Page 1 Simon Truong - Submission to North Ryde Station UAP Proposal From: "Mitch Geddes" <
[email protected]) To: <
[email protected]> Date: 51191201310:01 AM Subject: Submission to North Ryde Station UAP Proposal CC: <
[email protected]>, <
[email protected]>, "Jeff Salvestro-Martin" <jeff.salvestro-mafü
[email protected]>, "Craig Chung" <
[email protected]. au), " friendsofnorthryde" <fri endso fn orthry de @ä net. net. au> Attachments: DOPI_13051 5.pdf Attention : Director, Strategic Assessment Please see attached submission as an OBJECTION regards, Mitch Geddes BE(Hons), MAuslMM, JP Glades Bay Project Management & Engineering PO Box 3131, MONASH PARK LPO, NSW 21 1 1
[email protected] 0412 894 304 - 02 9416 1491 fi1e://C:\Documents and Settings\struong\Local Settings\TempU(Pgrpwise\519CA21... 2810512013 est.1999 ABN 62 485 017 638 DOP| 130515 15 May 2013 Director, Strategic Assessment NSW Department of Planning and lnfrastructure GPO Box 39 SYDNEY NSW 2OO1 Also by email: plan
[email protected] Dear Sir/Madam, NORTH RYDE STATTON PRECINCT REZONING PROPOSAL (THE PROPOSAL) OBJECTION TO THE PROPOSAL ON MULTIPLE GROUNDS This proposal falls over on many grounds, but if for no other reason, it falls over on the question of traffic. The O'Farrell Government risks a dangerous precedent here with respect to the need for any traffic studies, for any reason, in the future. Notwithstanding both the overt and covert deficiencies in the Parsons Brinckerhoff report, if ever there was a traffic study urging "proceed with extreme caution, or indeed, don't proceed at all", it is fhrs traffic study.