" son of s Wall Street accountant tional Airlines. Schwartz said the money was Bulletins MATTRESS COVERS ; DRASTICALLY REDUCED The Slaters were given a ride on ; Steinkamp ia head of the Depart­ (The Federal Comniunicalions ' Mack in several checks by Regular $8.98. <■» Q Q ' . , _ ____ H , shown signs of irritation. He can the Columbine- III to vlait frlehda ment of Space Medicine. School of have either radio music or taped Coinnii.ssion. by a 4-2 vote, granted ! Thurman A Whiteside, a Florida from the AP Wires FuU Bed Slie...... In the Thomaavllle area. Aviation Medicine, at Randolph music channeled into his space Democrats Drafting Miami's television (Channel 16 in i been retained ReguUr 87.98. $ i l G O O ' Eisenhower for the last several Air Force Base here. cabin Yesterdav he signaled for i February 1957 to Public Service "ubllc Service for work in con- Twin Bed Sire...... ’’'W . y y These Are Bargain Days In year* has spent a Febmary vacs- Steinkamp and other acientlsts radio music. ' Television. ' , nectlon with its television appli­ U.S. .SAYS REDS LIED Full or twin bed eltea. Extra heavy quality tion. with the Hurnphreya. show guarded optimism over man's cation. like aleepittg on a cloud, deep cu.hlony aoft- Taped music was tuened on. Far­ (Tlii.s action reversed the recom­ Washington, Feb. 18 {/P)—^Th* that will give yenra of wear. Seama are all The Humphrey plantation "Mile- ability to withstand the atrains ^Kepiitatlun as Fixer | State Department accused Rua- bound. atone" ia located In the south and stress of air travel. But he rell snapped his signal switch but Antirecession Plans mendations of hearing examiner HALE'S FASHION DEPT. was Ignored. Displa.ving aggrava­ I Herbert Sharfman, who proposed a Schwartz described Whiteside as *ia today of telling Ilea about c> PRINTED SCARFS ‘ •N ■ . 9 • ' . Georgia piney woods on the edge said, "we've got to run other the United State* in conneettoa tion he. snapped it on and off sev­ .------^---- ' grant to WKAT. Inc., operating an attorney who has a reputation HALE’S STUBDYWEAR BOX-STITCHED ' More Of Those Wonderful of 17ioma.svilIe. tests. " He let it be known that in Florida as- "a fixer." Mith Tunis uhlie "talking out of Silk blend In popular 8S-lnch M|uare style. New spring Eisenhower is looking forward Farrell fa just the first Air Space eral times. Finally, said Steinkamp. Washington, Feb. 13 iJb—Senate-^hospitala to be built 'mder the Hill- WKAT-AM-TV at Miami Beacli. in the other side of It* month" $1.49 Value * SEE OUR RACK OF BEAUTIFUL raiicus hill-billy music was turned I Democrats are drafting a 10-point Burton Act. March 1965. Schwartz read into the record QUILTED MAHRESS PADS color*. SALE PRICE to hunting quail and wild turkey on guinea pig for apace flight teats. information he said was from can­ about improving relations. Press EXTRA HEAVY FLANNEL the far-ranging Humphrey eat |e It was announced at Austin, on. Farrell flipped it off and shrug­ antirecession program which party 9. Action to aiiUiorize the plan-; (ThiswBsa4-wayconle.sl,slarl- offleer Lincoln White made that WITH CORNER ELASTIC S ged his shoulders. j leaders plan to give * speedy start ning of new projects aimed at pro-I ed in 1953. The other appiithints celed checks in the subcommittee BACK DRILL In other years the President and Tex., that the Air Force had con- file.s re«pon*e,' denouncing Moscow Regular 96.98. C O X Q hia host have also hunted on nelgh.- I traded with the University of The colonel guessed that Farrell through Congress. viding more business for basic in- for “outtrageous allegations,"' 89 76 Jntn Sire...... was trying to sneak in a .news I The program is being put to- dustries. "After coming on the Federal boring estates. I Texas to sgl up biochemical testa Communications Commission and' when asked what he thought of Regular 94.98. $ 9 JLQ IRONIND BOARD COVERS ------^ I for pra-aelecting space pilots. The broadcast, banned In his snace ex­ ' gether by individual commiltoes 10. A Works Progrbs* Adminis­ a charge In xthe Communist I under the guidance of the Demo­ tration program to be thrown Into while the case ,wa.s pending. Mack 64 X 78 Fun Sire...... y (Continued on Page Ninetwn) pre-aelecttons will be made at periment "But he couldn't get party newspap^ Pravda that cratic Policy Comrrt'ittee headed b.v the, breqeh if other efforts fail to News Tidbits acknowledges that he received sev­ Pure white flUlng that I. guaranteed to E . d , g 7 e FABRIC GLOVES awav with it." Steinkamp smiled, eral thousand dollars from Mr. the United Statek had master­ j He amazes his watchers with his Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson of Texas. stem the recession. | launder white. Elaatic on ench comer. Culled from AP Wires Whiteside." Schwartz said. minded the French bombing of Regular $1.00 nllp-on styles, Double woven cotton In ' lack of boredom. Cozy and warm, It will represent the party's an­ No Leaf Ral ing the Tunisian cinaige. Saklet SltU- he ate a turkey dinner yesterday swer to liemands that Congress He did not imnVediaely say what abort and medium lengths. Colors! Wblta, ecru and Johnson, who had experience explanation Mack may given sub­ Yniissef, last SLIGHT IRREGULARS OF 89c , HALE’S HEAVY QUALITY black. _ with evident relish. He takes copi- I act before the business slump gets with the National Youth Adminis- Henrj- Kearns, assistant secre­ British Report Gains I nus notes of his feelings and worse. committee Inve.stigators for the “CHARMHOUSE” tratipn (NYA) and Ihe Works . tary for international affairs, tells payments. KKSCL'E TRY SPURRED Values to { thoughts as part of the experiment. John-son is unilerstood to have Progress Administration (WPAt i Lincoln Day gathering of Republl- He said Mack "was aware that San Bernardino, Calif., Feb. IS 36" INDIAN HEAD : His watchers ss,v he stays hu.sy told his colleagues that while he is during th* depression______of _ th* '30's,___ can*______in Hartford,______this ...... nation’s...... 4,- _ (61—A weak hand wave from a hdy TOWEL ENSEMBLE $ 17.9 5 and call him "a great chow Whiteside had in aome manner with Dacron Reinforced Selvage. SPECIAL SALE^ I opposed to a "gloom and doom" has told hia colleagues he wants ! ^,0<>0 unemployed aie "a matter bVen'broughrinlo\h^"ja*e'br^^ ararid'^^^ In IRBM Development 1 hound.” i attitude, he thinks Immediate atepi „ of grave eodiern to Pieaidenl Eis-I National people and^ was work- Vo ^ ^ ^ h im ikUe h” REG. 91.16. X 44.' Q Q ^ must be taken to dombat unem-1 For that, reason the Democratic enhower, and it will soon be col­ ing for National." Yard ploymcnt which no^' has reached leader has contended that any lected" . . . Arkan.sa.s Gov. Orval alive. Fourteen-year-old Donald NYLON HOSIERY London, Feb. 13 lA^—Tht Britishiii rea.sons. is more vulnerable to The checks Schwartz read into Rurna fell 800 feet Into the steep-. 59c BEG. 59c. ' A O e - government announced today it is i rocket attack than are the i.est- 4'v millions. ' WPA tyme of program ought to be Faubii* revoke* State franchise of the record totaled $2,650. He said Plane In this connection, he has asked | held in reserve to be uaed only as the National Aaaociatlon for the Kided, DOO foot-deep canyon yes­ HAND SIZE...... :. Values to developing a medium range ballis­ ern power*, the government said, this was tile total during the time terday while on a hike. Last night Regular $1.00 first quUUty sheer 90 gauge full fash­ tic rocket more advanced than the ' explaining: cominittees operating under Sens, a last resort If the recession ahows .Advancement of Colored People. Mack wa.s on the commission. 16 color* In wonderfbl Indian Head. Limited REG. 29<'. O C e . Fulbright iD-Arkl. Sparkman (D -! signs of deepening despite other Kenneth Broad. 42, of East there was bone-chillbig fog, rain quantity! FACE CLOTk...... A J C $29.95 Americana now possess and ia de-1 "Tile over-all luperiorlty of the Schwartz said Mack refused tb and anon. ioned dark seam. All new spring, colors. Reinforced signing it for launching from un­ West la likely to Increase ralhei 3 Men Aboard Alai, Ander.son (D-NM), Hill, (D -, measures. Hartford killed when hia truck goes produce record*when askeii and derground sites., than dimtnisK as a consequence of , Alai, Kerr (D-Okla) and Gore Johnson has avoided public com- over a Rl. 16 embankment at Stui - ______heel and toe for extra wear. Sices By, to 11. I (D-Tenn) to come up speedily with TAX RE11EW DUE Choose from wools, crepes, cotton, cashmeres, and aceUtes. Sizes 7 to 15, A White Paper published by the the advent of medium range bal- 1 North Adams, .Mass.. Feb. 13 i/Pi ------I bridge. Mass., after colliding with (Conttnued on Page Ten) Wiuhlngton, Dee. IS iJt—Housa , LOW. LOW PRICES OX legislative proposals to cover a (Continued on Page Three) | another . . . David Almond, 17. ■ I 8 to 20, I2!>i to 2 2 '/r. All sales final. Defense Ministry said this weapon liatic rockets. These weapons, | —Civil Air Patrol and Air Force speaker Rayburn said today WONDERFUL NO IRON DACRON CURTAINS against which there- is al preaenl. I wide field of government activity ------. ' I burned when chemicals he was mix­ "is being developed on the highest planes .learched a wide area tmlby Demoerattr leaders are going to Tailored—Double Stitched 1 Side Hem., S" Bottom Hem* priority in close cooperation” with no answer, could from site in Eii- | to bo'«te»' th" economy. start a rei'lew ••pretty *oon" to 41" X, 64" LONG ...... 82.69 Pr. SPECIAL SALE the United States. rope and , elsewhere dominate for three Long Island, .''f. Y.-, skier*. Highlight* of Program Rails Granted 2% ‘"8 chemtiS Flec|s wee w here a tax rut might 6o tbn 68" LONG ...... ; 92.98 Pr. • BAROAINS FROM OUR BABY m4 TOT SHOP TTie White Paper said the agree­ practically every target of Imixir- uiiasing In a small plane since yen- , As Johnson view* the program ■ aai*.-* v*iaitax^t.i ^ / C g o o d condition al Stamford Hos- w- i« O * J s 72” LONG ...... 92.98 Pr. tance in the Soviet Union. it would .shape up like this: Ydigoras Presideiil too^-ujiv^ i.. t.. lO X O F 6 . , LOCATED ON MAIN FLOOR—REAR ment imder which American inter­ terday afternoon. 41” X 81” LONG ...... 92.98 Pr. mediate range ballistic missiles "The possession by Rusjsia of The 4-pas.senger. single engine i: A comprehensive housing b lll^Freight a x j i ^ i s i aRate x ciig r aHike x iia s r Department of Agiiciilluie to NOTED PAINTER DIES RUFFLED—6 »4” FINISHED RUFFLE CAMPUS PANTIES CHILDREN'S CHILDREN'S will be located ih Britain "will be rockets of equal range will not, for craft wa* last heard from at 4:19 aimed at getting this limping In-i — — make new survey of last year’s Guatemala, Feb. 13 (Ah Right­ Paris, Feb. IS uPi — Goorgea 48" X 54” LONG ...... ,...$8.69 Pr. . GROUP OF completed shortly." reasons of geography, afford her p.m. when tt asked the Concord. du«trv going full blast. ! 'VVasbington, I'eb; 13 /P) - Tlie drought affecU on Connecticut ist Gen. Miguel Ydlgoras Fuentes', Rouault, the 26th century’s moat 48" X 68" I.ONG ...... $8.98 Pr. Regarding the relative strength any corresponding strategic advan­ N. H.. airport for a wind report. It I 2. Legislation to permit Fed-j railroad Industp' had permls.sion farms. . , Navy divers search off fmally has the presidency of famoh* pointer Of religlm* anb- 48" X 72" IA>XG ...... $.1.98 Pr. Regular $2.84. Rot of 9. Perfect fitting ruyon under­ CHILDREN'S of the West and the Soviet Union, tage. It would be of no use to her hkd left Newport, N. H., at 4 p.m. eral Re.serve Banks to make loans; today to raise It's interstfite freight Georgia coast for part of nuclear Guatemala after trying since I960, Jects, died today at his home of 48" X 81" LONG ...... $4.49 Pr. the document said: to attack weaterh Eiiro'pe unless for.Amityvlllc. N. Y. to small businesses which certify | rates kgain—the 15th such advance weapon dropped into Atlantic ^e al.so appears t(i have the ma- Uremia. He wraa 86. He and wear In band and elastic style brief. WUte and colored. SNOW she could simultaneously knock oiit ;riERH PRESHRUNK TOP, RUFFLED BOTTO.M "Russia's successful launching Piloting the plane was one of they can't get credit in ordinary Since World War II. Oceaii from B47 bomber. Jority ol’^ the Incoming Congress Georges Braque were among tho the vital strategic air bases in the channels. ' The new hike, averaging about Early morning fire destroys behind him. last of the “L’Eoole de Faria" 86" X SO" LONG ...... 91.98 Pr. of artificial aatellites is evidence of its co-owners. Dougla. D. Robin­ her remarkable progress in rocket U.S. 3. Passage of a post office con-^ 2 per cent on most freight item.s. School .St. tire shop of John Ca- ^ -pbe outgoing legislature elected (achool of Paris) and ./'Laa 86” X 86” LONG’ ...... » ...... ,91.98 Pr. DRESSES son. 30, of 171 Locust St.. Garden Regular 89c.. SUITS development. But it should not be "She could'at preserit have no City. N. Y. Robinson, married and stniction bill. ! may be put into effiact on Saturday. valieri in Bristol despite four-hour the 62-,year-old leader of the Corn- Fauvea" (the wild heaata) who Values to $8.98. thought that this has upset the bal­ rea.sonable' hope of achieving this the father of two. has been eni; 4. Authorizations to put on egtra- TTie Interstate Commerce Com fight by firemen In sub-freezing' g(.,-vative. Reconciliation party to revolted against tmpreOslanIsm IXJW. LOW PRICES ON FA8IOUS BRAND Infants’, Boys', Girls’. ance of miUtai'y power.” with manned bombere and it will ployed four years as a Long Island shifts of workers cn public work# miaaion (ICX3), which granted two i tempmatiires. ,. Virginia organlza- i a 6-yeai-term ye.sterday. 'The Con- *n 1906 and turned French Values to 914.98. > Holds World War (’nilkely take her several years to complete and Connect'ictit salesman for the" projects ^for which Congress'.has general increases during the past ' lion xgpocrats, recovering from g^ressional choice between Ydlgoras painting In a new dlrectton. SHEETS and PILLOWCASES 3 Pair The government said balancing the developrnent of an accurate in- building products firm of H. H. provided'the .money. year, authorized the new boost wurprlwe at retirement announce-i god Joae Luis Cruz Salazar wa* — T” " - ,. TI’PE 186 UADV PEPPERELL COMBED PERCALE " SPECIAL n o w ' fears in East and West of mutual tercontinent,al rocket and produce Robertson Co.. New York City. 5. Construction of military hous­ late yesterday. ment of U,.S. Sen. Harry Floyd necessary because Ydlgoraa did not AVON SCHOOL HE.AD MRBO annihiiSUon make a world war un­ it In sufficient mimbera." Others aboard were Maclellan ing in 'arena with soft spots qf un- The new hike* will add about Byrd, turn to piaclical, political jfet a majority in the Jan. 19 elec- \.4von, Feb. IS — C » a ^ Beg. 99.19. 7$ X 106...... 12.20 Reg. 98.89. 90 x 108...... 82.65 likely .''for another generation or Hope* Tor Amts Cut iPart . Reyonidt* of East Mei^dow, N. Y., employmert. $182 million a year to freight rev- j matter of who might be his sue- ■ lion, although he ran well ahead. MInnIch, *uper\nten«nt1 of M%. fS.St.. 81 X 108...... 92.40 Rff 79c. 4l& X S8'/i eaaea. ... mqre.’’ Tlie White Pt(p*r e.xpreased the and Ir» Hyde of Copiqgue, N. V. 6. Actloit tuz ,^alazan and held 56,' mUaal will b* Friday.uM a an* Reg-92.49. T'2 x 168. . . . . MAMCHMST«R.^CdHH> ^ tack on the West,\"even with con- ing arms. It said; . High School. ' . . \ thorlxqd by Congreii. Beg. BLiR 72 X 108...... 92.10 Uces. 12-18 montha,' vaiitibi al fortes onto,” the iveatern "Today no country c*n hope to The thl-w. left Amffyvllle yester­ 7. Repeal of, the pay-aa-you-go 3 per cent increaae, coupled with I citolibg the Earth . . . Preparation# .of the 66 eMU in the old Con-, t lo « ' followed a p w k . h w h ^ Bag. 89.29. 81 X 1Q8...... 92JI0 Reg/92.99. 81 x 108. ..A CORNtR MAIN M id OAK S T R ^ S Btsaa 1-8, 8-8x. S-8xv ' power* "would hnv* to)- hit back gain anything by war,, and .all day morning, flying 'to Newport. I provision ao the interstate high- numerou* proposed change*. changes In continue In Amman tor signing I grees. But Cruz Salazar, fearful | Wedneeday night witow •9g. .«9e. 42 X ,96 epaea...... 59c Reg; 59c. 82 x 86 cdaea. .. wttii strategic qiiclear wiiapona.” ugy program can be apeeded up. t I proclamaUnn federating the klngi I ' ------1 (umwered 86 rhargM, IB* jBovIM UalOB, for gaopaphiic (OoatlBued oa Fag* Thirteen) (dMUnued on Pag* iSselve) 1 8 . Authorization tor additional (OoBttane^ on Pag* Three) Idonu of Iraq *t>d Jordan. (CoaOnued on Pago Fivo) hlm'troiB tho hoard. -ni-. n » 1 .. 7 ” f t PAGE tw o kANCriESTER EVENING HER^D, MANCHESTJ®, CONN, THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 18,1968 —— ^ ------... ------MAKCKEST^R evening herald,^MANCHESTER, CuNN., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1963' PAOK slide projector, Mrs. Helen Abpxa. ----- ■ • - iiiiiiaA " ¥ *4 ?, skits, 6k movies and "6 '' -1 Rockville Mrs. Fred Lewis sad Mrs. Francis RockvUley ernon aurpnsss. strongly supports the ConsaWalilva aaid tka Rochdale result ia "a mia- loading domestic carload freight Rieder .wUl be hostesses at a so­ Ajumnt prcaldsiit Daniel Ssaloo- T o rie s H u rt party, said the election outcomia fortun* foz- the country” and that Rails' Granted 2% at New York and; Philadelphiiu cial hour following the program. tat and tte following membera are ‘shquld cause the government very' "to the Conservative party it Only The railroads contended such Summer Sessions Approved C e r p e i^ Oenaasaaloa aerving cn the production staff: Sheinwold oiti Bridge serious roi^ivtngs.” ' The pro-Con- Mnphaaizea the need for greater Freight Rale Hike charges were justified by high Men and boys of St. John's Epis­ Shim Double sessions. Stanlw Qunphell, Karl Hewitt, Al­ B y S e th a ck servatlve M ily Express termed effort ami greater unity.” > terminal operating costs a t ' these copal Church are planning to attend bert Weber and Allen BeaVerstock. the result- "bitter homecoming The Rochdale election was the points. FREE TRICK - (Continiwd from t*Age Oae) the annual Corporate Oommunioo Stephen Von Euw, an alummia an

r.j| , . 1 " 1 ;l ■ ■ / ■' ■'{ /i ■-I " ■ ^ ' I ' ; ■ /■ ' • ■ , . ‘ ' if h . ^ . ■; r If '■ ■■ I (. > f PAGE FOUR UANCHESl^R EVENING HERALD, MAI^CHESTER. CONN., THURSUAY. FEBRuA y 13 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN« THURSDAY, Pt.BRUART 18,198t PA G K f'rn anl Vallay Club Houiw, located at 1 . ^ • ( ...... ■ : ■.'** ' B o lt o n Ellington. W E N B—846 WTIO—X0$9 South Wind$or ElllRgtoti M Bsai* nsaaaitt Vallay NtGdy, Ine.« to purchajt GyerlajM*- 1 w c o o —law ^ Daily Radio W P O r-> U M Rd, ^ ' ■ Collection Points for thoM who cennot afford tham. 1 1 *’jPpv r*uc . For informatlan, pan Mrs. Run- I 1 : I ■ : i . I , I n 1 'vm v u iij WDRO—1S60 BMtwra StMdard TlioM W b A T - « l t Bids Asked to H^hannelize^ 4-H Seniors CYO Invited sell Rbmeyn, Bryan Rd., Wapptiijg, Tunisians Threaten For Eyeglasses JN noAii- ! \ I I i I • : or Mrs. John T. Tripp, Main St, South Windsor. Bowers Students til* toUDWing program •ciiM'fS) i <.i .'.’ 1 WHAY —BumUi < New ArrlvalB Increased bv 5 Rts, 6 and 44A at Cider Mill W m C o in p e le ulea are auppUed by Um radio lo Party To Holy Hour ■ •' R. F. BiHOCK OC. -Niidit “ j * A son was bom Mdnday at Hart­ Guerrilla Warfare if Museum Visitors manigementa and are subject to WDRC—Kisty Draper \ 1I • ' V ' , , change without notice. WPOP-H6und Volt ford Roapltal to Mr. and Mra The collection of discarded eyp* i \ The 4-H turkey growing project Th« 8Ule Highway Dep*rtment«^l^e II Herbert Carlson, B. S t rrahcli of Assliil CTO- will Shsrman R. Oollina of Sullivan glasses, spoHaored by New Eyes The Lutz Junior Museum open! haa advarUaed lor bids on a Pierce “ Herrick. George O. Rose, for 1958 for 4-H seniors is spon­ WHAY—Platter Parly atttnd an East District Holy Hour Are. and a daughter to Mr. and for the Needy. Inc., has .been so Anthony Giglio. Felix Jablon, Os­ 'ikix;.. icri -re Ke>u* and Dhn<^ Sunday at St. Mary's houqs for students, parents and; project labeled ''channeUratioti" at sored by the Connecticut Turkey WKNB-P.M. Mra. Lsonal Cyr of Fox Mtadow French Don’t Geave auccassful In Manchester that col­ car Kreyslg. Vincent Kraesicki, Church, East Hartford. ! teachers of Bowers School attract- : Rta. • and 44A and Bolton Center Grosvers Assn, in cooperation with WT:j* ^ K uss Miller Lana both of Wapping. lection boxes were set up in five Walter Waddell. Byron Shinn, WDRC—Arthur Godirty • :4a- A devotional ^ rio d will be held Oliia HeM Party , ed about 160 yesterday afternoon. Rd..'hear the Cider Mill. WPOP—Wsxsnrki T^A Y—Night Watch (Onntinned frrnn Fngn One) more stores today. Invitations to bid were to be Mike Schuetr, Charles E. Ubert. the 4-H Extension Service, for-' lit the church from' 5:80 to 8:80 Girl Scout Troop 8 held a Val-' I A .cilirrent exhibit attracting atr i VALENTINE 4 :U - W TIC-J^» Une , p.m. The Rev. Theodore Qubala Guatemala Elects The new collection 'centers are advertised on Jan. 27 according to j. Also, Alfred Barrett, C. A. Gro- youths 15 years or older. WHAV—Ptaucr Party WDRC-TTre World *Tonight entine party Tuesday ‘ night at tlaa rinesU-'echeduled a speech on Woolworth'a on Main 8t., this W. T. I tStltion is a display of Japanese WCCC—Record Rerue WPOP—Hound Dog tvlll speak on "CharactetlsUct of ! articles arranged by Miss Barbara word rccelv‘id by the Board of j mulaki, Ernest A. Toth, Vincent Winners of plaques for firsL sec­ WKNB-P.M. 4:14— Wapping School auditorium'. Fol­ the Tunisian crisis in the National Grant Store on Main 8t., Burk's (T DANCE Selectmen. j PeracchlD. James G. Hassett, Ma- ChurcK Discipline.” He la from lowing the flag earsmony, refrsah- Ydigoras President ■ Nelli, director of the museum. ond and third prizes will compete WTIC—Rus> Miller Watch New Britaln’a Sacred Heart Assembly this afternoon. The As­ Grocery on 8. Main 8t., Vittner'a The project is described as in-j bel Howard, Paul S. Willey Jr„ WDRC—Arthur Godirey Une _ ments, including a 'ValenUne'cake, ; Fish kites, a battle-scarred Jap-. with other contestants for ribbon WPOP—Waxwork! Church. Until recently he aerved sembly . voted 339-179 early Garden Center on Tollabd Tpke., 5otnJ^. IS, 8 p.m. TOlving 578 linear ft. of channellza- Rose Hilton, Charles E. Godin, C. World Tonight (OenHnned from Page One) and'the Hole-in-One Donut 8hop at ; anese flag and four painted wsll 4:Za- WPOP—Hound Dog. at S t Bridget’s Church, Msnehea- ware servsd. Dolls of many lands Wedneeday to accept Premier at the tion. It will begin at the parklet ■ a . Wisse, Wilton Thorp, William award money. All entries will re­ WHAV—Putter Party were Miown at a doll festival. The FsUx Qailiard's explanation that the Parkade. I,prints are included. In front of Sheridan’s Gas Station | D. Warnock, Kenneth E. Smith. ceive -some award for successful WCCC—Record RevUe *'1rHAY-Nighl Watch ter. that the countr)' would continue Buckley School people will visit V.F.W. Post 2044 WKNB-P.M. WTIC-Nlght Llhe'. dell collection waa an extenaive the bombing was in "legitim atf de- Eyeglass riues, min glasses, gold and continue up the the hill on Rts. Mario Pava, Clarence H. Hoar. completion of the turkey project. Aftsr the service, a ‘Record Hop* on .its recent unstable'political and silver scrap and odd bits of , the muaeiim next Wednesday and MANCIlEiaTEB GREEN W'llC—Bute Mtlier WDRC—Hoods for .ttomkaca will be held from 6:30 to 9,p.m. at ona Including some brought back fM M ” ncainst AJgerisn rebels 6 and 44A. •Mary Rattazai. L«rry Fiano and The object of the turkey project WDRO—Cal Kotby WPOP-Hound Dog path, called for his opponent's elec­ jewelry may also be left In . the ' Hollister St. School open house S t Mary's School Hall. W TIC disc from ether countries by service­ headquartersd in the village. In effect, it will eliminate the Milton Jensen. is first to itimulste interest In WPOP-Waxwerka 4U4— Foreign ambassadors In Tunisia tion. boxes. These articles are *cnt to a • will be March 5. Mualc By “TEEN TONEB" turkeys as a 4-H project and for 1:44— WHAY-Ntght Watch jockey Rost Miller will conduct man. Troop leaders art Mra. Fran­ Refreshments. Donatif>n $1.AD triangular area of blacktop at the 4-H News W HAY-PIatter Party who visited the vUlage, however, Ydigoras needed two' balloU to. refinery and redeemed for cash, 4-H members to learn the produc­ WTIC—Night Une the record hop. cis Relchle and Mrs.' Steven Wti- j Hot Springs National Park to ( foot of the hill and create a 2-lane The 15 members of Clever-Cut WCCC—Record Revue WDRC—Moods tor Rdmance reported to their governments win. b ^ u s e several deputies voted the funds received in this way tion and marketing of turkeys. WKNB-P.M. The East District includes nine liama. , Arkanaaa occiipiee 911 acres. highway with normal shoulders all | ijra, local 4-H club, are currently WPOP—Hound Dog Moroewe P lb »«la to d that most of the casuajtlss ap- twice on the first one. The firs t. being usdd by New Eyes for the Blfds must be hatched In Con; WTlC—Roes Miller 14:44-_ * Catholic churches, three each In time he got 44 votes, the second the way up the hill. j preparing entries for the County W O R C e-^ Kolby WHa Y —Night Watch Films of Morocco will be ebown psarsd to. be civlUana, as the Tu< To accomplish this and to nar- ^ ^ nectlcut between May 25 and 31 WPOP—Waxwerka Manchester and East Hartford, time 4Q. ^ WTIC—Family Llring MM at a Pleasant Valley Club meet­ .nislan government cimmed. The row down other areas of the inter- | ^ ,io n a on April 12 and 19. for whites, and May 15 to May 20 t:ae— WDRC—Moods for Romance tw o .in Glastonbury and one in The new Congress, which meets for bronze. WHAY-Plattiir Parly WPOP-Hnund Deg South Windsor. ing to be held Thursday at 7^80 Tunisians said 68 men. women And j section the parklet on the apulh youngsters will participate WCCC—Record Revua ehlldreq were killed, 84 were I March 15. has only 11 TdigoristAs 14:14— Fair Group to Meet p.m. at the Ellington Rd. cluh- side of the highway will be ex in the revue for the western sec­ To give each participant equal WKNB-P.M. \