Strangers in the City Will Find a Welcome in Any Church in 11 Paso Services morning and hvening Tlio Aortilnjc 'limes' kETAL, MAHKKT8. Circulation Yesterday. Printed and Distributed New Vark iher October Average for Bandar, Now ....i...............copper. .York neurolytic ,.i.5UJ0...' Sunday 33,1189 New Wis lead .,!..... ...,3..00 October Avenge, 31 Days' BaaU, nwYork swie ...;. J.I5SJS Daily 10.509 i. W the outii west. 3?TH YEAR EL PASO. TEXAS, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1914- - ENGLISH 'SECTION 44 PAGES PRICE 5 CENTS EXODUS FROM MEXICO CITY CONTINUES; BLANCO WILL STAY GENERAL ANNOUNCES INTENTION TO MAINTAIN QHDER IN CAPITAL UNTIL IT IS TURNED OVER TO VILLA ARMY Diplomatic Corps After Prolonged Meeting Decides to Break Off AH Relations With Car- ranza Government; Banks, Public Institutions and Schools Close Doors But No Serious Disorder Is Reported; Blanco Appoints police Chief and Penitentiary Warden and Pre- vents Execution of Prisoners. Ru the Anociated Prctt Blanco has ordered his men to take pos- Just what their plans are with respoet Mexico City, Nov. 22. Gen- session ot . the abandoned pollco tatk to Meilco city has not boen revealed. and appointed Colonel Samuel Vasquez See eral su- has Possible strateay In Retreat. Lucio Blanco assumed tiler or police, the former chief having (lenoral villa occupied Qucrotaro, with preme command of the capital ahandoncd iho city and gone to Carranza' out resistance.. This fact has given rls4 at 11 o'clock last night. headquarters. lo the impression In official quarters hero lie Ibn diplomatic corps, after an extended that his entrance Into Mexico City also placed "patrols about the city meeting this afternoon, broke off all re- will bo unresisted. It Is bellavod possible, and occupied police stations. lations with the Carrania government. that tho withdrawal or tho Car. or or Col- Hundreds cars loaded with freight rsmi.t forces Is a stratetglo manouver and General Blanco appointed all descriptions, troops, munitions or war. ihat General obregon ill endeavor to cut onel Miguel Rodriguez govern- remain in the railway yards, while. out .of Villa's communications with the northern of a"hd this confused' mass' special trains cmergo states, while the Torces under Oeneral Jesus or the Federal district hourly, carrying civil employes or tho old Carranza and other genersls loyal to tho Guillermo de La Pina director government and soldiers. first chler attempt to atrlko his columns of the penitentiary. Later Gen- HlnUtrr of Finance Is Game. with Orizaba aa a base. Uvcry , member or tho cabinet except Wire communication between Mexico City eral Blanco sent 200 men. to the Joq Reynozo, minister of rinance, has and Vera Crux is uncertain and officials penitentiary to prevent the op- left the city. Ho declared ho would re- would not bo surprised If they lost tele- position polit- main to guard tbo funds left in his care graphic communication with American from executing until such a time that ho can deliver them Consul Sllllman whun tomorrow's evacua ical prisoners incarcerated there. to a responsible government. tion or lira Mexican .capital completed. The city is absolutely quiet All public places, banks and other instl. No Ilelay In Evacuation. tullons, as well as the schools have been Officials at tho state and war departments arid in full possession of Gen- closed. There has been, howevor, no seri- declared tonight there waa no change In eral Blanco. ous disorder and General illanco says there tho announced plan of evacuation of Vera will be none. Crux by tho American Torces next Monday. Some rrlctlon exists botween the parties It was officially stated that tho questton of Dtl the. Amoctatnt Pre' advocating tho complete evacuation nr the which taction would receive possession Moxlco City. Nov. 81. The Mexican capi- city and those who desire to remain for of Vera Cruz hod been left to General tal la tonight without a regular police tho purpose or turning over to a resnonsl Punston tor determination, it ts under- National Palace Is deserted, SAVING SURVIVOR OF THE ROHILLA One of the sailors of the wrecked British hospital ship being taken ashore at force. The ble head, but nothing serious ts expected, stood ho will bollver tho ctty to whichever save for an occasional' attendant guarding to come or Torco Is in de facto control ot o doorways. this, is General Blanco com the Whitby. ,He bad 'been in the water for a number 'of hours when rescued. balls and' mands til the effective forces here. vicinity or the port. No question. or esgselttis TirAt,thi.beid,iuarlcrofí.rjenorai Obregon. Conventlnrrrnnected Wllhln Week. recognition. It was said, was Involved. he' councU war was bald to de of It Is , predicted, that, the Aguaacallentes The state department received today rrom offering to litis- -' off in that direction in the hope or striking; stubborn resistance the cide on whether the complete evacuation convention will roassrmbla herd wi hln a Iho British vico consul in charge or Ameri- Ihroiic-- the mountains to tne soutn ana alan, advance In East Prussia. General von or the city ordered by General Carranta wecg. can Interests at Lower California, - gome uencrai Obregon win leave the capi- Ensenada. -- reaching- Hie Mexican line at remoto Illndenbtirg, commander or. the Herman Should be compiled with. All tbe generals copies or docree Issued by Bsltazar Aviles, in.M-ti-- Nftv Mexico or Arizona. tal early tomqrro morning. Ho set rree MAN HUNT FOR nnint EXTREME COLD troops, and Orand Duko Metiólas, com the exception' of General illanco at- Villa's appolnteo as governor tbe A rig-I- or escape la with ail the political prisoners today, ibis being of state. investigation the in or two or Ho a authorities mander chief the iiusslans, tended the conference. decided. In his last act as comniander-hi-chle- requiring all proporiy owner to mike new being conducted by the rederal the greatest strategists pro but thus rar there la no Teason "to believe the war has signed statement, that bo would not desert A commission or Zapata Is un- registry or their lands in connection witn be- - forces, it a that anyone In the Jail had anything- to duced, are maneuvering for positions the capital and leave It to the mauraudlng derstood, come to con- new census or real properly. Another prisoner. twoen will here tomorrow do with the plot to freo the the Vistula and the Warta and a big bands or Zapata adherents, wno occupy tbe fer with General Blanco. decree requires the payment or various fees Serond Prisoner to Make battle Is In progresa on the Cracow-Czc- n surrounding suburban towns. fur rishlng rights in Lower California. Is United State pris- HAS BROUGHT SALAZAR VAIN; Salaiar the second stochowa line between. Hussion and Aus- - As, an evidence or good ralth, General oner to break out or the Oernallllo county AMERICANS AT VERA CRL'Z SEEK Jail within the month. A young wemau forces. PROTECTION OF TEXAS' CUNS. FOURTEEN ARIZONA MURDERERS Jnarnhin Rxrmr. held as a witness In f Russian Repulse Attacks. WILL DIE O.N DATES ORIGIN- An coming Vy the A Delated Press rederal case pending In Paso, some weeks unorrtclal dispatch through Vera Cruz, Nov. ALLY SET, SAYS COVE1LN0R. ago engaged a taxt nomo, says two il, When the American clombed tbe Jail fence, that the Russians repulsed troops evacuate Cruz Monday and drove Into Albuquerque. Over two beroro Cracow, beyond Vera next MAY GREAT BATTLE attacks hut the the majority or tlio American residents By the Associated i'rris FUGITIVE weeks later she was discovered in Reserve, Russian official statement that Ilia Rus- Phoenix, Ariz., Nov, Jl. With the a hamlet In western Socorro county, 150 will be quartered In the district about the miles rrom a She was recognlted sians bare had partial success northwest Is away statement that bis heart had been railroad. to consulate, which onty a block or peo- there by a deputy sheriff and brought of Lodz, there is nothing Indícalo how rrom tn pro saddened by the verdict the RESIGNS ttlS JOB water rront. Their only ple In the things are going. toctlon, Mexl refusing at recent election quarters in Copenhagen, other than that which the to Oo- In Socialist cans have promised, will the warships abolish cspttal, punishment, IX PASO OFFICERS ASKED FRANCE TO are In touch the of be vernor Hunt ha BE HIDING IN IN which with Socialists commanded by near Admiral McLean declared today that WATCH ALAZAR. Berlin, It Is 7,ooo,ouo men are en WILL NOT SPRING condemned prison- TO Foil said that ARIZONA OFFICIAL whose flagship Is now anchored would let fourteen gaged in battles on the TRAP WHICH WILL HURL ELEVEN wllhtn ers die on the gallowa on the date In were the Inner liatbor, Tho battleship, Federal officers El Paso notified frontiers, 3,000.000 on the SOULS INTO ETERNITY. leías originally yesterday or the escape or Salaiar and is just outsiao tno narnor ana tne gun set. to be on the lookout for tha run- side and 4.000.000 Russians. easy "A December 19 has been desig- asked' Valjevo Is boat Petrel is wllhln call. An effort away prisoner, with the result" that trains The Servian retlremert from Death of These and Three Others Must Rest Is being mado to Induce Rear Admiral Mc nated as the execution date for eleven are being closely watcnea ana orucrs nave STANDSTILL described from Man as a strategic move, With Those Who Voted AgiinM Abo- or them, there will be eleven hang- TO' tbe Lean to declare tho foreign filled district been to army posts along Gir- or guns ana au or Capital PunUhmcut.
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