
1982 – Helicopter Seminar – Rotorua


a) Helicopter Extraction (W.M. Blundel, N.Z.F.S) b) Post Extraction from Radiata Thinnings (J.E Gaskin, LIRA) c) Sawn Timber Extraction (John Beachman, N.Z.F.S) d) Kauri Pole Stand (John Beachman, N.Z.F.S)

SESSION 2 – PLANNING REQUIREMENTS a) Turn Making for Helicopter Logging (J.C Halkett, J.G Beachman, N.Z.F.S) b) Helicopter Planning Requirements (W.J Funnel, Helicopters (NZ) Ltd) c) Planning, Environmental, Management and Economic Aspects of Helicopter Logging (J.C Halkett, NZFS)

SESSION 4 – OPERATIONAL REQUIREMENTS a) Criteria for Selection of Helicopters (J.K.K Spiers, LIRA) - 3 - SESSION 1 PAPER (a} HELIOOPTER THINNINGS EXTRACTION {a methods and data trial ) W.M. BLUNDELL N.Z.F.S. INTRODUCTIIDN. The subjeot covered is ·a trial {August 1978) to extract radiata thinnings at Waimihia State (Taupo). Equipment and. manpower for tb&-· and preparation were supplied by the Forest Serviee and the helicopter for extraction by Lakeland Aviation., Thie paper comments on the extraction phase of the logging oyole. The authors involvement was as controller/timekeeper for a work study team providing data oollection servioes.

OBJECTIVE The objective was to ascertain the operability of the equipment and the techniques related to helicGpter logging and to gather data to assess the feasibility of logging with larger helicopters.

STAND DATA Species P.radiata. SPH before thinning 950 SPH after thinning 304 Average stem removed 0.15m3 Stand DBHOB 21 .. 7om Stand Height 17m Topography Flat Undergrowth Nil

EQUIPMENT Hughes 500 helicopter 365kg payload 28oKmPH max 335 kilowatt Main rope 18metres link 1360kg breaking strain electro/manual release at both ends Strops 13 polypropylene 1820kg breaking strain spliced eye one end,either steel ring or spliced eye at the other Crew pilot breakerout (pilot by trade) bushman skiddy - 4 -

INITIAL PHASE Landing layout,road construction,and the felling/trimming operations were all completed prior to the helicopter arrival. This work had been done as if for a skidde1 extraction system with no special considerations for helicopters.

WORK METHOD The helicopter travelled· to the bush with the main chain rope dangling below. Once located above breakerout it hovered until the breakout could reach the chain. Helicopt then hovered above height.

Prestropped logs were hooked on to main chain 9breakerout signalled with a handwave, and the helicopt~r then took a straight line to the landing. Dependent on line of sight at the landing either the load {a) would touch the ground and be dragged to the drop point or (b) be manouvered until the lo~ was suspended over the drop point and then lowered and released. Once released the strops would be left on the skids and the helicopter return to the bush. When convenient the strops from previous loads would be attached to the chain and returned to the bush. This format was repeated over three haul distances - 800,1100.2400 metres.

~!_ Table 1.

ELEMENT TIME PER HAUL (Decimal Minutes) Haul Haul Lower Breakout Raise Re-adjust Haul Drop Piok up Diet Empty Loaded Strops Boo 0.648 0.152 0.071 0.302 0.050 0.659 0.174 0.008 1100 o. 731 0.164 0.103 0.275 0 .. 154 0.829 0.296 0.036 2400 1.029 0.209 0.086 0.336 0.100 1.443 0.198 0.026

Average time for static 0.173 0.088 0.301 0.104 0.227 0.024 elements - 5 -

Table 2.

m3 Haul as % Haul Dist Number Number Average Pieces m3 Average Helicopter Hauls Pieces Piece per per Cycle Maximum Total m3 Haul [email protected] Time (.32m3)

Boom 15 22 .15 1.47 0.22 2.06 69% 1100m 18 23 .• 18 1.28 0.23 2.59 72% 2400m 14 24 .13 1.60 0.21 3.49 66%

Description of elements is contained in Appendix 1. Distribution of elements by percent in Appendix 2.

DISCUSSION. Helicopter logging is often regarded as the perfect answer to eliminating the short­ comings of so called "conventional systems" eg haulers, . It still requires the basic loggers skills plus a few specialist ones. In this trial some obvious deficiences in the skills needed were evident.

PAYLOAD. An average load of .22m3 represents only 69% of the available load capacity. (maximum load carried was .34m3 or 104%). Minimum was .12m3 or 38% )). Inexperience in estimating log weights,poor log preparation in the bush, poor communications between the pilot and breakerout,and too many spectators all contributed to the low weights. TRAVEL TIME. The fastest is not necessarily the best applies equally to helicopters as to other logging machines. Although capable of 280 KmPH tte operation speed was nearer

80-100 KmPH. Any faster than this resulted in overshooting. Tra~el time could have been improved through the use of aids to mark the bush and landing points. EQUIPMENT (a) The helicopter provided no holdups or delays. (b) Strops showed little sign of wear but were never really tested to breaking point. (c) Manpower. The pilot required several short rests. The constant low level operation with multitudes of movement changes plus the safety of the ground crews (and spectators ) all combined to leave him physically and mentally exhausted. It is probable that a full scale commercial operation would require more than one pilot per machine. (d) Communications. Direct radio link from gr~und to air at both bush and landings is essential. The use of hand signals as used in this trial was dangerous in terms of misunderstandings and tiring as the pilot was forced to lean out the door to observe all activities. - 6 -

(e) Clothing. t. Bright clothing, easily seen from the air, were worn by the breakerout. Others at the trial wore traditional clothing. It was most apparent that the bright gear was safer. 2. Goggles for ground crew are necessary. In the bush pine needles,branches,dust, are all tossed around in the downdraught. On the landin8 dust is the main problem. 3. Boots, helmets, earmuffs are considered as standard items.

ELEMENTS. Drop The variation in drop time for the 1100metre haul highlights the importance of skid location. This landing r•EJUired more manouvering before dropping because of surrounding and roads. Re adjust This was a direct result of inexperience. Premeasurement in the bush, a better knowledge of weight to length, a high standard of trimming, an exoerienc1 breakerout, would eliminate this element.

DAMAGE. No damage to final crop trees occurred using the helicopter fom extraction. An unknown quantity is whether the tree tips during the spring flush would be snapped by the downdraught.



HELICOPTER Distance Boo 1100 2400 Boo 1100 2400 Annual m3 12800 11400 8200 15700 12000 5eoo DOLLARS 39.75 44.63 62.05 2.99 3.91 7. 97 m3

Costs as 1/6/81.

The above table assumes for the helicopter that there is no re-adjust element, that

average haul is the maximum of .32m3 1 and no allowances. For the skidder (current logging method used in this topographical site) a 51-75 Kw machine, average haul 2.15m3,j and no allowances. 75~ availability is assll.lllled for both systems. Refer appendix 3. I From the above data it appears that helicopter thinning of radiata under these conditiotj i would be an economic disaster. However the trial did achieve its objectives in that the '1 equipment was proven to be practical, the techniques viable (subject to alterations outlined above ), and it pinpointed the importance of log preparation, experience, and planning, whilst highlighting the speed of operations. - 7 -



Haul loaded. Travel from bush to landing after logs have cleared the tops of crop trees.

Drop. Haul of logs is released onto the landing.

Haul empty. Travel from landing until above the breakerout.

Lower. Once positioned above breakerout helicopter is lowered until brea.kerout catches the end of the mainline.

Breakout. Prestropped logs are hooked onto the mainline.

Raise. Logs are lifted until completely clear of final crop trees.

The above elements oocur with each oyole. The following two elements occur intermittently.

Pick up Strops. After the drop element the strops from previous hauls may be attached to the mainline for return to the bush.

Re-adjust. During the raise element logs may be restropped or the haul aborted. - 8 -


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l i(II I ~ 1,1 ~ ______l~ ______f ~ ~ ~ ~ .,~ I w !:; ~ 0 I ~ ~ Iii - 9 - APPENDIX ). PRODUCTION AND COSTS.

HELICOPTER. Boo 1100 2400 Haul loaded .659 .829 1.443 Ha~ empty .648 • 730 1.029 Drop .227 B/Out .088 Raise .301 ... .813 .813 .813 Lower • 173 Piok up strops .624

TOTAL CYCLE 2.120 2.373 2.472 360*.32m3*235days/cycle =annual m3 = 12800 11400 8200 Costed at $350hr * 6h:rs*235 days = annual dollars of $508775. This includes pilot plus one breakerout at $65day • Dollars per m3 .. 39.75 44.63 62.05

SKIDDER. Boo 1100 2400 Haul loaded 6.800 9.350 20.40 Haul empty 6.ooo 8.250 18.00 Drop .34 B/Out .91 Position .41 ... 2.620 2.620 2.620 Blade work .30 Skid travel .60

TOTAL CYCLE. 15.42 20.22 41.02 360 *2.15m3 *235days/oyole =annual m3= 15700 12000 5900 Costed at $135day plus operator at $65 day for 235days per year =annual dollars of $47000 Dollars per m3 = 2.99 3.91 7.97 - 10 - Session 1 Paper (b)


by J.E. Gaskin, Logging Development Officer, LIRA


Post and pole extraction being a high value produce are one of the few areas of exotic forest harvesting in which a helicopter could be justifiably used and still expect to show a reasonable prof it.

For some time now farmers have used helicopters to fly posts in for fencing jobs in remote areas. So it was only a matter of time till someone tried to fly posts out using a helicopter. The extraction of posts however is a relatively new concept. The first major effort being carried out only as recently as 1979. This first lift involved some 1 1 000 posts which were lifted out of the Masterton area after weather prevented conventional methods being used.

Two further trials have been recently made in the ARA's Hunua Forest near Auckland. This was in an area which couldn't be logged conventionally due to lack of roads, lack of required specialist extraction machines in the area, i.e. hauler, and a lack of experi­ enced labour to operate one of these machines if it had been available. These trials were closely monitored and many lessons for subsequent trials have been learnt.


The area had several restrictions as previously mentioned, plus being part of the catchment area in the Auckland City water supply. The stand required silvicultural treatment, i.e. thinning, and as there was a sound market for post material at the time it was decided to try the feasibility of helicopter extraction rather than just waste thinning.

The stand data is illustrated in Table 1 below.

Compartment 6/5 Stand Data

Total stems per hectare 1650 Residual stems per hectare 400 Thinned stems per hectare 1250 Predominant mean height 15.6~ metres Stand volume 210 m ~er hectare Thinned volume to 10 cm s.e.d. 102.2 m per hectare

Further information required was the number of posts per tonne. This was gained from weighbridge dockets and further tested using a load cell weighing device. - 11 -

Table 2 Weighbridge Figures

Load Weight No. of Posts Posts per tonne

42,880 1,201 28.00

It was decided that stacks should be between 25 and 28 posts. There was still a certain amount left to the individual cutters discretion, i.e. if the stack had a high number of large butts then the number of posts would obviously come down to maybe 20 or 22.


This proved to be no real problem even though the topography was harsh, 15° to 35° slopes. It is far easier to stack a smaller bundle of posts than if a larger (2 tonne) bundle was required for skidder extraction. Productivity of a cutter here could be expected to be around 250-300 posts per day. The critical factors here are :

(a) Stacks are positioned in the open so there is no danger to residual crop trees during extraction,

(b) Stacks are kept as compact as possible and raised off the ground to facilitate easy choker setting,

(c) Thought must be given at this stage to how the breaker-outs will get clear during lifting. This is normally by going uphill, however, slash may have to be cut up to allow them to move away.

(d) In this type of high cost extraction operation it is essential that no rejects are put in the stacks. This did happen.

(e) Once stack size has been established then it is critical that it is strictly adhered to.


The first trial was extracted using a Lama with a lift capacity of 1,000 kg. Due to bad weather this trial was abandoned after only 18 cycles, or 39 minutes. Some worthwhile cycle time infor­ mation was collected however.

Total time flown - 39.00 minutes No. of cycles - 18 Average time per cycle - 2.1 minutes Total volume extracted - 14.2 tonnes or 418 posts.

The unhook at landing in this case was taking 11% of the cycle time. This was due to a certain amount of care being taken when trying to position the posts to make loading out easier. - 12 -

A second trial took place in much improved weather from the same area. This time a Hughes 500 was used. This machine has a lift capacity of 600 kg. No attempt was made to position the posts on the landing. That, combined with better weather, showed a dramatic decrease in average cycle time.

Total time flown - 68 minutes No. of cycle - 39 Average time per cycle - 1.76 minutes Total volume extracted - 17.6 tonnes or 493 posts.

The haul distance in the second trial was slightly longer than the first of 450 metres (400 metres first). The problem of jumbled posts on the skid was as bad as expected and would require some stacking before uplifting by truck.


Due to problems with organisation, weather and the fact that both these trials only ran for a total of 1~ hours, it is not worth looking at costs except to say it was expensive. However, the fact that an alternative system of extraction exists is well worth noting.

Some of the points learnt in these two trials are extremely im­ portant. The restrictions on felling and stacking and the need for these to be strictly adhered to, require constant efficient supervision. One of the largest causes of delays was bundles which either burst apart or were too heavy to be lifted. Also important is the consideration of stack placement.

There is still room in this field of helicopter extraction for substantial development to take place. One area highlighted in these two short trials was that of drop on skids. If helicopter extraction of posts is to be seriously considered then the drop end needs to be sped up.

The other key area emphasised in these trials is the need for good tight organisation and control by one person over what, when and where things happen. - 13 - SESSION 1 Paper (c)



Where it all began. In 1974 Warwick Davis of Kerikeri imported a v.w. powered forest type mill from u.s.A. Its ability to precision very large kauri logs was soon demonstrated but the supply of big kauris within existing road systems soon proved to be finite. Scattered around Northland and Coromandel on very rugged ground are individuals and groups of large kauri which owe their survi~al - to the fact that they were considered to be too difficult to log by the old kauri bushmen. Warwick Davi~ familiarity with Pacific Northwest logging and his interest in kauri enabled him, in 1977 1 to make a mental connection and come up with the idea of using a helicopter to position his mill in the bush and to extract the sawn timber from these isolated trees. The mill produced flitches in dimensions up to 300 x 100m3 and had an output of up to 10m3 /day. The timber was very precisely sawn and, being mostly clean heart kauri, found a ready market. Advantage of the system were the production of precision sawn very high grade timber from trees previously considered to be unlogg­ able. Disadvantages from a point of view were as follows: 1. The mill could only cut on a horizontally placed log. (Motor would not lubricate on steep ground). Positioning logs in a horizontal plane in the kind of country where kauri grows was often difficult and hazardous. 2. The mill 'brings back' each flitch as it is cut so you need a cleared area behind the log at least the length of the log. In a selection logging situation this can lead to quite notice­ able clearings. 3. Log Supply - Most state areas of mature kauri are tied up in - 14 -

reserves so opportunities for state supplied logs are infrequent. Very few trees remain on private land.

4. A helicopter is needed to position the mill. It was also used to bring in a hut and supplies for the workers. This two phase use of the helicopter is expensive.

Warwick Davis pioneered several current practices.

1. If you saw the timber in the bush you need only extract what's saleable.

2. You don't need a 'big lift' helicopter to log big trees.

3. Country previously considered too rugged became loggable.

4. Roading and hauling is not always fundamental to logging strategy.

Forest Mill sawing a large dead kauri in Puketi Forest (1977) - 15 - SESSION 1 Paper (d)



INTRODUCTION Logging of pole kauri using a Lama helicopter as the extraction vehicle has taken place at Russell Forest in 1980, 1981 and 1982. 3 3 3 Production from each operation has been 153m , 390m , and 465m respectively. Pole or 'second crop• kauri at Russell Forest describes trees from 80 to 150 years old and from 30 to 100 cm DBH. The trees occur as clumps and stands 1 generally on the top of steep ridges. Although the kauri type is distinct from the surrounding forest types there is great variety in stocking, size and quality within stands and an early problem was to design a silvicultural system which was oper­ able within this situation of stand variability. The silvicultural system devised is a single tree selection practice which essentially removes the larger trees in any group and thins uniform overstocked areas, with the expectation that the ongoing growth of younger (and smaller) trees will provide periodic oppor­ tunities for further logging passes as these younger trees grow through to an optimum size. Kaur! has three distinct forms:- A youthful phase where trees are narrow crowned and lightly branched. A 'ricker' phase where branches are bigger and crowns become spread­ ing and uneven. The classic mature phase where trees have thick trunks and massive spreading crowns. In the Russell stands few trees have reached the mature phase and these, because of their rarity are not considered for logging. All trees at the 'ricker' stage of growth are logged unless their removal would create unstocked gaps within the stands. Younger trees are thinned where they are overstocked to stimulate the growth of the residual trees. HARVESTING A. Pre-Logging - Kauri stands are mapped from colour transparency aerial photography. All stands are 100% cruised for merchantable - 16 -

volume. All trees 30 cm DBH + are measured for diameter and merchantable height and numbered with aluminium tags. Trees selected for logging are marked with a painted 'X' on their uphill side. On the average, 40% of the merchantable wood in a stand is removed. B. Log Preparation - Log preparation is the subject of a separate paper so I'll cover broad aspects only. The aim of log prep­ aration is to produce a finis~ed log that weighs as close as possible to the helicopter's lifting capacity (one tonne). The key constraint in the log preparation phase is that the loggers have no mechanical backup - no equipment is available beyond what they can carry into the bush. They can be up to 2 km from the road end in very steep country. Stands are tight, selection logging is the system and directional felling is the necessary technique. A 'hangup• will require a Tifor winch being brought in to drag the tree onto the ground. All fuel and equipment must be carried to the point where it is needed. ConBequently travelling within the bush breaks down as the largest single activity in the log preparation phase. Organisation is as follows. (i) Falling - 2 fallers each with an offsider. Senior faller is also the bush boss. (li} Scaling - 1 Scaler +one assistant.

(ii) Ripping - is done by a combination of the above. c. Extraction - Before the helicopter arrlves on the forest most of the work has been done. All trees are felled, limbed and bucked. All logs are scaled numbered and ha'\re their weights marked on them. All strops available have been set. The hire rate on the Lama is around $600/hour and it is essential that all steps are taken to keep the machine operating efficiently 1. Safety - Is the subject of a seperate discussion. The main consideration is to organise work so that men are never under a laden helicopter. 2. Personnel - Ten men were in support of the helicpoter in the 1982 operation. Their roles broke down as follows. (i} Controller - Has overall responsibility for decisions taken during lifting. Although the bush end of the operation is the most interesting place to be during lifting ,the log dump is where most of the problems tend to focus and this is where the controller should be. - 17 -

(ii) Strop Setting (Two men) - Strops used were made up from 14 mm Polyprop:>lene. We used two grades of this rope; 'Proplon' and •Superfilm' both with a break­ ing strain of 2790 kg. 'Proplon' is double the price of Superf ilm and looks to be m:::>re durable. At this stage I'd suggest that anyone comtemplating continuous logging should use 'Proplon' with •Super• film' being adequate for 'one shot' operations. We haven't tested any other kinds of rope. Strops are made up on the forest via a single splice on 8-9 metres of rope to make a loop like a rubber band.. A few long (trailer) strops, 15 metres in length and eyed at each end, were made up to double lift widely separated lightweight logs. We lifted the number of strops from 25 to 80 for this year's logging and this removed the possiblity of the strop setting team being under the working helicopter. Strops are half hitched to the butt end of iogs. Rope strops don't bite in the way wire does so head stropped logs should be roped behind a swelling or the strops will pull off. Next time we operate ,the strop setting team will have its own radio so it can direct the pilot where to drop bundles of strops. (iii) Lifting Team - Comprises three men and the agility and teamwork they develop can speed the job up considerably~ Their jobs are as follows. Radio Man Provides the bush part of the three way radio link between bush,skids and pilot. He should have a good knowledge of the bush and thewhereabouts of logs. He advises the scaler of log numbers to be lifted, directs the pilot onto the extraction site, advises the pilot when to lift (or drop) a log, advises - 18 -

the skids and pilot when and where to send strops and provides the safety link for the bush crew. Breakers Out (Two men) These men set the pattern for lifting sequence. Pattern is usually a sweep part way up one side of the ridge cross over and sweep part way up the other side, cross over and repeat. If the ridge has a fairly level top the whole ridge can be swept in a single circle. Logs are usually lying up and down the hill and obviously the butt log of any tree in this situation is lifted off f~rst. Their task is to catch the helicopter tagline as it's lowered into the forest and set the strop to the quick release at the end of the tagline. Usual~y one man catches the hook and passes it to his partner who is holding the strop ready. As soon as the hook is set both men move quickly away (usually uphill) from the log wMich will be starting to go up.

Lifting Log going up and to the right. Breaker Out heading uphill and to the left.

(iv) Skids (2-3 men) - At the skids a log loader and a skiddy await the arrival of the logs. The loader picks up the log and takes it to whatever heap is appropriate. The skiddy removes the strop and checks the log number. He puts the strop in a bundle ready for despatch to the bush. Another log will arrive in 2-3 minutes. Consequently if there is any extra skid work such as an extra skiddy will be needed. - 19 -

Records (1 man) The log dump is the sale point at Russell Forest. All logs must be scaled in the bush to determine their weight so it is a simple additional step to record wood volumes for sale purposes. Each . log has a number and during the extract­ ion phase it is the scaler's job to check off each log as it's put on the dump thereby compiling a final tally which can be presented to the purchaser. 3. Helicopter Problems - A Lama helicopter with a 1 tonne lift capacity has been used for the three operations at Russell.· It is an expensive (about $600/hour) piece of machinery to keep in the air and various endeavours can be made to make the machine more efficient. (i) Locating the Bush Crew - Because the forest structure survives after logging and because the extraction crew is constantly changing location it's often difficult for the pilot to find them. Stepg that can be taken to improve this situation are as fol­ lows. Radio Man As soon as the helicopter comes into his view he can control the pilot's line of approach by simple radio instructions like 'left' or 'right'. There's no harm in doing plenty of talking. The pilot can tell you to shut up if your talk is distracting him. Bright Clothes The extraction team should wear distinctive brightly coloured clothes. We use roadman type dazzle red vinyl vests. Tourists Helicopter logging attracts visitors. Keep them out of the bush, as their presence can muddle the pilot. Movement Is what stands out when the pilot - 20 -

is taking an oblique view across the forest. So shake saplings if the pilot is close but can't locate you. Clear Bush Undergrowth, especially pongas, can completely obscure personnel from the pilot's view. Where obscuring growth occurs on a lifting site it should be cut down during the log preparation phase. (ii) Tagline and Hook - The biggest hold-up in extraction is caused by problems with the tagline. The electric cable to the hook of ten gets fouled in treetops and branches. When it breaks stops are necessary to make repairs. This year a step in the right direction was taken when Marine Helicopters fitted an alkathene sheath over the bottom 1.5 metres of the tagline. Further evolution should see the bottom 15 metres sheathed as there should be no exposed wire on the tagline section that encounterf the forest. Any helicopter company contemplating selection logging should carry a spare quick release hook and plenty of spare parts such as tape, wiring, spare sheath­ ing and needed for making running repairs. A spare lower tagline section (15 metres) and hook could solve a lot of problems. (iii) Skid Sites - Must offer clear access in and out for the pilot and be sufficiently large for the loader to stack logs clear of the drop zone. If you're using rope strops do not metal the drop zone or your strops will be cut by rocks. Don't attempt to land logs and load trucks at the same time unless you've got two loaders. The laden helicopter flies better into the wind so skids should be located with some thought for prevailing wind direction. Obvious­ ly, the laden machine flies better downhill so you may be better to work to a distant downhill log dump than to a close but uphill one. - 21 -

EVALUATION A. Helicopter Size - Any discussion I've had on use of a larger helicopter in New Zealand has suggested that a Bell 204 with a lift of up to 2300 kg is the most likely machine to be imported. Nobody is. prepared to state the Bell's NZ hire rate except to say that it would not be less than $1200/hour.

Because of the scatt~red nature and small individual size of the Russell trees it is unlikely that the Bell 204 would be as effic­ ient and flexible as the Lama. There would be a role for the bigger machine if a sufficient volume of mature kauri became available for logging. This is an unlikely circumstance on State areas. So a bigger machine would need to prove itself somewhere else before we'd contemplate switching from the Lama for selection logging of pole kauri. B. Profitability - It should be noted that every time you fly out a one tonne kauri sawlog you fly out 150 kilos of unsaleable bark and another 300-350 kg of slabs and sawdust. Helicopter hire cost $35 per m3 or around $30 tonne. So if you are in the business of timber production rather than log sales you could spend large sums in the bush on product improvement and still come out ahead of the game. 1982 Costs to produce 465 m3 sawlogs are:

Helicopter Hire/ $16350 $35 m3 Machinery (loader/ $1800 $ 4 m3 gangbus transporter) Labour (including/ $22 m3 28% overheads) $10000

TOTAL $61 m3 Not tallied are strop costs, supervision, skid clearing and road work. Royalties total approximately $49,000 on the above so helicopter logging can be profitable, even on log sales. - 25 - SESSION 2

Paper (a)


J.C HALKETT Kauri Management Officer NZFS KAIKOHE and J.G BEACHMAN Forest Ranger NZFS KAIKOHE

INTRODUCTION The economic objective of helicopter logging is to maximise turn efficiency. This goal is attained by endeavouring to minimise turn cycle time and maximise helicopter payload. This necessitates careful, thorough planning of all aspects of log preparation and extraction. Because weight considerations are so important the ground personnel must produce logs and make turns that are close to the helicopter's maximum permissable lift capacity. While the problem of attempting to obtain maximum loads is common to all harvesting systems it is more critical with aerial logging because of the high hourly helicopter cost and its zero overload tolerance. Miscalculations in load planning have a serious affect on the economics of the system. However, it is somewhat difficult to achieve very high average load factors because of variations in wood density, log form irregularity and market requirements for logs of specific lengths. CROSS-CUTTING AND LIMBING It is essential that trees are felled accurately, both to avoid damage to residual trees and to facilitate easy log extraction. Directional felling is, therefore, important. The absence of logging machinery on the ground means that the safe lowering of 'hang-ups' can be a major problem. To ease breaking-out and uplift of logs it is necessary to ensure that limbing is done thoroughly. Particular attention should be paid to limbs on the underside of logs. These may sometimes hold logs 'spiked' to the ground. The following equipment is required by a 2 man cross-cutting and limbing team. 1. 2 powersaws (including spare bars, chains, kit and fuel) 2. 2 mauls - 26 -

3. Assorted wedges (plastic and alloy)

4. 2

5. 'Tifor' hoist or similar (for pulling down 'hang-ups' and moving logs)

6. Radio (VHF)

7. First aid kit and stretcher

8. Fly.


The following log measurement procedure applies specifically to selection management operations in second crop kauri forest. However, the methodology would, with some minor modifications, be applicable to other management techniques and forest types.

Two men are required for log scaling~ They should work in closely with cross-cutting and limbing personnel. Log scaling serves two purposes. - To determine log weight and to record log volumes for timber sale needs. Gross (overbark) volume is used to assess log weight. This is converted to weight by applying a weight/volume factor, (944 kg/m3 for second crop kauri at Russell Forest).

Three tree types are recognised for log scaling purposes. These are:

1. Whole trees which when headed off will not exceed 1000 kg (the lift capacity of a Lama SA 315 B helicopter).

2. Trees with a gross weight in excess of 1000 kg but whose diameter (less than 70 cm DBH in the case of kauri) permits logs to be cut that are not less than 3.0 m in length and have a weight not exceeding 1000 kg. The emphasis when scaling trees of this type is to attempt to obtain maximum length in the butt and possibly second log. Log scalers should have tree volume data from the pre-harvest assessment which can be used to advise cross-cutters when two or more trees should be felled in such a way that allows small head logs to be lifted out in the same turn.

3. Trees of such size that it is impossible to produce 3.0 m length logs with a weight not exceeding 1000 kg. Logs from these trees will need to be ripped in two or into flitches.

Log Scaling Procedure - Log volume is assessed using the centre diameter overbark/length method. Volumes are obtained from the NZ Forest Service Metric Cylinder Volume Tables. Each log is identified by attaching a numbered tag to the butt end and also by painting the number on the side of the log. The assessed log weight is recorded along with tag and tree number. Logs requiring ripping have their statistics recorded before further processing occurs. - 27 -


Because of the limited payload capability of the Lama helicopter which, to date, has been the largest helicopter used for logging in New Zealand, it is necessary to precision rip logs either in two or into flitches so that they can be extracted (and retain the minimum log length specification). This is done by using a light weight 'Alaskan' mill. This consists of an adjustable frame incorporating, in a horizontal plane, the cutter bar of a 90 cc powersaw fitted with special ripping chain. The fraireslides along aluminium rails which are spiked onto the top of the log. Cutting speed is 25-50 cm/minute. The most time consuming aspect of work is shifting the mill from log to log and setting up for cutting.

Plate 1. - 'Alaskan' mill ripping kauri log. - 28 -

The mill requires 2-3 men for efficient operation. The following equipment is required:

1. 'Alaskan' mill and ripping powersaw

2. Guide rails

3. Additional conventional powersaw

4. Fuel and Oil

5. Assorted Wedges

6. Pinch bar

7. Diameter and 20 m tapes

8. Steel Ruler

9. Line and line level

10. Hammer and nails

11. Aerosol paint and crayons (or chalk)

12. First aid kit

13. Radio (optional)

14. Fly

Logs which only need to be ripped in two are cut from centre to centre, (butt to head). Where a log has to be broken down into three or more flitches a method of ensuring equal weight distribution between the differently shaped flitches has been devised. The cross-sectional area at the log centre is calculated and divided equally amongst the flitches to be cut. - 29 -

Each cm = 0 .01/m2 ~ 2 3 ~ 0 .. 1 7m2 / ~ / . " 5 6 7 8 9 10 Cross-section area I \ = o .. som2 11 12 13 14 15 16 11\ The cross-section area I of each of 3 flitches 2 1 8 1 9 20 21 22 23 24 25 is therefore 0.17m • So the centre flitch 80cm Jcm will be 20cm thick. 0 .. 16m2 ~ 26 27 28 2 9 30 31 32 33 \ 34 35 36 37 38 39 4o) 0 .. 1 7m2 \ 41 42 43 44 45 46 v ' / ~ 4 8 49 v ~ ~

Log Dimensions CDOB : 80cm Length : 3m Volume : 3.0m3 (The log must therefore in ripped into 3 pieces so that each piece will weigh less than 1000kg)

The geometric centre of the but end of the log is established and lines marked 10cm above and belo~ t~is poin~. The log is then ripped twice parallel 10cm I T to its access producing 3 .. 20cm f litches of the same weight .. 10cm ! l

Figure 1: Example of the procedure for determining equal weight distribution between flitches in a log which requires ripping into 3 pieces. - 30 -

In the example depicted in Figure 1. the cross-sectional area 2 at the log centre (80 cm CDOB) is 0.50m • The cross-sectional, 2 area of the 3 flitches to be cut is therefore 0.17m • This cross­ section data is then plotted on graph paper at a convenient scale, (1 cm= 10 cm in this case). The thickness of the centre flitch can then be determined by inspection, (20 cm in this example). In practical terms it is possible to work with several diagrams, each one depicting, say the mid-point of sequential 10 cm diameter classes. It is then possible to interpolate between diagrams for actual log diameters. The geometric centre of the butt end of the log to be ripped is then located and the width of the centre flitch marked. If the log is then ripped at the marked positions parallel to the axis of the log the log will be cut into flitches of equal weight.


Plate 2. - Precjsion ripped flitch being extracted by a Lama SA 315 B helicopter. - 31 -

CUTTING TO LENGTH Cutting logs to length is usually done by the cross-cutters. This can be a hazardous activity when trees are lying on steep terrain. Logs must be completely severed one from the other for helicopter extraction. This is vital as helicopters do not have the power reserve to break-out logs that are not entirely freed. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Some of the information contained in this paper was provided by Mr J.D Pye, NZ Forest Service, Auckland. REFERENCES BEACHMAN, J.G., 1981 Helicopter Logging : Russell Forest NZFS (unpublished).

HALKETT, J.C., 1982 Helicopter Logging : A review LIRA P.R No. 17. NZ FOREST SERVICE 1976 Table of metric cylinder volumes. Govt. Printer. Wellington. PHOTOGRAPH CREDITS Plate




Safe,efficient and economical extraction of timber to road access. PREPARATION OF HELICOPTER To allow maximum utilization,the basic weight must be as light as possible. This can be achieved by the removal of seats,doors and equipment that is not necessary for the logging operation. My experience has shown that 50kgs of unnecessary extras can be removed. Fuel should be kept to a minimum,particularly if the loads are near the maximum weight. I usually work with 30 mins fuel on board maximum,and refuel after 20 mins operation,this allows a 10 min.safety margin. This means that the lifting capacity of the helicopter is increased by 3kgs per minute as the fuel is burnt off ,a total increase of 60kgs capacity on the last load,as comp­ ared to the first,after refueling. HELIPAD The pad should be at least 4 rotor diameters in length and width. These would be mi~imum requirements for refueling purposes. A larger pad allows faster access,particularly with a long tag line which has to be laid out on the ground clear of the helicopter skids and tail rotor. As fuel is usually only carried for 20 mins flying time,three landings and takeoffs are made every hour,there- f ore small er refuel in g pads can involve the helicopter in add i tiona11 flying time while a careful. and slow approach is being made. Ideal­ ly the pad should be restricted to helicopter support personel while the helicopter is operating,due to the danger of rotor blades, particularly tail rotors. TAG LINE AND HOOK The tag line has to be long enough to allow the load to be attached while the helicopter hovers well clear of surrounding obstacles. Consideration should also be given to terrain when deciding on the length. As the tag line can be momentarily subject to loads in excess of 4 times the lifting capacity of the helicopter,due to,the line snagging in standing timber,air turbulence etc,the safe working load of the tag line must therefore be based on the above. The hook is capable of being operated electrically from the pilots controls,which allows for quicker log release. - 33 -


To allow maximum utilization of the helicopter the loads must be as near to the maximum capacity as possible,without exce8ding the maxiumu lifting ~apacity. To facilitate this Helicopters (NZ)Ltd has a Strain Meter calibrated in kilograms. It enables the pilot to monitor the performance of the helicopter and also to keep a check on timber density,that may change due to age difference etc. SUPPORT CREWS Support crews must be awear of the dangers of helicopter logging and be capable of undertaking their job with the maximum of effi­ cientcy, due to the high cost,per minute, of helicopter. operations. It is preferable that they have radio contact with the pilot,to advise where they are in relation to the helicopter. SESSION 2 - 34 - Paper (a)


J C HALKETT Kauri Management Officer NZFS KAIKOHE


Really helicopter logging is simply a logging system where the conventional log hauling machinery is replaced by a free flying crane. Although the various facets of the harvesting operation need some modification it is the execution of activities within the time and costs constraints of helicopter logging that distinguishes the system from all others. The overriding economic objective of helicopter logging is to maximise turn efficiency. This is achieved when turn time is minimised and utilisation of helicopter lift capacity maximised.

Plate 1. - Helicopter Logging, old growth douglas fir forest, using a Bell 214ST. Oregon u.s.A. - 35 -

ENVIRONMENTAL, MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMIC FACTORS Helicopter loggingisn±e-cumbered by many of the physical obstacles which impede the use of skidding or cable equipment. It is there­ fore able to provide an extended reach system which, in certain situations, can all9w timber extraction to proceed when it might otherwise be severely hampered. It can offer major environmental and management advantages over other harvesting methods. This is particularly so on steep terrain where and water, aesthetic and other non-wood values are thought to be important management considerations. However, like any system, its use must be based on its capabilities and the economics of their application. The con­ ditions which apply to a specific logging venture should be such that the advantages which emanate from the use of helicopters are significantly greater than the factors which detract from their use. The following aspects all impinge upon the decision to select an appropriate harvesting method for any particular site. The merits and limitations of each are considered: 1. SOIL AND WATER CONSERVATION: Variations in soil type, logging techniques and topography make it difficult to quantify the impact of logging on soil stability and forest productivity. Several studies have demonstrated that soil surface and other long term effects on soil may be attributed to road building association with timber removal. In addition land required for roading is permanently removed from production. When choosing suitable logging methods an important criteria should be to attempt to minimise erosion, surface compaction and, to the extent practicable, roading density. 2. ROAD CONSTRUCTION: A reduction in roading requirements can provide useful savings, particularly if road construction costs are escalating at a faster rate than are hauling costs. Savings also accrue from a reduction in road maintenance and transportation charges. However, long reach harvesting systems have a major influence on .the management of the subsequent forest crop. Roads, while expensive, afford the opportunity to employ more economical log­ ging methods and enable the cost of re-afforestation and subse­ quent silvicultural work to be kept to an acceptable level. 3. RESIDUAL FOREST CONDITION: A long standing problem encountered during partial cutting operations has been the degree of damage sustained by crop trees during felling and, more particularly, log extraction. The extent and severity of injuries to remaining trees during heli­ copter logging is usually trivial when compared with much of the damage inflicted during selective logging using ground hauling methods. - 36 -

Almost all helicopter logging ventures in New Zealand to date have been partial cutting operations. The delivery of the tag-line and hook through the forest to the breaking- out crew is one activity peculiar to helicopter logging. This task can be a difficult, time consuming one. It is necessary to ensure that the canopy is sufficiently 'open' to enable the helicopter pilot to see the breaking-out crew and deliver the hook to them. Visibility and placement of the hook can be aided if impeding understorey growth such as tree ferns are felled before log extraction commences.

Plate 2. - Breaking-out crew. Partial cutting. Russell Forest, Northland. - 37 -

4. LOGGING COSTS: Although generalisations regarding relative costs of logging systems are extremely difficult to make because of the influence of numerous variables on cost data it can safely be said that helicopter logging is expensive. Several studies have indicated that the direct cost of producing logs in helicopter logging operations is at least two to three times that of methods. It is not difficult to conclude that, from an economic viewpoint, helicopter logging could never be considered as a substitute for ground based systems. Rather, it should be seen as a supplementary technique, most suited to areas of high value timber and steep terrain where difficult engineering or sensi­ tive environmental conditions prevail. It may also offer some management advantages in partial cutting situations or when prompt harvesting is required as may be the case when pathological disorders or fire damage promote rapid timber degrade.


Plate 3. - , mixed conifer forest, (insect defoliating infestation) Washington U.S.A. - 38 -

The economics of the forest industry will continue to favour skidder or cable systems. The use of helicopters for timber extraction will only be comtemplated in areas where special considerations preclude the use of conventional logging methods. Helicopter logging has, in the past, and will, no doubt, in the future be seen as providing the catalyst for technological and efficiency improvements which can then be transferred to other systems. LOGGING PLANNING CONSIDERATIONS Because helicopters are largely uninhibited by topographical factors aerial logging operations do not require the same intensive planning as do cable systems. However, it is a fallacy to assume that only minor planning is needed. Planning data for each cutting setting needs to include details on landing locations, horizontal hauling distances, elevation differences between log pick-up points and landings, prevailing wind direction and estimated turn times. Planning preparation, or the lack of it, will be reflected in operation efficiency. This is particularly so with helicopter logging. Planning improvements in areas such as helicopter flight path determination,breaking-out procedures and landing design, plus technological advances such as more precise log weight estimates and tagline assembly are likely to result in increased efficiency, greater productivity, reduced costs and the wider use of helicopters for timber extraction.


HALKETT, J.C., 1982 Helicopter logging : A review LIRA P.R. No. 17 U.S.D.A. - Forest Service Logging systems guide. U.S.D.A. - F.S. Series No. R10-21


Plate No J.C. HALKETT 1 and 2 U.S.D.A. - Forest Service 3 - 44 -


Chairman : J.J.K. Spiers

The key factor with selection of a helicopter for timber extraction operations is that there is sufficient value in the timber to be extracted to meet the high cost of the extraction. This then limits the use of helicopters to the following areas

1. Extraction of high value logs, such as kauri or other premium species (normally low volumes - see Appendix 3).

2. Sawntimber extraction where the end product removed has been modified to further optimise its value, thus increasing the quality of each load.

3. The harvesting of post and pole material, which is possibly the highest value product from exotic stands. This may, how­ ever, be only marginal.

4. Environmentally sensitive areas, such as water catchment areas where ground disturbance is unacceptable, or areas of high visual impact such as the Blue and Green Lakes at Whaka Forest Park (Rotorua) , are areas where the alternative of helicopter extraction could be investigated.

5. Areas which may come on stream over the next 10-20 years are those of farm woodlots, planted with high value trees, such as Black.wood, Walnut, etc., where extraction by normal tech­ niques may be unacceptable due to damage to pastures and property (fences) caused by these.

Methods of further optimising the value of each drag, apart from the technique referred to of sawing the timber prior to extraction, are to cut logs in as long lengths as possible, and arr.range the end use before commencing the operation so no unmerchantable or un­ required timber is extracted. Also, by.increasing the hourq flown by the helicopter at one time, a corresponding decrease in the total hiring cost results, which will in turn decrease the cost of extraation. This further optimises the value of the timber harvested. The use of helicopters in assisting with the layout of hauler sites is the area which is most likely to have greatest impact on the New Zealand logging scene over the next decade. In the paper pre­ sented by J. Pomare of N.Z. Forest Products Ltd, the cost savings of this are quite apparent. There is a requirement for good plan­ ning so the operation is ready to start immediately the helicopter arrives. There is also a need for good co-ordination between the hauler driver and the helicopter pilot, to maintain safety of such operations.

The availability of skills necessary for the high level of prepara­ tion and organisation of a helicopter operation is the key to the success or failure of the operation. Pilots cannot be expected to know much about logging, as bushmen cannot be expected to know much about helicopters. One method discussed of overcoming this, - 45 -

was the use of a specifically trained crew working for a helicopter company to do all phases of the operation with the helicopter com­ pany tendering on the open market for the wood. Although this prospect poses some logistics problems in getting the crew about the country, and in organising sufficient work for them, it would have definite advantages in the cost effectiveness of timber pre­ paration as they would be experienced. This would overcome the costly problem of training new crews for each different operation about the country.

Planning and Organisation Requirements

In log extraction operations the most suitable machine is the Lama. There is no need, at this stage, to go into any further details re machine size and availability, except to say that a larger machine may pose problems in accumulating sufficient logs to form a load, and of disposal of the produce. In New Zealand, operations are achieving 80% of the lift capacity of the machine. This would not be so easy with a larger machine.

The high cost and essentials of speed to these types of operations necessitate more lead time and a higher degree of preparation/ organisation than conventional operations. Sufficient timber needs to be prepared prior to the helicopter's arrival. Felling and crosscutting operations can only be undertaken while the machine is extracting, as long as they are away from the line of flight. Planning roads and landings to be used, needs to be made well in advance, taking into consideration :-

Volume to be extracted - will the road stand up to that amount of log transport or do they need any upgrading; Skid position - downhill preferably so the machine will be flying into a head wind during extraction; Size of the skid - is it large enough to land volume required onto it; is there room to load trucks and work a loader. Is there sufficient room to facilitate easiest possible re­ fuelling of the machine.

Although all these are important, the key factor is the speed at which the timber is extracted, i.e. 2 minutes per cycle, thus this must be cleared and processed at a corresponding rate.

Other items also require good lead time and organisation.

Communications - It was felt that this is one area where the current New Zealand practice could be improved. The use of helmet airphones with attached voice activated microphones is one aspect which should be followed up. Not only does this make the radio operators job easier but would mean that he could assist with hook catching, thus releasing one person to assist in another part of the operation. This area of breaker-out/pilot communications, was one where it was felt that lessons could be learnt from the u.s. Accurate scaling data is required if load size is to be maximised. This can be difficult to obtain. However, it was felt that wit~ - 46 -

the load cell incorporated into the tagline much meaningful infor­ mation can be obtained. Readouts from these units can assist in further work in similar areas extracting the same species. It was also stressed that wood densities within some species vary considerably from district to district and needs to be carefully checked before commencement of an operation.

Considerable discussion arose on strop requirements. This is fully covered in the section on safety requirements later in this dis­ cuss ion. It was agreed that sufficient strops should be on hand to enable pre-stropping to be carried out up to 30 cycles ahead of the extraction. These strops should be easily returned to the people in the bush doing this pre-stropping. If loads are to be dropped into water, as may occur in the Marlborough Sounds area, then the Pacific Northwest technique of having a polystyrene ball attached to the strop to prevent it sinking, is required. This also makes them easier to find in the bush and reduces the likeli­ hood of losing any strops.

On the question of helicopter and its equipment, it's the pilot's responsibility to remove all unnecessary articles from the machine before starting, to ensure maximum lift capacities. It is also the pilot's decision as to the amount of fuel he should carry. However, it was agreed that with the Lama, which has a reliable fuel gauge, it is safe on a logging operation where he is never further than 2 minutes from his refuelling site to go to 10 minutes only of fuel left.

As mentioned before, the question 'management of the operation' presented some interesting concepts. The idea of a helicopter company having its own gang of bush experienced employees is an interesting one with many advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is that a pool of highly skilled workers is always avail­ able for timber extraction work. However, on the debit side, if a helicopter firm successfully tenders for a sale of wood the forest management group responsible then loses a certain amount of control over the operation, especially if it is a stumpage sale. The relative merits of this could be argued for some time. There can be no doubt that a contract orientated working atmosphere must produce considerably lowered timber preparation costs.

The main recommendations from this session would be :

High value timber High level of organisation/planning High level of skill by those on the ground.

The other aspect of using helicopters to assist in setting up or laying out of hauler sites is one that has possibly not been devel­ oped to the extent that it merits. Many have helicopters working in them from time to time. If adequate pre-planning was carried out then it should be easy to use these machines to do this simple but labour intensive job.